#Panzer Paladin
lesserknownwaifus · 1 month
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lilith from panzer paladin
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cultofthewyrm · 1 year
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by @AngryangryD
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fancypantsrecords · 2 years
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Patrice Bourgeault & Powerglove - Panzer Paladin Original Soundtrack & Selected Cuts | Limited Run Games | 2022 | Clear with Black Smoke
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mysteamgrids · 2 years
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Panzer Paladin
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soldmoondoggie · 1 year
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Panzer Paladin (PC 2020)
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tony-lee-gordy · 2 years
So I recently beat this game called Panzer Paladin. It was developed and published by Tribute Games back in 2020 (the best year...) and I had a pretty good time with it
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The game is a retro inspired 2d platformer with a heavy emphasis on weapon management. Younger new weapons to either use in battle or break for beneficial purposes like healing, buffing, or an offensive attack. You also need one in order to activate a checkpoint. I liked this. It was fun getting new weapons and seeing their stats and break effect. Added a nice twist to an otherwise basic platformer....though I do wish there was an option to sort my weapons by say weapon type or durability.
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I also didn't like how frail Flame was outside of her mech. It wasn't as bad as say Jason in Blaster Master 0 1, but you could still barely take many hits in the parts where you need to.
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I also don't like how leaving the villan hideout to the world map at any time resets you back to the first stage of the tower. I did that by accident and I felt deflated. Not enough to give up but enough to get a slightly irritated taste in my mouth. Also got the chaos ending by mistake..oops
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But honestly, outside of those minor setbacks, I really liked this game from the gameplay, the visual design that looks like a 90s mech anime, and the music which has some pretty damng good tracks. I'd reccomend it if you're in the mood for a fun 2D platformer so if it's still on sale give it a go. ^_^
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sulan1809 · 2 years
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Panzer Paladin - Uma mistura de Gundam com Blaster Master
Panzer Paladin é um game de ação e aventura que foi lançado em 2020 para Nintendo Switch e Steam pela Tribute Games. Jogadores controlam Flame, uma androide designada para a tarefa de resgate, que controla um Mecha chamado Grit, uma armadura robótica autoconsciente. Juntos eles enfrentam e derrotam legiões de demônios que invadem a terra, usando as armas deles contra eles. Panzer Paladin pega inspirações em alguns elementos de games presentes na era dos 8 bits, como visto em Mega Man, Blaster Master e Zelda II: Adventure of Link. Panzer Paladin tem um total de 17 fases, nas quais jogadores alternam entre controlar Grit, o pesadão, e Flame, a nanica. Ao comandar Grit, o jogador pode pegar armas descartadas por inimigos derrotados e usá-las na batalha contra eles. A mecânica de combate inclui um sistema de ataque e bloqueio alto versus baixo (semelhante a Zelda II), juntamente com um sistema de triângulo de armas estilo pedra-papel-tesoura que concede bônus ou reduções de dano às suas armas dependendo da arma usada pelo inimigo. O game também implementa um sistema de durabilidade de armas semelhante ao Breath of the Wild, onde as armas se degradam e eventualmente quebram após usos suficientes, com algumas armas sendo mais duráveis ​​do que outras. Cada arma tem um feitiço predeterminado dentro delas que o jogador pode lançar a qualquer momento quebrando a arma intencionalmente, variando de recuperação e feitiços defensivos a ataques à distância ou de limpeza de tela. As armas também podem ser lançadas contra os inimigos para causar dano extra ao custo de quebrar a arma ou ser deixadas em um pedestal para atuar como um ponto de verificação após a morte. Em similaridade com Blaster Master, Panzer Paladin permite aos jogadores ejetar de Grit para explorar com Flame, áreas inacessíveis pelo grandalhão, embora, em comparação com Grit, a barra de life de Flame é menor, então os jogadores precisam redobrar a atenção constantemente. Flame empunha um chicote de laser estilo Castlevania que lhe permite atacar inimigos à distância, sugar energia de tanques de energia para reabastecer a barra de life de Grit e balançar em ganchos para alcançar novas áreas. Warp espalhados por cada fase permitem que Grit seja teleportado para a localização atual de Flame caso os dois se separem, mas Flame pode atravessar a maioria das fases completamente sozinha, se necessário. A progressão de fases, por outro lado, é muito similar com o que é visto em Mega Man, onde o rosto de cada chefe é visto na seleção de fases, e cada fase pode ser completada na ordem que o jogador quiser, mas claro com algumas exceções.
