#Planetary Conjunction
theheiressjcs · 8 months
Weekly Reading February 8th-15th 2024: A Glorious Garden
Our great balancer, the moon is at only 2% illumination, nearing its new moon phase. Currently, it is in Capricorn, transitioning to Aquarius. From rigged, to stale air. Allow me to explain. Though Capricorn is a cardinal sign, they are often cold, unmoving, and controlling. In a brighter light, these people are successful as they tend to stick with plans, and play less with…
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astropookie · 1 year
I’m feeling like a fcking egoist so I’ll roast myself
I’m the best at it😄🥰
aspects of my birth chart I blame -don’t do that-
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Picture from Pinterest
TW: it could turn deep
*basically aspects in my birth chart
Moon square Venus
I’m fucking rude. I always seem like Idgf. When I liked someone, unless I want them to know, in the past, they have told me that they haven’t had a clue I like them. It’s like I have a mask but really on the inside I’m sensitive and I’m scared of being hurt and not having the reaction I expect. Attachment issues. That’s the thing. I HAVE SUFFERED A LOT in past relationships, any type. Why? I’ve been too attached to the point I begged the other to stay or if don’t I…had a incomprensible fear OR I’ve been too cold and lost what could’ve been friends bc of my anxiety of being hurt/rejected/judge, etc. I HAVE SUCH A HUGE PROBLEM that’s not being able to show myself at the fullest or to struggle to be myself and i’ll adapt to what others would like. SCARED OF BEING JUDGE. I feel that I’m a burden, being me. Showing my real intentions and emotions to the ones I love the most. To be the cause of their problems. That’s my phobia -jk-.
Ascendant conjunction Neptune
As much as it costs me to mention it. Yes, neptune causes addiction or SPECIFICALLY and ORIGINALLY a necessity to escape, to avoid what’s in front of your eyes. The effect neptune gives is insane, the sensitivity someone with neptune energy is on another level. A level that make you wish to disappear or to go to another dimension. The need can’t be put in words. But oh darling, as much as you wish, you scream, you can’t go bc you’re sensitive and that makes you an emphatic. you feel what others feel: you can’t decide. How others would feel? So you hide it. You’re good at it or that’s what you think. “It’s for your own good and for the others, it’s the best”, that’s what you’d said.
Sun square Chiron
A truck hits you every time. Or -a example that’s more family friendly- when you start doing bars, at first you get blisters and it burns but you have to do the work anyways bc you’re not gonna wait an eternity so the blister can heal -another’s gonna appear in the process-: you kept going and finally your skin becomes indifferent to the rub between your hand and the bar. in other words, sun square chiron have passed and pass lessons that are really deep, specifically in the past by being invalidated for being them. They can feel insufficient and that you don’t have the right to be, to show your passions and expressive side (being creative and unique). They repressed you, they thought they had the right and you believed them. Honey, you become stronger each time. Your inner strength is incredible. Accepting yourself, being recognized by you is what matters and what’s going to make you reach your potential.
Lilith square Mars
AAAAAAAA THIS ASPECT. why do I have to have such a AAAAAA aspect? I HATE IT FUCK. You know how many times I’ve changed hobbies? How many times I’ve left a competition bc I was afraid of not winning? What if my full potential wasn’t what I expected? What if I wasn’t the best? If it was the case I preferred to leave, to die -how dramatic- instead of knowing I had competition and that I wasn’t the only one there that wanted to give her best. I changed hobbies every time bc I got bored: in reality I was afraid and stressed bc things didn’t go the way I wanted, I didn’t full my expectations and I was afraid of not doing it if I really tried. At the first try I expected to it to came out like I was an expert. I have to make a mistake, what I was most afraid of, to learn about it, to understand that I’m human. I HATE IT. That’s why I’m feeling like shit. The other day I exploded without of nowhere and a friend that I love obviously got offended and I tried to covered it by telling it was a joke -she still told me she didn’t like it- but then I apologized and cleared everything. Now, add those previous 3 aspects: I feel like fucking shit. -there are other things-.
