#Peter Quill didn't work as well for me as everyone else
sagaiv · 1 year
Guardians of the galaxy vol. 3 was absolutely fantastic. Rocket’s backstory was some of my favorite MCU content ever. It made me tear up. 
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its-rach-writes · 9 days
Starman - Chapter Three
Pairing: Sirius Black x Potter!reader
Summary: after feeling overshadowed by your twin brother, your best friend persuades you to get more involved with school activities. You weren't counting on falling for Sirius Black.
Warnings: fluff, angst if you squint, jealous Sirius
A/N: I know that the stereotypical Amortentia lesson usually happens in 6th year but had to make it a little different! And, no I didn't put the 6th year Slytherins with the 7th year Gryffindors just to write this one scene, why would you think that? Can you also tell I'm trying to include Peter which is hard bc I hate him so much! Please let me know what you think and if you would like to be tagged! xxx
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Chapter Three
The Gryffindors and the Slytherins were waiting outside the dungeons for their potion master to arrive. Slughorn had the tendency to arrive 5 minutes late to class which was great it you were going to be late yourself but not so great if you were on time and you were left shivering in the cold.
The seventh year Gryffindors were going to be sharing the dungeons with the sixth year Slytherins much to everyone’s displeasure, you didn’t mind though. The faculty liked to put the two years together as they were reaching the end of their Hogwarts careers.
“Merlin, its freezing,” you complained to Remus as you pulled your cloak around you more securely.
Before Sirius could reply, Sirius spoke up – he’d been there barely a minute – “you know, I can warm you up, Potter. You just need to ask,” he smirked, a couple of girls in the back swooned, but you’d known him too long to get affected by him. It didn’t mean you couldn’t play with him though.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, a hand playing with the ends of his hair, “yeah, you gonna warm me up?”
Sirius looked surprised and he flushed as he wrapped an arm around your waist, “y-y’know, if you want.”
You smirked and leaned in close to whisper in his ear, “if you ever touch me like that, I’ll shove that wand so far up your- “you got cut off as Slughorn chose that precise moment to come along and let everyone into the dungeons.
Sirius gave you an exaggerated pout as he gestured with his outstretched hand. You sighed as you put your hand in his, laughing when he laced your fingers together and you followed him into the dungeons. Even as you got to your seats, Sirius didn’t let go of your hand, holding it beneath the table.
The lesson started ordinarily enough as Slughorn introduced the potions and poisons that you would be working with that year, though that was mainly for the sixth years benefit. You and your friends were distracted as you had heard this lecture the year before. However, your interest was piqued when Slughorn asked a question he hadn’t asked the year before.
“Who would like to come up to the Amoretti and tell the class what they smell?” Amoretti was a love potion that smelt different for everyone. They could smell whatever attracted them, “Mr Black, how about you?”
At Slug horn’s words, Sirius’ chest puffed out and he winked at you as he went to get up. He visibly deflated when he realised that Slughorn was talking to his brother and he sat back down. Obediently, Regales went to the front and stood in front of the potion and inhaled deeply, almost as if he was drinking it in.
“Um, I smell Butter beer, warm grass and,” he hesitated before sighing, “the ocean,” he didn’t wait for Slughorn to comment, instead he made his way to his seat, keeping his eyes forward and not looking at any of his classmates.
“Thank you, Regales,” Slughorn cleared his throat, “would anyone else like a turn?” Sirius didn’t speak up, he folded his arms with a pout on his face.
“I will, sir,” James volunteered himself quickly and walked up to the front of the class. Like Regales, he took a whiff of the potion, “okay, well I smell rose perfume, sugar quills and peaches,” he grinned at Lily who almost went the same colour as her hair. James looked strangely relieved as he sauntered back to his seat, kissing Lily’s cheek on the way.
Sirius leaned across to you, “want to know what I smell?”
“Hmm,” you turned to him, pretending to think about it, “how about yourself?”
“Very funny,” he said dryly.
As you were making your potion, Lily leaned over, “cheerleading try outs start when class is over today, you’re already on the team if you want. But, will you be there?”
You laughed as you stirred your mixture, “won’t you be accused of favouritism?”
Lily scoffed, “no, I think you underestimate how much people like you. And besides, they all know that I couldn’t have come up with all those routines without you.”
“I’ll come to try outs and the first practice session before I make my mind up, if that’s okay?”
“Will you wear the outfit though?”
“Yes, I’ll wear the outfit,” you laughed.
Suddenly, there was a panicked groan and you looked up at Peter who was on the verge of tears. You couldn’t stand to see your friend so upset so you went over to help.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” his potion was a luminous yellow colour.
“I added too much powdered snake fang, I’m so clumsy.”
“It’s easily done, Pete,” you assured him.
“I’m so bad at potions,” he buried his face in his hands.
“Being good at potions isn’t the be all and end all. You’re way better at Transfiguration than I am. It took me forever to turn that hedgehog into a pin cushion but you did it on the first go,” you smiled and Peter looked secretly pleased with himself.
“The perfect way to remedy too much powdered snake fang is adding more syrup of Hellebore,” you added a few more drops until his potion turned a few shades lighter than it was supposed to be. But, it was better than being luminous yellow.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
“You’re welcome,” you smiled, ruffling his hair before going back to your seat.
“You’re really kind, y’know that right?” Sirius grinned at you.
You shrugged, “he’s my friend, it’s no big deal.”
That afternoon at cheerleading try-outs you sat in the first row of the stands, too shy to include yourself just yet. You must have looked lost in thought because you heard an unfamiliar voice behind you.
“Hey, I thought this was my place to sit and contemplate life,” there was laughter in the voice.
You turned to face a cute boy with honey coloured hair and dimples in his cheeks, “I mean, I can go if you want me to?” you laughed.
“Nah,” he grinned as he sat down, “I don’t mind sharing.”
“How kind of you,” you teased.
“I’m Drew,” he offered you his hand.
“Y/N,” you smiled as you shook his hand.
“So cheerleading try outs?” he nodded at your outfit.
“Nothing escapes you, does it Drew?” you giggled and he smirked in response, “what about you though? Did you come here to watch the cheerleading try outs?” it would be just your luck to strike up a conversation with a guy who was a perve.
“No, I’m waiting for the Hufflepuff try outs to start,” he gestured across to the other side of the pitch where the Quidditch captain was setting up.
You felt a flush blossom on your cheeks, you just wanted to crawl into a hole and die, “oh, that was tactless. I’m sorry.”
He laughed, a deep rich warm sound as he ran a hand through his curls, “it’s okay. How come you’re watching from the side-lines anyway?”
“I’m kinda shy.”
“You seem to be doing just fine with me,” he nudged his shoulder against yours.
“Well, I’ve never seen you speak to my brother, so you’ve got nothing to compare me to,” you laughed, “my best friend wanted me to participate more in school activities this year because I never really have.”
Drew nodded understandingly, “yeah same, I love Quidditch but I’ve never played it competitively.”
“What position are you going for?” you asked.
“Wow!” you laughed, “never played Quidditch competitively but you’re jumping in the deep end.”
He laughed, “hey, I’ll play Quidditch if you become a cheerleader.”
Before you could reply, Sirius came to speak to you in the stands, “are you coming to dinner? Lily is gonna come when she’s finished,” his voice was tight as he looked between you and Drew.
You shook your head, “I’ll come up later.”
“Right,” he mumbled, “I’ll take a plate to the common room for you.”
When it was Drew’s turn to try out for the team, your stomach rumbled. Loudly. Drew looked at you with a laugh.
“Go and get some food.”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded, “to be honest, I’d rather you not watch me fall from my broom.”
You laughed, “let me know how it goes.”
When you got back to the common room, Remus looked up at you as he handed you a plate of food, “where were you?”
You didn’t have to answer though as Sirius did it for you, “she was flirting with some damn Hufflepuff.”
Taglist: @laurenzitaa @hisparentsgallerryy
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shyficwriter · 2 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 25
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Just as things are starting to look up- spiders. So many spiders. Will everything be okay, or will Reader crumble under the pressure?
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: By gods, I've been writing this chapter since MAY of 2022!! Also, for my records this chapter ends on day 72 of the Guardians living with reader. Enjoy!
Word Count: 7,668
Your little chat with Yondu had actually made you feel better, to your surprise.
Sure, you still had bouts of post-vulnerability-embarrassment, but you found that a weight had been lifted somewhat when you went to bed that night, and you couldn't deny that you actually did feel better in the morning, enough so that you actually got right back into using the remote to prank Peter, though you of course now refrained from using it when Yondu was also watching the television for fear of prompting him to tell Peter what he knew out of spite.
The next couple days your mood improved even further.
You decided to join another sparing round with the others, though you did avoid matching with Peter out of paranoia that he'd pull another stunt like the last time. You were teased for this, mostly because when it happened you had turned to see he was your next match only to audibly state, "Nope!" and motioned him on to pair with Mantis instead. This made the others laugh, but you simply rolled your eyes with half a light-hearted smirk and brushed it off.
The day after that you decided to finally show Yondu some "Terran Archery" as you had said you would some time ago. He actually caught on really well, though he didn't deny that he preferred his own arrow. Then, seemingly just to show off, he whistled to command his arrow circle you three times before taking off to shoot clear through your target and then come back to rest in his holster.
Pretending not to be impressed, you start to head back toward the shed to put your bow and quiver away. "You know, you still never really said how Fury allowed you to keep that arrow."
Yondu just grinned and shrugged as he followed your lead to return. "Like I said. That's for me to know."
"Come on now!" You scoff. "Surely after making me spill my life story the other night you can at least tell me that."
Yondu pretended to think, smirking all the while. "Hmm… Nah. Pretty sure we never came to any such agreement."
You sigh, letting it go for now. "Well, can you at least tell me how it works?"
"Whatcha wanna know that for? Ain't like ya'd be able to use it." He grinned teasingly at you.
Whether he meant he wouldn't dream of letting you try it, or that it literally only worked for him, you weren't sure- though you had a suspicion it was the latter. "Just curious," you respond, "I mean, I showed you how humans do archery, figured maybe you'd at least tell me a little something about your space arrow?"
Yondu appeared slightly annoyed, rolling his eyes and stopping to turn to you. He realized he was going to have to give you the same talk he gave Quill shortly after he brought him aboard the Eclector as a boy. "Let's get one thing straight. I know you Terrans ain't know a lot, so it ain't fully yer fault, but here's a lesson. You and me?" He gestured back and forth between you. "We're both 'human-' Got it?"
Confusion prompted you to look back at him. Both human? That couldn't be right. You were from Earth. He was from a different planet- an alien. Did people on his planet call themselves 'humans' too?
He continued. "You Terrans might think you're the only ones in the universe, but that don't make everyone else less than human."
The guilt must have shown on your face because he sighed and tried to curb his annoyance. Slightly. "You? Me? Both human." He points at you again. "You and Quill, ya'll are Terran." He points to himself. "I'm Centaurian. Different races, both still 'human.' Got it?"
You nod. "Yes. Sorry-"
He waved you off, seeming satisfied enough and wishing to change the subject. The two of you begin walking again as he spoke. "Anyway, the fin picks up my whistle and sends it to the arrow. Arrow gets the whistle and goes where -and through who- I want it to."
"Uh, that's it? It's that simple? Do a lot of people use that in space?" you ask, deciding to move forward in the conversation with him.
Yondu laughed out his nose. "It's the best explanation yer gonna get, and no, it's actually not simple at all, and no- I'm sure I'm the only one with something like this."
Your eyebrows raised. "Oh. Why's that?"
"That's enough questions about the arrow for now," he replied flatly. His expression was just as flat, and you couldn't get a read on the reason for his reluctance to talk much about his arrow. He didn't seem upset or uncomfortable. Was he was just a "keep to himself" type of person, or was he just good at keeping up a mask?
You relented, slightly disappointed, but deciding to push forward with another question as you neared the shed. "Alright then. Um, what is your planet like?"
Out of nowhere Yondu's hand connects with your side to give it a couple quick squeezes, which results in you jumping with a startled giggly shriek. He hadn't even looked at you before doing it, which only made it all the more unexpected.
It was over in an instant but you still glared at him indignantly, feeling your face heat up. "What was that for!?"
Yondu shrugged with a grin. "To change the subject. Worked, didn't it?" With that he continued off towards the house, leaving you alone at the shed.
You huffed slightly and just went to put your quiver and bow back away.
* * *
Later that day you fancied yourself a glass of juice after switching the laundry you had just washed over to the dryer. The plan was to enjoy it in the sitting room while you re-read one of your favorite mystery books. After pouring yourself a glass and placing the bottle back in the fridge you grabbed said glass from the counter and turned to walk back towards the sitting room. It was then that you saw a shot of brown dart across the kitchen floor.
Recognizing it immediately as a house spider you jumped nearly out of your skin and dropped your glass, spilling your juice all over the tile floor, but fortunately not breaking the cup.
Unfortunately, Yondu and Kraglin had walked in around this same time and saw the whole thing, if Yondu's chuckling was any evidence to the fact.
Cheeks heating up, you quickly grabbed a towel to clean up your mess. You expected to be teased about the spider, but instead you heard, "Damn, I know Krags is funny-lookin', but we didn't expect to startle ya that much!"
You glance up, not intending to argue but grateful they didn't seem to notice the real cause of your startle. Kraglin jokingly put on a disgruntled face towards Yondu for the insult before turning to look in the pantry.
Then you saw Yondu throw you a wink before doing the same.
So he did see… and he was covering for you? Why? Never mind. You weren't going to argue or ask. But you did think you should consider making a special trip into town tomorrow to get some repellents or maybe some traps.
Once your mess was cleaned up you left the kitchen- no longer in the mood for juice, or to read. However, you thought maybe you were in the mood to watch something on TV, and upon seeing that nobody was occupying the television you decided to scroll through Netflix, finally settling on a familiar movie you had seen several times before.
Miraculously you got through the whole movie without anyone even coming into the sitting room, and you actually started to wonder where the others might be before you glanced at the clock and noticed how late it had gotten. They must all be in bed, and you should probably follow suit.
Doing your best to be quiet as to not wake anyone you went about getting ready for bed in the bathroom. It wasn't until you were about to shut off the light and retreat to your bed after brushing your teeth did you spot another spider. It was perhaps half the size of the one you had seen in the kitchen, but that didn't make you feel much better considering it was still about 3cm wide. You had almost touched it when you went for the switch and jerked your hand back at the last moment, catching an exclamation in your throat.
The spider quickly scurried away before you could act and somehow you lost sight of it. Unwilling to stay up to find it you quickly shut out the light and left the bathroom. That was a problem for anyone else. Tomorrow.
For now you were definitely sure you were going to the shops in the morning for both repellent and traps.
Fucking spider season.
* * *
Despite going to bed late you managed to wake early, and you would have tried to sleep-in if you hadn't reasoned with yourself that the sooner you left the sooner you would be back with stuff to get rid of the spiders and hopefully keep them away. Also you had to pee.
It seemed no one else was awake, which you became grateful for as it meant it was unlikely that anyone heard the very loud gasp you let out the moment you turned from closing the bathroom door towards the toilet and found the spider from last night sitting on the opened toilet lid, taunting you.
You considered for a moment nope-ing right out of there to go use the toilet downstairs, but you could hear the sounds of someone opening their door and started to feel self-conscious of someone possibly seeing you flee one toilet for the other due to a spider. It also wouldn't solve your problem as you'd need to come right back to this bathroom anyway because everything you needed to wash up and get ready with for the morning was in here.
Damn it.
Ok. What were your other options?
Maybe flick it off with a towel? But then you'd have to worry about where it would run to after. The thought of it crawling up your leg while you did your business made you shiver and you immediately threw that idea out.
Well, what if you closed the lid? Maybe it'd fall off into the bowl and you could flush it away? But that would require putting your hand way closer to the spider than you were willing. You weren't about to risk it crawling on you. Also you had a feeling you'd need to slam the lid for that to work and you weren't thrilled about drawing attention to yourself.
You needed to find a way to kill it somehow, a feat easier said than done considering you couldn't stand the thought of getting too close to it and the fact that you really just wanted to be able to use the toilet, get ready, and get on with your day.
You looked around for something you could maybe squish it with, because as much as you wanted to avoid it you sure as hell weren't going to go ask one of the others to come kill it for you. You'd use the bathtub as a toilet before you did that. Luckily for you, you weren't nearly that desperate.
Speaking of the bathtub though, you spotted a bottle of shampoo. Considering it a good enough weapon, you snatched it up and aimed the blunt cap towards your enemy. Moving slowly, sure the spider would run if you made any sudden movements, you inch closer… closer… until smack! You finally darted your weapon forward and crushed the spider between the toilet lid and the lid of the shampoo bottle, grateful the spider also hadn't decided to make any sudden movements before getting squished. It would be very likely that you would have dropped the bottle in the toilet if it had.
You pulled the bottle away and found the spider-guts had decided to stick to the cap, leaving little more than a slight smudge on the toilet lid.
