#PLEASE ask me more of these i lvoe them
hanalghilan · 1 year
gen 1, romance 1, story 7 + tavi xx
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Gen 1: Where can your Tav be recruited? Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid or in the Nautiloid crash region? Or are they not recruitable until a later act.
Tavira can be recruited in the Nautiloid crash region by following the Harper's Map to the cache. She's does briefly threaten you to stay back before your tadpoles decide to have a chat and she remembers you from the ship. Explains she shocked the everliving daylights out of the pod she was in until it opened but was too tired to chase after you.
Romance 1: Is your Tav a romanceable character? Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
Yes, she's romanceable! She flirts pretty quickly but to actually get on her good side, you have to prove that you're not out for power or blindly helping something else have power. Helping the tiefling children, swindling people out of gold, stuff like that makes her warm up to you.
Story 7: What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
At the tiefling party, she's drunk (happy) and dancing and forcing other people to dance with her (if you as the player deny her when she asks to dance, she calls you a coward). She also thanks the player for looking out for those who need help. At the goblin party, she's drunk (not happy) and not dancing, and off to the side. She has a comment like oh no, this is lovely. I love watching goblins eat their own toenails and call it a party.
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion!Tav Ask List
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jazminrhode1 · 1 month
can you please please do a fic where they are on the podcast and they have matt or chris' gf on the podcast and they talk about their relationship and it's really cute and the guy is just so in lvoe? omg please i need this haha
Forever Be Your Always Matt Sturniolo x Reader One Shot
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“Good morning, campers. Welcome back to the cut the camera podcast,” Nick feigned enthusiasm, “can you believe we’re still doing this?”
You sat in Matt’s regular spot, kind of nervous and kind of excited.
You never did this. You never got involved with the triplet’s content. Matt had filmed countless vlogs for his personal channel with you that he never posted. Not because he was embarrassed or wanted to hide your relationship but, because he didn’t want to add fuel to the fire.
The fans were fine. They had no choice but to be fine. You and Matt had been dating since before they started YouTube. You were in more of their videos in the early days but, you kept out of it these days.
Nick was the one who suggested you come on the podcast. He was sick of editing you out of content. Chris was the one who said they should take a stand and let fans know that they weren’t going to ignore the hate that you get online anymore.
It didn’t really bother you. Not matter what anyone said, Matt was still your boyfriend, Nick and Chris were still some of your best friends.
“Today we’re here with a very special guest,” Nick gestured to Matt to finish the intro.
“It’s y/n” Matt announced as Chris and Nick cheers.
“Thanks, you guys,” you laughed. This felt more natural than you had expected. After a while you forgot that the microphones were even there.
You answer questions that Matt had answered a million times before. Where did you meet? How long have you been dating? What is your favorite thing about each other?
Chris claimed that he got the two of you together and, to be honest, you couldn’t remember if that was true. All you knew was that you were thankful for Matt everyday.
“Okay, fans want to know what it’s like dating the grumpiest motherfucker on the planet,” Nick asked.
You rolled your eyes.
“Matt is not that grumpy. Really, he’s not. You just get so animated for the vlogs, and sometimes you do too much - I don’t think he likes that,” you answered. Nick pretended to take offence but, you two had never been anything but honest with eachother. And, you knew that Nick’s energy is was a hgue part of why they had been so successful.
“Another fan wanted to know if this is the kind of relationship that your younger self would have pictured,” Chris asked.
“That’s a great question,” you said and the boys agreed.
“I mean, we’ve known each other for so long. Almost all of my memories have one of you in them. Like, our moms are so close, our Dad’s golf together, my Uncle was just at your Grandma’s house doing some electrical stuff. You know, we’ve vacationed together. There’s just so much shared history even before we started dating. I don’t know that a lot of people can say that they met their partner at 5 years old and started dating 10 years later. That doesn’t answer your question.” 
You thought it over for a moment.
“I think when I was younger, I thought that someone would come along and sweep me off my feet. I didn’t think it would be my desk buddy from the second grade, you know?”
Matt just smiled. For him, he always knew.
“But, I could not have dreamt him up. I don’t think you could have convinced a younger me that I would get this lucky. That I would have found my person at 15 years old or that our families would become so entangles or that his brothers would become 2 of my best friends, you know”?
“Yeah,” Chris said. His eyes glistened.
“Another question was, do you feel like you missed out on anything since you started dating Matt at such a young age?” Nick asked.
“It’s a fair questions but, no. Even our parents when we graduated were like… are you sure you don’t want to live life separately for a little while, and that was just never on the cards for me.”
“And, Matt what about you? Do you feel like you missed out on anything?” Nick asked.
“No. I have gained more that I could have imagined from being with y/n,” he began. “I feel like I will go through my whole life as a triplet being understood by two other people in this unspoken, unexplainable way. And, in the best way, we were kind of forced together by nature and you are two of the closest people to me and, even if I don’t say it often, I love you guys and I wouldn’t be here with out.”
Chris and Nick exchanged a look. Matt wasn’t usually as forthcoming with his feelings if it wasn’t with you.
“In saying that, I don’t believe in soul mate or destiny because that implies that I don’t have a choice in this. Everyday, I wake up and I thank God that it’s next to y/n. And every day it’s the easiest choice to be with her. And every choice that I make, I consider her above anyone else.I don’t want a relationship, a marriage, a family if it wasn’t with y/n. There is no one else that understands me or supports me or loves me in the way that y/n does. You can’t put a price on that and you can’t manufacture it and if, for whatever reason, we were to break up I know that I will never find this again,” Matt said as he reached for you hand over the bench.
You saw a glint of sadness wash over Chris’ face. Nick was swooning.
“Do you think you guys will get married?” Nick asked. He was straying from the previously agreed up list of questions.
“One day. If there is one thing that y/n’s Dad told me is to enjoy every season. Enjoy being a kind, enjoy dating as teenagers, dating as young adults, don’t rush things because you’ll get to the end of your life and regret not really living in the moment,” Matt said.
“Your Dad’s so smart,” Chris said.
“Yeah, he and Matt are big on the motivational speeches,” you joked.
You answered a few more questions about future plans and Matt’s unpublished vlogs. Chris went on a non-sensical rant about not wanting a girlfriend while simultaneously wanting a relationship that you and Matt had. You knew that he was only scared that the girl he dated would only want to be with him because of his job. You knew that would break his heart.
As they wrapped up and you crawled out from behind the desk, Matt wrapped you in a hug and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
Without saying a word, you knew how deeply he loved. Everything is better with him and he will forever be your always.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Hii! Could I request A Gwen Stacy x fem! reader where Gwen takes the reader on a date and ends up introducing her to her dad
Anyway I love your writing style!
AAAA I LVOE THIS.IDEA SMM!! I was kinda planning on writing something like this so enjoy 👍🏾
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You and Gwen haven’t went on a date in what feels like forever, honestly. Granted, it’s kinda hard to make dates constant, what with you both saving your respective worlds and all. You insisted this date be in her universe, because most of them are at yours and you also think Gwen’s universe is so nice to look at, so beautiful and you can’t help but love the colors. You in fact, make the conscious effort to tell her how beautiful her world is everytime you’re over.
You two ended up eating at some restaurant you wanted to try out, and of course, who is she to say no to you?
At this point in your relationship, you’ve been dating for a full year now. And gwen has yet to introduce you to her father. You figure she must have her reasons, so you don’t question it. Around the time you two started dating, you knew she had a complicated relationship with him upon revealing her secret identity. You know things have been looking up for them since then, but you understand why it must be hard for her to show you to her father.
Perhaps he was scared to meet you because you’re from another dimension, or something.
But you assumed incorrectly! Because George wanted nothing more than to meet you. He had asked gwen on multiple occasions, and everytime she had to come up with some excuse as to why you couldn’t meet up with him today.
George had come to the conclusion that maybe you were just scared to meet him, scared to make a bad first impression or something. He was of course, wrong as well.
So when he saw his daughter walk out of a restaurant, hand in hand with you, he knew exactly who you were. A great opportunity to not only meet you, but perhaps to make you comfortable around him.
You feel your girlfriend tense, and you wonder why for a moment, before noticing a large man approaching you both. It doesn’t take you long to figure out who the man is, you give a big grin to the larger man. “Mr Stacy! Oh it is a pleasure to finally meet you!” you say, quickly removing your hand from Gwen’s in order to politely shake his. He gives you a smile, seemingly pleased by your politeness and apparent friendliness. “Oh please, the pleasure is all mine. I’m honored to meet somebody that my daughter talks about nonstop.” he says with a grin, and you see some red coat your girlfriends cheeks. “Dad!” he laughs at Gwen’s state, especially when you start to grin as well. You nudge her, “aww, you talk about me? Nonstop?”
She rolls her eyes, “okay, we were just leaving!” she says in an embarrassed tone, and her dad simply laughs. “Okay okay, I’ll let you lovebirds be.” he turns to you, “it was nice to finally meet you though, come over for dinner sometime will ya?” he says, and you nod in excitement while your girlfriend groans in the background.
