#conjunctions in vedic astrology
astrosolutions · 1 month
What Will Happen When Mars Rahu Conjunction In Pisces 2024?
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When Mars and Rahu come into conjunction, an individual’s dominant nature is enhanced because both planets have opposite characteristics and operate in opposing directions. This creates competition between the two to gain the upper hand in situations where negative characteristics, such as extramarital affairs, obscene sexual orientation, and illegal activities, can become more prominent.
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botanicalsword · 13 days
Moon signs ♡ Being in love vs Falling out of love - how would they act like
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>> Moon signs • how they behave >> Moon signs • the qualities of partners they desire
✧ Aries Moon
Being in love - intense connection Aries Moon seek a passionate and intense connection. They want a partner who is energetic, direct, and openly affectionate. They value relationships that make them feel alive and comfortable, embracing the vibrant experiences of life. Falling out of love - Recover quickly Aries Moon is aware of their ability to bounce back quickly. They prioritize taking care of themselves and starting anew rather than getting stuck in repetitive patterns. The greatest harm caused by a broken relationship for them is disappointment and setbacks.
✧ Taurus Moon
Being in love - security Taurus Moon desires a partner who provides a basic security, often expressed through material due to their nature. They seek someone reliable in sensory experiences, financial stability, and other material levels. Their partner doesn't need to overly cater to every detail but should care about Taurus' feelings, understand their needs, and actively participate. Falling out of love - reassures themselves Taurus Moon tends to count their bank accounts and possessions, seeking comfort by buying luxurious items. They constantly reassure themselves and prove that they are still secure because of many valued surroundings.
✧ Gemini Moon
Being in love - Crave a twin While Gemini Moon often displays an easygoing and talkative style, they also repress part of their emotions. They need to find a similar twin-like partner who can be their like-minded person. As long as their partner is happy, Gemini Moon will feel fulfilled. Falling out of love - close connections with others Gemini Moon will tend to create new life plans and enjoys staying close to relatives, friends, or even neighbors. They are unlikely to go back to an ex-partner due to the fear of awkward situations.
✧ Cancer Moon
Being in love - sense of home in a partner A sense of security is of utmost importance to Cancer Moon. They long for someone who is always there for them, creating a sense of home. However, they are sensitive so their desire for security can also lead to challenges, ranging from jealousy to fear. Falling out of love - seeks solace in familiarity Cancer Moon tends to move on quickly, prioritizing their physical living space, financial situation, and other things that provide them security. They may retreat to familiar environments for healing. They firmly believe that their hometown and family are where they can realize their self-worth.
✧ Leo Moon
Being in love - seek partner’s support They appreciate being treated in a special way. They need to feel that they are cherished, with all the attention focused on them, and to receive unconditional support from their partner. Falling out of love - seek validation Leo Moon have to prove their uniqueness to the world. They need stages. They need to feel wanted by others, and they may constantly seek validation to prove their charm.
✧ Virgo Moon
Being in love - responsible without being clingy Virgo Moon are thorough in taking care of their partners. They are responsible and non-intrusive. Compared to those with a Gemini Moon, individuals with a Virgo Moon may experience fluctuations and inconsistency in their emotions. They may not display intense emotions, even though they feel deeply. Falling out of love - control their emotions well They rarely lose their temper and have good self-control. This self-control is part of strategy ebbed when negative emotions arise, allowing them to adapt to new circumstances quickly. But, at times, they may disregard their own feelings while taking care of others.
✧ Libra Moon
Being in love - value harmony Ideally, they desire a harmonious relationship, and they prefer to present a harmonious image, especially in public settings. Falling out of love - restoring relationships Libra Moon individuals believe that everything can be restored to its original state. They have a gentle nature and may reminisce about the past with their partner to rekindle the feelings. They prefer long-term connection. However, expressing their true thoughts to others can be challenging for Libra Moon.
✧ Scorpio Moon
Being in love - appear strong Scorpio Moon are unlikely to reveal their vulnerabilities easily. They tend to display a dominant side and dislike being nagged by their partner, often showcasing a bossy or CEO-like behaviour. Falling out of love - experience a long struggle Scorpio Moon have various ways of ending relationships, and they can be either heavenly or hellish. The key is to truly let go and realize that the relationship has ended. If they recognize that the love cannot be salvaged, they may experience a period of pain, but eventually, they will rise again and prepare themselves for the next relationship. When it comes to shared assets, Scorpio Moon may struggle and take a significant amount of time to settle things.
✧ Sagittarius Moon
Being in love - explore life's possibilities Sagittarius Moon seek a partner who is interesting and allows them to explore the possibilities of life together. Falling out of love - focus on philosophical living and may seek inspiration Sagittarius Moon understand that life continues even after a breakup. They focus on how to philosophically approach life, and some may constantly discover new things or seek spiritual inspiration. While they are open-minded and flexible when embracing the future, once they discover the truth, they can become stubborn. Some Sagittarius Moon may seek solace in religious beliefs after a breakup.
✧ Capricorn Moon
Being in love - responsible and committed Capricorn Moon are responsible and committed in their emotional connection. They often take on many responsibilities, meticulously managing every aspect of their lives. Falling out of love - become workaholics or overly busy Capricorn Moon may become workaholics or obsess over household chores. They secure their lives, and on the other hand, they use busyness to downplay the pain of emotional turmoil. They are determined to keep pushing forward, like determined ostriches burying their heads, believing that as long as they have the ability to strive, they are not failures.
✧ Aquarius Moon
Being in love - prefer predictable and controllable situations Aquarius Moon are not necessarily distant. Similar to Libra Moon, they prefer things to happen in a predictable and controllable manner. Falling out of love - rational They hold a standard of fairness and justice in their hearts. They perceive a breakup as a joint decision made by both side, which can make them appear somewhat detached and rational. They also analyze the reasons for the relationship's challenges, to protect themselves on a deeper emotional level.
✧ Pisces Moon
Being in love - highly sensitive and empathetic Pisces are highly sensitive and empathetic, and they have the rich emotional depth. They tend to understand the others’ feelings, forming an empathetic connection. Empathy is their greatest strength, but it can also make them losing their boundaries. Falling out of love - escape reality They often opt to various means to escape reality. Cutting off contact can be a useful technique, but they know that they will always find a way to maintain a form of connection with that person.
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 months
Common Conjunctions for people born in Each Ascendant
If you are born in any of the ascendant, you may typically have this conjunction in your birth chart.
Aries Ascendant : Nothing specific as it follows the natural zodiac.
Taurus Ascendant: Venus-Mars, Mercury-Sun, Venus-Mercury, Moon-Mercury, Sun-Moon, Saturn-Jupiter, Jupiter-Pluto, Jupiter-Uranus, Mars-Neptune, Ketu-Venus, Rahu-Saturn, Uranus-Saturn.
Gemini Ascendant: Mercury-Mars, Moon-Venus, Sun-Mercury, Mercury-Moon, Venus-sun, Ketu-Mercury, Venus-Jupiter, Venus-Neptune, Saturn-Neptune, Mars-Uranus, Jupiter-Saturn, Saturn-Pluto, Saturn-Ketu- Uranus-Jupiter.
Cancer Ascendant: Moon-Mars, Sun-Venus, Mercury-Jupiter, Venus-Moon, Mars-Sun, Ketu-Sun, Jupiter-Mercury, Saturn-Venus, Mars-Saturn, Rahu-Pluto, Venus-Uranus, Venus-Rahu, Mercury-Neptune, Uranus-Pluto.
Leo Ascendant: Sun-Mars, Mercury-Venus, Mars-Moon, Ketu-Moon, Jupiter-Sun, Saturn-Venus, Rahu-Venus, Jupiter-Ketu, Mars-Jupiter, Mercury-Rahu, Mercury-Rahu, Moon-Neptune, Moon-Jupiter, Venus-Uranus.
Virgo Ascendant : Mercury-Mars, Mercury-Ketu, Jupiter-Moon, Saturn-Sun, Mercury-Rahu, Jupiter-Venus, Mars-Ketu, Mars-Pluto, Mercury-Saturn, Moon-Rahu, Moon-Uranus, Sun-Neptune, Sun-Jupiter, Mercury-Uranus.
Libra Ascendant: Venus-Mars, Venus-Ketu, Jupiter-Mercury, Saturn-Moon, Saturn-Sun, Rahu-sun, Mercury-Neptune, Venus-Pluto, Sun-Uranus.
Scorpio Ascendant: Ketu-Mars, Jupiter-Venus, Saturn-Mercury, Moon-Uranus, Moon-Rahu, Sun-Neptune, Mars-Mercury, Mercury-Ketu, Mercury-Pluto, Moon-Jupiter, Sun-Saturn, Mercury-Uranus, Mercury-Rahu, Venus-Neptune.
Sagittarius Ascendant: Jupiter-Mars, Saturn-Venus, Mercury-Rahu, Mercury-Uranus, Moon-Neptune, Sun-Mars, Mercury-Venus, Moon-Pluto, Moon-Ketu, Sun-Jupiter, Mercury-Saturn, Venus-Rahu, Venus-Uranus, Mars-Neptune.
Capricorn Ascendant : Saturn-Mars, Venus-Rahu, Venus-Uranus, Mercury-Neptune, Mars-Moon, Sun-Venus, Moon-Venus, Sun-Ketu, Sun-Pluto, Mercury-Jupiter, Venus-Saturn, Saturn-Ketu, Mars-Uranus, Mars-Rahu, Jupiter-Neptune.
