#Phineas Nigellus Black x Reader
okwritingandpain · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy: The Curse of The Ravenclaw House Chapter Index
Summary: It had been two years since the events that transpired underneath Hogwarts. Life wasn't the same and the headmaster was doing all he could to make your life a living hell. When mysterious stained glass windows start appearing around the school, it is up to you and Professor Black to figure out its origin. (Spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy).
Chapter 1: Seventh-Year Growing Pains
Chapter 2: In the Commons
Chapter 3: Curses
Chapter 4: Mending Cracks
Chapter 5: Toujours Pur
Chapter 6: The Shadow
Chapter 7: The Respiratory
Chapter 8: Trial One
Chapter 9: A Sirius Matter
Chapter 10: Secret Affairs
Chapter 11: The Ominis Curse
Chapter 12: Trial Two
Chapter 13: The Raven is Dead
Chapter 14: To His Dismay
Chapter 15: The Guide
Chapter 16: Trial Three
Chapter 17: Woes
Chapter 18: Flowers
Chapter 19: Betrayal
Chapter 20: Trial Four
Chapter 21: Half-Blood
Chapter 22: Exile
Chapter 23: Ancient Magic
Chapter 24: Lover Boy
Chapter 25: Mudblood
Chapter 26: Up To Bat
Chapter 27: Return of The Raven
Chapter 28: No More Pure Bloods
Chapter 29: Final Battles
Chapter 30: Pure of Heart
43 notes · View notes
A Night To Remember
The term-end ball reveals a few new facts. For one, Aesop Sharp is a delightful dancer, and for two, he's in for the long run.
I would be desperately lost without my amazing consultant and partner in crime @tea-withjamandbread who gave me several wonderful ideas to use in this work 💕
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A Night To Remember (11.3k words)
tw: suggestive themes (heavily implied), teacher-student relationship (reader is an adult)
Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black was disliked by a large number of students and staff alike for many reasons. However, his end-of-term balls weren’t one of them.
Not that the headmaster held them out of the goodness of his heart. For him, they were a way to show off in front of the Board of Governors and important people he managed to silver-tongue into attending, and therefore the rest of wizarding Britain, that Hogwarts was a place of high class and culture. Despite the mud- despite there being students from less prestigious families. 
Of course, he couldn't concern himself with such trivial matters as planning, he had his important headmaster duties! Therefore, this responsibility fell, once more, at the deputy Headmistress' feet. Matilda Weasley took it in her stride however, gathered a number of the more creative and sensible students, and went to town on the planning.
And, of course, once the esteemed guests of Headmaster Black arrived, the man himsef gladly accepted all of the praise as if it was he who decorated the entire Great Hall all by himself.
Despite their idiotic Headmaster, however, everyone involved in actually making the ball a reality was looking forward to the evening. Seventh years in particular were very emotional about it, as only a few days after the ball, they'd board the Hogwarts Express for the very last time.
Well, almost all of them. You were planning no such thing as getting aboard the train.
“I see you’ve been busy,” said Aesop quietly behind you as you hung another flashy garland of little golden snitches that were quietly buzzing and flying around an invisible orbit in various directions upon one of the beams of the Great Hall. You smiled when you felt his presence, resisting the urge to immediately turn around and kiss him hello - after all, you weren’t alone in the large room, some of your friends and other classmates were currently doing their best to transform it into a perfect space for a ball as well.
Truth be told, a lot of people knew by now, and those who didn’t know explicitly absolutely heard the rumours about their potions master and a seventh-year Ravenclaw keeping a secret relationship. Some even referred to it as ‘Hogwarts’ worst kept secret’. The only person whom neither of you wanted to find out was Black, as he’d surely be an arse about it, worrying about you ‘tarnishing the image of the school, and therefore HIM as well’. Luckily, Black was about as perceptive as a patch of moss, so you were quite safe, really.
One time he nearly caught the two of you. You were in Aesop’s office, playing your favourite little game of seduction, trying to see which one of you would crack first under the relentless flirting and teasing. Well, Aesop was currently leaning against the shelf behind you, so close you felt the heat radiating off his tall body as it cornered you, so close you felt his hot breath on your face as he made promises about what he was going to do to you once the door of his chambers closed behind you two when you heard the sound of the door opening. Ever the quick thinker, Aesop took hold of a jar of ingredients next to your head before swiftly moving back into an acceptable distance.
“I do not do this often, Miss (L/N), you best be ready in your next class with me. I will want the-” he quickly actually checked the contents of the jar, “those pickled shrivelfig fruits back.” He then turned around to face whoever he was going to hex into next week for disturbing him like this without showing the basic human decency of knocking before entering. Headmaster Black. Aesop momentarily entertained the fantasy of casting a jelly-leg jinx on the pretentious prick and wiping his memory afterwards but managed to hold himself back.
The Headmaster looked like he didn’t just see one of his employees and the student ‘who caused him so much trouble since the day she entered the castle’ pressed almost body to body and a second away from a ferocious kiss, buying Aesop’s ruse instantly. 
“Sharp! I need to speak to you about a few potions I need you to brew,” Black said in his pompous accent, puffing his chest out and standing with all the straightness of a man with a broomstick up his rear. Neither of you moved, but you could hear the tiniest of sighs leaving Aesop’s lips. 
“Of course, sir,” he said, his voice much more pleasant than the storm inside of his eyes. If looks could set someone’s beard on fire, the Headmaster would be in dire need of Aguamenti. There were several seconds of pregnant silence before Black spoke again: “Are you positively daft, girl? I want to speak to your professor in private, you’ve got the ingredient you were too dull to get yourself, you may be gone now. Have you not your studies to attend to?”
“Of course, professor,” you spoke, your voice completely unbothered, almost bored, as if he didn’t just attempt to insult you, and you walked to the door, head held high. Before you closed the door behind yourself, however, you caught Aesop’s eyes. Black had his back to you, so you stuck your tongue out at him and grinned. Aesop did not react outwardly, but you could see the amused little glint in his dark eyes.
“A knut for your thoughts,” said a melodic baritone behind you, automatically making your face spread into a smile. “Thinking about Black,” you admitted and watched in amusement as Aesop walked into your field of view to give you a slightly concerned expression. “Imagining him falling into a cart of dragon dung I hope, else I cannot explain you smiling.” The smile turned into a full grin: “Something like that.”
He watched you work for a bit, lending a helping hand once or twice. “Hope I have not forgotten how to dance entirely… It's been a few years,” he said casually, leaning against a wall and watching your classmates go about their tasks with mild interest. Feeling cheeky, you decided to toy with him a little.
“Oh, will you be dancing? With whom?” you asked in a cheery conversational tone. Instantly, you could very nearly hear the gears and cogs in his head begin to turn, trying to figure out just what you were playing at. Your back was turned to him, so you could grin mischievously to your heart's content. After a few moments, he finally spoke: “Whom will you be dancing with?”
You turned around and put your forefinger to your chin. With a slightly tilted head, pursed lips, and eyes turned towards the ceiling, you were the perfect exaggeration of a person lost in thought. “Hmm,” you murmured, “oh, I don’t know. No one’s asked me to be their date for the ball.” 
It dawned on Aesop then, that despite the two of you being in a romantic relationship for half a year now, spending a lot of time with one another and sharing a bed more often than not these days, he never actually asked you to accompany him to the ball. 
He did ask Dinah whether she thought a teacher could even accompany a student as a date to the ball, as he wasn’t able to gather enough nerve to actually ask Matilda who was sure to know. Well, Dinah’s ‘Who cares? She’s an adult, she’s done with exams, and besides everyone will be too busy trying to sneak in booze, or trying to sneak away with their date.’ was as good an answer as any. So Aesop let it be, automatically presuming they’d be going together. A bit of a shortcoming on his part, that he could admit.
“Oh my,” he said in a low voice filled with amusement, “rather a cad, aren’t I? Making you wait so long for an invitation. Shall I take an example out of your classmates, and serenade my invitation to you in the Transfiguration courtyard? Or perhaps leave a rhymed note and a dozen roses at your usual place at the Ravenclaw table?” Resisting an urge to chuckle, you thought some more. “Now, those are very tempting indeed, however, I think I’d prefer you to carry me off the Astronomy tower on a Hippogriff's back,” you said then, a cheeky smile on your face.
“Astronomy tower you say? Hmm… Quite an interesting suggestion, I give you that. Well, I think I’ll take a chance and ask you like a normal human being now and hope for the best. Will you accompany me to this silly little night-do?”
After a few seconds of silence, during which you appeared to be very deep in thought, complete with occasional murmuring, you decided to quit teasing him. For now. “How could I ever say no to the esteemed potions master of Hogwarts?” The look you gave him then was one of devotion. It was the essence of a kiss, of a lingering embrace, disguised as a tilt of the head, a slow blink of your eyes, and a content smile. And what do you get in return? That rare grin of his, the impish curl of his lips that your classmates got to see only a few times during their years as his students. It was so familiar to you now, and still, every time you saw it felt like the first. 
“(F/N)! A little help here please?” came Samantha Dale’s voice from somewhere near the High table. You gave your lover one last smile before turning around to go to your housemate's aid, but a large hand grabbed at your bicep gently and you stopped in your tracks.
“Come see me after dinner? We could take a bath, maybe have some fun…” asked Aesop quietly, a brilliant sparkle to his large dark eyes.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Ace.”
The day of the ball passed in a flurry of robes and gowns. Students were nearly buzzing in anticipation since early morning, many of them not talking about anything other than the upcoming event. Some ate barely any breakfast and lunch, simply because they wanted to have space in their bellies for the fantastic food that was bound to be on the ball. Well, that, and many were simply too anxious to stomach anything. Funnily, a few individuals seemed to be in a worse state than they were before the end-of-term exams, OWLs and even NEWTs. Amit, in particular, looked paler than he looked after your little goblin mine adventure when Adelaide told him the 7th years were to lead the opening dance of the evening. Poor lad.
To be entirely honest, you weren’t completely calm yourself. While you weren’t bowing before the toilet bowl or having a mental breakdown because a pimple chose to appear on your forehead at such inopportune time, there was a fluttering in your belly whenever you imagined yourself in a few hours, holding onto your sweetheart in front of the whole school, swaying with him to the music. Goodness…
You’ve never danced with him before. Come to think of it, you haven’t danced since Professor Fig came to announce to you and your parents that you were a witch… You weren’t exactly worried about having forgotten the moves - after all, your parents made your dancing instructor make sure you’d be able to perform flawless waltz right after being woken up at three in the morning but… what if wizards danced differently?
Merlin’s beard!
You didn’t think about that at all! Stupid, stupid! What if you embarrass yourself in front of Aesop… heavens, what if you embarrass him in front of everyone? The thought filled you with dread.
It was so strange - you only ever enjoyed the dance lessons when you were younger as they allowed you to have at least some fun among the otherwise dull lessons in etiquette and mildly interesting classes taught in a way more boring than those of Professor Binns. Back then you wouldn’t give a rat’s arse about embarrassing either yourself or your parents when it finally came to your dreaded debutante ball, but this… This felt different. It was different. You weren’t getting dragged among the snobs of England’s high society to show potential suitors that you were fair game now.
No… This was an evening you were going to spend celebrating your studies, the friendships you’ve made, and the adventures you had while studying at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And you were going to do so not being displayed as a pretty little plaything available for the highest bidder, but by the side of a man to whom you already belonged. Whom you loved. Who knew that you were a living breathing woman and not a decoration for his home or his family tree. So of course you didn’t want to embarrass him… 
However, the more you thought about it, the more the idea of Aesop resenting you for embarrassing him on the dancefloor seemed ridiculous to you. 
After all, It was Aesop Sharp.
You were observing your reflection anxiously. You made an honest effort to look your absolute best - your hair was done elegantly and fashionably, your eyebrows were neat and tidy, there was a blush to your cheeks and you put some light lip rouge on your mouth. Your features were only slightly enhanced but still looked gentle and natural. You chose a dark blue gown with dark lace and silver details. Not too huge, not too frilly, short-sleeved, and surprisingly quite comfortable. Your earrings went well with the dress and your shoes were enchanted with a cushioning charm, making them feel like plush slippers.
All in all, you thought you looked quite beautiful… You only hoped your sweetheart would be of a similar opinion.
You were to meet him at the very bottom of the Ravenclaw tower, which was to walk to the Great Hall via the Viaduct bridge, as opposed to using the Moving staircase and risking breaking your leg on one of the disappearing steps. They were quite easy to jump over when you were wearing your uniform, but your current ensemble wasn’t really made for skipping over gaps in a staircase. 
You met Amit just as he seemed to consider whether to open the door of the Ravenclaw common room or rather run to his dorm. You gently laid your hand on his shoulder, prompting him to startle and turn around to face you. “(F-F/N)!” he stuttered as his eyes took you in. “Y-you look… very beautiful.” You gave your classmate a smile: “You look quite handsome yourself.” It was the truth, the Head Boy looked very smart and charming in his dress robes, his soft features making him look like some sort of foreign prince. Though he’d look even better if he wasn’t constantly pulling at his sleeves or obsessively fixing his bowtie, making it even more askew each time. “Adelaide will think so too. I’m sure she’s very excited about the evening.”
Your two friends bonded over his fascination with goblins, and Adelaide becoming her uncle’s right hand in his metal trading business, therefore inevitably coming into contact with them. At the sound of her name, Amit froze momentarily.
“I-... I’m not sure if I should… What if I embarrass myself out there? Or, Merlin forbid, what if I embarrass her? What if I forget the moves, or step on her toes?”
And at that moment, it hit you. Everyone was worried about the same thing as you. And this knowledge, surprisingly, brought you peace. “Oh, come now, Amit,” you gave his shoulder a light pat, before stepping directly in front of him to fix his robes for him. “It’ll be alright. Really. You won’t forget the steps, because in the years I have known you, I’ve never once witnessed you forget something. And, well, if you do step on her toes, you’ll apologise and try not to do so again. You will hardly be the only person to do so… Poor Natty, her feet are going to hurt like the devil from how Sebastian will trample over them. People will only look at us for a little while, and then everyone will start dancing too, and it’ll be only Addie looking at you.”
Amit seemed to be taking in your words, not knowing that they brought you the same comfort as they did to him. He took several deep breaths. “Alright,” he said at last, “I… Thank you, (F/N). You’re right, it will be fine. After all… it is just a student ball and not a goblin mine filled with Ranrok’s loyalists, right?” His eyes twinkled in good humour as he spoke, a careful smile seeping into his expression. You grinned in reply: “Exactly! The thing you have to watch out for is neither a crossbow nor an axe, but rather Garreth attempting to spike the punch, or Everett throwing a Dungbomb to, heh, ‘lighten the atmosphere’.”
Amit chuckled: “You’re right… I should go meet Adelaide then, shouldn’t I?” 
You walked a bit behind him after wishing him good luck, but unlike Amit who took off in the direction of Hufflepuff common room upon reaching the mezzanine floor, you walked further down the stairs, the Viaduct entrance slowly coming into view.
And there he was. 
Your eyes instantly found him among the small crowd of students, a few couples, and several boys also waiting for their partners. Aesop stood to the side, looking slightly awkward, his expression unreadable as he waited. Your breath caught in your throat and your heart skipped a beat. You stopped in your tracks momentarily, swallowing heavily.
Aesop looked breathtaking. He always looked handsome, neat, and well put together with a roguish kind of aura, but this evening he was simply magnificent. His robes were obviously brand new and tailored to fit him perfectly. They hug his large, lean body perfectly, his considerable height even more obvious in the long black overcoat. His high leather boots were replaced with polished ballroom shoes and his tie with a dark green bowtie. His hair was neater and shinier, his stubble groomed to perfection.
Taking a deep breath to calm your wildly beating heart, you continued your descent down the stairs, your heels clicking against the stone steps softly. A few people noticed you, some stared for a bit, but you didn’t pay them any mind, your eyes boring into the single person there who mattered.
And then your gazes connected.
You saw his dark eyes widen and mouth open slightly as he took in a sudden breath. Feeling a flush enter your cheeks, you smiled and dropped your head for a second before looking up again. Aesop was walking towards you as if he was in a trance, his eyes not leaving you, barely even blinking. Closer now, you saw his awe in them, the astonishment, and your face got even warmer under his intense look.
You stopped three feet away from one another, neither of you speaking for a while, too busy committing this moment to your memory. “Hello,” you said finally, your voice slightly breathy, but your lips spreading into a smile. “Hello,” he repeated, his own voice low and raspy, his eyes still drinking you up thirstily. “Oh, sweetheart…” he said then, finally connecting your gaze again, “ you look… otherworldly stunning. Like a dream.” “So do you,” you whispered in reply.
“I… I’m having a lot of trouble resisting kissing you right now…” he admitted quietly, but instead of closing the distance and kissing your lips, he gently took hold of your hand and lifted it, bending himself in the waist to bring it to his lips. They felt deliciously soft and scorching against the tender skin of your knuckles. He pressed kiss after kiss onto your hand with utmost reverence, holding it with both of his now, like it was a precious fragile treasure. Finally, he straightened up again, his eyes positively shining in the viaduct entrance’s dull lighting. He then brought your hand to his right arm and began leading you to the heavy doors leading to the bridge, standing taller than you’ve ever seen him, his steps sure and his limp nowhere to be seen. It hit you then that he was feeling proud to walk with you by his side, holding onto him, and this knowledge was what made you feel weak in the knees, glad to be able to lean into him, your heart thumping loudly in your chest.
“Aesop?” you said softly as you unhurriedly made your way over the bridge. “What is it, my love?” he replied in that completely content tone you only ever heard at night as you were lying, spent and comfortable in each other’s embrace. “Do wizards… do wizards dance the same as muggles?” The professor thought for a while, the fingers of his left hand stroking along your own where they were curled around his arm. 
“Oh. I entirely forgot that this is your first time attending…” 
The ball was cancelled during your fifth year, as the school was recovering from Ranrok’s attack, not to mention grieving professor Fig. And last year, well… Last year the headmaster fell victim to a rather ill-tempered Chinese chomping cabbage on one of his rare visits to the Greenhouses. Actually, you were there to witness it, along with your classmates. You could see the majority of them balling their hands into fists and breathing deeply to keep themselves from bursting into laughter. The ever-collected Phineas Nigellus Black squealed like a little girl as the magical vegetable closed its fangs around his ankle. You were having very a hard time keeping your chuckles in as well.
Black kept trying to shake and kick it off, cursing loudly the whole time, but it was only Professor Garlick who finally managed to get the cabbage to loosen its grip on the man’s leg. There was a bit of blood, and the Headmaster had to be led to the Hospital wing, but you had no doubts the greatest injury was the one done to his pride. Black ended up with a two-week limp, and it was enough to get the ball cancelled. 
That is, the official reason was that ‘The school simply doesn't have the resources this year, new books were bought, so were new chairs and desks for this and that classroom, not to mention the cost of Golden Snitches for the Quidditch matches. Simply enough, not a knut can be spared this year, condolences’, but everyone knew Black was simply too vain to be seen by his esteemed guests in anything else than perfect condition.
This was later confirmed by Aesop himself, during one of your back-then platonic meetings over tea. The potions master seemed to be fuming when you came in, and you immediately offered to come by later, but to your surprise, he asked you to stay and tell him about your day. As you did, you saw the tension in his shoulders slowly disappearing and saw him stop clenching his teeth. “Do you want to talk about what happened, sir?” you asked back then. “It’s nothing of importance, really,” he said, “just… Headmaster Black probably never heard the word ‘tact’ in his life.” The ex-auror proceeded to tell you that he was present in the room when Black told Professor Weasley about his intention to cancel the term-end ball. ‘Can you imagine the Board of Governors, not to mention former minister McPhail, witnessing me with a limp? How utmostly disgraceful and embarrassing!’ was basically what the Headmaster said. 
“To be entirely honest, I felt a strong urge to hex our dear Headmaster. I surely hope you’ll keep this information to yourself,” Aesop finished by saying. 
“I hope you’ll do the same, sir, upon me stating that I’d like to find the cabbage that took a  bite out of him and put it into his bed.”
A little smile played on the potions master’s lips at your words.
In the end, there wasn’t a ball, but rather a little gathering of seventh years, sixth years, and a few teachers, over at The Three Broomsticks. Despite it not being the grand ball some older students kept going on and on about, it turned out to be a very pleasant and fun evening. There was no dancing, not sober ballroom one at least, but there was food, there were drinks, and there was the company of your friends. A pleasant and fun evening indeed.
Now, however, dancing was one of the key ingredients.
“Yes… It’s a shortcoming on my part, I spent all this time helping prepare for the ball that I didn’t for one second think the dancing may be different…”
“Hm… Do you know how to dance waltz?” Aesop asked after a while, just as you reached the viaduct courtyard, lit by quaint lanterns of various shapes and sizes. “Yes, of course!” you replied immediately, prompting your lover to chuckle shortly. 
“You’ll be absolutely fine then. It’s quite similar, and you are a quick learner. And besides, I may have… practised a bit beforehand, just to sort of refresh the skill, and I’m fairly confident I’ll be able to lead you.” While your heart was still pounding, your nerves slightly lessened, and you found yourself leaning into him a little closer. Soon, the two of you entered the Great Hall, and while you were there for the vast majority of its preparation, your breath was still taken away by the sight which awaited you.
