#Pls go easy on me
spacecities · 3 days
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i like them i think they're neat
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treasurehuntbuck · 3 months
Jamie Tartt / Perfect by Logic
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laiostoudenn · 21 days
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nanaslutt · 6 months
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i drew megumi :3 he’s on my twitter also :3 shameless plug im so sorry…… @nanaslvtt
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blood-grove · 2 months
Call of Duty
Kyle Gaz Garrick
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unnatural bleeding — a mer!gn!reader x human!gaz | ongoing fic
werewolf bites — gaz trying to help you recover from a dog attack | ongoing fic
magical accidents — who were you to say no to your mage boyfriend innocent request for you to try a potion?
scar trails — you and your older brother try to survive the apocalypse and try and make a few friends..or enemies!
John Soap Mactavish
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shapeshifter! child! reader & soap — a alt version of another random thing i wrote about a shapeshifter reader :3 tws in fic
the hunt — a medieval fantasy soap x male reader! | ongoing fic
solar and lunar marks — werecat reader and werewolf soap shenanigans w 141
Simon Ghost Riley
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dog au! ghost & child reader — this one is so old!! + old dog au intro!
animals grind there teeth at bars — fic idea :3 monster circus au?
mistaken sacrifice — turns out your loyal worshippers are batshit crazy but ghost seems alright maybe in need of saving.
John Price
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dog au price & child reader — another oldie </3 + old dog intro
labs and speedsters — taking in a new stray cheetah shifter (you) riddled with anxiety and price sees to help you.
old man — random anxiety hole you've dug yourself into has you now overly worrying about growing. (me projecting)
Multi + Parings
adoption au dad! simon & soap + adopted reader (school fights)
shapeshifter reader + 141
avian/harpy ghost & soap + child naga reader - tws in fic
jungle book au - upcoming
dog au art ! — ghost and soap , graves , price 1 , price 2 , graves 2 ,
König — dog au intro! (old)
i may give him this own section but for now im not rlly focused on him kinda...
a/n; will be making separate master list for when i write for my fandoms :3 this is my first masterlist so please excuse my inexperience...ALSO IM MY ASK R OPEN AND ANON ON PLS
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somemismatchedsocks · 4 months
bad watercolor to celebrate
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thegreatlucilleii · 4 months
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Yusuke Fanart
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ybetzarts · 3 months
Had this idea some days ago for my oc
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Kid insists on accompanying his father doing guardian duties...he struggles to keep himself awake tho. He's trying his very best🌙
[Character info and sketch below⬇️]
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Kaya (am going with this name for now. sounds like a girl's name to be quiet honest. where i got the name from, i might share someday) this was him at 4 yrs old
Did a digi art of him before (aaand, he needs some serious redesigning)
- pronounced as 'ka-ya (like the 'kaya' in kayak, but less sharp, more air)
- the eldest (of the five)
- mellow (youd think otherwise coz of how fierce he may look sometimes<-when he got older
- too empathetic some might say. He's so emotional too, openly expresses how he feels, when he feels comfortable or ok with sharing. Well except when he's mad, that, he tries to hide.
- He once, or more than once, cried as a child when he heard about his father being the last of his kind, stranded and alone for many years. He pitied his father. Between tears, Kaya would express how sad it mustve been. Knuckles finds it...well he would chuckle, but man, that kid's got an admirable heart of gold. Bawled his eyes out when his father told him that theres two of them now after all those years blah blah blah. "Thought I' was gonna be the last of my kind, 'til you came along. Aint that great, bud?"
- his hands/claws(similar to real life echidnas) are too heavy/too dense than normal. Kaya used to cry a lot about it, "It hurts." He trained himself and used this to his advantage. He's a slow runner due to this, but still fast enough to catch bad guys
- he has a strong desire to follow his father's footsteps—be a guardian
- Likes sculpting and carving motifs, ancient and original motifs, out of almost any material...carries an all-purpose pocket knife for carving, crafting spears and arrows, etc.
- he cant be easily deceived, he can see right through you, he jus senses them
🌟Might update this🌟
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angelicxdisaster · 3 months
hopefully i don't forget to update this but it's my coping project right now so I probably wont.
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im-a-marvel-ous-hoe · 6 months
Falling For You | Bucky Barnes (2nd Day of 🎄)
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(Credits to the owner of this gif!)
Hiya! It’s our 2nd day of Christmas! Let me just quickly say thank you for the love on the previous fic! 🥹🩵 I hope y’all like this one!
Christmas Masterlist <- check out my other holiday fics! ✨
“You know, just to.. put it out there. I haven’t ice skated in a long time.” Bucky said while strapping on his ice skates. I took a quick glance at the rink and couldn’t stop the smile forming on my lips as I heard laughter coming from Steve and Peggy as he tried to find his balance. His cheeks were tinted pink as laughter escaped his lips as he slipped for the second time tonight. “Really?” I asked as he nodded. “Yeah, Steve was a pretty skinny kid and would constantly get sick, but he always insisted on doing stuff like this back then, even if he slipped and got hurt.”
