#Poor inventory management
jdinstitute · 2 years
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Poor Inventory management is the key reason why most retail businesses fail. Poor inventory management can lead to understocking and overstocking, which can harm a business and its operations.
Proper inventory management, on the other hand, can help boost sales, cut down expenses, and keep customers happy. If you are planning to set up a retail business, then having proper inventory management skills and knowledge is crucial for business success. An apparel management course can help you learn about brand management, product sourcing and improvement, developing business plans, marketing tactics and more.
Learn More :- https://jdinstitute.co/how-to-manage-inventory-effectively-in-retail-stores/
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
Trump White House staffers were apparently big pill poppers. And we're not talking about generic ibuprofen or Vitamin C.
The White House has its own pharmacy. It's run by the military because the president happens to be commander-in-chief of the armed forces. But during the Trump administration things went awry – as you might expect.
For years, the White House Medical Unit, run by the White House Military Office, provided the full scope of pharmaceutical services to senior officials and staff—it stored, inventoried, prescribed, dispensed, and disposed of prescription medications, including opioids and sleep medications. However, it was not staffed by a licensed pharmacist or pharmacy support staff, nor was it credentialed by any outside agency. The operations of this pseudo-pharmacy went as well as one might expect, according to the DoD OIG's alarming investigation report. The investigation was prompted by complaints in May 2018 alleging that an unnamed "senior military medical officer" was engaged in "improper medical practices." [ ... ] Provigil is a drug that treats excessive tiredness and is typically used for patients with narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and other sleep disorders. Brand-name Provigil is 55 times more expensive than the generic equivalent. Between 2017 and 2019, the White House pharmacy spent an estimated $98,000 for Provigil. In that same timeframe, it also spent an estimated $46,500 for Ambien, a prescription sedative, which is 174 times more expensive than the generic equivalent. Even further, the White House Medical Unit spent an additional $100,000 above generic drug cost by having Walter Reed National Military Medical Center fill brand-name prescriptions.
While they were plotting to repeal Obamacare for millions of Americans, Trump staffers were getting brand name stimulants and sedatives cheap and sticking US taxpayers with the bill.
They were handing out baggies of drugs to staffers going on trips overseas.
The staffer told OIG investigators that ahead of overseas trips, the staff would prepare packets of controlled medications to be handed out to White House staff. "And those would typically be Ambien or Provigil and typically both, right. So we would normally make these packets of Ambien and Provigil, and a lot of times they’d be in like five tablets in a zip‑lock bag. And so traditionally, too, we would hand these out. ... But a lot of times the senior staff would come by or their staff representatives... would come by the residence clinic to pick it up. And it was very much a, 'hey, I’m here to pick this up for Ms. X.' And the expectation was we just go ahead and pass it out."
Trump wanted to send the US military into Mexico to go after drug kingpins. But he was running his own out of control drug dispensing operation financed by tax money.
The Department of Defense Inspector General's report detailed how Schedule II drugs were poorly inventoried and monitored. (emphasis added)
The Code of Federal Regulations requires that registered pharmacies maintain inventories and records of Schedule II controlled substances separately from all other pharmacy records.16 In our site visit to the EEOB Clinic, we concluded that the clinic maintained the controlled substance inventory records in a binder on hand‑written paper logs, stored in the EEOB clinic’s medication dispensing area. The inventory records showed that White House Medical Unit stocked four different types of Schedule II opioid pain medications (fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine, and oxycodone), as well as medications from Schedules III through V, such as stimulants and sedatives. However, White House Medical Unit kept the records for its Schedule II medications in the EEOB’s inventory binder together with records for all other controlled medications and not maintained separately as required by the CFR.
So the Trump White House pharmacy also included opioids which were not properly kept track of. The Trump drug mill was a microcosm for his administration as a whole.
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181kmh · 6 hours
williams you’re going down next
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dougielombax · 7 months
Hell yeah!
Inventory management!!!!
*epic guitar solo*
*proceeds to sort through items slowly and carefully*
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*mirrors lie twice*
What the hell am I DOING?!
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fireteam-silentstrike · 10 months
game of gay chicken posting
Mute finding out Iota’s finds him attractive and pacing around his ship dealing with the Shrimplications and being like do I find Iota attractive (not a line of thought had in hundreds of years at this point) to which apollo reminds him that well… you did kiss him that one time and Mute’s like yeah ur right and puts his head in his hands to groan when suddenly Ester appears and is like are you doing okay, causing Mute to almost have a MOM GET OUT OF MY ROOM moment
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katakaluptastrophy · 4 months
What do Captain Deuteros, the Princesses of Ida, the Baron of Tisis, the Lady of Koniortos Court, the Duchess of Rhodes, the Master Templar, and the Reverend Daughter all have in common? They almost certainly own slaves.
Ok, not "slaves". As I'm sure Housers would be the first to tell you, they do not have slaves. Gideon herself explicitly establishes this in chapter one:
I’m indentured, not a slave.
But functionally, what does that mean?
We don't get a definition of what Gideon means by a slave, or how this word is used in House (do the Houses also have slaves? Are slaves something other, uncivilised people have in the benighted darkness beyond the light of Dominicus and the empire?). Gideon is an unfree person who is subject to violence and exploited for the financial gain of her masters, but it means something to her that she is not, in some economic or legal sense, a slave. So what is an indentured servant?
Gideon's status is referred to using several other terms over the course of GTN, primarily by Silas Octakiseron. While Silas is not an unbiased commentator, it's interesting that his objection to Gideon is not just because she's Ninth, but because she has usurped her social position:
“Thrall,” said Silas. “Serf. Servant... Villein,” continued the necromancer of the house of the Eighth, warming to his thesaurus. Colum was staring at Gideon, almost cross-eyed with disbelief. “Foundling. I am not insulting you, I am naming you for what you are. The replacement for Ortus Nigenad, himself a poor representative of a foetid House of betrayers and mystics.”
We don't know the exact connotations of these words in House. But a "serf" historically was a sort of feudal peasant tied to the land of a manor. Unlike a slave, a serf usually couldn't be bought or sold as an individual, but could be transferred wholesale with the land. Generically speaking, serfdom involves a tie to the land, an obligation to generate income/goods for the feudal lord of the land through labour and/or rents, and a lack of freedom of movement. It could be from birth or a voluntary indenture.
The contextual information that we get about Gideon's status backs up this very feudal image:
Gideon is, as Crux repeatedly reminds her, in some way the property of the Ninth. She wears a security cuff, and her attempt to run away is described as theft and misuse of House goods. In a typically House way, it is not just that she owes them her labour - she owes them her body once she dies. (What's interesting is that this part isn't specifically tied to her status as an indentured servant, but it fundamentally colours how it is understood in world.)
"You talk so loudly for chattle, Nav... You chatter so much for a debt. I hate you, and yet you are my wares and inventory."
Crux is Harrow's seneschal. And it would seem that at least on the Ninth, this role is very much the same as its medieval feudal equivalent: the official in charge of the management of the estate's goods and labourers.
Gideon is a legitimate subject of violence in House law: Harrow talks about how it would be "master's sin" if she "employed unwarranted violence" against her. Which means that some degree of violent punishment of indentured servants is legally permissable.
She is meant to be a financially useful asset: regulations exist governing indentured people joining the military, where they can generate revenue for their House. However, Harrow warns Gideon that "the Cohort won’t enlist an unreleased serf" - because the movement of a serf is at the discretion of her Lady, not something over which she has free choice.
The description of how Gideon came to be of the Ninth is particularly interesting in shedding some light on the institution of indenture in the Houses:
The Ninth had historically filled its halls with penitents from other houses, mystics and pilgrims who found the call of this dreary order more attractive than their own birthrights. In the antiquated rules of those supplicants who moved between the eight great households, she was taken as a very small bondswoman, not of the Ninth but beholden to it: What greater debt could be accrued than that of being brought up?
Medieval serfs too had no freedom of movement; they required a license from their lord to spend extended time away from the manor.
It's easy to forget, when the Houses themselves likely range in scale from the size of Los Angeles to Aotearoa New Zealand, that legally they seem to understand themselves to constitute feudal households. Those born in each House are part of - or in some cases it would seem, property of - the House. We see discussion in the Sermon on Necromancers and Cavaliers of the heirs of cavalier lines being traded between Houses for political capital. Necromancers, meanwhile, are apparently such a political or reproductive asset that they are usually not allowed to marry outside their House. Obviously, these are examples of people at the top of House society, whose movement brings with it political power, or financial assets, or reproductive capacity. Where does that leave a more ordinary person who lacks those desirable assets? It would seem that they can be their own asset, granted access to another House on a debtor's bond - it's not clear in the House context whether this is typically an exchange of people already debt bonded to their House, free people entering into such bondage to secure a right of passage to another House, a combination, or something else entirely.
But it speaks to a much more ancient understanding of how people are tied to lands and lords, alongside the Houses' very different attitude to the value of human lives:
“You’re no slave, but you’ll serve the House of the Ninth until the day you die and then thereafter"
One could infer, since we've encountered nobles and serfs, that the Houses have something akin to a three-tier system like many historical European feudal systems, with nobles, freedmen, and serfs.
The medieval European feudal system was primarily a function of the management of land - serfs and freedmen's statuses were a result of their relationship to obligations to the land - requirements of work, or rents to their lord, who ultimately controlled and profited from that land. This is where the tricky difference between serfdom and slavery tends to arise.
But the Houses are not a European medieval feudal kingdom. They are not, presumably, a primarily agrarian economy. So what use might such bondspeople be? What does that society look like, outside of its highest nobles investigating each others' murders and its strangely incestuous demigods?
There must be some agriculture and industry. Given the trying conditions of living in inhospitable space environments, that there might be some class of labourers fundamentally tied to their Houses, perhaps initially stemming from the order or situation of their ancestors' resurrection, isn't impossible to imagine (after all, ruling families and cavalier lines also trace their status from the Resurrection). From the information about the rules governing movement between Houses, perhaps there are also people living in dire conditions on remote moons willing to sell their freedom for a chance at slightly better conditions, or a new start in a different House. Most Houses do not have the necromantic capacity to create skeleton constructs on a scale to manage most of their labour - in The Mysterious Study of Dr Sex, it's clear that the Sixth has a finite supply of skeleton constructs that they would require Ninth input to overhaul. We have to assume most labour on most Houses in human, and some portion of it at least in some way unfree.
