#Parth Group
merisarkar · 8 months
Steelmaker JSW Group forays into Defence Sector
JSW Defence and Aerospace: India’s steel maker giant JSW Group has entered into the country’s growing defence manufacturing space which has seen a large number of lucrative defence contracts being awarded to private and state owned defence companies since the launch of ambitious self-reliant India programme (Atm Nirbhar Bharat). The Atm Nirbhar Bharat scheme was launched by the Prime Minister…
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defencestar · 8 months
India’s steelmaker giant JSW Group forays into defence sector
JSW Defence and Aerospace: India’s steel maker giant JSW Group has entered into the country’s growing defence manufacturing space which has seen a large number of lucrative defence contracts awarded to private and state owned defence companies since the launch of ambitious self-reliant India programme (Atm Nirbhar Bharat) initiated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government in 2020 to…
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 4 months
So for the Rusted Knight replacements what if we got Ruby and Emerald like the three sentinels but a duo. Ruby had someone to help her even if she didn't know how at first and Ruby would help Emerald be better. (Extra dare if you want. Make them a couple. I think Emerald is only a year older than the main group. If to creepy ignore the parthes)
Blake: haha! It's the Dual Jewels! The Resplendent Ruby and Effervescent Emerald!
Weiss: No I don't believe-
Yang: ... Ruby?
The Resplendent Ruby: You're ... You're here.
The three members of Team RWBY where swept into a storm of rose petals, pulled into the deepest, strongest hug Ruby could muster
Ruby: *Crying* You're here, you're here, you're here ....
Yang: *Cupping the sides of Ruby's face* Yeah, Yeah we're here ... Yang's here, you're sister's got you ...
Weiss: *In silent disbelief*
Blake: *Shocked into silence*
Emerald: ... Sorry for interrupting ... but we should get going.
Weiss: *pulling back from the hug* Emerald?
Emerald: Yeah ... It's been a while for us, obviously.
Ruby: *Pulls away, standing up* Y-yeah *Sniffle* Emmy's right we should be heading out ...
Blake: 'Emmy'?
Ruby: Uhm, well ... We've been here for a long time, and, if not for each other *Ruby walks over and takes on of Emerald's hands* there's a good chance We wouldn't be here.
Yang: *Wiping tears from her Eyes* S-So you're ... together?
Emerald: Yeah ... It just kinda happened.
Ruby: I- I know it's a lot to hear so quickly, it was a lot to live though, but we do need to get going. We'll tell you all that's happened along the just.
Emerald: And whatever you do Don't trust the Curious Cat.
Yang: *Blankly* Y-yeah. Yeah. Let's head out then.
Blake: *Rubbing Yang's shoulder* We're here for you Yang.
Weiss: *Placing her hand on Yang's other shoulder* Just let us know what you need.
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usafphantom2 · 25 days
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U.S. Air Force Awards RTX $1 Billion Contract to Upgrade F-22 Sensors
The contract follows the recent news about the tests of new advanced sensors on the F-22 Raptor, which the U.S. Air Force is planning to field quickly as part of the ongoing upgrade program.
Parth Satam
F-22 new sensors contract
An F-22 Raptor takes off from Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, June 30, 2022. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Zachary Rufus)
Amid the acute need for 5th generation fighters in modern combat scenarios against peer adversaries, the U.S. Air Force is looking to upgrade its F-22 Raptor with a series of sensors to make it more survivable and relevant. The service announced on Aug. 29, 2024, the award of a $1 billion contract to RTX‘s Raytheon for new sensors that are categorized as “Group B hardware”, together with spares and support equipment.
“Work will be performed in McKinney, Texas, and is expected to be completed by May 8, 2029,” said the DoD contracts statement. The Aviationist had recently reported that the Air Force was testing new sensors on the F-22 to extend its service life, which would also be applied to the NGAD (Next Generation Air Dominance) family of systems.
That report also quoted Brig. Gen. Jason D. Voorheis, the Program Executive Officer for Fighter and Advanced Aircraft, who said they were hoping to field these sensors faster. The Raptor team had conducted six flight tests to demonstrate the advanced sensors.