Aquarius Ascendant: Mars-Uranus, Mars-Rahu, Jupiter-Venus, Venus-Neptune, Mars-Mercury, Venus-Moon, Mercury-Sun, Moon-Mercury, Sun-Venus, Mercury-Pluto, Mercury-Ketu, Venus-Jupiter, Saturn-Ketu, Jupiter-Uranus, Jupiter-Rahu, Saturn-Neptune.
Pisces Ascendant: Mars-Neptune, Mars-Venus, Venus-Mercury, Mercury-Moon, Sun-Moon, Sun-Mercury, Venus-Ketu, Venus-Pluto, Mars-Jupiter, Ketu-Jupiter, Jupiter-Saturn, Saturn-Rahu, Saturn-Uranus, Saturn-Neptune, Rahu-Neptune, Rahu-Jupiter.
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truevedicastrology · 6 months
LILITH IN ARIES/1ST HOUSE: With a captivating physique, X exudes ambition and competitiveness, yet occasionally appears a bit cheeky. They carry an air of confidence, occasionally perceived as provocative, yet harboring subtle insecurities. Intimidation comes naturally to them, driven by an intense focus on goals. Embracing rebellion, they stand out, and their presence is hard to ignore. X embodies the spirit of someone unafraid to voice opinions, akin to the student who speaks up to the teacher. Their allure extends to a desire for personal transformation, perhaps even considering changes in appearance.
LILITH IN TAURUS/2ND HOUSE: X navigates a world marked by materialism and occasional self-reflection on body image. Issues surrounding food and self-esteem surface, creating a unique journey. Others might envy them for their magnetic charm and allure. Financial boundaries become a grey area, and their choices may not align with traditional moral values. X, with a captivating face and a mesmerizing voice, grapples with a constant hunger for more, never fully satisfied.
LILITH IN GEMINI/3RD HOUSE: Always ahead of the curve, X possesses a way with words that others envy. Sibling dynamics might stir jealousy or comparisons. Sarcasm and clever storytelling are their forte, accompanied by a unique sense of humor. Dark thoughts may cross their mind, and early school experiences shape a somewhat unstable outlook. X sees through people with a sharp tongue, occasionally causing conflicts but showcasing an insightful nature.
LILITH IN CANCER/4TH HOUSE: A nomadic life defines X's experiences, marked by family conflicts and maternal influences. Their journey involves female rivalry, emotional insights, and a quest for a sense of home. X grapples with the complexities of motherhood, either desiring it intensely or feeling the need to avoid it altogether. The influence of a mother figure lingers, leaving traces of rejection.
LILITH IN LEO/5TH HOUSE: X has a taste for unconventional art and may express themselves through creative endeavors. Custody battles and challenges with their own children mark their path. X desires attention, occasionally facing judgment for their self-expression. The stage becomes a platform for rebellion, with a fixation on pleasure and occasional struggles with addictive behaviors.
LILITH IN VIRGO/6TH HOUSE: X approaches life with a critical lens, often seeking recognition for their efforts. Body image becomes a focal point, either through their own scrutiny or the judgment of others. Their service-oriented nature sometimes leads to overcommitment, and they may grapple with extreme views on diet and exercise. The Lilith journey includes experiences with healthcare and a nuanced relationship with hygiene.
LILITH IN LIBRA/7TH HOUSE: X navigates love triangles and occasionally experiences passive-aggressive dynamics. Their charm attracts Lilith-influenced partners, and they may feel incomplete without a significant other. Relationships involve subtle power dynamics, and X might project Lilith qualities onto others. They face challenges such as infidelity and being left for someone else, shaping a complex romantic narrative.
LILITH IN SCORPIO/8TH HOUSE: X exudes power and a touch of mystery. They possess profound psychological insights and occasionally intimidate with their intuition. Privacy is paramount to them, and they may engage in unorthodox behaviors. Fear of exposure lingers, leading to intense reactions from others. X's Lilith journey involves topics like mortality, taxation, and an exploration of intimate relationships.
LILITH IN SAGITTARIUS/9TH HOUSE: X encounters challenges related to religion, education, and socio-economic backgrounds. They may hold strong opinions and rebel against tradition, leading to a sense of being an outcast. X's journey involves a struggle for acceptance and rejection, shaping a unique perspective on cultural dynamics.
LILITH IN CAPRICORN/10TH HOUSE: X becomes a subject of public fascination, carrying an aura of the unconventional. Fear of failure and challenges in professional relationships shape their journey. Lilith dynamics contribute to occasional scrutiny and accusations, adding layers to their professional narrative.
LILITH IN AQUARIUS/11TH HOUSE: X aligns with unique social groups, occasionally facing envy and drama. Friendships involve triangular dynamics and the occasional betrayal. X might avoid conformity and engage in rebellious activities, shaping a distinctive social journey.
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someonesblog1555 · 1 year
Astrology observations: 18+
Lilith in the 10th house can give someone a reputation for being a slut, and also a tease. People automatically assume the worst of you. People make absurd rumors about these people, and others actually believe them or believe them with ease. Another thing I’ve noticed is that these people are viewed as sex symbols. Even before they’ve done anything sexual they already have a reputation for it.
I have this theory that men with mars in weaker signs such as Taurus, Libra, and Cancer are more inclined to seek out more than one women to feed their ego. These men are also extremely attractive to the opposite sex. One cancer mars I knew had more female friends than male ones. Taurus and Libra mars men always seem to have lots of women who have crushes on them.
Men with weak mars tend to be great in the sac. A cancer mars boyfriend of mine literally read smut to become better in bed. Crazy.
Sidereal Libra risings are gorgeous in a very noticeable way. All my friends and family who are objectively extremely beautiful have this placement. Which makes sense because Libra is the sign of symmetry and Venus (beauty) Honestly model status looks.
People with lots of Saturn aspects tend to have difficult lives.
The most aspected planet in your chart can give you a lot of insight into the energy you give off.
The T-Square really does indicate popularity and fame, but depending on the person this can be either good or bad. I knew a girl who had the T square in her and chart and there is no denying that she was well known. Everyone in our town knew her name, but in a bad way lol. But you know what they say, bad publicity is still publicity nonetheless.
Jupiter and sun in the first house can make someone extremely loud and obnoxious. 😂 Also no filter.
Sidereal Libra suns may give off the vibe that they don’t need anyone, but in reality their ego is dependent on what others think of them.
Rohini moons are captivating. Everyone always talks about their eyes piercing your soul. The type of person that could make anyone think they are soulmates.
Also sidereal Pisces mars women are usually extremely attractive.
A loaded 7th house indicates an abundance of romantic partners.
Rahu in the 12th might lead someone to become addicted to drugs and sex.
You know how people say “you can’t explain attraction?” Alright… but explain Mars conjunct moon synastry. And Venus conjunct mars. Like nearly every couple has this. It’s bizarre. Can’t be coincidence 😭
Saturn in the 2nd house are penny pinchers.
Rahu in the 7th house consumes relationships and can never be satisfied by them. They run through multiple people looking for the one, but they are ultimately left lost when these people can’t fulfill their needs. Ultimately they see themselves through their relationships (Ketu in the 1st{ tail with no head}) They can’t see themselves, so they use others to help gain clarity. I’ve seen these people completely mold themselves into the person they are dating. (Which is normal, but these changes are drastic!!!! Like changing from a nerd into a skater boy, into a goth, into a fighter, into a horse rider in a short amount of time.) Honestly I can appreciate how chameleon they are, they can always change, but they are never sure of who they are.
I’ve read about Moon conjunct Venus men being more inclined to cheat. I observed this once in a boyfriend of mine. (He also had retrograde Venus) which might of affected it. His moon and Venus were in the 8th house (sometimes associated with death) and moon and Venus (commonly associated with the mother) his mother died a few months into our relationship, and he blamed me for her death(long and complicated story) He still wants to see me all the time, and the other day I was talking with his girlfriend (that he claimed that he was broken up with ) and she literally said “I really don’t think he would fuck the bitch that killed his mom.” So I can’t even make this shit up. 😭
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triangular-eye · 3 months
[3] astrology ⚡️ ⛈observations 🌏 🫧 🪐
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- scorpio risings give an offputting vibe when you first meet them. you can pick up the transformational character from their energy, which can leave impressions on your root chakra. they kind of stay on your mind like “that person is different”.
- moon conjunct neptune brings illusionary emotions, what the native feels might be completely false/made up or have no relation to reality.
- ketu conjunct sun or in the first house brings a personality with a ‘lack of ego’/struggling with emptiness. these people go through constant egodeaths and their personality keeps being dug up and carved out as a way to evolve.
- scorpio risings or 8th° of ascendant have this weird energy of evoking people to overshare and spill their secrets, while scorpio moons bring out more emotional/vulnerable secrets out of people.
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- cancer/moon/pisces/neptune/saturn in 6th house native takes on the role of being a healer, rather a people fixer in their daily life.
- pluto in 1st house natives always look like a combination of both of their parents
- mars in 3rd house might bring out verbal angry outbursts from the native.
- sagittarius/jupiter ascendants suffer with arthritis problems from early age
- your long term pets’ personal planets should land in your 5th house
- your children only land in your 5th house if you have a healthy relationship towards them… i know someone with their second child landing in their first house and she is very emotionally codependent on the child
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paradoxicalrising · 1 year
Astrology Observations :)
preface: this is my first time doing this, these are all either my personal placements or I've had multiple experiences with a certain placement. none of this is absolute, pretty pls take it with a grain of salt, these are very general. Every single one of these placements depend on aspects in an individuals chart. WARNING: some 18+ topics. Enjoy :)
Mercury in the 8th house: naturally good at reading people, interested in psychology, religion, spirituality, astrology. chronic over thinkers + intrusive thoughts galore. could either really enjoy giving/ receiving head and/or dirty talk, reading smut.