incredibly, first time I don’t use emojis
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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middlenamesage · 7 months
Life is your best astrology teacher. The best way to learn about all areas of your chart is to pay attention to the transits activating it. All of the planets are currently moving through one of your houses and might be making important aspects to your natal placements, but the Moon in particular makes an entire trip around the zodiac in just 27+ days. That’s the full range of opportunities within every month to see how she casts a reflection on all houses and placements in your natal chart. Be open to what she wants to show you. Check the transits a couple times a day (or whatever feels best for you) and pay attention to where the Moon is if you’re looking for more immediate insight into parts of yourself. The slower moving planets tend to represent more extensive stories unfolding, but the Moon can really help us to understand ourselves.
I’ve found that the conjunctions she makes in transit to placements in my natal chart are definitely the most important aspects to look for if you’re wanting the opportunities to reflect on your natal placements and discover more about how they manifest in your life.
Also, if you are ever just feeling some type of way really strongly, really thinking about a specific topic, or something curious has happened in the moment (not necessarily some monumental occurrence, just something that makes you wonder about astro dynamics) I really recommend looking up the transits in that moment. You might find the Moon conjunct one of your placements. (Or highlighting a planet in the universal transits.)🌛🪄
You could spend years trying to pull interpretations for areas of your natal chart out your ass (just a colorful figure of speech☺️), or reading up on generalized descriptions of placements that don’t take into account how they fit into your chart. But trust me, seeing how life interacts with your chart in real time is the most specific and personal way to build better understanding of the map of the cosmos that reflects the map within you.
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starjellyastro · 1 year
Air Placements, Venus-Mars, and Sudden Intimacy
in which we discuss the nature of the air signs and venus-mars dispositions
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warnings: none
word count: 1.2k
skin tight | ravyn lenae ft. steve lacy
quick-footed and eager
I’ve always admired the wit of the air signs – their ability to read people; the way they have with words; this social dance they play at, flitting between moments of chaos effortlessly, reaching a hand out to you, yes you. Come along for the ride, won’t you?
There is a bounce to the intellectualism, the calculated movements of an air sign. Signatures of Mercury (ruling Gemini) and Uranus (ruling Aquarius) stain the triad: Hermes’ winged feet carry him far and wide as the pale visage of Uranus throws mist into his path, obscuring who or what he may encounter on his epic journeys. And we cannot forget the graces of Venus, the Roman Aphrodite, ruler of Libra. She brings a love of people and the unusual skill to curate one’s environment, as well as the self within.
Air is a breath of something fresh, and a whiff of it on a love asteroid or two can manifest as quite distinctive, but a Venus-Mars double whammy?
Does every explosion require a match?
and venus meets mars
Before we jump into double whammies, let’s talk dispositors. The planetary ruler(s) of a sign feed into any planet in that sign. As an example, say you have an Aries Venus. Aries is ruled by Mars, making your Mars the main dispositor of Venus and any other Aries placement you might have. This would also be true for your Scorpio placements, as Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio.
When Mars disposits into Venus or Venus disposits into Mars or both disposit into each other (disposit is not a word lol), the two planets become connected as if they were aspecting each other, even if they’re not and especially if they are. In my experience, Venus-Mars dispositions layered on top of a close major aspect hit like a punch to the face. 
So where does the air come in?
and venus disposits into mars
I’ve experienced two cases of an Aquarius Venus feeding into a Libra Mars. The Mars placement is already an interesting one on its own, with the introduction of Libra’s Venutian love of harmony and justice. The intrigue of a Libra Mars is found in its social mask, as aggression and conflict are pushed away to maintain a fragile veneer of amity. The Aquarian eccentricity of Venus, however, establishes an unevenness: cracks in the mask. 
