#Pjo Prometheus
apollosgiftofprophecy · 2 months
Descriptions (because i NEED to explain things haha-):
Of Bridges Built & Burned: Based off this clowning between me and @moodyseal
TD;LR- Commodus and Apollo get to both scream about their relationship (because it's usually only Commodus who does that), Commodus goes off to sulk/stew over it while Apollo completes his trials, then post-ToA they meet again and have a Much Needed Talk
...and *sobs* go separate ways... *ugly sobbing* DON'T MIND ME-
you know you love the ship when you write them breaking up in the most heart-wrenching scenario possible.
but shh...i have another idea to do with this but that's for another time😈
The Art of War: I've been DYING to do SOMETHING with Apollo (Favorite Son™) and Ares (Failure Son™) and I have 3 whole scenes in different points of time now!!!
First is when Apollo's young and new on Olympus. He's been shoved onto Ares for the time being because in Ancient Greece, boys were raised by their fathers and girls by their mothers, and when the father was unavailable, it was the eldest brother's job to watch his younger brothers.
Second scene is during/post Ares's kidnapping by the giants! Some Apollo angst, Zeus being the best dad ever (not), and Ares not having a good time.
Third and finally, is a little conversation post-ToA between them :3
The Sun's Rise: At last! Out of the vault! The moment we've been waiting for! Starring our boy Apollo, Prometheus being Prometheus, and a guest star you all should know by now :3
@hyac1nthus i know you'd want to see this >:3
Koios ToA: What the hell was Koios doing during ToA? This fic will play like a snapshot of what our favorite titan was up too. Questions will be asked, answers will be found, and oh boy Phoebe and Koios are gonna have a bit o' long-overdue marital strife.
Drunk Twins: literally what is says on the label. the twins get drunk and the Hunt has to call in the mama wolf for backup lmao
The Conspiracy of Rachel Elizabeth Dare: based on this post by @hogoflight and expanded upon here by me! Rachel Dare is a conundrum to her friends, and they put their detective hats on to solve the case!
ToA BuzzFeed Unsolved: The Queer Capers of Lester Papadopoulos and Meg McCaffrey: BUZZFEED TIME! We need ToA buzzfeed fics so here I am making one :3
Apollo V Orion fight (with a side-dish of Jupiter & Commodus): Exactly what it says on the label lmao I had three oneshot ideas and then I went "COMBINE THEM!!" so here is a oneshot with three different things in it making a cohesive story :3
A Radiant Light: Did I make up an entire backstory for one background character? Yes. Is that character Phoebe the Hunter? Also yes.
how to get your daughter to divorce your brother and marry your nephew: a guide by demeter: funny fic about Demeter trying to get Meg, Nico, and Will to help her convince Persephone to divorce Hades and marry Apollo. Based off one of my headcanons haha
👀 lookin' forward to a lot of these, hehe!
Tag list: @txny-dragon @solahflare @fuzzystudios @apollosothertwin @peishathebookity @reuben-7991 @allylyrac @the-summersun
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bugwolfsstuff · 8 months
Current W.I.Ps
Here's some of the W.I.Ps I'm working on with summaries, extracts and little notes i have written for myself. And as I'm about to post this i am realizing that most of these are about Dionysus lmao.
Please tell me what you all think about these w.i.ps tho. I am open to constructive criticism.
Summary: Leo and Connor Stoll bond over dead moms
Notes to myself:
[Con's mom died when he was a baby, and he seems nonchalant about it]
[the convo gets started when Con is looking for Issac Schuster. Leo doesn't know which brother of his that is and says that he's not used to having a big family and that it used to be just him and his mom. Con relates to that.]
Small extract: (this one only has a few words cus i got writers block)
The sun dipped over the forest of Camp Half-Blood. Casting a 
2. ..What?....You d-dont remember what she looks like?
Summary: Libary by Jack Stauber but as Dionysus and Ino
Notes to myself:
[Traumatize this man]
[Lines so i dont have to watch it over and over again]
[Behind curtain number one is... *Dionysus mouths Auntie* correct!]
[(have a pause before this) Wait]
[Y-You don't remember what she looks like!]
[Hey! Just make something up.]
[Oh! What you make is gonna end.]
[And get old too!]
Small Extract:
I never liked dreams much. 
When I was a demigod, they usually meant more trauma to bottle up and ignore (Yes, Chiron, I know that's not healthy, but I don't care).
When I became a god, the dreams...didn't disappear for some reason but got less frequent. Maybe because I learned to ignore my past more effectively, or maybe Epiales favours me because I gave him that bottle of wine for his birthday.
Tonight, it seems I have lost his favour.
3. Wine child
Summary: After a fight with Hebe, Dionysus ends up in his 8 year old self and the camp have to take care of him.
Notes to myself:
[First person switching POV?]
