#Please let me know if I should add any
plankos · 1 year
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building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing
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chronosdawn · 8 months
Zhongli x GN!Reader, Soulmate AU Part 2
Link to Part 1
Word count: ~2.5k
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He was waiting for you at the Stone Gate.
You hadn't known it was him at first, having taken to pointedly ignoring the sensations crawling up your arm from your soulmate mark once the phantom hand tugging you back to the harbor had turned clawed when you refused to listen to it. 
Of course you could hardly be blamed for overlooking a lone tall man standing just at the edge of the border, his back to you as he looked out over Mondstadt's grassy plains. There was nothing particularly remarkable about him at first glance, save perhaps for his height and fine clothes. The way he stood—perfectly still with his hands clasped behind his back—made him seem more like part of the landscape than a living thing. It was only when you got close to him, just barely out of arm's reach as you made to walk past and he turned to face you, amber eyes meeting yours, that you realized who he was.
Your legs refused to move as though they'd been turned to stone, torn between hurtling back the way you'd come—as though attempting to run from a god a second time might somehow prove more successful—and throwing yourself the last precious distance between you and the border, like the invisible line of it would somehow protect you from whatever was to come. 
Before you could commit to either however, your soulmate spoke.
"I apologize if the suddenness of our connection startled you, but it is very good to meet you at last." His voice was rich and smoother somehow than it had been during the rite, his expression one you could only describe as soft as he looked at you.
You'd thought gazing into the face of the dragon-qilin version of Rex Lapis was bad—somehow this was worse.
Words failed you as you stared at him. What were you even supposed to say? Your head felt like a hornets nest, thoughts flicking from excuses to questions to apologies until it turned into a garbled mess that made your temples throb. 
"I don't…" you stammered out before petering off. Your chest felt funny, like it was trying to cave in on itself.
Rex Lapis looked you over from head to toe and whatever he saw caused his lips to press together slightly. 
"You must be tired after the long journey here from the harbor. Come, you should rest for a moment." He moved to your side, a hand resting gently against the small of your back as he steered you away from the boundary of the nation of freedom and towards what appeared to be a modest tea stand nestled against the stone of one of the large cliffs making up the gate. You tried to protest, you really did, but your tongue felt like lead in your mouth, your skin prickling from how close you were to a literal god. Before you knew where you were, you'd been ushered to a table in the cornerーthe Archon only leaving your side to pull your chair out for you and then take the seat opposite. 
The elderly man running the stand came over and Rex Lapis ordered for the pair of you while you watched mutely, noting that he’d seated you in a corner, placing himself between you and any route of escape. Your hands shook faintly where they rested against the chipped wood of the table.
Silence descended as the old man left to brew your tea, interrupted only by the faint howl of the wind against the cliffs. You fought not to fidget in the face of such blatant awkwardness, turning your attention instead to the other patrons scattered nearby. The young woman closest to you was dressed in a signature Adventurer’s Guild uniform, likely on her way to a commission judging by the heavy backpack rammed with supplies at her feet. Sitting a little further away were a couple with obviously graying hair, twin soulmate marks visible on their joined hands as they quietly enjoyed the view. A lump formed in your throat at the sight.
“You hail from Snezhnaya.” Your gaze snapped back at the sound of Rex Lapis’s voice. It wasn’t a question, but the tone left the statement open-ended, an offering of idle conversation in place of the one you should be having but obviously weren’t ready for.
Nodding, you mustered your courage and said quietly, “I came to Liyue three months ago.”
“May I ask what brought you here? It’s rather a long way to travel.”
“My grandmother. She… She was from Liyue, she used to tell me stories about the harbor and the er— the Adepti growing up. After she passed, I decided I wanted to see it for myself.” You stammerred your way through your explanation, all too aware that it was only a half truth—the rest being the obviously Liyuean symbols swirled into the soulmate mark inked starkly upon your skin. 
“I am very sorry to hear of your loss," he said with a sincerity that put all the others you'd had this particular line of conversation with to shame. "Has it been all you expected, your time in Liyue?” 
"That's…" You trailed off, dropping your gaze to the table. How were you supposed to comment on a nation when the god who'd presided over it for thousands of years was sitting right across from you?
Obviously picking up on your inner turmoil, Rex Lapis spoke again, "There's no need to be anxious, I would not ask if I did not want to hear an honest answer. Though I have played a part in shaping Liyue into what it is today, it is but one of the seven nations and I would not expect it to appeal to all." 
