#Pretty Fighter X
segacity · 7 months
Teacher Trouble 'Pretty Fighter X' SEGA Saturn
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radiance1 · 5 months
Danny and (a recently revived) Jason move into an apartment together, they live right next to each other too.
The thing with this, however, is that the both of them?
They goddamn hate each other.
If murder was not illegal, they would genuinely kill each other. But since it is, they settle for the next best thing, just beating each other up on sight.
At least, until the landlord told them to not fight on their property and if they were to do it out of sight, so they don't scare away any more potential clients.
They've already scared away more than 10.
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magicalswordgirls · 4 days
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Sulemio Week Day 1- Commander/Mistress
I'll be honest here, I think that the Commander AU implies changing Suletta's personality a lot and it's not really my jam. However, if she's having another personality anyway she should be someone who's obssessed with her Lady to the point of conquering Space Colonies in her name!! (Miorine never asked for any of that).
Well, that's my take, anyway.
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paimonial-rage · 5 months
wriothesley 3, 16, 17 :3 -- @milkstore
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Wriothesley’s mbti/enneagram?
Wriothesley is a 9w8 ESTP sp/so.
What is the best way to win Wriothesley’s heart?
Wriothesley is a simple man, and simple men require simple methods. Simply put, the best way to win Wriothesley’s heart is to flirt with him. He doesn’t need much more than that. Challenge him, tease him, take him by surprise. Play hot and cold. Accept his invitations for tea, then spurn his advancements the next. Present yourself as a catch, dance right out of his reach, and let his instincts kick in. But make sure you’re having fun too. It’s not a game if both people aren’t having fun.
What are Wriothesley’s strengths in a relationship?
Of the many traits Wriothesley was blessed with, two that stand out are his level-headedness and his tendency toward action. No matter what you may go through as a couple, he will not be overcome by stress or fear. You can always trust him to be solid no matter the storm. Not to mention you can trust he will not take the backseat in your relationship. If there is anything wrong, he will address it. But more than that, if he sees the chance to make you happy, he will take it, whether it’d be bringing home flowers or taking you on a date to something you want to see. In a relationship, he won’t let you feel alone.
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I’m back & here to blasphemy ✨
Ugh I had too many couple options for this meme.
But I miss them the most 💕_(:3 」∠)_
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taylorlynn-art · 2 years
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🍿 Movie night 💕
Digital ✍🏻 09/21/2022
What are they watching? 👀 Tell me in the comments! (Make it funny! 😅🙏)
⭐️ 🌙
I’ve been sick for the past week and a half 🤒 Drew them watching movies because that’s all I’ve had the energy for too. 😴
And for some reason I gave Seiya my pajamas 🤷‍♀️ The star pattern suits her, I think ✨
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chemicalfairyx · 9 months
Seiusa Week 2023 🌙💕🌠
So sorry for the delay. I hope I didn't lose any interested authors in the long time I took to post again about this topic. Things got hectic but here I am :)
📅When is it going to take place?
A month from now! From October 15th to October 21st
✨Prompts per day: 1. Temptation 2. Confessions 3. Stardom 4. Jealousy 5. Unbreakable bond 6. Cosmos 7. Free 🤔How can I participate? a. Fanfictions and fanarts will be accepted 💃 b. You can post in whatever platform suits you better. I will be creating a collection in AO3 for the event. c. I'll be reblogging everything with the Seiusa Week 2023 tag here on tumblr, you can use the same tag on Wattpad and AO3. #SeiusaWeek2023 d. There is a prompt for each day but don't worry if you get behind, you can post whenever you can. e. AU accepted. Different timelines, past, present, future accepted. Any identity also accepted (e.g. Moon/Fighter, Neo Queen/Fighter, etc etc) f. Any further questions, ask away!
Hope we can get amazing pieces of work for our otp 🌙💕🌠
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Random Urge
Had the urge to randomly draw again after so many years. Not the best and still practicing but I wanted to draw my Street Fighter OC Mickey.
Didn’t get much writing done today because I was drawing.
Also, I wanna see all your OCs for Street Fighter 6 if you have one. Plz tag me or send in how your OCs look. I love to see them.
I imagine everyone’s OCs being friends with one another :3
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Random Bosch drawing bc I luv him 🥺
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badagirl · 7 months
the official instagram page just posted my wife… i love her so much (just fell to my knees tho because she’s being perceived by locals rn)
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sorakazeno · 8 months
SeiUsa Week 2023 Day 1
Prompt 1: Temptation.