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greaterarts · 1 year
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disgraced paladin captain panzer. he’s like 80% self loathing and 20% babiest boy ever
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rainyssafespace · 8 months
18+ only please.
Yo, I'm Rain, he/they.
Before you read more about lil old me Operation Olive Branch is a continuously updating spreadsheet of Palestinian escape funds where progress towards their goals is being tracked. Time is running out, any donation counts.
I'm pretty chill, so drop by with a message if you just wanna chat. Just don't be a dick or try dragging me into your silly dramas. It will just get you blocked.
Since I re-blog a lot you can find my posts filtered here
If you wanna see which mods I'm using they can be found here in this post
My writing, if you're interested, can be found under the cut
Baldurs Gate 3
Embers - Zevlor/OC (Saerok) - Saerok and Zevlor, drawn together by an undeniable attraction, find themselves entangled in the enduring flames of desire and yearning. (M/M)
Forged in Desire - Dammon/Reader - Tav finds Dammon's banned smutty book (F/M) (may work for trans masc if you don't get dysphoria around vaginal sex)
Oathbreakers - Zevlor/Tav - Zevlor comforts a fellow broken Paladin (Non Gendered)
Son of a Devil - Lia/OC (Dante) - Lia gets caught with Dante in her bed after going to painstaking lengths to hide the affair from her brothers (honestly it's just some dumb thing I'm writing)
God of War
In Dreams - Faye/Kratos - Kratos finds himself dreaming of a moment of desire with his beloved Faye. (F/M)
Cyberpunk 2077
Trick or Treat - Scorpion/V - Scorpion treats V to a striptease, sex without much plot (Non-Binary V)
Beggin' - Kerry/V - V gets to accompany Kerry to the masquerade ball of the year and has the night of his life. (M/M)
The Panzer Boys - Scorpion/Mitch - Mitch is stuck reliving the past while his brain recovers from his little Panzer stunt. (M/M)
As Good A Place As Any - Mitch/V - V gets Mitch to fix her car yet again (F/M)
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sassygalsworld · 1 month
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✿ I'm Marie, she/ her, My interests are: manicure, video games,anime, Asian culture, photography, ice skating, fashion, cosplay, and wigs!
✿ I'll be basically posting about my life here, I'll show my new manicure, discuss some of my games, discuss anime, I'll discuss some fashion topics, basically I'll just be talking about my interests!
✿ please DNI if you're : homophobic, fetishising gyaru, racist, lolicon/pedophile (same thing basically but some refuse to believe that), against gender equality, and if you talk about sensitive topics like politics! (Remember I'm still in highschool and I don't want you to force your political opinions on me, you do you, I do me!!), etc.
✿ My favorite games currently are: dbh, ddlc,miitopia, bayonetta, DMC, skullgirls, valorant, paladins, overwatch.
✿ My favorite shows currently are: fmab, hnk, jjba part 4, Girlz und panzer, hxh, lycoris recoil, And yuru camp!!
✿ my favourite characters currently are: Neferpitou, Morel McCartnaty, Uvogin, Yuuta okkotsu, Olivia Mira Armstrong, Hank (dbh), Dante (DMC), Filia (skullgirls), viper ( valorant), Seris (paladins), Vash the stampede, ijichi (jjk) ,etc.
✿ I love manba, I have a figure collection, a collection of manga (I currently only have dr stone manga, and one chapter of letter bee (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠))
✿in my free time I either play games, watch anime, listen to music, or sleep!
✿ small fact about me! I have low hemoglobin and ADHD, so I will be probably reposting about these!
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gmlocg · 1 year
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3,150.) Panzer Paladin
Release: July 21st, 2020 | GGF: Action, Platformer, Hack and Slash, Arcade | Developer(s): Tribute Games Inc. | Publisher(s): Tribute Games Inc. | Platform(s): Nintendo Switch (2020), Windows (2020)
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devilmaychub · 11 months
favourite video games ?
I’m a fan of a lot of franchises! I’ll list those then list a few of my favorite games of all time. Fair warning I am a weeb and a snob and I hate most western games. Japanese developed games have a death grip on me.
Final Fantasy
Mega Man
Devil May Cry
Metal Gear Solid
Legend of Zelda
Guilty Gear
Marvel vs Capcom
No More Heroes
One Piece
I also love anything that Platinum Games, SUDA51, or Hideo Kojima makes!
