#Plus the knowledge that there only like 100 years old
backpackingspace · 8 months
The crowned prince and his four advisors were looking more and more like xie lian THANKS I HATE IT
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gwmingm · 5 months
Archons Lore but with HSR Paths because.
Venti — The Remembrance; he took his best friend's form, is a bard who remembers and tells the stories of others so they aren't forgotten, Fuli coded behaviour, clearly has some whacky shit going on with him i.e his voice lines about meeting the traveler.
Zhongli — The Equilibrium; only ever makes fair contracts, a very mysterious man who also seems to know more than he lets on, a background deus ex machine of sorts i.e the chasm interlude quest when he saved Xiao, influencing things just as HooH does.
Ei — The Hunt; So deadset on achieving eternity for her people, caused bad things with the sakoku and vision hunt decrees, as Lan brings both destruction and salvation, a very fierce and powerful warrior.
Nahida — The Erudition/The Abundance; god of wisdom who is the face of a literal tree of knowledge, duh. Rukkhadevata snapping the purest branch of the tree to create her gives heavy Yaoshi vibes a-la Tomie.
Furina — The Preservation; girl kept acting for five hundred years and never once wavered as said by mirror-her, tenacity that would make Qlipoth proud. Their ideal for justice being the continuation of existence, sacrificing both her humanity and divinity for her people. It's plain simple.
Mavuika — The Destruction/Harmony; Initially, war. But knowing Hoyoverse plus the dropped Natlan Teaser, they're probably gonna take her and her nation's themes in the way they did with Penacony's Harmony vs Order subplot. (And from the first two Natlan Archon Quests, I was kinda right.)
The Tsaritsa — The Nihility/Finality(?); Still not 100% because we still don't know her story, probably more attuned to the destruction due to her and the Fatui's goals and actions and "burning away the old world". But I can see her as a Self-Anihilator like Acheron or the Stellaron Hunters.
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fedcrypt · 4 months
hi! i don’t know if you write for angel (btvs) but could you maybe write dating angel hcs? sfw & nsfw?
XOXO, CHESHIRE — hi my lil crow <3! i do most certainly write for angel, i hope you enjoy <3! p.s. i’ve studied and have so many headcanons in my own mind about angel (and angelus) from over the years and some get displayed here but i can explain more in another post if you or anyone else wants !!
WRITING WARNINGS: potentially a warning for stalking but like in the way that we see he does with buffy like idunno if that qualifies as stalking but i’m mentioning it, technically i refer to angelus (my bby) as well, some violence but like it’s protective angel and oh yeah a small bit of NSFW CONTENT.
oh the moment he saw you, he was hooked and angelus who was so far hidden back in his mind had let his obsessive qualities come full force into angel.
everywhere at night since then, if he ever caught your scent or saw you, he would ✨ politely ✨ follow you around to make sure you felt and were safe. god help anyone who made you not feel safe at all, excluding him.
this man, even without fully having met you as of yet, would physically harm or potentially “accidentally” kill someone if they dare touch you even with a slight bumping into you or make you even the slightest bit uncomfortable.
realistically as i’ve noticed in btvs and angel the series + my own personal headcanon, angelus isn’t a 100% gone like they tend to try and portray in both series. sure like angel has his soul most of the time but that anger? how he moves or snaps when he loses his mind? how he seems to not entirely be himself when he loses control? that’s all angelus in my opinion. i personally headcanon had angel knows that angelus is always lurking in the back of his head, which is why he’s always in there, and angel is afraid of him coming out but as we’ve seen in both series that he basks in people referring to him as angelus sometimes and gets cocky about it.
so we move on with the knowledge that angelus is a sneaky bastard hiding in angel’s mind and sometimes pulling the strings 🫡
the obsession that angel has with you is completely different than his obsession with drusilla. he wouldn’t want to make you crazy or do anything to harm you. in fact, it’s the opposite, he wants to keep you safe from everybody and everything but also let you shine like the prettiest diamond in the dirty rough world that you’ve found yourself in.
the moment that he officially meets you and gets to see your pretty eyes staring into his own, the pretty smile upon your face, and your sweet voice talking to him ; he feels like this is perfectly meant to be. that you were meant for him and him only. he gets even more possessive and cocky about you from this moment forward. i’m referring to him being cocky as in, when buffy chose angel over riley and he smugly made that face at riley as he followed buffy like a puppy out of the room.
speaking of like a puppy, he tends to act that way with you! he’s your sweet good old boy who has playful tendencies and some anger problems but he does good if you try to teach him how to behave. after all, when he was alive as liam, he wasn’t exactly the nicest person to anybody let alone any partner. but he’s learned over the years, both with his soul and without it as angelus, that he has to be better when attempting to care. you are the only one who gets to teach him and show him how to be a good lover as you notice he’s trying, not to mention he will open up and explain how he was prior to you with his past relationships.
you like gifts? he’ll be very good at gifting you random things that he finds and knows you like or that you may potentially like based on what he knows about you. considering he listens and hangs on to every word that you say even if it’s a joke. if you like written love letters? oh my goodness this man has got you. he can say some of the most romantic things to you in his letters plus it’s more “old school” and easy for him to do. you’ll get some heavy devotion confessed in those letters so you better keep them in that pretty little wooden box that he buys you once he realized you left those letters by your bed <3
he’s a very gentle lover to you and not super controlling over you but he does know how to manipulate you / persuade you if he desperately needs to but you can usually tell and i feel like you’d call him angelus when he tries to do that. both himself and angelus are at your beck and call, even if neither one of them could admit it. now i can ramble on about soft angel and soft angelus some more but i feel like we should briefly get into some of the other good nsfw stuff 😈
angel is always in control no matter how hard you try to be in control. he is so used to being in control whenever he was angelus that he grasps at being in control over you whenever you have sexual relations, outside of that basically you are in control.
i feel like angel is a very gentle lover and of course definitely is experienced which can lead into him being a lot to take in / wrap your head around as he can be overwhelming with how much devotion and love he gives you. he pays nearly so much attention to you, it may freak you out with how sensitive he is when it comes to your micro expressions and movements. his goal is to ensure that you experience everything in the most euphoric sense.
angelus is a good boy once you break him down enough, and as i previously stated, happens to always be in control and if you take your time along with playing his games you will be rewarded overtime with him being your good boy to treasure. angelus wants you to perceive his role in life and break him down, play games with him, leave him sounding like a depraved lunatic man for you.
the pair of them love you so much and would do anything for you, especially in bed, just let them love you how they see fit damnit!
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dullgecko · 15 days
What I think the Bad kid’s favorite shows/movies were as kids (obviously the fantasy variations of these shows, also some of these may just be American shows)
Fig: Power puff girls and My little pony. Fig still loves these shows, during freshman year when she was still a trying to be edgy she would have denied it.
Adaine: Wasn’t allowed to watch tv, but she did read the Frog and Toad books front to cover over and over again. She had to hide them at a certain point because she was “too old” for them.
Riz: Scooby-doo, he’d have it whenever it on, He knew the exact hours it aired. He’d solve the mystery himself before the show was over but he still loved them. Sklonda got him a dvd compilation as a gift one day and then he’d just watch it over and over.
Kristen: Also wasn’t allowed to watch movies (unless they were religious), but once she got to watch Winnie the Pooh and she fell in love with the character. (I 100% picked this because of Ally’s Pooh push).
Gorgug: Wonderpets, he was just fascinated with the way it was animated. His parents made him little metal figures of all of the character that he keeps on his shelf.
Fabian: Peter Pan, he loved the book, though he didn’t like how they portrayed the pirates. “His papa wasn’t evil.” When he watched movie came out he wanted to watch it over and over again. There was times where Cathilda might as well dragged him to bed.
Fig: 100% All her school books were covered in stickers and drawings from her favorite kids cartoons. She had shirts and purses and hairclips and all kinds of pink and frilly accesories with the characters on them that she was STILL wearing right up until her horns started coming in. Now that she's mellowed out a bit you might catch her with an occasional hair-clip or tshirt that doesnt really match her aesthetic anymore but somehow doesnt look out of place with her other clothes.
Adaine: Still loves her books and the bad kids bought her a new set after her house burned down, plus some more they thought she'd like along the same vein. Girls nights are usually spent introducing Adaine to all the sugary sweet childrens television she missed as a kid and she gets really into it. Kristen also gets to broaden her cartoon knowledge this way so its killing two birds with one stone.
