#P*rn Culture
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yeah!! my first impression of this tendency of his is of being just pragmatism (and it's not not that) but i really like the framing of it as effective communication
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theexodvs · 7 months
Disney movies aren't real. The Hallmark Channel isn't real. The Princess Bride isn't real. Romance novels aren't real. Adult videos aren't real. Hashtag-riddled Instagram posts of celebrity couples aren't real. 80s love ballads aren't real. And, as much as I hate to say it, The Addams Family isn't real.
Most Americans' (and Canadians') view of love is primarily influenced by one or more of these. Before one gets married, one needs to disavow all of these things as remotely realistic depictions of how couples are to love each other. Loving is an action, and if your concept of the act of loving is based primarily in self-fulfillment and emotion, your relationships are all doomed to fail.
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skin-slave · 2 months
Hey, how do I kill the part of my brain that says I can't have more than one game that features food/restaurants on my phone at one time, or some mysterious "they" will think I'm obsessed with food, and therefore "too comfortable" with eating while being fat, and not "trying to get better," and I'll be given some kind of unnamed punishment?
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extremesocialoutcast · 4 months
The fandom has changed (for the better)
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(For clarification, this isn't an attack on every individual who's ever identified as a brony, but one on those that shaped and defined the identity. And this isn't meant to discredit any good fanwork out of self-identifying bronies either.)
(A community can still be dogshit, with "good" members being more of an exception than the rule.)
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lacangri21 · 6 months
I feel like I'm going insane with the gaslighting.
I'm 7 pages into the INTRODUCTION of Dines's Pornland and I'm nauseous. It's so obvious and blatant that it's all about woman hating, but society at large says that p*rn in general is not bad and the vast majority of scrote use it so how could they possibly think of us as human? They can't.
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ultradiqueer · 9 months
hii!! ju2t 2tumbled acro22 ur blog and wanted two 2ay iit2 niice two 2ee another per2on iin the communiity that2 ha2 liike, an iidentiity relatiing two home2tuck!! and ur po2t2 about troll culture r very helpful iin learniing and fiiguriing out iidentiity stuff because iive only fiinii2hed act 3 recently :") and all ii know ii2 that ii made a mary-2ue 2/ii for iit and now iim liike, feeling really connected two the uniiver2e for 2omerea2one? whiich ii2 weiird becau2e my 2/ii break2 all the rule2 / lore 2o there2 only 2o much accurate 2tuff iin my...timeliness?
but uh yeah ju2t wanted to pop iin and 2ay hii!
- lane / du2krii (<- tiimeliine name)
sobbing weeping throwing up oh my god??? duskri my dude youre so nice like honestly im SO glad my trollian culture posts are like !! helpful and stuff oh my god im grabbing you and shaking you right now /pos
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kashilascorner · 1 year
favorite crazy kpop moments
- Shinee Jonghyun's Alejandro Sanz Cover Y si fuera ella
- the entirety of Catallena by Orange Caramel (from the opening screams to the sampling of a punjabi folk song down to the sushi concept and the maybe sapphic lyrics)
- Gangam style taking over the world
- the time Red Velvet performed for Kim Jong Un
Bonus: not crazy but what even was Super Junior covering Luis Miguel's Ahora te puedes marchar
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night-rain-or-smth · 2 years
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13 and counting:D
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smerchingaround · 2 years
Makes me sad when the girlfriends message me and will be like "so sick of x part of my body" girl it's literally your biology and media has conditioned you to reject your own natural form even under the guise of modern feminism
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soyoursoulisgreen · 20 days
7, 24, 27!
7. Is there a character or ship you’d love to write for, but haven’t yet?
I honestly can't believe I've gone this long without actually writing anything solid for The Stanley Parable - I have ideas, and headcanons that I think would be really interesting to explore, they've just been relegated to drawings, almost completely! I've have a fix-it fic in mind for Ace Attorney for too long that I'd honestly like to make into a fancase lol, an Adventure Time comic, a Coraline/Camp Camp fic, there's like no Nova/Hikaru in the Magic Knight Rayearth fandom somehow and I'd love to fix that, some original work...
