#Please remember that it is in the rules to only submit one photo per request and one request at a time
pokemonifying-posts · 7 months
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perhaps my baby boy lil ninja and my sweet girl catness?
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This CAT has become POKEMON-IFIED
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simana-x · 3 years
Oh yeah, and this is the information page for the BTHB if you’re interested in taking part!
BTHB About Page
Guidelines + Rules
(home ask)
What is this? — Getting Started — How It Works — The Rules — FAQ —
What is this?
This is your motivation to write that fic. Always fun to take prompts when they’re in the form of games you remember from elementary school birthday parties.
You may have seen some bingo cards floating around in the fanfic community. People make a card featuring 24 prompts, and other people will submit a request for one of these prompts to be filled, as well as choosing which character(s) will prominently feature, and occasionally other details as well, depending on the cardholder’s preference. The cardholder then writes the fic and marks it off on the card.
Sounds fun, right? Right.
We all know that some of us are here to get DARK. So, why not make a bingo game focusing on Bad Things?
At this page you will find a list of tropes and scenarios. Currently, there are over four hundred listed. Most are whump-focused, some are more angst, and a few are centered around the ‘comfort’ part of hurt/comfort. Some are fairly general, some are very specific. Some are fairly lighthearted, and some take you right into the heart of Sadism Land.
These are the fics we’ll be writing.
Getting Started
Once you’ve finished reading the rules and FAQ, click on the ‘request a card’ link on the home page or here. This will take you to an application. Let us know the tumblr url you want us to send the card to, and if you want, what fandoms you intend to write for.
Next, you pick your tropes. We’ve got a lot of them, and of course, not everyone would be interested in writing for all of them. Some tropes may not work in the setting you want to write for, some may be difficult to get inspiration for, some may be too dark for you or not dark enough. Go ahead and check off the box next to every trope that you ARE okay with having on your card. You must choose at least 25, so every space on the card has a prompt. (There is no free space; freedom is an illusion.)
There will be a couple of additional questions at the end of the application, then, just submit! Make sure you have your submission box open on your tumblr, with the option to submit a photo, so that we can send you your bingo card. If your submission box is not open, you will not receive a card.
How It Works
When you receive your bingo card, you can start writing! You can write at your own pace and in your own time frame. Go ahead and post your bingo card if you’re making the fics available to your followers, and don’t forget to keep track of which spaces you’ve completed! Doesn’t have to be anything fancy; you can use anything from Photoshop to MS Paint to a text post with strikethroughs to track your progress.
For fic bingos, many people like to take prompts from their followers. Someone will send an ask requesting one of the tropes from your card and a character(s) for the fic to focus on. If you’d like, you can also let your followers prompt other details such as which character you want to have hurt and which one should be the comforter, whether it should be romantic or platonic, an AU to set it in, anything at all. Sky’s the limit. However, prompts are not required; you can select which combinations of tropes and characters you want to write and in what order you want to write them on your own.
Once you’ve written a fic, post it! If in your application you gave us permission to reblog your work, we’ll put it right here on this blog to share with other players and readers. Be sure to tag it with #badthingshappenbingo, or @ us in the post, to ensure we see it. Additionally, please tag the trope featured in the fic, and the fandom you wrote it for.
If you cross-post the fic on AO3, we have a badthingshappenbingo collection, which you can find here! Feel free to add your fic to the collection!
Once you’ve completed five squares in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, you will be added to the Hall of Fame! But don’t feel like you have to stop once you’ve gotten a Bingo; the Hall of Fame will also give special prominence to those of you who get a Blackout - that is, completing every space on your card!
~ You must have your submissions open in order to receive a card.
~ Although you may request a new Bingo card, you can only have one card in play at a time. We urge you to try to complete your current card before getting a new one if you can.
~ Fics can be NSFW, but they MUST be tagged as such, and all NSFW content MUST be placed under a Read More.
~ There is no word minimum. There is no word maximum.
~ You are allowed to cross-post works you wrote for this event on other platforms, such as AO3, FFN, etc., but we’d like you to also either post the fic on tumblr, or post a link to it, so we can find it.
~ Your entry must be completed before you can mark off its space on your bingo card. The exception is if you are writing a multi-chapter fic, but the chapter featuring the prompt must still be completed.
~ Your entry must be newly written for the bingo, not retroactively tagged or added on to a pre-existing fic.
~ Please indicate somewhere on the post or in the tags which fandom your fic was written for.
~ Feel free to message the blog if we missed reblogging a post you created for this event.
~ Only one prompt per post counts. You can include multiple tropes in a story/chapter, but you can only officially tag/mark off the square for one of them.
~ We love drama in our fics, not on our dash. If a fic is written for a work or a ship that you don’t like, don’t read it. That’s all there is to it. ~ RPF (Real Person Fic) content is not allowed.
~ Although the official Bingo game is a writing-only challenge, you can also participate in this event as an artist. Find the details in this post here!
Q: How long does this event last?
A: Forever and ever, I guess. There is no time limit for completing your fics.
Q: How long does it take to receive a card after applying for one?
A: Anywhere from several hours to one week. It depends entirely on how busy the mods are, how frequently applications are coming in, and how long the waiting list is. All of these factors fluctuate wildly from day to day.
Q: Which fandoms can we write for?
A: You can write for any fandom you’d like. This even includes original work, which we like to view as one-person fandoms. The only exception is that we do not allow RPF (real person fic) content. Let’s stick to hurting FICTIONAL people.
Q: I sent in an application, but did not receive a card. Why is that?
A: Most likely, it’s because your submissions were closed. If, however, your submissions are open and you still did not receive a card, it’s probably because either the Google Docs form did not go through, or tumblr ate the submission. Message us off of anon and we’ll get it sorted out.
Q: Can we submit completed fics for this bingo that are also written for other bingos or writing events?
A: As long as the other event also allows it, yes, that’s perfectly fine.
Q: Can we collaborate on fics?
A: When you apply for a card, the username or usernames on the application should always be the author of all prompt fills. If you apply for a card for yourself and another user to share, all works for the card must be a collaboration between the two of you. If you apply for a card for a single user, all works for the card should be written by that single user.
Q: I posted a filled prompt and you didn’t reblog it. Why is that?
A: We aim to reblog all filled prompts. However, due to tumblr being tumblr, occasionally we will miss a filled prompt due to the post not showing up in the tag and/or an @ not making it onto our activity feed. So if you have posted a filled prompt and it has been 48 hours or more without us reblogging, that means we didn’t see it, so you can go ahead and submit or direct message the link to us and we’ll get to it as soon as possible.
Q: Can you add [trope] to the trope list?
A: Probably. As long as it is succinct enough to fit in a space on the bingo card. We would love for the masterlist to be continually expanding. We also want to ensure that all aspects of this event are inclusive to gen writers and to aromantic-asexual characters, due to the fact that they’re so often overlooked or left out of fandom events and activities, so no prompts that inherently require the protagonist/whumpee to be alloromantic and/or allosexual (Unrequited Pining, Cheated On, Left at the Altar, etc.) will ever be included in the masterlist.
Q: Can we make our own cards, or do we have to get them from you?
A: In order to keep track of who’s participating, we ask that you specifically request a card from us. The mods are active, and should be prompt in getting you your card. If you’d like to make your own, feel free - we don’t own these tropes. However, if you make your own, don’t tag the completed fic as #badthingshappenbingo. Only cards made and distributed by us are included in the event proper.
Q: Do we have to post the fics we write for this event?
A: It’s not required. You can request a card for personal/private use if you’d like.
Q: Are there any prizes?
A: Bragging rights, a spot in the Hall of Fame, a sense of accomplishment, and a boost to your grand total fanfic word count. That’s all the reward you need, right?
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justlurkinnothurtin · 4 years
Soooooo I wrote thing based on a post I saw on @buggachat which was originally posted by @flashflashitsash. Enjoy reading about Adrien stuck in an uncomfortable after dinner discussion. 
(Also, I really hope I’m doing this right. I was inspired by said post which pondered the concept that Adrien has not received the talk from anyone in the Agreste household. I took that idea and ran with it, but I wanted to make sure everyone was credited properly. If there is something I should be doing, please let me know.)
Nathalie takes a deep breath. She knocks on the heavy oak door twice before entering Gabriel’s office. Per Gabriel’s request to keep meetings short, she skips the greetings and the pleasantries and speaks directly to the heart of the matter. “Sir, the housekeepers are refusing to clean Adrien’s room.”
Gabriel doesn’t bother looking up from the touch screen. He continues to review designs submitted by staff as he discusses the issue with his assistant. “Adrien picks up after himself, so his room is usually easy to clean. Why is housekeeping refusing to clean Adrien’s room?”
Nathalie stalls. She knows her boss is never in a good mood, doubly so when his in-laws visit. “They found a cheese in his room.”
Gabriel stops futzing with his work. He looks over at Nathalie for clarification. “I’m not following. Did they find a moldy cheese that was somehow forgotten about?”
The assistant chooses her words carefully to convey the situation without being too direct. “They found a smashed cheese. Under his pillow. In his bed.”
Gabriel considers new bits of information. “I see.”
No one speaks as the reality of the situation settles. The silence in the room grows palatable. Nathalie breaks the silence first. “I’m not talking to your son about his… habits. That is not in the scope of my job as your assistant.”
Gabriel scowls and growls his words at Nathalie. “I didn’t ask you to.” Gabriel pulls up his calendar. The next several days look very busy. “Clear my schedule for this evening. Adrien and I will be having dinner alone, after Amelie and Felix leave.”
“Yes sir.” Nathalie taps on her tablet to begin rescheduling as she walks out of the office.
Later that evening
Adrien and Gabriel eat dinner in silence. As Gabriel finishes his meal, he pushes his plate away and leans back in his chair, waiting for Adrien to finish. Adrien notices his father’s not-quite relaxed posture. Adrien breaks the ice. “It was nice to have dinner with you, Father. Do you have another meeting you need to get to? If not, then we could watch a movie or play game.” The son does his best to hide his excitement at the prospect of being able to spend some quality time with his father. Dinners together are rare, and rarer still is spending time together after.
The light glints off the father’s glasses in a foreboding manner. Gabriel settles in for a serious discussion. “Actually, before we do anything else, we need to talk.”
“Talk? Did I do something wrong?” A wave of disappointment crashes over Adrien. It seems like his father only ever talks to him if something was not up to standards.
Gabriel reframes the conversation away from wrong-doing. “Not wrong per se, but concerning.” Gabriel takes a deep breath and gathers his thoughts. “Everyone has urges. It’s natural to seek out a release from such urges, but you should never use food or everyday objects for such a release. Those activities should be limited to your hands, object designed for the task, or a consenting partner. I would appreciate it if you held off on the last one until you were older.”
Adrien’s eyes become pinpoints. The confusion sets in. “What are you talking about?”
Gabriel is not amused. “If you’re creative enough to use cheese, then I’m sure you’re creative enough to figure how to use your hands, Adrien. I’ll make sure your room is stocked with tissues and lotion from now on. No more keeping whole cheese wheels in your room. Food belongs in the kitchen.”
Adrien rests his elbows on the table and sinks his head into his hands. He wonders aloud and mostly to himself. “What is happening right now?”
Gabriel’s face somehow grows sterner. He relays the facts of the day’s earlier incident to his son. “A used cheese was found under your pillow. No should have to clean up after your… activities.”
A look of realization flashes across Adrien’s face. He remembers Plagg complaining about Felix ruining the cheese Plagg had been aging. “I promise I didn’t do whatever it is you think happened to that cheese.”
A sigh of relief makes its way through the older Agreste. Gabriel is relieved that his child is not into cheese. Unfortunately they still have more to address. “I believe you, but the rest of this discussion is important information we should have talked about earlier. Concerning consenting partners; no Gabriel brand or household employees, no one from competing brands, and you should avoid anyone from your pool of fans.”
Adrien looks up at his father. The younger Agreste’s brows furrow as he checks his understanding. “So basically my classmates or Kagami?”
Gabriel rejects the suggestion almost by reflex. “Not Kagami. If things turned sour it could affect the agreements between Gabriel and Tsurugi.” They could not afford to lose the contract with Tsurugi concerning factories in the east.
“So my classmates?” asks Adrien.
Gabriel scratches his chin and reconsiders. “Doesn’t one of your classmates run the Ladyblog? Not her either. In fact, no journalists.”
Adrien raises one eyebrow. He thinks he is starting to catch on to the discussion. “Alya? I’m pretty sure she’s dating Nino.”
Gabriel reminds himself that Emilie would want to present a united and accepting front just in case their son needed the reassurance concerning his orientation. “Nino would be okay if you’re into that sort of thing, but he’s still not allowed inside our house.” 
If he was into that sort of thing? Adrien’s confusion grew, but he attempted to set the record straight.  “Just so I understand, consenting partners cannot be your employees or household employees, employees of a competing brand, journalists, people that could affect contracts in which Gabriel the brand is involved, and shouldn’t be any of my fans, but could be Nino.”
Gabriel nods his confident his son was catching on. “Exactly.”
Adrien asks the question that has plagued him since the beginning of the conversation. “What are they consenting to?”
Gabriel covers his face with one hand. “Honestly, it could be a lot of things, but everyone should be on the same page before you start.”
The answer from Gabriel is not helpful. Adrien tries to get a more direct answer from his father. “Start what?”
Gabriel wishes Emilie to wake up at that moment, like he does every time he feels like he is flubbing a delicate conversation.  Gabriel speaks only one word with gravity to impart his meaning. “Activities.”
The gravity of the spoken word does not work on the teenaged son. Adrien pauses and thinks of the few times his father allowed him to leave the house and what he was allowed to do. Adrien lights up believing he has figured out his father’s puzzling statements. “Oh! Like practicing with Marinette, or with the girls in the park, or at the ice skating rink with Luka, Marinette and Kagami, or with everyone on the house boat.” He remembers too late that he only got permission from his father to practice video games, to go ice skating and to go to see Kitty Section during the music festival. He never got permission to do the photo shoot with the girls in the park. Oops.
Gabriel now wishes he was dealing with a child who was into cheese. The name Marinette rings a bell. Oh god. Marinette is name of Tom and Sabine’s daughter, and Adrien admits to using her for practice. Gabriel prays Adrien means some other Marinette, so he doesn’t have to deal with the fall out of upsetting the best bakery in Paris. With the mention of Kagami, the Tsurugi contract is dead. “… did everyone take proper precautions?”
Adrien thinks back to ice skating and to listening to loud music. “Do you mean helmets, knee pads, and ear plugs?”
Gabriel is perturbed by Adrien’s answer. What in the world is Adrien into?!  The father asks for his own sanity. “Are you at least using a barrier method?”
The son is more lost than ever. “What’s a barrier method?” Adrien wonders what barriers have to do with ice skating and listening to music.
Gabriel’s frustration builds with his son’s supposed lackadaisical attitude towards sex. He lashes out. “If you don’t know about condoms and dental dams, you really shouldn’t be involved in group scenes, Adrien. I’m worried that you’ve been given too much freedom if you can’t be bothered to practice safe sex.” Gabriel glares at his son from over the top of his glasses. He reaches for his phone, ready to update Nathalie on the new rules for his son.
Adrien’s brain malfunctions as he tries to straighten out how this conversation got away from him. It hits him that he told his father he practiced with Marinette. He wonders if Marinette would still want to be his friend after sticking his foot in his mouth. The words somehow manage to come out of Adrien’s mouth. “Safe sex? What do condoms and dental dams have to do with ice skating, band practice and video games? What’s a dental dam?”
The phone is left undisturbed on the table. No new rules for Adrien. Gabriel shakes his head not sure if should be relieved that Adrien is not some sort of deviant or let down by how easily Adrien misses context. Gabriel is determined to finish this conversation, if only to avoid future discussions with Nathalie over anything in Adrien’s room. “A dental dam is a thin flexible sheet of latex or similar material used to prevent the transmission of STDs during oral sex. No matter what your… kink is, you should always practice safe sex. Barrier methods protect against sexually transmitted diseases, and condoms specifically also protect against pregnancy.” Gabriel takes on his more familiar and stern countenance. “It’s important to the brand that you are discrete and avoid any mishaps. It would be wise for you to refrain from such activities until you are older. Deviations could make your image appear less wholesome and adversely affect our target audience.”
Adrien adds another expectation to his ever growing list. At least he isn’t outright banned from activities as Gabriel put it. Adrien asks another question. “How do you use condoms and dental dams?”