You've seen some nice-looking banquets and dinner parties, but a single second in the grand room managed to put all of them to utmost shame. The Great Hall appeared even greater than ever before, there were smaller tables set by the walls instead of the large tables for the four Hogwarts houses, and one larger, but not nearly as large as the High table that usually stood in its place. All throughout the hall were banquet tables with various nibbles and drinks, and it was there many of your classmates fluttered about the most currently.
The beauty of the room was nearly overwhelming. Yes, your fellow students and you did a fair bit of work, but it seemed many of the teachers then secretly contributed as well. You recognised Professor Ronen's handiwork within the sparks of various colours above all of your heads in intricate patterns, and of course, the floral decorations upon the tables were courtesy of Professor Garlick, not a single one of them the same as another. The enchanted ceiling seemed even more full of stars, and every few seconds, a constellation formed out of nothing, glimmering brightly.
"Everything looks so beautiful," you said just loud enough for Aesop to hear, "Everybody looks so beautiful…" You truly meant it. Everyone seemed to have done their best to appear neat and put together, the girls and women were dressed in beautiful gowns of all cuts and colours, and the gents looked so very smart and elegant. But none of them could hold a candle to Aesop. And by the way he was looking at you… "And you most of all," he said.
"So, do tell, are teachers required to attend?" You asked as you took the scenic route through the room, with you eagerly eyeing and admiring everything, and Aesop merely seeming glad to be able to walk with you and hold you. "It's greatly encouraged. That is, despite me being grumpier than a hungry wolf," you giggled softly, "I don't think I ever decided not to attend. The house elves outdo themselves when it comes to food on these balls, and it's after all one of the last chances to talk with the graduating students. And, if nothing else, I just kept an eye on them, chatting with my colleagues."
"So these little… amuse-bouches are just available throughout the evening, but there's also dinner?"
"Precisely. A variety of items to choose from, cooked to perfection."
"And then?"
"Then? Dancing. Mingling… after the younger students, fifth years and younger to be precise, leave, the rest can indulge in a little alcohol. That is, once the Headmaster and his esteemed guests have left as well."
Aesop pointed towards the larger table at the far end of the hall and, sure enough, Phineas Nigellus Black was currently sitting there, caught in a discussion with an older, pompous-looking gentleman, whose face you recognised from some picture in the Daily Prophet. "That's the chief of the Department of Magical Games and Sports," clarified Aesop, "no doubt the Headmaster's feeding him stories about how every faculty member except him insisted on Quidditch being cancelled two years ago."
You scoffed, but tore your eyes away, choosing instead to focus on more joyous matters at hand: "So. Shall we sit somewhere?" Aesop looked around the room: "Well… it would seem there are no free tables. We could always sit somewhere that has only first years and hope that I'll scare them away, or…?" You followed his gaze. It fell onto a table not far to your right. Only two spaces remained, as the others were filled by Professor Hecat, Professor Ronen with a beautiful plump older lady you presumed to be his wife, Professor Onai, and rather uncomfortable-looking Natty and Sebastian.
"Outnumbered," you pointed out with a cheeky grin, but nevertheless began walking towards the table.
"Good evening," you greeted politely, giving the company a smile. Natty and Sebastian looked unsure whether you were their salvation, or if the awkwardness was just about to get worse, but you still shortly squeezed each of their hands. The teachers, however, seemed to be in rather good spirits, welcoming the two of you warmly.
Aesop gentlemanly pulled out your chair, one next to Natty, and helped push it back after you've sat down, sitting down himself afterwards. There was a moment of quiet before Sebastian blurted out: "Y-you look… good. Your dress is nice." After your exchange before this very room half a year ago, things were a little awkward for a while, and they stayed that way until you let Sebast know just why it wasn't him for whom your heart beat. Surprisingly, he took the news quite well, and your friendship healed, piece by piece.
The look Natty gave you was one that made you blush, and you were very glad when a glass of wine materialised in front of you. But then - "Wait, didn't you say that alcohol was only, well, permitted, after the younger students left?" Instead of Aesop, however, it was Dinah who answered you: "Indeed. However, seeing as we've got you outnumbered, this is considered a teachers' table. And, as teachers, we've got a few advantages… or do you think we'd patiently wait through the Headmaster's speech and the following three hours of the young ones being all over the place without a single drop?"
You had to nod your head and chuckle. Looking to your left, you saw both of your friends also took the opportunity to taste their wine and possibly make an undoubtedly unorthodox situation feel more natural. You covered your mouth to hide your smile when Sebastian struggled to not stick out his tongue in distaste once he tasted the beverage.
It got a little easier after that - the company chose their dinner and you did so as well, pheasant breast with roasted potatoes and fresh vegetables. Delicious, but not overly heavy, the wine went with the meal amazingly.
After everyone was done with their dinner, and the Great Hall was once more overtaken by its usual noise of students and faculty alike talking amongst themselves, you were happy to find the atmosphere at your table much lighter than it was an hour ago. You even engaged in several conversations with your professors, their demeanour so much more relaxed than you've ever witnessed during classes. That is, except for Professor Ronen, as he was already very laid back and jovial even in settings much more professional than this one. What's more, he and Professor Hecat both knew of your and Aesop's romance quite early on and, if at all possible, were treating you even more warmly since then.
Then, Phineas Nigellus Black's voice cut through the air. "Your attention, please," he said. The Great Hall got progressively quieter and quieter until one could hear a pin drop. "Time has come to wrap up another successful year at Hogwarts. I am very glad that after two years, we were able to once more make this little celebration of ours a reality. Dear graduates, please accept my congratulations on your successful finish of your education here at Hogwarts, and my sincere gratitude to the staff for making it possible. I raise my goblet to you all, graduates, teachers, and students alike, and I wish you all a pleasant holiday, and of course, to you, seventh years, a successful start into your new lives."
The Headmaster's speech was not bad at all, but it was not nearly enough to erase your distaste for the man. "Written by Matilda, word for word," Aesop whispered into your ear helpfully. "However," the Headmaster continued, "this is, after all, a ball. Let us not embarrass ourselves in the company of our esteemed guests. So, whenever you're ready…" 
"I think that's our cue," said Aesop, gently pulling you out of your seat.
You felt anxiety slowly creeping back into your gut as Aesop led you over to a spot on the dance floor he deemed acceptable for the two of you. Your legs suddenly felt like they were made out of lead, and you were panicking somewhat, looking around the room at your classmates. “Sweetheart, right here,” Aesop said, and though the room wasn’t quiet by any means, you heard his voice clearly over the white noise of people murmuring between themselves, the rustling of robes and gowns, the occasional squeak of shoes against the floor.
You raised your eyes to meet his, impossibly dark. “Just look me in the eyes, and let me lead you. It’ll be lovely, I promise.” You nodded and offered a little smile. “Alright. Just like a regular waltz, your left hand right … here, your right… There we go.” His right hand rested on your waist securely, the left one holding yours. You took a deep breath.
“Ehm! Well, let’s start, shall we? Music!” Headmaster Black’s shrill voice rang through the large room, and a few seconds later, dulcet tones of the orchestra began reverberating through the Great hall. You didn't even have time to ask where to step first when Aesop started moving, his hold on you so strong and steady, that you couldn't help but follow. "Two, three, four…" he counted just loud enough for you to hear, and you immediately found yourself connecting his words with the movements he was doing and making you do. "One, two, three, four, now change hands," you switched the positions of your hands, so he was now holding onto your left one. 
With a few more changes like this, you began feeling more confident - it really was like a slightly extended version of waltz. While you were more than comfortable letting him lead, feeling all kinds of warm as he effortlessly made your body do his bidding, all the while looking majestic and elegant. "Now brace yourself," and with that, he grabbed onto your waist and lifted you into the air, spinning with you. You could faintly see the other girls being spun in the air, but just barely - Aesop had all of your attention. "See, you've got it, you're doing wonderfully," he said with a smile, never once ceasing your dance. 
Before long, you span with him gladly, your feet synchronised with his flawlessly, your movements copying the rhythm of the music. Aesop swept you off your feet, and you loved it, you wanted to be swept away by him, swept, rocked, and spun. He was a mighty tidal wave and you were there to enjoy the ride. Soon, way too soon, you heard the song coming to an end, and Aesop finished your dance by elegantly returning to the starting position, settling just as the last note rang through the air.
Applause broke out around the Great Hall. "Very good, very good. Nice job seventh years … and their partners…" said Black from behind his podium, "the music will resume shortly." 
"See, I told you it's going to be lovely," your sweetheart said with a pleased grin, "wasn't it?"
"It was, Merlin, it was amazing. But now that I know how amazingly you dance, I think I'll want to do that often…" you admitted letting your hands stroke his strong shoulders subconsciously.
"Hm, we've got the entire night. And the night after that. And the following one too."
And just like that, something inside of you snapped and you couldn't stop yourself anymore. Absolutely uncaring, you stood up on your tiptoes and captured his lips in a kiss.
It wasn't a long kiss, nor one too passionate, but it was thunderous nonetheless. You couldn't care less who could be watching, or what they would think. You loved this man with all of your heart, and you were done with being quiet about it. You looked into his eyes right after you pulled back to find them wide and dark, his mouth still slightly open. "Is that alright?" You asked carefully. Your reply was his arms around your waist and his hot lips on yours once more.
"It's more than alright."
A few hours, some more nibbles, and two butterbeers later, it was time for the younger students to retire to their common rooms, and only the seventh years and adult sixth years were allowed to remain. It was when teachers turned a blind eye to the consumption of alcohol, a few of them even sharing a drink with some of their soon-to-be former students. Aesop too was one of those who were sought out for this very reason. It was not at all surprising to see Garreth Weasley offering a tumbler of golden honey-coloured liquor to the potions master, the professor sniffing at it suspiciously. 
“Come on, Professor Sharp,” Garreth laughed jovially, "I promise, it’s just good old Firewhisky, I have not done anything to it.”
“Then you won’t mind if I ask for the other glass you’re holding, will you?”
“Ever the Auror, eh? Heh, absolutely, there you go sir.”
Aesop clinked his glass against Garreth’s and took a careful sip. He rolled the liquid on his tongue for a bit, trying to catch a taste of anything other than the rich-smelling alcohol, but after he swallowed and felt no immediate consequences, he allowed himself to relax. Garreth meanwhile continued to chuckle as he threw back his own drink in a single gulp, hissing at the burn.
“Only a few more days to go, I’m not as dumb as to risk losing that E you gave me on my NEWTs essay.”
“You’re not stupid and never have been. Reckless and a thorn in my side, yes, but never stupid. You’ve got potential. Try not to blow yourself up into pieces before you can reach it, alright?”
Garreth looked like he was ready to punch the air in euphoria as the professor extended his right hand towards him, but instead, the ginger lad just gripped it tightly and shook it. “That was quite lovely,” you said with a smile once Garreth left you two alone once more, his mouth spread into a victorious grin. “Well, I do have my moments,” replied Aesop with a little smile of his own before taking a gentle hold of your own hand, “come on, let’s dance some more.”
And that was that.
You danced, you talked, you drank. You tried Firewhisky again, a different brand this time. It was sweeter than the one you tried on Christmas Eve, but still not something you could see yourself actively seeking out. Unless it was drunk off Aesop’s lips, of course. Then it was an entirely different story. 
It was around Midnight when you started becoming quite tipsy. The party was in full swing around you, your classmates’ inhibitions were loosened under the influence of alcohol, and even the normally quiet ones were frivolously hoofing it off on the dance floor, laughing and talking excitedly among themselves. Even the often sullen Ominis Gaunt was chuckling as he, a little clumsily, spun Poppy Sweeting around, the alcoholic flush combined with the warmth of the room clearly evident upon his pale cheeks. Poppy didn’t seem to mind they were entirely out of rhythm, having the time of her life having fun with her human friends, instead of just the animal ones.
Amit was caught in an amicable discussion with Sebastian, obviously having had a bit too much, if the hiccoughs interrupting his impassioned monologue about Goblins and his consequent giggling was of any proof, but Sebastian still listened with interest, his view of Goblinkind having shifted considerably since his fifth year. 
It was when you accidentally stepped on Aesop’s foot for the third time in the span of ten minutes, that you decided it was high time to take a little break and sober up a bit. You took several gulps of cold water before Aesop carefully led you away from the hustle and bustle of the Great Hall. Soon you found yourselves at the Quad courtyard. The air of the early summer night felt fresh and crisp, and a sweet flowery aroma was wafting through it gently.
The alcohol haze dissipated somewhat thanks to the water you drank and the cool air against your warmed skin, yet you remained feeling buzzed and giddy, hanging onto Aesop’s arm and happily engaging in cheeky conversation, letting him tease you and enjoying every minute of it. “Feeling better?” he asked as you once more entered the castle, taking a corridor that would slowly lead you back to the Great Hall. “Very much so,” you agreed with a smile, “although I wasn’t feeling really bad to begin with. Maybe a bit lightheaded at most, and that I blame on the dancer who spun me around again and again.
The professor’s dark chuckle was your only answer, the sound echoing off the stony walls. It felt nearly surreal how quiet the castle got at night. Hogwarts never got this quiet during the day, not even in the library, because of the omnipresence of its inhabitants, both living and not. This evening, however, it seemed like a powerful silencing charm was placed upon the large corridors, not even the sound of the ball nearby could be heard. In the still and the quiet, it felt like it was just the two of you, the sound of your hearts beating the only thing unafraid to penetrate the silence.
You startled a bit as your lover suddenly stopped walking, causing you to collide with him slightly. Raising your eyes, you observed him questioningly but found him not looking at you, but rather to your left. You turned your head.
Next to you on the wall was a full-body mirror, just large enough to capture the two of you in its reflection. Fully turned towards it now, you slowly pulled at his arm which you were still holding, motioning for it to curl around your waist, which it did. His other arm joined in, and soon you had Aesop’s strong chest pressed against your back, his chin and jaw gently brushing over the right side of your head.
To an untrained eye perhaps, the two of you could look like something of an odd couple. Despite all of Aesop’s handsomeness and rugged charm, it was very obvious he was considerably older than you. His face bore the lines of time, life lived before you were born, the scar on his cheek a testament to many adventures and dangers, during which you weren’t present, while the smooth, flushed apples of your cheeks stood in absolute contrast against it. As did your hands, which came to rest upon his own, the skin on them weathered and calloused. These hands held unimaginable strength, both physical and magical.
An odd couple? To some, perhaps. 
But you knew better. 
While Aesop was every bit as strong and tough as he looked, you knew that behind that roughened face and calloused hands was a gentle man, a kind soul, and an artistic spirit. Someone who dared to dream when he was younger, and someone who was just rediscovering his courage to do so again. And you? You weren’t pristine. You saw too much death and suffering in your young life, so much more than any person should ever see. You were put through challenges and dangers that would keep even wizards older and more experienced than yourself up at night. 
And yet, here you were, two decidedly flawed odd birds standing in a heartfelt embrace, your connection one built upon mutual trust, respect, and an overwhelming amount of love. 
You let your head fall back slightly to rest against his shoulder, revelling in his warmth. “I think we’re a rather charming couple,” you said at last. Odd? Maybe at first. But after a while, anyone would see your eyes, they would see that each other’s arms is exactly where the two of you belong. 
“You know what… I’m rather inclined to agree. Although you're the one who brings about 95% of charm into the relationship,” he whispered against your ear, prompting you to grin. “I suppose we cannot agree on everything all the time,” you sighed, “and this is one of the instances.” His chuckle made you lightly shiver as his hot breath tickled the soft skin of your ear and neck: “Be that as it may, there was actually something else I wanted to do, and this mirror is just perfect for it.”
Slowly, his right hand slipped from your hold and disappeared into his dress robes’ inner breast pocket. When it reappeared, you saw something glisten brightly in it, but before you could question what it was, his other hand also left your waist and came up to grip the other end of it. You hissed when the cold metal touched your neck. 
Aesop was delicately securing a beautiful necklace around your neck, and you felt like you forgot to breathe for a while. It was beautiful in its design, elegant, yet simple and light, adorned with a few vine-like twirls and several small opal stones. You couldn’t be certain, but you thought the material was goblin silver. It went beautifully with your earrings, and that’s when it truly hit. Aesop Sharp had this gorgeous piece of jewellery made specifically for you.
“A-Aesop!” you stammered, your cheeks burning and your eyes slowly watering, “I- I can’t possibly accept this, i-it’s way too valuable!” Your sweetheart finished fastening the necklace before leaning down to press a kiss against the nape of your neck. “Please,” he said in a voice so quiet, you almost couldn’t hear it, “I want you to have it… Do you like it?” You touched it delicately, slowly running your fingers over the cool material. “Oh, Aesop, it’s-... it’s the finest, most beautiful piece of jewellery I’ve ever seen, but you really shouldn't have spent what must’ve been quite a sum of money on me!”
His chapped lips made contact with the hot skin of your neck again, and again in a series of soft, tender kisses, his breath tickling at the peach fuzz there. “Trust me,” he spoke again, “when I say this is barely a fraction of what you deserve. You met me a half-broken man, who nearly made peace with the fact that love, health, and hope for the future is a thing of the past for him. You came into my life and shook it to its core. If anyone told me two years ago that tonight I’d be dancing with the most beautiful woman in the entire Wizarding world, completely in love, my leg cured and my dreams slowly being restored, I would’ve called them completely insane. And yet here we are. Believe me when I say you deserve this, and so much more. (F/N) (L/N), you deserve the world.”
Slowly dropping your eyes from the necklace, you turned around in his arms. A tear finally rolled over your eyelid and ran down your cheek as you looked deep into his eyes. You raised your hands to cup his cheeks, your fingers caressing the weathered, stubbled skin.
“I just want you,” you whispered, more tears falling from your eyes. 
His much bigger hands came to enclose your own again.
“You’ve got me,” Aesop finally said with the faintest hint of a smile. In the next second, your arms were thrown around his neck, and your lips moulding with his in a passionate, earth-shattering kiss, one into which you attempted to pour all of your love and devotion for this wonderful man. “Thank you,” you sighed between kisses, the moisture of your tears staining his cheeks. His strong arms wrapped around your body securely, as if unwilling to let you go, which was something you didn’t mind at all.
Once you pulled slightly apart to catch your breaths, Aesop chuckled noiselessly, his breath cool on your hot damp lips. He lifted his hand to wipe away your tears and caress your face, his thumb sliding over the apple of your cheek, your jowl, your chin, finally stroking your lips, tracing their edge. “I must say, a half-drunken snog in the corridors during a term-end ball is also something I thought was a thing of the past,” he said, his voice low and raspy.
You couldn’t resist the small fit of giggles that overcame you then as you hid your burning face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his familiar, heady scent, a mix of the sandalwood from his cologne, the faintest hint of Firewhisky, the soap he used, and underneath that the natural smell of his skin, warm and comforting with the smallest trace of sweat. 
“Doesn’t need to be the only time, though,” he added, prompting you to murmur questioningly against his skin. “Professors can bring partners with them…”
“Are you inviting me to the term-end ball all the way next year?”
“Hm, too soon?”
“No… no, it’s alright, I gladly accept. I’m just so very happy.” 
You didn’t have to say it for Aesop to understand - that you were happy he readily saw himself with you a year from now.
“Shall we head to your chambers then?” you asked after a short while, raising your head slightly to look at him. “If you’d like, of course,” he answered, his clever thumbs drawing circles onto your hips, “But I was thinking maybe one last dance? It is a special occasion, after all, it’d be a shame to waste it.” You couldn’t disagree with that.
On your way back to the Great Hall, you didn’t hold onto Aesop’s arm, as it was instead draped around your shoulders, tightly pressing you into his side as you walked. It was only when you arrived at the foreroom of the Great Hall that you began to hear the noise from inside. “Silencing charm - wouldn’t want to disturb the castle's various inhabitants, would we?” your sweetheart said, most likely noticing your curious expression. 
Entering the room, now bathed in an intimately dim light, you noticed that a number of people had already left. Quite a few sixth years seemed to have retired for the night, same as professors. There was Professor Ronen sitting at one of the tables with his wife, while Professor Howin and Madam Kogava were sort of just lingering about, watching the progression of the evening, no doubt keeping an eye on potential trouble. Your classmates seemed to be in various stages of intoxication. Natty seemed like she only had a glass or two, seeing as she most likely waited for her mother to leave before finally allowing herself to party a little, while Sebastian, who was (unsuccessfully) trying to woo her seemed about a single butterbeer from being ready to leave lest he made a fool of himself. 
Poor Amit’s fallen asleep already, but Adelaide didn’t seem to mind, her head resting on his shoulder and her eyes closing as well. Hopefully, someone from their respective houses will wake them up when the time comes to truly wrap up. You let Aesop lead you through the room and towards one of the walls to a slightly more remote spot, the song that was playing until now coming to its close. 
Just like you did throughout the whole evening, you took your stance and waited for the next song to begin. And then, when it did, you let Aesop glide the two of you across the dancefloor, your movements slow and well-measured. The whole time you were looking into each other’s eyes, having a little conversation about absolutely everything and nothing, all without uttering a single word. Each time Aesop spun you, you ended a little closer to him, inch after inch, until your bodies were flush against each other in a display quite intimate, and possibly very inappropriate in public. Luckily, nobody seemed to either notice or care.