But the Houses are a spacefaring society with a large, centralised military and an economically complex empire. It does not function entirely like a medieval kingdom, however much it may sometimes look like one. Much of its imperial structure seems to be on a much more 19th or 20th century model.
And the Cohort is one area where we can see some non-medieval, but awful implications to the Houses' practice of serfdom. Consider the commission that Harrow offers Gideon:
It purchased Gideon Nav’s commission to second lieutenant, not privy to resale, but relinquishing capital if she honourably retired. It would grant her full officer training. The usual huge percentage of prizes and territory would be tithed to her House if they were won, but her inflated Ninth serfdom would be paid for in five years on good conditions, rather than thirty.
Gideon is not being promised as canon fodder - this is a promise of officer training. And yet, Gideon is a serf - and that officer training would be an investment in financial returns from her involvement in the bloody machinery of empire.
How many people in the Cohort are not free? Are serfs released from their usual obligations in the House to which they are debt bonded to instead generate income for their House on the battlefield or die trying? What proportion of the Cohort are functionality enslaved children, sold a dream of glory by smutty comics and released by their Houses because their eventual deaths will be more profitable to their Houses than their labouring lives?
And fundamentally, if the Houses are in some way substantially reproducing aspects of medieval feudalism, there's only one person who can be responsible for that...
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eros-thanatos89 · 3 months
I just rewatched Breaking Bad S1E6 "Crazy Handful of Nothing" because I wanted to revisit the introduction of Tuco Salamanca (Iconique! Raymond Cruz's performance is electrifying!).
But what really stuck with me from the episode on this revisit was what happened to the school custodian, Hugo Archilleya. I haven't watched Breaking Bad in some time, so I had forgotten about it, but it's so devastating that we have this quiet, kind school custodian who cleans up after Walt vomiting because of his chemo treatments and offers him gum. And his little gestures of kindness are repaid by him being arrested because he "fits the profile" for the theft of the lab equipment that Walt stole for his cooks, simply based on a history of drug possession and Hank finding a single blunt in his car. So this kind working class man has his house "torn apart" by the DEA, and even after they realize he wasn't the thief, he loses his job, and is facing prison time for marijuana possession, and goes down for Walt (who of course doesn't breathe a word).
And the way Skyler and Marie react as if he's some danger to society and lament that he should never have been able to work in the school system, all because he had prior possession (probably marijuana) charges...it's such a perfect infuriating example of the war on drugs mentality and the way poor people and people of color are over-policed and over-punished by the system while white and middle or upper class folks either never get caught for the same drug offenses or get off with a slap on the wrist. The fact that Hank never even considers for a moment that Walt, his mild mannered and "respectable" brother in law could the be the culprit, even though he's the only other person with a key to the lab AND the one who manages the inventory and should have been able to account for the missing equipment, to the point where he just jokes about it to Walt's face is such a good demonstration of that type of both unconscious bias and willingful blindness.
There are so many small casualties among the larger tragedies in Breaking Bad, and Hugo Archilleya is such a good example, early on, of these smaller collateral casualties destroyed in the wake of Walt.
(Hugo also happens to remind me of my uncle, who is also a blue collar gentle giant with a ponytail, so it really stuck with me this time around...)
UGH. I don't want to ramble too much, so I'll wrap it up here. But, man...justice for Hugo!
((side note, I remember back in like 2012/2013 everyone was debating whether Breaking Bad or The Wire was "better". Silly debate; they're both excellent shows with different scope and focus. But I do think two of the best commentaries on the war on drugs and its awful impact on society...))
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yandere-sins · 5 months
"He needs to come up with hiding spots ever so often" okay so romantic yan Ghost is basically this:
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How do you think their interaction looks like? It's obviously very uncomfortable for darling. It's also because she's used to gentleness from König, so dealing with Ghost who is sharper and isn't doting like König feels like she's suddenly pushed into cold water without warning.
Honestly, I feel like Ghost would do a lot of stalking, having to kinda tiptoe around König, but also not really giving a flying fuck about whether he's seen or not by the big guy. Ghost doesn't really go out of his way to provoke him, but König is just too needy and can need the reality check that there's someone else in darling's town.
They probably don't have an official agreement on who gets to have them when and where, so Ghost just takes the darling away from König when he's not looking or has duties to fulfill. König just can't always be with darling in his position, and Ghost is there to fill the time he's not.
It probably really is a bit of a shock going from one extrem to the other. Ghost isn't a worse choice of yandere, but with the different intentions it's no wonder that it feels like it. He might come off as rougher, Ghost's passion not comparable to König's adoration. There are more edges to Ghost now that the darling is so used to König's rounded obsession, but unless the two have to hide in a space so small there's no free room between them, it can honestly be a nice change of pace for the darling.
Because Ghost dotes too. By giving them the few freedoms König doesn't. König wouldn't let them cook for themselves, giving them no chance to accidentally cut or burn their hands or worse. Ghost lets them blow up the kitchen if they want. We all know he'd like the knife between his ribs if the darling was the one stabbing him. Ghost lets them rant and have negative emotions that they might hold back in front of König as to not to hurt their friend, he takes them on fun outings like browsing through the inventory of the camp or showing them how and where to shoot with guns. Things they'd have to beg König to do but he really wouldn't be a fan of it and be a "Spaßbremse" (a buzzkill or party pooper).
Ghost loves seeing them carefree, but it's no secret that he hopes the spark he's feeling will go over to them if he's the "fun yandere" and they'll ultimately choose him over König. It might take a while, and he's not always so nice, especially if his darling gets an attitude or has weird ideas that don't suit him at all, but Ghost is patient and aims for the long game—unlike König who will get more agitated the closer his darling and Ghost get.
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galaxygolfergirl · 2 years
What we know about Goncharov’s mysterious director, Matteo JWHJ 0715 and his tragic, yet fascinating life.
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He was born as Matteo Di Sciocchezze to a poor catholic farming family on November 5th, 1938, in Torre del Greco, just outside of Naples, during the fascist Mussolini regime.
It is rumored that the Sciocchezzes were heavily indebted to the Russian-Italian Chmerkovskiy crime family, after they bought a surplus of inventory from Matteo’s father’s cheese-making business when they weren’t able to sell off the excess supply.
His older brother Macareo was killed by German Nazis during WW2, causing him to have an intense hatred of Nazism and fascism, which would later be themes in his work.
Self-identified as bisexual in his teens but was shunned by his family. He would later join Fuori!, or “Out!”, the first homosexual organization in Italy, in 1972, soon after its founding after being attracted to its initial Marxist ideals. It was one of the first associations of the Italian homosexual liberation movement.
Matteo was briefly married to actress Rita Lozionne and had one son with her, Bruno Lozionne, in 1970, but the separated soon after she gave birth.
Sophia Loren mentioned in a 1984 Variety article that she had been “madly in love with Matteo” at one point during their relationship in the early 1960s but had to end their relationship because of the “incident in Prague.” She would not go into further detail.
Changed his last name to his license plate number, rejecting his homophobic family and becoming disillusioned with the idea of nationalistic self-identity.
Knew John Waters and helped fund some of his earlier films.
Aside from Goncharov, the only other surviving work in his filmography, most which was tragically lost in a studio fire in Milan in 1987, were the underground early 60s short films “Tales of the Dog,” a 4 part series, and his 90 minute 1968 film “Green Candles.” These works are incomplete and partially damaged due to the fire.
Matteo had been in a gay love affair with the married producer Domenico Procacci (pictured below from a still one of Matteo’s “Tales of the Dog” films) during the production of Goncharov. Procacci admitted to this years later in 1998, and that they had been planning to leave for San Francisco before his untimely death.
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Matteo died tragically in 1974, however, after falling backwards out of a window, supposedly while playing the mandolin (his favorite past time), as sources claimed.
His son Bruno Lozionne emigrated with his mother in 1976 to the United States, and is currently living in Carbondale, IL, working as the senior office manager of Hardison Supply Co.
If anyone can send in more information on Matteo please feel free to add to this post.
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mythmash · 2 months
Bouncer!Sukuna AU Pt. 7 - The Love Store
Bouncer!Sukuna x Stripper/Dancer!Reader. Warnings: MDNI 18+, bullet point fic, uncle!sukuna, sex toys A/N: this is a collaborative work made with the amazing @pastelbunnelby, @pastelpixies & @chaoskrakenuwu Series Masterlist || Previous | Next
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Sex toy/Love Store shopping with Sukuna is a fun fucking time (literally)
It’s one of his favorite dates
You guys make a whole day of it
He sees you look at something for two seconds and immediately is like “you wanna try it?” as he’s halfway to the counter
He’s just periodically placing stuff on the counter as he goes
He’s adding stuff like it’s a bar tab
He also gets all grumbly about not immediately being able to use everything you bought because you have to charge and clean it all
To which you playfully scold him that it’s not your fault he bought half the damn store he has to be patient
The store employees know him by name
They immediately text him when new inventory comes in so you guys can have first pick
He has an honorary Employee of the Month placard because you guys have used so many items that he’ll just start answering questions for other customers
He'll casually stroll up to a clearly flustered couple and start giving recommendations
Partially because he really does know what he’s talking about, but he also likes to mess with people and see them squirm
He's a menace, but he's a menace for good
That's why he's Employee of the Month
You’re trying to drag him away, but as you’re leaving you notice one of them pick up those novelty candy-flavored condoms
You immediately abandon Sukuna to tell them that “Those taste awful and feel worse. You definitely want to try these instead. Oh! And it pairs really well with this lube, and—”
Honestly, though, after they’ve already been spooked by Sukuna they're more willing to take in what you’re saying
You settle on a simple wand and some lube and they thank you for your help
It's twenty minutes before you get back to Sukuna, and he's just smirking
You and Sukuna would be happy to see them again a few weeks later as you enthusiastically demand update
Or you're there late one night on an impulse trip, just browsing through lingerie
Someone starts harassing the poor cashier
Said angry customer eventually demands to see the manager and every employee just stops...
And looks at Sukuna
He handles it, of course
Because he’s a great guy and he’s gonna defend the people who help him make his princess feel good
And not at all because it means you guys will start getting the employee discount
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astroboots · 1 year
Hamster Days: A Moon Knight Tale
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Pairing: Steven Grant x female reader
Summary: You come home to Steven's empty flat only to be greeted by a furry visitor and no sign of Steven. AKA Hamsteven.