Gabriel answers the question without getting in the details. “There’s instructions on the box with diagrams. Read them prior to getting into racy situations. A box of each has been placed in your room.” He adds to his answer in hopes of avoiding accidents due to unfamiliarity. “It wouldn’t be a bad idea to practice and get familiar with them first.”
“Practice?” the son asks.
“In your room, on yourself,” the father responds.
Adrien gets more comfortable with the conversation. It is not how he thought the night would go, but at least he gets to spend time with his father. “What else should I know?”
Gabriel relaxes a smidge. The conversation is flowing easier now Adrien and Gabriel are on the same page. Gabriel imparts some important wisdom. “Consent can be withdrawn at any time. Take your time and check in frequently with your chosen partner or partners to make sure everyone is still on board. Don’t rush, and make sure to communicate your desires clearly as well as listen.”
“Am I supposed to ask them if they still want sex during sex?” asks Adrien. He doesn’t doubt his father, but that is not how sex is usually portrayed.
Gabriel explains the concept more thoroughly. “You’re supposed to make sure they still want sex during sex, but you don’t need to use those exact words. It doesn’t even necessarily be verbal. It’s mostly a matter of making your partner is still enjoying themselves. Pay attention, and if something seems off then back off. In the beginning of a relationship or with temporary flings, you’ll probably rely more on verbal communication because everyone is different in how they show enthusiasm.” Gabriel notices Adrien biting the side of his lip and offers more direction on checking in on sexual partners. “You could use more playful questions like, does that feel good, what do you want you right now, are you ready for whatever. All of this is easier to do when you are not in the midst of puberty and after your hormones have leveled out. Another reason to wait until you are older.” Gabriel gently pushes for his son to wait again. It would be easier on the brand if the face of the teen department isn’t known as a pint-sized playboy.
It is a lot of information to absorb, but Adrien knows his father probably isn’t done. “Is that it?”
Gabriel switches to the more practical side of sexual health. “Whenever you start having sex, let me know so I can get a wellness check scheduled for you.” Gabriel flips over his phone and makes a few notes.
Adrien face and tone falls flat. “Aren’t you going to tell Nathalie to schedule the appointment?”
Gabriel counters. “Do you want Nathalie to know when you become sexually active?”
Nathalie spends the most time with him, but Adrien isn’t comfortable with Nathalie knowing his private life. “Not really.”
Gabriel reassures Adrien. “Then I won’t have Nathalie schedule the appointment. I will have to tell her that you have a doctor’s appointment in order to keep your schedule clear, but I won’t tell her the reason.”
“Thank you, Father.” Something about the conversation nags at Adrien. “Aren’t you going to tell me what sex is?”
Gabriel stares down Adrien. The boy is 14. He doesn’t need everything spelled out. “I’ve seen your search history, Adrien. I know you know what sex is. I will say that pornography is not accurate. It’s not usually representative of what women want. Everything in porn is exaggerated, most people don’t look like that naked, and no woman has ever been that excited by extra sausage on her pizza.”
Adrien’s face turns beet red as he remembers how almost everything in his life is monitored. “…anything else?”
Gabriel gives one last piece of advice. “Don’t keep condoms in your wallet. The heat and the friction could weaken the condom making it more likely to break.”
As if on autopilot, the next question is blurted out without thinking. “Is that what happened to you and mom?” His father stares into Adrien’s soul. The steely eyes draw out another statement from Adrien. “My birthday is six months after your wedding anniversary.”
In his room, Adrien recalls the strange conversation over the phone with Nino. “And then my father grounded me.”
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bbq-hawks-wings · 6 years
Umm… first kiss with Kirishima, Kaminari, Iida and Sero? (if that’s too many I’m sorry)
It is, anon. I’d like to ask everyone to please read the rules before submitting a request or I may just outright delete it in the future. Due to my writing style and schedule I had to cut back on the number of characters I accept per ask. The rules link in my description should be fixed now so there shouldn’t be any excuses for anyone to not read them from now on.
But I’ll move forward with this one and two characters from the list you gave. I’ll only put my foot down and start deleting requests if it becomes a problem.
We’ve mentioned before that Iida is not a very physically affectionate person.
He’s also a very proper gentleman, and honestly, if you wanted to wait until you were married to have your first kiss he wouldn’t object!
You’ll have to initiate it, and you’ve thought about outright asking; but then again, you remembered how well cuddling went for you two.
You really don’t want your first kiss to be like that.
So you decided to bide your time and wait for the perfect moment.
Come Christmas Iida had promised to take you on a special date, and at the time you had thought he had something big and fancy planned that he could afford with his family’s money.
But when he pulled you out to a more remote part of the city, to a tiny park, in the dark, in the cold, you had no idea what to expect anymore.
“Just wait and see!”
It was a minute or two of you sitting there, honestly considerably cold, before something incredible happened.
The tiny little park suddenly lit up and every tree was full of sparkling ornaments and fairy lights hung up over your head. The small amount of snow sleepily falling from the sky made you feel like you were in a personal little memory snow globe.
“My brother used to take me here when I was little. It was my favorite part of the Christmas season every year, and I wanted to share it with you.”
In the twinkling lights and quiet ambiance of the park you realized that this was it.
Your hand released his and traveled up his arm to his shoulder and to his neck. He might have normally made a fuss, but maybe it was the look in your eyes or the lights that were casting a spell on him, too. He reached down, wrapping his arms around you and pulled you into a warm, chaste first kiss.
You held it there for just a moment before a sudden bright flash caught your attention.
“I’m sorry!” A strange voice piped up a small ways away. “I don’t mean to butt in, but it was such a perfect picture I couldn’t pass it up!”
It was someone with a photograph quirk who had originally just come to take pictures of the park for their own personal collection, but the scene played out before him was just too beautiful to not capture forever, and they gave you a copy of the photo - a perfectly framed scene that looked every bit like the snow globe you imagined.
It was the best Christmas gift you had ever gotten.
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Sero always has been full of surprises!
Literally never take anything about this guy at face value.
There will be something more or different hiding behind whatever you think you know, and it will get you every time.
Like when he asked you after several dates if he could kiss you and you said yes; but he didn’t kiss you right away.
You figured he was probably asking permission so he could surprise you at a later date and let it be, but you forgot about it eventually.
Come the next White Day, though, he was playing this game with everyone - friend, stranger, boy, girl - wherein he asked if they wanted a kiss and he always responded by handing them a Hershey’s chocolate.
It was a fun joke, and by the time he made it to you you had already heard about it and were ready for it.
“Would you like a kiss?” “Yes, please!” “Ok, close your eyes!”
Of course he had to make it different for you. You closed your eyes and opened your mouth slightly, expecting him to feed you the chocolate when you found his lips pressed against yours.
He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you in tight for a romantic, even somewhat steamy first kiss that left you a little breathless.
After which, he pulled away, opened your hand, and placed a chocolate in it.
“Obviously, my best girl gets two!” He said with a wink before turning on his heel and continuing on.
He really was full of surprises, wan’t he?
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burtlederp · 5 years
BTHB About Page
Guidelines + Rules
(home ask)
What is this? — Getting Started — How It Works — The Rules — FAQ —
What is this?
This is your motivation to write that fic. Always fun to take prompts when they’re in the form of games you remember from elementary school birthday parties.
You may have seen some bingo cards floating around in the fanfic community. People make a card featuring 24 prompts, and other people will submit a request for one of these prompts to be filled, as well as choosing which character(s) will prominently feature, and occasionally other details as well, depending on the cardholder’s preference. The cardholder then writes the fic and marks it off on the card.
Sounds fun, right? Right.
We all know that some of us are here to get DARK. So, why not make a bingo game focusing on Bad Things?
At this page you will find a list of tropes and scenarios. Currently, there are over four hundred listed. Most are whump-focused, some are more angst, and a few are centered around the ‘comfort’ part of hurt/comfort. Some are fairly general, some are very specific. Some are fairly lighthearted, and some take you right into the heart of Sadism Land.
These are the fics we’ll be writing.
Getting Started
Once you’ve finished reading the rules and FAQ, click on the ‘request a card’ link on the home page or here. This will take you to an application. Let us know the tumblr url you want us to send the card to, and if you want, what fandoms you intend to write for.
Next, you pick your tropes. We’ve got a lot of them, and of course, not everyone would be interested in writing for all of them. Some tropes may not work in the setting you want to write for, some may be difficult to get inspiration for, some may be too dark for you or not dark enough. Go ahead and check off the box next to every trope that you ARE okay with having on your card. You must choose at least 25, so every space on the card has a prompt. (There is no free space; freedom is an illusion.)
There will be a couple of additional questions at the end of the application, then, just submit! Make sure you have your submission box open on your tumblr, with the option to submit a photo, so that we can send you your bingo card. If your submission box is not open, you will not receive a card.
How It Works
When you receive your bingo card, you can start writing! You can write at your own pace and in your own time frame. Go ahead and post your bingo card if you’re making the fics available to your followers, and don’t forget to keep track of which spaces you’ve completed! Doesn’t have to be anything fancy; you can use anything from Photoshop to MS Paint to a text post with strikethroughs to track your progress.
For fic bingos, many people like to take prompts from their followers. Someone will send an ask requesting one of the tropes from your card and a character(s) for the fic to focus on. If you’d like, you can also let your followers prompt other details such as which character you want to have hurt and which one should be the comforter, whether it should be romantic or platonic, an AU to set it in, anything at all. Sky’s the limit. However, prompts are not required; you can select which combinations of tropes and characters you want to write and in what order you want to write them on your own.
Once you’ve written a fic, post it! If in your application you gave us permission to reblog your work, we’ll put it right here on this blog to share with other players and readers. Be sure to tag it with #badthingshappenbingo, or @ us in the post, to ensure we see it. Additionally, please tag the trope featured in the fic, and the fandom you wrote it for.
If you cross-post the fic on AO3, we have a badthingshappenbingo collection, which you can find here! Feel free to add your fic to the collection!
Once you’ve completed five squares in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, you will be added to the Hall of Fame! But don’t feel like you have to stop once you’ve gotten a Bingo; the Hall of Fame will also give special prominence to those of you who get a Blackout - that is, completing every space on your card!
~ You must have your submissions open in order to receive a card.
~ Although you may request a new Bingo card, you can only have one card in play at a time. We urge you to try to complete your current card before getting a new one if you can.
~ Fics can be NSFW, but they MUST be tagged as such, and all NSFW content MUST be placed under a Read More.
~ There is no word minimum. There is no word maximum.
~ You are allowed to cross-post works you wrote for this event on other platforms, such as AO3, FFN, etc., but we’d like you to also either post the fic on tumblr, or post a link to it, so we can find it.
~ Your entry must be completed before you can mark off its space on your bingo card. The exception is if you are writing a multi-chapter fic, but the chapter featuring the prompt must still be completed.
~ Your entry must be newly written for the bingo, not retroactively tagged or added on to a pre-existing fic.
~ Please indicate somewhere on the post or in the tags which fandom your fic was written for.
~ Feel free to message the blog if we missed reblogging a post you created for this event.
~ Only one prompt per post counts. You can include multiple tropes in a story/chapter, but you can only officially tag/mark off the square for one of them.
~ We love drama in our fics, not on our dash. If a fic is written for a work or a ship that you don’t like, don’t read it. That’s all there is to it. ~ RPF (Real Person Fic) content is not allowed.
~ Although the official Bingo game is a writing-only challenge, you can also participate in this event as an artist. Find the details in this post here!
Q: How long does this event last?
A: Forever and ever, I guess. There is no time limit for completing your fics.
Q: How long does it take to receive a card after applying for one?
A: Anywhere from several hours to one week. It depends entirely on how busy the mods are, how frequently applications are coming in, and how long the waiting list is. All of these factors fluctuate wildly from day to day.
Q: Which fandoms can we write for?
A: You can write for any fandom you’d like. This even includes original work, which we like to view as one-person fandoms. The only exception is that we do not allow RPF (real person fic) content. Let’s stick to hurting FICTIONAL people.
Q: I sent in an application, but did not receive a card. Why is that?
A: Most likely, it’s because your submissions were closed. If, however, your submissions are open and you still did not receive a card, it’s probably because either the Google Docs form did not go through, or tumblr ate the submission. Message us off of anon and we’ll get it sorted out.
Q: I posted a filled prompt and you didn’t reblog it. Why is that?
A: We aim to reblog all filled prompts. However, due to tumblr being tumblr, occasionally we will miss a filled prompt due to the post not showing up in the tag and/or an @ not making it onto our activity feed. So if you have posted a filled prompt and it has been 48 hours or more without us reblogging, that means we didn’t see it, so you can go ahead and submit or direct message the link to us and we’ll get to it as soon as possible.
Q: Can you add [trope] to the trope list?
A: Probably. As long as it is succinct enough to fit in a space on the bingo card. We would love for the masterlist to be continually expanding. We also want to ensure that all aspects of this event are inclusive to gen writers and to aromantic-asexual characters, due to the fact that they’re so often overlooked or left out of fandom events and activities, so no prompts that inherently require the protagonist/whumpee to be alloromantic and/or allosexual (Unrequited Pining, Cheated On, Left at the Altar, etc.) will ever be included in the masterlist.
Q: Why are some of the tropes on the masterlist hotlinked and some not?
A: Some of the tropes are unusual, complex, or use fandom jargon. Those tropes are hotlinked on the masterlist to take you to a page or post that expands on or explains the trope. Those that are not hotlinked are self-explanatory. However, if you do not understand what one of the non-hotlinked tropes means, send us an ask, and we’ll answer and link the trope to that answer.
Q: Can we make our own cards, or do we have to get them from you?
A: In order to keep track of who’s participating, we ask that you specifically request a card from us. The mods are active, and should be prompt in getting you your card. If you’d like to make your own, feel free - we don’t own these tropes. However, if you make your own, don’t tag the completed fic as #badthingshappenbingo. Only cards made and distributed by us are included in the event proper.
Q: Do we have to post the fics we write for this event?
A: It’s not required. You can request a card for personal/private use if you’d like.
Q: Are there any prizes?
A: Bragging rights, a spot in the Hall of Fame, a sense of accomplishment, and a boost to your grand total fanfic word count. That’s all the reward you need, right?
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Get Some, Give Some
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Hey everyone! To ring in the New Year and the fact that I’ve over-done it once again; I’ve decided to do something similar to the moodboard challenges only using my abundance of media edits. I have not come up with a date yet so stop taking requests or when the final day for submitting is; it will be some time in 2019 though. So here are the rules:
Get Some Rules (these apply to me):
You make a request from me on one of the Media edit; just 2 request limit per account.
Just ask from the list below
To Get Some you have to Give some, meaning we have to write together; this is not a one sided challenge.
Media List:
1.       Bucky is so happy to have his child home
2.       Bucky should have been more specific
3.       Winter Witch and a new puppy
4.       From mission to Date night (WinWit)
5.       Just a new little addition to the Barnes-Romanoff family
6.       Bucky and Nat just admiring their daughter
7.       TJ’s unashamed of his marriage status
8.       All the Hammond’s have a talent
9.       Even after his run, Steve’s S/O is still asleep
10.   It’s only ‘slightly’ hot in NYC
11.   Shabbat Night (WA)
12.   Thor is just as silly as his and Steve’s kids
13.   Steve takes his and Wanda’s little girl out for ice cream
14.   Big sister protecting the little sister (ScaAm)
15.   Nat is ecstatic to share this moment with Steve
16.   Not all nights are perfect (Romanogers)
17.   Russian Winters don’t really bother Nat’s girl
18.   Just having fun (Nat)
19.   Wanda’s girl is a little mad her sleep was interrupted
20.   Hanukkah with Wanda
21.   Just laying low (ScaWid)
22.   Wanda is not so sneaky
23.   Pietro really is proud of his girl
24.   Little Maximoff is already trouble
25.   Nap time at the Castle house
26.   Only the dog helps to keep Frank content
27.   Matt loves his little boy
28.   Y/N got him to do a photoshoot
29.   T’Challa doesn’t quite understand gender reveals
30.   Peter is just amazed at what a push-up bra can do
31.   Peter had more fun than he thought
32.   Eddie’s off the market
33.   Tony hasn’t seen his daughter so happy in a long time
34.   Tony gets an earful from his daughter
35.   Little girl Grady all snug and sleeping
36.   Went from sensual to tangled in lights (Grady)
37.   Beach trip with Diana
38.   Jim’s on shore leave
39.   Kennex is just enjoying his day off
40.   Kennex will be arresting you later
41.   Just camping (McGarrett)
42.   Just a nice night out with a little black dress (McGarrett)
43.   Something old/new for the bedroom (Barba)
44.   Barba’s girl stole his shirt
45.   Elijah enjoys the holiday season with his girls
46.   A photo shoot to celebrate 700 years (Elijah)
47.   New spells (Klaus)
48.   Merlin takes you on a tour of where he used to go 
Media Edit - Media Edit 2 - Media Edit 3
Give Some Rules (applies to everyone else):
1.       First rule; you have to send me the characters you write for and I will give you three or four choices to pick from (kind of like giving you a photo prompt)
a.       This will happen in a form of picking from a hat or cup
b.       It will be given in photo form because I have written everything on slips of paper
2.       You can either take 1 or all of the choices but you must tell me so that I do not give the same edit twice
3.       Your story must incorporate the media edit in some shape or form; even if it’s just a passing/throwaway line.
4.       Once again it can be clean or smutty, it’s completely up to you; JUST NO ABUSE.
5.       Anything over 350 words please add the read more tag
6.       Just remember to have fun
Tags: @locke-writes @medicatemedrmccoy @thefanficfaerie @outside-the-government @dolamrothianlady @captainrogerss @bkwrm523 @fiestylilmetalbendingqueen @chalantness @hellomissmabel @im-an-octopus @vintagemichelle91 @auduna-druitt @kaunis-sielu @daybreak96 @kaitymccoy123 @whiskeybucky @rauliskafan @musikat18 @girl-next-door-writes @snilliamsnakespeare
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are there, like, rules? If I request a card do I have a time limit to write the prompts?? Do I chose the one I want to write or what?? How does it work? I'm sorry, is just that I don't get it :(
From our About Page:
This is your motivation to write that fic. Always fun to take prompts when they're in the form of games you remember from elementary school birthday parties.