Both of Aesop’s arms wrapped around your waist as he swayed with you slowly, his head lowering until your foreheads connected, resting against each other. You closed your eyes, just letting the reality of the moment wash over you. You felt his every move before he made it, felt the subtle way his hips swayed with yours, and the two of you sharing a single breath was getting you more drunk than alcohol ever could. And despite the two of you not being alone in the room, it did feel like you were, shrouded in your little world, clinging onto each other ardently.
And when he unabashedly kissed you once more, you lost yourself completely. Your feet stopped their movements, and you simply stood there in your passionate embrace, drinking from each other’s lips. When his lips left yours and instead travelled over your cheek and to your ear, you readily responded to his movements, your fingers combing into his hair like they always did, and your mouth unconsciously releasing little gasps and sighs. The potions master dipped his head slightly, and soon his hot tongue began circling your pulse point.
Not a second later, the sensation was gone and your head began clearing up again. It would seem Aesop suddenly realised where he was, and how many people were still around you. He leaned closer again to whisper into your ear: “I think now is the time for us to retire. As much as I find your gown beautiful, I’d much rather see you without it now.” You chuckled in reply, your close proximity to your lover allowing you to feel just how much he meant what he said: “I was thinking the exact same thing.”
You extracted yourselves from one another, and Aesop led you towards the exit, slightly behind you so as not to draw too much attention to his little problem, despite the dim light surely preventing so. Once you were out of sight, you turned to make your way to the Viaduct courtyard once again, but Aesop instead gripped your shoulders and motioned for you to take the route up the Grand Staircase. “Wait,” you protested mildly, “I avoided the Grand Staircase on purpose, you know. I don’t want to fall or break my leg, especially now that I’ve had a few drinks!” Your sweetheart chuckled, still leading you: “Don’t you worry, I’ll be behind you every step of the way and will catch or support you if need be. Besides it’s the shortest way to my rooms…” He made his point by stopping momentarily to deliver another kiss to your neck, making you almost melt under his touch. 
“Oh… oh, alright then…” you relented, “but Aesop Sharp, I swear on Merlin’s name, if I break my leg three days before graduation-” 
“Then Noreen will fix you up with a quick spell and some Skele-Gro, and both you and she will have my guts for garters.” 
“Come on, then,” Aesop said in a teasing voice, his hand coming to lightly slap at your behind, making you giggle. You gathered your gown in your hands and carefully walked up the first flight of stairs, Aesop right behind you.
But then: “Ah, good evening you two!” You stopped in your tracks like a deer in headlights. “Dinah…” you heard Aesop say behind you, his tone one of exasperation and mild annoyance. “So, have you enjoyed this fine evening? I must say, it was quite dull without it last year.” You were blushing like mad, not meeting the DADA teacher’s eyes. However, you could see that she was quite obviously having fun grilling the two of you. “Yes, yes, very lovely and very dull,” said Aesop impatiently, his hand moving to close around your own, “was there anything particular you needed?” 
While the older woman’s face was as neutral as always, you could see her eyes positively sparkle with mischief: “Oh? Are you in a hurry?” Aesop groaned quietly next to you: “Rather yes.”
“What could be so urgent on such a fine evening?”
This time, Aesop did not answer, but his hand squeezed yours harder. After a few seconds of utter silence, Dinah broke out into a little chuckle: “I’m sorry Aesop, dear. Can’t blame an old woman for wanting to have some fun as well, and you, you are so very fun to tease.”
“You know, you could tease Abraham now and then as well?”
“About what? Abe makes fun of himself most of the time, there’s no challenge in that. But I’ll leave you to it now. Have a nice evening you two. Oh, and the staircase seems quite agreeable today, but you should still be careful.”
“Thank you, Di. Goodnight,” Aesop said then, his tone much softer now, and he once again began to lead you away. “Goodnight, professor,” you said quietly, still a little embarrassed from the encounter, but at the same time strangely amused by it.
The potions master did as he promised, his hand as if glued to your lower back supporting you as you carefully ascended the steps of the Grand Staircase. “Disappearing one over there,” he’d warn every now and then. Some time later, the two of you finally entered the Faculty tower, and you all but began a half-jog towards your lover's chambers while still trying to remain silent so as not to disturb anyone who might already be asleep in their rooms. The moment the door closed behind you, your back was pressed against it, and Aesop’s mouth latched itself onto your own in a hot messy kiss. His hands were everywhere at once, caressing and groping your body as his lips slowly slid to your neck.
The former auror pulled back somewhat, looking at the jewellery he placed around your neck earlier, before he dipped his head right back, placing tender kisses over the sensitive skin of your throat along the necklace. Your fingers went right back into his hair, nowhere near as neat as it was when you met him at the viaduct entrance hours ago. When his arms wrapped around your middle and he lifted you off the ground you attempted to curl your legs around his waist, but was soon stopped by the fabric of your gown.
“Don’t you worry, my sweet, I’ll get you out of this thing soon enough,” he said, a smug grin clear as day in his sultry voice. 
Aesop carried you over to his bedroom, however, before he could as much as sit you on the bed, you grabbed onto his shoulders, stopping him in his tracks. “Wait,” you chuckled, and he immediately set you back on your feet. He distangled himself from you and gently grabbed your face in his large calloused hands. “Are you alright? Too fast?” he asked, and you could melt right on the spot. Even after all this time, he was ready to stop at the tiniest hint of you not being alright with what he was doing. “No, no, it’s wonderful,” you reassured him, kissing his lips slowly, “it’s just… Hah, if you want to get me out of this dress, it’s better if we’re standing. Trust me.”
A quiet chuckle escaped Aesop’s lips: “Oh, alright.” He extended a hand towards you, and you immediately took it without thinking. He gently spun you, just like he spun you the entire evening across the dance floor, except this time he stopped when your back was facing him. “Dear Miss,” he spoke, his tone teasing and playful, “prepare to be disrobed.”
However, disrobing you was easier said than done, and Aesop hadn’t anticipated the intricacies the unfastening on your ball gown would pose. At first, he tried to work methodically, but it was for nothing and he was soon tangled in the many strings, getting progressively frustrated. It took a lot of your willpower not to giggle.
“How in Merlin’s medieval buttocks did you even get into this thing?!” he asked after a while, fingers furiously trying to get the gown to open up, or loosen at the very least so that he could peel it off your form. “There are laces and ties, more laces, strings, even more laces, how do I even-... hold on, I think I’ve got it,” Aesop fiddled with the fastenings for several seconds, before groaning in irritation, “Damn it!” And that was it, you began giggling softly, covering your mouth with your hand. “Oi, don’t you laugh! Did you use your magic on this? Is that why I can’t untie it?”
“I didn’t,” you said between chuckles, “though Natty may have gone slightly overboard with making sure it’s all holding up nicely.” 
“Holding up nicely, she says,” grumbled Aesop, still trying to pull at the strings and laces in vain, “I’d have better chances breaking into bloody Gringotts!
You just kept chuckling. The dress felt slightly looser, but not loose enough for you to wiggle out of it: “I say, love, we’ll both be so exhausted after you finish untying it, the only thing we’ll be doing in those sheets is sleeping!” The former Auror stopped his frustrated movements, and then his strong hands left your back entirely: “Oh, for Merlin’s saggy-”
However, before you had the chance to say anything:
You yelped as you heard the fabric being swiftly cut in half, soon falling down from your body and pooling around your ankles.
“Oi!” you turned around to face him, a bewildered expression on your face. 
“Sorry about that,” Aesop said then, his voice anything but remorseful. “I’ll have you know I thought that dress was really beautiful,” you replied with the tiniest hint of indignation in your voice. However, your amusement at him losing his temper with the garment greatly outweighed any hard feelings towards him effectively destroying it. “So do I.” he insisted, “Mind stepping out of them, dear?” You did as he asked and stepped out from the circle of crumpled fabric. With a wave of his wand, the gown rose from the floor and floated towards his wardrobe, fixing itself seamlessly along the way. Soon, it was neatly hanged and perfect once more. 
“I think Miss Onai truly should pursue a career in Gringotts, she’d make the vaults completely impregnable…” Aesop commented dryly while you crossed your arms across your chest. “Are we going to talk about Natty and her talents for securing things, or…?”
Aesop once more turned his entire attention towards you, looking at you appreciatively. Now that your gown was finally dealt with, you remained there standing in just your chemise and petticoat. You saw the fire returning to Aesop’s gorgeous dark eyes, and a wolfish grin to his face. “I should be able to take these off without wasting any precious energy, “he murmured lowly before stepping closer. His nose glided along your cheek and your jaw as he effortlessly unfastened the petticoat and let it slide down your legs, leaving you in your beautiful, silken underwear. “So… do we still have to stand up, or shall we get a little more comfortable?” the potions master asked slyly. 
You fixed him with a mock offended look: “You have your fun undressing me and now you think I’ll settle with you just tearing your own clothes off in a frenzied flurry? That just won’t do, sir…” Due to a stupid amount of luck, you were in a perfect position to gently shove against his chest. Was this any other situation and were you anyone else, Aesop wouldn’t even flinch at the movement. However, he only grinned more and obediently let himself fall down upon the bed, conveniently right behind him, waiting patiently for you to undoubtedly climb atop him. 
And you didn’t plan to keep him waiting long.
The first birds began singing outside the window as the dark sky of the night outside slowly bled into shades of purple and pink, the summer sun shyly peeking from below the horizon signalling the arrival of a brand new day. For you and your lover, however, the previous day was only just ending now in a haze of heavy breaths and wildly beating hearts, bodies sated and satisfied, limbs still trembling under the weight of shared pleasures.
You were beautifully exhausted, brushing your fingers through your hair, slightly damp from perspiration. You and Aesop gave yourselves to one another completely tonight, unashamedly indulging in your hunger, your scorching passion, opening yourselves up for new things and new sensations, experimenting with new positions and ways to bring the other to the breaking point. 
Your hair became once more dry and soft within your fingers as your sweetheart used the last of his strength to cast a cleaning charm on the two of you and the bed before weakly tossing the wand onto the chair standing next to his bed. He found his resting place on top of your body, his now positively shaggy hair spreading on your skin and tickling it tenderly as he laid his head upon your chest, his ear directly over your heart. You were completely trapped underneath him, his weight evenly distributed on your body making you feel comfortable and safe, his arms bore the promise of not letting you go. The skin on his back was slightly uneven and a little bruised from your fingernails digging into it, and the potions master replied in kind on your hips and legs.
Thank goodness seventh years were not expected to turn up for breakfast today (and lunch neither in many cases), as you knew you wouldn’t be able to get up from this bed for many hours. Not that you’d want to. 
Waves of comfort and love were slowly rocking you to much-needed slumber.
However, Aesop’s voice brought you back a little. “Are you going to wear it?” he asked, voice soft and quiet, slightly raspy after your long night. His long digit stroked at your necklace delicately, occasionally moving to trace a path along your throat. “I might never take it off,” you replied honestly, looking down and seeking to connect your gazes. The potions master smiled, sincerely and genuinely, dark eyelashes fluttering softly in the dim light of coming morning and dying embers. He pulled himself up to connect your kiss-bruised lips once again, this time gently and tenderly, merely letting them brush, whispering soft ‘I love you’s in-between.
There in the early morning spent in the potions master’s comfortable bed, drinking his words of adoration, you were ready to face whatever the future may bring. As long as Aesop Sharp’s arms enfolded you in their embrace, you were ready for anything.
Hello, thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this little story. As always, you can find this work and all of my other works over on AO3. I'll be very grateful for your feedback! 💖
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radical-ghostface · 1 year
Im once again taking Hogwarts Legacy requests! This includes headcanons, one shots and more gif posts! Any and all characters accepted. I completely lost my motivation to write over the past month and really want to try to get back into it again, so im hoping that requests might spark something lol
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angies-writing-blog · 2 years
Translated! (Was actually going to save it as draft last night, posted it accidently , oops, thank you for the good feedback. ).
Title: Like a cat forlorn in the snow
Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
Pair: Phineas Nigellus Black x Reader
Inspired by @phineasnigellusblack
Reminder: Don't write fanfics after handling tantrums, because I tend to use gentle parenting methods on Phineas Black.
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poeticvortex · 1 year
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Golden Trio (1990s)
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Marauders (1970s)
Fantastic Beasts (1920s)
Hogwarts Legacy (1890s)
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Main Charcters (aka Characters that live (mostly) rentfree in my head):
Geralt of Rivia
Radovid/Radvoid (don`t know&don`t care/only on this list because of this goddamn name)
All the Others
just people, you can request anyone you want
Requests are open!!! Happy to write for any character
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ravenelyx · 2 years
I love you in every timeline - Prologue: In Search of Lost Time
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader
Words: 1.9k
Chapter Warnings: angst if you squint, Harry Potter characters appearance, no name appearance (not even y/n dw), some swearing, use of 2nd person for the reader (I know I know but I promise it makes sense for the story)
Summary: "He turned around, and the world seemed to stop around him. She had followed him: into another timeline, into another universe.". In which Sebastian, in his search for a cure in the Dark Arts, finds himself 100 years into the future and meets his most trusted companion's descendant (who looks far too similar to the girl he was once secretly in love with).
A/N: this is the first english fic I've written, so I'm terrified. Anyway, Trimetravel! AU with Sebastian Sallow. Some background info: Reader is not MC; Reader is a Gryffindor, MC was a Slytherin; MC was a Pureblood, Reader is a Muggle Born. Also, english is not my first language so if you find any mistakes, I deeply apologise. Not proof-read (for obvious reasons).
→ Find the rest of the fanfiction here on AO3 :)
"For we are not as faithful to the being we have most loved as we are to ourselves and sooner or later we forget her — since that is one of our characteristics — so as to start loving another." - Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time
If a chasm had opened under Sebastian's feet and swallowed him all the way to the depths of hell, he would have gladly accepted his demise there and then.
Unfortunately, its mercy seemed to be out of business that day — or any other day in his life, really.
Sebastian paced the corridors, a frown adorning his face; he had just come out of the Headmaster's office due to the absolute disaster that had occurred to him just a few hours prior.
After weeks of research, he had finally found something that could help him, a breakthrough with which he could finally achieve his goal. An artefact so powerful that it could break the fabric of time and space, something that could help his poor sister live a happy and healthy life again. He did not care that they were not on speaking terms at the moment: he would find a way to talk to her so that she would take this last chance. He would force her if he had to. It was his last hope, and Merlin knows he had tried everything.
If he had known about the artefact's effects earlier, he would have thought twice before using it.
"So, Mr Sallow, could you be so kind as to tell us how you came to be in our time?" the Headmaster, who had earlier introduced himself as Albus Dumbledore, had asked him.
Truth was that not having stopped dwelling with the Dark Arts in search of a cure for Anne had led him to find himself in another timeline instead. His face twitched: in terms of unlikelihood, the scales seemed pretty unbalanced.
It had been a brief conversation, really, with Sebastian omitting some details (like his friendship with an Ancient Magic wielder or the murder of his uncle, for which he bore full responsibility) and grimacing against his own will when the Headmaster had looked at him through his half-moon shaped glasses as if asking him, 'Why are you lying to me?'
He had pushed the thoughts away as quickly as they had come: it wasn't like he could read his mind... or could he?
Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief when the Headmaster had dismissed him after giving him specific instructions on how to behave until they found a way to return him to his timeline — one of which was, "Please don't inform anyone of your condition unless it's absolutely necessary." That had seemed quite reasonable to him, so he nodded.
The artefact was damaged, as expected, and unlikely to work again unless a powerful form of magic came into contact with it and repaired it: something like Ancient Magic, perhaps, or a miracle.
"I see you're still causing trouble everywhere you fare, aren't you, Mr Sallow?" the familiar voice of Phineas Nigellus Black had mocked from his portrait, effectively startling him. Sebastian had looked up and into the eyes of his old Headmaster, his mouth falling open at the sight of him. He looked old, weary, and angrier somehow — yet, in a way, he had brought Sebastian some form of comfort, almost. A sense of familiarity.
Before he could have said anything, Black had disappeared, and a woman with severe blue eyes and long robes had escorted him out of the office.
Sebastian looked around at his familiar surroundings, which would have been almost comforting if not for the nameless faces looking at him with curiosity: Hogwarts students tended to recognise each other effortlessly, and anyone who didn't fit into that bundle of familiarity was to be ostracised. He remembered all too well when he was the one helping the new fifth-year find her way around those same corridors, except he didn't need guidance: this was his home, after all.
But he did have a guide, and she wasn't as charming a student as he was either.
The Head of the Gryffindor House walked right next to him, a stern expression on her face made even more prominent by the shadow of her large witch hat. The woman Sebastian had come to know as Minerva McGonagall was also the Transfiguration teacher and Deputy Headmistress, at least it seemed that way, which was no doubt why she was accompanying him rather than the Head of his own House.
Sebastian decided not to ask himself any questions and do what the Headmaster told him to: attend class, fit in, and pretend to be either a transfer student or someone with a complex background — he hadn't decided which story to tell yet (and both, in a way or another, would be true).
The clacking of Professor McGonagall's shoes stopped so abruptly that he almost would have missed it if she hadn't started speaking.
"You're about to meet two of your new classmates. Prefects of the Gryffindor House." She raised her left arm in their direction, and his eyes followed it to two red and gold robes leading into warm faces.
"I am pleased to introduce you to Ms Hermione Granger—" she gestured to the girl with curly hair to her left, who wore a friendly smile all while maintaining a serious and clean look, "—and Mr Ronald Weasley." Sebastian's eyes shot to the boy to his right when he heard the familiar name, and to be honest, he might not have needed an introduction at all: the red-haired boy gave him a wry smile, his freckles standing out even more in the natural light. He would have recognised those features anywhere.
Finally, Sebastian noticed their uniforms. He didn't pay much attention to the boy's — he himself also wore a very similar one, uncomfortable and informal as it seemed to him — for his eyes were fixed on the girl's. She was wearing a grey cardigan with red and gold trim, the colours of her House, and her skirt was much shorter than he remembered, with black denier tights covering the rest of her legs. Sebastian felt himself blushing slightly and averted his eyes.
He wondered why the Slytherin prefects were unsuited to the situation: at the end of the day, he was a Slytherin, too. Sebastian didn't undergo the Sorting again — the Professors didn't seem to deem it necessary, not to mention the Hat had recognised him from his shelf, too. He didn’t forget easily.
McGonagall turned back to Sebastian and briefly adjusted his robes, her face softening slightly, "For the time being, it is best if you don't draw attention to yourself. We will find a solution," she straightened her posture and nodded at him, "Welcome to Hogwarts." She turned on her heels and walked away, leaving him with the two Gryffindors.
He studied their faces for a moment, searching for the right words to say, deciding on which story to tell, but the only thing he could muster was: "How come you're Gryffindors?"
The two students stared at him, appalled, and he mentally slapped himself. He wanted to correct his statement and explain his intention, but the girl stopped him before he could even form a coherent thought.
"You're wondering why they asked us to guide you and not the Slytherin Prefects, am I right?"
Either his question wasn't that unclear, or the girl had excellent deduction skills, and judging by the epiphany on the other boy's face when he understood the meaning of her words, it was most likely the latter.
Sebastian sighed inwardly and nodded, mentally promising not to stumble over his words again.
The boy — Ronald, Sebastian recalled — chimed in: "Because otherwise you'd have to deal with Malfoy, and he's an idio—" the girl slapped him on the arm and gave him a warning look before turning back to Sebastian.
Malfoy, Sebastian thought. A family of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. It was clear why a Weasley would want nothing to do with him.
Sebastian wondered if they still held the same values as in his day: if the Malfoys were still blood maniacs, and so was the person they spoke of, or if he wanted to distance himself from his family as Ominis did. Judging by Ronald's opinion of him, Sebastian did not think that was possible, but then again, he did not know the fellow. Maybe, Sebastian thought, things had moved on after a century: no blood wars, discrimination or superiority complexes. Perhaps this was all just a simple rivalry between two students from different Houses.
"Professor Dumbledore thought us to be best suited for this difficult situation. No other student but us knows about your... misadventure," said Hermione.
To call it a "misadventure" would be an understatement , Sebastian wanted to say. As it turned out, however, he didn't need a story to tell. He didn't know whether to feel betrayed by the Professors who had decided to disclose that information or relieved that he didn't have to go through it all alone. A beat of silence followed, in which Sebastian could only nod at the girl's words, and then it was interrupted abruptly.
"Where have you been?" called a voice from the end of the corridor, directly behind Sebastian.
He turned around, and the world seemed to stop around him.
He definitely didn't have to go through it all alone because there she was. Standing a few feet away from him, looking straight at him, was the person who had accompanied him on all his adventures.
She had followed him: into another timeline, into another universe.
He felt his lips twist into a grin, and he beamed at the sight of her. Had she been looking for him?
He frowned a little as he noticed her expression: she seemed annoyed, almost angry. Perhaps she had no intention of following him and had just ended up here for no reason? Were the two of them connected on a deeper level than he thought? Or perhaps she was just worried for him and angry he didn't look for her too?