Aquarius is ruled by two planets, Uranus (modern ruler) and Saturn (traditional ruler), allowing the sign to be read as an attempt to break free from restrictions. Different shapes and stages of Aquarius exist in every chart, and not all are fully matured. The raw, untouched, underdeveloped Aquarius takes on a notable Saturnian coldness, leaning further into the stubborn dogmatism only a fixed air sign could fully bring to the table. This particular Venus signature can weave between shutting out and turning on, and that energy goes straight for Mars if they’re trine. When the Uranian essence does come out – typically quite suddenly, as is the nature of the planet – it can be like someone flipped a switch, and the full aggression of suspended affection is suddenly on top of you, flailing for your attention.
Trade the Aquarius Venus for one marked by Gemini, and the throughline of playfulness runs clear. Mercury-meets-air is a crossroads of tricks and giggles, Hermes delivering his messages alongside good-natured pranks. This can act as a distraction from the Martian mayhem Libra so wants to avoid, but who really cares when you’re having fun? And if these two placements happen to be trine, the diversion will go down especially easy. Expect teasing and maybe even a quick slip into a romantic little vibe, only if the feelings are there.
so it's mutual?
This doesn’t work quite as smoothly the other way with Mars dispositing into Venus since the Venus placements would be restricted to Mars-ruled signs (Aries, Scorpio), but a mutual disposition is always fun. 
In the event that a chart contained a Libra Mars and Aries Venus in near-perfect opposition, the two planets would be triply tied: Mars would feed into Venus, Venus would feed into Mars, and both would tug desperately at each other from across the chart. Aries Venus brings a spontaneous and magnetic passion, and possible naivete, to a Mars that throws a need for control and prudent self-management right back.
These energies struggle against each other in an attempt to reach one another and yet each informs the other. If the conflict of such a placement goes unresolved, one may doubt themselves in their relationships and along the dual-house axis upon which the opposition lays. Still, there is much potential to be found in the expert mediation of a Libra Mars as applied to the deep attachments formed by an Aries Venus and vice versa, where the unapologetic passions of Venus enable Mars to confront the disputes at hand.
tying the knot: venus meets mars
And what if Venus and Mars are conjunct?
When the two planets meet in a sign, they take on the essence of the sign in question, feeding off each other rather than into. Venus-Mars is known for being especially explosive due to the connotation of a union between romantic and sexual love and attraction, but that may not ring true in every sign or house. It’s difficult to sit here and write observations knowing that all charts are so different, right down to the degrees, yet I can say that the concerns of these planets are inextricably linked in such an aspect. It may be in a way that isn’t easily observable to an outsider or has not yet unraveled itself for those whose chart it graces, but there is indeed meaning that deserves to be derived, and it likely exists within the elemental theme.
The concerns of the air signs often tend to have a societal face. Think the humanitarianism of Aquarius or the diplomacy of Libra. Think of Hermes, the Greek counterpart to Mercury; the same Mercury that rules Gemini. The intimacy implied by Venus-Mars could be much more abstract than it first appears. Maybe you’re destined to bring people together by solving conflicts on the streets or in the courts or maybe your purpose is to lighten the very real burden we as humans collectively share. You could be a performer, a socialite, an activist… 
Regardless, this approach to love at the intersection of Venus and Mars is hard to grasp within the bounds of just another astrology observations post, and yet it begs to be observed. It may initially lack the fanfare, the spectacle granted to your cinematic rom-com, but it still manages to reach new heights in epic.
So what exactly happens when Venus meets Mars in an endless sky?
this is my first post so there's not much of interest on my blog yet, but feel free to check out my very much under construction main masterlist in the meantime :))
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futurefatum · 19 days
Danger for those born 1946 to 1948 (Tone: 310)
Prepare for Mars retrograde! Individuals born 1946-1948 should be vigilant about health. #VedicAstrology #HealthWarning
September 3rd, 2024 by @JoniPatryVedicAstrologer ABOUT THIS VIDEO: The video “Danger for those born 1946 to 1948 🚨 Vedic Astrology News: Mars Impact!��� by Joanie Patry discusses potential challenges that people born between 1946 and 1948 may face due to upcoming astrological transits. The focus is on the retrograde motion of Mars through the signs of Cancer and Gemini, which is predicted to…
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briery · 1 year
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Types of celestial events.