You may have seen some bingo cards floating around in the fanfic community. People make a card featuring 24 prompts, and other people will submit a request for one of these prompts to be filled, as well as choosing which character(s) will prominently feature, and occasionally other details as well, depending on the cardholder's preference. The cardholder then writes the fic and marks it off on the card.
Sounds fun, right? Right.
We all know that some of us are here to get DARK. So, why not make a bingo game focusing on Bad Things? At this page you will find a list of tropes and scenarios. Currently, there are over two hundred listed. Most are whump-focused, some are more angst, and a few are centered around the 'comfort' part of hurt/comfort. Some are fairly general, some are very specific. Some are fairly lighthearted, and some take you right into the heart of Sadism Land.
These are the fics we'll be writing.
Once you've finished reading the rules, click on the 'request a card' link on the home page or here. This will take you to an application. Let us know the tumblr url you want us to send the card to, and if you want, what fandoms you intend to write for.
Next, you pick your tropes. We've got a lot of them, and of course, not everyone would be interested in writing for all of them. Some tropes may not work in the setting you want to write for, some may be difficult to get inspiration for, some may be too dark for you or not dark enough. Go ahead and check off the box next to every trope that you ARE okay with having on your card. You must choose at least 25, so every space on the card has a prompt. (There is no free space; freedom is an illusion.)
There will be a couple of additional questions at the end of the application, then, just submit! Make sure you have your submission box open on your tumblr, with the option to submit a photo, so that we can send you your bingo card.
When you receive your bingo card, you can start writing! You can write at your own pace and in your own time frame. Go ahead and post your bingo card if you're making the fics available to your followers, and don't forget to keep track of which spaces you've completed! Doesn't have to be anything fancy; you can use anything from Photoshop to MS Paint to a text post with strikethroughs to track your progress.
For fic bingos, many people like to take prompts from their followers. Someone will send an ask requesting one of the tropes from your card and a character(s) for the fic to focus on. If you'd like, you can also let your followers prompt other details such as which character you want to have hurt and which one should be the comforter, whether it should be romantic or platonic, an AU to set it in, anything at all. Sky's the limit. However, prompts are not required; you can select which combinations of tropes and characters you want to write and in what order you want to write them on your own.
Once you've written a fic, post it! If in your application you gave us permission to reblog your work, we'll put it right here on this blog to share with other players and readers. Be sure to tag it with #badthingshappenbingo, or @ us in the post, to ensure we see it. Additionally, please tag the trope featured in the fic, and the fandom you wrote it for.
Once you've completed five squares in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, you will be added to the Hall of Fame! But don't feel like you have to stop once you've gotten a Bingo; the Hall of Fame will also give special prominence to those of you who get a Blackout - that is, completing every space on your card!
~ Although you may request a new Bingo card, you can only have one card in play at a time. We urge you to try to complete your current card before getting a new one if you can.
~ Fics can be NSFW, but they MUST be tagged as such, and all NSFW content MUST be placed under a Read More.
~ There is no word minimum. There is no word maximum.
~ You are allowed to cross-post works you wrote for this event on other platforms, such as AO3, FFN, etc., but we'd like you to also either post the fic on tumblr, or post a link to it, so we can find it.
~ Your fic must be completed before you can mark off its space on your bingo card.
~ Feel free to message the blog if we missed reblogging a post you created for this event.
~ Only one prompt per story counts. You can include multiple tropes in a story, but you can only officially tag/mark off the square for one of them.
~ We love drama in our fics, not on our dash. If a fic is written for a work or a ship that you don't like, don't read it. That's all there is to it.
Q: How long does this event last?
A: Forever and ever, I guess. There is no time limit for completing your fics.
Q: Which fandoms can we write for?
A: You can write for any fandom you'd like. This even includes originally work, which we like to view as one-person fandoms. The only exception is that we do not allow RPF (real person fic) content. Let's stick to hurting FICTIONAL people.
Q: Can you add [trope] to the trope list?
A: Probably. As long as it is succinct enough to fit in a space on the bingo card. We would love for the masterlist to be continually expanding.
Q: Why are some of the tropes on the masterlist hotlinked and some not?
A: Some of the tropes are unusual, complex, or use fandom jargon. Those tropes are hotlinked on the masterlist to take you to a page or post that expands on or explains the trope. Those that are not hotlinked are self-explanatory. However, if you do not understand what one of the non-hotlinked tropes means, send us an ask, and we'll answer and link the trope to that answer.
Q: Can we make our own cards, or do we have to get them from you?
A: In order to keep track of who's participating, we ask that you specifically request a card from us. The mods are active, and should be prompt in getting you your card. If you'd like to make your own, feel free - we don't own these tropes. However, if you make your own, don't tag the completed fic as #badthingshappenbingo.
Q: Are there any prizes?
A: Bragging rights, a spot in the Hall of Fame, a sense of accomplishment, and a boost to your grand total fanfic word count. That's all the reward you need, right?
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keto · 6 years
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Newbies and veterans alike, please read (and make your voice heard)! Happy Friday folks! Just wanted to drop a couple of notes for "housekeeping" purposes. Please read the below info thoroughly.First off, I strongly encourage anyone new to the sub (welcome!) to read through the sub rules, available in the sidebar and in more detail on the wiki. Rule-breaking posts are subject to removal at mod discretion. We're not trying to be jerks about this, but we do ask that the community rules be respected.Next, it's been brought up that users browsing with the redesigned version of Reddit don't have access to the same sidebar info as in the old version. Most notably lacking are tags for different recipe types. As such, I'm going to give them here as well:RequestsBreakfast RecipesMain Dish RecipesSide Dish RecipesSnack RecipesDessert RecipesCondiment/Sauce RecipesBeverage RecipesVegetarian RecipesVegan RecipesFat Bomb Recipes"Bread" RecipesPizzasNo PizzasI'd like to look into a better way to provide these tags for all users but the Redesign is... less than cooperative towards efforts at customization. For now, I want to have a space where they can be found easily.Please make heavy use of the above tags both in browsing and posting your own recipes. Note that "generalized" requests will be removed per sub rules, so if you are seeking a good side dish or dessert, the best way to find it is to browse using the above tags. (Please do feel free to post if you have questions about a recipe you find there though!)This brings me to the next topic, which is sub rules and enforcement thereof. Guys...This is not a "keto food porn" sub.It's not even a "cool keto product I just found at Trader Joe's" sub.This is a sub for recipes.Now, if you want to just post a picture of assembled pre-cooked ingredients or that lovely steak dinner you just made, but aren't so interested in how you prepared it, we would suggest that maybe it is a better fit in /r/keto_food or /r/ketomealseatingnow - both of those are also excellent communities too.Your food can be pretty or ugly or anywhere in between, we're only interested in two things:That it is low-carbThat a brand new reader can know how to make itI feel a need to stress this because lately we've noticed more than one post playing a bit fast and loose with the sub rules. Every new submission gets an auto-stickied comment detailing what we expect from a recipe post, so please read it carefully as there is no system for additional warnings.We need quantified ingredients lists and instructions that are both detailed enough for a complete stranger to reproduce your dish. I'm personally going to start letting fewer posts slide if they don't even attempt to provide these. We don't need your recipes to be perfect! If you only have estimates for ingredient amounts or rough cook times/temps, that's just fine. But we need something there.Posts that are just pictures of your charcuterie board or a plate of cold cuts with some celery sticks (or similar) are discouraged, but allowed. These are not really "recipes" in the sense that they involve cooking or transforming any ingredients, but as of right now we won't remove them provided they adhere to sub rules.Posts that do not provide a recipe (again, "recipe" as defined in the sub rules) are discouraged and not allowed.Accordingly, we'd like to get a sense for what the community thinks about a way to clarify this. Namely, would you be in favor of disabling "link" posts so that only text/"self" posts are able to be submitted? If you have an opinion, please voice it at the Strawpoll linked here.The sub rules will not change either way. If link posts are disabled, links and photos will still be allowed within the text posts. If not, link posts will still be subject to the same set of rules. The idea here is to potentially be more clear that we're asking for more than just a link or photo.Lastly, remember to be polite and give people the benefit of the doubt when posting. I'm thankful that we mostly have very little issue with this. I just want to make sure that we maintain it going forward. :)
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kenyabizup · 3 years
7 Steps to Start a General Supplies Company in Kenya
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How to Register a General Supplies Company in Kenya
1.    How to Choose your Supplies Company Name
Choosing the most suitable name for your company is one of the most important, if not the most important task that you have to perform. You can change marketing strategies, logos, and even offices, but your company name will stick with you forever.
Choosing your business name is therefore a very crucial endevour. There are several ways to approach the naming of your company namely:
Using African Indigenous names
Using English or Swahili names that emphasis on a given positive impact
The important thing is to consider the perception that the name will create to your clients. It is also wise to do some research to find out if the name is taken locally and if the domain name for the exact name is available. It’s easier for clients to find you online on google if your website domain name is exactly the same as the company’s name. All one needs to do is search your name on google and your company’s website would be the first on the list.
Send us a whatsapp message to register your General Supplies Company Now +254 722 661 827
a.   Indigenous Names
This implies the use of Kiswahili or vernacular names in naming your company to indicate authenticity and a local ownership. Using a Kenyan name creates the sense of authenticity and local ownership which in most tendering processes are advantageous.
b.   English and Swahili Names
Using English or swahili names for your general supplies company enjoys the advantages of brand identify. The use of a  swhili or English name also offers the advantage you can use the name to describe the quality of service that your
general supplies company
offers. For example “Hour Glass general suppliers” indicates a company that takes punctuality in delivery very seriously. On the other hand taking a name like “Precise General Suppliers” indicates that the company ensures high quality of its services and products and so on.
You can now do some research and decide which name sounds better but the most important thing is how the name sounds to a client. Bottom line, think of such things as is it easy to pronounce, is the name easy to remember and is it easy to type or write down, or does it describe a certain positive attribute. Always strive to get a name that helps to express your company’s brand.
2.    Opening a Personal e-Citizen Account
Registering a company or
business name
in Kenya is now easy with the introduction of online application process through the ecitizen portal for government services online. The ecitizen portal is located at  
and its a website used to make application for government services easier for example business registration services, passport application, driving license application, title deed searches, marriages, birth and death certificates, certificate of good conduct, among many others. You no longer need to visit a government office for such services as you can apply for them online.
All you need is to open an account at ecitizen website and be sure to include your full names and ID card number when opening your account.  Now that you have an ecitizen account you can start the process of registration of a supplies company.
This involves a two step process (now rolled into one) namely:
Company Name Search and Reservation
Application for Incorporation of a Private Limited Company
a.   Name Search and Business Name Reservation
First step is to conduct a name search to see if someone else may have registered a similar name earlier. The ecitizen’s Business Registration Services (BRS) page has a ‘search bar’ on top where you can type any business name to see if it’s already taken or not. It’s always advisable to search for 2 names to increase the chances that one of them will be approved for registration. Open the BRS page and click on Make Application.
Note that it is now possible to register a business or company name with only 1 shareholder and shareholder as opposed to previous Act guidelines.
You will get a form in which to fill in the suggested name and choose what type of business you want to register e.g. Sole proprietorship, partnership or private limited company. Sole proprietorship and a partnership only require you to register a business name.
After you are sure the name is not taken, you can reserve that name pending registration into a private company. The office of the registrar of companies allows you to hold (reserve) a name for 30 days by which time you should have applied for its registration into a business name or a private limited company. On expiry of the 30 days, the reserved name reverts back to the unregistered names status and is available to be registered by any other person if you haven’t done that by then.
To make a business name reservation, you will fill in a simple online form including the proposed business name and you have to follow a set of simple rules to choose that name. Once you have done the reservation, the system will take you to a payment page where you can pay via mobile money- Mpesa.
The cost to make a single name search is Kshs 150 per name searched. The search takes a day or two for results to come out. The online system will indicate whether the name search is under review and will switch to ‘approved’ status once the name goes through.
After your proposed business name goes through and is reserved, you can now use it to make an application online for a Private limited company or business name. I always advice clients that it’s better to register a General Supplies company under a private limited company as opposed to just a business name.
3.    Select your Business Legal Entity
At this point, you will need to decide which
type of business
entity you want to register with the general registrars office. There are 3 main ways that you can register a start up business at the registrar of companies. The main difference on all 3 legal entities is the ownership of the companies and assumption of liabilities between the company and the owner(s).
These three legal entities to consider include:
Sole Proprietorship Business name
Partnership Business Name
Private Limited Company
4.    How to Register a Sole Proprietorship and Partnership Business Names
In order to register a sole proprietorship company, you will need to the following requirements;
1. Name of Business – A name search needs to be performed first as part of the registration process. You will need to write a letter requesting for a name search to be performed. This can be done at Company Registry. However, if you perform a name search through eCitizen, you won’t need to write a letter. You will only need to enter the business name and pay for the name search.
2. Nature of business – You will need to come up with one specific nature of business e.g. Tours & Travel, Computer Repairs, Mobile Phone & Accessories Shop etc. General words such as “shop” or “retail”, trade” are not sufficient for Company Registry to proceed to register your business. You will need to avoid things like “General Supplies” which is popularly used but it will not be approved.
3. Address of the principal place of business – (Plot No., Section and Name of Street or Road, Name of Building) – For the plot number, please find the electricity bill or water bill of your business premises. If you don’t have a business premises, you can use your home residential plot number/land reference number for registration that’s if you are starting your business from home, but you will need to update the records at Company Registry once you have a Business Premises.
4. Postal Address – If you don’t have one, you can register your very own postal office box for Ksh. 2,500 at the nearest Postal Office or ask a family or friend to allow you to use their P.O. Box temporary for the application then later on update your registration certificate.
5. Address of any other place of business (Branch Office under the above name) – Only applicable to businesses that are currently operating business in other counties or have other branches under the same business name.
6. Full Names of you and any other partners – Any person who has changed his/her name must give all former names, unless the change occurred before he/she attained the age of two years.
Avoid using abbreviation in your name as this is not legally recognised. For example names like Robert M. Kamau instead it should be like Robert Muhinga Kamau. This will save you time and money.
For Sole Proprietor Business, it only requires 1 person. For Partnership Business, it only require minimum of 2 people and maximum of 20 people).
7. Nationality – You will require to enter your nationality as indicated on your identification e.g. Kenyan, German, British, American, Chinese, South African etc.
8. Age – Make sure you give your correct age based on your ID/Passport
9. Gender – Male (M) or Female (F).
10. Usual place of residence -Where you currently reside e.g. Nairobi, Nakuru, Kisumu, London, Paris, Hong Kong etc.
11. Other business occupation – You will need to enter your occupation e.g. engineer, farmer, hair stylist, web designer etc. If you don’t have one you can simply write either “Businessman” or “Businesswoman”.