Pisces Mars: sweethearts on the surface, usually soft-spoken or doesn’t talk much, spends more time observing or making up scenarios. also another overthinking placement. could also be someone who does drugs/ drinks alcohol. excels in the entertainment industries (film, theatre, music, art etc). either have a piss kink, foot fetish, or demisexual. 
Scorpio Venus: intense lovers. my ex had this placement and told me he’d die for me only knowing me 3 months. my sister also has this placement and will not eat dinner without her husband (could be the taurus opposition = not eating (taurus) until lover (Venus) is around), I think it’s a symbol of loyalty. once this placement finds value in someone, they are ride or die type loyal until you betray them. may stay in relationships longer than they should because it’s fixed emotion unless they finally see it themselves.
Cancer Moon (men specifically): I've had 3 cancer moon men take me to the beach on our first date. they’re always gassing themselves up on their cooking skills. their moms can be really restricting, especially those with Saturn in cancer as well. I've also seen their moms be really detached, cold, basically telling them to fend for themselves. highly intuitive but may get too caught up in the potential of a situation/ person and being disappointed when reality is different. hopeless romantics fr just throwing themselves into anyone they have a good feeling about without the physical proof.
Fixed Rising: the RBF (I love y’all). 
Vedic v. Tropical Astrology: honestly I think they’re both valid, and everyone should decide what placements resonate more with who they feel they are. Ex: I  have Venus, Jupiter, and my Sun in the 7th in Virgo (Tropical) but they’re in the 8th in Leo (Vedic). I feel more of the 8th house but in Virgo.
Pisces moons: I never feel like they’re listening to me if they aren’t looking at me because when they’re looking at me I can literally see them digesting the info w/ their dreamy eyes, but when they look away I just know they’re imagining some kind of fantasy that has nothing to do with the convo. 
Libra Moons: try to be soft and sweet but they have that fiery underside. I've noticed they’ll get all excited and sometimes aggressive and then apologize for it, like no girl look at you having a good time. they usually look aesthetically pleasing, you will never catch them not matching/ lookin raggedy in public, but they won’t judge others for it, Virgo and Taurus will haha.
Virgo + Libra: specifically rising + degrees, moon, or Venus combo usually have clear, healthy looking skin, especially after high school w/o all the teen acne hormones. 
Moon Conjunct Pluto: anyone else noticed the effect these placements have on their peers? it’s so weird but people are like magnetized to whatever house this placement is in. I guess cos it’s generational and yk it’s Pluto, but people around this placement can’t help but be enticed by these individuals. could be amazing actors if they can harness those dark emotions into a piece of work. these are the type of people to succeed out of spite of their trauma; very determined people. they can put such dark emotions into easy actions and words that others find hard to say out loud but they don’t shy away from dark stuff, they’ve dealt with darker topics since they were young.
Neptune in the 1st house: people constantly projecting onto these placements ! it’s important these people form a ground sense of self they can remind themselves of when they feel like someone is protecting on them. I have this placement and someone told me I was intoxicating to be around/ they felt intoxicated around me though they are sober. I fr think people get drunk off the illusion of this placement. These people are never what people say they are, if you want to get to know them I beg of you to please talk to them yourself instead of listening to others opinion of them. the women are cursed with the manic pixie dream girl trope. hella sex appeal bc of the blurred perceptions. make amazing actors/ musicians. very intuitive placement, but can doubt themselves.
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wordswithloveee · 7 months
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sussysluttyscorpio · 2 years
Random Astrological Observations Part-7
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(This picture doesn't belong to me in any way)
(Please take only what resonates)
~Who said that Capricorn Venus aren't vengeful? They are. Don't believe me? Go and cheat on one and then look how they pay that hurt back to you.
They'll eat and leave no crumbs of you. Also, karma. These people are protected by Saturn. Hurt them once, shame on you. Hurt them twice, well, again, shame on you.
~Pisces Mercuries are so brilliant. Like so frigging brilliant. So many physicist/scientists have this placement and voila, discoveries.
I mean how does one become good in science? By knowing how to apply science. And how does one do that? By imagination. Did I hear somewhere that Albert Einstein was a Sidereal Pisces Mercury too? Explains how he was able to give so many theories.
Now, on the flipside, people say that Einstein had a terrible memory. Well, our vivid little Pisces Mercury is at play here too. You see, Mercury is debilitated in Pisces. It is bound to make someone focus more on imagination and less on logic.
Why do you think Einstein denied the existence of Black Hole till the very end even when his equation showed it's discovery.
~On that note, Einstein's Venus was EXALTED in Pisces, i.e., in conjunction with his Mercury. So, he was able to reap good effects of Mercury because the Venus' exaltation cancelled Mercury's debilitation.
Therefore, his childhood struggles to be a science student led to his becoming one of the greatest physicist of all times.
~Please, for fuck's sake, never make a Scorpio Venus jealous intentionally. They'll either rip someone's head off and their own's. I've experience this as a Scorpio Venus in Tropical, even when I don't like Tropical much.
I mean, after things went south with my bf, he posted an intimate picture with some girlie and oh god, I went ballistic. I threw my tablet across the room like a frisbee 2 seconds after I saw that pic.
No tablets were broken in this stunt. Just injured :)
~On the flipside, if I were to judge my anger based on my Sidereal placements, I'd say my lackey Libra Mars made me do it.
Libra Mars isn't equal to low anger. Low drive? Maybe. Low anger? Hell no. I mean, Aries Mars radiate their anger outwards and you can feel it too, BUT Libra Mars had a brooding anger like a bubbling, thick, slimy, scorching hot liquid. You won't know they are angry and that's what is scary. You won't know when or if they'll explode.
~How do I say it that Air placements, especially big 6 (excluding Aquarius) are highly capable of cheating on someone without stereotyping? Like, I always thought that it was a Bias until I saw it happen as well. Maybe because of Rahu (North Node) in first house of Navamsa or I don't know but man, it sucks.
I know. You shouldn't blame your poor life choices on astrological placements but why does it always have to be Badly Aspected Rahu or Air placements (again, excluding Aquarius) more likely to do it?
~With that, let's take a deep breath and talk about Sagittarius Mercury. I swear I don't talk about Sagittarius placements much.
Blunt. Yeah. BLUNT ASF. I know, I'm stereotyping but god, this placement just says things as they are. No sugar-coating, no messing around. Even if they have a Capricorn dominant or Virgo dominant chart or some grounded placements, they'll still say whatever it is with a chilly voice.
They are the people whose words really sting. Also, these people aren't 'ride or die' friends, rather, they are those honest friends who'll call you out whenever you're wrong.
Many-a-times, they don't even mean to say it, and it just slips past their tongue. But well, we do not blame you at all Sagittarius Mercury. Hugs to y'all peeps.
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moonastrogirl · 7 months
Debilitation in placements can be cancelled
Credit @moonastrogirl
« Debilitated planets create an opportunity to accept and acknowledge our drawbacks to transform them to our highest strengths » -cosmicsquares.com
Weak placements? Difficult placements in a chart ? They can be cancelled by other placements or houses or lagnas.
Do you have a cancer mars in your D1 chart ? If you have a Capricorn lagna then the debilitation of your mars is automatically cancelled. Cancer mars is a great placement to have for a Capricorn lagna.
Do you have a weak Venus in your D1 or D60 chart ? Next to your Rahu or in the same house as your Rahu, Rahu may be mimicking the Venus energy and getting you Venus related benefits (talents, grace, possessions, love) in your life.
Do you have your moon in your 8th house in your D9 chart ? If you are a cancer lagna then moon in 8th house is a great placement. It balances out your chart. Making you less emotional, detached, a bit cold (Aquarius energy) and a little suspicious actually helps you in your relationships. Cause Cancer lagna in D9 can be deceived by partners in relationships.
Do you have a weak sun in your D1 ? In a positive house for your lagna your sun will get strength naturally.
Do you have a debilitated moon in scorpio ?
- If mars conjuncts/aspects moon it cancels out the debilitation state of moon. Also if your mars is in Scorpio, Leo, Taurus or Capricorn, your moon in scorpio will give good results. Cause Scorpio is ruled by mars.
-Moon is exalted in Taurus so Venus becomes the exaltation lord. If the Venus placement is in Taurus, it fortifies the moon. Or if Venus is in Scorpio and conjunct moon.
+ the ultimate debilitation degree of a scorpio moon is the 3rd degree after that degree especially after 16 degrees so around 19 degrees, your moon isn’t as much debilitated, just weak and remedies for the moon will help you strength it.
Check out my post with remedies here
Do you have a weak Saturn in Aries ? Saturn in Aries for virgo lagna gives great results. Saturn in Aries retrograde also gives positive results.
Do you have Rahu conjunct Moon ? In specific lagna and houses, it gives positive results.
Do you have a weak ketu ? In the 12th house it gets strength and it will help you burn out your karma.
Do you have your Ketu conjunct mars ? In Capricorn mars is in its exaltation state so it’s beneficial.
If this post resonates with you, like, comment or reblog it, it will show me what I do is useful to you and thank you for reading me 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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natalyarose · 1 month
𝓟𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓼, 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 & 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓻𝓫 𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮 ˚⊱🦋⊰˚
🩷Admittedly, in my years of practicing astrology I've not placed much importance on aspects beyond glaringly obvious ones. I've often felt that aspects can become a very technical way to explain energies that may be better understood through looking at the rest of the chart from a bigger picture perspective.