“The F-22 team is working really hard on executing a modernization roadmap to field advanced sensors, connectivity, weapons, and other capabilities. We’re executing that successfully, and that will lead to […] a rapid fielding in the near future.” This would be done through a Middle Tier Acquisition (MTA) program.
Some of the sensors included in the contract could be the stealthy pods seen on the F-22. Air and Space Forces earlier quoted officials who confirmed that the pods host IRST (Infrared Search and Track) sensors. The development of a new IRST sensor for the Raptor was also confirmed by the service’s 2025 budget request, which however did not mention the sensor being podded.
This work is part of an F-22 improvement campaign that calls for $7.8 billion in investments before 2030, which includes $3.1 billion for research and development and $4.7 billion in procurement.
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An F-22 Raptor with the Air Combat Command F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team performs a flyover and air demonstration at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug 13, 2024. (U.S Air Force Photo by Trevor Cokley)
F-22’s future in the U.S. Air Force
The development is also in contrast with previously reported USAF plans to retire the older F-22 airframes, for which it had sought approval from the Congress. These F-22s are 32 Block 20 units from a total fleet of 186. At the same time, the service aims to upgrade the remaining 154 with new cryptography, an expanded open architecture, new weapons and an advanced threat warning receiver, beside the IRST.
However, the service now appears to be reconsidering that plan, after Voorheis was quoted in the ASF report: “From an F-22 sunsetting perspective, I don’t have a date for you.” “What I can tell you is that we are hyper-focused on modernization to sustain that air superiority combat capability for a highly contested environment for as long as necessary,” he added.
IMAGE 3: A U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor assigned to the 3rd Wing takes off above Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Jun. 17, 2024. (Image credit: USAF/Senior Airman Julia Lebens)
The U.S. Air Force describes the Raptor as a combination of stealth, supercruise, maneuverability, and integrated avionics, designed to project air dominance, rapidly and at great distance. Initially introduced as an air-superiority-only asset, the F-22 later started performing both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions.
The F-35 is largely a strike fighter and an airborne sensor-fusion and data-processing capable command post in its tactical orientation. But the Raptor is a pure air dominance interceptor. Although costly to upgrade and maintain, it nevertheless can play an important role in degrading adversary air power through either long-range BVR (Beyond Visual Range) and dogfights.
Moreover, having F-22s also increases the number of LO (Low Observable) aircraft in the inventory, at least until more F-35s are available, especially the TR-3 (Technology Refresh-3) Block 4 upgraded variants.
In 2021 too, then Air Force chief General Charles Q. Brown Jr. revealed his “4+1” fighter plan, suggesting the F-22 to be replaced by the NGAD while retaining the F-35, F-15E and EX, and the F-16. The “plus 1” was the A-10, but in March 2023, Brown said the A-10s were being retired faster than expected and the entire fleet would possibly be divested by 2030.
Meanwhile the NGAD’s future itself is uncertain after U.S.A.F have noted its technical complexity and financial implications. The F-22 thus seems to be back in the running.
On Jul. 10, 2024, Air Combat Command chief Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach said during a Mitchell Institute event that the service has no official plan to retire its F-22 Raptors. “Right now, there’s…frankly isn’t an F-22 replacement and the F-22 is a fantastic aircraft,” said Wilsbach. “I’m in favor of keeping the Block 20s. They give us a lot of training value, and even if we had to in an emergency use the Block 20s in a combat situation, they’re very capable.”
F-22 Indonesia
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U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors assigned to the 27th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, conduct Dynamic Force Employment operations at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Air Force Base, Indonesia, on Aug. 6, 2024. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mitchell Corley)
Other known F-22 upgrades
Other upgrades mentioned in the 2025 budget request are a Mode 5 Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), Link 16, a Multifunction Information Distribution System Joint Tactical Radio System (MIDS JTRS), a new Operational Fight Program, advanced radar Electronic Protection and an Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation System (INS) Modernization (EGI-M).
Voorheis also mentioned the GRACE (Government Reference Architecture Compute Environment) software that would allow “non-traditional F-22 software” to be installed on the aircraft and provide “additional processing and pilot interfaces.”
A new helmet is also being tested, as part of the Next Generation Fixed Wing Helmet program to replace the current 40-year-old HGU-55P headgear. The new helmet would also allow the introduction of helmet-mounted devices which provide essential flight and weapon aiming information through line of sight imagery, easing the workload of the pilots.
