#Please let me know if I missed a va tag
xdolls-crownx · 2 months
VA’S On Tumblr! I Have a Question!
what is your style? Like clothing style
Is it drastically different from your characters style or do you implement your style into them
Good day
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belovedmusings · 8 months
“You have to trust me.”
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18+ Explicit Smut 🚫Minors DNI🚫
You and Satoru get into an argument before he heads off to face Sukuna. You worry for his safety since the incident of his sealing is still fresh in your mind, begging him to let the others help, but he insists he has to do it alone. Hot, emotional sex follows.
Relevant tags: AFAB reader w/minimal gendered language, reader with no defined characteristics for inclusivity and realism, angst, hurt/no comfort, before Ch 236, established relationship, unprotected sex, creampie, missionary/mating press, intentional baby making
Recommended songs to listen to while reading: Privilege (The Weeknd), lovely (Billie Eilish), Lo Vas Olvidar (Billie Eilish, ROSALIA)
A/N: I have a follow-up to this where he survives the fight so that you can have some comfort after this hurt. I’ll link it at the end :’) for now enjoy some angst.
Expand to read:
“Satoru, please,” your voice tapers off at the end, the ache in your heart stinging with its intensity. “Please, don’t do it alone. You can have help. Yuuta—”
“This isn’t his fight,” Satoru insists, “I don’t want to involve innocent kids in this if I can help it.”
“So you’re just gonna go off and get yourself killed instead?”
His brows furrow, eyes frozen on your face. His lips part in disbelief, and after a moment of being stunned, he laughs incredulously.
“Seriously?” He asks you, “Do you really think that lowly of me? You think I’m marching off to my death right now?! You think I’m some weak little twerp or something? That’s all I am to you?!”
As he raises his voice, you start to feel guilt rising up in your chest. You hadn’t meant to say it like that. Here he is, about to fight for the sake of the world and you’re belittling him and undermining his strength. You’re telling him you expect him to lose, even if that wasn’t your intention. You’re supposed to be his support pillar—he doesn’t just let anyone in.
The anger fizzles out of you like ice water on hot coals. Instantly, you feel cold.
“No, Satoru,” you shake your head, remorse bubbling up so violently tears spring to your eyes. This is the love of your life, the man who has been nothing but sweet, patient, and kind to you. Sure, back when things were normal, he used to tease and get on your nerves, he had to work a lot and his time was stretched thin as a result, but he always made time for you. He always thought of you, brought you your favorite treats from his missions, latched onto you when he came back because he missed you.
Apparently you started sobbing at some point while you thought about all of that, because the next thing you know, he’s wrapping his newly thickened arms around you and pulling you into his sturdy chest.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you,” his voice is subdued now, full of guilt. “I shouldn’t have raised my voice. It’s just that—”
“That’s not…” you sniffle, shaking your head as you try to find the strength to get a full sentence out in the midst of your break down. “I believe in you, Satoru, I do, I didn’t mean—didn’t mean to say that…”
He hugs you tighter, rubbing up and down your arm. You continue.
“I’m just so fucking scared, Satoru, I’m scared.”
More sobs wrack your body and he can only sigh heavily, trying to hold you as close to himself as he can.
“I don’t want to do this to you,” his voice is thin, like he’s trying hard to keep it even. “I hate that I can’t give you a normal, easy life with me.”
You huff, wrapping your arms around him. “That’s not…I wouldn’t trade what we have for the world, Satoru, for the world…”
“I just hate that this is causing you so much pain,” he replies. “I’m supposed to be taking it away, not making it worse. God, I really am the worst, aren’t I?”
You shake your head in disagreement, planting a kiss on his neck to protest his statement. His breath hitches, and the next moment, he’s raising your chin up with his index finger, ducking to connect your lips. You make a small noise in the back of your throat and kiss back, arms winding around his neck to draw him closer. You feel him hug your waist, and go willingly when he backs you up.
The backs of your legs meet the edge of his bed, the one that you’ve become so familiar with it’s more comfortable than your own at the place you rarely sleep anymore, and you realize that this might be the last chance you ever get to share it with him.
Another sob escapes you before you can stop it and you grab the collar of his shirt tightly, pulling him down with you. You fall onto the mattress, Satoru catching himself so he doesn’t crush you as he kisses you passionately.
You trail your palms down his chest, down his abdomen, over the tight black shirt he has on, then back up again just to feel him. Satoru is here right now, in your hands, on top of you—you need to cherish this while it lasts.
You break the kiss as your crying worsens, unable to stop lamenting the fact that you can’t freeze time in its place right now.
“Shh,” his sugary voice hushes you, “Shh, focus on me. I want this to feel good for you, okay? We can’t have you crying your way through it, silly, then you won’t remember a thing.”
You sniffle, trying to wipe at your eyes. “I don’t want to just r-remember you…I need you to be okay.”
“I am okay,” he says, pecking your brow bone sweetly. “I’m right here. Just feel me. Nothin’ else. Don’t even think right now, thinking’s not useful.”
You huff shakily, eyes fluttering shut as you feel his mouth go for your neck. He scrapes his teeth over your jugular to shock pleasure into your senses, successfully distracting some of the anguish right out of you.
“That’s it,” like this, his voice sounds almost like a purr, and you shiver, arms wrapping around his shoulders to grip at his back. He leaves a wet kiss where his teeth were and swipes his tongue over the spot, starting to suckle. You give him a soft noise in response, relishing in the fact that you know he’s leaving a mark on purpose. It’ll be there at least for a few days, or more if he really tries.
“Make it dark,” you breathe, “Give me as many as you can, please.”
“You don’t have to beg me,” he murmurs below your ear, sending heat pulsing downward. “I’ll give anything you want from me.”
You suck in a sharp breath. “Anything?”
At your eager question, he chuckles lowly, lifting himself up to meet your eyes. “Hmm. You have something specific in mind, don’t you?”
Your face heats up involuntarily, but the urgency of the situation has you forcing your bashfulness down. This might be the only time to ask. You had wanted to wait until the two of you were settled, maybe married if that’s what you agreed on, but now there might not be another moment. This could be it. And you know that if you don’t tell him what you want now and something happens, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life.
With that thought, you take a deep breath and raise your hand to cup his face, brushing a few strands of his fringe away from his eyes.
“I want your baby, Satoru.”
You see the moment the words register in his brain. His eyes light up with something you’ve never seen before, and he smiles as if you just gave him the sweetest, most sincere compliment he’s ever heard.
“Yeah? A piece of me forever, huh?”
You nod, a grin tugging at your lips even as droplets continue to spill down your cheeks. “Yeah. Our love personified.”
He chuckles wetly and you think you see his eyes turn glossy, but he’s kissing you again before you can confirm it.
“It’s yours,” he says against your mouth. “All yours.”
You lose yourself in the long kiss that follows. All you can feel is him moving on top of you, tongue dancing with yours so intimately it would have the angels in the room blushing.
You raise your hips when he tugs at your pants, taking your underwear with them. He sits back on his haunches to slide them off your legs, eyes gentle as he gets between them and pushes his hands up underneath your shirt.
Sitting up quickly, you allow him to lift it off of you, discarding it behind himself. Now, you’re completely naked, but he’s still clothed.
“No fair,” you say, eyeing his shirt like it’s offensive, and he laughs.
“Say no more, say no more,” he replies, “Just lay down for me.”
Your stomach flutters with butterflies as you do as he tells you, looking up at him kneeling between your legs. You watch as he crosses his arms to peel his tight shirt off of his sculpted muscles, smooth, fair skin coming into view. He’d put a Greek god to shame, you think. He’s so tear-jerkingly beautiful it threatens madness in your mind.
“Like what you see?” He taunts mischievously, standing up to untie his pants and push those along with his boxers down his hips. His reddened erection springs free and you stare unabashedly at it, never having got used to the sight fully. He’s huge, both long and thick, all smooth skin except for a prominent vein on the underside. You used to joke with him early on in your relationship that it was the main reason for his cocky attitude, that you’d probably act the same way if you had a dick like that, and it always made him laugh. You love making him laugh. God, you love Satoru so much.
“Oh, you definitely like what you see now,” he snorts, climbing back onto the bed. “Gotta admit, it’s hot as hell to see you objectify me like that.”
“I wasn’t—”
“I’m nothing but a glorified sperm donor, mistress.”
You make an incredulous face. “What? I’m not—you don’t even—”
“Shh, I’m just teasin’,” he grins at you, leaning down to peck your lips. “I know you love me.”
You blow out a puff of air like a deflating balloon. “Satoru, I swear to god.”
He chuckles, shutting himself up by kissing you again. “That’s just how I show love.”
You chase his lips, hearing his words for the ‘I love you’ they truly are, threading your hands in his hair.
His big palms find your hips and he centers them for himself, lining up and grinding his stiff member against your wet core.
“Mmh,” you moan, moving with him, “Satoru…”
He sighs shakily, grabbing the crook of your knee to push it up, giving himself more room to move. His grinds become more forceful and it has you stuttering little gasps, nails digging into his back.
“Already scratchin’ me up?” He asks, and you can hear the smirk in his voice. “But I haven’t even put it in yet.”
The laugh you reply with is half-assed, need distracting you, and you find his eyes. “What’s stopping you?”
“Oh? Someone’s impatient,” he chuckles, stamping a kiss to your nose. “All right, all right. Better give you what you want.”
He takes ahold of himself and lines up, breathing a heavy sigh as he sinks into you. As soon as he does, you make a noise in the back of your throat, hugging him closer to you. As he bottoms out, you can’t help but press more chaste kisses wherever you can on him—his cheek, his jaw, his neck, his collarbone. You just love him. You love the feeling of his body on top of yours, the warm weight unique to him, how he fills your arms up, tangible and strong. You breathe in deeply, the sweet musk of his skin filling your senses. It’s your favorite scent in the entire world.
He pulls back and rocks forward again slowly, taking care to get you used to his size. So much has happened lately that you haven’t been able to get intimate a lot, so you have to let him ease you back into it.
As he works you open on his cock slowly, you take to caressing the smooth skin of his back, eyes closed to revel in the sound of his heavy breaths, strained with the effort to control his movements so as not to hurt you. You love how solid he is under your palms. You could touch him forever. If he survives this fight, you swear that you’ll never let go of him again. You plead mentally with any deity that may hear you to protect Satoru.
You kiss the soft underside of his chin and hold him closer, holding onto that thought. Protect him. Keep him safe. Keep him alive. I love this man so much, just please don’t take him away from me.
He chooses that moment to start picking up the pace, the dull ache it gives you enough to thankfully keep you from spiraling further. You sigh, bending your knees further to give him more room. Your legs then wrap around him, ankles crossing at the base of his spine, and he responds by going faster. The room begins to fill with the sound of your bodies meeting over and over, his length molding you to his shape with every push of his hips into yours.
On a particularly hard thrust, you gasp, tightening around him, and it causes him to groan right after you. His voice is so sweet. It was one of the things that stood out to you about him when you had first met him—the way he always seemed to have perfect control over it. He speaks with ebbs and flows to contour the meanings of his words, to give them his special nuance that perfectly colors in his personality. He’s just so animated when he speaks. If he’s annoyed, you’ll hear it. If he’s playful, you’ll hear it. If he’s happy, you’ll hear it.
Right now, as he works through stuttered breaths and hitched moans, delivered exhales of your name weaved into declarations of his bliss, you hear the pleasure you’re giving him. That control starts to slip and words start tumbling from his lips, voice thin and shaky, a tone reserved just for you.
You turn your head to lay a kiss on his lips, landing on the corner of his mouth, but he understands what you need, sweeping you into a languid, passionate make out session as he rocks in and out of you. You hear him make a sort of wet noise before he doubles down on his efforts, pushing deep inside of you and starting to roll his body.
“Satoru,” you hiss in surprise, mouth falling open as his abdomen grinds against the sensitive bud above the place he’s buried inside of, heightening the goosebumps that break out on your skin. Your head falls back and he takes the opportunity to start making as many marks on your skin as he can with his mouth. Like this, you feel yourself getting close, and that has you remembering what comes after this.
He’s going to leave, and he might not come back.
This might be the last time you ever get to have him.
“I love you,” you say, just needing to get the words out, needing him to know. “You’re so important to me—thank you for everything, Satoru.”
His breath catches in his throat and he finds your gaze, reaching up to cup your jaw in his palm.
“Thank you for everything,” He replies sincerely. “Thank you for loving me. For dealing with all my bullshit and sticking by me.”
“Always,” you shake your head, eyes filling with new tears. You sniffle, feeling that choked desperation start seizing your chest again. “Always, Satoru.”
He smiles at you but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Those beautiful luminescent oceans only reflect the deep sadness the both of you feel, and to see it glaringly obvious in his gaze breaks your heart. He can’t fake his happiness this time, not even for you. He’s human too, and being here with you like this in what might be the last time threatens to undo him.
Satoru swallows thickly and concentrates on his movements to distract himself, forcing himself to focus on the noises you make as he brings you closer and closer to the edge. He wants this to last forever just like you do, but you both know he’s needed by more people than just you.
Your climax approaches and with it, your emotions swell up inside of you. You remember meeting him for the first time, you remember when he started pursuing you, how happy he was when you agreed to a date, how hard he’d tried to win you over yet how effortless he made it look. Every time you two shared a laugh, every time he was there while you cried, how he always managed to put a smile back on your face. How sweet of a man he is to his students, how proud you can tell he is whenever he talks about them, and how his eyes light up whenever he eats a treat he’s fond of. God, you just love him.
“Satoru,” you whimper, orgasm hitting you abruptly. “Oh god, I love you so much.”
He exhales forcefully as he feels it, managing a few sloppy thrusts before he’s cumming as well pushing as deep as he can go in effort to fulfill your earlier request.
As you start to come down, the fear and despair come back tenfold, overtaking you in a fit of sobs. He wraps his arms around you and buries his nose in your hair.
“I’ll win,” He whispers to you, “I will. I’ll come back and we’ll raise the little shit we just made together, okay? They’ll probably grow up like me but I hope they’re more like you, baby.”
You hiccup loudly as you cry harder, clinging to the image of a happy family with him for dear life.
“It’s gonna be okay. You have to trust me,” He insists, inhaling slowly. “I have to go now.”
You hold him tighter, squeezing your eyes shut to commit this to memory before he’s pulling away, lifting himself off of you and grabbing his clothes quickly.
He dresses in silence, your cries the only thing echoing around the room. All you can manage to do is put on one of his button-ups from the foot of his bed, wiping furiously at your eyes.
Too soon, he’s clothed again, and it’s time for him to go.
He walks over to you again and takes your chin gently in his hand, tilting it up so that your eyes connect. He smiles softly at you.
“You know that I love you, right?”
A deep ache seats into your chest. He’s said it in a million ways before but never in its original form, those simple, crater-heavy three words. You nod, sniffling as another wave of lament threatens to pull you under.
“I do,” you confirm, forcing it out in a strained voice. He nods to himself, leaning in and pressing his soft lips to your forehead.
You feel the moment that he uses his technique to flash himself out of the room, because his warm presence that naturally takes up a lot of space vanishes and leaves absolutely everything feeling cold and sterile.
You break down again, head falling into your hands.
Shoko had told you where everyone would be watching the fight take place. You want to be there, and you will go, but you need to be alone first.
You just hope with all of your might that you won’t be left alone with only a piece of him to succeed his legacy. You want him to be there too. You need him to be there.
You need him to be okay.
A/N: i gave myself an ouchie on the heart while writing this. whoops. also wow is he gorgeous in that picture at the top?? anyways here’s the second part where he survives bc i should be gege instead so he’ll be okay :-)
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writingjourney · 1 year
starved | secondo x reader
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summary: after a week away on clergy business, secondo wants to make up for lost time – and so do you.
content: 1.6k words, afab!reader, pronouns should be gender-neutral, this is all smut (18+, MDNI, face sitting, hair pulling, mild breeding kink, it’s softer than those tags make it sound lol, smut with feelings), established relationship
Masterlist – Ao3 link
⛧ ✦ ⛧
Secondo’s strong nose presses right up against your clit. You’re struggling to hold still with his tongue inside of you, with the vibrations each of his moans sends through your whole body. He seems to have given up breathing for the time being. His grip on your hips is so tight that you can already feel the first bruises that will undoubtedly blossom on your skin over night. After a week of being away on clergy business, his continued disagreements with Sister and two delayed flights on the way home, Secondo came home, raging-hard and impatient, and you’d let him fuck his frustrations out on you right in the hallway. After a shower, exchanging all the gentle touches and words of affection you’ve been missing for the past week, you proposed to order in some dinner. Secondo didn’t even let you finish your sentence before he dragged you off to the bedroom, wet footprints running along the wooden floor.