Let them wait
This scene is a modified ending to Chaos Theory Act 60: Together we’ll Fight to the End. Act ends with Seiya kissing Usagi and pulling her into his dressing room. This short scene is a re-write of that ending after the concert concludes.
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ttoddii · 3 months
hellow booger here! (hopefully i’m doing it right) i’m 160 cm and very clumsy even more shy 😞 im a little weird when u get to know me and i like to dance, write lyrics, read manga and cook/bake for people i love 🤧 i can’t sleep without my plushies but i love horror movies/dramas and true crime 😞 i hate when people are mean to others for no reason (and betrayal) also loud noises/ being rushed 😞 sometimes i bite people but only bcuz i love them. i can be quite clingy when i’m close to someone and love to rant about my latest obsessions/interests. style wise i’m really into soft/slightly dolly aesthetics. i love snacks and cuddles :( im always wearing white and pastel colours, you will most likely find me wearing some fluffy accessory 🍞 thank youuu 💗
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team bebe match up event !!!
"the coffee shop is now ⟶ OPEN !"
a/n – booger my lovely daughterrr, pls i am so sorry for how shitty this is your mère is dying with her brain being grill <3 yell at me to do better if needed booger <3
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i match you up with ...
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... seoyoung (lusher) !!!
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how booger and lusher relationship would be like ~
— ! lusher think of you as her little baby (definitely will have nicknames for you), she love to take care of you, making sure you're doing great, always check up on you, making you smile.
— ! she will love to listen to your songs! she will listen to it and then point out parts of the lyrics that get her attention, telling you that she love how you make a resemblance in this line, or trying to connect something in this line.
— ! love to listen to your rambles too, and she doesn't show any sign of being bored at all! she will listen attentively while giving out comments at certain part. she will also love it if you talk to her about what your latest obsession is. she will be super happy to know that you love miffy, you're into this dance choreo recently (maybe evem try to help you out with learning it), etc.
— ! lusher love love love looking at you preparing yourself, she will help you to do your hair, picking out your clothes with you. she'll definitely look out for clothes that you might like and buy them for you, it's her little happiness, to see you smile.
— ! lots and lots of physical touch, she'll hug you, cuddle with you in bed, kissing your cheeks, having quick pecks on your forehead, your lips.
— ! she loves it when you hug her, or hold her arms, she loves it when you're clingy with her, cause that's when she knows you care, and she loves you so so much for it.
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bonus ~ !
the aroma of freshly baked cookies fill the room, dominating your sense as you take out the tray from the oven. your face lit up with a smile as you look at the little cookies you had made, coming out nicely with a brown color.
putting the tray down on the kitchen counter, you suddenly feel an arm wrap around your body, your nose once again fill with another scent.
this time, it's the much familiar perfume that your girlfriend use.
"lusher you're back!", you said happily, your face show a bright smile as you turn around to face your lover, your arms wrapped around her neck as you stand on your toes to try to be on the same height as her.
"hey baby, how was your day?", lusher chuckle softly at your action, her head lower down to give you a soft kiss on your forehead, wrapping both of her arms around your waist to make sure you won't fall from the little jumps you make.
content with the kiss she gave you, you turn back to take care of the cookies, your tone happy when you introduce them to her "well, my day was nice, i am baking you cookies so that you can bring them to work tomorrow!", you exclaim, your voice excited at the thought.
your girlfriend lower down to rest her head on one of your shoulder, her eyes look at the cookies attentively as she give you a head pat, her face display a beautiful smile as she turn to kiss your cheek.
"thank you, darling."
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©ttoddii 2024
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rainisawriter · 10 months
Not me writing a domestic fluff for Ito because he's fucking gorgeous and I'm in love
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I saw the new trailer & I can’t wait to cry over Seiya getting friend zoned all over again.
I can’t wait to (hopefully??) get new versions of the Three Lights songs & Marina Inoue if you wanna re-record Seiya’s Poem it would be devastating to me in the best possible way.
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ramcharantitties · 4 months
i need more people to tag
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 4 months
When you're a dark skinned, brunette, badass bisexual girl named Gwen that has a dark haired supernatural lesbian girlfriend that was/is evil:
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Also, place your bets on if you think the Sea Salt Family will be in KHIV.
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