#Pine Needle Essential Oil
Pine Needle Essential Oil
Experience the power of nature with Pine Needle Essential Oil. Our oil is 100% pure and natural, steam-distilled from hand-harvested needles. Enjoy the crisp, earthy aroma and enjoy a wide range of therapeutic benefits.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Essential oils toxic to cats
Cats are particularly sensitive to essential oils, and even small amounts can be toxic to them.
Here is a list of essential oils that are generally considered toxic to cats:
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca oil)
Pennyroyal Oil
Wintergreen Oil
Pine Oil
Clove Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Citrus Oil (Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit)
Cinnamon Oil
Thyme Oil
Peppermint Oil
Oregano Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Bergamot Oil
Sweet Birch Oil
Garlic Oil
Garlic Extract
Onion Oil
Onion Extract
Nutmeg Oil
Chamomile Oil
Anise Oil
Juniper Oil
Mustard Oil
Citronella Oil
Pine Needle Oil
Bay Leaf Oil
Cassia Oil
Cajeput Oil
Lemon Grass Oil
Geranium Oil
Remember, this list is not exhaustive, and there may be other essential oils that could be harmful to cats. It's crucial to keep these oils and any other potentially toxic substances out of reach of your feline companions.
If you suspect your cat has been exposed to an essential oil or is displaying any unusual symptoms, it's important to contact a veterinarian immediately.
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witchtickles · 5 months
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Protection Salt
Salt is one of the fundamental ingredients when performing protection magic, and while just plain salt is perfect for your spells, there are plenty of ways to punch it up to get a little extra protective power out of it.
You Will Need:
Coarse white salt
Essential oils - eucalyptus, orange, & pine are my favorites
Protection herbs - I usually use rosemary, pine needles, mugwort, bay leaves, and pennyroyal, but use whatever you vibe with!
A stick of cinnamon
A jar to keep your finished salt in
Measure out however much salt you want to use onto a plate. Mix in the essential oils first and make sure you get the salt well coated. You don't want it to be soggy or anything, but you want more than a few drops in there.
Then mix in your dried herbs! You can do this with a mortar and pestle as long as you're careful not to actually do any grinding. I usually mix mine in my cauldron because then it also picks up ash from spells and herbs that I have previously burned in the cauldron and that gives it a little extra magical kick.
Purify your jar with a little incense (I like sandalwood) and then fill it halfway with your salt and herb and oil mixture. Situate your cinnamon stick in the middle and then carefully pour the rest of your salt in around it.
And viola! You made your very own protection salt!
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wicca-foxes · 2 years
Witchcraft and recycling
Wicca, and by extension witchcraft, value nature as both a host and a guest in our lifes. Making the most of our resourses is both financially wise and respectful of our believes and values. It is very easy to emast a wide catalogue of stuff in our every day lifes, harvesting what we can to reuse can be a fun way to recycle.
A few examples of using "scraps" for witchcraft:
recycling paper at home, using opened envelopes to write your spells/notes on;
collecting rainwater to use in spells and for watering plants;
using kitchen scraps (like lemon peels, orange peels, used cinnamon sticks) as offerings;
using the coffee zest for fertiliser (do not worry it is around pH7 and it's perfectly safe for plants and/or composting - I have tested it) or lose tea;
using old/damaged chopsticks as a "beginner wand";
the bottles from cooking extracts (vanilla extract, orange extract) or essential oils bottles are PERFECT for storing seeds and for being spell jars (bonus points because they're so small and cute!);
re-melting remaining wax from candles to form new ones;
using old paintbrushes as a "beginner broom" (especially good for a hidden/small-pocket sized altar);
using an old pot as a cauldron, or thrifting one as needed;
using pressed/dried flowers as offerings;
considering a digital book of shadows (Word is excelent for this, combining it with Excel, can be used in browser for free);
using digital libraries for books of study (@coreycore420 mentioned https://z-lib.org and it's a godly recommandation and tool!);
avoiding essential oils;
using dried pine needles as incense sticks (for outdoor use only);
growing a few herbs used in both spells and cooking in tin cans (starters) then thrifted pots is amazing!;
going around your neighborhood, take a look around the dumpsters or glass collectors, people can throw away usable pots, plastic storage boxes, baskets or jars and glass bottles (make sure to properly clean and clense the item);
if avalable - trade and swap local groups on Facebook can help you thrift with ease, especially if you don't have thrift stores where you live;
using old papers/magazines as packaging/wrapping paper (hello holidays).