12. Signature on the document (usually at the back page of the BN2 Form)
13. Copy of ID/Passport
14. Copy of KRA PIN Certificate
15. Passport Photo
16. Download the filled-in forms for signatures and upload the signed scanned copies. Submit the application and pay the fee of Kshs 1,000 via mpesa or credit card following the payment instructions.
Registration takes a 1-2 days and certificate will be available on the eCitizen platform for download and printing.
Send us a whatsapp message to register your General Supplies Company Now +254 722 661 827
5.    How to Register a Private Limited Company
To apply for a private limited company, you have to fill in a series of forms online and attach afew documents in pdf format. Once you fill-in the application forms and attach the pdfs, the system will expect you to print the filled-in documents into hard copy and get the company directors to sign.
Once the directors have signed the application forms, you will then scan these forms and upload them again onto the system and then make payment via Mpesa to complete the application process. The application for a private limited company involves filling in the below forms
CR1 – The Company registration form (Main application form with company & directors info)
CR2 – Model Memorandum of  a Company (Indicates the shareholding of each director and type of shares issued)
CR 8 – Notice of Residential Address of the Directors (indicates current directors home  addresses
Statement of Nominal Capital (states the total value of shares on start up and stamp duty paid)
a.   CR1 - Company Registration Form
The CR1 form is the main registration application form and it includes sections that try to capture the name, ownership, location and main business of the proposed company.
The CR1 form has several sections which you will fill in including the below:
Name of the company
Type of the company
State whether company is adopting the universal articles of association or will submit its own
Target business registration date
Number of employees
Physical address of the office location
Contact Address of the company
Details of the Director(s) including Names, postal addresses, id card numbers, telephone numbers, email addresses, and signatures of each.
Primary business activity of the company
Type of liability of Directors
Share Capital and nominal value of issued shares
Other details of company ownership structure subsidiary, holding company, Acquisition or amalgamation etc.
b.   CR2 – Model Memorandum of Company
This is a simple 1 page form that aims to have you declare that you have entered into a memorandum of company to become a member of the said company. The memorandum of association also states how many shares each member has taken.
The details you have to fill in this form include:
Name of the subscriber
Postal addresses of the subscriber
Occupation of the subscriber
Number of shares taken by each subscriber
Nominal value of shares taken by each subscriber
Class of shares taken
Signature of each subscriber
​Note that you no longer need to prepare a memorandum or articles of association for a company. Instead, you only adopt the generalized ones. This means that you no longer have to submit the objectives of the company and as such there is absolutely no reason to engage a lawyer as the process is all online and takes 1 week at most.
c. CR8 – Notice of Residential Address of the Directors
This form is meant to give the physical residential addresses of the company directors. This information is required by the registrar of companies. The directors are expected to notify the registrar any time they change their residential address.
The CR8 form has section including:
Name of the Company
Name of the directors
Residential addresses of each director
Details of person lodging the form
d. Statement of Nominal Capital
Statement of nominal capital is a single page that states name of the company, the number of shares and the nominal capital. This is registered with the office of the registrar of companies and a stamp duty paid against the share nominal capital.
Most small companies should start with atleast 1000 shares issues each valued at Kshs 100. So the nominal capital of such a company will be:
                                                          1000 shares x kshs 100 = Kshs 100,000.
The Kshs 100,000 is the value of the company shares at the start of the company. And it is against this capital that the stamp duty will be calculated using the formula (shillings twenty for every Sh. 2,000 or fraction of Sh 2,000)
Send us a whatsapp message to register your General Supplies Company Now +254 722 661 827
6.    Fill-in the Company Registration Forms and Submitting
Filling in these 4 different forms will take you less than 1 hr to complete if you have all the details ready including name of your company, directors names, addresses, emails, telephone numbers etc.
After completing the forms, you will be required to attach the following 3 items before you submit the application:
Copies of ID Cards of each of the Directors of the company
Copies of Kenya Revenue Authority –PIN certificates of each director of the company
Copies of Passport Size photos of each Director of the company
Once done, the system will develop final copies of all the forms above in pdf format and avail them to you to download for signatures. You can now download and print the 4 pdf forms and take to the directors for signatures and proof reading.
Once you complete this process, you can now scan the final documents which have been signed by the directors and upload them into the system. Once done, the system will take you to a payment page where you will be expected to pay the registration fee of Kshs 10,650 via mobile money – Mpesa.
The system auto-generates a receipt and your application will go through a review process. It may take a week and your system will either show approved or rejected with corrections. You can make any corrections online and resubmit if your forms had a problem. If your application is successful, you will get a Certificate of Incorporation for the company sent to your ecitizen account. You can then print it. It’s legal and formal to be used in opening a company bank account or getting a trade license from the General Supplies.
7.    KRA PIN Registration
Once you register your company, you will get these documents:
Certificate of Incorporation
Model Memorandum of Association of the Company –CR2
Notice of the Residential address of the directors – CR8
Upon receiving the company certificate and your memorandum and CR8, you will need to go to iTax KRA portal and load data to register your general supplies company’s for a PIN Certificate online. To start the process, go here:
Once you have company KRA PIN, certificate of incorporation, memorandum and Notice of Directors residential addresses, then you’ll have everything to open a bank account for your business so you can start trading.
Contact us here for  company registration in Kenya on whatsapp +254 722 661 827
Find out details on 7 Steps to Start a general supplies company  in Kenya.
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gishwheshistorian · 7 years
Gishwhes 2012 Item List
Lucky Seven: Things to remember that can help find your way to ghost hunting in Scotland!
1. Safety. There's a way to scavenge all of these items safely AND legally.
2. Commandments. Read the Commandments. Yes, again. And maybe one more time. Also, we may add or remove items and change the rules on you mid-hunt. So it is your responsibility to check the "Updates" page daily.
3. Submission Quality. Submit the best quality photos and videos. This year, our judges have been authorized to assign up to 50% more points for superior submissions. That means if you execute a 50-point item with exceptional care and thought, you could walk away with 75 points. So think about focus, lighting, background props, etc. If the picture is riveting, the judges will likely be riveted, and, well, you do the math.
4. Interpretation. Submit exactly what is asked for, not your reinterpretation of it. If we ask for a camel in the picture we don't want a drawing of a camel, or an inflatable camel. We want a real, hairy, spitting humped beast.
5. Creative Scavenging. Be creative on how you get props and materials for your items. Last year's participants proved you don't have to buy stuff. They used friends, neighbors, donations and communities. They were also surprised how complete strangers thoroughly enjoyed helping them complete items. Throw "Item Parties" and have people bring what you need. You can win cheaply simply by being clever, borrowing or begging.
6. Courage. Be courageous. You don't need money or talent to win this. All of these items can be completed simply by having the courage to ask someone. Between the 15 of you, someone somewhere has what you need or can help you get it.
7. Do it. Have fun, make friends, push your boundaries and mud wrestle with your creative side.
There are a number of items below that have the word "Hurricane" in front of them. Although they can be completed by anyone, they are designed to be completed by people who might be home-bound with no electricity for the next few days because of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast in the US. Please note, if the power outages are prolonged, we may extend the deadline for these items (and perhaps all others) past the end of the hunt. Remember, if you're on the East Coast and your authorities have told you to stay inside, FOLLOW THEIR DIRECTIONS! Do NOT go outside. Be safe and good luck!
ALL of the Items below should either be captured as "images" (which are photographs) or "videos". When you click "Submit", there will be instructions on how to submit the links to these images or videos. You should only use IMGUR, VIMEO and YOUTUBE. IMPORTANT - Unless otherwise specified, ALL VIDEOS must be 30 seconds or less!
1. Guinness Item Coming Soon! Stay tuned! (0 points)
We are going to attempt to shatter the Guinness World Record for the “Most Pledges to Commit a Random Act of Kindness.” The current record is 74,379 pledges held by Guinness Breweries. Let’s take the throne! Your team must collect “pledges” from individuals pledging to do a Random Act. Click this link and follow instructions; don’t click the submit button here. (You get 1 point for every 2 pledges - up to 350 points maximum. It’s only 47 per team member, but we expect you to exceed this because this isn’t all about points. Is it?) (0 points)
2. [IMAGE] A four-post, queen-sized bed with headboard and footboard. On the bed: a sleeping person. Over the person: A comforter. Under the person’s head: A pillow. Bed, person, comforter and pillow must all be situated in a Wal-Mart parking lot.(62 points)
3. [IMAGE] A storm trooper in full costume including leggings (not just the mask!) cleaning a pool. We must see someone lounging in a swimsuit holding a cocktail nearby. (78 points)
4. [IMAGE] Help someone who has been injured or whose home has been damaged by hurricane Sandy. (60 points)
5. [IMAGE] Let’s see what Twister would look like with 13 people. Each person must be wearing only one color of clothing, i.e. all yellow, or all red and no two people can be wearing the same color clothing. (56 points)
6. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - If your child were a prodigy artist and had a marker and you were deep asleep and they were inspired to “beautify” your face, what would the result be? (8 points)
7. [IMAGE] 3 adults and a dog sitting on chairs around a table in a public library. The humans are reading Dr. Seuss books. The dog is wearing prescription eyeglasses and reading Kant. (23 points)
8. [IMAGE] Ever seen the movie “The Hangover”? Let’s see the aftermath of the most debaucherous party ever. Photo must be taken at the home of a team member’s parents. (38 points)
9. [IMAGE] Using a Zamboni and dyes, draw a giant frowny face on an ice-skating rink. (72 points)
10. [IMAGE] Find an object that was manufactured the day and year you were born in city or town of your birth. Prove it. (Note: the “object” in question cannot be you or your twin.) (34 points)
11. [IMAGE] Submit a “Freedom of Information Act” request for your personal files. (5 points)
12. [IMAGE] Creatively edit the Wikipedia entry for Jared Padelecki to seamlessly include your team name and some mention of his abiding admiration of Misha Collins. (6 points)
[WEBSITE] Create the Misha Collins fan site that Jared Padelecki would build if he only knew HTML. Submit the website URL.  (6 points)
13. [IMAGE] An op-ed piece published in a local paper about how “petty, vindictive birds are stealing from the elderly!” (23 points)
14. [IMAGE] A person in a business suit with a leather briefcase jumping into leaf pile. (18 points)
15. [IMAGE] Five parking tickets made out to the same license plate on the same day in the same municipality. (66 points)
16. [IMAGE] Knit a scarf that is at least 12 feet long and is being worn by 3 people at one time. (32 points)
17. [IMAGE] Thread the stem of an actual, still-green, four-leafed clover through the hole of a nose piercing. (12 points)
18. [IMAGE] You and 8 of your friends standing outside the Copenhagen City Hall. One of you, smiling, is holding a large sign that says: “Denmark - ranked 2012 ‘World’s Happiest Country!’” Everyone else in the photo must be either pissed off or crying. Mascara must be running. (18 points)
19. [IMAGE] A uniformed Burger King employee enjoying a McDonald’s Happy Meal. (33 points)
20. [IMAGE] Get a tour of a sauerkraut factory. Photo must depict at least 50 gallons of uncanned sauerkraut and a team member wearing a single sequenced glove. (63 points)
21. [IMAGE] The inside of an ICBM missile silo decorated for Halloween. Remember, it must be a real ICBM silo to qualify. “Interpretation” will dock points from your team… unless it’s really good! (190 points)
22. [IMAGE] We’ve all heard of a “flea circus”. What do “flea strip clubs” look like? (28 points)
23. [IMAGE] A GISHWHES counter-rally at an Obama or Romney campaign stop. Must include at least 5 people with large picket signs.(54 points)
24. [IMAGE] The president, king, chancellor, premiere or prime minister of a nation modeling a brazier. (141 points)
25. [IMAGE] Calendar item: A photo of a scantily clad fireman (or firemen) whose skimpy attire is made entirely from kale. Model must be posing in front of a fire truck. Bonus points if, behind him, water is shooting up into the air from a hose or hydrant. (71 points)
26. [IMAGE] Proof that a team member’s family tree leads to Genghis Khan. (24 points)
27. [IMAGE] A photo of someone using one of those ancient 1800s cameras – you know the ones with the wooden tripod and the black cloth – taking a photo of a commodore 64 computer that’s resting on a wooden stool. (49 points)
28. [IMAGE] A live monkey or ape wearing a sock monkey hat while trying to extract burnt toast from a toaster. (82 points)
29. [IMAGE] Have a romantic dinner with a marionette puppet at a 2- or 3-star Michelin restaurant. A puppeteer clad in black must control the marionette. The puppeteer must not eat. (86 points)
30.[IMAGE] Show up at Second Beach in Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada on November 4th at noon with 500 popsicle sticks, a spool of sewing thread and quick-drying glue. (90 points)
31. [IMAGE] Unionize GISHWHES. (38 points)
32. [IMAGE] Fifteen children in Halloween costumes each holding up a sign with a different letter that, combined, say “GISHWHES or Treat” (19 points)
33. [IMAGE] Get your team name and “GISHWHES” on a billboard. Must include commercial-looking graphics, and must be at least 100 square feet on an actual, commercial billboard. (131 points)
34. [IMAGE] Calendar item: Wear cheese and wear it well. You cannot be wearing anything but cheese. You may use any type of cheese you wish. Supermodel it posed next to or on a classic car (a classic car is any car that predates 1980.) (98 points)
35. [IMAGE] Draw or paint a portrait of Misha Collins and the Queen of England, both dressed in Steampunk, riding on a single stallion. (28 points)
36. [IMAGE] Hug a uniformed Veteran. (42 points)
37. [IMAGE] A screen cap of a chat thread on Misha Collins’ IMDB page. The thread must be started by a user with your team’s name and must pose an unusual question about Misha’s personal life, such as, “Is it true that Misha Collins eats nothing but the hearts of human babies?” Or “Why doesn’t Misha have any fingers?” (14 points)
38. [IMAGE] A Hell’s Angels (or at least a tough & leathered biker) with an authentic Teletubby tattoo. (69 points)
39. [IMAGE] You and 3 of your friends/family dressed like Egyptians in a chariot on the steps of the Wellington Monument in Dublin. (71 points)
40. [IMAGE] Create a portrait of Jensen Ackles entirely out of skittles doing his pouty “Blue Steel” look. Must be AT LEAST 2 feet by 2 feet. (38 points)
41. [IMAGE] A real full-sized commercial Blimp or hot-air balloon, in the air, that’s been completely covered in brightly colored autumn maple leaves. (299 points)
42. [IMAGE] There is a quote on a piece of paper stuck to the bottom of a bench overlooking the bay in Sausalito. Find it and follow directions. If the paper disappears the points will be deducted from the last team to submit a link. (32 points)
43. [IMAGE] Go to the Grimm Brother’s statue with 10 of your friends and dress up and pose as a “Fairy Tale gone bad!” (29 points)
44. [IMAGE] What happens when you roast Barbie and Ken (in an embrace) with an assortment of root vegetables? You will be penalized if you eat the roasted vegetables. You also will probably die as they will be toxic from the roasted plastic. (19 points)
45. [IMAGE] Let’s see your team displayed like the “Brady Bunch” opening credits except there are 3 rows of 5 pictures (versus the 3X3 we know from the “Brady Bunch” opening credits points). The submission must be 1 image with the 15 frames in it. Each of you must be wearing 70s attire and must look VERY emotionally unbalanced. (15 points)
46.[IMAGE] Your head in a sock monkey hat mounted like a hunting trophy on a wall next to a taxidermy moose head. (113 points)
47.[IMAGE] It’s time to get organized! Create a filing system for chickens in a chicken coup. (52 points)
48. [IMAGE] What do you look like sleeping? What does a close-up of your child smiling in your kitchen look like? What would a cake look like if your child made it with no help from you? And what would your child’s face look like if he or she could eat the cake while you’re still sleeping? MUST SUBMIT AS ONE PICTURE with the four images edited together in progression side-by-side. (31 points)
49. [IMAGE] Build a teahouse under a bridge from recycled materials. Have a cup of tea in it. (73 points)
50. [IMAGE] Belgium is known for its beer. Go to A La Becasse Brewery and hold up a GISHWHES labeled beer. (61 points)
51. [IMAGE] How long was Miss Jean Louis’s “kale binge”? One might find the answer on one of our social media platforms. (29 points)
52. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Build a real igloo-doghouse in the snow. Dog must be visible in the doorway. GISHWHES must be written in food coloring on the doghouse. (58 points)
53. [IMAGE] Carve a Jill O'Lantern! Carve a pumpkin to look like a feminized Misha Collins. Bonus points for realism. (61 points)
54. [IMAGE] Elmo Gone Wrong. What would a Tickle-Me-Elmo look like if it had a serious crystal meth problem? (31 points)
55. [IMAGE] A man in a chicken suit in the pilot seat of a commercial jet. (132 points)
56. [IMAGE] Drop a school bus (may be a toy bus) into red, molten lava from an active volcano. (145 points)
57. [IMAGE] Create a public chalk art piece diagramming Kant’s categorical imperative. (19 points)
58. [IMAGE] You and your friend at a children’s hospital giving a sock or real puppet show. (48 points)
59. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Knit a “GISHWHES” vest for a cat with matching booties. (43 points)
60. [IMAGE] Sign and have notarized (or equivalent of notarized in your country) an affidavit vowing never to build raised garden boxes within the city limits of South Pasadena. (34 points)
61. [IMAGE] What would you and your friend look like if you were a human-sized burrito and taco standing side by side? (57 points)
62. [IMAGE] Build a model of the death scene of Galois in miniature out of legumes. (43 points)
63. [IMAGE] 5 uniformed postal workers hula hooping in front of a post office. (108 points)
64. [IMAGE] Attend a professional soccer (a.k.a. “football” everywhere but North America) game dressed in a US football uniform. Pads, helmet, cleats, etc. (72 points)
65. [IMAGE] Create a 2 foot-high dinosaur out of sanitary napkins. (50 points)
66. [IMAGE] Skydive while holding up a sign that imbeds, “GISHWHES” in a phrase. For example, your sign could say, “Lose your dignity – join GISHWHES.” Or “GISHWHES made me do it.” (168 points)
67. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Find prime factorization for RSA-210. (120 points)
68. [IMAGE] There is a quote on a piece of paper stuck to the bottom of a bench in front of a massive LCD screen in Wuhan, China. Find it and follow directions. If the note disappears the points will be deducted from the last team to the last team to submit a link to an image. (52 points)
69. [IMAGE] You and a friend must take at least 50 of your stuffed animals/dolls on a field trip to a grocery store. All of the stuffed animals/dolls must EITHER be attached to your clothing or in a grocery cart or both. (63 points)
70. [IMAGE] Recreate the snake’s seduction of Eve at a bus stop. Fig leaf, apple, snake, etc. (41 points)
71. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Sculpt your hair with gel, wires, tape, ornaments, animals, and whatever else into what someone would undoubtedly have to classify as the Most Epic Hair Hat the World Has Ever Seen (MEHHWHES) (29 points)
72. [IMAGE] A Yoga class in a yoga studio with at least 10 participants doing the same pose. Unlike everyone else, however, you must be wearing full skiwear including ski boots, skis, hat and goggles. (56 points)
73. [IMAGE] Break your own world record. (20 points)
74. [IMAGE] A bookstore on the Left Bank declares “Be not inhospitable to strangers lest they be angels in disguise.” Stand in front of this Parisian landmark dressed as an angel holding up a sign saying, “Don’t touch me.” (64 points)
75. [IMAGE] You handing coats you’ve collected from your closet, friends and neighbors to a local shelter. (70 points)
76. [IMAGE] Make a gorgeous wig out of cheese puffs and/or popcorn. Go shopping for diamonds wearing it. The image must show you in the wig, at the jewelry display case, talking to the sales agent, as you browse the diamonds. (77 points)
77. [IMAGE] If your team could give the entire world one piece of advice, what would it be? Have one a team member hold a sign bearing the statement over their head in front of an internationally recognizable landmark. (38 points)
78. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - A one-page GISHWHES comic strip involving a rhinoceros, a tangerine, and an appendectomy. (33 points)
79. [IMAGE] Rio is the location for the next summer Olympics. In front of the Christ the Redeemer statue, you and 6 of your friends must all be dressed in different Olympian athlete event costumes, and each of you must have at least one piece of equipment (bow and arrow, javelin, pole vault, discus, paddle, puck, etc.) and must be posing as if you were competing in the sport. You may NOT choose tennis, cycling, golf, basketball or football/soccer. If you choose equestrian as one of them, we must see the horse. (68 points)
80. [IMAGE] You posing with a “spaghetti gun” and wearing a woven “spaghetti-hunting jacket”. Spaghetti may be cooked or uncooked. (42 points)
81. [IMAGE] We want to see what the inside of Area 51’s most secret storage room looks like. (42 points)
82. [IMAGE] Let’s see you make a snow angel. But instead of making it from snow, make it from Jello on your kitchen floor (Inspired by Nin Pipariperho) (19 points)
83. [IMAGE] You holding a picture of you holding a picture of you holding a picture of you holding a picture of you holding a picture of an apple. You must have a gold frame suspended around your head. (Inspired by nakedontheimpalacoveredinbees) (33 points)
84. [IMAGE] Stand next to a REAL Olympic gold or silver medal winner. They must have their arms upraised in victory but you must be biting on the medal while it’s around their neck. Must include medal winner’s name in the photo (Inspired by Paige Barton) (98 points)
85. [IMAGE] Cultural exchange: Have dinner with a Sunni and a Shiite or a Hutu and a Tutsi. (64 points)
86. [IMAGE] A Bejeweled Bosom covered with nothing but jewels (Inspired by Erin Leigh Winchester) (36 points)
87. [IMAGE] Catch the Snipe and show us what it looks like in oil paint. (Inspired by Obadiah Kliest) (17 points)
88. [IMAGE] The Maryann Elizabeth Voisinet. Write a 10-line epically beautiful brilliant love poem addressed to “My Dearest Maryann Elizabeth Voisinet”. In addition to whatever else you put in the poem, include something about how much you like her cooking. The poem should be from your team name. Take a picture of the poem and submit the link here. YOU MUST ALSO mail the love poem to her with a small dried flower to PO BOX 99185, Raleigh, NC USA 27624. It must reach her by November 15th so we can confirm it was sent. (20 points)
89. [IMAGE] A priest, a rabbi and a minister all walk into a bar. (Inspired by Miss Alexandra Roberts) (27 points)
90. [IMAGE] High Tea - a formal tea party replete with parasols, silverware and a string quartet situated in a junkyard or garbage dump. (56 points)
91. [IMAGE] Table a motion (18 points)
92. [IMAGE] A schlemiel and a schlemazl sharing a schmear of schmaltz and getting shickered outside of a shul. (From Nicole Ansell) (19 points)
93. [IMAGE] Using only items found around you (either at work, home, or school), construct a vehicle capable of adventure and mayhem! Vehicle must be transporting a crew of three or more in full battle gear! (From Kat Green) (56 points)
94. [IMAGE] Paint a large unicorn on a military transport truck. You MUST have permission to do so. (114 points)
95. [IMAGE] Kilt made entirely of sliced cucumbers. Must be worn by a man. (From Xiomara Dilrosun) (104 points)
96. [IMAGE] In front of Hallgrimskirkja, you and a friend hold up two signs and two bags of ice. One sign says “Welcome to Iceland!” the other says “Keep your hands off our ice!” (41 points)
97. [IMAGE] Santa Clause in line at the post office with a SACK FULL OF TOYS. Must be at least 10 people in line with him. (From Sarah Charbonneau) (32 points)
98. [IMAGE] A dog taking a human for a walk. Human must be on all fours and have a collar around their neck and the dog must have the leash in his mouth. (From Michelle Rogatski) (34 points)
99. [VIDEO] Big wheel race time. 4 adults racing on plastic big wheels. They must all be wearing formal attire. (38 points)
100. [VIDEO] In mime, depict one of the following phrases: a) “The pen is mightier than the sword.” b) “You’re the bees knees!” c) “Holkyn kolkyn!” (Inspired by Ida Tamminen) (32 points)
101. [VIDEO] A couple who has been together for over 60 years sitting on a couch sharing their secrets to a happy and lasting partnership. They must say what city and country they’re living in at the beginning of the video. (Up to 60 SECONDS) (99 points)
102. [VIDEO] Jog in real “Pumpkin shoes” (you may substitute any squash or gourd), wearing jogging shorts and headphones down a busy sidewalk. (50 points)
103.[VIDEO] Two three-year-olds wearing suits and ties standing at a lectern explaining the Greek debt crisis to the camera. (28 points)
104. [VIDEO] The “Lydia Easter”: Recreate a scene from your favorite movie. Hold on, not so fast! You must film this scene in the EXACT SAME LOCATION that it was filmed in the movie (same bus stop, restaurant, park, castle, shark’s belly, etc.) The actors must be dressed the same, same props, etc. The more identical the scene the more points you will receive. Extra points for depicting a scene from one of Lydia’s favorite movies: “Mao’s Last Dancer” or any of the “Harry Potter” movies. (2 minutes) (100 points)
105. [VIDEO] The first meeting of an adopted child with their biological parent. We will know if this is staged with “actors”. Don’t lie – bad karma is not a good thing. (148 points)
106. [VIDEO] Film a Random Act of Kindness and set it to music. (May be up to 90 seconds.) Must include voice over. Note: Your video will be automatically entered into the non-profit Random Acts’ SAARA contest. If your video submission wins the contest, up to $3,000 will be donated to the charity of your choice! See this link for all details:http://www.therandomact.org/events/saara/ BE SURE TO SUBMIT THE VIDEO LINK ON THE GISHWHES WEBSITE, not the Random Acts website. We will allocate your GISHWHES points and forward your video to Random Acts. If your team wins the SAARA contest, your team will vote on which charity should receive the donation. If you can’t come to a consensus on which charity to support, we’ll do a blind drawing to select a winner. Good luck! (121 points)
107. [VIDEO] A man and a woman in full wedding attire, standing perfectly still holding hands in a well-lit crowded public space for 20 minutes. Neither of you can move. This submission must be time-lapsed so the entire 20 minutes is condensed to 20 seconds – fast motion. (79 points)
108. [VIDEO] Wearing swim flippers and a mask, approach a complete stranger in a public space and then hand them a “seaweed bouquet” with one flower in the middle of it. (82 points)
109. [VIDEO] Ever seen this? http://www.upworthy.com/if-your-dad-did-this-you-are-probably-an-awesome-person?c=upw3 Let’s do the same thing but edit together multiple kids under the age of 5 singing “It Sucks to Be Me” from the Avenue Q musical. They must be lying down getting ready to nap, playing with toys, painting or drawing or doing other kids things while they’re singing. (79 points)
110. [VIDEO] Let’s see your family dress and pose and create the “Worst Family Holiday Card Ever”. Note: everyone must be holding a cucumber. If you use an image already on the Internet and try to “doctor” in the cucumbers your team will be docked 60 points.(60 points)
111. [VIDEO] Created a choreographed lip-synced dance performance to one of Jason Manns’ or Rob Bennedict’s (Louden Swain’s) songs. Must be dynamic, must really tell a story, must involve costumes (and costume changes points) and must have a cast of at least 15. (123 points)
112. [VIDEO] A mechanical catapult that sends a pumpkin more than 100 feet across an open field. MUST be mechanical. (284 points)
113. [VIDEO] Three adult men with facial hair (ideally beards) wearing ballerina costumes, successfully trick-or-treating (getting candy) from an unsuspecting homeowner. (Note: we will be able to tell if the homeowner is actually surprised or not because we have Licensed Homeowner Surprise Analysts on staff.) (49 points)
114. [VIDEO] Give a psychic reading to a psychic with a crystal ball. (40 points)
115. [VIDEO] Three of you dress up like frogs and play “leapfrog” in your local Starbucks or chain coffee shop. We must see patrons and must hear “Ribbit!” each time you leap. (31 points)
116. [VIDEO] Get a full church choir (in a church!) to sing a 30 second remixed version of Willow Smith’s “I whip my hair back and forth.” But there’s a catch: Unlike the original version, which is an assault on both the senses and humanity itself, this rendition actually has to be musical and moving. (91 points)
117. [VIDEO] Play “Duck Duck Goose” with real ducks and geese. (38 points)
118. [VIDEO] Create a video of a mock news show (realistic set) where you are at a desk and announce that GISHWHES has taken over the world and what that means for everyone. The more realistic the set/video the more points. (92 points)
119. [VIDEO] Recite “The Raven” to a crow. (21 points)
120. [VIDEO] Have a native speaker of Zigeuner say the following, “I was having trouble with my sex life until I joined GISHWHES. Now things are going great in bed.” (82 points)
[IMAGE] Sew a one-piece outfit that covers your entire body except for your hands, feet, and head. It should be made from 21 different pieces of fabric. Multiple colors is acceptable. You must be wearing it, and a Captain’s hat. Pose in front of your local Post Office and stand at “Attention” when your photo is taken. (51 points)
121. [VIDEO] A group of at least 8 people wearing newspaper hats, performing the Haka in a government building. (Inspired by Yeal Rosen) (33 points)
122. [VIDEO] Dress in a homemade GISHWHES cheerleader outfit and stand outside a metro station or office building and cheer people on going in to work. (From Deby G) (30 points)
123. [VIDEO] Build an abacus from human beings. Use it to calculate something for a passerby. (77 points)
124. [VIDEO] Shoot an erotically charged scene. (No nudity! This is just the erotically charged foreplay). The film must involve a pizza man and the actors can ONLY talk about grammar and fonts. Please use at least three of the following terms, “kerning,” “serif,” “gerund,” “participle,” and “imperfective.” (69 points)
125. [VIDEO] Have an octogenarian teach you how to do the Charleston. (53 points)
126. [VIDEO] Get an orchestra in a symphony hall with at least 25 instruments to play “Carry On My Wayward Son”. (225 points)
127. [VIDEO] You in a flight attendant uniform, on a public transit system (that is NOT an airplane). Once the passengers are seated, give a full safety demonstration. Use props and carefully choreographed gestures. (Inspired by Cherylyn Crill) (75 points)
128. [VIDEO] Get His Serene Highness Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein to endorse your team. (132 points)
129. [VIDEO] One of you pulling up to a fast food restaurant drive-thru to order a meal, but instead of ordering a meal, you are only allowed to make sheep noises into the intercom. Must clearly hear the person on the other end of the intercom. (From Mel Clark-Schwartz) (19 points)
130. [VIDEO] Get your (1) team name or a team member’s full name and (2) GISHWHES mentioned on a broadcast television news program. (153 points)
131. [VIDEO] Recode a version of the original Pac Man so that the ghosts are now unicorns and Pac Man is the face of George Bush. Then play a game. (111 points)
132. [VIDEO] A rocking horse wearing a sock monkey hat skiing off a regulation-sized ski-jump. (No passengers allowed!) (123 points)
133. [VIDEO] A woman wearing traditional shaker attire playing “Dance Dance Revolution”. (52 points)
134. [VIDEO] Create a petition to declare P does NOT equal NP and get strangers on the street to sign it. Must include a convincing pitch about the dangers of P=NP. (23 points)
135. [VIDEO] A man wearing traditional mariachi attire playing “Guitar Hero”. (51 points)
136. [VIDEO] March to a different drummer. 10 people in a busy, indoor shopping mall must be marching in sync to the beat of a snare drum being played loudly by an 11th person. Another person must be marching nearby to a distinctly different beat played by a second drummer. (63 points)
137. [VIDEO] A rock band performing in front of an audience of at least 1000 people. They must say at the microphone, “This next one is a new song. We’ve never played it in front of a live audience before. It’s going to be the first song on our next album and we hope you love it…” And then they must sing the song “Three Blind Mice” in rounds. (280 points)
138. [VIDEO] A woman, in a clean empty room, sitting in lotus position in the middle of at least five live snakes. She must be rubbing oil onto her arms from a silver bowl and clearly be enjoying it. The more snakes the more points. They must be real snakes. If they’re not, points will be deducted from your team. Go for the best photo/video quality. (220 points)
139. [VIDEO] It’s Halloween! Carve GISHWHES into a pumpkin. Wait for nightfall. Have a child with a flashlight hide inside the pumpkin pop out and scream “GISHWHES.” Hint: must be an enormous pumpkin for a child to fit in it. (80 points)
140. [VIDEO] A stop-motion film depicting the two by two loading of Noah’s ark and the ensuing flood. (99 points)
141. [VIDEO] Watch the TV show Supernatural on a black and white TV set powered by an antique stream-fed wooden watermill. Your video must be a continuous, unedited shot that starts showing us the water going into the water-wheel then moves to show the belts powering a generator, which in turn powers the TV. (287 points)
142. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Pun item: It’s called “Hurricane Sandy” for a reason. Show us why. (18 points)
143. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Local news coverage of a very sweet and heroic act that your team perpetrated in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Must mention GISHWHES or your team name or at the very least, the term “scavenger hunt.” (91 points)
144. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Someone with their thumb out to hitch hike in front of a subway or metro stop that has been closed due to weather on the eastern coast of the US. Note: this photo must, like all other “outdoor” items, be taken AFTER your local authorities have said it’s safe to go outside, but before the public transit system is back up and running. (33 points)
145. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Someone skateboarding on the floor of an otherwise empty New York Stock exchange taken mid-day. (148 points)
146. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Make a children’s doll from items found in your refrigerator or pantry. Go ahead and really creep us out with this one. (24 points)
147. [VIDEO] Hurricane Item - Make a comfortable fort in your living room using furniture, sheets, pillows, towels and curtains. From inside your fort, show a storm raging outside your window. This video must clearly show high winds and rain outside the window and the window must have an “X” of masking tape across it. (32 points)
148. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - A picture of you and a loved one kissing. Here’s the catch though - you must have at least 11 food items between your lips and the lips of your loved one. (29 points)
149. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Draw or paint a picture of Miss Jean Louis riding a school bus like a horse as it flies off a cliff into a volcano. There can be no passengers and she must have a dialogue bubble above her head that says something she would definitely say at this moment. (32 points)
150. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - It’s Medieval Battle Time! Huzzah! You and a friend or loved one, dress up in your best battle gear/armory comprised entirely of kitchen ware. You can be wearing nothing else. Strike dueling poses. (39 points)
151. [VIDEO] Hurricane Item - Recite these lines from Edna St. Vincent Milay’s poem, “First Fig”: “my candle burns at both ends—It will not last the night;—But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—-It gives a lovely light,” with a candle burning at both ends in front of your face. No other sources of light may be visible. In the background, we must hear the droning howl of Hurricane Sandy. (19 points)
152. [VIDEO] “The Maryam Al-Thani” - Dress up in Amish clothes, and use a horse or horses to tow your car into the parking lot of a corporate office building complex with “Gangnam Style” playing out of the car’s stereo. (70 points)
The Gishwhes Historian is a project to archive Gishwhes-related information including emails, hunt updates, timelines, and more.  
