#People's Party of Canada
A British Columbia Supreme Court judge has ruled that a Vancouver Island People’s Party of Canada candidate who ran against Elizabeth May in the last federal election must stop describing himself as an engineer. The decision from Justice Jan Brongers says David Hilderman publicly described himself as an engineer in campaign materials and on social media, while not being a member of the province’s association of professional engineers and geoscientists.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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ppcbug · 8 months
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Love to see such common sense policies coming from Alberta! These policies will protect children from making decisions that will leave irreversible damage to their bodies.
Even though this is a win we must continue to fight further against this radical gender ideology.
Federally we must repeal bill C-4! The so called “conversion therapy bill” that prevents children suffering from gender dysphoria from getting the professional help that they need in order to accept themselves.
It’s time for a change in Canada 🇨🇦
#voteppc to repeal bill C-4
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I am so angry with leftists.
The punch nazi post reminded me of how badly things have been forgotten.
I grew up going fishing with an SS soldier as a child. He would take us to the beach and sit and drink. When he got drunk he would start to angrily mutter in German. He knew I was a Jew. But his grandkids liked me. I went fishing with this man until I was like 8-10 where I dropped a fish, he was very drunk at this point and he yelled you stupid kike you're good for nothing" then continued to rant in german as elder two of his grandchildren told me it was just an accident. I didn't know what "kike" meant. I always thought I heard it wrong. But after that fishing trip I never saw him again. I did not find out he was a SS soldier until after he died. I didn't know "kike" was a slur for Jews until highschool...
If you think the Jews deserve it, does a young child deserve to be yelled at and called slurs?
The leftists would have never actually punched a nazi anyways, lets be real, they act real tough behind a keyboard but probably couldn't throw a punch let alone handle a good right hook.
They keep saying "my rights! My rights!" While they support a terrorist government that gives its citizens no rights, no freedoms.
I saw a comment "if they didn't have to deal with a war they would be protesting"
. . .
False, they cannot protest, they cannot go against the government.
Queer people for Palestine is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. All the openly gay Palestinians either live in Israel or are dead.
One college is mad the campus is using drones for facial recognition to find the people responsible for over 60k in damage to the school and property. They are just mad that they are going to get caught and be known now. Pathetic.
I hate this country.
"we remain unbiased" bullscat! You give in to any demands on the pro Palestine/ terrorists yet ignore the fear in the Jewish community, and the community itself.
The local university agreed to some very uncomfortable things...
How is government being pressured by TEENAGERS
oy... Smh...
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villa-kulla · 15 days
@ the mag7 fam, I realize I have no way of convincing you this is not a 'and then everyone clapped' fake post, but i LITERALLY MET MANUEL GARCIA RULFO this weekend at a TIFF party, and we LITERALLY SPOKE FOR LIKE 5 MINUTES
he is really ridiculously handsome, excellent brown eyes, A+
really not as tall as he seems in character, and much slighter, i may have to revisit how 'looming' i've written him in fic lmao
(on that note it is biZARRE meeting someone whose character you've written fic about, that is the first time that has happened to me. i can only be grateful i haven't written too much with him, i'd have withered if it was ethan hawke or LBH lol)
he was extremely friendly! and as it transpired he lived in my hometown for about a year so we just chatted about that. he loves poutine and hates the winter, and he has my full agreement on both counts 👍
he also appears to be dating vincent d'onofrio's daughter which is sO cute, the mag7 fam lives on 🙌 (she is gorgeous btw. and I don't think this is like a 'scoop' or private info or anything lol, I asked if he had anything going on at tiff that day and he was very openly like 'no only next week, today I'm just supporting her!)
(also the context for All This is my gentleman friend is a journalist and i joined him at TIFF for the weekend and basically larped as a famous person all weekend lol good times. weekend was crazy but this part felt the most relevant to tumblr)
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Reminder that the People’s Party of Canada fucking sucks and happily spreads and perpetuates harmful anti-trans rhetoric as a part of their platform
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sunbackeddog · 1 year
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I finally completed the first leg of my holy grail.... It only took three years
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olberic · 2 months
americans… i have all of your election tags blocked but youre still making this site unusable…!
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 6 months
The majority of Canadians who vehemently hate Trudeau don't even know what the fuck they're hating. So few of these people actually have anything coherent or of substance to critique Trudeau on and resort to name calling and thought stopping techniques when you press them on to explain their thoughts and opinions.
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fumblingmusings · 2 years
ONE MORE THING regarding late 19th Century Anglo-German relations... Okay. It's a little paternalistic but I imagine each European nation gets a bit touchy when it comes to these poor girls being plopped in a place they aren't prepared well enough for being asked to carry out diplomacy at a time when personal politics don't matter as much anymore. And I think Victoria's eldest daughter Vicky, the mother of Kaiser Wilhelm II, kind of shows this phenomena in a nutshell.