If I had to pick one, it'd probably be Nova and Hikaru, since they're just so sparse. They're also kind of a dead giveaway on the next question lol
24. What are some of your favourite tropes?
Clones/duplicates/souls split into two people are a big big big one for me - YuGiOh was a huge influence on that, Jekyll and Hyde, Kingdom Hearts, Hermitcraft to a lesser extent, MKR as mentioned lol, Vargas of course <3 And most recently In Stars and Time! I'm a huge sucker for This Guy But Twice haha ♪ In a similar vein I also really like possession (demonic, parasite, etc.) - any time there's two individuals hanging out in one body it's interesting to me :) What does personhood look like! What does individuality look like! What does free will look like! Bonus points for partial control of the body ♥ I may have a Stanley Parable and Law Abiding Citizen double feature with that particular trope sketched out in the backlog cough
27. Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
Yes! I tend to share That I've written with my family, not necessarily What tho lol. I'll sometimes read snippets out loud if I think it's particularly clever or funny, but I rarely subject them to more than a line or two haha. My mom has read the intro to Inside and Out and yes I'm okay with that lol - she stopped when it was too much for her and I respect that deeply haha
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abrill · 5 months
Gonna learn Korean again. Only learned till level 1 and 2.. And there are 7.. I am too lazy to jump on new lang😭😭
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lacangri21 · 2 years
in case i ever have to look up one of my posts
moid logic, itsamoidsworld, things men say, mankind or yes all men, male violence, vaw, abuse, rpe culture, p*rn culture, piv-critical resources, medical misogyny, pmdd revenge posts, fetishism, children can’t consent, traffickers, men possessing women, marriage & nuclear family, dating, men lie, feminism, woman hating, periods/pregnancy/reproductive rights, handmaidenry, socialization, beauty culture, the military, puercos, hollywood, disregarding sexism, men of color are still men, lgbphobia, shinzo abe, smug fedora tipper, inceloid, racism, male inferiority, hotep white woman tears, moidlet, prison, prison reformers, women’s prisons...
womb envy, mentrification, genderism
funny, debunked, knowledge, proof, gaslight, insanity, how to respond
left-wing pendejismo, kkkonservative, murica, white savior, rich white woman mantra, kAren
abyayala, latin america, caribbean, africa, menawa, europe, asia, pasifika, israel, korea
photos, nature, positive, therapy, resources for the people, working with children, lams, quotes, links, trigger warning
work, corporation, therapy skills, workersrights, working with kids
empress, sisterhood is powerful, queen joanne, thealogy, goddess, witchcraft tools, masterpost, my favorites, original post, taino, boriken, ayiti, atabey, period positvity, indigenous, indigena, native american, reading list, tips for women, beautiful people, beautiful words, the new bible, women are divine, animals, asase yaa gif, ni toh kakuhu, autumn, flowers, art, bruja n witch, the occult
catholicism, christianity, mansreligion, islam, god the father
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spiceandtealeaves · 8 months
Ok so I was right about this! The story is called Nangeli (wiki page)
So brief context, it was believed for a long time that the Kingdom of Travancore (c.1729-1949) had a breast tax for lower caste women.
From what I can tell, the breast tax claim has been disputed, so there’s been a lot of discussion on wether or not the breast tax was literal (I’ll go more into it after the story)
But for this sake of this story, we’ll say that yes, this was a breast tax.
Nangeli is a lower caste village woman, living in the Kingdom of Travancore. One day, a village officer comes to survey her breasts and collect breast tax. In which, to revolt against this harassment, she cuts her breasts off and hands it to him in a banana leaf.
Her husband tries to help her, but she dies due to blood loss. Her husband, deeply devastated by this, jumps into her funeral pyre.
Her death is said to have annulled the breast tax in Travancore.
Ok so going a teeny bit deeper into the context here. The breast tax in this case had nothing to do with breasts and instead was used to separate women tax payers and male tax payers. Mulakkaram (Breast tax) and Meeshakkaram (Mustache tax).
And unlike the story, the Mulakkaram was not surveyed for attractiveness or size but it was a standard rate.
So perhaps the story was originally Nangeli protesting against the tax the lower castes were forced to pay in general, “a statment against the social order itself”
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tvlesbian · 9 months
reading goodreads reviews is one of the worst decisions you can possibly make
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lupismaris · 1 year
Spent last night at Creative Alliance's Hot Bits 2023 Queer XXX Film Festival in a space filled to the brim with the LGBTQIA+ community celebrating the predominantly trans and nonbinary bipoc contingent of the family. It was a night designated for queer body autonomy, sexual conversation, drag, sex work, kink, making space for disability in kink, and doing the utmost to make sure that everyone is seen in the habitually ciswhite world of erotica. The films dealt with shame and euphoria, camp and kink, divine imagery and queerness as something divine in itself. For me I was particularly grateful to see transmasc and masc bodies, butch bodies, disabled bodies, and queer men of colour being given the same love and attention as everyone else when it's so easy for us/them to be forgotten. The organizers were prepared with content warnings, quiet areas, trauma response trained therapists in case anyone needed support, and a separate space from the bar for people to sit and talk without alcohol present. They even had a fuckin Cupid who would give a rose to someone on your behalf if you were too shy to flirt with a stranger. Their special guest was the first ever titled International Ms Leather.
When queer spaces show up for a good time, they show up.
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iceyrukia · 1 year
listening to the witch trials podcast and the topic of tumblr cp*rn and fetishists brought up 👀👀
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