#Pjsekai x reader
wxsemu · 1 year
you accidentally confess to them..
feat. rui kamishiro, akito shinonome, toya aoyagi, && tsukasa tenma
a/n: hi hi this is my very first post here on tumblr,, i would appreciate it if you liked & reblogged! i'll be posting more soon hehe
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rui kamishiro
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akito shinonome
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toya aoyagi
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tsukasa tenma
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kitorin · 8 months
8:13 am - s.akito
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Shinonome Akito doesn't and hasn't loved.
He adores and loves his mother of course, and she reciprocates full heartedly. Him and Ena may constantly argue but they both know very well that they'd die for each other. But in an romantic context he's absolutely repulsed.
Akito doesn't want it. Music is above everything and everyone. Relationships can't compare to the fleeting moments of the spotlight during a show—nor the exhilarating satisfaction of noticing improvement after excruciating hours of practice.
It's such an ugly concept too. His father only hurts his sister, almost singlehandedly ruining her art career and being the sole reason she can't believe in herself anymore— all while justifying his actions with the excuse of love.
Akito doesn't want love either. The only enticing desire that ever came to visit him were self improvement. It's a satisfactory way of living. Unlike others he never suffered from pining for another nor struggling to pick up the pieces of his own heart— it can't happen if he doesn't open it up to anyone at all.
It was futile thought, no matter how much he tried to follow that philosophy, or how long he's been able to abide by it— because right next to him lies the disruption in his peace.
Sunlight bleeds through the curtains, illuminating your sleeping expression, Akito observes the gentle rise of your chest, entranced with your gentle breathing.
Romance is stupid. So is love, trivial and useless, if it hurt his family then why should he bother luxuriating in it. It's foolish, an utter waste of time, something only an idiot would bother pursuing.
Yet he finds himself here, remaining in bed just to stare at someone, despite the fatigue itching behind his eyes.
Even with your hair in a mess and your face lazily squished against a pillow, it's one of the most ethereal sights he's ever laid his eyes on. A sight only for him. Akito always adores how you look no matter what, but something about seeing you at full peace makes him smile a bit harder.
He hated it, loathed how you were the bane of his existence, the fault in his once flawless discipline. Akito always prioritises practice. He doesn't spend money unless it was for the sake of his performances. And he abides his strict sleep schedule constantly.
But here he is, hours past the time he usually wakes up, admiring the person he's probably spent almost tens of thousands of yen on, even if there's a bit of drool accumulating on their bottom lip.
Akito can go on about how much he hates you. Ever since you stepped into his life, he found himself skipping practice to hang out with you. Prize money went to buying you your favourite books, and the time reserved for picking out song lists went to binging all of your show recommendations. One of his solo shows were entirely forgot by him; all because he felt the urge to blurt out his feelings for you.
You're a flaw. A weakness. A falter in what he calls control.
Initially, he thought he lost it. With how he was constantly reminded of his infinite adoration for you, it didn't take long to accept.
Every detail of you is imprinted in his mind. Your rambles sooth his stress; you could be complaining about someone and it'd still be music to his ears. The way you express yourself is so sweet to him, as smooth as honey and saccharine like the summer air. Your touch is warm, a comforting spring night that flushes his face red every single time.
Being loved was just as addictive. No one's ever bought him flowers, or written him poetry or little love notes during class. He'd never kissed someone until you, nor laughed so hard until he gasped for air.
Through half lidded eyes he notices movement in your body, with a yawn your arms reach out to Akito, though not quite enough to pull him closer. He obliges to your motions, muscular arms wrapping around you as he plants a kiss on your forehead.
You respond with incoherent murmurs, burying your face into his warm chest, pressing against his now racing heartbeat. He stifles a laugh after seeing your reaction, patting your head.
A glimpse at the time and he knows he should probably go home soon. His mum must be worried after he stormed out of the house late at night, almost breaking down from hearing another argument invade the comfort of his room.
"I need to go." Raspy and careful, he whispers into your ear. "I'll see you at school." His movements halt as you cling onto his wrist.
"Stay. Please."
As if second nature Akito complies. His body obeys before he can even process your words mentally, returning to your initial position with him. He takes it as an opportunity to throw your blanket back onto you.
"Are you sure...? Didn't you have a morning shift today?"
"I wanna stay here with you."
And I would stay here with you forever, if I could. "I'll be here for as long as you'd like then." Another kiss. This time on your cheek.
"Can't go to work anyways." He asks why, mumbling with his face against your neck. "'m sick."
Akito withdraws. "Really?" Urgency wards off lethargy. Was he out of it? He didn't notice you cough or sneeze, and your breathing seemed stable too.
You nod, wearily. "Yeah. Lovesick." Akito flicks your forehead, almost instantaneously.
He ignores your complaints. "Idiot. Don't worry me again." He scolds you as if a smile wasn't tugging at his lips. "C'mon, sleep more. We stayed up late last night."
"Worry about yourself more. You literally carried me to my room because I fell asleep on the couch."
He shrugs it off. "You're not heavy."
In return, you scoff. "Still would've been more convenient to sleep there."
"You say that as if I wouldn't shoulder the weight of the world for your sake." His lithe finger poke your cheek. "One more hour. Sleep just that and I'll buy you lunch later."
"As if you ever let me pay."
Akito shrugs again, he'd do anything for you, that included making sure your wallet was never empty. His father was rich, might as well make the most of it even if he loathes him. "Bookstore as well, then."
You give in, surrendering to his deal. "Fine. Since you're so insistent."
And so he grins at his victory, tucking you in again and joining you. He intertwines his fingers with yours, calloused thumb stroking your knuckles as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. Akito feels so relax that it finds it unsettling, it's as if he never broke down from hearing his family argue— as if said struggles never existed in the first place.
Love is still poison to Akito, only you seem to make it appear so intoxicating— if it's you he'll allow himself to indulge in said venom, even if it puts his fragile heart at risk.
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taglist (send an ask to be added) : @yuzurins, @chigirizzz (not a proper fic but take a drabble in the mean time)
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channelinglament · 1 year
So, I've seen a lot of self-aware aus, and my favorites are SAGAU and Twst
And uhm
I haven't seen anything with self-aware pjsk
Did no one make it or did I just not find it??
Since I couldn't find it, I was like "Let's make it yourself then!"
☆•°Welcome to my self-aware pjsk rant!°•☆
You know how in the beginning of the game Miku asks you for your name and etc? Yeah I'm pretty sure that mayyybeeee she could be self-aware at that moment??
While you two are "singing" (aka you playing tutorial and her singing) she may start enjoying your company!
So, while you're choosing a unit to start with, she just stands there and waits. She wonder what unit you'll choose. All of them have other versions of herself, but they all different personalities, so I think they're like different people. Even to og Miku in the beginning.
After that you play the story. Imagine the units surprise, when one day they start feeling someone looking over them. Like fr-
Depending on their personality, they were either a bit scared/paranoid, or just shrugged it off.
While the game was downloading after you played the first chapter, the unit you have chosen starts slowly becoming aware of someone looking over them. They're not aware yet, but they know they're watched.
Probably have mixed feelings about it. Is it some stalker???
As you proceed in the game, play the story of all units and virtual singers, play the events and rhyme game itself,teht become more aware of your existence.
And just like in every self-aware au manner, they start obsessing over you!
I mean, you've been with them for so long! All of them. You've supported in the beginning and still do. How can they not love you?
The unit you've chosen in the beginning are proud tbh. You've chosen them out of all!
Or listened to Miku who recommended them to you based on your answers. But then that means you are similar to them!
Yeah there's no way you're getting out of this one. Everyone would hope that you play *their* unit's songs, and pull their cards. If you have 3d and mv on, then those on your team are trying extra hard, to make sure that they're dancing ☆perfectly☆
Even if you, for example, put Akito on Mizuki's dance moves in IDSMILE, or Kanade on Akito's in ifuudoudou.
You know, I'm pretty sure they can see your profile. And when you put someone as "[Chara Name] fan"
Yeah they're so happy/smug about it!
And you probably get more cards in gacha. They're trying their best okay?
You know their skills make you have more "great" or "perfect" for quite some time right? Ohohoho (wtf with that laugh-) they're now just trying to help you out without it! You seem so happy doing fc or ap!
But some probably will make you lose the game when jealous or to make you pay more attention to them/their song.
I'll rant/talk about it more in the future♡
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nothirstonmain · 8 months
Rui keeps trying to impress you. His favorite method is little machines. Toy-like mechanisms made to keep you happy, or remind you of him when he isn't around.
His pencil taps against the page. It wasn't his worst idea tonight, but not enough. The page gets ripped out, crushed into a ball, and thrown away. Maybe a miniature robo-Rui that can play messages he records for you? No, he already made that. What about one that reminds you to drink water?
Sometimes you'll have to remind him he doesn't need to make all these little machines. He knows that, of course, but he can't help wanting to make sure you're happy!
[Requests open ! Rentry with info in pinned :3 also pls reblog if you like my shit likes just do not help]
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enassbraid · 1 year
helloooo!! can I request a the pjsk boys with a reader who is "perfect"/popular (example: good grades, a lot of friends, talented in art/most school subjects, etc) but they actually hate it (bc people keep using it as an argument when the reader discusses about their grades)? I'm sorry if this is too specific bc this is basically a summary of me 😭 But anyway, thanks in advance, I love your writing <)
-> 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞…
You can’t help being a natural at almost anything you do, just like others can’t help seeing that as your only trait. Fortunately, there’s always someone who doesn’t see you only for your skills…
With Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma & Rui Kamishiro | Genre - Comfort with a fair amount of angst
Cw) anxiety, pent up emotions, belittling, fights (none between reader and characters listed above), it gets noticeably shorter during Tsukasa’s part cause I was tired
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Akito felt honored at first. You, of all people, saw something good enough in him that was actually worth something. It almost didn’t feel real. But this type of thinking didn’t last long, not even a week in fact.
He quickly realized he shouldn’t have been idolizing you the way he was, and you were still a regular person just like him. You may be more skilled, intelligent and quicker than others, but you were still a regular high schooler at the end of the day.
But that didn’t make others think the same way.
You made everything look so easy, so simple. Your peers admired you for this, and held you up on the pedestal Akito once did. A part of him worried about you. After all, all these people can’t acknowledge any flaws you have. You should be happy, right?
But that wasn’t the case at all.
You felt pressured, anxious, worried. What if you messed something up? Would anyone ever see you the same way? Everything had to be perfect, it just has to.
The street singer recognized your thinking, it felt all too familiar to him. He assured you it’s okay to make mistakes, and not everything has to be perfect. But that’s what he thinks, what about what everyone else thinks? It didn’t take long for you to find that out however.
“Ah, I can’t believe I failed the exam… I didn’t think it’d be that hard!” One of your classmates said.
“Tell me about it, half the questions weren’t even on the study guide we got.” Another classmate replied.
The exam was… hard. But it wasn’t impossible. It felt like it was designed to challenge everyone rather than actually test the students. Even you flunked the test a bit.
“I bet you (Name) over there still managed to get a 100, right (Name)?” One of which called over to you, you didn’t bother to remember who though.
“Actually… I got a lower grade as well. 78 out of a 100. It was pretty difficult this time.” You replied.
You were hoping your words would make the others feel less failure. If you got a low grade- what they considered a perfect classmate and student- then they shouldn’t stress too much over their failures. Right?
You wish you were right.
“Are you kidding me? You get a 100 on like… everything! How did your grade drop that bad?” The girl scowled at you, feeling as if you were mocking her for some reason.
“Well it wasn’t the easiest, and it was designed to challenge us, including me.” You said back. Your two classmates looked at you in disbelief. Were you being serious?
“It’s different coming from you. You place in the top 10 all the time during these tests! Usually your first! You should have been the one who passed.” Ouch.