Grabbing a sheet of toilet paper you sat the bottle with it's arachnid corpse on the sink, intent to remove any evidence of your enemy's unwanted prior existence from the toilet lid before finally relieving yourself- deciding to wait until after you had done so to give the spider it's "sea burial." It might be dead, but still- no. Ew. It could wait it's turn.
After finishing your business, flushing your friend, and cleaning off the shampoo cap, you were finally able finish getting ready for the day, and thought maybe you'd reward yourself for your bravery with a muffin for breakfast.
* * *
You had just finished up eating and were about to get ready to leave when Mantis came over to you from the pantry asking if you could help her get the jar of peanut butter open.
Little did you know this would be the start of a chain of events that would significantly delay your morning plans.
For what felt like several minutes you did your best to open the jar but didn't succeed, so you handed the jar off to Drax who had just happened to walk into the kitchen, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Rocket filed in behind him, ignoring everyone as he made his way to the washing machine and threw something inside.
Drax got the jar opened in nothing flat, but he apparently had news for you; Groot had decided to take some juice upstairs and had spilled it in their room.
You sigh, but grab the mop as you internally begrudged Drax for not just cleaning it up himself instead of coming to tell you about it. Though, it was probably just as well- he wasn't exactly the most thorough of cleaners and you didn't want his poor mopping to leave a sticky juice residue behind.
As you filled a bucket you wondered how the tiny tree child would have managed to get a glass of juice all the way up the stairs without spilling any only to then spill it in their bedroom.
It would turn out, as you saw when you reached the stairs, he hadn't. There were little puddles of juice over nearly every step on the staircase. Enough so that you wondered how there was even any left for him to spill in his room when you finally reached the door and located the glass overturned in a puddle of juice near Rocket's bed- which was missing it's blanket. There was, however, no sign of Groot. You'd worry about that later.
For now, you had just never been more glad that you didn't have carpeting in your home- and idly wondered as you cleaned if Groot had actually managed to drink any of his juice before spilling it everywhere.
When you finally finished mopping you grabbed the first person you could find- in this case Kraglin, before tracking down Groot and having Kraglin translate that the wooden child was no longer allowed to carry liquids upstairs.
You weren't totally sure the message got across, but there wasn't a whole lot more you could do so you just had to hope the kid actually understood when he nodded in response and ran off. You awkwardly thanked Kraglin and went to return your mop to the kitchen.
It was there you encountered Rocket again, who opened the dryer and then gave you grief about having left your clothes inside.
You roll your eyes at him but say nothing as you snatch your clothes out of the dryer and move to take them upstairs. Might as well fold them now so you don't need to worry about them later when you get back from town.
Once your clothes were folded and you were putting the last of them away you think you might finally be in the clear to be heading to town when Mantis startles you by running up to you crying and holding her hand.
You almost scold her for scaring you like that when you see that she only had a paper cut, but you held your tongue and instead helped calm her down and find a plaster in the medicine cabinet.
Once you had her settled you headed to leave before anyone else could manage to stop you again, once more being startled by a spider in the hall and cursing the creature.
Soon after, Gamora came across you as you were pulling on your jacket, keys in hand. It was then you realized you hadn't bothered to tell anyone you were leaving and you thought you might do so then, but Gamora actually beat you to it.
"Are you going into town?"
"Uh, yeah actually. Did you need anything?" you asked, pulling up your jacket zipper. Silently you hoped it wasn't something else that would delay your departure even further.
"Take Peter with you."
Taken aback, you let out a surprised half-laugh and looked at her. "What?"
"I need you to take Peter with you."
You blink at her. "…Is everything ok?"
She glanced down the hall before lowering her voice. "Yes- it's just-" She frowned. "Ok, he's driving me a little crazy today."
"It's not even noon?" You raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"I know," she said pointedly.
You frowned. You hadn't intended to bring a passenger with you. "Won't he ask questions? I've never exactly brought him along willingly before."
"Somehow I doubt that will be a problem. I'm fully certain he's just being annoying because he's stuck here and bored."
You open your mouth to reply just in time for Peter to step out of the bathroom. To your surprise Gamora calls out to him and tells him that he's going to be accompanying you into town.
"Cool!" Peter says, going for his jacket as you blink at Gamora, who doesn't look at all apologetic.
Defeated, you sigh and just motion Peter toward the door, throwing one last glare over your shoulder at Gamora who finally mouths "sorry" just as you close the door behind you.
The ride into town was much less annoying than you expected. Instead of deliberately trying to annoy you, Peter seemed content with just listening to the radio the whole way into town, which wasn't at all unwelcome seeing as your thoughts were on what sprays or traps you might get this time around for the spiders, and considering how you weren't exactly looking forward to discussing the situation.
Eventually you reach the shop, where you manage to park, go inside, and grab a hand basket all before Peter tried making small talk.
"So, you're quiet today."
You glanced at him in puzzlement. "I could more say the same of you. Normally you never shut up. Maybe I was enjoying the quiet."
"Rude." Peter said, giving you a quick poke to the ribs.
You jumped and glared at him with narrowed eyes, to which he only grinned and mock held his hands up in defense as you walked past him and made your way toward the aisle where you knew the pest control items would be, trying to think of anything else you might need to pick up while you were in town, which wasn't a lot since you had just recently been in.
Unable to think of anything on your own, you glanced at Peter and asked him if he knew of anything he or the others might need. You knew the answer was likely also nothing, as Fury had just come a couple days prior with a restock, but it didn't hurt to ask.
"No, I can't think of anything. Wouldn't argue against some Oreos though."
This made you huff a laugh out your nose and as that aisle was coming up first you opted to detour and grab them on the way to your actual reason for coming to the shop.
As you were leaving that aisle Peter speaks up again. "So, I noticed you seem to be a little… less grumpy lately." In a joking tone he continued, "That mean you're finally starting to like us?"
"Don't read too much into it," was your reply. "Maybe you all have just gotten less annoying after a couple months. Or I'm suffering a weird form of reverse Stockholm Syndrome."
Sure, you could have said you had a sit down with Yondu where you spilled your guts. Could have mentioned how somehow you actually felt better afterward. Could have also mentioned how you had no idea why- since all that mandatory therapy SHIELD ordered you to take couldn't even do it. But you weren't going to. Just because that one talked helped didn't mean you were ready for a repeat of that vulnerability anytime soon. Besides, the more you thought about it the more you figured it was probably a fluke or something.
"Rude," Peter joked again, rolling his eyes and poking you in the ribs once more like before and jolting you out of your thoughts.
This time your reaction was to accidentally elbow him in the side, and you glared at him with wide eyes as he laughed and rubbed the sore spot. "That's what you get, now cut that out!"
There was a slight playfulness behind the scolding that didn't go unnoticed, but Peter once again held up his hands in mock-surrender. "Ok!" He could tell you were deflecting, but he wasn't going to push it.
By now you had reached the pest control aisle, only to find it wiped out of any kind of repellents or traps that might be useful against spiders. Perhaps if you had just gotten here earlier- but no. Everyone else in this area knew as well as you did that it was spider season, so you should have anticipated this. Better yet, you should have remembered to grab some stuff before the season came- though one couldn't blame you for being distracted the last couple months. Not like you had taken in a group of dysfunctional aliens or anything…
"Damn," you mutter under your breath.
You shake your head. "Nothing." Ok. Think. Would there be anywhere else in town that might have anything still in stock?
"Aww naw!" came a voice from behind the two of you. Upon turning to look you saw there were a couple young men maybe in their early twenties. Clearly they had come looking for spider repellents too, and like you, were disappointed to find the supplies out of stock. Before they walked off the young man who had exclaimed could be heard saying to his friend, "This was the last place in town. Thought for sure they'd still have some in stock. Tough luck for us innit?"
Well, there went that idea.
Peter looked to you and caught you frowning. "Is there something I should know?" he asked.
"It's nothing, like I said," you reply, thinking to grab some juice on your way to checkout, realizing that much of what you did have at home had found it's way onto the floor. "It's just spider season… and I thought I'd grab some supplies before I had to listen to you scream like a little kid every time you saw one." Of course you were going to leave out the part that the real reason was that you really hated spiders. "Forgot about it until too late is all," you continued. "Been a little distracted lately." You throw him a pointed look as you said the last bit, knowing that he would know what you meant by it.
Peter frowned, offended. "First off- I would not scream like a little kid." He went to poke you again for the insult as the two of you approached a self checkout, but you smacked his hand away before it could make contact. "But that does explain so much," he added watching as you quickly scanned your small shopping haul and paid.
"What do you mean?"
"Why I've seen so many spiders lately." He replied, following you out of the store. "Saw three just this morning. Big suckers too- but I suppose that makes them easier targets to squish." He chuckled. What he wasn't about to say, however, was that he had actually called Gamora to come kill each one he saw.
"Oh," you reply, walking to the car. You did not like the sound of that. There had still been a part of you hoping that you wouldn't see much more than you already had. "Yeah- they come about this time of year- when it gets colder. I'm sure they'll have some more repellent in soon," you say, hoping he didn't notice the nervousness in you as the two of you reached the car. Once inside, however, you promptly dropped your keys before you could put them in the ignition. Nice. Real smooth. You continued talking as you reached down to grab them, "-or I can look into some home remedies. It's no big deal- they're harmless." That last bit was mostly a front to make you seem indifferent.
Harmless or not, you still hated them. It made you feel weak to admit it- not that you cared what they thought or anything- but showing vulnerability wasn't something you were used to. After all, you were still recovering from your talk with Yondu, and that was days ago.
Finally grasping your fallen keys you sit back up and insert the key into the ignition, but don't turn it just yet. You look to Peter now, trying to think of any other topic to switch to. Literally anything would be better than thinking about going back home to a house full of big-ass spiders.
Or so you thought.
You open your mouth to speak, intending to just pull a topic out of thin air, and then you hear it.
Blood turns icy in your veins as the awful wail creeps into your ears, and your chest tightens so that you can barely breathe. As your mouth closes, your eyes widen. However they do not focus on anything in particular- your vision beginning to cloud with images in your mind's eye. Broken glass. Twisted metal. Sickening yellow.
Peter sees the sudden change in you and speaks up in concern. "Agent?"
You don't even hear him, ears flooded with the terrible sound that's only getting louder. Turning away from him you begin to shake, now facing forward in your seat. No. No no no no. Please- Those words swim through your thoughts as horrific memories swim through your mind. Memories of pain… darkness… loss.
"Agent?" Peter says again, more concerned now. One moment you had been fine, and then you just froze- face falling into an expression of silent horror.
By now your breath is coming in an almost silent sob and you've brought one hand up to cover your mouth.
"Hey, hey- woah," Peter says gently, utterly confused about your sudden change in behavior but wanting to provide some sort of comfort. He reaches out to you and barely grazes your arm before you jerk away from him. Actually, he could tell it was less you pulling away, and more you had startled from the contact.
Terrible screeching. So much blood. Flashing lights. Please- No no no-
You seem to draw into yourself, and before long it starts to dawn on Peter what's happening. He had been too concerned with you to notice it before, but not only was it louder now, he caught a glimpse of it speeding on the road in the distance through the car window.
An ambulance, blaring it's siren. The sound he had played over and over that one night before realizing he really shouldn't have. Before he realized that sound had a dark effect on you he'd likely never understand. The sound that caused you to go out into the woods that night, the action that resulted in you getting shot.
He looked at you, and could see you were barely with him anymore. Your gaze was distant and your waterline was flooded with yet unshed tears.
White sheets. Red stains. Darkness. Screeching. Pain. So much pain. Broken glass. Where are they- Blood. So much…
Peter felt he should do something, but he had no idea what to do. He knew of a couple guys on Yondu's crew that had PTSD, but he was never close to them. He had never witnessed anyone having a flashback before- if that's what this was. He had no idea how to help you. He couldn't mute the outside like he could the television.
He knew it was a long shot, but it was worth a try. He reached over to the radio and hit the buttons, and turned the knobs, trying to get any other sound to drown out the siren that only seemed to be getting closer.
Unfortunately, nothing happened.
He looked and saw the key you had left in the ignition, and reached over to turn it, realizing that nothing in this damn vehicle must work without it. Stupid Terran caveman tech.
The lights on the dash came on. So did the radio.
He quickly turned the volume knob and the music blared out, drowning out the siren. Having come on so suddenly and loudly, it also actually seemed to startle you out of whatever dark place you had gone. Not instantly, of course, but the resulting jolt managed to nudge your breathing towards a better rhythm.
You take a couple shuddery breaths as you start to come back around.
You are safe. You're in your car- but everything's fine. At least, as fine as it can be all things considered-
A blink made the tears finally escape your waterline and you quickly wiped them away, turning your face towards your window and away from Peter. You realized what happened and you wished he hadn't seen. You felt weak. In a voice that you tried to keep strong, you say, "I'm sorry."
Peter frowned. "Hey- don't do that. It's ok. You're ok." He glanced between you and the center console, and in what was probably a hasty decision, he reached across and pulled you into a very awkward hug.
Luckily for him, instead of being cross, this action, combined with the fact that "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard-" was blaring on the radio actually made you let out a short laugh. "What- What are you doing?"
"You looked like you could use a hug, and I happened to have one ready."
You didn't know how to respond, so you just laughed again and tapped out, pointing out that the center console was digging into your ribs.
Peter released you and you each settled back into your respective seats, where you both sit in silence- aside from the radio- for a little while.
After spending that while staring at your lap, you think to turn the radio down to a more appropriate level. By now the siren was long gone. In reality it had likely only been present for a few minutes, but it felt much longer. Looking at Peter for a moment, you finally speak again. "Um, thanks. For uh, not making this any weirder than it had to be. Sorry you had to see that." 'So much for not showing vulnerability,' you thought bitterly.
Peter scoffed lightly. "Don't be sorry. Look- I know I might not understand, but I do know it's not your fault."
You returned your gaze to your lap and he speaks up again.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You let out a soft chuckle and smile sadly before meeting his gaze again. "Thanks, but I think I just want to go home now."
"Ok." He wasn't going to press it. He was just glad you hadn't had to go through that alone.
And so were you.
* * *
The ride home was mostly quiet. Peter could tell that while you might have been pulled from the bulk of that darkness with his radio trick, it wasn't a magic cure. It wasn't as if he had snapped his fingers and made you "instantly better." He knew better than that, and knew he should probably give you space.
You had made one request, however. That Peter not mention the incident to any of the others.
He agreed, and when the two of you finally returned to the house the two of you went about like nothing was wrong.
For Peter, it was easy.
For you, not so much.
After putting away the messages and grabbing something to eat you decided to go upstairs to try some breathing and meditation exercises you had learned a long time ago.
The last time you had a bad flashback like that was years ago, and you were shaken for several days afterward. Hopefully you could skip that this time -if that were even possible. You honestly thought you had gotten past the flashbacks. It's not like you still broke down like that every time you heard a siren "in the wild." Hell, you hadn't even had one that night Peter played it over and over again, so you didn't know why it happened today. Sure, you had lost it and screamed at him, but it didn't result in a flashback.
Was it stress? Sure you had more than enough to be stressed about lately... but surely none of that could make the flashbacks return, could it? You tried to remember what any of those therapists had said, but came up blank. Maybe you should have paid more attention during all that mandatory therapy... Maybe you should call- No. No you'd be fine. You don't need to be digging into old wounds. You just needed to 'mellow out' and take it easy for a bit. Everything will be fine if you just relax.
The exercises helped just enough that eventually you felt up to do something else, and you decided that something else would be to open your laptop and try searching some DIY spider repellent methods.
Unfortunately, once you got to your desk you were greeted with one of the little bastards sitting on top of your laptop before it skittered away to hide somewhere else on your desk when it noticed you.
Nope. No fecking way. You are not going to deal with this now. The last thing you needed right now was to have fecking spiders piled onto your nerves- more than they had already been that is. Not when you also were recovering from the incident in town.
But you also couldn't just leave it in your room…
Ok. Breathe. Just relax and you'll be fine.
Thinking quick you grab a cup with some pens from your desk, dump them out, and look to see if you can find where the spider had gone. Obviously your intent was to trap it under the glass, maybe leave it to suffocate. The spider however, had other plans, as the next time you saw it the fecker was bolting down the side of your desk and quickly scurried under the door and out of your room. Nearly gave you a heart attack too, but at least it had left your room.
Even though it was gone the whole event had sort of turned you off from sitting at your desk for the moment. Turning to grab your phone from the bed, you decide to do the research in the comfort of the sofa downstairs instead, but not before easing your door open to make sure the spider wasn't waiting right outside. Fortunately it was nowhere to be seen, and you made your way downstairs.
In the sitting room some of the others were watching TV, so you opted to sit in the rocking chair instead as you did your research.