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 months
what r ur fave solangelo stories??? imma be honest, i need more popstar AUs. tyt has set my standards WAYY to high! i honestly think ur one of my favorite fanfic authors. your writing style in just *chef's kiss* MWAH
also i think i remember u saying ur aroace??
well, this is just a question (you dont have to answer if ur not comfortable) did nico and will have sex yet in tyt, because they've been together for like 5 yrs or smth but yea
ahsdhlgf i have so many!!!! i still need to check out the solangelo week fics bc i'm sure there are some absolutely incredible ones on there (for some reason i just haven't been feeling like reading solangelo lately, it's been a bit sporatic) however!! i still have PLENTY of recs - i know that i've made a post in the past with some of my favorite fics, and i also have public rec bookmarks on my ao3 if you want to check those out!!
but if you want more specifically fame/band/popstar au's (bc i completely agree, we NEED more of them. like pls make characters famous irl more often it's my absolute favorite trope) here are some of my favorites!!
paris by ethannku is an au where nico is a youtuber, so not singing, but it's formatted so so well and i'm absolutely in love with it!!! (also, i'm just genuinely obsessed with this idea)
Lo-Fi Heart Beats by alchemical_acrobat and Paint_splatt is a streamer au, and one of my favorites. honestly just any sort of fic where they have a fandom makes me soo happy and this one was so sweet!!
can i handle the seasons of my life? by buoyantsaturn has will as a burnt out child star and is now in college, so *technically* he's not a popstar (aside from his previous dcom songs) but!! it is still one of my favorite all time fics and has some aspects of the fame au!
he was seen on occasion (pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnights sea) by stargirltv IS!!!! one of the greatest popstar au's ever. like, nico's a bedroom pop artist, but i'd be so lying if i didn't say this partly inspired talk your talk (even tho ngl, i picture every single one of my favorite characters as popstars, it's my favorite passtime) i highly highly highly recommend!!!
and okay lesterlicious by apopcornkernel isn't a solangelo fic... nico and will actually don't even appear by lester and meg have a youtube channel and i fucking lvoe this fic so much like please please readlkjsfd
so i realize only one of those is a popstar au but we're just in a severe drought of them rip😭😭 but these all have fame aspects to them and i highly recommend them!!
as for the other part of the ask, yes i am aroace! and i tend to lean more towards the sex-repulsed side of the asexual spectrum (or rather, it's less discomfort and more just embarrassment to me, like, i just have to cringe whenever reading smut/attempting to write even anything impliedlkjsf) so don't worry about the questions, they don't make me that uncomfortable! to answer the question: yes, they probably have lmfao😭 i don't really think about it all that much, but i also don't hc either of them as ace *in this universe* (that is very important, i definitely hc them as ace in other universes) so it has happened by now - as to when/where/how that happened, i will leave that up to you bc i don't think i'll ever actually write it/imply that (i will simply cringe at my keyboard too hard)
thank you for the ask!
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sketch-guardian · 1 month
ALSO ITD BE FUNNY IF MC JUST SAID/REPLIED TO NATHANIAL SAYING “damn well you better hope I stay in the part of hell or I’m coming for you and dragging you down god nor Diavolo will stop my attempt to drag you down” OR “oh yay!! I’ll new friends that won’t ignore me like a certain idiotic Angel💕”
(Those aren’t even my most crazy ideas there’s more and the beast cannot be contained)
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I'll give you and anon some privacy then🤣
Such tactics wouldn't exactly work with Nathaniel🤔because taunts most of the time have no effect on him🤷🏻so Nathaniel would simply shrug and with a soft smile say something like "suit yourself" to MC
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Uriel would instead appear almost worried at MC's request, not understanding why in the Celestial Realm they would even like being scolded like that, unless they're a masochist or truly needy for any kind of attention (if you're wondering: yes, Uriel's quietly judging you-)
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(P.S.: should I start being afraid of your future asks?😂🙈)
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altruistic-meme · 3 months
welcome :]
woohoo. time for an actual like. intro post. let's go 👍 [ wonderful previous blog summary by @cozy-fish-crow <3 ]
hello, i'm Abram. or Acee, if you wanna use that. he/they, but generally speaking i don't mind any pronouns. i'm queer in basically every direction and i could explain what i mean but i'll just leave it there for now. currently i'm 22. i'm usamerican and from the south.
i am a very big fandom nerd. some of my biggest fandoms include: - Young Royals - All For the Game - Captive Prince - Bungo Stray Dogs - Haikyuu!! - Good Omens - Dan and Phil - Yuri!!! On Ice (dormant) + many, many more
i'm a fanfic author and you can find me on ao3 @ AmericanCanada i also crochet and occasionally i post about it. tag: #crochet
i draw occasionally -> @aceedoodles i have a sideblog for helpful/reference posts -> @forthesadadult
all personal posts are tagged #shh ac
i love asks so much please never hesitate to send me an ask, especially about my fandoms and/or my fics. i will think of you fondly for the rest of my life if you do.
my three idiots cats <3 JJ, Anka, and Blue (here is a helpful guide!)
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okay that is all from me for now! have a fantastic day!
[ links to fanfictions + their tags below the cut! ]
All For the Game:
(why is there) joy in this poison (WIP) tag: #(wit)jitp
for the hopes and the fears and the dreams tag: #(wit)jitp
go low (WIP) tag: #wip: go low
the scars are poems (WIP, unpublished) tag: #wip: the scars are poems
figurative ghosts (WIP, unpublished) tag: #wip: figurative ghosts
heartbeats carved in flesh
i said i wouldn't call, but i need you now
Young Royals:
I've Got You, Brother (WIP) tag: #wip: fuck he said a pronoun
Dare(d) To Do It (WIP, unpublished) tag: #wip: dare(d), #wip: parallels
Not Supposed To Know (WIP, unpublished) tag: #wip: nstk, #wip: parallels
swaying as the room burned down
we all need a soft place to fall
Captive Prince:
laurent stabs damen [name undecided] (WIP, unpublished) tag: #wip: laurent stabs damen
Carpe Noctem (WIP, unpublished) tag: #wip: carpe noctem
Bungo Stray Dogs:
blackhole time fuckery [name undecided] (WIP, unpublished) tag: #wip: blackhole time fuckery
Will You Be Mine? (No Sir) (WIP, unpublished) tag: #wip: will you be mine? (no sir)
it's a safehouse, right? (WIP, unpublished)
The Port Mafia Boss's Most Loyal Dog (WIP, unpublished) tag: #wip: loyal dog
what you can learn from a bowl of soup tag: #wip: torturing kunikida
- fics are linked where possible! - not all WIPs have been blogged about and thus not all of them have tags, but I will try to keep this list updated as i work on/post about them. - italicized fics are ones i consider to be "critical"; aka the fics that i am putting the most effort and care into writing, or my personal favorites - this is not a comprehensive list of every fic i have written, just the ones i felt like pointing at specifically! there are more fics on my ao3 account (such as all of my yoi fics) and there are also WIPs that aren't mentioned here. - i love questions i love questions sooo much please ask me about my fics i would love to talk about them PLEASE ASK-
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heartshapedbubble · 2 years
HIIII guess who finally finished the fic they've been putting off for literal months 😇😇😇😇 um anyways this is for the lovely anon who wanted a sequel to the "the person i once knew" oneshot mwah ily you know who you are!!!
anyways after this i have some orphy content for a very sweet commissioner and then i'll do the rest of the asks!! 💓
the person i once knew, part 2🦎
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i gave up on the concept of proofreading whats that????, slightish cw for blood and some veeery light stuff, my god the writing sucks, gender neutral reader as usual, sorry for the wait anon, i lvoe lchino druiuse send message
"Please...let me die a painless death."
That sentence gradually lost meaning with all the times it crossed your mind, gripping the reins of your psyche and making you flinch out of nowhere. The way it echoed in your head kept you awake for hundreds of nights: it was very obviously your voice, yet so unreachable, so distant, as if it crawled out from the deepest parts of your consciousness and made its way to your throat. But at the same time, it gradually unlocked a new emotion: fear. Death was basically gnawing at your ankles, and somehow, you're still alive, with both your feet on the ground and your head up. And the scariest thing was that all your memories of the day were a blurry mess, each of them overlapping, disconnecting and constantly shifting, leaving holes in your mind. You could have escaped death by pure luck, and you would never fully know.
Trying to reminisce of the day it happened was like playing a scratched record. Sometimes you saw vivid pictures, sometimes everything was pitch black, and sometimes it was just that gut-twisting feeling of anxiety and pressure. Only a few pictures materialized in your mind, awakening various sensations and making the hairs on your arms stand up straight. The scorching feeling of the unsharpened, rusty knife in your stomach. Hearing the unbearable screams, whimpers, and sighs of people that were surrounding you. The doctor's sickly pale face and veiny, thin hands illuminated by the unbearably bright yet depressing hospital light. Feeling your own sweat turn ice cold in a flash. It would be so easy to align the pieces of your memory if it wasn't for the constant shuffling, and, of course, your unavoidable feeling that there was a key puzzle piece missing, the one thing that would make everything click in place.
And of course, there was him. How could you even forget that?
Through all of your nightmares and dreams, even when you jolted and suddenly woke up panting and covered in cold sweat, the first thing that flashed in front of your eyes was him. A man so familliar which you simply couldn't name, the first letter always lying on the top of your tongue and never going further than that. Whenever you curled up under your bedsheets, you could smell the sweet fragrance of his hair, and often the warmth of his fingertips that gently traced along the soft lines of your body. And during hot summer nights, you felt the weight of his head on your chest as you got lulled to sleep by the soothing scent of lavender coming from your bedside table. It was kind of embarrassing, how easily you let yourself fall into a stranger's embrace and rest your cheek against his soft skin, woven out of threads of your memory. Perhaps you yearned for more than the pads of his fingers - you often found yourself dreaming of the feeling of his lips melding with yours, a lone string of saliva being the only thing separating them, and his warm breath grazing your ski-
"I apologize for interrupting your daydreaming, dear, but could I get my paycheck? I finished checking and dressing your wound some time ago."
You flinched, and the bright light from the ceiling blinded you again - you were so absorbed in your fantasy that you forgot you were looking at it in the first place. Disoriented, you looked around in panic, only to be met with the doctor's droopy eyes tiredly glaring back at you.
"I-I'm sorry, ma'am, I- I really zoned out, I-" You were a stuttering mess, your cheeks heating up over the mere thought of the doctor watching you drift away. "No worries, sweetheart, I've seen worse.", the doctor replied, taking off the rubber gloves off of her hands. Unintentionally, you found yourself inspecting her features. She seemed disheveled, but still elegant - her sickly pale skin was decorated with various moles, and a lone pearl earring hung from her ear, the milky shine standing out from the plain working dress she wore. "Also, feel free to call me Emily. We'll be hanging out for quite some time until your wound fully heals, so why not be on friendly terms?" She smiled back at you. Her smile didn't last long, but it seemed as if she fought through her sleepiness and stress just to make your face light up for a moment. You couldn't stop yourself from grinning back at her, I mean, it's just human nature, isn't it? You thought to yourself.