With all these corner-cutters, you need to be careful to not hoard items. I have made the mistake of holding to items thinking I can find them an use, my rule of thumb is that 1 month is enough to plan a craft/purpose, and 2 months to execute it, ajust the time to your liking, but don't keep it longer than 6 months overall. Also be prudent with what you plan to reuse, as certain ideas can be dangerous (not me looking at my idea to reuse burned out lightbulbs and cutting myself by mistake), so don't force anything.
I want to highlight an important aspect: you doing all these things, bending your way back to have a lesser impact on the environment, is not going to make the big impat you dream of. Take it as "I'm doing my part to respect my host and my believes", or as a challange. Do not sadden youself for your waste, as most of the time it is forced upon you.
Nowadays you can opt out of certain waste (opting for no cutlery if buying takeaway, bringing your own coffee cup/thermos to a coffee shop to avoid the paper cups, bringing your own reusable straws, using trays or silicone ice cubes instead of using the plastic ice-maker packs, etc.). There are little changes you can make, or ask for, in your life in order to minimise your waste, or just to save some money.
Please take care of yourself out there!
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hexora · 6 months
Winter Associations
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Snowflakes: Symbol of uniqueness and individuality, each snowflake is considered magical.
Icicles: Used for spellwork related to clarity and insight.
Winter Solstice: A powerful time for rituals celebrating the return of the sun's energy.
Evergreen Trees: Symbolize life, protection, and continuity during the cold months.
Yule Log: Burned during Yule celebrations for prosperity and protection.
Holly: Represents protection and brings good fortune during winter.
Mistletoe: Used for love spells and protection against negative energy.
Frost: Associated with transformation and purification.
Frozen Lakes: Symbolize stillness and reflection.
Northern Lights: Magical displays in the winter sky, believed to hold spiritual energy.
Wolves: Guardians of winter realms, associated with intuition and instincts.
Candles: Lit for warmth and enlightenment during the dark months.
Hot Cocoa: Used in kitchen witchcraft for comfort and grounding.
Spiced Cider: Associated with abundance and the warmth of hearth and home.
Winter Faeries: Spirits that thrive in the winter, known for mischief and playfulness.
Fur and Wool: Materials associated with warmth and protection.
Citrine Crystals: Linked to the sun's energy, bringing positivity during the dark season.
Winter Animals: Bears, hibernating creatures, and migrating birds symbolize survival and adaptation.
Warming Herbs: Cinnamon, ginger, and cloves for spells related to warmth and protection.
Frosty Windows: Scrying through frost patterns for divination.
Winter Moon: Perform rituals under the light of the cold, bright moon.
Snowy Owl: A symbol of wisdom and magical insight.
Snowball Fight: Playful energy and bonding with nature spirits.
Winter Gardens: Indoor plants associated with winter magic, like poinsettias.
Silver Bells: Used in spells for communication and summoning spirits.
Sleigh Bells: Carries a sense of joy and celebration.
Ice Skating: A ritualistic dance for balance and grace.
Winter Goddesses: Invoke deities like Skadi or Persephone for their winter aspects.
Fir Needle Essential Oil: Used in aromatherapy for grounding and focus.
Frozen Waterfalls: Symbolize the temporary pause in the flow of life.
Snow Hares: Represent transformation and adaptability.
Crystal Snowflakes: Used in rituals for clarity and purification.
Winter Altar Decorations: Incorporate seasonal items like pine cones, acorns, and silver ornaments.
Winter Winds: Believed to carry messages from the spirit world.
Ice Magick: Creating and using ice symbols in spellwork for stability and stillness.
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esoteric-chaos · 5 months
What are Infused Oils?
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What are they?
Infused oils are herbal components or spices placed in a jar of carrier oil like Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Avacado Oil, Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, etc. Can be used in cooking, herbal ailments and skincare.
Are they essential oils?
No. Short answer, no. Long answer? I'll give you an explanation. Essential oils are distilled using Steam Distillation, Solvent Extraction, CO2 Extraction, Maceration, Enfleurage, Cold Press Extraction, and or Water Distillation. Lotta words huh? It takes a lot of work to make essential oils. Unfortunately, it also takes quite a bit of that plant to make even those tiny 10ml bottles you purchase. Of course, each plant varies. However, it still can lead to a larger environmental impact.