You can find all previous item lists here.
You can view all our information on the 2012 hunt here, or select another year here.
If you’d like to help, we have a list of missing content here,  or you can fill out one of our surveys.
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agusthym · 7 years
Rules ❆ Regras
❆ I only do headers aesthetic, poetic, kawaii and packs.
Eu só faço headers aesthetic, poetic, kawaii e packs.
❆ The headers can be from any kpop group or any anime you want.
As headers podem ser de qualquer grupo de kpop ou qualquer anime que você quiser.
❆ If you prefer you can ask for specific colors.
Se você preferir pode pedir cores específicas.
❆ If you want the header of a specific photo you can send it by submit.
Se quiser a header de uma foto específica pode mandá-la por submit.
❆ Be specific in the request please, idol name + group or character name + anime.
Seja específico no pedido por favor, nome do idol + grupo ou nome do personagem + anime.
❆ Only one request per ask please.
Apenas um pedido por ask por favor.
❆ Only one header type per request.
Apenas um tipo de header por pedido.
❆ Remember, kindness generates kindness.
Lembrem-se que gentileza gera gentileza.
❆ I’m a little busy, so please be patient and I’ll try to make your request as fast as I can.
Eu sou um pouco ocupada, então por favor seja paciente e eu tentarei fazer seu pedido o mais rápido que puder.
❆ If you use any header please give the credits.
Se usar alguma header por favor dê os créditos.
❆ I recommend saving the headers on the computer/laptop because the quality looks better.
Eu recomendo salvar as headers no computador/notebook porque a qualidade fica melhor.
❆ Please don’t repost my headers or use in pack.
Por favor não reposte minhas headers ou as use em pack.
None of the photos are my own!
Nenhuma das fotos são de minha autoria!
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milehighcity-rp · 7 years
Tumblr media
Hello, everyone! It’s that time again! If you’ve gone onto the main, I’m sure you’ve noticed a completely new look for the spring season! With that revamp we’ve also made a few other changes around here. This post is lengthy, but please read it all. Many of the changes are to the rules and we want to make sure everyone is on the same page! 
New Rules
Each acceptance round will be limited to a maximum of five apps. Why? We’ve decided in order to accommodate to new members being introduced, we’d rather have a cap and be able to adjust and give our focus to those new characters and members. If we get more than five apps, we will put the apps on hold for next acceptance date!
We’ve decided to cap FC changes at one per character.
We’re opening up secondary characters again! So, if you only have one or two, you’re more than welcome to apply for another. However, we are still asking you come to us first and present the idea to us beforehand. If you submit an app without coming to us, it will automatically be denied and you will not be accepted. 
We are doing activity checks twice a week, checking for activity in the past 72 hours. If you end up on activity, you have 24 hours to become active again or check back in with the admins or your FC will be opened up. Keep in mind, we post activity checks at noon EST, which means noon is the cutoff. Monday activity checks go back to Friday. If you made a post on Friday before noon EST, you will end up on activity check. If you made it after noon EST, you are fine. Same goes for activity checks for Thursday, which check back to activity by noon EST Monday. Once again, photos, muse quotes, and other miscellaneous muse inspo will not count for activity. If you have a queue of muse related post, we will notice and we will put you on activity check if no other IC interactions have taken place.
If we noticed that you haven't been as active as we hoped you to be or if we noticed that you've been bubbling / clique-ing with only few people, we will come to you and give you a warning. If even after a warning you still haven't improve your activity or break out of your bubble, there will be penalties. You won't be allowed to take up on a new character until you can pick up your activity and we can deny your plot request or wanted connection request based on your activity. All the activities rules apply to all of your characters in this group, you must be consistently active across all of your characters, if you fail to do so, we might ask you to drop at least one of your character.
One word replies are not allowed. Gif replies are not allowed. Starters with only gif are not allowed. We’ve never explicitly stated it, but we are a literary roleplay. This means the focus lies in writing. We’ve always been flexible with how you choose to roleplay-- whether you prefer gif convos or paras or writing out dialogue or combining gif convos with paras. It doesn’t matter, but please, please remember the focus lies in writing. This is why we ask for a para sample and a biography that is at least two, good paragraphs. In this same vein, we ask that you are also wary of grammar. We know not everyone has English as a first language (some of your admins speak it as a second), and that’s totally cool! We know mistakes get made. Typos are inevitable. Autocorrect is a bitch. That all being said, we hope that you do make an effort when you type your replies as far as grammar and spelling are concerned. Again, we don’t expect perfection or even an exceptional piece of literature, but we are a literary roleplay and we can tell when you make the effort vs. when your replies are littered with errors and there was no effort at all. It discourages those of us who do put in the time (especially those of us working doubly hard who speak English as a second language). You give what you get! 
Female character ban is still in place, though will see a lift in the near future. 
Please visit our rule page again to refresh your memory here. We know there are a lot of new rules and while we hate policing everyone, but the circumstances around the roleplay as of late calls for these new rules, and we hope these new rules will help this group to be better in the future.
New Pages
Plot request form. Here you can find a form so that it makes it easier to request a plot and you don’t have to worry if you forgot to include something or not and we have all the information on hand for admins to review! Please do this for all plots you have in mind especially the big plot / major development you want for your characters, because we don’t want to ask you to terminate the ongoing plot because maybe it’s not something we can approve, and you didn’t came to us before doing the plot to check with us.
Name masterlist. Because we do not allow for the same names to repeat, we’ve included a name masterlist, this way it makes it easier to figure out if the name you want is taken. Please be aware we also ask that similar names also be avoided (i.e. Sophie and Sophia are extremely similar), and we do not take spelling into account (i.e. Sofia is the same as Sophia). The same goes for last names, unless you are taking up the relative of a character. We also take nicknames into account. 
Please, please remember our three starter rule. If you’d like to post a starter, reply to three other starters. If there are no new starters (i.e. immediately following an event or a lull), go ahead and post a starter, but we will be making sure you answer starters later. If we see that you repeatedly post starters without responding to three, we will gently nudge you. 
TRACK TAGS. We have a few tags that we ask you guys to track, please keep track of them and regularly check those tags. Too often we put out an unfollow and people seem to be unaware that this character has been unfollowed or has left. Other times we put out announcements and people come with questions that could have been found in a post that is located right at the top of the main. Keep track of these tags and read our posts. They often contain important information. If we didn’t think it wasn’t important, we wouldn’t be posting it. 
Please keep us updated! Whether it’s a new relationship or a change in job or if your character is moving in with someone else. We like to make sure our pages are up-to-date for the convenience of us but also, you guys! We can only do that if you guys let us know, though! We have no problems either updating old bios or other miscellaneous information. Just drop a message and let us know! 
OOC blog is not the place to air negativity or throw shade towards other players or about the roleplay whether it’s on purpose or not, directly or not, as it might turned into a bigger mess and an unnecessary mayhem, instead if you have any concerns or grievance, please come to us instead off-anon because we most likely won’t respond if it’s an anon. Try to practice some restrain before we said anything we might regret later. 
We know, that while many people are trying to be helpful, we are no longer going to responding to anons or messages which ask for us to ‘remind’ people of certain rules or try to call people out. These messages often make people uncomfortable, regardless of whether or not it pertains to them. Please allow the admins to worry about enforcing the rules, that is what we are here for and our primary job. If something is of huge concern to you, you are always free to message us off-anon and privately and we will gladly publish reminders (we do these often when we begin to notice people slacking on certain things, namely the starter rule, and we can slip other reminders in those posts for you). 
So, we used to do tasks around here. They’re all available here, too, for you to revisit. And while they’ve always been optional, people don’t seem too keen on them, perhaps due to their length. So, lieu of that, we’ve decided to try putting out monthly moodboard tasks instead. Again, it’ll be totally optional and you’re always more than welcome to go back and to them. Starting April, we’ll have a new moodboard task available during the first week of the month. 
We normally try to do a dash event and a chat event each month, however, we’ve decided to take a backseat with these events and instead we’re going to try something different. We know sometimes events can be disruptive to your current threads (especially dash events) and we figure this is a good time of year to chill and let you guys play out plots in full and have conversations without you needing to feel rushed because of events or having time constraints put on you, especially if you’re not as active as others. However, you’re more than welcome to submit events still by going here and we will gladly advertise and help you run and put them together. Other than that, what we will be doing is occasionally having, what we’re going to call, a news drop. It’ll be the form of a newspaper article and will involve some kind of event or happening that your character can choose to react to. This way you guys still have something to plot around if you need to, but you are in no way obligated to react if you think your character would not care or keep up with the news. Most of the news will probably be made up by the admins, unless we find any real world news pieces we find interesting enough to use. 
More details about these additions will be posted in the event blog!
And that about covers things! As usual please like this post if you have read it so we know who has read this and who hasn’t. Again, thank you guys so much for putting up with the massive amount of changes we’ve gone through recently. We hope that with these new changes, new rules, and new season, we’ll have a good year! If you have any other questions, comments, or concerns, please shoot us a message!
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indiegem · 8 years
hello lovelies, here you will find all the rules and details for requesting ships. Please read carefully, as not following directions will result in your request being deleted! 
Also, I would like to stress that you don’t have to be following me in order to request! I would only want you to follow me if you like my blog(: 
send in a description of yourself to my ask/request!
my written ships will be based on personality/hobbies/likes/dislikes. feel free to include a brief physical description, but i will not take it as much into consideration as your personality.
the maximum for written ships is 2 groups per request, although you may submit more than one separate request.
GROUPS I WILL ACCEPT WRITTEN REQUESTS FOR: I will only accept written ship requests for BTS, Got7, ToppDogg, Monsta X, and Seventeen (all or specific subunit) because these are the only groups i feel i know the members well enough to write for.
please submit a selca/picture of you to my submit box!
let me know if you want your photo to be private when i post your ship.
my selca ships will be based solely on looks, so do not include a written description of yourself
the maximum for selca ships is 3 groups per request, although you may submit more than one separate request.
since my selca ships are based solely on looks, i will accept requests for any k pop group.
submit a selca to my submit box
i will make you a collage based on who i ship you with (selca included)
let me know if you would like your selca to be private, and i can just make you a collage without your selca.
since my collage ships are based on looks, i will accept requests for any k pop group.
also, if you just want a collage edit with a certain idol i can do that too-just specify in the request!
please only send in one group/idol per request.
submit a written description or/and selca
i will ship you and respond with a little drabble/blurb (what i think your relationship would be like, maybe a scenario, etc)
GROUPS I WILL ACCEPT DRABBLE REQUESTS FOR: I will only accept written ship requests for BTS, Got7, ToppDogg, Monsta X, and Seventeen (all or specific subunit) because these are the only groups i feel i know the members well enough to write for.
submit a group and scenario (i.e. Seventeen, amusement park) to my ask
if you would like to be shipped, tell me a little bit about yourself, and most importantly tell me about your style.
if you would just like an outfit for your scenario with a certain idol, just tell me who it is (don’t submit a description of yourself)
i will then put together a suggested outfit/look for you!
please only send in one group/idol per request, although you may send in more than one separate request.
i will accept outfit requests for any k pop group.
this can be either selca based or description based (or both)
basically i’ll just list the names from most to least that i think would fit best with you!
it’s important to remember that you are beautiful and would look great with any of the members (and they would all love you), so keep in mind that least doesn’t mean you wouldn’t look good or fit well with them!
okay so basically this can be applied to any of the other types of ships
Just add it in your request if you want to be shipped as best friends instead of lovers!
okay so basically this can be applied to any of the other types of ships
Just add it in your request if you want to be shipped as siblings instead of lovers!
I will admit I don’t know much about astrology, but for this one just send me your zodiac sign (and anything else you want to add)
this type of request is open for all groups/artists!
submit a description and/or selca and I will respond with a brief imagine featuring you and whoever i ship you with!
this type of request is open for all groups/artists!
THANK YOU for reading the rules. There are just to make the process easier, and to keep the blog running smoothly.
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fightasone · 5 years
This post contains key information for potential and new players. It contains our rules, character follow list, player application, and more.
FightAsOne is a mature group. No one under the age of eighteen will be permitted to join. This rule will not be negotiated or lowered.
NSFW posts should always be placed under a cut. Certain things like extreme violence, anything related to sexual assault and drug use need to be tagged with an appropriate trigger warning (ex: tw: drug use, cw: body horror)
This is a closed community. Interaction with characters outside of the FightAsOne group with your in-game character blog is not allowed.
Please make sure you follow all characters on the Follow List.
Follow the group’s main blog.
Track the tags listed here. You will also be required to follow any main plot or subplot tags as they are developed.
Read through the group’s Current Plot. Make yourself aware of the group’s Previous Plots.
We regularly use Discord for plotting big events and have an ongoing, casual group chat. Ask a mod for access if you are interested in joining.
Group Relations:
Stage One: Approach the player OOC - whether through Discord or Tumblr’s various means of private communication - and attempt to resolve the issue at hand.
Stage Two: If after approaching the player in question, the matter absolutely cannot be resolved on a player-to-player basis, alert the mods for assistance. We ask that you please provide a brief summary of your issue; to create an unbiased viewpoint, we will also contact any other players involved to hear their side as well. A Discord chat will be held with the involved players and the mods in an attempt to guide the discussion to a mutually acceptable compromise. The mods will not assist in any OOC issue unless Stage One has first been attempted.
Stage Three: If a resolution cannot be made after going through the previous two steps, the mods will decide on the best possible outcome and will inform both players as to the decision. Determining factors that affect these moderated decisions will be, first and foremost, the overall benefit to the group, the group’s current plot, and the involved players’ behavior throughout the resolution process. Decisions made by the mods in these scenarios are final and will not be rehashed for future debate.
This is an action-oriented roleplay. There will be times when you are asked to be present for a certain plot. Generally, you will be given notice weeks prior to the event you are needed for. If you are unable to be present for a plot, notify the mods ahead of time.
Should you decide to leave the group while playing a character who is heavily involved in plot related threads, you must contact those involved within your plot threads to work out a resolution prior to your unfollow notice being posted. A mod will assist if need be.
We’re extremely liberal when it comes to a lot of things, but one rule we actively enforce is our activity requirement. Only fourteen days of unannounced inactivity will be tolerated. If you are unable to post, will be busy, need to go on a temporary hiatus, or will be unavailable for any amount of time, we ask that you send a notice via ask box.