Favorite games of all time
Final Fantasy 7 OG (I loved remake btw)
Mega Man 7
Metal Gear Solid 3
Devil May Cry 3
LOZ: Ocarina of Time
Kirby Super Star
No More Heroes
Castlevania Curse of Darkness/SOTN (I can’t decide)
Guilty Gear X2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Yakuza 0
Gundam Battle Assault 2
One piece Pirate Warriors 3/4
With all that being said I do play a lot of retro inspired indie and party games on steam like shovel knight, freedom planet, Override, Pummel Party, Super Crush KO, Panzer Paladin, Fight Crab.
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novankenn · 11 months
This is just a rant, so ignore it if you don't care, or offer counter opinions if you feel up to it.
Anyway... I like RWBY, it's a neat little show, and has some interesting ideas, and I'll be honest even though I stopped watching it after the Haven Story Arc... I love writing using its world. Yes, I know, shocker. But when you consider nothing I really have written uses anything after "the Fall"... it was probably obvious.
Anyway, I like the potential of RWBY. Which is what brings me to this rant... I DETEST the lack of information, not only on the Grimm (biology - physiology) but Remnant's history. Case in point, I want to do a story about Jaune and a Tank (BTW thank you to everyone who voted... Jaune is going to be using the Sherman V "Firefly") sort of along the lines of "Girls Und Panzer". I wanted the hook for the tank and Jaune to be that it was used by a member of his family during the "Great War".
Okay that is doable... except according to the Wiki the great war... fought over 80 years ago... was fought using bows, arrows, swords, axes and the like. IE Medieval style warfare. Okay... so maybe... but nope. It seems there is no "technological" timeline... we go from simple weapons like Crocea Mors to mega-mechashift like Crescent Rose. We have airships and cars (I think) with Atlas showing off having a Mech (the Paladin) but there's nothing in between.
To me, the progress from soldiers on horse back to mech-suits needs some in between tech... maybe like tanks? I know the "weapons" in the show are more to be "cool" than anything. I get it... but it bums me out when I have an idea and I have to either totally ignore the wiki, or scrap my plan.
Case in point, I have a story on my FF.net profile called "Monster". There is a MASSIVE battle/grimm attack during it, where I basically had to create Atlas' military forces. I was forced to pull things from our real world that would be good "stepping stones" for the stuff shown in the show.
I mean, the battle was massive... I had Atlean forces attacking the encroaching horde for hours before they reached the walls, using A-10's, Spooky gunships, and some WW2 fighter planes. Likewise, I mean when the horde was closing on the walls, I had to make "jumps of logic" due to some of the tactics I had Atlas use to defend itself (IE Nerve Gas, Mustard Gas, Fuel-Air-Bombs).
I had to totally ignore the "Great War" Tech, and go with things I felt a military superpower would have in its arsenal... even throwing in a tidbit about how the "chemical agents" were in violation of the Vytal Peace Treaty.
I know in fan-fiction we take creative licence... but there is a part of me that wished RT had done more world building. I stand by my choices in "Monster" but I still feel like I'm doing a disservice to the core material by having to add so much.
Like I said, this is a rant just to vent, not a serious discussion, but if you feel like pointing out things I have missed/overlooked, feel free to do so. Or ignore me. It's going to take me time to work out how to do the "RWBY-Girl UND Panzer" in a way I like or makes sense to me.
Thanks for letting me blow off some frustration. Much appreciated.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
what's the most out-of-place game you own, something that you have no idea why you have it? like for some reason i have xmen on game gear
I don't know that this applies to physical games, honestly. I got so few games growing up that each one is a clear memory. Like, let's take these photos I tweeted of my SNES game collection in 2017. Some of these games are nearly 30 years old and I remember where almost all of them came from.
Most of them were Christmas, obviously. I have distinct Christmas Morning memories of games like Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, and Zelda.
Donkey Kong Country was one of last Christmas presents I ever spoiled for myself, since I knew where my Mom kept them before wrapping them and putting them under the tree. I was so excited for the game and I felt bad that I ruined the surprise (there were other factors that contributed to this, but that's another post).
My copy of Super Turrican was from my Cousins. I will never forget my aunt proudly reading the back of the box to me. "The sound alone is enough to turn your brain in to a crispy critter."
A lot of these were used. You can tell -- some of them have stickers on them for King Sooper's (a Kroger grocery chain store), others have stickers for Game Force (the local game trader before Gamestop moved in).