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astrosolutions · 5 months
What Will Happen When Mars Rahu Conjunction In Pisces 2024?
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When Mars and Rahu come into conjunction, an individual’s dominant nature is enhanced because both planets have opposite characteristics and operate in opposing directions. This creates competition between the two to gain the upper hand in situations where negative characteristics, such as extramarital affairs, obscene sexual orientation, and illegal activities, can become more prominent.
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kaehunterart · 1 year
By the time they reach the city gates, Wolfwood is feeling noticeably out of sync with his body. The long, dancing double shadows cast ahead of them by the setting suns certainly aren’t helping, but the telltale numbness creeping into his tongue and fingertips warns him that he doesn’t have too long before the serum’s toll comes calling. He thinks he’ll make it, though; he just has to get Vash settled in some lodgings and bring back some takeout, and he’ll be all set to weather whatever the evening has in store. - (Or: we know Wolfwood can *survive* multiple doses of serum in the Stampede timeline, but there can still be Consequences™️.)
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littledigest · 2 years
Pluto conjunct natal Mercury-Uranus-Neptune
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Pluto has been transiting my natal Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune since 2020. As of 2023, it is moving away from natal Neptune and towards natal Uranus and Mercury.
Neptune in Capricorn 26 degrees in 5th house [natal]
Uranus in Aquarius 2 degrees in 6th house [natal]
Mercury in Aquarius 3 degrees in 6th house[natal]
When Pluto was close to my Neptune, I happened to start or end a creative endeavor. Or, something about the event was Neptunian/Piscean in nature.
Going into 2023, there is a shift from Neptunian events to more Uranian and Mercurial ones.
Notice that until 2023, the events are creativity (Neptune) and hobby (5th house) related. Starting from 2023, my Mercury-Uranus in 6th house conjunction is getting more attention. My sudden job change and the nature of that job are examples of this.
5/12/20 - First day of working out regularly by following YouTube videos. I was working out every day for almost 2 hours. I had NEVER worked out before this. For several months after, I was obsessed with working out; it was therapeutic to me.
6/6/20 - First day of UX/UI design online course
3/23/21 - I made a journal entry this day that I was seriously thinking of going into animation and coding.
6/6/21 - Last day of UX/UI design online course
6/7/21 - The day after, I started my first day of 3D animation class. Pluto is EXACTLY conjunct my natal Neptune on this day.
6/23/21 - I attempted a no-fish-and-seafood diet ❌🐟🦀❌ after watching a documentary about our negative impact on the ecosystem due to overfishing and overconsumption of fish/seafood. Failed, but I really tried.
3/16/22 - Hit with a major internal crisis. Issues from the past came back, and I didn't know where I was headed in life. Felt very uncertain about what I was doing in life.
3/29/22 - Last day of 3D animation class.
6/20/22 - The day I started my Tumblr blog littledigest. Pluto was also opposite natal asteroid Educatio (2440); seems appropriate as I am giving my experiences and take on astrology through this blog.
7/10/22 - The day I reached 100 followers on Tumblr
8/7/22 - I visited a local psychic fair with my mom and sister. 🔮 We've never gone out of our way to go to anything like this before.
10/3/22 - I learned how to use a sewing machine. Making clothes was something that I had been DREAMING about for so long. Did I continue? No, but I'm sure I'll go back to it someday.
11/22/22 - Introduced to a job position that seemed completely out of my league. I wasn't even job searching, but this landed on my lap out of nowhere. Had nothing to do with the job I was doing at the time.