Those words hit you like a brick. Yeah… they were right, you were supposed to be the saving grace for the class’s average. And you went ahead and flopped just like everyone else? They were right, you had no excuse.
The bell rang and you picked up your bag, hastily walking out of the classroom. You couldn’t be seen like this, everyone’s going to find out…
Navigating the crowded hallways, you search for the school’s exit. The staff will only think you got sick and had to go home, no one would ever think of you as a class cutter. If it’s only one time… they shouldn’t mind.
Right as you were about to push the door open, a hand grabs your shoulder.
“Where do you think your going..?” A familiar voice asked.
You turn around, fearing the worst and expecting to make eye contact with a teacher.
“…without me.” He finished.
He let go of your shoulder, figuring you got the hint. He chuckled a bit as your face showed relief. ‘They must have been really worried about getting caught.’ He thinks.
“Great to see you too. Now, would you answer the question?” His voice sounded stern, yet playful.
“It was just… a bad time today. In class I mean. Um, I don’t think I feel comfortable talking about it here though.” You said. The last thing you needed was for anyone to hear how badly you thought you screwed up.
“Alright then, lead the way.”
You looked both ways, making sure there were no witnesses nearby before pushing the door open and making a run for it, your boyfriend not far behind. You two ran for a few minutes until it was ensured no one was after you.
But neither of you quit moving. Akito wouldn’t say it himself, but he was also itching to get out of there, and was kinda grateful you were as well. Otherwise, he’d probably be suffering alone in school right now. You both were itching to get home- either of your homes.
Opening your front door- much calmer than the last door you opened, you didn’t waste a second to walk through. Kicking off your shoes and hanging your bag up, the ginger behind you following suit, you were finally home.
“So, what happened earlier?” He asked, throwing himself on your bed.He’s been wondering ever since he caught you at the school door, it was very out of character for you to.. rebel… like that.
“Right.. I had a little slip up in class. They were talking about tests grades- the most recent one they got. Everyone either failed or got below an 80, including me. I thought… I thought telling them I had a low grade as well would make them feel a bit better. But they got frustrated- saying something about how I can’t possibly fail a test.” You sighed, it was still fresh in your mind. Even as you crawled into your bed where you’re supposed to be calm.
Akito stayed silent for a moment, gathering his thoughts and thinking of the right words to use. Even if you didn’t say it flat out, he knew you were troubled at the thought of people thinking differently of you. You felt this strange ‘responsibility’ of maintaining this perfectionist reputation. He was never sure how to feel about that. Should he have reassured you more? Been more worried? He couldn’t help but feel guilty.
“You shouldn’t worry about what those bitches think. They clearly didn’t understand that test wasn’t meant to be passed with a perfect score, huh? You did though, and you still passed right? Even if you failed, that’s okay. At the end of the day… isn’t it just a number?”
You took a moment to process his words. He was right, you did still pass. Even if it wasn’t a perfect score… a passing grade is enough, right?
“You don’t like the way you are, don’t you?” He continued, this time getting past your imaginary mask.
You shook your head silently. Of course you didn’t. Everyone expects so much from you all the time, it’s so… stressful. You despised it, you’d do anything to be an average person.
He didn’t need you to say anything, your reaction was enough. He shifted closer to you so his presence felt less vague, it comforted you.
“I hope you realize you don’t have to do everything right, and I never want you to feel as if you have to keep that up around me.” Your heart warmed, of course he’d say that.
Even if everyone else wanted the most from you, Akito only wanted whatever you had to give. If it was nothing, that’s fine. You alone is enough for him.
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It was hard for anyone to imagine Toya with a partner who’s so… outgoing. Even if it wasn’t intentional, you seemed to know anyone and everyone in the district. But as they say, opposites attract.
He never minded how well known you were. At times he may feel just a tad jealous when someone holds you up for too long, but besides that, it was never too much of a bother. He may not know what it’s like to be in your shoes, but he thought he had a good idea of what it was like.
Everyone knew you, almost all of them taking a liking to you. It was rare to hear of someone who disliked you for reasons other than jealousy. You must always have options when it comes to going out, and you’re probably entertained at functions like that often.
At least, that’s what Toya believed at first.
Slowly over time, he began to pick up on your sudden shifts in facial expressions. You were all smiles when an acquaintance came up to talk to you. But the moment they walked away, your face instantly dropped into what looked like annoyance.
You’d giggle with someone, but once they left you scoffed. You’d gossip with someone else, and once they left you’d roll your eyes. But not once did you verbally express complaint.
Toya was no idiot, he realized your stance on your popularity. You weren’t happy about it, at all. He intended in speaking to you about it eventually, but it came sooner than planned unexpectedly…
You were walking down the streets with Toya, on your way to meet up with his group at one of their favorite locations. There were more people walking than usual today, but you didn’t pay any mind to it, considering it irrelevant. But little did you know…
“Oh look, it’s (Name) and their boyfriend! How are you two?” A chipper girl said. She had an… odd… look in her eyes.
“We’re doing pretty good! We were just on our way to meet up with friends actually!” You smiled sweetly, but you felt sick to your stomach knowing who this girl was.
“That’s so cute! If you don’t mind, can me and my friends over there tag along? We won’t be a bother, I swear!” She practically squealed that first part, leaving your ears ringing.
Toya looked between you, the girl, and her friends a few feet away. He caught on to what you were thinking, thankfully.
“Apologies, but the meeting is exclusively for close friends. And we’re in a hurry, so if you’ll excuse us…”
‘He’s my saving grace’ You thought. Although, you thought just a little too soon.
“Wow (Name), you never said anything about your boyfriend being such a douche. You seriously gonna let him make these decisions for you?” You internally screamed at her, calling her all sorts of names. Of course, you refrained from this on the outside.
“He’s not making decisions for me, we are actually in a hurry and this meeting is exclusively for close friends. We need to get going now…” You took off, grabbing Toya’s hand in the process before she could say anything else.
You sighed, of course you had to have a run in like that on what was supposed to be a good day. Who knows what you’ll come home to hear this time. What’s it going to be now? You were a bitch to someone you barley knew simply because you didn’t want to be late? That is something they’d say to bring you down.
The hangout went smooth, no more random encounters with randoms. But the scene from earlier related over and over in your mind.
“(Name), are you alright?” Toya asked. He asked quietly in order to avoid attracting the attention of others, you found it considerate.
“I’m alright, just thinking. That’s all.” Liar.
Toya nodded, averting his attention back to the recording An and Akito were making him listen to. Apparently they were coming up with a new song for their next event, and wanted his input on it.
You found yourself dissociating from the group. It’s been hours, and you just wanted to get home to find out if anything new was spread about you.
“It’s getting late, I think me and (Name) are gonna head home now. Is that good, (Name)?” You practically jumped out of your seat when you heard “head home.”
“Yeah, I’m ready. I’m exhausted and need to go to sleep… I’ll see you all later!” You waved goodbye to everyone alongside Toya. Exiting Weekend Garage, making your way to Toya’s place.
The walk was silent, but a comfortable silent. Neither of you said a word the whole way to his place, but you still knew what the other was thinking.
Opening the door, he stepped aside to let you in first.
“We need to talk about something.” He said.
‘There it is…’ you thought. It was only a matter of time. He lead you upstairs to his room, hoping you’d be more comfortable talking in his own space. You took your spot on his bed, waiting for his next words.
“You’ve been acting strange, or I’ve noticed how strange you act. Specifically when your around people who seem to know you. Does that… make you uncomfortable?” Maybe it wasn’t the time to think of it, but you were relieved this wasn’t a breakup talk.
“It’s… complicated.”
“I’ll listen to any complications you have.”
Taking a deep breath, you let everything out. All the pent up frustration you’ve kept in for so long.
“I’m just so… annoyed. Annoyed with everyone. Not you of course, but all these other people. Everyone thinks I’m happy to hear their gossip about others, but it just makes me view everyone involved differently. Like that girl we saw today, she’s a cheating bitch who cheated on all her exes for some random guy she meets. And then if I tell anyone what I think of someone else, I’m the two-faced one.” You took another breath, you needed it after all that talking.
You threw your head back to the wall, sighing again. You weren’t even sure how it got like this, when all these people saw you as a comfort person. It was starting to stress you out.
Thankfully, Toya caught on. He took your hand in his and started rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. It’s the little actions that always mean the most.
“I couldn’t possibly know how you feel. But what I can tell you is that none of those people deserve you. If all they do is bad mouth others to you, messing with your head, then they could do the same thing back to you. You deserve the best possible friends out there, not people who think they know you.”
“You say I deserve the best friends, but I already have the best boyfriend, don’t I?” You pointed out. His cheeks flushed a bit, but only briefly.
You chuckled at his reaction, pulling him into a hug.
“Thank you, Toya. You’re the only person I ever want to know. Well, our other friends as well. But especially you.”
He smiled into your hair. Both of you were really lucky, huh?
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You were always quite talented at the arts. Whether it be musical arts, visual arts, or any other type of art, it was guaranteed you would excel. This was what inevitably drew Tsukasa towards you. He found your talent admirable, and aspired to reach your level of skill one day.
Whenever you drew around him, he watched intently, starry eyes following every pencil stroke you made. Whenever you played an instrument near him, he’d drop whatever he was going to listen. It was almost spell-bounding to him.
You of course, appreciated his enthusiasm. But sometimes you wished he’d focus a little less on whatever your doing and focus more on you. You implied this discreetly once in a conversation, and he didn’t realize till later. Once he realized though, he thought it was better to focus on you more anyways.
If Tsukasa is able to pick up on that, shouldn’t anyone else be able to? You wished that was the case
You groaned out in frustration as yet another peer handed you their art assignment to “help” with. They disguised it as help, but in reality they only wanted you to finish it for them, that way they get a better grade. It was… annoying to say the least.
Examining what was left, it seemed possible to get it done before the class ends. You got to work immediately in order to avoid any more pestering later.
As usual, other students gathered over your shoulder. Some were a little too close for comfort, and it was starting to distract you. A lot.
“I’m sorry, but could you please back up a bit? You’re in my personal space and it’s pretty distracting.” You asked as politely as possible.
The male rolled his eyes a bit before backing up. You thought that would be the end of it- you wished that was the end of it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t.
“What do they mean they’re ‘distracted’? They were doing just fine when I was standing that close. Making a big deal out of nothing… geez.” He spoke up, a little too late after he moved away.
Your wrist stopped, dropping the pencil. ‘What’s his problem?’
“Excuse me?”
Anyone who wasn’t looking before was definitely looking now. The room went dead quiet after hearing the malice in your voice. Others near you backed away, while some got a bit closer to hear better.
“You didn’t hear me the first time? I said you’re making a big deal out of nothing. You were doing just fine. Was all that attention not enough for you? You wanted more? Well you definitely got it now.” He laughed at bit after that last remark, pissing you off even more.
“I heard you loud and clear the first time. Just wanted to see if you had the guts to repeat it is all.”
“Oh yeah? And what were you going to do if I didn’t?”
You abruptly stood up, getting more and more irritated with every second that passed. The look on this guy’s face was enough to frustrate you alone, his words were just additions to that.
You were toe to toe with him now. Your other classmates were finally backing away now, but the only one who didn’t stayed toe to toe with you.
“Cute, you’re just gonna stand there?” He mocked.
Clenching your fist as tight as ever, you raised it. The punch was swift, but it felt like a stab in the stomach to him.
“(Full Name). Office, now.” Apparently in the midst of everything, someone went off to get a teacher before it could escalate to… that. While they were a little late, it definitely prevented it from escalating further.
You walked to the office with the teacher, holding your head down in shame. It felt like all eyes were on you, and everything sounded so quiet. The only good thing to come out of this was getting sent home early.
