potatobugz · 7 months
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largishcat · 1 year
Where can we read the robot porn?
it took me a second to place this but. you can read it on my ao3 😅 same username. im sorry if you got excited for original robot porn, it’s just transformers fanfiction rn
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simmeradventures · 27 days
Boba Legacy Challenge (TS3)
I have taken a break from sims 3 and while I am still working on my lepacy, I sometimes need a break and so look for more challenges. @tomatosoupcat posted a Boba challenge and didn't see a TS3 version so decided to covert it. THIS IS NOT MY IDEA AND I MIGHT NOT BE THE ONLY ONE. I kept within the theme and didn't write a massive story to them but did try add a creative spin.
Gen 1: Brown Sugar
Leaving home is tough, but you will always have mum's cooking to keep you safe.
Traits: Couch Potato, Natural Chef, Green Thumb (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Bottomless Wine Cellar OR Master Chef
Career: Nectar Maker OR Culinary
Skills: Cooking, Gardening and Nectar making
Colours: Brown, White
Master LTW
Marry a sim with 2 matching traits.
Max out skills
Gen 2: Blueberry
The farm life was nice, but there's a great big world waiting for you.
Traits: Non-Committal, Loves The Outdoors (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Seasoned traveller OR Grand Explorer
Career: Part-Time Jobs Or Skill Based Profession (after quitting business job)
Skills: Fitness or Martial Arts (or both if your fancy), Scuba diving
Colours: Blue. Purple
Reach level 3 of the business career before quitting to travel
have a one night stand on your travels
never marry
Travel until child is a young adult
Max skills
Gen 3: Matcha
You've seen the world, but now all you want is a career and a forever home...or mansion.
Traits: Ambitious, Snob, workaholic (Randomise The Rest)
Careers: Any (based on degree)
Skills: logic (plus whatever is related to the degree.)
Colours: Light green
Go to university and graduate
Befriend and date co-worker (either break up once you reach level 10 of career or get married.)
Go to the spa every weekend
Complete LTW
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 4: Passionfruit Mango
All work and no play so pick up a guitar and play anything you want.
Traits: Socially Awkward, Family Oriented, virtuoso (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: One sim band OR Rockstar
Career: Music
Skills: Guitar, Bass, Drum, Piano
Colours: Yellow, Orange
Play instruments throughout childhood
Date and marry someone with the Avant Garde or artistic trait
Go on art dates (museums or a cute art café)
Complete Career
Max Skills
Gen 5: Sakura
You are a party girl, but also a lover girl.
Traits: Flirty, Family Oriented, Hopeless Romantic (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Romancer OR Master Mixology OR Surrounded By Family
Skills: Mixology, Charisma
Colour: Pink
Have a high school BFF
Sign up for online dating and date 5 sims (and fail)
Marry BFF
Complete LTW
Gen 6: Dragon fruit
Who needs love when you could rule the world?!
Traits: Evil, Childish, Irresistible (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Heartbreaker OR Gold Digger OR Emperor of Evil
Career: Criminal
Skills: Charisma, Athletic
Colours: Dark Red, Purple
Marry a wealthy sim and have them get into a "tragic accident."
Have a negative relationship with children
Max career
Max Skills
Gen 7: Taro
Never give up on your dreams even if life throws a baby at you.
Traits: Genius, Cat person (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Scientific Specialist OR Become A Creature Robot Cross Breeder
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Science, Handiness, Logic
Colours: Light Purple
Join after school club (idk if its a mod but there's a chess club, can add other ones through Nraas)
Go to university and drop out when pregnant (if not using mods or using mod that allows you to go to university in hometown then drop out and then get pregnant 
Work part-time till the baby is a toddler
Go back to university and graduate
Adopt a cat. 
Gen 8 Lychee
“You're always on that damn phone!” and “I hate normal people.” made a baby 
Traits: Unflirty, Loner (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW:  Blog Artist OR Forensic Specialist
Career: Based on LTW/ Free pass
Skills: Social Networking, Science
Colours: Pink, White
Have a plant sim
Max Skills
Max Career
Gen 9: Thai Tea
Sometimes it's good to look back. Spread the founder’s love of food! 
Traits: Adventurous, Perceptive (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Star News Anchor OR Professional Author 
Career: Journalism OR Writer Profession
Skills: Writing, Photography, Cooking
Colours: Orange
Visit France, China and Egypt to collect recipes 
Throw dinner parties (once a season.)
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 10: Sunset
Humans have been fun, but everyone knows the supernatural have the most fun.
Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Good  (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Mysticism OR Resort Empire
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Scuba Diving, Alchemy, Painting
Colours: Purple, Red, Orange
Fall in love and marry a supernatural (if you choose resort empire LTW then you have to marry a mermaid.)
Decorate home with your art.
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@your-local-ruebit-hole-detective ok i’m sorry but. i will answer your question.
age of calamity advertises itself as a prequel but in reality it’s a fix-it au with slight differences and writing that’s pretty bad but i have grown to appreciate it for how insane it goes sometimes.
the actual plot is that as a child zelda used to have a little egg-like guardian robot that she was forced to leave behind as she grew up due to her father’s pressure etc, and when the calamity happened this little robot saw it and traveled back in time with the goal to prevent this and protect zelda, creating a branching off timeline. there’s also an extra villain who is this prophet (???? this games writing isn’t good enough for me to tell you what his deal is exactly) who worships ganon and for most of the game works with the yiga to bring him back, except he’s more insane than them and works directly with malice and also sucks at his job because when he finally gets to ganon he unceremoniously dies and everybody’s like “yeah we have no idea what this guys deal was”.
the one significant change that doesnt have to do anything with time travel shenanigans is the fact that link doesn’t find the master sword as a child, but instead gets appointed zelda’s bodyguard for his genuine skill and then finds the master sword during one of the in game missions. despite this, revali still hates him, and often times when justifying this revali cites reasons that are literal complete opposites of how his grudge was characterised in botw, cementing revali’s characterisation as just a cunt for no reason. it’s great.
the significant time travel related change is that when all the champions go into their divine beasts and fight the blights a portal opens and the new champions (teba, sidon, riju, yunobo) get teleported in and help defeat the blights. zelda also doesn’t get her power by protecting link from a bunch of guardians, the scene still hits the same beats of link fighting things off so zelda can run away except in this game how it happens is that the insane prophet shows up and literally summons all the blights against link which makes the scene ten times more insane.
throughout the game the yiga show up regularly, often times with master kohga himself showing up and being the overall goofy guy he is, except he also has a hunk of a body guard who’s name i genuinely can’t recall. multiple times in the game kohga gets defeated and said hunk of a body guard throws him over his shoulder says “it’s not over yet” and walks off carrying kohga like a sac of potatoes.
in the original game, when shit starts hitting the fan the yiga stop showing up as enemies and at some point in the story kohga shows up without said hunk of a body guard, says “the prophet is insane and the calamity actually isn’t a good thing as we’ve discovered”, highly implies that the reason for his change of heart is because said prophet killed his hunk of a body guard (who literally. doesn’t show up again for the rest of the game mind you. he legit died), and is like “yeah the yiga will help you. after this whole thing is over we’ll go back to being bitches to you but rn let’s just kill this ganon guy and then walk our separate ways”. the fact that the calamity being a bad thing throws the yiga’s whole ideology and purpose into question is never addressed.
the dlc makes the death scene explicit, also making it a parallel to zelink by, again, making the bodyguard fight all the fucking blights so that kohga can escape. the scene literally opens with the body guard limping as they try to escape. it’s so much a parallel to zelink it’s insane. im afraid do not know what the hell they were cooking.
some other choice moments from this game that go insanely hard for no reason:
1. the first portion of the game is dedicated to zelda recruiting all the champions, and when it comes to recruiting revali he for some reason assumes it’s an attack, and sends all the rito soldiers to fight the intruders off. the rito do not question fighting some random hylians one of whom is literally zelda. the mission ends with a boss fight of link vs revali, which only ends without them killing each other because zelda runs in and goes “stop???? the fuck ????”