Kristen: Tried to introduce her friends to some of her favorite cartoons as a kid but only got a couple episodes in before they were all horrifed about how culty it was and never tried to watch them again (she honestly did not remember them being this bad). Fig has made it her mission to educate the other two bad girls on the joys of childrens media and every two weeks they spend a night not sleeping and binging entire seasons of cartoons.
Riz: Loved Scooby doo but, inexplicably, hates police procedural shows (aka Law and Order) because they're so unrealistic and have dumb twists 90% of the time. He loves crime documentaries with a passion but his mom has to watch them first because if he watched one and they didnt reveal the killer at the end he would not stop trying to investigate it himself to solve the mystery. She had to flat out had to ban him from watching documentaries on cold cases because obviously they dont know who commited the crime in those instances and it hooks into his brain too strongly. He's solved at least two since sophomore year (evidence and tips were sent anonymously to the authorities and arrests were made) but it screwed with his already messed up sleep schedule to the point where he made himself physically sick and Sklonda had to put her foot down.
Gorgug: Didnt really watch all that much television as a kid but used to watch a lot of gnomish cartoons when he did, or shows with talking animals (there tends to be a big overlap in this regard). He preferred playing outside and would take the cartoon figurines his parents made for him on his own made up adventures.
Fabian: Peter pan, Hook and The Princess Bride were basically on repeat in Fabians house when he was growing up. He knows that Peter Pan and Hook were portraying pirates as bad but reasoned they must just be mean pirates unlike his Papa. His Papa defeated all the bad ones and got rid of the Pirate King after all. The pirates in all those shows were still undeniably cool though to his child mind.
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despazito · 10 months
hey! I was wondering if you ever watch clints reptiles - he just posted a video about marcupeal phylogeny and specifically mentioned thylacines, and talked about how theres been sightings in new guinea? i was just wondering about your opinion, since you just posted a new thylacine drawing and i know youre very interested in them :D
idk, the fact i haven't heard all that much buzz about this theory from the zoologists i follow on twitter makes me doubtful by default.
i'll be honest i'm pretty skeptical of this new guinea claim because of dingoes and new guinea singing dogs.
the popularly accepted theory for the mainland extinction of the thylacine and likely tasmanian devil was competing pressure from dingoes.
clint mentions all of this, but he leaves out the fact that dingoes arrived on the australian continent from the north and studies indicate that dingoes may be descendants of more basal new guinea singing dogs. that would likely mean imo that the new guinea thylacine population, if anything, would be the first to suffer the consequences of canine encroachment.
only on the island of tasmania where absolutely no dingoes were ever present sheltered a 100% verifiable thylacine population by the time of european colonization. to my knowledge, the most recent solid physical evidence of thylacines in new guinea is still several thousand years old. so to me it seems that dingo/wild dog distribution and thylacine distribution mixed as well as oil and water. If there's thylacines in new guinea, it would have to be some enclave free of dogs.
i know the topography of new guinea can give refuge to very cryptic animals, and as clint said the relatively low human population and no european persecution is a plus. i won't disocount local indigenous anecdotes because they've been proven right with other species once thought extinct, but like where are skins or bones or footprints?
also i feel like clint really really oversimplified the cloning process thylacines would require. he makes it seem like it would be simple because we have their whole genome sequenced and have specimens under 100 years old to work with. the thing is, cloning a mammoth is simpler than cloning a thylacine even though they went extinct millenia ago, because mammoths still have a close living relative.
a cursory look at google tells me wooly mammoths and extant asian elephants last shared an ancestor as recently as 6 million years ago, they both belong to the family elephantidae. thylacines however were the last living member of their own family, thylacinidae, which diverged somewhere around 25mya from the other dasyuromorphs. scientists don't really have a close living relative to work with. clint says the complete genome means we wouldn't have to "stick frog DNA in there" to complete it, but the thing is with cloning you have to start with a frog/living DNA sample to tweak it into a thylacine!! until we can 3D print an organism out of thin air with proteins and acids, there has to be a template sample of living cells whose nuclei we can tamper with. and the less related they are, the more DNA has to be overhauled
if you wanna learn exactly how much of a logistical nightmare it's gonna be to clone a thylacine, this lecture explains it way better:
the takeaway analogy is that cloning a thylacine is the CRISPR equivalent of doing a puzzle of a clear blue sky, not having the box to look at for any reference, and about half the pieces are doubles of other pieces (because most DNA is junk code that does nothing). it's like next to impossible and i still have more faith in de-extinction than a rediscovery.
so yeah, i guess i'm a bit of a thylacine doomer. but i do want to believe, just temper your expectations. to me a win would be a single engineered thylacine cell by the centennial of their extinction lol.
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The Magnus Archives spoilers but I keep thinking about Jon and Martin landing in the ISAT universe when the fears arrive but like. Right after post loops. So it ends up like:
1) They save these two weirdly accented guys (where one of them clearly has been stabbed holy shit) only to possibly be immediately told that they just got a bunch of evil gods in their world (oops)
2) Jon's eyes absolutely have color when Knowing things or using Eye powers in general.
3) The loops 100% count as a statement and Jon is purposely trying not to be alone with Siffrin so he doesn't munch on their trauma
4) Triple ace solidarity ruined by the knowledge their world is doomed to be plagued by fear gods U.U
5) Martin: "Jon did the fears turn this world black and white" Bonnie:"what's black and white?" Martin: "what" Bonnie: "what" Isabeau: "No but seriously what's black and white." Odile: "I think they're implying that colors exist in their world." Jon: "I see. Colors are apparently unnatural to this world." Martin: "Like that one Lovecraft story?" Jon: "what". Martin: "You know colors beyond our comprehension and what not?" Jon: "I- I suppose??" Bonnie: "Hey! Could this Lovecraft guy be from our world?" Mirabelle: "Wait no. These two just arrived here??? Unless time messed up too???" Jon: "Trust me you do not want to claim him."
6.a) Jon looks at least 10 years if not older than he actually is. He also probably can get along better with Odile anyway. Plus with different universes as backgrounds, the lack of general knowledge around his age wouldn't be obvious. Cue the moment where Jon is asked how old he is and the absolute AWKWARD silence when it's clear that both Jon and Martin are basically Siffrin's age, give or take a few years.
6.b) Bonnie: "Is 30 years old different in your universe? Are you about to die?" Jon: "From embarrassment, perhaps."
7) General discussion/argument/existential dread regarding the Fears and how they interact with this world. Honestly the gang may never forgive Martin and Jon for doing this to them. Even if they do everything they can to help them. They get more sympathy once they find out about the Eyepocalypse and the absolute hell Jon in particular went through. Doesn't mean they have to like it.
8) Siffrin finding out about Jon's knowing powers and asking him if he can Know the name of the island in the North. Jon tries. Then he starts screaming. His eyes are red. Siffrin doesn't ask again.
9.a) The horror and dread knowing that not only is their mission not done. It can't be ever again. And this time, especially if Jon and Martin's story is true... well, the King wasn't easy, but at least he was a person. You can't exactly fight a distorted universe. Their happily ever destroyed forever.
9.b) I could see a physical confrontation happening... if Jon didn't look so absolutely devastated. If he didn't say "do what you will with me, but please leave Martin alone" and Martin yelling at him for being a self-sacrifical idiot. It just sucks so much all around. But it would have been easier if Jon and Martin were bad people. But they're not. Just... broken people doing their best in a broken world. And to do their best to save their own world, the family has to work with them.
9.c) Jon and Siffrin are also idiots with martyr complexes that refuse to talk about their feelings solidarity. Shame that Jon can't help but want to eat Siffrin's trauma cause they probably have a lot to talk about.
10) Funnier note, the slow realization that Jon and Martin in an rpg world. Martin figures it out first and Jon is just. Flabbergasted. Especially when they find out the magic system is rock paper scissors.
11) "rock paper scissors transcends the multi-verse. Neat!" (Later Martin asks Jon if gun is secretly a fourth hand symbol. He does not know and will not Know. He refuses).
12) I think at one point they're gonna have to deal with the fact that statements don't exist in this world. Either Jon gets too close to taking Siffrin's statement or he's going to tell Martin the facts: there is very little way Jon can survive without being a predator. He is an avatar that needs something to fuel his existence. He doesn't want to hurt anyone else ever again. Unless Siffrin wants to write their statement down or someone else does... even then there's no guarantee it's going to be enough.