About Parth Satam
Parth Satam's career spans a decade and a half between two dailies and two defense publications. He believes war, as a human activity, has causes and results that go far beyond which missile and jet flies the fastest. He therefore loves analyzing military affairs at their intersection with foreign policy, economics, technology, society and history. The body of his work spans the entire breadth from defense aerospace, tactics, military doctrine and theory, personnel issues, West Asian, Eurasian affairs, the energy sector and Space.
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Review: Happy Place (Emily Henry)
Rating: ★★★★★/5
“All my life, I’ve let other voices creep in, and they’ve drowned out my own. Now my mind is strangely quiet. For the first time in so long, I hear myself clearly. One word. All it takes to answer the only question that can’t wait. You.” I am all out of tears. They’re gone, spent, fully dried up. This book wrecked me. Harriet and Wyn have been inseparable for 8 years. They're engaged to be married - until the unthinkable day when a phone call changes everything, and they're not. Now, Harriet is going back to her happy place, the Maine vacation home from where so many of her happy memories stem...only to find that Wyn, against their agreement, is there too. A week with their closest friends, who don't know that they've broken up...what could possibly go wrong? The first thing I have to point out is how goddamn hilarious Emily Henry is. I found myself laughing out loud multiple times in this book, and I just adore how she can evoke that kind of response so effortlessly. Her humour is so on point. But, in equal measure, she also breaks hearts with reckless abandon, and the angst in this book was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I actually didn't know where this book was going to go. It was hope, then heartbreak, then hope, and we rinse and repeat over and over again. I felt so wrung out by the end. I cried so hard through the last few pages, and I can't get over just how well-written and genuine the story here is. I loved Harry and Wyn and their friend group. Each and every one of them is interesting, unique, and relatable in different ways; I loved Kimmy and her boisterous party-girl side, Cleo's more introverted homebody vibes, Sabrina and her chic movie-star-with-a-plan effervescence, Parth the party boy. But most of all, I loved and felt for and pined for Wyn. He's so beautiful, in every possible way. This group of people feel like family. I was so drawn in to their story. I loved the flashbacks and learning about what happened between Harry and Wyn and why we end up where we do. I loved the Maine summer vibes. This is nostalgia at its best, with hope for the future entwined with fondness for the past. I'm so sad I can't read this book for the first time ever again.
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emyn-arnens · 2 years
OOH OOH OOH! lotro ask game!!! 2, 4, 9, 20, 35, 42? <3
Thanks for the ask!! <3
2. Do you have a favorite Epic quest?
I love, love, love the session play quests. My favorite tho has to be the ever-iconic Boromir POV session play during vol 3 book 7. I’m sure he does canonically know everyone’s names in the fellowship, but the names he gives them in the game are too hilarious.
4. Do you have a favorite side quest?
I really love the lore-based side quests in Lothlorien that talk about the tale of Amroth and Nimrodel, as well as the ones where you explore or reflect in different areas. The slower pace and encouragement to take in the scenery were a breath of fresh air after spending so much time hacking at things in Moria.
I also love the side quests in Rohan that mention how Eowyn has inspired other girls and women, and the relationships that she has with the various female thanes and reeves. LOTRO has always been pretty good about its depiction of women imo, but it seemed like around Rohan it really started stepping into portraying relationships between women, which I appreciated.
9. Do you have any favorite character(s)?
Corudan, my beloved. **spoilers if you haven’t reached Helm’s Deep** I still can’t believe I just waved goodbye to him and sent him on his way at Helm’s Deep without realizing I wouldn’t see him again. ;-; The devs better pick up his storyline again and let us know what happened to him—and he’d better be alive—or I’ll riot.
And since we’re fresh off the Harvest Festival, I love Ivy Redsmith. She’s such a good friend ;-;
20. Do you spend a lot of time on cosmetics- outfits, weapons, housing, pets? Do you have any favorites?
I’ve spent WAY too much time on cosmetic outfits. I spent most of my time collecting cosmetics/cool armor and creating outfits when I first started playing, and it’s the reason why I’m perpetually running out of inventory, vault, and housing space because I have too many beloved pieces I’m not willing to part with. (On the upside tho, my new alts never have to run around in their janky beginner armor for very long because I always have something from the stash that I can share with them lol.) Most of my screenshots of the outfits I made were on my old computer so I don’t have access to them (rip), but I modeled a lot of the ones I made after the outfits I saw on blogs like Cosmetic LOTRO, Starry Mantle, Material Middle-earth, and Wandering Around Arda.