2. the entire game has cute bonding moments with the botw champions meeting their idols and getting to spend time with them. that is, except for sidon, who spends the game saving his older sister in a parallel universe which he has to leave by the end of the game, meaning every scene involving him has him on the brink of eleven hundred simultaneous mental breakdowns. the dlc adds a scene where the little sidon who is native to said parallel universe gets to interact with botw sidon, and botw sidon tells him that he’s going to grow up big and strong and will protect his sister, and the entire time he tries really hard to not acknowledge the fact that they are the same person, and that mipha is his sister too, presumably because nobody wanted to animate sidon ugly crying. in that scene you can literally see his soul die in his eyes it’s great
3. the dlc features tulin, god knows why. i don’t know how he got there or what he’s doing. he’s just there.
4. you can make noble pursuits in the game and drink them before missions for a buff. pre-gaming defeating the calamity is a thing, i cannot stress how much it is a thing in this game.
5. there are two separate animated cutscenes where link eats rocks on screen. only one of them involves the gorons, the other is a scene where link is being discussed and as the characters talk about how great he is in battle the camera pans to him eating rocks, seemingly on a dare from the other soldiers, who all surround him and are immensely excited by the fact that he is actually eating rocks.
6. the dlc features a scene where zelda gets to cook. link is horrified the entire time. she does not belong in the kitchen. she belongs anywhere outside the kitchen. the dlc also gives her the master cycle as a weapon. she commits vehicular manslaughter
7. the king gets a redemption arc, where he apologises to zelda only after she unlocks her power. the reason he realized he was wrong was because a sheikah relic that he confiscated from zelda turned out to be an ancient shield and it saved his life from a guardian blast. his apology is literal dog shit and right after it the game forces you to play as him for a mission. it almost made me rage quit.
8. thunder blight has an attack where it just swings its hair at you
9. when you finally fight calamity ganon he doesn’t have the form of the spider ganon from botw or even the boar, he is instead a buff guy made out of malice. literally just the shape of a buff non descript guy made out of malice. his boss fight is endless and the entire time you’re just beating the shit out of a non descript buff guy shape with a stick.
10. there’s a cute little side mission called something like “girls beauty contest” (in reality they all beat the shit out of each other for the title), where you’re only allowed to select female characters. that is, female characters AND gorons. think of that what you will
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metalichotchoco · 8 months
Robots and their voices
Get ready because this is a long one ;]
A lot of the time characters are defined by their voices but with ai/ robotic characters this works overtime since it’s usually the only outlet into their emotions or character. They can get away with being an off screen presence since they typically aren’t psychical in nature. For all purposes in most cases they are nothing but their voice
Like with Hal, the only way we receive information about this character in visual mediums is his voice. It’s soothing like a lullaby, careful with even tones,smooth.Prideful in the sense of confidence not arrogance. You can hear his ego at being a perfect machine but it’s not boastful there’s no smirk when he says that. It’s how he views himself. You can imagine Hal with a soft smile for most of the movie, trying not to alarm staff. Only at the end does his voice get small, when he pauses for more time than normal as if to take a breath you cannot hear and that he does not need.
Edgar is loud and brash when feeling intense emotion which is a lot. He’s screechy and almost awkward in tonality. When he’s in a better mood he’s still peppy and small sounding. A sense of confusion is what a lot of lines read as but once he looks it up or figures it out, he’s much lower and monotone. With the Cinderella dialogue it sounds like he’s reading the information straight off the website he found it from.hes hot and cold he’s immature. A pest more than a true menace, due to his “newness” he doesn’t talk down to the humans in the movie but he’s underhanded and petty, craving love and attention and begging to be heard. A lot of the time you can hear his voice sort of breaking. It’s probably an audio issue from the time the movie was made, a filter over the actors voice but it works incredibly well for him.
Glados and her lines ooze sarcasm. She talks down to you more like you’re a nuisance she has to deal with than an equal in any sense (until potato glad but she’s almost a completely different character,not quite though) you can hear the exact moment she lies to you directly, diegectically it’s as if she needs to find a loophole to lie to your face so there’s a slight disconnect. Glados has a very singsong voice, her pronunciation going into higher and lower registers to express emotion rather than actually putting in actual anger or happiness into the monotone. It does a good job of selling this robotic lady who doesn’t view you with any sort of respect until she has to in the second game.
Whealtey by comparison is very non robotic in his voice or manner which makes sense since he’s a personality core and none of the standard robotic traits like objectivity, rationality, intelligence or indifference are present in him specifically on purpose. He’s anxious but optimistic, he rambles to sound like he knows what he’s talking about but it makes it even more apparent he has zero clue what he’s doing. You can immediately tell he’s incompetent at his job from the second you first really talk to him and it makes him all the more endearing.his power trip doesn’t exactly change that either, just attempts to self aggrandize, look and feel important. He sounds “confident” but he talks to the point where you realize just how insecure and unsure he is about anything. The British accent is also weirdly enough feeding into his fake intellectualism since Americans tend to view people with said accent as smarter even if they aren’t saying anything particularly smart.
The narrator is what you’d get if you crossed glados and Whealtey’s attitudes to character voice work but that’s reductive to him and the Stanley parable in general. The whole game is predicated on whether or not you listen to him/ mess with him. It’s an interactive story in the most basic of descriptions. The narrator is literally trying to talk you through a story and gets more distressed and annoyed as the player tries to exert and wrestle control from him. When you think of a narrator this type of voice comes to mind, a British masculine monotone that ebbs and flows with the story. This whole game is a meta narrative so it’s a very smart choice for this to be the case. There’s no robotic tone to his voice because that’s not the point, he’s basically the only real character in the game which makes him feel more human than the actual human we control who cannot speak, only act. He’s the one that makes us feel anything about the game. More the most part the narrator conveys a self assured calm tone, a blank canvas to react to the players weird actions.
Last for today is am and oh boy is he a doozy. Mr Ellison really does his creation justice on how powerful his performance can be. Am in the game and radio drama are actually sort of different characters but it makes sense since in the game he’s literally playing a game with the survivors whereas in the radio drama we get closer to the actual book. For a lot of these characters, the protagonists tend to be silent or reclusive but for am to still be as dominant of a presence with 5 other speaking roles is a testament to the type of character he is. For game am, he sounds almost like a car salesman. He talks down to the survivors, even very obviously flirting with them. You can imagine the mile wide grin on his face when he pulls something. But he’s not exactly desperate, more just like he’s playing a sick little game. Am does things that not even the most human sounding ais do, blowing raspberrys, coughing, laughing, crying. His cadence even makes it feel as if he’s breathing even though you cannot hear it. He’s very intense and visceral. He can go from relaxed and playful to manic and deranged so naturally and it’s what makes him so scary. This computer is far far too human. Everything he does also reminds you that he cannot move or breathe, he cannot scream or cry but it’s clear that he should. The reality of what he is looms over this performance. For as sad as he gets, no tears will flow.his chest will not move because he does not have one.
