#Police naw give you no break
auspicioustidings · 1 month
No second location, that was the mantra that had been drilled into your head. So when a man bullied his way into your passenger seat, put a gun to your head and told you to drive, you did that. When he told you to take the next cut off you did not.
"Naw think I'll shoot ye?"
"Think if you do we're doing 80 and we're both meeting a quick end."
It's night time, quiet motorway that stretches for hours and hours. He laughs in disbelief after the initial plan to intimidate you fails. You can't keep driving forever, but he is fascinated by the attempt.
One hour in and you know each others names. He knows what music you like, knows you're single, that you have a cat. You know this is the first time he's brought a girl back (or has tried to at least), that he's the youngest in his team and this is an initiation of sorts. He connects his phone so he can blast his music. "Naw dying in a blaze of glory to fuckin' showtunes sweetheart."
You scream at one point, raw fury. He screams with you, whooping as you pick up speed and hit 100 in a moment of blind emotion before you slow a little again. He's touching you, a hand running down your body as he whispers filth into your ear. You give him nothing, act unaffected as your hands grip the wheel so tight they are turning pale.
There's a phone call. One of his team.
"As beautiful as you'd be dead, your pretty corpse is of fuck all use if it's burned to a crisp in a fireball."
"Oh, I don't talk about necrophilia until the second date."
"Fuck LT ye should see her. Spitting mad, think she might actually kill herself just tae take me with her."
Soap groans the words out, hard over the idea of dying in this car with you, throbbing with the knowledge that maybe you hate him so much you're willing to give up your life to spite him.
There are other team members, you try and block it all out. You are crying with frustration because soon the motorway will run out. Maybe you'll just drive straight to a police station, but then Price who you think may be their leader tells you that if his boy goes to jail, he may as well do it for murder.
"Soap'll blow your pretty brains right out of your skull luv, now pull off at the next exit and follow directions."
"Isn't it apparent by now that I'd rather die?"
"If that were true you'd have crashed 100 miles back."
He's right. You don't want to die. You really do not want to die. Over the last few hours you've developed an aversion to Soap dying as well. He's crazy, certifiably insane, but the danger of him is the kind of danger that comes with the flood of adrenaline that borders on erotic with how strong it is. You're sort of attached, trauma bonded maybe.
But the mantra persists. No second location.
Soap grins wildly when he sees how you relax, how your eyes fill with resignation. He can see what you're going to do. So he kisses you, tongue trying to bury itself as far into your mouth as possible.
"Let's dae it baby."
So you do. You bank hard right and the car goes flying, tumbling over and over into a field. You don't know how you survive it, but the next thing you know you are in the back of an ambulance. The police question what happened once you're stable in the hospital. You tell them everything. Psychotic break they think, suicide attempt. After all, yours was the only body in that car when they got there.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 46
Part 1 Part 45
Hopper’s idling by the trailer when Steve and Eddie exit on the way to school the next morning. Eddie’s forehead immediately breaks out in anxiety-sweats. He stumbles back a step on instinct, arm up to waylay Steve. Nothing good ever came from the Chief of Police loitering in front of a drug dealer’s trailer. 
Hopper cranks his window down, leaning out enough to stick his head partially out, and shouts over at them, “you cleared to go to school already, Harrington?” 
Eddie drops his arm – threat categorized, acknowledged, and discarded. Steve steps over the threshold and down the front steps, each foot placed carefully, lest he stumble in front of Hopper. 
“It’s fine,” Steve says, like he always does.
“Your doctor say that?”
Steve shifts his eyes toward Eddie, like he’s begging for help. Eddie clears his throat, pointedly not curling his shoulders in when Hopper shifts his glare over to him. “He went yesterday,” he calls over, like a chump. Because what his majesty wants, Eddie will provide.
Hopper raises his eyebrows, letting them stew in the silence as he keeps his eyes trained on Eddie. Weakest link sighted. And just like every time he finds himself in this standoff with the bane of his existence, he folds. “He’s not supposed to go back until Monday!”
“Munson!” Steve grouses. Eddie’s guts churn at being last-named again.
“But” Eddie starts, waving his hand in Steve’s face like that’ll buy him a few more seconds of grace. “You gotta let him go, Hopper.”
“I don’t have to do anything,” he grouses, still glaring into Eddie’s eyes.
Eddie fidgets, hoping Steve won’t be too pissed off. “Harrington here’s a flight risk,” he says, patting his head lightly, like a dog who’s just performed a marvelous trick. “You don’t give him something to do? We might never see him again.”
Steve scoffs, but notably doesn’t pull away from Eddie’s hand or refute his point. 
Hopper continues glaring at both of them before sighing out like a beleaguered dog and rolls up his window. He doesn’t drive away. “Is that–” Steve starts, squinting at Hopper through his now-closed window. “Is that permission?”
“We don’t beg for permission, Stevie.” Eddie trails his hand through Steve’s peach-fuzz hair before skipping over to where his van’s parked, knowing without looking that Steve’s following him. He slides into the driver’s seat, waits for Steve to slide in as well before turning the key in the ignition. “We don’t even ask for forgiveness.”
He smiles over at Steve, cheeks hurting from the force of it. He feels like he’s just taken three shots of espresso, back to back to back. Steve smiles over at him, small but real, eyes shining in the morning sun. His hair glows golden in the sunlight, and his skin, still slightly sallow, is flushed pink in the cheeks. 
“We don’t?” Steve asks quietly. He sounds excited. Like a kid told he’d get to open his birthday presents early. 
Eddie’s endeared, any reluctance drained out of him around the second time Steve Harrington had saved his life. “Naw.” He reaches over, patting Steve’s knee, not letting his fingers linger like they want to. He cranks the engine, Black Sabbath booming from the speakers until Steve turns it down a few notches. “That’s for squares. And you, Steve Harrington, are a certified badass.”
Steve’s smiling out the window when Eddie glances over, watching trailers pass by. Electric Funeral turns over to War Pigs. Eddie sings along quietly as Steve bops his head along to a beat he doesn’t even know.
Hopper follows them all the way to school, his truck idling at the curb until Eddie pulls into a spot and takes out the key. Neither of them mention anything.
School passes in a mindless haze. Eddie listens to lectures on calculus and geography and the themes in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, lets it all fly over his head. Not even in one ear and out the other – that implies it went into his brain at all.
Jeff gives him dirty looks throughout calc, like he can tell Eddie’s checked out past the point of return and is feeling a sense of paternal disappointment over his lack of work ethic. 
Eddie’d checked out long before Demogorgon’s and Demon Worlds made an appearance in his life. Now, class feels like biding time until he can get Steve back in his sights. Graduating feels like another step away from Harrington that he doesn’t want to take.
So he sits and stews and ignores Jeff’s disappointed eyes, and regrets that Steve’s a year below him and not smart enough to pass calc either.
Seeing him walk into lunch is a religious experience. Eddie sighs into his suspicious casserole, staring at Steve with reverence. He’s talking to Barb quietly, standing beside her in the lunch line. 
Steve laughs at something she says, and Eddie swears he can almost hear it across the cacophony of the lunchroom rush. 
“Dude,” Gareth says from beside him.
Eddie jumps, whipping his head over to where Gareth had snuck up on him. “When did you get here?” he hisses, narrowing his eyes.
Gareth stares back, deadpan. Eddie misses when his little sheep were at least a little bit afraid of him. Honestly, the gall. “I was here before you sat down.”
Ah, well. Eddie hunches, looking around the table that’s seemingly filled in around him. “So?”
Gareth leans closer, keeping his voice lowered. “Are you, like in love with Harrington?” Gareth asks, voice quiet enough for discretion even as it lentils up harshly at the end. 
“No, shut up!” Eddie hisses back, but something restless and wanting unfurls as the fishhook in his ribs slackens with Steve’s approach. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!
“—could help you,” Barb is saying, inexplicably sitting at the wrong freaks and geeks table again. Clearly, there’s still trouble in paradise. “I’m free Thursday’s after school.”
Steve slides in next to Eddie, matching suspect casserole to Eddie’s own. He doesn’t look away from his conversation from Barb, but he slides his knee into Eddie’s, easy like breathing. Even easier, with Steve’s track record of not doing that.
“Really?” Steve asks, leaning toward her over the table. 
Barb shrugs, nonchalantly, pulling that same bagged sandwich from her bag to munch on. “Sure, why not?”
She says it like it’s nothing, but Steve exhales like the world just stopped ending. “Thanks,” he sighs. “I’m just so behind, and my Dad–” he cuts off, shoves a forkful of slop in his mouth like that’s the reason for the pause. “I just don’t want to be held back.”
Jeff, the traitor, looks over to Barbara and unhelpfully contributes, “are you guys planning a study group?” he asks, continuing before she has a chance, “because this one could use a little of that.”
Eddie doesn’t let anyone else get in a word. “I can’t Jeffery,” Eddie sneers. “Thursday is Hellfire.”
Steve furrows his eyebrows like he’s thinking deeply, starts, “we could maybe do it on Wed—”
“That’s fine!” Eddie says. “I’m doing fine!”
He glares around at the table, daring anyone to say anything. Jeff scoffs, and Steve still looks worried, but no one says anything. Study group is born, and Eddie’s plans are finalized: his graduating class will be moving on without him.
He only hopes Wayne understands. 
Part 47
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso
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my-chaos-radio · 2 months
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Release: October 1, 1987
Bad boys
Whatcha want, whatcha want?
Whatcha gonna do
When Sheriff John Brown come for you?
Tell me, whatcha wanna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
When you were eight and you had bad traits
You go to school and learn the golden rule
So why are you acting like a bloody fool?
If you get hot, then you must get cool
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
You chuck it on that one, you chuck it on this one
You chuck it on your Mother and you chuck it on your Father
You chuck it on your brother, and you chuck it on your sister
You chuck it on that one, and you chuck it on me
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Nobody naw give you no break
Police naw give you no break
Not a soldier man give you no break
Not even you idren naw give you no break
Hey, hey
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Why did you have to act so mean?
Don't you know you're a human being?
Born of a Mother with the love of a Father
Reflection comes and reflection goes
I know sometimes you wanna let go
Hey, hey, hey
I know sometimes you wanna let go
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
You're too bad, you're too rude
You're too bad, you're too rude, yeah
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
You chuck it on that one, you chuck it on this one
You chuck it on your Mother and you chuck it on your Father
You chuck it on your brother, and you chuck it on your sister
You chuck it on that one, and you chuck it on me
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Songwriter: Ian Lewis
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
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wasteofbandagesxx · 9 months
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Bsd x reader
Hunting dogs in a nutshell part 8
After having a little conversation with Kunikda, one of the members of the arm detective agency, Jouno walks out of the room with a devilish smile on his face. The screams coming from the poor man pleases the ears of the blind king.
"Jouno, don't break him too much." Y/n said as they lean against the wall. Y/n was never a big fan of Jouno or his tactics, but that doesn't mean they hate him or anything. They just wish that Jouno wouldn't be so heartless and cruel sometimes. Sure they are enemies, but they're human too. "But hearing their pains and scream of agony pleases me. Something that you'd never understand." The blind man scoffs and stops next to Y/n.
"By the way...where's Tachihara?" Tachihara was finished with the sky casino mission. Now he's back in the whole port mafia business. It was his main mission after all to infiltrate the port mafia. "He's back with the port mafia, the co-captain required him to continue the mission so." Y/n lights up a cigarette and puts it to their mouth, inhaling and exhaling the smoke. Jouno's nose scrunched up to the stench of smoke. "I would appreciate it if you didn't smoke in here. The smell of cigarettes disgusts me." Jouno pinched his nose so the smell doesn't overwhelm him. Y/n takes another drag from the cigarette before replying back, "Then go somewhere else. Idk why your still standing here." Jouno just scoffed at them and replied with a "whatever" before walking off.
Apparently, for the past few days, vampires have occurred, and they say that the cause of it was by the arm detective agency. All the hunting dog members gathered and are currently having a meeting rn. Tachihara talked about how the port mafia was attacked by vampires. "So using a contagious ability transfered through biting. What do you think Teruko?" Jouno asked, looking at the co-captain. "Well I doubt he's lying or hallucinating. There's evidence backing up his story. Port mafias been reporting rumors of mysterious disappearance after another for the past few hrs." She said, looking at the reports.
"We're gonna need to contain it as quickly as possible." Jouno said, but everyone knows that It would be no use, Teruko drops the clipboard on the table and stretches as she explains why it wouldn't be worth doing. "Naw, it's already too late. The contagion is spreading way too fast. The best solution is to eradicate the ability user itself. Which means we have the kill them." she said. Jouno came up with a question of how they were supposed to find it before its too late. The vapire army just keeps spreading everyday. "The arm detective Agency," Tecchou spoke out. "Jugding from the timing, its a safe assumption that this is the agency's next act of global terrorism."
Jouno was looking all smug and Y/n just gives him the "wtf is that face?" Look. Jouno feels like his ears have been blessed. "What's wrong?" Tecchou asked. "Oh nothing! It's just that I only hear you say anything sensible about once a month or so. I was thinking about marking it down on my calendar." Jouno said. "Jouno be for real your just as goofy as him." Y/n spat out. "Excuse me? You little b-"
"Anyway! This task is going to be difficult. After that one incident at the live broadcast. The situation has been a mess due to police force splitting up into different sides." Y/n said, interrupting the hot head.
"That's also includes the hunting dogs that have sided with them too." Jouno pointed out, looking at Tachihara. Everyone turns their heads at him too. "I'm just simply wanting to investigate the situation! The true culprit Is out there! So please, request permission to investigate!" Tachihara pleaded.
Y/n felt bad that he was somewhat of a suspect. They don't think he's a traitor. They never thought of the detective agency as terrorists in the first place. "I agree, just to be sure. Please allow Tachihara to investigate further into the situation." Y/n pleaded with him.
Fukichi sat there in silence, thinking of an answer before speaking. "I will not permit a new search for another criminal."
It took a lot of talking and convincing for Fukichi to finally accept the request. After that, both Tachihara and the captain left the room.
"...So whats this whole thing about me saying something sensible?" Tecchou asked. "Well it's because your always saying non sensible things and your incredibly stupid." Jouno responds plainly. Y/n flicks his forehead, "that's mean. You do the same thing yknow." "I do not!"
"I'm out of here" Teruko hops out of her chair and walks away.
"Tecchou, are you now eating chocolate with soy sauce?" Jouno slowly turns towards Tecchou with his nose scrunched up and teeth clenched. Tecchou was just sitting there clueless while munching on the chocolate. "It's snack time and I rarely get a cheap day." He said. "..Now im curious, do you also pour the milk in before the cereal?"
"Ok that's too far, Jouno you have permission to beat his ass."
"Thank you."
Jounk cracks his knuckles and knocks the chocolate out of Tecchou's hand. "My chocolate-" "time to die bitch." Jouno jumps his ass.
To be continued ->
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
Thoughts while rewatching 4x01 - 4x04 -
Episode 4x02 - this does include thoughts that span the whole arc - so spoilers ahead.
Not at all hard to figure out why the trailer couple would get divorced – both are a bit unhinged – and not in a “I am going to save the love of my life way”
I love how the white dude was able to just say “Naw, I don’t feel like pulling over officer”. Like – it really is a great example of policing in the US.
The lady is crazy – I am not looking forward to seeing her again in 4x05 – especially since I think this is what makes her question her judgement in 4x05 – causing her to decide to resign.
Texas sure has a lot of cops that just like to hang out in their gear with their guns – for a “party” – this is about the Mile Marker 23 scene – it was all performative to have that many resources there – first part of this arc that makes the cops look super stupid.
What is the age of retirement for active duty firefighters? They tend to keep the characters at a similar age to the actor playing them – Judd being 40ish like Jim, Paul being in his late 30’s like Brian. It seems like TK, Carlos, Grace, & Marjan are the same. I am not sure about Nancy & Mateo –
I love Grace & Tommy’s relationship – I love the chicken clucking conversation
I love the way they call each other out – but, always with love and actual advice or a well-served look.
I do like the way the director used the actors in the loft dinner scene – telling each actor different information to keep them all on their toes – it worked so well.
AT NO POINT DO I DOUBT THE LOVE BETWEEN CARLOS & TK – I just think a lot of this storyline could have been made cleaner – but when the primary goal is to find a way to blame TK – this is what you get.
An 8 WEEK wedding – that also needs to have a divorce preceding it (but only one of them knew this), Iris demanding to meet said unaware fiancé – like TK was at a job interview for a job he already thought he had – and his fiancé is just like “Oh its totally cool – you just aren’t allowed to have reactions or try to make this impossible wedding happen even though I am the one that put us in this position by my complete inability to address my own problems.” – like this was to set up the blame game.
They could have done the kidnapped storyline without the married part – or still kept the married part – but put the blame where it actually goes – on the guy that kept his legal status a secret from the man he agreed to marry.
Do they think they are making Owen look like anything other than incompetent at any aspect of his life with the exception of being a firefighter?
I thought the chemistry between Tommy & Charles was pretty good – but DAMN – the chemistry between her & Rev. parks is insane (I do know that they played a couple in a different show).
Tommy is so fucking stunning – like absolutely stunning. I don’t think I will survive when she wears the other black dress we saw in the promos – I am hoping it is in 4x07 which, by the title, sounds like a Tommy episode.
I love the Tommy/Owen scene in 4x02 – so fucking much – it’s my #2 scene of the episode – so perfect
The dialog – their expressions – their platonic chemistry all gave us this hilarious scene – but – please don’t take relationship advice from this man.
“I’m so flattered” followed by “You weren’t in it.” Was so needed – like, I love it so much.
Gee, who called Donna Burton being the body in the closet from the 4x04 promo? – oh yeah, me. (& I am sure plenty of others, but I knew there was a reason to say her name in 4x02)
Ronen’s acting has been fucking amazing this season (Rafa’s too, but a lot of people are so focused on Rafa that Ronen’s is overlooked). His eyes can break your heart or heal it on their own.
The facial expressions on these cast members are priceless - as someone with a very expressive face – I really appreciate it. You see how they feel a lot of the time, even when the dialog doesn’t give us that information.