Word Count: 2,050
Moon Knight Masterlist | Astroboot’s Masterlist | Thirstworldproblemss’ Masterlist
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Shit. shit. shit. shit!
Any Londoner will know that there are no lack of rodents in the city. Anyone who has taken two steps inside the tube will tell you that. Still that doesn't mean that the sight of one of those furry critters scurrying across the tiled floor of the kitchen isn't a shock and horror all the same.
Your heart was not prepared. It's pounding hard and fast, galloping against the inside of your chest until you swear you can feel it trying to stampede its way out of your throat.
You need to catch it. Get rid of it before any of the three of them comes home. Because Marc will throw a fit. He's already constantly whinging about the state of cleanliness in this flat as it is. If he finds out about this, the man is going to be scrubbing every inch of space with bleach. Then there's Jake with his rodent phobia, who will most likely try to torch down the place. Poor man is never going to sleep again. And Steven? Knowing him and his big bleeding heart and penchant for animals, Steven will try to keep the rat as a pet.
None of these options sounds ideal to you.
Problem is you have no idea how to go about catching a rat. So you do what you always do when faced with the unknown. You google it.
What follows is what always happens when you do. You get very unhelpful results.
According to google you should get a glue trap, a snap trap or live traps. All of which will require several shipping days and you need the rat to be gone now.
Especially with how brazen it is. Racing in circles around your feet. Slinking from the kitchen to the living area and onto Steven's workspace and up his desk.
It's not even trying to hide from you. In fact it's the opposite, calling full attention to itself as it's perched on top of one of Steven's thick books, standing on its hind legs to make itself appear bigger. More visible, as it watches you. Like it doesn't even view you as a threat. Then it starts squeaking loudly as it stands there, not moving from the spot, as if it's calling out to you in challenge.
Your eye roams the space for anything useful. But all you can see are books, books and more books. As badly as you want to get rid of the rat, you're not heartless. You're not going to smack it with one of Steven's books. Instead your eyes settle on one of the mixing bowls Marc used to make pancakes this morning that's been left to dry on the dishrack. It looks large enough to comfortably trap a rat.
You grab the bowl, holding it behind your back, out of the rat's view (why you don't know, because you doubt a rat would understand what you intend to do with it). Then you start to approach the desk, slowly, as not to spook it.
The rodent remain standing on the desk, tiny paws clutched close to its chest as it continues to incessantly squeak excitedly at you the closer you get. It almost sounds like chatter.
You're standing next to the edge of the desk now, and the thing is staring right up at you. For some unfathomable reason it doesn't seem to be making any move to escape from you.
Slowly. Cautiously. You try your best to not make any jerky movements as the hand behind your back slips forward, still gripping on tightly to the bowl. Then in one fell swoop, you slam down the bowl onto the desk.
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Steven is late home from work today.
It's not an altogether unusual occurrence, and you figure that he must've managed to piss of his manager Donna and earned himself overtime with inventory.
What is unusual is that he hasn't texted you to let you know about it. In fact he hasn't texted you since this morning. No photos of his lunch or an endearing selfie, no silly puns, no nothing.
You sent him a text about the rodent trapped on his desk but he hasn't responded and that is unusual.
Even if Marc or Jake are fronting today, both would check their messages and send you a text in reply. Neither of them have.
With a sigh, you walk up to the rodent trapped inside the clear glass bowl.
Poor little thing looks distraught. It runs up to the barrier trapping it, pushing its pink nose and tiny paws up against the glass, as it stares up at you with big pleading eyes that feels oddly familiar to you and makes your chest tighten.
Up close like this, with the thing safely trapped behind glass, you realise that the little creature isn't actually a rat.
It doesn't have the signature long tail, just a stumpy little thing, the size of a rice corn on its rear. Its fur isn't black or brown, but an umbrous golden shade that shines sleek and soft.
It's a hamster.
Probably someone's pet. Which explains why it wasn't scared and didn't try to run from you. It must've escaped from one of the other flats. Must've mistaken you for its owner.
You can still hear the thing squeaking through the glass. It's been at it all this time, as if pleading its case with you.
It must be hungry.
There is an assortment of suitable foods for a hamster in this flat, considering that Steven is vegan. You grab a handful of pumpkin seeds and almonds, as you carefully tilt the bowl ajar (in case the critter makes a run for it).
To your surprise, the hamster doesn't even try to escape, and you smile in excitement. It pads its little feet right up to the palm of your hand, climbing into it and settles there as he stares up at you and you're so elated by it that you almost want to squeal back at the hamster.
You remove the bowl the rest of the way and scoop it up with both hands closer to you.
The little fella is still squeaking animatedly, even though it's literally sitting on its food. You grab a large pumpkin seed from your hand and push it to the hamster's pink little nose. It sniffs it hesitantly, finally quieting down for a second, as if considering it, then it grabs the offering with both its adorable little paws and shoves it down its mouth and cheeks.
It squeaks again, and you offer it another seed that's immediately stuffed down its cheek again. Then another, and another. Before you decide that it's enough of food, its cheeks stuffed so full that it's a choking hazard and settle it back down on the desk again.
The moment its paws settles against the wooden surface, it immediately rushes back into your palm again, refusing to be parted from you. You try a second time, only for it to run back into your hand.
It's so cute.
Its tiny front paws are raised and it almost looks like it's waving at you as it squeaks at you. Its fur is ridiculously soft to the touch. You've always wanted a hamster as a kid but your parents were allergic and now that you're an adult you have a different obstacle. Whenever you've brought up the prospect of pets, Marc will look at you drolly and point at Gus as he deadpans that "we can't have more pets. Goldfishes gets jealous."
But Marc isn't here now, and this hamster has obviously taken a liking to you. Marc will have to pry this cutie off your cold dead hands.
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Jake would never forgive you if he found out that you let a rodent roam free in the flat. But in your defence you needed to catch up on work and you couldn't get anything done with a hamster perched in your hand. What were you supposed to do? Put it back under the glass bowl? You tried that all of once and it looked up at you with such sad big eyes that you caved in less than a handful of seconds and immediately picked it up again.
You justify it by telling yourself that there's no real risk of the hamster escaping. To your delight, the hamster follows you everywhere like a little duckling. And everytime you put down your hand next to it, it would immediately climb in and snuggle into your palm. It's the cutest thing.
It's your hamster now, whether the boys like it or not.
Besides Jake is hardly blameless in this situation. It's almost 10pm and there's not a sign of communication from any of the three of them. If they have any objections to you adopting a stray hamster, then they should've come home earlier and none of this would have taken place.
You type away at your laptop, sipping at your tea as the adorable ball of fur is curled up in your lap sleeping.
His (... her??) little whisker twitches in its sleep, feet jerking ever so slightly and you're enamoured with the sight.
How does one determine if a hamster is a boy or a girl? And for that matter, should you maybe name the hamster? You can't just keep referring it as "it" after all. What's a good hamster name?
Hammie? Ham-Ham? Ham-ilton? No, Marc will hate all of those puns and refuse to let you keep the hamster out of sheer stubborn principle if you named it that.
You tilt your head observing your newly adopted hamster, its long lashes and pink little nose. You think of how big and sweet its eyes are when it looks up at you and how, strangely enough, it reminds you of Steven somehow.
Maybe you should name it Hamsteven? You smile at the thought of Steven's reaction at hearing the name as you put down your teamug to your protesting bladder, and damn you really need to pee.
Carefully, you scoop it up with both hands and perch it on the mousemat placed on the desk, figuring that's soft enough that it shouldn't wake him (her?) And somehow, luckily enough, it's still fast asleep as you get up and quickly run to the loo.
In the silence of the cramped toilet, you squat down over the toilet seat and check your phone again for the umpteenth time. You know it's silly to be worried, because this isn't the first nor the last time the trio disappears on you (not with the nature of their work), even if the lack of head's up is out of character. Still you can't help but worry regardless.
You know your only choice is to wait and ride it out, you can't exactly file a missing person's report under the circumstances. With a sigh you wash your hands, before venturing back out into the living room and towards the desk.
From afar, you spot little Hamsteven scurrying around the keyboard. It shouldn't be too peculiar of a sight, except, Hamsteven keeps stopping and looking up at the screen only to carefully walk around the keyboard, sniffing and looking over the layout before it tentatively settles on a key and seemingly pushes it down with one of its paw and walks away again, only to repeat the behaviour with a different key.
If you didn't know better, you'd say that it almost looks like Hamsteven is trying to type. Which-- you realize how absurd and crazy that sounds even as you think it.
You shake your head as you approach the desk, and at the sight of you Hamsteven excitedly squeaks and squeal again as it runs up to the bright laptop screen, standing up on its hindlegs. Its nose and front paws are pushing up against the screen as if to show you something.
Your eyebrows narrow and you lean down closer to see words that weren't there before greeting you on the screen.
'help im steven'
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A/N: This is dedicated to @guruan and Steven Hamster Pinterest Nonny who asked for this crazy thing.
This is what happens when Kevin Feige refuses to announce season 2. This is the depths to which I've gone to in my desperation for new content. I had a blast writing it. Let me know if you guys liked it. because I would be lying if I said I didn't have ideas for a sequel. Especially since Hamsteven didn't get to sleep on tiddies in this installation.
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
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Chapter 3 - A wild Mama Dynamight appears!
Summary: Y/N gets the shove-talk.
Warnings: Bakugou drinks an alcoholic beverage, swear words, the chapter ends with a teeny-tiny cliffhanger (sorry)
First chapter Master List
It’s an hour after opening and Red Riot is nowhere in sight. You lay on the freshly cleaned counter with a sigh.
You got a little bit too used to have that ray of sunshine in your shop every morning. His pure existence makes your day better. Sometimes, you come in all grumpy, your mood heavily influenced by the lack of sleep, but one glance at the hero’s smile and the world is full of rainbows and unicorns.
Fuck, you miss him already. It’s really fucking concerning how quickly you developed feelings for this random guy. Okay, calling him a random a guy is quite rude as you literally grew up watching him in the TV, but he’s just a human, a human you’ve met only a month ago yet here you are, pining like a stupid school girl because the guy finally managed to get a day off.
