#Prawn Fry Dry
homeculinarycrafts · 2 years
Tiger Prawns fry
Tiger Prawns Fry Prawns are one of the main course under sea food dishes. Lots of recipes can be tried out with prawns. Prawns roast, prawns ghee roast, prawns masala, prawns fry, prawns biryani and so on. Prawns fry is the most easiest recipe where prawns can be prepared under 15 minutes excluding the time for marination. Prawns fry is an easy and quick recipe of prawns which is absolutely…
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italianchoice · 2 years
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Hot spicy prawns recipe,
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thessalian · 2 months
Thess vs More Adulting
Payday is always a happy day, but it's also a little more than that. I mean, it is for me, but I assume that other people do the same thing as I do - that thing being "prep for the month ahead". By which I mean grocery shopping. After all, a person has to eat. Which I have to keep fucking reminding myself because I've fallen back into some significantly disordered eating the last little while. So this month is all about trying to fix or at least mitigate that.
So here's the list and the plan for the month:
So many emergency calories, because I keep forgetting to put food into myself when I'm working and I get hangry and weird. So nuts, crisps, dried fruit, corn thins, cold cuts, some tinned peaches, and clementines.
Fixings for potato salad. Because nothing's easier than just scooping some potato salad out of the bowl in the fridge and stuffing it into one's face.
Things To Roast - a big ol' chunk of pork shoulder, a large chicken, and lamb breast (which was an accident; I wanted shoulder for lamb dopiaza but apparently they were out). That'll be roast dinners plus everything I can do with the leftovers - risotto, stir-fry, stuff like that.
On the subject of stir-fry, I found ho fun noodles when I was out picking up meds and stuff yesterday. I like those way better than the vermicelli rice noodles. I also got tater tots because they're a fairly recent addition to Sainsbury's frozen-food repertoire and I will single-handedly demonstrate that it's a worthwhile thing to keep around if I have to because I HAVE MISSED TATER TOTS SO MUCH.
Further additions for batch cooking, since I've got some meat still in the freezer that just needs little additions to make into multiple meals. Specifically passata and courgette for spaghetti bolognaise, and carrots for chicken stew.
Drinkables and treats. As well as my usual couple of bottles of cherries and berries squash, I treated myself to an eight-pack of Coke. Picked up some marshmallows for hot chocolate and to make Rice Krispie treats, and some chocolate chips for cookies. Also one small bag of gummy sweets and a big bag of prawn crackers, which are thankfully gluten-free.
The standards - eggs, butter, sugar, coffee, etc. I mean, the first three are largely for baking (though the sugar's as much for the coffee as the baking) and I have some plans for French toast, so it's at least partly treat, but never mind.
Of course, this led to a need for more adulting. Not only putting all the stuff away, but apparently my bag of sugar had a leak at the bottom and sugar kind of got all over the kitchen floor. But never mind, I had to hoover anyway. Did the rest of the flat while I was at it. I'd already started a load of laundry at that point (it's on the drying cycle now), and while I do need to clear out the fridge a little more, things are mostly uncer control. Aaaaaaaaaall the adulting.
Of course, at some point in the not too distant, I'm going to have to go and pick up the bits that were missing. Not too many things, but I still want them, so that'll be a thing. I think I'll wait until tomorrow, though. Much as I hate going to the supermarket on a Sunday, Saturdays are worse unless I'm going late, and I really don't want to leave the house today. Still feeling the whole mess of this week, including the idiotic attempt to walk to the corner shop without my cane the other day.
(The shrubbery still has my cane, but I have a new one now - it's actually better than the old one, so that's a good thing.)
One last ... well, silver lining nice thing. My stepfather called yesterday - while I was working, but he apologised for disturbing me. He also apologised that the other flat isn't going to be ready for habitation by the end of this month the way he said it would be. I was honestly fine with that for two reasons: 1) I'd already figured that out because he promised he'd give me a goodly amount of notice so I could book time off, and 2) Scruffman's off in Greece for two weeks as of Monday and I couldn't have taken the time off anyway. It's already going to be an absolute fucking mess at the office without him - however cursory his attempts to ride herd on the lazier of the lazy fuckers in the office have been, it's better than nothing, which is what they'll have for the next two weeks.
Yeah, yesterday was a complete joke because of ... well, the usual. Friday was "New Girl sits on reports from Thursday morning until Friday afternoon, then dumps them back into the queue, and also completely ignores the ten-minute monstrosity by one of The Annoyances (who specifically creates a truly epic word salad every time she speaks) for the entire day". I mean, everyone else ignored the ten-minute word salad too, but I felt I had every right to because I not only took everyone else's long ridiculous reports that day, but also picked up the ones that New Girl had been sitting on all day because she picked them up but refused to actually type them. So I figure the "Leave the long ones for [Thess] to do" is going to be the rule for the next two weeks from these lazy fuckers.
But I have a fridge full of food, plans for glorious dinners, and a weekend of TTRPGs. It can't be all bad if I've got that.
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literalite · 2 years
ive never heard of bahn xeo before so thank you SO much for alerting me to the existence of it, it looks heavenly, my ndn family is gonna go crazy for it
cook some mung beans to kind of like a weird dry paste. it should look like this
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we actually like burn it a lil bit so it tastes very faintly smoky but thats just us
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then u get this stuff above which u can find in some asian supermarkets. theres a bunch of other products with similar packaging so pay attention to the words
put it in a big bowl put a bottle of beer in with it, 200mls of coconut milk, and then the rest water (basically you have to make liquid content amount to 1L, you can do just water but this is just how we do it). the beer is to make it crunchy the coconut milk is for taste. do NOT use coconut cream
chop up some spring onion throw it in there too. should look pretty watery make sure there arent like powder lumps in it
in a big frying with some oil, fry up some pork or whatever meat u want, small peeled prawns, some chopped mushrooms and onion.
once theyre like kiiinda mostly done get a small bowl, put some of the cooked mung bean in, put some of the pancake mixture in with it and give it a mix. then pour it over the top of the currently frying filling. tilt your pan around to fill it up so it gets in the cracks and whatnot. u want it pretty thin so it stays crunchy
when the bottom is cooked fold it in half and cook it until the liquid stops being watery and it looks like this. my family also likes putting bean sprouts in it before folding it in half
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once ur done it should look like this! we like eating it with like assorted viet leafy veges and lettuce and slightly diluted nước mắm with dried garlic in it
u can probably find a better recipe online tbh LMAOO happy cooking!
