#Patricia A. Potter
macabremarble · 4 months
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happy pride month to lesbians with mommy issues who’ve felt as heartbroken as merula when this woman she felt deep connection with made her feel like shit both physically and mentally or something.
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He definitely cares about what happens to MC
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mylegendaryicons · 11 months
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maelstroumwaterfall · 6 months
Arbormagic Sydrome (The End Of The Wizarding World) Chapter 6
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Chapter 6. The Missing Hufflepuff
Penny and Tonks haven't talked to eachother since the Kneazle Incident and their row in the Hufflepuff common room. Both these situations made her feel very conflicted and she didn't even feel like being herself after everything what happened.
She felt somehow upset. She didn't expect Penny to say something like this about her. She just wanted to help Haywood and didn't expect such reaction to the question about her scratches.
She kept asking herself the same question then. Was she really just an annoying, reckless, foolish idiot for her around? Do others really think the same about her? She was trying to not to care about it before but now, after Penny just shouted this at her like this, in a front of everyone, it was far from being the least of her worries.
She slowly walked down the road towards Hogsmeade, looking at the grey, cloudy sky above. There weren't many people around as the rain was about to start, but Tonks needed to visit Olivander's before she has to participate in lessons again. She had some troubles with using magic, she was repeating the spells for numerous amount of times but they wouldn't work.
She walked through the streets and soon reached the familiar building.
- One minute, please! - said an old man's voice from somewhere behind the shelves.
Tonks patiently waited near the desk. She didn't really wanted to hurry. It's not like she didn't want to come back to Hogwarts, but she felt like she needed some fresh air to gather her thoughts.
- Good morning, Miss. How can I help you? - said a gentle voice as Olivander slowly approached the young witch. He glanced down at her calmly, looking at her with a slight, gentle smile.
- Um.. Good morning. I've had some troubles with using my wand recently.. I couldn't complete even the simplest spells no matter how much I tried. I thought that there could be problems with my wand but I'm not sure.. - she handed her wand to Olivander and he raised it closer to the light to examine it.
- It's a very rare case, but there's indeed a chance that the problem could be in the wand. - he responded, taking a closer look at the wood. - I don't remember any wands with such unusual patterns in Olivander's.
What do you mean? - she asked, approaching a little closer to also see what he's looking at.
- I mean these handmade looking outlines of the centipede's body on the wood. I don't know any places that make similar patterns on the wands. - he showed her the wand under the dim light and she indeed noticed the barely noticeable traces on the wood.
- I didn't know it was here. - she said with a surprised voice. She must admit, it looked quite beautiful but at the same time somehow dark and menancing.
- Hmm.. - he stepped a little back and extended his hand before making a slight whirl with the wand to check if it works at all. He then suddenly dropped the wand and pulled his hand back as if he touched the hot coal. - Oh!
Tonks stepped back and looked at the man with concern, not understanding anything and being really confused. - What was this?.. Are you alright?
He was looking at his hand for a few seconds before he bent down to pick up the wand.
- You better find another wand for a while. It's not something I've ever met before but I'll definitely try to find out more about it later. - he responded, still slightly fidgeting his hand. Dora was taken aback at first but then she couldn't help but felt a little exited and curious. She nodded and after Garrick put the wand away he went to the shelves to find something similar to the wand he gave her before.
It didn't take much time as he already knew what kind of wands fits Nymphadora and after a few minutes he already found a new, fitting wand for her.
- You can come here again later. If I don't get more work I'll definitely try to find some information. - he said as she took the new wand. She smiled at him and nodded.
- Thank you for help Mr. Olivander. - were her last words before she leaved the place.
Even though the problem with her wand was half solved, she only got more questions and no answers. At least she will now be able to participate in lessons as the new wand was working.
She even forgot how tired she felt and that feeling came back when she walked back to Hogwarts down the same road. She felt kinda exhausted recently, no matter how much she slept. The pain in her veins and muscles also wouldn't go over time and even seemed to worsen.
As she walked past the Forbidden Forest, she couldn't help but felt a some kind of gravity towards the dark and dangerous grounds of the forest. It was as if these high, old trees and their leaves were whispering and calling for her.
- Ouch!.. - and when did her skin became so itchy? She tried to ignore the feeling, but didn't notice when she started scratching her hand again as she was mesmerized by the whisper of the wind that went through the trees of the dark forest.
She stepped away from the road and slowly moved towards the Forbidden Forest before disappearing in it's shadows, without anyone seeing her. She didn't know why, she just felt like she needs to go there, like she has to be there, to follow the voice that is calling her.
As many people thought it started raining. The weather became quite turbulent and nobody really wanted to have a walk under the raging thunder and lightning. There, in Hogwarts, in the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom, Rakepick tried to find something similar to the situation with Merula's wand in the old Curses book she's read a long while ago.