Your drinks appeared just after he finished, providing a short but welcome reprieve as a warm cup was pressed into your hands. You inhaled deeply, the rich scent of expertly brewed green tea filling your nose as you did so. It was not until the old man had left that you gave your answer.
“It’s… prettier than I’d thought it would be. My grandmother always said the harbor was beautiful but it’s been another thing to see it in person.”
You glanced up quickly, meeting amber eyes through the faint trickle of steam rising from the cup in his hands. The Archon poised to take a sip, waiting for you to continue.
“Fitting in has been harder than I’d thought it would be. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, moving so far away from home, but I thought I’d done enough research that I’d be ready for it. I guess there’s nothing you can do to really prepare yourself for living somewhere completely new though.”
“Indeed, it’s true such adjustments can take time. Has it grown easier over the months you’ve been here at least?” 
Not really, you thought. You’d been hoping that something would click upon meeting your soulmate, that you’d feel like you’d finally found your place in the world. Instead you now felt like you wanted to be anywhere but the land of contracts and stone. 
It was that thought and the warmth seeping into your fingers that finally gave you the courage to stop dancing around the issue at hand. You shifted in your seat, straightening your back and lowering your shoulders so you looked at least a little more sure of yourself than you felt.
“Look, I think… I think there must have been some sort of mistake.”
Rex Lapis returned his cup to the table, the cor lapis gem on the back of his glove gleaming in the evening light.
“Yes, this—” you gestured between the two of you “—this can’t be right. I mean you’re a god and I’m just some human from a small village in Scheznaya—I don’t even have a vision. I don’t know that much about soulmate marks honestly,” you instinctively placed your hand over your left forearm, missing the way your conversation partner’s eyes zeroed in on the gesture, “but this has to be a false alarm or something.”
Rex Lapis’s expression remained neutral as he let out a deep exhale—it wasn’t quite a sigh but reminded you of the controlled breath someone might take before they had to explain something to a child. 
“Over the many years I have watched over Liyue, I have been witness to numerous soulmate connections. While the reason behind a pairing is not always immediately obvious, not once have I observed a soulmark responding to anyone but the person’s intended. It’s true that differences in personal status between soulmates can act as a source of friction, though that is usually between families rather than the individuals themselves, something that will not prove to be an issue in our case.” He paused to take a sip of his tea, his movements measured and steady, a stark contrast to your white-knuckled grip on your own cup.
You were painfully aware of the sun slipping lower in the sky, the cliffs slowly being stained amber in the fading late. You’d hoped to be safely in Mondstadt before nightfall.
“And though it is not common knowledge,” Rex Lapis continued, returning his cup to the table, “ours is not the first case of an archon having a human for a soulmate.” Though the words were perhaps meant to serve as some sort of reassurance, his voice held a somewhat wistful tone, as though lost in a memory from long ago..
“I just—” you sucked in a breath, the words ‘never wanted something like this’ caught in the back of your throat. It was true, of course, you didn’t want the pressure of being soulmates with Liyue’s exalted archon; of being the supposed other half of a being you likely would never be able to truly understand, let alone measure up to. It felt unfair, however, to throw that in his face. There were tales up north of various ways the story could play out when one soulmate rejected the other, none of which ended well. 
And it wasn’t as though he’d actually done anything to deserve your rejection either—you wanted to cast your connection aside because of what he was rather than anything he’d actually done. You weren’t sure you were really capable of that kind of cruelty, no matter how badly you might wish to vanish with the setting sun. 
“This wasn’t what I expected,” you said finally, after a long period of uncomfortable quiet.
“And that is not something anyone would fault you for.” If Rex Lapis was upset by your lack of enthusiasm for the bond that existed between you, he made no show of it. “I doubt many who were not intimately familiar with the gods would dare to even dream of the possibility. I hope however,” he continued, his gaze falling to the mark hidden away underneath your sleeve, “that with time it will become easier to accept.”
You swallowed uncomfortably. It wasn’t the words themselves that made something in your guts twist—if anything you should probably be grateful that a deity referred to in some stories as the Warrior God was granting you so much grace—but there was a certainty in his voice as he said them that didn’t sit well with you. 
Rex Lapis lifted his eyes from where your arms rested on the table, looking up at the slowly darkening sky. Taking a final sip of his tea he said, “It’s rather late for the return journey to the harbor, but there is an inn on the way that I believe we should be able to reach before nightfall.”