“You know I’m so hungry after my flight, amore,” he’d said on the way over, “but nothing tastes as good as you and that is what your Papa truly craves.” 
This is how you ended up sitting on his face, grasping the headboard so tightly that your knuckles turn white. Any doubt or hesitation flies out the window when he firmly pushes his tongue inside of you again and again. You can’t help but grind on his face. The bridge of his nose drags over your clit with every roll of your hips and that’s when he starts to really get going. Once Secondo has you exactly where he wants you, he’s relentless, not letting up until you’re screaming his name into the safe cocoon that is his four poster bed with the heavy drapes. Even after you come down from your high, he doesn’t let you go.
“Please,” you whine, your thighs trembling on either side of his flustered face. “Papa.”
Secondo’s eyes meet yours then, a hint of annoyance at the interruption, and you know he wants to keep this going for as long as you’re able to sit upright. But you want more of him after your long deprivation, you want to feel him until it hurts.
“What is it, amore?” he finally asks, voice muffled between your thighs.
“I want you inside of me,” you try again. “Please. I missed you so much, I want more.”
With a flicker of reluctance, his grip eases up, fingers uncurling as he drags his hands down your legs. You manage to slip away from his messy face, settling on the mattress beside him. As you run your fingernails down his torso, they leave red marks on his pale skin, stopping right where his hard cock is already leaking onto his abdomen.
“Hm, va bene. I allow it,” he says, sitting up slightly and giving your ass a gentle slap. “Show your Papa how much you missed him, my little dove. Come on, I am yours, use me how you wish.”
You hesitate for a second. It’s unusual for him to give up control so easily but the growing smirk on his face tells you that that’s not what this is. He entertains you, gives you what you want before he takes what he wants.
“What? I thought you were so desperate, amore,” he teases, his hand still on your ass, squeezing the supple flesh with his long fingers.
Excitement shoots through your veins now. You move to straddle him, facing away from him just how he likes with your hands gripping his thighs for more support. Immediately, you feel his hands all over your back, tracing every curve he can find, even wrapping around to fondle with your breasts for a moment. You roll your hips a few times, feeling his cock slide between your slick folds, back and forth, back and forth, gasping whenever his length presses into your clit. When you finally sink down on him, you moan, feeling him stretch you open far wider than his tongue ever could.
“Just like that, amore,” he coos. “So good for me.”
His words are like balm on your soul after going so long without his gentle praise. Once you’re used to his size, you start to move in a rhythm that feels sustainable. Secondo’s hands never stop exploring your back, even as you speed up, and you can hear his breathing getting faster as well. His fingers grasp your hair, wrapping what he can around his hand and yanking your head back until your body arches. His other hand explores the curve he just created, running up and down your spine like a sculptor feeling the flow of the marble.
“So beautiful,” he murmurs. “How I missed this view.”
Your reply is a low groan, the angle making it harder to move. Secondo sits up and pulls you back into his lap, his free hand tight on your hip while the other one searches for the spot where your bodies join. He drags his mouth over your neck, never settling at one spot as his hot breath wanders over your skin. With every roll of your hips, you can feel the tip of his cock dragging along your sensitive walls, and his fingers flick over your clit in sync with your movements. It’s almost enough to make you come again but even with your eyes squeezed shut, you can’t help but wish you would see his face.
You freeze all your movements and he immediately stops as well, ever so perceptive.
“Are you alright, my dove?” he asks, his voice hoarse and out of breath.
You get off of him and turn around, immediately helping him back inside of you once you’ve settled in his lap. He groans at the renewed contact and you wrap your arms around him, pressing yourself against his front until you can feel your breasts squeezed between your bodies.
“I wanted to see you,” you whisper against his lips. “My handsome Papa. I missed you so.”
Secondo smiles, the loving smile he only ever gives you, and then he leans back against the headboard, taking you with him. The smile gets strained as you push yourself onto his cock. You can tell he’s close and before you can even begin to move, he digs his heels into the mattress, steadying you by your hips, and thrusts up into you. You cry out, holding onto him, fingertips digging into firm, muscly shoulders. He doesn’t slow, carrying you closer towards your release with every snap of his narrow hips.
“Papa,” you whimper, slowly losing your grasp on reality.
“I know. I have you, my dove,” he says, panting between words. “Your Papa takes care of you. Always.” 
He swallows your next moan, pushing his tongue against yours in a messy, open-mouthed kiss. You fall over the edge with a sob, clenching around him almost painfully tight. Groaning into your mouth, Secondo gives two more harsh thrusts and then stills. You softly run your hand over his cheek when you feel him spilling inside of you, holding his gaze even as his eyelids flutter. You roll your hips in an attempt to carry him through and it earns you a low hum that vibrates against your palm. Smiling contently, you press a soft kiss to his lips, cradling his face for a moment before you sink against him in a tight, sweaty hug.
Secondo gently runs his fingers over your back as you both calm down. With his slowing breaths in your ear, your lips search for the soft skin below his jaw, kissing, sucking, nibbling, and he chuckles. “You are hungry, yes?”
“For you, my Papa. I am starved.”
Another deep rumble in his chest. “Did I not sate you yet, my love?”
You grimace, even though he can’t see it. “How could I ever be sated when they constantly take you away from me?”
Secondo hums. “Next time I refuse. All these useless trips, they just want me gone when they make decisions I do not like.”
“Or take me with you and we can just go somewhere nice.” You sigh, placing a trail of kisses from his neck over his jaw and to his cheek. “I love you, Secondo.”
“And I love you, my dove.”
He holds you for a moment longer, exploratory hands refamiliarising themselves with your body. You move to get off of him when you start to feel uncomfortable but his arms around you tighten until you’re trapped. You can feel his cock moving inside of you, sliding in deeper again through the stickiness of your joined bodies.
“Ah ah, amore,” Secondo chides softly. “You don’t want to waste the seed I just gave you?”
“Mhm, I’m sorry, Papa.”
“It’s okay.” He presses a kiss to your temple. “We’re honoring Satan tonight, my dove. You and I. We have to make up for a whole week, no?”
You hum and Secondo gives a lazy thrust in reply that has you moaning into the crook of his neck. He’s growing hard inside of you again and you can feel your arousal stirring as well. In one swift motion, he rolls you around so you’re underneath him, losing orientation when his mouth descends on yours in a heated kiss. When he breaks away, he starts to grind into you, his brow furrowed in concentration as his intense eyes focus on yours.
“He will be very pleased with you, taking me so well,” he whispers against your lips, his hand snaking up to wrap around your neck. “Are you ready for more, amore?”
You grasp his wrist, feeling his pulse against your fingertips. “Always, Papa.”
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Thank you for reading! This was just a quick random thing I wanted to get off my mind. I hope you enjoyed nevertheless ♡
Masterlist – My Ao3
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seiwas · 14 days
Hi Sel!! Sorry i'm replying a bit late - it's assessment week for me again :( I used to listen to exo all the time!! BTS and EXO were my first kpop groups back in 2017-18... I absolutely LOVED 'Lotto' 'Overdose' and 'The Eve'
The lyrics are so dear to me 🥺 Even if it's not Ex!Gojo, they are very Satoru coded regardless.. his love is so tragic even when happy 😭😭 and the haikyu movie!! omfg I have been craving sm Kuroo it's crazy.. I don't know a lot of haikyu writers tho.. if you have any recs please let me know 😞🙏🏼 I gasped when he came on... my precious cocky bastard (affectionate). And the fact that he's Gojo's VA!! when he laughed i was so 🥺🥺 I miss him too... and I definitely agree! how they will fit everything in one movie idk... I really hope they listen to reviews and make another season... I'm so so sad that Haikyu end is coming.. like Sel I can't I'll cry 😭😭
may i ask why u give it an 8/10 ?? 😮 like why the minus 2!!!!
I docked one point because they didn't have an Oikawa cameo :// which is CRIMINAL after how crazy everyone went for the earphone scene.. HAHA but honestly it was just too short imo.. it was very focused on the background of the characters (which I absolutely love!! we got to see baby KuroKen after all 🥺) but... at moments I was on the edge of my seat and then a (almost oddly timed) flashback would occur which would take away the adrenaline rush. Unlike usually, there was not much tension in the first set .. and then it felt like all of a sudden we were at the final set. There was not much emphasis on the game playing itself - I didn't even realise the game was over 😮 In a season the match would be more paced out, detailed and longer which I kinda wish for.. But i don't regret it going to watch it!!
I hope you have a lovely weekend <3 🍧 anon
🍧 anon hello!!! welcome back!! 🥺 no worries about it at all 🥺 i hope you're catching breaks in between your busy sched!!
omg!!! an exo 2017 fan 🥺🥺 lotto is one of my fave exo eras bc baekhyun looked SOOO good in it (and im a sucker for mafia aus LOL)
so true omg his love is tragic even when happy djgbjas and haikyuu fics!! omg @tetsuskei @tetzoro are the resident kuroo lovers that i know of 🥺 as for fic recs... i tag my kuroo fics with #tetsurou !!! so you can browse through there if you'd like 🥺 i'll share some of the ones i remember under the cut too!
irda ( @haztory ) writes some of my fave fics, kuroo ones included! you can browse through her masterlist
lia ( @chimielie ) is my iwaizumi girlie but i think she has a few kuroo ones too!
monty ( @shibaraki ) has also written a ton for haikyuu!! and i love everything monty makes 🥺
augustine ( @augustinewrites ) also has a fair bunch of haikyuu!! stuff!! looove augustine's takes always
new light by @/eightonenine (college!kuroo, which is my fave way to read him)
wanderwithme on ao3; somewhere only we know (4 + 1 fic) & good luck, have fun (gamer!kuroo)
and omg ure so real for docking a point bc of the lack of oikawa cameo 😭😭😭😭 i would throw a fit. jHBSDHFS and i completely get what you mean!!! i kinda hate when things are shown like that jshdbfsd i agree that having it be in a season would have had better pacing 🥺 i'll think about it some more 🥺 but how it looks right now, it feels like i'll just end up watching it from my laptop one of these days 😭
i hope you have the loveliest weekend as well!!!
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stardancerluv · 2 years
A Time To Love and to Fight
Part Nine
Summary: Enjolras reveals his feelings.
Warning/Notes: Mentions of possible death, dying…angst. May have strayed a bit more away from Enjolas in this chapter. That said, I still tried to keep it to how I believe it would play out with him. That said.. Be nice! Feedback is welcome! Want to be tagged, please let me know!
Notes: Tried to show the innocence of reader, how when one is upset…thoughts can spiral out of control.
My sweet angel. - “Mon doux ange. No, my sweet treasure or I fear I will not finish. - “Non, mon doux trésor ou j'ai peur de ne pas finir.” My sweet treasure, use your words like I know you can. - “Mon doux trésor, utilise tes mots comme je sais que tu peux.” You are my sensitive girl. It’s ok. - “Tu es ma fille sensible, ça va.” After you, my treasure. - Après toi mon trésor. Mr, Mister and then Miss - “Monsieur? Mademoiselle?”
“Within six months, if I am not dead, I shall have seen you again, madam even if I have to overturn the world.” - Alexander Dumas - Three Musketeers. This is another French novel I am a huge fan of. In the version, I am creating for Enjolras with Reader…I can see him appreciating the friendship, loyalty between the men.
It was a particularly lovely day. There was a gentle breeze, it was nice to not be in the recesses of your family’s home and moving things around. You had long since grown tired of all the dust and the memories.
The bench you found, wasn’t terrible. You were grateful for your gloves. You wouldn’t want a splitter slip into your hand. They could smart horribly. Opening your book, sighing you smiled. This was truly one of your favorites. You were soon enveloped in its epic world.
Overhead you paused, as you heard some birds, looking up from your book you smiled as you caught sight of them. It was wonderful. Soon, you lost yourself into your book.
“Within six months, if I am not dead, I shall have seen you again, madam even if I have to overturn the world.” Spoke the smooth, warm voice whose owner was very good at making your heart beat harder.
“Enjolras.” Was all you could say as a smile spread across your face. You turned to look at him.
He placed a hand over his heart and bowed slightly. “Mon doux ange.” A soft smile played on his lips as your eyes met.
“You know The Three Musketeers?” Closing your book, you laid it in your lap.
“Yes. It is a story I’ve enjoyed reading from tome to time, when I wanted to escape all that is bad.” Something entered his eyes that you had never seen before. It was gone by the time, he came around and sat beside you.
“Now I have you so I don’t need to slip between those pages.” You saw as he glanced around before he finally placed a hand over yours. You flushed, as you felt the warmth of his hand through your glove.
You watched as the smirk you had first seen curl his did so now. “You wouldn’t think I had seen your bare legs with how you are blushing over me holding your hand.”
Your breath caught at his words. His voice had been sharp. You adverted your eyes away from him.
You don’t know why, but they really hurt. Tears well up, your bottom lip shook. You bit down on it, so it would stop. You knew you should have never shown you that silly scar or even shared that stupid moment.
You stood up, you took a hold of the skirt of your dress. Trying not to let the tears slide down your face, you glanced down at him. “Goodbye Enjolras.”
You walked away then. You felt silly, naïve.
“Wait, what is the matter? Where are you going?” You heard him call after you. You didn’t look back. With each beat of your heart your pain grew.
Girls, flaunted themselves all the time. They didn’t blush. Images of that barmaid floated into your minds eyes. She favored him. She had probably seduced him at some point. The tears finally spilled then.
Somehow, you had managed to walk faster
“Stop.” His face was harsh as his breath had shallowed in catching up with you. You felt as his fingers wrapped just under the cuff of your sleeve. You struggled. Right now, that was the last place you wanted to be. “What is the matter with you?” His voice wavered but was still rough. You did not look up.
“Monsieur? Mademoiselle, are you alright?”
The suddenness of a stranger broke through turbulent haze of emotions crashing and attempting to consume you.
You swallowed. “I am fine.” You flatly replied. Actually, you were surprised at how even your voice was.
You barely glanced their way before finally looking up at Enjolras. Your eyes met, his jaw was tight, the rest of his features were as sharp as a razor-blade. His ragged breath was warm as you felt it on your face.
“Are you sure, Mademoiselle?”
He looked away. “You heard her. Now leave us be.”
“Yes, of course monsieur. Mademoiselle.”
You didn’t look their way.
“What is the matter with you?” He finally asked you again.
You took a breath. “I..I am not like other girls who can just flaunt themselves, or seduce their patrons.” You could see his brow furrow as you spoke. “I..I…it wasn’t easy for me to show you my legs. I probably shouldn’t have.” You finally tore your gaze away from him and looked down.
With a firm touch, he drew your face up. It made you inhale.
“First, I am grateful that when my heart chose for me fall for someone it was you. You’re special, you’re different. You read, and mend my wounds .” He smiled. “Somehow you managed to break through all that I have come to be in this life.”
“Non, mon doux trésor ou j'ai peur de ne pas finir.”
You simply nodded.
“Everyday, I am prepared to die.” He swallowed.
This admission of his, this one line, ripped you apart harder then what you felt mere moments ago.
“The day that bullet grazed my arm, I thought then and there I was about to draw my last breath.” He closed his eyes for a breath before meeting yours once again. “Lachesis decided that day, she would not slice my thread clean through.” He swallowed. “She showed kindness and allowed my thread to continue entwining with yours.”
Tears welled up and slid from your eyes. “Oh, Enjolras.” You shook.