“Waiting for someone?” Your boss mutters with a knowing smile which you answer with a big, loud and needy whine. She only snickers at that and then the door opens; you look up with hopeful eyes, searching for a blotch of red but you only find a blond dude in a cap and a face mask, looking sus as fuck.
Is he about to rob this place? - you wonder for a second; haha, he can fucking try, no one except your closest family members know this, but you went to Shiketsu High School and managed to get a hero license as well, so you are absolutely more than capable to annihilate a single fucker even with the lack of training in the last few years.
“Good fucking morning to you too.” The guy looks straight into your eyes with nothing but pure murderous intent.
You shudder under his intense gaze and your face pales in a matter of seconds. You have no idea what you have done personally to deserve such a stare but the guy doesn’t budge. He does look familiar to you though…
Uhm… haha… you definitely can’t annihilate this guy, because this guy is the Number Two pro hero, Dynamight. Oopsie daisy.
Knowing how much you’ve bullied Red Riot in the last few weeks, you have a feeling you are about to get “the shove-talk”.
“Good fucking morning to you too indeed, sir Dynamight!” You mumble under your nose, still a little bit shaken up by being almost murdered by his eyes. The guy keeps an eye contact as he puts his elbow on the counter; his whole posture screams “don’t fuck with me” so you… you don’t fuck with him.
Because this guy is Red Riot’s best friend. Otherwise he would be out of the door for acting inappropriately.
It’s quite amusing to you how much you care about his opinion; it’s not like you are dating his best friend or anything, you are literally just a barista who likes to banter with his favorite customer. Or at least that’s what you try to tell yourself when you feel the urge to ask a guy out and that’s like… every five seconds, really.
“Give me your best coffee.” Dynamight speaks up and it sounds like a challenge; and maybe it is, maybe this is the only way you can earn the guys approval.
Okay, you need to think.
This is Dynamight. He likes his stuff with a kick. A chili hot chocolate would definitely be something he would enjoy but he specifically said “coffee”, so that not an option.
A coffee with a kick… ahh!
“You doin’ hero work today, sir?” You ask nonchalantly while you poor some cold brew into a cup - Dynamight doesn’t look like a person who drinks his coffee sweet, but he also looks like someone who likes to be extra just because he fucking can.
“It’s our inventory and paperwork day, so we are the last agency on the call list so probably no.” He answers with a confused face but doesn’t ask any further questions about your silly question.
It’s time for you to make your favorite beverage… baileys coffee.
Yep, you heard it right. It’s alcohol time.
You give the drink a really light stir, just enough for the two colors to swirl together, then you top it up with some whip cream and finish the masterpiece with a hand-drawn explosion on the top (you don’t want to boast or anything but you can do a lot of stuff with chocolate syrup.)
You hand out the beverage with a massive smirk on your face and Dynamight takes it with a doubtful glare. He takes one sip and by the look of it, the drink kicks him right in the face; he stares at you with an incredulous look.
“It’s 8 in the morning, you absolute madman!” Dynamight fucking laughs, and that’s how you know you won this round. “Are you even allowed to sell alcohol in this place?”
“I’m not selling alcohol. I’m sharing my own secret stash with a friend of a friend. Don’t sue us, please.”
“Only if you make me another one for my fiancé, she will loose her mind from this shit.”
Dynamight gets excited for a second but then he schools his face into his usual scowl.
You can’t believe how cute he is in real life; the fact that his first thought was to share the drink with his loved one makes your heart melt. Now it makes sense why those two are besties. “So… Eijirou likes you.” The blond mutters like he’s talking about the weather. You have a sudden urge to drink some of that Bailey’s yourself, straight out of the bottle. “Red, shitty hair, sunshine reincarnation, rainbows coming out if his ass…” Katsuki tries to help like the only reason you are rendered speechless is the fact that you have no idea what the guy’s first name is.
“Red likes everyone.” You retort, faking nonchalance.
“I’ve been his best fucking friend for 10 years and trust me when I say, he doesn’t. Not like this, at least. I don’t know what kind of sorcery did you do to him, but…”
“I did nothing!” You retort loudly. “He’s my favorite customer, I like to banter with him and tease him. I try my best to make sure he leaves with a smile on his face. That’s all.”
“So you can see through his facade already. Impressive.”
“Eijirou isn’t a ray of sunshine all the time. Not a lot of people can see through all the positivity he fakes daily to be liked. He’s sensitive and depressed. He’s my best fucking friend and if you break his fucking heart I swear to god I’ll chop you up and hide your body parts all over the country so no one can ever find you.”
“What if he breaks my heart?” You mumble with pout, absolutely not affected by the meaningless threats.
“Hm. You ain’t scared of me.” He mutters under his nose with a small smile on his face.
“Should I be? You might act like an asshole but it feels like it comes from a good place. Dunno, I might be weird. I’m glad Red has such a supportive friend by his side. He’s such a himbo sometimes, I’m a little bit worried for him.” You admit with a slight blush on your face.
There are a few seconds of silence between you two before the blond speaks up again:
“If he ever breaks your heart I’ll chop his dick off for letting such a good woman down.”
Needless to say your blush comes back with a full force at his words.
“Deal.” You mumble just as the door open up with full force.
“Katsuki, let her live! … oh. Uhm. I thought he’s… Nevermind. Hi!” Red Riot pants, out of breath. He also forgot to put on a shirt before he ran here. Oh damn, what a day to be alive.
“Did you just run straight here from your apartment, you idiot?!”
“Uhm, I felt like running today?” Red Riot pants with a massive grin on his face. You really want to know how does it feel like to kiss a guy with shark teeth… Y/N, calm the fuck down. Stop staring at his teeth. And his chest… those sweat-slicked abs… oh damn, call the popo, there’s something illegal going on in this coffee shop.
“Eijirou, you live 15 kilometers away and you aren’t even supposed to be in today!” Dynamight yells, and you can’t stop yourself from teasing the guy.
“Yeah, EIJIROU, give yourself a break!”
Kirishima… chokes on his saliva in the most unattractive way, but he looks so fucking adorable while doing it, and you kinda want to kiss him.
Wait? What?! You did not just think that, did you?!
“What if I wanted to see my favorite barista on my break? Am I not allowed to be in the area?” Kirishima gets a little bit cocky, probably trying to look badass and miserably failing at it.
“Look into my eyes and tell me that you didn’t get a message from my woman about me coming to check out the coffee shop.” Dynamight speaks up with a blank face, eyes staring holes into Kirishima’s skull. Damn. You see? That’s badass. The calmness, the way you can see Dynamight knows Red Riot is lying right now but he gives him a last chance to save himself. Kirishima cowers under his gaze, his body goes numb as his facade crumbles and he sighs, clearly giving up on fighting his best friend.
“The menace* messaged me…” Red Riot sits down on the nearest chair, completely defeated.
Honestly, if you thought Kirishima himself is a better entertainment than a sitcom, there two together are downright unbeatable when it comes to comedy.
* The Menace is the hero name of Katsuki’s fiancé. She started as a secretary at Katsuki’s agency after she got into an accident and couldn’t work as a hero for a long time but after she got better she joined Katsuki’s agency as a hero. The Menace was Katsuki’s nickname for her when they “hated” each other. If you want to read their story, read Bakugou Katsuki’s daily shenanigans!
“While I certainly enjoy your shenanigans and you two made my day, can you please leave now? Dynamight, your woman’s coffee will get cold. Red, no one will come to my coffee shop if there is a half naked guy sitting in the window, even though I must admit, it is a beautiful sight.”
“I’m… not even getting… a coffee?” Kirishima gives you the biggest puppy eyes the world has even seen while Dynamight snickers in the background like a cheeky child.
“Come here.” You motion towards the redhead with your fingers. “Come on, I ain’t got all day!” You reprimand and Kirishima moves closer, clearly terrified. You can barely conceal your smile as he finally makes it to the counter, ready to get smacked in the head, his eyes closed, ready for the impact. Instead of smacking him you jump on top of the counter and rake your fingers through his soft, gel-free strands as you leave a tiny kiss on the top of his forehead, an act full of affection and love. “Now get the fuck out of my coffee shop, you smelly himbo.” Everyone who hears your lovesick giggle is able to tell how much you adore this man… except the man himself. It’s kinda funny how oblivious the guy is.
“Yes, sir.” Is all you get as an answer; Red Riot is out of of the door before you can say bye; you stare at the door for a few second, already the missing the warmth Kirishima has brought with him.
“Wow, you’ve got it bad. I was worried for no reason.” Katsuki grins at you, sipping on his girlfriend drink, using the cute reusable pink straw you put in it for another brownie point.
“You look like a slut, Dynamight, get out and get laid.” You giggle while you roll your eyes, absolutely gobsmacked by the fact that Bakugou is… well… a completely different person than the loud and aggressive pro hero Dynamight you see in the news almost every day.
“Behave yourself.” Katsuki grins and after a lazy wave, he leaves; Suddenly, it’s way too lonely in the empty coffee shop.
“They are an interesting bunch.” Your boss snickers, her head poking out of the staff room door.
“Shut up.” You whine, only just realizing that she’s heard the whole conversation. “And don’t tell my uncle. Don’t want him to die an early death.”
“Yes, sir.” Your boss parrots; you really want to to go home and yell into a pillow out of embarrassment.
A few days later:
Kirishima is a happy child; he just got his favorite coffee from his favorite barista and if that’s not enough, he even got another kiss on his cheek. His heart has a hard time with the whole situation, it beats out of his chest every time Y/N comes close to him and he certainly needs to work on that bit to preserve this blooming friendship without ruining it with his stupid, unrequited romantic feelings but that’s a problem for another day; today, Kirishima is the one in charge at the agency, he’s the big boss, the one with all the responsibility and not even Y/N’s cheeky kisses can ruin his concentration as he stares at the CCTV, looking for troublesome individuals. It’s not like he doesn’t have specific people in the room to do this for him but Kirishima is a nosy little bitch and absolute likes the random funny interactions that sometimes happen on the screen; there is a guy who always dances on his way home from work, another one likes to pet the neighbors dog as he walks past, even if he gets bitten every time then there is that girl with two heads that likes to have a fight with herself in the middle of the street then walk into a lamp post by accident.