“I’m sorry, what do you mean we?” you asked in a small voice, casting a furtive glance towards the path to Mondstadt.
“Ah.” For the first time since you’d met the Archon, the slightest crack appeared in his composure, a minute shift in expression that you’d almost call bashful. The look was gone as quickly as it had appeared and you found yourself meeting the deep amber of his eyes.  “Please forgive my forwardness but I’m afraid it would be remiss of me to allow you to be exposed to the dangers that come with traveling alone at night, especially with… so few preparations.” A polite way of remarking on the fact you’d basically legged it with no supplies to your name.
“That’s…” You trail off, no good defense coming to mind as to why you should continue your journey alone with only the clothes on your back and scarcely a pocketful of mora. 
As if sensing your desperate fumble for an excuse to not go with him, he continued, “If your business in Mondstadt is urgent then I will escort you come morning, once you have had adequate rest. Otherwise, perhaps it may be best to return after you’ve had a chance to recover from the shock of recent events. It has been some time since I last had reason to visit but I would be more than happy to share the sights with you after ensuring matters will run smoothly in Liyue for the course of my absence.”
“I—” The sun was only half visible at the horizon now and as it sank further you felt your hopes of slipping away go with it. “I barely have any mora on me, I’m not sure I can afford a night at an inn.”
“That will not be an issue, I am more than willing and able to cover any of your expenses. Speaking of which,” Rex Lapis placed a large pile of mora on the table and you felt your eyes nearly bulge out of your skull at the amount—it had to be many, many times however much your tea had actually cost. You were suddenly struck with the utter stupidity of trying to use a lack of mora as an excuse to the very being who was responsible for creating it. That and the fact you were completely out of ideas on how to get out of this situation short of simply making a run for it—a tactic which had failed to provide much success thus far.
“If you are feeling up to it, we should begin our journey to the inn now before it gets much darker.” He stood and rounded the table, extending a gloved hand out to you. 
You were backed into a corner in every way that mattered, the stone of the cliffs at your back as unyielding as you suspected the god of this land was. With nowhere else left to go, you place your hand in his, the leather of his gloves cool against your skin as his fingers curl around your own. You could only hope you wouldn’t regret not trying to run when you had the chance.
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Taglist: @tanspostsblog, @esthelily, @alice4wonderland2812, @kalinka9999999999, @lacunaanonymoused
A/N: I have no excuses for how long this took me but here we finally are OTL. I make no promises as to whether or not there will be a part 3 but I am trying to get into the habit of writing more regularly again so I hope to at least start posting more stuff on this blog.
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tealvenetianmask · 4 months
We need to talk about how Stolas's body language in the scene resonates so hard with what anxiety and depression look and feel like.
He physically embodies what it feels like to have to reach out of yourself and do something emotionally difficult while in a depressive rut. Almost every frame of him in this part of the episode does this so well, but I've picked out a few to talk about here.
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When we first see Stolas before Blitz arrives, he's sitting on his bed. His back is bent, his shoulders forward, and his arms protectively in front of him (more of that to come throughout the whole scene). It's as if he's creating a bubble around his core.
He's fidgeting with his hands, and his talons are curved, grasping.
Anxiety and depression feel different to each person, but his body language tells a story that I relate to, where anxiety lives in the whole body (limbs, digits), but depression hurts in the middle (stomach, chest, back) and right behind the eyes.
About eyes.
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Most of the time his eyes are partway open, a bit downturned, with eyebrows arched and his second set of eyes echoing that downward pull.
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Stolas is looking at Blitz here, asking for his grimoire. His eyes look a bit sunken back here- partway inside of himself, even though he's trying to reach out. He's attempting openness, but he's doing so from the inside of a tunnel.
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When Stolas is confessing his true feelings to Blitz, he takes his hat off. A lot of people have talked about how this is part of equalizing the power balance between himself and Blitz, along with sitting so that he's at Blitz's eye level. I think this is true. But also, he keeps the hat in front of his body like a shield. When Blitz starts (mockingly?) turning the confession into a sex thing, Stolas lifts the hat up to cover himself more. It continues that protective bubble motif. It shows us that while he's trying to be open, he's still protecting his core.
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When Stolas flees down the hall (I already have my answer), his arms are fully crossed in front of his body again, with his shoulders down and forward, protecting his aching core.