The girl started to walk towards them, and his smile widened even more the closer she got.
She was almost there when he realised she wasn't sparing him a glance.
Instead, her eyes were focused on the red-haired boy next to him, who was staring at her in horror, looking completely terrified.
Sebastian looked back at the girl, finally noticing the red and gold tie around her neck where a green and silver one usually belonged, a crease in her eyebrows that wasn't there before, and her eyes were a different colour than he remembered.
What the hell is going on here?  he thought, staring at her wide-eyed.
"Ron, for God's sake, I've been looking all over for you! Do you intend to give me back my book before class starts, or should I pull a new one out of a hat because you can't use your own?" she threw her hands in the air disapprovingly.
Ron stuttered briefly before hesitantly pointing at the Slytherin boy next to him, "I've just had too much to do. Prefect stuff, you know."
The girl scowled at him before turning to the said boy, her eyes softening slightly. "Oh! You're the new fifth-year!"
Sebastian's eye twitched. How bloody ironic.
"I'm Sebastian Sallow," he replied feebly, body stock-still like marble.
"Nice to meet you," she smiled politely.
And then she introduced herself.
His breath caught in his throat. Sebastian could have recognised that surname anywhere, but her name fell completely deaf on his ears.
You weren't her.
→ Chapter 1
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alilixx · 1 year
fanfic characters x reader
I would also write fanfics about the actors (they are mostly the ones playing the characters on the list)
Here is my list:
Harry Potter:
Severus Snape:
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Barty Crouch Jr.
Bellatrix Lestrange
Lucius Malfoy
Character I'm not sure I do:
Fred Weasley 
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Tom Riddle 
Regulus Black
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Fantastic Beasts:
Albus Dumbledore
Gellert Grindelwald
Minerva McGonagall
Lord Percival Graves
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Hogwarts Legacy:
Phineas Nigellus Black
Sebastian Sallow
Aesop Sharp
Mirabel Garlick
Ominis Gaunt
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Grand Theft Auto:
Michael De Santa
Trevor Philips
Franklin Clinton
Niko Bellic
Steve Haines
Lester Crest
Agent 14
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Kakashi Hatake
Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Minato Namikaze
Tobirama Senju
Senju Hashirama
Inuzuka Hana
Mitarashi Anko
Kushina Uzumaki
Kiba Inuzuka
Uchiha Shisui
Yujito Nii
Ôtsutsuki Indra
Ôtsutsuki Asura
Uchiha Obito
Mei Temurî
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Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Boruto Uzumaki
Konoha-Maru Sarutobi
Sakura Haruno
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The Devil Wears Prada:
Miranda Priestly
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Jujutsu Kaisen:
Yuji Itadori
Utahime Iori
Masamichi Yaga
Inumaki Toge
Okkotsu Yûta
Sheko Ieiri
Yuki Tsukumo
Toji Fushiguro
Gong Shi Woo
Atsuya Kusakabe
Ieri Shôko
Zenin Mai
Zenin Maki
Gojo Satoru
Megumi Fushiguro
Ryomen Sukuna
Mei Mei
Kento Nanami
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Assassination Classroom:
Tadaomi Karasuma
Irina Jelavic
Koro Sensei (human)
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One piece:
Portgas D.Ace
Don Quijote Doflamingo
Roronoa Zoro
Sanji Vinsmoke
Trafalgar Law
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Agatha Harkness
Natasha Romanoff
Tony Stark
Yelena Belova
Loki Laufeyson
Sylvie Laufeydottir
Matt Murdock
May Parker
Scott Lang
Shang Chi
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Xu Wenwu
Marc Spector
Steven Grant
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Larissa Weems
Morticia Addams
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Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker 
Mazikeen Smith
Charlotte Richards
Aurora (Rory) Morningstar
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The Corinthian
Lucifer Morningstar
Johanna Constantine
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Ichigo Kurosaki
Sousuke Aizen
Kuchiki Buyakuya
Coyote Stark
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Resident Evil:
Leon S. Kennedy
Chris Redfield
Ashley Graham
Ethan Winters
Carlos Oliveira
Helena Harper
Rosemary Winters
Alcina Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
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Dr House:
Dr Gregory House
Dr Lisa Cuddy
Dr James Wilson
Dr Alissa Cameron
Dr 13
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Two and a Half Men:
Charlie Harper
Walden Schmidt
Judith Harper
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Emmanuel Macron (French President)
Gabriel Attal (French Prime Minister)
Mathieu Maucort (French  Interministerial Delegate)
Jordan Bardella (European Deputy and French President of the RN)
Volodimir Zelensky (Ukranian President)
Justin Trudeau (Canada Prime Minister)
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Star Wars:
Kylo Ren
Captain Phasma
Din Djarin
Poe Dameron
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La Casa De Papel:
El Professor
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My Hero Academia:
Shota Aizawa
Nemuri Kayama
Todoroki Shôto
Toga Himiko
Shimura Nana
Chisaki Kai
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Attack on titan:
Hanji Zoe
Levi Ackerman
Annie Leonhart
Mikasa Ackerman
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Pirates of the caribbean:
Jack Sparrow
Elizabeth Swann
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Sweeney Todd:
Sweeney Todd
Mrs. Lovett
Judge Turpin
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The Witcher:
Geralt Of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
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Arthur Pendragon
Elias de Kelliwic’h
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Spy X Family
Loid Forger
Yor Forger
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Leon Belmont
Trevor Belmont
Richard Belmont
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Five Nights at Freddy’s
William Afton
Michael Schmidt
Vanessa Shelly
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Satsuriku no Tenshi
Isaac Foster
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Yū Nishinoya
Tobio Kageyama
Tetsurō Kuroo
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Fugou Keiji: Balance:UNLIMITED
Daisuke Kambe
Haru Katou
Ryo Hosino
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Owari no Seraph
Guren Ichinose
Mikaela Hyakuya
Ferid Bathory
Crowley Eusford
Kureto Hiragi
Shinya Hiragi
Horn Skuld
Chess Belle
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Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records
Glenn Radars
Sistine Fibel
Celica Arfonia
Albert Frazer
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Domestic na Kanojo
Hina Tachibana
Rui Tachibana
Masaki Kobayashi
Reiji Kiriya
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My new boss is Goofy
Shirosaki Yusei
Mitsuo Aoyama
Kinjo Aigo
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Buddy Daddies
Kugi Kyûtarô
Suwa Rei
Kurusu Kazuki
Unasaka Misaki
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Other characters
Sakata Gintoki from Gintama
Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones by Gwendoline Christie
Hans Gruber from Die Hard by Alan Rickman
Sinclair Bryant from Close my eyes by Alan Rickman
Miranda Hilmarson from Top of the Lake by Gwendoline Christie
Charlie Harper from My Uncle Charlie by Charlie Sheen
Isaac Foster from Angels of Deaths
Link from The Legend Of Zelda
Cereza from Bayonetta
Leonora Lesso from School for Good and Evil by Charlize Theron
Elaine Markinson from Gringo by Charlize Theron
Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal by Mads Mikkelson
Miss Perergrine from Miss Peregrine’s Home for Particular Children by Eva Green
Joel Miller from The Last Of Us by Pedro Pascal
Mr.Cat from Kaeloo
Marc from Le Flambeau by Jonathan Cohen
John Wick from John Wick’s movies by Keanu Reeves
Joe Goldberg from You by Penn Badgley
Crowley from Good Omens by David Tennant
Max Black from 2 Broke girls by Kat Dennings
Tobias from Ghost
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postmodernbeing · 1 year
𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 - Chapter II
𝔓𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤: Ominis Gaunt x Female Reader (fluff, the slowest of burns and angst but not really because I’m too soft for that. Also, the plot is plotting, so be patient)
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𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: A first day of a sixth-year in Hogwarts told from three different perspectives: Natsai Omai, Imelda Reyes and Poppy Sweeting. They'll tell you all about what's happening inside and outside the castle, and of course, they're willing to be your companions. Working together is how you'll manage to unravel every mystery.
𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔡 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3,827 words.
✧❈Chapter 1 | Masterlist | Chapter 3❈✧
Chapter 2. Dim lights and lightning
Sun rises brightly in the first day of classes and Natsai is getting ready for a quick stop in the Great Hall before her charm’s class. Usually, she eats breakfast with her mom, Professor Mudiwa Onai, but she had to leave earlier since Headmaster Black summoned all professors for an emergency meeting. It’s the very first day, Merlin! Already an emergency? Probably is just a tantrum from Black, they thought. Finally, being the last one left in the common room, Natty decided it was time to make her way to Gryffindor’s table where she met Garreth and Leander bragging to Lucan Brattleby about their -allegedly- advanced combat skills so he would admit them in this year’s season of the Crossed Wands Dueling Club. She couldn’t help but laugh for that looked more like they were begging Lucan. Natty then warmly remembered last year when [Your name] paired up with her to win the tournament.
While Nellie Oggspire and Cressida Blume casually chattered about classes and expectations for this year, Natty reached for her wand to make sure she was ready for class only to realize she left it at her mom’s desk ever since they came back from vacations. To be fair, our young hero casts magic without a wand’s aid, so the instrument remained unbothered until now. As far as she’s concerned, she could dispense from said magic stick only if not because it is required for classes. With the last bites of her breakfast, she promised her colleagues she’d return right on time for Professor Ronen’s lecture. - “You better run, Natty. Off she goes, our golden Head Girl.” – Garreth yelled encouraging her pace with what it sounded a smile on his face. She felt warmth washing over her, to think that not so many months ago she and her mom had to face difficulties alone, and now… They both have found a vibrant community, and most certainly, the ‘Hero of Hogwarts’ was just one of the many friends she made. When people think about it Natsai is a great representative of Gryffindor: strong, brave, and loyal. How marvelous is to feel cherished and appreciated, to have a kinship again.
- “There you are, you whimsical stick” – Natty said when she retrieved her wand which it was buried in letters, crystals and other tools of Divination class. One of those notes sticked out of the bunch. It was a grey papyrus with no signature. Natty’s hands moved inadvertently fully extending said note. Just for the sake of curiosity she read its lines:
“Headmaster Black is well known for pushing arbitrary measures for degrading services and prohibiting activities, but most recently, his stickler behavior suggests forbidding leaving the castle at all, starting with students and there’s no doubt professors will follow. The situation in Black Lake is already worrisome enough, but Black’s response with discouraging the Ministry from investigating furthermore will put all of us at risk. Undoubtedly, he’s punishing Prof. Kogawa for reporting him and opening a trial until Quidditch was resumed. But he’s also trying to prevent us to respond with his reductions from the school budget and a renewed crescent vigilance. WE MUST TAKE ACTION NOW, Phineas Nigellus Black must be stopped.”
Natsai quickly put the note in her robe for she knows of a certain witch that will be interested in, firstly, knowing who wrote the note, and later, help stopping Black... Even if it means deposing him. Now, she must get out from her mom’s classroom before her students arrive and she comes back from the meeting. As this new information sinks in, it makes absolute sense: what if Prof. Black already found the note and that’s why he gathered all professors earlier? Maybe he already fired the writer of the note, even. Or maybe, they’re still on time to work together. Natty’s mind rushed with possibilities as she opened the door for an already stacked up Charm’s class.
- “I’ve just found something scandalous, my dear friend. Something worth investigating further.”
- “Natsai Onai, you never stop surprising me. First class of the first day and you already stepped upon a mystery.” – You said as she sat in the spot you reserved for her at the very same desk you shared since last year. Professor Ronan only gave you a frowned smile implying ‘Silence, class is about to start’. Since it was the first lesson of the year you all have a bit of fun along with overviewing what was about to come academically. Then, Professor Ronan decided it was best to dismiss his students a few moments earlier, not before announcing he got chosen as the new Gryffindor’s Head of House.
- “Needless to say, I’m fully attentive to any doubts, suggestions, or troubles you may have during this course. Do come to me and communicate them freely, do we have a deal? Oh, and fear not, dear students, I now might be partial to Gryffindor’s House but not to my apprentices, haha! I’m the same old Abraham Ronan.” – With lighthearted smiles and laughs from all houses’ students, class was over. Then, Ominis and Sebastian were approaching, but Natty prevented them from extracting you. – “I think is best we discuss this somewhere more private, away from most Professors. How would you like a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks?” – She offered and you couldn’t refuse. Gesturing your male companions goodbye, you left them confused but nowhere surprised. It was only right to see you flee into another adventure. Besides, Sirona will be pleased to see that you couldn’t stay away from the establishment, not even for twenty-four hours. That’ll make her cackle.
Meanwhile, Professor Sharp held a reunion with Slytherin’s prefects (Imelda Reyes as Head Girl and the Head Boy whose last name was Gaunt, presumably one of Omini’s cousins whose first name no one mattered to use, denoting how much people only cared for families’ influences). Representatives from each year were there too, including Anne Sallow for the fifth years. Sharp intended to inform his students about last night incident and the reason Headmaster Black summoned all Professors that morning.
- “First and foremost, in said reunion it was decided that for this year’ effects I’m ought to execute all Head of House’ responsibilities. That being said, if there are any complains about this, I suggest you reach out to Deputy Headmistress Weasley, I’m sure she’ll gladly take charge of it. However, the imperative matter to discuss… Apparently, last night a first-year student woke up in the middle of the night and intended to head to the lavatories but didn’t get far. When passing throughout the heart of the common room they saw somewhat ‘unusual lights shining in the lake’, as they said.” – Imelda turned to watch everyone around her intrigued why some floating luminescence was relevant.
Professor Sharp continued, - “Those lights seemed to approach the squid in the lake and inflicted it some damage. The squid responded by hitting the windows in the common room while trying to get rid of whatever glowing menace was hurting it. As if that wasn’t enough… windows did start to crack. A reparo spell was enough, but then again, the whole castle is supposed to be protected with numerous enchantments. We can only assume whatever casted those lights had enough strength to dissolve our protection, an unidentified magical creature perhaps.” – When Aesop finished speaking all students argued about the castle and their classmates’ safety. Soon things started to escalate with yells and complains about Headmaster Black and his constant negligence, about how as much as Professor Hecat is virtuous herself, their Defense Against Dark Arts lessons won't be enough if some menace was roaming Hogwarts’ grounds. Now, Sharp understands Black’s unpopularity, but Dinah’s methodology won’t be question in front of him, so the discussion was shut quickly.
Whilst Imelda walked back to her dorm she debated internally if it would be wise as Prefect to seek for advice. No, she’s far too proud. Could she dare ask you for help? Should you both search for more clues? That’s absurd, why would she team up with anyone? Besides, why does she care what a first-year old peeing themselves thought they saw? All of this happened with no witnesses and Headmaster Black could have lied about Mr. Moon fixing the windows. Right? Imelda was nearly convinced to shake the worries off until she heard the Common room’ portraits discuss: - “How could they not see what was happening right beside them?”- An old woman said, - “Well, to be fair, one of them was the Blind Gaunt boy and the other girl was barely leaving her sight out of him, oh teenagers...” – A grey-haired man with the longest beard replied. Imelda stopped in her tracks.
- “Now wait there, which students do you refer to? Are you talking about last night incident? I demand you to answer, as Slytherin’s Prefect, I, Ms. Reyes…”-
- “Yes, yes. Imelda, no need for your theatrics.” – The lady interrupted. – “I think you know them very well. Now that I think about it, you’re all sixth years. You know, the boy Gaunt that is always in the company of the Sallow’s twins, not the one that became a Prefect last year, but rather the quiet, non-arrogant one. Actually, we’ve grown quite fond of him for his constant teasing to firsts-years with the mermaids, makes us all laugh every time. And the girl beside him, well, she happens to be the so-called Hero of Hogwarts. Surely you know who.” – Of course it was you, it’s always you, aren’t you? Teaming up is it, then.
Third period passed with not much of a fuss and Poppy happened to have free time to roam before Flying class. The insides of the castle didn’t seem the most appealing option to explore for now for she much rather spend her free time in the wilderness or some garden at least, Poppy decided she wanted to search for ingredients for future healing potions that her rescued beasts could use. And that’s exactly how she found Anne Sallow in a rather unfortunate state in the southern grounds. She seemed to be alone, and some not-really-dried tears still hanged from her blushed cheeks.
- “Hey, are you alright? Are you hurt?” – Poppy quickly reached out for the girl and offered a handkerchief.
- “Oh, how kind of you. I’m fine it’s just… a complicated matter.” – Anne answered.
- “Although I’m sure I’d understand, don’t feel pressured to give me more details about it.”- Poppy reasoned. – “Wait a minute, you look familiar, haven’t we seen each other in classes?”.
- “I guess we’ve had. I’m Anne Sallow…”
- “Sebastian’s twin, of course. Now I remember he told me last year you couldn’t return for our 5th year. But now… you’re here.” – Poppy gave an honest smile. It’s true that Sebastian never elaborated about Anne’s condition with her, but she guessed had it had something to do with her health. Poppy knew that [Your name] was extensively aware of the situation, though. She wouldn’t have dared to ask for more details about it to any of them. Never occurred to her that she’ll be meeting Ms. Sallow.
- “I guess it’s a long story, and even though I’m not ashamed for the things I’ve had to face, it’s not the most pleasing tale to tell.”
- “Oh, lucky you, I’m good with complicated stories. I’m sure we could share each other’s before my Flying class starts… If you feel comfortable sharing, of course. Either way I’m looking forward to make new friends… human friends. Last year I met the most loyal companion to share my passions and fears. We even took some poachers along the way and rescued beasts that needed help.”
- “That sound lovely!” – Anne offered a larger smile, feeling more at ease with this new company.
- “Sure it was. Maybe you’ve heard of her. All the adults call her the “Hero of Hogwarts”, but we both laugh at that. I prefer to call her [Your first name].”
- “Well… Actually, I do know her. Sebastian introduced her to me around this time last year. She visited us at Feldcroft where I used to live.” – Now Anne’s smile disappeared completely, and Poppy noticed that immediately. Maybe she shouldn’t push Anne way too much with her questions. Instead, she offered to keep her company retrieving the ingredients she needed, and both agreed they would meet again very soon. Whatever happened between you two, she’ll be patient to know all about it. As far as she’s concerned, days can pass rather slowly. Clouds slung unhurried, clear skies and beams of sunlight illuminated their way as well it tenders them and all the flowers around with warmth.
On the other hand, you asked yourself if all days will be this long. You were on your way to the point of reunion Ominis and you agreed on last night while thinking of everything Natty and Imelda told you about the state of the school this very evening. This was just way too confusing, was there a professor willing to risk their job making those notes about Headmaster Black? Sure, most staff and students despise him, but it’ll cost a great deal making those assertions, and what about the Lake? How was possible you missed that out? Was there something you were not seeing last night? You could only feel relieve in the thought that now someone you trusted could figure things out in a more intimate and discrete way. You’re sorry for Ominis but he will have to become your emotional support for now. Not that you’re not willing to do the same for him. Either way, your friend was already there, utterly nervous for he was sure any Prefect could find you easily.
- “Ominis, I’m so glad you came. Please do follow my voice. The place we’re about to enter, well… it’s something of a hidden place.”
- “Yes, yes. I’ll hear you talk all about it inside. Please, don’t want to end up in detention. Unlike Sebastian, I appreciate my behavioral record clean.”
As the Room of Requirements was casted you only could laugh at how nervous he was! – “Never had occurred to me that you happened to care about reputation.”
- “Don’t get confused. It’s not reputation I care about. Far from an untainted record, I worry about the notifications Black is sending to my parents. Not that I’m certain he sends them, of course.” – Now Ominis sounded somewhat somber, and you started to regret your remarks.
Once inside, you made sure Deek was nowhere to be seen. Ominis followed you down the stairs to the set of couches you casted last year as an attempt to make a cozy living room. – “I’m guessing I should tell you that besides Deek and Professor Weasley, you’re the only one that I’ve shared this place with. The only one I’ve invited and that happens to be my colleague too. A student, I mean.”
- “Well, I’m most certainly keeping the secret and I’m grateful for your trust. I’m not sharing this with anyone, distinct from what Sebastian did with the Undercoft.” – Ominis said playfully, not really angry with Sebastian. After all, had not been for breaking that secrecy you both wouldn’t have become as close as you’re nowadays… After all, he knew he owed Sebastian for bringing you into their lives the way you did. Even if what came next was atrocious for all, especially for Sebastian himself. The thought made Ominis shiver: a world with no you in his life in exchange for his friend Sebastian being unaware to Dark Magic. No, this was not your fault, and he would never trade you or regret anything that led him to this moment. With a depth breath he continued: – “Now, as much as I’m curious about this place, it’ll be more fertile my visit if you start telling me about this urgent news you mention earlier.”