For instance, one pound of essential oil can be extracted from approximately 250 pounds of rosemary leaves, or from 150 pounds of lavender buds, or say 50 pounds of eucalyptus leaves. This is why you see some as more expensive than others. Unfortunately, you can see where the problem lies in plants that are more threatened or endangered. If you must use essential oils, source responsibly (and not from a Pyramid scheme but I'm not opening that can of worms)
Can I use infused oils in my practice?
Yes! Absolutely! All these oil recipes you see for spell oils are exactly that. You can even use the elemental correspondences of the carrier oils you use for spell oils. As an example Olive Oil is traditionally known for the fire element and Coconut Oil is water. The possibilities for your personal correspondence are endless!
Now I'll stop rambling. Here are a few methods I learned to infuse oils in my courses and through self-herbalist study.
Method One:
The Folk Method - The most common
Place DRIED herbs in a clean, dry jar. Leave at least 1 to 3 inches of open space above your herbs to cover with oil.
Fill the remaining space in the jar with the oil of your choice, making sure to cover herbs by at least 1 inch or more. If the herbs emerge above the surface of the oil at any point while infusing, pour more oil on top to ensure the herbs remain covered.
Cap the jar tightly and shake well.
Place the jar in a sunny, warm windowsill and shake once or more per day.
After 2 to 3 weeks, strain the herbs out of the oil using cheesecloth or a mesh strainer. Or you can leave it in but straining is recommended if you are using dropper bottles as it clogs the caps.
Pour into clean glass bottles.
Remember to label your jars with the date, type of oil, and herbs used! You WILL forget! Trust me.
Store in a cool, dark place. The oil may keep for up to a year.
Method Two:
The Heat Infused Method - Quick Infusion
Place herbs in the crock pot or double boiler. Cover with extra virgin olive oil (or other carrier oil of choice), leaving at least an inch or two of oil above the herbs. 
Gently heat the herbs over very low heat (preferably between 100° and 140° F for 1 to 5 hours, until the oil takes on the colour and scent of the herb. Some recommend heating the oil for 48 to 72 hours at a controlled temperature of 100° F. Turn off the heat and allow it to cool. I personally prefer letting it sit in a crock pot for 72 hours as I feel like I get all of the benefits out of the herb.
Once oil is cooled, strain using cheesecloth.
Bottle in dry, sterilized glass bottles. LABEL your bottles with the date and contents before storing them.
Store in a cool, dark, dry place for up to six months.
Best herbs to infuse in oil
There are a countless number of herbs, spices and resins that can be infused into the oil. Please make sure these herbs are free from pesticides and chemicals (not found on the roadside). Dried herbs work best as you don't want your mixture spoiling sooner. Here are some great examples of herbs to use.
Pine needles
Calendula flowers
Chamomile flowers
Lemon balm
Peppermint leaf
Rosemary leaf
Thyme leaf
There you have it! Now have fun and source responsibility.
Happy witching!
Want to read more?
On sustainability and impact:
Dangers of essential oils and pets:
Want to check out my other post? Look at my Masterpost
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2offayyo-kzt · 9 months
50+ random hcs about Sean because I have too much free time :
• One day Charmaine found a strange vase while looking for something in the garage. The next day Sean woke up to see flowers in his bong
• Sean owns a boat that he renamed "the Ocean's 12"
• Sean is the kind of guy who only celebrates Halloween to traumatize children with a real chainsaw
• He has never learned to tie his shoes, and doesn't plan to
• Sean has a lot of sleep disorders (including sleep apnea, insomnia, night terrors, confusional arousals...), so that's one of the reasons he drinks, so he can 'sleep' easily
• He suffers from bipolar disorder (type I), "The Guy Pillow", "the Casino", and "A Night Out With the Guys" were manic episodes, "Pine Barrens" a depressive episode
• The first kiss he shared with Laszlo was on a mechanical bull
• Sean and Charmaine attend couple therapy with the conclusion "put yourself in each other's shoes." Sean took the advice to the letter, wore one of his mom's dress, bought a cheap wig and stole makeup from Charmaine's purse. In the morning Charmaine woke up to see her husband dressed as a woman baking cookies and listening to the Spice Girls. 20 minutes later Charmaine changed into jeans, grabbed a bottle of wine and turned on the TV
• If Sean learns that vampires are real, he'll turn into a conspiracy theorist
• He has a scar from his liver transplant
• He secretly does drag when his wife's not at home, stealing her dresses, heels and make-up