Yes, looking at squares, sextiles, etc. can provide insight but to me personally it can sometimes feel like getting 'lost' in the details, especially when it is unclear what counts as an aspect and what doesn't. Sort of similar to when people start looking to the endless, ever expanding range of astroids (eros, valentine, aphrodite, cupido, vesta, etc.) to intuit someone's approach in love, when realistically Venus & Mars alone can provide incredible, personal insight.
However, all of that being said, aspects are still a very valuable tool to use when analysing a chart, and understanding how to come to a consensus about defining what 'counts' as an aspect can be benefical.
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A lot of people only consider aspects to be significant if the orb is verry tight (for some the cut off is as small as 3°), and this is a reasonable approach, as otherwise there would be way too many aspects to interpret and the major themes highlighted in any given chart would get a little lost. Though, I just want to shed light on a pattern I've seen in my research/observations-
In my experience (and traditionally), aspects, particularly conjunctions should be given an orb range relative to how fast moving the planet/astrological point is. *I want to note that this isn't by any means a new idea, but I just don't see it being talked about much.
This means that the Moon & ascendant especially, being very fast moving, can find themselves affected to a much greater extent by surrounding/aspecting planets even if they are somewhat far away. It's already known that the luminaries are to be given a wider orb range, but I've seen conjunctions especially have an even wider range of influence on a chart's Moon or ascendant than what is typically thought.
The way fast moving planets demonstrate stronger sensitivity to aspects can be understood if you think of how a child is going to be profoundly influenced by the teachings and energies of the adults around them, since they haven't lived very long yet and have little other experience to go off.
In contrast, someone who is very old has been around for a long time and has seen many things (planets) come and go while they stay the same, so these influences really don't phase them. Saturn is barely going to be affected by the Moon even if there is a 0° conjunction, but the always 'new', ever changing, fluctuating, watery nature of the Moon can feel Saturn's influence very intensely even if it's fairly far away.
I don't think it'd be particularly helpful/ideal to refer to every planet remotely close to the Moon (or ascendant) as a conjunction (especially considering how different Nakshatras bring very different energies to the table), but that doesn't mean the influence should be entirely discounted. Moon & asc in particular call for a more open minded, flexible approach when it comes to reading surrounding energies. My understanding of people through astrology has really expanded by being more aware of how sensitive vs un-phased the planets themselves are and adjusting my interpretations accordingly.
As mentioned earlier this definitely isn't a new idea or anything, but I do think that it's a good/interesting reminder to observe natal charts as if the planets in it are sentient (as they are) and have different ways of responding to the rest of the chart. I've seen people go 'my Moon is 16° away from Jupiter so it doesn't count as a conjunction' and then go on to completely disregard Jupiter's influence on the Moon when in reality, there's no real cut off point of influence. Yes, it may not technically be a conjunction, but the influence is still there.
Our charts are like an ecosystem, full of life & completely interconnected. All of the energies are fluid, constantly interacting, alive. There's no real numerical point where suddenly there is 0 effect, but we assign numerical points to loosely create a necessary distinction between energies & highlight the aspects which are especially strong,
To give an example of what I'm getting at, if you have the Moon at 2° Libra, and Venus is at say, 28° Libra; this is a 26° orb.. technically, wayy too large to be considered a conjunction, but I believe that completely discounting the way Venus' presence may influence the mind & heart of this person would be a mistake. Yes, it will definitely not be as strong as a conjunction with an extremely close orb, but it's still close enough to be felt by the Moon, being a very energetically porous, receptive, psychic planet.
I may have to go back and edit this later, I'm very tired and I'm not sure if I'm communicating the concept as best as possible, but for now, thankyou for reading & I hope this provides valuable insight/a new perspective for someone 🩷
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I noticed moon/neptune individuals are able to see through people really well. this is because they are connected to their unconscious/subconscious mind more than others. they are able to see beyond other peoples veil no matter how much they try to hide. this is because they are naturally more in tune with the energy surrounding them, so they are able to call out something when its not the best frequency.
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cosmicpuzzle · 7 months
Moon Opposition Sun
You desire inner harmony. However, you often feel discontented and tense. At times, your drive for recognition can override your emotional needs and vice versa. Your relationships with the opposite sex are occasionally strained. There may be discord between your parents.
For Personality Profile Reports DM.
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lychee-angelica · 1 year
mars influencing sun vedic astrology
sun in aries or scorpio, mars conjunct or opposite sun, mars aspecting sun
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please only use your vedic birth chart: link
mars influencing sun summary
this influence in a person's chart is usually highly auspicious as mars and sun are mutual friends. there is something masculine, fierce and intimidating about them, they have such strong personalities it is difficult for others to find weakness in their character. others may never wish to cross these individuals as other people subconsciously sense the innate power they emit. their father most likely to be a very disciplined influence upon these people, usually in the sense of pushing them forward with their ambitions. when planet mars influences sun in someone's chart they are blessed with great power to achieve their goals and desires in life. they have a strong and direct idea of what their purpose is and have the capacity to attain great success in life via the motivating influence of mars. they posses the correct amount of courage, power and initiative in order to conquer their ambitions. these people may be natural inclined toward competition and tend to enjoy it too
note: saturn or venus additionally influencing sun can nullify or suppress sun's condition and qualities to a varying degree (these planets starve sun). although this post is still relevant - just keep this in mind
sun in aries ✰
unlike the other placements within this post, sun in aries is not just a delightful position, mars is enabling sun to become proud, due to sun being in his moolatrikona sign. this literally shows too, there's an innate warmth or glow that radiates out of these people that is very difficult to ignore, there presence obeys others to recognise strength and vitality radiating out them. these people seem prepared for anything, that they can accomplish anything, this perception placed upon these people enables them to be taken seriously as an intelligent, head strong and capable person. mars influencing sun in his moolatrikona sign ultimately comes down to an exceptional capacity to achieve no matter their ambitions are in life. expect the usual interpretations such as amazing management and leadership skills but that is kind of a given. the house sun is sitting in will indicate which area of life they are destined to literally shine above the others, commit and accomplish an aspiration. these people are no tyrants in anyway, they tend to admirably have no need to tear down or harm others in their way
sun in scorpio ✰
this placement is very different to sun in aries. these people have a presence that is almost creepy and unnerving. other people will usually be see them as deep and dark and they may be prone to being perceived to have a fear inducing character, no matter how beautiful, sweet and kind they are. i know it sounds extreme to say these people are feared, but this quality of theirs subconsciously demands others to recognise them as highly intelligent, respectable and most certainly capable of anything. their allure, intensity and depth entices others to come to this conclusion about them too. the general synopsis of mars influencing sun needless to say applies to these individuals, they are capable of achieving their ambitions and aspirations in life. sun provides structure within a sign of chaos and depth, mars' influence tunes these people into an almost needle point sense of direction. but what really intrigues me about the sun in scorpio person is that they venture deeper than most, their character has a depth like no other. i will say however that these people tend to avoid attention and lay low, unlike a sun in aries people who even unintentionally shines above the rest
mars conjunct sun ✰ (++ sun influencing mars)
these people are usually difficult to ignore, their presence is hot rather than warm. they will generally have a very masculine, bold and fierce personality as well. this placement enables sun to be more readily able to achieve and initiate their ambitions in life + all that was said in the summary. although, sun metaphorically burns and agitates planet mars. this results in someone who could have a overcompensating personality, low level of agreeableness or simply a rebellious nature. this is due to a lack of resonance with what is expected of them vs what they truly desire to pursue. these individuals may be high-strung and frustrated with what they feel they must prove in life, especially when it comes to their character, ambitions and purpose. my best advice for these people is to pursue their own aspirations despite possibly letting other's expectations down, particularly authority or father figures. this placement indicates a more difficult relationship with their father, so these people best suit independently striving toward their goals
mars opposite sun (7th aspect) ✰ (++ sun influencing mars)
this placement is a far better outcome than mars conjunct sun. the planets are again mutually influencing each other, but this time at a distance. planet sun is able to influence mars auspiciously in this position, without becoming too hot. sun beneficially provides stability, commitment and great focus toward their goals in life. they will most likely have a supportive and cooperative relationship with their authority or father figures in life. needless to say these people are bold, fierce and have a generally masculine trait to their personality + all that was described in the summary
mars aspects guide ✰ (vedic planetary aspect system)
sorry to disappoint but i do not consider sextiles, squares or trines in my practice. according to vedic astrology all planets including mars considers conjunction and opposition, respectfully these are the 1st and 7th houses from mars' position in the chart (these are mutual, both planets influence each other). and of course, a conjunction or aspect cannot be made unless both planets are within at least 10° orb of each other
additional aspects are not mutual (the other planet will not be aspecting mars). mars is one of three special planets that look in multiple directions other than it's 7th house aspect. the following are the additional aspects mars makes:
4th house from mars
8th house from mars
example: let's say that mars is in the 6th house. mars is aspecting not only the 12th house but additionally the 1st and 8th house in the chart. if sun is placed in either of these houses within a 10° orb of mars then mars is aspecting sun
note: please use whole sign house system. count inclusively of the house mars is placed in as the 1st count and in a forward direction. if this count surpasses the 12th house, the next count will be the 1st house and so on
4th aspect ✰
mars' 4th aspect is that of protection, like a solider who fights to protect his homeland. mars aspecting sun through his 4th aspect indicates someone who will metaphorically fight for their aspirations, state of character and status in life, as though sentimentally or close to their hearts. they are serious when it comes to protecting their image as though vital in order to uphold their identity and roots in an honourable way + all that was described in the summary
8th aspect ✰
mars' 8th aspect is that of fear, like a soldier who is of course excepted to come face to face with death. these people may have to face fearful or darker sides of their character and status in life. they may have something about their character that induces fear, allure and mystery in the eyes of themselves and other people + all that was described in the summary
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truevedicastrology · 6 months
Celestial Harmony Exploring Yogas in Astrology
Welcome to "Celestial Harmony: Exploring Yogas in Astrology," a comprehensive guide that unveils the mystique of yogas in the celestial realm. Astrology, an ancient art and science, goes beyond mere horoscope readings; it delves into intricate combinations known as yogas, shaping destinies and influencing lives. In this enlightening journey, we'll explore the cosmic dance of planets, unlocking the secrets of yogas and their profound impact on our existence.
