#Please someone write a fic about this I BEG-
acousticcheeze · 1 year
Anyone else love the idea of unrequited love MegOp? Bonus points if Megatron practically becomes a yandere? (Specifically TFP for me because I’m obsessed with that show :3).
Optimus being able to move on and be at peace but Megatron can’t. He won’t move on. Instead he drives himself further, deeper into his obsession. Even though deep down he knows how different things are now, a big part of him still sees Optimus as little Orion Pax. His Orion Pax. He decides that he’ll do whatever he can to get Optimus back. If he won’t love him back, submission works just fine. No matter what Optimus and his Autobots may try, he’ll find a way to get him back.
And if he can’t have Optimus?
No one can.
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hkblack · 3 months
Let me tell you a story...
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It starts in the summer of 2021. Honestly it probably starts a little before that. 2020 through 2022 ish are a bit hazy because there was a lot of sitting around at home doing nothing.
Somewhere in that haziness my partner goes “wait, you haven’t watched this Good Omens show yet? And you haven’t read the book? … oh no. You should do that.”
And immediately after finishing the show I knew I was in trouble. I knew if I read the book I would absolutely fall down the fandom rabbit hole and be trapped, and so for a very long while, I didn’t. Until I did.
And then in August 2021, I wandered into fandom. I had been lurking. Seeing what AO3 had to offer. Crawling back onto Tumblr. But I had a story idea, and I needed a beta reader. And the last time I was in fandom, LiveJournal was still a thing, so I didn’t know where to go.
I found out about Discord, and I signed up for a thousand servers, it felt like, and in one server I bravely started sticking my neck out.
There was talk about someone writing a Human AU on a farm, and farm animals in general, and I chimed in about goat-scaping. And then I made the joke that would seal my fate.
“I don’t know if I could write a kid fic, but you know. I could write a kid (goat) fic.”
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It was meant to be a short, sweet, meet-cute. Professor Aziraphale has a goat from the goat scaping team break into his office. Based loosely on a campus experience where a member of the goat-scaping team at a campus I was on tried (and failed) to get into a classroom once.
A simple formula. Maybe a 4+1? 4 times a goat broke into Professor Aziraphale Fell’s office, and one time it didn’t.
I even found the first beta reading request. First chapter done, I’ve got four more planned. Rated T.
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I started writing Chapter 5, you know, the final chapter, and realized—there’s more to this story. These characters have life, and story, and who doesn’t want to see more goats? Also, had I truly fulfilled the “kid-fic” portion of my joke?
I think we can all agree that no, no I hadn’t.
So, I kept writing. But I also found my stride in other Discord Servers and in Fandom in general. And in the winter of 2021, I went on a beta-reading blitz for the Gift Exchange happening in the Do It With Style Events Discord server. I read something like 14? 15? stories in a very short amount of time and in doing so, got to know some really amazing people and began to carve out my spot in the community.
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From this server I found folks with lived goat-experience who were willing to share and advise me. From this server I found beta readers and brit pickers willing to cheer me on and guide my writing to the best version it could be. I found friends and joy and I found community.
And if you look very carefully through the pages of Bleating Hearts, I think that at its heart, past the puns, past the obvious fast burn love story, and the crooked Luce Matin and demanding James Starr, and even beyond the goats, it’s a story about finding your place in a community. While we talk about Aziraphale and Crowley and their relationship, so many people have asked me about Anathema and Crowley at the chicken coop (we only got to see Newt and Aziraphale in the bedroom). The most commented on scene is Anathema pulling the car over and getting Aziraphale’s consent to go to Tracy’s for lunch.
It's a story with goats, romance, and drama. But it’s a story about community.
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I have thanked the people most involved a thousand times over, and I will always take an excuse to thank them again. @ambrasue, my ride or die beta reader. She is who to thank for the sentences making sense. And for me not beating you all over the head with the word “Gently.” HolRose, for the Brit-Picking and second pair of eyes when Ambra and I had gone cross-eyed, and always, always, always having a kind comment ready to go for every chapter update. @writingordinaryrealities, for all things Goats, and for not laughing at me when we met in person and I lost my cool over real life goats.
@mirjam-writes! Mirjam made me my first ever fanart for one of my fanfics! And so many more of you have followed suit and I never know what to say when I see it but I always make a noise and run excitedly to my partner and flap my hands and show him his heart and he always gets the dumbest smile and goes, “I love when people make you goat fanart. You are adorable when you’re verklempt.”
