karmaspidr · 3 months
Spider-Man x MHA writers don't see the full potential of the concept.
9.5 times out of 10, Peter Parker ends up going to U.A and happily integrates into Hero Society. That's not how it would go down.
Peter would take two seconds to look at the state of Japan and think to himself, "This is wrong, on so many levels."
I want BAMF Vigilante Peter Parker giving the Pro Heroes a headache. I want to see him team up with the Naruhata Vigilantes and Eraserhead, reluctantly. I want to see him guide villians like Twice and Toga towards a new path. I want to see him rescue Eri before the Heroes even finish filling the warrant.
Is that so much to ask?
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frickingnerd · 11 months
popstep realizing her feelings for you
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pairing: kazuho haneyama / pop☆step x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, vigilante!reader, pop is bad at feelings
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kazuho didn't immediately like you
the two of you were both vigilantes and at first she saw you as nothing more but a rather annoying co worker
you were always so cheerful and naive, always eager to help everyone
sure, she did admire that about you, but she also couldn't help but get annoyed whenever you were letting people take advantage of you
and that stupid smile on your lips when you did was the most annoying part about it! 
you always smiled so cheerfully, as if you didn't have a single thing to worry about
though over time, those things she found so annoying about you became more and more endearing…
your willingness to help everyone and to always support people, even those who didn't deserve it, were something kazuho started to admire more and more about you
and then there was your smile…
that smile she had found so annoying was suddenly starting to give her butterflies! 
the first time you smiled at her and kazuho started to feel her heart beat faster, she almost passed out from shock
she? in love with you? it was more likely than she thought… 
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raptorclawzz · 1 year
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lamiacharmer · 1 year
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shibaraki · 2 years
said through tears and gritted teeth: what if I totally reworked the entire timeline of this fic!! 😀
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thr0wnawayy · 2 months
How Corrupt Is Hero Society?. Part 2
Nomu and Endeavor, a cause for concern
To add to the today's chatter about Endeavor and his excessive force and how that applies to the rest of MHA's "heroics". I'd like to point something out
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It has always been this way
Excessive violence against Nomu isn't anything new, ever since Hori downgraded them into punching bags so the audience wouldnt question the morality of it all.
It does, however bring into light just how desensitized Hero Society is, how they view villains and may display some quirk-ism. Allow me to elaborate.
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To the publics knowledge this is a PERSON.
The general public, hell most heroes. Had no fucking clue what a Nomu was. To their knowledge this was just someone with a heavy mutation quirk.
And they just, carry on.
Endeavor's gut instinct here was to burn his head off to stop him from regenerating and no one bats an eye.
But don't worry it gets worse.
Gran Torino is someone the community has dug into countless times for his attitudes towards Shigaraki and belief that "killing is another way to save"
So when Torino does this:
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it doesn't really help his case, especially when Endeavor tried to kill that Nomu prior to this by incinerating him alive (almost killing 2 civilians. But I'll get to that)
Such a move would at the very least, sever someone's spine rendering them paralyzed for life. While I can see what Torino was trying to do, the ends do not justify the means here.
I'm not saying the Nomu are innocent, but it's blatantly obvious that they should be aiming to detain them rather than resorting to lethal force right away.
The worst part is the public has no reaction to this. No one asks anything and the authorities sure as hell aren't telling them squat.
We see it again during the Hood Fight and what's worse is that Hood can talk, bringing into question of how sapient is Hood.
Again Endeavor incinerates the Villain and no questions are asked.
Alright remember what I said about the two civilians?. well it gets worse, Firstly, they didn't even know if they were alright until near the end of the Hosu Incident, just letting them run off.
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After Endeavor recklessly unleashes a wall of flame, the Nomu absorbs it and processed to reflect the same attack.
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(on a second note: Torino and Enji even refer to the Nomu as if they were fighting a Human!?)
What does this mean?. Well that Enji ran into that fight without thinking!.
He didn't even so much as think up a strategy (just like a certain blonde we all know and despise) for what would happen if the opponent just, didn't die.