“I am sorry my sweet treasure. Please don’t cry any more.” Gently he brushed the tears away. “I am just telling you the truth. When you flushed by me merely holding your hand while a few mere days ago, you gave me the gift of seeing your bare leg. And even allowing me to kiss it, I realized just how much, I had come to truly care for you.”
You grabbed onto his coat’s lapels, not caring who saw and buried your face there. “Enjolras, please.” Was all you could mutter.
You felt as his arms went around you. You felt safe, secure. “Tell me, how long do I have you, till you have to leave?” He spoke while rest his chin on the top of your head.
“When the sun,” A hiccup overtook you. You buried you face, your face was aflame.
He chuckled then pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Mon doux trésor, utilise tes mots comme je sais que tu peux.”
You swallowed down a few more hiccups before you finally continued, looking up at him. “When, the sun sets, I have to go and fetch the doctor. Greta, is making her cherry glazed pheasant.”
“Ahh, then we have enough time. Do you trust me?”
Confusion sprinkled over you but you nodded. “Yes, of course. I am sorry I ran away earlier.” A soft whisper came from you.
“Tu es ma fille sensible, ça va.”
He had no idea that he would ever care for another as much as he did for you. It had been an incredibly long half months time when the two of you were apart. He did not ever wish for that to happen again.
For s moment, he considered taking you to The Aviary. Though he didn’t want to deal with anyone. He didn’t want prying eyes or words spoken or speculation made from the others.
So instead he walked with you to where he kept his room in the boarding house.
“I had refused to take anymore then what is truly needed. My room is sparse.”
“Enjolras, you are taking me to your room?” Pink dusted your cheeks.
“Yes.” He scratched at his facial hair. He pressed his lips together. “I wanted us to have privacy.”
“That is a good idea.”
“Here take my hand, the staircase is quite narrow. And umm,” He considered things as he looked you up and down. “You had better hold the skirts of your dress up like you had earlier.”
Worry filled you. “It will be alright once we are in my room, I promise.”
He replied with his own smile as he met your eyes. He gave your hand a squeeze. Reaching the second floor, he dipped his hand into his pocket to retrieve his key. “One more floor.” He whispered.
Once on the landing, he finally let go of your hand. He gestured to his door. “This one is mind.”
You stood beside him as he unlocked the door. Glancing around, he gave the door a push, the wood and the hinges creaked as they moved.
Splaying one hand he opened his door wider. With his other hand over his heart he bowed with a smile on his lips, “Après toi mon trésor.”
Once you were inside, he closed and locked the door behind the two of you.
“Allow me to light a few candles.”
He didn’t know how light was able to come that filthy window but it did. Yet, the candles would make it feel less of a cold room. Reaching up, he light the one on a high shelf and the other which sat on on his desk. With flick of his wrist, the match extinguished.
“You have your own..” Shock and worry filled your face, as you covered your mouth. You ran to the door.
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out your book. “You may have run away from me,” He swallowed, it had hurt and confused him. “But there was no way, I would let you ever lose this.” He held up your book.
He watched a glow of joy flushed your face. It was only a few steps, but turning you rushed back to where he stood. His heart swelled when with no hesitation, your arms wrapped around him.
Chuckling, he stumbled a few steps back at the force of your enthusiasm but did not let go of you. “Oh Enjolras, thank you.” A huge smile was spread across your face. “Thank you.” The candle light flickered in your eyes.
@aftertheglitterfades @sebastianstvn @dealswiththedevilsblog @randomstory56 @pl1nfa1 @phantomxoxo @ladybug0095 @maryan028 @netusha
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dekusheroacademia · 1 year
#bkdkapology party (fandom history! 11 March 2023 - 12 March 2023) - cd, tag, Deku's VA and more
Just a small recording of our bkdk fandom on twitter and the trending of the #bkdkapology tag!!!
This happened just after episode 23 of season 6, where the class works to get Deku back, and Bakugou apologizes for everything he had done.
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The tag was a nostalgic one, initially used in 2021 when the chapter originally came out. Here is an example:
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You can still see the most popular tweets from 2021 using the tag #bkdkapology when you click on popular ones, after searching.
At the time I am not sure if the tag itself trended, but it was a popular one.
@/Meylovesbkdk on twitter suggested to celebrate the adaptation of the apology with the tag #bkdkapology, and when the episode came out it quickly trended, with people retweeting and tweeting and using it and celebrating (AND CRYING!).
People shared amazing fanarts in the tag, polls about who sighed when Deku fell into Bakugou's arms (the majority voted Bakugou), memes, pictures, screenshots, tears and crying reactions and so much more.
Two important additions that were often shared in the tags were the back-cover of the opening, apparently drawn by Eve and the interview by Deku's VA.
You can find Deku's VA presentation and feelings about the episode (with summary) here.
Eve is the singer of the season 6 opening "Bokura no". The back of the cd was not revealed until now... the realease (3/22) is the same number of the Bakugou apologizing chapter of the game (322), and shows an illustration of Bakugou and Deku staring at each other (drawn by Eve himself).
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The song "Bokura no" reminded people of Bakugou's apology and feelings since it came out, with the back cover confirming that the singer/author was really thinking about them when he wrote it.
A lot of people were also contributing with amazing analysis here on tumblr, so if you want to read about the use of "you" by Bakugou in the apology (and other scenes), please read this amazing meta.
Another thing worth mentioning is this beautiful art shared by one of the animators of the anime. We see the class hugging Deku happily, and Bakugou smiling, reaching for his hand.
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The tag #bkdkapology trended for about 22 hours, starting with the end of the episode to the next day. Keep in mind that all the data here will use the Rome timezone.
Rome timezone: Episode came out 11 March 2023 at 9:30. So the tag trended till 12 March 2023 at about 8:00 am (last recorded! it might have trended more later, but I don't have data on it).
I tried to record every hour, but of course I could not! Some amazing people on twitter helped me, in particular @/wanderingzygote (who sent me some updates during my nighttime :D), @/Meylovesbkdk, @/meiru, @/JoIyne_wifey, @/yokkynny, @/sherurose, @/Loriqod, @/Lutina_shock, @/lilizyo, @/Millenia_by, @/x_regrets, @/bdkdtrsh, @/DD_my_space (let me know if I missed anyone!).
Here I made a small graph with the data collected. Keep in mind that the timezone is Rome, so the episode started at 9:30.
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The double lines that you see around 14:40 and 17:00 are there because they represent absence of data, as during that time, and before 4:00 (am) I could not collect data.
As you can see there was a pretty quick increase of the tag until the end of the day, with a slowing down later on.
For the first 12 hours after the start of episode, users were sharing about 1200 tweets with #bkdkapology every hour!
The tag reached 20k tweets at about 23:30, which is about 14 hours after the episode!
I also used the website Dashboard Tweet Binder to check the tag itself! I did so at 11:30 am, which is about 3 hours after the tag stopped trending.
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So in about 25 hours, the tag reached 24720 tweets!
You can also see the peak here:
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The highest use of the tag was between 8 am and 13:00 (1 pm). The episode came out at 9:30 am and ended at 10am, so just after the episode and during the episode there was the highest use of the tag with almost 2k tweets.
The website also offers the "most liked and retweeted images" but this analysis is region specific. So in Italy, these were the three most liked and retweeted pictures with #bkdkapology
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Amazing work bakudekus!! I look forward for the next two episodes
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katyspersonal · 2 years
🅱️loodborne creativity tips
- Don’t take for granted a word from a youtube loredigger that barely scratches the lore surface, he is probs wrong anyway. People who care usually lurk on hellsites like this one.
- Don’t feel pushed into accepting a most popular interpretation of a character, or most popular theory, or most popular ship. Try to sit and reflect and understand what you want. Trust me it’ll pay off.
- That’s me if I had a coin every time someone whitewashes Henryk:
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(you get the point. check the face datas: ( x ))
- The more you neglect the ‘but it is a videogame logic’ and ‘creators maybe were lazy’ and instead use what you are given - the more interesting ideas open!
- Don’t rely on localisation team and instead always consult direct retranslation ( x ), you really don’t wanna trust people who created ‘Even the Doll, should it please you’ or made Kos (or some say Kosm) sound as though she is connected to the concept of ‘cosmos’ when that’s L + not true, or said that Emilia was Amelia or missed god knows how many nuances. HIRE FANS FDJHDSsdfsd
- There IS a timeline, Miyazaki is just a sick sadist even if he swears he is a masochist! Communication with other fans is a key.
- Don’t be scared to interpret Eileen as not black (only one of her like 5 VAs is black, nor VAs bind the character), or to interpret Maria as bi/pan/straight/aro (canon says jackshit about her orientation) or to interpret Yurie/Julie as not asian (not only her name is Julie, but also her data suggest a blonde gal) or whatever. Trust me normal fans at worst just won’t care is all. Ones side-eyeing you are aggressors that think most common interpretation = obligation and you don’t NEED approval of people like this. Just don’t insult the more accepted versions because if you call them “token diversity character!!!!! >:(” I will evict you from this plane of reality.
- Try to write your Adeline as if Maria didn’t exist. And try to write your Edgar as if Micolash was instead a stereotypical super ultra crazy 12 year old anime girl. And try to write your Henryk as if Gascoigne never knew him nor cared. TLDR; make sure characters are still interesting and written even if their popular ships are not possible.
- If you love Dark Souls a lot and want to connect the verse with Bloodborne, there are actually many incentives, not just Chester seemingly being a Hunter and ‘Deep Sea’ theme! Like go for it, the ‘well AKTUALLLLLY’ territorial redditors don’t know shit.
- If you check ‘Gehrman the first hunter’ tag know it is often lore inaccurate hate anyways and you risk just getting upset. However do post good stuff under this tag if you have something good to say about the character. We’ll weed em out eventually lets go lore accurate fans lets go
- It is absolutely ok to have "generic” design on Laurence or Adeline or Rom or whatever! Obscure characters we never seen as humans are a hassle to draw the fanart of, so more or less popular designs just speed up communication through fanart.
- If you want extra lore, check translations of latin lyrics and/or internal filenames! Did you know Ebrietas’ lyrics both refer to Mensis ritual and have ‘fair maiden why do you cry’ in it, or that Amygdala is ‘evil god’ but One Reborn is ‘failed evil god’?
- Don’t ever do the ‘but nobody cares about this character so...’. EVER. Post that character. POST them. Post ideas about them. Talk about that character. Huge chunk of Bloodborne cast is neglected. It’s been seven years and still no coherent stuff with Henriett, Gratia, Forgotten Madman, Yahar’gul Hunters, Dores, Research Hall ladies that kick your ass before you enter it etc etc. Trust me supply creates demand. Post that obscure character. (Please post them dsfghgfds ;-;)
- Shipping Adella and Arianna is the same as shipping Alfred and Annalise. No ship-shame here but if you adore one and hate another, think about why you do. Overall avoid the biases that boil down to ‘the wrong thing is only wrong if it is hetero’.
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broadway-vriska · 1 year
((hi there! This is a rare out of character post from the VA of this vriska in particular.
With Valentine's day around the corner and the impending Mindfang 8om8 ahead of us, I wanted to warn you all I've prepared 4 songs for the occasion :) as well as Queued some banter from her, since I'll be busy thet day.
mindfang is polarizing and as such, wanted to let y'all know the tag for this event is "m!a: Mindfangs quadrant day takeover" incase anyone wanted to block the tag for any reason. All her songs have a sexual/blackrom lilt to them.
I'll leave this posted for a little so the warning isn't missed.
There will also be a disclaimer attached to the first song posted, regarding the heavy nature of topics that are engaged with when writing from her perspective. We've all read Homestuck. You know by now.
Please don't hesitate to ask me to tag anything in particular and I will do my best to accommodate. While I hope to write and record a variety of topics and depth, I don't want to expose anyone to potential triggers that can be avoided with a simple tag. Otherwise, I hope y'all enjoy what I have planned! It's been a lot of fun putting together.
Though I know this whole Broadwaystuck thing is Specifically not roleplay heavy, I hope I can still adequately illustrate the characters we love (and loath) with a new life.
Not to be a Serket and ramble here, but I may for a moment.
I auditioned for this role on a whim.
I've loved Homestuck so much and for so long and became active in the fandom after the prime of the OG bws. While I've made music on fan albums, artwork, roleplayed on all the sites even up to this day -- I've almost never felt more of a sense of community than with this lovely group of singers and vas. Only second to hsrpc.
I'm seriously in love with what we're fostering here and all the love and positivity that goes into what all of my costars do. I love filling requests for someone and making their day when it's done. I love learning to better record, act, and sing while enjoying myself!
My blog in particular is small, but the notes and comments I get on it make me feel connected to something bigger. And music's always done that for me.
Funny enough? It wasn't until I started roleplaying Mindfang a couple years ago that I even liked Serkets. Like, at all. They've really grown on me. Especially now that I have a (semi shiny new) bpd diagnosis to project onto them B)
Anyway. If you read all this, thanks! It's late, I'm tired and sentimental.
I dont ll't expect to ever break character again here, at least to this degree, but I wanted to be earnest for a moment while giving a heads up for some more intense content ahead.
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sconeys · 8 months
(TW: Arguing, cursing, potential cheating, CGL)
Tags: F4F Established Relationship, Making Up, Misunderstood, coming out, CGL, Mommy, WLW)
If you want to use this, please ask first as these will mostly be personal scripts 💜
I think I'm gunna use this as something of a personal writing log, do some script writing with the added bonus of having it here for other people to see and suggest things! So with that said... Let's start!
For this first script I want to try writing a specifically wlw/lesbian script, since all of my scripts I've written so far have been completely gender neutral. My gay ass just misses lesbean pet names 👀
This first script will be a coming out to partner CGL script (gone slightly wrong), since CGL mommy scripts are what I've mostly written c:
So, scene setting: VA goes on the computer, she notices it's been left on; with a messaging app open. Said messaging app has multiple unopened message notifications. Opening them VA sees that her GF has been messaging other women calling them "mommy". Feeling like she didn't need to see any more than that and already upset, VA moves to go and confront her GF about it.
Script start:
"Babe, we need to talk."
"About what? I think you know exactly about what."
"What do you mean you don't know what I'm talking about? Don't play dumb with me, please, you'll just make it worse."
"Please stop trying to mess me around, I saw your texts to those other women. You literally left them on the computer."
"Yeah. "Oh shit" indeed. Did you REALLY think I wouldn't find out?"
"It's not like that? Then what the fuck IS calling random women online "mommy" then, huh?"
"Christ...what the fuck are your parents gunna think-"
"What are MY parents gunna think?!"
*VA sighs deeply* "Fuck..."
"Why are *you* crying?"
"Why do you keep saying that? How is it not what I think? You were calling other women mommy and shit like that, seems pretty cut and dry to me."
"It's not like *that*? You mean a kink? That you have a mommy kink?"
"...not a kink? What? How is it not a kink?"
"You don't get off to it...? Then...why?"
"Comfort...? I...babe I'm not following-"
"Age regression? I...think I've heard of that, yeah, what's that got to do with this though?"
*VA listens for a while to an explanation, listening and makes sounds/responses of following*
"I...think I understand...but why'd you never say anything, babe?"
"You were scared...? I mean, I guess I can see why...it's not the easiest thing to understand and I'm still not even sure if I do..."
"Hey....hey, sweetheart it's okay...baby, you don't need to be sorry....I just...didn't understand...I thought it was something else...it's okay."
"I'm sure...of course I'm sure. Now look up at me with those big beautiful eyes of yours...there she is, there's my girl..."
"I love you, okay. The only reason I was so upset was because I was scared that I was losing you. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, but it seriously made me freak...I shouldn't have looked to be honest, it's my fault too."
"That's right, babe, it wasn't all you, I fucked up too. Now come here and smoosh that face of yours in my chest, I know you love that..."
*a little while of soft breathing sounds and potentially heartbeat*
"You know...I wouldn't be opposed to being called mommy..."
"Yeah, I mean it... if it makes you happy I'd be a pretty shitty girlfriend not to try, right?"
"...I do wish you'd have told me before going online for it though, sweetheart"
"it's okay babe, I know you didn't mean any harm by it...or should I say 'baby~'"
"N'awww~ You trying to hide that cute blush in my chest baby?"