The results were halfway promising, though did leave you wishing you had looked them up before you left the store. The most effective DIY it seemed was peppermint oil, of which you had none. The next best bets were citrus and white vinegar, which you luckily did technically have both, but the remedy called for "fresh squeezed lemons or citrus peels." Currently you only had a little bottle of lemon juice. Hopefully that would do, as you weren't looking forward to making your house smell like vinegar.
Just as you were getting up to to attempt the DIY repellent you saw two brown steaks cross the floor from under the couch. At first you were concerned they were more spiders, but you'd only be half right. One was a spider, the other was Groot- chasing the spider.
Speechless and restraining yourself from picking your feet up into the rocking chair, you witnessed the wooden child actually take a flying leap and land on the spider, which must have been nearly as wide as your hand. Then, in a move you could hardly comprehend, he shortly wrestles with the spider before putting the fecker in his mouth.
Groot looked up at you happily with half the spider hanging out of his mouth, it's legs kicking erratically as he chewed on it. All you could do is stare in disbelief- barely able to comprehend what you just saw with your own two eyes. He… ate it??? Alive??? How-??? The legs!? The thought made your stomach churn.
It didn't take long before Rocket came along and starting scolding Groot, telling him to spit it out, that he doesn't know where it's been.
Groot, apparently unwilling to part with his impromptu snack, attempted to make a face at Rocket (as his mouth was still overflowing with spider) and ran away from him, upon which Rocket gave chase, continuing to scold him as he did so.
You blinked and just sat there for a moment, processing what you had just seen. Eventually you finally decide to attempt that DIY spider repellent, and that you might like a drink while you did so.
According to the website, you needed the juice from half a lemon mixed with water and to put it in a spray bottle. Unfortunately, it didn't say how much water. You also weren't sure how much juice would equal 'half a lemon.' Come to think about it, you weren't even completely sure you had a spray bottle.
Well, might as well try to find one first before bothering with the rest.
So, first pouring yourself a drink from an opened whiskey bottle in the fridge, you set out to look under the sink to see if you had any empty spray bottles down there- only to witness a spider scurrying away inside the cabinet as soon as you opened the door.
You jolted right out of your skin and shut the cabinet. Nope. Not dealing with that. Looked like there probably wasn't an empty spray bottle in there anyway...
Taking a long swig from your glass you decided to check the bathroom closets instead.
The downstairs bathroom proved fruitless, as did the upstairs, so you tried to rack your brain on where else you might keep one, if you even had one. The only other logical place might be in the cellar, as you were fairly certain you wouldn't find one in the attic. Even so, you debated going down there as you had a feeling you just didn't have an empty spray bottle at all.
With a sigh and another sip of your whiskey you decide to go for a look.
There was no spray bottle to be found down there. There were, however, several spiders, most of them smaller than what you'd been seeing upstairs, nesting in the corners of each room in the cellar.
At this point you were starting to feel slightly nauseous. Today was just not being a good day. First you wake up to spiders, then you can't find any repellent in town, then 'the incident'-as you were calling it, and now everywhere you turned there just seemed to be more spiders. To make matters worse you couldn't even bring yourself to run up the stairs to get away from them, despite your instinct, in case someone heard you and got concerned- because there was no way in hell you were going to confess that you were running away from some damned spiders.
Upon returning to the kitchen you finished off your drink to calm your nerves and decided you'd try cooking dinner in an attempt to further settle yourself down. A simple task to put your mind elsewhere. You'd be fine. Just breathe, and focus on another task.
Fortunately, dinner went just fine. Spaghetti was the choice you made, along with the decision to cook dinner for the whole house, and you managed to do so without any unpleasantness. Everyone even got along without any bickering when it came time to sit down and eat as well.
After the dishes were done you thought you could try to top the day off by curling up in your room with the book you had intended to read the previous day. Try to end the day on a better note and then wake up to better day tomorrow.
As you obtained your book from the sitting room you noticed everyone else was either watching TV or playing cards at the table. This meant you'd likely have the upstairs to yourself for awhile, something you wouldn't argue against. Some peace and quiet was sure to help in your quest to 'mellow out.'
Thoughts of cozying up in your warm bed to read helped make you feel better as you opened the door to your room and walked inside. You weren't usually one to curl up under the covers unless you were going to bed, but you felt like you were probably overdue for a simple comfort like this.
Just as you were turning back your covers & preparing to snuggle-in your eye caught something by your pillow.
You tensed as you thought you recognized what looked suspiciously like a couple legs of a certain creature that you knew all too well and very much despised, but then you relaxed again. Took a breath. Tried to think rationally.
Surely it's not. It wouldn't be. You've never found one in your bed in your whole life of living in this house, you highly doubted they'd start now. Peter must have somehow gotten your fake spider back from Yondu and thought he'd play a prank. Probably hoping that if you were focused on a prank war your mind wouldn't be trapped in any bad thoughts or memories. That was the case, surely.
Denial is one hell of a drug.
You rolled your eyes as you reached down and lifted your pillow up, only to drop it just as quickly and jerk back from your bed.
Not only was the spider real- and huge- it had a (slightly smaller) mate. Surprisingly they didn't seem phased by you uncovering them, or your sudden movements. They just laid still, as if asserting dominance.
No. No no no. Not ok. You couldn't handle this. Not in your bed. Nope. Nope nope.
Barely breathing, you didn't even have a chance to clear your head enough to think of a solution before one of them moved- and then you bolted.
There was a brick in your stomach and you needed air. Heart was thundering in your chest and your footsteps were coming a bit rushed as you descended the stairs, but you didn't care. You just needed out. You didn't even bother to grab your jacket and only moments passed before you cleared the back door and the cold night air hit you in the face.
It was only then that you realized you also hadn't bothered to throw on any shoes, and you had regained enough presence of mind to be grateful that at least the ground was dry as you made your way toward the shed.
Not really having a plan as to where you were headed, you stopped and rested against the backside of the shed. The wood was cold against your back as you took some deep breaths, attempting to keep yourself quiet and tell yourself not to scream. It was all you could do to keep the tears back.
Perhaps if the incident in town hadn't already taken a massive hit to your defenses you might be better able to deal with this, see that it wasn't actually a world-ending event, but you weren't exactly in a current position to think rationally. All you knew is that you were NOT okay.
Spiders were in your bed! How could you sleep knowing spiders were in your fucking bed?! The thought of them crawling on you while you slept was too much. Visions of giant-ass house spiders crawling over your face filled your head. As irrational as the images may be, you couldn't help but see spiders trying to crawl in your mouth- your eyes- You felt sick, and your shaking now had almost nothing to do with the cold. You didn't know what to do, so you tried to take deeper, slower breaths, trying to still your rapidly beating heart. You just needed a moment to pull yourself together and then you could think. But you couldn't think- all you wanted to do was scream-
"Bit cold to be wanderin' without a jacket on, don't ya think?"
A gruff voice had spoken up out of nowhere beside you, and they really shouldn't have done that. Sure, they couldn't have known your current state, or that because of it this startle would have triggered a fight response in you. But it did, and unfortunately for them, before you could even think you were already swinging out to deck whoever it was in the face.
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whitedragoncoranth · 2 months
Life On Knowhere 5
While Rocket and I were relaxing at my apartment one day - he was curled in my lap and I was petting him as he dozed - suddenly, the door was thrown open and Peter Quill stormed in, startling us both! I flinched and Rocket snapped awake as Quill - eyes bloodshot and reeking of alcohol - pointed his Spartoi Quad Blasters at me and snarled, "What'd you do to Rocket?!"
Rocket and I looked at each other, confused. Then, returning my attention to Quill, I replied, "I don't know what you mean. I haven't 'done' anything to Rocket as far as I know, unless you count me petting him and helping him relax and get some downtime between missions…"
My attention fully on a drunken, maddened Peter Quill, I felt Rocket shift about, wrap his arms about me. I let my gaze fall on him for just a moment… and a moment was all it took. 'Old' Rocket would have been furious - would have chewed Quill out, told him to get his drunk ass the hell out of our place and sober the hell up - but 'new' Rocket… The little Raccoon was devastated by what Quill was saying his expression downturned, eyes tearing up, miserable, full-on emotional, the walls down.
"Excuse me?!" I barked back at Quill even as he had fingers on triggers. "Who the fuck are you to dictate how Rocket can or can't act when he's off duty, not on mission?! The only one who can decide what he does is ROCKET, not you, not me, not anyone else. Mate, people change! People change all the time throughout their lives, and Rocket opening up and becoming nicer is, as far as I'm concerned, only a good thing, for him and everyone else. Get your wretched ass out of here and sober the fuck up!" With that, I ignored Quill and hugged Rocket, kissed him on the head as he wept silently.
"You…!" Quill slurred, "You've CHANGED HIM, you've… he's NOT SUPPOSED TO CHANGE… I don't… I don't want him to change; he can't… he CAN'T…!" And though I was no therapist, or psychologist… the gears clicked into place in my head.
"Oh, Quill… You witnessed your mother die. When one experiences trauma, the brain gets locked at the age and state when the trauma was experienced. You… deep inside you're still a child, a young boy that never grew up. And children don't deal well with change." Rocket, who'd stilled and stopped weeping, looked up at me in awe and wonder as certain things he'd experienced and done in his life now suddenly made sense as to why -- but then all was lost as Quill roared with anger and fired his blasters…
But the semi-sentient Spartoi weapons refused to function; they didn't work as if they knew to fire on me and Rocket was wrong! Utterly incensed, Quill tossed the weapons aside, leaped towards where I sat with Rocket, arms outstretched -- but then the man was stumbling back as Rocket snarled furiously and belted him in the face, breaking his nose! A moment later, Quill recovered, charged, stumbled towards us again--but the Quad Blasters - possessed of alien will - flew into MY hands, primed and activated, set to stun!
"Leave, Quill," I stated coldly, pointing them at him even though my body was shaking like a leaf. "Now!"
"Not without my weapons!" Quill snarled, hands clenching into fists. "Gimme those!"
Fleetingly I thought to do so - but a feeling of wrongness filled my thoughts, as well as flickers, flashes, of the devastating damage Quill could do with them whilst drunk. I looked at them in my own hands… and a warmth filled my being. It was as if… the weapons themselves had had enough of Quill and his antics and had decided to start anew. In addition, at Quill's snarl, Rocket immediately shook his head and, absolutely trusting him, I stated, "No. No, I won't. I… I'm not sure, but… I don't think they're yours anymore. They've chosen a new wielder."
"YOU…! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Quill howled -- but that was as far as it went; the Spartoi weapons fired low power electric shots of their own accord and - letting them do their thing - I watched as Quill was harried out of my apartment under a hail of shock-bolt fire, the last shots hitting the clasp of the blasters' holster and Quill's belt as he fled, his pants down around his ankles. A final shot hit the apartment door lock, fusing it temporarily; the blasters making us 'safer' in their own way; then I heard Quill hurl his guts up into a trashcan as Rocket grimaced and looked away.
"Disgusting…" I murmured, gently setting the Quad Blasters on an end table, within easy reach, contentment from them filling my thoughts. Stunned by all that had happened, I turned to Rocket, who was looking back and forth between me and the Spartoi Quad Blasters with wide-eyed wonder. "What… what the hell are those things?" he breathed, awed. "How did they…?! Why did they…?! You… You ain't Spartoi, like Quill! Are you?!"
"No!" I answered. "As far as I know, I'm not; just an ordinary Terran here, little man, and that's what I've always been. I guess… you don't have to be Spartoi to use them? The weapons can choose anyone to be their wielder?" At my words, alien warmth and contentment from said weapons filled my thoughts again; I was right.
A short while later, still processing what had happened, with near-mechanical movement we cleaned up the mess left behind from the encounter with Peter Quill and the firing of my new weapons. After placing the holster for said weapons on Rocket's work bench, so that he could adjust the fit for me later, we fell onto my bed, gazing at each other. As the adrenaline wore off Rocket pressed himself against me, moulded himself against my chest as I held him, squeezed him gently, buried my nose into his thick, plush fur as our tears flowed.
"… he tried to… he almost… he was gonna…!" Rocket rasped, his little body quivering as I nodded into his fur. A noise came from the little Raccoon, then, something I never thought I'd ever hear from him: the 'baby' noise that sort of meant, 'I'm small' or 'don't hurt me'; a sound that male raccoons often made around females so the big females might leave them alone. In this case, however, the sound meant that poor Rocket was just overwhelmed. No sooner had the sound left him then his body shook as he cried silently, his tears bringing about my own and we cried together until we fell asleep.
The next morning, Drax, of all people, gently knocked on the apartment door and announced himself. When Rocket bade him come in, the Kylosian man took one look at us then got us out of bed and into the apartment bathroom where - to our embarrassment - he gently washed our faces with a warm washcloth. After that, he cooked us the most delicious breakfast we'd ever eaten in our lives before he sat with us on the apartment sofa and quietly asked, "What has happened David and Rocket? Why did you both look like you had been crying? Please explain."
We did, and as we haltingly told him of Peter Quill's invasion of our home and what he'd angrily said to us both, Drax's expression grew grim, darker and darker, until his fists were clenched and he seethed with quiet fury. "You two will stay here," the Kylosian stated gently. "Nebula and I will deal with Peter Quill. He will be made to answer for this…" Shortly thereafter, he left, but before he did, he hugged us both, gentle and fatherly. Then he was gone, and we were alone once more. Rocket raised his hands - the gesture for 'up!' - and I did; picking him up, I took him back to bed and we crawled in under the duvet and cuddled until we were both warm and Rocket was purring. "Whaddya think Drax and Nebs are gonna do to Quill?" the little Raccoon finally asked.
"… I dunno, Little Roo," I answered. Rocket snorted laughter at the affectionate name, yet his eyes went a little misty, and he cuddled closer to me as I continued, "… but whatever they do to him, I hope it's something really embarrassing or humiliating! That's the least he deserves after what he did last night!" Now Rocket cackled, the sound mischievous, one paw clenched into a fist as he stared off into the distance for a moment, his cybernetic mind cooking up all-manner of cruel, unusual, and utterly humiliating punishments! A moment later, he replied, "Well, whatever they come up with, it better be really flarkin' good!"
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simpforsnape · 4 years
Sincerely Yours.
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Severus Snape x OC/Reader
wordcount: 1478
warnings: minor errors. and plot. I own nothing but my OC, all credit goes to the creator of Harry Potter. JKR
credit to the creator of this gif.
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Chapter 9
The birds outside chirped announcing that the next day had come.
Anah was laid out on her stomach with the cover only covering her bottom. There was warmth next to her. Something she was familiar with. Her arm extended out as she felt around still asleep.
There was someone there. Her hand landed on the person's face who was quickly awakened. Severus Snape. How could she have forgotten about last night? He removed the woman's hand as he then turned to see she was still asleep, and naked. He was also naked.
It took him a moment to awake and realize where he was. But it was quite obvious. He leaned over to the woman, planting a kiss on her shoulder while his large nose brushed against her skin.
“Anah. Wake up..” His lips mumbled against her skin. She shrugged him off groaning in the process.
He smiled at her reaction. He did miss this. Being able to wake up next to someone you love. He will admit, work and loneliness got the best of him.
He tried again this time wrapping both of his arms around her, pulling her close. His lips were aligned with her ear.
“My love.”
Anah was already awake. And she heard him loud and clear. She turned her neck to only see the man looking down at her.
“Good Morning... Love..” She smiled planting a kiss on his lips. He returned the smile.
“Good Morning.”
She turned her entire body towards him as she pressed up against him. Thank Merlin neither of them had classes. Her arms wrapped across his neck. They were staring into the eyes of each other again. Only recalling last night's activities.
A smirk formed on her face as she kissed his bottom lip.
“You know.. We didn't use any type of protection..”
He scoffed bringing his hand up to caress her long brown messy hair.
“I'm well aware.”
He knew Anah had used a charm on herself to prevent getting pregnant. She sat up from him allowing the covers to fall from her body.
He remained there with his eyes stayed on her. She glanced over at the clock seeing that it was past noon. 12:36.
“Lunch is going on.. Do you want to go?” She asked turning over to him. He shook his head now grabbed ahold of her hand to kiss it.
“Not at the present time. But, I do wish to.. discuss somethings..” He added comfortably adjusting his head. Anah cocked a brow turning her body towards him. This must have been important.
“Was it about last night?..” She questioned. What was she afraid of him saying?
“Yes.” He mumbled, pulling himself up to speak clearly. He still had her hands in his. He looked down as he continued to talk.
“Anah. Last night made me recognize something. Of how much I still.. care for you.” He paused still not looking at her. His actions made her smile. He was acting like a child, being shy and all. He continued to fiddle with her hand as his words proceeded.
“I do not wish to wake up another day, alone. I'd rather be with someone.. who I love.. and cherish. And Anah, I'm willing to do this with you..”
With his final words, he looked up. When he saw her face he remained still. She had a tiny smile plastered across her lips. Her hands cupped his face as she looked down at him.
“Severus Snape. Are you asking me to date you?”
He was silent. He shouldn't have asked her, she was going to laugh in his face and call him a fool.