Chapter 1: "The Foundation of Yogas"
Delve into the basics of yogas, understanding how celestial bodies align to create unique combinations. Explore the significance of planetary positions and their influence on individual charts. Uncover the foundation that sets the stage for the intricate yogic patterns governing our lives.
Chapter 2: "Yogas Affecting Personality Traits"
Embark on a journey through the cosmos to discover yogas shaping personality traits. From leadership qualities to artistic inclinations, delve into the cosmic blueprint that molds individuals into the unique beings they are. Gain insights into how yogas influence temperament and character.
Chapter 3: "Love and Relationships: Celestial Connections"
Explore the cosmic threads that weave the tapestry of love and relationships. Unravel the secrets of yogas governing romantic inclinations, compatibility, and the ebb and flow of emotional connections. From soulmates to karmic bonds, understand the celestial forces at play in matters of the heart.
Chapter 4: "Wealth and Prosperity Yogas"
Navigate the astral pathways leading to prosperity. Uncover the yogas influencing financial success, abundance, and material well-being. From career advancements to unexpected windfalls, explore the cosmic keys to unlocking the doors of affluence.
Chapter 5: "Health and Well-being: Celestial Vitality"
Delve into the intricate connections between celestial bodies and physical well-being. Understand how yogas contribute to health patterns, potential ailments, and overall vitality. Gain insights into preventive measures and astrological remedies for a harmonious and healthy life.
Chapter 6: "Yogas for Success and Achievements"
Unlock the celestial secrets to success and achievements. Explore the yogas that propel individuals towards their goals, shaping their destiny in professional and personal spheres. From recognition to accomplishment, understand the cosmic forces that pave the way for triumph.
Chapter 7: "Spiritual Yogas: Journey to the Divine"
Embark on a spiritual odyssey as we explore yogas guiding the path to enlightenment. Uncover the cosmic wisdom embedded in spiritual yogas, fostering a deeper connection with the divine. From inner peace to transcendent experiences, discover the celestial keys to spiritual growth.
Chapter 8: "Yogas for Transformation: Evolving with the Cosmos"
Conclude our celestial journey by exploring yogas that facilitate transformative experiences. Understand how cosmic energies contribute to personal growth, evolution, and the unfolding of one's true potential. Embrace the power of yogas for a life that aligns with the cosmic rhythm.
"Celestial Harmony: Exploring Yogas in Astrology" is not just a mini Tumblr book; it's a celestial roadmap to understanding the intricate dance of planets and their profound impact on our lives. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey through the cosmic tapestry of yogas, unlocking the secrets of your unique celestial design.
Chapter 1: "The Foundation of Yogas"
As we embark on our exploration of yogas in astrology, it's essential to grasp the fundamental principles that underpin these celestial combinations. Yogas are intricate configurations formed by the positions of planets in a birth chart, creating unique cosmic signatures. In this foundational chapter, we'll unravel the key elements that contribute to the formation of yogas and understand their significance in shaping destinies.
Astrology, an ancient science, believes that the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth influence an individual's life journey. Yogas, in essence, are specific combinations that indicate the potential for certain outcomes or characteristics in a person's life. To comprehend this, one must first understand the basic components of a birth chart.
The birth chart, or horoscope, is a snapshot of the sky at the moment of an individual's birth. It consists of twelve houses, each representing different facets of life, and the positions of planets within these houses. Yogas are formed when specific planets occupy particular houses or form angles with each other.
In this chapter, we'll explore the significance of the Ascendant (the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth) and its role in shaping the individual's approach to life. The positions of the Sun and Moon, known as luminaries, will also be examined, as they play pivotal roles in determining one's core identity and emotional makeup.
Additionally, we'll delve into the concept of benefic and malefic planets—those considered favorable and unfavorable, respectively. The interplay between these celestial forces contributes to the formation of yogas that can either enhance or challenge various aspects of life.
To comprehend the foundation of yogas, it's crucial to grasp the concept of planetary dignity and debility. Planets exhibit varying degrees of strength or weakness based on their positions in the zodiac. Understanding this dynamic adds a layer of complexity to the interpretation of yogas, as the strength of planets influences their ability to manifest their effects.
As we navigate through this chapter, readers will gain a solid understanding of the astrological building blocks that lay the groundwork for the yogic tapestry. Whether you're a novice seeking insight into the cosmic influences shaping your life or an experienced astrologer refining your knowledge, "The Foundation of Yogas" sets the stage for a profound journey into the celestial realm.
Chapter 2: "Yogas Affecting Personality Traits"
In the cosmic symphony of astrology, Chapter 2 invites us to explore the enchanting melodies that shape individual personalities. "Yogas Affecting Personality Traits" unveils the intricate dance of celestial bodies, weaving a unique pattern that manifests in the diverse tapestry of human character.
At the heart of this exploration lies the Ascendant, the zodiac sign ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. This pivotal point sets the stage for the individual's persona, influencing their approach to life and interaction with the world. As we journey through this chapter, we'll uncover how specific yogas involving the Ascendant can sculpt distinct personality traits.
Each planet contributes its unique energy to the personality canvas, and their placements in different houses create a kaleidoscope of characteristics. For instance, the Sun symbolizes vitality and self-expression, while the Moon reflects emotional depth and intuitive instincts. Understanding the interplay of these luminaries within the yogic framework provides profound insights into an individual's inherent nature.
The concept of planetary aspects, where planets cast their influence on one another based on their angular relationships, adds another layer to the personality portrait. Favorable aspects can enhance positive traits, fostering creativity, leadership, or intellectual prowess. Conversely, challenging aspects may present hurdles, urging individuals to overcome obstacles and grow through adversity.
This chapter will also shed light on the role of the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, in shaping personality dynamics. Their influence, often associated with karmic patterns, introduces an element of destiny into the intricate dance of yogas. As we explore these nodes, we'll unravel the cosmic threads connecting past experiences with present character traits.
Furthermore, the houses occupied by specific planets hold valuable clues to the nuances of personality. From the assertiveness of Mars in the first house to the communicative flair of Mercury in the third, we'll navigate the celestial map to decipher the language of yogas influencing individual temperaments.
As readers delve into "Yogas Affecting Personality Traits," they'll gain a profound understanding of how the celestial ballet orchestrates the unique symphony of human character. Whether you seek self-discovery or aim to unravel the complexities of those around you, this chapter promises to be a captivating exploration of the cosmic influences shaping personalities. Join us on this celestial journey as we decipher the celestial codes that mold the essence of who we are.
Chapter 3: "Love and Relationships: Celestial Connections"
As we traverse the cosmic expanse of astrology, Chapter 3 beckons us into the realm of emotions and connections with "Love and Relationships: Celestial Connections." In this enchanting chapter, we unravel the celestial threads that weave the intricate tapestry of love, exploring the profound impact of yogas on matters of the heart.
At the heart of this exploration lies the seventh house, traditionally associated with partnerships and relationships. Here, yogas take center stage, influencing the dynamics of romantic entanglements, friendships, and the bonds that tie us to others. The positions of Venus and Mars, the cosmic archetypes of femininity and masculinity, play pivotal roles in shaping the romantic landscape.
We delve into yogas that indicate romantic inclinations and compatibility. From the classic conjunctions of Venus and Mars to the nuanced interplay of other planets, we explore how celestial alignments influence the chemistry between individuals. Whether it's the magnetic attraction of soulmates or the karmic ties that bind, yogas provide profound insights into the intricate dance of love.
The moon, representing emotions and receptivity, also casts its celestial glow on matters of the heart. Yogas involving the moon shed light on emotional compatibility, intuitive connections, and the ebb and flow of romantic relationships. As we navigate this celestial landscape, readers gain a deeper understanding of the emotional currents that shape the romantic journey.
This chapter doesn't merely focus on romantic love; it extends its gaze to familial and platonic connections. Yogas influencing friendships, sibling relationships, and the bonds within the broader social circle are explored, highlighting the multifaceted nature of celestial connections.
Moreover, the role of the composite chart—a combined chart representing the dynamics between two individuals—takes center stage. Yogas within the composite chart offer insights into the shared destiny, challenges, and growth potential of relationships. Whether exploring the potential for a lifelong partnership or understanding the dynamics of a friendship, the celestial signatures within this chart unveil the cosmic blueprint of connections.
"Love and Relationships: Celestial Connections" is an invitation to explore the celestial nuances that shape the most intimate facets of our lives. Whether you're navigating the complexities of romantic entanglements, seeking to deepen familial bonds, or understanding the intricacies of friendships, this chapter promises a celestial voyage into the heart of human connections. Join us as we decipher the cosmic codes that govern the dance of love in all its myriad forms.