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spooniechef · 1 year
Chicken and Mushroom Risotto (1-2 spoons)
Another recipe that’s great for leftovers and fairly easy to cook apart from a little bit of prep-faff is risotto. It’s very forgiving, very versatile, and nicely filling as well as tasting nice. I do it rather differently than the recipe I found on the BBC Good Foods website, but I still have issues with the BBC, so I’m actually really good with that, especially when my tweaks can make it easier and in some cases cheaper.
Here’s what you’ll need
1.4l (5 1/2 cups or so) chicken stock
300g (1 1/2 cups or so) arborio risotto rice
250g (2 cups or so) chestnut mushrooms, sliced thickly
140g (1 cup or so) chicken (see notes)
1 large onion, diced
50g (1/4 cup or so) butter
150ml (half a cup or so) dry white wine
85g (1/3 cup or so) smoked bacon lardons (also see notes)
More notes on possible substitutions and the like here. For instance, I didn’t want to spend obscene amounts of money on smoked bacon lardons, so I improvised with cooking bacon instead. Same basic principle, but about £1.50 cheaper, so it works for me. As for the chicken ... well, it says to use cooked chicken but I’ve found that cooking the chicken at the same time as the lardons (or equivalent) go into the pan works just as well, if not better; it gets more of the flavour into the chicken itself. I’ll make notes of when the chicken goes in depending on whether it’s cooked or raw.
Here’s what you do:
Put the butter into a large pan; add the lardons (and chicken, if raw), and fry for five minutes on medium heat. Add the onions and cook until the onions are soft and clear but not browned
Stir in the mushrooms, cook for about 5 minutes; then stir in the risotto rice and cook for another 2 minutes or so until the rice starts going transparent.
Pour in the wine and let it boil off. Then start adding the chicken stock in increments - add about a quarter of the pot, let that boil down, and keep adding more chicken stock and letting it boil down until the rice is cooked and most of the stock has been absorbed. (You’re looking for a rice pudding sort of texture; you can add maybe a cup of frozen peas when the last quarter of the stock goes in, if desired.)
Stir in the chicken (if cooked) and let warm for another couple of minutes, then let stand for a few minutes to let the rice soak in a bit more moisture (you can add about a half-cup of parmesan cheese and some parsley at this point if desired).
Like I said, easy recipe. Only a few spots where I might make notes:
You’ll notice there’s a lot of “if desired” in here. As I said, it’s a really versatile recipe and I imagine you could replace the chicken with a lot of other meats, especially, say, cooked prawns in place of cooked chicken. You could probably also use a less expensive mushroom, but you’d probably have to give it a little less time cooking, since chestnut mushrooms are a little sturdier than your average closed cap or button. I normally add in some frozen peas and skip the cheese and the parsley, but that latter mostly because there’s no decent dairy-free substitute for parmesan (the butter in this is enough, thanks) and parsley, while easy enough to do because of my thriving parsley plant, isn’t entirely my thing. Just play around with the recipe; as long as you’re doing the thing where you cook the rice until translucent before you start adding liquid, and add liquid in stages, you’re probably fine whatever you do.
It really is the early stages where this one can get painful; stirring raw risotto rice so that it all goes translucent-ish at about the same time without any of it burning takes a lot of effort. Thankfully the rest of the recipe mostly makes up for it, which is why 1-2 spoons. It’s a single-spoon recipe if you have some of the things that make life a lot easier in the kitchen (a mandoline for dicing the onion, an egg slicer for the mushrooms, using pre-prepared chicken so you don’t have to dice it on the day), and a two-spoon recipe if you don’t.
So there you have it - a slightly faffy but overall fairly simple recipe for a good solid rice dish. Let’s hear it for batch cooking!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Tempura Day 
Batter and deep-fry a wide range of foods, from prawns to vegetables, and pair with Japanese staples like donburi or soba for some delicious dining.
Tempura is a deep-fried dish that the Japanese have made for centuries. When did it originate? Let us find out through the history of National Tempura Day!
Learn about National Tempura Day
On National Tempura Day, we are encouraged to enjoy any sort of dish that has been made with tempura batter. This is a Japanese fare, with most people tucking into delicious Tempura prawns on this date! However, there are many things you can deep-fry in this batter. Seafood and vegetables are the most popular, yet there’s nothing stopping you from having Tempura chicken. We are sure that there are plenty of unique concoctions you can come up with as well. Deep-fried Mars bars are popular, so what about a Tempura version?
Tempura is a traditional Japanese dish. It was introduced in the 16th century by the Portuguese that were living in Nagasaki at the time. They used fritter-cooking to achieve the light batter. The batter typically consists of soft wheat flour, for example, all-purpose flour, pastry flour, or cake flour, which is combined with iced water. Some people prefer to use sparkling water to keep the batter light.
A lot of people will also add spices, oil, starch, baking powder or baking soda, and/or eggs, especially the egg yolk. Traditionally, this batter is mixed in small batches. Chopsticks are used to mix the batter, and it is only mixed minimally, i.e. for a few seconds. Any lumps are left in the mixture, and this – along with the cold temperature – is how the crisp and unique fluffy tempura structure is created when cooking.
Cooked tempura pieces tend to be either salted and eaten as they are or they are presented with a dipping sauce. Tentsuyu sauce is the most common sauce to enjoy with this batter. A lot of people serve it with grated daikon, which is a mild-flavored winter radish, and they eat it straight after it has been fried. You will also find that tempura is typically found in udon soup or bowls of soba in Japan, typically in the form of a fritter, shiso leaf, or shrimp.