In Vigilantes he opts to bathe an entire city block in fire because he can't find the Villain (6)
He creates a fucking fire tornado with no thought for collateral damage
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(The reactions of his sidekicks concern me, though knowing how Burnin' reacted to Dabi's exposé I'm not suprised.)
Given that he's this destructive and openly antagonistic in public, I don't even want to imagine the state Rei was in after every "training session" spent protecting Shoto.
This is why looking back, I can't say I'm suprised how some of the civilians dove back into worshipping heroes, even after Hawks killed a man and Heroes left them to fend for themselves.
Because as the saying goes
A bird stuck in a cage believes flying to be an illness
Additional Info:
As pointed out by @gecmi09 (thank you for bringing that up), Endeavor did indeed refer to Crawler and Popstep as villains, as seen here:
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I'd like to draw attention to the fact that he is drawn in a similar manner to Number Six, who is also often drawn in a silhouetted fashion, especially when his true colors are exposed.
The two characters are ironically very similar. Both are willing to resort to destructive means if it means achieving their goals.
Both willingly hurt those around/close them and use flawed logic in an attempt to justify their actions.
Both pretend to be something/someone they're not
Both of them brought about their own demise through one of their victims (Dabi and Knuckleduster [who took in Koichi] respectively. Though Six's was more indirect.)
Even though Vigilantes is loosely attached to MHA, I find it interesting that these two characters are so similar. Really makes you think.
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victoriadallonfan · 3 months
New ridtom vicky isekai where she gets sent to MHA and in between reminiscing on how the fantasy of unchecked judicially backed violence seems to be playing out everywhere she looks and mentoring a side character picked at random from a big ol wheel she's constantly dodging tickets for unauthorized power usage
I think the MHA/BnHA society is sort of what she doesn't want for her world, when I consider what her position is as of the end of Ward. I mean, yes, it is good that Quirks have some measure of regulation and protections in place for people's safety, but she's also a big fan of people like Parian using their powers without being government restricted.
She'd be pretty upset that someone as harmless of Popstep is being hunted by police or that the supposed "hero academy" focuses a lot more on combat training and combat based powers as being desired for heroics than things like disaster relief, which she also had to do as GG and Antares.
Actually, now that I think about it, didn't Ochako mention that she couldn't even use her powers to help out her family because she needed a hero license to have the permits for using her power?? That's kind of fucked up too, and not something Vic would support.
Anyways, I think Victoria should adopt Todoroki and protect him with her life... while also running away from police because she has several tickets.
The dastardly Victoria, always breaking the law!!
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nlnpzine · 4 months
No License? No Problem! Interest Check
Hello! It seems you’ve stumbled across our Wanted poster.
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We’re with the No License? No Problem! Zine, an SFW, gen fanzine based on MHA: Vigilantes, following the shenanigans of The Crawler, PopStep, and Knuckleduster. Oh, you’re interested in the awards promoted by the HPSC? We know they must entice you, but we want to know if what we can offer could change your mind about turning us in!
Fill out the form below and let us know!
Our Zine Interest Check!
Looks like the pros are almost here, so we’ve gotta hurry out. Meet us back here on July 1st for contributor applications!
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pocketramblr · 10 months
For the ask game 5 thing do one where Naomasa is Giran's sugar baby 😈
yeah. why not.
1- "Now, information is my livelihood, so I can't give you something for nothing..." The broker started, giving the detective a curious look over. The rookie is stiff, and frowns deeper. He's too clean to bribe for anything and will leave if there's nothing useful here. On saying so, he turns, but the broker tsks. "I didn't ask for money, did I? From you, detective, i wouldn't need much. How about a light?" He pulls a cigarette from his pocket. But the detective doesn't smoke, has no lighter, and says as much. The broker knew it and smiles, wishing him better luck next time. Then the detective whirls, grabs the gun from Giran's pocket, and holds it up. "You won't pay, but you're willing to shoot me for information?" He says, incredulous, but not fearful.