As for favorite pieces, some of my favorites include the Tunic and Trousers of the Autumn Traveller (Harvest Festival), the bee wings (Harvest Festival), the Swan Cloak and Cloak of the Dove (store items), Gwir-palvais (Isengard instance), all of the Dunland quest reward armor (that was when I really did my inventory in lol), and the High Elf starter armor.
35. Are there any quotes you like?
Rodwen and her group of failing adventurers (in Parth Galen/the East Wall in East Rohan) have a lot of choice dialogue, with my favorite being, “We lost Cuilinn not long after leaving Cair Andros; he was a minstrel, and did not understand the need for silence at a crucial moment.”
And I love every sassy comment Corudan makes about third wheeling with Horn and Nona. :D
42. Are there any fun easter eggs you’ve found that you enjoy?
According to the devs it’s not an official easter egg (and wasn’t a connection on their radar at all), but I read on the forums that the Ivy Redsmith/Halson Cleary story line coincidentally mirrors Connie Willis’ short story, “A Letter from the Clearys.” I've never read the story, but I thought that was cool, even if it was unintentional.
My favorite official easter egg is the hidden deed for climbing to the highest point of the Hollin Ridge, which bestows the “Ridge-racer” title upon completion. My main bore the title proudly for a long time. :D
[lotro asks]
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dr-parth-bansal · 2 months
Parkinson's Disease Guide: Diagnosis & Treatment by Dr. Bansal
Dr. Parth Bansal offers a comprehensive guide to Parkinson's disease, focusing on diagnosis and treatment. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by tremors, stiffness, and balance issues. Accurate diagnosis involves neurological exams and brain imaging to confirm the condition. Treatment options include medications, physical therapy, and, in some cases, surgery. Emphasizing lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and joining support groups, can significantly improve symptom management and quality of life.
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sankalpalloys · 4 months
Zeron 100 Pipe Fittings Manufacturers in India
Sankalp Alloys Overseas was founded by a group of many years experienced specialists with products developing, designing, producing management and quality control.Our Organisation is ISO 9001:2008 we are supplying only good quality, traceable inspection and reliable delivery with excellent customer services. We are professional and specialize in manufacturing, stockiest, import and export of Pipe Fittings, Flanges, Fasteners, Instrumentation Fittings, Hammer Union, Valves, Gaskets, Pipes and Tubes, Sheet, Plates Coils, Bars & Structural Steel Products as per customers projects, drawings, standards and specifications.
This is a supperalloy that has a higher substance of the Alloy and is exceptionally great for the conditions that show forceful nature towards the Alloy. It has countless properties that make it an astonishing item for the business and makes it the most unmistakable arrangement for every one of the ventures.
It is outfitted with various properties, for example, being exceptionally safe against the pressure erosion that occurs because of the acceptance of chloride and the breaking that occurs because of the sulfide-stress in the circumstances where sharp gas is available. To this end they are utilized broadly with the end goal of the seawater applications since it has a very well obstruction from consumption.
Composition: Zeron-100 typically consists of 25% chromium, 7% nickel, 3.6% molybdenum, and 0.2% nitrogen, along with other alloying elements.
ASTM Standards: Pipes and fittings made from Zeron-100 typically conform to ASTM A790 (seamless and welded pipes) and ASTM A815 (wrought fittings) standards.
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Zeron-100 seamless welded pipes and fittings offer a combination of exceptional corrosion resistance, high strength, toughness, and weldability. They are well-suited for demanding applications in industries where corrosion and mechanical integrity are critical factors. With their versatility, longevity, and cost-effectiveness, Zeron-100 products provide reliable solutions for challenging environments, ensuring durable performance and minimizing maintenance costs over their service life.