• He owns glasses but never wears them, except when driving at night without passengers
• Sean is color blind, so he always chooses clothes with neutral colours or regular patterns (leopard, military), he is also dyslexic but not diagnosed
• He killed his father when he was a teenager (premeditated)
• Sean has a tribal tattoo on his right arm, 'Charmaine' on his left pec and 'Carpe Diem' written on his lower back
• As a child he was not allowed to watch cartoons so his childhood was forged with VHS of old movies. His favourite was Ocean Eleven 1960, it became his comfort film. He exploded with joy when he learned that there would be a remake (2001) It's also because his father forbade him to watch PBS, that today he only watches sports games and cartoons in front of the TV
• He has been fascinated by the occult and the supernatural since he was a teenager, his father considered it to be bullshit so Sean has always been discreet about it
• Sean gets frequent migraines so he uses essential oils, peppermint or CBD oil. He especially can't stand the smell of nail polish (and remover)
• He and Mikey slept together in college, mainly because they couldn't get any 'chicks'
• Sean lived in Canada for few years, so he knows some French
• He still can't identify the bushes that Laszlo has cut (the vaginas)
• He would never admit it but he loves to sew and crochet, yet he always asks his wife to put the thread in the needle because he can't do it and it makes him furious real quick
• Sean would like to grow a beard but Charmaine can't stand it because it scratches her when they kiss
• While Charmaine is a fucking danger in the kitchen, Sean is excellent, and his favorite dish to cook is lasagne. He uses his cooking skills to sell (edible) cookies in front of universities (it has a great success)
• He's had a string of odd jobs, but now he's the manager of a sex shop
yes I totally based this hc on this image :
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• He wears matching underwear with Charmaine (leopard or zebra pattern)
• He has a terrible sense of hygiene; he doesn't brush his teeth because it's "too long", so he only uses mouthwash. To wash his body and hair, he borrows his wife's products, but in the past but he's already used white vinegar for washing himself because it's "more economical". And he only cuts his nails with a pair of scissors
• He has a birthmark on his ass
• He can make a "W" with his tongue
• Charmaine always prepares Sean's baths and makes sure the water is hot, even scalding, because Sean is traumatized by freezing baths (for the same reasons as Gregory in House MD)
• To this day, he's convinced that being pansexual means being attracted to "pans"
• When he was little, his mother forced him to learn the piano, he hated it, so he stopped after a year
• Every time Charmaine sees her husband watching wrestling on TV, she laughs at him saying it's soft porn, her husband's response is "you're not wrong."
• Despite his love of the ocean, he suffers from seasickness
• Sean's biggest fear is having the same baldness as his father, so he buys all kinds of miraculous products he's seen on TV to try and stem the problem
• While Charmaine is a shit at geography, Sean is pretty good
• For a short period of his adolescence he was Satanic, the only trace of which is the inverted pentagram he had scarified on his arm, which is why he always wears long sleeves, to hide his numerous self-inflicted scars
• To reach Sean you have to call him, he never replies to messages, if you're lucky he read, and if you're extra lucky he put an "👍" emoji
• When Sean goes to the bathroom, you don't see him again for at least 30 mins. Charmaine often wondered what Sean did to take so much time to shit, and he simply replied that it was his only moment of peace of the day
• Since he's a "man" he's not supposed to cry, so he only cries in front of movies (his love for the Ocean's trilogy is explained by the fact that it's the only time he allows himself to sob)
• He has a naturally artistic temperament : storytelling, crochet, painting etc...
• When he eats, he always starts with dessert because "the best comes first"
• At the beginning of their relationship, he and Charmaine had a little dog (Toy Poodle) named "Biscuit". One day, Sean almost killed the dog by sitting on it while being stoned (the Sopranos ref)
• He's an energy vampire (only Colin knows about it)
• During the pandemic curfew, he drank hydroalcoholic gel out of desperation because he had run out of beer at home
• He has a stuffed animal named "Badger", It was a bear but now he looks more like a rag, Charmaine almost threw it away by accident, Sean threatened to kill her if anything happened to the first love of his life. Franky has already ended up with a black eye for insulting Badger
• He is still a fan of the occult, tarot, gems energy and astrology etc...