Super Mario RPG was the first game I ever bought with my own money. Final Fantasy II was a game I got because I was jonesin' hard for Final Fantasy VII but didn't have a Playstation. I saw Gradius III at a friend's house, knew I'd hate it, but ended up with a copy any way because it was cheap at a flea market. Wheel of Fortune was technically something my mom bought for herself. Star Fox was an unfortunate scenario where I went over to a friend's house, borrowed the game, and then found out he quietly moved away before I could give it back. I got Chrono Trigger because a friend wanted my copy of Sonic & Knuckles and we traded for it (I think I came out on top, because by this point I already had Sonic Jam for the Saturn). Killer Instinct was one of the first games I ever bought off of Ebay.
If you want to get to the REAL obscure games, Steam is the best place for that. My Steam account is 18 years old and thanks to Humble Bundle I have TONS of games I don't remember buying. That, and, for a time, an indie publisher was just sending me dozens and dozens of keys for random games and in the back of my mind I always had this thought of "I'll do something with these some day."
Every time I scroll through my game list, I hit on at least five or ten "I forgot I had this" games, like:
The Ascent, Atomicrops, Bee Simulator, Calico, Carcassonne, Cook Serve Delicious 3, CrossCode, D: The Game, Deathloop, Dirt Rally 2, Dustforce, Gas Station Simulator, Ghostrunner, Hob, Houseflipper, Minoria, Monster Train, Panzer Paladin, Resident Evil VII
And that's not even a full list of "every game I don't remember buying or being gifted."
The fact that so many games can just show up in my Steam account as if appearing out of thin air should be kind of a problem. And it sucks, too, because despite owning almost 1500 games on Steam, there's still a ton more that I want. My wishlist has over 450 games on it, and I cull it semi-regularly. But at some point its throwing them in to an impossible-to-comprehend pile where I just have too many PC games.
Games are weird, dude.
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athetos · 2 years
Panzer Paladin is a good game! The graphics are gorgeous, the presentation including CRT filters are wonderful, the music is catchy, the weapon mechanic is fun, and the bosses have great designs!
But if it wanted to be a great game, it would need to do at least one of the following things:
- add more checkpoints
- make the jumps more forgiving
- give flame slightly more hp
If they did any of those things, it could be a great game, but as it stands now it’s a lot of fun but difficult in a “want to throw a controller against the wall because this is unfair” way than a “oh one more time I know I’ll get it right this time!” Way
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge sales hit a new high
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge game sells over 1 millions copies on Linux and Windows PC. Due to the work of developer Tribute Games Inc. Which speaks for itself in the Steam reviews. Developer Tribute Games announced more than 1 million copies of Shredder’s Revenge have been sold. Doing so after only one week of the return of classic TMNT beat em up action.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge - Release Trailer
A shell-kicking return to the classic TMNT universe as depicted in the 1987 cartoon. The game also finds the Turtles racing to foil the menacing Shredder’s latest scheme. The heroes in a half shell battle the infamous villain’s forces. All in an adventure recalling TMNT’s most memorable locales and moments. While racing to stop Shredder’s plan before he plunges the world into chaos. Players and critics alike have found the return of the turtles to be totally tubular, dude, with Manhattan’s gnarliest heroes. Bringing their own unique abilities and moves into a modernized remake. As a result for their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge signature agile style of combat.
Iconic 80s inspired retro Turtles brawling action on modern platforms
Six player local & online Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge co-op. Featuring Master Splinter and April O’Neil. Even Casey Jones’ playable debut in a TMNT beat em up
Attributes, moves and animations tailored to each fighter. While channeling their personality. Also granting each character a unique edge in battle
Gorgeous pixel renders of signature locales. Like Dimension X, Coney Island and more
A bangin’ original music composed by Tee Lopes. Featuring cultural icons Ghostface Killah and Raekwon. Since it offers a special version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge theme. Due to Faith No More’s Mike Patton
Expertly crafted platform brawler gameplay. Thanks to teams who brought you Streets of Rage 4 and Panzer Paladin
Newly recorded voicework from the original Turtles lineup. Cam Clarke returning as Leonardo, Townsend Coleman as Michelangelo, Barry Gordon as Donatello, and Rob Paulsen as Raphael
Gnarly replayability from the challenge to master all seven characters. While offering gameplay that makes each playthrough feel totally awesome
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge is available on Steam. Priced at $24.99 USD / £22.49 / 24,99€. Since we have support for Linux and Windows PC.
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