You got let off with a 2 day suspension, while the one who provoked you only got a detention. It pissed you off reasonably, but there wasn’t anything you could do about it. Because he didn’t attack first or even attack at all, you were seen as the problem.
“…and that’s how my day went. Sorry Tsukasa, I won’t see you around school for a few days.” You finished telling your boyfriend all the events that occurred today, and why someone told him to ‘get his partner in check.’
He sat in front of you dumbfounded. For a moment, he felt all the rage you felt when everything was happening. He was almost as pissed off as you were at the detention punishment as well.
“But you were being harassed! It wasn’t physical, but who knew if that guy was going to throw a punch first. You were only sticking up for yourself!” He exclaimed. You sighed, muttering an “I know” under your breath.
He huffed, crossing his arms to express his seriousness right now.
“Well… I don’t think you did anything wrong. Shouldn’t the girl who made you finish her art project be blamed for all this? If she never gave it to you then this all could have been avoided!”
“I thought about that, but she wasn’t even in the room when all this happened. And it still comes back to me for doing her project anyways.”
Tsukasa sensed your frustration. He tried to calm himself down to avoid adding onto it, but it was still in the back of his mind.
“The only way any of this could have been avoided is if I sucked at art.” You bluntly said. Tsukasa turned his head, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Why would you want to suck at art though?” He asked.
“It’d keep people away from me, make them stop seeing me as a homework machine or something. I don’t like the kind of attention it gives me.”
He tried to understand where you were coming from, but it was difficult. He loves the attention being a self proclaimed star gets him, and would never want to give his title up. But you were the complete opposite.
Still, even if he didn’t understand, he’d try his best.
“I think… I think what you do is amazing (Name). But I don’t think it’s amazing that people use you for your talent, and I find it even less amazing how it deteriorates your self esteem.” He tried to keep his voice as soft as possible.
“Thank you, Tsukasa. I just… I just wish things went a little differently for me, that’s all.”
He could understand that this time. Sometimes he wished things went differently for him as well, but that thought was buried in the back of his mind with all the others.
He took your hand in his, reassuring you he wasn’t going anywhere. He swore he’d always see you as who you were as a person before your talents.
And it worked. The built up anger finally dying down.
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Your scientific mind never went unnoticed by Rui. How could it be? Not only was it a trait he found quite attractive, but it was also what lead to your relationship with each other.
Not a day went by where he didn’t appreciate your love for all things science related. You’d frequently ask him questions about his own inventions, even offering help with a handful of them. The ones you assisted him with felt more important than any other inventions he had.
You were placed in the highest science courses available. Chemistry, physics, biology, you were somehow taking all of them at once. The school saw you as some sort of “prodigy” and wanted to push you as best as they possibly could. Which certainly worked! But…
Some students weren’t as welcoming as others. Not everyone thought your vast knowledge in science was normal, some even considered it ‘unhealthy.’ You tried your best to ignore them, but it’s hard to ignore something that’s right in front of you.
With chemistry involving, well, chemicals, your class was often in a lab room during the period. The professor enjoyed being unpredictable, so you never knew what to expect walking into the room. But you wouldn’t have thought he’d try something so… inconsiderate.
The first thing you noticed was a chart projected on the board, the second thing you notice is that it’s a seating chart. Any groups from earlier in the year were changed into random clusters. Some were excited for this change, while others, including yourself, groaned out in frustration.
Because of course, you just had to have the worst group.
Two members of the table seemed to be familiar with each other already, giggling amongst themselves. The third person looked completely out of it, not appearing to be paying attention to anything going on around him. You were already feeling like the odd one out here.
“Oh look, we have (Name) in our group! This class should be much easier now.” One of the girls said.
You looked at her for a moment, averting your guys to other next to her. She seemed to find what her friend said amusing, you could tell what was going on already.
“(Name) did I ever tell you how gorgeous your eyes are? Does wearing those… science goggles make your eyes look prettier?” Her smile seemed as fake as her lashes, but for now you just had to stay civil…
You tune the rest of the room out to focus on the assignment handed to you. All you had to do was write a few equations and answer some questions… nothing too bad. If you finish early, you can probably get out of this class sooner.
Your focus was disrupted by obnoxious tapping on the table.
“Can you give me the answers when you’re done?” Your group-mate asked. It took every ounce of self control to avoid rolling your eyes and turning away, instead you pretended you never heard her.
“Hello? Anyone there? Earth to (Name)~!” She said in a sing song voice. Still, as long as you pretend you never heard it…
“God, can they be anymore rude? They think they’re the shit just cause they’re in all these science courses. Just grow up already!” At that point she knew you were listening, and was resorting to shit talk to get your attention.
Unfortunately that was what grabbed your attention. Peering up at the girl with a look of annoyance, she giggled again.
“Looks like someone can hear after all!”
“Fuck off.” You replied. Stuffing your paper into your bag, you asked the teacher if you could see the nurse, to which he agreed. You couldn’t stand that table already, and you have to do that for a whole semester? Hell no.
Some students were already on their free period or lunch, so the hallways were a bit crowded, but not terribly. Thankfully it made it much easier to spot a tall purple haired male nearby.
“Rui, there you are.” You said while practically running up to him.
“Well, if it isn’t dear (Name), shouldn’t you be in..” You cut him off.
“Chemistry? Yeah. I got out to ‘go to the nurse’ but I really just wanted to cut the rest of the class. We got new groups today- mine is the worst.”
“I see…” he replied.
It was clear you were unhappy with these new seats, but there wasn’t much you could do about them. Rui acknowledged this, and tried to come up with quick solutions on the spot. Though he could tell you about them later. Right now, you just need a shoulder to lean on it seems. Literally and figuratively.
You sighed into his shoulder as he played with you hair. It felt more private in this part of the school, so there was less shame in the PDA. Besides, it at least looked normal compared to other couples.
“I hate science.” You said.
“Excuse me?”
Maybe you could have phrased that better… but part of you meant that as well.
“I just hate how everyone treats me because of science, it’s not fair. I’m just ahead of everyone else and have a passion, why is that such a problem?” You continued.
Rui knew exactly what you meant. He spent years being outcasted for being a weirdo, primarily about science. It was easy to sympathize with you.
“I know what you mean… but at the end of the day, who’ll be the one wearing a cool looking lab coat ten years from now? Definitely not them.” He joked, trying to lighten your mood a bit before class starts again. If anyone else had said that you’d have just rolled your eyes. But because it was Rui, you couldn’t help but chuckle.
You punched his shoulder lightly, making him chuckle. ‘Your spirits have been lifted up’ he thought.
“Just what would I do without you Rui…”
“Not thinking of yourself in a lab coat standing over everyone else, that’s for sure.” He replied.
Feeling better, you leaped up and stretched your arms out. Rui following suit, just a bit lazier. He handed you your bag and you thanked him.
“Mind walking me to my next class?” You asked.
“I’ll never mind doing anything for you. And… that’s our class, I’m in it as well.” He remarked teasingly. He sits right in front of you in that class, but you just wanted to see what he’d say.
“Right right, now let’s go before I accidentally drop a fire cracker here…”
You two were really made for each other, huh?
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prettyboykatsuki · 10 months
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not enough trust to believe (not enough feeling to care) | a. shinonome
✮ tags ; fem!reader (usage of she/her towards reader + mentioned to wear make-up), established relationship, making-up, jealousy, hurt/comfort, light angst / happy ending, aged-up characters (this is sfw), single suggestive comment at the end.
✮ wc ; 4k (how.. literally what happened.)
✮ a/n ; the minute i touch that app a demon takes over and i end up daydreaming about this mf and toya . peace and love i feel insane. also for what its worth i do think adult akito is very good at communicating his emotions in comparison to now so if u find him ooc my apologies.
title from rental by brockhampton. shoutout if u know what manga this panel is from lol. also if ur a minor please do not follow me. u r welcome to read.
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"Y'know, Akito - you're being a bit of a hypocrite right now."
"Shut up, Toya." Akito grumbles, forcing himself to tear his eyes away from the bastard you're currently giggling with "I'm not."
An laughs from the other side of the room.
"You so are being a hypocrite right now," An threads her fingers through Kohanes hair, the other currently seated on the floor while she styles it "What was it you said? It's nothing to get jealous over so don't worry."
"Akito-kun, it's not good to be dishonest."
"Kohane-san, you're being corrupted. I can't believe you'd join these two on this."
Kohane shakes her head.
"I'm not being anything. It's just not right."
An wraps her arms around Kohane's shoulders from above, chin resting on her head. Akito sighs, leaning his head back on the wall behind him with his eyes still closed - only bothering to open them again when another giggle falls from your lips. This time it turns into full blown heart eyes from that corny bass-playing bastard.
Akito Shinonome is not jealous alright? He isn't. So, this reaction is not by any means hypocrisy.
VIVID BAD SQUAD has officially been on tour for 6 months. This is their first international tour of their career, after releasing their first studio album. It was received well in Japan but surprisingly had more of an audience overseas. So, they'd been performing all over North America with another band.
You've been apart of the VIVD BAD SQUAD team for quite some time before then, working as a roadie for tours back home. Akito has been dating you for well-over a year, and so far - its been great. He gets to see you often and manages to sneak you onto the performers tour bus sometimes. He likes not having to be apart, even if he is incredible busy. A little is better than nothing at least.
A few months ago, the two of you got into a bit of a spat. You'd told Akito that you think he gets a little too friendly when girls come to meet him backstage. Went on a whole spiel about understanding his career and persona, that he doesn't need to be cold but that you wish he put a little more distance between them.
Akito had retaliated with the fact it's nothing to worry about. He's loyal to you and him being friendly isn't anything meaningful. You were upset about this reply and the two of you got pretty intense.
It took Kohane and An's intervention and plenty of convincing to get you two back on good terms - with An promising that she'd keep and eye out and scold Akito properly. You started talking again after that at least, and things went back to normal.
But nothing had really gotten resolved. You still seemed to feel upset every time he'd act too familiar with fans and Akito still didn't see it as a problem. To him it was just a fake part of the persona, and he didn't think it was like you to get so jealous about something like that.
Then, a few months ago - word got out that the bassist of the band they're traveling with has a crush on you.
FLASHBANG, a smaller indie rock band that everyone on tour is very fond of and a perfect addition to their set list. Both bands are friendly with one another. He'd assumed the news of their bassist having a crush on you was nothing more than some rumor. He just couldn't believe it having met them.
Sure, not everyone knew you two were dating but surely Akito would've noticed that before. He just wanted to double check.
It's been weeks now, and he's sure. Hiroaki Miura, bassist pretty boy, has a fucking crush on you. It's so obvious he has no idea how he didn't pick up on it before. He has no idea how you haven't picked up on it either.
He'd mentioned it to you just last week, just to see. You laughed a bit, but asked if he wanted you to stop hanging out with him as much or if there was anything you could do - all while assuring you didn't think that was the case.
"If it makes you uncomfortable, I can put some distance between us. Miura-kun isn't interested in me at all, though - I don't think. We're just good friends, we went to school together."
Ultimately he said that wasn't necessary. Akito stares at the two of you together now and scoffs. Haah. Good friends because you went to school together? He's practically making googly eyes at you.
"Looks like they're coming over here," Toya mumbles. Akito closes his eyes and pretends to be asleep, eye twitching when he hears Toya exhale.
"Hey, guys - great show! The duets today were just so vocally smooth and—oh shit, is he asleep?"
He hears An laugh and forces himself not to react. "Yeah. He was exhausted after today."
"Oh, really? Some sleep will be good then." The affection in your voice is so obvious he temporarily forgets whats happening until another, much more annoying voice comes through.
"You guys going straight back to the tour bus tonight?"
"Yeah, probably." Toya confirms.