"I definitely wish I'd known sooner if I meant you being this adorable and shy..."
"You can't hide there forever baby...c'mon look up at...mommy"
"There's my baby girl...look at you, so cute all snuggled up to mommy..."
"Gosh...you're so adorable like this..."
"You know...you did such a good job explaining age regression to mommy sweetheart, mommy is so proud of you!"
"Mhmmm, that's right! A very good job, little one~ Maybe we should get you a sticker chart or something, baby. Would you like that?"
"You would? Well we'll have to look next time we go shopping! You'll have to be a very good girl for mommy though..."
"You'll be a good girl? Good, I'm glad sweetpea~"
"You know...I think I could get used to this"
"Yeah, I think so baby, it's very...comfy...cozy? I'm not sure how to describe it."
"Safe? I think maybe you're right darling...safe. I think I understand what you meant earlier now..."
"Kinda like I could forget all the problems in the world and just dedicate my attention to you...my sweet, precious little girl..."
"You're so cute when you get shy..."
*VA pause for a while again, soft breathing*
"Hey, baby?"
"Thank you for being honest with me. I know it must have been tough for you, but...I'm so glad you did."
"You don't need to say anything, just know I'm really, really happy right now."
"...I love you, baby girl. So much."
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Catch Up Time~!
Thank you so much for tagging me, @scarlethallow160~!
Uuuhhh I don’t know if I’m doing this right, so I’m just gonnaaaaaa go with what I see I guess. •_•;
Three Ships: Ough boi, let’s see… Charmes from SGG’s Hades (“professional associates” my ass, they are boyfriends and you KNOW it, and Hermes’ VA is only feeding into it) Patrochilles same game (they are the sad dads, your honor,) and SidLink from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (T H E M!!!)
First Ship: …I do not remember at all. That knowledge has been lost to time, stress, and lack of sleep. 🫠
Last Song: The fan cover of Monster Hunter’s “Proof of a Hero” done in the style of Soulsborne music.
Last Movie: Guillermo Del Toro’s “Pinnochio.” I cried. 🥲
Currently Reading: Not a book, but a whole lot of fanfic, in which case it probably still doesn’t count. 🤣
Currently Watching: Drawfee.
Currently Playing: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (on the last leg of it I think!!!)
Currently Consuming: garbage (pizza rolls at 2 in the morning)
Currently Craving: RP time with friends!!! I miss it so much!!!
So PLEASE DON’T FEEL PRESSURED TO DO THIS, but I’m tagging @voidtrotter, and… nope, that’s it, I don’t have a whole lot to tag. •3•
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milks-shake-cafe · 2 years
Come On In! It's Bio Time!
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☆ Hi! I'm Rae, I'm 23 years old and I've been self shipping ever since I was really young but have been in the community for almost 4 years!
☆ I go by any pronouns as well! (She/They/He)
☆I'm very quiet in the community and kinda stay in my little bubble, so sorry about that! This also results in spam reblogs sometimes
☆As a disclaimer, I do curse and use all caps a lot without warning so be careful if you're sensitive to those things.
☆Follows and likes come from my main blog @milkthebunny !
☆I'm currently watching One Piece, Yakuza playthroughs, and reading Transformers: Lost Light so no spoilers please! (Currently for OP: episode 491) (Currently for Yakuza: 0) (Windblade: Volume 1)
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F/O Info
☆While I have a lot of f/os, I'm completely okay with sharing all of them! Please feel free to gush about them to me or even gush to me about f/os we don't share 💗
☆Here is my carrd that includes my f/o lists and DNI information
☆I also have platonic and familial f/os! Here are their tags:
Straw Hat Pirate Crew (Straw Buddies 🦁) (Platonic)
Yachiru Kusajishi (🍭 Yachiru) (Familial-Daughter)
Lost Light Crew (💫Lost Light💫) (Platonic)
The Scavengers (🎯Aboard the WAP🔫) (Queer-platonic)
☆My queue tag: Queue Time!
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Other Info
☆Disclaimer: I am critical about everything I watch and read. This includes creators, characters, illustrators, VAs, etc. Most of time I will be willing to talk about these things but there are days where I will not be in the mood so please ask first if you want to converse.
☆Also, if I reblog, follow or like something from someone unsavory, please let me know! I try to stay aware about these things but sometimes I will miss and I have slightly jittery hands so I will accidentally like things and will not notice til later. So please tell me if there's something wrong!
☆Further Explanation on the villain f/o section of my carrd: When I say "villain" and "morally gray" f/os, I do not mean characters that are p*dos, n*zis, r*pists, etc. With characters like Jason from Friday the 13th or Professor Venomous, there is still an air of disbelief with their actions and an understanding that their actions are fictional and if they were to happen irl, they would be taken seriously.
However, the things I listed above are awful, traumarizing events that victims are blamed and even ridiculed for. Even so, I will never understand how one can see a character openly admit to assaulting someone, etc and go "Yeah, I'm gonna kiss that". So no, if any of your f/os fit that criteria, please leave me be or even block my account.
☆If you're uncomfortable sharing an f/o with a mutual of mine, just know that I don't do the '___don't look' tag. I know a lot of people are uncomfortable and get hurt when their stuff gets tagged like that so, I will always tag shared f/os as "Character x Mutual" or "Mutual x Character". So you have a constant tag you can block for the future!
☆Thank you for stopping by!
Divider credited to @/carrd-layout-shit-i-found
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koipalm · 2 years
Hi same anon who is enjoying your live reaction (I’m shy but interested in your thoughts)
2) I see 👁 you have finished :) How are you feeling? How ya’ doing? Are you insane? I’m still insane and I finished it over 7 months ago :) (Genuinely, I’m curious to hear your thoughts but only if you’re comfy/want to!!)
3) Now that you have finished: can I just say how refreshing it is to see the “What the fuck what the Fuck WHATTHEFUCK” at the whole ending ahaha…. Ha…. Haaaaaaa…… Glad to see I wasn’t alone in how conflicted it (the last two episodes) made me feel
Hope you’re doing well! Welcome to the After show of Somewhere Else! Also! Did you know Rusty Quill has a bunch of soundbites of the VAs saying things in character for charity! Like! Elias saying “Pika Pika” and “Like, you know, Nyah?” And Jon and Martin being sappy! You can use it to distract you of the pain of Not Knowing (while also loving Not Knowing)!
oh man dont worry all my favorite characters get the maid dress treatment. its practically tradition at this point
YES I FINISHED.... i thought it was going to end at the "i love yous" and i am. so glad it did not.... i think the ending was perfect for the kind of tragedy it was but MAN. do i feel bad for jon. tma is just a compilation of "feel bad for this sad guy" moments. i do know that i will be going back to all the content that i ignored so as to try to not spoil myself.... of course that didnt work out completely but i didnt know how it all went down so im glad for that... seriously what i wouldnt give to have gone into this not knowing ANYTHING.... the ending though does give me the PERFECT setting for my ideas of jon meeting the old archives crew as well as this jon being able to meet people even further back from before he was the archivist, like gerry and oliver... i really wanted to have something like "jon is still the archivist and meets the other people but BEFORE jon even became head archivist" and time travel doesnt really work if he returns to his original body.... i really like the idea of the other avatars meeting jon in his new ascendant form.... ANDDDDD MY WHOLE IDEA OF THE AVATARS GETTING TOGETHER TO ALL MEET and someone being new to it and hearing of all of these terrifying people and then hearing of The Archivist.... the mystery, and the most powerful one that no one else crosses because he probably pulls more strings than the web.... I MEAN REALLY. THEYRE JUST GIVING ME ALL THIS CREATIVE FREEDOM. THEYRE REALLY HANDING IT OUT. THEY EVEN SET THE STAGE FOR ME I DIDNT EVEN HAVE TO. god. i am about to have so much fun with this.
man i kept pausing just to take in how badly it was going. tma is a tragedy because jon doesnt get his own FUCKING decisions despite being preached to that it was all because of his decisions.... my poor guy. im super glad they did address a lot of what i was worried about though! not necessarily jons particular issue with the guilt of having to end the world and then being pushed to maybe possibly end countless others..... tch. tch. tch. dont get me wrong it all works narratively it just sucks. not even martin is really able to let jon have this... because of what it would do to jon i know, but it still fucking sucks. also im still frustrated that martin slapped jon like twice. tch. whatever martin has COUNTLESS world to make all of this up to him. AND IN EVERY SINGLE ONE HE HAD BETTER
YEAHHH ive heard some? of the fluff tapes but im pretty sure theres a lot of content i missed.... my favorite that i have heard so far is jons "i am very small, and have no money, so you can imagine how i feel" LMFAO
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
Icarus (Keigo Takami x Reader)
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Summary: You had been in an endearing relationship with Keigo Takami, aka the Number 2 Pro Hero, Hawks, for quite some time. Yet, despite the fact that you possess a quirk called Dark Wind where you can “produce shadowy gusts of wind, thus trapping victims in wraithlike spheres,” you've never tried flying while doing so. So, Keigo suggests flying while trapping both of you in a sphere. What happens when you fly too close to the Sun?
Warning: Reader has a bit of acrophobia (fear of heights, like me), Hawks eating fried chicken (I ALWAYS FOUND THIS WEIRD LMAO HELP), mentions of symptoms of vertigo, accident, trauma, Hawks' wings being soft and cuddly (yes Ro your imagination's helping me out here hehe). Also, mentions of sun burning? Also, there will be mentions of being scared, afraid, fearful. Please let me know if I've missed out on any more warnings.
Shyna's Seiyuu Birthday Celebration
Number of words: 3075
Tagging: @kiiraes @akaashi-todorki @cuz-like-why-not (I definitely thought about you for this) @miikoos @novaresque @kennyb0y @beware-of-the-rogue @burnthoneymint (also, thank you so much for the moodboard Sil, it definitely helped with my inspiration 🤍) @saltyvanilla @hyeque
Let me know here if you want to be tagged on more content like this :)
A/N: I’d planned this to be done during the Seiyuu birthday celebration week…but didn’t happen lol, anyway let's talk about this guy!! I think it's only when I came to watching Kuroo that I'd noticed that he, Gojo, Bruno and Hawks have the same VA. So I was very surprised and I started to get invested in his character. He seemed like an enigmatic character to me. Now, I know about the lore of Icarus and how pride goes before a fall. However, in my head, I had this image of Keigo flying with the sun setting in the background, and this song came in my head. So, let's see how it goes. Also, did I tell you, that I have acrophobia as well? I recently figured it out in May 2019 when I went on a rollercoaster in this park called Six Flags and it was named The Batman 🤣 but yeah, I hope this writing resonates with you as it does with me. Also, anything related to My Hero Academia (the character, the setup) belongs to Kohei Horikoshi but the storyline is mine, so reblogs, likes, and comments are highly appreciated <3
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Your hands protect the flames From the wild winds around you
Icarus is flying too close to the sun And Icarus' life, it has only just begun
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"Would you like more fried chicken, baby?" Keigo calls out to you while chomping on some wings, but you're distracted by the view from your balcony. You turn to him, raise an amused eyebrow, and say, "I still don't understand how you can eat fried chicken when you're literally a..." "A bird?" It caused you to flare your nostrils in irritation as he mocked the way you said it. He chuckles and extends his hand with a smile, saying, "c'mere, mi Amor," to which you point and say, "Listen, honey, you've got to wash your hands, okay?" He laughs. You see him walk over to the nearest basin to wash his hands, and when he returns, he notices you standing with your arms folded, and you exhale exasperatedly. He then pulls you into a warm embrace, oblivious to your protests. His wings were curled about you, massaging your back with their points. The tension in your shoulders then dissipated as you melted into his embrace.
You first encountered Keigo on a mission when he ended up saving you rather than you saving everyone. When learning about all of the current Pro Heroes, that's when you'd come across his name. You'd discovered that he'd founded his own hero agency at the age of 18, while you were only starting out as a pro hero. This motivated you to persevere and carry out your responsibilities to the best of your ability. While on patrol, you were able to apprehend several thieves and other petty criminals thanks to your one-of-a-kind quirk. You also had rapid reflexes, allowing you to detect problems and fly accordingly. However, while everyone was praising you, none of them were aware that you had had acrophobia when you were a child when you first discovered your quirk and attempted to fly with it. That's when it ruptured, causing you to fall and bruise your knees. Even though there were no serious injuries, you still have flashbacks from the episode that make you nervous.
Whenever you were above a certain height while you were entrapped in your sphere, you were grateful that you were in the sphere, as even the slightest downward eye movement caused your heart to pace, your brain to feel dizzy, and your breathing to hitch all the time. However, you were able to put on a smile and pretend that you were okay, until one day when, on your patrol, your sphere burst and you started falling. You could build another sphere, but it would consume the extra energy from you, causing you to panic, only to feel some hands underneath you as you were flying higher. You turn and to your surprise, you saw that it was Hawks lifting you. Heaving a huge sigh of relief, you kept thanking him profusely for saving your life when he said, "it's okay, (Y/N), right? you seemed out of it anyway. You should take a breather. I'll help you out," giving you a big smirk as he flew with the help of his wings.
The next time you saw each other was at a party, where he kept bothering you about that moment, prompting you to become irritated with him until he answered by placing a hand on your shoulder and stating, "I was only toying with you, (Y/N). I assumed you'd be used to that by now," leading you to frown at him while he enjoys it. So when your friends put you up on a blind date with him, it irritated you because your friends knew how much you disliked his seemingly heartless nature. You went forward with the date anyway because you needed to get over your ex, who constantly mistreated you and made you feel useless, even getting angry when Hawks saved you. However, when you do meet Hawks when you see him, he's wearing this black shirt with beige pants and a brown overcoat. He even styled his usually unkempt blond hair, but still kept the yellow visor on, taking it off whenever necessary.
You subconsciously bite your lower lip in nervousness, because you were supposed to be furious at the whole ordeal, yet his charming look seemed to have melted you temporarily. Shaking your head, you take your seat and sit opposite Keigo. "You're Hawks, aren't you?" you asked, with your arms on the table and your chin resting on your palms. "All of my friends keep telling me I should date you." "Sounds like they have fantastic taste," grinned this smug-looking Pro Hero. You scoff at his response, flinging your head back. You snicker as you swat your hand in the air. "Is that true? Do they have a good sense of taste? I had no idea they had trouble telling the difference between cocky men and confident men." He chuckled, "Cocky? Me? Aww, why did you think so? " You furrow your eyebrows and respond, "I will not deny that I was in awe of your stellar career. However, do you even take the job seriously? One mistake, and my reputation is in ruins. But you? You seem to care a hoot about these things!"
"Oh, so that's what it's all about? The time when you fell while flying?" He said it very nonchalantly, as your breathing hitches all over again. "Hawks, please!" you say softly when he puts his hand on yours and says, "Keigo, call me Keigo. We're on a blind date and should be on a first-name basis." You were clueless about the impact of his voice, but you were sure that his calm, smooth voice caused your trembling heart to feel much better. "Do you, by any chance, have acrophobia?" Keigo finally says it, causing you to open your eyes wide in shock. Unaware as to how to reply, you nod in agreement. A smile appeared on his countenance, after which he said, "Don't worry, (Y/N). We'll look into it together. Okay?" That's when you felt the baggage in you slowly subside.
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The next day, determined to overcome your acrophobia, you decide to join his Pro Hero Agency. Sure, Keigo's seemingly nonchalant behavior did irk you at times but, he did keep telling you to look straight at the horizon while flying, instead of looking down. As time passed by, you had no qualms while forming these gusts of wind, to form spheres to trap you and Keigo in them. There were times when he put his arms around your waist, to help you stay steady. Also, should the sphere burst again, you'd fall down and Hawks' wings would be able to support you and fly you to the ground, safely. Over the months that passed by, every touch of his would slowly start to send shivers down your spine, albeit for different reasons. Firstly, out of sheer embarrassment, then out of feeling a sense of comfort, and then eventually, out of a sense of feeling something for him. You, however, would refuse to admit that you'd started to feel for him. The moment you admitted it to yourself was the moment you'd start to avoid him.