CONTACT US:- PHONE: +91-8828369483 E-MAIL:- [email protected]
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andrewrossiter1 · 4 months
Happy Birthday Église
Happy Birthday Église
Prédication par Andrew Rossiter à Castelmoron, Pentecôte 2024 Actes 2.1-11, Jean 15. 26-27
Ça s’est passé à Budapest pendant que j’étais en vacances avec mes deux enfants, il y a presque 30 ans. Je ne parle pas du tout hongrois, une langue qui a la réputation d’être la plus difficile en Europe. En effet elle n’est pas du tout comme les autre langues européennes. J’ai appris un seul mot «egészsegrerek» (Santé en levant un verre)!
Nous étions dans le métro et les jumeaux étaient dans la poussette, et nous étions un peu perdus. Mais comment demander des directions sans pouvoir prononcer les noms des stations? Il faut simplement regarder le plan du métro pour s’en rendre compte.
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Puis il y a eu comme une lumière sonore (si cela existe?), traversant les bruits des voix, des rames qui entraient en gare, le haut-parleur… j’ai capté l’anglais! L’anglais avec un accent d’Oxford. C’était comme une balise de repérage pour un naufragé. Pour la première fois depuis une semaine j’ai compris chaque mot à l’instant que les personnes parlaient. Je n’avais pas à me concentrer, ou demander une traduction, ou de comprendre à peu près. Tout était clair, précis et compréhensible. C’était comme rentrer à la maison.
Comme à la maison: être entendu et compris et comprendre.
J’imagine que pour les gens de la première Pentecôte c’était pareil, mais en puissance 10 ou même 100. Ils ont tous compris instantanément en 15 langages différents. Dans les rues autour du temple de Jérusalem l’incompréhension était remplacée par la révélation et le sentiment qu’ils étaient tous chez eux.
Les langues n’étaient pas les langues «au hasard» mais bien les langues de tous les juifs de toutes les nations. C’est-à-dire de tous les pays où se trouvaient des juifs de la diaspora.
Imaginez un instant, les Parthes, les Mésopotamiens, les Judéans et plein d’autres à Jérusalem un peu perdu, ne parlant pas la langue locale, qui tout d’un coup entendent parler des gens dans leur langue maternelle, dans leurs dialectes peut-être pour la première fois depuis qu’ils venaient à Jérusalem, année après année pour la fête annuelle de la Pentecôte.
Et cette maison devient une sorte de balise de repérage, ils se tournent tous pour voir et pour mieux entendre. Est-ce qu’ils avaient le sentiment qu’ils venaient chez eux? Qu’ils rentraient à la maison, à leur maison?
Le don de l’Esprit à la Pentecôte n’est pas pour les croyants. Il n’est pas pour les membres du «groupe Jésus», de cette nouvelle communauté fondée en son nom. Le don de l’Esprit de la Pentecôte n’est pour nous, non plus.
Au mieux Dieu nous le confie, mais Dieu ne nous le donne pas. Le don de l’Esprit est pour celles et ceux qui se trouvent en dehors des murs de cette maison, qui se trouvent dans les rues, dans les places est sur les parvis du temple. Le don de l’Esprit n’est pas pour nous dans nos églises, dans notre paroisse, dans notre vie de chrétien. Il passe par nous pour que les autres peuvent le recevoir.
Le don de l’Esprit marque la naissance de l’Église, et l’Église est pour celles et ceux qui vivent dans un monde où ils n’entendent pas leur langue maternelle. Je ne parle pas de cette langue, française ou anglaise, ou néerlandaise que nous parlons depuis notre naissance, mais de cette langue maternelle divine qui résonne au plus profond de notre être. La langue par laquelle nous savons que nous sommes chez nous, acceptés, compris, aimés, entendus et attendus. 
Nous ne sommes pas les récipients de ce don mais bien les canaux par lesquelles le don est communiqué aux autres.
C’est le don qui se fait entendre parmi les parasites et les interférences de notre vie pour venir jusqu’à moi et à toi. 
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Pour d’autres ce don est aussi la folie, il est stupide et incompréhensible pour certains, à quel point qu’ils se moquent de nous. Pierre n’avait pas peur de la moquerie et du ricanement. Il répondait, tel un prophète du Premier Testament en citant Joël (c’est le reste du passage que nous n’avons pas lu). Il dit que Dieu répandra sur toute chair son esprit. Toute chair: des jeunes et des vieux, des femmes et des hommes, des libres et des esclaves. Tous deviendront prophètes, afin de parler en vérité, de témoigner et de passer aux autres, et c’est exactement ce qui se passe à Jérusalem ce jour-là et à Castelmoron aujourd’hui.