Emily was a doctor assigned to help you out after your injury, one of the people you first saw after waking up from the wound-induced coma. Even though she was presumably overworked and not incredibly talkative, you could notice her slowly warming up to you with each visit, treating you with soft smiles every time she put on fresh bandages on your wound and stitched any stray cut that wasn't caught by the fabric wrapped around your waist. It was fascinating, watching her hand work - calculated, precise and fast like a needle on a sewing machine.
"Thanks for helping me out again, ma- I mean, Emily", you mumbled after clumsily wiggling out of your bed. "No worries, darling. Just remember to clean the wound every day, and avoid bending yourself over and doing physical work." She replied, draping her cloak around her shoulders.
You reached into the cupboard in your room, and tucked a thin stack of cash into the small pocket of her cloak. "Here. I gave you extra this time. Thanks again, you have no idea how much I value your help." You said and smiled again. Emily's eyebrows drooped. "Are you sure? That's way more than I need..." she worriedly whispered as you led her to the doorstep. "Don't worry about it!" you whispered back. She sighed. "Then I have no other option other than thank you for your generosity." You were treated by one of her gentle smiles yet again, dimples gracing both of her cheeks. "Well, I have to go now. I'll come over in a week or two. Just remember to take your painkillers if the abdominal pain becomes unbearable - such periods of pain are normal as the wound is still healing. Oh- I'm pretty sure they already arrived, yes?" She pointed her foot at the small bundle of cardboard packages and letters by your doorstep. "Anyways, take care. And remember-"
"I know - no overworking!"
A smile graced her face once again before she turned her back towards you and disappeared in the chilly autumn fog.
You sighed as you crouched to pick up today's mail. It was nothing special - your brown box of painkillers, a letter regarding rent, and an...
"... Invitation?" Your teeth stabbed into your bottom lip. It was, undoubtedly, an invitation - the yellowish envelope stood out from the pile, a weird symbol stamped onto the wax covering the opening. Your finger carefully traced the seal, and you didn't know if it was just your imagination, but you swore it was still heated, even though it was solid. Your gaze bounced onto the edges of the envelope, slightly scorched and crumbling with every touch.
You held the envelope in front of yourself - to open it, or not to open it? Your first instict was tearing it apart, but the longer you inspected the envelope, the more anxious you felt. Who could possibly be the mysterious sender behind it? There wasn't any information about the sender anywhere other than the enigmatic wax seal.
Letter opener in one hand, the edge of the letter in other, you sliced through the wax and the tightly pressed paper. You reached into the envelope, pulling out a small, crumbled piece of paper. It seemed like it was ripped straight out of a notebook, and through the blotchy handwriting, you made out the letters - it was an address. This has to be some sort of a scam. First, vague information, then, this messy writing, then... you muttered to yourself, about to shove the paper back into the envelope. Then you felt something thicker your fingers, bulging from under the textured pergament.
"There's more...?"
You pulled out a piece of laminated, silky smooth paper. Squinting, you deciphered the letters hidden behind the blotches of ink:
____ and Luchino Diruse.
You flipped the paper.
There was a picture of two people gently holding each other in an embrace, their fingers intertwined. One of them being you, and the other....
You'd recognize that face anywhere.
It was him.
Your stupidity and impulsiveness was amusing. What made everything funnier was the fact that you repeated that sentence in your mind as you got off the train, already neck deep in the problem. Fascinating about a stranger was already hilarious, but actually chasing them, going head first without any second thought just to see him in the flesh? It was a fucking comedy.
In front of you was an old yet enormous manor, rotting and ruined by the passing of time. The windows were sealed shut with planks, and the garden in the front of it probably wasn't touched up in decades. It truly seemed like a cruel prank, if it wasn't for that picture left at the bottom of the envelope, which was now resting in the inner pocket of your coat. It was the only proof you had, the only thing confirming that the man called "Luchino" wasn't just a marionette sculpted by your unconscious mind. How hilarious.
Your curiosity got the best of you, and you found yourself pushing the (unlocked... for some reason) creaky door open and letting yourself get lost in the darkness of the main hall. It would be pitch black if it wasn't for the few lanterns hanging on the ceiling, spider webs wrapping around the textured glass. Disoriented, you looked around for any possible sign of other people living here, literally anything to prove that you came to the right place.
A ray of light appeared in the corner of your eye - it came from a half-opened door. You slowly approached it, in fear of making the floorboards creak. It's a stranger's house, after all, and you assumed them realizing they have unexpected guests would make them angry.
Yet, your ear was now peering into the illuminated room, curiosity eating you from the inside. You could make out the people speaking just by the tone of their voice - two women, a calm, collected woman and an energetic, younger woman with a soft french accent, seemingly deep into an argument. You could hear their voices jump up a few octaves with every sentence, them tripping on words as they tried to reason with each other. A step further wouldn't hurt anyone, right? Now your whole head was stuck between the wooden planks, but the only things you were able to see were the peeled wallpaper and the edge of a huge, almost royal dining table - this manor was the property of some aristocrat, no doubt about that. Your fingers were aggressively gripping the doorknob, almost desperately. If you could only muster up the courage to open it...
"I wouldn't advise going any further. Mostly because... well, let's just say that miss Bourbon is not the best if we're talking self-control."
The sudden deep, raspy voice behind you made you flinch and turn around in panic. A blindfolded man stood in front of you - his body was wrapped in long, dark blue cloths, and a leather satchel hung from his waist. On his shoulder was a big, brown owl, arching its fluffy chest towards you and curiously tilting its head, as if it wants to know who you are.
"Don't let yourself get intimidated by Brooke - she's just fascinated by newcomers." he said as his gloved hand ruffled the owl's feathers. "The name's Eli Clark, but call me Eli for short. And yours?" The same gloved hand was now reached out towards you, awaiting a handshake.
"My- ah- um...the name is ____. My pleasure, Eli." you nervously mumbled as you grabbed his hand and awkwardly shook it.
"____... What a pretty name. You're new here, right?" The brunette man suddenly smiled. "I've been expecting you."
"Oh, really? So you must be the owner of the manor then! You sent me the invitation too, right?"
Eli rubbed his chin.
"What invitation..?"
You reached into your pocket, showing him the crumpled, yellow envelope. "This one. I was hoping you were the person that could help me out with this personal mission of mine..."
He exhaled, his nose scrunching from under the blindfold. "I'm really sorry, but I think you've been misinformed. I'm not the owner of manor, the same goes for the other two current residents."
"So you must be a relative of the owner, yes?"
"No... In fact, no one here knew others beforehand. Nor do we know the owner, or who invited us - although my "invitation" was more of a... gut instinct, if you will." He let out a bleak, emotionless chuckle. "But all I can say is that you're not alone in this. Miss Bourbon and miss Gilman were both invited by the same stranger, as far as I know."
Your heart sank. It can't possibly be a dead end! There has to be something more...
"You mean this "owner" person invited a bunch of random people here? That they probably don't know, either?"
"Well... yes."
"But why?"
He clicked his tongue. "God knows why. I have my own reasons, and the ladies have them too. All I know is that all of them are quite personal."
You couldn't wait any longer. Just a clue, just a tiny little nag in the right direction - it was all you asked for. "Then, Eli, do you perhaps recognize this man?", you said as you yanked the picture out of your pocket. A sharp line dragged itself across its surface, wearing out the paper after the numerous times you folded it and opened it yet again, just to embed his face in your memory a little bit better.
Eli might have been blindfolded, but you could sense his eyes widening in shock, baffled at the sight of the picture you handed him. Instead, his owl leaned forward, eyes like big, glass marbles staring back at the withering face on the photograph.
"Do you know this man, ___?"
"Yes. I... well, I'm looking for him. It was actually the reason I came here - this photograph right here was in the invitation."
The brunette man pressed his lips together, thinking of how to reply to you.
"That... No. I've never seen him. I'm sorry."
"Then should we ask the other two residents?" your gaze flew onto the half-opened door. "Maybe they know somet-"
"They don't. Trust me, they're not from here. Miss Gilman is quite isolated from others and the modern way of living in general, and Miss Bourbon arrived 4 days ago from a whole other continent. He... ugh, actually, nevermind." his voice was nervous and twitchy, almost like he was shivering in the cold.
Was he lying? You bit your lip while thinking. Even if he was telling the truth, you could notice the impact that the picture had on him. It was just two lovers, arms wrapped around each other, pigment of their faces crumbling after being worn out by time, yet they seemed to throw him right into a state of panic. Avoidant, out of breath - what could had possibly been on his mind that caused such a reaction?
"Are you sure, Eli? You're sounding kind of  unreasonable right now." your eyebrows furrowed as you spared a sharp glare at the panicking man.
"No! I'm just saying how it really is! It-"
A brown bush of hair suddenly popped up from the half open door, illuminated by the remaining traces of the warm, faint light from the dining room. "Can you two hurry up with introductions? Dinner's getting cold!"
Dinner went by faster than you thought.
As you followed Eli into the dining room, you were met with two women seated at the long table, the same ones that you overheard bickering.
"Yet another newcomer?" the calm, elegant lady spoke, her dark eyes squinting to get a better look at you. Her head and body were covered with a figureless purple garment, mystical symbols curved on the edges of the long, flabby sleeves and the hood. She suddenly stood up, her bony hand reaching towards you. "Fiona Gilman. Pleasure to meet you." you slowly shook her hand. "I bet all that traveling has worn you out, yes?"
"Oh, not at all, miss Fiona!" Even though she seemed like a friendly lady, you felt sort of intimidated by her elegant posture and mysterious, dazed eyes that were probably drifting off far away from the real word, losing themselves in some other dimension. As if she kept a dark secret that an ordinary human couldn't even comprehend. With her witchy appearance and tall, gloomy figure, she seemed out of this world, like a prophet of some apocalyptical, elven land.