Today, he’s not looking at the random bystanders though; he’s looking at the camera right by this street, he’s looking at a smiling Y/N, staring out of the massive window, clearly daydreaming; Kirishima wonders what she’s thinking about and if he’s able to make those dreams come true.
Kirishima is aware that he is… uhm… a little bit creepy for doing this so he usually only does it for a few minutes then moves to the next frame.
They got a special security camera set up for that coffee shop after it opened; villains aren’t stupid to try and rob a shop right next to the big Dynamight-Red Riot Agency but even if Katsuki denies it, they both care about their neighbors and they want them to feel safe, hence why every single shop in the area has a special camera set up so they can help out in a case of emergency; fire, water damage, robbery, hell, they even send their interns to help out with rude, aggressive customers from time to time, just to keep the young, inexperienced hero students entertained on a boring day.
Kirishima is just about to look somewhere else, mesmerized by the sight of his… well, let’s be honest, crush; when he feels his heart drop down into his belly; three, masked individuals enter the shop, clearly up to no good and Kirishima doesn’t wait a single second before he jumps out of his office window and lands right in front of the (hopefully) unlocked coffee shop back door.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He mutters to himself as he sneaks into the backroom, his whole body charged with the urge to protect the sunshine of his life.
… next chapter!
Potato ramble:
- I know, ending the chapter with that shit wasn’t nice but don’t worry, it’s gonna be fine. The angst will be resolved in the next chapter! And something good will come out of it!
- Bro I miss writing with Katsuki so much. 😭
- I hope you still enjoy this story! 💜 Send me your thoughts!
- If you enjoy my silly little stories, you can support me with some “coffee” here!
TL: @porusuniverse @sixxze @unofficialmuilover @cheesenmax @readingfan @sammmm29 @pwinglez1 @happydragonfrog @magicalhandsherringclam @lovingnightharmony @theequeenofcurses @kirishima-eijirock @nerinefy @selfindulgenthoe @fierysplash213 @woofwoofwolf @touyasprettydoll @confused-smol-fan
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astral-multiverse · 7 months
Captain N: Another Visit to The Inventory
With her last victory at the Inventory's Poker Night tournament, Bella managed to help rid her team of the nightmares that plagued them, especially poor Ri. But that wouldn't be the only tournament she would participate in. In fact, she found a letter in her room that was from the Inventory and she started reading it
"Hey boys, listen to this! Says here that Winslow is inviting us back to the Inventory for another Poker tournament, and this one has some different players this time" Bella said
"It would be nice to go there now that we're not under the pressure of those nightmares. It could just be a fun night out" Brandon said
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xjulixred45x · 11 months
Continuing with the series of Platonic Yandere Kenjaku, the user @thecuriousquest give me the idea for this Drabble(thank You again sweetie!)
And kind of the Manga itself
What would happen to (Child Reader) when/if Kenjaku get them Back?
First of all, when will this happen? probably in the Culling Game arc, when Choso and Yuki have to take care of Tengen so that Kenjaku doesn't go after him.
(Child Reader) in order not to be kidnapped again they would have to stay with Itadori and Megumi (and in this case the twins), but let's say that is not the case, they decide that it would be better for them to stay with Tengen, Yuki and Choso (since They know the latter very well and are confident that Yuki could against Kenjaku).
but it's not like that.
Kenjaku manages to defeat--kill Yuki and Choso is too wasted by the fight to do anything as he absorbs Tengen and takes (Child Reader).
The child cries, kicks, screams for someone to help them, to save them, they curse Kenjaku with everything they have, but far from seeming upset, he seems amused. They still have spirit, he loves it.
He wonders, will they still have that spirit when he's done with them? He'll find out soon!
Now, although Kenjaku's first punishment was "physical" he goes more with the Psychological side when it comes to (Child Reader), more because now he has a lot of ammunition to shoot. (Child Reader) is completely alone, and he makes them get that into their heads, that no one will come for them now that he has Tengen by his side, that they have abandoned them.
all this while giving him a hug so tight that it nearly suffocates them. Yes, it sounds weird, but he really miss them, maybe that's why he don't want to apply physical punishment in the first place.
but if (Child Reader) keeps pressing the wrong buttons, I can see him doing something like putting them into his inventory (yep, the same inventory full of monsters and first-grade curses that could perfectly leave them limbless), he'd be waiting a couple of minutes (maybe 15) and then would pull them out like they were a rabbit from a magic trick (the poor thing would be ten times worse than the first time he used curses against them, with blood, bruises and tears in their face) and ask them if they are ready to behave.
but (child Reader) pouts and just....shuts up. They don't make a noise. Oh? the law of ice? It's okay, Kenjaku can make them talk in other ways.
He proceeds to put them in the inventory a couple more times, alternating the time from a few minutes to longer, each time the child is worse, but they continue doing nothing to talk to him. Kenjaku is very surprised by the child's durability and stubbornness, even amused, but a part of him is worried about accidentally killing (child Reader), so after a while, when the child is barely conscious, he asks them what they want in exchange for talking.
and surprisingly (Child Reader) responds.
they want Kenjakj to be completely honest with them. nothing else. and he wants it to be a deal (that is, one that he is obliged to comply with).
Kenjaku is surprised that the boy is so smart, but accepts. He also takes advantage of several opportunities to not tell him certain information (they never said that he couldn't stay silent instead of answering).
This ends up being a double-edged sword for (child reader).
because on the one hand Kenjaku doesn't lie to them about what he's doing or what's on his mind, which helps them be prepared. but it also scares them away on several occasions.
What I mean by this? that Kenjaku can either say very Wholesome things when Child Reader asks him or very, very shady, creepy things.
For example, once Kenjaku said that he couldn't wait to introduce (Child Reader) into his future plans, when the child asked him what he meant, he gave him a very...creepy answer.
"...it's different depending on the day...sometimes I imagine what you'll look like when you grow up, yes, into a big, strong adult......and other times I just think about how I'll turn you into a Cursed object! That way you would stay cute, small and with me forever! Wouldn't that be wonderful?"
This, along with the horrible inventory experience, only makes the child fear him even more.
He will use the indirect threat of the Inventory every time (Child Reader) is doing something even remotely suspicious. but it's not even the worst, The worst thing is that when Kenjaku decides that the Culling Games have to end with everyone dying, he brings (Child Reader) with him. EVEN WHEN HE KILLS THE PARTICIPANTS.
He says that this way he is preventing (Child Reader) from escaping again, but he also wants to scare them even more from him so that they understand that there is no WAY for them to escape. the BASTARD is so sinic that he even says that it could be considered father and child time while the poor child cries because oh my god he blew that woman's head off--
If the child wants to look away, he might give them his cell phone, although - well, it's not much better (those who saw chapter 239 know what I mean).
BUT THEN A RAY OF HOPE APPEARS--something like that--TAKABA.
To be honest, after several days/weeks of being with Kenjaku and with all the recent trauma, (Child Reader) does not want to see another participant die, he begs Takaba to leave quickly, to run! because Kenjaku is going to kill him! The kid is already crying thinking about everything that SINGLE DAY has had to do with him.
Then Kenjaku launches an attack, one that hits him STRAIGHT, and the kid falls apart as Kenjaku carries them around like a soccer ball, telling them that if they stop crying they can have some candy--
AND THEN TAKABA COMES OUT UNHARM!! and insulting Kenjaku saying that he could have killed him and that he will put him in jail 🤣
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Takaba would be also scold him for make cry the poor (child Reader) "YOU EVEN MAKE THE CHILD CRY! HOW DARE YOU, YOU'RE SO MEAN!"
(child Reader) is as shocked as Kenjaku, but for the first time in a long time they feel like they have a slim chance, if Takaba can give them enough time, maybe, just maybe they can escape and find help.
maybe even use the beam up their sleeve they've been saving.
but Kenjaku will not lose easily and they know it, it will remain to be seen who plays their cards better...
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Any ask or suggestion for this Series is welcome!
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fishareglorious · 5 months
In the wake of the new pizza hut collab and that one specific emote of schneider threateningly looming behind pizza hut regulus with a gun, I got possessed and created an au where ezra, matilda and regulus work with each other in the same branch.
May or may not have gotten carried away with it. AU below.
matilda is the long suffering branch manager that doesn't even want to work there. this poor french girl is really going through it (customer service)
alas she stays because of a certain redheaded customer. sonetto visits sometimes to check on regulus and that the store is relatively close to where she lives.
matilda constantly five seconds away from firing everyone and handing out her resignation but then sonetto walks inside and suddenly everything is good (sotheby just accidentally created ketamine in the back)
she hates her job because all the people that visit here are fucking lunatics.
ezra is the least problematic of the employees and he sometimes supplies the mushrooms because of his mycology hobby, but one time he accidentally switched up the button mushrooms with similar-looking hallucinogenic ones and matilda put a stop into it because a customer got high (desert flannel)
kanjira is their one and only delivery driver and while she drives matilda up the wall by always stealing from the cash register, she'd terrifyingly efficient and fast with her deliveries (at the expense of being a menace in the highway)
regulus works as an all-rounder but sometimes takes kanjira's place whenever she's not around. she always gets a traffic ticket. she and kanjira are in a competition on who can amass the most
apple is here and is the only other voice of reason working in this place. matilda respects him because he's the only one that can rein in regulus
The one story that started this whole AU. sorry schneider's dead in this universe
one day vertin comes around to catch up with regulus. regulus was on the process of serving pineapple pizza when suddenly someone appears behind her to chop her in the neck and curses her out in the most horrific ear-bleeding italian. vertin catches a glimpse of regulus' attacker, then crumples into the floor in shock because its her dead mafia girlfriend.
matilda comes to the scene only to see regulus passed out and vertin silently weeping on the floor.
someone still has to serve the damn pizza. fucks sake.
after the pineapple pizza incident there's now a ghost haunting the store that really really has an agenda against pineapple pizza. at this point matilda is very much inclined to blackout the hawaiian in the menu just to placate the damn ghost.
A comprehensive list of all the weirdos that come in here:
there's an absolutely pleasant and nice lady that sometimes eats here but the thing is she has this thing where she puts yellow bug things in her pizza as some kind of condiment and its so damn weird because those things are still ALIVE. but she gets a pass because she's done no trouble and is nice to everyone
one time the store had a break in and for some reason all the greens in the inventory were eaten. everyone checks the security cameras. it was. it was a fucking deer.
