#Persona Dancing: Endless Night Collection
thevellaunderground · 5 months
The Puzzling Melding of Gaming and Music in “Another Code: Recollection”
Gaming and music have always been intertwined, creating immersive experiences that captivate our senses. With the release of “Another Code: Recollection,” this blend has reached new heights, offering a symphony for both the eyes and ears. Let’s dive into how this game is a perfect example of the harmonious intersection of gaming and music. A Melodic Journey Through Puzzles and Memories “Another…
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cupcakeinat0r · 9 months
Broadway Baby
Nueva York.
The city that never sleeps.
You moved here when you were just 18, with a suitcase and big dreams.
It would’ve been when you were 14, your parents had taken you to the big city to watch a musical on Broadway. It was that faithful night you realized your calling. That moment changed the entire trajectory of your life.
You fell in love with it. The music, the lights, the sets, the performance of it all. It was pure magic. You were entranced from the first note of the overture to the very last bow of the lead player.
There was just one problem: you had the confidence of a chicken nugget.
Since the womb, you’d been a very quiet child, extremely soft spoken when acknowledged, so when you told your parents your dream occupation, they were a bit skeptical. Nonetheless, they were both extremely supportive, especially after that one night when your mom overheard some singing in your shower.
She had been in your room, collecting dirty laundry when she heard a beautiful melody coming from your bathroom. Curious as to what song it was, she pressed the shell of her ear against the door. Still not able to hear the lyrics exactly, she cracked open the door, looking around for a speaker, only to find none. It clicked. It wasn’t some blue-tooth equipped music, but her daughter’s voice. Your voice. You’d been singing the songs from the show they took you to. Her jaw fell open. Never had she heard you produce such beautiful sounds. She made sure not to make her presence known since she knew if she did, you’d surely stop vocalizing out of embarrassment.
You were signed up for voice lessons immediately.
Ever since then, you’d been training, dance and acting classes following shortly after that. It became clear that your talent was a blessing from above after hearing teacher after teacher praising about your prodigious abilities.
4 hard working years later, you decided to spread your wings, kiss mom and dad goodbye, and start your career. A small apartment in Nueva York became home. It was lacking a good AC system and the floors were creaky, but it was an affordable start.
It’s been another 2 years since moving to Nueva York. Each phone call home, your parents are delighted to hear about your accomplishments, happy to hear that you’re in a steady place on your path to stardom. You’ve been in a few shows now, landing supporting roles, featured dancing gigs, and so on… but you’ve yet to land that big lead. Your big break. It’ll come though. Patience.
Raw talent could only get you so far in this business. The only thing that seems to matter nowadays is connections and nepotism. You had to stop cowering in your shell and start networking yourself somehow. It was difficult, being the introvert that you were. If only the persona you embodied on the stage carried over into your every day life. When you’re on stage, you’re a complete different person; almost a character. That’s why you loved doing what you did so much. You felt comfortable on that stage, free to be whoever you wanted to be. It was your sanctuary.
Life in the arts was never safe or secure, and you knew that when you decided to sell your soul to this industry. Despite the endless auditions (rejections) and multiple part-time jobs, you loved your life. You loved being an actress in Nueva York. It gave main-character vibes. You had a part-time job as a waitress downtown during the day, and at night, you’d switch out your apron for a costume that didn’t leave much for imagination. You were currently a featured dancer and supporting character in the city’s most popular musical. You’d remind yourself that many aspiring actors would commit heinous crimes to be in a similar place in their careers as yours. It wasn’t no starring role, but hey, it was something.
Life was good. You were happy.
It was just another day, alike all the others on the 2nd year of your 3-year contract in the Musical you were in. It was simple really:
You wake up, do your day time skin care routine, warm-up your voice, brush teeth, put your apron on for the Stardust diner, wait a few tables from 9-5, your house call was at 5:30 so you’d take the train and show up at 5:25, stretched, warmed-up your voice some more, and be ready in the wings by curtain call.
This was the part you looked forward to every day. That minute you stand behind those velvety curtains, heels and exaggerated lashes and all. The sticky residue of the tape that keeps your mic attached to your neck. The sparkles on your body that never seems to come off, even though you shower after every show. The astronomical amount of hairspray that you’d have to brush through when you got home. You loved it all.
When those curtains opened, a new person was born. Ingrained into the crevices of your brain, the muscle memory within your body would perform the dance moves you’ve been repeating for 7 nights in a row for 2 years.
And you’d deliver the same lines you always delivered ( and ate all of them like you always did), and your voice, like an angel. You sang your heart out, the applause fueling your energy and nourishing your soul (and maybe even your ego).
The beauty of live theater is that every show is different. One of the many aspects you loved about it included the audience members; each night, the crowd was different. Today, in particular, there was a young girl in the front row, sitting right in front of where you were dancing. She looked up at you in the same way you looked at those actors all those years ago, with that same awe in her eyes. Noticing her, you flashed her a wink and a smile while performing. You even managed a small wave, which granted an excited expression from her. The little girl, practically bouncing in her seat, then looked up to the large, dark figure sitting next to her, enthusiastically pulling on the black jacket of what seems to be her guardian. “The pretty lady waved at me!” is what her lips read.
This was a normal occurrence for you. You made it a priority to at least engage with some of the youth in the audience if you happened to pass by any. It was for them you performed, after all. It was always so endearing seeing their cute little reactions to the show.
This time was a little more special, though. She reminded you of yourself when you were that age. Down to the tan skin, brown eyes, and dark hair, pulled into a tight ponytail.
You felt this connection to her. It was inexplainable. In one of the dance numbers, you sort of gravitated around that relative area in front of her, interacting with her. You made that girl so happy. This was a night she’d never forget.
With the show coming to a close, you take your final bow for what seems like the millionth time, but it never ceases to feel like the first.
Curtains close, the cast comes together, and you all rejoice in another victorious performance.
You all retreat back to your dressing rooms, hastily wiping off make up, the stripping of fishnets and jazz shoes taking up majority of the already small dressing room.
It wasn’t abnormal for people to come up to you after the show and congratulate you on such a successful portrayal. Sometimes, though, it could be a lot. Sometimes, you just wanted to go home and body slam your twin bed. Not tonight, though. Standing yay high in a line of audience members awaiting autographs was the little girl. When both of your eyes met, your face instantly brightened, hers twice as much. She jumped up and down, again tugging at the towering figure’s jacket, exclaiming, “Look, papa! It’s her! It’s her!”, and you followed the direction of the adorable juvenile voice with a wide smile.
You walked up to her and knelt down to her level, speaking with a voice that could be compared to that of a Disney princess. As you approach the precious young girl, your maternal instincts slowly kick in. You couldn’t help it; you loved engaging with the kids.
“Oh, I remember you! You’re the pretty girl sitting in the front row! Did you enjoy the show?” You ask with a friendly smile. The girl looks at you all starstruck, her cute smile reaching from ear to ear as you tell her you remember her. “H-hi! I loved it! You were really good!” She professes, her dimples adorning her face. “Can I have an autograph?” She asked shyly, presenting the playbill that the ushers hand out to the audience and a pen. Just when you’re about to happily oblige, you see a hand reach down to her shoulder, followed by a low, soft voice,
“That’s not how we ask, mi Vida.”
Your eyes begin a path from the strong hand that rests on the little girl’s shoulder, up a Herculean arm clothed in what looks like black cashmere (it was cold out), next were his broad shoulders, preceding a sharp jaw and the most plump, dark pair of lips you’d ever lay eyes on, across a tanned, sculpted face, until you got to those deep brown, almost crimson eyes. You stared for a little too long, only managing a smile and a soft chuckle, a combo that you’ve practiced in the mirror countless of times in case an agent wanted to make their presence known.
The man looked like a model. Couldn’t have been over his early 30’s, easily standing over 6 feet tall, and from the looks of it, took very good care of his body. He was covered in a black trench coat, more black, yet much more fitted clothing worn under, but you could tell he was hiding massive muscles under it all. You just knew it. The man was freakishly huge, towering over the both of you, making you feel small especially since you were on your knees. His luscious dark hair was slicked back, a hint of greying on the sides, and one strand detached from the rest, falling down his forehead.
“Oh, sorry, papa. May I have an autograph, please?” She corrected herself, holding out the playbill and marker further out. You looked back down at her again, regaining your composure. Taking that she just called him ‘papa’, you assumed he must’ve had a mrs waiting back home, so you clocked this as an admire-from-afar situation. You tried to steal a glance at his hands to see if maybe there was a ring, but he was wearing gloves. Womp Womp. Oh well, whatever, back to the adorable girl in front me, you think.
“Of course you can, beautiful!” You exclaim, accepting the playbill and pen from her. You speak as you write your signature and a short note, “so what’s your name, mama?” (‘Mama’ can be a way of referring to someone younger than you). She looks at you with amazement as you’re focused on writing on the cast list page of the playbill, “My name is Gabriella”, she responds, to which you say, “What a gorgeous name! My name is y/n. How old are you Gabriella?” She seems to be so shocked that you, the coolest person she’s ever seen, wanted to have a conversation with her. “I’m six! I’ll be seven in seven days!” She says proudly. “Oh, such a big girl you are! Happy early birthday! What‘s your favorite thing to do, Gabriella?” You ask her as you finish the note, closing it and letting it sit in your hand as you focus on her now.
She visibly thinks hard, pursing her lips as she comes up with an answer. “Hmm… I really like to draw. I also like to play outside when I leave school and-and…” she twiddles her fingers as she adds,” -and I love to dance! Me and my papa dance at home a lot! You’re a way better dancer than him!” She giggles, looking up at him with a playful grin. He looks down at her with a loving smile, letting a velvety chuckle slip from his lips, allowing a perfect view of his dreamy smile. You could tell the two shared a beautiful relationship. He looked at her like she was his whole world, his hand caressing the top of her head affectionately. This little girl had this big strong man wrapped around her tiny finger, and you softened at the sight. He was probably an amazing dad… Jesus, who ever is sitting at home waiting for him really has scored the jackpot. Lucky.
“Aw, that sounds like fun! And as for your father, it just takes lots of practice, that’s all, mamita. As a matter of fact, I practiced for six years!” I say, holding out six fingers as I say it. She gasps at this fact about your training, her eyes wide. “Six years?! That’s like, forever!” She says. “Do I have to practice for six years to be good like you?” She inquires, her brows raised, waiting for your educated and professional answer. You carefully think of an answer, knowing anything you say could forever stay with this sweet girl. Words that you feel you would’ve appreciated at her age came to your mind, “Well, Gabriella, that’s hard to say. Time is different for everyone. The best thing to do when you want to follow your dreams is to simply be the best version of yourself. No need to copy anyone else. If you do that, you can absolutely do anything your lil heart desires, okay?” You finish, nodding your head, awaiting her confirmation.
You don’t notice, but her dad is watching the two of you interact, and he simply smiles at the exchange. He could tell you had a way with kids. He studied the way you spoke, the way you smiled at her, both being so genuine. He was entranced by you. He loved how engaging you were. You were truly creating a magical core memory for his daughter, and he was beyond appreciative of that.