La communauté de Jésus dépasse les barrières que nous voulons établir pour nous protéger dans nos églises, nous protéger de la moquerie, du ridicule et de la raillerie.
Dans notre pays il y en a qui disent que tu n’as pas le droit de parler de Dieu, de Jésus et de l’Église. C’est un pays laïc. Comme si la laïcité veut évacuer toute spiritualité. Comme si la laïcité crée un champ de force, un champs de protection, autour d’un collège ou une mairie ou un établissement public, empêchant Dieu d’y entrer. Et c’est faux, car la laïcité t’offre la protection de penser et de croire ce que tu veux, et de l’exprimer sans faire du prosélytisme.
D’autres te diront, «Ha, ha! tu n’es pas sérieuse». Tu ne peux pas croire à tout ça, c’est bien pour les bébés et les mémés. 
Ou encore, celles et ceux qui pensent bien faire, pour te protéger diront peut-être, «Attention on t’embarque peut-être dans une secte.
Alors comment en parler? Que dire?
Voila, la première chose à faire: «Ne t’inquiètes pas!» «Reste zen et cool». Oui je suis sérieux. Vas-y détends-toi, respire un grand coup. Vas-y tout le monde, respire, retiens-le et maintenant lâche-le lentement. Whew! c’est déjà mieux, non?
Le don de l’Esprit, du feu et du vent, c’est ça la Pentecôte, c’est du vent!. Parfois comme une tempête, mais c’est assez rare, à mon sens c’est bien plus souvent comme une respiration. L’Esprit est aussi naturel, aussi inoffensif, aussi vital que de respirer. 
Donc, ne t’inquiètes pas, après tout c’est l’Esprit qui va faire le boulot. C’est l’Esprit qui va communiquer et qui va susciter une réponse dans l’autre en face de toi.
Et toi, que faire? Bah, rien, sauf de ne pas avoir peur, et tout le reste sera aussi automatique que de respirer.
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La deuxième chose c’est «ne t’inquiète pas». Oui je sais ça ressemble beaucoup à ce que je viens de dire. En fait c’est exactement la même chose, mais c’est tellement essentiel que je pense qu’il faut le répéter.
La troisième chose est de rester qui tu es. Tu es jeune, vieux, français ou française, souriant ou sérieuse… tu es qui tu es.
La langue maternelle de l’autre peut s’exprimer par WhatsApp, Messenger, Emojis, Instagram ou quelques-uns des 99 autres réseaux sociaux disponibles aujourd’hui.  Peut-être leur langue maternelle est la musique, le cinéma, les jeux vidéos, les séries télé ou la peinture. Peut-être la langue maternelle qu’ils entendent c’est ta disponibilité, ton amitié, ta fidélité et ton honnêteté.  Peut-être la langue qu’ils captent dans la cacophonie de leur vie est un mot de pardon, une caresse d’affection ou une simple présence qui rassure.
Ces juifs qui venaient à Jérusalem chaque année pour la fête de la Pentecôte 50 jours après la Pâque étaient là pour célébrer le don de Dieu, le don de la Torah, de la Loi. Ils étaient là aussi pour offrir les prémices, leurs premiers récoltes. C’était une fête de donnant-donnant. Les disciples de Jésus étaient à Jérusalem pour célébrer aussi ce don de la Torah, comme un don de Dieu. Ils étaient inconscients qu’ils allaient recevoir un autre don: le don d’une langue maternelle divine qui les retourneront vers l’extérieur. Un don qui n’étaient pas destiné à eux, mais qui devait continuer son chemin à travers leurs vies vers ceux et celles qui étaient dehors, qui ne savaient pas qu’il existe une langue maternelle divine comprise par tous.
Happy Birthday Église!
L’Église est née d’un don de Dieu, et l’Église, y compris notre église, contient l’ADN de ce don. Une langue d’invitation. Une invitation dans une langue qu’ils comprennent comme s’ils rentraient à la maison, chez eux.