"Ah, okay cool. We," He pauses, and Akito can only assume he's gesturing to you "Are gonna go check out a manga pop-up that's open here a few blocks down."
"Just the two of you?" An asks, very obviously barely holding in a laugh.
"Oh no, Eta-san is coming with us."
"Y'know, I wanted to go alone with you," Miura says, and Akito really thinks about waking up and hitting him "But Eta really wanted to come so I couldn't say no."
"I like how honest you are with your feelings, Miura-kun. Very refreshing."
"I don't have anything to hide," He insists, and Akito feels his hand clench "It was just nice we ended up tour together. We haven't seen each other since highschool so I thought I should make the most of our time together."
"I don't remember you being so sentimental. I actually remember you bullying me more than anything."
"Hey, quit it! I wasn't bullying you, i-it just came out wrong. I'm not good with my words and all."
"I know," You say completely good-naturedly. Akito knows objectively you're being friendly and thinking nothing of it. He knows that this is nothing to be bothered over and that you've been nothing but loyal. But god he’s annoyed."You would make fun of me then turn around and lend me your stuff. After I figured out you weren't a bad guy I wasn't scared of you."
"You guys have quite the history," Toya comments. You laugh.
"Yeah, I guess so. We lost touch after I moved for my internship so it feels like a big coincidence! Always good to see old friends."
Before any more conversation happens, another staff member calls Miura for whatever reason - leaving you alone. Akito keeps his eyes closed, hearing Toya sigh for a second time.
"Should I tell Akito where you went?"
"Oh, would you? That'd be great, thanks. I figure he wouldn't want to come, or else I'd invite him and go together."
"Why do you think that?" Kohane asks.
"I'm not blaming him or anything! I just don't think he'd be very enthusiastic about it, that's all. I don't want to force him. Me and Miura-kun bond over this stuff, Eta-san too."
"I'm sure he'd be happy to get to spend time with you," Toya assures. He can't see you but he can hear the insecurity seeping through your voice and something in him starts to bend.
"I know, but you know. It's weird lately with tour and all. I think getting my mind off it would help."
"Oh, no." An sighs. Akito's chest tightens "You poor thing."
"Oh stop that, I'm fine! Getting some air will be nice though, you know? For both of us maybe. I did want to tell him myself though."
"It'll be fine, I'll make sure."
"Thanks, Aoyagi-kun.
"And just so you know, Akito-kun really loves you!"
"Of course. I have no reason to feel stuffy about it. Just makes me wonder if I should still be apart of the picture if that's part of his career, no? Dating would hinder that."
"Don't think like that." Toya interjects. You laugh but even Akito can hear how sad you sound. He had no idea you'd even been thinking that.
"I'll try just for you. Now all of you, stop moping over my silly dating problems okay? It was an amazing show today!! Cheer up and I'll see you guys later."
"Where are you going now?"
"Gonna wait backstage for Miura-kun."
"Have fun," Kohane says last. You laugh brightly and assure you will before your footsteps trail off and get lost in the music. When you're gone, Toya punches him in the shoulder - hard enough to hurt a little.
"Ow, what the fuck?"
"You're such a jackass," An says seriously, shaking her head.
"I told you that it was gonna be a problem that you acted like that when we're a duo," Toya reprimands seriously. Akito can't do much to counter it "You should talk to her properly."
"About what," Akito grumbles "It is part of the gig. It doesn't mean anything to me."
"Oh my god, you're so clueless!" An says, exasperated, startling him "It bothers you this much that she's talking to Miura-kun but she should just deal with it when random girls act like to you all the time?"
"An-chan, don't get too mad."
"If I don't no one will! Did you see how sad she looked! She was even trying to be all understanding. That's not fair to her at all."
"...I also understand Akito-kuns view. But if that's the case, then that doesn't mean that she needs to tolerate it, right?"
"What are you saying, Kohane-san?"
She shakes her head.
"I just mean she doesn't have to continue if it's hard for her. If it's not something you can change, then she shouldn't endure it forever, right?"
“What the hell? Are you saying we should break-up?”
“Maybe. If it can’t be resolved, then isn’t unfair to expect her to always endure it?”
“That’s a mature way of looking at, Kohane-san.” Toya comments. Akito shoots him a dirty look. Toya shrugs, unbothered.
“Her and Miura-kun are a good match. They have a good atmosphere and Miura-kun doesn’t care about things like that,”
Akito sits up in frustration, nearly grabbing Toya by the collar.
“Don’t fuck with me.”
“Think about whats best for her in the long run.”
Akito stands to his feet, glare hardened but Toya doesn’t budge at all. He doesn’t have to listen to this shit.
"This and that isn't the same. It's work to me, that's it."
"Everything that she and Miura-kun do is strictly platonic to her. She's not flirting with him, and it's not her fault if he has a crush on her. She even offered to stop seeing him if it made you uncomfortable."
Akito stays silent at that.
"But what about you? You just immediately dismissed it because it's part of her job and didn't even apologize to her later. You seriously think that's fair?"
He sighs at that, and shakes his head.
"I'm leaving."
Toya shakes his head once Akito is out of ear shot.
"So stubborn."
It’s close to midnight and you haven’t returned to the tour bus.
Akito knows its stupid to worry but knowing you were out with that goon all day is grating on his nerves. So he’s been waiting. Pacing around and smoking cigarettes, going in and out - he even texted you couple times to check in. You responded with pictures of your items, and selfies.
You had a long day, you drank a bit, you'd be back to the bus soon, you miss him. All in a row.
The longer the time goes on, the dumber Akito feels.
He leans on the bus as he waits on his phone, fingers growing cold. He hears you before he sees you, the sound of quiet giggling followed by a loud laugh. Akito's head snaps up almost immediately.
He hasn't seen you since the afternoon, but you changed. You're wearing your going-out outfit and it looks like you've put on some makeup too, smudged and worn. Eta is between you both as you carry her - Miura just has lovesick as when Akito saw him last. His stomach drops a little.
But the feeling is washed away when you brighten, eyes landing on him. You wave with a bag in your hand and Akito waves back. He waves to Miura too, if only to be polite.
"Akito-kun," Miura is the first talk as all three of you approach "What are you doing here?"
"There was some stuff about tomorrow set we needed to talk about," Akito says, gesturing to you. You blink owlishly.
"Just for you guys? Not FLASHBANG?"
Akito nods. You hum, then look over at Miura.
"Will you be okay taking Eta-san?"
Miura nods.
"Of course. I can't believe she drank so much in the first place, but I oughta to walk her back to our bus." Miura says as you off-load the weight on your shoulder "I'll see you again for tomorrow. Had a lot of fun today."
You giggle, clearly a little tipsy as you give Miura a thumbs-up. "Me too. See you tomorrow!"
Miura laughs a little before turning the corner, mumbling some light reprimanding to the drunk Eta before going on his way. Akito waits until both parties have disappeared - all the way out of ear shot before he looks at you with clear eyes.
If he's come to any conclusion it's this one - Akito doesn't want to break up with you.
He can't give up his career either, and maybe that's selfish. Maybe that's the whole problem. He can't pick. He thought about it, whether or not breaking up would be the right solution. He landed on maybe. Rationally he understands it. But it makes him angry just to think about it.
Akito stares at you as you hold your bag in comfortable silence and look at him. Wide, honest eyes - so dazzling he can hardly breathe. He reaches forward and cups your cheek in the palm of his hand, smoothing his thumb underneath your eye.
"You're back late," He murmurs, though it's not accusatory "What were you doing?"
"Well, a new store opened up at the mall in Tokushima, a bookstore that had a little pop-up for an anime Miura-kun likes. So we shopped around for a while, then stopped to see a movie, then went to an izakaya to drink a bit."
"Did you drink a lot?" He says, gentle as he holds you "You're gonna get a migraine."
"I had 2 mixed drinks. They had shochu in them but it wasn't very strong. Some water will sober me up." You pause inbetween your words, brows furrowing "What happened with the set list?"
"I was lying," Akito admits without thinking twice. You look surprised and he laughs "I just wanted us to be alone."
You tug on the lapel of his jacket weakly "I said I'd put some distance between us if it made you uncomfortable."
"It's not that," And it's true. Akito just really, really needed to be with you alone for a while "I was getting grilled earlier."
"From who?'
Akito rolls his eyes "Who else but Toya?"
You giggle.
"What was he grilling you about?"
"...You," Akito answers after some time "Us."
A beat of silence passes.
"Were you really thinking about breaking up?"
You look a little startled before looking away and something in him is crushed.
"Is that what he told you?"
"It's what it sounded like," Akito replies back. He reaches for your hand and squeezes it "Do you?"
"It's not that I want to,"
"Then what is it?"
'We're gonna go around in circles again," You say through a wet-laugh, like you're already gonna cry again. Akito fucked up bad. He brings your free hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles gently.
"We wont this time, swear."
"I know it's just work to you. It doesn't bother me all the time, either - like sometimes it doesn't bug me at all. But then, it's like, if I can't handle this much, maybe we should break up," You explain carefully and slowly, not trying to be too harsh at any point "I don't want to resent you or get in the way of your career, y'know. I know you're not gonna cheat on me. I'm a little insecure about it, but tough shit you know?"
"What do you mean?"
"It just...I dunno. It feels bad to watch you flirt with your fans, but if it's work for you than that makes it a me problem right?" You say thoughtfully, a sad but gentle look in your eyes "I don't know if I can handle that. So maybe, it's better to nip it in the bud now before things get serious."
"Aren't they serious already?"
"Yeah, but it's not like we're married. Or public. Like this, it's a normal break-up. It'll be awkward for a bit. But we get through it and things go back to how they were."
"It sounds like you don't take this seriously." Akito says, accusatory. You sigh and shake your head.
"That's not true at all. If you mattered to me in any less, it might be easier. Like if I loved you just a bit less, I could come up with a better solution," You hum. Akito believes it more than anything, that you love him. Even knowing doesn't make everything better "I love you and I know that your career is the most important thing to you. I would never want to make you choose."
"So what? You just cut yourself out of the equation so I don't have to?"
Where Akito expects you to disagree, you laugh and nod your head.
"Yeah. At least we'd be on good terms that way."
Akito stares at you in disbelief. He's partially angry, and partially devastated. He knows what you're saying, and it makes sense rationally. Logically at least. It's a problem with no good outcomes, like if there's already a stalemate - whose to say things will get better. It's in character for you to think like that. Where Akito is hard-headed and passionate, you're calm and analytical. To overthink to such an extent, to think so seriously about your futures. Both Akito's future and yours.
But it's not what he wants. His career is important, of course it is. What he's built is important. But does that mean he has to give up on you?
When Akito reflects on it, he doesn't think your original ask was that hard to fulfill. It hurts the worst to know that. Had he heard you out properly the first time, thought about it a little more - it'd be clear that it's nothing that serious.
Nothing worth making you worry over. Nothing worth making you question your entire relationship over.
But he didn't do that the first time, and now he's stuck listening to you think of all the ways things could go worse from here. It's his fault, really, for not thinking about it. He's always been this way about his career.
"You've been thinking about this a lot." He says first, almost paralyzed. You laugh humorlessly.
"I was going to wait until tour was over to talk about it."
"...Cause you were worried about how I'd perform."
"You're an important part of my salary," You joke, trying to lighten the mood.
"...Man this feels like shit,"
"No, not it's not that. It's not your fault."
"It's not yours either."
"But it is," He says, exasperated with himself "If I would've just fucking... heard you out a few months ago. You wouldn't have been thinking about all this. If I had just done something then,"
"I don't see it like that, Akito."
"I know but it doesn't matter, cause it's my fucking fault anyway." He looks at you seriously. Shit, he almost wants to cry. "I don't want to break-up with you. I'm really sorry."