Six weeks is the maximum amount of time given for hiatuses. Regular OOC chat activity while on hiatus will be considered a sign that the hiatus is over and activity checks will resume as normal. Should a player take frequent hiatuses, they will lose one week of time for each consecutive hiatus (for example: Person A takes a six week hiatus, comes back for two weeks, and takes another hiatus; they will only get five weeks of hiatus time). This rule will apply for anyone who comes back from a hiatus and isn’t consistently active for at least six weeks.
After two weeks of unannounced inactivity, you will be placed on activity notice.
There is a two-strike policy in place here at FightAsOne. If you have been placed on activity notice a total of two separate times (equating to a month of unexplained absence), you will be asked to give up your spot due to inconsistency.
Following a week of consistent activity for a character holding either one or two activity notice strikes, an existing strike for that character will be removed.
If a player is consistently on activity notice but avoiding strikes by making single posts at the cut off time (consistently gaining and losing strikes), they will be asked to post a minimum of three in-character threads before the next check date. If the player fails to do so, they will be asked to give up their character due to inconsistent activity. This rule is designed to prevent abuse of our activity policy and prevent character camping.
We require that players be at least four weeks active on each character they play before picking up another. This is to ensure player activity as well to grant opportunity for new players to join the game.
There is a maximum of four characters per player. Only two of your characters can be Avengers.
Players who pick up a villain as a secondary character may have that character exempt from activity notice as long as their main characters remain off notice. Players may NOT pick up a villain without having some idea as to the direction they are going to take the character (whether this is with a certain character/group of characters or picking up a villain for plot purposes).
Bold/italicize memes, ooc meme replies, photos or gifsets, and text reblogs/character musing reblogs do not count as player activity. Only on dash threads, starters, writing prompt memes, or character headcanon/analysis writing prompts will count as character activity.
James “Bucky” Barnes | Captain America
Carol Danvers | Captain Marvel
Tony Stark | Iron Man
Natasha Romanoff | Black Widow
Wanda Maximoff | Scarlet Witch
Clint Barton | Hawkeye / Ronin
Sam Wilson | Falcon
Thor Odinson
Jennifer Walters | She-Hulk
Steve Rogers
Young Avengers
Kate Bishop | Hawkeye
Teddy Altman | Hulkling
America Chavez | Miss America
Billy Kaplan | Wiccan
Jessica Jones
Danny Rand | Iron Fist
Luke Cage | Power Man
Matt Murdock | Daredevil
Anna Marie | Rogue
Jean Grey | Phoenix
Scott Summers | Cyclops
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter Quill | Star-Lord
Vigilantes & Various Characters
Trish Walker | Hellcat
Tandy Bowen | Dagger
Wade Wilson | Deadpool
Peter Parker | Spider-Man
Danielle Cage | Captain America
Hector Cervantez | Spectro
Jane Foster
Synthia Schmidt | Sin
Yelena Belova | Black Widow
Mary Walker | Typhoid Mary
Erik Lehnsherr | Magneto
Raven Darkholme | Mystique
Emma Frost | Black King
FightAsOne RP Side Blogs
The Daily Bugle
The World Security Council
Nick Fury
Valentina Fontaine
Ophelia Sarkissian
Joe Robards
Kat Farrell
Kalee Batrei
As this group will oftentimes include mature subjects, content and storylines, we ask that no one under the age of eighteen attempts to join.
Read the Rules to make sure you can adhere to them.
Send in a message prior to applying to make sure your desired character/faceclaim is available.
Reservations for characters last twenty-four hours. Additional time can be requested provided that no one else has expressed interest in the reserved character. In the event that multiple parties are interested the same character, both applicants will be given 24 hours to submit an application, at which time the application that best fits the game will be selected.
SUBMIT an application comprising of a few consecutive paragraphs. Our application form including a writing example can be found below. Remember: we accept players based on quality, activity level, and fit for our group.
Please allow up to twenty-four hours for your application to be reviewed.
Once accepted, please make a separate account for your character. No subblogs. Do not use an account that you maintain to interact with independent roleplayers or another group.
Follow all our characters.  
Upon joining, new players are encouraged to either write a brief oneshot that details their character’s current whereabouts and activity, or construct an ‘about’ page on their character’s blog that performs the same function.
New players must post a starter (para, action, icon, gif, or otherwise) as an introductory post into the group within three days of being accepted.
Have fun and don’t forget to submit plots!
☆ Character Application (example):
Character: Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Faceclaim: Sebastian Stan
OOC Name (pronouns): Sarah (she/her/hers)
Age: 27
Timezone: EST
Activity Level: Daily
Pairings/Ships: Open
2 or more headcanons: (Use what’s in the character’s bio (if applicable) as the character’s canon and view the group’s previous plots for reference. Take the information and form at least 2 headcanons that you will include in your interpretation of the character.)
2 or more ambitions for the future: (We want to know what character arcs you want for your character should you be accepted. These can be goals you have in mind, a direction you want to develop the character, or a subplot you’d be interested in doing with another character.)
Writing Sample:
He sits there in the abandoned dirt and dried grass of Fort Lehigh, head in his heads, fingers gripping too-long hair as his brain swims and his stomach churns.  He wants to scream.  Maybe even should scream (after all, the place he could once vaguely associate with the word ‘home’ is desolate, empty – no one to hear him).  He should be allowed that, right?  One moment of complete, familiar abandon in reaction to years – no – decades of control.  Still, he remains silent despite every image burning behind his eyelids giving him every reason not to.
He doesn’t blame Steve.  Or at least he tells himself that (an endless mantra – he doesn’t, he doesn’t, he doesn’t, he doesn’t, he can’t) as he tries to grasp at older memories. Before the fall, before the war.  He can’t fault Steve for wanting that back (he can), can’t fault him for doing what he thought was the right thing (he won’t).  A part of him feels guilty for leaving him at the warehouse, knows what it must look like.  But he can’t bear the idea of being around Steve right now.  Not after he’d just tried to kill him.  Not when the impulse and the thought to do so were so clear in his mind, fresh and lethal.  Steve had his own problems to deal with (he refused to acknowledge that one of those problems was probably still him), he didn’t need his added to the mix.
Looking around at the weathered lodges of the camp, it was hard to imagine that he used to peddle cigarettes, magazines, and sometimes alcohol to soon-to-be soldiers. For cash, favors, or just to give himself some sense of belonging. He’d been so young.  Its current decay is somehow fitting.
Heaving a sigh as his thoughts settled into the closest thing to calm he figured they’d get, he pushed himself to his feet, brushing the dirt off of his clothes.  He had work to do.
How did you find out about the group?: (character advert/group promo/specific tag/recommendation/etc)
Questions/Concerns: (optional)
☆ OC Application (please add this to the form above if applying with an OC):
Character Age: Species: (human, alien, mutant, etc) Affiliation: (SHIELD, HYDRA, vigilante, etc) Character History: (at least two paragraphs about your character’s history leading up to our current plot)
These are the following tags all players must currently track:
fao: open
fao: follow
fao: activity
fao: mod announcement
fao: event
fao: sharks don’t sleep
fao: fear itself
The following are listed in no particular order of importance, but please be courteous to fellow players and include the relevant tags when posting (i.e. cw body horror):
Non Con
Self Harm
Body Horror
Verbal Abuse
Suicide Attempt
Domestic Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Ommetaphobia (fear of eyes)
Entomophobia (fear of insects)
Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes)
Emetophobia (fear of vomiting)
Herpetophobia (fear of reptiles)
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
Trypanophobia (fear of needles)
Trypophobia (fear of many small holes)
Allegra Acosta
Amanda Seyfried
Antonia Thomas
Anthony Mackie
Ben Mendelsohn
Brianna Hildebrand
Brie Larson
Charlie Cox
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Pratt
Courtney Eaton
David Tennant
Elizabeth Debicki
Elizabeth Olsen
Evan Rachel Wood
Godfrey Gao
Herizen Guardiola
Jaime Blackley
Jodelle Ferland
Josh Dallas
Justin Hartley
Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs
Krysten Ritter
Letitia Wright
Maisie Richardson-Sellers
Mason Dye
Melissa Fumero
Mike Colter
Natalie Dormer
Natalie Portman
Nikki Reed
Olivia Holt
Priyanka Chopra
Rachael Taylor
Rebecca Romjin
Rhydian Vaughan
Robert Downey Jr.
Rooney Mara
Rose Leslie
Roselyn Sánchez
Ryan Reynolds
Sarah Gadon
Scarlett Johansson
Sebastian Stan
Tom Holland
Zoe Saldana
"What do you fear?"
In the aftermath of the Accords, our heroes face a time of great uncertainty. Friendships are broken, faith is shaken, and the future is unknown. In the shadows of the chaos, an organization calling itself The Hand seeks to take advantage of the crumbling foundations of society.
Their reach is ambitious, spreading from within the criminal underground and beyond, using any means necessary to achieve their goals of total infiltration and domination. How does one sustain an empire that lasts?  Yearning for immortality, they seek out knowledge of rumored mystical, powerful artifacts scattered across the globe in the wake of Asgard’s destruction and the Skrull invasion.
Meanwhile, HYDRA and their leader, Sinthea Schmidt, is looking for outside means to maintain HYDRA’s subversive power within S.H.I.E.L.D. and beyond. With the two organizations working to upend the natural order– heroes, villains, and civilians alike will be caught in the maelstrom.
→ Events beginning June 3rd, 2018:
Jessica Jones has an explosive fallout with Luke Cage, while Kilgrave ensures the heroes of Hell’s Kitchen are not prepared to fight back against the rising tide.
Lawyers find themselves cleaning up the loose threads of the criminalization of vigilantism in the wake of the Accords.
Harlem begins to notice the rise in crime, as young men are recruited to move arms through the city.  Drug dealing is also on the rise in Harlem and Hell Kitchen neighborhoods.
The X-Men notice a rise in the sudden disappearance of mutants following the fallout of the Accords.  They begin to investigate and find something shocking about the missing persons.
The Daily Bugle publishes reports of exciting archaeological discoveries across the globe, the results and recognition of which arouse suspicion in the more cosmic-minded heroes.
The Guardians and Asgardians look into identifying and recovering some of the lost artifacts arising around the globe, knowing the danger of these items falling into the wrong hands.
As investigators begin to look into a mysterious series of shell companies, New York’s corporate elites- Rand, Stark, Osborn- begin to examine their own holdings.
Everything begins to coalesce as a shadowy threat emerges from the very roots of New York City itself, forcing the Avengers’ hand in retaliation.
→ Events beginning December 1st, 2018:
The heroes make several startling discoveries regarding the mysterious artifacts recently unearthed.  They’re not the only ones interested in the power these objects hold.
The Phoenix comes home to roost, leading to a mutant reunion that’s long overdue.
Tandy Bowen gets closer to the truth of her powers.
With the knowledge of Mutant Growth Hormone hitting the streets, the X-Men begin to mobilize to liberate the missing mutants, uniting to form X-Force.
The Guardians of the Galaxy open a dimensional door they should not have.
HYDRA works to maintain their governmental vice-grip while heroes begin to take action.
Old ghosts come to call, and Bucky Barnes finds himself in danger.
Typhoid Mary makes a move to keep the Defenders off her track.
The Asgardian Embassy is attacked for the treasures it holds within.  Thor finds a tool to help him in the coming fight.
Clint Barton takes an unfortunate turn.
Jessica Jones has a chance to take back control of her life, at the price of another.
The true power of the stolen artifacts is revealed, and New York might never be the same.
The Chitauri Invasion and subsequent unveiling of The Avengers raised many questions for the people of Earth. Questions that, in the months following the Battle of Manhattan, transformed into outcry as the devastation wrought upon New York state was put to long-term perspective. The World Security Council announced that in light of his failure to safeguard New York from alien attack, Nick Fury would step down from his executive role within S.H.I.E.L.D.: Norman Osborn would be taking over as Director. Soon after, Osborn fired Maria Hill and appointed Victoria Hand Deputy Director. With his team now in place, it was time to gain the trust of the people whilst casting doubt about the heroes that protected them. His first order of business was to recruit a group of his own “heroes” and unveil them to the world as his new Avengers team. His Avengers included such criminal maniacs as Bullseye and Daken. Vigilantism was subsequently ruled unlawful. Osborn used the Battle of Manhattan as proof that the former Avengers along with their allies were a threat. With superheroes now considered outlaws, the Dark Reign began.
Heroes were sent into hiding in order to survive. Those who chose to remain, such as Tony Stark, were openly attacked or captured and imprisoned. Osborn continued to extend his reach by ordering what he thought to be successful hits on both Hawkeye and Captain America. Several heroes were apprehended while some were added to his Dark Avengers roster, including James Barnes as Captain America. But the heroes were making progress of their own, coming together in secret to form a plan to put a stop to Osborn’s rule. Eventually, Osborn’s schemes began to unravel beneath him. Daken, recognizing the signs, began making plans to betray his superior. During a daring rescue, the imprisoned heroes were freed. With Osborn’s forces weakened, the final battle ensued and Osborn’s treachery was exposed. Norman Osborn and his Dark Avengers were defeated and sentenced. For his part in Osborn’s capture, Daken was pardoned and Maria Hill was reinstated as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
After the shadow cast by Norman Osborn’s Dark Reign passed, our heroes enjoyed a period of relative peace. Determined to ensure that the team would never have to face a bitter divide again, Tony Stark converted his New York City Stark Tower into the Avengers Tower and invited the team to move in. It was Stark’s hope and belief that this would further unite the team against any threats that may arise. During this time, Dr. Hank Pym was formulating a plan of his own and the Ultron project was born. Pym, who had been contracted by S.H.I.E.L.D., reported his progress to the organization who in turn took possession of the Ultron robot and modified it, uploading to it a program known as Project Insight. What both S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists and Dr. Pym failed to realize was that the AI had already begun to rewrite its programming. After publicly breaking ties with the Avengers, Director Hill announced to the public that the Ultron robot was now on patrol, predicting and preventing threads in order to ensure civilians’ safety. It wasn’t until Ultron openly attacked Thor after deeming him a threat that people began to question whether or not the robot could be trusted to protect innocent lives.
The attack against one of their own forced the Avengers to publicly oppose S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Ultron project. Tensions continued to rise as the robot became more reckless with each arrest, eventually favoring killing targets instead of apprehending them. With S.H.I.E.L.D. now unable to control Ultron, the Avengers confronted the AI and managed to damage him before he made his escape. The team returned to the tower post-battle only to have it taken over and put into emergency lockdown by Ultron, who was using Tony’s lab to repair and upgrade himself. Ultron then unleashed his army of Ultron bots and a fight ensued. Many heroes were injured and Bruce Banner was killed. After a heartbreaking goodbye, the team regrouped. Now joined by Hank Pym and Cable, as well as armed with an Oscorp-patented electronic disabling device invented by Max Dillon, they launched one last attack against Ultron. While the team weakened the robot, it was Cable who dealt the final blow, sacrificing himself in the process. Ultron was defeated but not without cost.
During what was supposed to be an ordinary retrieval mission, the Winter Soldier stumbled across an exchange between AIM and HYDRA, acquiring a device he believed to be a weapon of mass destruction. The item was given to Jane Foster and later to Tony Stark for analysis. While the heroes attempted to discover the stone’s origins, the titan Thanos began recruiting forces in order to obtain the legendary Infinity Gems, pulling Loki into the fold through the Mind Gem’s powerful persuasion, having had already recruited the Red Skull from the voids of space he’d been transported to in 1945. Having learned of Jane Foster’s unfortunate encounter with the Aether, Thanos had Loki remove its essence from her and return it - another gem in his collection. The magnitude of the threat humanity would face was soon revealed after Tony Stark’s work on the Soul Gem attracted HYDRA’s attention, causing the Red Skull to launch a brutal attack on Avengers Tower.
After an interrogation revealed Thanos’ plans to attack Asgard and Xandar for the Infinity Gems residing there, Bucky Barnes reported to the Avengers’ liaison, Sharon Carter. Despite the tension between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the superhero community, both agreed to set their differences aside in the face of such a cosmic threat. With the Avengers’ home in ruins, Tony Stark opened the doors of his family’s mansion as new headquarters and a place to address the task at hand. After an alliance with the Guardians of the Galaxy, two teams were formed, one headed for Asgard and the other for Xandar. Team Xandar’s endeavors were completed successfully while their counterpart’s mission wrought disaster, a series of events triggering Ragnarok, half of the team’s heroes falling. Those who made it back were met with a New York City ravaged by HYDRA’s forces, its hospitals filled with superheroes, S.H.I.E.L.D. agenta, and civilians alike. The aftermath of Ragnarok found the fallen Asgardians’ souls inhabiting those of mortals while the rest of the heroes prepared for the imminent threat of Thanos’ wrath, armed with four of the six Infinity Gems. When the titan finally attacked, he faced off with Scarlet Witch, who - her powers exacerbated by the gems - managed to thwart their enemy single-handedly.