Chapter 4: "Wealth and Prosperity Yogas"
Our celestial journey takes a fascinating turn in Chapter 4, guiding us through the astral pathways that lead to abundance and material well-being. "Wealth and Prosperity Yogas" explores the cosmic keys that unlock the doors to financial success, affluence, and the fulfillment of material aspirations.
At the core of this exploration lies the second house, traditionally associated with wealth, resources, and financial stability. As we navigate this celestial mansion, we uncover the yogas that signal financial prowess, material gain, and the potential for prosperity. Planets such as Jupiter and Venus, often regarded as benefic forces, take center stage, casting their auspicious influences on matters of wealth.
The intricate dance of yogas reveals how specific planetary positions and combinations contribute to financial success. From the auspicious conjunctions of wealth-inducing planets to the favorable aspects that enhance financial acumen, we unravel the celestial secrets guiding individuals toward abundance.
The role of the eleventh house, known as the house of gains, also comes into focus. Yogas associated with this house illuminate avenues for income, windfalls, and unexpected financial benefits. Whether it's through entrepreneurial ventures, investments, or fortuitous opportunities, the cosmic alignments within this chapter provide valuable insights into the pathways leading to prosperity.
Moreover, the concept of Dhan Yoga, a combination of planets promising financial gains, unfolds as a celestial blueprint for material success. Readers will gain a deeper understanding of how yogas involving planets like Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus contribute to financial stability and affluence.
Astrological remedies for enhancing financial well-being become an integral part of this chapter. From gemstones to specific rituals, we explore the cosmic tools that individuals can employ to align themselves with the celestial energies conducive to prosperity. This practical dimension adds depth to the exploration, offering readers actionable insights to enhance their financial trajectory.
"Wealth and Prosperity Yogas" is more than a chapter; it's a celestial guide to navigating the pathways of abundance. Whether you seek financial success, wish to optimize your investment strategies, or simply desire a deeper understanding of the cosmic influences on material well-being, this chapter promises a rich exploration of the celestial keys to prosperity. Join us as we decode the cosmic map leading to financial fulfillment and prosperity.
Chapter 5: "Health and Well-being: Celestial Vitality"
In Chapter 5, our celestial odyssey turns inward as we explore the intricate connections between the cosmos and physical well-being. "Health and Well-being: Celestial Vitality" unveils the cosmic influences that shape individual health patterns, potential ailments, and the overall vitality encoded in the celestial blueprint.
The sixth house, traditionally associated with health and wellness, takes center stage in this chapter. As we navigate the cosmic terrain of this house, we unravel the yogas that signify physical robustness or susceptibility to health challenges. Planets such as Jupiter, the natural significator of health, and the moon, representing the emotional and physical rhythms, play pivotal roles in shaping the health narrative.
Our exploration extends to the concept of Ayur Yoga, which sheds light on the length and quality of life based on the planetary configurations within the birth chart. By examining the positions of benefic and malefic planets, we gain insights into the potential for longevity and the specific health challenges that may arise.
Moreover, the influence of the Ascendant and the first house becomes paramount in understanding an individual's vitality and overall constitution. Specific yogas involving the Ascendant can indicate inherent strength or vulnerabilities, offering a celestial roadmap to proactive health management.
As we delve into the celestial aspects affecting health, the role of the eighth house, traditionally associated with longevity and transformative experiences, comes into focus. Yogas within this house provide deeper insights into the potential for rejuvenation, healing, or transformative experiences that impact one's well-being.
This chapter doesn't merely illuminate potential health challenges; it also introduces astrological remedies and practices that individuals can adopt to enhance their vitality. From dietary recommendations aligned with celestial energies to specific yogic practices, readers gain practical insights into optimizing their well-being through astrology.
"Health and Well-being: Celestial Vitality" is an invitation to explore the intricate dance between celestial energies and the physical vessel. Whether you seek insights into potential health challenges, aim to cultivate a healthier lifestyle, or desire a holistic approach to well-being, this chapter promises a celestial journey into the realm of vitality. Join us as we decode the cosmic signatures that shape the intricate tapestry of health and well-being.
Chapter 6: "Yogas for Success and Achievements"
In Chapter 6, our exploration ascends to new heights as we unravel the celestial secrets that propel individuals toward success and accomplishments. "Yogas for Success and Achievements" invites readers to decipher the cosmic codes that shape destinies in both professional and personal spheres.
The tenth house, traditionally associated with career and achievements, takes center stage in this cosmic narrative. As we navigate the celestial pathways of this house, we uncover the yogas that signify career elevation, recognition, and the potential for notable accomplishments. Planets such as Saturn and Mars, regarded as indicators of career prowess and ambition, play crucial roles in shaping the narrative of success.
Our exploration extends to the concept of Raj Yoga, which signifies the royal combinations that elevate individuals to positions of authority and influence. By decoding the planetary alignments contributing to Raj Yoga, readers gain insights into the potential for leadership, recognition, and the fulfillment of ambitions.
Moreover, the interplay between the second and eleventh houses reveals the cosmic keys to financial success as an integral part of one's overall achievements. This chapter provides a comprehensive view of how material prosperity intertwines with career accomplishments, creating a holistic understanding of success in the astrological context.
The role of benefic planets, particularly Jupiter, becomes paramount in this chapter, signifying the cosmic blessings that pave the way for success. Specific yogas involving Jupiter offer insights into the potential for expansion, growth, and the fulfillment of one's aspirations.
As we delve into the celestial aspects affecting success, the significance of the Midheaven (MC) and the Sun takes prominence. Yogas involving these celestial bodies shed light on an individual's public image, career trajectory, and the potential for attaining a position of influence.
This chapter isn't merely a guide to recognizing success yogas; it also explores astrological remedies and practices that individuals can adopt to enhance their path to achievement. From aligning with auspicious planetary energies to embracing specific rituals, readers gain practical insights into optimizing their journey toward success.
"Yogas for Success and Achievements" is more than a chapter; it's a celestial roadmap guiding individuals toward the pinnacle of their endeavors. Whether you seek professional recognition, aspire to fulfill personal goals, or desire a deeper understanding of the cosmic forces influencing success, this chapter promises a captivating exploration of the celestial keys to achievement. Join us as we decipher the cosmic signatures that shape the tapestry of success and accomplishments.
Chapter 7: "Spiritual Yogas: Journey to the Divine"
Chapter 7 invites readers to embark on a transcendent odyssey as we delve into the celestial tapestry of "Spiritual Yogas: Journey to the Divine." In this chapter, we unravel the cosmic threads that guide individuals on a profound exploration of spiritual growth, inner peace, and the divine connection within.
The twelfth house, traditionally associated with spirituality and transcendence, takes center stage in this celestial narrative. As we navigate the ethereal realms of this house, we uncover the yogas that signify a predisposition toward spiritual pursuits, contemplation, and the potential for enlightenment. Planets such as Neptune and Jupiter, considered spiritual significators, play pivotal roles in shaping the spiritual landscape.
Our exploration extends to the concept of Moksha Yoga, which signifies the combinations that lead individuals toward liberation and a deeper connection with the divine. By deciphering the planetary alignments contributing to Moksha Yoga, readers gain insights into the potential for inner transformation, self-realization, and the journey toward spiritual enlightenment.
Moreover, the interplay between the ninth house and the luminaries—Sun and Moon—reveals the cosmic keys to philosophical inclinations and the quest for higher knowledge. This chapter provides a comprehensive view of how the pursuit of wisdom intertwines with the spiritual journey, creating a holistic understanding of the path to the divine.
The significance of meditation and introspection becomes paramount in this chapter, offering practical insights into enhancing one's spiritual connection. Yogas involving specific meditation practices and spiritual disciplines illuminate the pathways to inner peace, mindfulness, and the discovery of the divine within.
As we delve into the celestial aspects affecting spiritual growth, the role of the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, takes prominence. Yogas involving these nodes offer insights into karmic patterns, life lessons, and the transformative experiences that contribute to spiritual evolution.
This chapter isn't merely a guide to recognizing spiritual yogas; it also explores practical steps and rituals that individuals can adopt to enhance their spiritual journey. From embracing meditation practices aligned with celestial energies to engaging in acts of compassion, readers gain actionable insights into nurturing their connection with the divine.
"Spiritual Yogas: Journey to the Divine" is an invitation to explore the boundless realms of the spirit. Whether you are on a quest for inner peace, seeking to deepen your spiritual practices, or desiring a profound connection with the divine, this chapter promises a celestial voyage into the heart of spiritual awakening. Join us as we decipher the cosmic signatures that illuminate the path to the divine within.
Chapter 8: "Yogas for Transformation: Evolving with the Cosmos"
In the concluding chapter of our celestial journey, we venture into the transformative realms of "Yogas for Transformation: Evolving with the Cosmos." This chapter serves as a celestial guide, unraveling the cosmic secrets that facilitate personal growth, evolution, and the unfolding of one's true potential.
The eighth house, traditionally associated with transformations and rebirth, takes center stage in this chapter. As we traverse the metaphysical landscapes of this house, we unravel the yogas that signify the potential for profound metamorphosis, inner renewal, and a transformative journey. Planets such as Pluto and Saturn, heralds of change and maturity, play pivotal roles in shaping the transformative narrative.