“If so, You should know my answer, my love. I'm willing to start everything over.. Just to be with you." She added while pressing her forehead against his. They shared a moment after her words were exchanged. Finally, they were together at last.
It took the two another hour to get up and dressed. They parted ways once Anah was freshened up and dressed. They agreed on meeting up later tonight for dinner.
How else could Anah spend her day? Well grading, of course, she was a teacher after all. She paced down the bright halls of the school with a smile formed on her face. How better can life get? After almost 13 years of being apart.. she was finally reunited with her  true  love.
While on the way to her class she walked past some students along the way. Some were concerned about why the professor was so happy and cheerful. Someone must have put something in her tea.
As usual, she ran into Harry. He was accompanied by Hermione, Ron, and also the Rat. Which was also.. Peter Pettigrew. How could she forget? She needed to get the rat to Sirius. Well at least help him get him.
On the walk to her class, there was a conversation held, mostly by teenagers.
They mostly talked about the trip to Hogsmeade and everything that happened along with it. Arriving at her classroom everyone entered as she quickly walked over to the pile of papers, which she forgot to grade. Everyone pitched in to help grade of course. The conversation carried on until Harry changed the subject.
"Professor V. May I ask you something?" He questioned which caused her to look up.
"Of course love, ask away." She replied setting down the quill that was in her hand. All attention went to Harry.
"While at Hogsmeade, I overheard something.. about Sirius Black.." He was mumbling by then.
She cocked a brow curious about where the conversation was going.
"What about him Harry?.."
His blue eyes soon met hers. " Well, It was stated that he was.. my Godfather.."
A deep sigh escaped from her. Here goes the conversation she wasn't ready to have with him.
"Yes.. He is.." She replied as Harry kept his eye contact.
Ron and Hermione were only lesioning in, Harry had already told them everything.
"And it was also revealed that I had a Godmother as well.."
Anah gave him a nonchalant look. He knew already that she was it.
She leaned against her desk with her arms tucked.
“And who might she be?” Her words echoed across the empty class.
Harry kept his eye contact. "It's you. You're my Godmother."
Anah's features remained simple as she gave off a sigh. She never did come up with a way to explain to Harry that she was his Godmother. How would she have said it? The boy barely knows anything about her. She brought her hands up to her face eyeing the boy back. He was silent.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned. She shrugged her shoulders as she resumed back to grading. She felt guilty almost.
"It would have been revealed in due time Harry." When she looked up at him, she noticed the look of disappointment written all over his face. It was better if he hadn't known to begin with.
He said nothing more after this. The teens stayed no more than ten minutes until they were gone. She sat in silence for the remainder of the evening. The event repeated in her head. Why didn't she tell Harry?
'I was just protecting him.. that's all..'
Her mind spoke, which eased her nerves a bit.
Hours past and Anah hasn't heard a word from Severus.
She glanced up at the clock that was plastered on the wall across from her desk. It was almost evening. Maybe she should go look for him?
She settled the graded papers on one side of her desk as she got up and went off to search for Severus.
When she checked the dungeons he was nowhere to be found. It was odd almost. Where could he have gone?
She gave off a long sigh before turning her heels to leave out of his cold and empty classroom. Now to think of it she hasn't see Remus all-day and heard no words from Sirius. Maybe.. No. They couldn't have been there. After all these years.
The only other place she could think of was the Shrieking Shack. Remus was always sent there due to his ailment.
They had to have been there. Now out of the dungeons, Anah headed directly to the Shrieking Shack.
It took her no less than five minutes to get to the other side of Hogwarts. Once she arrived in front of the weeping willow she used a curse to freeze it in place. She entered the tree, unharmed making her way down the dark cave. It was almost impossible to see, but the light on the other end made her way clear.
She slowly walked down the cave soon picking up the voices that were echoing around here.
As she got closer, the voices grew louder. Her hand slipped into her cloak quickly retrieving her wand.
“I could do it you know...”
That sounded like Severus? Anah paced slowly up the stairs as the conversation went on. The shack creaked at every given step. Thankfully no one was paying attention.
The hall felt like almost an eternity. Before she could enter the room the commotion in the room changed.
“Harry what did you just do!?” Ron exclaimed as Hermione expressed alongside him.
“You just attacked a teacher!”
Anah rushed into the room as all eyes landed on her. Her wand was still in her hand as she glanced over to see that it was Severus who was attacked.
“Anahstacia..” Remus uttered as she quickly ignored him turning to Harry.
“What. Happened.”
Her tone was almost dark. Remus nor Sirus spoke. The two were more afraid of her than James.
“I- I can explain.” Harry couldn't fix the correct words he wanted to say.
She would deal with him later.
Anah turned her heels now looking over to Sirius. “Where is he, Sirius? Peter Pettigrew.”
“He’s dead isn't he?” Harry questioned as Remus caught his attention.
“He is not, not until you've recently mentioned that you saw him on the map.”
The boy still had his wand pointing over at Sirius who stood in front of the broken bed, which Severus was on.
“The map must have lied-”
A frustrating looked formed on Sirius’s face.
“The map never lies! Pettigrew's alive. And he's sitting right there!” His voice raised while pointing over to the rat that was being held by Ron.
Ron’s face was distraught. “Me!? Are you bloody mental!?”
Sirius groaned in frustration.
“Not you, your rat!”
All eyes landed on the rat that was settled in the boy's lap.
“What! Scabbers is a family pet! He's been in the family for 12-”
“12 years! That an extraordinarily long life for a common rat don't you think?” Sirius added while Harry extended his wand up at the older man.
“Prove it.”
Anah stood in front of the Shacks doors watching everything unfold.
Sirius went over to Ron before snatching the rat out of the boy’s hands.
“Don't hurt him!” He exclaimed as Hermione did her best to calm Ron.
Sirius sat the rat down as soon as he drew his wand. The rat sprinted off making it difficult for Sirius or Remus to transform him.
With one quick move Anah simply pointed over at the Rat as he then transformed into a person.
Peter Pettigrew.
When he came to his senses he soon noticed the people surrounding him.
"Remus? Sirius?" He questioned dumbly as he then noticed Anah standing near Harry.
"Anahstacia! My friends!" He exclaimed still in a rat-like manor. His hands were held up to his chest, teeth chittering. He was about to make a break for it. Before he could run to the room's door he was soon stopped by the other two men who had their wands up aimed at him.
Pettigrew's head flung around until his eye's caught on Harry Potter.
"H-Harry! Look at you! You look so much like your father!-"
"Don't you dare." Anah's voice threw the poor man off with her wand penetrating his neck.
"How could you!" Sirius shouted watching him stagger over to the dust-covered piano.
"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort didn't you!?" Remus questioned with his wand still aimed at him.
Pettigrew began to whin due to his guilt.
"I-I didn't mean to! He was going to kill me! What would you have done!-"
"I WOULD HAVE DIED!" At this point, Sirius couldn't control his anger anymore.
Pettigrew was thrown against the wall with both men standing in front of him, wands at the ready.
They were going to kill him.
"Since Voldemort wouldn't kill you, we will!" Sirius proclaimed.
Harry stood from behind his Godmother as he slowly began to walk up to the pair. Remus turned his head fully frustrated.
"Harry.. This man-"
"I know what he is.. but.. We will take him to the castle.."
Pettigrew's sobbing face began to praise Harry. He slowly crawled to him kneeling at his feet."
"Bless you boy!"
"Get off!" He shrugged kicking him off as soon as he stepped away.
"I said we'll take you to the castle, after that, the Dementors can have you."
Pettigrew's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Horror took over his body as he quickly began to beg.
"Please! Anahstacia! Don't let them kill me!"
His eye then went over to Anah who was watching from afar. Her hands were tucked under her chest with her wand still sticking out.
Her mixed eyes glared him down. "I have no control over this Peter. You're choices brought you to this end."
Her words sounded wise to everyone that was settled in the room. It was clear she was angry. Yes, it was Peter's fault for giving Harry's parent's location away. But he didn't kill them.
"Up with you." Remus announced grabbing ahold of Peter with a firm grip around his arm.
“Sirius, take the kids and leave. Remus, Help me escort Mr. Pettigrew to the castle.”
On Anah’s command, everyone did exactly what she said. The only remaining people in the shack was Anah, Remus, Peter and an unconscious Severus.
Anah left Pettigrew with Remus as she walked over to the broken bed to awake Severus.
“Sev.” She called out leaning down to shake him awake.
“He’s out cold Anah. Let him be.” Remus added as she looked back at him.
“I can't just leave him here Remus. Go, I'll be right behind you.”
He sighed quickly grabbing hold of Peter as they left the shack.
Anah pushed away from the broken pieces of the bed that had fallen. She looked down at her asleep love as she quickly smiled whipping the debris off of his face.
"Severus. I know you're not asleep." She mumbled with her hand plastered on his chest.
He shifted slightly slowly raising up to see Anah sitting at the edge of the bed. While raising up, the dust fell off of his clothes. He clearly remembers what happened.
His face was half red. It was noticeable he was angry.
Anah brushed the side of his jaw removing one last piece of debris from his face.
"Are you okay?" She asked with her hand still rested on his face.
His face remained neutral.
"I'm fine. Where's Potter.." It didn't even sound like a question. It was deadlier than anything. Anah cocked a brow as she removed her hand from his face. Well, that didn't do anything.
"Severus, he's a boy-" She implied with him interrupting.
"Who used a spell against me!" By this point, he was up from the bed clearing himself off.
The woman stood up quietly walking over to the shack's door.
"Don't you think you're overreacting?" Her question threw him off a bit.
"I.am.not." he phased throughout his words.
"Well, I think you are. You need to apologize."
He groaned turning away from her. He was acting like a child, and she loved it. Well sorta.
"Apologize? Anahstacia. Really? You know this will never happen. And that's the end of it."
Her eyes rolled at his opinion with her arms tucked under her chest.
"Whatever Severus. Go, I'll be out soon."
He gave Anah a mere look, turning his feet to leave her in the room alone with his cape mounting behind him. The echo of his shoes soon faded of making it know he was gone.
She paced around the gloomy room for a moment. This place had far too many memories for her. A frown formed on her lips as she too turned to leave the room until something caught her eye. There was something crumbled up and crushed in the small dingy sectional that was settled against the wall.
As she grabbed it, she noticed horrible handwriting written on the back.
"June 14th, 1976."
When she flipped the picture over her emotions got the best of her.
It was a picture of the Marauders (James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius.) including Anah, and Lily. Her fingers stroked over the faces that were there. Only four remained alive. Which was soon to be three.
She pocketed the picture for Harry. She should give this to him instead of keeping it, after all.. He never got the chance to thoroughly meet his parent.
His name rang in her ears like a bell. Harry must have been in trouble. Anah's body began to move on her own as she sprinted out of the Shrieking Shack off to her Godson's rescue. So many thoughts had gone through her head. Was he hurt? Heaven's, was he dead
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The Black Widow Essay
one of em anw, lol
i'm just gonna start with the very beginning of the film, cause start to finish, they put so much detail in and you can tell everyone really cared to make natasha's story as full & vibrant as they possibly could.
them showing how early on she liked dying her hair or was used to it, even as a child?
as well as such innocent sweet things as this scene
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all possibly subtly hinting these girls’ physical capabilities and their dark upbringing or who they really are as spies???
just, how seemingly normal child like things could be subtle hints toward something darker??
but it was STILL something innocent and sweet nevertheless whether they were able to do that cause of their training??
the fact that NAT HAD FRIENDS??? WHEN SHE WAS A KID???
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so important to me...
(cause they didn't really need to add that,... but they did)
how the whole operatives pretending as fake families made perfect sense cause they do it all the time in spy movies…
and how yeah, if there were child spies, then they could be used for spy families,
but this was the first movie that DARED to talk about the complexity of it all…
of a fake family being the only family that you had.
I bring this up because I just fucking love it and it reminds me of what they did in wandavision
rushed holidays and birthdays and normal family occasions all in one, because that was all they could get…
the idea of fake empty families in both bw and wv and jac schaeffer being involved with both of em??? gods im in love hahahah
in other spy movies, it’s just so plot focused…
they’re disguised as this to get to this and blablabla
they don’t dare to talk that they were more than their mission
that they have interests hobbies hopes dreams AND LIVES, beyond their work
(say what you will about captain marvel, but I will repeat, it was the first to show women had lives interests hobbies dreams beyond the work that they had...)
i just... the spy families thing is always so plot-centric, but this one, the infiltration aspect had an emotional side to it since it meant that they could all get a reprieve from their normal horrific lives
that's what i ADORE from this film, when they do something, they always hit for the most emotional, most moving, compelling way it can be told or shown
because, all this time we’ve been told, she’s a child assassin, she’s a child spy, she started when she was young dadadaaa
in other movies, they probably could’ve explored this by showing the violence
what was done to her, to show the meaning of what they did to her…
but you know what I absofuckingtutely die for??
they showed the meaning of the violence through this
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that BECAUSE of what was done to her…
she could do that
all, in the first FIFTEEN 15 FUCKING MINUTES…
I just love how the never endless mention of the child assassin thing
the heaviest meaning of that was so beautifully shown like this…
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like, YEAH
oh wait, I also just love the action of the plane scene
it had so much stakes, I was genuinely panicked and fearing for all of them..
melina was shot, nat was flying the plane, yelena was a terrified baby, alexei was even hanging from the freaking wing…
it wasn’t just weightless action, random kicks and punches on screen…
it was a family fleeing for their lives.
I just wanted to commend the incredible stakes the creatives made sure to put into the film’s first action scene is all.
they could have phoned this in and just have hopper punch some dudes
but they WANTED you to root for this family
they WANTED you to feel scared for them, care about them.
the first action scene nat ever did, was to protect her sister…
they could have shown her take down some men following after them…
but they DECIDED for nat to show her full capabilities… when it would matter most.
you know what I love about the budapest reveal??
they could have just kept it at the clarifying what actually happened thing
and all of us in the audience can revel in the fact that
shooting it out with the hungarian guard and blowing up a building
was in nat’s eyes
just like a literal alien invasion of floating monsters descending from a portal in the sky
just… bask & appreciate the comedy of this guys…
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nat’s so funny, I cant…
no okay, they could have just kept it at that…
and they had nat & clint play tic tac toe in the air vents they were hiding out on…
they didn’t have to do that, but they did…
and not enough people appreciate it enough.
people are already talking about how excellent and wonderful it was, the conversations and commentaries on choice are and I’m only here to say YES MORE OF THAT SHARE IT TO EVERYFREAKING ONE GODDAMN IT
in most marvel movies, the female character & the hero usually just either butt heads or the female just helps out the hero in whatever they need to do, they’re the infallible support structure that keeps the hero up
I think… this is why the dynamic between yelena and nat, hits so goddamn hard…
your pain makes you stronger
so much of this film talks about how their pain made them stronger, the best example of this I believe, is the scene in cuba
what I said about the child assassin repetition all concluding to that “I will kill you all, DON’T TOUCH HER” scene…
her pain was LITERALLY what enabled her to do that.
but I bring back the film’s crux line, cause it’s what I think truly separates and makes yelena and nat’s dynamic so much richer more complex and beautiful to me…
the pain of their past.
nat’s insistence of their time together in america not being real, and her dismissing everything in her past as a widow of the red room as horrible and just something she needed to get away from…
it reminds me of a scene from a show my family watches,
new amsterdam. in it, a woman, escapes a house of neglect and abuse. but she also left behind her younger sister in that household, and naturally, feels deeply guilty about it.
but, her therapist said to her, “you saved the only person that you could.”
and, … I can’t think of anything better to fit nat’s situation.
her dismissal of everything in her past as horrible was a fucking coping mechanism…
it made leaving everything behind, easier…
“it wasn’t real, so there isn’t anything to hold onto” nat herself says
she saved the only person she could… herself.
most marvel movies usually just have its theme as “be who you were meant to be”
tony, thor, quill, & rocket learned selflessness
peter parker learned to appreciate what HE had, and not focus on what he was escaping from and to
steve figured out who he was in a new world
t’challa reckoned with the sins of the past
(scott’s just a dad)
carol learned to own her power and who she truly was
but nat??
yeah, sure, she could also fall under that theme.
but I just… I honestly believe the abuse, the pain she endured… makes her arc so much more meaningful and poignant…
because it wasn’t just the hero struggling, then the female side character reassuring them & giving them the strength they needed to be who they needed to be
it was her reckoning with what she did…
it was her shutting off yelena who cared about her, because she didn’t want to think about what she left behind
it was her, keeping her heart… when her mother could not.
how despite melina felt she was a rat in a cage
what SHE taught nat, was what kept nat alive…
the pain nat escaped, still found its way to her, in that because of that pain, she caused pain to the little happiness that she had in her past
she caused pain to yelena, because it was all she could associate to her past, which she NEEDED to escape
pain was inflicted on her, and she inflicted pain too
she also just casually stated her mother throwing her out like garbage
was I the only one who was utterly shaken by her statement??