The heartbreaking realization that he could be seen as a project to Carlos – or honestly, even worse, his life’s work – God that procession of expressions through out that scene was beautiful – and I FELT IT
I feel so bad for the Rev, thinking he was on a date with a gorgeous woman – only to find it was with the gorgeous woman, her best friends & their child, along with her daughters – he handled it so well.
I love the looks that Grace gives – she was giving them for me
The situational awareness that Owen Strand possesses is at a negative level – and keeps getting worse.
The loft scene is my favorite of the episode and one of my top 5 over all Tarlos scenes. The communication is beautiful – but tragic when we find out that TK was sitting with these thoughts since the day before – making him question everything – as they probably should have. –I think his question to Carlos was very valid.
I like it when people can realize that they aren’t broken – I like that Carlos showed us his vulnerability with this – that he actually responded to TK’s questions instead of joking or brushing them off.
Still can’t get over Judd being so oblivious to the fact he was part of the 3rd, 4th, & 5th wheels on his best friend’s date with their pastor. Or Grace’s response when she realized how clueless he was.
I love Grace calling her out – it was so funny & needed.
I like that one of the over all themes of 4x02 was humor – since most of the humor in the next 2 episodes were fairly unintentional I think.
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my-evil-brain · 9 months
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Ok this here reminds me of something, this was hilarious as a kid, and i stand by it being funny still. When i was around 15 my neighbors daughter was about 12. We rode the same bus. Hung out around the neighborhood played. Chill. She was totes naive and gullible, maybe even a bit ditzy(100%).
So onwards. We're on the bus and something in conversation brought up canada for something. My friend was all oooh aaaah canadaaaa. I look at her older sister, a twinkle in my eye and i proceed.
" Naw man, you think Canadas cool? Dude totally part of their big lie to the world. Dont tell me youve never heard of the Canadian Secret Mounted Police??? OH MAN ok so (seriously no humor) little known fact about Canada. The nice happy Canadian is a portrayed image. They want you to think that. Its so bad the citizens are generally terrified to walk around for breaking some law that counters their nice clean cut image. I was reading a Time mag. article n it said that around tourists n travelers youll never see them. But they are watching. Looking for impolite to outsiders canadians. If they spot one they very quietly n discreetly disappear that person ASAP. Never to be rude again. Some say prison camps n mines but who knows"
By now shes hooked. Not a doubt in her mind that im not telling the gods honest truth. Shes fallen for that b.s. story n thinking n wowing n... it was my stop to get off. "Byeeeee".
So I'm home its like 530, the phone rings. My dad answered.
"He what? Uh huh, yeah... sigh..(looks at me holding back laughter) okays, well you can assure her none of thats true n he's sorry for tricking her. Again"
He hangs up the phone. My moms all who was that n dad looks at me giggling n asks what it was i told her on the bus. I told him the true story of the Canadian Secret Mounted Police n oop my stop gotta go. Hes totally holding back busting out. My moms like WHYYYYY n im like it was... funny 🤷‍♂️👍. That girl was pissed at me the next day. Hehe. Good times. And remember, Don't fuck around in Canada, don't find out.
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Did yaaaaa notice my dad said the word "again" up there? So funny story. Same girl same bus. (SAME BAT TIME SAME BAT CHANNEL) This was around Halloweenish n we were talking spooky stuffs n local legends n haunts of the area. And without a beat i look at her n her sister and...
"So no problems in your house on Halloween?" (They ask why perplexed) I proceed to tell them that their civil war era house (true) was part of the underground railroad, back helping escaping slaves (also true) Now theyre both intrigued with this knowledgeable fact.
"Well good thing you dont go down the basement then. (Damn place was half finished floor half dirt. 1 lil slit window. 1 light. And the room had a vibe n absorbed light. It was never bright enough. Alway dark no matter flashlight or lantern with overhead bulb.) Cause ya knoooow thats where they burried the slaves who died on the railroad? Some... they just killed to get rid of the hassle of hiding them any longer. Those are the really angry ones. Hope they dont claw up out the dirt floor. Shudder the thought. Oh well should be fiiiine just keep the door closed no probs."
Now the older sister looks at me and mouths an , is that true. And when her sis looks away im like NOOOOO lol sssh. Oh look its my stop . I get home and not 30 minutes the phone rings n my mom gets it n shes like "get down here NOW. Did you tell her..." Yeah ha totally fell for it yeah was not the correct answer. I had to apologize n all blaaaaah. My dad gets home mom gives him the tell your father what you did. He looks at me all stern and i tell him. When i reach the angry undead slaves burried in the basement bit thats when hes all "awwww maaaannn why ya gotta do that? " then he busted out laughing. Moms all serious lookin n im all made to promise dont do it again. Quit scaring the girl. And i did just that that Canadian story was not horrifying, it was complete bullshit but not scary, I promised. 👍
Also, an amusing point about the house is that it was pre civil war built kinds of old. And used in the underground railroad as a way point. Also I never ever let on or told those girls their house was actually, actually haunted. But it was upstairs and in the attic, not the basement. Lil bit an unpleasant vibe also. At times going to play in the attic was " not a good feeling idea" and i never liked being upstairs, second floor after, or in the dark. Bad vibes closer, you got to attic.
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apocalypseornaw · 4 years
Always be Yours- 2
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Word Count 5,437 *not my gif*
Story Summary: Inspired by the 2 part I did of the same title. Follows Dean and Reader through season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: Adaddon is back and using two hunters to draw the boys into a trap so of course you're right there with them
Warnings: cursing, fights, minor character death
Dean could hear your laughter drifting down the hall the moment he stepped out of his room. You'd only been at the bunker a week or so but you'd always had a habit of making any place feel your presence. Hell even Crowley asked if he could see you when he found out you were there. Kevin was acting more normal than he'd ever seen the kid and it was a bit of a relief to know he wasn't the only one keeping a close eye on Sam should Ezekial decide to not hold up his end of the bargain.
He headed towards the kitchen and could hear music. The closer he got he made out the tune of "You give love a bad name" when he stepped around the corner he was met with the sight of Sam spinning you around while you sang along word for word. Kevin was sitting at the table working on a large stack of pancakes and laughing at the show of you and Sam dancing around the kitchen in your pajamas. The two of you had formed a close friendship back when you were both the youngest kids being pawned off on Bobby during hunts and Dean would be lying if he said he didn't wish you were as comfortable around him as you were Sam.
He could still remember the first case him and Sam worked solo with you. It was the Croatoan virus. You hadn't blinked an eye when you refused to leave Sam's side when he was exposed telling them both that if they were giving in so were you. Over the years you'd been in and out of their lives and the day he'd been dragged out of hell you showed up at Bobby's and had a blade to his neck before him or Bobby could explain. When they proved it was really him that was the first time you'd ever hugged him. You'd pratically squealed when you jumped into his arms "Dean! You're back!"
You always had a habit that no matter how long you went without seeing him or Sam you always treated them as if you'd just seen them the day before. When Sam was soulless you helped him to track down Death to get Sam's soul back. He'd never seen you back down from a fight especially if someone you cared about was fighting.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when you slid to a stop in front of him and held a hand out to him. "C'mon Dean" you pleaded and he shook his head "I haven't even had my coffee yet Y/N" you being the ever persistent woman you were rolled your eyes then looked over your shoulder at Sam "Be a good little brother and fix the man some coffee" Sam grinned as he moved to grab Dean's mug and you turned back around to Dean with a smile "So now what's your excuse?" the song switched to "Have you ever seen the rain" and your eyes lit up when he hummed the first couple bars before hesitantly taking your hand.
You slid your arms up around his neck and he put his hands at your waist careful not to catch the bare skin when your shirt rode up slightly. Normally he'd feel stupid as hell dancing in the kitchen? Especially with an audience but the smile on your face was worth it, most of the time you tried to keep up the front of a fearless hunter but since Bobby's death you'd started to let your guard fall more often and around more people than just Sam. When the song ended you winked at him and said "Who knew Dean Winchester can dance?" then moved to turn the player down. Sam cleared his throat and looked from you to Dean before holding the coffee out "Want your coffee Dean?" when you turned your back Sam raised his eyebrows and Dean shot him a glare "Thanks Sammy" you thankfully didn't see the look passed between them when you turned around to ask Kevin if he wanted orange juice.
The ease of the morning was interrupted by a phone call coming in about a busload of bodies found on a naval base. That mixed with the freaky storms and dead cattle circling that area screamed demon. You grabbed your duffel bag and the bag with your fed suit then stepped out of your room and met up with Kevin in the hallway. He glanced down towards the armory so you shot him a smile "Just stay away from him Kev. He'll try to get into your head and it's not worth it" he gave you a small smile in return "I'll stay away from him Y/N" he turned to head to the library so you headed for the map room where Sam and Dean stood waiting. Dean's eyes skimmed over you and your crossed your arms "Is there a problem Dean?" he met your eyes and smirked slightly "Naw, just you're gonna be a lot more fun to look at all day than Sammy here" you rolled your eyes and chunked your duffel bag to him considering they both already kept go bags in baby's trunk "Easy tiger, we got work to do"
You walked next to Sam up the stairs talking about the case and what could possibly be waiting.
When Dean rolled to a stop right outside the area that had been tapped off you slid your ID into your pocket then climbed out the backseat. You had stopped off about ten miles back for all of you to change into your suits. "This place reeks of sulphur" Sam muttered and you nodded "Between the stink and the storms.." "Mixed with the dead cattle I'll take demons for a thousand Alex" Dean finished holding the police tape up for you to walk underneath.
The MP noticed the three of you and headed your way so you pulled your badges out while Dean did the introduction "Agents Stark, Banner and Barnes. FBI. Just need to have a look around" She didn't hesitate to ask "Why? This is a military case, not a federal one" "Well that's not what our supervisor said" you interjected and if anything you speaking seemed to make her attitude that much worse "That so? Then maybe him and I ought to have a chat" Sam cut his eyes at you and Dean said "Ok" then pulled his phone out. You wondered what he was doing and leaned up slightly to see him hit Kevin's number.
"Hey boss, we got a little problem" poor Kevin you just hoped he knew to play along. After a beat Dean continued "Yeah just a local badge needs a little confirmation we're supposed to be here. How the word came down from FBI headquarters in D.C." you were glad you were used to situations like this because if not you probably would've laughed imagining how confused Kevin must be but nonetheless Dean said "Yeah" then held the phone out to the MP.
She looked between the three of you before saying "This is sergeant Miranda Bates. Who am I talking to?" She looked back at Dean who you knew by far wouldn't break before asking Kevin "How old are you?" you were started to get annoyed with her attitude when she said "Listen kid, I don't have to do anything and I don't take orders from the feebs so unless you can give me one good reason you got a couple of pretty boy agents and their handler poking around my crime scene" "Handler?" you scoffed and Sam reached a hand out to pull you back next to him as she kept ranting "I'm gonna put them in cuffs and spank your ass raw"
Her face fell at something Kevin said "What?..How did you find that?" You looked between the boys to see if they had any idea what Kevin was telling her but they both shrugged. She finally said "Yes sir" then handed Dean's phone back and walked away.
Dean was barely holding back a smile when he said "Kevin, what the hell did you just do?" Sam motioned to the bus so Dean waved the two of you ahead.
You stepped on the bus behind Sam and went to the first body while Sam started looking over a different one. "Sam look" you pushed back the guy's shirt with a pen to show the bullet hole in his chest. All the bodies had fatal wounds but they were all also long dead.
Dean then stepped up on the bus and asked "Got anything?" Sam nodded to the body nearest you "This guy was shot in the heart" "That what killed him?" he asked and Sam looked at you so you shrugged "Maybe? but like ten or twenty years ago" Dean glanced at Sam who added "All these bodies have fatal wounds but they're all old" "So meatsuits?" Dean guessed so you nodded "Bodies took a licking but demons kept them ticking"
"And now they're riding the soldiers" Sam added. Dean looked behind Sam "Hey" you looked up to see sergeant Bates walking up onto the bus with a tablet in her hands "Excuse me agents. We pulled this off the security camera. You might want to take a look" Sam reached out for it so you moved to the side so Dean could see the screen as well. It clearly showed the soldiers walking away but Sam froze on one woman in particular. You knew they couldn't tell you why in front of Bates but the moment the three of you stepped off the bus Dean said "Abaddon? Seriously?" and you knew why Sam had frozen the screen. That was the demon that had attacked the men of letters and who killed their grandfather Henry after him and her jumped through a magical portal to recent time.
"I thought you kentucky fried that meatsuit?" Dean asked Sam who shrugged "I did Dean" "Then how did she get it back?" you asked and nodded to the cop that held the tape up for you to pass. "And why's she playing G.I. Joe?" Dean said and Sam responded "No clue. Why don't you ask her when we find her?"
You slid into the backseat and pulled your suit jacket off while Dean pulled out onto the road and said "Oh I will and then I'm gonna chop her freaking head off..again"
After stopping off long enough for all of you to change back into normal clothes you got back on the road to the bunker. It was already dark out and you were laid across the backseat when Sam's phone rang and you heard him say "Hold on Kevin..Wait..slow down" Sam cut his eyes back when you sat up then put the phone on speaker while Kevin repeated the coordinates he'd been given then said "And she gave me two names. Irv Franklin and Tracy Bell" "Irv's a friend, don't know Tracy" Dean cut in before Kevin continued "All right, the lady said they were hunters and that if you didn't go save them that she would kill them" "Yeah heard that song before" Dean grumbled but you were looking up the coordinates to see where you were all headed.
"Dean, who was she?" Kevin asked so you answered without looking up "The bad guy" Dean asked Kevin to dig up everything the men of letters had on the knights of hell. Abaddon was one although you didn't know exactly what that entailed. After Sam hung up with Kevin you leaned up between him and Dean "The numbers point to a spot on the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon" then glanced between the two of them "Are we gonna adknowledge this is a trap right?"
"Yup" Dean said matter of factly. You turned your head to look at Sam when he asked "And we're just gonna walk right into it?" "Guns blazing" you answered and saw Dean glance your way in the mirror. "Well Y/N's with me, Sam?" Sam of course said "You know it"
You drove through the night and stopped a few miles shy of where Abaddon wanted to meet so all of you could be as well prepared as possible. The place was completely abandoned. Dean gave voice to your thoughts when he asked "What the hell happened here?" "A local chemical plant sprang a leak years ago. They evacuated three square blocks. Guess it's still contaminated"
"Wait? So this whole place is poison?" you asked, a little worried. "Yeah" Sam replied and you laughed when you saw Dean's hand move to cover his crotch "That's not gonna help" Sam told him with a sigh. Dean realized you'd seen him and shrugged "It doesn't hurt"
One thing you'd gotten used to was that when you hunted with them both they had a habit of keeping you between them when they could. You weren't sure if it was on purpose or not. The three of you walked further into the town then heard a slam coming from an old diner that caused you and Sam to pull your guns. Dean nodded so you covered Sam while he kicked the door in.
"Clear" you and Dean went in behind him so you kept an eye on the kitchen to make sure there was no surprises while Dean untied Irv and who had to be Tracy. You glanced back when he said Abaddon had been torturing hunters to get information on Sam and Dean. If you hadn't been with them she might have gotten her claws on you.
Dean gave Irv a shot of holy water while Sam gave one to Tracy who rolled her eyes "Happy?" she was slinging more aggression towards Sam than you would've liked but now wasn't the time. Irv nodded to you when Dean untied him "Y/N, good to see ya" "Yeah" you said then once again Tracy got mouthy with Sam when he introduced himself. You knew the look you had when Irv quickly explained "She's new. We worked a shifter job in Sacramento together. Smart but got a mouth on her" She scoffed so you clicked your tongue "Honey we ain't got time for whatever you got going on. We need to gear up and clear out" Dean tilted his head towards you "What she said"
You were helping Dean lay out every weapon you'd grabbed. "We got jesus juice, devil's trap bullets shoot a demon with them and put em on lockdown" He explained and you spun an angel blade in your hand "Angel blades work"
Irv took a gun loaded with Devil's trap bullets about the time Sam said "They're coming" "Good" Dean said handing you a vial of holy water. "They've got assault rifles" Sam added and you cursed under your breath "Ok, less good"
Irv looked at Dean "So, what's the play?" Dean looked at you "Give me your phone" you handed it over without question and watched him record a voice memo of himself saying "COME AND GET IT YOU DICKS" and knew his plan. You grabbed one of the cake trays and drug it over in front of him "Prop it up here" he did as you said then looked between everyone else. "Let's go"
All of you made it out behind the cafe so Dean looked around "We got to flank seal team douche in there so uh Irv, you and me will go left. Sam, you Y/N and Tracy go right" "Ok let's move" Sam said and reached for Tracy's arm but she shoved him back "Don't touch me" "What is your problem?" you asked feeling Dean grab you around the waist with one arm to hold you in place while he repeated the question.
Tracy's eyes never moved off of Sam "My family's dead because of him" "What?" Sam asked and in that moment you could've knocked Tracy flat just for the guilt in his eyes. She looked back at you then at Dean before saying "I watched a demon slaughter my parents and the whole time it talked about how it was celebrating how some dumb kid let Lucifer out of his cage" you looked over your shoulder at Dean and he slid his arm from around you. "Ok we got to move. Y/N you go with Sam and Irv, Tracy with me" you didn't really want to leave her with Dean in case it became a your brother did this to my people so I'm gonna do this to you type of thing but it wasn't like you were in a position to start an argument. You simply nodded and tapped Sam's shoulder "Let's go"
You were walking close to Sam gripping your gun and trying to keep an eye out, He had the demon blade in his hand and Irv was behind you. "Sam you copacetic?" Irv asked and Sam nodded "I'm good" Irv glanced at you then said "Good. Give me that toothpick, grab Y/N then you two get Dean and Tracy and get the hell out of here" "What?" you asked in shock and Irv explained "I'm going in there alone. I'll buy you as much time as I can"
"Irv, that's death" Sam glanced at you for help but you didn't know what to say at a friend basically asking for the two of you to be ok with him killing himself. Irv looked ashamed when he finally spoke "Yeah, well it's what I got coming..It's my fault. I was in some dive and I was sloppy and lonely" Sam glanced at you as Irv continued "And I met some girl and the next thing you know, I'm strapped to some bed and she's twisting things that ain't supposed to be twisted" "She who?" Sam questioned but you had a feeling you already knew the answer Irv saying "Abaddon" just confirmed you were right.