But also, the DIWS and Good Omens community. Every single person who shouted at one of my snippets when I needed a boost and shared a bit of what I was proud of. Every single person who tagged me in a goat video—you all have tagged me in so many goat videos. I watch each and every one of them. Every single person who got excited when I said I was finally ready to start posting.
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Because you see, that support, that community, led me to pay it forward. At TIC4 in 2023, I had just finished my panel on beta reading and was feeling a bit amped up. I saw in the chat that someone wanted to talk Slow Show and Human Aus and, I don’t know if y’all know this, but uh, I’m a big fan of human AUs. And so I hopped into the break out room and met J.
J is a lovely human who has been fandoming since the OG Star Trek days with Kirk and Spock. She had found a physical copy of Slow Show and just needed to talk to someone, anyone about it. She wasn’t sure what the Archive was, she was still learning her way around digital fandom, and I instantly wanted to reach out and help her find community and joy the way I had when I got started in the fandom. So, I sat down and I gave her my favorites. I told her how to find me on socials. We connected on Discord. We sent each other long letters back and forth on Discord sharing our joys and frustrations and our love of GO and talking about all sorts of other things. And it has been amazing listening to her stories and getting to know her.
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Unbeknownst to me, J had reached out to @brunheiffer to ask for a physical copy of Bleating Hearts. Now—I’m all for fandom in the physical space, but it’s never even crossed my mind to do more than something printed out at my home printer, hastily hole punched, and shoved into a binder so I could sneak fanfiction reading time during 5th period math class after I was done with my worksheets many, many, many moons ago. When brunheiffer reached out and asked if they could print and bind a copy for me—I didn’t know what to say. Or do. Or think. I think I keysmashed? I keysmashed after I made my partner read the message out loud. And then I went and looked through tumblr and all of brunheiffer’s excellent work. And then I went, “Do I say yes?” and he went “um YES OF COURSE YOU SAY YES. WHAT”
So, I said yes.
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I also said yes to progress shots and got to watch some of the coolest work ever. I didn’t know how books…ya know…booked. Witchcraft probably? I’m still convinced there is witchcraft involved, but there is also an incredible amount of skill, and time, and patience, and hard work, and love that is put into making a book a book. And learning what I did, and watching the process, and seeing the care that brunheiffer put into each of the three (THREE!) sets of books that were made (one for me, one for brunheiffer, one for J), was just stunning.
Do you know, J reached out to me and apologized for not asking me first and asked me if it was okay that she had reached out and asked if brunheiffer would do this for her? Why would I ever be against something so heartfelt and kind?
I cried.
I legitimately sat in my office and cried.
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When people ask me how I write the way I do, or why I write, or anything along those lines. I have the same answer. “I write for myself.”
Oh sure, I started to write Bleating Hearts to make Ambra laugh and/or have feelings, but at the end of the day, when I write, it is because I need to get the bed time stories I tell myself at night, the day dreams while sitting on the bus, out of my head and somewhere else—so that a new movie can play. And when I write, I write knowing that I will come back to that story. That I will forget the little pieces (because I have a pretty shit memory tbh), and I’ll be able to go back, and wrap myself up in the comfort of the story I have written, and be surprised by some of the little details I left as presents for myself. And be excited. And be happy. And watch my favorite movie again.
So every time I see someone make art of this story, or talk about how they love the story, or how happy it made them, or the feelings it inspired, or how reading goats made them want to write their own fanfiction—I get, well, like my partner says, “verklempt.” I don’t know what to do with that feeling, other than to just be overwhelmed that somehow something I made to entertain me has brought other people so much joy. Has helped people connect and find community.
What a powerful and beautiful thing that is.
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Not everything I write is going to be Bleati—y'all I am just going to call it Goats. Calling it Bleating Hearts feels so weird. It’s Goats. That’s the name of the story. That’s my name for the story.
Not everything is going to be Goats. I’ve got some wips in the hopper right now that are um…lots of angst and heavy spice. Not everything I write is going to be liked by everyone. Some of it may even offend you.
But knowing that this one thing has inspired you all to the point that I’ve been gifted the ability to hold my story in my hand?
That’s powerful.
And it only exists because this community, this Good Omens community, has come together and chosen joy.
There’s some bad apples out there, there are in every bunch. But I am liberal with my block button and have been blessed to find a welcoming and warm community that creates some amazing and incredible art—whether that’s like actual like digital or pen to paper art, or the fiction you write, or the podfics you record, or the meta analysis you write, or the playlists or the animatics or the beta reading or the shouting unhinged support or the role playing or the plushies, or the books you bind—this community is full of incredibly creative and amazing people.