I also noticed that there seems to be an old portrait of Stolas right behind him in this frame, standing up straight, seemingly with one hand on his hip and the other in a fist- a pose that gives off an air of confidence, though maybe that was a facade? Maybe what we're seeing in front here is what he felt like for many of those years.
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✧ written for 'charm' ✧ word count: 548 ✧ rated: T ✧ cw: creepy in the luring kind of way ✧ tags: other!eddie ✧ @steddiemicrofic (≧∇≦)ノ⁠✧
The ringing wasn’t that annoying, mostly because it meant his favourite guest had arrived.
And there he is, with the little charm on his collar. Steve has no idea how it makes a jingling sound but it’s so cute, he doesn’t really care.
“Hello precious,” Steve greets and opens his windows out to let the black cat in. Robin always complains and calls it a hazard, but she also baby-talks to him so Steve doesn’t take it to heart.
But the cat doesn’t come in. He stares at Steve with wide eyes, eyes as red as the jewel of his charm. Huh. He didn’t know cat eyes could be red.
The cat meows again and hops out of the window. Steve takes his coat, locks his front door and steps out. The cat meows again, hopping along the street and Steve follows.
Steve blinks. The cold air has finally hit his skin and has him shivering except – he’s been cold for a while, hasn’t he? He’s been – he’s been walking for a while, his legs ache so much. Steve looks around, the shadows of the empty road crawling around him, and realizes he must have left town ten minutes ago.
How –
The cat.
The one that always came to their window and asked to be let in, the one he followed all this way.
Where is it?
“Aren’t you a little far from home?”
Steve swivels around, hand grasping out for – for what?
A man smiles at him from the middle of the road. It’s too dark to see his face but he can see his eyes.
Pretty, pretty red.
“What are you doing here, stranger?” the man asks as he holds his hand out, crooking a finger in a ‘come-hither’ kind of way.
Steve stumbles over. “I – I was following this cat, where –“
The man’s (pretty, so pretty) red eyes widen, and he barks out a laugh. Steve smiles with him. “A cat, huh? In this cold? Oh, you poor thing.”
The moment he said that, the chill of the wind bit at Steve’s ears, and he shudders.
“Oh no,” the man tuts. He steps closer to Steve, pulling him in by his waist and adjust his own thick, fur coat around the both of them. “Is that better, sweetheart?”
Steve smiles, and he knows it’s his dopiest one because it’s the one that would always make people laugh and call him an idiot.
The man’s smile drops and his (beautiful, bloody) eyes flare angrily. He holds Steve even closer, even tighter, and Steve feels so warm. “They’re not worth it, sweetheart. We’re here now.”
Nuzzling into his neck, Steve sighs happily.
“That’s it, darlin’,” the man murmurs and he sighs too. “You don’t even remember me, but I’ve been so lonely without you.”
“Without me?” Steve frowns and goes to look at the man, Eddie, in the eye but a cold, clawed hand presses his face back into the warm skin. “Why were you without me?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, does it?” Eddie chuckles and Steve hums. “You’ve got me now and I’ve got you. Just like we said.”
Steve peeks over Eddie’s shoulder, where the lights of the town fade into the shadows. Just like they said.
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minthare · 3 months
Okay, since I mentioned it in my previous post, I figured I should tat another of Anne Bruvold's Flying Minor Norwegian Dragons and share it with you.
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I picked out a fun variegated Lizbeth thread in size 20 to use this time, though I did briefly debate on getting fancy and trying to make a mint dragon with black thread scattered here and there to make it look like mint chip ice cream. Perhaps I'll do that next time I tat this pattern.
One of the things I love about this pattern (other than it being a dragon) is its use of split rings. I really like making split rings— which, for any non-tatters out there, is a ring you make using two shuttles, which means you can have the shuttles be at a different position than their starting point when you close the ring. A regular ring is made using only one shuttle, and has the shuttle return to its starting point when you close the ring. Split rings are great for climbing out of one row in order to start another, or for when you want a row of rings without any chains or bare thread connecting them. You can see fourteen split rings making up the body of the dragon from the base of the trefoil at the end of the tail where the neck meets the head in this pattern, along with four split rings in each wing which were used to climb out of each row.
I'm not sure what I'll make to share next, but if anyone has any suggestions, I would be happy to hear them! So until then, I wish you the best with your crafting endeavors!