She remembered that she saw something similar to the traces on Snyde's wand in this book but didn't remember what exactly. She scrolled the pages under the sounds of the beating at the windows rain.
She was almost at the last pages and she suddenly spotted exactly what she needed on an old, wrinkled corner of the page - the illustration of the wand with the same centepide traces.
'The Arbortide Curse' - said the barely noticeable, almost erased text.
'The Arbortide Curse is supposedly a spell, developed by an unknown dark wizard in the middle of XV century. Almost no information could be gotten as the original creator of the "curse" has commited $u!side and only one person has been affected by the "spell" and had to be killed due to being a danger to others. The victim's wand that had the slighty pronounced traces of the centipede's body was considered the only thing to indicate being affected by the curse.'
The whole text didn't even take the half of the page.
Why there was nothing about the person who was affected by the curse? - was the first question Rakepick asked herself. She wasn't sure what to think. The whole text didn't give any answers, even the information given in the book was only "presumptive".
The only thing was clear, it has to do something with Merula's wand, and she's probably not the only one who is in danger.
The whole atmosphere in Hogwarts changed, it became more tensed, mysterious, and somehow blurred. Many students started feeling strange and were complaining about exhaustion and bad sleep. Especially Haywood whose condition looked very badly.
She couldn't sleep normally, her skin was constantly itching, she was nervous and exhausted and didn't know what's happening to her, sometimes she wanted to cry due to the pain she feels when she scratches her skin 'till it's bleeding but still can't stop. The thing that hurts her even more was the fact that she had hurt her friends, especially Tonks that she insulted and shouted at.
She felt so guilty and really wanted to apologize to Dora. She looked for her everywhere in Hogwarts, before she came back to the Hufflepuff common room. Almost everyone turned to her to once again see her exhausted and saddened look. She looked up and glanced around, before she asked in a worried and tired voice:
- Has anyone seen Nymphadora?..
( Hope you enjoyed 💝🌟 Please write if you find any mistakes, it will help me to improve my English 😊 )
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"The illustration of the wand that Rakepick saw in the book "
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nightwishesworld · 4 months
Testing the waters with an excerpt from a much larger WIP. What better way to kick off Pride Month than with a little self indulgent writing? Let me know if you wanna read the full story. Thanks!
AU originally written with an OC but figured this would be more fun for everyone
Patricia Rakepick x Fem Reader
Moonlight cast a silver glow upon the stone walls of Hogwarts as you and Patricia move in unison down the darkened corridors. Your footsteps the only sounds amidst the quiet of Hogwarts. Each of you carrying a wand at the ready, the warm light of Lumos piercing the shadows where secrets and dangers might lurk.
"Left here," Patricia murmurs, her voice low but clear in the quiet. "I've sensed something off in this wing for a few nights now."
You nod, allowing the curse-breaker to take the lead. It irks you to not be at the forefront, but you recognize the strategic advantage of Patricia's expertise in this arena. She is the one that attended the school after all.
"Feel it?" Patricia asks, pausing by a tapestry depicting the triumphs of long forgotten medieval wizards. She looks over her shoulder at you, her eyes flickering across your face as if gauging your expression.
"Like a static charge.” Your shoulders brushed, sending an unexpected jolt up your spine. "Residue of dark magic?"
"Could be," Patricia says, her gaze lingering on you a second longer than necessary. "Or it could be us— stirring up an unlikely chemistry.”
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," you quickly retorted, shutting down any attempts of deception or manipulation. Though you do feel your heart beating a little faster. The allure of Patricia's confidence is not lost on you, despite the repulsion of that admission, nor do you like the way it challenges you to rise to match the redhead’s energy. Even in jest, letting her win is not an option.
You continue your patrol, moving from one corridor to the next until the clock tower struck midnight, signaling a well-deserved break.
The kitchens provide a haven in the dead of night, with the scent of baking bread and simmering stews wafting through the room. House-elves stop their bustling to greet you with wide eyes and small bows. They scurry around, setting out an array of warm bread, cheeses, and a pot of steaming tea for you both.
You watch Patricia interact with the house-elves, her demeanor shifting from vigilant to gentle as she thanks them with a soft smile. It's a side of her that’s always uncanny to see—the softer, more caring side that hints at depths beyond her fierce exterior.
Seated at the wooden table, you both take in the comforting atmosphere of the warm kitchen. The crackling fire casts dancing shadows on the walls, adding an almost cozy charm to the hidden room.
Patricia pours two cups of tea and pushes one towards you, her eyes meeting yours in a moment of unspoken understanding. Despite the tension that often simmers between you, there is a shared camaraderie in moments like this. It feels like she’s a completely different woman compared to the usual sarcastic and cold witch that knows exactly what buttons to press to rile you up.
That’s not to say Patricia doesn’t have a sort of charm to her; the confidence in every stride she makes, the sway of her hips, her natural wit and intelligence that made her the forefront in any interaction she had.