So thanks, y’all, for letting me part of your community, and enjoying my silly little goat fic. And thank you brunheiffer and J for this amazing gift.
If you haven’t read it, or just want to reread it, you can read Bleating Hearts (GOATS) on Archive of Our Own.
All my love,
(I am the most cringe sap on main right now. No regurts)
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waitineedaname · 3 months
thinking about the parallels between the golden core transfer and wen ning's revival makes me want to eat glass. wen qing and wei wuxian both helping each other save the other's younger brother, through a life-altering procedure that their brothers ultimately could not consent to. wen ning is seen as wei wuxian's masterpiece, the most impressive thing he ever pulled off with demonic cultivation -- though the secret was kept tightly, i can't help but wonder if the fact that jiang cheng survived was just as much of an accomplishment for wen qing, proof of her skill and talent as a doctor
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okokok hear me out I've just seen a tiktok pushing remus lupin as James Acaster on taskmaster, therefore I'm thinking what if someone wrote the marauders in taskmaster, maybe with regulus as the taskmaster??
but also who would be little Alex horne (the guy that just gets bullies for the whole show and is also very gay with the taskmaster) because me personally I'm thinking james or have evan as the taskmaster and barty as Alex horne
someone please write this I'm begging I would literally pay for it or if anyone knows a fic please send it to me
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This screams angst and I love it
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siriusblackisdead · 1 year
The foxes ice skating
While Neil’s skating abilities are NOT olympic-worthy, his balance is unbelievably strong and thanks to that he would be able to skate good enough for the other foxes to ask him where he learned it.
He would enjoy it SO much that the foxes decided to go to the nearest ice rink every weekend during winter, which made Kevin have about fifteen temper tantrums (not like anyone cared much) about how they had to be preparing for the championships and how much of a stupid thing ice skating was (he just couldn’t stay in a vertical position on the ice for more than 30 seconds). They still went every Saturday tho.
Neil would also make the most out of pocket “jokes” (trauma dumping) such as ‘well skating is surely easier than having to run and drive a car with a knife in the stomach being followed by the people of your murderous serial killer father’ or when he would fall and someone would ask him if he was okay he would be like ‘oh yeah it definitely hurts less than that time when my father decided to burn my skin off with a flatiron’. The foxes would be terrified. Andrew would sigh every time (he loves his boyfriend so much)
He would not like the ice but he likes Neil so he’d end up on the ice anyway
His skating abilities are not a total disaster but since he’s a little scared of losing his balance he is not very stable, so they always hold hands with Neil (they act like it’s purely of romantic reasons but 80% of it is just Andrew holding onto Neil for dear life)
He would always wear a green hat Neil had bought him (Kevin and Nicky would find it oh so amusing until Andrew colored half of their wardrobe green while they were on a training (there is no way Neil had helped him not at all)
A fucking TERRIBLE skater. Every time he would step on ice it would be a fight for life and for the first time in his life he would NOT be winning. The foxes would give him so much shit for it and he would hate it (but he would still go because he would see Neil smiling and being happy and careless and Kevin would love to see that boy finally happy that he just couldn’t NOT go)
Aaron would not like skating but would have to put up with it because if he didn’t he would be the only one left out (Katelyn made him)
He would hold hands with Katelyn and hold onto her for support just like Neil and Andrew and when they find out they are both furious. Neil and Katelyn find it hilarious.
He would try to trip Kevin (every time he would manage to stay standing for the shortest moment at least) and would mostly success, even though in the end he would most of the time fall with him as well (Katelyn somehow manages to let go of his hand every time (such bad luck isn’t it) (now for real she is a little devil and enjoys seeing Aaron fall. There is just something so funny about him cursing in both English and German as he tries to find out which leg is his and which is Kevin’s. She still helps him stand up (mostly))
He would be actually so good at it but he would be so scared of falling that he would refuse to let go of the glasses at the sides of the rink for the first few times
Then Allison would grow tired of it and would take Nicky’s skating into her hands
It would be an exhausting and traumatizing experience but in the end he would be able to stand on the ice like a decent human being and after an hour or so he would remember everything he learned in Germany with Erik (Allison would be pretty angry when she found out he already knew how to skate and was just a ‘scared little whining child’ as she called him)
After that he would be some of the best ones among the foxes
Matt & Dan
I believe that when Matt was still living with his mother, he was playing hockey as a hobby and he actually used to love it so much until his father decided to fuck him up and he left the hockey team
So he would be good at it and he and Dan would make the biggest power couple out there since Matt used to go skating sometimes in his free time after leaving his father and would teach Dan how to play hockey, which she found just as interesting as Matt and enjoyed it just the same.