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From all the Retroactive MV's we got the latest: Boo! Dance Robot Dance (VS) Kashika Nicorri Survey Team Law Evading Rock Good Weather Patchwork Stacatto (VS) Ah, Amazing Cat-life Time Machine (VS) Zamuza Egoist Alien Alien Only 3 of 12 were event songs. Other 3 were Virtual Singer versions And the remaining 6 are covers.
Could we try predicting how much it would take to cover all commissions, which do not have a 2DMV yet? (22 songs, although Becoming Potatoes has gotten a VS 2DMV).
in the last 12 months (1st sept '23 - 1st sept '24) we got an average of 4 1/3 2DMVs a month, september and may having the most with 6 each, and april, june, and july being tied for least with 3 each.
we got 4 retroactive 2DMVs (forward, kashika, niccori, samsa), released on an irregular basis (october->january->march->august). That said, the first three weren't too spaced out from each other, Samsa seems to have been hit by the 2DMV drought that happened over spring and summer (may only got boosted up to 6 MVs because of the touhou collab).
If we were to follow with the first three only being 2-3 months apart from each other, you could get at most 6 retroactive MVs a year, or at least 4. Obviously this isn't guaranteed and would take a very long time to clear out the backlog. My guess is they might knock a few out with an MV campaign next month (similar to 2nd anniversary) just to give them a headstart. Maybe another one at 5th (this would also complete VBS since they only have Machi and Realize left).
I'm making the assumption that, like with the story and vsinger lims, they're trying to tie this up by 6th anniversary. If you knock out 10 of them via campaigns you only have 13 (12 if you don't count stella) left to split over two years which. in theory is doable. in practice, it still should be doable but you never know if they will do another MV drought their MV schedule is ridiculously irregular.
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naffeclipse · 8 months
Just out of curiosity, what started this hyper fixation with naga/snakes in the first place? 👀
To be fair, I kinda avoided the whole snake AU, bc I somewhat fear snakes. Even though, I held one, just to over come my fears >< But seeing/reading all those stories, I'm slowly finding them less scary, sorry for rambling in the end ;w;
I don't blame you for fearing snakes! My dad is terrified of them, and I was bitten by one as a kid. I was full-on sobbing because I thought the "venom" was going to kill me, but it was just a little garden snake. But, of course, I was fine; the little puncture marks didn't even bleed for five minutes.
As for what started it, I just think they're neat *insert me holding a naga like a potato*
I think they have a lot of possibilities and I love their appearance along with the ways monsters in general can be explored. Nagas offer a fascinating range of abilities such as venom, hypnotism/charm, strength, the particular hiss they can conjure, the many beautiful ways their scales can take form along with additional features like hoods and fangs, what habitats they thrive in, and—not to mention—the particular way they can attack or show affection. I think they scratch that same itch that mermaids do for me in that they're human on top but have a signature appendage/body below the waist that directly affects how they interact with the world. The way a naga cuddles and holds (or even frightens) their human significant other with their coils is especially engaging to me.
I think a lot of this goes along with my fascination with monsters/creatures/robots/other beings. There are so many ways to explore another being sharing a connection with a human and I think that's beautiful.
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pjsk--shitposts · 3 months
Masterlist of every song and how long its in-game version is
The other day I was bored out of my mind and decided to further fuel my PJSK obsession by going on the wiki and copy pasting every song into a Google doc in order by their in-game length. Some are exclusive to certain servers, and some might be translated a bit wonky because I didn't know whether to use the English translation or not, but other than that everything is pretty straightforward.
The whole list is below!
1:14 Hitorinbo Envy
1:24 Jackpot Sad Girl
1:27 Heartbeat Pairing
1:31 Dim Light, Wavering 1/f Noise
1:31 Nomad
1:31 Parasol Cider
1:31 The Daughter of Evil
1:32 Ready Steady
1:32 The Servant of Evil
1:34 Bless Your Breath
1:34 Realize
1:34 Viva Happy
1:35 Dramaturgy
1:35 Hibana -Reloaded-
1:35 Marshall Maximizer
1:37 Booo!
1:37 Connecting the Stars
1:37 Highlight
1:37 On the Verge
1:37 Worldwide Wander
1:38 Telecaster B-Boy
1:39 Beat Eater
1:39 ECHO
1:39 Glory Steady Go!
1:39 Gunjou Sanka
1:39 Hated By Life
1:39 Waltz of the Deceased
1:40 Composing the Future
1:40 Hello, World!
1:41 CRaZY
1:41 Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪
1:42 City
1:42 Dance Robot Dance
1:42 Darling Dance
1:42 Evil Food Eater Conchita
1:42 Hello, Worker
1:42 Judas
1:42 Kirapipi★Kirapika
1:42 Limbo
1:42 Reborn
1:42 Tale of the Deep-sea Lily
1:42 World’s End Dancehall
1:43 I nandesu
1:43 Love ka?
1:43 Metamo Re:born
1:44 Charles
1:44 Float Planner
1:44 Jishou Mushoku
1:44 The Bubble Future
1:44 We Are the Stain Busters!
1:46 Cinema
1:46 drop pop candy
1:46 Ice Drop
1:46 Matryoshka
1:46 Newly Edgy Idols
1:46 Peaky Peaky
1:46 Unsung Melodies
1:47 Becoming Potatoes
1:47 Lost One’s Weeping
1:47 Lower
1:47 ROKI
1:47 Twilight Light
1:48 Living for a Millenium
1:48 Showtime Ruler
1:48 Starry Sky Melody
1:48 We Are
1:49 Amanojaku
1:49 Becoming Empty
1:49 Dance Orchestra
1:49 Kyuukurarin
1:49 Purpose
1:49 Wah Wah World
1:50 From Tokyo
1:50 Hm? Ah, yes.
1:50 Singing of a Flower
1:50 Ura Omote Lovers
1:50 Your Adventure Log Has Vanished!
1:51 Cutlery
1:51 magic number
1:51 Otome Dissection
1:51 P.h.
1:52 As You Like It
1:52 Ego Rock
1:52 Hello Builder
1:52 Teammates
1:52 SEKAI
1:52 The WALL
1:53 Hibikase
1:53 Totemo Itai Itagaritai
1:53 You’re Not in the Epilogue
1:54 At The Mercy
1:54 Awaiting Clear Skies
1:54 Color of Drops
1:54 Filament Fever
1:54 Forward
1:54 Kanadetomosusora
1:54 Kitty
1:54 needLe
1:54 Romeo and Cinderella
1:55 A Moment in the Sun
1:55 Black ★ Rock Shooter
1:55 Bottle Cake
1:55 Do Not Go
1:55 On&On
1:55 Samsa
1:56 1000 light years
1:56 Beyond the Way
1:56 Bocca della Verità
1:56 Near
1:56 Once Upon a Dream
1:56 Positive☆Dance Time
1:56 Teo
1:57 Cendrillon 10th Anniversary
1:57 Devil’s Manner
1:57 *Hello, Planet.