(yes, jessica is an actual deer here.)
constantine came here once only to pull the "i demand to speak to your manager" thing
pickles at one point ordered something here by himself. in the words of regulus: what the dawg doin?
ezra's collegemates (the laplace crew) sometimes visit and its a hit or miss depending on who is it
the last time x came here the stove got legs and sentience then it left pizza hut and never came back. some say it became a famous track and field runner
medicine pocket was banned like. years ago even before matilda started working here. does it stop her? no. he caught wind of sotheby's ketamine thing and tried to recruit her at one point. matilda chased them off with a spray bottle.
mesmer jr is the least chaos-inducing person of the group but at the same time because of the childhood friends that have baggage with matilda the tension between then is. frankly you could cut through it with a knife
one time she, vertin, and matilda were in the same proximity and regulus passed by and started asphyxiating
sometimes their research advisor enigma gets dragged here because someone has to feed him something other than his twentieth cup of black coffee. matilda has beef with him for some reason.
the only people matilda remotely respects that has entered this pizza hut is shamane and kaalaa baunna
but at the same time she has witnessed kaalaa stumble here at an insanely late/early hour with three giant cups of coffee then proceeded to chug all of it down then order something. she is visibly shaking from the caffiene. matilda is scared.
matilda called shamane 'dad' once and after that she has sworn to never show her face to him again
pavia exists here but keeps a wide berth of pizza hut because it contains the insult to italian cuisine
one time a foreign singer (isolde) came here to have lunch with her wife then got possessed by schneider and started angrily lambasting and threatening to haunt everyone from the grave if they've ever dared to eat pineapple pizza. she later passed out then woke up all normal again
lilya is also on the pizza hut blacklist because she crashed her motorcycle into the windows trying to pick vertin up
broke as hell researcher windsong stumbles into pizza hut with the biggest smile on her face as if she won the lottery (she did. it was the amount of the cheapest thing in the menu) then proceeds to hork down her food like she's starving (she probably was.) fun fact this is inspired by her voiceline that is basically the same story
bear with me on my vilasong propaganda for a sec.
local schoolteacher vila comes into the store because her student wandered off and is now talking windsong's ear off, and then the two have this weird but sweet meetcute that's almost the same as canon
windosng tells her "oh god hey i swear im not a child abductor" then vila just laughs and fucking sniffs her and says "yeah i know you don't smell threatening at all."
they are both so strange. next time they come together hand in hand.
matilda is malding can't she have a nice meetcute like that with sonetto (minus the whole. child abduction statement. and the sniffing thing. actually she just wants a normal nice meetcute)
37 came there with the aperion gang and all she did was calculate the precise circumference of the pizza and then tell the matilda it was an imperfect circle. matilda then says 'do i look like i give two shits about whether or not this is a perfect circle. fuck you want me to do' but in customer service language
would arcana even step inside a pizza hut.
a knight sometimes comes here and he and apple are the investments in pizza hut's old men yaoi stocks.
hofmann and marcus came in once and marcus was the one trying to order but the poor thing kept stuttering so badly that hofmann heaved out the most world-weary sigh and ordered for both of them
besmir came in there once while vertin was there and vertin shot up from her seat and went 'MOTHER???!?!??!?!?!!!!!!!!" and thus came the most awkward family reunion that happened. (regulus screamed out "SO YOU HAVE A MOTHER" while the two were watching each other awkwardly not knowing what to do)
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kaeyahiya · 1 year
"Unrequited Enemies" (NSFW)
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Pairing: Ayato x Female Reader
Warnings: NSFW/Explicit content, use of y/n if that bothers you,use of feminine parts, enemies to lovers (kinda), swearing, and mentions of marking, a little bit of angst, a little bit of smut
Disclaimer: This is intended for adult viewing only, I have plenty of SFW content on my master list so please check that out instead. I am strongly discouraging and actively not condoning the consummation of this content for anyone who is a minor.
Word count: 5687 OH MY GOD???
Authors note: This is LONG the longest thing I think I've written to date. This counts as like a full fic, should be like a multi chapter type beat. It's a long read but dare I say this might be my best work yet. Anway, I haven't written anything for Ayato bc he was a faceless ncp before I went on my hiatus.... I am also in love with man and couldn't stand the thought of this. Hence I'm writing a self serving fic bc I'm incredibly selfish rn and need some of this man in my life. Also I enjoy a good enemies to lovers troupe sue me!! ALSO ALSO THIS IS GENDERED HAHAHAHA finally if you see my master list it's all been GN so ha I did it. Anyway enjoy me being selfish 🧍🏻‍♂️(edit) Future self here... This took me almost a month to write, this turned into a novel and I apologize....
This will also be crossposted on my A03 probably bc of the girth of this beast. You can read it: Here if you prefer that interface better
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Working under the Kamisato's was a blessing. Truly it was. You considered yourself exceptional in hospitality and an ace seamstress. That's how the Kamisato clan sought you out.
Lady Ayaka was kind, the easy one to put it bluntly. Her tasks were normal simply as asking you to clean her linens or making small repairs on her formal wears. (Which Thoma would normally jump in to help, cleaning and sewing was also his forte). Genuinely, she was the nicest noble person you've ever seen, still managing to keep an air of excellence and gracefulness to her despite her overly kind nature. 
Working there is what kept you and your family fed and you were able to have a safe haven during the Vision Hunt Degree when being a vision holder yourself was hard to avoid.
However, working under the Kamisato's wasn't easy work by any means.
The head of the household was where the issue lied when it came to your work. Kamisato Ayato, you swear had it out for you since you arrived to work for them. One day he'd have you doing mundane tasks like taking inventory of the spices in the kitchen, and the next it would be making him tea over and over until it was the exact temperature he liked.
Not to mention all the constant repairs on his clothes you'd have to do, whether it be taking care of personal matters or training with his sister he'd always come back with piles of clothes in need of huge repairs.
You probably would have punched the pretty smirk off of "Lord Ayato's" face if it wasn't for poor Thoma keeping you afloat. You feel bad but while he cooks, you normally lament your frustrations to him. He'll occasionally offer his support or advice, since after all he's your senior and also a fellow outsider of Inazuma.
"Miss, your presence is requested in Lord Ayato's office." the guard locks eyes with you. You want to groan in agony, you were hungry and tired but still you mustered a smile. " I'll head over right now, thank you."  You say with a small bow. Once the guard exits you you finally let out a long groan looking to Thoma for support. "Can't you go instead, at least you can put up with his nonsense." You sigh exasperated.
After one particularly frustrating day of repairing both Lord Ayato's and Lady Ayaka's training wear entirely and aiding another with mending their Shinai Practice Swords (The bamboo ones, commonly used in kendo??), which were almost beyond repair. You find yourself once again in the kitchen with Thoma going on and on about the day before a dreaded guards men enter.
Thoma chuckles. "I believe a 'Miss' was summoned, I'd be scolded if I showed up, besides I'm cooking. Unless you wanna deliver food to the entire staff and the Lord and Lady." You wrap him lightly on the back of his shoulder. " Fine, but if I wind up dead it's your fault." You joke. You excuse yourself and exit the kitchen; then head for your doom, Lord Kamisato's office.
You stand outside his office, the dimly lit Shoji (those paper sliding door things?) showing the silhouette of menace himself just waiting for you.  "(Y/N) here My Lord." You grit your teeth. "You may enter." You can almost hear the sadistic smile in his voice. Sliding open the door you're immediately confused on why you are here.
Ayato looked right as rain, clean and on top of that his office looked organized and practically sparkling (you'll have to thank Thoma for that later), boba tea full, and a small before dinner snack fully eaten. What more could he need at this hour. "Ah yes, Miss (Y/N)" his eyes lock with yours. "I've seemed to have spilled ink on my clothes. I need them cleaned immediately before dinner is finished." Though the room was dimly lit, you could clearly see there was no ink anywhere on Ayato's clothing.
"My lord I don't-" before you can even finish getting the word's out, Ayato takes the ink on his desk and proceeds to dump its contents all over his clothing. All the while that signature sadistic smile plastered on his face. You face contorts, you try to conceal the seething hot rage from pouring out of your mouth. (Un)Luckily Ayato speaks first. "I'm sorry you were going to say something? Go ahead, I apologize for my clumsiness."
Your mouth opens but you quickly close it. You're dumbfounded. His informal attire is mostly white, similar to his training attire, getting ink of that amount out in such a short amount of time would be nearly impossible. As you continue to stand there in silence you can see Ayato absolutely blossom with happiness.
A few more seconds pass until you collect yourself enough to speak calmly. "I'll fetch you some other clothing to change into while I tend to your..." Your eyes narrow at him. " Accident. " Words laced with venom at the end. He nods, smiling. " Go ahead, I'll be right here. Do be quick though, I hear ink is a pain to get out the longer you leave it. " He smirks.
You bow rigidly before bolting out the door to his quarters to grab him some fresh clothing.  Returning to the lion's den, you announce yourself once more. "You may enter," Ayato calls out again. Sliding open the door he promptly stands up this time.
You don't say a word but hold out the clean clothes to him. "My my, that was fast." He smiles. You don't answer but begin to turn to exit so he can change in private.  "No need to be so shy. You're practically one of my retainers at this point. "
You quickly turn around deciding to face the door instead of him, face red with embarrassment this time. You hear the rustling of the rest of his clothes. After a few awkward quiet moments with your thoughts filled with annoyance and somehow Lord Ayato's bare chest and perfect stupid abs, he finally speaks again. "I'm dressed." You pivot to see him again, back in pristine condition, however not bothering to pick up the ink stained clothes off the ground.
Retainer??? Since when? Where's your pay raise? That's all that runs through your mind as you stare at him dumbfounded. You don't realize until you snap out of your train of thought Ayato has already started stripping, his bare chest on full display. "Miss (Y/N) I don't mind if you watch, but watching me so intensely is unnecessary." You didn't think that smirk could get any bigger but it does.
You let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding in and kneel to grab the stained clothes scattered around his feet. You go to grab a sleeve and the bastard has his foot still on the article of clothing. Giving it a little tug as a hint to move, Ayato simply looks down at you with a smile. "Oh my apologies, didn't realize I was standing on it and hindering your precious time to get those pesky stains out." He steps out of your way and plants himself back to his desk. Asshole is all that runs through your mind as you gather the clothes.