As you started your narration from the note that Natty found to the incident with the squid, Ominis walked around, sat again, shook his legs, crossed his arms, held his face, but never, not even for a second, spared his attention away from you. His patience was not abundant, sure. But this attitude of profound listening as he was absorbing your words certainly made you feel reassured. All your friends are good listeners, but some are too impulsive (such as Sebastian). Not Ominis, he carried himself in a way that made people feel that he truly understands the severity of the situations. The first time you noticed that was on the second letter you send each other during holidays, when you told him extensively about Sebastian’s state – regretful, ashamed, scared, but somehow, full of hope and determination – Ominis then replied with concise advice for you to help Sebastian the way he needed the most. He then signed: “Now that you’re undoubtedly willing to help the one that for the most time was my only one true friend… Know that I’m forever in debt. That I shan’t forget.” The way Ominis loves his friends – the family he chose for himself at the distressing background of his bloodline –, it just made you crave for it. Wondered since that day if you’ll ever mean that much for him, or if the bond you both share is simply destined to be different from the one he has with Sebastian.
When you finished speaking, he hummed letting everything sink in his mind – “If the Headmaster is planning on gradually banning much more, then maybe this is the moment to search for whoever made the note. I think is wise if you ask Ms. Ryan to gather information at Hogsmeade for us in case we can’t leave the castle soon. I can only guess the incident in the Lake and this censorship and surveillance they talk about is related since Black warned us about the Lake last night, he knew something was off since who-knows when. And I’ll dare to suggest that we should pay a visit to Prof. Kogawa’s private chambers to search for clues. After all, she was the one that reported Black to the Ministry, and the note only mentions her. Although we can’t be sure it was her, that would be too easy to assume, maybe they put her name on it for more than one purpose, but we ought to try.”
- “I do agree, And I suggest we team up with Natty, at least for Kogawa’s issue. After all, she was the one that found the note. She’ll be more than please to continue adventuring in the matter. Also… I should confess now that actually there’s a way to get to Hogsmeade without technically leaving the castle. I can show you when the time comes if needed.”
- “You… How do you even…? Forget it. First this room and now a secrete passageway. I feel like you’re the one that inherit Hogwarts’s secrets. The name Gaunt can’t even grant me that. Alright, you talk with Natsai, I can convince Imelda to work with us too, at least for the squid issue. I bet she’s willing to stop sleeping and would keep an eye on the common room’s windows only to assure she’s the one that takes down whatever creature attacked the squid. Nevertheless, if we learnt anything last year is that no one can unravel Hogwarts’ mysteries alone, she’ll need our help.”
- “That’s yet another matter I wanted to discuss with you… How are we so sure it was a beast that attacked the squid? What if someone is actually trying to break into the castle? Think about it, all this time the ecosystem in the Black Lake has kept itself utterly balanced. If what Imelda said is true, we should inquire the portraits in the Common Room, don’t we? And maybe the student that saw the whole thing.”
- “Although I agree with your plan, a caution is essential: Professor Sharp and my cousin, the new Prefect, shan’t know about what we’re doing. Specially my cousin. If my family gets informed very bad things will happen… I say we can dispense from interviewing the student and we stick with the portraits for now. Last thing we want is someone telling Sharp about our activities.”
- “Ominis, I’m starting to worry…”
- “Good, because as much as I think the Gaunt’s are absolute buffoons their name holds power.”
- “That’s not what I was trying to say. I meant I’m worried about you. You’ve had implied more than once that your parents are now aware of your life here… While last year you’d say they couldn’t care less if you were still alive, or how about the times your little sister ignored you the whole class year even though she got sorted in Slytherin too? Does this sudden change had something to do with Anne returning to Hogwarts?”
He should have guessed you’d quickly infer what was really happening. – “Look, it’s complicated and I swore to myself that I won’t drag any of you to my family’s circus. Believe me, I haven’t forgotten our letters where we decided to give our all to protect our friends. This is me protecting you all.”
- “Ominis, listen to me, I can understand keeping Anne and Sebastian from knowing this, but you’ve said it yourself… Your family is quite influential. Please, let me be your ally.” - Clearly, he wanted to tell you everything, you could read it in his troubled expression. The way he gives in fully when you eloquently convince him. Such as the time he relinquished searching for Salazar Slytherin’s scriptorium. This time the burden was too great to endure it himself and your words offers him some relief. He’s about to let you know about the intimidation he received from his own father after he agreed to help Anne out. He wants to tell you too about how his mother persuade him into pay them a visit only to become the laughingstock of the Gaunt’s in that brief but tortuous visit. He longs to share the way his heart broke all over again and yet managed to keep a straight face. Would you feel proud of his efforts to protect Anne and Sebastian? He only can wonder.
Then again if anything happens to you because you got involved… He’d never forgive himself. He much rather bears this alone. – “All I ask from you right for now is to trust me, alright? Trust me that I have my reasons for not telling you more about it, can you do that for me?” – Ominis’ voice was soft, as if it was caressing your ears. Even though his petition felt like an instruction, there was a hint of frustration, as if he was begging. This touched your heart deeply. You just can’t say not to him, do you? After you agreed (for now) you both limited your words, used only the bare necessaries to carry your way to Slytherin’s common room. The night better embraces you into slumber fast, Merlin knows you’ll need rest.
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Je me laisserai derrière
-I will leave myself behind-
requested by @seriouslysiriuss: hello :))) could i request with prompts 9, 12 and 18 with either sirius or remus?? congrats again on 100 followers!! 🤍🤍💕💕
9."I love you!" "Lying has never been a good look on you.."
12."She's not yours." 
18."Is that my shirt?" 
A/N: ngl i spent so much time working on this fic and i hope with all my heart that you like it:)) thank you so much @approved-by-dentists​ for beta reading it and letting me rant about this fic<333
pairing: sirius x reader
warnings: fluff and a lot of angst™ (i warned you)
gif not mine
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You could feel every wall you tried so desperately to hold up shatter one by one. You could feel your heart bleed from the shards they left behind. How could you pretend you were fine? You held your breath and squeezed your eyes shut, trying to hold your tears back, but your mind kept replaying all those moments you spent together. As if it tried to show your foolish heart what went wrong - where and when you stopped being enough. But how could you ever be enough for him? 
You let your head fall back, hitting the bedpost. You saw your reflection in the mirror on your desk and your eyes - your betraying eyes - slipped to the side of the bed where he used to sit. Where he used to hug you and play with your hair, then tell you how everything would be alright. You needed that lie right now. 
You slid against the bedpost until you let yourself lie on the floor. How many lies did he speak as truths?How many times did you believe him, even when your instincts told you otherwise? He could have told you the sun sets in the east and you would have believed him. You felt numb. You felt like a fool. You still loved him. And that hurt you the most. 
You started crying again. 
You got up. It was 4:11 am and you couldn't sleep. It was unexpectedly hot for this time of the year - it was autumn, for crying out loud, you only had jumpers packed! And with Sirius, the human-heater himself, holding you in his arms all night - not that you were complaining :) - you felt like a pumpkin pie in the oven. 
You catch sight of Sirius' t-shirt thrown on a chair. Should you…? I mean, no one was wearing it right now, so who would mind? You confidently slid out of his arms, careful not to wake him, took the shirt and quickly changed your festive pajamas. T’was a bit oversized, but it’s too comfortable for you to mind. You quietly went back to sleep. 
You were woken up by the sound of your alarm. You opened your eyes and saw him - you thought he looked angelic in the morning; his dark curls messily fell on his chiseled face, his full rosy lips sketching a smile every time he felt your touch. You slowly grazed his cheekbone and kissed him, and he tightened his embrace, giving into the kiss. 
He opened his eyes, seeming more awake than ever. He gave you a ravishing smile and kissed you again. 
"Morning Sirius is my favourite." you admitted, aware of the blush blooming on your cheeks. 
"So do you just take advantage of me in the evenings and afternoons? You are so cruel." 
"No, I also love Padfoot." 
"Do you now? I didn't know I was that good at licking…" he unceremoniously declared. 
"You aren't, I just like it when you don't talk." 
"How fascinating!" He propped his chin in his palm, smirking. "Then let me show you what I can do when I don't speak!" 
He tried to kiss you again, but you quickly pushed him and jumped out of the bed. "As much as I wish to do that, we have Transfiguration in 10 and I don't think Minnie would love it very much if we arrived late for the third time this week." you explained, though Sirius wasn't listening. He wasn't even pretending to, as his eyes were travelling all over your body. 
" Is that my shirt?" he got up and asked you in his morning raspy voice. 
" Yes… I was too hot last night and it was the only thing I could find. I can take it off if it bothers you or-" you played it off innocently. Oh, how you liked this game! 
"Love, the only thing that bothers me right now is that we have to go to class." Then, he plodded to the bathroom and took what you assumed to be a freezing cold shower.
Sirius lit his third cigarette. 
He didn't think he could hate himself more. Why did he have to ruin every good thing he had in his life? Every time he closed his eyes he saw you. You, sitting with your head in his lap, roses bloomed on your cheeks; you, in the library working on your essay, biting your lip in frustration and now you, sitting by the door of his dorm, blood drained from your face as you saw him with that girl. 
He knew he lost you. He ran after you to your dorm, and when you closed the door in his face he realised: you were gone. He ruined everything you two had, he ruined you. 
He let himself get scared. He had everything he wished for and more, and when he realised you weren't going to leave, he panicked. 
He waited. He waited three hours by the door, listening to your sniffles, then screams, then silence. The silence was the hardest to bear - it was when he realised how deep the scars he left behind would be. 
After that he left. And now he was by the lake. He finished his cigarette and threw it in the water. He hated himself. 
He let his head fall in his hands. Then, he cried. 
"You see that? That geometrical hotdog dog constellation, that is Canis Major!" He drew the figure with his wand. "And that -" he pointed to a star "-that is Sirius!" 
You were lying on the quidditch field, watching the stars. "It really is the brightest star in the sky!" you pointed out. 
"Well, did you expect any less from me?" 
"My petty small puppy!" you cooed. "Who is the brightest? You are, yes you are!" you ruffled his curls, earning a growl. "You know, sometimes you act more like a dog when you are a person than when you transform!" 
"I sometimes think you like Padfoot more than me!" 
"I do, but you do know I'm a cat person, don't you?" you asked in your most nonchalant voice. You didn't think you'd ever seen Sirius this disgusted before. 
"But - but they are so MEAN!" he whined. 
"Relax - I'm kidding! Cats are barely in my top 10!" 
"Then which are your favourites?" 
"Definitely stags!"
Lily was tired. 
She got to her dorm late after spending her whole afternoon in the library, studying with James. She felt her heart clench when she saw you sleeping on the floor, dried tears glimmering in the dim moonlight. 
She carried you to your bed and tucked you in, then sat next to you. She stayed up all night, holding you tight, making sure you wouldn't be alone if you woke up. The next morning, she kissed your forehead and promised to bring you breakfast when you refused to get up. 
She sat down next to James, who seemed just as tired as she was. He pushed a plate filled with food in front of her. 
"Sirius too?" The boys nodded. "The cheater - heartbroken! As if it wasn't his choice!" she retorts angrily. 
"It was a choice he made he will never stop regretting. He hates himself for what he did." James tried to calm her. 
"As he should!" She cut him. "Y/N doesn't deserve this! No one does! Why, why would he do this?" 
"I wish I knew." he whispered. 
"How is she holding up?" Remus asked.
"I found her on the floor last night. She cried herself to sleep." She could swear she saw something break in Remus' eyes.  
After breakfast, she went back to her dorm with a large plate in her hands. She was entering the common room, when she saw him on the sofa, staring at the crackling fire. 
"Lily, wait!" 
"What do you want, Sirius?" Lily snapped and turned to face the boy. Oh, if looks could kill! For a moment, though, she felt bad for the lad. It was safe to say, she thought, that Sirius Black looked just as miserable as you. 
"How is she?" 
"How do you think she is?" 
Not a flicker of emotion, nothing - his face was a blank canvas. "I need to see her." 
The way his voice broke made her eyes soften "She's not yours. Not anymore. I'm sorry." 
Sirius turned to leave. "Why did you do it?" she demanded. He faced her, and Lily saw the tears pooling in his eyes. "Because I'm an idiot. Because I love her so much that I got scared." 
He got up and left. 
With the Marauders Map in your hands, you made your way through the deserted halls, trying to find Sirius. You had seen him on the seventh floor, but then his name mysteriously disappeared. You stopped in the place where you'd last seen him and waited. 
Suddenly, an enormous wooden door came into sight. You reluctantly opened it, only to find yourself inside an posh, ancient house. You were in a spacious dark green room, decorated with intricate tapestries. 
The main tapestry depicted several small portraits, all connected through a tree. 'Licorus Black', 'Magenta Black', 'Phineas Nigellus Black', 'Arcturus Black I', 'Hesper Black', and there was 'Sirius Orion Black'! It was the Black's family tree, which meant that you were inside the Grimmauld Place! But where was…? 
You saw Sirius sitting in a corner with a crumpled piece of parchment in his hand. "Sirius?" you asked softly. He lifted his head and you could see pearly tears rolling down his cheeks. 
You sat down next to him and hugged him tightly. "I am here for you. I'll always be. You can tell me when you're ready, or not tell me at all, but I want you to know that you are not alone." His hands sneaked around your waist and he buried his head in the crook of your neck. 
"They disowned me" you heard him whisper. "And I knew I shouldn't care, hell-" his voice broke, "-I hate them, but it still hurts so much." 
You were left speechless.You hated the Blacks with a burning passion, but you knew your fury wouldn't make him feel any better. So you kept quiet, holding him close. 
Sometimes, words weren't enough. Sometimes, simply being there for someone was the only thing that helped. You gave them time and space. And sometimes, that meant the world. 
You skipped all your classes and called in sick. You stayed in your bed for two days, thinking and crying. The only times you tried to act fine were when Lily came in the evenings. Even then, you'd ask her about him. You felt pathetic. 
Today it was the Hogsmeade trip, which meant you could go anywhere in the castle and be all by yourself. Truth was, the weather was fantastic; it was the first sunny day in months of cold gloomy autumn. It was 12 o'clock when you made your way to the kitchen to fetch some food, then ate it in silence in the Great Hall.
After that, you walked by the Black Lake and sat down in your usual spot. This place carried so many memories, memories you grew to hate. You were staring at the water, watching the sun reflect off the waves when you saw the shadow of a silhouette nearing you. 
Of course it's him. He sat down next to you, copying your actions. 
"So many things have happened in this spot." he said nostalgically. 
"What are you doing here?" you retort. 
"I'm sorry." 
"Answer the question. What are you doing here?" 
"I needed to talk to you." 
"I owe you an explanation." 
"You owe me a fucking big explanation, Sirius Black." you responded, "But that's not what I was talking about. Why did you do it?" you tried to hold your tears back. 
"I got scared."
"You got scared!" you chuckled drily. "Of what? Me?" 
"Of myself. I lost so many things, Y/N. When you came into my life, it was as if I saw the sun for the first time." A tear rolled down his cheek, but he didn't bother to wipe it. "I loved you so much that I got scared that if I ever were to lose you, I wouldn't be able to bear it. That it would destroy me." he turned to face you. "I still do. I love you."
"Lying has never been a good look on you." you scowl. "If you'd loved me that much, you wouldn't have cheated in the first place." Tears were streaming down your face. "Was it me? Was I not enough?" 
"I wasn't enough. And I will never be. I don't deserve you." he admits. 
"You are a fool, a stupid fool, Sirius." 
"I am truly sorry, Y/N." 
"Me too." 
You both stayed by the lake for hours without saying a word - pretending that you're fine, not wanting to let go.
"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. I love you more than anything in my life." he whispered, taking your hand in his. You stood next to him, your head on his shoulder, watching the sun hide under the waters of the Black Lake. 
"I love you too. And I could never stop loving you."
 taglist: @futurewriter2000, @puppycat714, @booksbeforebois, @screennamealreadyused, @fific7
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okwritingandpain · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy: The Curse of The Ravenclaw House: Phineas Nigellus Black x Reader
Chapter 9: A Sirius Matter
"Oh, uh hello." You say, walking out of the undercroft. A tall and lean boy was sitting on the floor. He held a book in his hands and he glared at you. It was the middle of the night and you usually visited the undercroft when no one else was around. Ominis was discussing something he saw in defense against the dark arts and you mostly tuned it out. Suddenly you were faced with a stranger who didn't seem so fond of you.
"You're the witch who saved Hogwarts?" He asked, bitterly. You nod. "You're the one who works with my father?"
"Yes, you sent me an owl." You replied, remembering that you had dinner with the Black family in a couple of days.
"Brilliant! We need to talk." He said, scooping up his books and guiding you down the hallway towards the doors that led to the flying class lawn. "You don't mind going on a midnight flight, do you?" He asked once you got outside. It was windy and his dark curly hair rustled in the breeze. He looked a lot like Professor Black, but there was a charm in his eye that his father didn't have. Some sort of spark of hope. It made you smile. He jumped on his broom and you jumped on yours. Racing across the Quidditch field, Sirius laughed as he swooped down and flew under the railing. You attempt to follow him, but his speed is remarkable. The only thing he didn't know was that you had beaten his housemate Imelda Reyes in every time trial she had made. You quickly gained speed on him. His shocked expression gave you all that you needed as you flew in front of him.
"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" You ask with a smirk. Sirius nodded towards the owlery where you had searched for Mr. Ollivander's family wand and ended up meeting Richard Jackdaw. You flew over to the tower, watching a couple of owls fly by. You landed on the balcony and admired Hogwarts. The large castle was decorated for the Holidays and the large storm had covered everything in snow. You were freezing, but your curiosity was getting the best of you again.
"Well..." Sirius said, setting his broom down and petting one of the owls. "I wanted to talk to you about my parents."
"What for?" You ask. You had noticed that they seemed to have a very different tone from what you thought a husband and wife were supposed to have. Without parents it was a little harder for you to understand the dynamic. Some books she read gave small insights, but nothing much.
"They've been arguing more than usual. I think it has something to do with you." He explained, walking to stand next to you. He was taller than you, but not nearly as tall as his father. Adjusting his robes, Sirius brushed his hair out of his face. The wind was beginning to pick up again. "Father is quite fond of you, but mother doesn't seem to agree."
"How kind..." You mutter. Professor Black being fond of you? Now that was a good joke if you ever heard one.
"She thinks you're too young and a lady of course..." Sirius trailed off, not meeting your gaze. While you were not the biggest fan of being seen as just a woman, it wasn't as big of a deal as it used to be. Sirius didn't seem to think that though. So, you let it go. "They've argued so much that I haven't talked to them in ages. Phineas, my younger brother not my father, has been locked up in his room after the whole ordeal. He's only a fourth year and he avoids dad like the plague. Now he's avoiding everyone like the plague!" Sirius hung his head low. "I hope the dinner goes better than everything else so far."
"I'm not exactly counting on it." You admit and he chuckles.
"Finally someone who speaks the truth." He laughed. You smile at him. The two of you sat in silence for a moment.
"What do you think of your parents?" You ask, looking at him. He thought for a moment before shrugging.
"It's complicated. Honestly, our family never has really cared for each other. When we were young and hadn't attended school yet, our father was gone all the time. We didn't know a single thing about him. Now that we attend school it's all still the same. You probably know more about him than I do." Sirius sighed, a gust of wind blowing his hair into his face. You hated the fact that he probably was right.
"I'm sorry about that..." You whisper. The silence over took you both again. As if nothing stranger could happen, your owl came flying towards you with a letter. "Again?" You mumble. Sirius tried to peak at your letter. Funny enough, it came from Professor Black.
"Did father send you a love letter?" Sirius laughed.
"Shut up." You say, opening the envelope. The letter read:
Dearest Y/N,
I am writing to you on concerns of Cornelius Hopkirk. There was a sighting of a man fitting his description in Hogsmeade. We shall investigate after dinner with my family. I hope you are prepared...I don't predict a pretty picture. I talked more with Fig and the second trial will be ready soon. I hope we don't get killed by more Basilisks and dragons. Also if you see my sons Sirius and Phineas do you mind telling them that their mother wishes for them to bring her some ingredients from Hogsmeade. There is a list on the back.
Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black
You hand Sirius the letter with the ingredients. He groaned.
"Who's Cornelius Hopkirk?" Sirius asks, sneaking a glance at the letter.
"No one important." You lie.
"It seems important." He retorts.
"Here let me rephrase. It's not important to you." You snap.
"Calm down! I'm not going to question it further. I don't want to get mixed in my father's affairs anyway." Sirius snatches up his broom. The wind was stronger now and hair strands blew in your face. "Shall we?" He asked, extending a hand to her. They got on their brooms and took off from the owlery. Your owl flew alongside you as the wind attempted to push you off your broom. You make a loop around the castle and happen to see Black sitting in his study window. It was rather late for him to be up. Sirius freaked out and tried to dive quickly out of the way. It was too late as Black made eye contact with them.
"Oh No--"
"Quickly! Get to your common room!" He threw you some floo powder as you dived for the flying class law.
"Ravenclaw Common Room!" You yell as you fell into the room. Dashing to your bed, you dived under the covers. Hopefully Black thought he was dreaming...hopefully. You were too scared to get out of bed, so you slept in your school robes.
The next day was rather quiet which was a relief to you. While you hadn't talked to Professor Black all the day, it still gave you hope that he thought he was seeing things. You enjoyed the quietness for awhile, but when the day of the dinner came everything seemed to be different. Suddenly everyone was sending you letters. Professor Black had sent five and Sirius had sent thirteen. You even got one from his younger brother Phineas.