• Every time he goes to the movies with Charmaine, he asks her to hide beer cans under her breasts. At first she thought it was absolutely stupid, but eventually Charmaine did it a few times. She never admitted to him that she could hide a bag of weed in her vagina if need be, for obvious reasons
• He hates IQ tests because the only time he took one online, he scored 89 and Charmaine 130
• If he's rich today, it's because he won a game show when he was 30
• Sean suffers from depersonalization/derealization
• He grew his hair to look like the Joker (and subconsciously Laszlo)
• Most of Sean's savings went into expensive jewelry that he bought for his wife to make up for it
• Behind his Ocean's Twelve memorabilia there's a secret room with absolutely everything needed to organize a casino heist : A notebook with personalized costume sketches for each of his friends + 11 extremely extensive custom-made costumes protected in covers, an entire library about robbery and action books, entire handmade maps of New Jersey and more precisely Atlantic City's casinos, an impressive collection of various weapons and safes to practice opening them, twenty years of research for the perfect heist, accumulated in notebooks and plastic sleeves, a notebook with all the formulas on how to make a bomb, and of course, the homemade bomb in the corner of the room, a huge table in the center with a video projector, a cupboard with other figures and goodies from the trilogy, and posters all around the room
• Sean is a kid mentally, and annoying his wife is his favorite pastime, his favorite activity, being upstairs and shouting Charmaine's name, if she answers, he doesn't answer, until she freaks out
• If someone knocks on the toilet while he's occupying it, he shits louder
• At the beach, every time Sean passes by a sand castle, Charmaine is forced to threaten him by whispering "Don't" because she knows that her husband wants to "accidentally" destroy the castle
• If Sean dies at some point, his unfinished business as a ghost is to kiss Laszlo
• He has very long feet, when he goes bowling with Mikey and Franky. They call him "Bozo", which is the nickname he chooses on the screen to play
• Sean suffers from sleep apnea, so he snores like a pig, and for the past few years he's had a CPAP machine
• In his teen, he sympathized with the Jersey Devil, but after the brain scramblies he forgot that he had become close to the creature
• Sean already asked Charmaine to do ASMR videos just to gain money
• He is stronger than Laszlo at chess
• He wrote plenty of Ocean's 11/12 fics on ao3. Charmaine corrects his spelling mistakes, and she's annoyed to see that her husband only writes sex scenes between men, she'd also like to see between women. His excuse : "I don't have a vagina, how the fuck I'm supposed to write the sensations of having one duh-"
• During a manic episode, he bought 6 Roomba to make an army of them
• He knows the Ocean Twelve lines by heart
• If Charmaine and Sean don't judge the clothing style of their neighbors it's because they probably had a goth period in their youth
• He is a reincarnation, just like Jeff/Gregor
• Jenna is the secret love child of the Rinaldi
• Although he and Charmaine have reconciled, they no longer sleep in the same room; because Sean has insomnia and gets up often to go out on the balcony and smoke his cigarette (which awakens Charmaine)
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homemakinghippie · 2 months
Infused Vinegar
Vinegar is one of the best all purpose cleaners in my opinion. I use it all over my house. I'm used to the smell after years of using it for cleaning as well as canning, but I know a lot of people really hate it. You could add essential oils to your cleaning products...or you could make infused vinegar! Infused vinegar is so insanely simple to make as well as cheaper and more sustainable than essential oils. Now don't get me wrong, I love using essential oils, but one bottle takes pounds of plant matter to make. With infused vinegar you can simply add your orange peels to a mason jar after a snack, costing you no extra money and reducing waste.
Orange peels are most commonly used since oranges are popular snacks, but you can use any citrus peels, herbs, or even pine needles! All you have to do is fill a mason jar with your dry matter (Peels, herbs, etc) and then fill the jar with 5% acidity white distilled vinegar and let it infuse in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. I usually use a quart jar, but if you're not sure you'll like it you could use a pint. Alternatively, if you know you'll go through a ton of infused vinegar, you could make it in a half gallon jar.
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nathanielaaron · 6 months
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🖲Magnesium — plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle & nerve function and energy production.
🖲NAC — (a precursor to glutathione) provides a variety of protective antioxidant effects, block damages to DNA, strengthening all organs, including the brain — dissolves mucus, improves breathing & respiratory problems. NAC powers up the immune system, boosting antibodies, increasing glutathione, which fights disease & aging. NAC has been around for decades, proven to be very safe, with NO SIDE EFFECTS.
🖲Glutathione — is the body's most powerful antioxidant & counteracts the harmful effects of graphene oxide. Human bodies produce glutathione naturally but over as humans age & absorbs toxins, the production of it slows down. Children naturally have high glutathione levels. Glutathione is a body-specific antioxidant that cells need to function & survive. When you get sick, the level of glutathione can drop.