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jcmarchi · 7 months
MIT physicists capture the first sounds of heat “sloshing” in a superfluid
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mit-physicists-capture-the-first-sounds-of-heat-sloshing-in-a-superfluid/
MIT physicists capture the first sounds of heat “sloshing” in a superfluid
In most materials, heat prefers to scatter. If left alone, a hotspot will gradually fade as it warms its surroundings. But in rare states of matter, heat can behave as a wave, moving back and forth somewhat like a sound wave that bounces from one end of a room to the other. In fact, this wave-like heat is what physicists call “second sound.”
Signs of second sound have been observed in only a handful of materials. Now MIT physicists have captured direct images of second sound for the first time.
The new images reveal how heat can move like a wave, and “slosh” back and forth, even as a material’s physical matter may move in an entirely different way. The images capture the pure movement of heat, independent of a material’s particles.
“It’s as if you had a tank of water and made one half nearly boiling,” Assistant Professor Richard Fletcher offers as analogy. “If you then watched, the water itself might look totally calm, but suddenly the other side is hot, and then the other side is hot, and the heat goes back and forth, while the water looks totally still.”
Led by Martin Zwierlein, the Thomas A Frank Professor of Physics, the team visualized second sound in a superfluid — a special state of matter that is created when a cloud of atoms is cooled to extremely low temperatures, at which point the atoms begin to flow like a completely friction-free fluid. In this superfluid state, theorists have predicted that heat should also flow like a wave, though scientists had not been able to directly observe the phenomenon until now.
First sound, depicted in a simple animation, is ordinary sound in the form of density waves, in which normal fluid and superfluid oscillate together. 
Second sound is the movement of heat, in which superfluid and normal fluid “slosh” against each other, while leaving the density constant.
Images: Courtesy of the researchers
The new results, reported today in the journal Science, will help physicists get a more complete picture of how heat moves through superfluids and other related materials, including superconductors and neutron stars.
“There are strong connections between our puff of gas, which is a million times thinner than air, and the behavior of electrons in high-temperature superconductors, and even neutrons in ultradense neutron stars,” Zwierlein says. “Now we can probe pristinely the temperature response of our system, which teaches us about things that are very difficult to understand or even reach.”
Zwierlein and Fletcher’s co-authors on the study are first author and former physics graduate student Zhenjie Yan and former physics graduate students Parth Patel and Biswaroop Mukherjee, along with Chris Vale at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. The MIT researchers are part of the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA).
Super sound
When clouds of atoms are brought down to temperatures close to absolute zero, they can transition into rare states of matter. Zwierlein’s group at MIT is exploring the exotic phenomena that emerge among ultracold atoms, and specifically fermions — particles, such as electrons, that normally avoid each other.
Under certain conditions, however, fermions can be made to strongly interact and pair up. In this coupled state, fermions can flow in unconventional ways. For their latest experiments, the team employs fermionic lithium-6 atoms, which are trapped and cooled to nanokelvin temperatures.
In 1938, the physicist László Tisza proposed a two-fluid model for superfluidity — that a superfluid is actually a mixture of some normal, viscous fluid and a friction-free superfluid. This mixture of two fluids should allow for two types of sound, ordinary density waves and peculiar temperature waves, which physicist Lev Landau later named “second sound.”  
Since a fluid transitions into a superfluid at a certain critical, ultracold temperature, the MIT team reasoned that the two types of fluid should also transport heat differently: In normal fluids, heat should dissipate as usual, whereas in a superfluid, it could move as a wave, similarly to sound.
“Second sound is the hallmark of superfluidity, but in ultracold gases so far you could only see it in this faint reflection of the density ripples that go along with it,” Zwierlein says. “The character of the heat wave could not be proven before.”
Tuning in
Zwierlein and his team sought to isolate and observe second sound, the wave-like movement of heat, independent of the physical motion of fermions in their superfluid. They did so by developing a new method of thermography — a heat-mapping technique. In  conventional materials one would use infrared sensors to image heat sources.
But at ultracold temperatures, gases do not give off infrared radiation. Instead, the team developed a method to use radio frequency to “see” how heat moves through the superfluid. They found that the lithium-6 fermions resonate at different radio frequencies depending on their temperature: When the cloud is at warmer temperatures, and carries more normal liquid, it resonates at a higher frequency. Regions in the cloud that are colder resonate at a lower frequency.