12/12/22 - I got a call back that I got the job. Found out I will be earning a lot more than in my previous job 🤑. Pluto was also square natal asteroid Destinn (6583). Don't know if this job is my DESTINY, but interesting...Maybe I'm on the right path?
1/6/23 - Last day of old job; got a new haircut in the city after work. 💇‍♀️ Realized this was the first time I went to get a haircut on my own IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Prob not significant to you, but it was bonkers to me. How have I never gotten a haircut on my own before?
1/9/23 - First day of my new job. Transit Uranus is conjunct my natal midheaven too. I'm no longer 100% remote; I have to go into the office; my whole routine has changed. This new job of mine is an admin position but for a technology department. [Uranian]
2/8/23 - Met with superior. Afterward, manager tells me superior wants me to work with them on data work. My work becomes less about admin duties. [Mercurial/Uranian]
2/18/23 - Played a gambling card game with my family for the first time and won. Pluto also square natal asteroid Las Vegas (82332). Not Vegas but won some money 💵. [Neptunian/Uranian]
2/26/23 - started this Long Game project on littledigest. Pluto also inconjunct natal asteroid Discovery (9770). I hope this project uncovers something special! [Mercurial/Uranian/Neptunian]
More to come as time goes on
This post is part of a larger study based solely on my personal experiences with Planetary Transits and Returns.
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essseateatarot · 1 year
October 2023 promises to be a captivating month for celestial wanderings, as the Moon embarks on a mystical journey through the heavens. As we venture beyond the autumn equinox (Mabon) into October 2023,, this celestial wanderer has a tale to tell. With every phase and conjunction, she whispers secrets to our souls, tugging at the strings of our emotions.
Let’s explore the key lunar aspects of this exciting month, as well as their astrological significance  and their profound impact on our collective well-being. This month, we invite you to join us on a cosmic exploration, where the Moon’s movements will illuminate the hidden corners of our hearts and minds.
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wayti-blog · 2 years
Planetary & Seismic Update 12 March 2023; Full Moons Explained; 16-19 March Critical (website)
Do planetary conjunctions, together with the sun, influence volcanic activity on Earth and in the rest of our solar system? Fascinating.
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deviiancetv · 2 years
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Togetherness: The Great Alignment // Gifts From The Stars
All the heavenly bodies coming together, like a grand function where all the planets meet up once every hundred years just to communicate, vibrate and align with each other.
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Heavenly bodies spin in unison, heaving mass giants created from the stars.
We are all soul beings, created from the same cosmic dust.
Spinning around together, on a planet of the Sun.
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Gifts From The Stars (Art Series)
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seagull-astrology · 8 months
Medal of Freedom winner Tiger Woods
Eldrick Tont Woods, is better known as Tiger Woods, and was born December 30 1975 at 10:50 PM in Long Beach California — though some sites say Cypress California — to an ex-marine and a immigrant Thai mother, hence the middle name Tont — meaning “excellent” in Thai. Tiger was raised in his mother’s native Buddhist faith. He beat par for first time in major golf history with his Master’s win. He…
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malcrof · 2 years
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futurefatum · 20 days
Economic Downturn: September's New Moon in Leo (Tone: 310)
Prepare for economic shifts as Uranus goes retrograde and the New Moon in Leo heightens emotions. Stay creative and cautious! #Astrology #NewMoon #EconomicOutlook
August 31st, 2024 by JoniPatryVedicAstrologer (5) Economic Downturn: September’s New Moon in Leo Unveiled | Astrology News ABOUT THIS VIDEO: The video titled “Economic Downturn: September’s New Moon in Leo Unveiled” by Joanie Patri discusses the astrological implications of the New Moon occurring on September 2nd, particularly in the sign of Leo, and how it could affect global and personal…
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Today, Venus and Neptune share a rare conjunction in water sign Pisces. This is a transit for love, romance, magic and all sorts of fuzzy feelings.
Read the full article now!
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