13) Perhaps wish-craft can save Jon. Maybe. Maybe not. But. The party tells them about wish-craft anyway. It's the one hope they have to fight against this new horror. Maybe it can help Jon too to get out. (Everyone deserves that chance).
I have no fic with this, my fixations are simply crossing over briefly. Hope you enjoyed the ramblings.
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ganondoodle · 4 months
Oh man I saw your totk issues post and I agree 100%!! Those are all things that have really bothered me about playing totk, and things that made playing it not nearly as fun (the dungeons, the shrines, the building, etc).
Especially the map!! When I tell you I was so disappointed by the maps on totk, I was hoping for something new! It really just feels like a modded botw, not an official sequel.
I was wondering what your thoughts are on the concept of “what if they had sent link to the past instead”? So the surface map would feature huge differences in the land forms and buildings that exist, and we’d get to see more ganon whenever he visits Hyrule, or go out to the desert to see Gerudo town, etc.
If they really wanted no sheika tech, they could also just have it being newly built? And you could introduce the new characters and such, etc etc.
(I also think the past champions are such a missed opportunity? If botw is about grief and loneliness, and finding hope in the hopeless, and Totk is about coming together despite that, it could have been really interesting if Link had gone to the past! They could have used the past setting as an eerie reminder to what Link and Zelda had lost when the Calamity struck!)
THAT BEING SAID: I’m not as familiar with the legend of Zelda lore, and haven’t played totk very much! I wanted to know your thoughts on this because you seem to have a lot of story and game mechanic knowledge that could explain why this could be a bad/good idea!
(Plus, your discussions are always super interesting to read, as is your custom totk lore, so I’d love to know what you think🩷)
I’m sorry if you’ve already answered an ask like this! If that’s the case, feel free to point that out and I’ll go through your ask tag if you have one:) I hope you have a great day!⭐️
im glad you enjoy my rants, i often feel like im being overly mean but tbh were else could i just rant as much as my heart desires without getting spammed by annoying people (certainly not on twitter lol)
i have talked alot, and i mean ALOT, about totk and my issues with it, both lore and gameplay wise, i dont claim to be an expert on any, though i am an old zelda fan and aspiring gamedev, i really only talk about what i feel about it, what i think about it, and by all means im biased as hell xD
if you dont know yet, the "ganondoodles rants" tag is where all my rants go, so if you are interested in reading more on my totk thoughts thats the way to search (given tumblrs search in blog works ..)
and to answers your question, i have touched on it briefly, sending link back in time before the shiekah tech existed would have been an easy way to excuse how they jsut got .. rid of it, bc they didnt, it literally didnt exist yet- and for reusing the map- though that argument falls a little flat bc ... they coud have already done that in present totk, like i brought up in one of said rants, things like flooding gerudo desert, collapsing death mountain, drying out zoras domain etc, and changing the location of the main populations would have already done alot without having to redo the map in its entirety;
the little changes to map itself really wouldnt that big of a deal if they didnt also send you to the EXACT same locations AND repeat the SAME LOCATIONS AGAIN but in the underground, like thats a fact i have talked about multiple times bc its so illogical in every way, anywhere theres a settlement on the surface theres a bigger mine below, its so stupid, the shrines conenct to a lightroot, the same, again, you dont need to explore bc theres nothing TO explore (its also extra weird bc theres one below taburasa (tarrey town) which .... link literally build with dumsda (hudson) a few years ago .. unless that got retconned too idk wth do i know anymore honestly- AND it makes the sonau extra weird bc why the hell do they have a bigass mine under every settlement ESPECIALLY UNDER GERUDO TOWN like, that just adds to my suspicions towards them)
anyway, link to the past was the point and yes, it could have solved a few issues (mainly shiekah tech and the whole "story" taking place AGAIN in the past completely disconnected from you the player) i personally am not so much a fan of it, but that mostly comes down to me just not liking time travel, i dont like going back in time, i want to play and do things in the here and now, i want to repair the damages of the calamity, find out its origins, maybe fix that too, i love to learn about past stuff too, but that more in text, no literal flashback (unless done well), i want to connect to the past but it also holds alot of mystery that maybe shouldnt be touched upon, some mysteries and unkowns are much more interesting when left as such, i want to THINK about things and come to conclusions that are logical and makes sense in hindsight even if it wasnt clear at the start, i dont want information and what to think about it told to my face over and over like im stupid
after botw i really didnt care much about the past, maybe about the acient hero who alot of people specualted to be of gerudo origin due to its red hair- which also got a monkeys paw curled bc in totk they do sth with but its so stupid and insulting that i do not accept it as canon, say what they want, there are no dog people anywhere in the past nor present botw/totk wtf is that i hate it- and its not even .. why is that the reward for that, it has literally NOTHING TO DO WITH TOTK ITSELF I COULD YELLLL AAAARGH
main point is that really, i wanted to explore the past .. in the present, i hoped to find broken old shiekah structures, old labs and maybe some left over damage and records from when the old king persecuted the shiekah for their tech, i wanted to know where the ancient energy the shiekah used was coming from, what the boss arena in the middle of hyrule castle really was- so many things just discarded and acted like they never happened or mattered; i dont want to travel into the past, i want to discover whats left of it, piece it together, discover dark secrets you can ask no one about bc all that knew about it are long gone- thats what intrigued me about botw, it felt like there was so much left to discover only for totk to throw it all away and just do its own thing .. but not commit to that hard enough either so its neither its own thing nor a sequel-
.. that wasnt really what you wanted to know was it? xD sorry i tend to ramble on if someone seems to give me permission to
to sum it up, i think it COULD work, sending link to the past instead, if done well, but so could canon totk have been, it could have been done well but wasnt for reasons i dont know and tbh even fear bc i worry its sets a dark future ahead of zelda; i personalyl am just not a fan of time travel so i dont have that much to say to it :O
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trohpi · 2 months
following this microfic i couldnt stop thinking about regulus and his relationship with the evans family so heres my little ramble
so primrose and ciarán evans are very much your middle-of-the-road white suburban irish parents. primrose is a short blonde slightly nosy pta mom and ciarán is a six foot six redheaded giant that wears kiss the cook aprons. theyre supremely embarrassing about their childrens accomplishments which, as you can imagine, is extremely baffling to regulus as a concept
(also side-note, but lily is the definition of a daddys girl and on the flip side, petunia is 100% a mommys girl. its important to me that you know this)
he first meets them the summer after first year. he befriended lily & snape at hogwarts and convinces his parents to let him visit spinners end (they only let him go bc snape is part of the prince family, and he conveniently left out the fact that lily would be there too)
quite frankly, regulus is terrified of both her parents when he first meets them, but particularly her father. ciarán is big and loud and passionate, all traits that usually mean danger for regulus. primrose unnerves him bc she is very much like his mother, but shes also her complete opposite. she has all of walburgas best traits and none of her worst (well, besides her anger issues, but unlike walburga she doesnt take it out on her children). regulus doesnt like talking to her because it feels like seeing what his mother could have been had she been more… well, motherly
the thing that brings him and ciarán together is astronomy. ciarán loves the stars, he has a borderline obsessive knowledge about astronomy and has a very expensive telescope set up on the balcony. regulus is intrigued by the muggle perspective of the field and eventually they end up having hours long conversations about the topic regularly, leaving lily and her mother to commiserate about their partners being robbed from them
with primrose and regulus, im not sure they ever reach quite the same comfortability that regulus has with her husband (likely bc both reg & ciarán are probably autistic which was an accident that i now stand by). i think he and lilys mom would be brought together by cooking, by which i mean their horrible cooking skills. sometimes they try cooking dinner together and given their strong propensity to burn water plus their equally strong perfectionism, the results are bad
when hes disowned, the only place he can think to go is lilys. as much as he loves sirius, he would rather die than live with james potter (sorry james, love u mate 😔❤️). he shows up in the middle of the night on the knight bus and is immediately welcomed with open arms. by this point, petunia has moved out and lives with vernon so he takes her old bedroom even though 90% of the time he ends up in lilys bed. her parents turn a blind eye to it knowing that he has nightmares and she brings him comfort
on an unrelated note, when effie & monty and primrose & ciarán meet they become bffs. sirius is ecstatic, regulus is tired knowing that hell now have to see three of the four marauders at every family function going forward
and the end <3
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mytragedyperson · 1 year
Thoughts I had while reading TCF chapter 10
The idea of little 5 year old Raon Miru being so desperate to escape his tormentors that he cuts into his own life force still makes me so incredibly sad. The idea that in canon there’s a world where Raon Miru not only died, but was killed by Choi Han. Can you imagine if Choi Han found out that this could’ve happened. I don’t think he’d ever forgive himself even if Raon 100% would. God this book has some sad moments, but even the novel within the novel is so sad. I know that’s a doomed world but this is actually insane. I also feel like this book does a really good job of exploring the butterfly effect or something similar. Literally one person changed, was transmigrated into the world, but because this Cale was different he made different choices, and each small choice he made, caused another change, some smaller than others, but all ultimately leading to their victory. Let’s talk about how him saving Raon changed a lot. For one thing, I don’t think, without him, he would’ve known Alberu was a dark elf. He might’ve been told or found out, but it would’ve taken longer, and he might’ve reacted differently. Because he had Raon, he knew Alberu was using magic to change his appearance, and had an aura or something that was different to the rest of his family. Then, in the forbidden forest, Raon recognised the dead mana or something, so when he next met Choi Han, he told Cale or something. Sorry, I’ve not gotten to that point in my reread yet so I might be misremembering but that was the gist. But his lack of a bad reaction to Dark Elves, allowed him to meet and form some sort of alliance and bond with them, while also improving the bond he had with Alberu. And there are so many other times where Raon or one of the kids were helpful, and The Birth of A Hero world didn’t have them. In fact, that could’ve been the start of the world being doomed, those kids, and Taylor, and Paseton dying. Just by bringing Kim Rok Soo to this world, things changed, but he had no real way of knowing, when he saved these people, the impact it would have, the knowledge it would give them. He just didn’t want to see kids, or anyone else, suffer. And just by refusing to let people suffer or die if he could help them, he gained allies, and resources, and information that they didn’t have in The Birth of a Hero, or if they did, they learned it too late. The fact that having one person change, the fate of the world changed. Each small choice, each small change, each time he does the thing he decides to do, it leads to a much bigger change and a much bigger impact later on, even if just because now all these people he’s helped have a common ally that they trust and respect. God I could and probably will go into more detail about this later on, but yeah. Moving on for now.