Her mother had passed away of cancer when she was only 2, so she never truly got to meet her, or had a maternal figure in her life for that matter, so seeing her interact with this kindhearted actress was nice. Seeing the two of you interact reminded him of how important it was for Gabriella to have a female figure in her life. There was no doubt that you were a drop dead gorgeous woman as well, and by the accent he picked up on, it was evident that you were of Latin descent. You had that natural motherly charm to your essence. He was captivated by your presence on the stage already, but now that he was up close with you, he was beginning to feel like a high school boy with a crush. Stunning? Talented? A Latina? AND Gabriella was crazy about her? It had him thinking for sure.
Gabriella absorbs your words like a sponge, clinging on to every syllable. She smiles at you, breaking out in a fit of precious giggles. “Okay!” And with that, you give her playbill back, as well as her pen.
“Take a picture with her, sweetie.” You hear the mysterious, definitely-not-on-the-market dilf say. Gabriella nods eagerly with a, “ohmigosh, yes!”, and you reply with a warm, “definitely! How would you like to pose? Is this okay for you, mama?” You ask her, your hands hovering over her shoulders as she stands in front of you. You didn’t want to touch her unless she gave you an ‘ok’. Once she nods, you gently place your hands on her shoulders, still kneeling on one knee as you smile for the phone her dad was holding. You lower your face down to be next to hers. In the couple of seconds you sat there frozen for the picture, you could’ve sworn her dad had looked you up and down, his eyes stuck on your butt, but you decide to dismiss it. He might’ve just been making sure you were in the frame, is all.
Let’s be real for a second, the photo wasn’t for the record of Gabriella’s memories more than it was for her father’s own indulgence. He was totally thinking about looking back at this picture later and gush about your looks.
Gabriella turns around and asks one more question. “C-can we hug?” She asks timidly. You visibly melt at the request, “Aw, yes, of course we can, mamita!”, she quickly wraps her tiny little arms around you, and yours around her, “Thank you so much for coming to the show! I’m so happy you enjoyed it!” You say, her face still nuzzled into the softness of your sweater as you caress her tiny ponytail. When she pulls away, she only smiles, looking up at you like you were a fairy princess out of a storybook and a unicorn was gonna pull up and carry you away.
“What do we say, mija?” The beautiful man said.
“Thank you, y/n!” She sweetly adds.
You stand now, smiling down at her with your hand gently lifting her chin,“Remember, mama, you can do anything. Don’t let anyone tell you different, okay?” The cutie patootie nods, her smile still plastered on her face and her now signed playbill held tightly to her chest. “Okay. Have a goodnight, Gabriella,” you stand up straight now, your face only reaching up to the chest of her dad, giving him a warm smile as you try to maintain casual eye contact with the Greek god in front of you. Even now that you’re standing, he still towers over you. Lord have mercy, this man was makin you nervous in all the good ways. Thank God you knew how to act. “Thank you so much for coming to the show!“
The man looked down at you and flashed you a dashing smile in return, his gaze narrow yet soft. He then had the audacity to throw in a wink, opening his mouth to say, “No, no, thank you for a wonderful performance. You were absolutely breathtaking.” His gaze was borderline flirtatious, a blush creeping up on your cheeks, but you had to stay professional. Besides, he was totally married already. This was a simple, friendly compliment, one of hundreds you heard each night.
You look down at the floor for a second, in efforts to cover any blushing, a humble wave of your hand leading your reply, “Aw, I really appreciate that. You’re too kind, Thank you! You two get home safe now, I’d hate for either of you to get a cold!” You say, closing the conversation. You wave at the both of them, Gabriella waving the hardest of the three. Her father, on the other hand, seemed like he was distracted by you, not realizing his daughter was yanking on his coat to leave. The dad quickly snaps back to reality and says goodnight to you, and they make their way into the bustling street.
As you’re about to tend to other autographs, you can’t help but overhear Gabriella talk to her father as they leave. You could’ve sworn Gabriella’s words were, “Papa, were you making googly eyes at y/n?” To which her father replied with a chuckle and, “What? That’s silly, mi vida, now look where you’re going and hold onto my hand, por favor”, he said, brushing off her question. “She’s very pretty.” “Yes, she is, isn’t she?” He admits. That was the last of the conversation you heard. You found yourself smiling, internally celebrating because this fine ass man finds you pretty. Too bad he’s taken…right?
After signing a few playbills and posters and bidding a farewell to some other audience members, you made your way back to the little studio apartment you called home, instantly beginning to knock out the second your head hit the pillow.
Before falling asleep, thoughts of the mystery man filled your mind, recollecting that chiseled jaw, those soft lips, muscles begging to break free from his button down dress shirt. His deep silky voice rang in your head, doing the opposite of lulling you to sleep. Your mind starting settling in the gutter, imagining that deep voice saying sweet yet disgusting things in your ear and those large, calloused hands removing your underwear instead of your own dainty hands. You can imagine his huge body just completely enveloping yours on the bed, him on top, and those soft lips planting wet, lazy kisses along your neck and other much more sensitive places. It was creating a heat within your core, your thighs shamefully pressing against each other to help relieve a growing tension that crept up from a single thought of his intense gaze; those eyes that could make your inexperienced self burst within seconds. You liked to think he’d talk you through it, only igniting the fire in between your legs even more.
Am I seriously fantasizing about a man I exchanged like 3 words with right now? You say to yourself. I don’t even know his name.
He was just so goddamn fine.
You’ve had your fair share of attractive men in the city. It’s Nueva York. And you worked in the performance industry. You were bound to see a 10/10 or two. But this guy… This man would’ve made you drool had you not had an adorable munchkin there to distract you. This man was a 10000/10. He had you contemplating whether or not you were gonna slip a hand into your panties tonight he was that good looking.
You were a virgin. You had spent half your life devoting it to the arts and your craft, so much so that you never got to the whole dating thing. You almost completely forgot about that part of the thing called ‘social life’. All you knew was practice, eat, workout, repeat. The opportunity definitely has presented itself, but you’ve declined because:
A) You weren’t ready to share yourself with someone. You wanted to focus on your career. Or
B) The man wasn’t up to your standards. You couldn’t be with someone unless you saw a future with them. You never really understood hook up culture. You could care less if other people preferred it, it just wasn’t your style.
So here you were, in bed, a hesitant hand slowly making its way to the now wet spot of your panties. You can’t remember the last time you let loose like this…
Yea, you gave in.
The next morning, you didn’t have your 9-5, however, you were called to perform both the matinee and late night show. You showed up early to the house, stretching and warming up along with the rest of the cast.
Already in your own head space as you meditate in a child’s pose, you start picking up some whispering amongst your costars. You lift your head, opening your eyes to eavesdrop.
“Did you hear about the donation this morning? A whopping $10k. I wonder who was it!” One of them says. Another one notices your attention and includes you in the conversation.
“Y/n, do you know about it?” but you only shrug, this being the first you’ve heard about it.
Another one chimes in, “heard it’s a hella loaded guy from Alchemax… he’s like a CEO or something-“ “Alchemax? As in the Laboratory? What’s a science nerd want with a theater troupe?” “Well doesn’t matter, what matters is we can finally update our sets and costumes, hallelujah.”
Your eyes dart from one cast mate to another as more information and whispers flood the stage.
Another one, who’s currently in a middle split, interjects, “Y’all do realize this means he gets a part of the house, right? He’s basically a producer at this point.”
“I thought it was just a donation-“ “the directors thought so, too, but then I overheard them discussing business plans. He wants in for sure, why? Have no idea. Total eye candy, though.” “Well, it might be good for us to have a businessman on our side-“
“Good morning, everyone!” Everyone looks over to your bright eyed and bushy tailed director. How can someone be this energetic at this waking hour?
“I don’t mean to interrupt your mingling, but I do bring some stellar news. I want to introduce ya’ll to our new patron of the house!” They say, and next to them appears a familiar tall, dark, and handsome figure adorned in a white dress shirt rolled up to his elbows and jeans; A man that you remember inappropriately touching yourself to the night before. You inwardly thanked him for blessing you with a better view of the outline of his body: those broad shoulders sloping into the sluttiest waist ever to be found on a man. You had to physically hold back moan from the sight.
“Everyone, I’d like you to meet Miguel O’Hara.”
You’re gagged. The gorgeous man that thought you were pretty last night was the CEO of Alchemax, and he just became a partner of your theatre. The sudden realization that he’ll be around regularly tied knots in your stomach, but the good kind.
“Now I want you all to make him feel welcomed. He basically just opened his wallet wide open for us, so this show better be flawless.“ your director reprimands, as if y’all aren’t the city’s finest performers already. People around the world came to see you guys.
“Oh, don’t be so harsh on them, the main reason why I donated in the first place was because of the raw talent you have here,” his eyes fell on you when he says this. His voice pierced through the air like a hot knife on butter, his slight accent adding a bit of heat that sent everyone’s heart fluttering. You fought back a blush once again, looking down at the floor due to his powerful gaze. He smiles at your reaction, “It’ll be a pleasure working with all of you. Now, I know it might be strange, seeing that a scientist has just partnered with your house, but please, don’t let my line of work mislead you; I’m a lover of the arts and… all things beautiful.” His eyes once again fall on you for those last few words with that same narrow yet easy gaze. His smirk alone could make you swoon. He had creases that accentuated his brow lines and cheekbones that only added that much more suave to his look. Could be from the surely scowl he constantly held at his work. To the majority, this would just been seen as a sign of aging, but to you, it was hot.
“I look forward to our partnership. Break legs.” And with this he turns and walks away, stealing one last look at you before he’s out of sight. I’d rather you break my back. Your eyes shamelessly follow him, admiring that tight ass in those jeans of his. Dios mio, you think, biting your lip.
You know, for a virgin, you had the mind of a whore.
You couldn’t believe it. Your cast mate next to you could, though, as they shot you a knowing look, to which you nudged them embarrassingly.
“Seems like our hot new patron likes you, y/n.”
“Stop it!” You rebut along with a roll of your eyes, your friend stifling a laugh. You were in denial. You’d be lying if you said you disagreed. The man was definitely eyeing you, and now you were a flustered mess. However, now that he wasn’t wearing gloves, you can confidently say you don’t remember seeing a ring…
A/n: Hope u wike it <3
Enjoy this appetizer, more to come<3
Ch. 2
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hieisdarkdragonchick · 6 months
The Night We Met- Chapter One
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The rain fell in relentless sheets, each drop was a mirror to the chaos that thrummed violently through the heart of Gotham.
High above the city, in an office that overlooked the sprawling wild of the urban jungle, stood Roman Sionis.
The glow from the skyline outside cast a spectral light on his features, shadows playing across the contours of his face as he gazed out the window, drink in hand.
The city below was a living entity, its heartbeat synchronized with the criminal undercurrents that Roman himself had helped to cultivate.
Gotham, with its towering edifices and dark alleys, was more than just a collection of buildings and streets; it was a monument to power, its foundations laid on secrets, ambitions, and fears.
And Roman, known to many as Black Mask, was one of its architects...