Irv's voice broke when he said "I gave em up. Pete,Tracy,even you Y/N. I gave em all up. So Sam you hand me that blade and you let me do what I got to do or so help me" but he had moved to the point his back wasn't blocked by any building and a shot rang out a second before Irv fell. Sam instinctively pushed you back and pulled his gun. You nodded that you were ok then you both leaned out to return fire then make a break for the diner that was across the street.
You fell in behind Sam and looked up to see one of the demon's holding you at gunpoint "Boo"
He snatched you to your feet and Sam dove for him with the demon blade but another demon popped up and knocked Sam sideways then both of you were thrown over the counter. You scrambled to your feet again about the time the third demon walked around the corner and smiled "Cool. I didn't miss the best part"
Safe to say you and Sam were getting your asses handed to you. He had his head slammed into a wall and you thought he was unconscious then suddenly his eyes glowed blue and he looked at "GET DOWN" "Bout time you pop up" you muttered diving back behind the counter and tucking yourself into the smallest ball possible as Ezekiel's wings shown on the wall of the diner.
You stayed in that position until the door of the diner opened and Dean called your name. He let out a visible breath when you popped up. "Fuck don't hide again!" "He told me to!" you argued pointing at Ezekiel who was stabbing the last demon in the head with the demon blade. "They were going to kill him and her Dean" "Ezekiel?" Dean asked and you nodded. "What the hell did you do?" Dean pushed and Ezekiel turned to face him "I was protecting your brother and Y/N. I thought that was what you wanted" "Yeah of course, Thank you we're just still getting used to all this" you cut in and Ezekiel looked around "As am I" "Sam's ok?' you asked and Ezekiel explained that he had been knocked unconscious and in a way still was and wouldn't remember what happened. "So what the hell am I supposed to tell him when he comes to?" Dean asked and Ezekiel held the demon blade out "Which was why I used the knife"
"Right, smart" Dean took the blade then looked at you when Ezekiel spoke "You are troubled still" Dean turned back towards him "Yeah it's just that uh. Yeah this is on me. I was the one who talked Sam out of boarding up hell so every demon deal, every person they kill you're looking at the person who let it happen" "Dean" you tried but he wouldn't even look at you. "You were protecting your brother" Ezekiel offered then continued "I am in Sam's head. Everything he knows I know. and I know that what you did you did out of love"
Dean scoffed "Look Zeke, I'm gonna call you Zeke. I'm not really with the whole uh love and well love" you were standing there looking between the two of them when Ezekiel said "but it is why I said yes" "Yeah and if that goes sideways that's on me too" you finally snapped at Dean "PLEASE STOP HATING YOURSELF FOR FIVE SECONDS"
They both looked a little startled so you took a breath and said "We're trusting you Ezekiel" Dean finally shook himself out the shock of you hollering at him to say "and I just hope you're one of the good guys" "I am" Ezekiel said then added "But I suppose that's what a bad guy would say...Dean Winchester you are going the right thing" you took a deep breath and look at Ezekiel "How about letting Sam take back control? me and Dean will clean up before he wakes up" Ezekiel nodded then walked over to where Sam had been knocked out and sat back.
Once his head drooped over you moved to help Dean load the weapons back into the bag. Neither of you spoke until Sam started to stir.
When he groaned you made it to his side first "Sam?" "Sammy?" Dean asked helping Sam to his feet. Sam looked at you "What the hell happened?" you shrugged "You took a shot to the head, I was about to be the pinata for these asshats before Dean decided to slide in and save our asses"
Sam looked at Dean "You killed three demons, alone?" Dean shrugged "Took them by surprise. Got a little messy, I got a little lucky oh and I'm awesome so there's that" Sam looked around and you smirked when he said "You are pretty damn awesome"
You heard an engine roll up and looked out the window to see Tracy roll up in baby and looked back at Dean "She gets to drive baby and I don't?" Dean tried to explain but you simply grabbed the weapons as the three of you headed outside.
Tracy looked at Sam "You good?" "Yeah, more or less" and you smiled when her reply was "Good." She chunked the keys to Dean "I got everything but guess I'm late to the party" "Lucky you" you muttered and walked around to get in behind Sam as Dean said "Let's blow this toxic dump. Burgers and silkwood showers on me"
After you dropped Tracy off at one of her friend's houses you and the boys got back on the road. You hadn't really said much to either of them. You were thinking about Ezekiel and if he truly was a good guy. Sam was used to the way you'd get quiet sometimes but Dean had looked in the mirror about a dozen times before you finally said "Speak Dean" he shrugged "You pissed at me?"
You knew you had to look as confused as you felt so he clarified "Tracy driving baby?" you laughed "Naw if you wanted to let me drive her you would" and shrugged he looked a bit hurt so you winked at him to let him know you weren't upset about that. 
Twenty miles from Lebanon Dean decided to stop to get Kevin some food. You were sitting in the backseat with your head leaned back while Sam checked his emails.
You glanced up when the door closest to you opened and was surprised to see Dean holding the car keys out to you "I really don't want you killing me in my sleep" you grinned and snatched them from him not risking him changing his mind.
When you pulled up to the bunker and killed the engine you looked back at Dean who was watching you and smiled "Thank you" he took the keys that you were holding out and nodded "Wait, you're still staying around right?" you didn't stop to think Sam hadn't heard that conversation between you and Dean before he said "What?" you shook your head and climbed out the car "Don't worry about it Sam I'm not going anywhere any time soon."
Kevin was nowhere to be found and considering Crowley killed his mom the three of you ran to the armory.
Crowley was beat up but at least not dead and neither was Kevin. "Who worked you over?" Sam asked. Crowley looked at you then said "Martin Hayward and Brandon Favors" "They did this?" you asked but he shook his head "No they're demons. Your boys wanted names, I'm giving names. They're underperformers. Spike them, You're doing me a favor"
Dean smirked "Wow, you break easy" Crowley rolled his eyes "Please,your little plan to have me stir in my own delicious juices? Pathetic. You want intel, I want things too. Maybe we can come to some kind of arrangement. Quid pro quo gentlemen" "So these names are freebies?" you asked and Crowley smiled at you "Not at all sweets.You can consider them fair trade for the enjoyment Kevin gave me" "What the hell's that supposed to mean?" You and Dean asked in unison and Crowley quirked an eyebrow at that before saying "He's my new favorite toy. Wind him up and watch him go" You glared at him "You red eyed bastard" then spun around to walk out the armory and find Kevin. You heard Dean tell Sam "Check the names, I'll help Y/N find the kid"
You found him packed up and trying to leave "Where are you going?" Dean asked but Kevin kept walking so you stepped in his path. "Y/N you can't keep me locked up here. I'm leaving" "Like hell" Dean said and you cut your eyes at him "Kev we told you not to talk to Crowley he messes with your head" "He said my mom was alive, that if I let him go he'd give her back"
"And you believed him?" Dean asked with a scoff. "He's still in there isn't he?" you moved to put yourself between Dean and Kevin before saying "Kev, Crowley's lying" "And if he's not?" he asked and you were glad for once that Dean answered "Than she's dead, in every way that matters anyways. We're sorry Kevin"
"I know you're dying to bolt. I get it but out that door it's angels and demons and they'd all love to get their hands on a prophet so even with Crowley here..It's still the safest place for you" you took a breath hoping you'd gotten through to the kid. "and we need you" Dean added.
It hurt your heart when Kevin assumed "Because I'm useful?" but you couldn't help but smile when Dean answered "No,because you're family. Same as Y/N. If you don't think after all we've been through together we all wouldn't die for each other man I don't know what to tell you. We're all we got but hey if none of that matters to you then I won't stop you and I won't let Y/N"
Kevin looked at you then slowly nodded "Ok" you cut your eyes at Dean "I'm gonna get him to his room then I'll come find you and Sam" 
You walked into the library and heard Dean telling Sam "You have helped a lot more people than you've hurt" and guessed it was due to what Tracy said so you stepped further in and Dean waved you over and sat a glass of whiskey in front of you. 
You took it then sat down next to Sam. Dean looked back at him then said "All of that was then" he held up his glass so you did the same and bumped Sam's shoulder so he'd join in when Dean said "Here's to now"
You clicked your glasses against theirs then took a sip. "You both ready for it?" Sam asked so you looked at Dean who questioned "Ready for what?" "Fallens angels, Abaddon. Cas losing his halo, Crowley living in our basement"
You half laughed "Dean you invited me to move into a freakin sitcom" Dean shrugged "At least you have company?" Then turned his attention to Sam "What about you? How's the engine running?" 
Sam looked between the two of you before saying "Honestly? I feel better than I have in a long time. I know it's crazy out there but I look around here and I see friends and family. I'm happier than I've been in forever. It's just things are good" Dean met your eyes and nodded "Never better" 
Sam had already headed to bed and Dean went to check in on Kevin. You knew you wouldn't wind down for a while so you collected the books Kevin had pulled about the knights of hell and laid them out across one of the tables in the library. 
You poured yourself another glass of whiskey then sat down. You were halfway through the first book when Dean cleared his throat and you glanced up to see him leaning against the doorway "I figured you went to bed" you said and held the bottle out. He took it then sat across from you "I figured you did too"
He poured a glass then reached for one of the books so you slid it across to him. The two of you read in silence for a few minutes before he called your name. You glanced up "Yeah?" "What was that about?" You weren't exactly sure what he meant so you asked "What was what about?"
He closed the book and for once there was no humor in his face when he asked "You yelling at me about not hating myself for five minutes?" Oh that was what he meant. You finally answered "You're very self deprecating Dean even worse than Sam. I can't stand it" he nodded but still pushed "Why?"
You sighed and laid the book down pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and trying to get the words right before you spoke them "You're a good man Dean. You damn near raised Sam, you have saved so many people. You have a good heart and even when you fuck up it's due to good intentions and don't start about the road to hell being paved with good intentions you know what I mean. When it comes down to it there's no one else I'd rather have to back me in a fight or as a friend" the corner of his lips ticked up in a small smirk "um thanks?" You shrugged "It's the truth. Now let's finish with these books we're currently on then I think we should head to bed" "Yours or mine?" He teased with a smirk but you knew the best way to handle Dean was to give his own medicine right back to him so you quickly fired back "Oh honey I just don't think you could handle me"  and laughed at the look on his face "Yeah I can definitely see why Sam likes having you around" "oh and you don't like having me around not even in the least?" You asked and and he rolled his eyes then pushed the book you'd been reading back at you "Read your book Y/N" 
You turned your attention back to the book but noticed the way he kept glancing your way for the next half hour. When you finally closed your book to head to bed you stood and stretched "See you in the morning?" He nodded "I'll be the best looking one" you shook your head with a smile then headed to your room.
Tags: @akshi8278 @facadeformyrealblog
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jaylamcd68 · 3 years
The Rookie 3x14
GUYS I CAN’T I AM TOO SHOOK.. but I will .. god this episode was SO good though, literally the entire time I was giddy, but you just KNEW they were going to do us dirty with a cliffhanger!!!
Last week I broke it down into character arcs but it was way to blended this week so its basically going to be a walk-through of the whole episode scene by scene.
Nyla gives Lucy one last talk as she prepares to go under. Lucy then is seen just wasting time in her time in her cover motel room waiting to see if someone is going to contact her. Wopez’s wedding venue was raided by the FBI - she says they’re getting married on Saturday at the court house Tamara and Silos help out Wesley’s mother to plan a new wedding in 2 days time. Nolan gets a knock on the door from a girl dog sitting for his neighbours who got locked out. He helps her out and they plan to see each other later. Smitty is Nolan’s TO for the day (Hilarious) Aldo’s brother Dahrio Salonga and crew break into Lucy’s motel room and tell her she needs to cook for them, they tell her they are taking her for a ride somewhere and make her leave her gun but Lucy gets her spare from the closet. They make her leave her phone behind. The wedding planning trio arrive at the new venue which is closed for repairs. Wesley’s mother tells the man in charge there that her son is getting married here on Saturday - Nolan connected with some construction contacts to have the repairs finished early so they could use the venue. Nolan talks with Cesar’s girlfriend to try and get her to convince him to contact the police to make a deal to torpedo his old business since it’s now under the control of La Fiera. Nolan then dislocates his finger chasing down a shoplifting suspect. Lucy is driving with Dahrio and Bob Morely’s character who’s name I didn’t catch, they tell her they are robbing a chemical supply store to get the necessary supplies to make what they need. Lucy speeds through an intersection and gets pulled over BUT ITS JACKSON AND TIM. Dahrio says he’s going to shoot the officers because she is supposedly out on bail, Bob Morely’s character has a warrant for his arrest and the car they are driving is stolen, so of course Lucy is like WHAT no, so she tells them she hasn’t gotten a ticket since she was 16 because she always flirts her way out of it so when Tim asks her for her license and registration Lucy PAINFULLY flirts with Tim, I honestly couldn’t even enjoy it because it was SO bad, but imma let my girl slide on this one since Tim and Jackson’s lives were at stake. Anyways Tim gets what she is trying to do and let’s them go, with Lucy giving them some info to pass onto Nyla as well in secret by saying they were late to pick up party supplies for her brother so they catch on that its Aldo’s brother and the supplies are to cook something. They hit up the chemical supply store, and Bob Morely’s character is a creep and is purposely toying with one of the girls who works there, terrifying her. Lucy is not having it and almost gets into it with him. Lucy notices a camera at the warehouse and doesn’t leave the property with any of the stolen merchandise meaning she didn’t commit a crime and she is good for being a UC. Nolan and Smitty get in contact with Cesar but one of La Fiera’s snipers is there who shoots him! A wonderful moment of Tim being worried about Lucy talking with Nyla and how he thinks she’s over her head and she won’t tell people to pull her out because she’s not a quitter. Nyla says Lucy is supposed to have a check in at midnight so she will check if she’s still good, Tim tells Nyla to call him as soon as she hears from Lucy. I AM IN LOVE with the wedding planning committee - Tamara, Silos, Jackson, Tim, Wesley and his mom organizing the last minute details, Tamara talking about Cardi B and Wesleys mom wanting to know who she is and Wesley being like hell naw😂 Nolan’s date comes over and his ethics professor is there because he wants to talk about his options re: the DA wanting to charge the suspect he was chasing when he dislocated his finger with a felony assault charge. Professor Ryan talks about the systemic problem of the DA’s office over charging people. Nyla tells Tim that Lucy missed her check in. They are super worried because any product that Lucy makes cannot end up on the street or she’ll have committed a crime so they know she will die trying to stop it from happening if they can’t find her before then.
Lucy has made a batch of meth and they want to deliver it and she is panicking trying to come up with a way to delay that when they get rolled up on by La Fiera and her people. In the chaos Lucy is able to call in to let them know where she is. La Fiera recognizes Lucy but doesn’t know from where. Lucy hears her backup arrive and maneuvers the gun pulled to her head away from the guy holding it and aims it at La Fiera telling her she’s a cop and she’s under arrest. At that moment Lopez comes in saying she stole her line. Tim is with her and when Lucy asks how they got there so fast he tells her when she didn’t check in they had 400 officers searching for her all night. Nolan teams up with Grey to talk with the DA lawyer. Grey spoke with different police officers organizing so that they won’t cooperate with the DA’s office if they are overcharging people. Nolan made an enemy in the DA’s office!! Speaking of people making enemies, Lopez is locking up La Fiera in a cell and La Fiera says that she isn’t going to stay in jail to which Lopez tells her stop kidding herself. Lopez then goes for the jugular telling La Fiera that she is the reason why Diego is dead, because she used him as a cover to speak with Cesar’s father. Lopez closes the door and La Fiera looks like she’s trying to murder Angela with her eyes!!! ITS FINALLY WEDDING TIME (AND LUCY ISN’T UNDERCOVER!!) Tim is speaking with Angela and telling her that she owes him for life. Tamara comes up to Tim asking for superglue, hair pins, and HIS BADGE?! he is like uhm why?? and Tamara just gives him a look like we don’t have time for stupid questions and he just says he will handle whatever this is and tells Angela to go get ready. Jackson comes up to Wesley and his mother because Angela doesn’t have her something old/new/borrowed/blue. Wesley’s mom gives her an antique broach that her own grandmother wore at her wedding. Nolan brought his new friend Bailey to the wedding and Jackson asks to borrow something from him. Nolan gives Jackson a key chain Henry made for him as a child. Jackson steals Grey’s pocket square because it’s blue. CUE SCREAMING FOR THE CHENFORD MOMENT: Grey is speaking with Nyla when Lucy walks up to them, they are telling her she is back to normal come Monday and Lucy says she actually misses normal AS SHE IS LOOKING AT TIM. Then she goes up to him and compliments him on the nice suit and that Nova would approve, Tim banters back by saying Nova was a little thirsty 😂😍😂😍 to which Lucy responds that Nova was assertive😍❤️. Tim compliments Chen on her good work undercover taking down two major drug traffickers in her first solo undercover assignment. Cue the amazing Chen, save me a dance quote from the promo. Then we have Jackson delivering all his rounded up supplies to Angela. They share an emotional hug.
The major spoilers are below: CUE THE SCREAMS OF TERROR because the next scene is La Fiera in the transport van and you just know things are going downhill from here 😭😭😭 the van gets ambushed and La Fiera escapes. Tamara was looking for Jackson to deliver the wedding bouquet and John says he can deliver it to Lopez. But the camera pans back and Angela is being held at gunpoint by a masked man. When John arrives the room is empty and he doesn’t think anything of it until he sees the bracelet that Angela has been wearing every day since La Fiera gave it to her on the floor .. AND THEN ITS JUST OVER!!! I CANT. NO WEDDING, NO IDEA WHERE LOPEZ IS, IF SHES ALIVE, NOTHING. AHHHHHHHH I CANT. (Also my chenford heart is so sad that we aren’t going to get the dance even though I didn’t think we would but I thought it would be because she went UC not because the episode ends on a cliffhanger on whether the bride even made it😭😭😭)
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Love in Literacy Ch.10 (Levi xFem!Reader)
Into her Mind:
(all updated on my ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30083745)
You lifted your chin from your hands. You didn’t know the girl standing in front of you, but you recognized her. Her eyes were a distinct piercing green. They almost seemed to glow under the hazy light emitting from the dimly lit gas lamp placed on the wall of the dining hall. Your tears had dried at this point, but you were still in a shitty mood. And the cocky grin she sported while she leered down at you wallowing in your misery only infuriated you further. You glared up at her.