1:57 I want to be your heart
1:57 Torinoko City
1:58 alive
1:58 Angel’s Clover
1:58 Bad ∞ End ∞ Night
1:58 Integral
1:59 39 Music!
1:59 Goodbye Princess
1:59 Melty Land Nightmare
1:59 Passion at 25:00
1:59 Tears of Garnet
1:59 Where shall we go?
2:00 Dokuzu
2:00 Nostalogic
2:00 The Tailor of Enbizaka
2:01 Aoku Kakero!
2:01 Awake Now
2:01 Becoming Pigs Yeah Yeah
2:01 Close to Gray
2:01 Jangsanbeom
2:01 Kimi no Yoru Wo Kure
2:01 Law-Evading Rock
2:01 Lucky☆Orb
2:01 Nijiiro Stories
2:01 (Not) a Devil
2:01 Pulse of the Meteor
2:01 Rolling Girl
2:01 The Tetrad that Illuminates the World
2:01 The World Hasn’t Even Started Yet
2:01 Today is Also Cheerful
2:02 Fixer
2:02 Flyer!
2:02 Happy Cheat Day
2:02 Heat Abnormal
2:02 HERO
2:02 I know Ai Nou
2:02 I’m a Loser!
2:02 Kosho Yashiki Satsujin Jiken
2:02 Patchwork Staccato
2:02 We’re Still Underground
2:03 Clear and Serene
2:03 Hand in Hand
2:03 Happy Halloween
2:03 Heartbeat #0822
2:03 Meltdown
2:03 More! Jump! More!
2:03 Namo Naki Kakumei
2:03 Showtime x Audience
2:03 Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story
2:03 Song of “AI”
2:03 Super Last Brutal Sister Flandre S
2:03 Tell Your World
2:04 Fragile
2:04 Love Material
2:04 Mischievous Function
2:04 Osmanthus
2:04 Senbonzakura
2:04 Time Machine
2:04 Tondemo-Wonderz
2:04 Vampire's ∞ pathoS
2:04 Voices
2:05 1, 2, FanClub
2:05 An Almost-full Moon
2:05 Cantarella
2:05 Copycat
2:05 flos
2:05 Greenlights Serenade
2:05 Heart-pounding Roller Coaster
2:05 Hide and Seek
2:05 Made to Order
2:05 Niccori^^Chousa-tai no Theme
2:05 Pair of Wintry Winds
2:05 Starry Sky Orchestra
2:05 Rain and Petra
2:05 Tricologe
2:05 Watashi wa Ame
2:05 Weigh Anchor
2:06 Electric Angel
2:06 Goodbye
2:06 Intergalactic Bound
2:06 MikuFiesta
2:06 NEO
2:06 Opera! Space Opera!
2:06 Theater
2:06 The EmpErroR
2:07 Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku wo
2:07 Doctor=Funk Beat
2:07 Goodbye Sengen
2:07 Lag train
2:07 Next Nest
2:07 on the rocks
2:07 Regulus
2:07 Sou Datta!!
2:07 Tokugawa Cupnoodle Prohibition
2:08 88☆彡
2:08 Bitter Choco Decoration
2:08 Bug
2:08 Can’t Make a Song!!
2:08 Children Record
2:08 Imaginary Love Story
2:08 Judgment of Corruption
2:08 “Nh-Uh-Uh.”
2:08 Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow
2:08 Red Land Marker
2:08 Sorega Anata No Shiawase To Shitemo
2:08 Venom
2:09 Cosmospice
2:09 Flyway
2:09 Hitsuji ga Ippiki
2:09 Hug
2:09 Non-Breath Oblige
2:09 The First Melody
2:09 The Miniature Garden’s Coral
2:09 Traffic Jam
2:09 YAMINABE!!!!
2:10 Airhead
2:10 Aishite Aishite Aishite
2:10 Akotoba
2:10 If
2:10 Leia - Remind
2:10 Q
2:11 Brand New Day
2:11 It’s Just Life
2:11 Literary Nonsense
2:11 Ray
2:11 Remote Control
2:11 Stardust Utopia
2:12 Blessing
2:12 Butterfly on your Right Shoulder
2:12 Cute Girlfriend
2:12 Just Be Friends
2:12 Kashika
2:12 Kusare-gedou and Chocolate
2:12 Love Trial
2:12 Piano x Forte x Scandal
2:12 Play With Fire
2:12 Silver Collector
2:12 The Peachy Key
2:12 Unhappy Refrain
2:13 At God’s Mercy
2:13 Ghost City Tokyo
2:13 Heart Forecast
2:13 Happy Synthesizer
2:13 Marshmary
2:13 My Palette is Full of You
2:13 Stella
2:13 Twilight Melody
2:14 Disco No.39
2:14 GimmexGimme
2:14 Milk Crown on Sonechka
2:14 Sand Planet
2:15 blender
2:15 Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep
2:15 KING
2:15 Ten Thousand Stars
2:15 Tokyo Teddy Bear
2:15 When the First Love Ends
2:16 16-year Old Heart
2:16 Alone
2:16 Aun no Beats
2:16 Blue Planet
2:16 Unknown Mother Goose
2:16 Unaware Drunkard
2:16 Usseewa
2:16 Wonder Style
2:17 Kyoufuu All Back
2:18 Donut Hole
2:18 Hurray
2:18 Into the Night
2:18 Karakuri Pierrot
2:18 Somehow
2:18 TRASH and TRASH!
2:19 Cell Phone Love Story
2:19 Eternal Aria
2:19 Inferno
2:19 Luka Luka ★ Night Fever
2:19 Meru
2:19 MOTTO!!!
2:19 Pheles
2:19 Mr. Showtime
2:19 The Snow White Princess Is
2:19 Un-Lock
2:20 Because You’re Here
2:20 Brain Revolution Girl
2:20 Dreamin Chuchu
2:20 Getting Faster and Faster
2:20 Music Like Magic!
2:20 Spring Storm
2:20 Yobanashi Deceive
2:21 DSCF
2:21 folern
2:21 Hopes and Tears at the End Mark
2:21 Kokoro
2:21 Lonely Universe
2:21 Odo
2:21 Sick of House!
2:21 Vampire
2:22 1925
2:22 Bloom in Mud
2:22 Double Lariat
2:22 Ghost Rule
2:22 I Can’t Win Against Dense Guys!
2:22 Junky Night Town Orchestra
2:22 Last Score
2:22 Spoiled Princess
2:23 39
2:23 Chururira Chururira Daddadda!
2:23 Jouou
2:23 Kagerou Daze
2:23 Love is War
2:23 Slow Downer
2:23 Stardust Medley
2:23 Uninterrupted Indigo
2:24 Alien Alien
2:24 Brain Fluid Explosion Girl
2:24 Help me, ERINNNNNN!!
2:24 Invisible
2:24 Irony
2:24 Phony
2:24 Snowman
2:24 YY
2:25 Attract Light
2:25 Calc.