"Doesn't matter, sugar, you're gonna eat some delicious soup and head back to bed. You seem quite sickly, too, did you get enough sleep? You should get two bowls today, warm homemade soup is the best cure for all illnesses..." the brown-haired lady spoke, pinching your cheeks while inspecting your face. Her french accent was still audible, her r's perching up and her u's cutely drooping a pitch lower every time she spoke. "Ah! I forgot to introduce myself. Call me Demi. None of that miss and mister bullshit. We're gonna be together for a few days anyway, so we should spend them in good spirits, no?" she said as she winked at you.
Even though it was only the four of you sitting at the huge table, the initial silence was instead filled with lively chatting, four different voices intertwining and interrupting each other. You got to know every single one of your new roommates,  even some of their own funny quirks. Your mind drifted off of Luchino, completely forgetting about him until the moment you curled up in your new bed.
As you changed from your clothes into your pyjamas, the picture dropped down to the floor next to the bed. "Oh, I completely forgot about you." you whispered as a wave of guilt struck you right as you picked it up. Was this part of the owner's plan? To give you so many clues and hints to solve the puzzle that troubled you for weeks, and then have you give them up for a glass of wine and a chat with complete strangers? You weren't sleepy anymore. You tucked the picture into your fist, and decided to go get a glass of water, maybe even meet Demi and Fiona and ask them about Luchino. Eli's reply still didn't satisfy you, and seemed to actually create more questions instead of giving you a direct answer.
The creaking of the old staircase filled your ears as you made your way down to the kitchen, each stair rhytmically answering you with a high pitched squeak with every step you took. You looked at the open window in the hall - the grayish full moon gleamed in the beautiful night, without a single cloud in sight to hide its beauty. Once you got to the kitchen, you noticed the warm light peeking from under the door. Did someone forget to turn it off? Probably left it on on accident, you thought to yourself as you headed towards the door.
The second you put your hand on the doorknob, you halted. A person was on the other side. Or were there two? It could very well be Eli - he mentioned he struggled with his sleeping schedule. Or maybe Demi? She drank a lot throughout the dinner. It could also be Fiona, considering her cultish interests and all the full moon rituals usually tied to such beliefs. To spy or not to spy? Your hands trembled out of nervousness. It would be a shitty thing to do, especially since you just left your first impression on them, but you were going to interrupt them either way by entering, weren't you? Eye peeking through the keyhole, you squatted down and pressed your head onto the rotting door, hoping to draw out anything that others decided to gossip about.
Through the miniscule keyhole, you made out Eli's legs, crossed while he was sitting, and Demi's green skirt, waving around her legs as she nervously walked back and forth.
"Why did you decide to lie to them?" suddenly you heard Demi hiss, as if she had already suspected someone was spying on them.
"I had a reason, alright? Besides, we've only just met! To leave them hopeless and sad, just for them to realize they can't leave yet?" now you heard Eli cry, his usually stable, calm voice now on the verge of madness.
"You should had told them the truth! Imagine how they would feel as they looked for him, only to realize that all of their efforts were just a dead end. The harsh truth is always better than hopeful lies."
It can't be. What are the odds that they're talking about him?
"He's... alive. I know it. He must be somewhere out there." Eli's voice trembled again.
"Stop lying to yourself, Eli. He's dead. We all saw him lying on the ground, writhing in pain, unable to help him despite our attempts. We all saw the same sight." Demi suddenly sighed as she reached for a chair to sit down on. "Besides, you saw it in your visions, too. You saw those scales on his body piercing his skin as he bled out, you noticed only his face was blurred out out of the four of us, you saw them taking his place. Everything aligned perfectly."
"I don't want to believe the truth. I... want to change the future. I don't want to make the same mistake ever again." You heard Eli whimper, his hands reaching his face. "Tommorrow's the final game. I'm going to try my best to make things right. I don't want to lose ___ the way we lost Luchino."
Demi leaned over, her arms softly pulling Eli's shoulders into a hug.
It can't be true.
It possibly cannot be.
He cannot be dead.
But you heard them confirm - yet, at the same time, you didn't want to believe it.
Suddenly you weren't thirsty anymore. You headed back to your room, tears rolling down your cheeks.
God, if there was ever a moment where you simply needed to feel his presence near you, to just feel his breath on your neck and his arms around your waist, it was this one. Yet, it was so hard to imagine it again, knowing that he's probably a corpse somewhere out there.
It didn't matter. You already had a plan - tommorrow you'll find him, and bring him home - no matter if he's dead or alive.
You couldn't tell the time, nor did you know how long you've been walking. All you saw was Eli's blurry figure in front of you, leading you to the place where the "game" would commence. Tired and dazed, you tried your best to stay awake, struggling with each step into the mud. Your legs were feeling weak and numb, as if they could easily fall off your body if the wind was a bit stronger.
"How much longer, Eli? I simply cannot walk anymore!" Demi groaned from the back, struggling to balance herself in the moldable, soft dirt, to which Eli didn't reply.
He wasn't very talkative today - in fact, no one was. Fiona and Demi spared you a quick smile in the morning, but nothing more than that. It was a strange parade, the four of you heading to god-knows-where, gloomy and silent as if you're part of some odd, morbid carnival.
"We're here!" Eli suddenly yelled. Through the fog you made out water-soaked wooden planks and heated, warm antennas that were perched up above it, like stars in the cloudy night sky. The damp and overwhelming air now reached your nostrils - you recognized it, but from where exactly? The smell of the grass soaked by the rain haunted you from some other distant time, but you simply couldn't put your finger on it.
Eli now faced all three of you, nervously clenching his fist. "We're splitting up now. Just follow the lights and try to decode the machines that you'll find." He pointed at the antennas clouded by the fog. "I'm going this way, alone. Don't follow me! I'll be back at once, trust me!"
"But, Eli, you can't just-" Demi yelled, but Eli already ran into the fog, the gray veil blurring out his figure until he fully vanished.
Fiona sighed. "I guess we don't have any other option. Demi - you and I will head for those two machines on the west side. ___, could you take over this one?" She signaled at the machine positioned north, in the same direction where Eli went. You nodded. The way the game progressed made you more worried than it should.
Through the fog, you approached the clunky machine. It looked like a lion in a cage on display - it made beeping noises, it was shaking and the buttons seemed like they were pressing themselves - almost as if it was alive. Yet, as you felt the weight of the indented buttons go down with the press of your finger, your initial fear was fading. Sweat dripping down your forehead, you were arched over the typewriter-like box, wiping and rewriting lines and lines of crypted text. A few sudden, loud booms made you jump - Demi and Fiona probably finished decoding theirs. As you reached halfway, you suddenly heard a cry coming from up north.
Or was it an owl's howl?
Your legs were cemented in front of the machine. Just a few more lines of code and whatever those symbols were, and you could get out freely, reach Demi and Fiona and escape, but was there even enough time to borrow? A wave of guilt suddenly bit you from the inside of your stomach, but you simply couldn't waste another second.
Sweat froze on your bare skin, but you didn't care. You ran and ran as fast as you could, continuing even after tripping over sometimes. It was obvious this would go down badly from the start, but maybe this was destined to be. You couldn't change the future already engraved into the stars. Eli couldn't, either. But you wanted to do the impossible. As you moved through the fog, you realized you had nothing more to lose.
Panting and catching your breath, all you found was Eli's leather satchel lying in the grass, a few of Brooke's feathers loosely sticking onto its surface. Suddenly you found yourself tying it around your waist. There was no explanation you could make up on the spot, but it was a souvenir of sorts. It was a piece of him, in a way. Even if he wasn't physically here, you found comfort in the way his satchel pulled it's weight down your hip. It was a reminder that you're on a mission - to change what Eli couldn't, and to return what was lost.
It was Demi's voice coming from behind you. She was out of breath, leaning on her knees for support.
"Demi! For god's sake, y- Do you know where Fiona and Eli are?" You rushed to help her recover her stamina.
"Was just about to ask you. Fiona disappeared right as she finished her cipher, and as for Eli... well, we're both looking for him right now, aren't we? Have you found any clues?" Her hand roamed her bucket, taking out a dusty glass bottle, filled to the brim with shiny red liquid. "Nope, except Eli's satchel." You tapped its damp, shiny surface lightly. "But other than that, there were no footprints, no signs of where he went."
Demi took a swig out of the bottle, then carelessly threw it back into the bucket. "Alright. Since both Eli and Fiona are gone, we have to devise a plan. Listen - I'm going to look for those two, maybe they got lost - and you'll be decoding that last cipher over there, okay? I can't focus on those puzzle-code-whatever thingies while I'm tipsy, but I sure can pack a punch if needed!" She grinned as she flexed her arm.
"Sounds good to me. Just take care, okay? And be careful!"
"No need to worry about me, sweetie. I'll be back before you even enter the last line of code!" She laughed, and her laugh echoed over and over as she melted into the fog again.
Well, shit. You were loomed over the damned machine again, the cipher still shaking and wriggling as if it's about to explode. Now as you thought about it, the game was about to end, and it was faster than you thought. It all depended on you and Demi - for her to find the remaining two, and for you to decipher that goddamned block of text and get you all out of here.
Click. Click.
First row done, five more remaining.
You felt the first droplet of sweat form on your forehead.
Click. Click.
Second row done, four more remaining.
Did the buttons suddenly stop cooperating? They felt heavier under your fingertips, some of them refusing to pop back after you pressed them.
Click. Click.
Third row done, three more remaining.
Was it this cold the entire time? The wind played with your hair as you continued typing.
Click. Click.
Fourth row done, two more remaining.
You thought of your teammates. Where could they be now? Demi promised to return before you finished the cipher, but there was nothing to hear except the swaying of leaves, nothing to see through the fog except the outlines of the wooden skeletons that could have been houses in some other life.
Click. Click.
Fifth row done, one more remaining.
Was that a hiss you just heard? Your mind is probably playing tricks with you, yet you still felt uneasy, your leg bouncing in case you need to un-freeze and get going.
Click. Click.
Gah, fuck.
Wrong code, back to row five.
You felt the hairs on your skin rise up as your already numb fingers ran over the keyboard. Must be cause of the cold.
Click. Click.
Sixth row done. Cipher machine finished.
The exit gates have been opened.