The torches cast dancing shadows across Patricia’s face, softening her features. You felt a pull in your chest, like the strings of an instrument strumming a melody you’d never heard but always known.
"See something you like, Y/L/N?" Patricia teases.
You raise an eyebrow, refusing to let her fluster you with those piercing blue eyes. "Don’t flatter yourself. I’m enjoying a minute of respite before I have to go back to working with you."
“I can provide you a distraction from work if you let me.” Her tone lowered to a sultry whisper, her gaze unwavering as she leans in slightly, testing the boundaries of your resolve. Her closeness sends a shiver down your spine, an unexpected thrill mingling with the familiar tension that always crackles between you.
You hold her gaze steadily, refusing to show any signs of weakness as you reply, "I'm not here for your distractions, Rakepick. We have a job to do, remember?"
Patricia chuckles, a low, melodious sound that seems to echo in the cozy warmth of the kitchen. She leans back, swirling the tea in her cup thoughtfully before meeting your eyes once more. You swear feeling her foot brush up your calf as she shifts to cross her legs. "Always so serious. But don't worry, we'll get back to work soon enough."
The glint in Patricia's eyes hints at a mischievousness that you've come to expect from her. As the fire crackles and casts playful shadows in the kitchen, her smile is both inviting and challenging, a subtle invitation hanging in the air between you. You can never quite predict which version of Patricia Rakepick will surface— the focused curse-breaker or the enigmatic woman who revels in toeing the line between rivalry and something more.
"I only care about our obligations to protect," you reply coolly, lifting your tea to your lips and taking a deliberate sip. The warm liquid soothes your nerves, grounding you amidst the swirling emotions that Patricia seems to evoke effortlessly. "We can't afford distractions, not with what's at stake. Everyone residing here is counting on us to keep them safe. I for one, take that seriously.”
Patricia arches an eyebrow at your response, a look of something unreadable in her gaze. "Always the noble hero, aren't you?" she muses, her tone tinged with a hint of mockery that doesn't quite mask the underlying curiosity. "Distractions can be enlightening, you know.”
"Only if one knows how to handle them," you retort in a tone steadier than your heart.
The curse-breaker chuckles, a low sound that seems to edge you closer to the brink of insanity. For a moment you wonder whether you really would be better off locked away in the psych ward of St. Mungos. "Oh, I have quite the adept hand at managing…difficult situations."
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ariparri · 8 months
HPHM Cardverse Masterlist | Blog Masterlist
The Hogwarts Mystery Cardverse is an AU that takes place in a fantasy land called Cinderhaven. There are five regions, four of them representing a suit of cards; Spades, Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds. The final region representing the Jokers.
Here it is, finally! Rakepick's backstory and motive! I kept this one short since I didn’t plan to make her backstory too long, just a good enough description on why she’s the way she is. To put things simply, she’s mad because the newer official role holders are all younger than her and some were literally handed their positions on silver platters while she worked her damn butt off to get her position.
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In the illustrious Country of Spades, where work flowed like the rivers and power lay in the hands of a select few, Patricia Rakepick was born into the esteemed House of Rakepick. From her earliest years, she was immersed in a world of privilege and expectation, the weight of her family's legacy pressing down upon her young shoulders like a suffocating cloak.
Raised within the imposing walls of her family's estate, Patricia's childhood was marked with rigorous education and training. Her parents, stern and unyielding, demanded nothing short of perfection from their daughter, instilling in her a relentless drive for excellence that burned bright within her.
But it was in the hallowed halls of the military academy that Patricia truly found her calling. She excelled in her studies, displaying an insatiable hunger for knowledge and a keen intellect that set her apart from her peers. Improving her skills in combat and strategy, driven by a burning desire to prove herself worthy of her family's legacy.
As she ascended through the ranks, Patricia's ambition knew no bounds. She set her sights on the coveted position of Ace of Spades, the highest rank in the country’s military hierarchy, a title reserved for only the most skilled commanders. Her prowess on the battlefield became legendary, her name whispered in awe and fear by those who knew of her exploits. But even as she carved out her place among the country’s elite soldiers, a shadow of resentment lingered in her heart.
Unlike Patricia Rakepick, who had clawed her way to the top through sheer force and will, Duncan Ashe had been handed his position on a silver platter, his ascent to becoming the next Jack of Spades was swift and seemingly effortless. Under the watchful eye of his mentor, Ulrich Scheller, the mastermind behind the country’s intricate web of finances and policies, Duncan had risen through the ranks with alarming speed, his youth and charm masking a cunning intellect that belied his years.
Even as he was still attending university, Duncan's influence within Ulrich's cabinet was already felt far and wide. His reports and recommendations were eagerly awaited by those in power, his insights and analysis proving invaluable in guiding the country through troubled times.