2:25 Dawn and Fireflies
2:25 Decade
2:25 Deep-sea Girl
2:25 Fräulein=Biblioteca
2:25 Ifuudoudou
2:25 Interviewer
2:26 Childish War
2:26 Hello / How Are You
2:26 Miracle Paint
2:26 Solar System Disco
2:26 This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee
2:26 yomosugara kimi omou
2:27 Afterglow
2:27 Bad Apple!!
2:27 Blue Star
2:27 Change Me
2:27 Egoist
2:28 Attakaito
2:28 Even So, it’s OK
2:28 God-ish
2:28 Imperial Girl
2:28 Melancholic
2:28 Our 16bit Wars
2:28 Rin-chan Now!
2:28 sweety glitch
2:29 Cool Me Down
2:29 JINSEI [our life]
2:29 Kimagure Mercy
2:29 Paradichlorobenzene
2:29 Summertime Record
2:29 Sweet Magic
2:30 Ah, It’s a Wonderful Cat Life!
2:30 Dear
2:30 My Love is Hellfire
2:30 Villain
2:31 Colorful Marine Snow
2:31 Good Weather
2:31 Rainy Snowdrop
2:31 Sage
2:31 Sharing the World
2:31 Tengaku
2:31 Thousand Year Solo
2:32 Akuyaku ni Kiss Scene wo
2:32 Alter Ego
2:33 Relay Outer
2:34 ÅMARA (The Great Intelligence)
2:34 Gehenna
2:34 It was a very nice June
2:34 SEKAI-Chan and KAFU-Chan's Otsukai Gassoukyoku
2:35 All I Need are Things I Like
2:35 Dear Doppelganger 
2:35 from Y to Y
2:35 Miku
2:35 Retainer Supplanting His Lord
2:35 Setsuna Trip
2:36 Be the MUSIC!
2:36 Blue Paint
2:36 Hollow
2:36 Identity
2:36 I’m Mine
2:36 Incomplete Anthem
2:36 Lost and Found
2:37 New Human Race
2:38 Mirai
2:38 Moonlight
2:38 SnowMix♪
2:39 glow
2:39 Shoujo Rei
2:40 Don’t Fight the Music
2:40 Overcode
2:40 The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku
2:40 What’s Up? Pop!
2:41 Syndrome
2:42 Growing Up Together
2:42 One, Two, Three
2:43 MarbleBlue.
2:44 Dance Robo
2:46 Journey
2:47 Zunda Party Night
2:49 Angel’s Wing.
2:50 World is Mine
3:01 Melt
3:02 Hatsune Creation Myth4:59 The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku (APPEND)
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cupcakeshakesnake · 6 months
Uhm uh could you info dump about your Portal AU 👉👈 (I definitely do not have ulterior motives and I am definitely not thinking about inserting my OC into the AU hahahaha why would you think that)
I don't know what there is to infodump about so here is a sort of... timeline? Compendium?
Most of it is the same as canon Portal 2, except GLaDOS and Wheatley are androids.
The AU starts when GLaDOS - disconnected from the main chassis and connected instead to a potato battery - and Chell fall into old aperture. They discover Cave Johnson, not deceased as was widely believed but rather locked underground in android form along with an outdated maintenance system for Aperture. Inspired by this fic, to be specific. (I call him an android for convenience but technically he may count as a cyborg. Haven't really delved into that. He's not "alive" in the fully human sense, though.)
They need the data stored in Cave to get through some parts of Old Aperture, so they begrudgingly take him along. Most of the cables coming out of his neck and wrists used to be connected to a now obsolete surveillance/maintenance system, and are now haphazardly rolled up around him. His power cable is connected to another potato battery (which he usually keeps in his pocket).
Like other Aperture "personality constructs", Cave can "remain functional in apocalyptic, low power environments of as few as 1.1 volts", but it has its limitations - as is the case with GLaDOS, using too much energy can get him knocked out.
Cave's endgoal here is to end his own life, which he can't do on his own due to several failsafe measures built into him (such as being unable to unplug himself from the system in the first place, and as a result being stuck underground). He still keeps up his cheery, eccentric (and far from sane) attitude, but with an added hint of cynicism and roundabout self-deprecation. Decades of mulling over his life underground has led him to have some regrets about certain decisions, although he would never speak any of it out loud to anyone. Personality-wise, some inspirations were taken from the robot Cave in Aperture Desk Job.
In one possible ending for the story (which I haven't mentioned before but have had in mind for some time), they enter a newer part of Aperture where the emancipation grills do not have the data that lets Cave enter without being disintegrated. Here he acknowledges that Chell and GLaDOS have no more need of him and voluntarily walks into the emancipation grill.
Here's an excerpt from my notes.
"These emancipation grills were built in my time. They're not calibrated to accomodate-" GLaDOS gestures towards Johnson. "- him. We'll need to find a way to hack into the-" "Hey hey hey- don't bother. I'm gonna be level with you. You don't need me anymore." "Elaborate." "The stuff built here on out's brand new. I don't even have the code for it. Sure, you needed me to get through the old facility, but I think I'm gonna head out now." "…Is that so." "My time is up, I can feel it. I'm not going to heaven, no sir. Was never much of a religions guy anyway. But know this, lady," the former CEO turns to Chell. "I want to see you make it out alive. This facility I built, it swallows you up. Don't get me wrong, it's the best damn science facility on this earth and I couldn't be more proud of it, but you stay here too long and- well." He shrugs, cables dangling from and wrapped around him like ropes. "It's pretty much my destiny to die down here, but you, kid, you get out there. You go up to the surface and see the daylight. Caroline, take care of the facility. Oh, and her." "Yes sir Mr Johnson…" "Oh and beat that moron's ass for me." They go through the fizzler, leaving him behind - there is a sound that makes Chell turn back, only to see some particles evaporating. GLaDOS doesn't turn back. "Goodbye sir."
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robinette-green · 9 months
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Light In The Darkness
You fall into the debts of the Aperture Science Facility and find the remains of the past. Aperture’s repeating history.
To your surprise, at the deepest part of this salt mine of science, you find two robots that should have stopped working long ago. Will they help you find a way top the surface?
IT IS I! Your Secret Santa!
I’m sorry this took so long to get to you! And it’s not done! I’m going to write a part two to add to this and then the story will be completed!
But here is part one for you and it’s a good healthy chunk of story!
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terramythos · 1 year
I decided to play a game of Rimworld on the mechinator start, I wanted to try the robot minion mechanic out so whatever, sure. You start with one character and 2 robots in this scenario. I spawn into a temperate forest, start building a shelter, all the standard stuff.
First pop up/event of the game comes up. The ONLY character in the colony immediately gets Malaria. And has 0 medical skill. I have her use medicine to treat it anyway and it looks like she will live, the immunity is progressing faster than the disease. Cool.
A few minutes pass and I get the second event of the game. Now she ALSO has the fucking Plague. Keep in mind I'm still on the first day of the game. This is some insanely bad luck, diseases almost never spawn right away. This is not good. I tend the Plague, too, but it's progressing much faster than the Malaria.
Long story short, after a point she collapses. Because she's incapacitated, she can't use medicine. and since she is the only pawn in this colony, and neither of her robots can rescue her, she lays there and dies of the Plague. Or maybe the Malaria. I get a game over notice, but opt to keep the map running.