Power in Gotham was not just a matter of muscle or money; it was woven into the very fabric of the city, an intricate dance of influence and intimidation that was far more likely to chew you up than spit you out.
Roman had mastered this dance, his name whispered in fear and respect in the dark corners of Gotham.
The only way to survive in a city like Gotham was to be more ruthless than the city itself, to secure power and to wield it in defense of yourself. He had more than done that.
Yet, as he stood there, the city sprawling beneath him, a sense of emptiness gnawed at him.
The view from his office had once filled him with a sense of invincibility, but now, it only served as a reminder of the solitude that his empire had imposed on him.
The rain against the glass seemed to echo his thoughts, a symphony of whispers that spoke of power and its price.
Roman sipped his drink, the liquid burning down his throat, a fleeting warmth in the cold expanse of his office. The glass in his hand, heavy with the finest bourbon, was a testament to his success, yet it felt as hollow as the victory it represented.
He pondered the nature of power, how it was both his weapon and his prison.
In his rise to become one of Gotham's most feared men, he had sacrificed more than he cared to admit.
Allies turned to enemies, love lost to ambition, and in the end, Roman Sionis stood alone, shrouded in the persona of Black Mask, a specter of fear looming over Gotham.
The concept of power, he realized, was as fleeting as the rain against the window.
It could raise a man to the heights of influence, or it could consume him, leaving nothing but a shadow, a reminder of what once was.
Gotham, with its endless nights and fleeting days, was indifferent; as it always had been; to the struggles of its inhabitants, its appetite for power was insatiable. Every day here was a fight for survival a struggle he fought with careful consideration.
As the storm raged on, Roman Sionis contemplated his place in this city of shadows.
Was he destined to be consumed by the very power he wielded, or was there more to his story than the darkness that had come to define him?
The rain offered no answers, its relentless patter a constant reminder of the city's indifference.
Yet, in the depths of his contemplation, a spark of curiosity flickered.
A part of him, long buried beneath the Black Mask, wondered if redemption was possible, even for someone like him.
Could a man known for his ruthlessness find a path back to the light, or was he doomed to be a prisoner of his own making, ensnared in the web of power that he had spun?
Roman turned away from the window, the city's reflection fading from the glass just as his thoughts trailed off into silence.
The silence of Roman's office was suddenly pierced by the sharp ring of his encrypted phone—a sound that seldom heralded anything ordinary.
With a measured movement, he placed his glass on the sleek surface of his desk, the liquid barely rippling, a testament to the precision of his actions.
He answered the call with a simple, "Speak," his voice carrying the weight of a man accustomed to command and not queries.
The voice on the other end was hurried, laced with the tension that Roman had come to associate with disruptions in his carefully laid plans.
"Boss, we've got a situation down at the docks. The shipment we were expecting... it's been intercepted."
Roman's brow furrowed slightly, the news a rare crack in the facade of control he presented to the world.
The docks were his territory, the nerve center of his operations that stretched like veins through Gotham's dark heart.
An interception there was not just a loss of goods; it was a challenge to his authority, a threat to the order he had imposed upon the city's chaos.
He responded with a calm that belied the storm brewing within him. "Secure the perimeter. I want eyes on every exit. No one leaves without my say-so."
As he issued his orders, Roman's mind was already racing ahead, calculating the potential fallout, the enemies bold enough to dare such a move and the allies who might have turned their coats.
Trust was a currency in short supply in Gotham, and betrayal was a dagger that often came cloaked in the guise of loyalty.
The conversation was brief, ending with a simple acknowledgment from his subordinate.
Roman hung up the phone, his gaze drifting back to the rain-drenched city below.
The storm outside seemed to mock him, a chaotic dance of nature that mirrored the turmoil now unleashed in his domain.
But if Gotham had taught him anything, it was that chaos could be a ladder for those daring enough to climb it.
Determined, Roman stepped away from the window, his silhouette melting into the shadows of his office.
Tonight, he would descend into the heart of his empire, into the bowels of Gotham itself.
He would remind his enemies of the price of defiance and reinforce his rule with the iron fist that had long kept the city's darkness at bay.
The night was still young, and Gotham awaited.
There was business to attend.
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polvin-pitagoras · 11 months
A Spooktacular Celebration: Happy Halloween!
Welcome, dear readers, to the most bewitching time of the year! As the crisp autumn breeze sweeps away summer's warmth, it ushers in a hauntingly delightful evening filled with pumpkins, costumes, and candy galore. Yes, you've guessed it right - it's time to don your scariest attire, carve those jack-o'-lanterns, and prepare for a spine-tingling adventure on this Happy Halloween!
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1. Embracing the Spirit of Halloween
Oh, the joy of transforming into someone or something else for a night! Halloween offers us a chance to unleash our creativity and embrace a different persona. Whether it's a wicked witch, a friendly ghost, or a courageous superhero, the possibilities are endless. So, grab your costumes and let your imagination run wild as you join the ranks of fantastical creatures and characters roaming the streets.
2. Festive Decorations and Pumpkin Carving
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What better way to set the eerie ambiance than with enchanting decorations? From cobwebs draped across doorways to menacing creatures lurking in the shadows, let your home become a haven for all things spooky. And of course, we can't forget the iconic pumpkin carving tradition! With knives in hand, families and friends gather to carve intricate designs, illuminating the night with the warm glow of their creations.
3. Trick or Treat: The Sweetest Adventure
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For children and the young at heart, the highlight of Halloween is undoubtedly the time-honored tradition of trick-or-treating. Little witches, superheroes, and monsters venture from house to house, eagerly collecting sugary treasures in their treat bags. The thrill of knocking on doors, shouting "Trick or treat!" and being rewarded with candies and chocolates is a joyous experience that brings smiles to both the givers and receivers.
4. Haunted Houses and Thrilling Tales
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For those seeking a more exhilarating Halloween adventure, haunted houses offer a chilling experience like no other. Step into a world of frights and surprises as you navigate through dark corridors and encounter terrifying creatures lurking around every corner. And if you prefer to stay cozy at home, indulge in spine-chilling tales by the flickering candlelight, immersing yourself in ghostly legends and supernatural mysteries.
5. Halloween Parties: A Night of Fun and Laughter
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Halloween isn't just for the little ones; it's a time for adults to let loose and revel in the festive spirit. Costume parties, masquerades, and themed gatherings bring together friends and family for a night of merriment. Dance to the haunting beats, indulge in ghoulish treats, and revel in the shared laughter as you celebrate the spookiest night of the year.
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As the moon rises high in the sky, casting an ethereal glow on the world below, we bid you a Happy Halloween! Embrace the magic, embrace the frights, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you choose to embark on a trick-or-treat adventure, host a thrilling party, or simply enjoy the cozy ambiance at home, may this Halloween bring you joy, laughter, and a touch of delightful spookiness.
Happy Haunting!
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invenblocker · 1 year
PlayStation Store is blocking me from buying Persona Dancing: Endless Night collection.
Their stated reason is that I'm not allowed to buy it because it's in conflict with me already owning Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight.
Keep in mind that the PS Store also doesn't actually sell Persona 4: Dancing All Night on its own, requiring you to get it through the Endless Night collection.
At this point, their storefront is practically begging me to pirate instead.
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Time for my latest "game-ports I want in the direct that aren't going to happen probably" list bc it summoned a Fantasy Life sequel last time so I'm hoping for another miracle.
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Muramasa The Demon Blade
And just bc I'm pretty certain that P3RE is going to be on Switch at some point I'm gonna assume that it's gonna be part of like a lightning round of announcements even though it's a 2024 release. They said "mainly" 2023 releases, not "only."
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eienias20 · 3 years
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How into Persona have I become? Not that into it.
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korarachan · 6 years
I’ve basically peaked in life. There’s no topping this
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chaotixfusion · 3 years
✨Yo, sup✨
Time to get on the dance floor.
Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight - Mass Destruction ("P3"+"P3P"VER.)
✨Stay cooly✨
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werewolf-cuddles · 3 years
Okay, now that I’ve actually played Persona 4: Dancing All Night, I’m even more baffled that Atlus won’t sell it separately on PS4. It’s easily the best of the Persona dancing games.
P4D has the best songs, the best presentation, an actual story mode, and an arguably better unlock system than P3D and P5D. The only real complaint I have is Rise’s voice sounding off due to her being voiced by Ashly Burch instead of Laura Bailey.
Why the fuck are Atlus only selling it as a bonus for the Endless Night Collection bundle?
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azpartygirlz · 3 years
performing Monday, November 1st with George Clanton, and Negative Gemini (DJ set) at Club Congress (info/tix)
“Watching Magdalena Bay’s videos is like stumbling on hyperactive, neon-lit Angelfire Web sites buried deep in the Internet. The band’s cyber-art aesthetic is stuffed with manic, homemade graphics that underscore the catchiness of its bubblegum-bright pop and hooky nineties-inspired sound. It’s not all nostalgia, though: blithe lyrics about contemporary anxieties are thrown in with a wink.“ - The New Yorker
“Mica Tenenbaum and Matthew Lewin are at the center of their own internet multiverse made up of surreal TikToks, Y2K-style websites, and sticky-sweet synth-pop songs.“ - Pitchfork (Rising feature)
“Over the past four years LA-based duo Magdalena Bay have released a wave of great singles and EPs, slowly establishing their unique and intelligent take on pop in the streaming era.“ - Fader
“..their music is about creating an experience that is both audible and visual, fully immersing listeners in the song.“ - V Magazine
Few artists are at once artful and savvy enough to transcend the endless scroll, but over the past 18 months, LA-based indie-pop duo Magdalena Bay have used social platforms to dispatch their music, and what you might call their philosophy, in hypnotic, ephemeral bursts. A long trip through their feeds produces music videos in miniature, irreverent pontifications on the state of the music industry delivered via home video VHS aesthetics, and existential meditations on everything from International Women’s Day to the clone craze of the early aughts to the indefinite lifespan of plants. To Mica Tenenbaum and Matt Lewin, reality can be unmade, manipulated beyond all recognition; their project is as much musical as it is an experiment in pop persona and visual aesthetics.
On October 8th, Magdalena Bay will release their debut full-length LP, Mercurial World, via Luminelle. Entirely written, produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by the duo, Mercurial World proposes an abstract theory of time and explores the staggering “what ifs” that make up the human experience. Approaching reality as a construct allows Magdalena Bay to enact their own, one that is committed to nothing but expanding the possible. Even the album’s sequencing hints at the eternal: the first track is titled “The End,” the last is “The Beginning,” forming a perfect loop when you listen to it straight through. “Matt, Matt, wake up!” Tenenbaum whispers on the introductory track. “I was thinking about how there’s no true end to anything/ Everything comes from and goes to the same place: NOWHERE.”
“Mercurial World has a lot of outsized themes on it, like destiny, death, and doing the impossible,” Tenenbaum explains. “It’s not exactly a concept album, but we love prog-rock, so we love a concept.”
Tenenbaum and Lewin met over a decade ago at an after-school music program in their hometown of Miami, where they bonded over a shared love of Genesis and King Crimson, eventually starting a prog-rock band together that lasted until they moved away to college. The two reconnected after freshman year and decided to continue their teen rock project, this time in a radically new form that would come to be Magdalena Bay. “We started discovering all of this experimental pop music that pushed the boundaries of what ‘pop’ really means,” Lewin says.