🖲Selenium — a trace element that is naturally present in many foods & available as a dietary supplement. Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis & protection from oxidative damage and infection.
🖲Quercetin — have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication and multi-faceted anti-inflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions. 
🖲Vitamin D/C/A – promotes immune cell proliferation, stimulates antimicrobial peptides, cytokines and immune cell proliferation, enhances mucosal Integrity, antioxidant, protects healthy cells, activated immune cells, antiviral, coordinates cellular immune response.
🖲Zinc – essential for binding capacity & optimizing lethality of immune cells. Promotes antiviral enzyme blocking viral replication.
🖲Zeolite — has a strong attraction to many heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. It also binds to & removes many chemicals like fluorine & chlorine, eliminating free radicals of all types, and it reverses acute chemical & allergic reactions, all without removing vital nutrients from the body. This makes it a maximum detoxifier.
🖲Pine Needle Tea, Fennel See, Star Anise — contains shikimic acid, high levels of antioxidants & DNA-protective properties.
🖲Dandelion Root —  blocks interaction between ACE2, spike protein & variants.
🖲Black Cumin Seed Oil — is natural alternative for Ivermectin. Nigella sativa has been used as traditional medicine for centuries. The oil from its seeds are effective against many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease — also effective against cancer in blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix & skin.
🖲Fulvic Acid & Shilajit — have long been used in traditional medicine & reduces inflammation and boost immunity. Fulvic acid has been well studied for its effects on immune health and inflammation. Improve disease resistance, increase your immune defenses, fight inflammation, chronic diseases & enhance antioxidant activity.
🖲Bio-Fibrin — is a proteolytic enzyme (a process known as proteolysis - help dissolve proteins. There are over 700 identified human enzymes, and each enzyme has a specific biochemical reaction involving a specific substance.
Activated Charcoal, Chlorophyll, Chlorella, Spirulina, Irish Sea Moss, C-60, Power Immunity, Infrared Sauna, Green Tea, Alkaline Water, Probiotics, Cinnamon & Raw Honey, Avocado, Garlic, Turmeric, Cilantro, Ginger, Cruciferous vegetables & leafy greens are also great detoxes for the body.
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karmaislucky · 1 year
What genshin men smell like
these are all headcanons of what I believe they would smell like. Sfw post!
KAEYA is interesting case cause I think his smell can vary. On a day he is working and needs to be presentable, he wears cologne that smalls of lavender and ceder wood. But when he's out and about, hints of whine can definitely be smelled.
VENTI smells like apples and champagne. The smell suits him well. Change my mind
ITTO probably smells like THE WILD. Hints of lavender melon, the ocean breeze, and tbh dirt. His musk can sometimes mix badly with his sweat, but kuki would make sure him and the gang stay cleanly and smell fresh.
AYATO smells like fresh Sakura's and hints of shea butter. That man pulling up FRESH. He's got some expensive ass perfumes from fountain or something.
People belove DILUC smells fruity, but it's far from that. He smells like pine needles mixed with vanilla. Maybe small hints of sunsetias, but with the ammount of work he does fighting the abyss, I can imagine he smells like a vampire, but one of those cozy ones.
ALBEDO barley carries a scent. If anything he may smell of his latest experiment. But of he had to chose one he likes, it'll most likely be an essential oil sucrose made for him to test out.
ALHAITHAM you know that smell of old books? He smells like that. BUT IN A GOOD WAY. This man doesn't leave the house unless he needs to. Outside of regular soap, he doesn't carry much of a smell.
KAVEH is a man of luxury.....when he can afford it. hints of vanilla and cinnamon are one of the more simple perfumes. If he can afford it, he would go for Cecelia mixed with sumeru roses.
DOTTORE smells like copper. man smells like he bathes in pennies.
Like ayato, PANTALONE SMELLS GOOD with that rich privilege perfume. The smell is very woody, yet festive. There is a reason why the tsaritsa trusts him with beauty products
Like for pt. 2!
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madamlaydebug · 9 months
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According to the Chopra Center, “If you’re feeling stuck, negative, sluggish, or even downright depressed, it may be due to some stagnant energy in your field.”