“What the hell do you want?”
It was ridiculously hot. The sun beat down on you relentlessly. It left a stinging, sticky feeling on your skin, but you didn’t falter. You pounded the training dummy, every extension of your arm left it feeling sore. Eventually, you had to take a break. You leaned on your knees, taking in heaving breaths. Should I go shower now …? You pondered, as you took in a long, slow drink of water. As you were walking back to the bench to grab your sweat towel, you heard someone call your name. You looked back up to see Commander Shadis standing at the end of the bench, arms crossed stiffly behind his back as he returned your gaze.
“Good afternoon, could I borrow you for a moment?”
Shadis had never intimidated you, but as you took in his expression, an inexplicable feeling of dread washed over you, leaving the palms of your hands feeling clammy. You nodded and reluctantly followed him to the exit of the training grounds.
“Is there something you need, sir?” you asked, as the two of you came to a stop at the gate.
He observed your face for a moment, before releasing a tired sigh, and reaching into his coat. He pulled out a small envelope and held it out to you. You slowly grabbed it from him, and immediately noticed the bright red wax seal on it. A unicorn. You cocked a brow. The Military Police...? You shot him a confused look.
“Uh… what is this?”
He shifted uncomfortably where he stood. “I regret to be the one to tell you this, but we just received word that your mother has died.”
He kept talking for a while after that, but to be honest, you couldn’t really hear him. The world fell silent around you. You caught something about a strain of tuberculosis. Something about a neighbor finding her dead in her bed. You were only pulled from your trance when he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Take the day off soldier. The envelope contains her will and a letter to you.”
You stared blankly at the envelope. You didn’t want to open it, but you would have to eventually. You began to peel away at the seal, but you couldn’t stop your hands from shaking. I can’t do this right now, I'll open this later. You shoved the envelope into your jacket and headed back to your barrack.
My Dandelion,
I hope this letter finds you well.
You sniffled. She must’ve had someone helping her write this, she never knew how to read or write very well.
It seems I’ve fallen ill. Dr. Jaeger has told me that he worries about my condition, and that it’s a very real possibility that I may die from this illness. So I wanted to send you this letter, in case of the worst possible outcome. Your old friend Milly is helping me write this letter. She’s a very kind young woman. Do you remember her? She lives next door, you two used to play together when you were younger. I remember feeling so grateful that you had a friend, the short-tempered crybaby you were, it was nothing short of a miracle. Well, I don’t want to make this letter too long, so I’ll get to the point now. To get the formalities out of the way, of course, all of my possessions go to you, my one and only daughter.
I should’ve realized it sooner, but it only occurred to me after I’d fallen ill that I’m old, and that I will die soon, whether it be from this sickness, or from something else. And I don’t want to leave anything unsaid. I’m sorry for the way I treated you growing up. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I should’ve given you the best childhood I possibly could’ve.
You had to stop reading here. You lowered the letter and took in a long, shaky breath. This was so like her. She made it sound so much worse than it was. She lashed out at you sometimes when you were younger. But it was never something you held her responsible for. It was so long ago. It was heartbreaking to think that she still felt guilty about it to her dying days. You sighed, and opened the letter back up to continue reading.
The death of your father, and the debt he left for us left me feeling resentful, and in my weakest moments, I took it out on you, and for that, I am so very sorry. But you know that I love you, and my love, through all my years, has never wavered. And I like to think that's the reason you’ve turned into the fine, brave young woman that you are. Words can not describe how proud of you I am. Although, when you told me you wanted to join the Scout Regiment, I can’t say that I didn’t question your judgment. But I decided a long time ago that I wouldn’t interfere with your decisions. All I ask is that you live a respectable life, and that you are kind to the people around you. It makes a bigger impact on the world than you might think. And you should try keeping that temper of yours in check, or else you won't make any friends. I love you, dandelion. Please live happily, even if I’m no longer there beside you.
You stared blankly at the bottom of the page, as if that would somehow make more words appear on the letter. But that was it. You closed the letter. And now the tears just wouldn’t stop. So you just sat there, crying silently, until you eventually fell asleep.
“What the hell do you want?”
Her smile only grew at this.“Sorry, I didn’t realize the princess must remain undisturbed.”
You shot up from your seat on the stairs, fists clenched. This is why you were hesitant to leave your room. What a bitch.
“I don’t have to deal with this right now,” you said coolly, as you got up from your seat on the staircase.
She flinched as you stepped forward, but as she saw that you were aiming to walk past her, she regained confidence. “H-hey wait,” she said, placing her hand on your shoulder. “I wanted to-”
“Don’t fucking touch me!” you barked, shoving her hand off. “Just leave me alone!”
After the girl had stormed off, Marla stood at the staircase, still slightly dumbfounded by the interaction. Maybe I’m not as good at flirting as I thought … Naw. That can’t be it, she decided, giving herself a confident grin. But it had gone really bad. She was more temperamental than she had anticipated.
Marla whipped her head back to see Hange running towards her, with a goofy grin on their face.
“I just saw her walking off. She looked pissed. What’d you do?” Hange panted. “I thought you were just going to flirt with her a little bit.”
“I was! And I didn’t do anything. I knew she was hot-headed, but this is a whole different level!” she said, throwing her hands up in exasperation. Hange gave her a look of disbelief.
“I told you you should've done it another time! You really need to leave people alone when things like this happen.”
Marla gave Hange a dumb look. “...When things like this happen...?”
Hange gave her an equally dumb look. “...Didn’t you know?” Hange asked, cocking their head curiously. Marla smacked her head.
“Obviously not if I’m asking you, dim-wit.” she groaned. “So spill it. What happened?”
“Her mother died this morning.”
The blood drained from Marla’s face.
“...Are you serious?” she said quietly.
“Tell me that shit before I go!” she fumed. “How could you let me go try to flirt with her when her mother died this morning!” she hissed, as her face grew a bright shade of red. Ugh, I should’ve known better than to rely on Hange for social tact.
Hange threw their hands up in innocence. “Hey, since when is it my job to keep you informed? I thought you would know because you were so interested in her.” they jeered, throwing their arm over Marla’s shoulder playfully. “Don’t sweat it too much, Marla! Just apologize another day.”Marla groaned.
“Ugh, please just shut up.”
Marla ran her hand through her hair. She had messed up.
I need to fix this.
“I’m sorry.”
Chatter bounced off the walls of the dining room in the morning breakfast rush, as scouts hurried to get their food before the good stuff ran out. You stared up at her blankly from your seat on the bench. She looked different from yesterday. Nervous now. Her face was a light shade of pink, and her hands refused to stop fiddling with the loose cloth of her t-shirt. You looked back down at your food, chomping off a large bite of your bread.
“...O-okay? Is that all you’re going to say?”
God, what the hell did she want from you?
“Well, do you accept my apology?”
You opened your mouth to tell her to buzz off, but something stopped you.
“And you should try keeping that temper of yours in check, or else you won't make any friends.”
You sighed and forced a frigid smile onto your face. You better be grateful for this.
She stared at you, mouth agape. She could’ve at least tried to hide her shock, you thought, rolling your eyes. You focused back on your meal until you heard a quiet laugh. You flipped your head back to where she stood and saw her giggling. She immediately clamped her hand over her mouth when you met her gaze, eyes wide.
“I’m sorry...but why’d you smile like that? It looked so forced.” She said quietly, slowly moving her hand from her face. Finally, she let out the sharp laugh she’d been stifling. “I remember thinking, ‘I wonder what she looks like when she smiles’...I did not expect that.” She cackled. Any attempt to hide her laughter had vanished. You stared at her, unsure of how to respond. You heard quiet snickers circulating around the tables near you, and your face began to heat up.
“Who the hell are you to judge how I smile! You should be lucky I smiled for you at all!” You exclaimed, in a shrill voice. You hopped up from your seat and began to walk to the exit. Marla's face fell.
“Wait, I’m sorry-”
“I shouldn't have bothered. Screw you." You could feel everyone's eyes boring into your back, but you didn’t care. You just needed to leave.
You woke up the next morning still feeling groggy. As expected, it hadn’t been easy to go to sleep. But thankfully, you didn’t have to get up early for training. You were to return to Shiganshina today for your mother's burial, so you had the day off. As you were beginning to freshen up, you jerked your head to the door at a loud banging. What the heck? You hurriedly threw on your coat and cautiously walked to the door. You slowly pulled it open and popped your head out of the opening, darting your eyes left and right, searching for whoever had knocked. But there was no one. You sighed. Did they knock just to run away? How immature. You pushed the door open further, and you felt a small thump against the door. You looked down and saw a small, white box, topped with a sloppily placed red bow. You eyed it warily, before quickly picking it up and hurrying back into your room
You sat at the edge of your bed. Who could’ve done this? You mentally ran through all of your fellow soldiers, but you weren’t close enough to any of them to warrant gift giving. Could it be something horrible? Would you open it and find a mangled, bloody hand? Or maybe a set of human eyes?
Dear God, how old were you? It’s just a box. You shook your head in disbelief as you hastily pulled it open. The sweet scent of strawberries wafted up into your nose as you did, and inside the box were 6 identical pieces of powdered bread. You gingerly picked one up and observed it. Sugar? You’d never had sweet bread before. Growing up, it was a delicacy your mom couldn’t afford. You brought it up to your face and gave it a sniff. You coughed as powdered sugar ran up your nose. After you'd gathered yourself, you noticed a small note tucked in between the pieces and pulled it out.
You folded the note back neatly and put it back in the box. You picked up a piece of bread and took a small careful bite.
It tasted really good.
“Get your hands off of me!” you seethed.
“You have to stay in bed! You have internal bleeding...if you fracture your rib again, it could stab your organs!” Hange pleaded as they gripped your shoulders tightly. “They just healed! They’re fragile!” But you couldn’t hear them. You saw their mouth moving, but you couldn’t make out the words. Your obliviousness infuriated you.
“You know I can’t hear you, so shut the fuck up!”
“Goddamnit, why are you so adamant on dying? If I let go of you, where the hell would you even go?!”
Only a high-pitched ringing in your ears.
“I can’t hear you!” you screamed, thrusting your body wildly to escape from their grip. “I can’t hear you!”
Nurse Lana and her assistant came rushing in. The assistant hovered behind Lana, hands trembling and eyes wide, like a wounded animal. Nurse Lana whipped her head to Hange in bewilderment.
“What happened?! I left you two alone for five minutes!” she shouted.
“She’s lashing out again! I-I think we might need some anesthesia!”
“Maria! Grab the anesthesia!”
“Y-yes ma’am!” she squeaked. Maria sprinted out the door, pale as a sheet. She seemed pretty eager to leave the room.
Lana hurried over to your bedside. She pulled a small clipboard from her coat and quickly scribbled something on it. After she was done, she held it out to you. You stopped thrashing around momentarily to read it, taking in short, labored breaths as you did.
“No! Let me leave!”
Maria came scurrying in with a bottle and some syringes and hurriedly began preparing them. Your eyes widened at the sight. Anesthesia? Your breathing became quicker and your chest felt like it was about to burst as you locked your eyes on the bottle. You didn’t want to go to sleep. You couldn’t go to sleep. You couldn’t handle the nightmares.
“...H-hey! What the hell is she doing!” you said, jerking your head up to Hange, who was still holding you down from behind. “Hange, what is she doing! Y-you know that stuff gives me nightmares!” Hange looked at you, pain painted on their expression as they tore their gaze away from yours. They couldn’t even meet your eye. A pit opened in your stomach.
“Let go of me! You can’t put that shit in me!” you shouted. You began tugging away from Hange with a newfound ferocity that obviously caught them off guard, because one of your arms finally managed to escape their grip. You immediately began attempting to free your other arm. Nurse Lana stared momentarily at the scene in disbelief.
“How the hell can she move like that...” she muttered, furrowing her brow, she rubbed her temples, and then looked back to Hange. “Hange! You need to keep her down or I won't be able to inject her!” she urged.
“I know! But she’s strong!”
“She can barely walk! Handle it!”
Your freedom was short-lived. Soon enough, Hange had you within their grasp again, and the Nurse was walking over to your bedside, syringe in hand.
You shot Hange one last desperate look. Please.
You had always been shitty at reading lips, but you were able to catch what Hange said as she looked down at you, with a guilt-ridden expression.
I’m sorry.
You felt the needle go into your arm, and the world around you fell silent.
“Marla!” you shout at her, “Marla please stop!”
She cannot hear you.
You step in front of her.
She cannot see you.
You tug at her arm, pulling it away from her face.
She cannot feel you. So she continues biting the flesh from her arm. Chewing it thoughtfully and deliberately, as if it were her last meal. Finally, she looks back at you. She stares deeply inside of you.
“Would you like a bite?”
“Would you like a bite?”
You gasp as she brings her bloodied arm towards your mouth. An offering.
“N-no thank you, and please stop biting it. You're going to die.”
She tilts her head curiously.“Isn’t that what you want?”
“What are you talking about! Of course not!”
“But I saw.”
“Inside of you,” she says softly. She looks sad.
“That’s ridiculous,” you mutter bitterly.
“Would you like a kiss?”
She kisses you softly, and you can feel yourself melting. Her sweet lips on yours again are like heaven. She pulls back slightly to take in a breath, eyes still lingering on your lips. She kisses you again, but this time more deeply, with more desire. You feel her tongue slide against your bottom lip. Oh, how you wanted to feel this again, even if it was just one more time.
But it quickly goes sour. Suddenly, Marla’s eyes flick open, and her grip on the back of your head tightens, to the point of pain. You try to squirm away, but she holds your chin firmly still with her other hand. *You feel something dripping from her mouth into yours, and you quickly realize its blood. And then, you feel something else enter your mouth. Her tongue? No. You realize with a sinking horror that she's shoving her arm meat from earlier into your mouth. You take in a sharp breath from shock, which involuntarily causes you to swallow a bit. You jolt backward, escaping her grasp, gagging. You collapse onto your forearms and knees, hacking spit, trying to get the taste from your mouth. But it's impossible. No matter how many times you spit, the sour taste of her blood remains on your tongue.*
Marla watches you from above, with a stony face. You look back up to her panting, eyes brimming with tears. When she sees you looking at her, she cracks a cold smile.
“I knew you’d eat it.”
You stared at your clock, and let out a groan. Where were they? You wondered, chewing at the end of your pen. They were supposed to have been here an hour ago. Maybe I should just go back to my room. You’d been waiting here for a while. Something might’ve come up with her, and you couldn’t wait in the library all night. With a small grunt, you pulled yourself up from your chair and began gathering your things, when you saw some movement in your top peripheral. You shot your head up, and you watched as Isabel charged through the door, and up to the front of your desk, a panting mess. You stared at her mouth, but with how fast she was talking, in combination with the fact that she seemed to be stuttering over every one of her sentences, it was hard to catch it all.
“Isabel! I have no idea what you're trying to say!” you snickered. “Please catch your breath and calm down.”
“Oh-oh yeah...okay sorry,” she breathed, pulling up a chair. “I said, ‘I’m so sorry I’m late and ‘Shadis kept us out for training longer than usual’ and ‘Levi didn’t want to come, he said something about needing to focus on the expedition’.”
“Oh, okay,” you said, offering her a small smile. “Well, let's just sit,” you told her, pulling up a second chair.
Why didn’t Levi come? He’s the one who said he wanted to have a second reading lesson. You sighed. But it did make sense. Perhaps it was presumptuous of you to assume that your lesson would be at the top of his priorities right now. Besides, you’d be lying to yourself if you said that you weren't just using these meetings to distract yourself from the expedition. Yout turned back to Isabel, who was patiently waiting for you to begin the lesson.
“Ready to begin?”
“Yes ma’am!” she piped.
“Ah Isabel, don't call me ma’am,” you said through a shy laugh.“It makes me feel like someone's granny.”
“Oh! Sorry!”
“It’s alright... Well anyways, how about we pull out a piece of paper and see how signature practice is going?” you said, as you carefully ripped out a loose sheet from your notebook, handing it to Isabel. She immediately got to work. She shut her eyes tightly and quickly moved her hand across the page. After she was done, you pulled the page from her, analyzing the work. She stared at you apprehensively, shifting in her seat. It was really good. As good as Levi’s had been. A surge of pride surged through your chest.
“So? How is it?” she whispered.
“Isabel, this looks amazing! I think you’ve completely memorized it!” you grinned.
“Wow!” she exclaimed, jumping up from her seat.
“Isabel, wait a moment here, I have just the thing for the occasion!”
You ran over to your desk and pulled out a small brown paper bag from a drawer, and then back to the table. You pulled out a piece and held it out to her. She gave you a confused look.
“What is it?”
“It’s sweet bread! Take a bite!”
“Well...okay then. Thanks!”
She stared at it momentarily, and you couldn’t help but crack a small smile at the awe in her eyes. It reminded you of the first time you’d had a sweet. You watched in amusement as she took a small bite, chewing it slowly. You frowned.
“Oh no, that’s no good! Take a bigger bite! How else are you going to get the jelly at the center?” you chuckled. “Like this!” You pulled out another piece from the bag, and took a large bite, powdered sugar falling onto your upper lip. You swallowed and gave her a wide grin.
“Like that.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll go again.” She giggled. She imitated the bite you took, stifling a small smile. After she swallowed, she stared down at the bread. Out of nowhere, tears started pouring out of her cheeks, and you jumped up from your seat.
“Woah, woah, what's wrong?” you asked, furrowing your brow.