[Dio shows up in a stained and torn girl's ancient Greek outfit]
[Following Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 28: Hera inflicted madness on them, so that Athamas stalked and slew his elder son Learkhos on the conviction that he was a deer, while Ino threw Melikertes into a basin of boiling water, and then, carrying both the basin and the corpse of the boy, she jumped to the bottom of the sea. Zeus changing Dionysos into a baby goat to save him from Hera]
[ "But I do not ask for the heavenly fire of your lightning, nor the cloud, nor the thunderclap… The sparks of the thunderbolt that killed my mother are no pleasure to me" —Dionysus, Nonnus Dionyusica 10]
Small extract: (since i have already posted a part of the first chapter ill put the second w.i.p chp)
Percy: Camp Half-Blood becomes a divine daycare.
"Why is everyone at the archery range?" Annabeth asked, deflecting Riptide.
I grinned, "Nice try, Wise girl. I won't fall for that trick."
She frowned. "No, Seaweed Brain, I'm serious! Something's going on."
I decided to risk it and take a look...and she knocked Riptide out of my hands and threw me onto my butt.
Yeah, I should have expected that. Classic Annabeth move.
But she was telling the truth though. Something was going on. There was a crowd gathered around the archery range.
"Maybe someone got claimed?" I said hopefully. That was the best-case scenario. A new camper gets claimed by their godly parent and moves out of the Hermes cabin. Worst-case scenario: it's another prophecy.
"A normal claiming wouldn't cause that big of a crowd, though." She replied, sheathing her sword.
4. The horse and the infant but with Leo
Zeus comes to Prometheus with an offer.
An offer that if he does something for the gods, he is free.
The thing is to kill an infant, Leo.
Notes to myself:
[Hypatos—Supreme, Most High]
[Use this dialogue later: "You, Klytotekhnês, couldn't defeat a titan." Prometheus said.
"I know," "but I have to try."]
[Palamnaeus-(Punisher) of Murderers]
Small extract:
The cloud gatherer approaches.
Prometheus looked up from his rock to the approaching gods. His face—painfully—curved into a smile that held no warmth. A visit from him meant a break from those winged beasts. And a break from those winged beasts meant a reprieve from suffering.
"Hypatos Zeus, Aidoneus, what do I owe the pleasure?" he said.
Zeus did not return the smile. 
Sometimes Prometheus, in his endless free time, ponders if Hagno taught that boy manners.
Ever the social butterfly, Aidoneus — or Hades, as he prefers — turned invisible and left without so much of a greeting.
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percabeth4life · 2 years
Prometheus had a Hyperfixation on clay and his brothers atlas&menoitios and his father thought bleeding was funky and Prometheus saw what his brothers&father thought was cool and went "time to make the coolest clay people EVER" presenting his cool ass shit to his family like a very proud kid who just came back from art class
lmao no but that’s such a delightful image he just hands them a fully grown person like “look what I made” and this guy, this whole ass human being, is gaping at these all powerful beings like “wtf”.
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plutoarttv · 3 months
prometheus: hot take,
the greek gods: no give that back
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ruegarding · 10 months
that scene in tlo where thalia tells percy he can't start feeling sorry for luke bc luke made his choices. and thalia reveals that the reason they couldn't make it to camp in time for all of them to make it to camp was bc luke kept picking fights. and annabeth never saw this as wrong bc luke was her hero. so thalia had to pick up the pieces. and percy thinking both that luke was put in a cruel position and that luke was putting others in a cruel position. and percy is the only character who understood both sides of luke bc annabeth sees only the best of him and thalia sees only the worst. and that's why percy is the prophecy kid and the one who gives luke the knife. bc annabeth had spent the entire series essentially giving luke the knife when he didn't deserve it. and thalia was never going to give luke the knife. but percy is the only one who can see exactly when luke deserves the knife.
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alsofullofflies · 28 days
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Plz go watch Kaos on Netflix gang 😭
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happyk44 · 2 years
PJO: we need to recognize the value of the minor gods. The Olympians are important, sure, but the minor gods do a lot of work in maintaining and assisting the pantheon, have their own kids and deserve to be seen and valued just as much
HoO: Back at it again with Olympian-only nonsense!
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Titan army? Waging psychological warfare on one (1) Thalia Grace by bringing her thought to be dead brother to the truce talks? More likely to happen than you'd think.
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lightbulb77724 · 7 months
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 7 months
Adventures in (Grand)Parenting: Featuring Koios Second Titan War
Maddening, In All Forms - Koios breaks out of prison. It reveals quite a few things.
It Runs in the Family - Koios discovers his family tree has grown in his absence.
Deals With the Damned Never Go As Planned - Koios & Luke strike a deal with the Triumvirate.
When the Heavens Collide - The Twins meet their grandfather - no, not that one.
A Spark of the Future - Koios negotiates with Kronos.
Second Giant War
Turning Points - Koios in Tartarus, and how he got out.
Next Fic:
(Fics undergoing editing!)
