#Poor Jonathan
yallemagne · 2 years
Mina: “Jonathan, I’ve noticed that you need more male friends.”
Jonathan: “I do not.”
Mina: “You always spend all your time with me and Lucy, and any time you can’t, you mope around the house waiting for me to return.”
Jonathan: “I don’t get along with men!”
Mina: “What about the journalist from The Exeter News?”
Jonathan: “That is your friend. I introduced you two, sure, but every man I introduce to you is immediately more charmed with you than with me.”
Mina: “Well, what about Mr. Hawkins?”
Jonathan: “Mina, he loves you! He likes you much more than me.”
Mina: “That is a complete lie! Surely, he sees me as an extension of you. He loves me as his daughter-in-law.”
Jonathan: “Mina, if anyone is the in-law, it’s me. You’re his pride and joy!”
Mina: “It’s not like he even raised me! Meanwhile, you were at least trained by him.”
Jonathan: “But it’s you he brags about. He grants us a loan once and suddenly all your accomplishments are a result of him being our benefactor. “Did you know Mina is a schoolmistress?” Yes, boss, I’m married to her. He sees you as his own daughter.”
Mina: “And what of you?”
Jonathan: “His clerk.”
Mina: “Well! It’s not going to happen again! I’m going to introduce you to a whole posse of men, and they’re all going to love you!”
*few days later*
Van Helsing: “Oh, dear husband of Madam Mina-”
Jonathan: *side-eyes Mina*
Mina: “... listen--”
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batcastlesociety · 1 month
damn jonathan is DEFINITELY in the toils now !!!
(someone please help him)
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
"The Count is the least dreadful to me; that to him alone I can look for safety, even though this be only whilst I can serve his purpose. Great God! merciful God! Let me be calm, for out of that way lies madness indeed." Jonathan Harker, may 16.
It's the realization, and the frightened fury of Jonathan when he finds out that Dracula is the only being who can protect him in the horrible cage that he himself has organized for Jonathan.
The fear of realizing that yes Jonathan, the man who is abusing you, keeping you trapped, and playing a sick game with your sanity is the only person who you can turn to feel safe. The only reassurance that you will not die today on his watch... unless you stop playing the role he wants you to play.
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rottinginwonderland · 2 years
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Saw a neat art pose on Pinterest and got inspired to draw Jonny.:)
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danascullysjournal · 2 years
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@RealJHarker on Twitter is just really bringing all he has to his real estate sight seeing experience. 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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ask-jonathans-joestar · 2 months
I found a cool mask!!
Time to wear it!
Oh no, absolutely not, do NOT get that thing near me!
Take that thing, throw it off a cliff, then you need to break it with a hammer THEN BURN IT!
Thank you anon : )
-Jonathan Joestar
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mildr3d · 1 year
No seas malo, Rubiuh 😩😩😩
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generalb · 2 years
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Yeah no we agree that this line fucks right
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foreverautumn89 · 2 years
Came across yet ANOTHER post about the bra picture again in the Jonathan tag: Basically it said 'I don't understand how Nancy could kiss Jonathan on the cheek/forgive him for the bra picture':
Because unlike the fans, Nancy understood that the picture of her in her bra was taken on accident as there was only one pic taken and he immediatley turned away and he wasn't actually being a pervert like Steve and so many of the fans make it out to be. He did one thing wrong unintentionally in his entire life-and Nancy understood that. In fact my appreciation for Nancy Wheeler grows everytime I see a post like this because she can forgive a mistake unlike the fans and see all the good in Jonathan that other people ignore and knows that the goods in him far outweigh all the bad/that one time he accidentally did something wrong.
I'm sick of finding Jonathan dislike/hate stuff in the Jonathan tag. We really need to create another tag to sort the anti-Jonathan people from the pro-Jonathan people.
I'm sick of having the same repeated conversation every single day. Having to defned him on this same subject every single day. The people that keep saying this stuff-You do understand it, you just don't want to understand it.
Jonathan wasn't being a pervert. He took that one picture on accident. He didn't know she was going to take her shirt off. He didn't not stalk her or follow her there and act like a creepy weirdo. He accidentally came upon her and the party that was going on. Nancy knows Jonathan and knows that he is a good guy who has spent his life devoted to taking care of everyone else and putting others wants and needs ahead of his own and all hes done his entire life was just play mommy and daddy to his baby brother and all he cares about is taking care of Will.
So while you are all like 'eww I'd definitely have kept my distance from that guy'. I'm the opposite. I can understand how Jonathan only has ever done one thing wrong in his life and that it was done on accident btw.
I'd love to date an adorable little gumdrop that devotes his life to taking care of his baby brother and sister, that doesn't conform to societys rules and believes in being true to yourself always chooses love over power, that is selfless and kind, and all the trauma and pain he experienced doesn't make him cold towards people its the opposite, all that pain just made him kinder…. ext ext
Just thank god for people like Nancy Wheeler. Thank you Nancy for not being like the fans of this show and holding the one thing Jonathan did wrong on his life on accident against him and seeing all the good in him.
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trudemaethien · 2 years
I’m fucking wheezing:
Seeing from his violent demeanour that he was English, they gave him a ticket for the furthest station on the way thither that the train reached.
“This guy’s so crazy he must be English, MAKE HIM GO FAR AWAY” wheeeeeeze.
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friedwizardwhispers · 2 years
This entry was really good.
I love how Jonathan is becoming more and more genre savy, he is aware he is in a horror novel and just gets what's happening. We joked at the beginning that he couldn't see the red flags but now he really understands what's going on so quickly.
I want to see furious Jonathan more. I want to see him rage more and just be more openly furious at the Count.
Dracula is fucking framing him. I called it.
Also the last line of mail was chilling....
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lady-ofmischief · 2 years
Dracula’s not so funny any more now is it?
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batcastlesociety · 1 month
jonathan harker is so cool,,, i wish solicitors were real
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anchy2006 · 2 years
Imagine the relief you would feel by being believed by someone.
Especially someone as world wise as Van Helsing
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
He’s drowning him😭😭😭
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danascullysjournal · 2 years
Normal people on social media:
Doom scrolling about real events, politics, and the state of the world
Me on social media:
Doom scrolling about my good friend Jonathan Harker
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