It is also not uncommon for tempura to be used in combination with other foods. So, if you want to cook a tempura-inspired meal for National Tempura Day, there are plenty of main dishes for you to consider. As mentioned, you can add tempura to the top of udon soup. It is also typically served as part of a donburi dish, which is where vegetables and tempura shrimp are served over a bowl of steamed rice. You could also make a bowl of tempura soba, which is essentially tempura that is served on top of buckwheat noodles. Or, how about making your very own creation?
History of National Tempura Day
Tempura is made up of either seafood or vegetables that are battered, deep-fried, and enjoyed by millions of people across the nation. Portuguese Jesuit missionaries introduced the recipe for tempura to Japan during the sixteenth century (around 1549). It is believed that Portuguese Jesuit Tokugawa Isyasu, founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, loved tempura. Since the Genroku era (September 1688 – March 1704) tempura was originally a very popular food that was eaten at street vendors called yatai.
Today, chefs all over the world include tempura dishes on their menus using a wide variety of different batters and ingredients including the non-traditional broccoli, zucchini, and asparagus as well as dry fruits. Some meats, usually chicken and cheeses, are known to be served tempura-style in some American restaurants. For sushi lovers, a more recent variation of tempura sushi has the entire piece of sushi dipped in batter and tempura-fried. The word “tempura” comes from the word “tempora”, a Latin word meaning “times”, “time period” used by both Spanish and Portuguese missionaries to refer to the Lenten period or Ember Days.
The idea that the word “tempura” may have been derived from the Portuguese noun tempero, meaning a condiment or seasoning of any kind, or from the verb temperar, meaning “to season” has not been substantiated. The term “tempura” is thought to have gained popularity in southern Japan; it became widely used to refer to any sort of food prepared using hot oil, including some already existing Japanese foods. Today, the word “tempura” is also commonly used to refer to satsuma age, a fried fish cake that is made without batter. In Bangladesh, the blossoms of pumpkins or marrows are often deep-fried with a gram of rice flour spice mix, creating a Bengali style tempura known as kumro ful bhaja.
How to celebrate National Tempura Day
Celebrating National Tempura Day is easy. You gather up the ingredients necessary to create a tempura, be it a homemade recipe or one you found online, and make the dish to serve it with family as a happy dinner meal. You could decide to have tempura prawns or starter or you could opt for a main dish that incorporates tempura, such as the ones we mentioned earlier.
The great thing about this batter is that it is highly versatile and so it can be teamed with a wide range of seafood, vegetables, and meat. This means that you can have a lot of fun experimenting with different ingredients. Why not have a tempura cook-off with your friends? Or, you could host a Japanese-inspired dinner party?
Why not get some of your friends around for afternoon tea Japanese style? In Japan, tea ceremonies have been popular for many years. Combine this with some delicious tempura dishes for everyone to eat, and you’ve got the perfect lunch-time event. After all, it is always fun to do something a bit different, isn’t it?
The tea that is famous in Japan is pure Matcha green tea. We’re sure you may have even seen Matcha tea or Matcha lattes in your local coffee shop! Matcha comes in many different forms and grades. It is important to be aware of this when purchasing, as you don’t want to end up selecting the wrong product. Generally speaking, you have two key options to select from when buying Matcha – ceremonial Matcha and cooking grade Matchas.
Most people prefer to invest in ceremonial Matcha green tea, and this is because it is of the highest quality and it is suitable for everyday drinking. Of course, you can incorporate it into cooking too, but when creating a Matcha beverage it is even more important to choose high levels of quality. You won’t get better than ceremonial Matcha and this is emphasised by the fact that this Matcha is used in the traditional Japanese tea ceremonies. This type of Matcha should be powdery, very fine, and boast a bright spring green shade.
If it has a slightly yellow colour and feels coarse, you definitely do not have ceremonial grade Matcha on your hands. Ceremonial Matcha is also delicious enough to be enjoyed on its own. You can simply mix it with hot water and consume it as it is; it does not need any sweeteners or additions. Another point worth bearing in mind is that you only need about half a teaspoon of ceremonial grade Matcha when making a cup of tea. You will need more than this when using a lower grade of Matcha. Therefore, while ceremonial Matcha may be more expensive to buy initially, it will last you a lot longer, and thus the costs even themselves out.
No matter whether you are going to host a traditional Japanese tea ceremony with your friends or an evening of fine dining, you will need to decide what tempura dishes you are going to create. The great news is that there are so many different options for you to choose from!
Let’s go through some of the most popular. If you’re looking for a veggie dish, eggplant tempura is a great choice. This is known as Nasu. Or, how about Ebi? This is shrimp tempura, and it is delicious! It is typically used as a topping for udon or soba noodles, yet it can also be enjoyed on its own. Don’t confuse this with Ebi Furai; this is another type of fish, yet it is deep fried with panko batter, which is a lot heavier.
Some other options include tempura shiitake mushrooms, Ika, which is squid tempura, and Hotate, which is tempura scallops. If you are feeling really adventurous, you may want to consider Anago, which is salt-water eel. They have a sweet taste and a soft texture.
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tocco-voice · 2 months
Prawn Pickle Insights: Frequently Asked Questions Explained | Tocco
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What are prawn pickles?
Prawn Pickle, or 'Chemmeen Achar' in Malayalam, is a traditional Kerala delicacy that involves marinating fresh prawns with a blend of spices, including garlic, ginger, chillies, and oils. The slow-cooking process allows the flavours to meld, creating a spicy and zesty condiment.
2. How to make Prawn Pickle?
Making Kerala Prawn Pickle is a multi-step process. The first step involves marinating fresh prawns with spices like garlic, ginger, chillies, gingelly oil, and coconut oil. The marinated prawns are slow-cooked, allowing the spices to infuse the seafood, creating a symphony of taste and aroma. The process blends the flavours over time, resulting in a delectable Prawn Pickle.
3. What are the traditional ingredients for Kerala Prawn Pickle?
Traditional Kerala Prawn Pickle includes fresh prawns, garlic, ginger, chillies, gingelly oil, and coconut oil for shallow frying. The marriage of these ingredients, combined with slow cooking, creates the signature taste of this coastal delicacy.