Bleeding-edge producers like Charli XCX and Grimes were a gateway, and by 2019, Magdalena Bay self-released their debut collection, mini mix vol. 1, followed soon after by a slew of one-off singles, all of which arrived accompanied by tricked-out videos. “Those early references have gotten more and more dissolved as we’ve come into our own sound,” Tenenbaum says. “Our philosophy was just to throw things at the wall. I like to think that our music lives between genres.” In 2020, Magdalena Bay debuted A Little Rhythm and a Wicked Feeling, an EP that included the song “Killshot,” which went viral when anime communities on YouTube and TikTok created fancams and choreographed dances to it. When the band’s growing fanbase demanded a slowed down version of the track, the duo obliged.
The EP landed them opening slots on sold-out tours with Kero Kero Bonito and Yumi Zouma, but when the COVID-19 pandemic arrived stateside, they were forced back into isolation, a state they fortunately thrive in. The pair met the moment; they upped their online presence and began streaming sets on Twitch, organically building a following while much of the world was stuck inside. “We spend all of our time together, and in some ways Mercurial World is about that particular sense of madness in containment,” Lewin says. “We live together and make art together; this immerses you in our creative, insular universe.”
On the title track, Tenenbaum sings directly to her bandmate against a glitzy backdrop punctuated by chiptunish blips: “You’ll be around always/ Holding me down/ Living in a mercurial world.” The Madonna interpolation contributes to the sense that Magdalena Bay operate on a space-time continuum that is uncanny, at once familiar and not. “Many of the lyrics express anxiety about losing time,” Tenenbaum says. The high dramatics of “You Lose!” align with the penultimate, throbbing club track “Dreamcatching” as both reflect on the terrorizing realization that everyone eventually runs out of it. More specifically: “‘You Lose!’ is about the industry, and the anxiety that comes with trying to be a musician and maybe not quite making it,” Lewin says.
Words like “anxiety” and “paranoia” come up regularly when Magdalena Bay describe their debut, but the production is beyond confident. Tracks flit between genre trappings with the ease of a band who reject the need to present any one way. “Hysterical Us” is propelled by sweeping instrumental flourishes that recall the blown-out aesthetics of a closing number in a way over-budget stadium set, while a snare snaps like a funkified house song on the bass-heavy “Secrets (Your Fire).” Their confidence overwhelms midway through “Chaeri,” when Tenenbaum pleads for forgiveness while a soundscape so vast and thunderous threatens to consume her. But even as they dabble in darkness, Magdalena Bay do so without ever dragging you down into it. You can hear the band’s reverence for Electric Light Orchestra in it, who they describe as “grandiose, but still cheeky.”
The same descriptor can be applied to Mercurial World. On this album, Magdalena Bay offer the listener a prismatic experience, one that is built on a desire to simply believe in something beyond the finitude of our lives. It’s not religion, it’s not spirituality; it’s this music, this moment. The album closes with “The Beginning,” a discotheque ready call-back to “The End” that momentarily resolves all of Magdalena Bay’s late-night philosophical questions. “Matt, go back to sleep. I think I’ve finally got it all figured out,” Tenenbaum whispers. “Like a butterfly floating in amber, we’ve made this moment eternal.”
- Website - YouTube Page - Bandcamp Page
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obxparadise · 4 years
JJ Maybank x Reader 
Word count: 1,361
Requested: Anonymously 
~A fic in which you and JJ have to keep your relationship a secret, so he sneaks in to your room to spend time with you~
A/N: If you liked this, leave a comment! 
*GIF is not mine. Full credit goes to the owner*
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The popcorn ceiling in your bedroom resembles the stars in the sky. In the corner of the room, a vinyl record plays softly as you lie on your back in bed, aimlessly counting the “stars.”
Laughter erupts from the floor below you as neighbors are scattered throughout the house for your parents’ dinner party. Suffering through a five-course meal with wealthy lawyers, physicians, and engineers did not make it on your list of plans for the evening, despite your parents’ pestering for you to be an upstanding member of the household and join everyone for dinner. You didn’t fit into the life they so desperately wanted you to be a part of, and you refused to pretend to be someone you’re not.
Growing up with a cardiologist for a father and a defense attorney for a mother, money was never an issue. Your family was well respected in the OBX, almost viewed as royalty. As far as your childhood, it was not a memorable one. It was filled with endless hours of school work, tea parties, and etiquette classes. As a young adult, your life revolved around college visits, country club events, and yacht gatherings. There was never much time for fun, although your father did try to convince you that get-togethers on expensive boats were peak entertainment.
None of your family members could comprehend your desire to live a simplistic life. You were surrounded by everything you could ever want, according to your mother, and yet you turned it away. You were the black sheep in your family, and no one understood you. No one ever tried.
If your family couldn’t accept you, who would? Was there even a life outside of the prosperity and prestige you’ve come to know? Would you ever have the life you wanted? You were doubtful.
That is until a skinny, blonde haired boy grabbed your hand and showed you a life outside of Figure Eight. JJ Maybank lived a humble life on the Cut. Any job he could find, whether it was being a busboy or fixing cars, he spent his time collecting money to make a living. In his spare time, he fished, surfed, and smoked with his three best friends. He was wild, carefree, and adventurous. But the best part about JJ was how he wore his heart on his sleeve.
It didn’t surprise you that your family disapproved of JJ. Your father had declined to shake his hand when they’d first been introduced, and your mother turned her nose up at him, refusing to believe he was even your boyfriend. It was disheartening, but JJ assured you everything was fine. Of course, he’d do everything in his power to get your family to accept him, but if they didn’t in the end, he wouldn’t stress over it.
That was two years ago, and still your family rejected JJ to this day. He had tried everything, from attending the yacht parties and coming over for family dinners, but your parents couldn’t accept the fact that he was so different from them. It broke you to have to hide your relationship from there on out. You wanted to show off your boyfriend, but it was JJ’s idea to keep everything hidden. You obliged, but it didn’t make you happy. He didn’t deserve to be kept a secret.
A chill enters your room from the cracked window. As you begin to roll off your bed to close the window, you freeze as JJ pushes up the screen, a lopsided smile on his face. “Hi there.”
Four times a week, JJ would climb the balcony to your room. Always impatient, he could never wait until the morning to see you. During the day, you couldn’t risk getting caught. Your neighbors were mouthy and no doubt would inform your parents.
As he climbs through the window, you notice a small basket in his hand. He sets it down on the floor and envelops you in a tight hug, chin resting atop your head. When your world turned dark, JJ’s arms were the best place to be.
“How are you?” Your words are muffled in his shirt. Breathing in his scent, your body relaxes.
“Better now,” he grins, pulling back to kiss your forehead. “I saw your parents are having one of their parties. How come you’re not down there?” Groaning, you pull JJ toward the bed, taking a seat at the edge. He rummages through the basket, pulling out two plastic champagne flutes and fills them. “Drink?”
You accept the drink, brow raised. “Where the hell did you get champagne from?”
JJ’s lips are pursed. “I may or may not have stolen it. But,” he smiles sheepishly, biting his lip as he pulls out a plastic tin from the basket. “I made these myself. With Kie’s supervision, of course.” He opens the tin and you squeal delightedly at the assortment of chocolate covered fruit.
Taking a first glance at JJ, one would never believe he was a romantic partner. His laidback persona was enough for people not to take him seriously, but JJ was the most complex human you had ever met, in the best way possible. He was carefree, but his friends were his top priority alongside yourself. His temper led him to be reckless, usually making irresponsible decisions, but he was a thoughtful boyfriend, also coming up with new ideas to keep a smile on your face. Growing up, he hadn’t known love, but by the way he adored and worshipped you, you would have never been able to tell.
He reaches in and grabs a strawberry, holding it to your lips. You bite into it, moaning slightly as the sweet chocolate mixes with the tart fruit. JJ smirks at the sound before taking a bite himself. “Damn, these actually are pretty good.”
“So, what’s the occasion?” You ask, sipping from the flute. “Chocolate covered strawberries…champagne…”
“Date night,” JJ grins, leaning back against the pillows on your bed. “And by the way, I don’t always need an occasion to spoil you, you know.”
Time passes too quickly when you’re with JJ. The conversations never get boring, even after years of being together. You talk, joke, and laugh like it’s the honeymoon phase, and you silently hope it never ends.
The vinyl is playing soft music in the corner, and JJ pops off your bed, holding out his hand. “Dance with me.”
Setting down the champagne, your hand slips in his as he pulls you in close, free hand resting on your lower back. Your head finds his shoulder, and your bodies sway gently to the music.
Hiding was beginning to get exhausting. Instead of sneaking dates in your room, which although you didn’t mind, you wanted to be free, not trapped. Talk about a modern-day Romeo and Juliet.
“You’re quiet,” JJ whispers, fingers running up and down your back as he leads you. “What’s on your mind?”
“Aren’t you tired of hiding?” He had to have been. Even if he didn’t show it, JJ wanted to be seen with you just as much as you wanted to show him off. “Because I am.”
“It’s just how it has to be for now, princess,” The disappointment in JJ’s voice is clear. “Don’t worry about it.”
“No,” you say, lifting your head from his shoulder. Eyes fixated on JJ’s face, you frown. His eyes are clouded with emotion. “I am going to worry about it.” Your hands go to his face, and he sighs, defeated. “I love you, JJ. I love you. And I’m tired of keeping you a secret.”
He nods sadly, arms wrapping around your lower back. Your lips brush against his, and it feels good. You feel secure. “I know, I know. Tell you what, I’ll make you a deal. We’ll talk about this in the morning,” JJ raises his brow. “If you finish this dance with me.” His lips peck your nose before drawing you against his chest, and you relax under his comforting touch.
You’re unsure of what tomorrow brings, but as you look at JJ, dimples deep as he beams down at you, you can only hope it’s promising.
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kitcat992 · 4 years
Sitting on the edge of my seat, looking forward to your next sneak peek! Venommmmm *maniacal laughter*
GUHHHHhhhhhh I’m so behind on updating.
Here, have a sneak peek. You earned it for waiting.
Identity Crisis  | Chapter 15: Slithered Here From Hell
Tony popped his lips, the sound echoing throughout the office. “No one finds it coincidental that a teleporting magician appeared in the same week?”
Norman smirked. Just a little. Just enough.
“And gone the next,” he regarded Tony evenly. “There were no ties with that incident and OsCorp.”
It was the tone of deceptive innocence that got to Tony, so immaculately perfected that it could fool anyone’s ears, surely pass any lie detector, win over any judge. Tony imagined that had it not been for the hell he’d been through earlier in the year, Norman’s act of virtue might have even instilled some doubt in his accusations.
But there weren’t accusations to have. Not anymore. They knew the truth — Tony knew the truth. The truth was nightmares that woke him up at three a.m. Panic attacks he could barely stave off at the smell of salt water and ocean life. The endless reminders of sleepless nights in his compound’s medical bay, praying relentlessly to a God he didn’t believe in at the bedside of a kid too young to experience the trauma he’d been put through.