As Duncan was appointed the new Jack of Spades, another figure emerged from the shadows: Coby McQuaid, the king who never truly sought the crown. Coby's ascension to the throne was a twist of fate orchestrated by his closest friend and confidant, Duncan Ashe. Coby McQuaid never envisioned himself wearing the crown. His days were filled with adventure and laughter, not with the weighty responsibilities of rulership. Despite his initial reservations, Coby embraced his newfound position with characteristic optimism. He may not have been well-versed in the intricacies of governance, but he possessed a deep love for his people and a genuine desire to see them thrive.
As Patricia Rakepick's thirst for power intensified, so too did the darkness that lurked within her soul. Fueled by resentment and driven by ambition, she became a formidable force to be reckoned with in the Country of Spades. Overhearing the conversation between King Coby and Duncan about the possibility of adding Veruca McQuaid, Coby's sister, to the council only served to stoke the flames of Patricia's anger. In her eyes, it was yet another example of undeserving individuals being handed positions of power without earning them.
Determined to prove herself superior to Coby and Duncan, Patricia's ambition twisted into something darker and more insidious. She became ruthless and cunning, willing to cross any line to achieve her goals, no matter the cost. With each passing day, Patricia's thirst for power grew, consuming her from within like a relentless hunger. She manipulated events and people with calculated precision, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.
But as she climbed the ladder of success, leaving a path of devastation in her wake, Patricia's grip on reality began to slip. The lines between right and wrong blurred, and she found herself teetering on the edge of madness. Yet, even as the darkness threatened to consume her, Patricia remained determined to claim her rightful place among the elite of Spades. For in a country where power was the ultimate currency and ambition the driving force behind every action, she would stop at nothing to emerge victorious.
As Patricia Rakepick's fame as a war hero grew, so did her influence within the Country of Spades. Leveraging her reputation and military prowess, she capitalized on the dissatisfaction brewing among the people regarding King Coby's laid-back nature and perceived ineffectiveness as a ruler.
With a shrewd understanding of political maneuvering, Patricia exploited Coby's relaxed style of governance as a potent weapon against him. She paid off news reporters to spread gossip about Coby's extravagant spending habits, painting him as out of touch with the needs of the common folk. The whispers of discontent among the council members and the general populace provided fertile ground for Patricia to sow seeds of dissent. As she positioned herself as a strong and decisive leader, contrasting sharply with Coby's perceived weaknesses, she garnered widespread support among the disillusioned masses.
Patricia's promise of swift and decisive action resonated with many, particularly those who longed for a return to old-school traditions and values. Veterans, in particular, rallied behind her banner, viewing her as a champion of stability and order in a time of uncertainty. Under Patricia's leadership, she demanded absolute loyalty from her supporters, particularly from her military forces. Those who dared to question her authority or stray from her path were swiftly dealt with, sent off to the metaphorical "gulag" as a warning to others.
While some embraced Coby’s vision for the future of Spades, others clung stubbornly to the past, resisting change and viewing Coby's carefree demeanor as a sign of weakness. Yet, as the winds of political upheaval swept through the country, it became increasingly clear that the days of Coby's reign were numbered, and the era of Patricia Rakepick's iron-fisted rule was on the horizon.
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i just realized how utterly interesting the contrast of Rakepick’s beginning and end is in year 6.
the first time we see her she’s conjured a patronus, meaning she was experiencing/thinking about her happiest memory(s).
but the last time we see her, she’s in the final vault, reliving her worst memories.
not sure what this means, but i thought it was an interesting juxtaposition.
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akaryuga · 2 years
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*ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚˗ˏˋᗰદ૨૨ʏ ᘓમ૨ıડτന੨ડˎˊ˗༝﹡˖˟ ⸜₍⁽ˊ꒳ˋ⁾₎⸝ ༝﹡˖˟
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IG HPHM Xmas Collab 2022
thank you @mari-seaweed and @lisin-drw for hosting the collab on IG! お疲れっす!ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝthanks again from Tumblr.
Also thank you for the invite!(⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+ and let me draw my favourite Merula 🥺🫶
Don't forget to check out the other artists!
They are awesome too.(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Characters and artists: (/IG)
(if I forget to tag / wrong tag your Tumblr let me knowヽ⁠(⁠(⁠◎⁠д⁠◎⁠)⁠)⁠ゝ)
• Penny Haywood - @mari-seaweed
• Skye Parkin - @lisin-drw
• Barnaby Lee - @/sephysnu
• Severus Snape - @/sanae_sandyam
• Chiara Lobosca - @caw4brandon
• Female Rowan - @hphm-jeniferltheman
• Patricia Rakepick - @themilkshanghai
• Charlie Weasley - @/_jinreiko_
• Jae Kim - @yoselin-uyu
• Liz Tuttle - @/mathea_croquis
• Talbott Winger - @khamoise
• Bill Weasley - @/yukisou0423
• Merula Snyde - @akaryuga
• Tulip Karasu - @tojiriki
• Tonks - @/nerdqueen.art
• Diego Caplan - @ariparri
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macabremarble · 14 days
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long time no see. time to post rakepick from the short comic i’m making.
shoutout to my mc looking at her with love and adoration only found in the eyes of a sacrificial lamb but we ain’t gonna unpack that ok
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rosie-love98 · 1 year
The Revivors Of Severus Snape:
WARNING: May contain spoilers for “Hogwarts Mystery”.