“No, no, it’s nothing!” she flushed a deep shade of pink, fervently wiping her tears away. “...It’s just really good,” she said, softly.
You gave her a soft smile.
“It is, isn’t it?”
“You have sugar on your face,” Levi said.
The two of you sat together in the garden, eating sweet bread. The warm sun felt lovely on your skin.
“Oh, what?” your face began to heat up, as you wiped aimlessly at your mouth. You looked back at him.
“Uh, did I get it?”
“Come here.”
He slipped his hand onto your lower back, and he tugged you towards him. When his hand made contact with your back, you felt a tingling shock run up your spine. Your faces were just inches away. He gently grabbed your chin, wiping it away with his thumb. Your heartbeat rose from your chest to your ears.
“Thank you,” you said, as you began shying away from his hand.
But he still held your chin.
He pressed his lips against yours. Your chest felt like it was going to burst. The feeling made you want to run away and hide, but at the same time, you didn’t want anything to interrupt the moment. Your lips parted slightly, and Levi’s followed suit. They were soft. You felt his tongue creeping into your mouth…
Your eyes flickered open. Your eyes darted back and forth the room, taking in your surroundings. You had fallen asleep in the library. You sighed and placed your hand on your cheek. It was warm. Really warm. You sighed. This is literally the last thing I need right now, you thought, glumly. You covered your face in your hands, and let out an obnoxious groan. You needed to calm down. After you were done having your moment, you pulled yourself away from your hands.
Well…Time to suppress that memory.
You stretched your arms, and leapt up from your chair, and began to head out of the library. By the end of the day, you’d forgotten about the dream.
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A Sinful Voice 1 (One Shot) Cajun Accented Human Alastor X Crossdresser Mark
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Hello sexies another Cajun alastorwe hope you all enjoy this as well as it is with crossdresser mark again enjoy!]
(no one's pov)
A man sat down, glancing around. Why there were so many people here..it was clear he was uncomfortable, the only reason he was here, he needed to get the Police off his tail. he watched as a 'woman' walked out as the music started
"Gee I'm awful lonesome,
I need company,
'Cause I've turned my sweetie down,
For he's been cheatin' on me
Now I'm by my ownsome,
An' I'm thinkin'of;
I'm just lookin' round for a new sweetie,
I want somebody to love
Won't somebody hear my plea?
I'll be sweet as I can see
I wanna good man,
And I want him bad
If you crave endearing charms,
I can fill your empty arms
I wanna good man,
And I want him bad" the singer continued with the band playing as the men and a few women watched.
"To take a chance
In love's romance,
Now that's right where I shine
For love indeed
Is what I need,
Affection is my line
In my plea, for goodness sake,
Won't someone give me a break?
I wanna good man,
And I want him bad" the song continued as the man looked up from his drink.
"If you're poor or if you're rich,
Strong or weak, I don't care which
I love to have a good man,
And I need him so bad
If you're hot or if you're cold,
I don't care if you're young or old,
I'd even take one ninety three,
But I want him so bad
Now look at me;
You will see
I'm very very real!" They stopped looking at the crowd. "Well...mostly." they laughed at their own joke as the room laughed as well. "Don't have the dough
Of Sarah Bow,
But lots more neck appeal
Now's your chance, men, hear me say,
"This may be your lucky day!".
I wanna good man,
And I want him bad
Say, I still own
A country home,
'Way from noise and fuss;
A little love nest,
A place to rest,
The rest is up to us
Here I am, make up your mind," they then make a quotation mark with their hands at the next part.
" "Girls" like me are hard to find
I wanna good man,
And I want him so bad" they finish the song as the room clapped as they smiled. "Aw you are all so nice. You all make a girl feel important...well and a boy too." They said
Laughing as they walked off the stage as Alastor hasn't blinked, only just blinking now with the burning pain.
(So Alastor was worried the police suspected him..so..his alibi is a gay underground club?)
(Not the best al XD)
(well I mean they got some great music)
She or he had been the most beautiful person he ever met and his brain was processing what he just saw
He watched as they came over, another person beside them.
"You think the police will raid again?"
"Oh I hope not. I'm starting to feel whatever money I'm making, going straight to bailing myself out. Look at me, 'a danger to society' is what they call me. Like I'm harming anyone. I mean god, if I end up in prison I'm dead. I won't survive."
"I know you wouldn't."
"You're not supposed to agree-- we should have stayed in Canada. I mean we get our papers and what do you know, the first state we visit? Jail. Then we get out." They walk next to alastor not paying attention, focusing on their own conversation.
"Then jail, again and then we get out and suddenly there a killer..." The other one said as the brunette sat right beside Alastor, he could smell that perfume. It wasn't like the chemical smell, it was.. similar to the one his mother would sometimes wear in fancy occasions
(he just.. He really just compared to his mother..)
It made him visibly relax and he had to look at the brunettes in detail
He looked at her, well him, it was a man, the fave shape although very feminine did have a more masculine shape, the hair was definitely his, it was all together, there was not a single strand out of place. His makeup complimented his eyes and his sun kissed skin--
"Oh sorry, are we making you uncomfortable?" The other one asked. "Huh--" "you know talking about the serial killer going around--" "John, I'm sure the man wasn't even paying attention. Why don't you go fix your makeup?" "Rude Mark, rude, you always want the cute ones" he said as he walked off leaving the two.
"Don't mind John. He can get that way, I'm Mark, say you look pretty uncomfortable, something tells me you didn't come here to see men in stockings and women in suits."
(Alastor pov)
My heart began to race and I had to put my hand on it. "Naw I never pay my mind to the to sex really. I just hear the music was good, you know Mawn Ange?" I say.
I see him stop before he smiled. "I know what you mean, normally I'd say you and every other man in here, but I can tell you're telling the truth..the music used to be much better..but some of our musicians are still in jail." He said looking at me. "..I'd like to see you here again though, I think if you appreciate music, you'll like it here"
And we'll..that's how I became a regular, I found out so much more about him. He was born to a large family, wants one of his own, left home due to differing opinions if jobs and sexuality but is slowly regaining a relationship with his mother, he's never been out of Quebec before this, he is very sensory, when talking to him he just plays with his jackets fur. And he seemed to always have something in his mouth. Gum, unlit cigarette since he apparently doesn't smoke really ever but it's something to put in his mouth, and that he has a fan that's getting a little too handsy.. and I feel he should be more forceful about getting him to stop, but I'm sure mark is just to m
Much a pacifist to really stop it..my dear little far - mine? ..I suppose..I wanted him to be mine.
(Oh he's close to snapping yasss)
I could not stop thinking about him or dreaming about him he consumed every second of my life and I needed him. I was in love. I had trouble killing without seeing him first to make sure he was safe. I watched as Mark left as I see the man as I glare as I grabbed him, dragging him behind into the alleyway as I stabbed him before he shoved me back, running away when I hear heels. A double murder.. well isn't that eventful--
"I-I can't believe I left my purse back there, I don't even have the keys for the front do--oh my god!"
"You gotta run! The devil of new Orleans it's him he--" I hear a thud as I ran out to see Mark.
"No no no no no you're going to be okay you're-- oh my god.."he muttered, his hands holding the man's wound when he noticed me.
(oh no..oh mark Mark) do you have to care about other people and try and save them from their wounds? Why cant you have self preservation and run
He stared at me. "pl-Please just let me save him...." He says staring at me and I smirked oh sweet mark your kind heart has led you right into my arms~
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter done we hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy!]
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Reunion Job
leverage 3.02
Madavhi: All my work, erased, and I was only days away from cracking Manticore.
Nate: What's "Manticore"?
Madavhi: It's an electronic surveillance system. The Iranian government uses it to track protesters over cell phones, social networks, even e-mail.
Hardison: Yeah, hacker underground's flipping out about it. They use GPS to pinpoint a dissident, and then they swoop in and make the arrest.
Madavhi: The Internet made this protest possible, but now it's just a –
Nate: A liability? The government uses the people's weapon against them
- - - - -
Nate: "Cyrus"? It's "Mr. Madavhi." You can't get that attached.
Hardison: Fine. "Mr. Madavhi." He could go make a fortune working for Google or Microsoft. No, instead he risks his life fighting the bad guys. This is so our game.
Eliot (at the table behind them): He wasn't hit by the Vezarat. (comes around to sit with Hardison and Nate)
Nate: What, are you lurking?
Eliot: Yeah. I'm a lurker. It's my thing
- - - - -
eliot’s smile and raised eyebrows (x2) at hardison tho
+ he’s also wearing a red flannel with his leather jacket
- - - - -
Hardison: What's the Vezarat?
Eliot: That's the Iranian secret police. And trust me, if they wanted Cyrus, he wouldn't be sitting here talking to us.
Nate: But the Vezarat is still our logical target. So we should check our sources and see if there's a safe house in the area.
Hardison: So we're on this?
Nate: Yeah, well, we were always on this. I just wanted you to explain to me why. (gets up and heads for the Poker Room)
Hardison: You know how I feel about Mind games, Nate. Negatively. What are you looking at, lurker?
- - - - -
Sophie: Eliot. Eliot, get rid of it. Ugh!
Eliot: (chuckling) I think he likes you.
Sophie (stands): You're gonna pay for this
eliot: mocks her
sophie: imma get back at you SO HARD and you’re never gonna see it coming
- - - - -
“That’s gonna cost ya” “I gotta dock ya”- hardison and eliot like a million times in this episode
- - - - -
Parker: At the East corner. (pushes vent out and enters the room) For a den of evil spies, this place smells delicious. Hardison, confiscate some pastries. (sits down at computer) Okay, no sign of Cyrus' hardware.
we love seeing parker in vents in her element + CONFISCATE PASTRIES FOR HER
- - - - -
Nate: Any of you ever trimmed a bonsai?
Eliot: Well, you know, I did. I was in Osaka, and I met this Japanese policewoman at a geisha bar....
- - - - -
Parker (to Sophie): Why is Eliot pouring your tea? Hmm? Did you brainwash him again?
Sophie: Mm, neurolinguistic programming. It's amazing what you can do with the power of suggestion. "Sugar." "Squeezed." a few strategic pats on the arm.
(Sophie pats Eliot on the arm and he pours her more tea, then realizes what Sophie has done)
Eliot: Damn it!
Sophie: You owe me for that roach business!
Eliot: Sophie, not again. (walks away)
okay but SHES DONE THIS TO HIM BEFORE LMFAO + a bonus parker and hardison laughing
also parker was eating a plate of pastries so that means thE BOYS GOT SOME FOR HER I LOVE IT
- - - - -
parker and hardison go into the office and be like 👀👀👀 wow he’s lonely
- - - - -
Eliot: Nobody else thinks it's weird that you can just buy anybody's yearbook online?
Hardison: You know, it's real cute, man, how you still believe in privacy
- - - - -
Nate: Here we go. Uh, Mrs. Zavransky, math teacher. Now, I bet if we turn to the cheerleaders... (turns page) Yes. Oh, Mandy. Mandy Babson.
Parker: What does the "DD" Mean?
Eliot: Yeah, right...
Nate: Seriously?
Hardison: Yeah, right. Two scoops of ice cream, just perfect.
she’s baby leave her alone
also bless hardison for not wanting to tarnish her
- - - - -
Parker: Aw, I feel bad for the nerd.
Eliot: Don't feel bad for this guy. Getting bullied in high school Is still no excuse for propping up dictators. He got bulled his whole high-school career. He's not criminal.
Sophie: Um...
Parker: Yeah, he is.
Sophie: Don't think about that.
Eliot: Not a bad criminal.
Hardison: Hey, what makes you think I got bullied in high school?
Eliot: Well, "A," You got a green hornet doll.
Hardison: Well, first of all, it's a limited-edition action figure. Second, it is green lantern. Educate yourself.
Eliot: Wow.
Hardison: Now pay attention. Get it right.
eliot “not a bad criminal” spencer knows that hardison is a good person with solid morals
also, eliot to some extent knows about hardison’s action figues which means that he has either seen them or hardison has told him specifically that he had them. this means that they have had, even if eliot seemed annoyed, some sort of conversations/hardison-talking-at-him-conversations and eliot LISTENED to a certain extend that he was able to recall this
- - - - -
Nate: Guys, wait, wait. Listen, listen. We got a locker combination, we have a teacher's name, and we have a crush. So, Duberman, he has made his old high school his Roman room.
Parker: Of course.
Nate: "Of course"? What's a Roman room? You have no idea, right? You know—
Parker: Nn.
Nate: You don't have any idea? It's a, it's a memory technique. Each of his passwords corresponds to an object in a space that he's intimately familiar with. In his case, the hallway of his old high school where he kept his locker. Now, if I were to make this bar my Roman room, everything I need to remember is right here. For instance, This, uh... My bank password would be "Balmoor." And my e- mail password would be Fitzy, here.
- - - - -
Parker: Hey. Nate just gave us his passwords.
Hardison: No, but I got all his passwords. You want to see his Netflix queue? He's got, like, every season of "Rockford files" every season of "Sex and the city," That show "Psych”.
chaotic children
- - - - -
Parker: You want to break into the high school? I could do that blindfolded. Yeah let's do it blindfolded.
- - - - -
Hardison: What do you know? Class of '85 has a reunion coming up in 8 months.
Nate: Hmm.
they all smile conspiratorially and eliot’s smile in specific gave me serotonin
- - - - -
(Parker sets up a video camera and walks past a board of photos)
Parker: So many awkward people in so many ugly outfits.
[Interior Van]
Hardison: Yeah, you're lucky you never went to high school. Nothing but heartbreak and homework.
[High School Gym]
Parker: Didn't you go to your prom?
[Interior Van]
Hardison: Uh...I was kind of busy.
(a teenaged Hardison is sitting at a computer making a transfer from the Bank of Iceland)
Hardison: Looks like the Bank of Iceland's paying off Nana's medical bills. That's dope!
[Interior Van]
Hardison: Good times
- - - - -
Hardison: Besides, I'm sure you already had your high- school fun. Big man on campus. What, quarterback?
Kid: Come on, Eliot. This is so lame. Quarterbacks do not take Home Ec.
Eliot: I got my reasons.
Kid: Phew! Let's get out of here.
Girl: Eliot, like this. (leans over Eliot, showing her cleavage) Knives are like people. It's all about the context.
[Exterior Dubertech]
Eliot: I had many interests
- - - - -
hardison getting too into the high school drama lmao
- - - - -
Hardison: Not exactly. (looking at information on monitors) She's a hired gun.
Sophie: An assassin? Nikki’s an assassin?
[Interior Van]
Hardison: Yeah, I guess we weren't the only ones with the bright idea to pose as alumni. This chick's connected to wet work jobs All up and down the East coast. Russian mob, Italian mob. There's a New Zealand mob?
her name is miranda miles *squints at the file on hardison’s computer* bruh no way she’s only 25 ??? they even give her height and weight but I guess that’s how all wanted files go
also in one of the commentaries didn’t they say that she was married to that other assassin ???
- - - - -
(a piece of door falls in and the Vezarat leader looks in)
Vezarat Leader: The health inspector?
Eliot: I'm gonna have to dock you again
also he’s wearing a grey flannel under his jacket
- - - - -
(Eliot knees the leader in the face, then pulls him up and punches him in the head. He turns to duck a blow from the other man and hits him in the head with one of Duberman’s chess trophies)
Eliot: Checkmate.
(Eliot throws the trophy down on the man. Behind him the leader stands up and cracks his neck)
Eliot: Or not.
he did the lil flip thing with the trophy
- - - - -
(Sophie hits Nikki in the head with the extinguisher and takes off her shoes)
Sophie: I always hated cheerleaders.
(Nikki swings several times and Sophie blocks each blow with the extinguisher, hurting Nikki’s wrist)
Sophie: It's mean girls like you that always ruined high school for the rest of us!
Nikki: What the hell are you talking about?
(Nikki kicks but Sophie moves to one side. Nikki tries to punch but Sophie blocks with the extinguisher. Sophie dodges a kick and hits Nikki in the head, then pushes her down and runs away. Nikki grabs her gun and fires after Sophie, missing her)
Nikki: Damn it
- - - - -
Nikki: Now, why would I do that?
(Parker walks forward and tasers Nikki in the neck)
Nikki: Ohh!
Nate: That's why.
(Nikki falls to the ground, convulsing. Parker grabs her legs and starts to pull her away)
Parker: Catering, what a business
we love to see parker tasering people
- - - - -
on today’s edition of things that aren’t weapons that eliot uses as weapons, our guy literally used one of the goons’ bodies to hit another goon and send them both down
what a king
- - - - -
Mandy: Your votes are in for the king and queen of the reunion! And the lucky winner is, Grace Peltz and Drake McIntyre!
Schmitty: Mac attack! Yeah!
(the crowd escorts Nate and Sophie forward)
Nate: Uh, very funny, Hardison.
Hardison: Oh, you think I did this? Naw, man, I don't rig elections. I mean, I could, but...
Sophie: Parker, Was this you?
Parker: (hanging upside down) I didn't even know they had kings and queens in high school
- - - - -
Hardison (looks up): May I have this dance, miss?
(Parker lowers herself on her line and they begin dancing)
Parker: So this is what high school was like, huh?
Hardison: Ah...Pretty much.
Eliot: Hello?
[Exterior Dubertech]
(Eliot walks out of the building as Sloane gets to his feet)
Eliot: Everybody having a good time at the dance? Anybody wonder if Eliot made it out?
(Eliot punches Sloan, who falls back into the bushes)
Eliot: Does anybody wonder if Eliot's alive? Hello?!
[High School Gym]
(the two couples continue to dance as the music plays)
🥰 parker’s feet not touching the floor 🥰
also aww poor eliot someone care about him pls
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 6, 2021: Romeo + Juliet (1996)
From the top!
Two households, both alike in dignity In Fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross’d lover take their life; Whose misadventured, piteous overthrows Do, with their death, bury their parents’ strife The fearful passage of the death-mark’d love, And the continuance of their parents’ rage Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage; The which, if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strike to mend.
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I mean, c’mon. It’s Shakespeare, I practically had to.