to only then after say, she thought of her everyday even if she didn’t admit it to herself
(don’t even get me started on this search & importance of her past to her being fucking hinted in the place she died, vormir, where she learned her father’s name.
how even after she defeated dreykov… she still didn’t know it, til then…)
I just…
the creatives put so much effort into making nat’s story so full of heart, humanity, and meaning…
the humanity of tic tac toe over hiding out from an army
playing in the yard and colorful dyed hair hinting the dark upbringing
reckoning with what one did to survive…
black widow, is such a heartfelt humanely painful and beautiful film…
it isn’t just another spy movie
it isn’t just another marvel movie
they talked about abuse in it, guys…
they acknowledged it, unflinchingly
the good, the bad, all of it, the entire truth of it…
that alexei wasn’t allowed a chance to be forgiven for what he did
that he can wash himself clean, and that they give him their forgiveness, for HIS benefit…
that it was the very pain inflicted on them, that enabled them to take their abusers down
You think I can’t take a punch?
it was literally her pain threshold & strength that enabled her to break free from dreykov's control
her capability of severing the nerve borne from the training she endured
her pain was literally what made her stronger
they made sure to show that oksana and antonia wouldn’t be forgotten
they let the other widows do their part
and the ones the family saved, came back for them and saved them too
even antonia, as taskmaster, had someone who cared about her. the young widow who told her to smile, went to her when she was no longer controlled.
it was fighting for control, it was looking & focusing on what WAS there
just like how nat learned to accept that not all of her past was horrible,
I want to show you how this movie shows that not all of how nat was treated in the mcu was horrible
the thank you for your cooperation scene, yes
but, one parallel that I haven’t seen anyone bring up yet is this one…
nat did her job, and it’s how they took down hydra
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nat did her job, and that’s how they took down the red room
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because of nat’s intelligence, due diligence, they had the intel they needed to take down hydra
and to find and save the other widows…
because that’s precisely why I would die for this film…
they. care.
they remembered that small, for most people forgettable, thing that she did- BUT WAS ACTUALLY THE KEY TO THE WHOLE THING
they know the significance that nat’s story has, how it’s about abuse, and what it does to people
it makes them want to run away & dismiss everything that happened as purely horrible
sometimes, it makes them betray people (like melina & even to some extent, nat…)
they did all this in a marvel movie
the importance of choice, control, autonomy, of women’s lives, every aspect of it
the mundane, their intelligence, their pain, their relationships, their humor & happiness & love…
this was a marvel movie, starring women, produced by women, written (jac schaeffer, wv creator too), directed (cate shortland), and edited (leigh folsom) by women.
this was an excellent beautiful painfully heartfelt luminescent movie, from start to finish.
so much care compassion complexity & love, woven into the story
they cared about what nat DID manage to do in the mcu, not that she was forced into the sidelines
(though, honestly, I think that line about nat never letting herself be alone long enough to figure out what her story is was such an interesting & cool way of acknowledging it…)
nat never spoke much in the films, and they went with it, she’s not the inspiring speech type, she herself says
behind the scenes, they were making nat look as cool as possible with those poses
but in this film, they made it HER character trait
I just think that’s so funny… a cute character trait of her wanting to pose all the time and denying/not acknowledging it??
I think it’s a sweet & funnily humanizing trait of hers :’’’))
they made her funny like that, heh…
most mcu movies, they have arcs, they have great interesting moving stories…
I just think this film is chockfull of love over natasha romanoff, a hero, an avenger’s story…
they put so much in to give her as full of a life as they could… a complex, heartbreaking, painful, happy, tragic, loving, human life…
most mcu movies… they’re so plot focused. find this, follow that.
for me, this film wasn’t.
it was women getting their control back.
behind the screen, and on screen, it was women getting their control back…
after a decade and more of getting bits of meaningful crumbs here and there, the creatives of this film gathered all those up, and built a full complex life and story from it…
it dealt with something so real and tragic but also beautiful and full of love.
I don’t think most mcu movies did this.
and it’s why I wrote all of this.
give credit where it’s due.
black widow is the most heartbreakingly painful and beautiful film marvel’s ever made…
it was a full and concise and finished and complete story, start to finish, about the hero who’s earned it, the goddamned most.
acknowledge what they did with this film.
it’s what they, nat & the creatives, deserve.
acknowledge it.
they didn’t work this hard to give nat such a meaningful loving & complex life and family and story, only for it to be called lesser
than films who tackle their themes in much shorter times
and with themes that aren’t as rooted in reality
acknowledge what they did.
acknowledge it.
I’m not really that knowledgeable over what framing and lighting really means…
but I think those details mean something
how their life at ohio, playing in the yard was flickered with sunlight, and fireflies
how it turned to night when they were forced to flee and return to russia
how it was night when they first entered the red room
but then there’d be more and more light as nat had progressed with their plan, with beams of light, flashing through the window behind her
and then once the dust had settled, the sun was rising on them, the survivors.
but… the most poignant & meaningful of all these lighting shots that I found…
was nat’s endings,
when she said goodbye to her family…
it was almost like, she was saying goodbye to us too…
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with daylight, shining all around behind her, as she walked away and whistled her goodbye
this happening with her goodbye to her family
and with her official final shot of her, heading into the horizon, to her destiny
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saving the universe, and saving her family
they cared so much to give her these beautifully poetically luminescent images of her, guys…
my heart breaks as I don’t see anyone else acknowledging this…
so please… acknowledge it.
acknowledge, what they did.
acknowledge it.
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firefly-in-darkness · 4 years
Galaxy Princess - 1/3
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Characters → Y/N & Peter Quill, Mentions of other Marvel characters.
Summary → After the birth of superheroes, several alien attacks and the blip, you were pretty much ready for anything. That was until you met Peter Quill. He burst into your life at lightning speed and nothing could have prepared you for the way he turned your world upside down.
Word Count → 3k
Warnings → Swearing, later warnings; 18+ Smut, Fluff.
Series Taglist → OPEN - send an ask.
Beta → @princessmisery666 // all mistakes are my own.
A/N → Should have posted this at half 7 but everything seemed to go wrong BUT it’s here now... This is for @crushedbyhyperbole - I am so sorry that this is months late to your challenge! [Prompt: To the moon and back - in Part 3]. And I actually have a schedule for the release for this 3-parter… This is GOTG Vol1&2 Peter Quill set in a post-Endgame world.
Return to: Series List // Marvel List
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That Friday feeling was in the spring of Y/N’s step, and how she threw off her stuffy office clothes and traded them for baggy top and sweatpants. It was in the way she put on her favourite playlist, shimmied a pizza in the oven and how she shut the fridge with a pop of her hip. She twirled around the kitchen in between sips of beer, lifting her spirits higher and higher. 
At the sound of the oven alarm beeping, she plated up the pizza, walked through her apartment, and flopped a blanket over her shoulder in preparation for her Friday night tradition. It had been a hard week at work, and she couldn’t wait to unwind in one of her favourite spots.  
She climbed out of the lounge window onto the fire escape, ascending the steps carefully as to not drop her pizza and beer. 
“Careful out there, Y/N,” Stan, her neighbour, said. 
She paused at the window ledge and grinned back at the elderly gentleman sitting in his armchair. He looked over the top of his glasses with a fond smile. 
“I’m always careful Stan,” She winked and carried on with her climb. 
On the rooftop, overlooking the countryside in the distance, Y/N could relax and get away from work. She’d been a temporary administrator at a financial company for six months, but she didn’t seem to fit in with any of her colleagues. She soon discovered that she was often talked about because she was different. ‘Different’ meant Y/N didn't join them for the weekly drinks at the local bar or partake in office gossip. None of it was her thing and, to them, that made her ‘weird.’  
On many occasions, Y/N had overheard them guessing about her private life and it took its toll after hearing the same repetitive comments; she never talks about her family. Or friends for that matter. She needs to get laid. She's a bit of a freak. Too wrapped up in all that alien abduction and sci-fi nonsense.  
And that’s how being on the rooftop, with pizza and a couple of beers, became a weekly tradition and a place of solitude. Unwinding with music and the starry sky above, Y/N could pretend the world below didn’t exist. 
The mellow music drowned out the noise from the street below as she stretched out on the sun lounger. A contented sigh left her mouth as the blanket enveloped her in comfort and the warmth seeped into her bones.  
The sun setting over the woodland in the distance was the perfect backdrop for her to relax as she munched on the pizza. Y/N adored the way the peach glow filled the skyline and silhouetted the trees against the horizon. 
The greasy delight helped to soothe her but couldn’t quiet all the gossip she’d heard about herself that week. Especially the remarks about her sex life. They had no idea if there was any truth to their assumptions, but no amount of beer or delicious food could drown the thought completely. 
Over the last couple of years, Y/N had pretended that she was happy. That she was content with being on her own but deep down she had given up. Her inability to navigate the dating scene successfully was not something she was proud of but then again, she’d had too many awful and lame experiences to count. 
She was a moon without an orbit, drifting in an endlessly dark sky. It was as if everyone else had been given access to this world of love and relationships and she was left alone. She couldn’t recall the last time she felt wanted or needed and it tugged at her chest. 
Her wall of denial had crumbled, and the hot tears slid down her cheeks. She’d been lonely, had been for a while, but when other people noticed, it stung more than she liked. 
The bright sky faded to navy, the stars flickering on in anticipation of lighting the night sky. Y/N longed for whatever was beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, up where those stars sparkled even brighter.  
Y/N had always dreamed of being somewhere else. She felt as if she didn’t belong here that she was destined for more than a mundane office job and daydreaming of the world beyond the solar system. One day, somehow, she knew she’d fly away from this place and find somewhere that she belonged. 
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A bright flash streaked across the sky, a shooting star. Y/N grinned, shuffling to the edge of her seat, ready to make her wish. Until she realised the light was getting bigger. Her eyes widened as she watched the flaming ball crash into the woodland in the distance.  
Y/N scrambled to her feet; the blanket was forgotten until she fell to the ground. Knees scraping against the concrete. The tangled fabric was pushed away, and she gingerly rolled up her sweatpants; luckily, it was only a scrape, nothing to worry about. 
She jumped up, grabbed her phone, and rushed down the fire escape. Once inside, she slid on her fluffy socks along the hardwood floor then hopped around to put her sneakers on while trying to grab her backpack. Luckily, she made it out without an accident. 
Minutes later she was navigating the roads to the woodlands, her body hummed with adrenaline and her mind raced with wonder; what was it? A meteor? A spaceship? Aliens? Oh shit. What if it weren’t friendly? What if the Avengers showed up? She wasn’t sure she cared as she swerved the car off the road and into the empty parking lot, kicking up gravel and dust. This was an opportunity she wouldn’t let pass her by.  
Y/N eagerly dived out of the car, made sure her sneakers were laced and her phone was in her pocket and jogged up the main path to the woodland. Before long, her clammy skin began sticking to her cardigan. She pulled it off and wrapped it around her waist. Her eagerness to get to the crash site and all the possibilities of what it could be, she hadn’t realised how far off the beaten path she was. 
The moon was her only source of light, but the towering trees made it seem as if it were playing hide and seek on the ground. She put on her phone’s flashlight, her heart racing as she stumbled along the less maintained route. 
Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as the flashlight remained trained on the ground. Nerves bubbled in her stomach and her legs began to shake as she neared the potential landing site.  
A faint orange glow flickered against the tree trunks, the air thick and sticky with fumes. Y/N picked up her pace, approaching the smoke that billowed from the wreckage and the flames licking at the grass. Light and ash that spit out from the chewed-up metal.  
She raised her arm, shielding her eyes from the bright glare so she could access the wreckage. It wasn’t any kind of spaceship she’d seen before. It didn’t look like the ones from the attack on New York or reported after The Blip. It was small, could fit one adult at most. 
A groan rang out nearby and she whipped around to see a man, a human man, fall to the floor a few meters away. In a flash, she landed on her knees, pain shooting through the already damaged skin, and rolled the person over, pulling at the red leather jacket.  
Y/N placed her cheek near their face and relaxed when she felt their light breath caressing her skin. Her fear subsided, and she was finally able to look at the man, her heart fluttered at his rugged look; the stubble scattered across his jawline, a gash across his cheek and his fluffy dirty blond hair.  
The crackle of the flames and the metal whining behind caught her attention again. She hauled him away from the ship, afraid they were in danger of being burnt. After a few tugs, she fell backwards onto her bottom. Another groan came from the man below her and she hoped she hadn’t hurt him. She looked down at the handsome spaceman, his head rising from her lap with a deep frown and eyes scrunching with confusion. 
“Hi,” Y/N spoke softly, hoping not to alarm him. 
He shuffled slightly, trying to turn and brace his hand on the ground but gripped her thigh. She watched the realisation dawn on his face, he looked up at her and back down between her legs, a huge grin across his face, “Well this isn’t a first.” 
Y/N shoved him backwards and scrambled away. 
He planted his arms to avoid face planting the ground and turned to the wreckage. “What the hell- Oh man, look at this,” He jumped to his feet and began inspecting and discarding chunks of metal and wires. “No, no, no!” 
Y/N was frozen to the spot, her thoughts blank as she watched the man dash around the wreckage, throwing items over his shoulder in obvious frustration.  
After a moment, she stood up and raised her arms in defence. “Maybe you should sit down, you did just crash landed.” 
“I need to get back to my ship.”  
He may have looked human, but if he had a spaceship, he clearly wasn’t. Oh shit, I’m talking to an alien.  
“I can help,” she stuttered before clearing her throat, willing herself to not sound so defenceless or unsure. “But please don’t hurt me,” She pleaded. 
He stopped mid-throw, the mangled metal hovering over his shoulder, and twisted on the balls of his feet to look at her. His piercing blue eyes alert, an exaggerated gape in his mouth before he spoke, “I’m not going to hurt you, you turd blossom.” 
Y/N blinked at his insult, uncertain how to process being called a turd blossom. He walked towards her and she stepped backwards as he grew closer until her back was against a tree. He rested his arm above her head, leaning against the trunk, a cheeky grin forming on his face. 
“So, I’m a little stuck and need a little help with contacting my ship.” 
Y/N shoved him away, “Your smoldering isn’t going to work on me.” 
“Smoldering?! I was not smoldering.” He stuttered and held up a mangled item that looked like a walkie talkie. “Do you have anything that can help fix this or a way I can contact my ship so I can get off this crappy planet?” 
Y/N paced back and forth, she wasn’t sure what to say or do, her mouth opened and closed. Of course, she had a radio back at her apartment, but she wasn't going to let a stranger into her home. Y/N knew it was crazy, but she had to help him. She spun around and pointed at him, he looked from side to side as if looking for someone else. 
“Yes, you! I will take you somewhere that has a radio. But no funny business.”  
He crossed his heart, dramatically and she rolled her eyes. “Follow me.” She spun on her heels, “Are you coming or - what’s your name?” 
He jogged up to Y/N’s side and matched her speed, “Starlord.” 
She paused, mid-step, chuckling, “Is that your name?” 
“Yes! I’m a famous outlaw.” His brows furrowed and his jaw set. 
“A famous outlaw that calls people turd blossoms,” she chuckled, “what are you wanted for, crappy insults?” 
He scoffed and from the corner of her eye she noticed him smirk though he sounded offended, “a whole list of things that if you knew about, you’d be shocked.” 
“Got it, you're a real bad guy, Starlord.” 
This time he really was offended, “do you have a better name?”   
She snickered and couldn’t help herself, “Galaxy Princess.”  
He laughed loudly up at the sky, “I like you Galaxy Princess,” he admitted.  
She dropped her head to watch her feet and tried to stifle the happy grin that wanted to break out on her face. 
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One short car journey filled with awkward silence later, they were in Y/N’s apartment, and inside the box room. A desk and computer on one side, the opposite wall filled with pictures, newspaper clippings and maps of Earth and the solar system. Embarrassment tingled on Y/N’s cheeks as she began to clear the mess of takeout containers and used coffee cups that were on her desk. 
The radio unit was pulled forward and she passed the mouthpiece to him. Noting how dazed he was by all the assorted items in the room, picking them up and inspecting them as he’d never seen a tablet or Bluetooth speaker before. Then she remembered, alien. His technology was far more advanced. 
“Here, if your spaceship is in our atmosphere it should pick up this signal.” Y/N flicked at the switches and turned the dials; white noise unleashed into the room until it went almost silent apart from a faint buzz. 
Starlord stared at the equipment and muttered under his breath, “I can’t believe that I actually wish Rocket was here.” 
Y/N ignored the comment, he hadn’t wanted her to hear what he’d said, “Do you know what frequency your ship uses or anything that would help connect to the comms unit?” 
“Of course, I know what frequency my ship uses.” He stepped around her and started to fiddle with the dials, white noise filling the room once more. He winked and gave her a lopsided grin, like the one earlier when his face was in her lap. “It’s my ship. I know the frequency. Yep.” 