Our exploration extends to the concept of Kundalini Yoga, symbolizing the awakening of the spiritual energy within. By deciphering the planetary alignments contributing to Kundalini Yoga, readers gain insights into the potential for heightened awareness, spiritual awakening, and the transformative power that resides within.
Moreover, the interplay between the fourth house and the moon reveals the cosmic keys to emotional healing and the nurturing of a secure inner foundation. This chapter provides a comprehensive view of how emotional well-being intertwines with the transformative journey, creating a holistic understanding of the path to personal evolution.
The significance of embracing change and adapting to the ebb and flow of cosmic energies becomes paramount in this chapter. Yogas involving specific planetary transitions and celestial events offer insights into the cyclical nature of transformation, encouraging readers to embrace the evolving dance with the cosmos.
As we delve into the celestial aspects affecting personal growth, the role of Chiron—often known as the "wounded healer"—takes prominence. Yogas involving Chiron offer insights into the healing potential within wounds, the transformative power of challenges, and the journey toward wholeness.
This chapter isn't merely a guide to recognizing transformative yogas; it also explores practical steps and perspectives that individuals can adopt to embrace personal evolution. From cultivating resilience in the face of challenges to understanding the cyclical nature of transformation, readers gain actionable insights into navigating the ever-changing cosmic currents.
"Yogas for Transformation: Evolving with the Cosmos" is an invitation to embark on a dynamic journey of personal growth. Whether you are navigating life changes, seeking to understand the transformative power within challenges, or desiring a roadmap for evolution, this chapter promises a celestial voyage into the heart of self-discovery. Join us as we decipher the cosmic signatures that illuminate the path to transformative growth and the unfolding of your true potential.
As we conclude our celestial odyssey through the intricate tapestry of "Celestial Harmony: Exploring Yogas in Astrology," we find ourselves at the intersection of cosmic wisdom and personal revelation. This journey, spanning eight chapters, has been a celestial roadmap—a guide to understanding the nuanced dance of planets and their profound impact on our lives.
From the foundational principles in "The Foundation of Yogas," where we deciphered the astrological building blocks, to the transformative realms of "Yogas for Transformation," where we explored the potential for profound metamorphosis, each chapter has been a gateway into a different facet of our celestial design.
In "Harmony Unveiled," we reflect on the interconnected themes woven throughout this exploration. The celestial influences on personality, relationships, wealth, health, success, spirituality, and transformation are not isolated threads but integral components of a harmonious cosmic symphony. We've uncovered the celestial keys to self-discovery, providing insights into the multifaceted layers of our existence.
The invitation presented in this journey extends beyond the pages of a book; it's an invitation to embrace your celestial design consciously. The yogas unveiled within these chapters are not deterministic scripts but rather guideposts, offering profound insights into the energies at play in your life. They empower you to navigate challenges, harness opportunities, and align with the cosmic rhythm.
As we close this celestial volume, let the wisdom gained be a lantern on your path. Whether you are a seeker on the road to self-discovery, an astrologer refining your craft, or an individual curious about the celestial forces shaping your journey, may "Celestial Harmony" be a companion in your quest for understanding.
In the grand tapestry of existence, the celestial influences are but threads, and you, the weaver of your destiny. "Celestial Harmony" is an ode to the dance of planets, a cosmic melody inviting you to join the rhythm. As you navigate the harmonies of your life, may the wisdom gleaned from these chapters guide you towards a profound sense of alignment, purpose, and ultimately, harmony with the cosmos.
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moontrinemars · 2 years
Astrology Quick-List + Informal Survey: The Muses
Researched for my use, compiled and posted for public reference. Disclaimer is in my bio.
Below is a list of the asteroids for the nine muses and a very brief description of what they rule over or are associated with. Under the description I've listed some musicians with notable conjunctions to each respective asteroid. (If I listed every aspect, the post would be a million miles long, and other aspects are as a rule less relevant than tight conjunctions anyway, particularly for asteroids.)
Kalliope is the eldest of the muses. She began as the goddess of eloquence, but since the arts were divided into separate domains, is the muse of epic poetry. Her name is translated, roughly, to “beautiful-voiced”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Kalliope Conjunctions: Anais Mitchell [Sun, Mars, Descendant], Judy Garland [Sun], Peter Gabriel [Moon], Vince Neil [Mercury, Vesta, Medium Coeli], Fiona Apple [Venus, Saturn], Mick Jagger [Venus], Jim Morrison [Venus], Hozier [Venus], Carlos Santana [Venus, Terpsichore], Sandra [Venus, Ceres, Vesta], Alice Cooper [Mars], Scott Weiland [Jupiter], Billie Joe Armstrong [Saturn, Pallas, Urania], Aretha Franklin [Saturn], Buddy Holly [Uranus, Melpomene], Gloria Estefan [Uranus, Vertex, Klio], Woody Guthrie [Pluto], Andy Gibb [Pluto, Descendant], Julie Andrews [Rahu], Jimi Hendrix [Rahu, Chiron], Cyndi Lauper [Vertex], Shania Twain [Lilith], Björk [Lilith, Pallas, Juno], Boy George [Ceres, Euterpe, Polyhymnia], Jon Bon Jovi [Ceres, Nessus], Courtney Love [Pallas, Juno], Bing Crosby [Pallas], Trent Reznor [Juno], Susan Boyle [Vesta], Tobias Forge [Pholus], Sid Vicious [Klio, Polyhymnia], Bob Marley [Klio, Urania], Billy Joel [Melpomene], Stevie Nicks [Terpsichore], John Travolta [Terpsichore], Belinda Carlisle [Urania], Tina Turner [Thalia], Diane Warren [Nessus], Diana Ross [Ascendant], Andy Gibb [Medium Coeli], Mitski [Imum Coeli], OP [Chiron, Juno, Polyhymnia]
KLIO [84]
Klio is the muse of history. Her name can be translated as “to celebrate” or “to make famous”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Klio Conjunctions: Barbara Streisand [Sun, Nessus], Jimi Hendrix [Moon, Jupiter], Sting [Moon], Frank Sinatra [Mercury], Joni Mitchell [Venus], Frank Zappa [Mars], Machine Gun Kelly [Jupiter, Ceres], Cher [Uranus], Maria Von Trapp [Uranus], Gloria Estefan [Uranus, Vertex, Kalliope], Shania Twain [Uranus, Pluto, Urania] Tobias Forge [Neptune, Urania], Buddy Holly [Neptune], Ray Davies [Neptune], Prince [Pluto, Urania, Medium Coeli], Courtney Love [Rahu], Frankie Valli [Rahu], John Travolta [Rahu], Joe Strummer [Chiron], Andrew Lloyd Webber [Chiron], Alice Cooper [Ketu], Trent Reznor [Pars Fortunae], Dołly Parton [Pars Fortunae], Nannerl Mozart [Pars Fortunae, Ceres, Thalia], Hozier [Ceres, Pholus], Tina Turner [Ceres, Urania], Chris Isaak [Ceres], Fiona Apple [Juno], Whitney Houston [Pholus], Sid Vicious [Kalliope, Polyhymnia], Bob Marley [Kalliope, Urania], John Lennon [Erato, Descendant], Joe Perry [Erato, Imum Coeli], Phil Collins [Erato], Anais Mitchell [Urania], Eartha Kitt [Urania], Carlos Santana [Urania, Thalia], Scott Weiland [Thalia], Billy Joel [Ascendant], Vince Neil [Ascendant], Sandra [Ascendant], Billie Joe Armstrong [Descendant], Elvis Presley [Imum Coeli], OP [Vertex, Euterpe, Urania, Thalia]
ERATO [62]