It had been a week since. Every day when you’d wake up and still curl in the pearl white comforters with the window above your head with the sun slowly shining her magnificent hues on you, he would always be the first person you’d think of. “I want to fly with him,” you’d mutter to yourself when you, in fact, weren’t even ready to confess to yourself that you like him. Whenever you’d come to the office during that week, you’d hear him chirpily call out your name as he’d walk towards you, but you’d try your best not to speak much unlike the usual banter the two of you would share. You'd simply ask for your orders and then excuse yourself. Hawks found this amusing and figured that you were wanting to be focused on your work and on honing your quirk, so he'd decided to ignore you, until the day Tokoyami showed up.
In your first case with Tsukuyomi on your team, you had ignored every order that Hawks would give you, rather you'd do the opposite. This irked him so much that he held your wrist as you were walking past him, and he ordered, in an albeit louder tone, "Listen, (Y/N), I understand that you're working on yourself, but when it comes to teamwork, I will not let you jeopardize that. Alright?" You then turned to him and decided to do what you should've done before, "Hawks, I'm sorry," staring at him with an apologetic gaze on your face. "It's just that lately, I may or not have been developing..." you couldn't continue as you shrugged your shoulders in embarrassment, while a tint of blush hit your cheeks.
He then cups your face with one of his warm hands, saying, "If you're saying that you developed feelings for me and were too scared to face them, so you began to avoid me, then a) the training didn't help you mentally, and b) you were totally oblivious to my feelings for you. Either way, I don't want to let our relationship get in the way of saving lives. Alright?" That's when he holds hands with you, giving you a slight glimpse of assurance that he's not going to leave you. He then drags you metaphorically to an unknown future, where moments of self-doubt like these would occur, but a gentle pressing of your hands followed by the brightest smile that Keigo's ever given, conveyed to you that at least you won't be going through this alone.
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Still immersed in his embrace, you say to him, fake coughing, "Honey, you're squishing me." He replies, "No, I'm not planning to let you go," and hugs you tighter. The moment he slowly releases you from the hug, you slither out of the hug like a pro, chuckling all the way. Smirking at you as you are walking away from him onto the railing of the balcony, he hugs you from behind. He has his chin on your left shoulder trap muscle, his stubble slightly grazing against your skin, causing you to feel lightly ticklish. You mentally resign to the fact that he wasn't letting you escape out of his sight. Since the day you two had confessed your feelings to each other, it'd been four years. During this time, you'd not only grown closer to Keigo and had fallen in love with him, but he had also helped you overcome your fear of heights. In addition, you helped him get over a lot of baggage from his past. The phobia did mitigate for a while, however, there were certain times where flashbacks occurred and the symptoms manifested all over again.
“Oh look, babe,” you call out to Keigo as you point towards the Sun. As he looks at what you point out to him, both of you observe the multiple colors she radiates as she slowly starts to set in. “Babe, have you read about Icarus?” he softly asks you, causing you to feel flustered. Ignoring it, you continue, “yes, I did. To escape the maze they were in, his father Daedalus made wings out of feathers and wax but warned him that if he was to fly too close to the ocean, the weight of the wings would cause him to drown and if he flew too close to the Sun, then the wax on the wings would melt. When they started to fly, it was hard initially, but Icarus picked it up quickly. Too quickly to a point where he thought to himself to fly a little higher, that's when he flew too close to the Sun. Because of his hubris, the wax in his wings..."
He smiled in response and said, "...started to melt, causing him to fall into a sea and drown. I see that someone read those books that I gifted to them on their birthday," and kissed the temple of your head, causing you to smile in response. Suddenly, a weird thought creeps in your head and you look into his eyes and ask with a raised eyebrow, "Please don't tell me that you want to take me and fly to the Sun to see the sunset up close. Do you?" He smirks again, saying, "well, I see that you can read minds too. Impressive," carrying you by your waist to the top of the building, give you one of his visors, asks you to bend your knees along with him, and jumps off the edge while you screamed, "Keigo, stop! What the heck?!" He shouted, "Keep looking straight, do not, even for a second, lose focus. Activate your quirk, stat!" You take a deep breath, then controlled the gusts of wind near you with your hands and waved them around like you would wave around a crystal ball, causing the wind around the both of you to darken and form a sphere, but leaving out a small opening enough for your faces to see the direction with which you're flying.
You did as what he instructed you to do, to not lose focus on the Sun, not even for a second. However, as you kept concentrating, you felt your heart beating fast. You started to contemplate. The Sun melted the wax off Icarus' wings, but Hawks' wings? They could scorch and burn...plus the Sun is a ball of energy. The energy itself would cause a difference in the air pressure causing the sphere to burst. You start talking with a tone of concern, "Keigo, please don't be impulsive. The Sun will burn your wings.."
"I know it will," he says. "Listen, when I told you that I want to help you overcome acrophobia, I meant it. Now is the chance." Wait, you start to think, all of this, is to help you overcome your fears? You roll your eyes at him and say, "You know something, Hawks? You're really off your rocker right now." He shrugs and chuckles, saying, "Tell me something new, (Y/N). Now, charge towards it." The plan seemed really bizarre, but he flapped his wings harder as you kept controlling the gusts of wind around you and let your focus be on the Sun. No sooner did you come near her, however, than the heat waves started to warm the sphere around you. Even though you were able to see shades of purple, red, and orange all over the sky, she was still a huge ball of energy. She gave life and she could take it away too. That is when he shouted, "(Y/N), look down!" You couldn't believe what Hawks was asking of you right now. Nevertheless, the moment you looked down, the sphere burst, causing you to lose your balance, and when you thought he was holding you, he let you go. he let you go. You were not sure whether he did it accidentally or on purpose, but suddenly, he let you go.
You did not want to scream when you started to fall, as you were a Pro Hero and had a reputation to establish, however, you were scared. With fear controlling you, you immediately made a sphere and trapped yourself in, again. This time, you exhaled sharply a couple of times and let the sphere dissipate back into the air. You widen your eyes to realize that you were on a houseboat, decorated with fairy lights, white and beige curtains, and a table set up for the two of you. Wait, what? "Did you like my surprise?" You heard a familiar voice call out to you and you see him approaching towards you, with the very same outfit that he wore on the blind date where you two met. You scowl at him, in anger and shout, "How dare you let me go? You said that you wouldn't..." He puts his hands forward to calm you down and said, "Listen, how do you feel now? Really?"
That's when you took a deep breath and turned around to look at the Sun still setting down. You then looked up along the path you took to reach the boat and that's when you realized that your fear was slowly slipping away. Maybe he gave the phrase "face your fears" a new meaning. "Keigo did you..." He pulled a chair out for you and said, "plan our four-year anniversary date? yes, plan the flying? no not at all," and continued to laugh. You gave him a straight face as you sit down in the chair he pulled out for you. When he does sit down, however, you notice that a part of his wings had been burned, and his hands had gold glitter on them. "Keigo, are you okay?" Your mouth gaped wide open and your eyes were widened in concern. He then holds your hands in his, covering your hand with glitter as well, saying, "I'm fine. I knew this will happen. But, at least, you'll now be able to soar for a long time," he smiled softly at you. "Happy anniversary, you flying chicken," you say, giggling, "I love you." He chuckles and says, "Happy anniversary, baby. Here's to more flying and falling," grinning at you. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, lightly hitting his hand, saying, "Gosh, will you stop it, Hawks?"
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© Shyna 2022
If you’ve come till here, thank you so much. Hope you have a great weekend ahead. Also, I need a Hawks now, help. Also, finally, finally, finally. I finally did it. I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading it. <333
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
From the smut prompts, my sweetheart, may I request #43 and our blankie boy, Will Miller? 💚
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Pairing: Will Miller x Female Reader
Rating: M (Mature), E (Explicit), NSFW, 18+ Only Please
Warnings: smut, Dom Will, daddy kink, spanking, protected sex, overstimulation, slight degradation (slut is used), Pandemic talk,
Word count: 9,173 (Yeah I know, it's Will's fault.)
Summary: He’s left you without his present since early that morning, sequestered away in his office, virtual meetings with the Directors of the VA along with talks to give. No pandemic would knock Will off his schedule. Nope only you could throw that monkey wrench into his plans.
Notes: Written for the beautiful @lucrezia-thoughts asking for prompt #43 “Just let me finish this/this level and I swear I’ll go down on you until you cum at least three times.” With our original blankie boy Will Miller, I’m sorry for the long wait my dove but I do so hope you enjoy this little piece of fluff/filth.
Tag list:
Forever’s: @chickensarentcheap @jedi-mando
You and bored never a good combination especially when Will’s home but unavailable for cuddles during movies or those sweet kisses you love to get from him and miss when he’s hold up in his office. You’d gone to see if he’s hungry for lunch but with a shake of his sun kissed golden blond head you back out. Pressed against the door just to hear his voice rumble out from under the small gap between door and floor. With a sigh you head back to the living room and the marathon session watching season eleven of Supernatural.
The fidgeting started towards the end of the second episode in needing to at least see him. Call it needy but you didn’t care not when he’s kept himself away for the last three days. With not much contact except at night and even then weary and stress laden from lectures caused him to fall asleep pretty damn quick. He’d toss and turn later in the night till soothed back asleep by your gentle hands and whispered words. Greed now coats your emotions for his attention and touch as those thoughts swim through your mind.
Flicking off the tv you head for his office not bothering to knock just ease into the room quiet barefooted steps eating up the distance between door and desk. Late afternoon sunshine filtering in through the blinds casting Will in a warm golden glow that steals your breath making a small gasp exist parted lips. Alerting him to your presence eyes flick between screen and your comically wide stare. He would’ve quietly laughed at had the Zoom call used video only.
At this rate blond brow rose in question, eyes move back towards the screen, “Yes sir the Zoom meetings fair well so far. Things just need to get back to normal rather meet in person than have twenty little windows dotting my computer screens.” Deep male chuckle sounds from the small speakers set on opposite sides. Will spares another quick glance your way, resting his eyes on your sweet face for a moment longer than he should. Having missed your very presence and longing to hold you. But duty calls in the form of his meeting with the VA director and one last speech session to follow.
“I hear ya Miller wishing this shit would take a hike myself. Stuck at home while nice the first couple weeks. I’m climbing the walls now and need a way out,” exasperation clearly heard through the deep baritone of Director Singers voice.
In the back of Will’s mind he agrees with the older man maybe because time seems so little between the two of you right now. Even with him working from home he’s spending more time hold up in his office than in your arms. A fact he’s wanting to change, going so far as to ask for a week off not that he’s told you yet. Wanting to surprise you with his plans even spoke with your boss about giving time off.
“Bobby you done yet I need a hand with the kids, Dean’s got his head stuck in the banister,” barely contained panic colors her exasperated tone giving Will an apologetic grimace through the computer screen. Thankful Will’s on screen instead of another asshole who wouldn’t be so gracious.
Giving Will a pointed look through the screen, “See climbing and needing out,” gruff chuckle making its way through the speakers to your ears. “Talk again next week Miller till then I’m off to butter up my oldest and find out why he decided to stick his head where it doesn’t belong. Take it from me don’t have children.”
“Next week sir don’t let the kids run over you,” honey warm chuckle leaves Will’s lips you suspect the director rolled his eyes but returned the smile.
Having met the man a number of times when joining Will on his lecture tours. Gruff exterior but good hearted teddy bear of a man especially to his family.
With the call ended you come around his desk perching on the corner bare legs swinging his grey henley coming to your knees. “Forgot to tell him hello from me Ironhead,” playful tone to your voice as he turns to face you.
Legs going automatically into his lap, feet flat over his denim encased thighs gliding against the tight muscles that flex under your feet. Running the length a few times to pause up high toes wiggling against his crotch brushing slowly to tempt him.
“Honey,” brow lifts in question to your movements not the statement. Large warm hands grip each ankle to pause the progress knowing the ending destination would only distract him from the coming lecture. “Be good sweetheart,” voice dropping an octave a firm quality entering the cadence one that has you sitting up straighter.
Innocent eyes bat lashes his way, “I’m always a good girl for you daddy,” toes wiggle in reminder of there position. “Besides you’ve locked yourself away all day I need a little time with you. I’ve missed you even though your not but feet from me,” bottom lip poking out in a pout.
“I know you do honey and I’ve missed you to but I’ve got one more lecture to finish…” swallowing harshly, eyes narrowing when your legs part and he finds you bare under his shirt. “That’s cheating sweetheart,” stormy blues darken drawing out little flecks of grey capping the waves of blue that roll over your body. “Just let me finish this and I swear I’ll go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
You could take his promises to the bank for cash and they wouldn’t bounce that’s not the problem. It’s the fact you haven’t seen much of your love in the last days. Between his career and yours time to yourselves seems too slipped by like sands through an hour glass and you don’t want that to happen not with Will. Your relationship means too much though you understand he’s busy didn’t mean you couldn’t tease him just a little. See how far you could push your daddy before he snaps and punishes you. Though you also knew he had a will like iron hints his call sign.
“Such big promises you make daddy,” with a slackened grip you pull your feet free to stand and straddle one thigh. Rubbing your slick folds along the hard muscular length deliberately pausing to let your essence soak into his jeans. While your fingers tease along his bearded jawline, short nails combing through the thick growth to scratch skin lightly. Knowing how much he can’t resist the feeling not missing the shiver it causes to cascade down his body.
Warm hands grip your hips nimble fingers digging into the soft flesh to hold you in place a subtle flexing of his thigh garnering a gasp from you. A pleased hum reverberates through his chest watching your reactions drinking in the stare of your heavy libbed eyes. He want’s to indulge to tease till your screaming his name. “My needy girl, soaking my jeans like a good little slut making such a mess outta my thigh.”
Head lolling in affirmation with the little bounce Will adds brushing his flexing thigh against your clit just right to send pleasurable tingles racing through you veins. Mind centered on every movement no matter how minuscule the greedy part of you absorbing the feelings. Drawn in by the pleasurable brush of rough jeans covered thigh swaying under you in feather light blushes against your folds. Will’s strong hands hold you just millimeters above his thigh that bounces. Teasing you to no end watching every expression flitter across your beautiful face. The way it scrunches up in frustration knowing the need you have for the release he’s denying.
“Please daddy,” whimpered words slipping passed slight parted lips. Fluttering eyelids open pinning Will with a desperate need. “Just a little more,” wiggling in his tight grip unsuccessfully trying to press down flush against his thigh.
Craving an orgasm that’s not brought forth by your own hand or toy that pales in comparison to having Will buried deep inside you. Having his fingers or cock, play your body like the master virtuoso dragging ever manner of sounds and orgasms from your body, till spent and cock drunk.
His words taken away by a shrill noise breaking the sexual tension filled silence. Replaced by a disappointing statement from a desire roughened deep voice. “I’m sorry honey duty calls but I promise an hour tops then I’m all yours.”
Pout returning but you understood no matter how disappointed the thought of having to leave him made you. “I’m going to hold you to that daddy,” standing on shaky legs from the denied pleasure. You lean over to give him a quick kiss, lingering for a moment teasing his lips with the tip of your tongue. Tracing the seam wanting to deepen the kiss but another beep makes you groan and pull away.
“Be good sweetheart,” stern note to his tone that shoots straight to your core making you throb and whimper. He gives you a pointed look before addressing the soldiers joining the Zoom meeting.
You turn with a huff going all of twenty feet towards the soft butter grey leather couch sitting opposite his deck to plop down. Arms crossed staring holes into the screens hiding Will from your view. His voice washing over you like the warmth of a soft blanket on a cold winters night, reciting the speech he's given many times. One that’s imprinted in your memory from all the trips taken when work permitted.
Knowing the exact time he’s winding down you slip quietly from the couch. Crawling on hands and knees towards his desk. Mindful of wires, the desk legs and his, you each Will right when he’s explaining about the cursed ex bitch. Though you’ve come to see her as a blessing rather than a curse because you wouldn’t have Will had she stuck around. For a moment you sit back on your heels peeking between his screens to catch little glimpses of the man you love. Passionately speaking about what he loves and how the discharging service men and women should think about where they’re going to land once civilian’s. Hung up on the slow deep timber of his voice watching his lips, slightly chapped but feather soft, form the words. Transfixed by the movement to hear a single word. Knowing exactly what those lips can draw out of you from low moans of pleasure to keening mewls of frustration, screams of completion and truly everything in between.