4. Can I use frozen prawns for making Prawn Pickle?
While fresh prawns are traditionally used for authentic flavour, frozen prawns can be used if fresh ones are unavailable. Ensure proper thawing and consider the potential difference in texture and taste when using frozen prawns.
5. How long does Prawn Pickle last?
Properly stored in airtight jars, homemade Prawn Pickle can last for several weeks or even months. The longevity may vary based on storage conditions. Keeping it exposed or using a wet spoon may affect the longevity and can get spoiled quickly. Regular checks for any signs of spoilage and adherence to storage guidelines contribute to its lasting freshness.
6. Is Prawn Pickle spicy?
Yes, Prawn Pickle is known for its fiery flavor. The spiciness comes from the blend of chillies and spices used in marinating the prawns. The level of spiciness can be adjusted based on personal preferences, making it suitable for varying spice tolerances.
7. Can I buy Prawn Pickle online?
Yes, Prawn Pickle, including authentic homemade versions, can be found on online platforms like Tocco. Ensure to choose sources that provide genuine homemade options to experience the true coastal flavours.
8. How to store Prawn Pickle and how long do they last?
Properly stored in airtight jars, homemade Prawn Pickle can last for several weeks or even months. The longevity may vary based on storage conditions. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Properly sealed containers help retain the flavours. Regular checks for any signs of spoilage and adherence to storage guidelines contribute to its lasting freshness.
9. Are there different variations of Prawn Pickle recipes?
Yes, there are variations of Prawn Pickle recipes that cater to different spice preferences. Some may include additional ingredients or alter spice levels, offering a variety of options to suit individual tastes.
10. Can I make Prawn Pickle without oil?
While oil is a traditional component, there are alternative recipes that use less oil or substitute it with healthier options. However, oil plays a crucial role in preserving and enhancing the flavours in the traditional preparation.
11. What are the health benefits of Prawn Pickle?
Prawn Pickle offers health benefits as prawns are rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, promoting heart health. The spices used, including garlic and ginger, bring additional health advantages, such as aiding digestion and possessing anti-inflammatory properties.
12. What are the unique flavours and spices in Kerala Prawn Pickle?
Kerala Prawn Pickle boasts a unique blend of spices like garlic, ginger, chillies, gingelly oil, and coconut oil. The slow-cooking process allows these flavours to meld, creating a distinctive taste profile that captures the essence of Kerala's coastal heritage.
13. How to prepare prawn pickle in Kerala style?
To prepare Prawn Pickle in Kerala style, marinate fresh prawns with garlic, ginger, chillies, gingelly oil, and coconut oil. Slow-cook the marinated prawns, allowing the spices to infuse the seafood, creating the authentic fiery and zesty taste of Kerala Prawn Pickle.
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nandneeeeeee · 3 months
Exploring Delft Island: Sri Lanka's Hidden Gem of History and Beauty
Discover the Enchanting Delft Island: A Journey Through Time and Nature
Sri Lanka is a land of rich history, stunning landscapes, and diverse culture. Among its many hidden treasures is Delft Island in Sri Lanka, a small yet captivating island located off the northern coast. Known for its historical landmarks, pristine beaches, and unique local cuisine, Delft Island offers an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking to explore the lesser-known parts of Sri Lanka. In Addition to this, there are a lot of the best places to visit in Sri Lanka to have next-level fun & adventure!
A Glimpse into History
Delft Island, also known as Neduntheevu, is steeped in history that dates back to ancient times. The island was named by the Dutch during their colonial period, and remnants of this era are still visible today. One of the most notable historical landmarks is the Old Dutch Fort, built in the 17th century. This fort, though in ruins, offers a fascinating glimpse into the island’s colonial past with its coral and limestone walls.
Another historical site worth visiting is the ancient Baobab tree. Planted by Arab traders over 1,000 years ago, this tree is an impressive sight with its massive trunk and sprawling branches. It stands as a testament to the island’s long-standing connections with traders and explorers from different parts of the world.
Pristine Beaches and Natural Beauty
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Delft Island is home to some of the most beautiful and untouched beaches in Sri Lanka. The island’s coastline is dotted with white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, providing the perfect setting for relaxation and recreation. Visitors can enjoy swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing in this serene environment, far from the crowded tourist spots on the mainland.
The island’s unique coral formations and shallow waters make it an excellent location for snorkeling. The vibrant marine life and colorful coral reefs offer an underwater paradise for nature enthusiasts. Additionally, the calm and shallow waters are ideal for families with children, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all.
Local Cuisine and Culture
A visit to Delft Island is incomplete without sampling its local cuisine. The island’s culinary offerings are a delightful blend of traditional Sri Lankan flavors and unique local ingredients. Fresh seafood is a staple here, with dishes like crab curry, fish ambul thiyal (sour fish curry), and prawn fry being among the favorites. The use of fresh coconut, aromatic spices, and herbs adds a distinct flavor to the island’s dishes, making every meal a memorable experience.
The island’s culture is equally fascinating. The local community is predominantly Tamil, and their customs, traditions, and festivals provide an enriching cultural experience. Visitors can witness traditional dance performances, participate in local festivals, and explore the island’s vibrant handicrafts and textiles.
The Best Time to Visit
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The best time to visit Delft Island is during the dry season, from May to September. During this period, the weather is pleasant, and the sea conditions are ideal for water activities. The island can be reached by a ferry ride from the town of Jaffna, which operates regularly and offers a scenic journey across the Palk Strait.
How to Get There
Getting to Delft Island involves a bit of planning, but the journey is well worth the effort. The nearest major town is Jaffna, which is accessible by train, bus, or domestic flight from Colombo. From Jaffna, travelers can take a ferry from Kurikadduwan jetty, which is about an hour’s drive from the town. The ferry ride itself takes around an hour and provides stunning views of the surrounding waters and distant islands.
Tips for Travelers
Prepare for Limited Facilities: Delft Island is relatively remote and undeveloped, so travelers should be prepared for limited facilities and basic amenities. It is advisable to carry essential supplies, such as water, snacks, and any necessary medications.