You jumped and ran along with the ear-piercing siren, not finding the courage to look back at what might had been hunting you the whole game.
Two eyes staring right back at you. The last thing you saw before you started to run. As you turned your back to them, you already felt them stripping off your clothes and tearing your flesh apart, toying with your mutilated body as they pleased. If I don't run as fast as possible, that might just be the best case scenario, you suddenly thought and picked up your pace.
You ran to the quickest shed you found and pressed yourself against the wet planks. It was the best shelter you could find at the moment, although it was also the most fragile one out there. One careless move and your cover will be blown completely. Your hand pressed itself on your mouth on its own - Is this really how it's going to end? Legs cemented into the ground, unable to make a move in fear you'll get caught? If your hands weren't already shaky, you'd pinch yourself in hope that it's was all just a bad dream.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to look behind. Now with a wooden shield against your back, perhaps you could stare down the predator from the thin, empty holes between the planks. Slowly, you tilted your head, the wetness of the wood brushing against your cheek. You didn't dare to completely turn around - it was too risky.
As you held onto the wall, fingers pale out of sheer force with which you held onto it, your gaze quickly flashed between the wooden frame, into the grayish cloud of icy, damp air.
Fatal mistake.
It only took a moment of inattention - you felt the skin of your chest ripping and the warmth of your own blood flowing down your body. As you gasped in shock, your eyes fixed themselves onto what poked through your pathetic little shelter and, in the end, your ribs - an enormous, clawed hand, searching around for whatever it stabbed in the first place. It could probably grip your whole neck with ease and turn your spine into dust with a strong enough grip. With your legs feeling like rubber, you sloppily leaped towards a tied up stack of planks set against a barrel. Trying to find some unreal source of energy from your worn out body, only one solution popped up in your mind - you pulled the stack with all your momentary might.
It was dizzying. A chain reaction ensued in your abdomen, as if something stabbed through your belly button from the inside of your body. You grabbed your stomach in vain, the blood leaking from your ribs already staining the cloth that was wrapped around your waist. Not enough power remained in your arms to support your weight and you simply crashed into the dewy grass, exhausted from fighting back.
"Please! Let me die a painless death!" You screamed at whatever was now looming over you and breathing into your neck. The only remaining option was to beg the two blurred, hellish orange orbs looking at you for mercy.
A second passed. Then another.
Your heart was still beating. The creature's heavy breathing still filled up your ears, yet you didn't dare to face it again. It leaned forward, scraping your wrist with its claws - no, grabbing something from your sleeve? You slowly opened your eyes.
It gazed at the same picture you cherished and held close to your chest each night.
As the monster's eyes fixated themselves on the two blurry faces, you heard a low hiss slipping from it's jaw. You could recognize that husky voice from miles and miles afar.
You couldn't believe your eyes. Yet, as you inspected the lizard-man looming over your body, you realized it really was him - the raggedy brownish-red hair rolling down the sides of his neck, the collared shirt slightly ripped at the seams - but god, what has he become? The soft surface of his big, veiny hands was now replaced by menacing claws that could rip you apart if he got careless enough.
"____! So it really is you I'm seeing! I'm so glad!" Luchino sighed in relief as he got on his knees in front of you. "I'm so sorry that you have to see me like this..."
"Luchino.. is this really you? What happened?" You murmured, reaching for his scaled face. The tension in your body disappeared the second you heard his voice seep from his mouth - he seemed less menacing, even cute in a way.
"Huh? You don't remember?" He leaned his face into your palm. It almost felt natural, the way your hand slowly cupped his cheek.
"No...I just... I don't remember what happened very well that night you disappeared. Are you hurt?" You whispered.
He sighed. "...It's a long story, darling. A story for another time. Don't worry about me - are you hurt?" His claws stroked the thick bandages that were tightly wrapped around your waist, now soaked with blood. "Ah, these wounds... I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." He looked away in shame. "I lost control of myself after that - well, transformation - thing and just... let myself get controlled by my animalistic instincts." As he got lower and lower, he slowly laid his head on your chest. "I never wanted to hurt you. I'll never forgive myself for making you bleed."
"Luchino..." you mumbled out as your arms wrapped around his neck. "Please. It's fine, trust me, I'm doing better now..."
"It's not fine." He suddenly yelped, making you jolt. "I can't excuse doing such an awful thing. Especially since it was you I hurt." His fingers intertwined with yours. "I'll get us out of here, tesoro. I'll make sure that no one - including me - lays another finger on you."
He picked up your fragile body from the grass that you laid in. "One day, angel, I'll find a way to return back to normal - and I'll be the man you once knew again."
You clenched the fabric rippling over his chest. "You were always the same man, Luchi. No scales or fangs will change the way you love, the way you tighten your grip whenever you hold me in your arms and the way you whisper sweet nothings into my ear."
He chuckled and softly pressed his mouth onto your forehead. He still kissed you with the same warmth he once did, the heat lingering as he moved his head away.
"I love you, vita mia."
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intertexts · 9 months
ok you asked about my sad fish boy i hope u know how much of a mistake that is. holy shit. dude jrwi is so fucking good. if u need a new dnd podcast may i please recommend jrwi..theyre pirates. ohhh my god theyre pirates .
so. uhm. fish boy. his name is gillion tidestrider (champion of the undersea, hero of the deep, etc etc about a billion more titles that he just keeps aquiring as the campaign goes on) and hes a paladin with ohhhhh so much of a hero complex. oh my god. dude. hes so . everything to me . (played by charlie slimecicle btw. that guy is so fucking good at balancing silly goofy moments with heartwrenching voice acting. in one of the most recent episodes he is literally. hanging from a hook through his hands missing chunks of skin on 1hp literally only alive because he happened to cast death ward on himself. and hes wearing those goddamn trout fish sandals that u see on facebook ads or whatever.)
uhm. so. holy shit. where do i even start. he is the chosen one of a prophecy that says its his duty to one day choose who will survive between the undersea (triton, underwater creatures, where he grew up) and the oversea (basically. land.) and the other will be destroyed. so when he was very young (i want to say maybe like..5 or 6? i dont remember im actually searching for that info rn for the thing im writing) he was taken away from his family to begin training with the Elders (basically the. rulers of the undersea) . my boy he was raised to be a weapon. he was raised to be a tool (<< real canon words out of his own mouth). my favorite little child soldier. he wore armor that was too big for him and carried swords that were taller than he was. he was raised to put protecting others over his own safety so he rushes out into danger without even thinking about how it might affect him. he is so passively suicidal and ready to sacrifice himself at any minor inconvenience that when this information is eventually put in front of him his response is "what? no, thats what im Supposed to do." a very important phrase for him in early episodes was "whats one more burden?"
also he has a pet frogtopus (frog + octopus) her name is pretzel and she rides around in a little orb on his belt and also on his shoulders sometimes. i love her
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(<- official art. shes so perfect in every way)
I THINK I MIGHT BE RUNNING OUT OF SPACE SOON BUT HE ALSO HAS AN OLDER SISTER AND SHES EVERYTHING TO ME OHMYGOD . her name is Edyn and shes so. uaghghhh if i think about her for too long i start crying. im writing a fic from her pov as we speak. she was the only one who would visit him during his training as a kid she was his best friend she wanted to protect him but she was also just a kid so she couldnt do anything but try her best to comfort him. shes the one who gave him pretzel. ohhh my god. i lvoe you edyn tidestrider youre everything to me. giving you a freshly written unedited at all snippet from the fic im writing because it describes how i feel about their dynamic so much better than i could possibly type out in a tumblr ask::::
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uhnmmm what else. im so insane about the tidestrider siblings forever. do not get me wrong the other PCs in this campaign are also excellent and i love them (Jay is the daughter of a navy captain who defected to join a pirate crew to figure out what caused the death of her older sister. Chip is. oh boy. orphan who was taken in by a pirate crew when he was 7. pirate crew in question was swallowed by some sort of magic force that corrupted literally a fourth of the globe. but he somehow survived and is now trying to find out if his old family is still alive. jay and chip are like adopted siblings to me. chip and gillion had to roll a performance check for a kiss one time and they both got nat 20s and its all gone downhill from there for them. i love jay and chip dearly but something abojt gillion just scratches a very specific itch in my brain i love him so much and its only partially because hes a fish and im the fish guy.) ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION GILLION IS CANONICALLY ASEXUAL and this is a fact that actually has come up within canon and is not just a word of god twitter mention fact. no. my boy is actively asexual and it makes me soooooo happy forever.
uh. sorry for the wall of text. infodump over. im forever crying abojt pirates and fish people . thank u i love u
OUSUGHFGHFJHH................... I LIKE UR FISH BOY MAC. IM A BIG FAN OF UR FISH BOY. i heard paladin with a hero complex & it was immediately a direct hit thats so... ouuhgh. child soldier character type of guy makes me go bonkers!!!! this whole paragraph is like five critical hits in a row... im so curious now.... also ive seen SO much art for these guys jay also looks so cool? her art is always so compelling 2 me... anyway OUHG. i'm currently working my way through friends at the table twilight mirage (meticulously crafted post-utopian cyberpunk/science fiction about mechs and gods and mech gods and more specifically Dead mech gods & living in their husks & humanity & nonhumanity & empire, etc) + tryna catch up on critrole but... hgghhbh. we'll see. we'll see what happens...
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daisycassy · 2 years
Multifandom Fic Recs list- Dashka's favourites
Okay everyone, strap in, Newmann discord made me do this, here is my rec list, consisting of, in my humble opinion, solely of fantastic and high quality fics you should read even if it is not your fandom. Mostly longer fics, so be warned. More things may be added over time.
Pacific Rim
Inside Here (The Worst Things Come) by Orphan
" Three months, five days, and sixteen hours since the Tokyo Incident and Hermann is sitting white-knuckled in a cold, austere office, being told that, contra what he’d originally been lead to believe, the body of one Newton Geiszler is still alive."