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pillxw-prince · 2 years
god i wanna be stuffed soooo bad but i'm too exhausted to do anything about it. if only two hard and aching men would come over, fulfilling my dreams of being fucked to oblivion, sandwiched between them with one in each hole? i'll be the perfect pillow prince and take it so well, making such pretty noises for you that you'll never wanna stop, promise 🥺
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birb-papa · 4 months
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Oh, sorry, force of habit.
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brightstarblogs · 4 months
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Yuma Month Day 15: Fear
This is the most angsty piece I've done for this month! This is fanart for Lee-The-Bean on AO3 (If anyone knows if they have a Tumblr let me know) for their fic 'Family Where You Least Expect It' which is a very heavy hurt/comfort fic. Worth a read but please be mindful of the tags.
I love this fic a lot and was so happy to use this prompt to draw something from it. This is the best NDA found family fic in my opinion! It's so good! There's a reason it's the most kudos fic in the fandom!
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damnkenn · 1 year
tw for: body horror and implied body dysmorphia
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sometimes i like to think about how kenny’s deaths might stick with him and, while i don’t particularly headcanon this as being one of the ways, i thought it made for an interesting explanation as to why he hides his face
i was also in the mood to draw some pretty kenny (especially craig thinking that kenny is pretty) and some darker art so i thought, why not both????
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q-starhalo · 9 months
q!Bad songs + their lyrics ★-
-`.✎ Ver. 1
˖◛⁺˖ | Hello and welcome to this list of q!Bad songs (including ones that remind me of Bad and Dapper or other eggs)!! Before we get to the songs, I do want to say that many songs contain triggering content. I have tagged most of them but if there's any I have missed, please do let me know! Other then that, each list will contain 25 songs so the posts won't be long then they already are! If you want to ask me anything about the songs, feel free! Now enjoy :D
Portrait of a Blank Slate - Lovejoy:
★ "I feel at some point I broke my mind"
★ "How do you all make it look so easy? You open your hearts up so quickly it scares me "
★ "If only you knew just how better things could be"
★ "Another week of action. Another hypoglycemic reaction"
★ "I'm sorry it's all so predictable"
El Muchacho de los Ojos Tristes - Jeanette:
★ "Ni una simple sonrisa, ni un poco de luz en sus ojos profundos" | "Not a single smile, not a bit of light in his deep eyes"
★ "Ni siquiera reflejo de algún pensamiento que alegre su mundo" | "Not even a reflection of some thought that brightens his world"
★ "Hay tristeza en sus ojos" | "There is sadness in his eyes"
★ "El muchacho de los ojos tristes, vive solo y necesita amor. Como el aire, necesita verme. Como el sol, lo necesito yo" | "The guy with sad eyes lives alone and needs love. Like the air, he needs to see me. Like the sun, I need him"
★ "El muchacho de los ojos tristes ha encontrado al fin una razón para hacer que su mirada ría, con mis besos y mi gran amor" | "The guy with sad eyes has finally found a reason to make his eyes smile with my kisses and my great love"
★ "Yo pretendo saber porqué extraña razón hoy sus ojos no ríen. Yo pretendo lograr con ternura y amor ver sus ojos felices" | "I pretend to know the strange reason for why his eyes don't smile today. I intend to achieve with tenderness and love to see his happy eyes" (?)
Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens:
★ "The evil it spread like a fever ahead. It was night when you died, my firefly"
★ "Did you get enough love, my little dove, why do you cry?"
★ "And I'm sorry I left but it was for best, though it never felt right"
★ "Shall we look at the moon, my little lon, why do you cry?"
★ "Make most of your life while it is rife, while it is light"
Come Little Children - Kate Covington/Hocus Pocus:
★ "Come little children, I'll take thee away into a land of enchantment"
★ "Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of shadows"
★ "Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way, through all the pain and the sorrows"
★ "Weep not, poor children, for life is this way. Murdering beauty and passions"
★ "Rest now my children, for soon we'll away into the calm and the quiet"
★ "Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of shadows"
Problems - Mother Mother:
★ "You and me, we're not the same. I am a sinner, you are a saint"
★ "When we get to the pearly gates, you'll get the green light. I'll get the old door in the face"
★ "I'm a loser, a disgrace"
★ "I've found love in the strangest place. Tied up and branded, locked in a cage."
★ "You're a beauty- a luminary, in my face"
★ "I got a lot, and not a lot, I got a lot less than a lot // I've got problems, not just the ones that are little"
★ "Some go to baseball, some go debase a face they can't seem to save"
Rises the Moon - Liana Flores:
★ "Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end. Sun digs it's heels to taunt you."