Respect Local Customs: As with any travel destination, it is important to respect local customs and traditions. Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites, and be mindful of the local culture.
Stay Connected: While the island does have some mobile network coverage, it can be patchy in certain areas. Inform someone of your travel plans and expected return time for safety.
Enjoy the Simplicity: The charm of Delft Island lies in its simplicity and tranquility. Embrace the slower pace of life, disconnect from the hustle and bustle, and enjoy the natural beauty and historical richness of the island.
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Delft Island is a hidden gem that offers a unique blend of history, natural beauty, and cultural richness. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Delft Island promises an unforgettable experience. Plan your visit to this enchanting island and discover the magic of one of Sri Lanka’s most captivating destinations.
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sirichaiaat · 6 months
How to pair sake with Japanese dishes for the best experience
The busy metropolis Bangkok has some hidden gems like chic sushi bars and cozy izakayas. You can easily explore the flavor of Japan in this city. The haven of taste combines the aroma of fresh seafood with the sizzle of tempura frying in hot oil. Let’s not forget about the comforting warmth of steaming bowls of ramen. Some of these dishes are the most delightful companion of sake. The drink is crisp and rich which makes it ideal for variety of flavor infusions. join us as we unravel the secrets of pairing sake with the dishes at a Bangkok Japanese restaurant. 
What Sake should you order at a Japanese restaurant in Sukhumvit?
The dining scene of Bangkok is diverse. Hence it is not very difficult to find the perfect complementing sake to your Japanese meal. There are lots of choices for both sake connoisseurs as well as novices. Most Japanese restaurants can serve the crisp and dry sake as well as the rich sweet variant. Let’s find out which types shine brightest with your favorite Japanese dishes.
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Which Sake pairs correctly with the best Japanese food in Bangkok?
A cozy sushi joint in Bangkok can serve you a platter of fresh nigiri and sashimi. This culinary masterpiece goes best with a clean and slightly acidic sake. Try Junmai or Ginjo as they taste amazing with the delicate flavors of raw fish. This sake variety has a fruitiness and gentle sweetness to it. This works great for the umami notes of Japanese seafood. 
Which sake complements rich and savory broths?
Nothing is better than the comfort of a steaming bowl of ramen in Bangkok. It is a true culinary hug for the soul. But as you slurp up those savory noodles, you might wonder about the sake to elevate this experience to new heights. Go with a Junmai or Honjozo sake with a fuller body. The richer flavor profile combined with its robust character stands up to the rich broth. Further the taste can add depth and complexity to each slurp. You can say that it is a match made in the heaven of Japanese food.
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Which crispy sake you can order at the best cocktail bars in Bangkok?
Those who love fried delights know the feeling when they bite into a perfectly crispy tempura prawn. A sake that can cut through the richness of this fried delight should be clean and dry. For instance Daiginjo or Namazake are your best bet because they are light and refreshing. They cleanse the palate between each crunchy bite. So that you feel the crisp and satisfying with every mouthful feels. Dip that tempura into your sake cup and savor the harmony of flavors.
There are lot of places to explore culinary routes in Bangkok. If you happen to be in Sukhumvit make sure to visit a restaurant that specializes in Japanese cuisine. Where you can pair sake with Japanese dishes to open up a world of culinary possibilities. Indeed there is a sake out there waiting to enhance your dining experience. Ask for sake recommendations or follow the tips shared in this blog. Next time you want to explore the delicious adventures in Japanese dining then make a reservation at Yankii. Located at Sukhumvit it is a well-known restaurant and bar in Bangkok. Visit this place for amazing experience of the Japanese fireside grilling. The grill and bar is open every day from 6pm to 1am where they serve authentic yet unorthodox dishes prepared with high quality ingredients. So make a reservation at Yankii Bangkok right now.
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whatsonmedia · 8 months
Best Offers of This Week!
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Dive into unbeatable offers on WhatsOn! Save big, savor delights, and boost well-being affordably. Click now for a week of excitement, incredible deals, and lasting memories. Grab top offers before they vanish! Leong's Legend is offering a glass of bubbly and limitless dim food for almost 50% off Savor 90 minutes of limitless dumplings at Leong’s Legend, a renowned Chinatown gem celebrating over a decade of culinary excellence. Paired with this exquisite feast is a complimentary glass of refreshing prosecco. Highlights: - Over 40 dim sum items. - Featuring Taiwanese pork buns, pork and prawn soup dumplings, and ‘Supreme’ crab meat xiao long bao. Need to Know: - Valid for 90 minutes and one glass of prosecco. - Book at least 72 hours in advance via [email protected]. - Minimum booking for two. - Email your QR and voucher codes with preferred date and time. - Available Sunday to Thursday (12 pm to 8.30 pm) and Friday to Saturday (12 pm to 9.30 pm). - Voucher valid until February 29, 2024 (excluding Feb 9th-11th). - Menu subject to availability; first order includes three baskets per guest. - Optional 12.5% service charge. - Present voucher on arrival at 39 Gerrard Street, London W1D 5QD. Shuffleboard Bar London is offering shuffleboard, pizza and a drink for £12.50 per person. Embark on a delightful journey of entertainment with an hour of shuffleboard at ShuffleBoard Bar London. Following your gaming excitement, relish a mouthwatering pizza paired with your choice of a refreshing pint or a delightful glass of wine. Highlights: - Champion-sized shuffleboard tables. - Graffiti-lined walls for a cool backdrop. - Live DJs and live sports for added entertainment. - Additional games like pool, arcade, foosball, and a boxing machine. Need to Know: - Valid for shuffleboard, pizza, and a drink for one person. - Minimum booking of two people; one voucher per person. - Not valid for two people after 5 pm on Fridays and not valid for two on Saturdays. - Available Monday to Sunday from 12 pm to 10 pm. - To redeem, email booking confirmation to [email protected]. - 24-hour cancellation notice required. - Voucher valid until March 31, 2024. - Present voucher on arrival at 37 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9SE. For £19.95, spend 90 minutes at Lan Kwai Fong with endless dim food, bowls, and a beverage Indulge in a 90-minute bottomless feast at Lan Kwai Fong, Camden