The light cough of a woman breaks you from musing on a single part when you know there’s so much more to William Miller than just his lips. For instance the denim encased legs shuffling under the desk right in front of you. A wicked idea pops into your mind one you know will get you into so much trouble. But worth the punishment and pleasurable pain he’ll deal out. You’ve always warned Will that you and bored never mix well.
With that thought in mind, one hand reaches out fingertips tracing the seam of his well worn jeans. Drawing a slight jump from his body at the tender touch which makes you giggle and peek up at him from under the desk. Grey flecked blues lock for a moment giving a warning then away to finish what he’s saying. You on the other hand ignore the admonishment in favor of a little fun by tip toeing your fingers along the inside seam of his right thigh.
Trailing up to slide back down repeating the action several times getting higher each consecutive trip upwards. The little hitch in his voice the only outward sign that your teasing has an effect. Till one hand slips under the desk single finger raised in warning. But in actuality its the number of swats your ass will feel if you keep up this course of action. The system set up between the two of you three months into the relationship as a warning while out in public. The reminder brings soft giggles to leave your lips at the appearance of his lone finger. You reach out to grasp his wrist while leaning forward pushing your breasts against his knee. Letting him know you really don’t have anything on under your shirt. To wrap your lips around just the tip of his finger sucking hard. Lips sealing around the callused digit you slip deeper into your mouth tongue running around the length. Ears picking up the clearing of his voice and shifting of his hips, the noticeable tent growing in his jeans. The other hand appearing with two fingers up this time.
You hazard a glance upward to see him staring straight ahead though there’s a light flush to his neck, subtle tick in his jaw and that hitch to his breathing getting worse. Making you smirk sliding your free hand higher to pause right before the growing bulge in his jeans. Teasing with feather light caresses against the thickening ridge while his finger stays trapped and laved by your tongue in the warm confines of your mouth. Only pulling off to give a nip to the tip watching as three fingers now appear. The very thought has your thighs rubbing together in order to find some kind of fiction for you throbbing clit.
Your own fingers take a detour from the inside of his thigh up the bronzed zipper covering the very piece of him you want to taste. Grasping the little pull tab right as he yanks his wrist free to slap over your hand trapping you in place and earning a fourth finger. Eyes trace up his rapidly rising and falling chest you want to cuddle against. Lingering on the slow bob of his Adams apple you couldn’t wait to wrap your lips around. Pausing on his mouth still speaking though appearing to quickly get the words out now which makes you giggle and rise up.
Removing your hand from under his to place one on each knee to spread his legs and fit your body between. Head ducking to not hit or make noise and lay cheek down on his thigh staring up into grey capped stormy blue waves that glance down ensnaring you in the intensity. Only to blink and he’s focused back on the computer screen in front. Making you pout for a moment but thought better of the annoyance knowing the importance of Will’s job. No matter how much you tease him there’s a line you wouldn’t cross not while busy anyway.
With that thought in mind you keep still sort of. Playfully tracing patterns over his inner thigh, ghosting across the hardened ridge just inches from your face. Feeling all five fingers rest at the back of your head tapping against your skull gently having earned your fifth swat of the night. You’d go for broke but the final words of his speech pass between slightly clinched teeth before you can do more than palm his cock. Subtle twitch against your fingers brings a smirk to your lips that you lean forward and nuzzle into the denim covered warmth.
Quick glance upward to see he’s still focused on the computer screen your right hand moves carefully from his knee to the button of his jeans. Nimble fingers sliding the little metal disk free, fingers tightening around the back of your head. His eyes drop with a raised golden brow to lock with yours.
“You’re at five honey you really gonna make it six?” Tension fills his deep sexy timber sending a shiver down your spine.
With a shrug and playfully innocent eyes you grasp the zipper tab, slowly inching the little metal teeth open each catching with its descend. Till tucking home at the bottom your palm flat and sliding between the parted fabric to cup his hot shaft. Gliding along the cotton of his boxer briefs to where you think the crown rests. Fingers teasingly swiping the damp patch, watching with desire blown eyes the movement of his Adams apple and the darkening of his eyes.
Another twitch makes you giggle, “Seems I have an interested party in my hands daddy. May I have a taste?” Salivating at the thought of having his thick cock resting on your tongue. Sliding down your throat and making you gag just perfectly for his ears.
However, the look in his stormy blue eyes speak of something much different. Of punishment and his own brand of teasing that’ll have you a whimpering whining mess in no time. With those thoughts swirling around his mind, Will pushes back from his desk. Your hand slipping from his jeans and body slumping forward with the loss of contact. A smack to his own thigh gets your attention to raise your eyes. Watching on bated breath for the pats that come next accompanying by the come hither motion of two fingers at your eye level.
“Good girls get to taste sweetheart,” grasping the hand you give him to help you up. Those same fingers tease along your outer thighs pushing the cotton fabric of you shirt up. “Bad girls get punished,” subtle tip of his head to the side gaze tracing a blazing path up your body. Pausing to see how the shirt fabric tents over your pebbled taut nipples. “Shame to I had plans for you honey one that included feasting on these beautiful breasts.” Nimble fingers tip toe up your tummy, wrap around the protruding nipples and pinching hard to make you gasp.
Low whimper exists your parted lips as your thighs rub together. Feeling slick slipping down your skin more added with the harsh tugs that followed. “But daddy I’m your good girl didn’t interfere till I couldn’t take it anymore and needed near you.”
“And you think that excuses the distraction you caused towards the end of my speech?” Shaking your head no, chin lowering to your chest with a trembling bottom lip. Preferring the punishment to scolding any day, but the decision rests with Will on how best to admonish you.
With no answer Will brings his left hand up to pinch your chin between his forefinger and thumb. Dragging said callused thumb over your bottom lip to pull it free, stern cadence swimming through a low pitch. “Answer me honey? Do you think that excuses you from your punishment?”
“No daddy it doesn’t,” trying to lower your chin, his fingers holding tight. So your eyes drop instead.
Softening just a pinch though he gives nothing away not yet, “Shirt off, over my lap you will count all ten,” wide eyes fly up to Will’s thinking you’ve miss understood. “You heard right honey ten and you will count all out loud. The number and thank you daddy will pass those pretty lips of yours nothing more or I’ll add two for every sound. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, daddy,” heart thumping behind its cage of bone and flesh, keeping your gaze locked with Will’s as your body vibrates in anticipation tinged with a need to feel the stinging smack of his large palm on your ass.
Gentle fingers brush over your cheek drawing you from the thoughts filtering through your mind. “Good girl,” standing Will takes your hand leading you towards the grey leather couch. Taking the seat you previously occupied and patting his thigh, “Over my lap sweetheart that pretty ass of yours up in the air.”
Tugging the bottom of your shirt in reminder to take it off. Quick to comply tossing the shirt behind you and with his help carefully laying across his thighs. Head coming to rest on the couch’s arm, ass up feeling cool air whisper across your dripping folds making a shiver chase down your spine. Rough fingertips follow the same path down the center of your body between your ass cheeks and through your soaked folds.
“I think you like the idea of this punishment a little too much sweetheart,” warmth of his hand moves and you have to bite off the whimper that wants to leave your mouth.
Waiting for that first smack that doesn’t come and your impatience surfaces with your body wiggling under the bulge nestled against your tummy. Fixing to ask when it lands hard on your left cheek palm soothing over the stinging flesh. “One thank you daddy,” leaves your throat on a barely held back scream of surprise.
Nine more follow each with varying degrees of intensity landing five to each cheek till your ass burns, aches and tingles. Tears slipping down your face, throat parched from crying out your punishment numbers. Though you reason most of the moisture in your body leaks from your quivering cunt making a mess over Will’s thigh and the couch.
“Did so good for me honey,” helping you to carefully get up then straddle his thighs to keep your stringing ass from touching the rough denim of his jeans. Will reaches over towards the end table drawer to pull a small bottle of lotion out.
A generous amount into the palm of his hand he rubs together before soothing the cool lotion over your ass garnering a low whimper from your parched throat. “Thank you Daddy.”
Darkened stormy blues search your features, “Color sweetheart?” Worry lacing his cadence. Slipping from his dominate roll for a moment with another whimper that leaves your lips. A moment of worry dances across his thoughts. Fearing too heavy handed in his punishment had hurt you.
“Green daddy,” trying to keep still and not irritate the sting. His tender touch makes you whimper and press carefully into his warm lotion coated palms while nuzzle into his neck. “I’m okay daddy,” voice raspy and dry. “Thank you I’ll try not to distract you like that again,” snuggling into his arms wincing when your stinging ass brushes over his denim covered thighs. Reminding you to think twice before distracting Will again.
In return Will presses lips into your temple still gently dragging his hands over the globes of your ass. Fingers brushing across your soaked folds, one slipping between and pressing your clit with sharp little circles. Garnering a mewling whine from the back of your parched throat.
“My girl ready for those three orgasms I promised?” Smirk tugging at his lips that drag down to brush over the shell of your ear. “Answer me honey,” firm tone returning with two fingers slipping into your quivering cunt. Earning you a deep groan, at finding you soaked, from the man playing your body like a well tuned instrument. Stroking each key, making you sing so prettily for him.
Playing each spot with long tapered fingers that know exactly how to move and crook forwards just right to pull a panting groan from your chest. Stroking the little spongy spot which never fails to make you go crossed eyed and grasp his broad shoulders tightly.
“Yes, daddy,” existing on a whine of need when his fingers withdraw only to slip over your clit bullying the little pulsing pearl before giving a hard pinch. Body jolting at the sudden pleasurable pain makes you rock over the prominent ridge of his cock desperate need to have him deep inside you. “Please daddy.”
Those wrecked cries, how sweetly you beg sends pleasurable shockwaves to crash along his veins, tugging at his resolve to give in and easily slide inside you. “I’ve barely touched you sweetheart,” words cooed into your ear through gritted teeth that snag your flesh between the pearly whites sucking a small mark just behind your ear. “And your already begging for me to fill you.”
While speaking Will flicks your clit twice more with your slick coating his finger, circles the thumping nerve bundle and slides back inside joined by two of his buddies. Palm keeping the right pressure on your clit, rubbing circles while thrusting those three digits inside your velvet walls. Feeling them get sucked and squeezed deeper inside your channel. A grunt pushing passed his lips at feeling your slick drip down against his cotton boxer briefs. Soaking the material and adding fire to the flames of desire licking up his spine. Accompanying the need to bury himself balls deep inside and making you drunk on his cock.
However, Will’s a man of his word and three orgasms he’ll pull from your willing body before giving into his pleasure. The first nearing completion with each thrust of nimble digits, palm pressed firmly to encircle your little pleasure button. Hips rolling against his fingers adding to the building pressure. Nails digging into the soft cotton of his dark blue button down wishing for skin beneath your fingers instead. Moans escaping your bitten lips that Will captures messily in a desperate kiss his tongue licking inside you mouth on the first pass. Drawing out the whimpering mewls of pleasure that he never can get enough of.
“That’s it little one fuck Daddy’s fingers I know you want to cum,” low growl vibrates through his chest as your walls squeeze his fingers tightly. “Can feel my pretty pussy quivering around my fingers,” breathless words pass between the small space left open by your lips both panting for air.
Another moan answers his words accompanied by a shutter skittering down you spine. Pleasure collecting low in your tummy, warmth spreading out from the moment he touched you has grown into a wild fire. The sensations only doubling with the effect of his deep timbered voice whispering the filthiest things into your ear.
“Daddy,” high whine leaves parted lips when his own latch onto that little spot on your neck that never fails to make you plaint in his arms. Especially with the added stimulation of his teeth gently raking over the left behind bruise.
Trailing his hot mouth over the soft skin of your collarbone occasionally biting to sooth with licks and kisses. Tasting the slightly saltiness of you body with each pass of his lips. Nudging your backwards in his hold — arm now wrapped loosely around your waist — to slouch just a touch and bring you forward against. Pink and wet, his tongue slips out from between those kiss swollen lips to tease the pebbled nipple. “Yes, honey?” Stormy blue ringed black orbs snag your pleasure filled eyes reading the want written in their depths causing a proud smirk to tug at his very kissably plush lips. Feeling how close to tipping over the edge Will slows his fingers making another impatience whine leave your lips. “Sweetheart I need an answer or I stop and leave you dangling on the edge of your orgasm.”
“You wouldn’t?” However, one look in those stormy desire filled eyes speaks of a different answer. One that makes you swallow harshly and try to form the words held captive by the pleasure now ebbing away with the slowing of Will’s fingers. Palm still pressing but it to stops just resting slick covered against your throbbing clit. Making you wiggle in his arms to find that fiction till a sharp sting to your ass reminds you who’s in charge. “Please I wanna cum, wanna feel your fingers inside me daddy please, please let me cum.”
“You beg so prettily for me honey,” teasing his fingers with a few wiggles before pulling them out making you whimper at the lost. Only to pull a gasp out when he thrusts them back through your quivering soaked walls. Setting a hard quick pace, “This what you want my perfect little slut?” Nodding in answer to his question, “Fuck yourself on my fingers sweetheart and cum for me.”
Wet squelching sounds mingle with your moans and gasps in the otherwise quiet room. Long tapered fingers reaching that spongy little spot making your eyes roll back breath coming out quicker. Hands grasping for purchase on his shirt covered shoulders while trying to gain the right leverage and angle. Rolling your hips against his hand desperation coating your veins and movements. Smashing your mouth against his the kiss once more sloppy and frenzied tangle of tongues sliding against each other.
Adding fuel to the growing fire within your tummy that’s starting to spread out with each quick thrust of those nimble fingers. Palm tightly pressed against your clit back and forth motion causing stars to explode behind tightly closed lids. Wrenched your mouth from Will’s moaning, “Daddy please,” thighs shake around his knees trying to keep yourself up and moving against his hand.
While you try to hold back just a moment longer enjoying the sensations running through your veins. But the building pressure becomes too much as your orgasm washes over you soaking his fingers and palm. Wringing a shuttering gasp from your lips as you fall against his chest whimpering when his fingers pull out carefully hating the emptiness left behind. Panting for breath and thanking him softly with little kisses. That make him smile at the tenderness you’re showing while he savors your honey from his fingers. Cleaning each finger slowly while his free hand rubs little circles around your back and cooing sweet words into your ear.
“Think you can move sweetheart?” Carefully cupping your ass, mindful of the fact it’s still warm and most likely stinging to the touch.
Making another whimper slip out but you nod, nuzzling your mouth into his neck, and gently bitting down on the thick corded column of his throat. Causing a shutter to run down Will’s back his hands tighten around your ass to press your still dripping core against his painfully hardened cock.
“Want you inside me daddy please,” pressing down and rocking twice against his pelvis drawing a low growl to vibrate out of his chest and a smile to bloom over your lips.
Pinching your chin between index and thumb to bring your lips up for a soft kiss, tangling his tongue delicately with yours. Fingers slipping up to cup your cheek and hold you in place while he tenderly slips his tongue against yours, sliding together and licking into the warm cavern of your mouth. Making you dizzy and drunk on his kiss and desperate for more when he breaks away to brush little kisses against your lips. “Patiences honey you’ll get what you want soon,” grinning when you chase his mouth for more kisses.
Standing Will holds you against him taking the two steps towards his desk chair to place you carefully down. Getting a confused look to furrow your brow, “Daddy?” Body vibrating from your first orgasm breath coming out quickly still as you rake your eyes over Will’s still clothed body. While your completely naked in his desk chair parched for a much different reason and it’s not just for water.
Boyish smile slides over his lips that he licks oh so slowly while his eyes slide over your body. Taking in each inch of your perfect form that never fails to arouse and tempt. Even the parts you detest he’ll worship and remind you how beautiful he sees you.