"I'll stop flirting with the girls who come to meet us. And I'll announce our relationship after I talk with the managers a bit,"
"A-akito, you really don't have to—"
"My career, music, everything we've built so far is important to me," Akito looks at you seriously, hoping it all comes out right. That everything comes through the way he intends "But shit, so are you. You're not...less important to me than any of that."
You stay silent, like you're in disbelief.
"Fuck—god, yes of course. I'm sorry. I really screwed up this time. I don't want to break up. I want to be with you, for a long time. Longer than this."
"I'm gonna cry." You say with a warbly laugh.
"Don't cry," Akito mumbles, pulling you into his arms. He hears you sniffle as he tucks your face against his chest, his arms around you tightly as he comforts you "I'm sorry for being an idiot. I love you,"
He presses a kiss to your head, looking at your tear-stained face with a sigh. He leans forward, knocking your foreheads together before littering kisses along your cheeks and face until you laugh again. He finds himself smiling too, before another somber wave of emotion washes over him.
"I'm sorry for being a shithead," He says with a sigh "An called me a jackass and I can't believe I have to agree with her."
You laugh "I don't think you're a jackass."
"You totally should though," Akito says back "I was pissed off the whole day."
"Really? Why?"
"Why do you think?
You look genuinely confused for a minute before something seems to click.
"Was it because of Miura-kun?"
"Yeah. Fucking walking around so lovey-dovey, making googly eyes at you."
You smile impishly "He confessed to me earlier today."
Akito stiffens immediately.
"Yeah. We were in an alley and waiting for Eta-san and he just... told me outright."
"...And then what?"
You roll your eyes "Of course I accepted and now we live together, happy ever after." Your sarcasm bleeds through your words as you flick Akito's forehead "Obviously I rejected him gently and said I was seeing someone."
"And then?"
"And then he asked who, and I said and then he was silent for a while before tearing up a little." You reply thoughtful, fond smile on your face "He said he wishes he did it in highschool and I comforted him for a bit. Guy cheered up really fast,"
"Congrats on being right," You lean into Akito, wrapping your arms around his waist "He bounced back after a drink or two and it hasn't been awkward at all. He can't hide his feelings for shit so I'm sure he's fine."
"Seriously? It's over just like that?"
"He's a positive guy and he doesn't dwell on things. Kind of dopey you know? Pure-hearted to a fault, the only thing he's really smart at is music and sports."
"So he's over it? There's no way."
"I wouldn't say he's over it," You say thoughtfully "More that he just accepts things as they are. I'm not into him so that's that. But we're still friends, and that won't change any time soon. I hope that's okay."
Akito widens his eyes.
"I mean, yeah it's fine - I guess I feel better about this way but. I mean, shit."
"I thought you'd be celebrating a little more."
Akito scoffs.
"He's still gonna make those stupid heart eyes at you, just not in front of me."
"He does not do anything of the sort!"
"Oh yes he definitely does. Ask Toya if you don't trust me."
"Maybe I will." You reply, sticking your tongue out.
"Ask him when we get to our bus."
"...Is that okay? Did you ask your manager?"
He laughs again, holding you close a second time. He tilts your chin up towards him, placing a kiss on your lips.
"Don't care," He says brazenly "I need you with me tonight."
"That sounds dirty, Akito."
"Oh, it is baby," He teases, turning his voice low "Try not to be too noisy. Kohane-sans a light sleeper."
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akitofixated · 11 months
Hi hi can you please write akito mizuki and rui (separately) with a s/o who has low self esteem? Ty and have a nice day! :>
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✧ - AKITO knew you had talent in you, but he never knew why you would always throw down yourself alot.
✧ - He’d always boost your confidence, saying how you’re literally talented at your own things.
✧ - AKITO would take back to his past, where he also had low self esteem himself, and he didn’t want someone as close to him to go through the same negative thoughts he had as well.
✧ - AKITO would notice how your often quiet in classes, groups and he wanted you to talk and feel included, but AKITO didn’t want to embarrass you and put the spotlight on you, so when your alone together he encourages you to speak up about your feelings and interests.
✧ - If he sees anyone put you down, AKITO would get very pissed off and defend you and explain how talented you are. (If they’re still bugging, he might have threatened with a fight..)
✧ - In general, if you need a confident boost, you can just ask and he’ll list it.
✧ - “Don’t keep stuff to yourself, if you feel lack of confidence tell me, i got ya back.”
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✧ - Same with RUI, he’d be questioning why you put yourself so low to others when you’re literally talented.
✧ - RUI would be interested in you talking whenever your talking about your interests and why you like them.
✧ - RUI would also be interested in your talent, hoping one day you can somehow both perform it.
✧ - Whenever someone would talk down/bad on you, RUI would get very threatening and aggressive, telling them to mind their business.
✧ - RUI would compliment you without realising, if you come to his show daily, he’ll literally bring you up on the stage to show your cool talents! (If you finally build up courage)
✧ - “Don’t think so low, think high cause your talents and beauty what makes you, you.”
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✧ - MIZUKI who literally compliments you every single day! She always try and boosts your confidence.
✧ - Since MIZUKI really didn’t have that much people in the past to defend her, she wants to do that for others.
✧ - Whenever MIZUKI sees you in school or generally in public, she compliments your hair and clothing and calls it cute/handsome.
✧ - If you ever do something embarrassing, MIZUKI immediately covers it up screaming someones name or just laughing loud so noone could properly hear.
✧ - MIZUKI would compliment your talent everyday, as say how she’s jealous of you and how she wants to learn it from you one day.
✧ - MIZUKI will always give a confidence boost, whether or not you don’t need it, she’ll be there.
✧ - “I’ll be there for you, don’t be afraid to be who you truly are.”
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miya-akane · 9 months
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─ "it's your day!"
→ pairing. (any character) x birthday girl! reader (but no pronouns used)
→ tw. none
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Today's a special day. Why? Cause it's your birthday. But seems like no one remembers it? Or do they just don't know?
That's weird. No texts that wish you a 'happy birthday'. No one actually wish you when you met them. It's like they actually just forgot about it.
Walking back to your house with a sulking heart, you opened the front door just to be greeted by your friends and family saying a 'happy birthday!'
What shocked you the most is (character's name), your s/o was the one that planned all of this. They got out of the kitchen while holding a cake while others just sing the 'happy birthday to you' song in the background.
As the cake with (your age) candles was in front of you, they said "Go on love, make your wish."
You closed your eyes while saying your wish in your head and blow the candles out. This moment makes tears came out of your eyes. Tears of happiness.
"Happy birthday (name)."
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notes. a lil birthday special for myself. I don't know who to write so its up to you then it could be anyone you want.
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mccnstruck · 7 months
me when roblox
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anyways. heres some headcanons of playing roblox with pjsekai / genshin characters
a/n: this is my first time making this format !! super sorry if it seems out of character and the limited amount of characters but i hope you enjoy !!!
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whenever you play horror games like forgotten memories or the mimic, they will literally only play because you're playing. they're scared shitless even in the title screen. as the music intensities they're will hide behind you and you have to find the objective of the game for them. after this gaming session, i don't think you can even play rainbow friends with them...
- AN SHIRAISHI, tsukasa tenma
very nice and respectful in the game. will help out other players and have fun, no matter what you're playing. you could even play meepcity and they would enjoy it. it's so wholesome. just make sure you don't let them give the win to someone else; you gotta be #1 in race around the world!
- KAEDEHARA KAZUHA, EMU OTORI, ichika hoshino, haruka kiritani, jean gunnhilder, minori hanasato, honami mochizuki, amber, kohane azusawa
don't even WORRY about them giving a win to someone else, because they are COMPETITIVE. don't let their usual demeanor fool you, oh no. no matter what, they're going to show everyone to not join THEIR GAME. they only find out everyone's left when they see no one's name, besides yours. the last thing left in chat is someone saying "tryhard".
- cyno, nene kusanagi, toya aoyagi, airi momoi, fischl, kaeya alberich
....doesn't know how to move around. it was chaos even trying to play a co-op game. don't even get me started on trying to play double trouble.
- SHIZUKU HINOMORI, shenhe, zhongli
initially wants to disagree. you literally have to bribe them to play, but once you do... they become so invested in it that you have to get them to play another game. will literally speedrun speedrun 4 if they wanted to.
SCARAMOUCHE, diluc, akito shinonome, shiho hinomori, xiao, mona
so foul. so so so foul. loves threating to dox people whenever they lose a game. probably tried to send a message but it showed up as ##############. their account was probably banned that following week.
ENA SHINONOME, SCARAMOUCHE, nene kusanagi, tighnari, KAVEH, itto
LOVES good designed games. probably loved story games and seeing updates on previous ones. would be SOOO good as a beta tester, because they will literally share all of their thoughts and technical and creative ideas. will even analyze the music if they need to. would probably learn lua to code a game in roblox.
- RUI KAMISHIRO, ALBEDO, sucrose, kanade, mizuki akiyama
...has doxxed someone. hasn't even told you that they've even did it. it comes up in a conversation and you don't know whether to be mortified or subtly impressed.
- MIZUKI AKIYAMA, nene kusanagi, childe, dottore
has played every single roblox game out there, it feels like. wanna beat rainbow friends? they've beat it twice! wanna play epic minigames? they're literally level 62. you are impressed, but also, how????
- saki tenma, rui kamishiro, nene kusanagi, mizuki akiyama
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bl4cktourmaline · 4 months
🍙﹒星 — day 4 featuring tenma tsukasa
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knock knock!
heres some mail!
ଘ(੭´꒳`)°* ੈ‧₊ 💌
⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ...nian-7 is typing... ♡
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
❝sooo.. i know i don't really know mango very well but seeing as tsukasa is on their favorite characters how about tsukasa for their birthday event for slot 4? <3 ❞
━━❝I love hearing your voice even when we are so far away from each other❞
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You loved being somewhere different. The scenery was gorgeous, the food was amazing, and the new fashion? You were in love with all of it… The diversity in clothing styles, makeup styles, and hairstyles was everything you wanted to see. 
You were glad to take the chance you’ve been dying for… But, something wasn’t right.
It was quiet. Too quiet.
You loved the rare quietness you got from time to time… But, being somewhere totally new with nobody was isolating.
Of course, there were other classmates, but they weren’t considerable as friends.
There were many friends back at home and it was never lonely. Hanging out with friends was awesome, but what was more awesome was being with him…
You sighed, reviewing the pictures you took on your camera on your laptop. ‘Who knew taking pictures all day was such an exhausting thing…’
As much as it was boring, it was also slightly entertaining to see where your day led you. Plus, you had many pictures to show your friends once you got home.
Call it unprepared, but you didn’t realize that you would need to purchase cellular internet for another country. So, you were offline for the next week until you could get the chance to make a plan.
Falling backward into the chair, you groan. “This sucks…”
You jolted upwards, looking around the room. “What the hell?”
The noise was heard again, and it came from the hotel phone. You laughed softly before scooting the chair backward and stood up, walking towards the phone.
You pick the phone up and hold it to your ear. “Hello?”
“Ah- I finally got it!” The voice on the other end exclaimed.
Eyebrows furrowed, you tilt your head to the side slightly. Laughing awkwardly, “Who is this?”
“You don’t recognize the sound of my terrific and mighty voice, co-star!?”
“AHA! You guessed right, my amazing co-star! I can never get anything past you!.”
“Wait,” You paused. “How did you find my room’s number? I couldn’t even text anyone!”
It took a moment for Tsukasa to answer. “I asked your instructor what hotel you were staying at! The process was long but unimportant! What matters now is that we are speaking!”
You laughed at him with a small smile, sitting on the bed.
“Everybody has been missing you, my co-star!”
Even though you couldn’t see him, the smile on his face was screaming from the other end of the phone. “Of course! I wouldn’t dare lie to you!”
“Oh no, of course you wouldn’t.”