Which is why it may come as a surprise to hear that I think this play is overrated, far too overexposed, and honestly stars two of the most obnoxiously immature protagonists that Shakespeare ever wrote. Which is not to say that I don’t like it, but it is to say that it isn’t my favorite. Which one is my favorite, you ask? Eh, I vacillate between a few, but I might get into it, we’ll see.
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Weirdly fitting, though, since this film is directed by a director who also isn’t my favorite. Can’t say I have a definitive favorite director either, but Baz Luhrmann ain’t it. To be fair, I haven’t seen Moulin Rouge (probably should, huh?), but his turn on The Great Gatsby...wasn’t my favorite, I’ll just leave it at that.
And while we’re into it, lemme just address Romeo and Juliet adaptations on film real quick. To be completely transparent, before today...I’ve only seen one adaptation of the play: Franco Zeffirelli’s excellent 1968 turn on it, and it’s a fantastic adaptation at that. Sone of you, however, may now be realizing that, if I’ve only seen one adaptation of the play...there’s an extremely glaring omission to my film repertoire.
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Yeaaaaaaaaah...we’ll get there, I promise.
But, of course, the adaptations only scratch the surface of this plays influence. See, the whole point of the rivalry between the Montagues and the Capulets is that it’s SO OLD, that nobody truly remembers why it started in the first place. Because of that, other romance films have sought to supply a reason for that rivalry.
In other words, the two protagonists destined to fall in love often come from two backgrounds, if not families, that class. And, yes, only ONE FILM that I’ve watched this month doesn’t do that. Dirty Dancing and The Notebook make their “ancient grudge” class-based; low-class vs. upper-class. Even You’ve Got Mail makes it about money, although that one’s a little more of a stretch. In any case, versions of this trope have lasted for centuries, and it’s...maybe poisoned romantic cinema? I mean, there’s a reason they all seem similar. They’re all taking from a classic. And, yeah, more of them than you’d think use this formula. I mean...
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Hell, if you think about it, both of them are technically dead by the end.
Anyway, jumping right smack dab into the ‘90s, where teen heartthrob of the decade, Leo DiCaprio himself, is cast to play the titular teen boy, and sort-of popular at the time Claire Danes is cast as the titular teen girl. Put them together, and you have a hatred that will last for centuries. Because yeah, they HATED each other apparently. Let’s watch! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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...Look, here’s a quick recap of a story that EVERYBODY KNOWS.
Two families hate each other, and each has a teenage kid; a boy named Romeo and a girl named Juliet. They see each other at a party, they IMMEDIATELY get those teenage hormones a flowing and fall in love at first sight. They talk a few times, then decide to get married. Romeo’s friends say, “Dude, her family’s all dicks,” and Romeo says “naw, dude, she’s hawt,” They hook up, and they get secret-married. But, since they can’t be together in life, and since Juliet’s supposed to marry a whole other dude, Juliet runs to the priest and says, “hey, fake my death real quick?” He gives her a potion, she pretends to be dead, Romeo finds out (after one of his friends is killed by Juliet’s cousin), and runs to her side. Dude then ACTUALLY kills himself with poison, only for Juliet to wake up, see his dead body, and then kill HERSELF with a KNIFE, and then the families find out, and the Prince comes by and just says, “Goddamn, you guys are dicks. So much so that you killed your kids, congrats.” And that’s the end.
Yeah. Two hours of play and movie (nice touch, by the way, Luhrman) compressed into a paragraph. And yet...I’m still gonna recap this movie. Glutton for punishment, I guess. And with that said...
It all starts with a newscaster, speaking the lines of the Prologue in the guise of a newscast, which is...very neat, actually! That’s followed by...Pete Postlethwaite saying the whole thing over again, backed by a hell of a lot of fast cut editing.
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...Oh God, it’s a Luhrmann movie. I forgot. Also, uh...really trying to stretch out that runtime to make that 2-hour mark, huh, Bazzie? I admire that you’re trying to stick to that “two hour-stage” quote from the Prologue, really I do...but you had to repeat the Prologue TWICE to do that?
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As the lines flash on screen, we’re also introduced to out major players, whom I’ll just introduce as they come up. After a little montage of the movie to come, and a confirmation that the ancient grudge has broken out into a gang war on the streets of Verona Beach (clever), we jump in the car of a few Montagues: Sampson (Jaime Kennedy), Benvolio (Dash Mihok), and Gregory (Zak Orth).
At a gas station, they meet some Capulets, specifically Abra (Vincent Laresca) and a few others. After some thumb-biting, they all draw their swords. Which are guns that have sword written on them. Well, that’s just silly.
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This standoff is interrupted by the arrival of another Capulet: Tybalt (John Leguizamo). This, of course, leads to a swordfight (ugh), during which all players are, just...REAL dramatic with their movements, holy shit. In the process, Sampson’s shot (or...stabbed, I dunno), and the gas station explodes.
It’s war in the streets now, as Tybalt and Benvolio are eventually intercepted by Captain Prince (Vondie Curtis-Hall), the chief of police for Verona Beach. He reads out his rage upon the heads of the families. For the Montagues, these heads are Ted (Brian Dennehy) and Caroline (Christina Pickles); and for the Capulets, they’re Fulgencio (Paul Sorvino) and Gloria (Diane Venora). Is...is the grudge taking place because one of them is named “Ted,” and the other is FUCKING “FULGENCIO”? Because that’s one hell of a dichotomy.
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Captain Prince lets them all off with a warning (I mean, no, they should ALL be arrested), and Caroline and Ted question the whereabouts of their melodramatic emo son. That son is, of course, Romeo (Leonardo DiCaprio), who laments poetically about how fucked up his family is.
Hanging out at a decrepit carnival (because of course he is), he’s soon found by Benvolio, and he laments on the lack of love between their two families. They bond over talk of women, and decide to secretly go to a party held by the Capulets that night to check out some girls.
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Meanwhile, Fulgencio is speaking about this whole mess to Dave Paris (Paul Rudd). D...Dave? Really? We’re keepin’ fuckin’ Benvolio and Balthasar, but we had to name Paris DAVE? Guys, a little consistency with the name shit, PLEASE! Anyway, Dave (uuuuugh) is the governor’s son, and very wealthy, while also being a suitor for Fulgencio’s daughter.
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That daughter is, of course, Juliet (Claire Danes), who’s being attended by her vain mother and kindly Nurse (Miriam Margoyles). As her mother’s preparing for the party, she talks up Paris as a suitor, although Juliet doesn’t seem SUPER into it. And s the Nurse tells her to “seek happy nights to happy days,” we go to Sycamore Grove, and to another party.
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And this is where we meet my favorite character (everybody’s favorite character, let’s be honest): Mercutio (Harold Perrineau). Mercutio has been invited to the Capulet’s party, and invites Romeo to come along, in disguise. In the process, he gives one of the play’s most famous monologues: Queen Mab’s Speech. It’s truncated here, ad to be frank, Perrineau’s performance is a bit...over the top. But, it ends up to be fairly effective.
Also, Queen Mab is ecstasy. Yeah, that kinda dulled by enthusiasm for the whole enterprise, I ain’t gonna lie. But Romeo lies with Queen La, and they head to the Capulet’s party. And we’re about to hit PEAK LUHRMANN, people.
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Look, I’m lame, I’ve never really done drugs, ecstasy included...but it FEELS like I’ve taken something now. And Romeo’s now trying to sober-up a bit. He dunks his head into a sink in the bathroom, and looks at a tropical aquarium that’s in there. And through that aquarium...
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However, Juliet’s quickly spirited away by Nurse, and brought to dance with Dave. Romeo, meanwhile, gives his “Did my heart love till now” speech, and DOESN’T SAY THAT SHE DOTH TEACH THE TORCHES TO BURN BRIGHT??? Seriously, the beginning of that speech is completely deleted. That line, in and of itself, should’ve been left in.
Anyway, Romeo and Juliet speak, and the teenagers kiss...a lot. And yeah, they do kiss in this scene in the ply, but not that much. Immediately afterwards, they discover their family alliances, and Romeo and Mercutio flee the party. Romeo heads back soon after, and, well...you know the line. But soft...
This movie...LOVES water, huh? We see both Romeo and Juliet from underwater at separate points, they see each other for the first time through an aquarium, they’re making out in a pool right now. I mean, I’m sure there’s some symbolism to that, but I’m not sure what it is yet.
Anyway, the two starcross’d lover come just short of crossing stars, and they IMMEDIATELY get engaged to marry.
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After a bit of ‘90s music whiplash, we meet Father Laurence (Pete Postlethwaite), a botany-loving priest, and soon-to-be ally to the young couple. Romeo asks Laurence to wed them, despite the fact that Romeo actually was in love with a woman named Rosaline. But, yeah, she’s one of the unseen casualties of this play, only sometimes making it into adaptations. As Romeo speaks to the Priest, I think this is a great time to mention that there is a FUCKTON of Jesus and Christian imagery in this movie. Water and Jesus, goddamn.
The Priest agrees, believing that a marriage between the two could bring peace to Verona Beach at last. We also get a bunch of quick edits showing various parts of the Luhrmann Shakespeare Cinematic Universe, all backed by a choir boy singing “When Doves Cry.” This is an...unusual movie.
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It also seems that Tybalt has issued a challenge against Romeo, which Mercutio and Benvolio muse upon. They meet with Romeo on the beach, and as they hang around, their revelry is interrupted by the arrival of the Nurse. She gives him a warning not to fuck with Juliet’s heart, which he says that he won’t, as they’re planning on marrying. She appears to approve, but Mercutio seems not to. Definitely going with a more superficially mercurial take on the character, which fits. But that’ll be more apparent later.
Nurse goes to Juliet, and...OK, is she supposed to be Italian or Hispanic? Because I feel like I’m supposed to be mildly offended, but I don’t even know what she’s going for here. Anyway, the wedding time approaches, and the two get wed in secret. But on the beach, Tybalt has come to go after Romeo. Romeo tries to make amends, even giving up his “sword” to him, much to Mercutio’s anger. Which, uh...he’s not gonna stand for.
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And, of course, Mercutio’s fatally stabbed while defending Romeo’s honor. He lays A PLAGUE O’ BOTH THEIR HOUSES, and dies. Romeo’s PISSED, and immediately goes to kill Tybalt. That leads to Romeo’s banishment, although they consummate their marriage before he takes off. Also, Juliet KNOWS that he KILLED HER COUSIN...but it’s Leo, I guess, and...hormones.
Romeo’s banished and goes to Mantua, AKA a trailer park in the middle of the desert. Juliet, meanwhile, is commanded by her father to marry Paris, although she REALLY isn’t into it now! She goes to Laurence and, yeah, threatens to kill him AND herself if he doesn’t have an idea. Hormones, man. They’ll fuck you UP.
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Laurence’s solution, of course, is to have Juliet pretend to have killed herself by drinking a potion. No idea why he comes up with this idea, or has the skill to make the potion, but some questions aren’t meant to be asked or answered. He also says to that he’ll send a litter to Romeo, to let him know what the deal is.
Juliet pretends to kill herself, and it interred with her relatives. Meanwhile, Romeo’s cousin Balthasar (Jesse Bradford) comes by the desert, having just gone to Juliet’s funeral, and tells him that Juliet’s dead. And since Romeo never got the goddamn letter, he’s decided, “Well! Guess I’m gonna kill myself.”
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He gets some poison, then goes to Juliet’s tomb, which is...decked in neon crosses. I mean, it looks nice, even it’s very, uh...over the top. Goddamn.
And, at this point, you know how this goes. Romeo drinks the poison and dies, Juliet wakes up JUST after, then kills herself as well, and the parents of both parties arrive to see them both dead, along with the Prince, who says “Y’ALL ARE DICKS,” and bounces.
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That’s Luhrman’s Romeo + Juliet. And it’s a movie. Yeah, that I’ll give you. What did I think? What rating does it get? Well...I’ll elucidate in the Review.
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Come Hell or High Water Chapter 5: Storms A-Brewin’
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Who?: Leonard McCoy x Reader
What?: Had to deal with the aftermath of date night, Leonard is a storm waiting to happen, and never play B.S. with Joanna. You will lose.
Word Count: 2364
Warnings: Language, cheesy-ness, little bit of steam for good measure (Its a hot southern summer yall 🤪)
A/n: WOOO BOY. Finally got this done, and let me apologize once again for the wait. Work is finally looking like it’s gonna lighten up on me so hopefully I’ll be able to work on this a lot more now. As always, @bakerstreethound​ is an angel who I love and adore and she’s the best. 
Series Masterlist
You were greeted by the whole family as you finally pulled into the yard. Joanna nearly crushed poor Leonard in a hug the moment his feet hit the ground. “Hey now, it’s alright, Shug. We’re okay,” He held her tight, once again failing to hide the tears brimming his eyes. Jim had rushed to your side but stopped himself before he could aggravate his sunburn by hugging you.
“Gosh I can’t take you anywhere, can I?” He joked, but before you could respond, the sound of a car rolling up the gravel drive drew everyone’s attention.
“Apparently not.” You said after stepping back to see a black and white police vehicle approaching. Leonard quickly sent Joanna inside before coming over to place a supportive hand on your back.
“Leave it to Jocelyn to get the police involved.” He said with a clenched jaw. You both tensed as the door opened, and as the person inside stepped out, you looked up to see recognition on Len’s face. Eleanora was the first to speak.
“Sheriff Graham. What can we do for you?” The man stepped forward and shook his head gravely.
“’Fraid I’m here to talk to that boy of yours, El,” He continued walking forward as he spoke until he stood directly in front of you both. He looked you up and down before turning his attention to Leonard. “See, somebody down at the music festival got in quite the scrap with his ex-wife, and I had to come see for myself the woman who put her on her ass.” He broke out in a grin as he finished, and you felt Leonard relax beside you.
“Damn it, man, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Len said while reaching out to shake the sheriff’s hand. The man laughed and returned the gesture, and you quickly spoke up in surprise.
“Wait, she’s not pressing charges?”
“Well, she wanted to, but I’ve got about 30 witnesses that were ready to testify in front of God himself that she started it, so she gave up the notion pretty fast.” He said, finally turning his attention to you. “Leonard, please tell me this gorgeous gal is the one responsible.” You couldn’t help the slight blush dusting your cheeks as you nodded and reached out to shake the man’s hand.
“I’m afraid I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations, Sheriff.” You said. He laughed and waved you off.
“Not that it matters, but it would be kinda hard to play innocent considering you practically announced your name and rank to everyone in the vicinity, sweetheart. Which, by the way, was a hell of a ballsy move. How you ended up with this old stick in the mud is beyond me.” He said, giving Leonard a playful shove, which was met with a scowl. You giggled and moved to wrap your arms around Len’s waist.
“Just lucky, I guess.” You said, smiling up at your lover.
“He must be.” Said the sheriff with a wink. El, who had been standing off to the side, stepped forward to stand alongside the three of you.
“Why don’t you come inside and sit a spell, John? I’ve got some fresh tea in the fridge.” She said. The sheriff offered a polite smile before shaking his head.
“Naw, I’ve got to get back into town. It was great seeing y’all, though. Pleasure meeting you, Lieutenant Commander (Y/n) (Y/L/N).” He said, finishing with a tip of his hat. You grinned and gave a dramatic curtsy.
“Pleasures all mine, Sheriff Graham.” He shook Leonard’s hand again and hugged Eleanora before hopping back into his vehicle with a wave. You were waving back when the sound of the front door opening drew your attention. You turned to find Jim walking out with a look of disbelief.
“Did you just charm your way out of an assault charge?” He demanded. Deciding to mess with him, you nodded your head.
“Yep.” You said, popping the p. Leonard shook his head as you broke out in giggles. “No, Jim. I was smart enough to not throw the first punch, so we’re all good. He just stopped by to say hello.” Jim shook his head as you all made your way inside.
“Unbelievable.” He mumbled to himself. Once inside, Joanna was waiting to bombard you all with questions, until Eleanora eventually sent her, and everyone else, to bed. You finally relaxed as you got upstairs, not realizing how much tension you’d been holding in your body since the whole ordeal started. Leonard came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Some date night, this turned out to be, huh?” You said bitterly. He hummed in response as he buried his face in your neck.
“I’ve had worse. Cmon. Let’s just go to bed.” He mumbled against your skin. You sighed and nodded, letting him walk you forward until you reached the bed.
Everyone slept in the next day; no premade plans meant there was no rush to get up and get going. Nowhere was this more evident than the bed you were sharing with Leonard. He had wrapped himself around you like a koala and was refusing to let you get out of bed, citing “lazy day laws” as his excuse. When you finally made it downstairs, Joanna was curled up on the couch reading one of her new books while El and Donna sat watching the news. “Mornin’ you two. Give me just a minute, I haven’t started cooking yet, I wanna see the weather.” El said, moving to get up, but you were quick to jump in.
“No, no, don’t worry about it! Just point me in the direction of the cereal, and I’ll be right as rain, although I’ll let Len speak for himself.” You said, looking up over your shoulder at the man. He gave you a quick smile before looking back up to his mother.
“Yeah, Ma, don’t worry about it. I think you’ve earned a break from all the excellent cookin you’ve been doing all week.” She still looked hesitant as she replied.
“Well, if y’all are sure…”
“Absolutely.” You reaffirmed, nodding. She sighed and relaxed back into her seat.
“Cereal’s where it’s always been, Leonard.” He walked over and placed a kiss on her head.
“Thanks, ma.” She smiled and waved him off. He walked back over and took your hand to lead you into the kitchen, grabbing two bowls from one cabinet and the cereal from another. Jim walked in right as you finished pouring your bowl, grabbing the box from your hand. You shook your head as he grabbed a bowl, bright and chipper despite having clearly just rolled out of bed.
“Was he like this at the academy? I can’t imagine rooming with a morning person.” You jokingly asked Len.
“Worse than you can imagine, sweetheart.”
“Hey!” Jim cried out, indignantly.