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bugwolfsstuff · 3 months
According to Microsoft Word the Prometheus and Leo shot takes seven minutes to read and 11 minutes to read out loud.
It is not even finished yet.
I read through it, highlighting bits i wanted to change because its been a long time since i opened the thing and....
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All that yellow is the stuff i need to edit....
Its not even finished
Here's the parts I do like tho:
Zeus did not return the smile. Sometimes Prometheus, in his endless free time, ponders if Hagno taught that boy manners.  Ever the social butterfly, Aidoneus — or Hades, as he prefers, turned invisible and left without so much of a greeting. 
He's been told before that he's too soft on humanity. The other gods mocked him for sacrificing everything to gift them with flame. But the mortals are as much as his children as Aidôs and Deucalion are. Wouldn't you feel the same kind of affection for your own creation?  
This entire interaction:
"Apollo was given a prophecy years ago—"  "—Is he okay? Was he given nectar afterwards?" Prometheus asked innocently, "I know just how tiresome visions and prophecies are on the immortal body. He's a young boy, so—"  "He's fine!" Zeus snapped. It seemed that Prometheus was burning through his patience quickly.  "Good."  Prometheus smiled innocently, annoying Zeus by taking an interest in things he deemed 'unimportant' (Prometheus disagreed with that sentiment: nothing or nobody is truly unimportant) or feigned ignorance were the few harmless ways he got small revenge. He watched Zeus scowl with disguised amusement. It reminded him of a spoiled child being told no. 
This part I have to give context on why I like it is because throughout the shot Prometheus refers to Zeus as many epithets but despite all the sass this is the first time it's more of a negative epithet (of war/warlike) and from then on it's usually son of Kronos:
'To kill a foe that won't run. One unlike any other you've faced before.' Zeus Areius had said. 
This part I love even tho it's not even part of the fic yet, just a scrap I have set aside for until the part it belongs to is written:
You, Klytotekhnês, couldn't defeat a titan." Prometheus said.   "I know," "but I have to try."
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wanderingmind867 · 9 months
I haven't started rereading the Titan's Curse yet (I'm still on the Sea of Monsters right now), but I just want to say: Atlas is not great, but I think he's still more sympathetic than Kronos. For one thing, Kronos represents a concept nobody quite likes: time. Seriously, who likes the cruel harshness of time and ageing? But for a much more obvious point: Atlas is sympathetic because of his punishment. While Kronos got debatably what he might have deserved (in a way Nemesis would have loved. He cut his father up, so his kids cut him up. Very eye for an eye mentality), Atlas is forced to hold up the sky for all time. Which is a punishment that makes me sympathize with him. He is evil, but I'd hate holding up the sky like that too. Still, Prometheus has it worst of all with the whole chained to a rock and pecked at by vultures thing.
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audreyscribes · 2 months
What do you think about children of dolos? I never hear anything ab them,canon or fanon
Dolos/Dolus, the personified spirit (daimon) of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery, and guile.
Well I can see why people don't really talk about any children of Dolos, or Dolos either. This is because Dolos is a personified spirit and is very abstract in terms of mythology, and the only substantial specific story about him is from Aesop's Fable (fun fact: it's actually a latin work!)
As a general concept, not even connecting it to the PJO universe, so trying to create a demigod from Dolos is like grasping at straws without no way of knowing how to build a house with it, or should you even build it, and basically all we have to go with is the concept of Dolos, the fact Dolos is born as one of the many personifications of the world, and that one story in Aesop Fables. If I were writing for a child of Dolos, not adding the restrictions and guidelines for the PJO verse for demigods:
Since Dolos is Guile; deceitful cunning and trickery, I'd imagine you can make the demigod something like a child of Hermes but that leans heavily towards trickery, thievery, and craftiness.
They can lie, charm their way in and out with the silver like tongue, are smart and quick, while also being resourceful. Unlike Hermes demigods, who are basically the Jack of all trades, the mentioned traits are their only traits as a Dolos demigod and are more concentrated. Now whether those traits lean more negatively or a more positive way depends because the demigod children are mortal and their morals are gray, but also hard to say since Dolos is a daimon. They can copy others and things like Dolos did with Prometheus' work with Veritas (Truth) and Dolos' attempt to create an identical one but came out with Mendacium (Pseudologos, Falsehoods). However, although the children of Dolos are nimble with their fingers and their eyes accurate, they cannot copy everything identically and there is always a flaw in it, thus being a counterfeit compared to the original source. But you know the words, "Fake it till you make it"
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A/N: You guys are really coming out of the wood works asking me demigod questions and my own two cents about it. You've found a loophole and cheated the system. I can only imagine when S2 of the PJO TV Show is on air and then you guys are going to go feral.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
So was anybody going tell me that Iapetus is the Titan of Mortality and Nico the son of Hades ghost king whatever just makes friends with a Titan of Mortality or was I just supposed to find out during a grammar check myself?
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