Tsukasa suddenly sighed. “I can’t believe you had forgotten the fact you had to buy a new plan when you left the country!”
“It slipped my mind…” You sighed, rubbing the side of your head. “I was busy planning everything else! I would have gotten the international plan for the time being if I remembered!”
“That’s why you should have a bright calendar like me!” He beamed. “Every shining star must have one, you know?”
“I’ll be sure to get a calendar once I’m home,” You smiled.
It was silent for a moment until Tsukasa mumbled something softly.
“How is it there!?” He asked loudly, causing you to drag the phone away for a moment then back to your face.
“It’s honestly so nice here,” You explained. “It’s so beautiful. The sites are amazing and- I wish I could show you and everyone else. But- the culture here is fascinating! I had gotten the chance to speak to some locals and some traditional clothing stores and I’ve gotten a great chunk of history on some of the culture here! Oh and also- the food is so tasty!”
Tsukasa listened quietly with delight as you continuously spoke about the new place you had been staying at. He liked how much you loved the new place and how passionate you were about it…
“Sounds fun… We and our friends should all go to the shining future together!”
You laughed with a smile and nodded. “I think we should too- oh, but I have to go soon. I need to finish up some homework before tomorrow.”
“Oh. Of course! A light has to do their work to make sure they can truly become the shining stars they’re made to be! Just like me!”
“You get it.”
The silence came back. It felt like he had something to say but at the same time, not really… It was hard to tell…
You hummed a small tune in response.
“I love hearing your voice.”
You were silent, still smiling, before becoming confused. “Huh?”
“I truly love hearing your voice whenever I can,” He softly said, contrasting with how he usually spoke. “I love hearing your voice even when we are so far apart. It’s comforting to hear! Not as comforting as mine but-”
You burst into a small laughter before he could finish his sentence. “You’re so sweet, Tsukasa. I honestly feel the same about you… it’s pretty quiet and lonely without hearing your voice every so often,” You breathed out a laugh.
It was silent again but felt more complete. “I’m glad you feel the same way!” He laughed. “Nobody can get enough of the star! It’s an after-star effect!”
“What the heck is that?”
“The effect after seeing someone amazing on stage who was truly so amazing you want to see more of them!”
You laughed again with a fond laugh on your face.
“Well, I should let you get back to work now, huh co-star?”
“It’s probably for the best,” You shrugged. “Call me tomorrow around this time again. I’ll make sure to finish my work early so we can talk for longer.”
Tsukasa laughed. “Alright! Farewell, my amazing co-star! I shall speak to you tomorrow!”
“Goodbye Tsukasa.”
You put the phone down before pausing, just remembering the conversation then laughed. How much of a dork he was…
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(っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💌 You receive a letter from Mango!
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
i hardly write on this blog but i hope to change that soon TT i love writing for tsukasa he is so silly 🩷 HEHHE
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hioloveskarasutabito · 9 months
Imagine this. (School AU)
Before reading!!
This is my first time writing something on this app, and I want you to know that English is not my first language, so- I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes!
I think the gender is not specified but maybe it's fem!reader. If that's the case, I'm so sorry about it!! Please, ignore it or tell me to correct it, I don't want a specific gender so everyone can identify 😞‼️
(These scenarios are something that happened to me when I was 14 years old and I thought it was good to write it as an 'imagine this'. I tagged my "favorite" anime/games, but feel free to think that is anyone you like!!)
· SFW ⭐
Warnings: Falls, spelling mistakes, (friendly) teasing.
(If you find another something to warn, tell me please!!)
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1st scenario.
You are running down the hallway of your school, chasing your friend. You have something that belongs to her, so you want to give it back to her, but you don't take into account that there is a plant where you are, which causes you to end up crashing with it and falling to the ground. Your classmates approach, laughing and asking if you are okay, but you don't answer, your face is red of embarrassment.
(Lover) approaches, taking your arm and leading you away from the crowd in silence. The people around you watched the scene but decided to ignored it. You look at him, tears in your eyes and your face red of shame. He takes you to your classroom, motioning for you to sit on a chair.
— Can you sit on a chair? I'm looking for a plaster, just wait.
He tells you, looking in his backpack for what he already said. When he finds it, he grabs your right leg.
— When you fell, you leaned on this leg, right?
— Uh, yeah..
He nods, rolling up the sleeve of your pants on the right side, looking at your scraped knee. With a tissue and water, he cleans the area and then puts the plaster on. And then, with the plaster already on, he places a kiss on it while looking into your eyes.
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2nd scenario.
You are in PE at your school, playing volleyball. They put you in the libero position and for (almost) not having physical condition, it is quite difficult for you.
The game starts and the opposing team serves. The girl jumps, raising the ball and crashing her palm into it, it seemed to be a direct point, but luckily your teammate manages to save it. The ball rises and the setter does not hesitate to do his job, placing it for your partner on the right, who hits the ball, scoring a point for your team.
The game is now 23-24 in favor of your team. But the greatest fear of your teammates and you came. It's the turn of (Person 1) to serve, who has such a powerful serve that she usually makes a direct point. You must do everything to win.
(Person 1) serves. She throws the ball up, jumping and looking for power in her arm, which she gets. You freeze, unable to move at the sight, but your friend manages to move, receiving it but leaving it short. Another of your teammates receives the ball and sends it to the other side of the court.
— Free ball!!
One of them shouts.
They receive the ball and return it, but your teammate receives it. Unfortunately, the ball bounces and flies away. It seemed like a lost point, but you weren't going to allow that. You start running at full speed. You're not a fast girl, so you force your body to go faster.
You lean forward, stretching your arm. You get to connect it with the ball, returning it to your side of the court. You fall and hit the stage in the gym, but you don't care. You looked at your friend in her eyes, telling her to do it. To win.
Your teammates receive the ball, throwing themselves at the setter so that she connects with the right wing, but no, when everyone had already jumped, preparing to hit and block, Your friends does what no one expected. A feint.
You hear the noise of the ball falling and then silence... Only silence. But suddenly you begin to hear shouts of celebration.
You smiled, exhausted. When you were about to get up, you felt someone put their arm around your body. It's (Lover). He helps you to get up, looking into your eyes.
— You did amazing.
He tells you with a big smile. A smile that you'll never forget. It's the first sincere and open smile he's given you, but little you know that it won't be the last.
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wxsemu · 4 months
you ask them the question of "what are we?"
feat. akito shinonome && rui kamishiro
a/n: ermm idk if you guys remember me but i'm back!! idk if i wanna continue love locks lmk if you want me to finish it bc i wanna rewrite it even if i only got two chapters into it LOL anyways read for a banger 🔥🔥 lmk if i should make a part 2 w other characters too ols 🙏
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akito shinonome
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rui kamishiro
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kitorin · 7 months
11:47 pm - a.touya
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warning for underage drinking, but it's not extreme + unrealistic depiction of alcohol (getting drunk super easily)
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"I think he's drunk."
An comments on Touya's current state, exhausted yet blissed out, silver irises zoning out and paying no heed to everything surrounding him.
"Probably." Akito agrees with her, blinking with confusion. Him and Kohane glance at each other, evidently concerned and soon frowning at An.
"You can't blame me— he's never tried alcohol before and asked for it." She retaliates with her arms crossed. "How was I supposed to predict this?"
Akito sighs at the ludicrosity of the dilemma.
"To be fair, you wouldn't really expect someone to get drunk that easily." Though you're defending An you can't deny that it was a stupid decision, this is exactly why Ken looked reluctant to leave the five of you at their place.
Touya finally speaks. "What? 'm not drunk."
Scoffing, Akito responds first. "Says the guy zoning out at his drink and gettin' flushed red."
"... the bubbles look pretty." Only proves Akito's statement.
"You're an idiot at times." Akito mumbles.
And for some reason Touya only bothers to acknowledge that. "But look!" He points the glass to his friend, almost spilling it, Akito reacts faster and pries it out of his hand.
"I'm sure they look very pretty, Touya." He grumbles under his breath, placing the glass out of his reach. Another glare is shot at An, who raises her hands in defeat.
"He wanted to try it!"
"None of us are over eighteen." Livid yet worried, Akito sighs. "Oi, what's the best lie for this situation. He can't go home like this."
"We could tell Ken that he fell asleep? And it's quite late already."
Silently, you thank the gods for Kohane's idea. "Ken's fine with us sleeping over without notice too. We'll be fine."
But An objects. "We are not lying to my dad."
Akito scowls, irritation overpowering concern. "Too bad."
She crosses her arms. "But that's unethical."
"You know what's unethical? Underaged drinking."
An shrugs, as if she weren't the cause of all of this. "It's legal when it's at home."
"With an adult." Touya still seemed dazed out, not heeding mind to the way both An and Akito were yelling. "Your dad wouldn't've let this happen."
"Kohane's basically an adult with her maturity?"
"Don't even try saying that. You let him drink while she was showering and while y/n and I went out to buy snacks."
As the two bicker, Kohane pinches your sleeve for your attention. "Should we stop them? Whether Aoyagi's okay or not is a priority."
In agreement you nod, accompanied by an exhausted sigh. "How about we bring Touya upstairs, to one of your guest rooms." Both An and Akito halt their arguing, intently listening to you. "He's probably just tipsy. He should be fine by the morning." Kohane nods, leaning down to eye level with Touya, who was slumped in his seat.
"Aoyagi, let's go." But he doesn't oblige, whining with soft incoherency instead. "Please?" Her plead is futile, as it goes completely ignored by Touya.
Akito steps forth. "I'll carry him." Toned arms reach for Touya's, the action only being reciprocated by a lazy slap.
He sighs for the nth time. "'m not mean, c'mon." It's futile though, Touya fights back, messily, his sloppy movements were enough to prevent Akito from being able to pick him up properly.
"I'll carry him." You volunteer, and thankfully Touya surrenders to you, relaxing as you haul him onto your back. "First guest room right?"
After nodding and beginning to clean up, An breathed out an apology and thank you, Akito gives up on scolding her, settling down on a seat next to Kohane.
Despite how tall he is, Touya was ridiculously light, allowing you to effortlessly carry him upstairs.
"You need to eat more..." And of course he doesn't respond. Soon you're carefully placing him in bed, searching for any signs of something wrong. You shield him from the cold with the blanket, watching him instinctively curl up into a ball.
"Are we alright now?" Everything seems to be fine, his face is still flushed red and he's basically unconscious, but he's not whining nor complaining. A lack of an answer tells to you to hurry up and leave, even if you already know he's unable to reply. "I'll go then. Good night Touya."
A tight grip on your wrist prevents you from leaving.
"What's wrong?"
"I need you here." He hiccups, now fully conscious.
"Because you're the best." He hiccups again.
"You're just saying that because you're drunk." You redirect his hand to himself, placing it by his side.
Pearly irises of silver stare at you, pleading for you to oblige his request. "No. It's because I like you."
You choke on your own spit at the declaration. "That's enough, just sleep." You've never encountered a drunk person, and it's unfortunate that Touya's the first because of an immature decision An made.
"Only if you'll stay."
Even when he turns eighteen, you note to yourself to never let him get drunk.
But it was refreshing to see Touya behave so childishly. For the time you've known him he's always been so adultlike, stoic and cold—juxtaposing the way An and Akito bicker, or Kohane's tendency to remain glued to a window whenever something piques her interest. The question has always plagued your thoughts, was it simply his personality or did his household not provide the luxury of being a child?
With a sigh you indulge in his request, sitting down on the bed. "You're kind of silly when you're drunk, you know?"
"'m not drunk! You're being like Akito."
"Like Akito?"
You remain silent, but you're stifling a laugh. It doesn't take long for you to give in, bursting out into laughter. "I promise I'm not mean. That's always going to be Akito's job."
"Then stop ignoring my feelings."