Basically, I’ve been triyng to work on a fic where (movie) Severus Snape is revived shortly after “Deathly Hallows”. This would be through a formula created by the late Eileen Prince-Snape that composes of the following ingredients:
-A cauldron of water heated by a dragon.
-Pheonix tears.
-Stinging Nettle.
-Fairy Wings.
-The Resurrection Stone.
-And the horn of a unicorn to stir the contents.
From this odd potion, Severus Snape would not only be revived but would gain the powers of the Resurrection Stone. After a long while of recovery, Snape would eventually escape his captived to live in seclusion for years under the name “Sephtis Surgo”. 
While Snape would reunite with his ex-wife (he had secrelty married Constance Hardbroom of the 1998 “Worst Witch” and had a son who would be Nicholas Hobbes of the “Worst Witch” spin-off, “Weirdsister College”) and later welcome a daughter who would inherit (half of) the Resurrection powers, there is a matter that I’m trying to look more into. Who would be Snape’s revivors/captors?
I know I want them to be a member of “R”/The Cabal from the “Hogwarts Mystery” games. But, as I haven’t played much of the game (and too cheap to pay for the upgrades that’ll help me move on to the levels), I’m a bit stuck on the fates of the members. As Peregrine is (allegedly) dead, I’m more incline to go with Verucca Snyde, Eustace Burke, Kazuhiro Shiratori and (maybe) Patricia Rakepick. If the likes of Barty Crouch Jr., Bellatrix and other Death-Eaters had managed to escape, then perhaps the “R” members found a way. But should I go with them or come up with an OC member?
Another question is how would they have gotten ahole of Eileen’s formula? Could Eileen have been a member due to The Cabal’s goal for power? With her destructive marriage to Tobias, it would’ve been natural for the powerless Eileen to want some kind of change? 
Then there’s how they managed to get Snape out of the boathouse...I had the Cabal use the red cap creatures to track a corpse down but how did they get onto Hogwarts grounds and why? Was it to help fight the Death-Eaters or did they have an incling a war was approaching the school so they were hoping to find an unclaimed corpse somewhere?
So, for those who played the game, would including Verucca, Kazuhiro, Patricia and Eustace be a good idea for this story’s villians?
@missnight0wl @hellodanny-hphm @redhairedgryffindor @hogwartshousefriends 
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khamoise · 2 years
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! ✨🎄
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So happy to be part of this collab! Thank you so much to @mari-seaweed and @lisin-drw for organizing everything 🥺💖
Don't forget to check all the other amazing works made by all this beautiful people!:
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• Penny Haywood - @mari-seaweed
• Skye Parkin - @lisin-drw
• Barnaby Lee - @sephysnu
• Severus Snape - @/sanae_sandyman
• Chiara Lobosca - @caw4brandon
• Female Rowan - @hphm-jeniferltheman
• Patricia Rakepick - @themilkshanghai
• Charlie Weasley - @/_jinreiko_
• Jae Kim - @yoselin-uyu
• Liz Tuttle - @/mathea_croquis
• Talbott Winger - Me!
• Bill Weasley - @/yukisou0423
• Merula Snyde - @akaryuga
• Tulip Karasu - @tojiriki
• Tonks - @/nerdqueen.art
• Diego Caplan - @ariparri
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blankdblank · 1 year
Protego Pt 12 - Vault of Ice
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Masterlist here
Fourteen and a foot taller, summer had come and gone without more progress out of the name search. But with height and a new figure Jewel’s body had been cocooning itself into creation, a change Lily on her own also bore through hard growing pains to get to her own statuesque stance nearly half a foot taller than her younger sister. More change physically, only gradually they had inched closer to their prior dynamic while out of school to be a more pleasant duo to be around.
Changes to make the pair all the more alluring for the highly self esteemed first year Gilderoy Lockhart to try and befriend them. Brother to two Squib sisters he tried to make the most of this school he deemed boring by the lower level of skills of his classmates and lessons he found little interest in and desire to work hard in them. He wanted praise, something that he gained little of aside from a few tries to get himself in the house papers, and in that task found himself ridiculous but tolerable to Severus and avoided at all costs by Dolph. So even to failed tries to get the almost Slytherin Lockhart who was almost hat stalled into Ravenclaw just as she was Jewels tried to get him to focus on his studies.