Town. Revel in an extensive menu featuring over 40 items, from sumptuous dim sum to delightful desserts, all for just £19.95. Highlights: - 90 minutes of unlimited dim sum, bao buns, noodles, and bites. - Dive into Taiwanese pork buns, crystal prawn dumplings, crispy duck salad, and more. - Explore an array of bowls with Pad Thai noodles and classic Hong Kong wok-fry chicken. Need to Know: - Valid Monday to Friday, 12 pm - 6:30 pm. - To redeem, email [email protected] with your booking confirmation. - Minimum two people per booking, one voucher per person. - Restricted to those aged 18 and over. - Voucher valid until January 31, 2024. - Present your voucher on arrival; menu subject to change. For £35, take advantage of this Live True London X FUL Blow Dry and Styling Masterclass. Perfect the art of the flawless blowout with this exclusive Live True London offer at the Vauxhall branch. Enjoy a glass of champagne upon arrival and engage in an in-depth consultation with expert stylists to discuss your hair goals. Dive into a hands-on blow dry and styling masterclass using the premium FUL hair care brand. Not only will you leave with fabulous styling skills, but you’ll also receive a goody bag of products to enhance your hair care routine. Highlights: - Exclusive Live True London X FUL Blow Dry Masterclass. - Detailed demonstrations by expert stylists. - Glass of champagne on arrival. - Hands-on blow dry and styling session. - Utilizes luxury hair care brand FUL. - Goody bag with products included. Need to Know: - Voucher valid for Live True London X FUL Blow Dry Masterclass. - Redeem by emailing booking confirmation to [email protected]  with preferred date, time, and location. - Voucher, security code, and QR code must be clear. - Present voucher on arrival. - Appointments not directly booked with the salons will be charged at the original price. - Voucher valid until March 14, 2024. - One voucher per customer. - Changes/cancellations must be communicated within 48 hours. - Location: Live True Vauxhall – Unit 8, Flagstaff House, 14 St George Wharf, London SW8 2LE. Read the full article
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Captain Martini in the Mediterranean (nearly!)
Monday 21st August 2023 – Satellite issues en-route to Venice!
Jacques and Aloysius were safely packed and our complimentary Black Lane limousines duly arrived; a car for Angie and an SUV for us (we had overpacked – again!).
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Aside from a glitch at BA bag-drop (only for Angie of course!) everything went smoothly and we were settled into the new Whispering Angel section of the BA Club Lounge at Terminal 5 by about 10.30 for our flight to Venice at 13.10. So far so good!
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The only problem was that you cannot get back to Terminal ‘A’ departures from the ‘B’ satellite gates (where we were) on the mini-train without going back through Security! And where was our gate but A22 of course – which (to avoid going through Security) involves a 10-15 minute hike on foot through the tunnel at level -4 underground! And it was going so well….
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Our BA flight to Venice was short but just long enough for drinks and (in Business-class) a complimentary meal. I chose the Prawn Salad, which was really very good while Angie had the Vegetarian Stir-Fry and Rice (which all disappeared, so I guess that was ok!) but unfortunately Andrew’s Chicken Pasta was very dry and overdone.
With less than 2hrs in the air, we landed early, arriving Venice Marco Polo Airport at 4.15pm local time and with a fairly smooth transit through Immigration, we soon had our luggage and were met by our Silversea rep, a drop-dead-gorgeous young man, all full of wit and Italian charm (sighs)!
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Until recently, cruise ships used to dock at the main Maritime Port in Venice itself but following the controversial introduction of a ban on ships over 25,000 tons, the piers are now deserted – except that, in true Italian style, you still have to come here first to be ‘processed’ (just the same as if you were boarding the ship here), only to have to get back on another bus (along with all your luggage, thankfully shifted by the porters!) to be transferred back to the mainland, where the ships are now allowed to dock in the old commercial port area. I must say though that everything was organised well and went very smoothly – although having only 13 of us to deal with must have made things much easier; I would not want to be among 2-4,000 passengers joining a much larger ship here all at once!
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In any event, our ship Silver Nova was docked about 20 minutes away in Fusina and we finally arrived around 6.30pm. It was hot, by the way; about 34 degrees at this point! Welcome aboard!
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panseas · 1 year
Why Panseas seafood as good for health
Fish Fillet
A fish fillet refers to a boneless piece of fish that has been cut or sliced from the side of the fish. It is a popular seafood item that can be prepared in various ways, such as frying, grilling, baking, or poaching. Sea Cucumbers
Sea cucumbers are marine animals that belong to the phylum Echinodermata, which includes other organisms like starfish and sea urchins. Despite their name, sea cucumbers are not plants but rather soft-bodied creatures with elongated bodies and leathery skin. They can be found in oceans worldwide, primarily in shallow coastal waters and deep-sea environments.
Frozen Fish
Frozen fish refers to fish that has been caught, processed, and then frozen to preserve its freshness and quality. Freezing fish is a common method used in the seafood industry to extend the shelf life of the product and make it available to consumers in areas far from the source of the catch. Frozen Cod Fillets
Frozen cod fillets are codfish that have been cleaned, deboned, and frozen for preservation. Cod is a popular fish known for its mild flavour and flaky texture, making it a versatile choice for various dishes. Frozen cod fillets are convenient to have on hand as they can be stored for an extended period and used whenever needed. Whole Red Snapper Whole red snapper refers to a whole fish of the red snapper species. Red snapper is a popular saltwater fish known for its mild and slightly sweet flavour, as well as its firm and flaky texture. Cooking a whole red snapper can be a delicious and visually appealing way to enjoy this fish.
Live Frozen Tiger Prawns Get ready to indulge in the most mouth-watering frozen tiger prawns!
Discover the ultimate seafood experience with our perfectly frozen tiger prawns. With their succulent taste and versatile cooking options, these prawns will take your culinary skills to new heights.
Sea Cucumber as Food
Sea cucumber is indeed consumed as food in certain cultures, particularly in Asian cuisine. It is highly valued for its unique texture and potential health benefits. Sea cucumbers are harvested from the ocean, prepared, and cooked in various ways.