On that thought Will reaches behind him for the half full bottle of water to hand you, “Drink princess.” Wanting to always take care of you even during and after punishments.
Accepting, you drink greedily missing when Will drops to his knees. Waiting till your finished to carefully tug and spread your legs, fitting his broad body between your knees. Will takes the empty bottle to toss over his shoulder before surging forward and capturing your mouth with open kisses, tongue leading the furious assault to slide against yours. Punching out an unexpected moan from deep within your chest, heart fluttering at the passionate kiss. Your arms wrap tightly around his neck to try and pull him up against you. Needing to feel his warmth and breath in the scent of his sweaty musk.
But he breaks the kiss trailing bruised and slick lips along your jaw making you shiver, by passing the spot he knows will make you fall apart, to linger over your collarbone. Pausing to worship your breasts, one large hand cupping the globe in his warm palm and giving a squeeze. Thumb and forefinger pinching the pebbled nipple before tugging, getting a gasp of pleasure from your lips. While his mouth latches onto the twin, tongue flicking quickly before sucking harshly and teeth scrapping to nip just the tip.
Smug smirk slides over his lips at the gasps and moans leaving your mouth, the way your moving in his chair, squirming under his mouth and touch. Thighs rubbing and squeezing against his sides, legs wrapping around Will’s torso to pull him closer, trying to rut yourself against him. Wanting to find any kind of friction for your throbbing clit as Will’s mouth works over your breasts. Leaving wet trails between taut shining nipples to move just a friction back to place those same wet kisses along your tummy.
Driving a path over your body Will knows how to navigate in order to drag those whimpering whines from the back of your throat. To turn you to jelly in his arms and he’s barely even touched you. Feeling slick coat your folds, leaking out to drip down into the chair beneath your cunt that pulses with a desperate need to have his mouth on your clit. “Daddy please,” not above begging, fingers sliding through damp darken locks. Giving a tug to guide but Will resists and continues his own path.
Beard brushing your inner thigh, lips painting a teasing path till reaching the crease between dripping cunt and quivering thigh. Darken stormy blues catch your desire blown eyes right as that warm wet tongue peeks out to lick thickly from entrance to clit. Humming at the very taste of your honeyed cunt, “So sweet for me honey.” Emphasizing the last word by running the tip of his tongue around your clit.
Producing the reaction he’s looking for as your hips thrust forward pushing against his mouth begging for more. That he acquiesces to, willingly pressing his face into your sopping cunt and delving his thick tongue inside your velvet walls. Arms wrap around your thighs to hold you open as fingers dig into your flesh bruising surely left behind for later soothing kisses. Catching sounds, your panting breath, mixed with whimpers and moans spur him to farther tease with little bites to your inner thighs. Low rumbles growls at your taste vibrate through his chest and into your hypersensitive body. Prickling the skin with goosebumps and shivers of pleasure causing your velvet walls to squeeze around nothing.
Molten and hot you body throbs now with a need while blood rushes through your ears the only sounds to hear while Will feasts on your pussy. Shaking fingers card, tug, through his sweaty hair trying to ground yourself as pleasure zings through yours veins. Another gasp leaves your lips, “Right there Daddy, so fucking good,” babbles from your lips.
Head rolling against the black leather of his office chair, eyes doing the same except to the back of your head. Not knowing how much more you can take with the heat growing in your belly ready to consume you. His wet tongue firming, thrusting through your trembling walls licking up every drop you give. Nose pressing into your clit just right to send stars exploding behind closed lids. Gasping for breath fingers tightening in his hair pushing closer and riding his face. The exquisite burn of his beard on your thighs adding to heighten you pleasure. Sending you over the edge into a trembling orgasm his name whimpering from your lips. Body limp, lungs gasping for air as you try to push him away. His mouth overstimulating with every lick he uses to clean you up and savory the sweetness of your body. Making you jerk away and a whimper falling from your mouth.
Grinning Will places a few kisses before pulling away, sitting back on his knees to watch you regain yourself as he massages your thighs. Chuckling when your pleasure glazed eyes open to pierce him in place, “That’s only two sweetheart I did promise you three after all.” Licking his lips, beard still partially covered in your slick, looking like the cat that got his cream with the smug smirk on his lips.
“Looking a bit smug there daddy,” sitting forward with trembling arms to grip the opening of his shirt and pull him against you for a taste of yourself and his lips. Fingers carding through his thick sweat slicked blond locks, short nails scratching against his scalp dragging a groan from his chest.
Molding your lips together slowly wanting to savor the taste as your tongue slips inside his mouth and tangles with his. Air becoming needed you break to rest foreheads together as your hands come from his hair and down over shoulders to the buttons of his shirt. Slipping from the chair to kneel in front of him dipping your head and starting a trail of kisses with each inch of sun kissed tanned skin bared to your hungry eyes. “Over dressed don’t you think daddy?”
“Seems your doing something about that honey,” a hitch in his deep timbered voice happens every time your lips brush a different spot over his pectoral muscles. Teeth dragging down the tanned column of his throat bared for your enjoyment when he leans back on his hands.
That position hinders the removal of his shirt and has a huff of annoyance leaving your lips, drawing an amused chuckle from Will as he sits up to pull the shirt off. Tossing it to the side Will moves to sit on his jeans covered ass and slide backwards till hitting the couch. Crooking a finger for you to follow and climb into his lap, straddling those thick glorious thighs.
Trying not to jostle you too much Will reaches over to pull open the top draw of the end table open searching for a box. Triumphant grin slides over his lips when coming back with a condom trapped between his fingers making you giggle. “You’re making it very hard to stay patience daddy,” reminding him of the early comment. Wiggling in his lap to draw another groan from deep within his chest when your soaked cunt brushes over his painfully hard cock. Knowing your teasing could get you in trouble.
“Careful honey or you’ll get punishment instead of pleasure,” confirmation of your thoughts with his words. Barely any of the stormy blue you love peeks from around the black pupils blown wide with desire that watch you with an intensity causing shutter to race through your body.
Impishly grabbing the condom between your teeth and removing yourself from his lap to between his now parted legs. You tap his thigh signally to raise his hips so you can tug his boxers and jeans down all at once. Pulling them off to toss behind you, looking up at him through your lashes, warm palms surfacing over the hair roughen skin of the inside of his calves and thighs. Crawling slowly closer but still far enough away from the spot you desire the most and one look in his eyes you know he wants as well.
With those thoughts in mind your hands press into his knees spreading them wide and slotting yourself to lay between on your tummy. Legs playfully bent and swinging behind you the picture of innocence with a side of naughty showing through. With every brush of your hands, short nails raking gently to leave little red trails behind making Will hiss at the pleasurable sting.
“Playing with fire sweetheart,” narrowed eyes lock with your sweet face giving him an innocent look that’s anything but and if you keep teasing the pleasing half of this evening will become one sided.
This you know but can’t help the want to infuse a little brattiness into the night. But change tactics by taking the condom from your lips to ask, “May I have a taste Daddy?” Pleading cadence accompanied by the same soft touches of fingertips tracing little patterns over the underside of his shaft. Bitting the inside of your cheek feeling him twitch at the touch as your mouth floods in desperation for one small taste.
“That what you want honey?” Deep timber to his voice sends tingles through your core making you throb and clinch around nothing. “I seem to recall you asking to have me inside you sweetheart.”
“Can I have both please Daddy?” Sliding forward, breasts framing the inside of his thighs and his heavy sac. The sight making his fists ball tight while you keep eyes locked, pink wet tongue peeking out flat and running from base to tip. Placing a little kiss to the slit and savoring the flavor of his precum with a delighted little hum.
Never able to say no even when needed, “Till I tell you to stop.” Grabbing your chin before you open your mouth to speak, “Disobey and you’ll go to bed with an ever sorer ass than you have now. Understand princess?”
“Yes, Daddy,” wetting your bottom lip only to have Will rub his thumb over the slick skin. Tongue coming out to graze the tip when it passes by getting a groan from the man above as you move just a hairs breath forward now back on your knees. Snagging the rough callused digit with your teeth to nibble and lave with your tongue. Receiving an appreciative groan in return that makes you smile.
While sucking his thumb with the same enthusiasm you will on his cock you keep eyes locked and sneaking a hand around his shaft. Fingers barely fitting the girth but that didn’t stop you from stroking. Thumb pressed against the throbbing vein which never fails to make Will’s hips jump and thrust into your tight fist.
“Fuck sweetheart,” chin dropping against his chest, same low rumble leaving parted lips. The raw hunger in his eyes scorching you as those blue ringed black waves roll over your face and body. Wet thumb pops from your mouth to drag a string of saliva across your lips. Tracing a slick path down to your breasts wetly circling a peeked nipple before giving a hard pinch. Making your body jolt in pleasurable pain, another fresh wave of arousal coats your thighs and your cunt quivers around nothing.
Eyes stay locked as your tongue comes out to give another lick to the fat crown a pleased hum vibrates from your throat making Will hiss. Wrapping his free hand around the back of your neck to give a warning squeeze. Never fails to make you whimper the light pressure causing shivers of pleasure to skate across your body. Bringing a pleased hum to vibrate from Will’s chest knowing exactly what he’s doing with just the simplest of touches.
Payback comes in the form of you giving another swipe of your tongue around the crown before your lips enclose and suck harshly. Making his hips thrust forward and curses to fly from his lips. Your hands grip and press into muscular thighs nails digging crescent shaped indentions into the hair roughened skin. Jaw going slack, heavy shaft resting on your tongue relaxing jaw to slide him down into the warm wet cavern of your mouth. Humming at the delicious taste of him invading your mouth. Sending the vibrations along his shaft adding more stimulation causing his cock to twitch, savoring and delighting at pleasuring him for a change.
Tongue swirling a dance you’ve learned Will enjoys by the way he grips the back of your head. Fingers pressing for grounding not guiding though he wants to. Needs you to take him all the way down but holds back letting you savor the taste and heft of him in your mouth. Slightly salty with hints of citrus and a bitter from all the fruit he eats. A flavor you’ve come to relish and want filling your tastebuds daily. Accompanying the sounds that never fail to fall from his lips, panted out with every breath, dragging moans and growls that make you proud.
Like how your name drips from his lips along with a growl while your tongue traces the thumping vein. Light strokes as a brush to canvas painting a masterpiece with your mouth that only you can create. Hollowed cheeks drag him deep, swallowing around the crown with a bump at the back of your throat. Barely registering the sharp gasps, the panting from his bitten lips, sweat forms and drips along his defined chest muscles. Unable to take his eyes off you. Enjoying the way your mouth devours his cock, wet sucking sounds accompany the hum’s and moans vibrating along his shaft. The sight of you innocent and sweet filthily taking his cock down and enjoying it so with every bob and lick. Driving him closer to the brink quicker than a blink, quicker than he really wants. Rather having you surrounding him, wet and warm velvet cunt quivering for his cock and punching out the gasps and moans that make you drunk.
Three taps disturbs your fun the designated signal making you whine in disappointment. Teasingly slow you pull off, lips puffy, slightly red and slicked up, smile spreading them wide. Licking them leisurely making a show of how much you enjoyed yourself. Giving another lick like a popsicle to his dick, swirling the tip of your tongue around the crown to savory the flavor of his essence.
“Sweetheart,” drawing the two syllable word out edged with a warning, eyes filled with heat scorching you with their dark intensity.
Hearing the cautioning tone drags a whimper from your chest. Caught between wanting another taste and to have him cum down your throat or him buried deep inside you. The choice a hard one but you grab up the forgotten condom instead. Slowly slipping down over his cock that twitches in your palm dragging a rumbling groan from deep within his chest. Single kiss placed to the tip teasingly which makes him growl and reach for your biceps. Large warm hands wrap and tug you forward making you squeak in surprise and straddling his thighs. A low hiss extracted from parted lips at the contact of your wet folds even through the latex condom.
“Drenched for me already my sweetheart and all from sucking my cock,” hands slipping down to take yours bringing them to his lips and kiss each knuckle. The gesture heart warming and sweet a contradiction to the way he’s looking at you.
Making you shiver in anticipation from the dark promise swimming in those passion blacken stormy blues. “Always daddy, you know how much I enjoy giving you pleasure,” whimpering and rutting against his ridged shaft. Only the warning glance keeps you in place instead of impaled as you wish for with every passing second.
“Better hold on then honey we’re headed for a rough ride,” smirk tugs at his bearded cheek. Placing your hands on his shoulders to skim his along the softness of your arms and biceps. Fingers curling around shoulders for a moment before sliding palms flat down your back feeling the goosebumps under his touch making the smirk grow. Aware he’s the only one able to draw out these kind of reactions, to get to see you like this. The knowledge makes his love for you deepen and for a moment Will pauses to drink you in. Relishing in the fact your his forevermore, till you wiggle, breaking him from the trance and pop your ass just hard enough to sting.
Pulling another mewling whine from your lips, “Please daddy.” Knowing he’s teasing you in his own form of pleasurable torture. The light caresses of those callused fingers drag little jolts from you body that make you wiggle against Will. “I’m your good girl right?”
Pausing a second Will’s hand comes up to cup your cheek, thumb brushing soft skin, hearing the underlying vulnerability. “Always honey you’re always daddy’s good girl even when your not.” Witnessing the subtle change back into the wanton woman begging for his cock and orgasms. Making a pleased hum vibrate accompanied by a smile that’s reserved for times such as these.
A renewed need consumes Will and the hand at your waist stays fingers digging into your flesh while the other slides back down between you and wraps around his shaft. Drawing the tip through your folds teasingly slow enjoying the shutter he invokes, the way your eyes roll back and gasp his name. Short nails digging crescent shapes into tan shoulders garnering a hiss from the man currently driving you to madness.
Circling your clit you go to speak, to plead or maybe demand but those words get taken away with his cock notched at your entrance. Iron grip pushing down your body to finally seat himself deep and quick. Your body adjusting to the slight burn at the stretch he’s causes within. To fit so perfectly tight like a glove making your eyes cross and push out a low moan. Will crushes you against his chest, smashing your mouths together, the kiss bruising and hard, tongues sliding together. Tasting and tangling, a melding of lips as with bodies. Yanking out low grunts from him who’s arms — wrapped tight around your waist now — using that as leverage to guide you. Knees digging into carpet surly to leave burns that you can’t bother to care about right now.
Not when he’s balls deep and twitching inside you while your walls squeeze and quiver around him. The kiss breaks too gasp for breath and drag air into your starving lungs. Foreheads rest together in that moment of oneness your eyes catch and you start to move. Slow at first, his palms flat on your back grounding in their warmth. Till the pace picks up and your bouncing in his lap. Rocking you hips just perfectly to brush your clit along his groin sending waves of tingles to skitter across your body. Pushing out gasps and whines, mixed with unintelligible words along with his name.
Feeling warmth glide up your cool back, long nimble fingers wrap around the back of your neck and guide your mouth back to his. Frenzied and shallow as each thrust jostles your lips apart both of you pant in that millimeter’s worth of space between. As Will feels you weaken in his arms knowing the two previous orgasms have left you depleted.
He takes over holding you against his chest while moving you onto your back never once slipping out. To hover on his forearms, your legs wrap tightly around his waist and pull him down against you and deeper. “Fuck me daddy please,” begging your tone pleading and needy. Using the leverage you have now to thrust upward and rub yourself along his body.
His response doesn’t come in words but actions as he grasps under your thighs pushing them up to your chest, over his broad shoulders and start a hard punishing pace. Slick skin smacking, low grunts echoing with the added whimpers. You’re trying to hold on with hands wrapped around his neck, fingers carded through sweat soaked hair. His hard thrusts pushing all manner of noises from your harshly panting lips as he hits the perfect spot that makes your eyes cross.
“Feel so good around me princess, tight and wet, squeezing my cock,” praise dripping from his sinful lips while thrusting harder. The words having a desired effect of making your cunt quiver and grip his dick tighter.
Adding the right amount of pressure to have a gasp of pleasure exist his lips. Eyes to roll back while gritting his teeth to starve off the building orgasm that tingles in his balls pulling them taut to his body. You can do little more than wrap one hand around the back of his neck splaying fingers from hairs end to base of his skull. While your other hand raking your short nails down his back leaving a small trail of red painting his tanned back and making him jerk in your arms.