Part 1 of Omeletteverse
This fic and the whole series is my favourite take at what happened post PRU. It is entirely told from Hermann's point of view and is so horrible, gutwrenching, tender, desperate, but also kind and hopeful. Precursor emissary Newton is fun and I love these sort of fics that talk about inevitablity of change and our sad inability to turn time back and avoid said change. Includes a wide cast of people who are all amazing.
Frankenstein, the Newt, and Vi by Orphan
“Um. Hi? My name’s Vivian Lee. I’m supposed to, um...” Vi looks down at the phone in her hands, at the email showing on the screen. “I’m newly assigned to the K-Science Lab? I was supposed to ask for Doctor Gottlieb?” The guy behind the reception desk looks up with an expression hovering somewhere between fear, pity, and disgust. “Oh, man,” he says. “Who’d you get killed to wind up posted to K-Lab?”
Part 1 of Frankenstein and the Newt
Another fic by Orphan, and trust me, there is a reson for that because they are fantastic. This one is from third person POV, Vi (who si the absolute sweetheart) a new biologist hired to K-science division. Story takes place after the first Pacific Rim movie, and you will get to find out why the fight still continues.
Warning for some body horror and people turning into Kaiju. The whole series is perfect, so fun, with great plot, and many, many feelings.
Anthology by irisbleufic
"The first thing [Newton] does when he gets to his office, smarting from the needle and high on endorphins, is email the eccentric mathematician in Cambridge, the other Cambridge a non-creature-infested ocean away, with whom he’d been corresponding for a while and whom his colleagues have begun to call Newt’s Internet Boyfriend.
Hermann, Newton types, tell me you’ve crawled out from under your rock for long enough to realize your disdain for monster movies is now scientifically invalid.
Please don’t call me that, Gottlieb writes back. I’m already working on it."
Part 1 of Anthology 'Verse
Set primarily right after the events of the first Pacific Rim movie, where we follow our favourite scientists dealing with the result of drifting with kaiju and each toher, starting their life together, and continuing after the war. Inclused flashback, as they deal with the years of angry arguing and misunderstandings.
Also Newt tattoos, they both teach at unviersity and charm everyone, this is my favourite Hermann characteriyation and I lvoe the whole ensemble cast. It will punch you in a gut but also feels like a warm fuzzy blanket. Absolute treasure of a fic.
Lying by Omission by deniigiq
"I know I said I was up for anything--” he told Hogarth carefully, trying to surreptitiously slide the files back onto her desk.
She slapped a hand on them and pushed them back towards him.
“Mr. Nelson, you are one of the best lawyers on staff, and I am seriously considering the pros and cons of a potential partnership here,” she told him, staring up at him without moving her face or hand. Somehow, the files continued to dig into the meat of his palm.
“--but it turns out,” he valiantly carried on, “I am actually and suddenly extremely busy with the destruction Jessica will cause in approximately twenty minutes, which will have nothing to do with me or any favors or bribes or anything like that—”
(Someone brings Team Red's (and the Punisher's) loved ones back from the dead to torture them for information on their vigilantes. Hogarth coerces Foggy to handle the resulting legal fallout and he is both the worst and best person for the job.)"
This fic includes badass as fuck Foggy, fun ensemble of characters, Team red excellence, and so many jokes, hijinks, and perfectly in love Matt and Foggy. One of my most favourite comfort fics out there.
I fully recommend anzthing written by deniigiq, because their fics are the absolute greatest at capturing what is fun about comics and the many characters you get to encounter in them, while mixing in fantastic writing, characterization, and great feelings and plots. Love all their characters and I cannot highlight how much you should read everything they have ever written.
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy by Werelibrarian
"I should probably tell you I’m going to sniff anything you show me."
The shopkeeper’s smile actually grows.
"How interesting. Can you tell me what you’re sniffing for?"
Foggy already likes this guy, who looks to be about a hundred and ten but stands straight as a flagpole, but he's not about to admit that he's trying to make himself pretty for a blind man with four super-human senses, so he just smiles.
A shorter fic than most on this list, but absolutely perfect as the rest fo them. Tells the story of Foggy seducing Matt using all his heightened senses to his advantage. Includes ton of pining and poor Matt almost combusting.
Captain America/Marvel
Known Associates by thingswithwings
"Steve Rogers isn't a self-made man.
Or, how a tough little Brooklyn fairy got turned into Captain America, and then turned back."
This is one of those fics that I wish I could make people read, that I truly wish was published as a novel we could all share and buy for our friends. It is a story about Steve Rogers as he grapples first with life as a queer man in the pre-war US, in his full socialist glory, and later as he tries to find his place in the 21st century where his image and story was coopted and turned into something completely different from him. This fic is in my opinion the best examination of the sheer horror, stress, grief, and clusterfuck of Steve Rogers' situation. Includes polyamory, genderqueerness, lots of organizing and angry socialist Steve. The author also included bibliography at the end of the fic. I name this fic every time people ask me about quality of fanworks and I wish I could make everyone read it.
Ain't No Grave (Can Keep My Body Down) by spitandvinegar
"It's six in the morning, and Steve is heading out on a run when he nearly trips over a bouquet of sunflowers on the front steps of his brownstone.
For a second paranoia takes over, and he kicks the flowers a little, waiting for them to explode. They don't. They also came with a card, which he picks up. The front of the card has a tasteful picture of the Brooklyn bridge at sunset. It's very nice and sedate, like the kind of card you would buy to give to your boss. On the inside someone has written a short message in big, shaky block letters.
Steve sits down hard on the steps."
This fic starts after Winter Soldier, and belongs to the category of Bucky Barnes recovery fics. Bucky has many issues in this so I will warn you for mental illness, drugs, lots of trauma. But Bucky also adopts two homeless kids, loves Tupac, gets on with Tony, and he and Steve find love after eternity of pining.
I love Steve in this, his characterization, and I wish I could finally find time to paint those paintings he does in this, in oil. I love all the characters in this nad who they are and how they feel. Includes cameo from my favourite lawyers.
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) by fallingvoices, radialarch
"The Associated Press @AP
Winter Soldier set to stand trial for Washington D.C. massacre and treason apne.ws/1og6SWE"
Putting this fic in because I love literary works that play witht heir format and this is told solely through news and social media coverage of the Winter Soldier trial. Includes Steve and Bucky being cute.
Good Omens
Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach by Nnm
but also
[Podfic] Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach by StarcatcherBetty
"As soon as Aubrey Thyme, psychotherapist, had opened her office door and seen her new client, Anthony J. Crowley, sitting in her waiting area, she was observing and assessing him. At first glance, she paid attention to the following:
--His clothing was expensive and stylish;
--He wore very strange but noticeable cologne;
--His relationship to the seat he occupied could only, very loosely, be described as “sitting;”
--He looked angry;
--He was wearing sunglasses.
What Aubrey Thyme, a professional, thought, upon first seeing her new client was: you’re going to be a fun one, aren’t you?"
So this fic, is another one of those that I wish I could get everyone to read. Or even better, I wish I could get everyone to listen to the absolutely perfect and amazing podfic version of it, done by StarcatcherBetty.
It is told from the point of view of Crowley's therapist, Aubrey Thyme, and once you read it, you will forever wish that this was canon. Because in my head, it absolutely is. I love Aubrey dearly and strongly, I adore both Crowley and Aziraphale, and I am so so glad they finally get some therapy. The ending to this is perfect, and I keep returning to this fic, specifically in its podfic form, again and again.
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tri-punisher · 1 year
im high and goign through all ur art an dim so love with your art man and the fun thing about being high off my ass IS I GET TO DO IT AGAIN HERE IN A COUPLE HOURS AND ITS ALL BRAND NEW CONTENT im just im obsessed with how you draw and i love the shapes you use cause i just points at ur liv and raz those bitches built like ME LIK EME!!! go dim in tears please ur art also just taste very good cause i have synaesthesia stuff on my knees crying throwing up over your art and i love reading your lil blorbs please I FORGOT HER NAME LOCKHAW MY GIRL I LVOE HER puts stickers on her she neeeds a good soup and stew
i love this ask so much. thank you so much, reading this made me so happy ❤ i'm especially happy that you love how i draw LR, i always have a lot of fun when i draw them bc my design for them is extremely self indulgent, i love fat men. this ask is a nice reminder i need to draw lockjaw some more, too. thank you again!