“Up at 5:30 every morning. God knows how many times I’d come back from an overnight clinic shift to find that Hurricane Jim had hit, leaving snack wrappers and textbooks laying everywhere,” Leonard said, pointing at Jim, who’d decided to ignore him and read the news on his PADD instead. “Not to mention the number of women out there who had to endure me trying to explain that my roommate had already left and that she needed to go-” Leonard’s rant was cut off by the sudden sputtering and coughing coming from Jim. Leonard was by his side in a flash, and you turned to see Jim waving him off while laughing and coughing. “The hell’s wrong with you?” Len demanded. Jim held up a finger while he got himself under control and then handed Leonard his PADD.
“Just the greatest coincidence I’ve seen in years.” Leonard looked down at the device in his hand, his eyes bugging out comically as he read the screen.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” The sound of Joanna’s laughter and rapid footsteps nearly overwhelmed Len’s outcry. She turned the corner right as Len handed back the PADD.
“Did you see” You and Jo spoke at the same time, but you were cut off by Leonard.
“Don’t.” Jim stood and walked over to hand you the device, ignoring Leonard throwing his hands in the air. You looked down at the screen, reading the headline.
Massive Storm in Atlantic Upgraded to Hurricane Status.
“What’s so funny about-” Jim just pointed further down the article. 
The storm, which has been dubbed Hurricane Leonard . . . 
You looked up at the man himself, valiantly trying not to laugh but you broke the moment you saw his grumpy scowl. He rolled his eyes and picked up his bowl. Jim took his PADD back and sat back down to finish his breakfast while you and Joanna set each other off in fits of giggles. By the time you both managed to rein yourselves in Jim and Leonard had both finished and Len stood at the sink washing out the dishes. You picked up your bowl still grinning as Jim and Jo retreated to the living room. “C’mon, Leo. Now we have something to call you when it’s time for annual physicals, and you go hunting for all the crew members.” He huffed and dried off his hands before walking over to you.
“Just for that, you can wash your own bowl.” He said, pointing at you, but there was the smallest trace of a smile on his lips, so you knew he wasn’t actually upset. You raised your hand in a mock salute.
“Aye, sir!” You said. His gaze darkened ever so slightly. He reached to grab your bowl and set it on the counter behind you as he leaned in.
“Good girl.” Was all he said before pressing his lips against yours, his words sending a shudder down your spine. The moment was short-lived, however, as Jim re-entered the kitchen.
“Oh, come on, really? We leave the room for two seconds” He trailed off and shook his head at your sheepish grin.
“Something we can help you with, or are you just intent on interrupting every moment I have with my girl?” Leonard said, looking over his shoulder. Jim held his hands up in surrender.
“Calm down, Romeo. I just forgot my PADD.” He said, walking over to grab the offending item before heading back towards the door. “As you were.” Jim said with a wave. Leonard shook his head and mumbled.
“As you were.” He started to lean in again, but you reached up to press a finger against his lips.
“Can I finish eating, Romeo?” You asked. He sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes before stepping away.
“I suppose.” He grumbled. You smiled and stepped forward to pull him into a quick kiss.
“Thank you, Doctor.” You said with a wink.
“Well how am I supposed to leave now?” He said jokingly, reaching out to pull you back into him. The answer came in the form of Joanna’s voice calling through the house.
“Dad we’re gonna play B.S. you want in?” You grinned as he shook his head and smiled before calling back.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there.” He pressed one more kiss against your lips before turning to leave. “Want us to wait for you?” You shook your head and picked up your bowl.
“Nah, I want to watch Jo kick your asses.” Leonard scoffed as he walked away.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.”
Much to your amusement and the boys’ annoyance, Joanna proved you right and absolutely slaughtered the two of them. Leonard lasted two games before admitting defeat, deciding instead to sit back and watch with you as Jim refused to give up. In fairness to him, he did manage to pull out a few wins, but Joanna was astonishingly good at reading when someone was lying. Leonard, proud papa that he was, spent the entire time with a smug grin on his face. Jim finally gave in when you joined a game, and it was with a near full deck in his hands, none in Jo’s, and the few remaining cards in yours that he cried out in surrender. Several hours later you found yourself laying on a blanket in the yard staring up at the stars in awe. Everyone else had gone to bed and you’d somehow convinced Leonard to join you. He sat beside you playing with your hair as you mapped constellations in your mind. “Can you believe we get to be out there?” You turned your head to look at Leonard, blushing slightly as you found him looking at you and not the sky. “Leo, why’d you agree to come to stargaze if you’re not even gonna gaze at the stars?”
“I am looking at the stars.” He said, brushing a stray piece of hair from your face. “I can see them reflected in your eyes.” You blushed crimson, and he huffed out a laugh. His fingers moved to cradle your face, but he stopped when his gaze fell on the stitches in your cheek. His expression turned serious and he gently brushed a thumb under them. “How are these feeling?” You shrugged before replying.
“Stings a bit, but otherwise okay.” He hummed in response, eyeing them for a few moments before nodding in satisfaction. You sat up and slid closer to kiss him softly. “Y’know, I wish that old truck wasn’t so loud. I’d’ve loved to have seen that spot you were talking about yesterday.” Leonard raised an amused eyebrow before wrapping an arm around your waist.
“Now she tells me.” He said sarcastically. You gave him a playful shove and shook your head, not bothering to hide the smile on your face.
“Ass.” He just nodded and claimed your lips once again. The kiss quickly grew heated, and eventually, you both had to break away.
“Can’t believe you’ve got me out here, sneaking kisses like some horny teenager.” He said, earning an amused scoff.
“Classy, McCoy. Real classy.” He smirked and stood to his feet, offering a hand to pull you up.
“Trust me, sugar. Just wait till we get to Charleston. I’ll show you how classy I can be.”
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@bakerstreethound​ @bookscoffeeandracoons​ 
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marasamsara · 4 years
Dark Avatar
This is my version of a dark Avatar (known from Atavar - The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra). I adore Korra and love the Avatar universe. And if you don’t like this dark Avatar version, then go fuck yourself. (Also, I have not proofread or in any way revised the story.)
The bartender looks like an ugly version of Steve Buscemi. The scotch he puts in front of me lacks at least one finger. I let him get away with it, the dick’s not worth it. Not this time. To vent my anger, I put a cigarette between my lips, light it with my will and take a deep, deep drag. Better. And when I exhale through my nose, it is even better. Cool looks make everything more bearable. I decide to play a little with the smoke. I catch it, form it to an orb and then let little streams shoot out of it in random directions. Fucking looks like an explosion or something. Totally rad. Until I hear that voice.
»You the Avatar?« it says.
I turn left and look into the face of a mother. I know she not merely is a woman, because she is holding hands with her little sun. He, too, is staring at me. Not madly, though, as his mother.
»… fuck you care?« I say and take another drag which almost consumes the rest of the cigarette.
She orders a cola and an orange juice and then gives me the look. The look, ya know? The look only a perfect mother can give a slutty bitch.
»You’re a disgrace.« she tells me.
The barkeep gives her the drinks. I exhale more forcefully than I intend and blow the smoke almost directly into his eyes.
»Come, Fred. Let us sit down back there.« the perfect mother tells her even more perfect son and leads him to the back of the café.
Yeah. I know. I’m boozing at the bar in a fucking café. At one pm. On Tuesday. For complaints, please write a handwritten statement and shove it up you cunt’s pussy. Wrapped around a brick, preferably. I’m not even allowed to smoke in here. No one is, ‘cause the fucking government is caring so much about their people that they chose to ban smoking at all nice places. Even in kindergartens. Is that even a word? Up yours, pricks …
I turn around on my bar stool and behold the people. How they enjoy their coffees and cakes. How they are immersed in checking their fucking phones and writing Pulitzer price worthy messages. And don’t lecture me on what the Pulitzer price is, I happen to know, you know? Fuck you.
I snap my finger. Several times. Finally, the dickhead barkeep cares to look. I point at my glass, empty it in one go and then beckon him to fill the darn glass up again. But Buscemi frowns. What the …?
»Whassrong with you?« I say.
»I better give you the bill.« he says.
What now?
It’s only one fucking pm! There’s time to down plenty more of those scotches. But with the right finger measure, you know what I mean? Nope, Buscemi hands me the bill. On a little silver plate. Is this the darn Ritz or something? Is Gene Kelly about to jump out from behind the counter and sing how much fun it is to fucking dance in the rain?
»Hey, dude …« I say and make some gestures.
The barkeep ignores me and polishes a glass.
The empty glass in my hand melts to a steaming lump.
I throw the steaming lump at the wall. It pierces through and makes a thud noise as it hits something. Fucking shithole. Then I put a quarter or two on the counter and take my leave. I owe them like twenty or thirty, but I don’t care. Who’s gonna stop me anyway? The coppers? Hah! Being the Avatar has its perks.
I stumble on the sidewalk and look around. Busy, busy people everywhere. All dressed up nicely for their offices. And casting weird looks at me. Never seen a drunk master of the elements before, dipshits?
Naw, I’m not drunk. I am enlightened. I am connected to my spiritual side. Yeah, that’s what I am. Very spiritual. Like fucking Buddha, that fat bastard.
As I walk down the sidewalk, people keep bumping into me. Can’t you watch out, assholes? The next piece of crap, who’s about to bump into me, I swear, I’m gonna airbend to the moon. And so I do. The guy flies off like a mosquito on acid. Whoa, there he goes. Can’t even see where he lands. T’was a good one. Hehe.
I stumble on. But not really, because someone is holding me back at the shoulder. I whirl around and grab him at the neck. Don’t do that. Don’t ever fucking do that. Dark red energy fills my chest. And then I smell burned flesh. My hand got fired up a bit. Charred the guy’s neck. Collared him like a fucking slave or something. Sorry, pal. Don’t mess with the Avatar, didn’t ya know?
I’m getting fed up walking, so I channel fire from my arms and fly away like fucking Apollo. The rocket, not the god. Gods are all dead. I am the only one left. I land in another district, which is not well-known for its good schools, to put it that way. A car is burning, some trash cans too, graffiti everywhere, even on the sidewalks. I like this place, because here people tend to ignore me, should they happen to recognize my face at all. Here, everyone minds their own business.
Without a goal in mind I wander around. As I take a turn, I see a bunch of police cars. Not burning, and with their disco lights on. The coppers are pointing their pistols and assault rifles at a minimart. A guy is standing in front of it, some dollar bills at his feet, and a gun in his hand, pointed at the head of a little boy in his grip. My legs up their pace.
The coppers yell at the man to drop the gun and let the boy go. The guy yells back that the coppers shall fuck off or he’s gonna put a slug in the boy’s head. Now, I am running.
»Everybody! Move back!« I shout.
The officers turn around, some are taking aim at me.
»Move back! Get fucking lost!« I yell at the top off my lungs.
One officer starts yelling something back and I lose it. I stop so abruptly that my foot digs into the asphalt. I clench my fists and stomp at the ground with my other foot. With a metallic bang, all the copper’s weapons shatter to pieces. One or two officers get hurt by shrapnel. Then I widen my stance and my fists light up in bright red flames.
»Move. It!« I say, »Now!«
My eyes must have lightened up red, because now the coppers run for it. They know red is bad. The guy with the boy held hostage in front of him takes aim at me. I let him keep his gun. I have it in my mental grip. He can’t move it one bit without me letting him.
»Go away!« he shouts at me, »Go away, or I’ll kill the boy!«
»Not gonna happen, pal.« I say.
He points the gun back at the boys head. The kid is crying and at the brink of breaking down. Time to end this.
The flames at my fists turn almost white like welding torches. The gun in the guy’s hand melts. As he drops it with a cry of pain, the kid runs away. His tormentor wants to flee, but I form one of the cop’s gun shrapnel into a metal band and bend it around his neck. Gasping for air he nearly drops to the ground, but I bend the metal up, just enough to keep him in a strangle hold.
»So, pal. Tell me, is it fun, torturing kids?« I say, noticing the dark smoke coming out of my throat.
»P … Please! Let … Let me go!« he croaks, hardly able to breathe.
»No can do.« I grin, slowly shaking my head.
I bend another gun shrapnel and let it penetrate the guys knee. Another one into his shoulder, the other knee, the thigh, arm, everywhere, until he looks like a voodoo doll. Blood is pouring out of him and amassing in a growing puddle beneath him.
»Let me feast on your agony.« I say with flames licking out of my mouth.
And then I light up his clothes. His screams are wonderful, as he hangs there from the metal band around his neck with the bolts everywhere in his body, and with the flames slowly burning through the layers of his skin. When the flames have consumed the cloth, I keep them alive with my bending powers. The limbs first, torso next, and face for last. The scent of burning flesh is unique. Nothing like backyard BBQ.
When he had enough and left this world, I stomp at the ground bending up a metal lance impaling him through his ass and out of his skull. There he hangs, impaled like a fried fish on a stick. My eyes turn normal again, and no more flames coming out of my mouth. I turn around and see quite some people standing close, shooting videos and taking pictures with their smartphones.
»Fuck you.« I say.
They leave a passage for me as I take my leave. I can’t help but bend most of the phones to pieces of scrap metal. Some, I leave intact. Will be rad to see the footage on youtube.
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lovemesomerafael · 5 years
El Amor Todo Lo Puede       Chapter 34:  La Roca
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Source:  @Crowzley
Chapters 1-31  Chapter 32  Chapter 33
It was winter, but it was hot in the mobile command van.  There were too many anxious people trying to do too many things to resolve this crisis.  Amanda Rollins was not going to get out of this situation unless everything went right. There was no room for mistakes.
Laura Parker was at the very back of the van, talking with the one man who might be able to make things come out well for Rollins.  But only if Laura was very, very careful.  The guy was more afraid of his buddies in the apartment than he was of the police, and the only way Laura was going to be able to get him to cooperate was to change that.  Which wouldn’t be easy, because this was a group that was into everything: drugs, guns, prostitution, trafficking in children for sex.  And word had it that their leader had a bad meth problem. Great.  Hair-trigger temper combined with paranoia and a complete lack of reason.  The guy Laura was questioning, Manuel Ocampo, was not wrong to be afraid of them. Amanda was in trouble.
Laura heard a new set of noises in the crowded van - the sound of the door opening and new conversations - and caught a glimpse Rafael’s camel colored wool coat through a gap between cops.  It gave her an idea.  
“Mierda[1],” she said, ostensibly under her breath, but loud enough for the man in the chair to hear.
“What?”  He asked, seeing her demeanor change and looking in the direction she was scowling.
“Things did not just get better for you, Manny.”
“Why?  What’s going on?”
Barba pushed through the crowd to stand before Laura, who was leaning over a disheveled, nervous-looking Hispanic man in khakis and a torn down vest over a hoodie.  The guy had a cut on his cheek and his left eye looked like it was beginning to swell.  
Laura stood up fast, looking anxious and holding out her hand to Rafael.  “Detective Laura Parker, Sir.”
He squinted at her as they shook hands.  “Yes.” What was she up to now?
“Manuel Ocampo,” she said to the guy in the chair, “This is A.D.A. Barba.  He’s the attorney who will decide what charges we file against you, and what sort of sentence the State will recommend to the court.”
Barba inclined his head slightly, waiting for a cue from Laura as to what she needed from him.
“Sir,” she said, turning back to him.  “If you could just give us a few more moments…?”  
Sir.  That meant…  “Why is this man injured?”  Rafael demanded.
“Ummm, there was a chase, and a brief… ah, scuffle before the arrest.”
Rafael’s lips flattened and his brow furrowed.  “Detective, we’ve been over this.”
“Yes, Sir.”  Laura looked down at Manny, then at the floor.
“I can give you five minutes,” Rafael said archly.  He turned to move back past cops and technicians monitoring video feeds, and other cops strategizing, toward the front of the van.  
Laura knelt down next to Manny.  “You might be screwed, jefe[2].”
“Why?  Who is that guy?”  Manny started to panic.
“The last D.A. you want on your case, man.  They call him La Roca[3].  You cannot impress him.  And he never makes deals.”
“But I’m not even in there! I din’ do nothing!  He can’t charge me if I din’ even do nothing!”
“You ran away from me, that’s resisting arrest.  And we got about a million witnesses that say you’re part of this crew, that saw you leave this storefront earlier.  You think he’s gonna believe ‘I didn’t’ do nothing’?  Try it.  Let me call him over right now and we’ll see how far that gets you with La Roca. He’ll put you away just for wasting his time.”
“Oh, man – “
“Look, Manny, this changes things.  You gotta work with me now, man.”
“What do I gotta do?”
“Answer my questions. Tell me all about that place: doors, windows, layout, what’s inside, who’s in there.  And I mean everything.  You hold out on La Roca…”
“But they’ll kill me!”
“They’re across the street, barricaded in, with a cop as a hostage.  They can’t bother you now, they got their own problems.  But you… La Roca is right here.  And you got one chance.  I’ll try to help you, but you gotta give me everything.  Only way the world doesn’t fall in on you right now is if you help us end this thing.”
“All right, all right…”
“You ready to cooperate? I’ll call over my Lieutenant and the IRT Captain, but only if you’re ready to do everything you possibly can to help us take your guys and get those hostages out safe.  Otherwise…”
“La Roca…” he muttered, nodding agreement.
As Olivia Benson and the Captain of the Incident Response Team listened, Manny answered questions and drew a map of the storefront and the rooms behind it.  Rafael, standing on the other side of Manny from Laura, tried to remember to scowl as Manny snuck looks at him.  It was hardest when Manny would lean over to Laura, still squatting beside him, and ask quietly if he was doing OK.  Laura would flick her eyes at Rafael and nod gravely.  
When the IRT Captain felt she had enough information, she and Olivia formulated a plan.  They were going to need Manny’s help, however, which was going to be delicate.  Manny was still very, very afraid of the group holding Rollins hostage in the storefront.  
They knew Rollins would be working from her side, trying to convince the leader of the group to let the hostages go and end the situation.  The situation was especially delicate because the hostage situation had begun when they’d discovered Amanda was an undercover cop.  
“All right, Mr. Ocampo, it’s time.  We need you to call Esteban, try to get him to let you in,” Olivia told him.  
Manny looked up at Laura, who was strapping on a bulletproof vest in preparation for her part of the rescue. “This is it, Manny.  This is where you have to come through for us.” She sent a meaningful look toward Rafael, who stood with his arms crossed, actually looking pretty fierce.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, also looking at Rafael.  “I’ll do it. Anything.”  