The researchers applied the higher resonant radio frequency, which prompted any normal, “hot” fermions in the liquid to ring in response. The researchers then were able to zero in on the resonating fermions and track them over time to create “movies” that revealed heat’s pure motion — a sloshing back and forth, similar to waves of sound.
“For the first time, we can take pictures of this substance as we cool it through the critical temperature of superfluidity, and directly see how it transitions from being a normal fluid, where heat equilibrates boringly, to a superfluid where heat sloshes back and forth,” Zwierlein says.
The experiments mark the first time that scientists have been able to directly image second sound, and the pure motion of heat in a superfluid quantum gas. The researchers plan to extend their work to more precisely map heat’s behavior in other ultracold gases. Then, they say their findings can be scaled up to predict how heat flows in other strongly interacting materials, such as in high-temperature superconductors, and in neutron stars.
“Now we will be able to measure precisely the thermal conductivity in these systems, and hope to understand and design better systems,” Zwierlein concludes.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship. The MIT team is part of the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (an NSF Physics Frontier Center) and affiliated with the MIT Department of Physics and the Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE).
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booktownn · 8 months
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Railway Exam Books
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shoonyaband · 8 months
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Corporate Harmony: Live Band Experiences for Events
SHOONYA is a live band for corporate events in Vadodara and they have headlined numerous corporate events since they first got into the music scene in 2015. The group consists of Suraj Chhugani, Joseph D’Souza and Parth Maru and their combined creative forces have enabled the band to become the number one choice for any kind of corporate event.
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htbthomas · 11 months
Yuletide Letter 2023
Hello, I’m htbthomas on AO3 as well as here and everywhere. I’ve been doing Yuletide since 2007, and I love it. It’s fun to try new things and read things I’d never think to read. My previous letters are here on LJ, and here on Tumblr. Feel free to see how I’ve changed (or not, most likely, heh.)
General Likes and Dislikes:
I have a few bulletproof story kinks. Use them if you like!
Secrets - I love characters with secrets. Ones they’re keeping from their friends, from their family, from their coworkers, from the world-at-large. I like it when one or two inner circle people know, but not everyone they know. Secret identity is SUCH a thing for me.
Reveals - despite everything I just said, my favorite thing ever is someone finding out the secret. I always want the love interest to find out, or the enemy, or the neighbor, or the random acquaintance or stranger. Okay, pretty much anyone. I still don’t want EVERYONE to know, but I ache for the stories of when the select few learn the truth like burning.
Powers/Talents - I like characters using their powers, discovering new powers, using their talents in cool ways, or even making the mundane magical.
Humor - I like everything mixed with humor. Even the darkest fandoms need a little, sometimes a lot. Make me laugh and I’ll pick out all my favorite moments.
Canon-Typical - Unless I say otherwise, I like the humor, violence, and language of the source material to stay similar in fic.
Ship-Content - I like anything from G-rated kissing to E-rated smut.
Other things I like: fake dating/pretend relationships, getting together, first times and family/group bonding are my jam. I also enjoy unusual formats, like interactive fiction, graphic/comic or epistolary.
No mundane AUs
Extraordinary (TV 2023)
Jen Regan
My favorite new show of last year. I wish I saw more of it around Tumblr/fannish spaces! I'd be happy with a fic focused just on Jizzlord (his full-cat years, post-S1 finale issues, whatever) or Jen (her family, finally discovering her power, etc.) I love the two together as well.
My Adventures with Superman (Cartoon)
Clark Kent
Lois Lane
EE, this show makes me very happy and I want all the saving people/investigating/using powers while Lois and Clark experience the dating milestone of your choice. 💕 Jimmy is definitely welcome, along with any of the extended cast.
Star Trek: Lower Decks (Cartoon)
Sam Rutherford
D'Vana Tendi
That fake relationship plotline in "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place" really got me! They are adorable together as friends geeking out over engineering and science. Give me your romance tropes, all the tropes, any trope, to get these two to kiss. Any other cast members are welcome to appear/be involved! EDIT 11/6/23: Oo, I'd also enjoy a fic that fixes their season ending separation in some way!
Any prompt that uses some of my likes would be amazing! I am very open to treats, as well!
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