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penguin--person · 1 year
9 and 10 of the fandom violence ask
I better be hearing some good rain world salt
9. worst part of canon mm.. im gonna be honest boss. i like all of rain world. maybe the lack of some context, but on another hand, i Love that that so many things are up to interpretation!! like, what even IS the cycle!! i dont know!! btu ive got my theories and i lvoe theories:) like its all told through the pov of a SLUG so like its expected that the slug wont learn that much!! n i lvoe that.. i love sulluges... n i cant even say that the worst part is the horror of it all because i LOVE the horror of it all... i love it all dude sorry i love it all. rain world (n buddy sim) is a perfect game to me. n like, sure, theres propably some bad parts i could think of if i tried hard enough, but none are bad enough that id call them 'worst'.. tho im ceirtan it does have bad ascepts lore wise. i cant think of any rn. i love htem all. everything i think about that could be bad i realize i actually love
10.worst part of fanon id say the blorbofication n all that:( like. like. man. ok. evil ramble time. the first time i met pebbles, i remember thinking 'oh, what a nice guy' - not in the way that 'this guy donates to charity', but 'this guy is in so much pain and clearly dislikes me but still takes the time out of his life to tell me a bit of lore and tell me how to escape the cycle and doesnt even kill me unless i linger too long! and, in a world in which death doesnt even matter all that much, thats fine!:)' . n when i went into his tag here on tuber all i saw was!! everyone being so mean to him!!!! calling him evil n shit... no!!! hes complex!!!! ehs got feelings!!! like, just because he says 'i feel no guilt over killing moon'doesnt mean thats real!!! thats basic denial!!! thats basic coping skills, denial!!! n hes like. hes COMPLEX hes not just GOOD hes not just BAD hes COMPLEX ..!!! n all i saw was 'ohh angsty teen boy' n like Yeah he Is that but also hes More than that!!! hes not just!!! :(( i dont know . ive seen this happen less, somehow, ever since downpour came out, but. that might be bc im not interacting with the fandom much and only with the iterator rp lads. n theyre all SWAG!! but. god. god. watering down characters - not only iterators, slugs too (pointing at artificer. pointing at artificer. pointing at artificer.another personal,less annoyed thing is. everyone agreeing that artificer is a mother that lost her pups. which, of course, is a very likely scenario!!! but i wish more people explored like, artificer n sibling pups scenario, or like, artificer dad, or smth!! i Adore the angry mother believe me i adore it i really do im not hating on it i love it i adore it please believe me. but. mayhaps if we explored a bit more outside the comfort zone..) to bare concepts and shredding them of all their complexities . hate that!!! their whole appeal si their horrors:(( also when people like, put them into 'bad' n 'good' boxes . or smth. i dunno im eepy 👍
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sunmoonjune · 1 year
opening up notes bc i already know this is gonna be another chapter that serves and i need to keyboard smash all my feels
can i just start off by saying yun tapping bug's language or yun holding bug's hand or anything related to his hands has me reeling bc ive recently developed such a huge thing for them it's embarrassing aslfkdgsajg like they're so pretty it's illegal also apparently his hands are 21cm ??? like ??? my hands are probably the size of his palm someone hold me pls
im melting bug used to be so alert during her sleep she would subconsciously be waiting in fear of danger and she would rarely ever leave her good eye covered bUT NOw she's subconsciously reaching for physical contact and comfort from the boys AND THEN YOU'RE TELLING ME SHE'S ALSO COMPLETELY TRUSTING JONGHO TO PROTECT HER WHILE SHES ASLEEP OGM MY HERART
intermission to tell you just how much i love each and every single interaction that you put into each chapter bc they are such simple moments and actions that could easily be skipped over when thinking about the grand scheme of the plot but you always manage to highlight their significance in bug's journey of healing. ltm is the epitome of it's the little things in life ❤️
seeing bug curled on the floor next to san's bed was so cute but also so bittersweet. i think ateez need a new cavern where the whole floor is just bed so they can all be close and have cute puppy piles. also PLEASE HAHA not bug going 🥵🥵 seeing hongjoong's forearm muscles 💪💪 honestly though,,, same
my lack of vocab cannot express the amount of feels i got from bug finally giving captain his name symbol bc it's not even just 'hongjoong' but 'MY hongjoong' and it encompasses so many meanings like home and their heartbeats brb im ugly crying
Briefly, there’s a startling realization that they don’t change for you either. -> 👏WE👏LOVE👏CHARACTER👏DEVELOPMENT👏AND👏SELF👏LOVE 👏 i love the parallels revealed between hongjoong's and bug's past because hopefully bug can start to realise that she is also capable of displaying the scar on her face without worrying and finding love in this little family just like hongjoong has
woosan peering over the edge of the bed to look at bug and hongjoong only serves to reiterate my point that they need a nine-person mattress stat. and the way they giggled together like kids i swear they're the cutest
also my tag doesn't work idk why but it's okay bc i check your posts more religiously than i wake up for work so jks on tumblr 😎
the way my heart goes !!#!$!$! whenever I get a long ask after a new chapter is posted xD I love them SO MUCH <33
ok but yunho's hands are SO pretty,, I definitely have liked more than one TikTok of his hands so you're not alone xD
bug trusting jongho to guard her in her sleep <333 she really was sleeping for quite a bit of this chapter xD but that's okay, she needed it :'))
intermission to tell you that I love you SO MUCH <33 I'm so glad you guys don't mind the slow pacing with these little interactions! they might be considered filler in some stories but the slow progression is really important to me in this story :"D
also ateez should definitely just make a cave with just mattresses on the floor for one big bed xD they def need the cuddling space :}}
(and SAME bug, I too am weak for joong's forearm muscles xD)
MY hongjoong <333 crying screaming throwing up they love each other SO MUCH,, and joong's name symbol does indeed have the word for 'home' in it :") I was wondering if anyone would pick that up hehe >:D
also bug 🤝 hongjoong 🤝 zuko 🤝 having shitty father figures HAHA,, but yes bug's growing so much :")) finally beginning to realize that she is not her past and she can grow into her own person with ateez <3
woosan giggling like teenagers with crushes made me so happy I swear xD yeosang was done with their shit and just wanted to sleep HAHA
also I'm not quite sure why your tag doesn't show up :(( I've been poking around on tumblr but sometimes blog's just don't pop up when I try to tag them D: I hope I can get it sorted out tho! I'm glad that you were able to find the new chapter without it tho <3
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Jjba and mp 100 for the ask game? (If you don't wanna do both, then choose from whatever one you want to do more!)
as you know I like the silly’s known as serizawa and okuyasu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
women? Uhhhhhhh hmmm 🤨 for mp100 I’d definitely say tome kurata because ALIENS for jojo I have no idea but I’ve drawn yukako before she’s pretty cool
my least favorite character. STEELY DAN. STEELLY DAN FOR SURE HES JUST SO ARGGGHHHHH for mp 100 I never really hated everybody but Mogami keiji is pretty ARGGG too
I LOVE PRETTY PEOPLE GAHHHHHH Ermes Costello . She’s. She’s just so. HANDSOME!! and ohhhhhhhh pretty people in mp100. Men. Specifically teru I- HES just so. So teru.
UH FUNNY CHARACTERS ARE LITERALLY THE ONLY THING KEEPING MY LIFE TOGETHER RN I LOVE TGEMMM would recomend reigen as a silly and same goes to polnareff like. Have you seen their faces. They are silly.
For mp100 I think the second season but that’s kinda only cause the ova and JOJO PART 4 OBVIOUSLY I LVOE IT L LOVE IT MUCH
whewww remember how I like Okuyasu yeah my favorite jojo episode ever is let’s go get Italian food. No need to explain any further. And UHHHH ONE SECOND I’m back mp100 is a hard choice but I guess season 2 episode 5 ‘Discord~Choices~’ because when I first watched it I SOME HOW SKIPPED THE MOST IMPORTANT EPISODE AND WHEN I REWATCHED IT I WAS SCREAMING LIKE WHAT WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN JUH
family ship??? huh?? uh I guess shou and his father(president suzuki??(idk his name 😭)) cause they end up like.. working together it’s cool ig and LOVE JOSEPH AND GRANNY ERINAS CONCEPT I know they didn’t get much screen time together but I LOVE THEM
My favorite friend ships uhmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhHAHAHHHA WAITWAIT JOSEPH AND SPEEDWAGON because like… the kid saves him right and speedwagon just what is happening what NO JOSEPH DONT POKE HIS NOSE and I rlly like shou and ritsu’s friend ship(even tho I romantically ship them too) because loud extrovert with no friends + constantly annoyed introvert that also has no friends is the best concept ever
like you said before, jotakak is pretty overrated LIKE KAKYOIN ISNT A BIRD AND HE DOES NOT LAY EGGS for mp100 I wouldn’t say there’s a over hyped ship but I guess serirei but.. I love them.. so they’re fine.. right..
Underhyped is definitely koichi and yukako like they’re cute okay they’re happy and then shou and ritsu because.. lost of ppl like them but nobody draws them or writes about them(or I’m just bad at finding stuff 😭)
unpopular opinion? I don’t like part 5. Like I literally like part 1 better. There’s no specific reason all the characters are cool(i love fugo) but it just feel so rushed and you never get to learn anything about the characters ig and mp100- uh I don’t know 😭 let me think OH!!! Onigawara is the most amazing best character he needed more screen time and why did he have to leave to high school whywhyeheyehywhy I miss him(sobs)
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k-kizkhalifa · 13 days
episode 10 --
okay i want you all to know how much i struggled to wait to watch this! i was gonna watch it at the gym, today, but like i have a feeling this is A BIG EPISODE SO I FORCED MYSELF TO WAIT UNTIL I WAS HOME AND COULD TYPE OUT MY EXACT THOUGHTS AS THEY HAPPEN.
alright here we go: shion and rei being domestic.
ALRIGHT LOL AT SHION: im a good boy. but if you wanna be a bad boy.... REI: IM A BAD BOY.
damn rei you are fkn whipppppped. awe man shion is soooo in love with rei. ugh. i pray for the best. i really do. (i know that one anon be acting like im so hard on rei and shion, i just think there was more to be desired from rei based on his age.)
OH ITS HISASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh look how beautiful he is. im crying. not hisashi being jealous. awe look at him. bro that was a year ago! damn hiashi was in love back then.
mao is so soft and cute. aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the first name thing. I LOVE THIS. ALRIGHT IM PAUSING SO I DON'T MISS ANYTHING. I just... wow. their cute banter and comfortableness. the giggles as they laugh. just ugh they're so cute!
omg mao with the "forever and ever" moment.
alright jin is outside meeting ichikawa. LMFAO NOT THEM DOING A BACK DOOR DEAL FOR BL. BROOOOOOOOOOOOoo. YOU'RE DATING YOU FKN IDIOTS. also, ugh, here we go ichikawa being a fkn drama queen. bro chill. its manga. we get it you lvoe some angst.
the commercial. LMFAO.
not jin demanding they see each other. good lord. tahnk god he stopped talking about manga. awe the hands <3 okay not ichikawa saying: call me anytime, i'll come see you.
alright i'll forgive your rant. for now.
AHHHHHHHHH SHION FELL ASLEEP AND ALL HE WANTED WAS A DAMN MOMENT WITH REI. (I feel like i have to clarify i am not dogging rei for this, i am just expressing my feelings. i feel like that anon got me nervous you all think i hate rei.)
oh shion is such a cutie guy. awe rei and the apology. shion thinking it's adorable. SAY SOMETHING SHION. OKAY THANK YOU. oh, can't say i am shocked that rei got the kiss in.