“Wouldn’t that have been dangerous for him?”
“Hey, we were kids and he was my friend. Who was I to say no to him? Plus, he turned out okay. Just look at him!” We turned our attention back to the rink and saw Peggy laughing at him while he was trying to hold himself up and grabbed onto the rails to keep himself from falling once again. I chuckled as Bucky tried to cover up his smile by bringing his gloved hand up to his face.
He cleared his throat and turned to look at me. “I used to fix him up before I got him home. Luckily, my ma had bandages and treated Steve like her own. She was always doting on me for not taking better care of him, but I did the best I could. Other kids weren’t the nicest when Steve was around, but he never let that stop him from wanting to have fun. When it would get too much, I would protect that kid with everything I had.” He slowly stood up and stood in front of me, holding his hands out for me to take. I grabbed onto his hands as he lifted me up so I could stand.
“Were you a good skater?”
“Uhh..” He chuckled. “I’m – I’m okay but ya just gotta remember what I said earlier. I haven’t skated since the 20’s so I might be a little rusty. So if I fall, that’s why.” He joked as I rolled my eyes playfully. “Of course it is, James, but just know that if you fall, I’ll be there to help pick you up.”
“Why thank you doll – ”
“After I’m done laughing.”
His mouth was agape as he just stared at me as I stood there smiling at him. “If I fall, I’m dragging you down with me.” I gasped and lightly punched his shoulder. “You better not!” He reached his hand up to my beanie and fixed it so it rested more comfortably on my head. “There ya go. Much better.” He smiled.
We wobbled our way closer to the rink where we could see Sam with his date skating away as Steve and Peggy tried to keep up. I stepped onto the ice and slowly slid away, giving him enough room to get on with me. He stood there for a moment and shook off his nerves.
“Pfft, I can do this. No problem.” He held onto the rail and slowly skated across. I held out my hand towards him and he took it, gripping on for dear life. His legs stayed completely still as I slowly brought him closer to me. “See? I just have to get used to it, that’s all. Nothin’ to it.” I laughed as we slowly skated along the rails, waiting to see when he felt comfortable on his own without holding on as much.
His legs began sliding back and forth as he tried to find his footing. His left arm linked with mine while his right would occasionally lift above the rails, but stayed close enough incase he slipped. “You got it, baby?” He nodded and huffed out. “Yeah, and even if I don’t, I have you here with me.”
“Oh hell no! You better let go of me if you’re about to slip!” I laughed and he held tighter to my arm. “Nope, so you better make sure that..” He mentioned over to Steve who had just fallen and is now trying to get back up. “Doesn’t happen to us.” He smiled at me and I shook my head laughing. “Don’t be trying to put all the pressure on me! You said you were a good skater. Am I to assume that was just you talking out of your ass when I brought up this idea for a triple date?”
“No! I am a perfectly fine ska – whoa! Did you see that?” He said as he saw someone showing off their sweet skating skills by doing fancy spins and tricks. His eyes were gleaming with awe as they skated away like nothing. “That was so beautiful!” I exclaimed. They turned to me after hearing my comment, bowed and gave us a smile.
“You wanna see something cool?” I asked Bucky as he turned to look at me. “Sure, doll. Whatcha got?” With his hand still held in mine, I gained a little speed and went in front of him and began skating backwards, a cocky smile on my face as he smiled and rolled his eyes. “Showoff.”
“I’m tellin’ you, baby. Ice skating isn’t that – ” Before I could finish my sentence, I bumped into someone and stopped skating for a moment. “Oh! My bad! I wasn’t – woah!” Bucky couldn’t grab onto the rails and stop in time, causing the both of us to fall on the ice with me on top of him.
“Oomf!” He groaned out as I looked up at him. His hand laid protectively on my waist while the other was above his head. He blinked and glanced down at me, now realizing how close we are to each other. We just lied there looking at each other for a few seconds before he spoke up. “I guess you could say I… fell for you.”
I laughed at his horrible joke and placed my hand on his chest, trying to get up. “You’re such a dork. You didn’t stop in time!”
“It’s my fault? You were the one who decided to skate backwards!” He smiled. “That’s beside the point! I had that under control.” I laughed as I wobbled trying to stand. “Oh, under control. Riigghhtt.” He chuckled and looked up at the person we bumped into, getting ready to apologize and stopping himself before he could say anything. Sam stood there with a smirk and raised eyebrow, getting ready to tease the life out of his friend who clearly had trouble balancing on his own.
“You doin’ alright there, Tinman?”
“Doin’ just fine, Samantha.” He laughed and shook his head, looking back at the woman next to him. “You alright, baby?” She nodded as Sam held his hand out towards Bucky and helped lifted him up. “Hey, if you ever need lessons, Leila here would be very happy to help you out.” She turned to him and playfully hit his shoulder. “Oh shut up! Leave the poor man alone.” She chuckled.