Fresh Salmon Fillet
Deliciously tender and packed with flavour, fresh salmon fillets are a must try!
Dive into a world of culinary delight with these fresh salmon fillets. From elegant dinners to quick and healthy lunches, the possibilities are endless. Get your taste buds tingling and try them today.
Fresh Fish
Fresh fish refers to fish that has been recently caught and is available for consumption without undergoing any preservation methods such as freezing or drying. When it comes to cooking and enjoying fresh fish.
Fresh Salmon Fillet
Fresh salmon fillet is a popular seafood choice known for its rich flavour and tender texture. When cooking with fresh salmon fillet, here are some general guidelines:
Selection: Choose a fresh salmon fillet with vibrant colour, moist flesh, and a mild, fresh aroma. The flesh should be firm and spring back when touched. Look for fillets that have been properly stored on ice or refrigerated to maintain freshness.
Preparation: Rinse the salmon fillet under cold water and pat it dry with paper towels. Check for any remaining pin bones by running your fingers along the flesh. If you find any, use a pair of clean tweezers or pliers to carefully remove them.
Seasoning: Season the salmon fillet according to your taste. You can keep it simple with salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice, or experiment with additional herbs, spices, or marinades to enhance the flavour.
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khaleesiuae · 1 year
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Enjoy Delicious Prawns Dry Fry from Khaleesi.
#prawns #prawnsrecipe #prawnsfry #prawnscurry #khaleesiuae #uniquelydelicious #khaleesigrillsandrestaurant
For bulk orders & Party orders Khaleesi Grills & Restaurant Bedazayed. Call: +971 56 732 0231
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doanchaoc · 1 year
Nguyen Minh Tuyet Ngan Vietnamese Pancake - Banh Xeo
Vietnamese food is regarded as one of the healthiest cuisines all over the world. As people usually say, “Vietnamese food is not only food, it is Vietnamese culture”.
What makes Vietnamese food special? Tourists can find their own answer across Vietnam regions from the North to the South. Despite the varied landscape of Vietnam, all of the food comes back to that balance of herbs, heat, sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and the all-powerful of fish sauce.
That makes Vietnamese Cuisine become one of the best foods in the world. In addition, coming to Vietnam, visitors will have a chance to see how sophisticated and unique it is.
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Vietnamese food is a harmonious combination of five basic spices: spicy, sour, sweet, salty, and bitter creating its distinctive flavour. For this instance, we would like to introduce the Vietnamese Culinary tradition differs from region to region.
400g Vietnamese coconut pancake mix – BÁNH XÈO Tai Ky 1-liter water 3 soup spoons oil Small slice spring onion 1 pcs egg FILLING 500g pork belly 500g fresh prawns, size 25, peel and devein 300g beansprouts Pepper, chopped red onion and garlic DIPPING SAUCE
Chopped chili and garlic Calamansi juice & lime juice Sugar, water and fish sauce Carrot and white turnip Vinegar VEGETABLE Lettuce Mint, Fish Mint Vietnamese Balm Vietnamese Perilla Vietnamese basil
The warm weather and fertile soil of southern Vietnam create an ideal condition for growing a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and livestock. As a result, foods in southern Vietnam are often vibrant and flavorful, with liberal uses of garlic, shallots, and fresh herbs. Sugar is added to food more than in the other regions.
The preference for sweetness in southern Vietnam can also be seen through the widespread use of coconut milk in southern Vietnamese cuisine. Vast shorelines make seafood a natural staple for people in this region. Some signature seafood dishes from southern Vietnam include BÁNH XÈO
1/ Preparation:
Wash pork belly, cut into thin pieces. Wash prawn, dry them well.
Add oil into frying pan then fresh garlic & onion, stir fry until golden crispy garlic and onion then add pork belly with ½ teaspoon of seasoning & pepper powder. Mix until well cook. Do the same for prawn separately & put aside.
Break 1 egg into a bowl and whip the mixture well.
Add 400g BÁNH XÈO Tai Ky into a large bowl with 1 liter of water, stir until the flour dissolves completely.
Add spring onions and beaten egg into batter mixture and stir well.
2/ Cooking:
Heat the frying pan, add some cooking oil. When the oil is sizzling, add the pork belly and prawns. Pour the pancake batter mix on top and spread it evenly and very thin on the pan’s surface. Add some beansprouts on top and close the lid for 3-5 minutes.
Once you get the desired crispiness and pancake can be loosely shaken from the skillet, use a spatula to fold the pancake in half. Slide pancake onto a serving platter. Repeat with remaining batter and ingredients.
3/ Dipping sauce:
Slice carrot & turnip into thin and long piece (5cm). Mix with vinegar & sugar and let them sit for about 15 mins.
6 teaspoons of sugar and 3 teaspoons of water adding into small bowl. Mix well.
Add 3 teaspoons of calamansi juice & 1 teaspoons of lime juice into sugar syrup. Mix well then add 3 teaspoons of fish sauce. Garnish with chopped garlic, chili and pickled carrot and turnip
4/ Serving:
Serve pancakes with fresh vegetables, herb and dipping/ blended fish sauce.
ENJOY YOUR MEAL This post first appeared on (https://kerrycookbook.tumblr.com/post/189827640316/story-vietnamese-food-is-regarded-as-one-of-the)
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Pork and Leek Ramen
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The first time I had ramen was at a cosy place on Thayer Street on an icy December day in Providence. My fingers were numb with cold; and I felt them thaw, a most deliciously tingly sensation, as I cupped the bowl of steaming aromatic broth with noodles, prawns and an egg. And the taste was delightful too! It is forever synonymous with comfort for me now! (Although I will never understand why Americans insist on ice in your water when it is snowing outside!) It isn’t snowing here today, but the skies have been dull and low, and the day long, and this Pork and Leek Ramen is just what I need to tuck into! Happy Saturday!