HISASHI IS BACK. oh him and mao are so adorable. OH THE PICTURE IS SO PRETTY!
oh goodness not hiashi trying to get it in, after, clearly, a night of getting it in and mao being like, "we've done it so much!" alsjdfalskjfalskjf BROOOOO. YOU'RE YOUNG AND IN LOVE. enjoy the feeling mao, please. enjoy that.
omg it's been 3 months!
lol mao is the responsible one. lmfao.
awe their date!
gawwwwwwwwh mao is just so in love with this man. i will fk him up if he hurts mao. i am not EVEN PLAYING ABOUT THIS.
mao: i like him. he makes my heart tingle. i would do anything for him. WAIT HISASHI DOES EVERYTHING! I WANNA DO NAUGHTY THINGS TO HIM!
sweet mao. you'll learn. (you know me by now i love when the uke gets some sexual confidence! *cue me pushing misaki*)
yeah mao you're asking those questions about the future and stuff and and i wanna know the answer to bc i am SCARED MY HEART IS GOING TO GET RIPPED OUT.
oh no mao is hiding them so much. i feel like hiashi is gonna ask for more from this eventually. ugh Y'ALL I AM SOOOOO NERVOUS RIGHT NOW. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO MY BOYS?!?!?!?
awe hiashi and the recharge line. awe.
oh this scene about the upload. is.... intense. lol at hisashi not being interested in all the request. but also i'd love for mao to get jealous of the interest. okay?!
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aphrorite · 2 years
tw vent (dont read lol)
once again. i am alone.
once ahain i am forgotrren and once again ia m alone
it seme slike everytine things go smooth he jus tlike to fuck it allup again and make the cut bigger n the wound deeper my heart is literally fucking gaping outside of its cavern and im falling falling falling falling
why cant someone love me the way i lvoe them why can tsineone be so obsessed with me like how i am owith them why am i always the one loving more why am i the ine always caring more why am i the one doijg everything why do i have to have the pants on
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuk rukf fuckf cuir jsut ask me if i did my night rihtine please congratulate me please tell me to take my meds please fukcing love me is it that fucking diffiuclt an i that bad of a kid. i do everything
im really thinking id be bettwr off not even having a cg or at least someone beter
i dont know why i picked him other than the ideas
bad father bad father bad father bad fsther same feeling same feeling this hurts this hurts this hurts i wanna go home i wanna stay away i want no more you hurt me youre hurting me this is painful please stop please
youre replacing me
you said goodnight i love you but what happened to me telling you the ways i needed to be reassured
fucm you fuck yo ufuck you why did you do thar to me why why why why why?
if i am so special then why do you treat me like shit
you inow i figure one dat youre gonna be so angry at me that youll jusst stna dup and walk out your reassurance is so fuckign cold
i just need you to be lovey dovey
i need you to care
i need you to CARE FOR ME please pleaae please am i asking for a lot i just want to be a good kiddo i just wanna do things right why whenever i do something the reaction is never satisfying
i wanna fucking leave i wanna die i wanna die
you give me worth and take it all away
while youre probably fucking laugjing playing video games mid swrious conversation im thinking of dying
while youre midfight in game imo n the brink of tears
while toure probably fucking with some random girl in that game im losing myself in you
im melting
i want me back
stop stop stop stop stop stop
i need me back
who am i
y does this always fucking happen
i understand what your ex meant now
you dont know wtf youre doing
piece of shit asshole father
just love me please
tell me i did good today
i should leave :D
i need soneone to be gentle with me tell me its gonna beokay
read the room
i need someone very attentive very caring and always aware of their body language or how they come off
a peoples person
and you are not that
you are nice sometimes
and other times you give me the same feeling that fucking trauma does
i feel neglected
i feel alone
i dont feel supported right now
i feel thrown away for your boredom
i feel sad
i feel disappointed
i feel icky
i feel broken
i feel like you ran me over with a car countless times picked me off the ground and said “i didnt do anything”
im hurting .
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sdr2lovemail · 3 years
fine, while i wait to destroy people as robbie attempt to make me simp for sundrop even more >:(
Another one said: please please please we need a part 2 of the sundrop and moondrop pining 🥺🥺💝 please please please!!! it’s so cute!!! 😫🥰💗
And another said: AHH THAT SUN AND MOON STORY WAS ADORABLE!! Could you make a part 2 to that? Maybe like reader would be unintentionally flirtatious and Sun and Moon are so close to short circuiting?
Kazu, I am using your ask so I can convert you efficiently and I hope your Robbie-ing is going well.
I feel like there isn't enough of Moon getting flustered out there. So, I'm using that in this fic.
Hope you all enjoy!
This fic is a continuation of this!
Daycares are possibly one of the least romantic places out there
Sun was anxiously bouncing on the balls of his feet. You were gonna be here any minute. Moon made sure to put the kids to sleep right away. Even slipping the more active ones a Moondrop or two. They both made an agreement that they would share your lunch break. Switching out in the middle of it so they could have equal time. Yeah, you would have to eat in the dark and the kids would have to sleep with the light on; but no one would mind…right?
It’s 12:03 and Sun is already convinced you bailed on them. He was practically screaming in his mind, with Moon yelling at him to shut up. Though, Sun instantly perks up upon seeing you walk through the door.
“Sunshine!” They call out before swiftly covering their faceplate and looks over to the sleeping kids. All of them are still asleep. Good. As much as he loves the children, he would hate for them to ruin this moment. “I’m so so so so sosososo happy to see you.” He speaks in a more hushed tone. Well, as hushed as he could get.
“I’m happy to see you too. Thanks for agreeing to have lunch with me.”
You take a seat at the security desk. It’s the only place in the daycare that can fit someone that isn’t a child. Seeing you there caused Sun to stress. He wasn’t allowed there! They didn’t want to seem like someone who would disobey rules. Not in front of you!
“H-hey! Why are you all the way over there? Why not sit on the floor together? So we could be close.”
“Oh…I uh, would Sun, but the ground is pretty hard even with the foam mats…and sticky”
“I can fix that!” Before you could even comprehend what he said, Sun already darted away. Digging through different cubbies and boxes, they procure an armful of pillows and blankets. They hastily, yet neatly, set them down in front of the security desk. “There now we can sit together.” He takes a seat on the blanket pallet and pats the space next to him.
With a sigh, you get up from the desk and take a seat next to Sun. In an instant he curls his arms around you, pressing the bottom half of his faceplate into your head. He doesn’t have a sense of smell but he can only imagine that you smell great.
“I heard that on human dates, you bring your partner a gift. I got you a little something, Sunshine!” Releasing one of his arms from your torso, he reaches into his chest compartment and pulls out a can of Fizzy Faz.
…They brought the worst flavor too. Now, all of the sodas taste unnatural and packed full of sugar. However, sour lime tastes exactly how you’d imagine battery acid to taste. Followed by a strange bitter aftertaste. You take the can anyway, not wanting to hurt his feelings.
“Thank you, Sun.”
There’s a few minutes of light conversation between the two of you. By conversation I mean Sun talking about any and everything and you listening while eating your food from El Chip’s. Finishing up some story about a puppet show, Sun looks over to the clock. He lets out a choked noise upon seeing his time was up. He didn’t want to switch! He would rather spend all the time in the world with you!
“Oh would you look at the time! Seems like it’s Moon’s turn. I mean unless they wouldn’t mind my time running ove-”
Jumping at Moon’s loud tone, Sun gives you one last squeeze before getting up to turn the lights off. After shifting control over, Moon slinks his way over to you, making sure to grab a flashlight from the security desk. They flick the light on and set it between two pillows.
Taking one arm, he slings it over your midsection. With his other hand he brings it to your face. Easing you closer to his faceplate. The red lights of their optics glow against your skin. Moon goes to speak before a small hand tugs on his pants.
Spinning his head around, he looks at the child. “What are you doing up? It’s naptime.” Moon growls.
“I had a nightmare.”
Moon groans before getting up. “Come on kid.” They hoist the child onto their hip. Bringing them back to their sleep mat, he leans down in their ear. “Ten dollars if you go back to sleep right now.”
The kid is quick to lay back against the pillows and close their eyes. Moon didn’t have any money, he’d probably just take some from the gift shop cash register.
Moon returns and brings his hands back on you. “Ignore that, Moonlight…Had to help one of the kids back to sleep.”
“It’s alright, Moon. You seem pretty okay with kids. If it were possible, You and Sun would probably make some pretty cool dads.”
Just like that, Moon’s cooling fans kick on. Were you trying to imply something??? Would you want a family with them??? What if you got married and lived together! This was too much! He didn’t know how to handle this!
‘Moon! Calm down! We’re gonna overheat-!’
The lights of their eyes go out as they fall back onto the ground.
Turning back on, Moon roughly sits up and looks around. It was dark, the kids were still sleeping, you weren’t next to him anymore…You weren’t there anymore! Oh, they blew it. You probably won’t step foot in the daycare again. You’ll probably go off with the stupid bear or annoying gator!
“Moon? Are you good?” That voice!
The night animatronic clambers onto his knees to wrap his arms around your waist. Realizing what he was doing, Moon pushed you away and crossed his arms.
“And where were you? We invite you on a romantic date and you just up and leave!”
“I went to throw my trash away, my break ends in five minutes. Thought it would be a good time while you rebooted.”
Their eyes flick over to the clock and then back to you…You were right, your break does end soon.
“Of course, Moonlight. I never doubted you for a second. That reminds me I have something for you.” He stands up to his full height. The daycare attendant easily towers over you by a few feet.
Reaching into their pants pocket, Moon pulls out a ribbon with a bell attached to it. Just like the ones he and Sun wear. He takes your wrist and ties it on. Now everyone will know you guys were together. With this, they’ll be able to hear where you’re at too!
“Thank you, Moon. Look at that, it's even in my favorite color.”
Your Fazwatch lets out three small beeps indicating that your break was over. “Gotta get back on the floor. Thank you guys. This was…fun…” That came out more like a question. “Maybe we could do this again sometime. I’ll see you before I leave for the day.” You grab the unopened can of Fizzy Faz and head back into the Pizza Plex.
‘Moon!! They wanna go on another date!! Is this what love is?! No wonder humans like this so much!! We’re pretty good at this dating thing!!’
“For once, as much as I hate to, I have to agree with you. Why do humans make this seem so hard?”
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