Also Choi Han was right that the dragon’s eyes being full of pain and sorrow but its mouth still smiling is sad. This is his first time being outside the cave he was kept on, he’s seeing the world for the first time, but he’s lost his rationality. He’s happy to be free but he hurt and lost himself in the process. And then you imagine Raon Miru (that means happy dragon, right?) the same adorable little dragon that threatens to kill everyone and destroy everything if anything happens to Cale. It’s heartbreaking, that’s heart breaking. Cale needs to hug Raon extra tight for me because he deserves all the love and affection, plus extra for the version of him that never got any.
I’m so happy Cale went out of his way to save Raon. Like, he didn’t have to do that, he chose to and it was the right thing to do, but so many other people would’ve probably not cared. This is another example of Cale being a good person and refusing to admit it. Let’s keep note of that, misunderstandings, every time someone just doesn’t question something, honestly everything, let’s just keep a note of everything. It’s not even like he can say this is selfish because he doesn’t plan to keep him, he literally gains nothing from this if everything goes according to plan, and he doesn’t care, he does it anyway. Also him saying that he can use the kids to justify adopting them will never not be funny, adorable and kinda sad, because he can’t admit, even to himself, that he just wants to keep them around.
I forgot this was still the interview scene. Damn, a lot of shit is mentioned in this scene, like from the scene with Hans before the interview to the end, we get a lot of information.
Also, the interview being about whether Choi Han can protect people and then the job actually not requiring him to. Beautiful. That thing I said yesterday about the interview scene being good for Choi Han because it gives him someone who believes in him and respects him still stands. But his first job more or less being an escort mission of find and bring these two people to me, with the two people being capable of protecting themselves? It takes the pressure off Choi Han to have to protect them and builds his confidence and belief in himself, while also providing him with a support system of some sort. And Cale doesn’t intend for this but it happens. And the fact that Choi Han, not only succeeds in the job, but also helps save the other wolf children? That probably did wonders for his confidence, for his belief in himself. Ugh, it’s so good.
Also, Cale claiming in his thoughts, to himself that he’s just gonna let Choi Han, Lock, and Rosalyn deal with the terror incident, only to make a whole plan to stop the attack. He’s so good at scamming people he even scams himself. That’s beautiful.
And then he makes it a secret between just them. He’s essentially telling Choi Han he trusts him with this more than anyone else. No wonder he can never get rid of Choi Han after this. And the best part is he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, he doesn’t know the impact it has on Choi Han.
Also Choi Han is just kinda precious in a way I can’t explain. Like he seems like he needs a hug, but specifically a hug from Cale and his kids and Rosalyn and Lock. Tbf the entire Calefam kinda needs a hug.
Also for some reason I just got the image of early days!Hans hearing from Deruth he has to give Cale more money and just cursing in his head the entire time he goes because what is he even doing with all this money? He’s not spending it all on alcohol, he’s not drunk enough for that? He hasn’t been back to Billos’ shop and then remembering hearing from someone that Beacrox saw him buying a fuckton of bread and medicinal herbs and going into the slums and being like did he really spaen that much money on bread? How much bread did he buy to be spending that much money? Also why does Deruth give him his allowance in gold coins and cheques exclusively? No wonder he doesn’t wait for change and just says keep it, that would be a bitch to figure out for everyone involved. Also I’ll be honest I don’t get how cheques work in general but, like, he goes to three different bakeries for bread, and I know he paid for that with coins, was that first gold coin for the rest of the week? It was, right? Because otherwise my question was gonna be how does using a cheque at 3 different places work but the answer to that is it doesn’t, right?
God I love Ron just tormenting Cale with lemon things. And then he gets Beacrox and I believe later recruits Hans to help keep it going even when he’s not there? Or maybe Choi Han? I can’t remember who but I know he told someone to do it while he was looking for information on Arm. Maybe one of the kids? That would explain why he didn’t just say he doesn’t like lemon things. I don’t know. I’ll revisit this when I rearead that bit and remember who it was. Ron’s already admitted he knows something’s up. I feel like this is an attempt to figure out why he’s changed at first and then it just becomes their thing.
Also his plan to foist everyone off on Choi Han has already failed because Choi Han already knows he’s not leaving Cale, not if he can help it. So, sucks for Cale but, sorry, you’re already stuck with the troublesome people. But in all seriousness that’s probably for the best because they all need each other.
I’ve finally finished this chapter. I’ll be back with my thoughts with my thoughts during chapter 11, if I have any.
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cursedvibes · 11 months
Since Kenjaku has lived for 1000+ years, do you think they have any other children besides the DPW and Yuuji? 1000 years is a long time to live and experiment, but at the same time it seems like child rearing is something Kenny only did for the sake of their plans... what do you think? :b
Looking at their domain expansion, yeah I think so. Kenjaku is absolutely obsessed with pregnancy and birth and how it relates to jujutsu and cursed energy, so I think they'd do it at least once to try it out, likely more oftern. I highly doubt Kaori was their first vessel with a womb. Being so heavily interested in that subject for a long enough period that it influenced their domain, I don't think that's something they only started dabbling in 150 years ago. Seems only natural to try it out on themselves as well. Plus, contraception wasn't as good in the past. Accidents happen.
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Kenjaku wants change, the progress of humanity and taking cursed energy to its extreme. They said in Shibuya that they have tried to birth that themselves, but the results never managed to exceed their own potential and I don't think that only refers to the Death Paintings because Kenjaku seems mostly over that failure, but is unusually melancholic here. It's very different to how they talk to and about Choso in the movie theatre. There must have been something else in the past that affected them more personally. This just doesn't seem like an obsession they only got into a century ago. Especially because they talk about birthing that change themselves I think that is how they started out. Use their vessel and someone else's sperm or a modified womb to birth a child that could surpass them and their expectations. The merger curse is essentially that as well, just pushed to the extreme. They do currently carry Tengen inside them.