"No." Detective Tsukauchi clicks the gun-shaped lighter, and lights the end of the cigarette. "But you're willing to talk now, you said?"
Giran laughs at the audacity and throws the guy a bone, laughing harder when the detective turns and tries to hide his blush by pushing down his hat as he leaves.
2- The broker decides he quite likes this new detective. He decides to keep giving him information for a bit of sugar- a joke, a light, he once got Tsukauchi to grudgingly lend him his coat as Giran's light, open shirt wasn't suitable for going home in the rain in. He did finally return the coat (in exchange for something else of course) and Tsukauchi could never get the smell of smoke out. (For his own part, Giran is curious about the perfumes the detective always seems to wear, but that's far from the most interesting thing about him, so.)
3- Once they establish that they'll be meeting each other semi-regularly, they do some research on each other, background check, quirk check, all that stuff. Then it becomes almost a game to avoid directly triggering the other's quirk. Giran, naturally, has much more fun than Tsukauchi during these games but hey he's giving the guy stuff for free so what's he going to do, complain? (yes. he complains often to Sansa.) Giran's even giving Tsukauchi information about AfO- not everything, he doesn't even know everything, but he's sure telling far more than he'd sell to anyone else. He justifies this as no betrayal to his customer because Tsukauchi couldn't possibly be a threat. What's he going to do, secretly turn out to have All Might on speed dial and help the hero kill AfO a second time?
4- .... um anyway so when Popstep gets Bee'd, Giran tsks at the question Tsukauchi asks him, looking all the wrong ways into the villain factory. "You know, the last victim was a hero's daughter. He paid a pretty penny to get what he needed to save her- but he already knew the real problem you're missing; I was happy to do it." The detective asks what he wants this time, and Giran says he'd like to share a smoke. Tsukauchi isn't sure when he started carrying a lighter (lie: he absolutely is) but he uses it regardless, then stares as Giran offers the cig to him.
"I don't smoke."
"I know. I said I wanted to share a smoke with you."
Tsukauchi finally takes it, almost chokes on it, and fails to keep Giran patting his back over it while telling him about the way to stop the bees. But then Giran takes the cig back to bring to his own lips, then handing it again between them. "There's more you'll want to know. Try another drag."
The taste of tobacco doesn't quite mask the taste of bile when the extent of the parasite is explained.
5- Oh yeah the whole 'All Might Kills AfO a second time' thing yeah that happens at some point after Vigs but before canon, why not, a treat for Toshi. So Tsukauchi actually sees Giran leaving just before everything comes down and skulking around the edges of the scene later. He turns away and lets the broker leave. An exhausting 36 hours later, when he finally returns home and goes to bed, he wakes to find Giran on his balcony. He warily joins him. Giran complains about the loss of a very good customer, and Tsukauchi mentions a suspected accomplice who got away.
"And why'd you let him get away, Detective?"
"I thought he'd be more willing to help later."
Giran doesn't dignify that with a response, merely musing that he's paid to have people killed for less than what Tsukauchi cost him.
"So you think I'll be worth more later instead? An investment?"
"Ah, hah. No. We have the same reason, yes, but we both know that aint it."
"Then what is it?"
Giran smiles, getting closer- then Tsukauchi blinks and he's gone. Confused, he looks around- just a very strong, smokey scent, and when he goes back inside, his alarm clock says the time is later than he expected by a few minutes. Tsukauchi's heartrate begins to pick up when he puts it together- or maybe it was already going faster when he started remembering again.
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heronoegg · 3 months
I saw the post where you're excited about Horikoshi drawing crabgirl, does this mean you like Vigilantes? Do you have any favorite characters from Vigilantes? (My favorite is Knuckleduster, I even have a OC who learns from him XD)
OH yeah I'm still reading it, I'm on chapter 8 but I did skip ahead to look at a few things, like I read the entire Oboro arc, I know some things but I dont know a lot, I know about tsukauchi sister a little bit, I know about the bee being a quirk thing a little bit and its inside Knuckledusters daughter eyeball
I like the evil eyepatch wasp/bee girl, she reminds me of Himiko, and Popstep shes so cute, but I like Koichi hes cute too. Knuckleduster completes the trio hes really funny I never get tired of him hes so silly
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karmaspidr · 2 years
Kazuho: You are the most annoying person that I have ever met.
