barelycarne · 5 months
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Had some Tea and Cake and Snacks in the Evening after a Meditation with others.
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deriangrayve · 2 years
Sunday is Pancakeday
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I go to bed excited for frühstück and then I walk back to the hotel in the afternoon chanting "jause, jause, jause" I'm just eating my way through Austria and I love it
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gargamel1961 · 1 year
Eierkuchen mit Apfelmus
🌷Eierkuchen mit Apfelmus 🌷 Eierkuchen mit Apfelmus, eine gute Kombination gezaubert von Peggy Süß. Bei uns … bei anderen Palatschinken, Pfannkuchen, Plinsen usw🤗 Eierkuchen mit Apfelmus Bild und Rezept von Peggy Süß Zutaten: 10 Eier 250 g Mehl 1/2 Tl Backpulver 1 Packung Vanillezucker 3/4 Liter Milch Prise Salz Öl zum Ausbacken Zimt-Zucker als Deko Gesamtkosten 3,60€ für 4 Portionen (abgebildet…
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der-saisonkoch · 1 year
Pfannkuchen/Eierkuchen - Neudeutsch: pancake oder Palatschinken
Das ist eigentlich eine einfache Übung, die leider zu oft, restlos versaut wird. Entweder verbrennt der Shit, wird wie ein Pariser (Gummi) oder er schmeckt nicht. Zuerst rühren wir Mehl in lauwarmes, gut gesalzenes Wasser. Da geht es schneller. Das kann ziemlich dick angerührt werden. Dann geben wir entweder etwas frische Sahne, Quark, Joghurt oder Sauerrahm dazu; gut marinierte Rosinen; mit…
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some of you never have sweet dishes as a main course and it shows
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 7 months
metalhead!könig x reader
the series on AO3
mdni, 18+
general tags and cw's: POV with fem!reader, age gap 25/41, soft dom / brat dynamics, fluff and eventuell angst, but a lot of smut (marked with nsfw)
meeting him at the pub
concert part I
concert part II (nsfw)
after the concert (nsfw)
listening to music in his car (nsfw)
sending him a naughty pic (nsfw)
visiting his humble abode
hanging off his shoulder (nsfw)
waking up in his bed (nsfw)
painting his nails (nsfw)
talking on the phone (nsfw)
gaming with him (nsfw)
breaking the bed (nsfw)
wearing glasses (nsfw)
breaking me (not literally) (nsfw)
lazy evenings (nsfw)
going for a walk (nsfw)
comforting him (nsfw)
saying goodbye (slight nsfw)
it's the parts of könig that she didn't see (nsfw)
returning home (nsfw)
at a festival (nsfw)
new years eve (nsfw)
kissing it better
listening to music (playlist)
spending time with mh!k
cooking Palatschinken
building a pillowfort (nsfw)
disturbing his reading (nsfw)
sleepy mornings (nsfw)
after-workout snack (nsfw)
doing the laundry (nsfw)
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cerise-on-top · 1 month
Hii and could you do könig and nikto with a plus sized reader ? :)
Hey there! Sorry, but I don't write for Nikto! However, I made König's extra long to make up for it :>
König with a Plus Sized!Reader
I feel as though König would actually prefer someone on the bigger side. Not even in a weird fetishy way, he just likes tummies a lot. You could probably easily get him to lie on top of your tummy, holding onto you as though his life depended on it all the while nuzzling into it. You could beg him to let go of you, he likely won’t unless it’s an emergency. If you ever feel down about yourself then you can count on him to try and cheer you up. Not that he’s that good with people, always scared of saying something that could make the matter even worse, but by the Gods, if he won’t treat you like the deity you are. He doesn’t mean to be rude, but sometimes he can be caught staring at your tummy because he’s just that entranced by it. Yes, he’ll look away if you catch him staring, but can you blame him? With a tummy as cute as yours?
If anyone ever makes a mean comment about you being fat or ugly or anything, then König will actually just kill that person. He’s in the military, he knows all about being aggressive and relentless at the right time. You being harassed? That’s about the best time to intimidate, maim and kill someone. Yes, he doesn’t like confrontation outside of his job all that much, but what kind of partner would he be if he didn’t defend your honor? Come on now, have some faith in him, will you? He’s not afraid to get physical either. König probably knows more languages than English and German too since he’s rather high ranking, and he will most definitely cuss that asshole out in any one he knows. And if that doesn’t make the fucker feel bad? Yeah, he can talk with his fists as well. He makes it up to you by making you some delicious food. You want some Schweinsbratn? Some Käsespätzle? Just some good old Palatschinken mit Marillenmarmelade?? Yeah, he’s got you covered. Food always cheers him up, he hopes it does the same for you. He reveres you and will tell you that everything that clown said was absolute nonsense and they should by no means be listened to. If he has to, he will kiss your tummy all night just to make you feel better. Not that he wouldn’t do it anyway, but he has a reason to now.