Also I do imagine that Arthur would be incredibly uncomfortable with how Princess Vicky was treated by the Prussians (then Germans) which would really colour his interactions with Gilbert and Ludwig in the second half of the 19th Century. It's a narrow scope example of why relations between the two just crumble so badly by the 1880s on.
Bear with me. I have a point.
Okay so, Queen Victoria's girls were very much trained for politics. Prince Albert was like here have all the philosophy and theory you could ever need. So Vicky, Alice, Louise, Helena and Beatrice all would be ready to be good Queens. Or, at least, trained to be good British Queens, which doesn't really fly in the German states. Especially for eldest daughter Vicky.
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Sidenote: They all have chubby cheeks and I want to squeeze them.
So you have a Princess who yes has a nice like-minded husband, but her in-laws dislike her, and her eldest son rebels against his liberal mum by going full on authoritarian and creates a rival court so extensive that by the time she becomes German Empress this other faction frequently raids her home for anything that would excuse her exile or worse... you know. Typical royal family stuff.
But she is also a woman who reads and supports Karl Marx (what the...) and Charles Darwin, builds hospitals during the Franco-Prussian war, founds girls schools and nursing colleges, visits Synagogues, openly calls antisemites lunatics, encourages a free press... and the German court hate her for it. Largely because she refuses to be quiet.
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So it's not just a case of 'the mean Germans think my perfect Princess is annoying' for Arthur; it's that conflict between Liberalism and Conservatism which is the very crux of why Germany and England are incapable of having friendly relations. Arthur watches the soft power and these (somewhat bullshit/hypocritical) liberal ideas and principles he has set himself up as representing on the international stage get completely and utterly rejected by another nation. One that he cannot exert control over. And I bet that infuriated him. His way absolutely is the right way what is Ludwig's damage you know? And I guess after WWI he feels mighty vindicated but until then... what a frustration.
Arthur and Ludwig (or Gilbert, depending on how you interpret who's actually in charge at this time) have such very different ideas on power and ruling and what a monarch is even there to do. It's just a very personalised example of why Arthur cannot get along with Ludwig. A British Princess (friendship) was a very precious thing to have, and the Germans squandered her (it). At least in Arthur's eyes.
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timeisacephalopod · 8 months
Part of being Canadian is how similar we are to the US, and honestly not a single person on earth I think could genuinely pin point the difference between Canadian and American culture but the average Canadian. Americans assume we're the same as them (we aren't), even a bunch of Canadians think we're Americans, especially around voting seasons, and about half our cultural identity is "we're Not American!" but there are some cultural differences and if we all spoke French equally we could have had a language distinction but nooooo. Despite not being America unfortunately such a fuck off massive country right below your teeny tiny ass country (population wise) does result in a cultural avalanche from said fuck off massive country. Especially when you share a language.
The war of 1812 will forever be funny to me though because Americans were like "hmm maybe Canadians would also like to tell the British to fuck off, we will invade to show them!" And Canada was like *burns down the white house* and we've been tentatively chill with each other ever since lmao (even when we probably like. Shouldn't be cool with America but like. We could not risk that implosion politically or otherwise it'd be suicide).