Erato is known as the muse of both erotic poetry and mime. Her name translates to “lovely” or “beloved”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Erato Conjunctions: Ray Davies [Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn, Pallas], John Travolta [Sun], Diane Warren [Sun], Shania Twain [Sun], Tobias Forge [Moon], Billy Joel [Mars], Frank Sinatra [Jupiter, Chiron, Pallas], Buddy Holly [Jupiter], Dolly Parton [Jupiter, Juno], Eartha Kitt [Uranus, Juno], Florence Welch [Neptune], Ringo Starr [Neptune, Ceres, Urania, Descendant], Tina Turner [Neptune], Sting [Neptune, Imum Coeli], Whitney Houston [Neptune, Pars Fortunae, Lilith], Shirley Temple [Pluto], Cher [Chiron, Juno], Bette Midler [Chiron, Juno, Descendant], Cyndi Lauper [Chiron], Billie Holiday [Rahu], Bob Marley [Vertex], Mick Jagger [Antivertex, Melpomene], Sandra [Antivertex], Maria Von Trapp [Lilith], Andrew Lloyd Webber [Lilith], Tamino [Pallas], Frank Zappa [Pallas], Kurt Cobain [Juno], Louis Armstrong [Vesta, Euterpe], Aretha Frankling [Vesta, Pholus, Euterpe], Alice Cooper [Pholus], John Lennon [Klio, Descendant], Joe Perry [Klio, Imum Coeli], Phil Collins [Klio], Barbara Streisand [Euterpe], Jimi Hendrix [Euterpe], Frankie Valli [Polyhymnia], Scott Weiland [Terpsichore], Diana Ross [Descendant], David Bowie [Medium Coeli], Stevie Wonder [Medium Coeli], Belinda Carlisle [Medium Coeli], Boy George [Imum Coeli]
Euterpe is the muse of lyric poetry. Her name is translated to “well-pleasing” or “giver of much delight”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Euterpe Conjunctions: Trent Reznor [Sun], Ringo Starr [Sun], Peter Gabriel [Sun], Maria Von Trapp [Moon, Vesta, Terpsichore], Mick Jagger [Moon], Bob Marley [Moon], John Lennon [Venus], Boy George [Venus, Ceres, Vesta, Kalliope, Polyhymnia], Joni Mitchell [Mars, Vesta], Jim Morrison [Mars, Vesta], Diana Ross [Mars], Fiona Apple [Uranus], Tamino [Neptune], Gerard Way [Pluto], Nannerl Mozart [Pluto], Ray Davies [Pluto], Frank Zappa [Rahu], Bette Midler [Ketu], Andy Gibb [Ketu, Vesta], Vince [Ketu, Chiron], Machine Gun Kelly [Pars Fortunae, Terpsichore], Prince [Vertex], Eartha Kitt [Pallas], Louis Armstrong [Vesta, Erato], Aretha Franklin [Vesta, Pholus, Erato], Billie Joe Armstrong [Vesta], Buddy Holly [Vesta], Dolly Partom [Vesta], Phil Collins [Vesta], Florence Welch [Pholus], Barbara Streisand [Erato], Jimi Hendrix [Erato], Carlos Santana [Melpomene, Polyhymnia], Whitney Houston [Melpomene], Hozier [Terpsichore], Sandra [Terpsichore], Neil Diamond [Ascendant], Loretta Lynn [Descendant], OP [Vertex, Klio, Urania, Thalia]
Melpomene was once regarded as the definitive singing goddess. Since the domains were split, she is addressed as the muse of tragedy. Her name is roughly translated as “celebrate with song”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Melpomene Conjunctions: Belinda Carlisle [Sun], Jim Morrison [Moon], Lana Del Rey [Venus, Rahu, Pallas, Descendant], Bette Midler [Venus], Nannerl Mozart [Saturn, Pluto], Alice Cooper [Saturn, Pars Fortunae], Dianę Warren [Saturn], Buddy Holly [Uranus, Kalliope], Billie Holiday [Uranus], Sandra [Uranus], Gerard Way [Neptune], Joe Strummer [Neptune], John Lennon [Pluto, Pars Fortunae], Andrew Lloyd Webber [Pluto], Sting [Ketu], Vince Neil [Pars Fotunae], Regina Spector [Vertex], Phil Collins [Vertex], Fiona Apple [Antivertex], Mick Jagger [Antivertex, Erato], Bob Marley [Lilith], Joe Perry [Lilith, Thalia], Dolly Parton [Pallas], Aretha Franklin [Juno], Barbara Streisand [Juno], Gloria Estefan [Juno], John Travolta [Vesta], Cher [Pholus, Medium Coeli], Loretta Lynn [Pholus], Billy Joel [Kalliope], Carlos Santana [Euterpe, Polyhymnia], Whitney Houston [Euterpe], Jimi Hendrix [Ascendant], OP [Venus, Ketu]
Polyhymnia was once the goddess of lyric poetry. However, with the splitting of the domains, she is now the muse of religious hymns. She is, according to some sources, the inventor of the lyre. Her name means “many hymns”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Polyhymnia Conjunctions: Vince Neil [Sun, Pallas], Nannerl Mozart [Moon, Vertex], Julie Andrews [Mercury], John Lennon [Mercury], Mick Jagger [Mercury, Imum Coeli], Phil Collins [Mercury, Pallas], Belinda Carlisle [Mercury, Pluto, Juno], Björk [Venus], Boy George [Venus, Ceres, Vesta, Kalliope, Euterpe], Tamino [Mars], Louis Armstrong [Mars], Loretta Lynn [Mars, Vesta, Terpsichore], Scott Weiland [Jupiter], Jimi Hendrix [Jupiter], Sting [Jupiter], Marilyn Monroe [Saturn], Andy Gibb [Uranus], Whitney Houston [Uranus, Descendant], Anais Mitchell [Chiron], Jim Morrison [Chiron], Maria Von Trapp [Rahu], Buddy Holly [Rahu], Shania Twain [Ketu, Thalia], Joe Perry [Vertex], Stevie Wonder [Antivertex], Diana Ross [Lilith], Billie Holiday [Juno], Mitski [Vesta], Gerard Way [Vesta], Andrew Lloyd Webber [Vesta], aSid Vicious [Kalliope, Klio], Carlos Santana [Euterpe, Polhymnia], Judy Garland [Terpsichore, Nessus], Shirley Temple [Terpsichore], Trent Reznor [Thalia], Kelly Clarkson [Nessus], Dianę Warren [Nessus], Hozier [Ascendant], Frank Sinatra [Ascendant], Cyndi Laup;er [Descendant], Kurt Cobain [Medium Coeli], OP [Chiron, Juno, Kalliope]
Terpsichore is the muse of choral song and dancing. Thus, her name means “delighting in dance”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Terpsichore Conjunctions: Regina Spector [Sun, Ketu], Susan Boyle [Sun], Maria Von Trapp [Moon, Vesta, Euterpe], Andrew Lloyd Webber [Moon], Florence Welch [Mercury, Nessus], Lana Del Rey [Venus, Descendant], Carlos Santana [Venus, Kalliope], Julie Andrews [Mars], Alice Cooper [Mars], Kurt Cobain [Jupiter], Woody Guthrie [Chiron], Tamino [Rahu, Pholus], Louis Armstrong [Rahu], Bing Crosby [Ketu, Vertex], Jimi Hendrix [Pars Fortunae], Courtney Love [Antivertex], Buddy Holly [Antivertex], Vince Neil [Ceres], Loretta Lynn [Vesta, Terpsichore], Whitney Houston [Vesta], Frank Sinatra [Pholus], Frank Zappa [Pholus], Stevie Nicks [Kalliope], John Travolta [Kalliope], Scott Weiland [Erato], Hozier [Euterpe], Machine Gun Kelly [Euterpe], Sandra [Euterpe], Judy Garland [Polyhymnia, Nessus], Shirley Temple [Polyhymnia], Aretha Franklin [Thalia, Nessus], Barbara Streisand [Thalia], Bette Midler [Medium Coeli], Cher [Imum Coeli], OP [Sun, Neptune]
Urania should be a favorite among astrologers - she is the muse of astronomy and astronomical writings, which at the time of the height of the worship of the muses, extended into the realm of astrology. Her name means “heavenly one”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Urania Conjunctions: Sid Vicious [Venus, Ceres], Frank Zappa [Venus], Cyndi Lauper [Venus, Nessus], Neil Diamond [Mars], Billie Joe Armstrong [Saturn, Pallas, Kalliope], Judy Garland [Saturn, Pallas], Phil Collins [Saturn], Shania Twain [Uranus, Pluto, Klio], Tobias Forge [Neptune, Klio], Ringo Starr [Neptune, Ceres, Erato, Descendant], Joni Mitchell [Neptune], Joe Perry [Pluto], Prince [Pluto, Klio, Medium Coeli], Mick Jagger [Rahu], David Bowie [Pars Fortunae], Billie Holiday [Pars Fortunae], Stevie Nicks [Pars Fortunae], Courtney Love [Vertex, Nessus], Cher [Antivertex], Vince Neil [Antivertex], Bob Dylan [Ceres], Chris Isaak [Pallas], Fiona Apple [Juno, Klio], Kelly Clarkson [Pholus], Bob Marley [Kalliope, Klio], Belinda Carlisle [Kalliope], Anais Mitchell [Klio], Eartha Kitt [Klio], Tina Turner [Klio], Carlos Santana [Klio, Thalia], Tamino [Thalia], Dolly Parton [Thalia], Peter Gabriel [Nessus], Machine Gun Kelly [Ascendant], Barbara Streisand [Ascendant], Mitski [Medium Coeli], Marilyn Monroe [Imum Coeli], OP [Klio, Euterpe, Thalia]
At times considered the other half of Melpomene, Thalia is the muse of comedy, as well as bucolic poetry. Her name could mean either “rich festivity” or “blooming”.
A Few Musicians with Notable Thalia Conjunctions: Regina Spektor [Moon, Pholus], Stevie Wonder [Moon], Kurt Cobain [Mercury], John Travolta [Venus], Maria Von Trapp [Mars], Prince [Mars], Elvis Presley [Jupiter], Sandra [Jupiter, Chiron, Pars Fortunae, Vertex], Billie Holiday [Rahu], Trent Reznor [Ketu, Polyhymnia], Shania Twain [Ketu, Polyhymnia], Bob Dylan [Ketu], Jon Bon Jovi [Ketu, Pholus], Loretta Lynn [Vertex], Björk [Antivertex], Nannerl Mozart [Pars Fortunae, Ceres, Klio], Judy Garland [Ceres], John Lennon [Pholus], Tina Turner [Kalliope], Scott Weiland [Klio], Carlos Santana [Klio, Urania], Joe Perry [Melpomene], Aretha Franklin [Terpsichore, Nessus], Barbara Streisand [Terpsichore], Tamino [Urania], Dolly Parton [Urania], Cher [Nessus], Machine Gun Kelly [Nessus], Frankie Valli [Ascendant], Cyndi Lauper [Ascendant], Andy Gibb [Ascendant], Vince Neil [Descendant], Billie Joe Armstrong [Imum Coeli], OP [Klio, Euterpe, Urania]
Entry Code: 22,84,62,27,18,33,81,30,23
There are more asteroids that can have particular impacts on musical ability and recognition of it, many of which have to do with the mythology of the muses - Apollo, or Orpheus for example - but I'm saving them for a separate post in their own right. Let me know if this is helpful and feel free to talk to me about the muses. ♡♡♡
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