And by field, they mean anything from your emotional, energetic, mental, spiritual or physical body to your environment, which, of course, includes your home, office, or any other space. As the studies show, being around negative energy can be extremely detrimental to your health—mental and physical. One way to remove this stagnant energy is by “smudging.” The art of smudging dates back to ancient times and includes burning sacred plants to clear and bless a space. The smoke that results from burning plants like tobacco, cedar, sweet grass, juniper, pine needles, cypress, lavender, frankincense,
One way to remove this stagnant energy is by “smudging.” The art of smudging dates back to ancient times and includes burning sacred plants to clear and bless a space. The smoke that results from burning plants like tobacco, cedar, sweet grass, juniper, pine needles, cypress, lavender, frankincense, rosemary, and sage, is shown to actually cleanse the air of impurities, including bacteria and viruses. You can “smudge” your space any time you feel like it needs to be cleared.
A good time to smudge an area is when you move into a new home, when you begin a new job or career, after a guest leaves your home, before you meditate or after there has been an argument or someone has been sick. You can buy pre-made dried herbs in a smudging stick or you can dry your own. Place them in an aluminum bowl and light the herbs. Blow the flame out gently as you would when you are creating cinders for a fire. As the cinders burn they will release a smoke that will cleanse the air. Carefully walk from room to room, letting the smoke waft through your space. When you are finished, make sure the cinders have died out. This will help attract positive energy into your space.
•Essential Oil Diffusers
Much like smudging, the heated oils release their cleansing properties into the air, clearing the space of negative energy, including any viruses and bacteria. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to raise your vibrational frequency.
Oils that are known to help include:
•Peppermint—An effective astringent that can clear tension and negative energies. Also a great oil for relieving headaches.
•Frankincense—A Biblical oil known for purification of any negative influences.
•Myrrh—Another ancient oil good for purifying your environment. When combined with other oils, myrrh can increase their potency.
•Rose–One of the highest vibrational frequency oils.
•Cypress—Great for purifying and raising your vibration while grounding and protecting you and your home.
•Cedarwood—A wonderful oil to counter excessive negative energies.
•Basil—A sacred oil known worldwide for its protective properties.
•Juniper—Cleanses negative energies that can affect your health while transforming any negative emotions into positive ones.
•Lavender—Good for removing stubborn energies and for neutralize negative frequencies. A well-known calming agent.
•Sage—A popular oil for neutralizing existing negativity energy.
•Palo Santo—A potent oil that helps clear your home of negative energy while bringing good luck!
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Pine Needle Essential Oil
Discover the natural benefits of pine needle essential oil. Our pure, high-quality oil is steam-distilled from the needles of Pinus sylvestris and helps to soothe muscles, reduce inflammation and boost immunity.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Essential oils toxic to dogs
Dogs can also be sensitive to certain essential oils, and exposure to toxic oils can cause various adverse effects. Here is a list of essential oils that are generally considered toxic to dogs:
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca oil)
Pennyroyal Oil
Wintergreen Oil
Pine Oil
Clove Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Citrus Oil (Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit)
Cinnamon Oil
Thyme Oil
Peppermint Oil
Oregano Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Bergamot Oil
Sweet Birch Oil
Garlic Oil
Garlic Extract
Onion Oil
Onion Extract
Nutmeg Oil
Anise Oil
Juniper Oil
Mustard Oil
Citronella Oil
Pine Needle Oil
Bay Leaf Oil
Cassia Oil
Cajeput Oil
Lemon Grass Oil
Geranium Oil
Just like with cats, this list is not exhaustive, and there may be other essential oils that could be harmful to dogs. It's important to exercise caution and keep these oils and any other potentially toxic substances out of your dog's reach.
If your dog has been exposed to an essential oil or is exhibiting any concerning symptoms, it's recommended to contact your veterinarian for guidance and assistance.