He didn’t need to hear the truth directly from the fool’s mouth to feel vindicated.
He just needed to buy the time until he had his proof.
“Hm. So you claim,” Tony said, his voice still calm, still leveled. They could both play the game of bullshitting some professional nonsense. “Just as you claimed that your numerous east-coast research facilities were all up to code and legally abiding. Yet the case of one Max Dillon, circa 2008, might see things differently.”
Norman hadn’t looked away from Tony, not even as his fingers began to dance across the plush leather armrest of his chair.
Tony stared right back into his eyes, refusing to be intimidated.
“Remember him?” Tony flippantly waved a hand, dismissing a response. “Doubtful that you do. He was just another college student, Montclair State University, too desperate for a couple bucks to know what participating in your underpaid studies would do to him.”
Tony leaned in, just an inch, the soft tapping of Norman’s fingers audible in the quiet space between them.
“Amazing how an incident that put a nineteen-year-old boy into a coma brought on by high-voltage electrical shock could just be...tossed out of court like some suburban soccer mom suing their neighbor for leaving Christmas decorations up past New Years.” His voice grew harder, his need to remain reserved slipping between the cracks where his emotion began to surface. “But you claimed — sorry, let me rephrase that — you ‘claimed’ that your study participants were subjected to the highest level of care and consideration in your faculties. Just as you claim now that you’ve had nothing to do with the Collar City Bridge incident. Or the magician in Times Square. Or the revived, modified Chitarui remains in Brooklyn.”
Tony said nothing for a moment; he wasn’t too sure if it was to add suspense to his lingering words, or to control the growing pit that started to claw its way into his throat. He could feel his lip twitch, the memories all too vivid, too personal. Close enough to his chest that he was sure each hammering beat of his heart kept them alive and present in his mind.
Norman stared at him, face so expressionless it was as if he knew nothing of the pain he’d cause Tony. Or worse, simply didn’t care.
“Among other events I can’t list, of course,” Tony finally added, managing a nonchalant shrug that took more effort than it appeared. “But like I said...security clearance. Not sure if I’d be able to get horses blood out of Egyptian Cotton bedsheets. And I would rather not have to try.”
The false image of calm and collected pervading every fiber of Norman’s persona hadn’t taken a hit. His fingers finally stopped moving across the armrest, his hands settling on the smooth surface of his desk not far from where the mountain glass sat, condensation still leaking onto the wood below it.
“And it would be ill-advised to discuss anything further without a lawyer present,” Norman added. “That is, so long as you continue to throw subpoenas on my desk every other week.”
A full blown grin pulled tightly at Tony’s cheeks, the phony act coming back just as quickly as it left.
“Hey, it’d stop if I got my answers.”
The chuckle that came from Norman was downright unsettling, surprising at the very least. Tony arched an eyebrow high, watching with disturbed interest as Norman picked up the mountain glass from his desk and shook his head, little laughs rattling his chest.
Tony narrowed his eyes, noticing how his muscles tensed at every low chuckle that escaped Norman’s throat. He’d heard a lot of sinister sounds in his life. Somehow, this one felt the worse.
Norman took a sip of scotch, and for a moment, neither of them said anything.
“You know who does have a tie to those incidents you speak of, Stark?” Norman returned his gaze to Tony, openly gesturing the glass in his direction. “Queen’s local Spider-man.”
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup Duo 💎
HOWDY, not sure if matchups for ikeseng are open but here i go anyway?¿ ´・ᴗ・`
-I’m a Leo, and a combination of ENFP/ENTP (if that helps with characterization), but I’m becoming more ambivert as the days go by. But I still act like a crackhead (making up new words, making random sound effects out of boredom and roasting people playfully, having airhead moments, for examples) and a lot of people irl do get put off at how “obnoxious” I can get, but I do know when to “flip the switch” and become serious/quiet.
-I have really low standards for humor idk I laugh at my own jokes it’s honestly astounding, but cursed memes/images are somethin else💀 Dark jokes are always open in my ally👀
-Ironically, I canNOT stand horror, I will legit be so paranoid or freaked out and start overthinking and just cry and DIE—
I’m very open, almost TOO open, but ask me literally anything and I’ll usually tell everyone my honest opinions/thoughts, but I know how to deliver words tactfully and articulately. Debating, (public) speaking, writing, and understanding concepts are my strong suits; likewise I suck ass at math (I have no idea how I ended up in Calc BC ap, I just— 😭)
-Speaking of writing, I write poems whenever I feel like it, I have a whole collection HAH. My love of expressing comes from my tendency to play the devil’s advocate in interpreting and arguing for almost all perspectives in topics. So you can probably guess how I don’t get offended really easily and welcome both playful and serious banter (despite the crackhead persona, I’m very observant of people and their values expressed and how they tick, so I know when to back off especially when they get uncomfortable with my aggressive debating/personality). Need advice? I can use what I’ve gathered from different people and help anyone in their particular situations.
-And speaking of expression, I love fashion and makeup! I love being able to express myself through use of presentation and have fun while doing it! hehe (k-fashion, asian beauty 👀) HECK YEAH I’M DOWN FOR SHOPPING—
-I like to dance yeehaw, and I was on a competitive dance team (well that was before when the corona hit the milly rock a little TOO hard and put all the dancers out of commission😔🤝😭) I’ve also been in my own highschool’s dance club for 4 years!!
-I’m a console gamer :0 Big fan of winding down with video games, but books are the best if games aren’t an option.
-Music is a huge part of my life; I played the flute and the viola for years before and been surrounded by music through dancing as well; while I’ve been in a choir before, my vocals aren’t stellar oof, but at least I’m not tone-deaf.
-Can’t cook to save a life ooooof, that’s where my airheadness REALLY kicks in. I literally burn myself making instant :>
-I’m not phased by sexual innuendos/conversations/kinks because I see them objectively as unique characteristics of every person, but I’ll crack up at a sex joke or a cringe flirt line with friends. And like I’ve said, I’ll share them myself without objection if ANYONE asks. But the moment someone actually TRIES to make a move on me (like what!!¡¿), I’ll first play it casual but then bolt for the door because it’s hard for me to actually imagine that ANY guy would see me in a romantic light LOL but i’d get used to the advances quick and if it’s someone i liked back, i’d tease them the same or raise up the antics ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Hi, there, dear! <3 Can I just say u sound like a super cool person! Anyway here is your matchup dear, I hope you enjoy it! And thanks for waiting soooooooooo long! ^_^
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So I match you with………… Masamune
Selfie Match up
The first time this boi meets you he is ecstatic, finally someone fun to liven up this boring place.
You scream fun and outgoing
Masamune is already imagining all the fun adventures the two of you can go on and he hasn’t even talked to you yet!
He is absolutely captivated by those big dark brown eyes. 
Those big bright intelligent eyes are all telling of the playful mischief the two of you could get up to together.
He absolutely loses himself in your deep warm, captivating eyes, they remind him of home, they are deep and rich like the soil of his home town, soft and comforting, while busting with endless life and energy
HE is absolutely dazzled by the way your soft strands of earthy hair moved so freely in the wind. It low key reminds him of his own wild free personality
If he ever had to imagine his perfect woman you would be it.
You have the same vibe as playful kitten having endless hours of fun, and boy oh boy all Masa wants to do is join in.
He wishes nothing more than to boop your cute nose
His brain goes haywire, all he wants to do is kiss those soft lips of yours
Masamune continues to eye you from the corner of the council room. Gosh if love at first sight did exist than this would describe his exact feelings towards you.
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Match up part
You were named as the new princess of the Oda forces and was forced to sit through the rest of the boring war council. It had been 30 minutes in, and you were already losing your mind from boredom, that is when the one-eyed dragon passed you note from across the table. You giggled a little at the joke and wrote back on of your own. The two of you passed notes back and forth, every joke or remark you read made you want to break out in laughter. As the council progressed, the two of you got rowdier and rowdier and the both of you were now making strange noises. You were making all sorts of weird sound effects, and Masamune was howling in laughter. TBH they were so funny even Nobunaga couldn’t help but laugh. Everyone was having a good time except Hideyoshi “Okay that’s the third time the two of you have disturbed the council”. Hideyoshi started lecturing you and Masamune about not disturbing the council any further when Nobunaga announced that the council was over. The two of you couldn’t help but laugh in victory. The two of you continued your conversation in which you were playfully roasting each other. Masamune was right; you really were going to be a lot of fun.
Masa love chatting and spending time with you and honestly, he loved the fact that you understood and laughed at all his jokes. What he loves the most is times just before your about to deliver the punch line to a joke, but you burst out laughing for 20 minutes before you can even get it out. And once you finally coke out the punchline between laughs, you continue to giggle at your hilarious sense of humour for another solid 30 minutes. Masamune can’t help but laugh at you laughing at yourself. When the two of you goofballs are around its always a fun time, but beware of some occasional dark humour i.e. the two of you got scolded one day for joking about some dark topics in front of the kids *cough* Mitsunari *cough*
The first night you arrived, and Masamune barged into your room, and Masamune being Masamune, ignored any boundaries of personal space and started to page through one of your books that were laying on your writing desk. It was your fashion portfolio that caught his eye. He loves all the different looks and the way the colours and patterns seemed to complement each other. You had explained to him that you were heavily into fashion and makeup and considered it as part of your self-expression. Masamune smiled his big cat-like smile at you asking if you wanted to meet up with him tomorrow. You honestly didn’t have anything better to do, so you agreed.
You and Masamune spent hours in the market looking at different fabrics, clothes and makeup products. Everything was so different in the past. After spending the whole day shopping your grab both of Masamune’s hands in your, you beam up at his with the brightest smile stating that you had a fun idea. Masa is pretty much keen for anything, so he goes along with your strange idea. The two of you make your way back to his manor. And that is when the two of you hold a fashion show, to show off your new clothes and accessories the two of you bought. It was a lighthearted fun game, filled with banter and giggles. It had actually become somewhat of a tradition now for the two of you to do this little fashion shows in his room after a long day of shopping. You would always bust out laughing at the strange poses Masamune would do. 
Another fun activity the two of you have adopted is poetry slams. Both of you would spend the week writing your best poems and then present them to each other. Just like the fashion shows, these evenings are also always filled to the brim with laugher and banter. The two of you had gotten to know each other fairly well like this, as sometimes the theme of the poems would be dark and depressing, and after the two of you would discuss the emotions behind it. U guys would in those cases always be there for each other lending a friendly ear to listen to the others problems.
Needless to say at this point, Masamune was head over heels for you and somewhere in between the fun poetry slams and fashion shows, his flirty jokes stopped being jokes. He was serious about you. One night he actually kissed you, you were honestly so shook, you ran, you legit sprinted away. Little did you know the tiger was on your heel running after you. He caught you and tacked you to the ground. The 30 second run actually gave you time to sort your feelings, as you too had realized that you had also fallen for the one-eyed dragon. He stared into your eyes questioningly, and that’s when you snaked your hands behind his neck and pulled him down to return the kiss.