Events spawn in, some people crash in a shuttle, and with no one to rescue them, bleed out and die. A pack of manhunting guinea pigs spawn in, scream for a few days, then leave. With their master dead the robots go feral and join a mechanical hivemind. I wait for a while watching random events play out. FINALLY, a new pawn wanders onto the map, and I can play as him.
Fuck it, I'll keep the game going.
Meet Thamas. His backstory is he's some dude's spare clone that escaped by joining the military, which he then deserted. He's not terribly smart, or good at anything but planting stuff and punching stuff, but he's got the spirit. He hauls out the rotting corpse of my starter character, whose name I no longer remember, and takes over the ruins of her base.
Thamas is horrible at construction, but construct he must. He fails often. When he doesn't fail, he builds awful quality furniture. Thamas also sucks at cooking, but cook he must, or he will starve. By some miracle he only gets food poisoning one time.
Two and a half seasons pass and winter is approaching. I have a stable supply of potatoes but Thamas, who is bad at construction, can't build any temperature control items. So there's the distinct possibility of frostbite if I can't get enough firewood, and I can't refrigerate the potatoes so they might rot.
Sometimes we get attacked but Thamas punches everyone to death and hasn't been downed yet (an instant wipe, in this situation). A feral cat bites off his pinky finger. He manages to capture one raider and to try and recruit him, because at this point I'm desperate for someone to do even just basic stuff so Thamas can catch a break.
It's going OK, but it will take a while to recruit this guy and I'm one bad raid or manhunter pack away from a wipe. That's when I get it. THE event.
A notification pops up. Someone's shuttle crashes LITERALLY right next to Thamas' shoddy house. Cool! Her name is Midori, and she will immediately join the colony if I rescue her. Great! But she has paralytic abrasia for 30 days so can't move. Huh. Well. I'm probably gonna die soon anyway I might as well try and keep her alive.
Then I read it. The final line.
"Midori has a relationship with a colonist. She is Thamas' ex-wife."
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sarcasticgaypotato · 9 months
tell me about chell, that potato hauling criminal
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Chell is such a fascinating character to talk about because she, even more so than Caroline, isn't a character... but she absolutely is, at the same time.
On the surface, Chell is simply a player stand-in. She's silent, her actions are decided by the player, and we never get the game telling us outright how she feels or what she thinks. The closest we get to a backstory comes from an Easter Egg (which I've already said I don't necessarily consider canon) and insults made at the player's expense. Insults that, for all we know, are completely baseless.
Chell can reasonably be whatever the player decides she is. (If she's like me, she's actually terrible at tests and fails at puzzles repeatedly before giving up and googling the answers.) Your Chell could be compassionate towards the robots— trusting Wheatley right off the bat and being torn up by his betrayal, forgiving PotaDOS and working together easily— or your Chell could be a silent, bitter, furious killing machine, craving robotic blood and hating every second she's stuck in this hellhole. Neither Chell is technically wrong, but neither is right either.
There's a lot that could be said about the personal projecting that people often do to their favorite characters in fandom, especially with characters as open-ended as Chell, but that's an entirely different can of worms. TL;DR If it makes you happy to picture a character as being like you, go for it. It might not be my cup of tea, but you're not asking me to drink it, so who cares?
All that rambling out of the way, who do I think Chell is?
I think Chell has more character than first glance would give her credit for. We can learn a lot from what actions the game's story forces her to complete and how other characters react to her, ultimately giving us a lot more to work with than Caroline.
Chell is intelligent. If you complete the games (even if you're terrible like I am), you've completed complicated tests and outsmarted a robot that nobody else has survived before. She has a logical brain for solving puzzles as well as a quick wit for thinking on her feet and getting through life or death situations. Chell might have some internal damage from her time in stasis, but she's not slow.
Chell is tenacious and stubborn as all hell. Canon material tells us this outright, I don't need to elaborate much. Chell refuses to be kept in Aperture against her will, she refuses to stay down, and she was willing to risk dying in space just to beat Wheatley. Our girl can hold a grudge if she wants to.
Chell is a little bit of a shit. There's an achievement for breaking all of Wheatley's monitors. Chell doesn't have to do that... but she can, and I think she does. Her jumping when told to say certain words? She's playing dumb knowing Wheatley's not going to get that she's making fun of him.
Chell is fair. She held up her end of the deal with Wheatley, he didn't hold up his, so he learned his lesson. GLaDOS saves her life, even when she didn't have to, and held up her end of the deal? Chell leaves Aperture without a fuss. She doesn't try to kill GLaDOS again or wreck shit on her way out. I believe that Chell's respect is hard to win back once you've lost it, but with the events of Portal 2, GLaDOS succeeded. Chell is perfectly willing to work alongside a partner, and in fact she does so quite well as we've seen, but only if they give her the respect she deserves. If you cheat her you are going to regret it.
Finally, concerning the 'mute' part of our favorite dangerous mute lunatic; I personally am in the camp of 'Chell can speak, she just doesn't want to give the robots the satisfaction.'
There are out-of-universe reasons for Chell not talking. Erik Wolpaw actually talks about the decision to keep her silent in the Kotaku article "Why Chell Doesn't Speak" and I'd recommend hearing what he had to say on the matter. However, that explanation doesn't necessarily need to dictate in-universe ones. I think Chell can speak because frankly, it checks out with the other observations I've made here.
She's a bit of a shit, so yeah, if she noticed it bothers the robots that she's not talking, of course she'd keep it up to annoy them, and she's stubborn enough to keep at it even when she's allied with one of them. Further, she's smart, so she would know that she has very little control in a place like Aperture. This is one thing she has complete control over, this is one card she can hold over everyone else, and she's going to keep it.
All that combines to become my Chell. She's probably different from your Chell, and that's okay, but I think I've made a pretty good case for why I see her the way I do.
I could spin potential backstories for her, but they'd all be very headcanon and speculative, so I'll save that for another time.
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nashishishi · 1 year
i've seen a lot of theories about what the virtual singers signify to each character. the two main theories i've been seeing are that they're either symbolic of what the members of the sekai need to grow, or are just milestones of their growth and/or their desires. i'm not quite sure which camp i fall into personally, but i do think both theories are really interesting. especially since, when you think about it, what do the wonderlands x showtime virtual singers signify?
first of all, we have miku. miku is a bubbly younger sister type character. she's curious about everything, thinks everything is wonderful and amazing, and she literally has stars in her eyes all the time. she talks in onomatopoeias and is high energy. she was part of the sekai when tsukasa first discovered it.
then we have kaito. kaito is a parental/older sibling figure. he takes care of the plushies in the sekai, takes care of the other virtual singers, takes care of the unit members, and basically takes care of the sekai as a whole. he's shown bits of being a workaholic as well. he was also part of the sekai when tsukasa discovered it.
next is len. len is curious about anything he finds interesting. he's willing to learn from others, constantly spouts about how cool everyone is, and is always looking for ways to improve himself in the things he likes doing. he manifests right after the main wxs story ends, but only makes his actual first appearance in the story during "It's On! Wonder Halloween!".
after that is meiko. her characterization is the trickiest. she seems to be a "supporting role" kind of person, happy to be on the sidelines helping out, instead if being the center of attention. she first appears in "On This Holy Night, I Sing".