A quiet moan — never a loud vocal one — slips free followed by a punched out gasp when he slides perfectly against your little sponge spot that makes you jolt and grip his tattooed left forearm tightly. “Close daddy,” simple words whispered out as your eyes lock and you nod.
Feeling nimble fingers — when had his other hand moved? — circle and press your clit cause your cunt to spasm and flutter around him. Those growing tingles skitter over your body consuming and accompanied by the heat from your belly. Twice more just circling your clit adding a little pinch to send you tumbling into a body shattering orgasm. Mouth dropping wide in a silent scream as you grip and drenching his cock. Ensuring his movements become sloppy with the tight squeeze. Will tries to drag out the passion to work you through the pleasure. But the vice like grip your cunt has on him with the little flutters knocks his rhythm off as well as his concentration.
A fact you’d tease him about if it’s not for the feeling of his shuttering hips driving you into a second round of overstimulation with every brush of his body against your clit. Causing a whimpering moan to burst from your lips barely feeling Will’s orgasm fill the condom. It’s his warm heavy body collapsing against you that gives away the fact he’s spent for the moment. However, your legs start to cramp in the position and you squeeze the forearm still trapped in your hand. Too speechless and blissed to actually form words to speak right at the moment.
Thankfully Will understood, cock softening to slip out making you both moan and whine at the lost, to sit back on his knees and lower yours to the floor. Quickly discarding the spent condom before carefully — on shaking legs that you giggle at — to stand and toss. Grabbing the second bottle of water, Will looks back to find you laid out looking beautifully fucked out with a smile as bright as the noon day sun on your lips.
“Find something funny sweetheart?” Returning to your side and helping you sit up so you could drink.
Still grinning before excepting the bottle to take a large sip, “I don’t know what you mean Daddy.”
Chuckling Will stands, offering his hand to help you up from the floor and into his arms. “Oh but I think you do honey,” tipping your chin up eyes darkening to pitch and crowding out the beautiful blue. Heat prickling along your veins at the dark promise turning into a squeal when Will puts you over his shoulder smacking your still stinging ass and walking quickly for the bedroom. “Think it’s time to torture the truth outta ya sweetheart. Hope you're ready for round two.”
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
have some latinenatural for day 1 of @spnprideweek dean trying to come out to himself
Dean didn’t like going down this neighborhood. It never made him any money, plus the block is a dead end, so he always ends up circling back around with his heavy cart. His Tio always yelled at him for it, wasting precious time in a block where nobody paid him any attention because these Americanos aren’t used to people walking around selling comida.
Pero Dean always had one customer that always came running out whenever Dean came around, and he was worth the extra minutes he had to petal in the hot sun.
Dean hears his name, expecting it but still feeling relief from hearing it. He looks ahead, his fingers stopped ringing the bells that have become background noise to him by now, and sees his favorite customer running out of the big white house Dean can only ever dream of renting. He wouldn’t ever dream of owning; he can’t have dreams so impossible.
Dean petals a little bit faster until he breaks in front of the pretty face he sees at least three times a week.
“Cas.” Dean practically beams at him even though he was trying to stay cool. Smooth. “Mi Angelito.” Dean winks, and he doesn’t miss Cas’s eyes widened and ears blushing at the nickname. “How you been?”
[continue reading under the cut or read on ao3]
Cas was dressed in his usual white button-up and slacks but they looked a lot more ruffled up than usual. His hair looked unkempt as it curled at the ends—Dean wasn’t complaining he loved it—and his typical neat shirt was wrinkled with sleeves pulled up to his elbows. He looked the guy up and down before his eyebrows creased together.
“You okay, Cas?”
“Yeah.” Cas sighed, shoulders slumping as he reached to run his hand through his hair—that probably explains the bed head—before smiling back at Dean with a deep breath. “Yeah. I’m fine.”
“If you say so.” Dean jumps off the bike and walks over to his cart. “The usual?”
Dean nods once before getting to work on a raspado de vainilla for Cas. He works in silence for a minute, just the sound of the ice scraping between them before Dean looks back at Cas.
“You know, si quieres, you can talk to me.” Dean looks up to see Cas was already watching him. “I know I’m a nobody, but I hear nobodies are great to vent to.”
“You aren’t a nobody, Dean.” Cas’s expression softens at the words. His eyes brighten as he looks at Dean, almost as if he can see into his soul. Then, just as Dean was about to drown in those baby blues, Cas looked away. His fingers started to twitch as he looked sheepishly at the ground. “Plus, my problems are small. I can deal with them by myself.”
Dean looks away, packing the ice into the cup before reaching to pour the vainilla as he talks. “Yeah, I know you can, pero; I just wanted to let you know that you don’t have to.”
Cas is nothing but a customer that Dean has been crushing on—it was a small, slow, and scary realization. The only reason they’re on a first-name basis now is because Cas once left his name tag on, and Dean asked what it meant.
Dean handed Cas his raspado across the cart, Dean needed to keep his distance, but he knew when Cas reached for it, their fingers would touch; he looked forward to the simple touch each time.
They did, and Dean’s breath catches in his throat before he works on chicharrones, lots of limon, and a little bit of chile.
“But I get it, you know, if you don’t want to talk to me.” Dean looks up to see Cas still staring at him but with eyes filling with tears. “Holy shit.” Dean put the bag down and walked around to stand by Cas’s side. He grabbed a napkin from his cart and handed it to Cas to wipe his eyes. “Dude. Dude, please no llores. Don’t cry. People are gonna think I did something to you, and I’ll lose customers.” Dean tries to joke, but Cas doesn’t crack a smile. Instead, he rolls his eyes.
“Dean, nobody but me ever comes out here.”
Dean shrugs. “Potential customers then.” Dean grabs another napkin and reaches to wipe the tears that were already falling. “Estas bien, Angelito. Talk to me.”
“I-I shouldn’t.” Cas accepts Dean’s kindness for a second longer before gently moving Dean’s hand away. “You’re working. Let me just pay you so you can stop wasting your time here.”
Dean nods, stepping away from Cas so as not to seem pushy. As much as he loved being so close to Cas’s face, he didn’t want to seem creepy about it. This neighborhood has eyes everywhere, and Dean couldn’t really risk having his cart, his livelihood, be taken away just cause he has a small crush on the white boy.
So Cas gives him the exact change to the quarter and smiles sadly before he waves goodbye. Dean waves back as he gets on his bike to pedal out of this neighborhood and into a more comfortable one. He didn't ring the bell until he was out of there.
Cas doesn’t come out to see him the next day or the day after that, and now he has to wait until next week to see him. If Cas still wanted to see him.
“I don’t know why you still go over there,” Sam says as he helps Dean unpack the car.
Dean’s side gigs included selling his homemade food Friday through Sunday—he can almost call himself a caterer—while on Thursday, he preps during the day and works as a janitor in a big law office at night. Today was Thursday, so Dean had to wake up early to go to the big marketplace downtown. They sold the chicharrones de harina in bulk for cheap, and they had all the ingredients he’ll need to make the syrups for the raspados himself.
Sam rarely comes with Dean to get all these things since he was always busy with school, but today he came along on the day that Dean ran out of maiz azul. It just meant more trabajo para los dos.
“Or why you still sell raspados when you make more money on the weekend with your food.” Sam continued as they struggled to carry the bag of maiz to the kitchen. They both let out a heavy breath when they finally dropped the bag in the kitchen. Dean’s going to spend the next hour cleaning and soaking the damn corn after this. That doesn’t even include cooking it and finally making the damn masa.
“El trabajo es duro but I like it.” Dean pats Sam’s shoulder before they go back to the car to get the rest of the things. “I like going down neighborhoods and saying hi to people.”
“I get that pero why do you have to go to their side of town?”
Dean doesn’t know how to answer that.
He hasn’t told anyone about Cas. About how one day he was bored and wandered over to that neighborhood only to find Cas laying on his front lawn with a book covering his face. Dean, for some reason, couldn’t help but to ring the bells louder, startling Cas. Dean laughed for half a second before a book went flying to his face, knocking him off his bike. Cas learned too many cuss words in Spanish that day, but the big bruise was worth it.
Still, Dean didn’t want to tell anyone about Cas. Afraid to even speak of him because that would mean that his crush was real. That he had actual feelings, romantic ones, for another guy.
He knows que su Tío no lo va sacar de la casa pero todavía Dean tenía miedo. He was scared to admit this part of himself was real when it felt like a sin in his culture. ¡Ser gay es una cosa pero bisexual! ¡Ni madres! That doesn’t exist. Not where he is from.
So he’ll keep it to himself. Keep Cas as his secret fantasy and nothing more.
“The houses are nice to look at. One day, Sammy!” Sam was already groaning at Dean’s words that sounded more like an old man’s recurring ‘when I was your age’ stories. “One day, I’ll get us a house like that! One where we can each have our own room. And bathroom.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Let’s just finish this so I can go back to my homework.”
“¡Estas pendejo! After this, you’re gonna help me clean the bathroom and throw away the trash before Tio comes home.”
“But Dean,”
“¡Pero nada! ¡Piensas que soy pendejo como tu, pinche mamón! Don’t think I don’t know you spend that time babeando por tu novia.”
“Dean!” Sam quickly passes him in a huff of embarrassment while Dean laughed, following Sam back to the car to get more groceries.
When Monday rolls around, Dean forces himself to come down Cas’s street again. The bells rang softly at first, only getting louder as he came closer to the house. He didn’t see a car in sight, so he thinks maybe Cas isn’t home.
He was already pedaling away when he heard someone call out to him. He hits the breaks half haphazardly, and the gallons shake on his cart, threatening to fall out. He was about to turn around, but then he realizes he hears footsteps running closer, and then he hears heavy breathing by his ear.
“Fuck.” Cas hands rest on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. “Are you-are you trying to run away from me?” Cas looks up with a teasing smile, it was beautiful, and Dean didn’t realize how much he missed him until now. “I am your only customer around here, so that’s a pretty bad business decision if you ask me.”
“I-I didn’t think you wanted to see me.” Dean could have joked around with him, but instead, his mouth decided to kick the conversation off with some honesty. Dean looked down at the bike handles as he talked. “Since you didn’t come out last week, I just figured-”
“Oh.” Cas stood up straight as he ran a hand through his overgrown hair; his clothes looked neat again, though. “I didn’t mean to make you think-”
Dean holds his hand out to stop Cas from talking, feeling embarrassed with every word. “Para. You don’t have to explain. No me debes-you don’t owe me anything.”
“I know that, but I want to. Talk, I mean. If that’s okay with you.” Cas looks at Dean with soft, warm eyes, a drastic difference from the red-rimmed eyes from the last time they saw each other. “After you’re done with work, of course.”
“I um-I usually head home around six. I can um,” Dean rubbed at the back of his neck, not meeting Cas’s eyes as he carefully says. “I can come by after if you want.”
“I would like that.”
Dean's head shoots up to stare back at Cas, who looked shy, pero siempre más guapo que la última vez que Dean lo miró.
At that moment, Dean wanted to lean in and kiss him more than he has wanted to kiss anyone in his 26 years of life, but he won’t. He still wasn’t sure if this was Cas asking him out as a friend or as something more. He was scared, but he knew his heart raced in excitement more than anything.
Dean finally broke away from the staring contest as he cleared his throat to get off his bike. “Todavia quieres-Do you still want your raspado?”
“Oh. Sure!”
It was silent while Dean made raspado, but he couldn’t wait for their fingers to graze again when he handed the cup over to Cas.
“Just the raspado today.” Dean still loved when Cas said it, trying not to laugh even though he loved Cas’s embarrassed blushing. Cas reaches into his pocket, but Dean reaches to touch his shoulder to stop him.
“On the house.” Dean holds it out and just like before their fingers touch, burning him.
“No, Dean, I couldn’t.”
Dean shakes his head to stop him from arguing any further. He jumped back on his bike and looked back at Cas as he said, “You can get me something later. Is seven okay?”
“Seven is…perfecto.” Cas flinched at his Spanish, but Dean couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Pues, te miro mas tarde, Angelito.” Dean reached to pat Cas’s cheek before he started pedaling away.
“Dean! I don’t know what that means!” Cas calls out to him.
Dean doesn’t turn around to respond, mostly to hide the stupid shit-eating grin he had on his face. “I said I’ll see you later!” But he does wave goodbye, ringing the bell as he goes.
Dean really liked him, and it brought fear into his heart pero al mismo tiempo; he hasn’t been this excited to just be around someone in such a long time. So maybe this is his time to accept that maybe, for sure, he is crushing hard on a guy.
Dean sighs as he stops on the sidewalk to hang his head and quietly whispers, “For fucks sakes, soy un pinche gay.”
Well, at least he can admit to himself—sort of.
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foggyne1son · 3 years
since this is a huge thing going on over on twitter i thought it’d talk about it here too.
this whole post is going to be about Quinton Flynn. if you’re a supporter of this voice actor, i recommend looking into the recent bringing up of his assaults.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: SEXUAL ASSAULT, SEXUAL ASSAULT AGAINST MINORS, MISOGYNY. There are very detailed and graphic situations in the sources below, and I want people to take the most precaution when approaching this subject. This has been going on for well over a decade, and we can’t keep quiet about it anymore.
Recent news about Quinton Flynn has started controversy on Twitter in the past few hours. There’s a tag going around “#fuckqf”, which talks about everything that he has done. 
This has been a long running issue in the Kingdom Hearts community, and Square Enix fans in general. You may know Quinton Flynn as the english voice actor for Axel, Reno, and lesser mentioned roles such as Sheldon from MLAATR, and Silver the Hedgehog from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He’s mostly known for his roles over at Square, though, he has a huge portfolio.  A major issue that’s hardly talked about in the Kingdom Hearts community, however, is the many assaults this man has committed against his younger female fanbase. He’s well known for being very touchy towards younger women at conventions, and even very sexually explicit on his Instagram and Whatsapp.
Despite all of the stories that have been told since the early 2010s, Square Enix has refused to address the issue up until 2/3/2021. As you can imagine, when more relevant people in the community spoke up about the things they’ve known and even experienced themselves, people immediately questioned Square Enix on why they’ve kept silence for so long.
Screenshots have been floating around, but here are some screenshots from articles that have been popping up. The actual articles and the google drive with most of the information will be at the end of the post. If you’re easily triggered by this type of content I heavily recommend scrolling past this and just spreading the news about him.
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By now you might be asking, where do I start? How can I help get this man fired from his position at Square Enix and other voice acting roles in the future? Many people have been calling this number, +1-858-790-7529, to report this. You can also use this email if you’d rather not speak to anyone. 
Below is a screenshot from twitter user @/_akeshu_, who finally got a hold of someone from Square using the number listed earlier. If Square does go through with what they said here, that’d be a huge breakthrough for the whole community and people who have been assaulted by Quinton Flynn. 
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If Square Enix doesn’t go through with looking through the evidence and firing this guy in the process, we still have a voice. Individually we all have a voice and we want to make this situation known, we can’t let this issue die out or be swept under the rug until the victims have the closure they need.
While this is happening please keep in mind that you DON’T have to separate yourself from the characters this man voice acted for. Voice actors come and go, and the characters he played are NOT HIM. You can still enjoy Kingdom Hearts, you can still love Axel as a favorite character, any character he might have played. Give respect to their original VAs, like Keiji Fujiwara. Keiji Fujiwara was known for his roles as Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy XV, Axel/Lea from Kingdom Hearts, Leorio from the 2011 HxH, and MewTwo from the Pokemon Series!  Just don’t let Quinton Flynn build his own platform, don’t let this man have any power, don’t let him walk around a free man. He deserves to be held accountable for everything he has done, we need to make sure we get this monster out of the voice acting industry before he hurts anyone else.
Thank you for reading and taking time to read, please spread the word anywhere you possibly can. If anyone has anymore info they’d like to pass over to me so I can add anything that I missed, feel free to shoot me a PM about it and I’ll add it ASAP!
Here are some sources that have gained some relevancy as of late:
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