#Pregnancy support
cheerfullycatholic · 2 years
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discountaltcarpet · 10 months
My story!
Heya, you may call me Charlie! Yes, I am pregnant, but no, this isn't a horny blog. I'm mainly here to talk about my experience, and hopefully find support and friends along the way.
As of making this post, I'm 16 years old (17 in December) and I'm 33 weeks pregnant (though due not long after my birthday). I've been mostly alone throughout the entire pregnancy because I haven't been able to speak much about it with anyone. Turns out most pregnancy communities I've encountered sexualize pregnancy, when I just want to be able to talk it normally. Being a teen has definitely made things a lot harder what with a lack of support, though I did finish school not long ago.
Please no NSFW of any kind, and if you do dm don't expect an answer. Anyone that gets too creepy will be blocked <3
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healthyboom · 1 year
Pregnancy: What to Expect and How to Prepare
Embarking on the journey of pregnancy can be both exciting and overwhelming. This comprehensive guide offers valuable insights into what to expect during pregnancy and how to prepare for this transformative experience. From the early stages of conception to the final moments of labor and delivery, you'll find a wealth of information on prenatal care, nutrition, exercise, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We'll address common pregnancy symptoms, potential complications, and provide tips for managing discomfort. Additionally, we'll delve into the emotional aspects of pregnancy and offer guidance on creating a supportive environment. Get ready to navigate pregnancy with confidence and embrace the joy of welcoming your little one into the world.
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guideoflife · 1 year
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
thoughts on "tradwives" as a 19th-century social historian
It's great until it's not.
It's great until he develops an addiction and starts spending all the money on it.
It's great until you realize he's abusive and hid it long enough to get you totally in his power (happened to my great-great-aunt Irene).
It's great until he gets injured and can't work anymore.
It's great until he dies and your options are "learn a marketable skill fast" or "marry the first eligible man you can find."
It's great until he wants child #7 and your body just can't take another pregnancy, but you can't leave or risk desertion because he's your meal ticket.
It's great until he tries to make you run a brothel as a get-rich-quick scheme and deserts you when you refuse, leaving your sisters to desperately fundraise so your house doesn't get foreclosed on (happened to my great-great-aunt Mamie).
It's great until you want to leave but you can't. It's great until you want to do something else with your life but you can't. It's great. Until. It's. Not.
I won't lie to you and say nobody was ever happy that way. Plenty of women have been, and part of feminism is acknowledging that women have the right to choose that sort of life if they want to.
But flinging yourself into it wholeheartedly with no sort of safety net whatsoever, especially in a period where it's EXTREMELY easy for him to leave you- as it should be; no-fault divorce saves lives -is naive at best and dangerous at worst.
Have your own means of support. Keep your own bank account; we fought hard enough to be allowed them. Gods willing, you never need that safety net, but too many women have suffered because they needed it and it wasn't there.
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nimy1234 · 1 year
The Second Trimester of Pregnancy: What To Expect
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The second trimester of pregnancy is the period between weeks 14 and 27 of a pregnancy and is calculated from the 1st day of week 14 through the last day of week 27. In this trimester your baby will grow rapidly from the size of a peach at the start of the trimester to a head of kale by the end of it.
 It is often considered the “honeymoon phase” of pregnancy, as many women experience relief from the nausea and fatigue that can occur during the first trimester of pregnancy, and before the discomforts of the third trimester set in.
What is the second trimester of pregnancy?
The second trimester is the period between the 14th and 27th week of pregnancy. During this phase, the fetus continues to grow, and the mother’s body adapts to the changes happening inside her. You may feel your baby moving for the first time, and this can be an exciting experience for many expecting mothers. The baby’s organs continue to develop, and the skeleton becomes stronger. The baby’s eyes begin to move, and they can hear sounds coming from outside the womb.
Signs of a healthy second trimester of pregnancy
The second trimester of pregnancy is generally the easier and more comfortable period of the entire pregnancy. Expecting mothers report better sleep during the second trimester leading to overall improved health and well-being. Another good news that accompanies the second trimester is ‘no more morning sickness’. Morning sickness is common during the first trimester, but it usually subsides by the second trimester.
Here are some signs of a healthy second trimester of pregnancy:
Growing Baby Bump: As your baby continues to grow, you’ll start to notice your belly getting bigger. This is a sign that your baby is developing and getting the nutrients they need.
Increased Energy: During the second trimester, many women report feeling more energetic and less fatigued than they did during the first trimester. This could also come from the morning sickness subsiding and from the better sleep you get.
Foetal Movement: You will start to feel your baby’s movements during the second trimester. This is a sign that your baby is healthy and developing as expected.
Healthy Weight Gain: It’s normal to have weight gain during pregnancy, but it’s important to do so at a healthy rate. Weight gain during the second trimester will depend on your pre-pregnancy weight. Your doctor will be able to estimate how much weight you should gain based on your BMI (body mass index). (See the FAQ at the end for more more info).
Remember, every pregnancy is different, and some women may experience symptoms or complications during the second trimester that could need medical attention and care. It’s important to go to all your prenatal appointments and report any concerns or unusual developments or symptoms. 