next is rin. she "completes" len, in that she's curious about her friends. she always wants to learn more things about them so they can be better friends. she first appears in "Musical Twilight Parade" (which isn't actually a wxs-centric event but they are there).
and last but not least is luka. she's always sleeping. she's said to sleep when everyone is happy, because she can rest knowing everyone is doing well. she appears during the "Doll Festival at the Tenma's" event (which is a tenma siblings centric event).
so. what do they symbolize? well, the easiest ones are len and rin.
like i said, len first manifests right after the main story of wxs, and him being curious of things he finds interesting could be symbolic of tsukasa actually making new friends after like. a decade. which i WILL get back to.
it works with both theories. tsukasa needs to be more curious to get his friends to open up/get himself to open up to his friends, but it could also signify tsukasa Actually Being Curious About His Friends. he's never known anyone like emu, or rui, or nene, so he wants to get to know them and what they do. it also fits that len's first proper appearance was during the halloween event (or, if you remember events by the songs, the Becoming Potatoes event), because that's the same event where tsukasa gets injured by one of rui's robots, rui shuts down, and tsukasa has to reassure him that it's okay.
rin is basically the same. she's symbolic of love, care, and curiosity for her friends. i haven't read the twilight parade story in full, so i'm not exactly sure how she ties into the story, but it makes sense that she'd show up then, because right before her was meiko.
SPEAKING OF MEIKO! meiko is also relatively easy to figure out. like i said, she's a "supporting role". there to help out when needed, not to take the lead. it makes sense that she'd show up during the christmas event because the event isn't tsukasa-centric. it largely doesn't involve him. but meiko is also loving and caring and, as i said before, supportive. she's symbolic of always wanting to help and support friends, even if from a distance. tsukasa reflects this by complimenting nene in the event, often saying things like "that's our diva!" and such.
again, this works in both theories. nene needed support and, seeing this and (likely) wanting to help (idk like i said he isn't shown much lol), meiko manifested. but she could also be symbolic of how tsukasa has grown past his earlier actions in the main story, where he yells at nene for messing up the show. meiko is a symbol of how he's come to care for her, and genuinely wants to help her.
luka is. a bit trickier. as i said, she sleeps when everyone is happy. that means, if she's wide awake, someone is upset. she first appears in the doll festival event which is. worrying.
in the doll festival event, tsukasa misinterprets a memory from his childhood. when he was younger, he wanted to give his little sister saki these 2 dolls, but on his way to the hospital, he trips and ruins them. when he shows them to saki, she cries. he misinterprets this to mean that she hates him for it, when in reality she was touched by the gesture.
luka's appearance in an event like this is... concerning, because tsukasa is also shown as a bit of a workaholic at times (kinda like kaito). he doesn't stop until he reaches his goal, and even then, he quickly moves on to an even greater goal. this means, depending on which theory we're following, luka could either signify
a.) how tsukasa needs to rest every once in a while. how he doesn't need to shoulder everything on his own. how he's Allowed to Rest When Everyone's Happy. or
so then. we get to the last 2. the duo that had been there from the very start. miku and kaito.
miku and kaito are kind of polar opposites. one is bouncy and bubbly and full of energy, while the other is calm and collected. one is a playful little sister figure, while the other is a responsible older brother or parental figure.
i want to briefly talk about another theory (or rather, headcanon), separate from this, that has become quite popular lately: the theory that miku and whoever else was there since the discovery of the sekai has been there since the unit members were children. i mention this theory because...
miku is a little sibling. she thinks everything is wonderful. she thinks everything is amazing. she literally has stars in her eyes.
she could have only been made when tsukasa was a child because, depending on the theory, she's either:
a.) a manifestation of how tsukasa needs to let loose and have fun and enjoy life like a kid would?? (which doesn't make sense bc of kaito)
b.) a manifestation of either tsukasa's childlike wonder, tsukasa's Want to experience childlike wonder, and/or his want to spend more time with saki
and kaito is an older brother/parental figure. he's responsible. he's calm and collected. he's cool. so depending on the theory, he's either:
a.) a manifestation of tsukasa needing to be a reliable/responsible older brother figure for everyone around him (which is worrying)
b.) tsukasa's need for a parental unit in his life, or tsukasa's desire to be seen as a reliable older brother figure (Which Are Both Worrying (seeing as kaito seems to be a workaholic and tsukasa has also been shown to be a workaholic as well!!))
which brings me to my next point: the designs of some of the virtual singers.
miku, rin, and luka are designed a bit specially in comparison to the others. they all have elements of animals in them, implying their designs are supposed to resemble plushies. (which makes sense considering how many "fluffy" elements and pompoms they have in comparison to all the other characters.) miku is a cat plushie, rin is a bunny plushie, and luka is a sheep plushie. but.
why is miku, the embodiment of childlike wonder, a plushie?
why is rin, the embodiment of excitement and love and care for friends, a plushie?
why is luka, the embodiment of resting well knowing everyone is happy and healthy, a plushie?
actually, why are plushies way more important to tsukasa than they ever were to saki?
tsukasa's sekai is all made of things he made for SAKI, right? all of the things, from the giant train in the sky to the singing flowers, were for SAKI, right?
but saki barely ever mentions it in her story. in fact, it only ever comes up when TSUKASA is involved. saki sees them as nothing more than toys, meanwhile tsukasa has personified them. it may just be because of his sekai, but let's not forget...
while these were SAKI'S plushies, they were also TSUKASA'S co-stars. they were with him when he put on all those shows for saki in the hospital. they were with him when the plushies were brought back home.
and what else is a lonely little boy at home, with no family and no friends, supposed to do, other than to anthropomorphize inanimate objects to keep him company.
suddenly, we have a reason why miku, the embodiment of childlike wonder, is a Plushie. we have a reason why luka, the embodiment of being able to Rest now that Everyone is Happy, is a Plushie. we have a reason why rin, the embodiment of the Excitement of Friendship, is a Plushie.
because tsukasa's childlike wonder Started with plushies. he made them act out scenes from the wonders created in his brain, and the plushies were there to bring them to life.
because tsukasa always used plushies to cheer people up (like in the shows he put on for saki). because the plushies were always there to cheer Him up.
because for the longest time, for maybe a decade, or more, for most of tsukasa's childhood...
his only friends
the plushies.