To save Starlord the embarrassment of having no clue, Y/N turned her focus to the broken device he had brought with him. Metal scratched, wires exposed and broken. With enough technical knowledge, she realised it was more of a transmitter than a radio. 
“I think I might be able to fix this, but I don’t have anything that resembles these parts.” Y/N didn’t realise he was right behind her and bumped into him with a surprised yelp. 
“Woah there!” He steadied her with his hands on her arms, “Didn’t mean to make you jump,” he said as she turned to face him. She felt the blush spread over her cheeks and he smiled, “Unless you did that on purpose. Considering you like my smoldering,” he winked.  
“I didn’t say I liked your smoldering, I said it wouldn’t work on me.”   
Y/N hoped that he didn’t have superpowers otherwise he’d hear the pounding of her heart but what unnerved her more than his proximity, was that she couldn’t work out if she was scared or captivated. It was definitely the latter. His thumbs rubbed softly and sparked a shiver. Her thoughts caught back up to her and she led them into the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit off the shelf. 
“So how did you end up in an escape pod?” She asked, moving into the lounge. 
“Ha. I don’t think you’ve got time for the long story,” he said as she perched on the couch. “So, I’ll give you the short version.” He joined her and reclined back into the cushions. 
“I’m happy with either,” Y/N offered, turning to face him, with an acute awareness of her knee brushing against his thigh. “May I?” 
Starlord glanced down, noticing their closeness and her fiddling with the box. His chest inflated, proud and a smug smile; he was eager to let her tend to his wounds and talk of his heroism and escape from evil.  
He cleared his throat before sinking further into the couch, “I’m more than willing to oblige a beautiful woman with my stories, sweetheart.”  
Y/N snorted and began to clean the gash on his cheek while he explained how his crew’s mission hadn’t gone to plan. It was supposed to be simple; get on the spaceship and pick up the wanted person then to collect the bounty. Y/N watched him tell the story in between winces of the antiseptic wipe; the way his eyes lit up as he retold the plan and mentioned his companions; Rocket and Groot.  
She wanted to know more but she was distracted by his animated expressions. Gosh, he’s handsome, Y/N blushed at her thoughts, “will you stop moving. I can’t fix this if you don’t hold still.” 
Y/N was grateful for him not seeing the embarrassment and refrained from moving erratically so she could apply the butterfly stitches. He continued with how he hadn’t expected the spaceship to have a bunch of Kree and Sakaarans on board. She bounced in her seat, the excitement taking over at the mention of the alien races. 
Starlord chuckled at her enthusiasm, “I’ll tell you more about them bastards later. The escape pod was my only option, but it malfunctioned after it took several hits from the attack shuttles.” 
Y/N clamped a hand over her mouth, in fear and amazement that he’d managed to land it somewhat safely and without extensive injury. She felt shy under Starlord’s scrutiny and the way he was likely to judge the brightness in her eyes, the intrigue she had for life beyond earth. 
“Now I’m stranded on Earth and have no way of communicating with my crew back on the Milano.” He shrugged his shoulders, “Luckily I had a beautiful woman come to my rescue.” 
Y/N pretended not to hear those words as the weight of the night’s events hit her suddenly and she tried to stifle the yawn, “Sorry, can we have a look at this in the morning?” 
“Sure.” His bright smile dropped a fraction, he recovered it but not in time for her to miss. 
Spare bedding was placed on the sofa and Y/N directed him around the apartment, “The shower is just down the hall. If you can’t sleep, here’s the tv remote and help yourself to food.” 
“Thank you, Princess.” 
“Goodnight, Starlord.” 
“It’s Peter.” His cheeky smile had faded to something softer. 
“Y/N. Goodnight Peter.”  
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.” He laid down and continued to wave until she shut the bedroom door. 
Y/N was too tired to process that she was leaving a stranger on his own, in her home. There was an odd comfort from his determination to get back to his ship and crew; the place he belonged.
To Be Continued...
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Everything Taglist:  @reann-loves-sebstan / @aroyaldarknessblr / @thefridgeismybestie / @kitkatd7
Marvel Taglist:  @natasha-danvers / @musesforart​
Series Taglist: @justagirlinafandomworld
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The Rise Of Iron Maiden
Chapter 4: Failure to Launch
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Word Count: 2.9k
Originally Requested by: @amateurwriterbigdreamer
Previous Chapter: We’re in the Endgame Now
Next Chapter: The Return Of Iron Maiden
A/N: this chapters kinda slow, but I gotta fill the plot. Next chapters gonna be pretty Tye heavy (mostly from his POV)
“Wrah!” Nebula stood up, putting her hands in a fighting stance.
“You don't need to do that. Because uh... you're just holding position.” Tony mimicked a football goalpost with his hands as she flicked a paper football towards him. “Oh yeah, that was close.”
“I would like to try again.”
You and Tye watched from the front of the ship, both of you previously watching the stars. Both of you are silent, neither of you wanting to talk. You were still too shaken up from the events of nearly last month. Nebula had attempted to fly you back to Earth, but the Milano broke down and now you were floating in space, hopeless.
“Fair game. Good sport. Have fun?” Your dad asked Nebula.
“It was...fun.” She nodded slowly.
“Tye, Y/N, wanna play?” Tony looked over to the two kids.
“I’m good.” Tye mumbled.
“Hey, come on.” Your dad urged. “It’s fun. Right, Nebula?”
“It is fun.” She nodded, face deadpanned. Tye sighed, but eventually joined them.
“Y/N?” Your dad offered.
“Um...I’m tired, I’m gonna go sleep for a little bit.” You give him a small smile as if to say you were okay, before retreating to the back of the ship towards the bedrooms.
You lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. You think about everyone at home, and the frustration of not knowing who was still alive. Were Eduardo, Jaime, Peter, Quill, Drax, Mantis and Doctor Strange still alive? Or did they die? Would they ever come back? Could you bring them back?
Usually Eduardo was there to tell you you were overthinking and to calm you down, but he was gone. He turned to dust in your hands, and you couldn’t do anything about it. You hated it when you couldn’t control something, much like your father. If you couldn’t protect the ones you loved, you felt useless. You felt guilty, believing it was your fault that Eduardo, Jaime and Peter were gone. You were even guilty about the Guardians of the Galaxy, even though you barely knew them.
You looked over at your pile of armor on the floor. You dragged yourself out of bed, sitting against it. You clicked a button on your helmet, and waited for it to light up.
“This thing on?” You ask nobody in particular, then let it scan you. “Alright. Hey mom. Uh...sorry for not listening to dad. Again. I should be down on Earth, I’m sorry I’m worrying you. Dad makes you do that enough already.” You chuckle softly. “Um...it’s day 22, just floating in space. The blue meanie tried to fly us back. You’d like her, she’s very practical. It’s only her, me, dad, and Tye left. He doesn’t talk much-well, not that he did before. He’s pretty broken over Jaime. Peters gone too, poor kid. Aunt Mays gonna kill him. Um...I lost Eduardo. He just...turned into dust. I couldn’t do anything about it...I really miss him, mom. I won’t miss him much longer though, in fact, I might see him in the next...48 hours of oxygen. It won’t last long with four people on here though. I didn’t think I’d die like this, it’s so pathetic.” You scoff and shake your head. “I thought I’d die saving people. I want to die saving people, that’s how I’ve always wanted to go but...nope. I’m gonna die because this piece of junk broke down in the middle of the universe. So uh...I’m gonna go play some paper football with the two grumps and dad. I’m really sorry, mom. All you do is put up with our shit, and tell us when to stop. I should’ve listened this time.” You go to turn it off, quickly saying, “I love you.”
You fall back against the bed, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. The low oxygen levels are already effecting you, which meant your dad and friend were both feeling them too. You wanted to go join them, but you couldn’t move your whole body enough to do so. You lied there, staring at your Iron Maiden suit. The suit you used to save people, but you couldn’t even save yourself. You failed Eduardo. Jaime. Peter. Quill. Drax. Mantis. Doctor Strange. And who knows who else.
You feel yourself being lifted off the ground, and you look up to see Nebula. She was mostly machine, so the lack of oxygen wasn’t effecting her as bad as you. She carried you over to a couch that she had dragged into the control room, facing the window. Your dad was sitting in the middle, Tye beside him. Nebula sat you on his other side, then left.
Tony gathered enough strength to lift his arms, resting them around the two kids’ shoulders and pulling them closer to him. He wanted to comfort them, but he couldn’t speak. You all stared out at the stars, awaiting your deaths.
A bright light pierced your brain, making you cringe as you wake up. You open your eyes and blink until they adjust. You see a woman outside of the ship, looking in. You weakly shake your dads leg, trying to alert him. His hand rests atop of yours to tell you he’s okay, as he slowly sits up a little.
“Who’s that?” Tye mumbles, half asleep.
“Not sure, kid.” Tony replied. You pass out again, not able to hold consciousness. You wake up again when someone shakes you awake, opening your eyes to see your dads best friend, Rhodey.
“Y/N? Hey, think you can stand?” He asked softly. You nod, and he helps you to your feet you lean on him as he walks you down the ramp to outside.
“Is mom...?” You breathe out, still blinking away black spots in your vision.
“Y/N! Tony!” You hear her yell from somewhere, before Rhodey can even open his mouth. “Oh my god! Oh my god!”
Your mom practically crashed into you, holding you tightly to her. You fall into her, not having the strength to stand any longer. Your dad walks by himself over to his two girls, hugging them tightly. Back in space, he truly thought those would be his last moment, so he was eternally grateful that he got to live long enough to hold them both again.
Tye watched the scene from where Natasha was helping him stand, feeling alone. His mother was in a different dimension than him, and Tye felt like she probably didn’t even miss him.
“Nat?” He breathed out.
“What’s up?” She asked, looking down at the exhausted boy.
“You have food that isn’t freeze dried and in a silver bag, right?” He asked.
“Yeah, come on.” She chuckled, helping him walk towards the Compound.
“Don’t you two ever do that again.” Pepper began to cry.
“No promises.” Tony kissed each of his girls on top of the head, as Steve approached you guys. “Couldn’t stop him, Cap.”
“Neither could I.” Steve nodded.
“I lost the kids. Peter. Jaime. Eduardo.” Tony shook his head, guilt washing over him once again.
“Tony, we all lost.”
You’re brought into the compound, each immediately given an IV and some food. You and Tye eat like animals, not having any rations for the past couple of days. You watch a holographic screen listing the heroes that disappeared in the Decimation; Wanda Maximoff, Nick Fury, Jaime Reyes, Bucky Barnes, Peter Quill, Scott Lang, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, T’Challa, Eduardo Dorado Jr...
“It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.” Rhodey announced.
“World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. And it looks like he did... he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent, of all living creatures.” Natasha paced slowly in front of the holographs.
“Where is he?” You ask timidly, still nervous about him.
“We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through.” Bruce Banner said slowly, trying to not scare the kids even more than they already were.
“What's wrong with him?” Tony asked, motioning to Thor, who was staring into space.
“Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that's going around, ain't there?” A talking raccoon spoke up from behind you.
“Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.” Your dad pointed at him.
“You’re with him, kid? Really?” The raccoon looked at Tye.
“You know a talking raccoon?” You asked Tye, staring at the raccoon.
“He’s not a-.”
“I’m not a raccoon!” It snapped at you. “Why do you humies keep saying that?”
“We've been hunting Thanos for three weeks now. Deep Space scans, and satellites, and we got nothing. Tony, Y/N, Tye, you fought him.” Steve interrupted.
“Who told you that? I didn't fight him.” Tony scoffed. “No, he wiped my face with a planet while the Bleecker Street Magician gave away the store. Nearly killed my daughter, and Tye. One hit away from it, in fact. That's what happened. There was no fight.”
“He was unbeatable.” Tye shook his head, and you agreed.
“Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?” Captain America asked.
“Pfft! I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming.” Tony said.
“Dad, calm down.”
“Tony, I’m gonna need you to focus.”
“And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late buddy. Sorry. You know what I need?” Your dad stood up, slapping things off a table. Everyone winced from the sudden noise. “I need to shave. And I believe I remember telling all youse-“
Tony lunges at Steve, but Rhodey stepped between them and held your dad back.
“Alive and otherwise what we needed was a suit of armor around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not-that's what we needed!” Tony yelled at Steve.
“Well, that didn't work out, did it?” Steve kept his composure, only angering your father even more.
“I said, "we'd lose". You said, "We'll do that together too." And guess what, Cap? We lost. And you weren't there. But that's what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We're the Avengers, we're the Avengers. Not the Prevengers.”
“Dad! Stop!” You shout at him, your head spinning.
“You know what, honey? The adults are talking, alright?” Your dad said, with a little more venom than he intended.
“Mr. Stark you made your point just-“ Tye started.
“Nah, nah. Here's my point. You know what?” Tony turned back to glare at Captain America.
“Tony, you’re sick.” Rhodey insisted, trying to get him to sit back down.
“I got nothing for you, Cap! I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust. Liar.” Tony slowly walked up to Steve, getting right in his face. You all tensed when Tony ripped his arc reactor out of his chest, smacking it into Steve’s hand. “Here, take this. You find him, and you put that on. You hide.”
“Dad!” You shout when he suddenly falls to the ground.
“Tony!” Steve reached down to help his old friend up.
“I’m fine. I...” Your dad trails off, falling unconsciously to the floor. You try to get up, but Natasha pushes you back down by your shoulders.
“Get him to a room. Call Pepper.” Natasha ordered the men, before turning back to you two. “He’ll be fine, Y/N. Just needs to rest. So do you.”
“Not tired.” You shook your head stubbornly.
“Nebula, Rocket, think you can handle watching them for a moment?” She asked the two aliens, sitting on the wall behind you.
“Yes.” Nebula nodded.
“Sure.” The raccoon, or, Rocket shrugged.
Natasha gave you a reassuring smile before turning to help the other bring your father to a room.
“Sorry about your friend, kid.” Rocket hopped down and rounded the couch you and Tye were on to face him.
“Yeah. Sorry about the others.” Tye nodded, expression not changing at all. Your eyes drifted back to the screen, watching more and more names and pictures appear onscreen.
“Where are you going?” You hear Natasha ask someone.
“To kill Thanos.” The lady that flew you home stated simply as they emerged from the hallway.
“Hey, you know, we usually work as a team here, and between you and I, morale's a little fragile.” Nat mumbled.
“We realize up there is more your territory, but this is our fight too.” Steve nodded.
“You even know where he is?” Rhodey joined them.
“I know people who might.” The lady said, blank faced.
“Don't bother. I can tell you where Thanos is. Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me. And when he worked, he talked about his great plan. Even disassembled, I wanted to please him. I'd ask "where would we go once his plan was complete?". His answer was always the same: "To the Garden." Nebula stood up, walking over to them.
“That's cute, Thanos has a retirement plan.” Rhodey joked, earning small smiles from you and Tye. He smiled back, glad to bring the two kids joy, even for a moment.
“So where is he?” Steve asked, and the adults walked over to a round table. You and Tye joined them, regaining enough strength to stand. You still leaned on Rhodey, which he happily let you do.
“When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions. No one's ever seen anything like it... Until two days ago.” Rocket showed a hologram of a planet, with a shockwave visibly traversing the surface. “On this planet.”
“Thanos is there.” Nebula added.
“He used the Stones again.” Natasha muttered.
“Hey, hey, hey. We'd be going in short-handed, you know.” Bruce piped up.
“Look, he's still got the stones, so...” Rhodey said.
“So let's get him... Use them to bring everyone back.” The lady told you.
“Just like that?” Tye raises an eyebrow in disapproval.
“Just like like.” Steve nodded.
“Even if there's a small chance that we can undo this... I mean we owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try.” Natasha tried to convince everyone. You looked down, feeling the guilt from letting your friends die in the pit of your stomach.
“If we do this, how do we know it's gonna end any differently than it did before?” Bruce asked.
“Because before, you didn't have me.” The lady crossed her arms.
“Hey, new girl, everyone here is about that superhero life. And if you don't mind my asking, where the hell have you been all this time?” Rhodey put a hand on his hip, making sure to balance so you wouldn’t fall.
“There are a lot of other planets in the universe. And unfortunately, they didn't have you guys.” The lady narrowed her eyes at Rhodey.
Thor walked out of the shadows, towards the lady. They stand in front of each other as if challenging the other. Thor holds out his hand, and Stormbreaker flies into his hand. Then they both grin at each other.
“I like this one.” Thor said.
“Let’s go get this son of a bitch.” You growl.
“Like hell you’re going!” Natasha laughed.
“No way, kids.” Steve shook his head. “Adults only on this one.”
“Would you quit treating us like children?” You glare at them.
“We probably got more punches in on Thanos than all of you combined.” Tye said venomously.
“First of all, not possible.” Natasha said. “Second of all, you are not coming. Tony and Pepper would go into cardiac arrest if you came along.”
You and Tye exchange looks, looking to the floor in compliance.