The two of you made such a sweet couple. After work, Masamune would always be on the hunt for his kitten to spend time with you. He was super shocked when he heard singing coming from the kitchen. He snuck up to the kitchen and peeked inside. He had to chuckle when he saw you singing your heart out and dancing like nobody was watching. He never knew you could sing and dance like that, he watched you for a while utterly awestruck by you. He was pulled out of his reverie when he smelt something burning and saw a cloud of smoke coming from the oven. You panicked at seeing the smoke and swiftly opened the oven. You didn’t even think when you took the baked, well-burnt goods out the oven without mitts or a cloth. You had legit burnt your hands to a crisp. 
Masamune rushed to your side to evaluate the damage. He got a bag and filled it with ice, putting it on your burnt hands. He then proceeded to rub some medicine on the burns and wrap your hands “Best leave the cooking to me from now on Kitten”. He then took over from where you left off, making you the best meal you had ever tasted. You sat on the kitchen counter to keep him company. The burnt buns and your burnt hands were long forgotten, as the two of you were laughing and chatting away. 
Now, whenever Masamune cooked, you would sit in the kitchen with him and keep him company. The two of you would laugh and dance together in the kitchen. It was always so much fun spending time with him, you especially love it when he sings in his most false off-key voice it is honestly hilarious. You couldn’t help but think he complimented you perfectly. He could cook when you couldn’t even make toast successfully, and you could sing beautifully, while he sounded like some cat in pain.
Another thing Masa absolutely loves, is to sit and listen to you play the flute or viola. The soothing music and the amount of love and emotion you pack into the songs as you play, washes away all the stress and tiredness from his day. He could sit four hours and hours just enchanted by the sound of your music. Even more so if you sing along to the song, you are playing. He loves hearing your beautiful voice. This boy will legit drag you to sit in his lap and nuzzle and kiss you until you agree to play or sing him a song.
Masamune is always by your side supporting you and showering you with love. Whenever you get sad or insecure, Masamune is always there to lighten the mood. Like one time, some maids pissed you off. “ why is my kitten so angry today” Masamune literally came up to you and pinched your cheeks, he then squished your face “Common lemi see that beautiful smile.” When you still had a grumpy expression, he pulled you up and started spontaneously dancing. You couldn’t help but smile at the goofball and join in. Soon your big wide fast movements slowed down, and Masamune pulled you into his arms by your waist. He then dropped his head down and rested it in the crook of your neck. You honestly love quite moments like this just slow dancing in your lover’s arms. He would ask you about your day and would tighten his hold on you, enveloping you in a warm embrace, while you talk out all your frustrations of the day. After he would nibble on your ear whispering how much he loves and adores you.
Masa is like your fun knight in shining armour whether it is comforting you and helping you get to sleep after hearing some crazy scary ghost stories or spending hours upon hours bantering with you while you playfully insult each other, He is always there for you, loving you from the moment the sun rises till the moment it sets. He has truly met his match with you and never has in his life been happier, or laughed so much. The two of you can always be found snuggled together with Masa’s lil tiger cub in the futon after a long day of laughs, fun and adventures
Perhaps it truly was love at first sight after all 
Other potential matches…………….Mitsuhide 
 Hope you enjoyed it, love! and I hope you are staying safe and well🍭 @smol-vy
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
Some games on the NA(and possibly EU) PSN’s “Big in Japan” sale(full list/prices):
428: Shibuya Scramble
Aegis of Earth
AI: The Somnium Files
Akiba’s Beat
Alternate Jake Hunter
Atelier Arland Series Deluxe Pack(each game is also on sale separately)
Atelier Ryza
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Birthdays the Beginning
Black Clover: Quartet Knights
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Special Edition
BlazBlue: Central Fiction
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy!
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku!
Code Vein
Code: Realize ~Bouquet of Rainbows~
Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~
Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka HD Edition
Danganronpa 1•2 Reload
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Dark Rose Valkyrie
Dark Souls III
Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Dead Rising 4: Frank’s Big Package
Death end re;Quest
Death Mark
Demon Gaze II
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory
Disgaea 1 Complete
Disgaea 4 Complete+
Disgaea 5 Complete Bundle
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Super Bundle
Dragon Quest Builders
Dragon Quest Builders
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below
Dragon Quest Heroes: Digital Slime Edition
Dragon Quest Heroes II: Explorer’s Edition
Dragon Quest XI – Digital Edition of Light
Dynasty Warriors 9 Complete Edition
Earth Defense Force 4.1: Wingdiver the Shooter
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair
Earth Defense Force 5
Earth Defense Force 5 Deluxe Edition
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain Ultimate Edition
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
Final Fantasy IX Digital Edition
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer: Comrades
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
Final Fantasy XV Royal Pack
Final Fantasy XV Season Pass
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto
Fire Pro Wrestling World
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise
Ghost Parade
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
God Eater 3
God Wars: Future Past
Grand Kingdom
Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator-
Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2
Gundam Versus
I Am Setsuna
Illusion of L’Phalcia
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven Bundle
Kingdom Hearts All-in-One Package
Kingdom Hearts III
Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
Life is Strange 2 – Episode 1
Life is Strange 2 – Episodes 2 to 5
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season
Little Dragons Cafe
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time
Lost Sphear
Megadimension Neptunia VII
Megadimension Neptunia VIIR
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Metal Max Xeno
Monochrome Order
My Hero: One’s Justice
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Road To Boruto (and many other Naruto games)
Natural Doctrine
New Gundam Breaker
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom – Deluxe Edition
NieR: Automata
Nights of Azure
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon
Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence
Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence – Ascension
Okami HD
Omega Quintet
One Piece: Burning Blood
One Piece: World Seeker
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
Our World is Ended.
Persona Dancing: Endless Night Collection
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness
Many Resident Evil games.
River City Melee Mach!!
Romancing SaGa 2
Romancing SaGa 3
Root Letter
SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions
Saint Seiya: Soldiers’ Soul
Samurai Warriors 4-II
Secret of Mana
Shenmue III
Sleeping Dogs
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit Hunter: NG
Star Ocean: First Departure R
Stay Cool Kobayashi-san!: A River City Ransom Story
Steins;Gate 0
Steins;Gate Elite
Steins;Gate: My Darling’s Embrace
Super Neptunia RPG
Tales of Berseria
Team Sonic Racing and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD Bundle
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
The Alliance Alive HD Remastered
The Caligula Effect: Overdose
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Digital Deluxe Edition
The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
The Lost Child
The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories
The Silver Case
The Ultimate Sonic Bundle
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2
The Witch and the Hundred Knight Wicked Bundle
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs
Tokyo Xanadu EX+
Touhou Double Focus
Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet
Touhou Genso Wanderer
Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Toukiden: Kiwami
Toukiden 2
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and Truth Bundle
Utawarerumono Zan
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered + Valkyria Chronicles 4 Bundle
Valkyria Revolution
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story
White Day: A Labyrinth Named School
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap
World of Final Fantasy
World of Final Fantasy Maxima Upgrade DLC
World End Syndrome
Yakuza Kiwami 2: Clan Creator Bundle
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
Ys Origin
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist
YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love At the Bound of This World.
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
Adventures Of Mana
Bad Apple Wars
Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~
Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~
Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~
Collar X Malice
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster
Illusion of L’Phalcia
Mind Zero
Muramasa Rebirth Complete Collection
Muramasa Rebirth Genroku Legends Collection
Norn9: Var Commons
Period Cube: Shackles of Amadeus
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
Romancing SaGa 2
Romancing SaGa 3
Secret of Mana
Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs
Tokyo Xanadu
World of Final Fantasy
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
Darkstalkers Resurrection
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Lost Planet 3
Mega Man 9 and 10 Combo Pack
Megaman 9
Megaman 10
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Dissidia 012 Prologus Final Fantasy
Dissidia 012 [Duodecim] Final Fantasy
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
PSOne Classics
Castlevania Chronicles 
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 
Chrono Cross 
Chrono Trigger
Darkstalkers 3 
Final Fantasy IX 
Final Fantasy Origins 
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII 
Final Fantasy VIII 
Legend of Mana 
Silent Hill 
Suikoden II
PS2 Classics
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
God Hand
Suikoden 3
Suikoden IV
The sale run from  February 21st to March 3rd.
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theeternalspace · 5 years
In Memoriam 6
Summary: The metal tree had always fascinated the Prince.
Only, it wasn’t a tree.
And, as it turned out, he wasn’t really a Prince. Instead he was… a side of someone’s personality? He doesn’t remember Thomas, or the other sides, those who call themselves his friends. He doesn’t really remember anything, not even his own name, no matter the efforts of Patton, Logan or Virgil. He must venture back into the Wardrobe door, back to the metal tree in an attempt to recover his missing memories and regain everything he has lost.
But perhaps some doors are best left closed for a reason. And perhaps some personas should remain in the ground where they have been buried.
Story Warnings: Sympathetic/Grey Deceit Sanders. He is trying his best you guys. Anxiety. Self doubt and self loathing. Fantasy fighting. Verbal fighting. Threatening behaviour. Blood and injury. Memory loss. Drowning. Near death.
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Roman had always been a morning person, obnoxiously so. 
When Virgil first started spending real time around the Light Sides, he took one look at Roman with his ridiculously perfect hair and perfectly pressed tunic and thought that if nothing else, at least Creativity wouldn’t bother him in the early mornings. There was no way he would be the sort to be up early because it had to take him a long time to get ready and put his ‘face’ on for the world. It meant that he wouldn’t be bothered by him because mornings were not Virgil’s favourite time of day. 
Mornings were hideous beasts designed by an uncaring universe to make you pay for your own insomnia and anxiety attacks of the night before. He was not a morning person, not a fan of them and would rarely shuffle begrudgingly out of his room before the time had turned into double digits. With Roman, he had thought he had found one less enemy for that particular battle and that it was Patton or Logan he would have to reserve his morning hate for.
Patton because he assumed he got up early to cook - he certainly got up to cook, and some part of Virgil knew that it wasn't super early but it was still too early for him. It would always be too early for him. Logan, he had worried would be someone who stuck to a perfect sleep schedule, early to bed, early to rise. After all he lectured Thomas on it often enough, using any excuse to remind him that he should be sleeping.
It seemed as though Thomas’ logic rarely liked to practice what he preached however and Virgil had lost count of the number of times he came across Logan late at night, awake when he should have been asleep. There was always some new fascinating book to read, some thrilling documentary to watch or some project to work on and never enough time in the day to do it all. Logan was nearly as bad as Virgil was for keeping unsociable hours but he never seemed to suffer the effects of sleep deprivation in the say way he did. Perhaps it was only to be expected, perhaps it was right that only Anxiety take on those negative traits but it still made it hard to handle, crawling out of bed and knowing that Logan received as little sleep as he and yet was able to keep functioning, apparently perfectly. 
Either way, he hadn't suspected that Roman would be the culprit of his disturbed mornings. 
Virgil had been very wrong. Roman delighted in the beauty of a sunrise, in the wonder of dew on the grass, on the crisp bite to an early morning. He spun and danced his way through birdsong, snapping his way through countless outfit changes and generally made the early hours of the day a delight for himself and all sun loving people, and a horror for all the nightmare people. All the dark gremlins like himself that hissed and spat upon the daylight. In the worst moments, Virgil was convinced Roman would be doubly annoying, just to mess with him. 