Dear Miss L/N,
My name is Phineas Black. Son of Phineas Nigellus Black and Ursula Flint-Black. I'm writing to prepare you for the dinner tonight. We fight some times...so...prepare.
Phineas Black
You were confused. What was so bad about this dinner? Fighting in families was normal, but...this was different. Well, with no time to waste, you begin to dress up. You decide to wear a blue dress to represent your house with golden trimming. It was a simple dress, but still beautiful. You walked out of your room, checking the time. Professor Black said he was going to meet you on the flying class lawn. You had about 10 minutes to get down there. Luckily, you had floo powder. Other students looked at you curiously as you walked out into the main room. Amit walked over to you, his usual look of pursing knowledge on his face.
"What are you all dressed up for?" He asked with a grin. "Are you seeing that Slytherin again?" What? Amit realized he had said something he shouldn't have.
"How did you know about Sirius--"
"Sirius Black!" Everett shrieked, running over to you. "Really? You were with Sirius Black last night!"
"Not last night, but--" You were cut off by Everett's screaming of excitement.
"You are close with Professor Black and his son! She's this close to being able to shove us half-bloods and muggle-borns into their pure-blood faces!" He cheered. Amit gave a nervous smile, turning to you.
"I'm sorry. I was gazing at the stars and...I saw you. I didn't mean for...this to happen." He motioned to Everett.
"It's alright. I trust you more than Everett so try and shut him up, okay?" You say.
"Why? If you don't mind me asking of course." He gave a nervous laugh.
"I'm visiting the Black family for dinner tonight. Professor Black and I are trying to stop a dark wizard and you can't tell anyone!" You hiss at him. Amit nodded quickly, stepping back a pace.
"I wish you luck." He whispered, turning around to stop Everett from spreading the knowledge further. You let out a sigh of relief as you use the floo powder. On the flying lawn, Black was watching some students play Summoners Court. Leander Prewett and Natsai Onai were facing each other in a pain staking long competition. You tapped the headmaster on the shoulder and whipped around in surprise.
"You came?" He sounded shocked by your arrival.
"Of course I did." You raise your eyebrow at him. "Why wouldn't I?"
"I just thought after my letters..." He trailed off before shaking his head. "Shall we leave?" He extended his arm to you. Like father like son it seemed Sirius and Black were more similar than you had anticipated. He held your arm (Which made you blush a bit as it was strange to have the headmaster hold your arm) and Black said the name of his house and there you were. Inside the home of the Black family. He left go of your arm as Sirius and Phineas rounded the corner.
"Merlin's Beard! You actually came!" Sirius looked astounded at you. "I thought after all the letters I sent you..." Black looked confused at his son, but continued past him down the hallway. The room you were in looked like a library that had two hallways that led out of the room. Sirius looked around the corner to make sure his father was gone. "He hasn't talked to me about the flight a couple of days ago."
"Neither I." You reply, wondering why Black would fail to mention it. He didn't even imply that he had seen anything. It was rather odd for him not to find a reason to punish a student...then again it was his own son and a student who was helping him defeat a dark wizard from his past.
"I'm taking that as a good sigh for now." He said as a thundering of feet came from the opposite hallway. A young girl with black hair ran into the room with a dark brown almost black haired boy.
"You must be Y/N!" She exclaimed, running up to hug you. "I'm Belvina and that's my brother Arcturus." The boy gave a small wave. "My other brother is with my mum, but I think four is enough!"
"What are you up to this time?" Phineas asked, his black hair glistened in the light.
"I just wanted to play a game before dinner." Belvina said, but Ursula walked into the room with what you assumed was their younger brother.
"Arcturus, can you take Cygnus to the dining room?" She asked as Arcturus rolled his eyes. He guided his brother down the hallway and Ursula smiled at you. "You look lovely this evening." She commented, motioning for you to follow her. You obeyed. Sirius and Phineas were whispering to each other as Belvina complained to her mother about not playing a game. Ursula led you down hallway after hallway until after what felt like years, they made it to the dining room. Black was standing next to his chair at the head of the table. When you walked in, he looked at you with a smile, but tried to hide it from Ursula.
"Father." Sirius, Phineas, and Belvina bowed and stood next to their chairs. Ursula nodded to them so they could join their brothers who were already seated. You stood awkwardly, btu Ursula could see your distress as she guided you to your chair. The room was large and extravagant. It was if it was made of gold. The table was large and held plenty of food. You almost felt guilty for touching everything due to how fancy it was. They joined in a prayer (Which sounded like a pure-blood chant) and you tried your best to follow. Finally, everyone started passing food around. Black was watching you intently which made your stomach twist. Had you done something wrong already?
"Y/N." He said once everyone caught all the food they needed for the time. "This is my family. It seems you have been introduced to everyone." You nod.
"No need to be quiet dear, we don't mind." Ursula added.
"Oh, uh. Yes, I feel well introduced." You say. Ursula smiles while Black takes a bite of his steak. They sat in silence for a moment, eating their food. You had never eaten food that looked this expensive before, so you were figuring out your best approach to not look stupid.
"Y/N?" Belvina asks as you turn to her.
"Why does father like you more than us?" Both Black and you spit out your food. Ursula stifles a laugh.
"Belvina." Black hisses, "That is not how we speak to guests."
"It was a question! I'm sure we all want to know the answer--"
"Belvina!" Black snapped. She sunk in her seat and stared at her plate. Sirius and you exchange a knowing glance. "I don't like Y/N more than you." He added.
"That might be a lie." Phineas muttered under his breath. Like daggers, Black glared at his son.
"Thank you for inviting me." You say, trying to change the subject. Ursula smiles.
"Of course dear. I thought that since you were working with my husband that you should at least get the chance to meet the family." She shot daggers right back at Black. He ignored her.
"That's very thoughtful." You look at your plate. Sirius is whispering to Phineas and you catch a few words.
"Get ready to run." He said. What did he mean. You had tuned out most of everything else so you weren't ready for the glass plate that hurled at your head.
"Duck!" Sirius yelled as him and Phineas booked it out of the room. You hide under the table where Arcturus and Cygnus are. They cuddle up against you as you hear Black, Ursula, and Belvina fighting over something. You were already tired of the fighting as you stood up with your wand and said,
It took them a moment before even realizing what you had done.
"Obviously, you all need to talk if this escalated so quickly. What was it that you were even fighting about?" They glared at you. "Right." You undid the spell and they all yelled,
It seemed you had some work to do.
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 7 months
Tess' Sharpuary - 21. Mirror of Erised
Aesop stumbles upon a strange mirror, and in its reflection sees people he never even hoped he'd see again.
chapter specific tags: hurt/comfort, reflective, fluff
relationships: aesop sharp x reader, aesop sharp & aesop's family
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21. Mirror of Erised (2.3k)
tw: hurt, mentions of canonical and fictional deaths, mentions of stillbirth, slight bashing of phineas nigellus black
Aesop grimaced as he saw Phineas Nigellus Black round the corner and begin heading in his direction. Great, that’s going to be a lovely conversation. If Aesop never had to see the man again, it would be too soon. One would think that since he resigned from his post as the Hogwarts Potions master years ago, he would not see the Headmaster very often at all. However, as a way to relieve the new teacher of some of the strain of brewing healing potions for the whole school, as well as secure some extra income, Aesop agreed to take on a part of it, as per his now position of a potions shop owner.
At first, he was slightly bitter about it - after all, when he was the professor, he brewed everything on his own. On the other hand, however, the school did provide a stable source of income for the shop, which was very much needed, especially in the beginning. In later years, however, it turned out that not only was delivering all the Wiggenweld, Skele-gro, Blood-replenishing potions and Burn salves beneficial for both sides but the fact that there was a delivery every second month or so meant that either Aesop or his wife were able to catch a glimpse of their school-attending children outside of the summer and Christmas holidays.
And so, Aesop dutifully helped stock the Hogwarts supply of various concoctions, deeming every time he got to see his daughter as well as his previous colleagues the best perk. However, having to face his former employer was always a bloody chore indeed. And while the pros outweighed the cons, he still found himself needing to count to ten each time the man engaged him in conversation. 
However, just as the Headmaster made a beeline straight for him, the noise of a small explosion startled him. He looked into the direction of the sound, and began promptly walking towards it: “What is the meaning of this? Peeves!”
Aesop took his chance, and dove into the room nearest to him. He didn’t care if it was the loos or if a troll was kept there, anything to not have to talk to the unbearable man. Hopefully, he’ll be so preoccupied with the poltergeist, he’ll forget Aesop was there at all. The former professor actually had no idea where he entered just now…
He carefully set the crate of potions he was carrying on the ground in order to stretch his back a bit, and only then did he finally turn around from the door to see where he ended up. He was surprised to find the large chamber nearly empty, save for something large in the middle of it, a heavy tarp thrown over the mysterious object. Despite all of the years he spent in the castle as a student and then as a teacher, he knew he’d never discover all of Hogwarts’ mysteries. Was this room, the door to it itself, always here? Aesop couldn’t really remember. There was no way this was the Room of Requirement, he was many corridors and staircases away from it, and besides even if it was, and it formed itself to hold a temporary shelter from snobbish idiots for him, why would the tall thing be there?
He carefully stepped towards it. He was no fool, though, he would not touch anything until he was certain there wasn’t some curse or hex attached to it. He cast a strong Revelio. He could sense the object contained some powerful magic, but couldn’t determine whether it was good or bad. He didn’t sense it to be outright evil and malevolent, but he still decided that lifting the tap off using his wand might be safer. And so he did.
A large mirror was revealed. It was just a mirror? Aesop scoffed.
It was not that it was an ugly mirror, but why would a single mirror be hidden away like this, in a room that’s in such plain sight, that it becomes nearly invisible? Hundreds upon hundreds of students walk around it almost every day, and yet none of them bother to look inside, most likely thinking this room is a broom cabinet, if they even notice the door at all.
Aesop watched his reflection from afar - he didn’t feel like he was being possessed, or that his soul was leaving his boy as he did, so that was good. He did, however, notice there was something of a swirl to his reflection, a sort of movement and a slight blur. He chanced stepping a bit closer, and the effects got stronger. He cast the revealing charm again, but it was the same as the previous time he tried so. The mirror wasn’t a passage, as was sometimes the case with enchanted mirrors, that was for sure. 
Another step. Aesop squinted his eyes - it seemed something else was forming in the reflection alongside it. It almost looked like… a person? Or more? He turned around - he was alone in the room. Upon another step, he saw that it was definitely a group of people standing around him, their forms and faces blurry and undistinctive. Another step. Two adult-sized persons stood to Aesop’s right, and two more to his left. And then it looked like there were some smaller ones. Another step forward. With a small shock, the former professor noticed the faces growing more recognisable, and when he stepped closer once more, he could almost tell who the people were.
His curiosity and fascination prompted him to take another three steps until he was standing directly in front of the mirror. There was no doubt - the people his reflection was surrounded with were his family. Only… there were slightly… more people. 
Aesop's reflection had his right arm wrapped around the waist of his wife, the younger woman smiling at him through the reflection happily, her head coming to rest on his shoulder. Chills ran through his body as he almost felt it, almost felt her head touch his shoulder. He looked to his right but there was obviously nothing. He was still on his own. He gasped when he noticed the woman standing next to his wife. Ashley… She was grinning at him like she did all those years ago. Only… only the Ashley in the reflection looked older than when the woman herself died. Her face held a few wrinkles that weren’t there before, and the small wrinkles by her eyes from laughing were much deeper now. And was that a grey strand on her golden head?
It hit Aesop then and there, that this was how Ash would’ve looked had she not died in that harbour in Scarborough… And somehow Aesop knew that was he to focus his eyes on the people standing to the left of his reflection… of course he’d see his parents, both of them. His mum looked normal like she always did, like the way he last saw her less than a week ago when he went to visit her. Except, her eyes looked softer than they were. He was no fool - he knew while his mother was always strong, she needed to become even stronger after his father, her husband, died. But in the mirror’s reflection, he never did. 
His father, being a muggle, looked older than his wife, despite being the same age as her. Age suited him though, Aesop found. The elderly man still stood tall, as tall as Aesop, and his years looked good on him. He never truly realised just how much he resembled his father. He had his large nose and his brow. His father's eyes were larger and softer than his own, and he had a barely noticeable cleft in his chin which Aesop lacked, however. His father too was smiling at him, and Aesop hoped he wasn’t imagining the pride he saw in his father’s eyes… How he wished his father was proud of him, wherever he was now…
Looking lower, he couldn’t help his own proud smile. His children were standing in front of them. He only just now noticed his reflection’s free hand holding onto a smaller one - little Magdala was wearing her Slytherin uniform, and her hair was braided. By him, obviously, he saw the almost unnoticeable imperfections that were his trademark, and yet his daughters insisted on him braiding their hair for them. On her right stood Eleazar - the young boy resembled Aesop’s wife the most, with his pale skin, large eyes, and gentle features. Gentle features for a gentle boy, quiet and sweet. But Aesop knew better, he knew still waters run deep, and both Eleazar and his wife were perfect examples of the saying.
His youngest children stood in front of his wife, her free hand resting gently on her small namesake’s head, stroking it. The little girl was holding onto her twin brother’s hand, occasionally turning her head away shyly, while Theo, his youngest son, looked like was encouraging her, sometimes making a silly face to show her and make her smile. 
And then there was one more person. It was a boy who looked to be a year older than Magdala, and Aesop had never seen him before… But he knew exactly who he was. Tears formed in his eyes. The lad had his eyes, like all of his children did. He had short brown hair, and a delicate face in which Aesop instantly recognised both himself and his wife, and he was donning a Hogwarts uniform students wear before they get sorted. It was his oldest child. It was his firstborn son, the one they didn’t get to know, whose cries nor laughter they never heard.
Clarence Aesop Sharp… They talked about the name often but only set it in stone long after he was so cruelly taken away from them. It broke both Aesop and his beloved, leaving them empty for a long time. Aesop often wondered what it would be like to be able to raise the boy, what he’d be like, and how he would get along with his siblings. Would his siblings be the same? Would they be the same age? Would they be there at all? While Aesop would forever mourn not being able to see his firstborn grow and thrive, he could not possibly give up either of his beautiful children for anything… He wished he could, at the very least, enter the mirror for a little bit, a few seconds, just to be able to enfold his son in an embrace, a chance he never got to have. 
His palm made contact with the cool surface of the mirror buzzing with magic. He knew it wasn’t real, but for this short little moment, he liked to pretend that it was. That it truly was their family, complete like it should be, standing still to have their picture taken. But it wasn’t meant to be. His father, Ashley, Clarence… they were dead. More tears rolled down his weathered cheeks. He wished he had more time with them…
His wife’s smile in the mirror saddened for a while as if the reflection of a woman who wasn’t truly there sensed his thoughts. Her lips pressed against his cheek, right over his tear, and Aesop closed his eyes, feeling the impossible touch. He knew his wife wasn’t here. Neither were his children, nor his mother. His mother was probably in her garden right now, sipping on her tea and enjoying the fruits of her labour there. His wife was surely in the midst of preparing lunch for their family - the very thought of coming home to her no doubt delicious meal made Aesop lick his lips in anticipation. His younger children were probably playing in the garden, or maybe even outside in the village. His eldest daughter too would soon be making her way to lunch, her Transfiguration class ending soon.
And instead of finding a place between the Hospital wing and one of the entrances where his daughter was sure to pass through on her way to the Great Hall so that Aesop could see her and talk to her for at least a little while, he was standing here, looking at something that was not real, that was impossible. 
He chanced one more, last look. He committed it to his memory, doing his best to remember how the ones he loved and lost would look like now. Just as he brought his hand up to wipe his tears away, he once again lowered the tarp over the mirror. He turned away, breathing deeply - he immediately wanted to look again, again, and again. Unlike his tentative steps towards the mirror, his steps away from it were quick and definite. He picked up the crate of potions, opened the door and left the room. He didn’t dare turn his head until he arrived at the Hospital wing. 
And then an hour later, as he gathered his wife in his arms, he held her longer than he normally would. He only left the castle after embracing his daughter, telling her how proud he was and how much he loved her. His wife knew immediately something happened, and she inquired with her eyes.
“Our son… he would have been beautiful,” he only said, his voice quiet and weak. She didn’t reply. She didn’t have to. She needn’t know just how he knew, or what exactly happened. Aesop’s eyes held peace and acceptance. So, instead, she only smiled and kissed his lips gently, fingers entangling in his hair. 
“Uh… mum?” came from the threshold leading to the dining room. The couple separated to look at Eleazar, standing there awkwardly. ”You lot are hungry, hm?” his beloved said knowingly, prompting another awkward little grin from their son. “Come then, lunch it is,” she decided, her hand closing around Aesop's own and leading him towards their boy. This was the best life, Aesop decided. It wasn’t perfect, and he’d never stop mourning his lost ones… But he knew there was no without, and while they weren’t there for him to talk to and embrace, he knew they were never truly gone.
Thank you for reading!
[AO3] - [Sharpuary 2024] - [Masterlist]
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amarauder · 6 years
the slytherin dungeons
the masterlist for the tales of the slytherin dungeon
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constantly updated! if there is a title without a link it means that the one-shot will be up shortly!
next up; judy blume [ part two ] | albus potter x reader
[ s e r i e s ]
the lightning era
sincerely, the blue and silver gryffindor
the next generation
the necromancer’s nativity
[ o n e s h o t s ]
the dark ages
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
the marauders era 
the terrors of cat hair and lint rollers
the tale of two princes
the black’s choice of women
the material of the birthday suit
the curiosities of an ignored soulmate
the ideals of the gum, the toe, and the sole
ghoul studies
letters of sognitude
the pros and cons of nursing for the order of the phoenix
SEVERUS SNAPE [ only friend imagines ]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
lucifer’s darlings
in which a girl has a habit of calling a boy ‘lucifer’, a nickname for the devil. after all, lucifer does sound a lot like lucius, doesn’t it?
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
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[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
the lighting era
the extinction of a rivalry
why the malfoy’s celebrate thanksgiving
the ‘potter’ of dates
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
the next generation
judy blume | part one  part two
the art of telling scary stories
the american way
the bras on heads club
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okwritingandpain · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy: The Curse of The Ravenclaw House: Phineas Nigellus Black x Reader
Chapter One: Seventh-Year Growing Pains
The sky was gray. The biggest storm in all of your two years at Hogwarts had kept all students trapped in the castle over the Holiday break. To everyone's dismay, classes continued. No break, just work. It was miserable. Everything was always miserable...at least since his death...Professor Fig had passed away only two years ago and it felt like you hadn't seen him in decades. You had tried to find a painting of him somewhere in the castle, but sadly you still hadn't found one. Professor Weasley had told you that a talented artist was painting one of Fig that they would enchant to life. She had said that a year ago and nothing came of it. Professor Black probably didn't think it was that important. He probably put it on hold just to spite you.
For no reason, he hated you.
You always wondered what you had done to provoke him and as the years dragged on it became more apparent his selfish reason of disgust. Since you had joined Hogwarts in your fifth year, he saw you as nothing more than weak. It all made sense. You had no prior magical knowledge before joining and you had to do extra assignments to catch up to everyone else. It was hard and time consuming, but yet with all of that on your plate you some how had time to make poachers, goblin loyalists, and dark wizards hate you enough to try and kill you. Not to mention you had to fight the most powerful goblin in history: Ranrok. He and Rockwood had made an alliance that threatened the lives of wizards and goblins alike. You and your mentor Eleazar Fig had to defend Hogwarts against their evil forces with the help of Hogwarts' Professors. Even as the battle grew rough, you knew that you could defeat Ranrok with everything you had learned from your friends and professors alike...with the help of your naturally born ancient magic. The keepers had prepared you for that moment and your success was felt throughout the wizarding world. It had come at a cost though. Professor Fig had barely survived a large fall and gave his life to end Isadora's magical repository from getting more out of control. He died holding Miriam's wand.
You missed him.
Black gave his whole speech and it meant nothing. He didn't care to come and help defend Hogwarts. He was the worst Headmaster ever. Someone you never wanted to be associated with.
"Miss L/N?" A raspy voice asked. You turn around to see Scrope, Professor Black's house-elf. Technically, he was the Black families house-elf, but he was always busy doing the headmaster's dirty work.
"Hi, Scrope." You smiled, looking down at the one-eared house-elf. You had been looking out one of the windows in the Great Hall when he interrupted you. The floating candles that danced around the ceiling illuminated the dark and musty hall. The storm had made everything dreary and depressing and not much light had shown into the room.
"Master wanted Scrope to ask you to meet him in his office." He said, fiddling with his hands. Why did the Professor need to see you? Did you do something wrong? He knows you would never, but what if you somehow had? Paranoia began to crawl up your body.
What. Had. You. Done.
"Why does he need to see me?" You ask as Scrope tilted his head.
"Why do you think?" Scrope replied, beginning to leave. Now where did he think he was going?
"Scrope, please. I just want to know. I need to prepare myself." You pleaded with the elf who seemed distracted in his other affairs. He pulled out a duster as he began to dust one of the many busts of Professor Black that was scattered throughout Hogwarts.
"Scrope thinks that you should ask Master himself. Scrope only listens to Master and Master only instructed Scrope to give you this information." The elf went back to dusting. You were frustrated and you were resisting the urge to walk up to Professor Black's office and throw the bust at him.