★ "But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same. Rises the moon."
★ "Days fade into a watercolor blur. Memories swim and haunt you."
★ "Oh close your weary eyes. I promise you that soon the autumn comes to darken fading summer skies"
★ "Breathe, breathe, breathe"
★ "Days pull you down just like a sinking ship. Floating is getting harder. But tread the water, child, and know that meanwhile rises the moon"
★ "Days pull you up just like a daffodil. Uprooted from it's garden."
★ "They'll tell you what you owe, but know even so. Rises the moon"
I am the Very Model of a Cartoon Individual - Animaniacs:
★ "I am the very model of a cartoon individual! My animation's comical, unusual and whimsical!"
★ "I'm quite adept at funny gags, comedic theory I have read. From wicked puns and stupid jokes to anvils that drop on your head."
★ "I'm very good at fancy dances, I can even pirouette! Then smack the villain with a fish; I know my cartoon etiquette."
★ "To suit my mood, I can call forth a lot of different sceneries, like outer space and desert scapes and Himalayan eateries."
★ "From this bag here, why, I can pull most anything imaginable."
★ "You see in matters comical, unusual and whimsical, we are the very model of cartoon individuals!"
Burning Pile - Mother Mother:
★ "All I tried to save my face"
★ "All my guts try to spill"
★ "It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile, all lit up and I start to smile. If I catch fire then I change my aim, throw my troubles at the pearly gates"
★ "All your woe begones be gone"
★ "Throw my troubles at the world again"
★ "It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile, all lit up and I start to smile. If I catch fire then I'll take my turn to burn and burn and burn"
dumb dumb - mazie
★ "Disappointment takes us by surprise"
★ "Even though by now I think we should have realized. Everyone is dumb"
★ "There must be something in the corn flakes, making it hard for us to think straight"
★ "It's waking up inside of the dream; you don't know what to believe"
★ "Maybe that's why disappointment takes us by surprise"
Everything at Once - Lenka:
★ "As sly as a fox"
★ "As fast as a hare"
★ "As sharp as a tooth"
★ "As dark as the night"
★ "As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong"
★ "Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be"
★ "As warm as the sun, as silly as fun"
★ "As scary as the sea"
★ "As hot as fire, cold as ice"
★ "Sweet as sugar and everything nice"
★ "As old as time"
★ "As buzzed as a bee"
★ "As stealth as a tiger"
★ Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be"
Vibrant Eyes - CG5:
★ "I'm not the one to trust when I've lost everything that I've touched"
★ "Don't tell them what you've done, tell them what you've done. The war's already won, why do we go on?"
★ "Don't tell them what you've done, tell them what you've done, tell them what you've done, tell them what you've done"
★ "Scared of the memories that make me insane"
★ "I'll cover these vibrant eyes and forget the pain"
★ "Little voice ruining my sanity, evil dreams haunting me. Don't you ever look my way."
★ "Little voice ruining my consciousness, nothing left to reminisce"
★ "All this pain will make me suffocate"
★ "All my thoughts ever strange, free me from the mental cage"
Crucified - Army Of Lovers:
★ "I'm crucified, crucified like my savoir"
★ "Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed"
★ "I'm crucified for the holy dimension"
★ "Godlike ascension, heavens away"
★ "I've seen the deepest darkness and wrestled with Gods"
★ "Where thorns are a teaser, I've played a double jeux"
★ "I cry, I pray, mon Dieu! I cry, I pray, mon Dieu!"
★ "Prophets I've been reading, stories I enjoy been told; before I end my breathing, I travel in the soul"
★ "Adieu, mon Dieu!"
Coffee - Jack Stauber's Microphone:
★ "Do I need it? (Mocha) Am I under control?"
★ "Can I beat it? (Wake up!) If it swallowed me whole?"
★ "(I can make you feel alive) I know, but do I need you to survive?"
★ "I can't believe this happened"
★ "French vanilla, I think I should sit this one out (no, no, no)"
★ "Maybe a cup of self control would be the route. (But it's the flavor, it's the flavor you want!) Maybe so, but it feels better to check than to reflect (Just a sip!)"
Chiquitita (Spanish Version) - ABBA:
! You can look at the English version for translation !