They would be those people who you are afraid to step on a same rink with, scared of being ran over by their speed (they never ran anyone over tho (or not by accident))
When she was little her parents made her train as a professional ice skater and she would show off her abilities as much as she could (no way she was trying to amaze Renee no it wouldn’t be that no way)
She would be able to do every spin known to man but could not jump for the sake of her life which made her furious (especially because of Jean)
She would try to teach Dan some steps but would soon give up and help Renne stand instead
She would be actually quite good for standing on ice the first time in her life
Like it would not be perfect but she could at least stand alone and wouldn’t need to hold Allison’s hand the whole time (Allison totally mocks Andrew and Aaron about it every time they meet. “You both are SO lame just look at my fucking wife and see how it’s supposed to be done, like in a year or so she could go to the Olympics while you both will still be here falling on your asses every time Katelyn or Neil let go of you, so pathetic…” and Renne would smile and blush every time)
She would be the one person that would help you stand up every time you fall (even Kevin) but would trip Aaron only because she can (he would never find out it was her and that’s the best part about it all)
Because yes I’m totally counting Jean in he would go with them argue with the wall
He would be the BEST ice skater ever seen to man
That man could go to Olympics the next Monday and win and do one would be surprised
Before he was sent (sold) to the Moriyamas he was training to be an ice skater and he loved everything about it. He planned a whole future, decided that he would go pro one day and did everything to achieve that (only to get that dream destroyed by exy (he actually hated exy first because of that but grew fond of after accepting the fact that his ice skating dream was never going to happen)
He would be SO good at jumps and would do them as if they were nothing and would grin at Allison every time he effortlessly did one (she would curse at him every time and have a smaller temper tantrum and Andrew would start joking about how she is starting to turn into another Kevin)
He would also teach is boyfriend (Jeremy) and after a few weeks of watching Kevin die again every week he would try and teach the bastard too, which finally strengthened up their friendship (and saved Kevin)
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robo--homo · 2 months
I have TWENTY-THREE PAGES of Kavinsky/Prokopenko fic and NINETEEN of Kavinsky/Adam and probably none of it will ever see the light of day because writing is fucking IMPOSSIBLE
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dnangelic · 5 months
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hummm humhum. i only just sat down but i'm really considering adjusting my rules a little and potentially refusing future interactions between myself and people who solely write dark, but idk if that sounds too picky or elitist or something because i don't necessarily have dupe anxiety, i just really from the bottom of my heart don't trust fandom with dark especially if they slice off daisuke for whatever reason, be it for standalone interactions or for the sake of an oc. maybe i'll just emphasize again too that with my portrayal i'm mostly canon compliant, but i also include many many personal/stylistic hc portrayal details and functionalities in my muse that are completely separated from canon, and i really dislike the idea of anybody trying to play copycat and plagiarizing these bits from me (again,) especially without permission. but for now i'll just go into my drafts lajdkfjg
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hayaku14 · 1 year
kaishin friends!!!! please help me find this one kaishin fic i read in ffnet (i think). it's about:
kaito being accused of a crime (i think murder?) but he can't give an alibi cause he was doing some kaitou kid stakeout or something
it was in a snowy area? i remember the house where the jewel kaito was checking out was was on a snowy mountain (?)
i'm not sure but i think hakuba was desperately trying to make kaito spill what he was doing that night so he can have an alibi but kaito doesn't want to reveal he's kid
at this point i don't think kaito and shinichi "know" each other yet in their civilian identities but shinichi shows up to the station all rugged and disheveled (cos he was up all night trying to prove kaito's innocence)
i remember people being bewildered by why shinichi would go so far for someone he "doesn't know"
i remember that it was an old lady witness who saw kaito walking the night of the crime that proved kaito's innocence (?)
I'm pretty sure I'm not making this up but I really can't find this fic or maybe I missed it through my search ;-; I probably read this in late 2021 or early 2022 and I wanna reread it so bad because tired shinichi my beloved LOL. If you know it or can find it, please hit me up thank you!!!!