"I will go see Professor Black then." You mutter, walking away from Scrope. You didn't want to visit Professor Black, but you knew that keeping him waiting wasn't the smartest move...even though he didn't do anything all day. You began the long trek to his office that was inconveniently located at the highest point in Hogwarts. You could use the floo flame to get there, but you might as well let him wait a little bit longer...just not enough to make him scold you. On your way, you passed Professor Sharp who looked unenthused by Gareth Weasley's newest potion that he was trying to dispose of.
"That boy won't hear the end of it once I tell Professor Weasley..." Sharp mumbled as you passed. Giggling to yourself, Sharp looked in your direction baring a menacing glare. You swiftly made your exit after that. Up more and more stairs the minutes dragged on. Students were chattering with each other like they always did. It was as normal as their reactions every time you passed by. After Fig's death and the fight against Ranrok, your classmates didn't look at you the same as they used to. Some thought you were more interesting and fascinating now. Others thought you were a curse. A blight to everyone around you.
Sebastian had been expelled because of your advice that you had given to Ominis. Everyday you regretted that decision. With Fig's death there was no one to turn to and Sebastian was someone you had confided in. Sure, Natty and Poppy were good friends too, but Sebastian was the one who you had appreciated the most. Then he went down the darkest path. You talked to the others every now and again, but the person who you found yourself talking to most was Ominis. He had lost Sebastian too and you both had bonded over it. The blonde haired boy guided you through the rest of your fifth year and sent owl after owl during the summer holidays. Anne would send one every now and again too. You appreciated every letter. While you were reminiscing about better times, something caught your eye. That wasn't there before. You were right outside of Black's office and where a normal window had been was a stained glass one. It was blue and gold as it sprouted the colors of the Ravenclaw house...your house. It took you a moment to figure out what picture it made, but you swore it represented the Ravenclaw house. In the middle it looked like the Ravenclaw House crest surrounded by the symbol that had represented your ancient magic. What could it mean? The raven was covered in blood, missing multiple feathers, and its mouth was open.
"It seems you found what I wanted to discuss with you." Black hissed. You whipped around, greeted with the tall, stern Headmaster you had become familiar with.
"Professor Black, it is a pleasure to see you as always, sir." You lied, putting on a respectful face. He glared at you before moving to stand next to you. He looked over the window before turning to you once more.
"You still have your ancient magic, correct?" He asked, examining the ancient magic symbols on the window.
"Yes, sir." You replied, "I haven't used them since that battle with Ranrok." He lifted an eyebrow towards you. There was a moment of silence that filled the lightly colored room full of windows. The light was still almost non-existent because of the storm, but the candlelight made up for what was lost.
"Why wouldn't you use it? I hear of you fighting poachers and dark wizards almost every week!" Black exclaimed, his hands behind his back.
"I guess it shows that I don't need it." You retort with a smirk. Black sighed, turning back to the window.
"This is not supposed to be here." Black gestured towards the window. "It depicts ancient magic and Ravenclaw and I know only one person who is both of those things."
"Who?" You joke, warranting a scowl from him. "In all seriousness, I don't know anything about this."
"Of course you don't." He snapped, pacing angrily in front of the window. He seemed more frustrated than usual which was a lot even for Black.
"Someone must be playing a prank on you--"
"No! This can't be possible! No one can cast a spell in here." Black argued, clenching his fists. You took a step back.
"Wait, what?" You asked, stepping in front of Black. "Why can't anyone cast a spell in here?"
"I didn't want students messing everything up! They would mess up my perfect office and corridor! So, I enchanted this room to only allow myself to cast magic. Only something powerful, let's say, your ancient magic could break the enchantment." He bellowed, turning around to pace some more.
"Maybe they didn't use magic?" You wondered, hoping Black would calm down. He knew you didn't do this, right? For some reason this was bothering him a lot. Just because a stained glass window appeared? Something was off, but you couldn't quite but your finger on it quite yet.
"You really think any student at the school could do that without magic?" He snarled.
"The students here are smarter than you think." You muttered, deciding to turn your attention back to the window. If the raven was dead and ancient magic was involved then it had to involve you somehow. Just how and why were the real questions.
"You are going to help me figure this out!" Black snapped, placing his hand on the window. It began to shift and the pieces of the window spiraled inward. It was an ancient magic passage way! It must have opened because you were near. On the other side was a room that looked oddly similar to the Ravenclaw common room. It was dark and barren. Now that was unusual. "What the..."
"If you really want to find out what this means then you're going to have to be willing to join the action for once!" You laugh, grabbing him by the wrist as you lifted yourself into the passageway.
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okwritingandpain · 11 months
Hogwarts Legacy: The Curse of The Ravenclaw House: Phineas Nigellus Black x Reader
Chapter 30: Pure of Heart (Finale)
"I'm so sorry." Were the first words you heard when you awoke from your sleep. Cornelius sat in front of you, his legs crossed as he sat in a silk red chair. He sipped his tea, watching you. 
"What did you say?" You push yourself off the ground. 
"I didn't say a thing." He smirked, setting the tea cup down. You straighten yourself up, glaring at him. Cornelius held a calm demeanor that sent a shiver down your spine. You look around noticing the room was completely dark except for a fire place that stood behind Cornelius' chair.
"What is it this time, huh? Why don't you just man up and kill me or something? I'm tired of all this." You sit on a nearby chair that sat adjacent to Cornelius. He smirked at you, setting his tea down and placing his hands on his knee. 
"I am not a savage," he replied, calmly. A little too calmly for your liking. You frown, watching the flames rise in the fire place. Cornelius watches, patiently waiting for more of an extension to her question.
"What have you done with the others?" You ask, not meeting his eyes. 
"They are safe." 
"What are you planning to do with them?" 
"Black will die, Sebastian and Ominis can rot in Azkaban from betraying me, and everybody else will be purified. No pure blood, everyone is tainted." Cornelius smiles, the firelight outlining his face. The atmosphere is strangely calm compared to the stress of the past few days. 
"You won't win," You say. Cornelius lets out a small chuckle. 
"I already have won." He sips his tea. You frown once more. You didn't know what to say or do. You felt more confused than usual. Cornelius must have done something to you. Wiping your eye, you feel your eye lids become rocks as the weight pulls them down. Cornelius just watches with a smile. "Black is in his office. You are in the map chamber. All the Floo stations have been dismantled. If you try to escape what comes next than be warned that it is a long trek to the top of the school." Your eye lids finally close enough for sleep to begin crawling towards you. 
"I will save them, I promise I will," You whisper. 
"This will certainly be exciting. I wish you luck young friend, you're going to need it more than I do." Cornelius stands up as sleep overcomes you. 
Black paces the floor of the Ravenclaw common room. The Ravenclaws chatter amongst each other as if nothing was wrong. It made Black's stomach twist to see some of them rejoicing in the tainting of blood. Sebastian and Ominis were no where to be found and Black just couldn't take being here alone with the brainwashed Ravenclaws. But then--
"Black, you have some explaining to do!" Sharp came barreling out of one of the side rooms. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked thinner than Black remembered. That's when it hit him. 
"What did Cornelius do to you?" Black whispers, staring at the once more intimidating professor. 
"You mean what did he do to all of us." Sharp looks back as many of the school's faculty step out of the side room. Professor Ronen, Garlick, Hecat, Onai, and Madam Kogawa face Black looking as ill as ever. Black's eyes swell with tears, something that caught the others off guard. 
"How is Y/N?" Ronan asks, looking worried. He adjusted his purple hat that sagged to the side. 
"She is currently trying to stop Cornelius," Black replies. The others looked to each other, more concerned than ever. 
"There is no way she could face Cornelius alone," Hecat hisses. The Ravenclaws had gotten more curious as they drew closer.
"We could use your help," Black pleads. 
"You always ask for help but then you never provide it." Sharp scowls, turning away from Black.
"I've changed, Sharp. I can thank Y/N for that...I can thank Cornelius for that." Black's eyes shifted up at Sharp who glanced backwards at him. 
"We need to save the students." Garlick steps between the two. She looks as though she is about to sob and break into a million pieces.
"She is right. The students are more important than a silly argument," Onai adds. Everyone nods besides Sharp who simply glares at Black. 
"We just need to get out of here," Black says. They all turn to the Ravenclaw students. 
"That's going to be difficult." Hect says.
"Not as difficult as you think." Black smirks, glancing at a portrait on the wall. Fig smiles back, disappearing from view. 
Ominis and Sebastian sat alone in the werewolf room of the school. They didn't know this place even existed. Their hands and feet were bound by magic, keeping them from easily escaping. The tapestries shifted in the light, providing an eeriness that Sebastian didn't appreciate at the moment.
"What are we going to do, Ominis?" Sebastian asks, shifting on the floor. Ominis just sighs.
"We wait." he frowns.
"You can't be serious!" Sebastian yells.
"You know I always am," Ominis replies. Sebastian groans, sinking his head low. Ominis didn't know what to do. Everything had happened so quickly and now they were incapable of even leaving the room or drawing a wand. What were they supposed to do? 
"There has to be something!" Sebastian shakes his body, hoping some how his bound hands would come undone. 
"There is no use, Sebastian." Ominis sighs. 
"Why are you so calm!? We are going to die here!" Sebastian yells. Ominis stays silent, smiling to himself. He closes his eyes, listening for the distant sound. 
"Help is on the way." He smiles.
You awake on the floor of the map chamber. Your hands are blistering with pain, you look up to see the cracks taking more and more of your hand. You did not have long. You had to do something. Standing up, you take a minute to catch your bearings. Cornelius was gone and so was his whole fireplace set up. Now you just had to figure out what to do next. You pat your pockets, wondering where your wand could be. Not having a wand would make getting out of this place more difficult. You run out of the map chamber towards the stairs that led up to the rest of the school. You almost make it to the stairs before hitting something and falling to the floor. 
"What the--?" You say looking up, but nothing was there. You reach out your hand, feeling something similar to a wall. Then you remembered what Cornelius said: 
"If you try to escape what comes next than be warned that it is a long trek to the top of the school."
You had to escape the map chamber, right? That couldn't be too hard, unless that's not what Cornelius meant. You wished Black was here to help you out. Somehow his panicking would spark and idea for you.  Then you heard the sound. You slowly turn behind you. You hear the low growl of a wolf, but not just a wolf. The looming figure toward over you with sharp bared teeth and scared eyes. A werewolf. 
"Son of a--" The werewolf lunges for you as you slide under his legs. Your heart pounds as you run away quickly. "This day is just getting worse." You whisper, sliding around a corner into the large map chamber. The werewolf howls watching you meticulously. You stop and slowly circle the werewolf. "Who are you?" You ask, putting your hands out in defense. The werewolf just growls, stepping closer. You are backed against the wall, you have no weapon, no means of communication with the beast, and no support. The luck you had was impeccable. "Please." The werewolf stopped in front of you, his sharp eyes narrowing at the sight of your defenselessness. Then as if it had been struck it howled in pain and sunk to the floor, becoming a man. You didn't recognize him.
"I forgot how much that hurts," the man whispers, looking up at you. He wasn't completely naked to you relief. Just his top seemed to be missing. 
"How are you...not a werewolf anymore?" You ask, trying to get farther away from him. 
"The Homorphus Charm...my brother must have been kind enough to let me free for a little while." He looks back at you.
"Who are you?" you question, trying to look bigger than you were. 
"Is formalities really that important right now?" he asks. You frown, realizing that you have no way to really defend yourself against this man if he were to become a wolf again. You might as well stay on his good side. 
"I would appreciate it," you say. He rolls his eyes. 
"My name is Knox Hopkirk," he replies. Your eyes widen.
"Is your brother Cornelius Hopkirk?" You examine the man's face more closely. He had blue eyes and light brown hair. He had a sharp nose like Cornelius. 
"I answered your first question, now you have to answer mine," he says, eyeing your cracked skin. "What happened to you?" You look at your ever growing cracks that seemed to spread like a disease, actively killing you. 
"Someone put a curse on me and my house." You glance up at him, wondering how much he knew about Cornelius' treachery. "Now will you answer my other question?" 
"I shall," he says, adjusting his pants, "Yes, Cornelius is my brother." He frowns, still not quite understanding why she would be asking this. "Do you know him?" 
"Sadly I do. He is the one who put the curse on myself and my house. He is trying to purify or...I guess taint blood of wizards." You examine his sharp figure. He looked a lot more fit than his brother. "Why has he never mentioned you?" Knox squints at you, almost unbelievably. 
"My brother would never want to mention someone who aided the death of his girlfriend and his curse. I assume he has put that same curse on you." He points to your hand. 
"You aided my mother?" 
"We were dating at the time. Her magic was too powerful for the likes of a stupid kid to understand. That's why we're here now. Because me and your mother were stupid." He turned away, examining his own hands now like he feared himself. "I became a werewolf after being attacked one night. I turned into that raging beast and never looked back at this school, but now...I am here somehow again. Like a siren has called me." His shoulders sag. 
"So Cornelius just denied your existence? Even if you both were...different?" Knox nodded.
"It seems you have received my brother's gift and then some," Knox says. He places a hand on yours, the pain of the cracks rippling up your arm. Knox seemed to understand this as you looked into your eyes with compassion and empathy. "Are you afraid of your power?" Your eyes swelter. 
"Why exactly?" 
"Because my brother fears it too. Now let me teach you that charm."
"Get them off! Their tongues! Their tongues!" roared a Ravenclaw student as a Puffskein lick his face. Fig laughed form one of the portraits that a bearded man shared. Both of them holding a cup of butterbeer, laughing at the outlandish scene. Black and the professors rush towards the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, rushing down a pair of stairs before reaching the main door. Multiple creatures and beast that you kept were now running loose in the common room, terrorizing the other students and even sometimes the professors. 
"Fig, you did it again!" Black cheered as they stormed out of the common room and into the empty hallway. 
"Where to now?" Garlick asked, glancing back at the Ravenclaw entrance. Black didn't reply as he ran down the hallway like a mad man. The professors quickly tried to reach him. 
"Black! We need to find a way to set the Ravenclaw's free." Sharp stopped in his tracks as Black sighed. 
"We need Y/N for that. We need to find her or Sebastian, or Ominis. They can help us. I hope Professor Weasley is alright, I haven't seen her in awhile." He grabbed a pillar, looking around for any sign of danger. At this point, anything could try and kill them. 
"Does anyone have any ideas of where they could be?" Hecat asks the group. The professors murmur amongst each other. Fig appears in the portrait nearby, motioning to Black to join him. Black rushes up to him as Fig fiddles with his hands nervously. 
"Fig? What is it?" Black asks, noticing his strange behavior. 
"Y/N is trapped in the map chamber....with a...werewolf." Fig stutters. Black's eyes widen in fear. He shakes his head, catching the attention of the others. 
"We are in great danger," Black says, "it seems everything wishes to spite us today."
Sebastian hears the pounding of footsteps outside as Ominis chuckles to himself. He was being smugger than usual. Sebastian turned his attention back to the footsteps that rang from the secret entrance ahead of him. His heart pounded with anticipation before the secret door flew open, ringing a deafening sound. A giant man stood in front of the two boys. He was large, towering over the two boys like a giant. Sebastian shriveled away from the man before someone caught his attention. 
"Hey," You say, stepping out from behind the man. The man smirked at them. "This is Knox." The man stands up, brushing back his light brown hair. He looked a lot like...
"Knox Hopkirk, Cornelius' brother at your service." He smirks, "would either of you happen to have your wand still?" They shake their heads. Knox and you frown, now realizing that it would be a lot more difficult to unbind the two now.
"Your Cornelius' brother?" Ominis asks. Both him and Sebastian wear looks of disbelief. 
"I know it is hard to believe. Wait, Sebastian Sallow?" Knox gets closer to him, examining his face. 
"How do you know me?" Sebastian eyes him suspiciously. 
"You were trapped in Azkaban, right?" Knox asks. 
"I was." 
"I remember seeing you there." he smirks. 
"How?" Sebastian's eyes narrow, glancing at you. 
"Where do you think I've been while this has all been going on?" Knox smirk widens as you stare in disbelief, "my brother put me there.  Once I heard that this kid escaped then I knew that I needed to escape too. I couldn't let my brother cause more havoc again." 
"Well this is truly a shocking revelation, but we have to get going," Ominis hisses. Knox nods, glancing around the room. He frowns at the depiction of werewolves. 
"I think the charm isn't going to ware off for a little while." He looks back at you. The other boys gave looks of confusion. 
"That's good, now let's get these two on their feet." You grab Ominis' shoulders and pull him up. His feet are still bound but at least he is standing. Knox helps Sebastian, but just ends up carrying the boy. "Well aren't you lucky." 
"We both are." Knox smirks walking towards the door. You help Ominis hop towards the entrance, hopefully you would find a wand here soon. You all begin your journey towards the nearest classroom for any sort of magical weapon that could aid you. 
Black and the other Professors run down the hallways of the school, wandless, defenseless with no where to hide. Black knew exactly where he wanted to go but without a wand it would be more difficult to fend off the werewolf that held you captive. The professors begin debating which direction they should go to get there, but Black just clutches his fists and turns back at them. 
"You do realize that I am the only one who knows where the Map Chamber is, right?" His lips press together as the professors whisper to each other. They are standing in front of the library, completely out in the open for anyone to attack them. "Just follow me." 
"Phineas?" a familiar voice whispers behind him. He turns around, slowly to see you and Ominis.
"Y/N!" he wraps his arms around you and hugs you, tightly. You hug him back, tears sweltering in your eyes. Behind you stood a giant man with Sebastian in his arms. Black breaks the hug, becoming defensive of the man. 
"This is Knox," You say, gesturing to him. Black nods his head to Knox, before slumping his arm on your shoulder. Ominis tries to balance, but it is difficult with Black's added arm to the mix that graced his shoulder. 
"Pleasure to meet you...again Professor Black." Knox looks away ashamedly. Black's eyes widen at his words. 
"Knox Hopkirk? It has been a long time since I have seen you. You look...good." Black smiles with a sorrow in his eyes. Knox gives a slight smile before looking away again. They all stand there in silence for a moment. The professors greet the students and smiles spread all around. 
"Let me take care of that," Professor Onai waves her hand at Sebastian and Ominis binds. They come undone and Professor Onai claps her hands in achievement. 
"Thank you so much!" Ominis thanks her as if he had been bound for centuries, "being that close to Black and Y/N was beginning to get on my nerves." Professor Onai laughs. 
"Alright team, gather around." You say as everyone crowds around you, "We need wands or we are going to be completely annihilated by Cornelius." Everyone nods. Ronan steps into the circle. 
"I believe I have a set of spare wands in my classroom," he says, "if students somehow broke our lost their wands I always had a spare for them to borrow." 
"Those wands won't be as powerful since we do not have connections to them." Sharp cuts in. 
"That's the best thing we got at the moment," Hecat snaps, "our wands could be anywhere and I mean anywhere! They could be halfway across the world right now!" 
"We're heading to Ronan's classroom," you say. Everyone nods as Black takes your hand and spins you around. 
"I missed you," he whispers, planting a kiss on your cheek. 
"I missed you too." You kiss him back. He smirks before Sebastian pulls you away to join the others. Black catches up, smiling at you. He takes your hand as you run to Ronan's classroom. 
Cornelius balances his wand on his fingers as he awaits your return. He knew he gave you the instructions to find him, they weren't very hard, but he had a sneaking suspicion that you won't be the only one that finds him. He smirks at the though of his brother joining you on your little journey. This final battle would be quite fun.
Ronan shuffles through a drawer and pulls out a few wands that he hands out to you, Black, Sebastian, Ominis, and Sharp. 
"Those are all the wands I have." Ronan sighs to the disappointment of the others. 
"We have more of an advantage than we think," Knox begins, "the charm that holds me as human temporarily will ware off soon. Not to mention that Professor Onai also can do magic without a wand." Everyone exchanges a confused glance. "Did I forget to mention I am a werewolf?" 
"What!" Black jumped, startling everyone else, "When did this happen? I don't remember you having this in school." 
"It is a long story, we do not have much time." Knox stops talking and listens around him.  He lets out a sigh of relief. 
"We have what we need. The Ravenclaws are distracted in the common room. Cornelius is alone at the top of the school." You announce, loudly for everyone to hear. Turning to each other, everyone gives each other a sign of good luck before they head out of the room. 
"I love you," Black whispers in your ear before running ahead. You smile, making chase after him. 
Cornelius could hear their footsteps rushing up the stairs. He smirked to himself as the sound grew louder. This was the final fight. Step after step, Cornelius arose from behind Black's desk and drew his wand. He stepped carefully forward. Then there they were. In front of him were the people he had tried so hard to get rid of. You stood in the center of them all, a painful reminder of the events that had occurred over what felt like forever. 
"Hello Cornelius," You say. 
"Hello Y/N," he replies. You both stand there for a moment before he beings to circle you. You follow him. "Hello brother." 
"Cornelius," is all Knox says. He glares at his brother. The cracks on your body pulsed with pain as you pointed your new wand at Cornelius. 