What tests will I have during the second trimester of pregnancy?
Regular prenatal care is crucial to ensure a healthy pregnancy. During the second trimester, you can expect to undergo a series of tests to monitor your health and the development of your baby. Here are some common tests you can expect to have during the second trimester of pregnancy:
Blood Tests: Your healthcare provider may recommend a variety of blood tests during the second trimester to check for any health issues. These tests may include screening for gestational diabetes, anaemia, and sexually transmitted infections.
Glucose Screening: Glucose screening is conducted using a test called Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) to check for gestational diabetes. This test involves drinking a sugary drink and then having your blood sugar levels checked. Read more about it in our detailed post on gestational diabetes.
Detailed Fetal Anomaly ultrasound scan: During the second trimester, your healthcare provider will perform an ultrasound to check your baby’s growth and development. This scan examines the baby’s physical structure, including heart, lungs, spine, brain, bones, and organs like liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, and bladder. The scan is conducted by a sonographer or obstetrician, using an advanced ultrasound machine with 70% accuracy in detecting abnormalities. Certain abnormalities may indicate genetic conditions, such as Down Syndrome, prompting further testing to confirm or exclude them.
It’s important to attend all scheduled prenatal appointments and tests during your pregnancy. These tests can help identify any potential health issues early on, so that you and your healthcare provider can take appropriate steps to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Your healthcare provider will work with you to determine which tests are necessary, and will be there to answer any questions or concerns you may have throughout your pregnancy.
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pritiblog1992 · 2 years
How To Support Your Pregnant Spouse: A Guide For Dads-to-be
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Learn about the pregnancy
Read and learn about the physical, mental and hormonal challenges pregnant women go through – the sudden weight gain, the back aches, bloating, fatigue, hormonal roller coasters and accompanying mood swings….
Work out how to support your pregnant spouse in each trimester rather than telling her to just “take your meds”. Find out how to provide her physical and emotional support throughout. She will need it and when she gets it from you it will fill her with strength and confidence. 
Understand the impact on her life and career. Rather than telling her, “Don’t worry; I earn enough to take care of us”, help her plan how to get her career back on track after the pregnancy.
Get involved
I drove my wife to prenatal appointments but I didn’t know enough to get involved in the conversations with the doctor. Instead, I suggest you learn about the huge dilemmas facing your spouse as she goes into each appointment:
Natural birth or C-Section?
Epidural or Non-Epidural?
Which hospital to choose?
What’s the best diet and exercise regimen?
Be her sounding board and planning partner. Get involved in drafting the birth plan. Go to all prenatal appointments. Tour the hospital together.
During Birthing
I had assumed there is no role for a man in a birthing room. But after talking to my wife, I realized how wrong I was. There is much I could have done in preparation of as well as during the labour and delivery
She needs you to be her voice in that delivery room. If you partner with your spouse on all the planning and prep you will know the ins and outs of the birth plan and the preferred action plan if surprises crop up.
She might be in no state to advocate for herself. You have to figure out how to support her wishes in that room.
Post Pregnancy
“We fussed over every little thing we bought for our kid, but did you spare a second to think about what I needed?”. There was no denying the truth in that!
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draquus · 2 months
As a poor, semi-disabled, almost-40-year-old woman, everything having to do with my uterus is kind of terrifying. I worry about getting pregnant again. I worry that I'll never have a daughter. I worry about how I would manage if I did have more children. I just had a period where I was bleeding so much I thought I might have to go to the ER, and my doctor says it was most likely either a miscarriage or a sign of impending menopause, and both of those ideas are so contradictory and so connected and so emotionally fraught. It's rough right now.
The worst part is living in a world where 95% of the advice on how to manage all these difficulties is violence. Your uterus is causing you problems? Burn it, cut it, twist metal into it. Make it inhospitable to life. Take the nurturer of life and make it a wasteland, but don't stop sending children there. Kill the children you're afraid of losing. Feed your anxiety on the blood of innocents.
There's this idea that birth control and abortion make women free and strong and independent. That anyone who would dare subject women to inconvenience and even danger is a horrible, controlling abuser. That this is how we make strong, bold women.
Let me tell you something. I have seen strong, bold women. Women who don't hide their miscarriages, but actually talk to each other and support each other. Women who are not dependent on surgeries and pharmaceuticals, but actually understand how their bodies work better than some doctors. Women who have husbands who are invested in the health and lives of their wives and children. Women who suffer, and endure, and come to the other side full of joy.
My anxiety doesn't make me stronger, it makes me weaker. Fighting it, doing the hard thing, being humble and asking for God's help, that's where the actual strength is. When I say my kids are a blessing, I don't mean that in an easy, #Blessed, happy-go-lucky looks good on Instagram way. I mean it in the way food is a blessing, health is a blessing, LIFE is a blessing. You know it most when it's the hardest to come by.
We live in a world that tells us to quietly kill so that we never have to face death. Death to self, death of self, death of children, death of our own bodies as they age. But death is so much more terrifying when you let it lurk in the corners. It's powerful when it hides in the shadows. But look it in the eye? Well, you can't do it alone. But when you find you're not alone, that's when you can begin to be brave.