You can say whatever you want about König, mans loves to eat himself, which means he probably has some chub too. I don’t think he’d be self conscious about it per se, but if you ever feel down about your size then he’ll remind you that he’s not super thin either. Sure, he’s muscular, but he’s got some tummy too. Besides, I also think that he would actively work out to be able to pick you up whenever he can. Yes, you might be a little heavy, but he’s a military man, he can handle that. Will pick you up and spin you around since there’s probably no way anyone will ever do that for him again. He’ll also kiss your face as he picks you up. Depending on how he’s able to hold you, he might also rock you back and forth a little bit, just to tease you. Yes, he’s the big and scary colonel, but that doesn’t mean he’s not completely and absolutely enamored by you.
I think when you’re doing something mundane, such as cooking or washing the dishes, he’d love to come up from behind you and wrap his arms around you, resting his hands on your tummy. Yes, he will grope and squeeze it as well. Unless you absolutely hate him doing that, in which case he’ll stop. But you could never have him not have his hands on your tummy. It’s just so soft, you know? You’re so soft and he loves you so much, it’s unreal. The first thing he always does after coming home from deployment is wrapping his arms around your body, pulling you close, and feeling how soft and warm you are. Another big plus about you being rather big is the fact that you have soft thighs. You will catch him asking you if he can put his head in your lap fairly often. Yes, he has shame and doesn’t want to bother you, but how could he not?
So, overall, König is a very supportive man. He will smother you in love and make sure you know your worth. Will kill for you, but that’s beside the point. Loves you being big and will probably be touching you and your plush body more often than he won’t. And if you tell him that you like his tummy too? He’s a goner. He might as well just marry you this instant, propose immediately and make you the happiest person alive. He loves you and it shows in everything he does.
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kezzplayssims · 8 months
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Bob Pancakes
Aged 30 years old
Traits- Gloomy, Slob, Absent-Minded, Warm-Hearted and Creative
Bob works as a line cook at the moment but dreams of owning his own cafe. His wife Eliza encourages him to pursue his dream but Bob's depression and anxiety hold him back.
Bob and Eliza have a different type of marriage. They don't share a bedroom or be overly affectionate with each other but they are best friends and each others biggest supporters. Bob needs Eliza to motivate him to be his best self, otherwise his depression makes him sluggish and he doesn't leave his room for days or wash or anything. He does sometimes wonder what it would be like to be madly in love with someone but he can't leave Eliza. Especially now that they have a son together.
The decision to have a child together was a mutual one. Even though their relationship isn't romantic, they both wanted a child and they consider each other close family so little Iggy was born.
They also have a little sausage dog named Palatschinken or 'Pal' which is a type of Austrian pancake.
Bob loves video games and cooking for his family. He has a sister and brother named Amy and Cooper and they all get together and have a big cook up on the weekends. Amy has expressed she may be interested in going into business with Bob in owning a cafe. Maybe this could be the new start he needs?
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making Palatschinken anyone want any?
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lee-romee · 11 months
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my grandmother's palatschinken/palacsinta :)
1c flour 2 eggs 3tb sugar ~1c milk (she doesn't measure this one but its about a cup <3)
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barelycarne · 6 months
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Missed two lemonades!
Changed my main Lens and Colour Profile.
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gargamel1961 · 2 years
Kokospalatschinken Kokospalatschinken mit frischen Erdbeeren serviert. Die Kokosraspeln im Teig geben den Palatschinken eine exotische Geschmacksnote. Kokospalatschinken Omas 1 Euro Rezepte sind jetzt auch als Taschenbuch erhältlich. Stöbert in 60 günstigen Rezepten für die Resteverwertung, Eintöpfe, Aufläufe, leckeren Suppen und einiges mehr. Zutaten: 120 g Mehl 1 Ei 2 Eidotter 125 ml Sahne 375…
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liebelesbe · 9 months
In my region some bakeries have Quarkbällchen all year (and Apfeltaschen. and Quarktaschen) but there's only a few of them. They're really common on Weihnachtsmärkten tough, like Palatschinken. I never heard of them being for Fasching lol.
Palatschinken... :(
also bei uns gibts Crêpes auf Weihnachtsmarkt, nicht Pfannkuchen. Obwohl da ja kein so riesen Unterschied zwischen ist. Und ja Quarkbällchen sind bei uns immer gleichzeitig wie Krapfen & Krapfen sind Faschings-Gebäck 😊
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game-set-canet · 9 months
5, 18, 24 ☺️😘
5. TV show of the year? Shadow and Bone season 2 (i guess? i suddenly can't remember a single show i watched)
18. a memorable meal this year? Schneenockerl Palatschinken (in English it’s pancakes but it’s something different if you ask me) with different berries and custard:
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24. did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? i don't do New Years's resolutions tbh but i thinking about doing one for next year
thank you so much 💕🤗
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 8 months
(cw: mentions of losing a close family member)
König doesn’t really know how to cook.