Once again you quickly excuse yourself and rush to the medical bay to grab some balls of cotton and rubbing alcohol. Storming back into the kitchen you decide you need to get this frustration out and combat this stain at the same time.
You definitely startle Thoma as you slide open the Shoji with little to no care of its fragility. "Listen I'm sorry, Lord Ayato is fucking awful."  You say holding up the stained clothing to accentuate your point.
You recount your encounter with the Lord of the house to Thoma all the while desperately scrubbing the ink out with the rubbing alcohol. "He's a sadist Thoma, he hates me I'm sure of it. Why on earth would he do this." Thoma turns to the area of the table you're vigorously scrubbing at ,now almost finished with dinner at this point, offers you a pot of cold water and soap to help you finish cleaning the stain. "That's just Lord Ayato, and hey maybe it was a genuine mistake."  He shrugs. "Thoma, I saw him pick it up and dump it on himself."
You move over a bit to let Thoma work his laundry magic. Taking the garment from you, which was now almost its original color, he washes it in the aforementioned cold soapy water. After some more scrubbing he pulls it out. Looking as radiant as it did on Ayato before he went and soiled it.  "Thoma I'm sorry for roping you into this... I appreciate you." He smiles nudging you softly. " Stop that, you'd do the same for me if I needed that level of help. " You're glad Thoma is always here to save your ass. 
"I may have done the best I can but it won't dry before dinner, since I'm almost done with it." You grab your Anemo Vision and wave it in front of him and he lets out a 'Oh yeah...' before he smiles radiantly. "You got this then, dry it quick and as soon as you're done I'll serve dinner. Hopefully that'll buy you a bit of time. " You bow to Thoma, thanking him profusely. You exit the kitchen before running to the courtyard to swiftly dry the Lord's clothes with a little help from your Vision.
After making quick work of drying the clothes. (Thank you Anemo Archon). You inspect the clothes one last time and decide they are pristine enough for him. Carefully folding them, you proceed to slide down the hall to Ayato's office once more. 
For the final time of the night you announce yourself. "Miss (Y/n) back so soon?" he says as you enter. His eyes narrow in on the clothes in your hands. "I'm more than pleased with your speediness. However, folding them will definitely crease them." You wordlessly unfold the clothes, gesturing to the creaseless stainless garments. "I see... Very well then, I will change after dinner."  
His eyes light up again and you regret opening your stupid mouth. "Ah yes, Thoma should be along with my dinner soon. My arms are awfully tired from writing documents all evening..." There it is again that fucking sadistic grin. "Stay here and feed me will you?" You can't stop the words from spilling out of your mouth. "What? Why?" Clapping a hand over your mouth. He didn't like that, you can tell as you watch sadism on his face fade to confusion. "Because you serve under me and I'm telling you to do so." 
Taking the clothes from your hands, Ayato purses his lips briefly as your fingers touch during the exchange.  You grimace at him, typical of him to be disgusted by touching you even for a millisecond. You quickly rearrange your face before asking the dreaded question. "Can I help you with anything else my Lord?"
Right. You forgot. You're supposed to be like Thoma, a loyal dog who does what it's told. Maybe that's what you're supposed to do but this was an outlandish request. However, knowing the wrath of Kamisato Ayato, you flop yourself in the corner in defeat, not bothering to put up a fight. You press your knees up to your chest, glancing at Ayato's, once again, happy smirk. He too proceeds to sit back down, at his desk.
A heavy silence fills the room as Ayato resumes his work. You want to yell at him, kick and scream, but overall you just wanted to cry. You're so embarrassed for what's to come and your mind is reeling. The tears brimming your eyes burn as you try to continue putting on a strong front. You refuse to let this asshole see you cry.
Thoma must be taking his time because amongst the scribbling mixed in with silence you have a lot of time to think. You evaluate your position. You signed up for this, but did you really? A maid sure, but dealing with a sadistic brat? No, that wasn't in the job description. Or maybe that was the plan all along, maybe it just happened along the way? You weren't sure at this point and you felt bitter and defeated.
"Lord Ayato?" Your voice comes out horse. "Hmm?" He questions. "Why do you trouble me with the most torturous and utterly embarrassing tasks?" You stare him down. He looks shocked you dare question his authority. He opens his mouth to answer? maybe yell at you? But as if the Archons themselves are taunting you, Thoma announces himself. "My Lord you dinner is ready, may I enter?" Ayato fixes his gaze on you for a second longer than needed before responding to Thoma. "Thoma. Yes, you may enter." He answers 
Thoma comes in hands full of all of the dishes Ayato requested tonight. He almost doesn't see you in the corner for a second but being the loyal retainer he is, the actual retainer of Ayato, he says nothing but shoots you a sympathetic glance. "Thoma, please let Miss (Y/n) help you with the rest of your food deliveries. I wish not to be disturbed the rest of the night." Ayato says using a voice he normally only uses when talking with other officials. It's cold, a lot colder than usual. The blood drains from your face and a knot forms in your stomach, you fucked up big time.  
Three days. It was three days of terrifying tranquility, free of summoning from Lord Ayato.
Lady Ayaka assured you, as well as your job, were fine. The looming anxiety however had you on edge, you couldn't sleep fearing you'd be assassinated in the middle of the night. After all Kamisato Ayato hated being questioned, the only thing you were sure he hated more was you. Death would be the only solution right? 
You were in the courtyard, it was evening and everyone was eating dinner. Thoma approached you gently tapping your shoulder. "Dinner is ready for you in the maid's quarters... But uh, Lord Ayato wishes to see you in his quarters before dinner." He says sheepishly. You groan looking to Thoma “If you don't see me tomorrow, assume the worst." You joke but deep down felt your stomach drop. It had been three days of not seeing him, who knows what kind of punishment you'd receive. 
Thoma gave you a reassuring smile as you bid him farewell and headed from the courtyard to the personal quarters of Kamisato Ayato. It's not like you haven't been there before, but something still felt off about addressing your punishment not in his office but your room. 
So there you were, standing in front of the looming door to the man who was about to decide your fate. You swallow hard before addressing your arrival. "My Lord, (Y/n) here. Thoma said you requested my presence..." Your voice came out a lot shakier than you'd like to admit. Frankly you were terrified. There was, what felt like, an eternity of silence before he finally responded. "Come in."
Your hands waver as you pull the Shoji door open. It was almost pitch black inside Ayato's room. He was sitting under a Kotatsu with his dinner finished. His eyes immediately fixed on you as you entered. "Miss (Y/n) please sit. There's something I'd like to discuss with you." Fuck. Your family will be so upset if you lose this job, what will you do for work, where will you live? Sure you hate Ayato but you for the most part enjoy your job and- No no no you can't spiral right now. 
You suck in a composed breath and take a seat opposite him under the Kotatsu. "What is it, my Lord?" You ask meekly. He closes his eyes, sighing. "I.. You see.." He's uncharacteristically fidgety. "My sister has brought it to my attention that I've been causing you much strife lately." You want to laugh, lately he says, it's been since day one but okay sure. You grit your teeth. "As you said before, I serve under you. It's my duty, I suppose." You respond promptly. As much as it hurts your pride to admit you needed this job. You belong here and you won't go down without a fight. "I see." He says, sighing again. 
" (Y/n)... You loathe me do you not?" He locks eyes with you, as if boring directly into your soul. " My Lord, of course not. I'm grateful to serve the Kamisatos." He shakes his head. " Miss (Y/n), from the moment you arrived here you've seemed to take a disliking to me. I'm just trying to understand what started it. Please be cooperative." 
Huh? You? You're the problem in this situation? You know what fuck your job. "Kamisato Ayato, I do believe from the moment I arrived here you've made me do the most outlandish things and have, frankly, acted like a brat. If anyone hated anyone first it'd be you." You bang your fist on the table of the Kotatsu. "I'm a mere maid trying to make a living, not a babysitter or a toy for a spoiled noble's amusement." 
He has the audacity to laugh. "I'm sorry I seem to be missing the joke here my Lord. Please share so I too can laugh at the very serious call concerns I just raised." You glare at him. He smiles trying to suppress his laughter. "(Y/n) no one has ever talked to me like that before..." You pause. You've never seen Ayato look so pleased in your presence before. 
"Shamefully I'll admit, I enjoyed hearing your true feelings about me." He fidgets under the Kotatsu again. "For the record, I never hated you. I enjoy teasing you, and I'll admit I take things to an extreme. For that I apologize for the suffering I put you through." You're stunned at his apology. The head of the Kamisato clan apologized to you? " My Lord I..." Your words catch in your throat and all the anxiety built over the past three days spills out of your eyes. The one thing you swore you'd never do happens, you're crying in front of Ayato. 
Instinctively Ayato rushes to your side of the Kotatsu kneeling next to you handing you his handkerchief. You take it and turn away from him as you try to repress your sobs. "(Y/n) I'm so sorry, I didn't realize... I..." He turns you to face him. His face is almost unrecognizable, maybe from the blurry vision of your tears, but his face laced with pure concern and gentleness. "I apologize for being so bold to ask but my I... Hug... You?" H u h?  Your world feels like it's been turned upside-down. Ayato is being nice to you, and the craziest part is you kind of enjoy how it makes you feel. A half hour ago you would've never dreamed you'd be in this situation. 
You cautiously nod and Ayato gently pulls your much smaller form into his chest. You sniff, still calming down from your episode. Ayato gently strokes your back. It sends shivers down your spine but you don't... hate it?? You're conflicted at this moment. A man who was once so cruel to you is now being the perfect gentleman. 
While battling your thoughts Ayato fills the silence. "When my sister and I were young, she would often hurt herself by accident. While she cried, I'd hold her like this until she would calm down." You hum softly. You're unsure what to say. This whole situation feels like a twisted dream. You feel like any moment you'd wake up in your bed and the sinister Ayato you'd known up until now would return.
You glance up at him, his eyes are closed as he still is gently stroking your back. He looks peaceful, a small gentle smile on his face. You dare even concur he looks rather handsome like this. Your face turns red as you now realize the situation you're in. Kamisato Ayato is holding you. Even worse, you're enjoying it.