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brightgnosis · 4 months
Complete List of Necessary Materia For Ritual Oil Lineup
Rose Petals (Misc)
Rose Petals (White)
Lilac Flowers (White)⁑
Apple Blossoms
Jasmine Flowers✧
Hibiscus Flowers
Magnolia Flowers⭒
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Strawberry Leaf
Sage Leaf
Pine Needles⭒
Rosemary Needles
Mugwort Leaf
Mullein Leaf
Thyme Leaf
Bay Laurel Leaf✧
Juniper Leaf⭒
Cypress Leaf⁑
Willow Leaf⁑
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Anise Pods✧
Magnolia Seeds⭒
Pink Peppercorn✧
White Peppercorn✧
Black Peppercorn✧
Pistachio Nuts✧
Juniper Berries⭒
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Apple Fruit✧
Strawberry Fruit
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Pine Wood⭒
Cypress Wood⁑
Willow Wood⁑
Palo Santo Wood✧
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Pine Resin⭒
Copal Resin✧
Myrrh Resin✧
Frankincense Resin✧
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Rose Essential Oil
Clove Essential Oil
Nutmeg Essential Oil
Sage Essential Oil
Clary Sage Essential Oil
Pine Essential Oil
Rosemary Essential Oil
Jasmine Essential Oil
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Mugwort Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
Cinnamon Essential Oil
Myrrh Essential Oil
Magnolia Essential Oil✧
Sandalwood Essential Oil
Patchouli Essential Oil
Thyme Essential Oil✧
Bay Laurel Essential Oil
Cedar Essential Oil
Juniper Essential Oil
Cypress Essential Oil
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Rose Hip Oil✧
Grapeseed Oil✧
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✧ = Need to buy, either initially, or as replenishment
⁑ = Can possibly forage, but I'm uncertain; may need to buy
⭒ = Can definitely forage without issue
n = Already own to use at will
The rest is stuff I have seeds for that I can grow, or already have fully stocked jars of, can replace plants for, etc.
If you would like to help with this little endeavor, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi or contributing with an item from my Wishlist.
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apoetmaybe · 1 year
Angel wing inked on a chest, a phoenix-ed forearm too
I wish I were a Phoenix in ink
The one he has in tattoo
And I thought once of life and pages
Inks of days and days passed, ages
Our ink,
The ink of right now
I suppose is something like
The little rain
On the caked paint of a child’s face-painted cheek
the remnants of the breaths he took, we took
Touches, smiles, a semblance of knowing one another
All like watercolors
Beside me, he lays sleeping now
I could watch
Like a soul in a body beneath a moonlight
The night dark, my body strange and unfamiliar
Standing among pines and their saplings
Standing light footed upon the needles of my age
Yea, our ink
Crumbled atop oiled skin of a child’s cheek
And a cold raindrop
The cold the reminds you
You must be warm, alive a little
Warm. A child eternal.
Permanent the ink then
Over this Not so eternal here
Everything isn’t going on
Things are coming off
Like bathing
A cold iridescent raindrop fell like tear
Over us
And the color clung
We washed down, moonlight reflected in us
Ink and water- the essentials
Why water? so polarized in ions!
Mucking away, day to day
The beautiful and horrid signs of life
Beneath- I feel them not ink needles
But the pine needles under my barefoot
Of that moonlit night where I was dying
inhabiting my body
Inhabiting my body
Just barely
A strange creature, nearly hovering
Atop this Earth like a child’s cheek
In the nightly forest
And the buzz of the tattoo gun
At the parlor in my mind
I awaken to sounds of metal boned leather covered chairs
Sticking to my skin
I peel
And the tattoo is as cold as natural skin now
There isn’t a difference
Memory is like ink
But love like face paint on a child’s cheek
That rolls away
In moonlight
And assuredly in rain.
Now wings on me, no phoenix tattoo
Am I unscathed?
I check my bones for a heartbeat
And the paint chips away from the child’s cheek
And falls to the Forrest floor
Overtop pine needle bedding
goes on and on and on
A speck of dust in the wind
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celisticwolf · 1 year
Don't forget to cleanse your home/space for the new year! Move out all of that stagnant energy that no longer serves you. I just cleansed my home by sweeping out the old energies with my ritual broom(made myself with a stick, pine needles, and twine.) It doesn't have to be extravagant or expensive to get the job done.
A few different ways to cleanse:
1. Sound. Make noise. Play music that symbolizes cleansing/clearing to you. Clap, or play an instrument.
2. Make a cleansing spray. Use distilled or filtered water, witch hazel, essential oils and/or salt. Just be careful with essential oils if you have pets.
3. Sweep your space. You can do this with a ritual broom, or use your regular cleaning broom. Visualize sweeping the stale energy out of your space.
4. Actually clean your space. Removing physical clutter and dirt from your space allows energies to flow freely.
There are so many ways to cleanse your space, these are just a few of my favorites. Keep in mind, with all of these techniques, you want to move around your space in a clockwise motion. I start at my front door, move clockwise around my house, and end at my front door. At the end of cleansing, I open my front door and push all of the stale energy out.
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