“Let’s go,” Olivia told Laura, and the two worked their way past the cops and technicians to the front of the van.  It was a relief to Laura to step out into the cold, early-November air.
Rafael and the IRT Captain could hear the ringing through the speaker of Manny’s phone.  
“Yo, ese[4], why you callin’ me?  Didn’t you get pinched?  You with the cops?”
“Naw, man, I’m outside. Lemme in.”
“Whadda ya mean, outside? There’s cops all over the fuckin’ place, man.”
“I know!  That’s why you gotta let me in.  I’m just in back.  I’m trapped behind a dumpster.  You gotta let me in.”
“That’s your problem, man. I’m not opening the door.  How do I know you didn’t call all these cops? How do I know you’re not with them right now?”
Rafael could see Manny start to revert to his long-held fear of Esteban.  If he folded now…  
Rafael took a step toward Manny, lifting his chin in challenge.  
“No, No, Esteban, I swear, I’m right outside.  I can’t keep talkin’, man, they’ll hear me.  Let me in.  And I got the stuff.  Open up, man.”
“You got the stuff?”
“Yeah.  I swear.”
“OK, I’m sendin’ Aguilar back there, but he’s only gonna open the door for like one second.  And if there’s any cops there, I swear to La Virgen[5]…”
The line went dead.
Rafael elbowed someone aside so he could see the video feeds from the scope cameras that had been snaked into the storefront.  All the hostages appeared to be sitting against a wall except for Rollins, who was duct taped to a chair toward the center of the room.  She was in a terrible position if there was a firefight.  
Minutes later, the screen showed a chaotic scene with people running through the room.  Rafael thought he saw Olivia deliberately knock Amanda’s chair over, shoving it roughly to one side to get her out of danger as much as possible.  Rafael heard gunshots, but the chaotic video feeds on the screens told him nothing.
Manny started yelling. Without looking up from the video screens, Rafael held up a finger toward Manny, who instantly went quiet.  
The excitement was over in moments.  The call of “Clear, clear, clear” came from the IRT Team Leader over every radio in the van.  Rafael breathed easier, although he couldn’t tell whether anyone had been hurt.  He worried about Olivia and Rollins, but he was especially worried about Laura.  He knew Fin and Carisi were outside the storefront, not directly involved in the rescue.  
It seemed like hours before the IRT Team Leader announced that Esteban was dead and two other hostage takers wounded, and called for immediate medical help.  The fact that he hadn’t mentioned wounded cops meant Laura was unhurt. But he still wanted to see that for himself.  
Several of the cops who had been in on the rescue came in, Olivia and Laura supporting Rollins to a chair. She still had duct tape on her wrists and ankles, but it had been cut to free her from the chair.  She appeared unhurt, and to be arguing with Olivia about needing to be checked out by the paramedics.  When she was settled, Laura went to the back of the van to where Manny still sat on a metal chair in the corner.  
“All right, Manny, I need you to stand up and put your hands behind your back,” she said, pulling handcuffs from her back pocket.  
“But I cooperated, though, right? What about La Roca?”  He looked helplessly from Rafael to Laura as he stood.  
“You did good, Manny,” Laura said, cuffing his hands behind his back.  “I’ll talk to Mr. Barba.  I’m sure he’ll cut you a deal now.”  As she pushed Manny toward the front of the van, past Rafael, she held out a fist behind Manny’s back.  Rafael bumped it, neither of them breaking character.  
 Dinner at Amanda’s that night was a spur-of-the-moment, noisy, chaotic affair.  Carisi commanded the kitchen, strictly controlling who went in or out, shamelessly conscripting anyone who caught his eye whenever he needed something done, regardless of rank.  Chief Dodds, for example, was currently chopping scallions while the IRT Captain stirred a red sauce that smelled phenomenal.  
“So here’s the Killa, fillin’ this boy’s ears with all kinda bullshit about how Barba’s the Antichrist,” Fin was animatedly telling a group of IRT officers.  “And he’s just standin’ there, lookin’ like he’s about to eat a live baby.  Poor hump was pissin’ his pants, couldn’t do enough to help us out.”
Everyone laughed, even those who knew the story by now.  Partly it was because Fin was so obviously tipsy.  It was probably about time to put the kids to bed in the girls’ room.  As blood alcohol levels rose, there was a corresponding decrease in the politeness of the language used in the several conversations going on in Amanda’s small, very crowded apartment.
As Fin launched into the story of how Olivia had dumped Amanda, chair and all, to the ground during the rescue, Laura leaned over to Amanda.  Amanda was settled comfortably on her couch, Billie in one arm and Jessie, sitting next to her, cuddled in with the other.  Jessie was blinking with sleep.  
“You want me to get these ladies to bed?”  Laura asked.
“Would you?  That would be great.”
Laura took Billie in her arms, settled her, and reached out a hand to Jessie.  “Let’s go, Princess.”
“Nooooooo,” Jessie began to whine.
“Uncle Rafa will sing you a song. But only one, and only if you’re good.”
“Does Uncle Rafa get a vote?” Rafael muttered grumpily in Laura’s ear, although he’d leaned down to pick Jessie up, clearly on board.
“C’mon, Noah,” Laura called to him, where he sat on his own mother’s lap, leaning against her and also looking very sleepy.  
“I don’t have to go to bed yet, Aunt Lala.  The girls are babies.  I’m a big boy.”  
“C’mon, hombrecito[6],  we’ll sing the pirate song,” Rafael said, holding his free hand out to Noah, confident that such a treat would be all he needed.  Noah loved to try to sing the song with Rafael, although he had no idea what the words meant.
Rafael and Laura quickly got the baby settled in her crib.  Jessie made Rafael promise that she got her own song, since Noah got to hear the pirate song, which Rafael deftly negotiated in turn for her putting on her pajamas and brushing her teeth.  Soon Jessie and Noah were under the covers in Jessie’s bed.  Rafael sat on the side of the bed and began to sing the pirate song with Noah.  Laura stood leaning against the door, watching how cute Rafael was with the kids despite his attempts to appear above such things.  She felt a surge of love for him, so strong and tough when he needed to be, so soft when he allowed himself to be.  
Jessie and Noah fell asleep before Rafael was done singing the song about horses that Jessie had requested. Rafael smoothly stood, trying not to disturb them.  He held his hand out to Laura as he came toward her, pulling her to him for a steamy kiss.  
“Let’s get out of here.”
“I thought you were having fun.”
“I’ve had enough conviviality for one evening.  I want to take you home.”  His insistent, progressively intimate kisses were very convincing.  “I want to get my hands on you,” he growled.
Just then, they heard Carisi announce that dinner was ready and bark instructions about plates and things.
“Dinner’s ready,” Laura breathed as he sent chills down her spine with his lips.  
“You’re dessert,” Rafael muttered into her neck.
“Yes, Sir.”
[1] Shit
[2] chief
[3] The Rock
[4] Guy, dude, but with gang connotations
[5] The Virgin Mary
[6] Little man
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
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Drinking from the Ciroc bottle as I walked over to the door, unlocking the door and walking off “Cass!!” Myles shouted behind me as I walked back into my apartment “you’re happy” placing the Ciroc bottle on the kitchen counter “well I am when I see you” dapping Myles “wish I could say the same” Myles slapped my arm “you gone fat” kissing my teeth “I can’t win, either I’m skinny or fat. The hell” dapping Kyle “ignore him, you ain’t fat. You looking well. You been back what? Two weeks now?” nodding my head “yeah about that, it’s been a while” leaning on the counter watching them sit down on the couch “you still in this place huh? Sofia still don’t want you in the home?” I just smiled “what can I say, it’s not that bad is it? It’s a good crib, I get my shit done. I mean think about it, we ain’t seen each other because I make dealings here quickly. But how y’all been? Enjoying the time off, I ain’t need y’all at all. I am growing” I grinned “growing up Cassius, that just scares me. You been quiet over here plotting, I heard you got a jet” Kyle pointed at me “perhaps you right, I am spending money on myself. I just need a big mansion with naked hoes” Myles gasped “wow, you don’t want Sofia now?” he asked “he tipsy, he been drinking. Come and tell brother Kyle about it” grabbing the bottle “there isn’t much to tell but I am joking about the hoes, just adds flavour to the story” I laughed as I sat down “it did add flavour, how is the business going on your side because this side we doing well. Amira is in Miami” nodding my head “it’s ok, calm I guess. I have been plotting, I mean like on Lloyd but also the fact I am getting more influences with the police now, I can pull a few strings. Get Kalia off my dick too” Kyle and Myles are confused “how do you know this? They fucking hate you” I chuckled “they do but they know I have cleaned streets, they ain’t getting complaints as much. I ain’t telling them it’s me but Ethan got word that they want to meet with me, you know the guy we have on the inside, well his boss wants to meet with me, I ain’t fucking with it. I said to Ethan you go, don’t mention my name. See what they say, if it plays out then I could get a jail out of free card but if it don’t, then Ethan will be in jail and we back to stage one, but it is a risk I am willing to do. So boys, I have been busy, I have been quiet. I ain’t seen my son in a week, I just been working hard. See how it goes” drinking from the bottle.
Kyle just stared in shock ever so quiet “I didn’t think you would, I mean I shouldn’t be shocked because you are Cassius, you know shit. This is why you drinking? Celebrating?” nodding my head “maybe early but that means for me I can be a dickhead in New York again, they need me. In life you got to make people want you and look at that, they want me. They fucking need me. We know the police can’t handle the streets and they know that so they need me” Myles clapped his hands “fuck yes! Yo, you are the fucking pablo” shaking my head “corruption pays off Myles, these motherfuckers are corrupt but Ethan got the hardest job. He going down if not, I ain’t going there, shit could be a set up. Think I am fucking stupid, I won’t be dealing with them in person for a while” kissing my teeth, my phone started ringing in my sweatpants pocket. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket “its the baby mother, be quiet” I said laughing as I answered the call “hey” sitting back in the couch “where are you?” she don’t ask for nothing else when she says that “why? You feeling horny again? I am home” Sofia sighed out “sighing out doesn’t give me an answer, phone sex wasn’t shit” Kyle and Myles both gasped “wasn’t shit? You said you didn’t want to be my dick appointment and I said to you that you are my male bitch and you didn’t like it” I grinned “I think it’s rude, I told you that” she know I love her, she being hard headed “actually I am calling because I need you to take care of Cartier tomorrow, I need to go in to see Gio and all that. So if you can” clearing my throat “you see I don’t sleep until the early mornings, if I was to be there with you in bed I will already be in the home and I can just roll out of bed and look after the boy. Also I take it back you can bite meif you want during sex, I will be your bitch” I want to laugh but I will contain myself “you been drinking, I don’t want a drunk in the home thanks” rolling my eyes “being this hard headed doesn’t do you justice, I know you want me. Just like you did last night over the phone, come on. I know you smiling behind that phone” Sofia laughed down the phone “see I knew it, you miss me. It’s been a while” the phone line went silent, I had to check if she was still on the phone “I love you bub” she is on there, Kyle and Myles both gagged “hurry up and catch a cab, you drunk” I laughed “my big breasted bub, don’t worry daddy coming to love all on you” blowing a kiss down the phone. The boys all laughed out at me “you mad nigga” I need to get changed “I ain’t doing shit, y’all driving me” I need to just smell better.
“You smell like you have bathed in aftershave and you bought an overnight bag, you on some real pussy whipped shit. Like bro, I am dying inside” I don’t care what they say “look, I am joking but I am so happy for you. I have always said I wanted a love like yours and Sofia, I stick by it, have fun” Myles patted my shoulders “hit a home run” dapping him “I know I did, she keeps taking plan fuckin b every fucking time” shaking my head “give her a break but have fun, bring little boss to the home tomorrow” dapping Kyle “will do, bye niggas” opening the car door, I feel still a little drunk but I know what I am doing. I don’t care for sex, I think Sofia does more than me but I just want to see her. I have missed her terribly because of this shit thing I am trying to sort out but I will always make time for her, closing the gate behind me. Jogging up the drive, the light switched on and before I even reached the door she opened the door “you saw me!” I yelped “I did see you, how can I not. Your forehead was shining on the cameras” throwing my bag to the floor, Sofia closed the front door “I missed you so much” walking over to Sofia and cradling her cheeks in my hands “I have missed your face so much, I am a little drunk but I ain’t forget your face. I don’t want to let go right now” she smiled, that soft breathtaking smile of hers “I missed you too” she whispered, her eyes fluttering close on the words, I tilted forward and covered her lips with mine. Our tongues meet, and suddenly it's fast, hot and needy, and I explore her mouth, she meets mine with just as urgency, as passionately. She moans into the kiss, she clings to me, her fingers clenched into the fabric of my top, her other arm laced around my neck, keeping me close.
Pecking her lips before moving my head back, Sofia didn’t look at me but instead she rests her forehead against my chest, and she laughs. I tilt up her face with my hand, she looked up at me and and I press another kiss to her lips “you play too much” I said letting her face go “I don’t, you smell nice. Pick your bag up and come upstairs” she is so demanding, I like “you in the spare room though” I froze picking my bag up “what?” I said in disbelief “because you was too busy for me, phone sex was trash” she keep on saying that “I am sorry, like really am. I appreciate that you understood though, I thought you was going to be talking shit about me and say I am useless” Sofia waited for me on the step “why would I? You explained to me, you kept in contact with me constantly” she got a point I did “well I didn’t want you to think I ditched you when I didn’t, I ain’t about to do that ever. You got me forever now” Sofia turned away from me to walk up the steps “I do? Who said I got you forever, boy please” jogging up the steps meeting Sofia “me, you know that. Then why you call me in the middle of the night, I mean it is pretty late” Sofia does look fine though, I wonder if she is naked under this robe though “I get bored when I feed Cartier, that is all” see what I mean, she is lying to herself.
“Mommy is back my handsome” my mouth fell open “who, me?” I am extra confused, walking into the room seeing Sofia walk over to the bed “just had to get your daddy, I had hoped you would fall asleep but you didn’t, you waited for me” stepping to the side “oh naw, this little nigga awake, he in my space” placing my bag on the floor “you are sleeping in a spare room, you think I am joking. He is awake” walking behind Sofia, looking down at Cartier “oh no, why is he awake and naked with a diaper on? Man, put his rolls away. You fucking up my vibe!” Sofia shushed me “leave him alone, I am going to the bathroom. Be nice to him” my son is ruining my vibe, how can I be nice. Looking down at Cartier pulling a face, his fat self just staring at me all innocent “we can get on Cartier, you just need to sleep. That is all, close your eyes and sleep” sitting down on the edge of the bed, turning the lounger to me “like we cool and that but I want to have sex with your mom, she won’t do that if you’re here with your rolls out awake, I mean come on. You got to give, you be on the breast all damn day? Come on nigga” he doesn’t comprehend “if I have to sleep in a spare room, I am going to play hell with you. I ain’t going to let you sleep” pulling his pacifier out “look at you, with your smooth skin, coloured eyes and cute rolls” kissing my teeth, Cartier stifled out a yawn and then sneezed straight after, his eyes widened like he didn’t expect that “I am playing with you, but maybe I am not. We just don’t know, you the boy but you ain’t being my boy right now” I need to get a life “you will stop bullying my son, if he doesn’t want to sleep then he won’t. He’s not feeling it right now” rubbing my chin hoping he will soon want to sleep “he is not feeling it right now” I mimicked it her “erm, excuse me. Get your stank ass off of my bed, I am so sorry I left you with him” laying down on the bed “I don’t like that Cassius, those are outside clothes” she is just fussing now.
I miss being in this home, all of my shit is still here really. Trying my pinkie ring on, I left my my old jewellery here. I may take it with me so I can wear them actually, taking the pinkie ring off and placing it back. Pushing the drawer back closed, looking around the walk in closet seeing the Prada bags, she ain’t even taken them out of the bags, she out here leaving them here “I miss being here” making my way out of the walk in closet “I don’t” she retorted “liar!” I spat “why would I lie? I got the bed to myself, I have silence, I have Cartier. Why do I need you when you just take up the space and annoy me” Cartier is asleep, I skipped over to the crib “Cassius tomorrow, you better listen out for him. This is on you, you will be on your own with him” I just smiled “so we fucking or nah?” I grinned, Sofia moved back from the crib “would you like to be escorted to the guest room?” pressing my lips into a hard thin line “you want me though” I know she does “I want you I would tell you, I am only letting you stay so that means you’re actually here” taking in a deep breath smiling “the smell is in the air, do you smell that?” taking in a deep breath “what?” Sofia asked confused “sexual tension, dick appointment is here. Lets get to fucking, you wasting time” clasping my hands together, Sofia raised her eyebrow “I am going to bed” and turned around.
I cleared my throat “they always come running back” I didn’t care, I just got in bed with her. She pressed her lips against mine “shut up” she spat “you trying so hard to be mean to me, it’s ok. It is working a little” Sofia smiled at me, wrapping my arms around her and kissing the side of her head “so we fucking or nah” Sofia slapped my chest “I have to fulfil my objections right?” She shook her head, scooting up my body until her lips could meet mine and she gently nibbled my bottom lip “you should say we making love or nah” she switched it up, her lips skimming mine seductively “we making love or nah” I framed her face with both of my hands and melted into her kiss. The kiss was firm, feeling her curling fingers gently around my member. She put her tongue in my mouth, and just like that the air in the room shifted, and we were swept away by the intensity of our desire. Her need for me, mine for her, it filled the air, intoxicating us. Sofia shifting onto her knees, gently lowering herself around me, closing her eyes as I filled her. She gently moved up and down, her body responded to my gentle moans. My fingers trailed a path over her front, pushing the tee up. Moving back from the kiss, pulling her tee over her head. Teasing her nipples before digging into the flesh at her hips as she rode me. My mouth followed the path my fingers had made and I sucked her nipple, she moaned out and my name tumbling from her lips, moving back from the nipple. I held onto Sofia as I gently moved my hips, feeling her inner muscles contracting around me. I thrust myself into her, deep and hard, my eyes squeezing closed.
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