Unbeknownst to the heroes of Earth, the destruction Thanos left in his path in his bid for absolute power decimated the planet known as Skrullos, home of the Skrull empire. In the ashes, those who remained turned to the exiled princess Veranke, whose prophecy of her people’s rise to power in the wake of their destruction seemed to be in motion. Their steady invasion spread to every sect of human society, including the superhero community, where their presence was revealed during a foray into a remote HYDRA base mounted by Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. During the excursion, Rogers was seriously injured and - while Barnes attempted to stabilize his friend - revealed to be a Skrull. The revelation snowballed as Tony Stark was contacted and informed of the situation on-site, granting Pitt'o - Steve Rogers’ impostor - the chance to activate a Skrull virus that would wreak havoc not only on Stark but his entire network, shutting down countless security protocols (among them being S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers’), satellites, and memory banks.
In response, both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Oscorp sought to create a device capable of detecting the alien invaders. Others took a more hands-on approach, among them being Kraven - on a solo mission to hunt down street-level Skrull threats - and Maria Hill, bringing in Bucky Barnes and functioning as a two-person team to do the same on a more political sphere. However, any cohesion between the two major organizations was short-lived, falling to disarray as both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers blamed the other for lack of progress, neither willing to admit to their own faults and shortcomings.
With the threat spreading to less Earthly places, Loki and Muninn embarked on a quest to discover the identity of the Skrull’s leader. While they learn that the queen, Veranke, has been posing as Sif of Asgard from the start, the Skrulls - with disorder seeded and agents in place hindering the progress of detection technology - began invading in full force, launching an attack on the Triskelion and claiming it as their base of operations.
With their resources, communications, and means of protection and aid cut away, the remaining Avengers took shelter within Fury’s Memorial base in D.C. in an effort to regroup. S.H.I.E.L.D. fled in a similar vein, taking up camp in the hidden barbershop base in Midtown Manhattan. The Skrulls, using their media connections, broadcast pleas from various outlets, including using an apparently held-hostage Harry Osborn as a means to demand a cease to all resistance efforts, eventually leading up to his publicly implied, apparent death.
Having reached a breaking point, the Avengers - led by Bucky Barnes as Captain America - launched an attack to reclaim the Skrull-held Triskelion. In the effort, Antoine Triplett was able to assist both Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. forces into the building while the vicious battle outside bled onto the National Mall. With the aid of Steve Rogers - alive and escaped from Skrull captivity along with other heroes - Barnes was able to track a defeated and wounded Veranke to an unfinished apartment complex, killing her and bringing an end to the Skrulls’ oppression.
After the digital corruption at the hands of the Skrulls during Secret Invasion, Stark Industries announced that the Stark Network is back online with advanced security measures. To rebuild his company’s reputation, Tony Stark took responsibility of its direction and announced the Starkdynamics event in Tokyo - an international think-tank comprising of a global consortium of brilliant people given a year to come up with a paradigm shifting concept. After 15 years of ostracism, representatives of Oscorp were allowed to attend the event as a goodwill gesture purely on the basis that the company is under new management as well as the good work they did during the Invasion.
While several companies showcased their work and research, Stark delivered a keynote speech announcing the commencement of Project Epsilon with the procurement of Extremis which harnesses the bioelectrical potential to hack and upgrade the human repair center, with the prospect of accelerated healing, boosted immune system and new organ generation - unbeknownst to the crowd, his personal goals for the project being to heal himself of the shrapnel injuries his sustained that made him dependent upon his arc reactor technology. Harry Osborn - in a similar vain - seeing the potential for Extremis to cure his inherited, terminal disease, approached the Avenger with the offer of collaboration. Despite tensions, the two came to an agreement. They each selected the best minds they know to aid them in their research, one being Osborn’s pick - Jemma Simmons, who - on Maria Hill’s orders - uses the offer to gather intel for S.H.I.E.L.D..
Despite initial difficulty (and side-research requested by Stark of Reed Richards, exploring the potential of Extremis to unlock the key to the Super-Soldier Serum given to Steve Rogers), the team made a breakthrough. To celebrate, Osborn and Stark hosted a Casino Royale event, the winnings to be donated to charitable cause Citizens’ Heroes. Despite the festive atmosphere attended by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and Avenger alike, Bruce Banner confronted Stark about the direction he’d taken the Extremis project, their argument turning heated and provoking a Hulk incident. Though S.H.I.E.L.D. attempted to quell the situation and the Avengers assisted in clean-up, the incident became a PR nightmare. Banner reached out to Bucky Barnes to confirm his departure from the Avengers, and not long after, Stark did the same.
With newfound single-minded focus on his work, Stark discovered Oscorp files of questionable content, including connections to the Ravencroft Institute’s dabblings in human experimentation and schematics on patented Stark Industries technology. The discovery brought about a full breakdown of communication between the two CEOs as Stark began shutting Osborn out. In the following weeks, Stark staged a hackathon, hiring Yelena Belova to retrieve the Extremis sample from Oscorp’s Brooklyn lab. Osborn, panicked, alerted both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers to the theft, leading to a conflict of jurisdiction between Sharon Carter and Bucky Barnes and hindering the search for the sample.
Upon the loss of Oscorp’s AI, K.A.R.I., to the stalwart defense of J.A.R.V.I.S. following Osborn’s attempt at forcing a retrieval of the stolen data from Stark’s servers, Osborn’s health rapidly deteriorated. This process once more ushered in the Green Goblin, who carried out several attacks against Stark Industries’ facilities, leaving almost a hundred casualties in their wake. During another of the Goblin’s attacks - the now unused Avengers Mansion - the two clash, leaving Stark severely wounded, his arc reactor destroyed, and - if not for the assistance of Loki, who had his own grudges against the Goblin - left for dead.
Delivered to the Baxter Building and with Extremis administered, Stark learned the Goblin’s true identity. After a brief encounter with Bucky Barnes, the Goblin fled for Avengers Tower, laying waste to Stark’s suite. Barnes, having received the programmed distress signal, arrived too late, met only with a dejected Tony Stark amidst the ruins of personal belongings and technology. What should have been a welfare check between teammates turned into an embittered dispute, months of mutual frustrations coming to a head as the two Avengers clash - breaking bones and trust. With the knowledge that the missing Extremis sample had been given to the wayward Avenger, Barnes reported to Sharon Carter and - with Stark and Osborn battling it out over Manhattan - the two sent their forces for aerial and ground support. The battle between the two enhanced corporate moguls ended in a destructive stalemate over the East River, with both participants plunging into the depths below as lower Manhattan was thrown into darkness at the hands of an explosive EMP burst, set off by the Goblin in one final act of vengeance.
As New York City began to recover from the disastrous outcome of the brawl between Iron Man and the Green Goblin, the United Nations World Security Council resolved to take necessary action to counter the rising tide of an increasingly unaccountable enhanced vigilante community. With immense pressure placed upon S.H.I.E.L.D. to direct the momentum of such a measure, a hearing was held in Washington D.C. with Maria Hill and Sharon Carter - from it, the Agreement Concerning Cooperation, Oversight and Registration of Discovered Superhumans (Accords) were soon subject to a first draft. Tony Stark was the first Avenger to view it, and - in the aftermath of Extremis - became its first supporter.
When the Accords were revealed to the public, they were met with an array of tension among civilians, heroes, and vigilantes alike. As a facility to hold those in direct opposition of the new law was revealed on Hart Island, protests began to spark. Heavy hitters such as Steve Rogers took their disagreements to the UN General Assembly, while the rest of the Avengers met among themselves to discuss their course of action only to find themselves on opposite sides of a fence. When the final day arrived, in a gesture of good will, the World Security Council’s Alexander Pierce, with support from Director Maria Hill and Deputy Director Sharon Carter, offered a ceremonial signing of the Accords on S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s Iliad Helicarrier to Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.
With inside string-pulling from HYDRA’s Jack Rollins and Grant Ward, what the public was led to believe was a bureaucratic olive branch spiraled into a terrorist attack as the Helicarrier crashed into Liberty Island. With the Iliad’s black box released to the public, both Barnes and Rogers were implicated in the attack and forced underground. Matters only worsened when, during the memorial service for the fallen S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Alexander Pierce was assassinated and all evidence pointed to Barnes being the one responsible. It was enough to sway public opinion, and registration becomes mandatory for all enhanced individuals.
After a disastrous scrap between a S.H.I.E.L.D. S.T.R.I.K.E. team and several enhanced, S.H.I.E.L.D. tasked it’s science division, along with the help of Jane Foster, with the job of inventing a means of detecting such individuals in order to better protect their operatives in the field. To further assist, S.H.I.E.L.D. unveils the Vision, their newest asset and a strong proponent of the Accords.
The World Security Council, under the new direction of Gideon Malick, began implementing the detection device for offensive purposes. After learning of this decision, Jane Foster - as Thor - alerted the underground heroes of their plans. Wanda Maximoff reached out to the mutant community and other scattered fugitives of the Accords with the offer to use Cerebro as a means to combat the detection tech, and alliances were formed.
Meanwhile, those who were sent to the Hart Island Facility learn first hand of darker endeavors taking place behind the secured walls. Mistreated, experimented on, and tortured - human rights violations took place beneath the government’s nose at the hands of infiltrators from HYDRA and other seedy organizations. Rumors of these conditions leaked outside the walls and water of the prison, and from Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers to Harry Osborn and Kasper O'Connor, insider and vigilante investigations led to a massive prison break. The Hart Island prison was left in ruins, and details of what took place within were soon released to the public. The UN World Security Council announced a period of amnesty for the fugitives while the Accords were amended to ensure no such horrors would take place again.
0 notes
keto · 6 years
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Newbies and veterans alike, please read (and make your voice heard)! Happy Friday folks! Just wanted to drop a couple of notes for "housekeeping" purposes. Please read the below info thoroughly.First off, I strongly encourage anyone new to the sub (welcome!) to read through the sub rules, available in the sidebar and in more detail on the wiki. Rule-breaking posts are subject to removal at mod discretion. We're not trying to be jerks about this, but we do ask that the community rules be respected.Next, it's been brought up that users browsing with the redesigned version of Reddit don't have access to the same sidebar info as in the old version. Most notably lacking are tags for different recipe types. As such, I'm going to give them here as well:RequestsBreakfast RecipesMain Dish RecipesSide Dish RecipesSnack RecipesDessert RecipesCondiment/Sauce RecipesBeverage RecipesVegetarian RecipesVegan RecipesFat Bomb Recipes"Bread" RecipesPizzasNo PizzasI'd like to look into a better way to provide these tags for all users but the Redesign is... less than cooperative towards efforts at customization. For now, I want to have a space where they can be found easily.Please make heavy use of the above tags both in browsing and posting your own recipes. Note that "generalized" requests will be removed per sub rules, so if you are seeking a good side dish or dessert, the best way to find it is to browse using the above tags. (Please do feel free to post if you have questions about a recipe you find there though!)This brings me to the next topic, which is sub rules and enforcement thereof. Guys...This is not a "keto food porn" sub.It's not even a "cool keto product I just found at Trader Joe's" sub.This is a sub for recipes.Now, if you want to just post a picture of assembled pre-cooked ingredients or that lovely steak dinner you just made, but aren't so interested in how you prepared it, we would suggest that maybe it is a better fit in /r/keto_food or /r/ketomealseatingnow - both of those are also excellent communities too.Your food can be pretty or ugly or anywhere in between, we're only interested in two things:That it is low-carbThat a brand new reader can know how to make itI feel a need to stress this because lately we've noticed more than one post playing a bit fast and loose with the sub rules. Every new submission gets an auto-stickied comment detailing what we expect from a recipe post, so please read it carefully as there is no system for additional warnings.We need quantified ingredients lists and instructions that are both detailed enough for a complete stranger to reproduce your dish. I'm personally going to start letting fewer posts slide if they don't even attempt to provide these. We don't need your recipes to be perfect! If you only have estimates for ingredient amounts or rough cook times/temps, that's just fine. But we need something there.Posts that are just pictures of your charcuterie board or a plate of cold cuts with some celery sticks (or similar) are discouraged, but allowed. These are not really "recipes" in the sense that they involve cooking or transforming any ingredients, but as of right now we won't remove them provided they adhere to sub rules.Posts that do not provide a recipe (again, "recipe" as defined in the sub rules) are discouraged and not allowed.Accordingly, we'd like to get a sense for what the community thinks about a way to clarify this. Namely, would you be in favor of disabling "link" posts so that only text/"self" posts are able to be submitted? If you have an opinion, please voice it at the Strawpoll linked here.The sub rules will not change either way. If link posts are disabled, links and photos will still be allowed within the text posts. If not, link posts will still be subject to the same set of rules. The idea here is to potentially be more clear that we're asking for more than just a link or photo.Lastly, remember to be polite and give people the benefit of the doubt when posting. I'm thankful that we mostly have very little issue with this. I just want to make sure that we maintain it going forward. :)
0 notes
keto · 6 years
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Newbies and veterans alike, please read (and make your voice heard)! Happy Friday folks! Just wanted to drop a couple of notes for "housekeeping" purposes. Please read the below info thoroughly.First off, I strongly encourage anyone new to the sub (welcome!) to read through the sub rules, available in the sidebar and in more detail on the wiki. Rule-breaking posts are subject to removal at mod discretion. We're not trying to be jerks about this, but we do ask that the community rules be respected.Next, it's been brought up that users browsing with the redesigned version of Reddit don't have access to the same sidebar info as in the old version. Most notably lacking are tags for different recipe types. As such, I'm going to give them here as well:RequestsBreakfast RecipesMain Dish RecipesSide Dish RecipesSnack RecipesDessert RecipesCondiment/Sauce RecipesBeverage RecipesVegetarian RecipesVegan RecipesFat Bomb Recipes"Bread" RecipesPizzasNo PizzasI'd like to look into a better way to provide these tags for all users but the Redesign is... less than cooperative towards efforts at customization. For now, I want to have a space where they can be found easily.Please make heavy use of the above tags both in browsing and posting your own recipes. Note that "generalized" requests will be removed per sub rules, so if you are seeking a good side dish or dessert, the best way to find it is to browse using the above tags. (Please do feel free to post if you have questions about a recipe you find there though!)This brings me to the next topic, which is sub rules and enforcement thereof. Guys...This is not a "keto food porn" sub.It's not even a "cool keto product I just found at Trader Joe's" sub.This is a sub for recipes.Now, if you want to just post a picture of assembled pre-cooked ingredients or that lovely steak dinner you just made, but aren't so interested in how you prepared it, we would suggest that maybe it is a better fit in /r/keto_food or /r/ketomealseatingnow - both of those are also excellent communities too.Your food can be pretty or ugly or anywhere in between, we're only interested in two things:That it is low-carbThat a brand new reader can know how to make itI feel a need to stress this because lately we've noticed more than one post playing a bit fast and loose with the sub rules. Every new submission gets an auto-stickied comment detailing what we expect from a recipe post, so please read it carefully as there is no system for additional warnings.We need quantified ingredients lists and instructions that are both detailed enough for a complete stranger to reproduce your dish. I'm personally going to start letting fewer posts slide if they don't even attempt to provide these. We don't need your recipes to be perfect! If you only have estimates for ingredient amounts or rough cook times/temps, that's just fine. But we need something there.Posts that are just pictures of your charcuterie board or a plate of cold cuts with some celery sticks (or similar) are discouraged, but allowed. These are not really "recipes" in the sense that they involve cooking or transforming any ingredients, but as of right now we won't remove them provided they adhere to sub rules.Posts that do not provide a recipe (again, "recipe" as defined in the sub rules) are discouraged and not allowed.Accordingly, we'd like to get a sense for what the community thinks about a way to clarify this. Namely, would you be in favor of disabling "link" posts so that only text/"self" posts are able to be submitted? If you have an opinion, please voice it at the Strawpoll linked here.The sub rules will not change either way. If link posts are disabled, links and photos will still be allowed within the text posts. If not, link posts will still be subject to the same set of rules. The idea here is to potentially be more clear that we're asking for more than just a link or photo.Lastly, remember to be polite and give people the benefit of the doubt when posting. I'm thankful that we mostly have very little issue with this. I just want to make sure that we maintain it going forward. :)
0 notes