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pro-birth · 8 months
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From Secular-Pro-Life
[ID: Two photos sit opposite one another. The photo on the left is of a woman holding a sign that says, “I am a progressive pro-choice woman running for congress. My run is possible because of the abortion I had at 18.” The other photo is also of a woman holding a sign, as well as her child. The sign reads, “They told me I couldn’t be a successful teen mom so I’m proving them wrong.” End ID]
On a personal note, as the daughter of a teen mom who had to fight against pro-abortion, sexist bs just to have me AND succeed, I don’t want bigoted child killers claiming to represent me. You don’t get to preach how awesome it was to be able to kill your child for “success” and then turn around to say people like me, the literal could-be victims of abortion, should be represented by you. Fuck that noise. Less death, more love and support. Do better and be better.
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coquelicoq · 2 months
never really thought about this before because i have such a bone-deep horror of pregnancy and childbirth and creating a person and being responsible for them, but i think if my feelings on all of that changed and i got pregnant and decided to have a baby without anything else about my personality changing, given what i know about myself what would happen is i would tell maybe three friends for emotional support and just. let everyone else figure it out. if anyone asked me about it directly i'd be like "wow, what a personal question! so anyway," and i'd wait as long as i possibly could get away with to request FMLA from work, and i'd just tell my coworkers i was going on leave and not say why. i assume my manager would know because the reason for the leave is probably on the FMLA form but i'd send her the form completely out of the blue in an email saying something like "please find attached a file containing my PHI which is subject to privacy laws" and she'd have to figure out on her own what she was legally allowed to tell people about it. my family would be among the people who would get to just find out whenever they happened to see me in person and they're so used to me being weirdly (and, probably in their view, inconsistently and unpredictably) private about things they personally don't consider that important to be private about that they'd probably all be like uhh...so are we allowed to talk to other people about this, or? and i'd be like, about what? my three friends who i had endowed with the sacred duty of listening to me talk about it would be begging me like PLEASE expand your support system and i'd be like no 🥰 i would of course be sharing every single grisly detail of the pregnancy with thousands of internet strangers on here though. that goes without saying.
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discountaltcarpet · 10 months
being pregnant and dealing with an ed sucks, I've gained a bunch of weight from the baby and it's driving my anxiety and self hate up the walls
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melhindips · 19 days
Hi compassionate souls
I am asking you to support my campaign to help my family survive the gruesome war over Gaza to safety and peace.
Life has become incredibly harsh, tough and full of hardship and painful suffering. We lack all he basic living essentials and necessities such as food, water, medicine and other needs.
The war has made our life hopeless and desperate. My four-member family has been going through the hardest days they have ever experience for almost eleven months due to the disastrous war.
My daughter was injured in the neck by the bombing, and she is currently suffering from moving it and needs physical therapy. Also, my wife is pregnant and needs medicines and vitamins as a result of malnutrition.
The war has taken every beautiful thing from us, leaving us homeless, displaced and jobless.
The rising prices of all necessary items of life has complicated our living conditions especially when all our savings were spent over the least necessities and needs.
So I am now asking you to lessen and minimize our burdens and loads of life through your contribution. You can help my family survive through donating whatever you can or reposting my messages.
@appsa @akajustmerry @feluka @el-shab-hussein @ear @queerstudiesnatural @90-ghost @skatehan @awetistic-things @sweetoothgirl @sar-soor @timetravellingkitty @deathlonging
@rinnie @sweetoothgirl @timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe @rhubarbspring @appsa @90-ghost @ear @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @appsa
@irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees @kyra45 @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @evillesbianvillainarchive @ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @dykesbat @stuckinapril
@violentrevolution-blog @mavigator @lacecap @watermotif @socalgal @chilewithcarnage
@ghelgheli @sayruq @papenathys
@slicedblackolives @heritagepostsbot
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traxanaxanos · 1 year
I am stricken. Do B’Elanna and Naomi Wildman ever interact? Like at all? Once?
I’m really to believe that Naomi wouldn’t be following B’Elanna around, peppering her with questions about how she makes the ship go, and how the holodeck works, and what optimal energy efficiency look like? The captain’s assistant??? And that B’Elanna wouldn’t be extremely patient when she had time to spare and wouldn’t partner with Harry to devise little problems for Naomi to solve and also just be a little worried about the dangers Naomi could run into in engineering while also being so thrilled when Naomi did solve her puzzles? Please
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pritiblog1992 · 2 years
 Care and Support For Women
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If you serve women & families, partner with us to widen your reach
We work directly with end-users and corporates across locations. Our platform offers a seamless, integrated experience to users. We take care of the tech, and admin while you focus on what you do best – improving lives.
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crazysodomite · 2 months
r/childfree is so scary they are the types of people to not give up their seat to a pregnant person because 'its their fault and they made that choice so i dont owe them anything'. theyre the types of people who think parental leave shouldnt be a thing.
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terzosbignaturals · 10 months
daily reminder than the papas' love for you would not in any way be dependent on you popping out kids for them
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