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falloutboyyaoi · 4 months
portal au?? i need 2 know
ok so i made this post a few months ago explaining it when i was hyperfixated on portal
so membrane labs takes the place of aperture in this au because tbh cave johnson and prof. membrane are both fucking insane mad scientists.
dib is used as a test subject as punishment for being fucking insane and gaz volunteered to be a test subject for fun
instead of glados we have TAK which stands for Technologically Automated Komputer. because she kept trying to kill all of the scientists and membrane labs, various personality cores were developed to give her certain desirable traits. one of these cores is zim, the intelligence dampening sphere.
gir is a turret who decides to follow dib and gaz around
zim and gir aren’t really relevant until we get to the portal 2 bit
the main story starts off after dib has been trapped in the testing chamber for a year. TAK “accidentally” starts hinting at the fact that gaz is simultaneously testing literally on the other side of the wall. TAK tries to make dibs life a living hell while she goes relatively easy on gaz. this is because she is a misandrist (joke). gaz genuinely thought dib would have died by then, so when TAK says something about “wow, you did so much better than your brother on this one” she kinda flips her shit. anyway the normal plot of the first portal game happens except for the boss fight at the end where it’s 2 people fighting TAK instead of one. they escape, but are dragged back in and put into stasis.
the portal 2 bit starts after 99999999…….. when zim wakes up each sibling (separately) and tells them that everyone in the planet, including their sibling, is dead. zim guides them both back to their individual testing tracks and starts helping them “escape”. after waking TAK up, it is once again revealed that both siblings are alive and this time tak doesn’t even try to hide the siblings existence from eachother, but she is trying to keep them physically separated. gaz and dib are reunited once again during the scene where zim replaces tak.
gaz, dib, and tak (now in the body of a potato) are thrown into old testing tracks. and it is *very* unsettling to hear their dead fathers voice the whole time.
when they get to the test chambers set up by zim, they’re separated once again until they escape the chambers
honestly i’m running out of energy and i keep getting interrupted by our mother but basically in the end dib and gaz stay in the facility with the (mostly) tamed robots because the word is basically over
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cheezyratz · 11 months
Momma leo is so reeeeeaaaallll omg. Can you write little raph being fuzzy and cg leo has to calm him down
ikr? ^_^ also ye of course! (Idk what version of the turtles u wanted so I’ll just write for 2012 💙)
“Raph, bud, come on, it’s bedtime.”
“Raph, you’ve gotta sleep. Come on, let’s go. I’ll make you some milk before you go to bed, alright?” Leo offered, before reaching for Raph’s hands.
Raph pulled both his hand away, before sticking his tongue out and narrowing his eyes.
“Raphael Hamato! Don’t be rude!” Raph rolled his eyes, slouching on couch as Leo stared on in disbelief. “Raphael, bedtime is not a suggestion! You’re gonna sleep one way or another young man.” Leo put her hands on her hips. “And if one way is throwing you over my shoulder like a bag of potatoes then so be it.”
Raphael didn’t move or respond, he just sat on the couch pouting. “Alright, you’ve given me no choice, it’s time for the Bed-inator.” In a robot like fashion, Leo made his way over to Raphael. “Beep boop bop. Last chance.” The fussy turtle only huffed, before crossing his arms and shaking his head. “Beep bop. Whatever boop. Prepare for sleepy time. Beep beep.” Leo lifted Raph up and through him over her shoulder. “Time for bed!”
Raph giggled, swinging his arms and legs as he tried to wiggle out of Leo’s hold. “Hehe, no! Put me down robot!”
“Beep. Put you to sleep? Of course I will, silly turtle. Boop.”
“Hey! I’m not silly!”
Before Raph knew it, he was being laid down on his bed. “Ok, you’ve gotta go to sleep now.” Leo stated. “If you’re having trouble going to sleep I could read you a story.”
“I don’t wanna story! And I don’t wanna sleep!”
“Well why not? Whenever I ask you to do something you always say you’re too tired!”
“‘Cause the roaches! Mama, they’re scary!” And when I sleep they’re in my dreams! And they’re moving around, and they’re everywhere, and they’re real yucky too!” Raph exclaimed, holding his stuffy tight as he talked. “And…” he whispered softly, “When I wake up from a scary dream, you’re not there…”
Leo pulled Raphael into a hug. “I’m sorry bud. If that was happening to me I don’t think I’d wanna sleep either.” Leo pulled away. “How about this? I’ll sleep on the floor, right here. That way when you wake up from a bad dream, you can just call for me. Ok?”
Raph smiled. “Ok Mama.”
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autolenaphilia · 2 months
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Turbo Overkill. Now this is a video game. An over-the-top retro first-person shooter that really gets what was fun about 90s shooter games.
And that was the power fantasy of it all. The plot doesn’t matter much. Not that the writing is bad in anyway, it’s actually quite funny at times. But it’s a very modest story for a game, it knows you are here to play a game and not watch a movie. The overarching theme of the story really is that our protagonist Johnny Turbo suffers defeat, only to recover from that defeat by getting cybernetic augmentation that makes him into even more of a badass cyborg. And you play as him.
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Like in every 90s shooter, you are a fast-moving, hard-hitting gun wielding badass, but Johnny has a distinguishing trait: Johnny has a chainsaw built into his robot leg and he has a devastating glide chainsaw kick. You can upgrade the chainsaw kick to make you regain health and armor, which makes Johnny close to unstoppable. Besides the shooting, there is a focus on quick movement and platforming, and a lot of your moveset is about that, including the chainsaw glide kick. Dodging enemy projectiles is your most important skill in combat. You start off with double jump and a dash move, and you soon enough get a upgrade to walk on certain walls and eventually a grapple (you can grapple onto enemies and there is an optional upgrade to set them on fire with the grapple). There is also turbotime, which is basically bullet-time from Max Payne or F.E.A.R. By episode 3, Johnny even gets chainsaws installed into his arms in addition to his chainsaw leg
This is a lot of player character skills to put into a video game, but it’s surprisingly polished an experience, even the first person platforming. And the sheer polish into the execution shines through. There are three vehicle sections, which are surprisingly well-made and elaborate, despite two of them only getting one level each and the third only appears in two levels.
And the meat and potatoes of the first-person shooter are very well-polished. The guns are varied, but all feel useful and fun to use, especially if you get their upgrades, which changes how they work and their alternate firing modes. And the level design is great, creating interesting combat arenas for the action to play out in and fun platforming challenges. The game keeps on topping itself with spectacular environments, there is a train level, a level set in space etc.
It’s a consciously retro game. It’s a revival of 90s FPS design. The game is divided into episodes with the emphasis on fast movement and many weapons, although the platforming seems inspired by the modern Doom games way of reviving the 90s FPS. The game’s aesthetic is slathered in classic cyberpunk aesthetics and 80s neon. And it references its influences repeatedly. The main villain, the rogue A.I Syn is essentially a reference to Shodan from System Shock, one vehicle section feels like a Descent reference, Johnny’s AI companion is voiced by Duke Nukem’s voice actor Jon St. John (he does a lot of varied voice work, but his prescence in a retro fps is definitely a reference, the game is published by Apogee, Duke’s creators) . There is even a reference to more modern FPS games than the mid 90s “doom clone” era, but still old, like the final boss of episode 1 references the final boss of Half-life And turbo time is definitely influenced by F.E.A.R.The list truly goes on and includes countless movie references, Robocop are just one of the more obvious ones.
Yet Turbo Overkill in the head synthesizes its many influences into something that is ultimately original.And in the end it’s just plain fun. Movement is not just quick, but feels fluid and natural. It’s a great game for making you feel powerful. Close to perfection as video game power fantasies go. It’s just so fun to shoot enemies or chainsaw glide kick them to death, and you can even do it in slow-mo for extra coolness. It’s fun to move around the levels double-jumping, dashing, wall-running or grappling. There is so much variety in what you can do and all of it feels fun to do. And it’s hard to analyze why it’s fun, because it’s about how it feels, except you can obviously tell a huge amount of hard work, polish and care went into the game. Turbo Overkill packs far more lot of fun and variety into 7 gb than a lot of triple-a games do into 100 gb.
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