One of his eyes opens and peers down at you. His smile gets wider but remains gentle still. "Feeling better?" He asks. "I think so. I apologize for my outburst My Lor-" "Ayato..." "Huh?" "You can apologize but please use my name, not my title." You snort with a smile, there's the Ayato you know. "I apologize for my actions Ayato. For the record as well, I don't hate you either." 
You pause for a brief second confused by your own confession, then words continue to spill out of your mouth. "I think I hated the way you treated me and just assumed you hated me. Besides you'd make me do silly things and would cause problems just for me to fix, making my life harder, it was frustrating but..." Ayato tips your chin up from his chest. You both stare at each other in silence.
Whatever rambles you had in your mind vanished and all you can think about now is how pretty his eyes are and how you never noticed until right now.  Ayato leans down, your lips inches apart from his, you can feel the heat of his lips radiating on to yours. "May I be bold once more Miss (Y/n)?"  You say nothing, you're absolutely frozen so he continues. "I think I did all of that because I'm positively enamored by you." Then closes the gap between the two of you, kissing you.
His lips are soft and as his hand moves from your back to your waist you find yourself kissing him back. It's gentle but tender, all that pent up rage for the man you once loathed melts and in this moment it feels like you two are the only ones in the world. He pulls away first. You stare at him, he looks positively breathtaking now. His other hand runs a finger over your bottom lip then joins his other hand on your waist. "If you hate it please tell me to stop, and I will." You shake your head. "Please... Continue."
His lips meet yours again this time with more passion. You wrap your arms around his neck and gently part your lips. Ayato takes this opportunity to deepen the kiss further, sliding his tongue gently into your mouth. His hands wonder about your body while he kisses you. You can't deny the sparks that follow in the wake of his touch. 
You part briefly to catch your breath and Ayato uses this as an opportunity to explore your neck. You tilt your head to the side giving him more access. He chuckles softly at your action. "So responsive." He teases against your neck. "Please keep your thoughts to yourself and keep kissin-" He bites down on your neck leaving whatever grip you had planned to die in throat and gets replaced with a soft moan. He lavishes the bite with his tongue and you're positive that's gonna be a mark you'll have to cover tomorrow morning. He tugs at the corner of your kimono staring into your eyes asking for silent permission to continue. 
Taking the hint you boldly slide down the shoulder of your kimono to let him continue. He smirks as continues his conquest from your neck to your newly exposed collarbones. Placing soft kisses on them while making quick work of sliding the top half of your kimono off, leaving the excess fabric to hang around your waist. The cold night air hits your skin leaving your exposed top half covered in goosebumps. Ayato reaches around to your back feeling for the clasp of your bra. "May I?" His voice comes out soft, filled with lust against the shell of your ear. "Please." You whimper.   He skillfully unclasped the bra freeing your breasts from the confines. Instinctively you cover your, your face bright red with embarrassment with another realization Kamisato Ayato, your boss, is about to see your naked body. 
Ayato wraps a warm hand around your wrist, planting a kiss on the inside of it. "If you're nervous we can stop here. If not..." His eyes wander to his bed, which is partially skewed from your vision due to the folding screen for Ayato's privacy sake. "No I want to continue... I just..." You laugh. "I don't want this to affect my job you know?" Ayato chuckles back. "I promise you it won't." You blush slowly unfolding your arms. "In that case..." He smiles, that's all the permission he needs and in one swift motion stands up and hoists your half clothes body over his shoulder, like you weighed nothing. 
He takes a few steps and throws you on to his bed, one you've made many times before and one you'll probably have to make again after this. He takes advantage of you getting comfortable to take off his top. You're once again faced with Ayato's bare torso, this time you are able to ogle at it as much as you'd like. "You're staring again." He says with a smug expression, climbing on the bed now towering over you. "Am I not allowed to My Lord?" You quip back. 
He raises an eyebrow and then you see that expression on him that you used to loathe, that sadistic smile. "I suppose I'll allow it tonight. I'll even do you one better." He once again grabs your wrists, this time places your hands on his bare chest, abs, shoulders. But Ayato being Ayato was in control of your movements Giving you the satisfaction of feeling his smooth skin but not giving you control to do so as you please. "Ayato..." You whine. He just laughs before releasing your hands and leans back down to kiss you again. 
While kissing you his hands wander to your breasts giving them a little squeeze. You can feel him smile in the kiss when you let out a small moan. "Sensitive?" He asks. You nod in response, worried your words will betray you. His kiss trails back down your neck to your breasts this time. Taking a nipple in his mouth and biting and suckling on it you can help but cover your mouth and whine in pleasure. He takes his other hand and messages the other breast pinching your other nipple occasionally. 
Your core was practically aching for friction at this point you wiggle your hips. Ayato's attention shifts again. "How cute.. Someone's needy." He says after releasing your breast from his mouth. He shifts his attention to untie your obi to get the rest of your pesky kimono out of the way. When he does you catch a glimpse of the sizable bulge in his pants. "I could say the same for you." You tease. "Can you blame me?" He responds as you lift your hips so you can let him discard your kimono on the floor. "Besides, your one to comment when your panties have a wet spot." He states bluntly as he slides off the bed dragging you by the hips to set you at the side of the bed. 
Ayato plays with the waistband of your panties eyes once again meeting your asking for silent permission to go on. As if you would stop him now. He must take your silence for reassurance because he drags your panties down your hips and discards them somewhere with your kimono. He parts your legs and spreads your pussy open. "You're soaked..." He sounds breathless as he stares at your glistening hole. "Don't stare!" You protest as you attempt to close your legs, admittedly flustered. Ayato, of course, overpowers you by keeping you legs spread and plants a firm's kiss on your clit. 
He takes his time eating you out. Making sure to tease all the spots he gets a good reaction out of you. Your grip on the beds' silken sheets will tear somehow. Ayato looks up at you making eye contact with you before sucking on you clit particularly hard. You almost cum right there. After a one more delicate kiss on your core he brings his fingers up to your mouth. "Suck on these for me please." He says. Instinctively you take his fingers in your mouth. The flush across his face as you tease the tips of his fingers is something you'll definitely be thinking about later. 
Once Ayato decides you've soaked his fingers enough he gently pulls them from your mouth. You let out a whine and Ayato takes the opportunity to spread your legs a bit wider. "Oral fixation... Good to know." He teases. Taking his now wet fingers he gently prods at your damp fold locking eyes with you as he slowly inserts a finger into you. You bring a hand out to cover the guttural moan that spills from your mouth. 
Ayato looks up at you, eyes boring into yours. "You better keep your voice down, we don't want the entire estate to know I'm giving my 'disobedient maid' a punishment. " He winks, and you click your tongue at him. Ayato quickly slides another finger into your hole before you can come up with something to throw back at him. 
Ayato scissors his fingers, opening you up for him. You feel close, that all too familiar high. "C.. close" is the only thing you can muster without being too loud, you were just so sensitive. He smiles sinisterly at you, rudely ripping his finger from your aching core. "Not yet, I want you to cum with me inside you." He bashfully explains. To think Kamisato Ayato is blushing, you still honestly can't tell if this is a fever dream or not.
While in your own thoughts Ayato shed the rest of clothing and you finally get to see his cock. It's definitely not going to fit... He's going to split you in half. You move to get off the bed to 'return the favor' but Ayato stops you. "Next time... I need you right now." Pushing you back down on the bed he grabs some oil stashed under his bed and lubes up his dick. Pumping it a few times for good measure. The anticipation is gnawing at you, as he runs his length in-between your folds. 
You open your mouth to tell him to hurry up, but his lips catch yours and he inserts himself into you. Ayato takes, what would have been an earth shattering groan, from your lips as he lets you adjust to his size. Pinning your arms above your head he peppers your face with kisses as your pain slowly morphs into pleasure. Eventually the pain stops and you relish in the feeling of being full, the glee of that gets old pretty fast and now all you want is Ayato to rail you into high heaven. 
You wiggle your hips as a gesture to show him you're ready and he smiles down at you. "Use your words... Ask me what you want." He's a fucking sadistic asshole. "Please?" You whine. "Please what? (Y/N), you always have something to say, why are you so shy now?" You hate him, tears of desperation fill your eyes. " Ayato please fuck me, I need you to fuck me. I can't-" You choke back a moan as Ayato slides all the way out of you and rams his dick back into you.  He buries his face into your neck. "Good girl." He praises before leaving yet another hickey you'll have to cover later. 
He sets a steady pace snapping his hips into yours. You can only imagine how fucked out you look right now. Ayato looks like an Archon himself above you, his furrowed brow and the sweat glistening on his forehead. To think you hated this man a few hours ago... Now look at you, completely at his mercy. The soft grunts he lets out next to your ear you wish to engrave in your memories forever. 
Ayato hits that spot inside you that makes your vision blur and you can't suppress the whine that spills out this time. "Ther..Fuck...There!" Ayato hones into that spot, causing you to fall over the edge. He gently thrusts in and out of you helping you ride out your orgasm. With the combination of your soft whines and how tight your climax made you, he pulls out and comes all over your stomach. 
With no strength left Ayato collapses, gently, onto you. "Noooo" you whine weakling. " My stomach is a mess now you're messy too." "I'll call for a maid to bring me a towel." You smack him and he laughs, rolling off you. He pushes himself up off the bed and grabs a small towel from a drawer. Gently tending to your cum covered stomach before attending to himself. You curl up on his bed, as you watch him as he grabs your clothes along with his. "So next time huh?" You smirk. "Pardon?" He freezes for a moment. "I owe you one, so you know... This doesn't have to be a one time thing." He clears his throat. "I wouldn't be opposed to that, I suppose."
 You push yourself up to grab your clothes from him but immediately regret it as every muscle in your body refuses to cooperate with you. You fall back on the bed Ayato chuckles softly. "Rest for a bit before leaving... Leaving too hastily will definitely cause more suspicion than leaving now anyway... " He lays back down on the bed pulling your body into his. "I didn't take you for a cuddler My Lord." You joke, followed by a yawn. He laughs, stroking your back just as softly as he did when you were crying. "Rest for a bit. I promise I'll wake you up in a bit." You nod sleepily into his chest. "Just for a bit is fine." You mumble before drifting off to sleep in Ayato's arms.
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OH MY GOD I FINISHED IT HAHAHAHA GET ABSOLUTELY FUCKED PAST ME. If you read all of this I both sincerely apologize and thank you for reading my self serving fic. I hope you enjoyed it even a tiny bit.
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