Only enamoring the boy all the more to ways he could copy her Veela allure to bring more attention to himself. Starting with notes on new ideas for special shampoos to make his wavy golden locks all the more suited for a would be celebrity and Wizard of great renowned aimed to be the youngest Minister of Magic ever. Even if he paid little mind to urges to study the eleven year old was in his own mind thriving in the right circles in school to aim him to fame with fellow theatrically minded students encircling Jewels and the confident older boys who did tend to flock after Lily.
Sure enough less chances to get near to the object of his obsession gave way to more time for no good, and that same annoying Dolph alongside an annoyingly conceited redhead named Patricia Rakepick had set something loose in the school. Four vaults as old as the school were one of the rumored hidden dangers many barely stomached whispers about them. The topic Patricia had been hounding Dumbledore and Professor Binns about since her first day to put some effort into finding them. Not just dangers untold but treasures alike were hidden within the three vaults. Some alleged that the vaults housed priceless treasures such as gold, prophecies, and other powerful magical artifacts dating back to before the school was founded, while others believed they contained Dark Magic. The Vault of Ice, Forest Vault, and the Vault of Fear, the first of which Patricia claimed to have been opened.
A sickness of unknown proportion had been let to run wild. One that turns people gradually to ice. Symptoms made easy work for Severus to hunt down an old potion in a decaying book he had copied in his first year for safe keeping and future use that was potent even in the first dose against the sickness while others took the preventative potion to keep from getting sick.
Lily was sick, as were all of Gryffindor students and half of the Ravenclaw students, including Lockhart. Those in the dungeons seemed safest and farthest from air current travels due to the maze of halls their dorms were hidden by. And here Jewels was singing to a massive Ice Bird that was clearly behind the beams of creeping ice and air. Down into a puffy mess of feathers the softly cooing creature curled up humming to the tune Jewels was singing, falling asleep.
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Dragon, terrifying, powerful. And friends with an Ice Bird? Out of a secret door like a long snake the furry scale and crystal coated body of the Dragon moved to lift the sleeping bird and bring them inside that secret room that sealed again signaling the end of Jewels’ song.
“Jewelia?” Flitwick broke the silence, having joined the other Professors who heard a student was seen by a ghost racing here from the staircases above. She had come here to sing, and now just stopped as a formerly unnoticed open door Nearly Headless Nick was unable to enter alongside Professor Binns had shut taking its mysteries with it. “What did you see?” he asked curious if her Morpher eyes had found some glowing symbol or hidden warning somewhere to come and sing here.
“You can’t tell me you didn’t see that giant ice spitting bird and that Dragon.” She replied, having to detail exactly what she saw, including sketch copies as best she could manage of their appearance, then said in a pleading tone, “Can, we not tell people, I’m seeing giant invisible things now too?”
Minerva was the one to answer that, “Naturally, you have supplied us all the necessary details. No one else need know unless this happens again and we require your assistance.”
Hagrid asked, “What gave you thought to sing to them?”
And she gestured to Flitwick, “Professor Flitwick said my first year music calms creatures. The bird at least seemed upset.”
“Fair assessment, useful as well.” Flitwick said in a chipper tone.
“Fifty points to Ravenclaw, sharp thinking, Miss Evans,” Professor Sprout stated confidently.
“And ten,” Flitwick added making the adults and ghosts look his way. “For a masterful choice of music.” Accentuated with a nod the Professor shifted a hand to guide the young girl towards the Hospital Wing to get the limp in her left foot checked.
 “I’m not going on a date with you, James!” Lily was heard exclaiming across their bend of the student filled beds.
“Oh come now, life is clearly short. No time to waste.” He tried to say smugly.
“You just hexed Kyle over there for no reason at all, why would I date a bully like you?”
“It was not for nothing, he made a comment about my pajamas.” James blurted out the pathetic excuse for his presumed well deserved justice.
“That is so pathetic,” she responded.
“He is irrelevant, we should talk about us and our date at Hogsmeade this weekend.” Accenting that with a swat of his hand to the side, “It’s fate, we woke up so near to one another.”
“There’s a Muggle word for people like you.”
“Charming,” cockily grinning back at her.
“Sociopath.” She replied plainly.
“And just what is that supposed to mean?”
“Someone who has no empathy or care for others, normally flagrant narcissists who target, torture and kill people they deem lesser than themselves.” His jaw dropped and she continued, “If you think for one minute I am dating someone who treats other people the way you do and saddling myself to some abusive self obsessed jackass you are obviously not competent to be a student here.”
Shouts ensued in a failed try to get her to think otherwise silenced by Madame Pomfrey who brandished her wand to charm the curtain around James’ bed that was now encased in a silencing charm.