Koichi: Well, you're stuck with me. Tries to show the wedding ring but shows the wrong hand. Forever.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Vigilante Masterlist
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Koichi Haimawari/The Crawler
kissing it better - oneshot
Kazuho Haneyama/Pop☆Step
dating koichi haimawari - headcanons
fake dating koichi haimawari - headcanons
popstep realizing her feelings for you - headcanons
Iwao Oguro/Knuckleduster
iwao oguro comforting you after a break up - headcanons
Tensei Iida/Ingenium
dating tensei iida - headcanons
Makoto Tsukauchi
makoto with a touch starved s/o - headcanons
Naomasa Tsukauchi
naomasa tsukauchi dating a pro hero - headcanons
naomasa tsukauchi dating UA's vice principal - headcanons
tsukauchi receiving a hickey from his s/o - headcanons
Soga Kugisaki
(not so) secret identity - drabble
soga crushing on knuckleduster's daughter - headcanons
Oboro Shirakumo / Loud Cloud
visiting oboro's grave - oneshot
Number 6
number 6's darling being a yandere for him - headcanons
Akaguro Chizome/Stain
yandere stain - headcanons
stain meeting a shapeshifter - headcanons
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raptorclawzz · 2 years
Posting my Vig heights :DD I have nothing against the canon heights, I just did this for fun and for my redesigns hehe
6 - 6’6
Moyuru - 6’5
Iwao - 6’3
Captain Celebrity - 6’2
Makoto - 6’1
Ichimoku - 6’0
Soga - 5’11
Naomasa - 5’9
Eizo - 5’8
Koichi - 5’8
Jube - 5’5
Kazuho - 5’5
Tamao/Kuin - 5’4
Rapt - 4’11
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nastyadreamstar · 2 months
Animation [Meme] - My Hero Academia:Vigilantes - PopStep (Chibi) - Giri ...
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septembersghost · 1 year
Do you know about the time Taylor approved an officially Disney-sanctioned music video of my otp? "The I Knew You Were Trouble Music Video Mashup is a music video that debuted on May 24, 2013 on Disney Channel to the self-named popstep song by Taylor Swift. It features video clips of Heinz Doofenshmirtz "singing" the song to Perry while illustrating the lyrics." https://www.youtube(.)com/watch?v=DtdyrDc_598
I DID NOT and it's incredible lol (the clips they chose match so well?!), i love adding things to my mental taylore folder!
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quirkwizard · 2 years
Trigger effects on Vigilante Quirks? Slide and Glide, Leap, Overclock, Bloodcurdle, Flight, Cloud, Queen Bee, Spike, & Stock? Unless there's any of those you don't want to do, then just cut those out.
I’ve already did “Bloodcurdle”, but I’ll throw in “Polygraph” to replace it. 
The thing with most of these Quirks is that I don't think that Trigger could work on them. Trigger was built with the explicit purpose of augmenting weaker Quirks. We have seen weaker affects on stronger Quirks, like the minor changes with "Queen Bee" compared to the leaps that "Spike" had in the manga, so I don’t think Trigger would help most of them. So that only leaves "Cloud", "Leap", and “Polygraph”. With "Cloud" it could cover Oboro, letting him produce more clouds or they stick to his body, forming a cloudy shield. With "Leap", it would likely enhance the jumping power of Popstep, not only by letting her go higher, but also by having a more notable effect when she lands, similar to a ground pound. Finally, with “Polygraph”, Makoto could vastly expand her ability to detect lies, both surpassing it’s contact based range and how many people she could target. Maybe it could start detecting heart rates and brain activity, letting her predict emotions and movement.
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