Kenjaku added their own blood to the Death Paintings when they didn't have to. I'm sure they could've pressured Noritoshi Sr. to do the same thing without needing to possess him. Clearly they like to be somewhat related to the children they create. A theory or hc I have is that Kenjaku started pretty simple by having a child with a strong sorcerer for example and when the results never lived up to, much less surpassed, their expectations, they took more and more drastic measures. After many failures they thought that their personal involvement might have a negative impact on the outcome and chose to take a step back aka the Death Painting experiment. Part of it was likely also that despite their fascination for them in theory, Kenjaku looks down on curses and might find the prospect of having a child with one a bit icky. Otherwise Kenjaku could've just possessed the DP mother. The involvement of curses like that would also likely lead to extreme outcomes and require many tries and performing an abortion on somebody else is much easier than doing it on yourself. After 9 failures Kenjaku realized that this approach wasn't working either, so they scraped together all their knowledge and experience from the past millennia, gave it one more try and created Yuuji.
Additionally, I don't think Yuuji, someone intended to be Sukuna's cage and then evolve from there, was just a stroke of luck. You have to plan that and do test runs. If Yuuji can't reliably suppress large amounts of Sukuna's cursed energy, their whole carefully prepared plan would blow up in their face. So they improve and improve until they can produce the kind of vessel they want by the time Sukuna is supposed to be incarnated. The Death Paintings are something completely different, they aren't relevant here, so it would make sense if Kenjaku tried to create - or more likely birth - a proto-Yuuji in the past. That one wasn't quite it though, so they kept going until everything came together and they had Kaori and Jin to finish it off.
I wouldn't put it past Kenjaku to have had a genuine wish for a child at some point when they were very young (like less than 100 years old). No grandiose plans, the idea of raising a new generation just appealed to them. But that plan got corrupted eventually the more they got obsessed with Tengen, her body and pushing cursed energy/humanity to new limits for the sake of satisfying their bottomless curiosity. It's kind of similar to their problem with friendship, I think.
Kenjaku has a pretty normal understanding of friendship when we come down to it, no crazy obsession with power levels or whatever. As we see with their recent actions, particularly around Takaba, they also seem quite lonely and are looking for friends they can share their passions with (now as well as in the past). Tengen is gone or more like one of their fundamentals for friendship - an equal relationship - isn't there anymore, so they need someone else to fill that void and dissatisfaction.
I'm pretty sure Kenjaku was always looking for friends they can be a nerd with, ever since they were young, but eventually the whole thousand year vendetta became more important. Maybe after Tengen's merger, when they were denied to find out what her evolution would lead to. A messy breakup will do that to you. Their curiosity became more important than friendships or a regular wish for children, and they got into the habit of using the people around them or even their family as tools and sacrificing them for the sake of their grander ambition. That might also be how they lost their capability to feel regret. They clearly aren't happy with their current arrangement with Tengen, but at this point they can't turn back and just hope that the outcome will be funny and/or interesting.
So yeah, I'm pretty sure they had children before. For a multitude of reasons, be it that they just wanted to be a mother, simple curiosity or for the sake of their plan.
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scrapheapchallenge · 10 months
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"Just Neil Gaiman being wholesome again" but also Rob Wilkins being extra wholesome too! On Tuesday evening I went to this talk https://living-knowledge-network.co.uk/library/the-worlds-of-terry-pratchett By Rob Wilkins and Neil Gaiman.
Neil was co-author of "Good Omens" with Sir Terry Pratchett, and they collaborrated on many other books together here and there, just not sharing co-author status too - read this article for more info: http://www.elizabethcallaway.net/good-omens-stylometry?fbclid=IwAR2hVnd8aTYFBZqphk8SzYt8j1NucBl5mUxbDscF3kljQ9Bpuq2leUW2S6I Confirmed by Neil yet again on Tuesday.
Rob Wilkins was Terry's PA, and now manages his estate, as his representative. He also wrote "A life in footnotes" - the official biography of Terry.
On Tuesday evening, I arrived at the British Library very early, and was guided up to the Piggot Theatre lobby to wait by a security person, so I was there before anyone else, including Rob. All the staff were absolutely lovely. When they noticed there weren't any gaps for wheelchair spaces in the audotorium, facilities engineers were summoned and made short work of unbolting a set of 3 seats to make a wheelchair space for myself and another wheelchair user who turned up later.
Then Rob turned up, carrying a mannequin, Terry's leather jacket, scarf, hat, and other stuff.
Now the email we recieved before the event said that Neil wouldn't have time to do any signings that evening, although they didn't mention Rob, so I asked him if he might be able to sign my copy of "a life in footnotes".
He happily said yes, and once he'd sorted his things out, he came back out to chat to me for a while and OMG he was the loveliest person EVER!
I gave him a print I'd signed of my ink portrait of the Bentley, and some stickers of my other Bentley illustrations, and he said "WAIT! I have presents for you too! I'll be right back!" Then rushed off to the green room. (Below are the ink portrait, then I gave him small stickers of the "this is fine" flaming Bentley - which I was also wearing on my t-shirt that day - and my most recent digital portrait of Crowley and the Bentley - and yes it is all hand drawn, not a photo manipulation, feel free to zoom in. A couple of years separate these 3 drawings and I'd been working hard on learning photorealism.)
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He came back and gave me Terry and Neil badges, which he explained you only get if you meet them in person. I had met Terry (and incidentally Rob as well) years ago at a book signing, plus I met Neil, albeit briefly, on Tuesday as he came through the lobby and said hello.
He was happy to chat and especially about cars, which he also loves. He confirmed that I was 100% correct about the "2 whole cars and a cab for CGI" between seasons 1 and 2, and that the interior colour change is nothing to do with plot it legitimately is just continuity errors if they forgot to cover the new Bentley's new seats with covers matching the old Bentley's orange ones. (The cab only also has orange leather seats).
When I told him about this year's RREC (Rolls Royce Enthusiast's Club - also for Bentleys) Christmas card design, he was delighted, and asked to take a photo of the image I had of one on my phone because he wants to order some as well.
I showed him my re-usable coffee cup from "give me coffee or give me death" which we were given on the set tour, and which I had Sir Derek Jacobi sign at a comic con the other week. Rob thought that was wonderful, and then did something extra sweet...
He asked me "if you're ok trusting me with this for a little while, would you like me to sneak it back to the green room to ask Neil to sign it for you as well? Then I'll come and find you afterwards to give it back again."
HELL YES! I couldn't believe it! I hadn't wanted to ask because we'd been told that Neil wouldn't be signing things due to lack of time, so for Rob to spontaneously make the offer was not something I was expecting. He did also take my Occult Edition of Good Omens to ask if Neil would sign that as well.
I didn't fully expect that he would, and was prepared for him to come back later and say "sorry he was too busy", and that would have been fine, but no: Neil DID sign them both!
Neil writing "burn this (big fancy) book!" was a spin on how Terry used to sign copies of Good Omens: "burn this book" - which is actually embossed on the rear cover of this edition.
Later, Rob also signed it for me, as did Colin Smythe, who was Terry's publisher and lifelong friend.
We were sitting at the front, only about 7 or 8 feet from Neil, the talk was wonderful, we laughed, we cried a little, and Terry was with us in the form of the mannequin with his jacket, scarf, and hat (which are also on set of Good Omens at all times while filming, and also even during rehersals/table reads - so he's always present.)
Rob is honestly so bloody wholesome, he was hugging a lot of people, and ever so sweet, taking time to chat to other people as the venue filled up, and stayed behind to sign things and talk to other folks as well.
I also got to chat to Dr Pat Harkin and Dr Jan Clarke, who were the researchers who spent months of hard work tracking down Terry's lost short stories in the national archives in Boston Spa, which were released in a compliation book "A stroke of the pen." If I'd known that they'd be there as well, I'd have taken that book and asked them to sign it too. They were in the audience and sitting next to us with Colin Smythe. I was truly surrounded by Pratchett royalty, and everyone, without exception, was SO friendly and lovely.
I had done two prints of the Bentley drawing and stickers, for Rob and for Neil, in case I got chance to give them to them, and when I gave Rob his, I said I had some for Neil as well, and again, he OFFERED to take them to give them to Neil for me.
Although I didn't get chance to thank Neil in person, I wanted to reach out to let him know I was very grateful for his kindness as well, so sent him a message via his "ask" channel, although not with an expectaction of reply - just for him to see privately and know that I was appreciative. But he chose to actually publish it as a public reply, which was lovely of him. I hadn't wanted to thank him publicly just in case he didn't want others to know that he had signed some items after all. I'd been expecting to have to wait until he did a proper public appearance with signing at a comic con or something - although with him living in the USA, not the UK, I may have had to wait a long time.