The first time it seemed like drunk non sense, drowsy and mindless. But the second time feels different, whether it be the genuine pout of his lips or the solemnity intertwined with his tone.
"It's not fairrr." Touya doesn't bother waiting for a response from you, rambling on while you listen carefully. "I like you so much but you're so far ahead. You're too pretty, how am I supposed to live without you? You're my safe place where I don't have to think about piano or dad. You're so good at sports, and smart, and speaking to people, you've even had alcohol before already."
Is that why he wanted to try some today...?
"You've had alcohol before too, dumbass." He only throws the blanket over his head, out of embarrassment.
"Do you like me too?"
The question repeats in your head, and the answer is obvious to you.
You arise from the bed, kneeling next to it where Touya was cowering underneath the blanket. "I do."
He peeps out of the covers, face wrapped in the doona, silver eyes wide with surprise. "Really?"
"Yes, but I'm not talking to you until you sleep properly, okay?"
Like an eager child, he falls for the bribery, closing his eyes and mumbling out a 'good night'. You reciprocate it, carefully tip toeing in order to let him sleep undisturbed— and on your way to deal with another problem, this time in the form of a certain musician who has a thing for drama.
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"And then, you confessed! We got curious and listened through the door."
Touya averts his gaze, instead staring at the cup of black coffee warming his palms. Rose is chalked all over his cheeks as he listens to An recounting last night's events.
"By 'we' she means her." Akito grumbles while sipping from his hot chocolate. "I don't get why she's so obsessed. Congratulations though."
An throws an arm around you. "You should've seen the look on his face when Touya called him mean."
Akito opens his mouth to object, but Kohane speaks first.
"That must've been amazing though, if drinking gave you that much confidence to confess like that."
"Well it wasn't really confidence if I wasn't thinking at all, is it?" The conversation only permeates his cheeks into a darker pink.
"Did you like how alcohol tasted?" Legitimate curiosity is scrawled on her expression and traced onto her tone. "What's being drunk like?"
This time, Akito interrupts Touya. "Who knows? Wanna test it out? Maybe then you'll have the courage to confess to Shiraishi?" The comment leaves you and Touya shocked, eyes flitting between the three of them. An stares at Kohane, whom is already running away with her bag.
"Oi Kohane—come back!" With haste she pulls off her apron and sprints around the counter, tossing it god knows where. "Wait—"
Akito chuckles at the ordeal— the chaos he caused. "Oops. My bad."
(you both know that was damn intentional)
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taglist (send an ask to be added) : @yuzurins, @pokkomi
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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modyuki · 1 year
good days sun! can you do mafuyu asahina with older sister!reader? i personally think if mafuyu has an older sister, the sister more(I don't know what to say, but forced by their mother) and mafuyu more less forced because her sister already bring that pain.
your new anon - ⭐
✧ · 𝐖𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧 · ✧
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notes: THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING AND WELCOME TO THIS FORGETFUL WRITERS BLOG I think I understand what you meant but I could be wrong tho 😭😭😭 I apologize if this is not what you had in mind , but I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it :3
TW: Mafumom being a bitch ,
summary: Mafuyu Asahina Having an older sister that went through the same hell as her
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⋆ When you were at Mafuyu’s age you also got the same treatment as Mafuyu
⋆ Or I mean… Mafuyu got the same treatment as you
⋆ When your mom said you were getting a sister you felt sad , even tho you didn’t show it you pretended to be happy that you were getting a little sister
⋆ And in reality you were but you were scared she was gonna treat the little one just as bad as you
⋆ Forcing her to do night classes forcing her to study , not letting her control her own life
⋆ When Mafuyu was born your mother treated her just like any other child
⋆ You were happy she didn’t treat Mafuyu the same way she treated you as a child
⋆ Although there was a hint of jealousy , but you brushed it off , you were just happy that she changed
⋆ Or rather ... You thought she did
⋆ Since you got older you moved out and continue to follow your actual dream
⋆ After a few years you decided to visit Mafuyu and your mother
⋆ But what you didn't know it's that you were gonna be in hell of susprise
⋆ Once you got there everything was normal , you were talking to your dad about your career everything was great
⋆ Until Mafuyu and your mom entered the room
⋆ You felt chills up your spine and the air around became thicker too
⋆ On that second you thought
‘ She didn’t change at all did she?’
⋆ You felt horrible for letting Mafuyu with her and not staying here
⋆ After Dinner Your mother asked you to help Mafuyu with her homework
⋆ Once you entered the room the first thing you did was to give her a hug followed by an
I’m sorry Mafuyu I’m sorry for leaving you here with her
⋆ And Mafuyu didn’t know what she was feeling but water droplets were coming out of her eyes
⋆ It felt so comforting to have someone in her family that truly cared about her
⋆ She felt safe with you
⋆ Even if it’s just been a few hours she could tell that you were just like her , you and her shared the same pain
⋆Maybe coming back for visiting wasn’t such a bad idea afterall
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salamivx · 3 months
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
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enassbraid · 1 year
Ok so- hi I really like your writing!
Really sorry if this is too specific but can I request Rui with an s/o who rarely genuinely smiles or feels happy because they often feel kind of empty and are socially anxious.. but since wxs likes to make people smile, they kind of take this as a challenge; but in the end it’s Rui that makes them smile without even trying, because they love him💕
->𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐬
What started as a convenient friendship turned into the first real smile you’ve expressed in years.
With Rui Kamishiro | Genre - angst? Comfort is here though dw…
Cw) reader is kinda like mafuyu but not rlly, just very empty yknow?, implied suicidal thoughts if you squint, annoying middle schoolers, mentioned neglect, reader stutters but not a lot they’re just anxious, swearing
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For as long as you could remember, there was a constant feeling of… dread. Most of the time, it was all you could feel. Every corner you turned paranoia washed over you, every second that past felt like you were doomed. It didn’t help that this feeling increased drastically during social events. The dread eventually wore off sometimes, but it was never replaced. You just felt… incomplete.
Your family thought you were an outcast to them, you never smiled with them. Even when they sang happy birthday to you as a child, you found it difficult to smile. At first, it freaked everyone out. What kind of kid doesn’t smile on their birthday? The judgement turned to annoyance, and before you knew it, you were left in the dust.
Your parents still tried their best to make you smile, or show any kind of emotion. But their efforts were put to waste. You just… could barley smile. It was a heartbreaking turn of events, but there wasn’t anything left that could be done about it. Since then, you’ve been left to handle your emotional baggage on your own.
In elementary school, things were a bit different. People actually wanted to be your friend and tried talking to you. As smooth as it went, you were still left with a feeling of emptiness. You felt awkward around these friends- like you couldn’t speak up without a fear of being shunned. The awkwardness came off as off putting, driving your friends away. You didn’t mind though. You didn’t mind one bit.
Not at all.
Junior High rolled around. The kids were meaner, boys were becoming more obnoxious, and the girls were eating that obnoxious behavior up. For a moment, it took away that feeling of dread, replacing it with humor and disgust. You let out a dry laugh any time you encountered a couple, finding it to be so annoying it was actually funny.
You’re pretty sure it was the first time you experienced humor. Maybe it was a bit weird, your first laugh being at relationships, but it was definitely a first step.
“I didn’t think you knew how to laugh.” Someone said from behind you. You turned around, being met with a tall frame that definitely didn’t look like it belonged to a year seven.
You only stared at him, not saying a word. He had unkempt purple hair with some blue streaks, it looked pulled back, but you couldn’t tell if it was a ponytail or a knot. His eyes were a dull yellow, small dark circles under his eyes bringing them out a bit.
‘How eccentric.’ You thought.
You walked away, not wanting to interact with the individual… Especially someone who looked like they were ready to question you. Little did you know, that would only be your first encounter with the tall male.
You had to admit it was strange. Ever since that encounter with the unkempt male, you’ve noticed him roaming around more and more. You frequently saw him in the stairwell, where you would go down, he would go all the way up to the rooftop. Other days you spotted him on the rooftop’s fence from below. You brushed it off however, you’re probably only noticing him now because you met him. Of course he’ll stand out.
Of course.
That was the next phase of junior high. Your final year before high school, and it was full of failed attempts at making friends, getting outcasted more as a result, and just pure shitty luck. You thought ‘Of course’ at least once a week by this point, cause what else was there to think? Of course this was the biggest part of your youth. Of course.
That mindset was what lead you all over the school in search for a lunch spot. You couldn’t bear to sit in the cafeteria with all those other students… just thinking about it made you uncomfortable. The outdoor seats were always occupied with couples or friends having private conversations, it was best not to intrude either of those.
You found a spot at the library for a brief period, but you felt out of place after a while, surrounded by others your age who were just there to study. Once again, it was better not to be a hazard…
There was one place left in the entire school, the rooftop. You were reluctant to go, hearing rumors of a couple of weirdos sitting up there all day. Whoever those “weirdos” were had quite the reputation, as going up to the rooftop around lunch became a punishment for friends who lost a bet. Just who knows what you’ll get yourself into if you stay there… but it was worth a shot, right?
Taking a deep breath, you twisted the door handle to the very top of the school. You didn’t see anyone initially, ‘Maybe it was just a school myth’ you thought. But a quick turn of the head proved that wrong, cause right away you spotted a familiar silhouette of purple hair, along with a unfamiliar pink haired individual.
He still stood out like a sore thumb, just like before. ‘Isn’t this the guy who didn’t think I could laugh?’ You thought to yourself. He whispered something to the pink haired fellow next to him, before turning his head back to you. You felt awkward, judged even. You weren’t sure what to say exactly, not expecting to come face to face with these two.
“Hey there, did you come to get another laugh?” He spoke up. You couldn’t tell if that was an insult or not, or maybe he was trying to emphasize you weren’t welcomed, or maybe you looked like you were judging? This was nerve-wrecking…
“Um… not exactly. I- well um, there’s not a lot of places to sit for someone like me. I didn’t think anyone came up here.” That was a lie, the other two across from you knew that as well. Everyone knows the rooftop was for rejects like them.
You were shaking. A lot. You averted your gaze to anything but the pair in front of you, trying to avoid judgmental stares or mocking laughs.but they never came.
“You know you can come over here, right? Isn’t it uncomfortable standing in the middle like that? Rui, make some room for them.” The pink one said. They had a androgynous look to them, but were wearing regular pants and a red cardigan. They sounded a bit harsh, but it didn’t seem intentional.
You walked over to the spot made for you, taking a seat and stretching your legs out. Now the silence was really awkward, just great…. Now what?
“I believe we met before, yes?” The taller said. You didn’t want to acknowledge it, but you did meet before. It felt weird to look back on considering you ran away from him, and now you’re sitting right next to him.
You stayed silent, but that didn’t keep him from continuing.
“We never got each other’s names you know. I’m Rui Kamishiro, the one next to me is Mizuki Akiyama. Surely you have a name as well, correct?” This guy was definitely bolder with his words than any other “friendly” person you’ve met before.
“It’s (Name), (Full Name).” Was all you said.
“Well, (Full Name), I hope to see you more often in the future.” He replied. Almost like it was timed perfectly, as the bell rang the moment he finished his sentence.
For the rest of the day, you recalled the encounter over and over again in your mind. Maybe going up there wouldn’t be too bad of an idea, but the school year was close to ending. You’d hate to find a real friend and lose them right after.
So for the rest of the year, you went up there at least once a week. Other days you’d spend free period in a restroom stall, which wasn’t the nicest experience, but it felt somewhat safe.
The routine repeated till graduation. You found Mizuki to be a comforting individual to be around, but the year difference lead to difficulties in seeing each other around outside of the rooftop. With Rui, you felt he was just a friend of convenience. You both were friends with Mizuki, and happened to be in the same year and class. After graduation, you’ll probably never speak to him again.