“Look, we know you’re hurting. But going at him all malnourished and seeking revenge is not the way to do it.” Rhodey told you guys.
“You’ll stay here with Tony and Pepper, okay?” Natasha asked. “Rest. Let us take care of this.”
“...okay.” You sigh.
“Thank you.” She pulled both of you into a hug. You melted into it, Tye tensed up.
You hugged each of the remaining Avengers, even Thor let you hug him, though he didn’t hug back. You and Tye stood and watched at they boarded the now fixed Milano, then watched them take off. You stood there for a little bit after, staring at the dark sky.
“Tye?” You whisper after a long stretch of silence.
“You think they can do it?” You ask
Tye hesitates. You’re scared, he’s scared, and both of you just want even a glimpse of hope. He debates what to tell you, what he truly thought or what he knew you wanted to hear.
You nod slowly, agreeing with him. A single tear falls down your face, dropping onto the paved pathway.
“I miss them, too.” Tye took a shaky breath, fighting his own tear ducts. He never cried, let alone in front of anyone.
“I’m sorry you lost Jaime.” You turn to him. “I know how much he meant to you. Eduardo too.”
“I’m sorry you lost Peter. You guys are as close as Jaime and I are. And I’m sorry you lost Eduardo, too.” Tye quickly blinked away tears.
“Can you believe they’re all gone?” You ask.
“No.” He shook his head. “I wish it could just be a month ago. When we were on that one mission.”
“The one where Jaime and Peter accidentally broke into Scott Lang’s house?” You giggle.
“How do you accidentally break in?” Tye laughed, shaking his head. “They’re truly idiots.”
“But they’re our idiots.” You nod, smiling sadly at the sky.
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: Guardians Of The Galaxy
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews As We Continue Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
By Talking About The Guardians Of The Galaxy...
And I Have To Admit Before This Movie Came Out I Knew Who The Guardians Of The Galaxy Were As I Saw Them In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Animated Series The Possibility Of Me Wanting To See Them In A Movie Wasn't Too Bright But I Still Wasn't With Everyone Else Who At The Time Believed It Was Going To Bomb
So, When Trailers Came Out, I Was Excited To See The Film So I Eventually Saw It...
The Film Is About A Ravager Named Peter Quill (Played By Chris Pratt) Who Goes By Star Lord Who Forms An Uneasy Alliance With The Daughter Of Thanos, Gamora (Played By Zoe Saldana) A Green Warrior Who Seeks Revenge Named Drax (Played By Dave Batista) A Wisecracking Raccoon Named Rocket (Voiced By Bradley Cooper) And A Walking Tree Named Groot (Voiced By Vin Diesel) Who Go On The Run After Stealing A Powerful Artifact...
Will They Manage To Get Rid Of This Artifact Before Ronan The Accuser (Played By Lee Pace) And The Other Daughter Of Thanos, Nebula (Played By Karen Gillian) Find Them?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Guardians Of The Galaxy..
The Film Starts On Earth In 1988, As A Young Peter Quill Is At A Hospital Where His Mom Is Dying From A Tumor In Her Head...
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Yes, It Is Arnold So Shut Up...
Anyway, With His Mother Not Having Much Time Left, His Uncle (I Guess?) Played By James Gunn And Joss Whedon Regular Gregg Henry Brings Peter In To Say Goodbye To His Mom, But Not Wanting To Say Goodbye To His Mom, Peter Runs Out Of The Hospital Only To Be Abducted By Aliens...
Only To Time Jump 26 Years Later To The Planet Morag, Where A Now Grown Up Peter (Played By Chris Pratt) Who Goes By Star-Lord Arrives On His Ship The Milano (Named After Alyssa Milano)...
Well, At Least It Isn't Named After Rose McGowan...
To Get An Item On The Planet Which Leads To One The Best Scenes In This Movie...
The Opening Credits...
And By God, This Scene Is Just Fantastic Despite Them Ruining It In Avengers Endgame...
(Start At 0:26, End At 0:40)
You See What You've Done, Russo Brothers! You've Made The Fanboys Cry! It's Okay, This Scene Is Awesome....Shh...
Eventually Finding And Geting What He's Looking For, Star-Lord Is Soon Confronted By One Of Ronan The Accuser's Warriors Korath The Pursuer Who Wants What He's Got But He's Like Screw This And Decides To Fight Them...
(Start At 1:00, End At 2:50)
Being Contacted By His Boss, Yondu (Played By Another James Gunn Regular Michael Rooker) He Asks Quill Where He Is But He Decides Not To Tell Him That And Says That He's Keeping The Orb For Himself Which Leads Yondu To Put A Bounty Out On Quill While Worrying About Who Else Wanted The Orb...
Which Leads To The Introduction Of The Big Bad Of The Film, Ronan The Accuser (Played By Ned The Piemaker) On Board His Ship, The Dark Aster. Who Decides Not To Abide By The Treaty His People, The Kree Have Signed With The Xandarians Of Xandar Recently Because He Believes Their Culture To Be A Disease Upon The Galaxy...
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And They Killed His Family So Many Years Ago...
Well, That Might Be A Good Reason To Want To Kill Them...
With Korath Returning, He Tells Ronan About Star-Lord And Says That He's On His Way To Xandar To Give It To Someone Called The Broker, Wanting To Retrieve The Orb To Give It To Thanos So He Can Wipe Out Xandar In Repayment For His Services, Ronan Sends One Of Thanos' Daughters, Gamora (Played By Lieutenant Uhura) To Retrieve It For Him From Star Lord On Xandar...
Cutting To Xandar We Get Our Stan Lee Cameo When Rocket (Played By Faceman) And Groot (Played By Dominic Torretto) Look For Potential Targets To Get Money For...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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Eventually Star Lord, Rocket Sees How Much He's Worth And Turns Out...
It's Alot So They Decide To Go After Him...
Taking The Orb To The Broker In His Shop, Star-Lord Mentions That Ronan Was After It Which Forces The Broker To Say No Thank You To The Orb And Tells Star Lord To Get Out As He's Afraid For His Life...
Running Into Gamora, She Steals The Orb From Star Lord Which Leads To A Fight Between The Two But When Rocket And Groot Get Involved Someone Calls In The Nova Corp Led By Mr. Cellophane Himself, John C. Riley And They Arrest All 4 Of Them...
Back At Nova Corp HQ, Nova Prime, Played By Cruella De Vil Tries To Get The Kree To Work With Them In Stopping Ronan But They're Too Busy Trying To Find Captain Marvel And The Skrulls To Give A Shit...
Meanwhile, Downstairs Riley Who Actually Plays A Character Named Dey Shows His Boss, The Tick, Star Lord And The Others And He Decides To Send Them To A High Security Prison Called The Kyln...
Given Prison Garb, They're All Mixed In With All The Other Prisoners, One Of Them Being Voiced By Nathan Fillion...
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Seriously!?! You Have The Most Badass Browncoat In The Verse And You Only Use Him For A Voice Over Character?!? Screw You, Marvel, Screw You!
Being Taken That Night By Prisoners Who Have Lost Their Families To Either Ronan Or Thanos, They're Stopped By Drax The Destroyer (Played By Dave Batista) Who Wants To Kill Gamora Himself In Revenge For Ronan Killing His Family Despite Gamora Saying Earlier That She Wasn't Getting The Orb For Ronan But For A Third Party Seller...
Not Believing Gamora, Star Lord Intervenes To Say That Because She's Betraying Ronan It's Most Likely That Ronan Will Come Get Her Eventually Which Will Give Drax The Opportunity To Kill Him, So Knowing Star-Lord Is Right He Lets Her Go...
Taking Her Back To Her Cell, Star Lord Wants In On Gamora's Deal Despite Rocket Wanting To Take Star Lord To Yondu After They Escape But After Hearing Gamora's Buyer Is Paying More For The Orb Than Yondu Is For Star Lord, Rocket And Groot Are In...
Summoned By Thanos When They Discover Gamora Had Her Own Plans, Ronan Explains To Thanos What Has Happened Despite The Other Not Helping The Situation So Ronan Kills Him...
Bored By Ronan's Words, Thanos Just Says That He Will Honor The Agreement He Made If Ronan Brings Him The Orb If Not...Well I Think You Know What Will Happen...
Coming Up With An Escape Plan, Which Includes One Of The Security Guards Bands, A Prisoner's Prosthetic Leg And A Quarnyx Battery By The Control Tower, Groot Gets It For Them Which Forces Them To Place Their Plan Into Action Now...
(Start At 0:30)
Asking For The Coordinates For Her Buyer, Gamora Says That They're Going The Right Way And That She'll Contact Him While Back At The Kyln, Ronan, Thanos' Other Daughter, Nebula (Played By Ruby Roundhouse) And Some Of His Soldiers Invade To Find Out Where Gamora And The Orb Went To No Avail...
Back On Xandar, Yondu Discovers Through The Broker What Is In The Orb And Who His Buyer Is And It Turns Out That It's The Collector (Played By DJ The Codebreaker)...
But Wait A Minute...
Doesn't The Collector Have The Aether? And Didn't Volstagg Say In Thor: The Dark World Say That Having 2 Infinity Stones In One Place Is A Bad Idea?
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Arriving At The Place Where The Collector Is Dubbed Knowhere, The Team Gets Drinks And Has Some Fun While Waiting For The Collector...
Going Outside To Talk With Gamora, It Leads To A Bit Of A Romantic Scene With Her And Star Lord, Until Gamora Backs Away Believing That Star Lord Is Pulling A Human Trick On Her. But Hearing Noise Inside, They Go In To See Drax, Rocket And Groot Having A Drunken Fight With Each Other...
Luckily Before They Kill Each Other, The Collector's Assistant Comes In To Get Them For Her Master...
Entering The Collector's Wherehouse, They See Some Of The Things He's Collected Including Cosmo The Space Dog Before The Team Is Introduced To The Collector Himself...
Opening The Orb, It Is Revealed To Be An Infinity Stone Which Leads The Collector To Tell The Team About How After The Big Bang, Six Infinity Stones Were Created And Wielded By Beings With Extraordinary Strength Though The Energy From Said Stones Eventually Wiped Them All Out...
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Not Hearing That Whole Infinity Stone Speech Apparently, The Collector's Assistant Takes The Stone And Basically Destroys His Entire Collection, Which Forces The Team To Take The Stone Elsewhere With Gamora And Star-Lord Suggesting The Nova Corp...
But While Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket And Groot Were Dealing With The Collector, Drax Had Someone Call Ronan And His Forces So He Could Get His Revenge...
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(Start At 0:54)
With Ronan Defeating Drax And Getting The Stone Along With Nebula Destroying Gamora's Spacecraft, Star Lord Calls Yondu's Ship To Pick Them Up As He Goes Out To Save Gamora By Giving Her His Oxygen Mask...
Luckily (Unlike Yondu Himself) Star Lord And Gamora Are Saved By Yondu Before Star Lord Can Die...
Groot Saves Drax Who Was Mostly Dead (And As We All Know There's A Difference Between Mostly Dead And All Dead) Admits He Was A Fool For Calling Ronan Blaming It On The Grief And Anger Over The Loss Of His Family...
As Rocket Arrives To Get Groot So They Can Get As Far Away As They Can From Ronan And His Forces Before They Wipe Out Xandar And Possibly The Entire Galaxy, But Groot Wants To Stay And Save His New Friends Along With Drax To Rocket's Dismay...
Meanwhile On The Dark Aster, After Discovering What Thanos Wanted, Ronan Betrays Thanos And Takes The Stone For Himself To Use To Destroy Xandar And Once He Is Done, Destroy Thanos Himself With Nebula By Ronan's Side...
On-Board Yondu's Ravager Ship, Star Lord And Gamora Manage To Make A Deal With Yondu And His Ravagers To Help Them Take Down Ronan In Exchange For The Stone To Which Yondu Agrees Despite Rocket And The Others Trying To Save Star Lord And Gamora...
The Team Argues While Coming Up With A Plan But Star Lord Eventually Gives Everyone A Reason "To Give A Shit And Not Run Away" Which Gets Them To Stand By Him...
So, The New Plan Is That Rocket Will Lead A Team That Will Blow A Hole Into The Dark Aster's Starboard Hull So The Milano And Yondu's Craft Can Enter The Ship. After That Gamora Will Deactivate A Impenetrable Shield To The Main Deck Where Ronan Is So Star Lord Can Use The Rocket's Hadron Enforcer To Kill Ronan...
They Give The Ravagers Containment Cases For The Stone While Star Lord Contacts Dey From The Nova Corp To Try To Get Them To Help Them Save Xandar...
With Everyone On The Team Except Groot Surviving (For Now) They're Surprised To See Ronan Survived As Well. About To Wipe Xandar Out, Star Lord Pulls A Last Ditch Effort Of A Dance Off To Distract Ronan While Rocket Prepares To Fire The Hadron Enforcer At Ronan...
Firing It At Ronan's Hammer, Rocket Destroys It So Star Lord Can Get The Stone, Unable To Handle The Energy The Team Takes Each Others Hands To Take A Piece Of The Energy For Themselves...
Using The Power Of The Stone To Wipe Ronan Out, Star Lord Places The Stone In One Of The Containers Only To Give It To Yondu Despite Begging Him To Reconsider...
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Yep, Star Lord Gives Yondu A Fake And Gives The Real Stone To The Nova Corp, Who Discover That Star Lord's Mother Is An Earthling But His Father Is Something Else Entirely While Drax Decides Ronan Was Just A Puppet And That It's Really Thanos He Needs To Kill...
Also For Helping Them With Ronan The Nova Corp Gives The Team A New Ship Along With Clean Criminal Records, Oh And We Discover Groot's Alive...
As The Guardians Fly Off On Another Adventure Which Leads To The Mid Credit Scene Of The Movie With...
Dancing Groot...
And What Can I Say About This Scene? You've Heard About It, You Love It, Who Doesn't? It's Cute And Funny Period....
After The Credits Role We Get A End Credits Scene Back At The Collector's Wherehouse Where We Get A Cameo From Howard The Duck (Voiced By Seth Green)
And That's Guardians Of The Galaxy And What Can I Say About It Except It's One Of The MCU'S Best...
The Story Is Fantastic, The Characters Are Well Written, The Effects Are Awesome And I Honestly Have No Complaints For This Movie Whatsoever And I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke And Next Week We're Looking At Age Of Ultron!
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teenremus · 5 years
meeting sirius black / asking you out would include...
a/n: idk why i’m having so much trouble writing lmao oopsies it’s been a hot minute. i’ve had 0 motivation for 0 reason anyway here u go request something pls :)
- he had his eye on you since the sorting hat ceremony
- he thought you were. so cute. and you being placed in the same house was him was just all the better
- while he had had interest, he didn't see you much after that first day and forgot about you
- until fifth year
- you were in the same potions class
- of course, it had been a while
- it wasn't until the middle of first term when he recognized you
- after dicking around with remus in the back of the class, the two of them were separated
- and your usual partner, severus, had gotten replaced
- you didn’t really know severus, besides the snide comments you’d received from him on more than one occasion
- but you weren’t too ecstatic about sirius either
- you prepared yourself for the most excruciating annoyance for a lifetime
- but it wasn’t that bad ??? surprise surprise
- it took a moment for him to piece together where he knew you from
- but when he placed it, he smirked to himself, although you didn’t seem too keen on talking to him with your head in a textbook
- he found it uncomfortably silent
- “i’m sirius, love.”
- “y/n.” you didn’t look up
- “love sounds better.”
- you hated that you blushed, but you did
- you told yourself it was just some pickup line
- but he had genuine interest in you
- it showed every day
- he’d keep talking to you
- and you started to warm up to him more and more
- not only metaphorically, but physically
- his constant compliments made your stomach do jumping jacks
- remus sat behind you during all that time
- and was getting increasingly annoyed at the slow burn
- “you going to ask her out, mate, or are you sitting around waiting for someone else to?”
- “oh, piss off, moony”
- that made him nervous though
- and he started to notice the lingering gazes from some ravenclaw fellow in your class
- when he watched him graze your hand to reach a jar of dried bat wings, he was fed up he got jealous a little too easily
- when you came back with the jars of ingredients, he spoke immediately
- “what do you think about going out with me?”
- “pardon me?”
- “what would you think of you and me getting together?”
- “i think it would be nice”
- “good”
- “so are you asking me or not, wanker?”
- “well, yeah. i thought that was clear enough.”
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- you knew who sirius was
- of course you knew who sirius was
- the blood trailer your house mates had shit talked into oblivion
- and while you weren't a believer that he was a blood traitor, you did believe he was complete and utter arse
- you'd been witness of him every day leaning against one of the doors to the great hall, with a different girl
- when quidditch season started up, you had joined the team
- and after an interaction on a training field, you had learned he was on his team as well
- it was a screaming match between your team captain and his
- you had to diffuse the situation
- “michael, come on, we still have time later. we don’t have a match for a few weeks. let it go.”