So I guess the answer is to getting an autograph - turn up 2 hours early, and be very VERY nice and polite to Rob Wilkins 😅 (but also don't expect results - I didn't, it just sort of happened).
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mtdthoughts · 9 months
Academics (Migi & Dali Observation)
Here, I just want to compile all the times that we got to see the twins' academic abilities (mostly Dali's), so nothing too deep here. Spoilers throughout the whole story will be shown.
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The twins start off their first year (~April) in the lowest-ranked class. There may have been an entrance exam, and I wouldn't be surprised if the twins did not do well considering they've likely had no previous schooling. Migi seems to be incapable of doing math, though he may be incorrectly assuming that Dali is just as bad as him.
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The twins have their results from quizzes before midterms. Dali gets a 61 in History, a 68 in Science, and a 71 in Math (shown in the manga), while Migi gets a 3 in English and a 6 in Japanese. It's pretty amazing that Dali is able to get decent grades despite having no previous schooling, while it seems clear that school isn't Migi's thing.
Also, notice the division of subjects, which clearly isn't equal. Dali took Math, Science, and History, while Migi took English and Japanese. It's hinted that Dali has more of a STEM focus. Also, Dali probably chose what he thought was objectively the three hardest subjects, which is in character for the reliable older brother. Of course, he probably should've realized that it would've been best for him to do all the studying and for Migi to do something else. Maybe he just wanted Migi to contribute or wanted Migi to feel equal?
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While disguised as Sali, Dali is able to study in the library and fool (poor) Migi into studying harder. Dali's scores continue to improve, while Migi makes even more impressive improvement.
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The twins get their midterm results. Dali gets a 97, 98, and 99, while Migi gets 100's to fulfill his promise to Sali. While it's amazing what love can do to Migi, Dali actually shows much promise in academic abilities, as he's able to rise to the top in no more than a couple months. Plus, he didn't need to run himself ragged like Migi.
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While infiltrating the Ichijo house, Dali learns and makes use of lie detection and hypnosis just by reading Akira's books, showing his curious and experimental nature. His reference to "litmus paper" shows that he was definitely paying attention in science class.
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While it's clear that Migi hates school, Dali becomes capable of tutoring others. He's come very far from arithmetic to hyperbolas within just one year.
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Hitori has moved on to the top-ranked advanced class, and even gets a perfect score on his exams (*Note: this is an anime-only scene). Somehow, I doubt that Migi earned these scores himself, so it was likely Dali who was behind this achievement. I guess this shows that Dali is excellent at all subjects, though his specialty is likely somewhere in math and science.
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Now, Dali is 15/16 years old and is reading a book on algebraic geometry, which is typically considered graduate-level mathematics at university. It's remarkable that he started off as an orphan with little to no schooling and is now a prodigy far above his peers in knowledge. He kind of reminds me of William from Yuukoku no Moriarty, considering that William is also a blonde elder twin who was an orphan and is a genius at math among other things.
Now, Dali is attending school, though I'm not sure what type of school (e.g. high school, prep school, university, etc.) he's going to or what he plans to study. Regardless, I'm sure he'll find success, and I'd like to think that once he's done with school, he'll be able to hang out with Migi more. Of course, that's assuming his ambitions don't take him further away.
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This post was mostly centered on Dali, so let's go back to Migi. Again, it's clear that Migi hates studying, as his goal is to become an avant-garde artist. But this leaves me wondering: Is Migi attending a high school, or is he just done with school altogether?
I bring this up because in Japan, compulsory education lasts until junior high school. Given who Migi is, I'm thinking it's more likely that he ditched school and is now spending his days chilling with his parents and friends while thinking of and making new creations, which is perfectly fine if it makes him happy!
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kinaesthetiqueer · 4 months
You've more or less single-handedly altered my entire perception of Nora as a character, and I mean that in the best way possible, making me enjoy her so much more every time I rewatch RWBY (which I gotta do again at some point, but that's neither here nor there)
However! This leads to my question :3 I noticed you had a few fics about her, and that she's also a very present character in your brain space, I kinda wanna know more about Satya Vaswani (which I now know her name is!!! Which is so cool!!!) and specifically your thoughts about her, what about her appeals to you, basically sharing as much as you want to!
I had a mild overwatch phase some years ago, so I know some Basic lore, but I always love learning and hearing about people's favorite characters :3
Oki thank you byeeee!~
quick psa below for anyone who follows me for overwatch; otherwise, you can skip to the blue text & read more for sym gushing
im gonna preface this by saying my knowledge of overwatch ends in about mid to late 2019, which is right around the time i finally and miserably acknowledged that i could no longer play sym in the game because i could not adjust to sym 3.0. (for context, when blizz announced her 3.0 rework in 2018, i crawled under my desk and cried; there are pictures). while i also played rein and lucio, my real joy was playing sym and once i could no longer do that, i basically stopped playing. i'm not good at fps. there's a lot going on. i scream a lot. i cannot aim. overwatch remains my first and only fps. i just couldn't handle letting my friends down as a bad support-turned-dps as i cannot aim (even though they insisted i did not let them down) plus eventually a lot of other folks stopped playing, i got busy, blizzard continued to suck ass, etc. sym 3.0 was a personal death knell for my SI in overwatch
SO the last thing i read was the bastet short story and the last new chara i cared about was baptiste. i got soured on the fandom and the shipping base and crawled out of it into a perfectly happy ot3 isolation bubble. i say all this NOT to sound unhappy about this question, but to set up for the single boundary that i MUST enforce when it comes to overwatch:
i do not want to know anything about ovw post 2019!
this may sound harsh but i don't care about overwatch lore anymore!this is simply to prevent my brain from just absolutely self-imploding. i have a clear and complete outline for the take to the skies series and i only care about that series (and the demons/witch au) and a few other things that ive written; i do not want to corrupt that. i've heard whispers about sym lore updates and im simply not engaging with that. i don't need to know nor do i want to! thank you, good night! i'm content to willingly live in denial.
you see, my satya "symmetra" vaswani lives safe and sound in my brain. blizz can't touch her.
satya vaswani, also known as symmetra to her teammates and also her enemies, is a character near and dear to my heart! i knew nothing about her until i stumbled upon the fact that she was intentionally written as autistic. this was at a time in my life where i had recently discovered i was too, in a fun (not) series of events, and so i latched on immediately, not to mention when i started playing her, i found a niche and became a rather successful sym (which to me means being helpful, getting kills, STAYING ON THE FUCKING POINT, and not getting in the way). i don't remember what my hours ended up being on her but im pretty sure it was well over 100 and since the servers are gone??? i'll never know? im not downloading ovw 2 to find out. it's probably on my old blog. GAH. im not here to be be salty about blizz.
satya, much like nora, is a side[ish] character that i have taken every scrap of canon lore and extrapolated to the stratosphere. i acknowledge that i have surpassed canon and inserted my own, especially when it comes to her childhood.
that being said
here's canon:
After she was identified as one of the few capable of becoming a light-bending architech, young Satya Vaswani was plucked from extreme poverty and placed in the care of Vishkar's architech academy, never to return home. Isolated and lonely in her new life, Satya immersed herself in her education and training. She quickly grasped the applications of the technology and was one of the top students in her class. Satya approached hard-light manipulation differently than her peers, with their more procedural, mechanical constructions, instead weaving her constructs in the motions of the traditional dance of her homeland.
and then i, to recap practical ghosts to some extent, made it worse. she was singled out for a scholarship by the vishkar academies who intentionally sought out young kids with high compatibility with hard light tech. she has an older brother aditya and a younger brother krishna and her mom karishma. her father died when she was three; she is, at the time of pick up, eight.
she's taken away to the fledgling vishkar town of utopaea where she atends the prestigious vishkar dawn academy boarding school. fairly quickly she takes to HL. it just makes sense to her and she loves it! never mind that she's without her support net for the first time ever. higher up staff order her teachers to excuse her 'problematic' behaviour because they don't wan to damage the prodigy in the making. her mother fights to have satya come home regularly and succeeds in making sure she gets to visit. the higher up staff even court these wishes, hoping that karishma will see the good in vishkar's training and ABA therapy but satya's mom sees her daughter's personality changes and misery and the way she talks about her autism now, the bullying she receives from both adults and students, the way she only seems to focus on architecture. she doesn't like it one bit. and after four years of this back and forth fight between vishkar execs and karishma over the 'budding jewel' of vishkar, karishma finally finds another school closer to home and begins to make moves to take satya out of vishkar academy at the end of the school year.