Well, anything other than the basics… Most of his meals consist of rice, meat and some kind of vegetable. Or like a carton of eggs. And of course, he can warm up meals and cook pasta and put pesto on it. But working in the military his whole life, he never really had the need to learn to prepare something to eat other than those basics, because most of the meals were provided and he’ll eat any- and everything. When he’s on leave, he cycles through his staples and also orders a lot of take-out, just to satisfy the calorie intake he needs at his size.
His grandma used to cook for him, ever since he was a little boy and then when he returned to Austria as an adult, she always made sure to prepare his favourite meals. He hasn’t been back ever since her funeral, he tells me while he gets some ingredients out of the fridge. Eggs, milk and butter. He misses her and her cooking, but that’s just how it is in life. Flour from the pantry. Mixing it all together, eyeballing the measurements, and adding a pinch of salt.
She taught him how to make Palatschinken. Thin pancake or crepe-like sheets of dough that he apparently made too much of. Rolled up, filled with jam and powdered sugar on top.
“Pala- what?”, I ask, wanting him to teach me how to say the word properly.
“Pa-la-tschin-ke.”, he repeats, sounding the syllables out, and I imitate them, until he tells me that I’ve got it.
I sit at the cooking island in his kitchen, on one of the chairs, and watch him pour the thin dough into the hot buttered pan. It bubbles and sizzles as he swirls it around, until the whole bottom is covered. Waiting for it to be cooked from one side. He lifts the edges with a spatula to make sure. Then he looks at me, raising his brows, like ‘Look at me, look what I can do’, lifting the pan of the hob, holding it in front of his body.
Oh, oh, that won’t- He flips it with a rehearsed flick of his wrist, the thin pancake rotating in the air for just a moment, then landing in the pan again.
I coo, clapping excitedly. He bows jokingly, with the pan still in his hand.
When it’s done, he puts the Palatschinke on a plate, spreads apricot jam on the thin dough, rolls it up and then sprinkles powdered sugar over it, setting the sweet roll in front of me. Gesturing me to eat.
I dig in, cutting it, and the fluffy dough almost melts on my tongue, the sweet jam spreading in my mouth as I chew. God damn it, that’s good. Simple, but very tasty. I finish the first one in record time and he puts the next Palatschinke on my plate. I fill it myself, devouring that one as well. He starts to make more, stacking them on a separate plate.
“You wanna try to make one as well?”, he asks me then.
I nod excitedly and get up from the stool. He hands me the pan and the ladle, putting some more butter onto the hot teflon, and I add the dough. When it’s cooked through, I try to do the flip just like he did. The little crepe flops up a bit and then folds in on itself. I burst into laughter and he joins in. Well, that didn’t go as planned.
“Don’t worry, that happened to me a lot of times.”, he says, scrapping the dough into the bin. “We’ll try again.”
So, the same spiel again. Until the Palatschinke is ready to be flipped. He’s standing behind me, we’re both gripping the handle of the pan and he’s looking over my shoulder, coaching me through it.
“Mit Gefühl.”, he tells me. “Carefully, but with determination.”
“I wanted to flip this thing, not get a lecture on how to enter some-“, I quip, but I get cut off when he playfully pinches my butt cheek.
It makes me jump up a bit and I bat his hand away. “König!”, I yelp, with pretend indignation, but he only grins down at me.
“Come on, you can do it.”, he says, nudging the pan in my hand.
“On three. One, two, three!”, I count down and then we flip it, together. The piece of dough rotates in the air and lands in the pan again.
“First authentically self-made Palatschinke.”, he says, with joking solemnity, as he drops it onto my plate. I do the rest of the steps and then eat it as well.
He makes Palatschinke after Palatschinke, telling me some more about his grandma and the dishes she used to cook, until all of the dough is gone. I listen to him and eat a whole bunch of them until I’m so full, I feel like I’m gonna burst. He finishes the rest of the thin pancakes, decimating a whole stack of them with lots of jam and sugar.
“The rest we can cut into small strips and put into soup.”, he explains.
“Into soup?!”, I question what he just said.
“Yes, Frittatensuppe. It’s really delicious.”, he says like it’s a normal thing.
I shake my head. Those Austrians and their weird dishes.
If you wanna try and make your own Palatschinken like metalhead!könig and reader, I got a recipe for you! Enjoy! a/n: this is the start of a little series I'm doing for mh!k x reader because I have so many scenes (some already finished a while ago like this one) that don't have a certain place in the plot and are just sitting in my word document, left to rot, so i'm gonna post them as their own random scenes that are still connected to them! some of it is gonna be sfw comfort fluff like this one, some is gonna be nsfw - stay tuned <3 Wanna get to know them better? Find more chapters in the Masterlist
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