- you quite literally had to pull him away
- you made eye contact with sirius and james as you turned him away, and did your best to ignore the arrogant smirks that blanketed their thankfulness
- you saw him up close again at the match against gryffindor, standing across from each other and not breaking eye contact as the ref read out the rules
- once in the air, the game had been going swimmingly
- gryffindor - 7, slytherin - 10
- the game had traveled up farther in the sky with each point gained, the crowd could barely see you anymore with the amount of clouds
- it was a struggle in getting the quaffle
- “woah! guys, look out!” someone screamed
- you stopped your broom in its place and looked to see that everyone else had done the same, and you wondered what was going on
- you looked up, and saw somebody falling
- “holy shit, that’s sirius!” it was another gryffindor you couldn’t place
- no one was making any moves to save him, some continuing on with the game and snatching quaffles again— he kept falling
- “ah, bloody hell”
- you dropped the quaffle that had been tucked under your arm and quickened your broom’s pace as you dove down to catch him
- he was just beneath your grasp, your fingers barely touching his uniform
- when you finally got ahold of the fabric, he almost pulled you down with him
- you moved your grip to his forearm instead, and stopped your broom from diving down any further, or in just a few seconds you’d end up hitting the ground
- you were sure he’d be passed out
- but apparently not
- he brushed his hair out of his face with his free hand, then held onto the broom as he looked up
- “seems ive fallen for you, y/n.”
- “that is,,, absurdly lame, sirius.”
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- it was through detention, of course
- you’d never noticed him because you’d been sleeping
- but he knew you
- or at least, he knew of you
- he thought you were so beautiful and he truly wondered how you kept getting into detention like this
- but he wasn’t complaining
- he rarely saw you outside of whatever classroom confined the two of you, so he knew what you were doing wasn’t as much of a spectacle as his pranks were
- could’ve been cheating, he considered
- but you were a ravenclaw, he figured it was doubtful
- sirius has never spoken a word to you, by the time he had reached detention each day you were already asleep. when it was time to leave, you were one of the first to escape
- until detention was held by professor binns 
- he took wands, homework, any sources of happiness or busy work for the students to do
- including sleeping
- he wanted you to suffer in boring, magic-less silence with nothing to do but stare at the walls
- sirius was not having it
- when he got bored, he got really annoying
- he just kept asking questions
- “what’s the capital of the moon?”
- “do you reckon dumbledore keeps quills in his beard? as well as all the crumbs, of course.”
- it went on
- the continuous detentions was worth seeing you smile, even if it was beneath your hand
- you wondered if this was what you were missing out on all the times you slept
- when sirius wasn’t looking at you, you were looking at him, taking in his features
- he had almost caught you
- james definitely caught you
- but didn’t say anything, just winked in your direction to let you know he knew
- when james didn’t show up one day, sirius was alone
- or would have been, if he hadn’t sat down next to you
- “so, what’re you in for?”
- “would you believe me if i told you filch doesn’t like it when his office is broken into for fireworks?”
- he leaned back in his chair, almost impressed “hm. impressive............... but-“
- there was a long pause, and he pulled himself up again and rested his elbow on the table as he looked at you
- “i know a place you can get them for free. hogsmeade with me this weekend?”
- mcgonagall’s shushing broke the conversation
- silence again, just for a moment before she looked down at her desk
- “i’d love to.”
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- he had run into you on the courtyard
- or rather, spotted you
- yelling unintelligibly at someone
- which is not what he expected from a hufflepuff
- a crowd was formed around you, occasional flinches as your wand waved around
- he weaseled his way through the crowd with his mates with a smile on his face, ready to spot some action
- he spotted the back of your head, arms flailing wildly as you yelled at an annoyed, but taken aback, severus snape over his continuous racist and arrogant comments about everyone and everything in the world
- which just made it even better
- sirius was losing his mind
- he had to hold onto james and remus as he laughed
- with an off insult saying "your nose is more inflated than your ego" and the accidental wave of your wand, a white spark had come out of it
- the rooting and howls of laugher had stopped all around the formed circle
- james, peter, remus and sirius has stopped as well and froze where they stood
- severus looked beyond your shoulder in shock and a smile crawled up his face
- you turned around quickly, mouth drawn open when you realized you had cast something
- a boy with dark hair was behind you, hands over his face
- when he pulled them away, his eyes were crossed in awe as he looked down at his nose
- it was twisting and turning, as it grew bigger and bigger and took up more of his face
- severus was laughing now
- “shut it” you said quickly, a short wave of your arm his lips were gone and replaced with nothing but skin
- his shouts were muffled and ignored
- “oh, my merlin. i am so, so sorry-“
- he started to laugh
- so hard he had to close his eyes
- his friends laughed with him
- “you’re laughing? you alright? that spell didn’t get to your head, did it?”
- he looked at your face for the first time
- oh, merlin, he didn’t expect you to be so pretty
- he was not ready
- this beautiful girl so worried and pampering him
- “is that your nose or are you just happy to see her, mate?” peter whispered, trying to hold back his laughter
- james was quick to speak when sirius couldn’t find his voice
- “oi! i think he deserves an escort to madame pomfrey, yeah?”
- “yeah, he’s not looking too well!” remus chimed in
- you began to walk him to the nurse, trying your hardest not to stare down the elephant on his face in the room
- “i’m y/n.”
- “i’m sirius.”
- his voice was more nasal than usual
- madame pomfrey was annoyed more than anything, but the trip lasted no more than a few minutes before his nose was back to normal
- you looked at him
- he was cuter without an absurdly large nose
- it was easier to see how the light caught in his eyes now
- “i’m so sorry-“
- “don’t worry about it, love. make it up to me with a trip to hogsmeade?”
- you were caught incredibly off guard
- “yes, i mean, yes. of course.”
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You Are Who You Choose To Be!
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(Chapter 1) Part 2 Who I Was Meant To Be!
Tony Stark'sXDaughter Nathaile Stark
(Prompts This Is A Tony Stark And Daughter Stark Imagine I Came Up With Myself.
What If Thanos Never Did The Snap! But Instead Tony Stark's Daughter Sacrficed!! Herself Instead To Protect The Avenger's And Save The Entire Universe!
(Warning's) Language! Violence!
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Alright Dad alright!!! We went to turn around when i felt someone put their arm around my neck pulling tight than putting a gun to my head. Peter was also in a headlock with a gun to his head Everybody stay where you are chill the F' out! This guy Took his helmet off than pointed his gun at Dad I'm going to ask you this one time!
Where is Gamora?
Oh I'll do you one better who's Gamora?
The guy dad had pinned to the ground yelled I'll do you one better Why is Gamora
I sware I'm going to shoot this Guy!
Yeah come on let's do it you shoot my guy I'll blast him Let's go The guy yelled Do It Quill i can take it Another voice came from behind me No he can't take it Strange looked at him she's right he can't take it Alright if you don't want to tell me where Thanos is That's fine I'll kill all 4 of you starting with this one right here Strange looked at this Quill guy that still had me in a headlock. Alright Thanos let me ask you this one time? What Master do you serve? What am i supposed to say Jesus? So your from earth? No I'm from Missouri! That's on Earth Dipshit! Yeah Whatever  Mr.Suit man i am I looked up at him So your not with Thanos? No! Quill realsed me He took my girl I'm here to kill him I walked away from him over to dad.
So who are you guy's I looked at him We're the Avengers Dude! Dad pulled me back to him I am they are not! The woman looked at me your the one's who Thor told us about You know Thor? Yeah Tall looking dude not that good looking I raised my eyebrow. Okay so why are you guy's going after Thanos we are going to Steal the Gaunlet before he ends half of Humanity Quill do you know where Thor was headed? He was talking about some Place that could make Weapons! For The God's
I grinned yeah Now that Sounds like the Thor we know. Quill how did you get here do you have a Ship? Yeah i have a Ship Mr.Suitman why? Could you give us a Ride to Waknada And where is that exactly? It's on Earth Dipshit dose it look like I'm from Space.
I walked out from behind Dad over to Quill i opened the face shield. He stepped back Woah!! Your a chick? Uh well yeah Listen I'm sorry about my father he's kind of a Hard ass My name is Nathaile Stark! Quill held his hand out Im Star-Lord Aka
Peter Quill I smiled Star-Lord? Yeah? Okay
It's nice to meet you. He turned around oh and this is my Team that's Drax and This is Mantis and That's Nebula It's nice to meet you Nathaile Dad walked in between us okay You don't need to introduce yourself to the space guy's Now could you give us that ride? Sure And you are? I'm Stark!! And that's all you need to know my ships over here Lady's first Quill held his hand out walking me up onto his ship after we all got on Quill got in the driver's seat the rest of his team got in the other open seats Mantis smiled at me you can sit in this seat Groot sat here he won't mind i think he would really like you! Dad walked up to me You alright? yeah I'm fine why are you being all soft all of a sudden? What are you trying to do Impress them so they will take us home? And why are we going to Waknada?
No Haile i am not trying to impress the Space People and we are going there Because i know someone there who can help us I leand back in my seat I didn't say another word the rest of the trip we safely Entered the Earth's Atmosphere with no problems We were getting close to Waknada.
Listen Stark we need a plan for when he comes and we all know he's coming For That Stone the Wizard has And Visions Mind Stone Peter and I stood back as they all talked about their plan Hey guy's I have a Plan they just continued talking.
I walked up to everyone Hey I have a Plan at least hear me out come on Dad finally snapped No you are not helping I told you and Peter are to fall back and let us take care of this thing Stark at least Let her tell us what her Plan is Strange i don't need you telling me how to be a parent! Stark just give her a chance Fine!!!
Dad crossed his arms Haile Do tell us what your brilliant Plan is? He stepped back letting me Speak. Mantis you said you had the Ability to make someone sleep correct? Yes if you could Make him sleep long enough for Dr.Strange to hold him down while My Dad Peter Quill and Drax to pull the Gauntlet From his hand Than we would have it! Stark I'm starting to Think your Daughter is more of Genius than you!
Shut Up Strange! Dr.Strange put his arm around my shoulders we will go with your plan Kid! I walked back to the seating area taking my seat with a huge smile on my face As we fastly approached Waknada.
Someone came through on the Radio.
Who are you and how do you know about this place? Respond now or we will shoot you down!! How do you work this thing Quill press that button and hold it down to talk. This is your Final Warning Speak now or we will shoot you down!
This Is Tony Stark!! I'm here to speak with
T'Challa I'm an Avenger The other end went Quiet Hello? Is anyone there?
Mr.Stark T'Challa Yes! It's great to finally hear from you We were beginning to Wonder if you were ever going to show up Your not the only Avenger who's come here The rest of the Avengers are here as well We will be waiting for you at the landing strip.
Oh and Mr.Stark
Welcome To Waknada
Guy's look at that We had flew through some kind of invisibility Cloak the hid the world of Waknada This place was even more beautiful than i thought it would be Quill brought the ship down on the landing strip we exited the ship Sure enough T'Challa was standing there Along with the rest of the Avengers I stopped when i saw Uncle Rhodey It had been Month's sense the last time i saw him
I opened the suit and went running towards Him Haile? Is that you? Uncle Rhodey a huge smile filled his face I jumped into his arm's hugging him Where have you been where did you go? We will talk about it later Okay later is fine anyway how have you been? You look good? I smiled iv been better Dad walked up next to us Rhodes nice to see you could make it! Yeah you too.
I stepped back I couldn't believe everyone was all here back together in one place
The only people missing were
   Steve Thor and Clint
Aunt Nat hugged me Hey you how are you? I'm good how about you?
I'm doing alright is your dad with you?
Before i got a chance to amswer Dad was bossing me around yet again!
Haile get back into your suit it's not safe
I rolled my eye's yeah Nat he's here
Damnit!! I looked at her confused What? What is it? Oh right Shit! Steve's here isn't he? Yeah he's here I turned around I went for Dad I knew this could end in too Ways Dad and Steve were going to continue their fight When he found out about who Killed my Grandparents Or he was going to forget about it for now and leave it alone.
Before i could get to him Steve Walked over to us Haile! Is that you? Ugh yeah Hi Steve he hugged me It's been what 3, 4 years? Yeah somthing like that I felt an arm rest on my shoulder i looked over my shoulder Dad was standing behind me I looked back at Steve. Ready to stop this if a fight broke out Tony it's nice to see you Dad nodded than looked away Cap! Peter looked at me Awkward!!
Shuri pointed up into the sky
Hey guys i hate to interrupt but Their is something Big Entering the Atmosphere
I looked up Oh God he's here I looked at Peter this is it it's really happening Pete look at me I put my hands to the sides of his face stick to the Plan Remember the plan.
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T'Challa walked over to us in the Black Panther Suit everyone else with me Let's Avenge the World Haile look at me I turned to Dad yeah? It's your Time now Make me proud I smiled Don't worry i won't let you down We stood back as a Force Field went around Waknada two of Those Q Ships landed releasing a bunch of monster's
We stood our ground as we watched these things try to break through the Wall killing themselves when they did make it Through Haile! You stay where either me or Rhodey can see you Peter you too.
T'Challa Stepped forward we can't let them get behind us we need to keep them in front of us For Visions sake Open The force Field Wait if you open that Waknada will be Destroyed It will be the end of Wakanda Well we better make it one hell of an Ending Nakia and Okoye Stood next to
T'Challa Do it!! Open the Force Field!!.
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T'Challa's Panther mask coverd his face and crossed his arms over his chest Yelling
Wakanda Forever as T'Challa and Cap Took off running towards the creatures everyone stayed behind I stayed behind Dad and Rohdey for the most part but i did get to Take some of the creature's out I heard a loud Explosion come from behind me I spun around Seeing that the Creatures had Entered Where Vision and Wanda were Shit! I flew up off the ground into the air heading for the building I landed in the back where the building had been blown open i started fighting off the beasts till i was pinned to the ground I hit them with everything i had the including the Blasters F.R.I.D.A.Y Started talking to me Haile your taking too much impact at once the suit can't handle it you need to get out of here Haile!!
No I'm not leaving i can do this!
My head was now being slammed into the ground repeatedly i somehow manged to free my arm Blasting the 3 creature's ontop of me in the head killing them i pushed them off me and stood i could feel the blood running down my face I managed to make it into the building Shuri was still working on Vision Wanda was fighting the Creature's alone I limped my way over to her Haile! Get out of here i got this!
No Wanda I'm not leaving She blasted me out with her power's i landed outside the door on my back I laid their Trying to catch my breath when another Creature jumped on top of me I started hitting it over and over again I went to Blast it with the blaster's But nothing came out!! Ugh F.R.I.D.A.Y What the hell is going on with my suit? I told you Nathaile your suit can not take on anymore Damage I head butted the The Monster hard enough it flew up off me i got up and leaned up against the building I went to leave the area I was half way off the ground when something grabbed me by the leg pulling me back to the ground The same creature pulled me down to it slaming it's fist through the Suit stabbing me in my abdomen with it's claws I let out a Piercing Scream!!
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God Damnit!! F.R.I.D.A.Y GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!! The suit lifted off the ground i was in the air i pulled my arm's from the suit and held my hands over my abdomen my hands were soaking wet from all the blood I put pressure on it grinding my teeth together It stung so bad! I laid back in the suit trying to steady my breathing
I was suddenly Blinded from a bright Blue light that lit up the sky Thor landed in the middle of the field taking out half of the Monsters Suddenly that red flashing light came across the screen System Failure The whole suit shut down I started screaming As i was now falling out of the sky.
Tony where is Haile? Mr.Stark look! We looked up in the sky Haile's suit had black smoke coming out of it as she was falling out of the sky Oh my God she's flying dead stick!! Rohdey Took off Towards her
While Peter and I faught off the Creature's watching from the ground in Horror as she fell closer and closer to Earth!
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Mr.Stark He knocked the Creature to the ground What is it Peter? Look I looked up in the sky as Rohdey Caughter her They both landed a few feet from the fight their was nothing but a huge dust cloud when they hit the ground I took off over to them I landed next to them She wasn't moving Rohdey was trying to open her suit Tony i can't get the suit open F.R.I.D.A.Y Read Vitals
Sir! She has a Pulse What Happened F.R.I.D.A.Y?? The suit took all it could She wouldn't listen to me Sir I broke the suit open pulling it from her body her eyes were closed she was holding onto the side of her Abdomen I moved her hands seeing all the blood her hands fell limp on her chest
Oh God! I put my hand to the side of her face Haile? Her chest was slowly rising than falling Rhodey I need to get her out of here Stay with her I'll be right back.
I stood up flying up off the ground Peter He looked up in the sky Mr.Stark? Kid she needs you Rhodey is with her F.R.I.D.A.Y
i need another Suit here ASAP!! I looked down only seeing a few creature's left we had killed them off T'Challa i need your help It's my daughter Every Avenger stopped what they were doing And listened to Tony Talk she's dieing she's been stabbed by one of the Creatures she's losing a lot of blood!
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Marvel Imagine By @yes-bitchxxxmarvel-stuff
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