Ingredients (serves 1):
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
1 thumb-sized piece fresh ginger
a small garlic clove, minced
a small Garden Leek
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
1 tablespoon Nuoc mam (fish sauce)
2 cups water
60 grams/2 ounces dry ramen noodles
1 large egg
1 tablespoon demerara sugar
90 grams/3 ounces cold leftover Pork Roast
1 or 2 sprigs fresh Cilantro
In a large pot, heat toasted sesame oil over medium-high heat. 
Peel ginger, and cut it into very thin slices. Add to the pot, and fry, a couple of minutes. Add garlic, and cook, 1 minute more.
Thoroughly rinse Garden Leek, and cut into slices. Add sliced Leek to the pot, and cook, stirring often, about 3 minutes until tender. Deglaze with soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, and Nuoc Mam. Stir in water, and bring to the boil.
Once boiling, gently add the egg to the pot, and cover with the lid. Cook, 3 minutes, before stirring in the ramen noodles. Cook, 3 minutes more.
Meanwhile, prepare an ice bath with cold water and ice cubes in a small bowl. 
When the egg has boiled for 6 minutes, lift it out of the pot in a spoon, and plunge it into the ice bath. Set  aside.
Stir demerara sugar into the pot, until dissolved. Allow the noodles to simmer, a couple of minutes more.
Meanwhile, cut Pork Roast into thin slices.
Peel the egg very gently.  
Spoon ramen noodles and fragrant leek broth into a large bowl. Arrange Pork Roast slices on top. Gently halve the boiled egg --the yolk should be runny-- and delicately place onto the noodles. Garnish with Garden Cilantro.
Enjoy Pork and Leek Ramen immediately.
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foodtamira · 2 years
Garlic chicken Recipe(Murg Makhani)
Contant 1.Introduction of Garlic chicken. 2.crunchy & juicy . 3. Ingredients Need Step by Step Instructions. 4.Preparation. 5.cooking method. 6. Tips and Tricks for Garlic chicken Variations and Substitutions Serve Suggestions Conclusion. 7.Hygeine maintain. 8.Recipe card. 9.FAQ.
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Garlic chicken
Introduction of Garlic chicken (Murg Makhani)
Garlic is found almost in the all countries. Garlic is also used as a medicine for many diseases. Garlic is used to cure diseases such as cold, fever, cholesterol etc.Many recipes are made with garlic. One of them is garlic chicken. Garlic Chicken is a chicken recipe where garlic is used to make chicken. Seasoning with garlic .Is done differently in different Cultures. This is a Chinese dish, so Chinese cooks are very skilled in making it.They make garlic chicken by mixing garlic ,butter with chicken.Many restaurants offer rice and noodles with garlic chicken. It is more satisfying to eat rice or noodles with garlic chicken.Maybe you have eaten garlic chicken at many restaurants! But today's article is how to make garlic chicken at home.
Crunchy n juicy
Garlic Chicken is my most favorite food which like to eat for dinner. It is juicy and crunchy delicious food. I hope everyone will like to eat it.It tastes great with rice or noodles .
Ingredients Need Step by Step Instructions
- Boneless chicken breast grams >300 - Salt teaspoons >3/4 - Crashed black pepper teaspoons >1/2 - All purpose flour teaspoons >3/4 - Oil tablespoons >2 - Butter tablespoons >4 - Garlic finely choy cloves> 6-8O - oregano teaspoons >1 - Chicken stock cups >1 - Lemon juice teaspoons >1 - Salt > 1 pinches - Crashed black pepper >1 tsp - teaspoons > 3-4
- First cut the breast boneless chicken into pieces. - Chicken should be washed well in water. - Now marinate the chicken pieces in a bowl with 1 tesp salt and 1/2 tsp pepper powder.keep it rest for 30 minutes. - After 30 minutes the chicken should be coated with maida. - Now make chicken stock or use ready made.
Cooking Method
- Now heat the oil in the pan. - Once oil is hot then fry the chicken for 3 minutes and once it is fried, keep it in a Bowl . - Now clean the pan and reheat it. - Now the pan should be heated with a butter. - When the butter is hot, add garlic and fry. - Now add 2 tsp of flour and 1 tsp of organo, chicken stock,lemon juice and fry well. - Now add fried chicken and stir well for 2 to 3 minutes on medium heat. - When it becomes a little dry, add black pepper and chopped parsley for garnishing.Now your dish is ready.
Tips and Tricks for Garlic chicken Variations and Substitutions Serve Suggestions Conclusion.
making garlic chicken in 2 ways at home, one with butter garlic chicken and another with onion, capsicum, garlic etc. Much like chili chicken.But Butter Garlic Chicken is tasty and takes much less time to cook.Butter Garlic Chicken requires few ingredients.Butter garlic chicken is a Chinese recipe. Garlic chicken is an Indian recipe.These two recipes are good to eat with Hakka noodles and fired rice.Garlic chicken is better with fresh chicken. It is not right to use frozen chicken.Mustard oil should not be used for cooking in this recipe as it spoils the taste, so vegetable oil should be used.You can cook prawns with chicken and it will be good to eat. cook garlic chicken with prawns and it tastes good.you Can use spring onion for garnish. www.foodtamira.com
Hygeine Maintain
You maintain very hygienic while cooking. Because everyone like to eat unhygienic food. No one likes unhygienic food except me. Today giving you some tips on how to maintain your hygeine. 1. Maintaining hygiene in the kitchen is essential for cooking safe, healthy meals. 2. There are a few simple steps you can take to ensure your kitchen is clean and sanitary. 3. First, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling any food. 4. Next, make sure to clean all surfaces, utensils, and equipment that come into contact with food. 5. Finally, cook food to the proper temperature to kill any harmful bacteria.By following these simple tips, you can help maintain a clean and safe kitchen environment.
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What does garlic do you chickes?
Garlic works on the health development of baby chicks. Garlic also helps in good egg production in chickens.
What is garlic chicken made of?
Garlic chicken is made with boneless chicken, garlic, butter, corn flour, organo, black pepper. Many Chinese restaurants use Chinese wine.
Is garlic good fro boilar chicken.
Many case studies have shown that garlic is best for boiler chickens. Because garlic helps the heath development of baby chicks. Garlic fixes the chicken's body diseases. Read the full article
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