"That's quite a sad looking wand." He gestures to his own that is more decorative than yours. You didn't care. Then came the first blow from Sebastian that shot Cornelius into the wall. Instead of shaking in fear before them, Cornelius laughed and stood up. He aimed his wand at Professor Garlick which catches everyone off guard as she is blasted with ice. "Let's get the party started!" Ominis sent his own blasts at Cornelius that he countered easily. Black sent fire spell after fire spell at Cornelius as you sent a rain of ice onto him. He used his ancient magic to shoot the ice back at you. Ominis is pinned to the wall as Sebastian is hit. 
"This should be easy!" Black hisses, sending another fire blast his way. 
"Nothing is easy, Black." Cornelius laughs, launching lightning at him. Black sends it back, hitting Cornelius. He is stunned for a moment which lets you all get hits in for a second. Knox falls to the floor, clutching the ground in pain as his back shifts into fur and his head becomes greatly larger. "There he is." Cornelius regains control and blasts you in the stomach. Knox stands in front of you and the others. Black and you wait for Knox to attack but he just stands there. 
"Knox! We could really use some help!" You shout. Cornelius looks at you curiously. 
"Yes, you could, but not from him." Cornelius smirks as Knox turns back to you with his teeth bared. His silver fur glistens as his eyes narrow on you. 
"This just got ten times harder," you say, stepping back. Professor Onai tries luring Knox away from you. The other professors without wands follow her lead. Knox takes his eyes off of you being fixed on those who taunt him. You tip toe the other direction, watching Cornelius and Black sending shot after shot at each other. They seemed so distracted by each other that you and Sebastian are able to send an unexpected icy blow at Cornelius. He falls to the ground and Black stands on top of him. His foot is at Cornelius' throat, wand point straight at his head. Sebastian takes his wand and walks far away. 
"I am impressed," Cornelius says, not sounding shocked in any way. 
"You didn't expect to win, did you?" You say, sitting next to him. He smiles at you, looking relaxed under Black's boot. 
"No, but I am still getting what I wanted. I tainted so many and a bonus is that Black will have to die to set the Ravenclaw's free." he laughs before Black hits him in the head with his boot. 
"Phineas!" You snap, glancing back at Cornelius. 
"I hope you do something better with your power than the many that have come before you," he whispers, blood running down his head. 
"I'll try." 
"Good, you can kill me now, Black." He smiles up at Black. He scowls before kicking Cornelius' head in again. You look away before the last dying breath of Cornelius is done. Black grabs your shoulder, turning you to face him. His boot his bloody, but his body shields Cornelius. He sits in front of you, gripping your cheek. 
"It is time," he says. Your eyes fill with tears.��
"Not yet--" 
"The sooner the better. Somehow we both would come up with an excuse to leave the Ravenclaws as is and runaway together...I can't let that happen. That's something I would have done a few months ago, but now..." he brushes your cheek, kissing you. He wipes the tears from your eyes as he reveals something from his coat pocket. 
"No..." he hands you a knife. 
"Nothing ever said that you had to kill me in any specific way. Might as well go in a theatric way, like the theater," he laughs. You give him a half smile as you turn the knife around, placing it over his chest. 
"I love you." 
"I know, I do too." He leans over as to hug you as the knife went into his chest. He kisses you one last time as you cry. "I made sure to write down how to reverse the tainted blood potion." He hands you a paper and a vial of the reversed blood potion. "I was going to use it on Cornelius, but I know that you don't want it. I think those other people will...need...it...though...I love...you." He lays back as his body stills. You sit there for a moment, unsure what to do. You cry into his shoulder for what feels like forever. 
The weeks that followed were better than before, but worse at the same time. The Ravenclaw students were freed, everyone's blood was restored to what it once was, and everything was put back to normal. Knox was put back in Azkaban for aiding Cornelius in the final fight. You know that Sebastian will break him out since he had no control over his werewolf self. Ominis is happy to be back to normal and that Sebastian is home. You are happy too. The professors are back to work. You found Professor Weasley locked in some closet somewhere with all the wands that had been enchanted to escape her grasp. She was the headmistress now. Fig is happily living in the portraits and following your around everywhere you go. The other students see you as a friend now. You like it, but you would rather have Black back. Him and Cornelius had been buried in the past few days. Black's family hugged you, understanding that he was truly happy for once with you. Ursula cried right in front of you. 
"He loved you more than anyone," she whispered in your ear. You smiled at her words. You sat in front of Black's grave everyday. You finished your school year, being offered a job in Fig's old position. You were going to teach Magical Theory. You were never leaving this school after everything you had been through, not to mention that this is where Black was. Professor Weasley had gotten a portrait made quickly so you could see him again...or at least a version of him. 
"Hello, Y/N." the portrait smiled at you.
"Hello, Phineas." You smile, "see you someday." 
"I look forward to it." 
"I love you." 
"I know." 
"I know you know, but I just wanted to say it one more time." 
"Love you too, Y/N."
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okwritingandpain · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy: The Curse of The Ravenclaw House: Phineas Nigellus Black x Reader
Chapter 27: Return of The Raven
"Take this go to a place called 'The Room of Requirements' okay?" You say to a student huddled on the floor. You give them a little floo powder and point to the nearest floo station. The student takes the powder, nods, and runs in the direction you pointed. You run to the next student and then the next. Student after student, you're able to rescue more people than you anticipated. You hadn't seen Violet in awhile and Cornelius didn't show any signs of coming back anytime soon. 
"Y/N?" A voice asked. 
"Sebastian! There you are!" You cheer, giving him a huge hug. He chuckles, squeezing you. 
"Haven't see you since I tried to murder you." He laughs. 
"Very funny." You reply. A student runs by and you give him some floo powder and direct him. 
"The Room of Requirements?" Sebastian asks, watching the student run away. You nod, guiding him down a nearby corridor. 
"I used it a lot during my fifth year here at Hogwarts...sort of my first year. I use it sometimes, but right now it's sort of a hub for all the students until we can stop Cornelius." You yell, starting to run as you catch a glimpse of some Ravenclaws. You quickly wave your wand and use the disillusionment charm. Sebastian does the same as you both stop and listen to the Ravenclaw students. 
"Cornelius is near." One says. 
"No you fool, it's Violet." Another replies. 
"You're both idiots! They're both too busy to be in a random part of the school." A third finishes. You listen curiously, noticing that the Ravenclaw's are not on unit. They seemed to not be collectively controlled as one. They all still has their own thoughts and distaste for one another. Suddenly, you notice Amit walk up to the group. He looked very angry and wore a scowl. 
"Let's keep moving, you are insufferable." He growls. You had never heard him talk this way before. It was so strange to see him so angry when he had been so kind and carefree before. Now this curse had turned him cold and bitter. How did it come to this? You had to stop Cornelius, she just had to. Your friends were suffering and you had to fix it. Somehow you were going to fix it. The group disappeared and Sebastian and you were able to return to normal. You continued leading him down the next hallway. 
"I can't believe Amit would say something like that..." Sebastian muttered, looking behind himself. 
"Well this is what Cornelius has done to all the Ravenclaws." You reply, stopping to peak around a corner. Sebastian frowns, glancing back behind himself again. 
"Is there no way to free the Ravenclaws?" He asks as you both continue down the next hallway. 
"We didn't find anything, btu apparently Cornelius knows how to fix this." You say. He thinks for a moment. 
"Is there a record of this event?" He asks, causing you to stop. 
"What if there is! Then they must have documented the cure! But wait, I don't have my magic anymore...what if the cure is attached to my cracks? They're gone..." You frown, leaning against the wall. Sebastian leans next to you, even he doesn't seem certain about this suggestion. 
"We're going to have to try, especially since we're all divided." He says. 
"I sent Ominis to get more kids to the room of requirements, but I don't know where Phineas is and I haven't seen any of the professors around..." You begin to panic, chewing at your nail. Sebastian places a hand on your shoulder, he gives a reassuring smile. 
"We're going to fix this. I mean you defeated Rookwood and Ranrok! You can stop some butt hurt wizard." He smiles and you laugh. 
"You're right...let's go find that record." You say, rushing down the corridor and towards the stairs. "They're either in Black's office or the Faculty Tower." 
"Are we splitting up?" He asks, sounding uneasy. "I don't exactly want to do that..." 
"Me either, but we need to cover more ground, especially if Cornelius finds out what we're doing. Which area do you want to take?" You ask, stopping on the stairs. 
"Do you want to go see if Black's in his office...that coward..." Sebastian glares. 
"He's not there...I know he isn't. I'll take Faculty...good luck." She nods to him as she continues her trek up the stairs. He sighs and runs back down stairs to get to the nearest floo station. You walk down a few more hallways before coming upon the Faculty Tower. You unlock the door with your charms and push your way inside. It is completely empty, not a soul insight. Part of you wondered if this is where the professors went during the chaos, but you knew that the professors were too selfless to do such a thing. Now where would those files be? You walk up the stairs to the second floor as you look around for a minute. There was nothing obvious, no room that just screamed "There are secret files here!" or anything of that sort. 
You venture up the next set of stairs and unlock one of the doors at the top of the stairs. As the lock clicked, you peeked into the room, but no one was there. You slip into the room and look through some of the filing cabinets and drawers. It was almost completely dark in the room and you didn't have any magic anymore so you couldn't use your wand. You hoped with all your might that something or someone wasn't watching you. Now where could the records be? Then you notice something at the back of the room. You slowly walk towards it with careful steps. You didn't want any surprises. 
At the very back of the room was a sign. Just. A. Sign. You peer at it before reading what it read. 
"Huh?" You say aloud as you raise your eyebrow. Where were the records? At the bottom of the sign was an arrow that pointed to the left. You turn your head and notice an empty portrait on the wall. The portrait hung rather low to the ground which rubbed you the wrong way as you walked up to it. You reach out to touch and suddenly your hand slips through the portrait sending you off balance as you tumbled into the portrait. Inside the portrait was nothing but a light pink space. The floors and walls were nothing but pink.
"Y/N?" A familiar voice asks. You look up to see Fig smiling down at you. You feel a rush of tears as you stand up and hug Fig. 
"I missed you so much." You whisper, holding him close. Fig smiles, hugging you back. 
"What are you doing here?" He asks with fear in his eyes, "Please don't tell me you...died." 
"No! No!" You try to reassure him, but you just sound more panicked. "I just fell through a portrait...I'm looking for some records--"
"Cornelius' records." Fig says, his eyes dark. "I thought you may need them at some point. This is where we keep our records." He waves his wand and the a collection of filing cabinets and long lines of drawers. Fig walks past a couple cabinets before stopping at a vandalized looking cabinet. He bends down and opens the bottom cabinet. He looked through a few files and pulls out a folder. He hands the folder to you and you look over the normal folder. "The professors thought that if something happened to them, then the people in the portraits could come and take the files before some other horrible person took them."
"Smart." You whisper before opening Cornelius' folder. Inside was only one record. You expected there to be many records, but instead there was a document. It looked like it was the record of the Marionette Curse. You scan the paper, hoping to find an answer to how they could save the Ravenclaws. She scanned and scanned until she found her answer. 
"Did you find your answer?" Fig asks, waiting in anticipation. You nod as he urges you to share. You sigh, putting the record back in the folder. 
"I'm going to need to kill Phineas." 
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okwritingandpain · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy: The Curse of The Ravenclaw House: Phineas Nigellus Black x Reader
Chapter 25: Mudblood
Cornelius trudged through the halls of his hideout. He peered around corners and glared ahead of himself. Putting on façade after façade was not easy. From Ursula's unruly boyfriend, Kreacher Helga to Professor Sharp and Black's purifying potion. It had taken days to come up with it, but Black didn't know what it really could do. 
"There you are." A woman with dark brown hair and glasses runs over and hugs him. 
"Hello, Violet." He whispered in her ear. She wore a golden robe with purple stars. She always liked flashy and funny clothing. 
"Where have you been? I was beginning to think Black finally beat you." She laughed. Cornelius rolled his eyes and chuckled. 
"That will never happen. I have more confidence that Y/N will stop me before he will." Cornelius looked around the room for something to eat. His hideout was underground, near the school. Everything was made of rock and the place was dark and musty which Cornelius hated. Soon though he would have a school to rule instead. 
"How is she doing?" Violet asked, sitting on the sofa Cornelius stole when he escaped Azkaban. 
"She will die soon enough...unless her little lover boy pulls through for her." He seemed distracted today, something had to be on his mind. 
"What happened, Cornelius?" Violet crossed her arms. "You get quiet when something's bothering you." 
"My cover as Kreacher has been blown and I don't know how long I can stay as Sharp before someone catches on..." Cornelius picks up an apple from the table near the sofa. 
"That's not all is it?" Violet's eyes narrow as she pats the seat next to her. Cornelius sits next to her as he takes a bite of his apple. 
"They are both stronger than I anticipated...I wish I had more time to face them, especially now that Ominis and Sebastian have left my side....their punishment shall be coming very soon." Cornelius hisses. 
"Niels, calm down," Violet called him by his nickname which flustered him, "You are very powerful and a lot smarter than stupid Black. You will win this, babe." Violet gives him a little kiss on the lips before smirking. 
"You are always right..." Cornelius smiled, "Are you ready to take over Hogwarts?" 
"Is that even a question?" Violet smiled. She got off the couch to go to the bathroom, leaving Cornelius alone with his thoughts. He fiddles his wand in his hands as he thinks to himself. You were proving to be a difficult and powerful foe, even in your injured state. Luckily, that was soon to change. Cornelius examined the cracks on his hand. He remembered the day he got them, but there was something different about them now. They made him feel like he wasn't human anymore. He felt like a ball of energy as he peered into one of the cracks. All he saw was purple light...people are suppose to have muscle and bone under their skin. Then again Cornelius was more powerful than most humans...than most wizards. 
"Violet!" Cornelius snapped, standing up from the sofa. 
"What is it?" Violet came back out, looking fearful of him. He hated when she looked at him like that. She knew he would never hurt here, but she still acted like he would. He understood that he scared her thanks...to well everything. 
"There is something I want to do before we go to the school." He said, adjusting his purple coat. Violet nodded, walking away to change into something more practical. Cornelius watched her leave. He knew that this last thing could help him win if he used it right...and if everything was contained like he hoped. 
"Where are we going?" Violet  asked, now dressed in a dark magenta dress. 
"We are going to retrieve great power from beneath Hogwarts. Hopefully our little friend didn't become selfish and take that magic." Cornelius smirks as he guides Violet out of the cave. He can't help but smile as he knows his plan is coming closer and closer to completion. Soon pure blood would be frowned upon for the way it treats a Mudblood. Then those who truly deserve to be in power could be. Violet notices his shift in emotion as she squeezes his hand. 
"You've waited a long time for this." She whispered, looking into his eyes. 
"Longer than one could possibly imagine." He replied, waving his wand and unlocking the door to the outside. He looked over the lush green landscape that bloomed in the sunlight. The two turned around to see the vast lake that surrounded Hogwarts. They were closer than ever to their goal and they didn't need anyone but themselves to win this fight. You had no chance against them, especially once Cornelius enacts his plan. You might not see the end of it if he succeeds. 
Your eyes shot open as you sat up in your bed. Your breathing was quick and your chest heaved up and down. Something was wrong...but you couldn't remember what. Your heart was racing as you stepped out of bed. Everything hurt so badly, but you knew that something was off. You could feel it, this sense of urgency. Black was nowhere in sight, nor was the nurse. What was happening? Were you dreaming? 
"Phineas?" You whisper, gulping. No one responded. The halls seemed emptier that usual as you strolled through the school. What time was it? Maybe it was early and that's why no one was around. You hoped that's all it was. You really hoped it was. You happened to travel across the entire school until you came upon the Ravenclaw Common Room. You stared at your friends that looked like mindless zombies. It had been so long since you had been in the common room. So very long. You missed Everett and Amit. 
"It's tragic isn't it?" A familiar voice said. You turn around to see Cornelius leaning against the wall. 
"Very." You mutter in response. Cornelius walked up to you, looking tired and a lot less bouncy than he usually was....well you about felt the same. There were no witty comebacks, no banter, no scowls or laughs...just glares. 
"I hope that will change, for your sake." Cornelius replied with a slow blink. "You remind me of someone. Someone very important to me." He reached out and touched your hair. 
"I sure hope I don't." You reply. Cornelius snorted at your response as he walked past you into the Ravenclaw Common Room. 
"I was going to say you reminded me of my mother...your response very much solidified that for me." Cornelius whispered. 
"I thought you were an orphan." You reply, following him. The curse had already infected you both and it seemed to have never left in Cornelius' case. 
"I was, but not like you. I remember my parents. They were very kind and loving compared to the likes of what you would expect. They knew exactly how to cheer me up when I was low. They knew how to protect themselves from dark wizards! Actually, I don't know if they knew how to do that. Maybe one of them, I know my father had some ties to the wizarding world. That's what makes all so similar. We are both half-bloods, who have ancient magic, a connection to Black, and most of all the Marionette Curse." He paced around the common room, eyeing everything meticulously. 
"Riveting stuff, totally haven't heard this before." You mutter, noticing Amit sitting on a chair. He looked like a zombie as he starred at nothing. Cornelius stopped pacing and turned to you with a smile. 
"It is riveting how we are so alike. That is something not even you have come to understand. We are not the same, but yet our stories are so similar that we could practically be the same person. We just chose different paths, didn't we?" Cornelius nodded to you as he turned back around. There was something different about him. He was calm and collected, not rushing into a fight or trying to convince you that you were wrong about everything. Why was he acting this way? That's what made you nervous. 
"You could say that." You reply, hoping he would reveal something about his plan. He smiled at her as he continued venturing around the common room. 
"They are fools, aren't they?" He said, looking at Mr. Moon who had got himself trapped in the room. 
"Everyone." He gestures around the room and sits on an empty couch. He pats the seat next to himself, expecting you to join him. You glare at him but accept the offer anyway. 
"Why do you think that?" You ask, sitting next to him. He smirks as he smooths a patch of his hair. 
"Why wouldn't I? These people don't know the first thing about being a Mudblood. They don't know what it is like to watch everyone disrespect you for something you cannot control...except it seems your boyfriend has figured out a way, huh?" He smiled at you playfully. 
"Yet, I rejected that potion like a sensible person." You whisper, ignoring his intense stare. 
"Exactly, you don't get it, do you? Black is trying to turn you into him. But you are stronger the way you are now, are you not? You have defeated many powerful beings with the flick of your wand and he expects you to bow to him. You are no prize to be won, Y/N. You are a map to the unknown. You guide the lost to their homes, but guide the monsters to their deaths. I'm sure you remember Rookwood, Ranrok, and all those other dark wizards that you murdered." His tone becomes more serious and dark as he stares into your eyes. He grip his knees as he speaks and the cracks on his body glow brightly. 
"What are you getting at?" You feel your voice become shaky. 
"We should all be bowing to you...and well me too. We might as well be the most powerful wizards to ever walk this land. With our combined power we could destroy and kill every pure blooded wizard in our way...starting with Black and his pathetic family." Cornelius stood up and towered over you. 
"The fact you think I would join you--" 
"Oh, I know you won't...you see what I meant was this..." he smiled, taking out his wand and pointing it at you. He whispered something as clear magic shot at you. It lifted you closer to him as your body laid upwards in the sky. You felt everything drain from your soul as the magic flowed into Cornelius. "Your power shall now be mine...and your curse as well." Suddenly you fell to the floor.
Your eyes shot open as you sat up in your bed. Your breathing was quick and your chest heaved up and down. Something was wrong...but you couldn't remember what. Your heart was racing as you stepped out of bed. Then it hit you...there was no pain. There was nothing. You stood up and didn't hurt. You look at you hands to see nothing...just your skin. How could this be? You were dreaming before and now...whatever Cornelius did actually effected you. But...your magic was gone. The nurse walked into the room and starred at you shocked. 
"Your skin..." She whispered. Black followed soon behind, but he wasn't worried about you. 
"The Ravenclaw House is attacking the other houses!" Black freaked before noticing your skin. "Oh my..." 
"I think Cornelius is taking over the school!" You call and run past them both. You run through the halls, relieved by how easy it was to run again. But this time that joy did not spread around you. People were screaming as students and teachers alike tried to defend others the best they could. The Ravenclaw students looked angry as they threw brick at students you knew were pure bloods. "Oh, no, no, no." You stare at the destruction around you. This couldn't be happening. 
"Death to those without tainted blooded!" A Ravenclaw called. 
"May you suffer for what you have done to us!!" Another screamed. 
"Cornelius!" You yell but he does not appear or respond. Black runs up behind you and covers his mouth in shock at the destruction. You suddenly realize that you are powerless against Cornelius now. He had his, your mother's, and your magic now. So what could you do? Simple...you wouldn't do anything. You turn to Black. "Please...do something! Don't run away this time!" He looks at you with love and compassion. Even if he still looked fearful.
"I will try...just for you." He smirks but quickly returns to his serious demeanor as he pulls out his wand. "Cornelius!" He shouts. A woman appeared in the hallway wearing a magenta dress with glasses and dark brown hair. "Violet?"
"It seems you remember me." She smirks and pulls her wand out. "Let's see how well you fight old man." Everyone is at a standstill. They all know this is the beginning of the end. 
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