 Down another bend of the Hospital Wing Sirius lay unconscious still under the drowsy effect of the antidote that saved his life, and body from turning into an icicle. Barty on the bed beside him tried to not do more than snicker at Jewels who was levitating gummy lizard candies with her wand in a stack onto Sirius’ forehead. Clearly the sleeping teen was waking in the settle of the red lizard, and Regulus at the foot of his brother’s bed grinned. Levitating his own choice of a blue lizard that wiggled on the way over to the stack.
“What is on my face?” Sirius asked at the next snicker from Barty.
“Lizards, I’ve nearly got ten on my side of the stack.” Regulus answered in the task of carefully settling his lizard on top of the other wiggling treats.
Up to his face Sirius moved a hand to grab off one of the lizards knocking the stack over Jewels and Barty reigned in the scurrying treats they all split up, the former taking a bite of the wriggling orange lizard. His eyes focused on Jewels whose wrapped foot was propped up beside Sirius’ knee while she reclined in a chair beside his bed. “What happened to your foot?”
“Took a stumble on the stairs, just twisted it, nothing serious.” His eyes still stayed fixed on her. “Professors gave the all clear, classes start on Monday, only a few people won’t be returning to class, but school should be back to normal.”
“Did you pick to sit here?” Sirius asked and she shook her head.
“Only spare seat and Lily and James were shouting over an hour back when I got here. Sevy is still working on some more potions and you have another dose for your feet.”
“Does he get a chair?” Sirius asked teasingly, “If you got the last one?”
“He has three chairs to choose from.” She joked back.
“Hmm, and yet they placed you by me.” Sirius teased back with a spreading smirk, “Someone is trying to tell you something.”
“Yes, we need more chairs in this end of the wing.”
 Tests kept the focus of classes going with recaps on the material for them to get the students back on goal. Two students out of the hundreds still seemed to be missing out of the mix. But much like how James and others of well off families had been punished pitifully Dolph and Patricia had been punished and cleared to be let out with the other students after the latter duo had been told to not do it again.
Heavier schedules in classes at least seemed to keep some of the fights from the usual trouble makers who didn’t care about their grades at a minimum. But like always there was a few big fights that set off and ended the year on a sour note for some, alongside some disheartening headlines of a seaside Muggle city that had been found attacked without a trace of why.
A mark of a build in power that over the first week of summer had Sirius leave his family home to go and take up the Potter’s offered spare room to get out of the suggestion from his mother to get in contact with the Dark Lord’s followers. He couldn’t take up the option at all for how he knew Jewels was afraid of Riddle finding her or who she was born to. He would do all he could to not put her in risk or draw attention to her from them in any way. But he did agree with Regulus’ plan to slip in as double agent.
Sirius would still daily take the bus to work around the theater to work with Alastor as a last means of defense in case something went down there. Surely his cousins were aware of a hunt for birth parents, but like the rest of the school just knew there was a chance of a new relation to one of the oldest and widest spread Sacred 28 families out there.
Though much like in school when tempers would rise up and a week in Sirius would find the Potter house locked. Then he would make his way to a new address. Not helped by the loving Potter parents, who out of desire to keep their only child happy caved to his each and every whim, even when it meant booting Severus to the curb without so much as a bit thumb his way.
Burned off the family portrait, Sirius’ cousin Andromeda had taken up a townhouse in London. Ample room and a friendship between the two already gained Severus the basement to make his own so he wouldn’t have to go home this summer while Lily traveled abroad to spend time with distant relations and Petunia explored a few of her university options for the next semester. Alongside the new address came the reasoning for the expulsion from the family tree, who she had chosen to be in a relationship with, Ted Tonks who seemed dead set on marrying her and knew all too well from her how aggravated the bond with James could get.
All Sirius had to do was knock and the door opened to reveal the lanky dark haired teen in need of a place to sleep and Ted grinned at him. “Blinky,” he said calling the House Elf who had been hired by Andromeda, “Go fetch Sirius’ things from the Potter residence and take them to his room.”
“I, have a room?” Sirius asked and Ted nodded his head to the side showing him in and up to the second floor, “We have the back of the main floor, and this one here is yours.” Decorated to close to his usual style by tips by his cousin, Sirius hugged Ted when he said, “All yours, every summer and break, no fights or sudden evictions.” But he pointed at Sirius, “But for the love of Merlin if you pour anything on my Unicorn’s Folly downstairs I will turn everything you own pink,” making Sirius chuckle, “Me and Clint are out to see who can make the stubborn plants sing first and I got it humming yesterday. No one touches it.”
“Agreed.” Sirius said to the pop of Blinky who arrived with the first bundle of belongings James had locked inside the guest room and left again to go and fetch the rest of the untidy mess made in dressing for the day with Jewels that morning. “Thank you.”
“Well, Andromeda heard you might be getting burned off too, and she could use some family, got a room for Regulus too, and Remus, if he’s up for it. Severus keeps mentioning some potion they’ve been testing together, would make for an easier time with that.”