“Yeah! Buck is the best skater I know!” Steve chimed in from behind us while laughing, Peggy holding onto him in case he were to fall again. Which.. we all know that’s bound to happen. “He taught me everything I know.”
“I can tell.” Leila hit him on his shoulder once again as he snickered. Bucky dusted the ice off himself as his cheeks were pink with embarrassment. “Uh, Steve.. m – maybe we don’t bring that up.” I chuckled as I brought my hand to the side of his face and brought it closer to my lips and placed a kiss on his cheek. I could hear Sam whistle while the rest of the group cheered as I pulled away as Bucky couldn’t stop a smile from forming on his face.
“C’mon, before you can call yourself the best ice skater in our group, you gotta work on your balance.” I slightly pushed his chest so he could slide backwards as he immediately grabbed onto the rail. “Hey!” Laughing, I started skating away as he went to chase after me. “Oh you’re gonna get it when I catch up to you!” He yelled after me as I turned my head to look at him with a smile on my face.
I hope y’all liked it! Please let me know your thoughts! Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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moonieper · 1 year
Greetings and salutations strangers~
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~⁠(⁠つ⁠ˆ⁠Д⁠ˆ⁠)⁠つ⁠。⁠☆ [May you get lucky pulls~]
About me~💫...
My name is June but you may call me Moo or Junnie whichever you prefer to call me
I am currently 20 and I'm ok with any pronouns but I usually use she/her
I'll probably post art maybe if I don't get lazy
And umm so basically my first time posting on Tumblr cuz I kind of lurked for like almost 2 years now??
Pls go easy on me ;-;
I just do da art 👍 and I don't mind chatting with y'all so ask away I suppose?
And I will be talking about random stuff here cuz I don't have a social life and I get bored...
Here's my Genshin Impact UID if y'all wanna play co-op with me! :DD [Asia server: 838702343]
And here's my Honkai: Star Rail UID as well~! [Asia server: 801740090]
Kind of warning I suppose...
Also Minors just back away from here- cuz well ya know... also why are you here in the first place? Go to bed or do your homework you gremlins- >:(
And I also might be rambling about a certain game so Minors really gtfo you shouldn't be here go watch/read some sfw stuff
I also sometimes reblog some nsfw stuff cuz why not ya know?
And if I "Flirt" with you just know it's not genuine alright? It's just for fun and I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea it's kinda like Playing pretend for me?? Ig??
Oh yeah another kinda warning Ig? For my inconsistent art style?? I'm kinda getting there but my art isn't still consistent and it takes me either a long time to make art or in like 2-3 days cuz art block and yeee...
My Darling Mooootuals~
[Specific tags]...
# random ramblings of 🐄
# moooots 🐮
# asks🧋
# anon asks🍦
# fanart ✨
# orignal art ✨
# my OCs 🥛
# down bad time 💕
# random yandere story ideas ☄️
# stopp! rambling about nsfw stuff 🔞
Current Active Fandoms I'm in rn...
Twisted Wonderland
Genshin Impact
Honkai: Star Rail
Degrees of Lewdity (Kinda on and off again tho)
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[Disclaimer I absolutely do not own the gifs I just found them on Pinterest pls don't hurt me-]
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foamimi · 1 year
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quokkaracha · 1 year
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can you hear me screaming ??
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yeooowwch · 1 year
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“Another one for the books!”
✧ ○ ꊞ ○ ꊞ ○ ꊞ ○ ✧ ○ ꊞ ○ ꊞ ○ ꊞ ○ ✧ ○ ꊞ ○ ꊞ ○ ꊞ ○ ✧ ○ ꊞ ○ ꊞ ○ ꊞ ○ ✧
please give a warm welcome to penny royal berry, the founder of my not so berry 2.0 legacy ! after finishing at the top of her high school class, penny r. is pursuing a distinguished degree in physics at the highly esteemed foxbury university in britechester. a firm believer in fate, penny considers herself to be destined for greatness-- a mentality that will allow her to eventually settle down with a fancy house, a cushy job, and a loving spouse.
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cloverandcrossbones · 3 months
Laios Touden Period Cramps moodboard
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[image ID: a 3x3 moodboard of alternating Dungeon Meshi manga panels and Delicious in Dungeon anime screenshots of Laios suffering from cramps and stomach pain, arranged in sequential order to show how his pain progresses. Laios is a blond tallman (human) in grey plate armor. In some images, there is a closeup of his face with a pained expression or crying, while the rest show him doubled over on the ground. In two manga panels, Laios says, "My stomach. Urrgh..." Narrative text from the other panels read, "Laios tried to say something... But overwhelming stomach pain and nausea wiped all thoughts from his mind. For an entire night, it felt like his stomach was being carved open from the inside." End ID.]
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whatevertheywant · 3 months
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I had a vision of Charlie wearing Lucifer's hat and had to draw it
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