in response, vishkar ensures that satya has no family left to go home to. they also make sure that not only it looks like an accident but a specific architectural failure that galvanizes satya's single track minded drive to make the world a better place in which no one ever loses their family to a building collapse again. she becomes a ward of vishkar through a series of legal dominos vishkar had in place; she's only twelve. she never finds out that vishkar is the one who killed her family (except for in this little riff i did on twitter that may or may not load). ALSO funny that i named it indomitable, bc i didn't know what rwby was when i wrote that XD. anyways i have all my tweets downloaded but it's not that important.
practical ghosts is a fun narrative because it's told completely outside of satya through documents about her (with the exception of three little chapters at the end, only one of which is from her POV) it's my fave of my satya vent fics. PG is in line with on the run from tomorrow and thursday's daughter's genre of 'no one asked me to go this deep with canon plausible backstory but i did anyway!'
satya NOW though. she comes to the watchpoint, essentially surrendering her vishkar insider info in return for asylum, and proceeds to have the meltdown of a lifetime the second no eyes are on her. she throws herself into discovering how much of her life is a lie (her first comic, where she begins wondering, inspires much of this, as it obvs happens before; while i have read her 2020 comic, i don't use it at all except to smile because it did not contradict my HCs or if it did i ignored it; i was made vaguely aware against my will that she has history with LW but again, i don't care)
she's sassy, she's deadpan, she's devoted, she's practical. she loves dance and cooking and all forms of gymnastics, skating, and ribbon arts. she'll take you to task for doing stupid shit and explain how you should fix it in the same breath. she's ruthless when it comes to making other's take care of themselves. she's harder on herself than anyone else dares to be. she likes birds. she likes making new ways to stim that aren't obvious. she has reclaimed her arm and her relationship with it. she's done an absolutely stellar job of reinventing herself in the wake of everything she's done and been involved with. she's taken all of vishkar's tech and made it better and more accessible. she prefers rebuilding missions more than combat ones. she loves drinking tea with ana. mei was her first human friend outside of vishkar; athena was her first friend at the watchpoint. her and lucio actually get along fine eventually. she is fearlessly devoted to those she loves. she's an early riser and early sleeper. she still cries sometimes when she allows herself to stim unhindered. she is a huge fucking demiace lesbian. she doesn't give a fuck about gender. she wears heels so she can discretely toe-walk and dresses because they're easy to move in. she can and will talk your ear off about her special interests but only if she loves you.
last i checked in canon, and based on voicelines, satya hasn't even LEFT vishkar. she's just doubting. she's still there under their thumb and i mean sure yeah that's fine but that was the great of overwatch HUGE sandbox, no plot, WOMEN, and oh my gods an autistic woman of color with the most wonderful voice and voice actor ever (hi ms bhimani i hope you're having a LOVELY day)
i took to sym because i wanted a more hopeful future for myself and i am awaaaaaaaare ive projected on her very hard but i gotta admit the fact that i turn 28 (her age) this year might have actually just made me grin like an idiot because oh my god i could NOT imagine that when i first got into overwatch in early 2017. jesus fuck i was twenty, i could barely see past my own nose. i REMEMBER tho, being like heeheehoohoo one day i'll be satya's age that'll be wild. complete hypothetical. ANYWAYS
i don't think im really answering the question here.
haven't even got to my favorite fuckin head canon. i SCREAAAAAAMED SO LOUD when i realized this. fuckiing rip to my friends bc i was in game and i was playing with a skin i had just unlocked and i noticed something incredible-
satya has a prosthetic left arm. she has two skins though where she looks more like she's wearing a school uniform. i think they're called architech and utopaea? but hey. hey. hey you know what she doesn't have in those skins?
her prosthetic.
SO. my second saddest and most favorite headcanon is that as an 18th birthday gift, when satya technically became an adult and thus could leave vishkar, vishkar offered her a choice. to quote 'nothing here to run from':
Just shy of her Academy graduation ceremony, an offer was made to officially cement her place in the Vishkar Corporation. “We only offer to the best and the brightest, Satya,” Sanjay had said, grasping her left hand in his right. “Wouldn’t you love to be the perfect architech, ready to change the world at a moment’s notice?” By the time she was eighteen, Symmetra only had room for perfection.
i heavily headcanon vishkar to be just as bad as talon, since they are heavily intertwined. i would not put it past them.
so yeah, heavy heavy heavy disclaimer that i love satya 'symmetra' vaswani a normal amount but due to the inherent need to extrapolate a million things from a game that initially had three rubber bands and a paper clip worth of lore for her, i humbly recognize that the version of her that i love does only live in my head. and im okay with that!!!! but i love her canon self too, otherwise i would have never gone so feral about her to write over like 100k of her being loved, growing, living and learning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gods i need to write her again.
also she has the best skins in the fucking gaaaaaaame she's so pretty and i am GAY
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baconcolacan · 1 year
Chaotic ask but Stay Tord and Regimen Tord swapping Tom’s for a week?
If they even manage to last that long together
I wanna do this with their 40 year old versions because its funnier in my head lmao. Idk what writing style this is, kinda weird kinda eh??? Anyway, Regimen Tom's side is a bit long bc that boy is sad.
Stay Tom: Stay Tom is an absolute nightmare for Regimen Tord, especially because he has so much knowledge on how RA operates, there's some differences but the base knowledge is basically the same. Not only that, but this Tom is so highly trained and can counter any of his attacks with ease, his countermeasures mirror his own, and he can only guess that this Tom's Tord actually personally trained him. He can see his cautiousness in him. It also really doesn't help that this Tom likes to call him 'Red Brat' He spends the majority of his time basically playing defense to ensure this Tom doesn't meet with any rebel groups, because he is 100% sure this Tom is ABSOLUTELY able to take him down with less time and effort, and more of a threat, than his own Thomas, because he's more experienced. Plus, ah, he apparently can turn into a giant....monster..... Tom manages to kick his ass in less than 2 days.
Regimen Tom:
It was really weird suddenly appearing in front of a kid. It was also really awkward when that kid started to wail and cry. Then it was extremely terrifying when fucking Tord Larsin suddenly came bursting into the room holding a gun and glaring at him. Then it was back to weird, because the kid screamed 'DADDY!!' and ran up to Tord Larsin as if he wasn't a threat at all. What the fuck??? Okay so, after some really awkward and stilted explanations, suddenly he's on the couch, the kid is staring at him, he's holding...hot chocolate?? Or, no, it tasted really familiar....
....Hot chocolate Baileys with peppermint schnapps. Exactly how he likes it. His go-to comfort drink when he's feeling particularly stressed. Again. What the fuck?
So apparently, universe jumping?? Wow yay, maybe he did have a huge mental breakdown and finally went insane, but thats what this Tord says (and wow he's really old), and the kid is still staring at him by the way, yet somehow it doesn't feel at all like it usually does. Cold, prickling, and suffocating. And...well, now that he's looking at him...even this Tord's staring didn't feel bad. Didn't feel...suffocating. It's muted, withdrawn, and guilty. Well....maybe this mental breakdown was a special one? Something...comforting before he... Next few days feel weird, and hazy, like he's walking through a barely coherent dream. Things seem brighter here, the colours more saturated, and yet unfocused, like he wasn't meant to see too much of it. He passes by a few photos, but chooses not to look when he first saw a face resembling his own, smiling so bright as if he was actually... ..happy.....
That kinda hurt, but oh well, it's his dying thoughts so whatever. The kid's name is Arthur, but he likes being called AK for some reason. AK has been consistently waking him up and walking around with him in this weird too bright little cabin for the past few days. He says he looks like his 'Papa'. Is it weird if he used to think that, if he had a son, he'd call him Arthur too? Old Tord, as he calls him in his head, avoided him for the first two days. Eventually though, he stopped disappearing every time Tom came into a room he was in, he'd tense up sure, but he stopped acting like his ass was on fire and Tom was the one who lit it. For some reason...he's really intrigued by him. So he stares at him, most times. Eventually, Old Tord kinda just shuffled towards him one day while he was seated at the breakfast bar and actually sat next to him. Tom stared at him from the corners of his eyes of course. Old Tord kinda just squirmed in his seat before he said: 'I hurt you....didn't I?'