 Pt 13
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mylegendaryicons · 11 months
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maelstroumwaterfall · 6 months
Arbormagic Sydrome Chapter 3 | Hogwarts Mystery Infection AU
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Chapter 3. The curse?
"What was the purpose?" - was the first question in Merula's mind. What was the purpose of stealing the wand, if it now just lays here on the floor. It's for sure that something isn't right.
She picked up her wand to examine it. Everything was fine at first, there were absolutely no changes.. before she looked closer. She ran her thumb over the wand and she was now sure it wasn't just her hallucination.
She could see barely noticeable traces on the wood. A long, thin, centipede's body over the whole wand. She's never seen anything like this before. Was it the curse? A parasite? Or is someone just trying to scare her?
She glanced back at Maelström that was whispering something to Rowan. Surely, he's trying to make her look like she's a some kind of psychopath. She couldn't prove anything right now and was sure his friends, who blindly follow him, will believe his every word.
She just hated how other students were now whispering about her. She leaved the common room after making sure she gave everyone the most hateful, deadly glare. "Pathetic idiots." - she mumbled under her breath as she moved down the corridor.
She was looking for Madam Rakepick. Who knows more about curses if not her? And besides.. there's a chance that Rakepick will finally understand that they don't need this worthless freak Waterfall to search for the curse vaults anymore. Maybe she'll even praise her for being so attentive.
- Madam Rakepick? - Merula called out as she stepped inside the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. She didn't have much time before classes so she needed to hurry.
The room was barely lit as all the window were curtained, but the candles were still giving enough light to see Rakepick reading something in the other end of the room. She had her Niffler Sickleworth nearby, it looked very nervous and stressed and couldn't last a second at the same place.
Rakepick turned her head and gave Merula a wary, a bit suspicious look before she nodded slightly, giving her a permission to approach her.
- Is it something urgent, Snyde? I don't have much time now. - She said, not even looking at Merula as she was too concentrated on something in the book. Merula could barely hold herself from asking what she was reading. She tried to read the name of the book but it was too dusty to see anything. Merula hoped that one day Rakepick will teach her everything she knows herself.
- Uh, yeah, I guess.. Can you take a look at it? - Merula asked, carefully handing her wand to Rakepick.
Rakepick was a little confused at first and raised her eyebrow as she took the wand in her hands.
- You think something is wrong with your wand? - Rakepick asked, still keeping her questioning look.
Merula couldn't help but felt like Rakepick's attitude towards her was a little dismissive, she felt like she's being belittled, but she couldn't understand what was the reason. She was trying her best to show that she's worthy of Rakepick's attention but it looked like it all was in waste.
- I'm not sure but.. Yes. I've noticed the traces on the wood that weren't there before. This night someone stole my wand and today I've found it on the floor in the Slytherin common room. - Merula responded, trying to keep her voice confindent and serious, but in truth she felt a little nervous.
Rakepick frowned slightly, taking a closer look at the wand and nodded. Her expression became more serious and thoughtful.
- Do you have any suspects on someone? And most important.. Did you use your wand after you noticed something is wrong? - she asked in a more silent tone. It was clear she had some thoughts about it, yet, she looked like she wasn't quite sure and was even confused.
- No, I didn't. What is it? A some kind of curse? - she asked immediately. Did someone really wanted to curse her? Now there's no way she will let it go. - I think it was Maelström. I'm sure I saw him leaving my room. I saw his grey hair and the Slytherin robe. - she added after some seconds.
- I can't be certain about it. Leave your wand here for now and don't show Maelström that you suspect him about something. - she said and placed Merula's wand on the table. She also put her book away and moved towards the exit of the room. Merula quickly followed her, just like Sickleworth that rushed forward on his tiny paws.
- Fine. But.. What will I do on the lessons without my wand? - she asked as she decided that it's better not to tell Rakepick about what happened in the Slytherin common room. The question she asked was also important for her, how will she be able to participate in lessons without her wand?
Rakepick let out an annoyed sigh but nodded, admitting that it will really be a problem. They leaved the classroom and moved down the corridor, many students were already walking towards the classrooms as the lessons were about to begin and Merula should also hurry to not miss the Care for the Magical Creatures lesson.
- I don't have time to deal with it, it's up to you to find an excuse. Just wait for my letter.
(Thx for reading 💝💝💝 Hope u enjoyed :>)
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Rakepick: Why‘re you here, kid?
MC: 'Cause I got an idiot for a brother.
Rackpick: That’ll do it.
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ariparri · 9 months
Now that Bill's story is done and posted what story should I work on for Cardverse?
Currently only plan to write for characters that already have a design with the exception of Beatrice. But since I need to work more on Jokers and the other regions, I can make Beatrice's design with the story. If it gets chosen that is.
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