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stevestark · 4 months
I've been thinking about this post and how it posits that people design themselves in their DnD characters as a form of vulnerability by inadvertently revealing the things they themselves struggle most with in assigning them as traits of their characters,
and that got me thinking about the fact that we know Eddie loves DnD, but we've only ever seen him as the DM,
and then I started wondering —
because we meet Eddie when he's already a threepeat senior,
he's well established into living with Wayne and having no contact with his father,
he's labeled the town freak and people think he's "mean and scary" when he's probably the most caring person in Hawkins
— what if he stopped participating in campaigns and started designing them instead so that he could have a sense of control over at least one thing in his life?
he can't control that school officials take his defiance of status quo as acts of rebellion worthy of punishment just like he can't control the fact that he clearly learns and/or processes differently and therefore struggles to pass classes that are a breeze for everyone else (because he's clearly not stupid! his brain just works differently!),
he can't control the fact that Al Munson is a piece of shit who doesn't care about anyone but himself,
and he can't control the way others perceive him without putting in any effort to learn a single damn thing about him.
but — Friday nights in a darkened classroom at a table filled with the few of his peers who don't look at him and see all of those things?
he can write the story.
he can decide the multitude of ways the journey will go, from beginnings to middles to ends.
he can, for once in his life, feel like he's in control.
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jekyll-hatepage · 1 year
Imagine if Lanyon actually used the gun during his narrative. If, when the paralysis of fear left him and he saw the husk of his friend writhing before him, he shot him. No friend of his, let alone any creature obeying the laws of science, could be something so wretched.
Or maybe he didn't shoot him immediately. Maybe he tried to hear out Jekyll, to understand where everything went wrong, but he just couldn't. The man before him was not the same man he had met. Or, even worse, this was the real man he dined with all along. Overcome with despair and confusion, shooting him was the only outlet for his rage. And so Jekyll, bleeding and broken-hearted-- yet not surprised or even angry-- went back home without any attempt of rectifying the situation.
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hella1975 · 1 year
not someone commenting on tams to tell me to update taob. what if you fucked off forever
#the actual nerve of some people like it's bad enough getting those kinds of comments ON taob#bc obviously any comment along the lines of 'im literally begging you to update' is gonna piss the fuck out of a writer#BUT TO DO IT ON A DIFFERENT FUCKING FIC????? HAVE A HORRIBLE DAY#and the fact these people not only dont think they're doing anything wrong but think they're COMPLIMENTING ME#'i love your writing so much please update taob' IS NOT A FUCKING COMPLIMENT. LET ALONE ON A FIC THAT HAS NO RELEVANCE TO TAOB#WITH NO MENTION OF TAMS IN THE COMMENT EITHER. NO 'I REALLY LIKE THIS FIC. UPDATE TAOB' not that that would make it okay#but the utter audacity of it all is jarring. how are you gonna clearly have read tams and felt the need to comment#just to have NOTHING to say about it and tell me to update a different fic. actually fuck off#ending the comment with 'okay i love you' do you now. do you really. well it's unrequited babe. fuck off#you people make me mad sometimes istg#'hella why are you always so negative about taob's popularity' when i get something good out of it i'll let you know#edit: they left that comment on ch1 of tams which actually implies they didn't even read it which is somehow. worse#like they've clearly just clicked on it with no regard for the passion and effort i put into it seeing as it's a WHOLE SEPERATE FIC#and considered only that i might give the comment more attention if it was on tams not taob. what the actual fuck is the thought process#in what WORLD is someone taking that as a compliment. in what world am i gonna go 'omg writing it rn just for you bestie 🥺'#actually fuming about this idk why this one has got to me so much the utter CHEEK of it all has really knocked me sideways lmaooo
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needlesandnilbogs · 5 months
The worst part about writing long aus is that you can’t infodump about it (without having to explain everything first so they get the context) unless you’re willing to make someone read 150k words
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celestair · 2 years
if someone doesn't write a friends/co-workers to lovers fanfic with kunikida where they slowly fall in love and care for eachother more than usual but dont realise they are actually in love until one of them gets badly hurt and then they start dating and its awkward at first but then its just the sweetest thing ever im gonna have to write it myself and trust me you dont want that.
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antinfront · 6 months
Good Omens AU where Crowley and Aziraphale both teach Year 1s who think they're a married couple
Also, Gabriel is the principal
And Michael is the mean deputy Principal
And Hastur and Ligur are the mean groundskeepers
And Muriel is the librarian's assistant who doesn't know what they're doing because of course they are.
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zombyvamp · 7 months
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picked a random book off the shelf at the library and ended up accidentally stanning a blond :/
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