Tom thought about it, and decided; 'No? Unless you 'jumped universe' or whatever.' Old Tord looked pained and shook his head. 'It's still me,' He said. 'A version of me at least...And I hurt you....' The way he said it made his heart do something funny. He placed his hand on the bar, palm side up and just looked down to the side. Tom was surprised that Old Tord knew how to ask for this, how to ask if he could hold his hand without saying anything, then again...if the pictures were any indication, of course he would. He puts his hand on top of Old Tord's own, and the other gives him a quick squeeze before letting his hand go lax. 'I'm sorry,' Old Tord said, and his voice was so constricted Tom thought he was going to suffocate for a moment. 'I am so so sorry, Tom....Everything that happened to you was never your fault.' Light squeeze. Let go. 'I don't know how much weight this has, but I am so so sorry....' Old Tord still didn't look at him, which was a huge relief. Because he really doesn't know what to do if he saw him crying. The kid- Arthur- appeared again. He was hugging him from behind. Old Tord just kept a loose grip on his hand, he had his hand over his eye, he was shaking. You know...for his dying thoughts, this wasn't so bad, he figures. At least...it's comforting.
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dojae-huh · 6 hours
Cjdist is discussing this, can you explain?
It looks like cjdist really loves jaedo, they even explained the perfume that jaedo uses
Link, Link2, Link3
Fans of all countries do it, actually, dig up info on perfumes and clothes. There are accs even that find out brands for all looks.
The two posts are from the same shipper who wrote down how Jae and Do show their love, the differences.
Jaehyun memorises events from Doyoung's past. Oh, I didn't know about the green light. It's probably from EnNaNa. Doyoung shared that he used to leave for school 10 minutes before the start of school, and the traffic lights always showed him the green light. Jaehyun responded with "It's a new bit of knowledge for me" (to add to his Doyoung enciclopedia).
The shipper speculates that Jaehyun learnt to cook to make meals for Do who used to starve to quickly lose weigth after he was accepted to the trainee programme. (The shipper made this conclusion because Do said he would marry Jae (out of the members) because he is a good cook (I think this reply was from pre-debut times or 2017). Plus, Jaehyun really used to bring that case with Do eating only nuts pretty often). And that the homemade meals Doyoung uploads to his bubble in 2024 when Jaehyun is on a business trip abroad, are meant for Jae, to secure him Do is eating well in his absence. (I didn't undestant if the shipper thinks Jae cooks those meals before leaving or not).
Jaehyun is keeping an eye on Doyoung in other ways, like calming down Do's shaking leg (an old 127 interview), bringing him fishcakes (that show with 127 on an island, Jae was handling the food station), giving Do his own gloves after Do burnt his (another 127 show, I remember shippers pointing out that Do and Jae wore the same pair of gloves at different moments. Ah, maybe the NCT2020 show?), buying Do chocolate milk for his BD (it used to be a tradition, Jae ordered online when he couldn't find in the store), etc.
It's hard for many people to see Do's love, however, the shipper argues that he shows it aplenty. It's "subtle ans silent". His way of loving is to understand Jae's habits, the way he thinks, his weirdness, to copy hobbies (like perfumes, LPs). OP notes that Doyoung used to be uptight, rigorous, earnest (a workaholic who can't relax), but now he enjoys his life more (after learning how to from Jae). He is making sure to be with Jaehyun during all his important days (like BDs, I think the OP referenced the visit to EnNaNa in 2018).
OP used an old nickname of Doyoung (he came up with himself) - Woodong (our Dong=noodles). But I can't understand the Chinese saying about noodles.
Looks like OP decided to write the post because some shippers feel like abandoning the ship? The shipper's friend wanted to give up, thinking its a waste of time. OP says that maybe the reason is because the old JaeDo and the new JaeDo are too different. (pre-debut JaeDo were obvious in their affection, now they are hiding).
OP compared JaeDo to some other couple (official?). One partner said that the love occupies only 10% of life, but those 10% are made of 100% of his/her(?) partner. Right now JaeDo are too busy and have responsibilities, they grew up. However, whenever there is a content with both of them, you can see JaeDo interacting.
Do didn't have a birthday party in 2024, but Jae played New Love on his (did he?? or was it used as a background music in the BD party bts video?). The necklace with round beads Jae wore the whole year appeared on Do's neck for his Dear youth poster. Jae watched Do's concert with big attention. Plus Jae was very busy back then, but still found time to attend Do's concert. OP listed some other moments, which I can't figure out. The couple content from Walk (like Walking together reel and a tiktok for LA kcon?).
Although Jae and Do had different schedules and weren't seen much together this summer, when they were together, they showed "don't worry, we are very happy" mood.
OP said that the younger version of JaeDo waw about two people loving each other without reservation. They were crazy and desperate. And the older version is about two people becoming better versions of themselves (working on careers, maturing in character) while loving each other. And now both are shining in their respective careers. Both JaeDo want the other to become a better version of himself and support each other on the journey.
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whalehouse1 · 1 year
The Separate RoTS Kon and Comic Kon AU
So this AU is basically part of my own extended DC universe (we all have one and mine is still very much in development), where Connor (Young Justice Superboy), Kon (Comic's Superboy), and Maik (Reign of the Supermen's Superboy) all exist concurrently. Kon is the first clone but it is the one with TTK and Lex as the other father (all three technically are in this scenario), and it pretty much plays out with ignoring him getting erased cause I'm not playing that game with DC. After Clark finally gets used to him being around, they find out about Connor, who, unlike Kon, has more Kryptonian abilities, mainly what he has in the cartoon, but I think he deserves heat vision and ice breath because I like them and he deserves something too. Clark is a lot worse to him than he was to Kon, if only because how does Lex keep getting his DNA and Connor is a tad more standoffish and he didn't feel like he was ever part of Young Justice here because, well Kon was already there and you don't need two Supers (stupid hypothesis I know, but what can you do?). Also unlike Kon, he does age, albeit slower than most people. Young Justice does keep inviting him to join (the team being from their original run plus M'gann and Kaldur, but he thinks it's just pity and ends up on the Outsiders. He still ends up with M'gann though cause it's a cute ship to me. After they get married and Jon is around 10 (no Bendis time skip and the aging is different because otherwise Lois would be having Jon at 75, and a key point of this AU is to fill Ma and Pa Kent's outside table with family), is when Lex displays the newest "invention" of Lexcorp, Superboy. Now, I never watched Reign of the Supermen and have very cursory knowledge about it, so this will deviate a lot more than the rest. Superboy (here-fore referred to as Maik due to later reasons), is made basically act how the music industry used Justin Beiber when he was a child, and he is 12 because he looked like a 12 year old when I saw him. He is literally a marketing ploy for Lex to show off he can mass produce Supermen who are more obedient and humans can trust since they're American Made. Lex uses him literally to show up Superman and even has him fight the other three Superboys to show how much better the man made ones are, always during disasters. One day during a disaster, he fumbles it hard, causing more destruction than should have happened (ignoring that Lex caused the disaster in the first place), Lex takes him to the lab to euthanize him with a kryptonite syringe. Kara was having lunch nearby with some friends and hears Maik screaming and crying and excuses herself and busts into the lab and sees Lex trying to pin Maik down to kill him and she goes feral. She burns Lex's hand so he drops the syringe and then gets up close and personal. The end of the fight being that despite being at least 100' underground, Lex is lands outside the hole Kara made and she keeps going, horrifying the onlookers until Maik finally climbs out (only super jumping, flight comes later) and tells the crowd what Luthor tried to do to him, but obviously, a human being turned into a squeak toy by a Kryptonian isn't good for optics, despite the youth's pleas. Luckily, Lois and Jon heard the commotion and Jon throws a rock at Kara who stops and realizes what she's doing, spits on Lex, grabs Maik by the hand and flies off with him. Clark, Lois and Jon find them at the farm with Ma making them sandwiches to eat. Kara and Maik explain what happened and afterwards, Clark says they need a name for him if he's staying. Given he's 12 physically and less than a year old legally, he has to stay somewhere and since Lex has a boner for both Kal and Clark, they decide he should stay with the Danvers who are okay with the situation but scold Kara for almost killing a person even if he deserves it cause she was raised better than that. They say they need to name him something and Kara has been teaching Jon, Kon and Connor some Kryptonian and Jon suggests Maik El, which I don't know if there is a Krypotonian language that's actually made-
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