Virgil had never had the same control that Roman had, could never make himself look perfect and hide any traces of a less than perfect night behind a single snap. It made sense of course, that Creativity would be the best at summoning and changing things on a whim, that he would be able to skip a lot of the morning routine with nothing more than a snap of his fingers and a single thought. Whereas Virgil had to really struggle to make anything new - once he had made it, it was easy to call it up, but the original creation had always been a struggle.
Creativity was not his department. At least, not good creativity. Roman had been helping him with that as best he could, had been surprisingly patient with teaching him how to harness his skills, to the extent that Virgil could almost forgive him his endless bright behaviour at seven in the morning, almost every morning.
Mornings were the closest Virgil had ever gotten to honestly hating Roman and wishing a violent death upon him. At least for an hour or so until he himself, was ready to face the world once more. Then it settled into low level annoyance, another little silent grumble and wish that he could tone it down a little, that he could stop rubbing his perfect existence into Virgil’s face. 
That had - and hadn’t - changed after he had been accepted. Roman still embraced the mornings with all his usual enthusiasm, still noisy sang and danced around. But he was more aware as well, more in tune with the rest of the mind. Virgil was half convinced that he had to one of his morning birds to tell him whenever Virgil suffered a particularly bad night because Roman was always a little more subdued on those mornings. He would sing but softer, later. On the worst mornings of all, he would sometimes knock on Virgil's door before opening it a crack and sliding a mug of hot chocolate into his room. 
He never said a word on those days, never sang a note - at least not anywhere that Virgil could hear and it was always easier to snatch a few hours of morning sleep after he had sipped a mug of hot chocolate. 
Virgil never worked up the courage to ask how he knew the bad from the good, because in all honesty, Virgil didn’t want to hear the answer. Either he was lucky or he was spying on him and although the calmer, rational part of him could see what a kind and thoughtful gesture that was, Virgil knew his own brain goblins. He knew how they would react to the certainty that Roman had been looking out for him and it wouldn’t be a positive reaction. It would be anger, hurt, paranoia. Disbelief that his privacy had been violated and Virgil didn’t want to feed into any of those feelings, so he simply accepted the gifts when they were given and did his best not to brood on how they had arrived. 
If there was one good thing about Roman losing his memories, it surely had to be the fact that he wouldn't embrace the mornings with such reckless enthusiasm.
Yet again, it turned out that Virgil was very wrong.  
Because, as it turned out, Roman was still a morning person, even without his memories. He was also still a loud, obnoxious morning person that had no regard for anyone else that might still be sleeping, almost bouncing around the area as if he had already consumed a large amount of sugar. 
Virgil curled up further under his hoodie and briefly considered the merits of murder. 
Then he remembered he was meant to be keeping watch and sat bolt upright, hoodie sliding off and pooling in his lap. The fire had died down during the night, embers burning softly among the ash and charcoal, the faintest heat still pulsing gently from it. 
Everything still looked okay, Virgil glancing this way and that. Bree and Hwin were still settled a little way off, having lain together for warmth. Neither looked in any hurry to have to get up again and perhaps Virgil was just projecting a little but it certainly looked as though Hwin was glaring at Roman for waking them up. As for the Prince in question, he was currently humming a song as he stretched, trying to ease out stiff muscles. 
It was Disney, Virgil feeling a swell of hope rise up in him at the familiar tones of A Whole New World filling the little camp site, Roman bending to collect the blanket and rolling it up. For a moment at least, he simply felt hopeful, before the annoying reality of the moment started to poke its way into his head. 
For a start, it was only humming, not singing. If his memory was back, surely he would be singing. Not to mention, if his memory was back, Virgil would have hoped that he would have risked waking him up to share the news because no matter how grumpy Virgil would have been at being woken up before he was ready, it would have vanished at the knowledge that Roman was back to his old self again. He probably didn’t have any idea of what he was humming and Virgil didn’t want to draw attention to it in case Roman stopped.
“Good morning sleeping beauty!” Roman greeted, a bright smile on his face. He carried on humming as he bent over to poke at the fire, unknowingly proving that he had no idea what he was actually humming. Roman wouldn’t be so cruel as to remember and not say anything, no matter what his doubts instantly started to whisper. Virgil knew Roman wasn’t like that, which meant he was still without them, simply making a tune up as he went.
That was good though right? That proved that there had to be something still inside of his mind from his past. The memories were there because the tune was able to slip out despite the block on them. He might not be able to find them when he tried to reach for them but at least they were there. They hadn’t been destroyed by the jelly, they hadn’t been completely removed. Virgil felt a little more optimistic this morning than he had the night before. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the song or the simple fact that he had gotten a decent night sleep and everything felt better after a couple of hours of good sleep. 
He looked down at his hoodie, still in his lap, a faint frown on his face.  
Strange, he didn’t remember taking it off and using it as a blanket. He didn’t remember being close enough to falling asleep at all. The last thing he really remembered was staring deep into the very heart of the fire, watching the colours without blinking until his eyes were watering and the world was spinning a little, colours blending together at the very edge of his vision. 
Then he was waking up and silently cursing Roman’s morning tendencies while finding himself in a makeshift bed, the blanket under him, hoodie on top of him. Virgil had thought he had been crouched a little closer to Roman as well. He was sure of it in fact, sure that those last clear memories he had been nowhere near the blanket was he was curled up on now. 
It was amazing what a lack of sleep could do to the memory, Virgil hovering between relieved his slip up hadn’t had any negative effects and worried that he had fallen asleep at all. Not to mention it had been a good sleep, one of the best he had had in a long time. That in itself was suspicious. Virgil didn’t sleep well, it was one of his defining traits. He was too anxious to ever properly unwind, to be able to convince his brain to switch off long enough to let him rest. 
Being in an unfamiliar place and wanting to watch over Roman to make sure he was safe should have only added to that inability to relax and he stayed awake for longer than a single night before. There was no reason why he should have fallen asleep at all.
Yet somehow, he had slept like a baby. 
Virgil didn’t trust it an inch but nothing was wrong about this morning, which in itself set him a little on edge. Well nothing wrong aside from the fact he had slept in the Imagination and Roman still didn’t know who he was, but that was how he ended the previous day. Nothing had gotten worse, and if there had been some other force at work, if he had somehow been knocked out then Virgil would have expected something to be off. 
A missing horse or god forbid, something new and terrible happening to Roman. Maybe waking up somewhere new and frightening but no, he was still here, Roman was still here and everything was as it had been. It didn’t settle his nerves in the slightest. Virgil really hoped he wouldn’t live to regret it but aside from remaining on high alert - which he had planned to do anyway - there wasn’t anything he could do. Virgil could hardly insist they all stop simply because he had slept for a little while. And they couldn’t turn back, not when there was no real reason, not when they were still searching for answers.
“You could have lied you know,” Roman told him curiously, words coming out of nowhere. Virgil looked up from his hoodie to stare at him blankly, mind whirling uselessly as he tried to work out just what Roman meant. This was part of what he hated about social interactions at times. The way some people were able to seamlessly pick up the threads of previous conversations without any warning or context and expect the other person to do the same. It wasn’t that easy for Virgil, even if he did often obsessively go over conversations again and again in his mind, replaying them and imagining other outcomes. 
Sometimes, he had whole conversations and even fights with people in his mind, whipping himself up into a righteous fury to the extent that he had to remind himself that the fight had been all in his head and he wasn’t actually angry at that person at all. Despite all of that, it had never been a social skill he had been any good at and Virgil still didn’t have any idea what Roman was talking about and it must have shown because Roman sighed softly, a wistful smile on his face. He patted Bree’s flank almost absently, a thoughtful expression on his face as he seemed to try to gather his thoughts. 
“I mean I’ve worked out you’re not the most optimistic person around sure, but you could have lied about the chances of me getting my memory back or you could have lied about your role or even about your past. You could have made up any story about our childhood and I wouldn’t have known any difference.”
Virgil shrugged uncomfortably, feeling his cheeks start to burn. He could have lied and it would, in many ways, have been easier to lie. Even if Roman then found out the truth, he would have surely understood the motive behind the lie. It was important to keep Roman happy, to encourage him to try and remain optimistic, to keep fighting the good fight. All of that rubbish, all of those thoughts that should have surely said he would just lie and yet - and yet Virgil hadn’t been able to sugar coat the truth like that. It makes him feel wrong, as though he has messed up by not lying. 
Was the socially acceptable thing to do in that situation, lie? Virgil didn’t know and he hated not knowing, hated the way his palms started to feel hot, sweaty, the way his breath picked up in his chest, the doubts that raced through his mind as he second guessed himself. Virgil couldn’t stop the small scowl that graced his features, nervously jamming his hands into his pocket in a bid to try and hide the fact they were trembling ever so subtly now. 
“Yeah? So?” 
“So why didn’t you lie?” Roman asked. Just like that, putting the question out there, forcing Virgil to face something he really didn’t want to think about too deeply. There was so much he could say to that, so many answers he could give, some more detailed than others. It was a question that deserved a real answer, Virgil chewing on his bottom lip for a moment as he warred with all the possibilities before the only real response came to mind.
“I don't like lying,” Virgil said simply.
All his years of torment, of confusion, all the doubts and uncertainties that had tormented him over the years boiled down to one simple sentence that both said everything and explained nothing at all. He wasn’t the most truthful of sides sure, but that was because most of the time he allowed his cognitive distortions to get the better of him. He panicked far too easily, saw the worst in every moment and a lot of the time that led to him being convinced that something terrible had happened. A lot of the time he was wrong and although Virgil was trying to be better, he knew that he would never be good. Never be right more often than he was wrong. 
It was the price he paid for being Anxiety, for being the embodiment of all that was negative and fearful. Of course he was going to be wrong a lot of the time and really, Virgil would rather be wrong than live in a world where he was right and that was the way things worked. He would much rather be over exaggerating his fears instead of not dealing with the danger correctly. That doesn’t change the fact that he couldn’t help but believe his own worries a lot of the time. 
He wasn’t sure what sort of lie it was, if you believed it yourself. Or at least, didn’t want to question it too deeply because then you would know it was almost certainly a lie and have to react accordingly.
Logan would know of course. Logan always did.
“Honesty!” Roman exclaimed, snapping his fingers, the sudden noise making Virgil jump a little, a tiny, barely there motion. 
“They do say its the best policy,” he agreed after a short pause. Roman shook his head impatiently, one hand still resting against Bree’s side. 
“No, I mean you have to be Honesty right? That is your role within Thomas?”
Virgil flinched, those words stinging against him and he was sure that Roman hadn't meant them like that. He was sure they weren’t supposed to hurt, to lace his heart with tiny cuts that stung all the more despite their size. Virgil was many things within Thomas and many more things that he wished he could be. Honesty, was never going to be one of those aspects he could embody. No matter how hard he tried to reach that lofty goal, he was never going to be as good as he would like to be. 
He still didn't like lying.