★ "Chiquitita, dime por qué tu dolor hoy te encadena? En tus ojos hay una sombra de gran pena"
★ "No quisiera verte así. Aunque quieras disimularlo"
★ "Si es que tan tristes estas, para que quieres callarlo?"
★ "Chiquitita, sabes muy bien que las penas vienen y van y desaparecen"
★ "Otra vez vas a bailar y seras feliz como flores que florecen"
★ "Chiquitita, no hay que llorar. Las estrellas brillan por ti haya en lo alto"
★ "Quiero verte sonreír para compartir tu alegría, chiquitita"
Normal People Things - Lovejoy:
★ "The background hum for cerebellum"
★ "Oh, what a blessing to meet someone like you, with eyes as dead as mine. It's fine. It's normal people things just to lie here in silence"
★ "Spending days in self-medicating. Lost too much weight, unpleasant aftertaste."
★ "We think the same, play different games"
★ "I'll make it worth the wait"
★ "Yes, it's probably a razor thing but honestly it's harmless and I refuse to let the sensitive skin win"
★ "So, we lie here in silence. Yes, we lie here in silence. This is normal people things just to lie here in silence!"
Welcome Home - Radical Face:
★ "And the days blur into one"
★ "Sheets are swaying from an old clothesline like a row of captured ghosts over old dead grass"
★ "Welcome home"
★ "Ships are launching from my chest. Some have names but most do not. If you find one, please let me know what piece I've lost"
★ "I've come home"
★ "Now my head's splitting at the seams and I don't know if I can."
Point Of No Return - STARSET:
★ "I am hypnotized as I fantasize, forgetting lies and pain, but I can't go back"
★ "The ashes call my name"
★ "Pouring the fuel, fanning the flames, breaking the habit and melting the chains"
★ "The bridges are burning, the heat's on my face"
★ "Making the past an unreachable place"
★ "There's something sinister about the way it hurts when I watch it burn because I can't go back"
★ "This is the point of no return"
Cradles - Sub Urban:
★ "I live inside my own world of make-believe"
★ "I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach"
★ "Fire's spreading all around my room"
★ "Tape my eyes open to force reality"
★ "Sometimes I can't tell if my body belongs to me"
★ "I wanna taste your content"
★ "Devils hide behind redemption"
★ "Just tripping on daydreams"
★ "Might as well just rot around the nursery and count sheep"
Murders - Miracle Musical:
★ "He was in the forest looking to see the trees but none were there"
★ "In the light leaves broke above. Then fell down"
★ "Wearying of the hate me, hate me not. Wait, they forgot. Woe, oh, the rot."
★ "Deeper in they crept, oblivious of the bears and darker terrors. Or none were there. How did they dare?"
★ "Shadow of nobody there. Murders of murderers living in fear of it"
★ "All for nothing at all"
No Wind Resistance! - Kinnerent:
★ "I don't know how it ends, I can't see it in the distance"
★ "But can you ever reach the end of a timeless existence?"
★ "Just imagine being human, hating your confusion, denying 'til it's proven, laughing at illusion"
★ "Imagine reducing yourself to your name"
★ "You've suck all your consciousness inside of your brain"
★ "So go ahead and find your meaning with your methamphetamine"
★ "And once you can see that you've trapped all your grace, maybe you'll join me and girl we can race"
★ "Off-beat heartbeats"
★ "I've been here sixty years and I'm still not bored"
★ "And I've found that almost everything is made of cardboard"
★ "And there's absolutely nothing I can't sing with weird cords"
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People) - Will Wood:
★ "Have you ever died in a nightmare? Woke up surprised you hadn't earned your fate?"
★ "Have you ever felt like Atlas, threw your back out on the axis and collapsed and threw away from planet away?"
★ "Everyone's just blood in an ice tray"
★ "A vampire picking flowers out in the sun"
★ "Ooh, could you take a look at me? (It's the norm for animals, it's the norm for chemicals)"
★ "If you were in my shoes, you'd walk the same d★mn miles I do"
★ "It doesn't take a killer to murder. It only takes a reason to kill"
★ "The difference twist fate and free will is whether you're singing"
★ "(You could break an angel's fall, and ignore the Devil's call. Still foresaken shoulders fall silent now)
★ "(Man no more than animal is made of moral chemicals)"
As It Was - Harry Styles:
★ "Holdin' me back. Gravity's holdin' me back"
★ "In this world, it's just us. You know it's not the same as it was"
★ "Answer the phone. 'Harry, you're no good alone. Why are you sitting at home on the floor? What kind of pills are you on?'"