When graduation rolled around, it felt relieving. After today… you’ll probably never see these people again. You didn’t have any bittersweet feelings toward it, only sweet. These were the people who played a part in making your junior high experience hell, after all. Why should you feel sad about never seeing them again? Mizuki was going to your high school when they graduated, so you weren’t too worried about that either.
You glanced at Rui as you left the gymnasium, he waved. You stopped in your tracks briefly, telling your parents you’ll be right back before walking towards him.
“Well if it isn’t (Name), are you excited? You know, for high school.”
You wish you could say yes, but you couldn’t. You weren’t ready to go through all this again, with no idea of who anyone is was a whole other subject. You were ready to leave, but you weren’t ready to start fresh.
Your silence said all he needed to know, he patted your shoulder and called his mom over from where she was standing.
“Would you mind taking a picture of me and my friend here?” He asked.
She smiled warmly at you, nodding her ahead and pulling her phone out. Rui wrapped an arm around your shoulder, you did the same, except your arm was around his waist instead.
His mother showed you two the photo, you thanked he. Giving one last look to Rui, you walked back towards your parents, finally getting out of this hellhole.
“Who was that over there, (Name)? Your mother asked.
“Just an acquaintance from this year…”
From that point on, you tried your best to forget about everything that happened in Junior high, along with everyone you met there. You felt it was too painful to dwell on the past, there was nothing that could change it, so why bother wishing it went differently?
Besides, in a way, you worried it would hold you back in high school. If you keep thinking like junior high… you’ll be frozen in time. That’s not a very pretty outcome, is it?
Your first year in high school brought you back to your childhood a bit. Without elementary acquaintances, you didn’t know a single person in Kamiyama. You felt dread all around, nothing else. Every time a teacher called on random kids, you had to fight back nausea from the anxiety of getting picked. It was terrible to say the least.
You felt nothing but everything at the same time. By now, you couldn’t remember the last time you smiled. Was it eight years ago? Nine? Maybe a decade… it was almost like a curse. Why couldn’t you experience a normal life? Why did things have to go this way? Why?
God. Was it too much to wish to disappear? If you disappeared… things wouldn’t be so hard. You wouldn’t be able to worry anymore, right? If you went to bed every night thinking that, maybe your prayers will be answered. At least, that’s what you hoped.
Time didn’t feel real anymore, so much so that your second year at Kamiyama appeared in front of you out of no where. You can’t recall anything from the past year other than rotting away after school ever single day. It was hard to believe you were already a second year, let alone still alive.
You expected this year to go the exact same as the previous, you really did. In a way, you almost wanted it to. It was what you were accustomed to after all. Such a sudden change could go many ways… but the way this change went was all that you wanted. Even if you didn’t realize that in the moment.
First thing you noticed walking through the school gates? A familiar pink haired figure. The only thing familiar was their presence, they looked completely different from the last time you saw them. Mizuki almost ran towards you, coming at you with a bear hug.
“(Name)! It’s been so long, how are you?!” They asked, still hugging you. You loosely hugged back, patting their back.
“Mizuki… I’ve been… uh, alright? What about you..?” You asked in return.
“Ah, I’ve been a lot better actually! Oh, I’ll see you later! My friend’s little brother is right over there. I need to say hi!” And with that they ran off again. Mizuki was definitely more energetic than the last time you saw them.
You were proud of them. They’ve seemed to have grown a lot since junior high, even making new friends along the way. You were glad your first feeling of the school year was proudness rather than dread, you’d have to thank Mizuki later, huh?
Walking along the pathway, you were once again greeted with a familiar figure. Except this time… you definitely weren’t expecting this one.
“(Name)?” A sly voice said.
You didn’t know what to think. You thought graduation would be the last time you ever saw him. After all, he was going to an elite high school. He was destined to do something great, so what the hell was he doing here?
“Hmm, looks like fate brought us together once again. What have you been up to these days?” He asked. You didn’t have the guts to tell him “nothing.” That just felt… embarrassing. He’s probably been busy, occupied with his own hobbies. He shouldn’t have to hear the sob story of the past year…
“Well… um, I forget. What brings you here though…? I thought you were going to that elite high school for science. Uh… did something happen?” Of course, switching the conversation onto him was a better idea for now.
“Ah, not exactly. I just had a little accident on school grounds, accidentally blew up school property as a result. So they had to expel me, something about ‘damaging the school’s prestigious reputation.’” He chuckled to himself at that last part, finding his expulsion humorous? You didn’t understand this guy still.
You two stood in silence for a moment. You weren’t sure what to say, you never were. Rui knew this, so thankfully it made the silence less awkward. This meeting was extremely awkward on your behalf, never did you think of seeing him again.
And that was your next feeling, guilt. Guilt for never staying in contact, guilt for trying to forget about him. Most importantly, guilt for never wanting to see him again. You never knew why you thought that. He was a friend for a bit, friends don’t usually wish to never see each other again, don’t they?
“Say, what if I introduced you to a few people here? Only two. One of which I think you’d get along with excellently. The other one… I’m not so sure. But! They aren’t judgmental.” You didn’t know who to expect, but you agreed nonetheless. You were hoping this one that you’d supposedly get along with was actual similar to you.
“These two are apart of my theater troupe I joined a month ago. There’s another one, but she goes to the girl’s academy. She did say something about visiting Kamiyama ever so often though.” A theater troupe? You knew Rui was into weird stuff, so what did he have to do with theater? You can’t recall him ever expressing a passion for it…
“Still silent, huh?” He asked, noticing you’re lack of responses. The nod of your head didn’t help much, you still didn’t wanna be too verbal right now.
“I haven’t forgotten, you know. About that time you laughed. I think that was the only time I ever witnessed you expressing a joyous feeling, but something tells me that laugh was more bitter than joyous. Not to mention… you haven’t smiled before either.” The more he said the more you wished to run away. You wanted to find good friends, not get called out like this.
“I’m just hard to entertain is all.” You responded with, meekly. Entertain didn’t equate to happy, you knew this, so did Rui. But both of you decided to ignore that fact for now.
“Thankfully my troupe’s job is to entertain people, the girl at the girl’s academy is all about making people smile. I’m sure if you stopped by one of our shows at Phoenix Wonderland… (Name)?” You stopped dead in your tracks. Was he really trying to make to smile? Make you happy? Did he really think it was going to be that easy?
“You know it’s been so long since I last smiled, I can’t even remember the last time I did. What you want to do is impossible, Rui.” You said solemnly. You didn’t want him to get his hopes up, so you just had to give it to him straight.
“Well lucky for me, I enjoy challenging the impossible.” He said it like it was the simplest thing in the world. You almost wanted to punch him. Almost.
You continued walking, finally seeing the two he wanted to introduce you to. Tsukasa Tenma and Nene Kisangani.
You heard of Tsukasa from last year, you thought he was rather obnoxious and tried to steer clear of him. Nene must be a first year, there was nothing familiar about her, not even her name. Throughout the whole interaction she hid behind Tsukasa, ‘so that’s what he meant by us getting along… she’s nervous as well.’ You thought.
You weren’t sure if you should’ve took it as a compliment anymore, was he equating you to a shy mess who needed to hide behind someone at all times? But… she seemed nice. You couldn’t judge her, you’d probably do the same thing if you had a good friend like that. If you had a good friend like that.
Dread snuck up on you before you could even realize. You averted eye contact even more, and felt as your legs began to shake. ‘Isn’t this just great’
“(Name)! Are you well?” Tsukasa’s voice boomed, he was far too loud asking that question.
Rui looked over to your figure next to him. He noticed almost right away how uncomfortable you looked, Nene did as well. Though, she thought it was best not to point it out in a group setting.
“Ah, excuse them. They’re pretty anxious with unfamiliar people. I’m sure they’ll warm up to you two eventually. After all, we are performing our next show for them.” Rui said as if he already talked it out with the group. Which, he indeed, did not. You weren’t even mentioned prior to this meeting.
Tsukasa and Nene gave each other a confused look. “We are?” They said in unison.
“We are!” Rui stated again.
Meanwhile, you had the most confused look on your face. What does he mean by ‘performing their next show for you’? You couldn’t say you appreciated the effort, but at the same time, you kinda didn’t. This felt… way too sudden.
The bell rang before anyone could protest. You learnt Tsukasa was in a separate class than Rui though, and knew for sure Nene was in fact a first year. With that, those two went their own ways to class, leaving you and Rui alone.
“Are you not going to class? It’s the first day back you know.” He almost sounded like a mother, almost. Rui didn’t have the responsibility to act like a mother.
“I’m waiting for you… we’re in the same class, right?”
“Indeed we are.”
You walked ahead of him, not wanting to be directly next to him. It also provided some sense of security that he was right behind you, no one could sneak up on you like that. But that didn’t last long… before you knew it, you and Rui were walking side by side.
“Are you excited for our show?” He asked. You shot him with a glare, not appreciating how sudden that was.
“Not really.” You responded.
“Yes you are, don’t lie.” Great. Now he was doing that teasing voice of his again.
“I am not.”
“You are.”
You two bickered back and forth, interrupted by something you found unbelievable.
You felt your lips curve up, but you weren’t sure why. Of course, Rui just had to notice.
“Was that…” he began.
“It wasn’t anything!” You exclaimed, face flushed with embarrassment. Did it seriously have to happen like that?
“It looked like something.” He stated matter of factly. Pointing towards your lips, he mimicked the smile you just had.
“You just went like this!” He pressed his thumbs to the corner of your lips, pushing it upwards a bit to replicate what he had just witnessed.
You stayed silent, avoiding eye contact at any cost. At this rate… you were going to be late anyways.
“I can’t believe it! I’ve heard you laugh before, but it was so dry. And I’ve never seen you smile, not even in that photo we took at graduation!” You tried to ignore him, you really did.
On one hand, you felt a sense of relief you were able to smile, and that you weren’t as broken as you thought. But on the other hand… you just smiled because of Rui. That didn’t feel right at all.
“Come on now, say something. You and me both know you’re just a littleee happy, right?” He said. You tried thinking about it, but could you really conclude you were happy? Maybe satisfied was the better word… but maybe happiness wasn’t too much of a stretch.
“Maybe… I’m not sure? I didn’t think I could do that anymore.” You replied, feeling more and more embarrassed by the second.
“And just to think… I was about to put on a whole show just to get a smile out of you. But that isn’t necessary anymore, right? If I’m able to get a smile out of you just like that…” He leaned closer to your face. Not too close, but close enough to pull even more embarrassment out of you.
“Don’t… don’t say it like that. You know it was just a coincidence-“
“How do you smile by coincidence?”
You couldn’t argue with that, even you knew it doesn’t work like that. A part of you wanted to say more, but the other part of you pushed it back. It wasn’t the right time for any of that, not yet at least.
“What do you say we recreate that graduation photo? But this time you smile! How does that sound?”
“Unnecessary, that’s how it sounds.”
He merely chuckled at your bluntness. The conversation felt like forever in your mind, but it was apparently shorter. The bell hasn’t rung again To signal class starting, and you’ve just arrived in the classroom. Was this a better concept of time than before?
Your memory was blurry, so you couldn’t recall many events form the past year. But you can recall the way you felt, lonely. You didn’t have a reason to get up in the morning, you didn’t have anyone or anything to look forward to during the day. It was hard to think about, you’ve never been that lonely before.
But with Rui back, even Mizuki, you felt like you were finally reaching that light at the end of the tunnel. Rui’s troupe members… they were fond of you. Maybe this was the year you could finally be a part of a friend group again. Maybe this year you’ll be able to find…
“(Name), look at the seating chart, I’m right behind you. Sorry if you feel me poking your back at all.” Rui said smugly, with a shit eating grin plastered across his face.
Yeah… maybe this year you will be able to find all that.
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