#winters ramblings#apparently americans think they won the war of 1812 and you did not. you did not achieve your goal#and a bit over 100 years later canada would nicely ask sempi to be free and britian decided yeah i guess#you guys did a vimmy ridge in WW1 i guess you can be yourselves#and native people- still unable to vote and would be ineligible for another some 50 years or so- were probably like ??!!!!?!!!#REMOVE these pale faced demons!! and i cant say i blame them for that even if my settler ass does not mind being from here#no fucked up spiders very few fucked up bugs ok seasons amd weather where *I* live anyway#i cant complain too much aint no spiders the size of my head OR fucked up weirdo beez on steroids that look like some feckin#HUNGER GAMES ass shit and not an earth bug. if i lived on either coast though my opinion would be different#especially the east coast FUCK their ocean-y assed winters lake effect is bad enough. the SNOW BELT is bad enough#i cando without that shite too although outwest aint better especially in the praries but still no fucked up bugs so 🤷🏻‍♀️#anyway i do genuinely believe if youre not canadian you wouldnt even know the difference between America and Canadian culture#OR the difference of history and even CANADIANS dont know our voting system isnt the same#like we dont even have half the shit Americans do like an electoral college and canadians STILL think we need to vote#as if we're in a 2 party system. we arent. arguably were in a 4 party system but 3 if you reasonably dont count Greens#its fuckin weird though because youll see people talk about canada and america interchangeably#and like i cant evenblame em when even some canadians get confused or WORSE actually WANT to be america#usually conservatives who like deepthroating boot#although i do think this is somewhat odd as a phenomenon because America doesn't have ONE culture#what canada is near idential to is NORTHERN Americans like the south is a whole Thing with a textured history#like obviously the north is too but culturally i get that more than what the south has going because you could even argue#the south have MULTIPLE cultures and in the north you could at least argue the coasts are distinct culturally#like they got terms like pacific north west we dont have ANY of that we are an EXTREMELY small rural country#its strange to confise it with America but at the same time like. yeah that makes perfect sense to me. and not all at once lol
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oranges-are-rad · 8 months
Second political post of the day: remember when Biden was elected and all these random eurotrash and Canadian people were like “yay, welcome back, America, we can somewhat respect you again” only now our country is astronomically shittier than it was when the Orange guy was president? Hmmmm. Perhaps we shouldn’t care about what other countries think about us, yes, including our “allies”, because they do not have our best interests in mind. They just use us for our military so they can have free healthcare and free college education, only to shit on us constantly like the assholes they are
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[...] while talking about health care, Rustad made a strange comparison. “A doctor I was talking to just last week, he is a specialist in spinal injuries and neck injuries — a specialist surgeon. He gets two days every two months at the facility he’s working at. That’s it — that’s all the time that has been allocated,” Rustad said. “One of his colleagues gets 12 days a month for doing gender-affirming surgeries. We can do better folks. We can figure out how to make sure that our professionals have the ability to go and provide the services that we need in British Columbia.” It’s the latest comment from Rustad on transgender people. In this fact check, we’re breaking down his claims and, as hateful incidents directed at trans people become more common, their potential impact.
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ppcbug · 8 months
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As our government funds global initiatives and conflicts some of our neighbours are literally living in tents. A month ago this encampment already had quite a few tents now it has gotten even bigger.
It’s absolutely crazy how encampments are left to keep growing even when they pose a threat to public safety. After a camp fire tent city is still going strong 😂 . This is also not just one area! You don’t have to walk far at all to run into other encampments too.
It’s time to help our fellow Canadians!
#voteppc to put Canada first
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permanentreverie · 1 year
I swear the thing that's finally gonna convince me to delete Instagram is all of the Americans whining about the smoke and 'blaming Canada'
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woahajimes · 1 year
i feel such an incredibly frustriating yearn
#when i went to ecuador everyone was so warm#like strangers to you probably not since its dangerous and crime rates and stuff but the general love and care dynamics are so different#like im super anxious and closed up and im not very touchy nor do i say a lot but it wasnt ALWAYS like this and i thought oh maybe i just#grew up but also maybe i just moved to canada#like yeah canadians are super nice but friendships are so strict and dynamics are so like. idk its different#I mean there's obviously the fact that i havent' met a lot of people and that i am closed off and stuff but at least in my old school in#Ecuador friendships are the same and theres boy/girl friendships and its not romantic and hugs are normal and#ive messed up so many guy friendships because of that like im “oh my god yes new guy friend unlocked” and sudenly ive been sending them#mixed signals all along even tho im like yeah we chillin and ahhhhh#like#if i got shit wasted drunk here id probably get filmed and posted on the gc#but in ecuador i did get terribly drunk and i was with a friend (guy) and it was a pool party#this party i did not KNOW it was a pool party so i got thrown in with jeans and all but i got super drunk and everyone was kinda drunk and#there was a point in which he like sat me down and kept giving me water and like its just that care that#ah in canada it could never#at least not at this age i dont think#not at my school at least lmao#like in everything theres no judgement and theres a general friendship thats really good#god i miss it#but i never really had it#yk#like im gonna talk a little more abt this party k#it was the whole graduating year bc we're seniors and they all knew each other#nobody knew we were getting in the pool but by the time i got there EVERYOEN was in#like in jeans and school uniform and all#and people were like DRAGGING YOU#like it was all laughs and skjfhjkdhjjhkdhjkdfsjkhdsjhkdsfkjdfjkhdfs#like physically throwing you in the pool#obv no harm bc it wasnt deep but like everyone was just#like bridal style and wrestling and there were drinks and music
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 2 years
This is why Sask Party and Moe need to go. I stand with the Indigenous Nations.
Moe caved to the truckers about the mask and social distancing as fast as he could, I'm surprised he didn't get rug burn falling to his knees as fast as he could to suck their dicks let's hope he has the dignity to actually do the right thing of the first time in his life and respect the Indigenous people.
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