Except he had done nothing but lie to Roman since this whole mess started. It might be nothing more than a lie of omission but that was still a lie and a particularly fiendish one at that. So much could be twisted out of a lie of omission and the right thing to do would have been honest from the get go, as Roman seemed to think he was. Virgil should have told him exactly who - what - he was. 
Roman should have been allowed to know what he was trusting to keep him safe. Roman should have been allowed to make an informed decision about the side he was relaxing about, the person he went to sleep and trusted to keep guard - not that Virgil had been able to even do that. He had set himself a simple job of staying awake for one measly little night and he hadn’t been able to do that. If he couldn’t do something as easy as that, how was he supposed to help Roman in the way he needed to be helped? Especially when he was going around lying about what he really did for Thomas. 
“Virgil? Buddy? Tall, dark and stormy? You in there?” 
Somewhere along the way, Roman had gotten really close to Virgil, a worried expression on his face and Virgil hadn’t even noticed him move. Another black mark against him and what he had wanted to do here, another piece of evidence - as if he needed another piece to prove how unworthy he was, how useless he was. 
He was going to have to be honest now. Better late than never right? 
“Roman...” Virgil trailed off, feeling his throat tighten a little as he struggles to say what he wants to say, to put into words everything he is feeling right now. Guilt perhaps most of all, guilt and shame for betraying Roman so, for being that weak that he was too afraid to repeat the past. Virgil had survived being shunned by the other side once before, why couldn’t he survive it again? 
He reached out, cold hands blindly clasping Roman's own, letting the warmth of Roman sooth him slightly, letting him grant him comfort when Virgil knew it should be the other way around. 
Selfish again. Bad again. Dark again. 
“I... I'm not Honesty. Or Protection, or Concern or anything nice you might think but I swear I'm not... I'm not trying to hurt you or Thomas. I would never do anything to hurt any of you... well... not on purpose. I think. I worry. I mean. I’m scared I might hurt you even when I don’t mean to. I’m really good - or bad I should say - at doing things that could have bad outcomes. I panic easily. I just, I just want to help but I don’t really know what I’m doing. I'm not... I'm not evil.” 
Says who? His mind unhelpfully whispered mockingly, taking on the exact tone he had used to say those very words to Roman when he had claimed the same thing in the Hogwarts House video. At least Roman wasn’t actually evil though.
Virgil just had to hope the same could be said of himself.
He was rambling now, switching from being unable to talk to being unable to stop, all the words coming out jumbled as he tried to explain himself, tried to justify himself and his mere existence. He wanted to do good and that had to count for something, surely. He was trying to do good, if only he could stop doing so much bad all the time.
“Virgil, it's okay, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Roman promised him, and he was still holding his hands, clasping them tight with a worried and slightly puzzled expression on his face. Virgil managed a small, watery smile at those words and how truthful they were. At how kind they were when he really didn’t deserve it. Kind, clueless Roman. Putting Virgil’s needs first as always, as though he was worth any of that.
Virgil shook his head roughly, feeling hints of tears gather in the corner of his eyes. If this is the last moment of friendship he was going to get from Roman then it wasn’t such a bad moment to end things on all things considered. He took a shallow breath, before he forced the dreaded words out. 
“I'm Thomas’ Anxiety!”
There was silence. 
A silence that his mind instantly spun to be deafening. 
Roman hated him. Roman had to hate him, there was no other explanation for it, no other reason. He had lied all this time and now it was going to be just like before, when Roman stared at him with naked dislike, when he had positioned them so clearly at opposite ends of the chessboard. Roman had never doubted that Anxiety was evil, he never once second guessed that. Not until he had been forced to see what Thomas would be like without him, not until Roman had grown to know Virgil properly and even then it had taken a lot of time and effort on both their parts. 
Why would this Roman be any different? He hadn’t even met Thomas in this state, so how could Virgil prove he was good, that he brought something useful to the mind? Virgil could feel all sorts of words tumbling around his mind, the urge to beg, to apologise - apologise for what exactly? For being created? For being who he was? Virgil didn’t pick to be Anxiety, he didn’t want up one morning and decide that there was nothing he wanted better than to spend his life making Thomas worry about every little thing that he could think of. 
Roman hated him, he had to, he hated him and everything Virgil had grown to lo-like about his life, about his relationship with the other sides, being included with their meals, their conversations, their movie nights, that was all gone because Roman wouldn’t want him there and they would pick Roman over him in a heartbeat. They had to, because Roman needed their support now more than ever and Creativity was way more important than Anxiety anyway. Virgil would need to find someway to survive the cold that was coming, the chill laying over his heart and slowly starting to freeze it.
“You’re brave, is what you are.”
Whatever it was that Virgil had expected and feared Roman to say, it wasn’t that, Virgil squinting a little as he stared at Roman. The other side hadn’t pulled his hand away, hadn’t started ranting and raving about how Virgil betrayed him, tricked him by acting as though he was good when really he was just Anxiety. He was... he was smiling still. 
“What?” Confusion made him feel stupid, his brain struggling to understand the words and the meaning behind them.
Brave? Virgil? He wanted to scoff at the words, to make some sarcastic comment and push away any emotion, any fluttering of his heart that wants to cling to those positive words, wants to make castles in the sky about them and fantasise about all the ways in which things could actually work for a change. He wanted to ruin the moment for the sake of his unstable emotions, to keep himself from falling apart completely if and when it all went wrong. 
It was always easier to handle something bad if he told himself it was coming anyway, if he could see the  crash coming. If he could somehow work on a way to bandage up his heart before the wound even hit then maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t actually hurt so much. That was the theory anyway, but it was rarely as straightforward as that. 
He wanted to protect himself even if that meant perhaps hurting Roman. 
This Roman was far more open with his feelings though, far more expressive, far more easy to hurt, and while Virgil was confident of his ability to pick a fight and by doing so completely derail the conversation to the point that Roman forgot what they were originally talking about, Virgil didn't really want to.
Not least because it felt beyond wrong to mess with Roman in that manner, to trick him into losing a train of thought. Roman had already lost so much and even if it was relatively harmless to make him temporarily forget about a subject, it still felt like a gross violation of his trust after everything he had been through recently.
It wasn’t the only reason. It was a good reason of course, a very good reason. 
But there was also because it would hurt Roman. And no matter how much his first reaction was a selfish one that thought only of his own needs, it wasn't what he was going to do. Maybe it made him a bad person for thinking such things, but Virgil could cling to the small hope that he wasn't a completely terrible one because he might think such dark thoughts but he didn’t actually act on them.
“What...what do you mean?” Virgil asked cautiously, fighting to keep his voice as calm as he could manage, and he could do this for Roman. For a little while at least. Roman’s smile somehow grew, becoming even more blinding. He really was like a prince out of a fairy tale Virgil thought sourly. It was a wonder that they had only attracted two talking animals with Prince Charming around. His annoyance didn't last - it never could with Roman - the small little flare up fading away rapidly as he waited for Roman to reply.
“I’ve seen how you act out here. Since we travelled through the Wardrobe, have you or have you not been yourself?”
“Well...yeah...” Virgil said slowly, still not understanding where Roman was going with this. He had been acting like himself of course - his nervous, panicking, awkward, grumpy emo self. He fought with Roman and insulted him when he should have supported him. He moaned about the cold, about walking, about riding, about the lack of a plan. About nearly dying or seeing Roman killed at the claws, fangs, teeth, stinger or anything else from the manticore-chimera.
He had griped about Roman creating a giant mythical impossible beast, when all terror aside, he should have been relieved that at least he was still able to reach inside of himself to access such a basic, important part of himself. Roman might not have realised he had done it at the time or even know how he had done it, but that didn’t take away from the fact that he was still the same powerful creative urge he had always been. Not that Virgil had once told him anything like that.
“I've been a jerk since we got here, what is your point?”
“Hardly! You have protected me, looked out for me. You worked out the meaning behind the sledge. Heck, you offered to come with me in the first place, into the great unknown and knowing you are Anxiety, that must have been terrifying for you.”
“Nah, it was easy,” Virgil replied and insults would almost have been better to deal with. Virgil understood where he stood with insults, he knew how to defend himself, how to fight and hide himself away. It was easier to be strong against mean words - he had no idea how he was supposed to handle something positive. How did people deal with compliments? They felt like strange little pebbles flicked against tender areas of his body. Sharp little stings which took his breath away for a moment but left no lasting marks or even knowledge of where they had truly come from. 
“How so?” Roman asked. There was a glint in his eyes that made Virgil wary, although he couldn't quite put his finger on why it unsettled him slightly. Or even what Roman was getting at with his words. Why was he pushing the question? Why couldn’t he just drop it? Instead he poked at an open sore and demanded Virgil think about his own mental health and state of mind. 
A dangerous task at the best of times. More so right now, when Roman was as lost as the rest of them and Virgil feels so much more overprotective of him and on edge as a result. 
“Because... because you're my friend,” Virgil mumbled reluctantly. He would have rather admitted to almost anything than something... mushy. Why couldn’t it just be an understood thing, as it had been for so long between them all? First an understood thing that Anxiety was bad - when he wasn’t just that. Then an understood thing that he... cared for them. 
He had implied that he loved them, he had never actually said it and Virgil was more than happy for that to remain the status quo. 
Not that Roman knew any of that. 
Memory loss was so confusing to keep track of.
For Roman he was prepared to swallow his pride and admit what they really were to each other. It helped that it was just the two of them too and there was nobody else around to see his emotional weakness. They all had to be sick of seeing his emotional weakness, it came out on an almost daily - if not hourly - basis. 
“Exactly! You are willing to sacrifice your own self comfort, you are willing to put my needs above your own fears. That is the mark of friendship and of a true, brave hero. You are Anxiety, you clearly think the worst too much but so what? You also do what you think is best and right. You’re my friend and I am honoured to have you by my side.” Roman looked so earnest as he said those words, so intent and it made him almost want to cry. A good type of crying, because it was making all sorts of emotions bubble up in his chest.
Crying was still bad. Crying made him look like a loser. 
“Okay, when did you get so wise?” Virgil asked, regretting the words as soon as he said them, watching the light dim a little in Roman’s eyes, the way the shutters seemed to almost visible drop on his face, sorrow lingering there.
“Maybe I always was. Maybe I’m feeling more brave myself now, in your company, without my memories or pride to hinder me. I’m just sorry I’ve clearly never said anything like this before, I let you down Virgil. I won’t again.” Roman was still holding his hand, the other lifting to press against his heart and Virgil was struck by the bizarre feeling that the other side was making some kind of dramatic vow. 
That... wasn’t what Virgil meant, not really. It was wonderful to actually hear Roman say all those things, to know that he believed them. It made him feel almost worthy of the praise, of the hope that Roman was instilling in him. Maybe he did belong here, maybe he did help. But Virgil hadn’t meant to imply that Roman with memories was worse, or wrong for not saying things out loud. Virgil hadn’t said things out loud back, had never outright called him a friend before this moment. 
It had all been understood things and that was the way he was used to.
Virgil had no clue how he was going to fix this but he knew he couldn’t let Roman go on thinking there was anything wrong with the person he had been. Somehow. 
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