★ "I don't wanna talk about the way that it was"
★ "As it was"
Saint Bernard - Lincoln:
★ "Hung up pictures of patron saints up on my wall to remind me that I am a fool"
★ "When I am dead, I won't join their ranks 'cause they are both holy and free"
★ "And I'm in Ohio, satanic and chained up. And until the end, that's how it'll be"
★ "Don't make me a liar, 'cause I swear to God when I said it, I thought it was true"
★ "There's really just one thing that we have in common. Neither of us will be missed"
★ "Isn't your family looking for you?"
★ "We'll uncover every lie, and I promise you'll survive"
★ "Well done, superstar!"
★ "Shine a light, we're fighting the dark"
★ "I'll never ever leave you behind"
★ "Lights are off and your life's in jeopardy"
★ "If I'm undone, put me back together soon"
★ "What's your choice? In the end, I'll always be your friend"
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths:
★ "You're scaring us and all of us, some of us love you, Achilles. It's not much but there's proof"
★ "Redemption lies plainly in truth"
★ "Je vois que beaucoup de gens meurent, parce qu'ils estiment que la vie ne vaut pas la peine d'être vécue. J'en vois d'autres, qui se font paradoxalement tuer pour des idées, pour des illusions, qui let's donnent une raison de vivre (ce, qu'on appelle une raison de vivre est en même temps une eccellente raison de morir)" | "I witness that a lot of people are dying because they consider that life is not worth living. Paradoxically, I witness other people who are being killed for their ideas, their illusions, which give their existence a sense. What we call a reason to live is also an excellent reason to die"
★ "The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken"
★ "Remember the pact of our youth. Where you go, I'm going. So jump and I'm jumping. Since there is no me without you."
★ "Today, of all days, see how the most dangerous thing is to love"
★ "It's a pointless resistance for you."
★ "Achilles, Achilles, just put down the bottle. Don't listen to what you've consumed. It's chaos, confusion, and wholly unworthy"
★ "And there may not be meaning, so find one and seize it"
★ "Hear those bells ring deep in the soul, chiming away for a moment"
★ "Les souvenirs d'une patrie perdue, l'espoir d'une terre promise" | "Memories of a lost homeland, the hope for a promised land"
★ "But be real and just jump, you dense motherf★cker (You're worth more, Achilles)"
★ "Be done with this now and jump off the roof (Be done with this now and get off the roof)"
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thlayli-ra · 1 year
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I'll never understand why people hated this feud when we got LA Knight gagged and strapped to a chair with a shredded shirt, I mean.... 🤷‍♀️
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mcsm-confessions · 21 hours
tw for s//cide/ dark topics maybe a vent it's not really a vent but like wowie
idk but I think it's crazy like
I've always been in a bad headspace and kinda just not wanting to live anymore and despite going through therapy and to a hospital for all that stuff it never really worked so I've never really been "cured" or something, but ever since my horrible mcsm hyperfix started like I love those block people sm I really feel better I mean I'm still not 100% but I feel way better than how I used to. What the heck man stupid cubes i love them sm like when I'm sad I'll boot up the game and I'm instantly happy again wtf thank you mcsm for sort of pulling me out of that headspace I love block people
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lilac-set · 2 months
Im autistic and abinary and i think drag looks fun and interesting but its really hard for me to break down exactly what theyre doing regarding body language as caricatures of traditional gender roles, can someone help? Im assuming some drag artists have already made guides about this, if anyone knows where to find them would you send them to me?
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teddybeartoji · 3 months
hi mickey!!
sorry if this is random, but you seem like you have a big following and i’ve seen you post palestine stuff in the past, so i thought i’d give this a go…
there’s currently a fundraiser with barely any donations for mohamad and his family to evacuate gaza, at the link https://gofund.me/c5690743
if you could please share this and increase its reach, that’d be wonderful :) thank you so much for your help !!!
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Lando speaking about being attacked and mugged after the 2020 Euro Final, this is so sad to read and the people who did this are such disgusting humans
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urisk-factor · 5 months
Hi I have a question regarding these
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Please reblog! I'm trying to figure something out because no one ever mentions what I'm talking about and apparently it's not normal for them to move in the way mine do. I'm just a scared autistic person with hypermobility trying to figure out what's wrong with my hands because it's now stopping me from playing music.
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