#Primarch Week
interplanaranathema · 2 years
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Sanguinius in Avacyn's get up as a warm up sketch Some closeups under the cut that im particularly proud of
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robot-roadtrip-rants · 20 hours
The Reunion of Lion and Guilliman
It’s a big deal, of course. The primarchs, resplendent in their armor, formally greet each other and shake hands on a dais. Lights flash around them as pict after pict is taken, servo skulls hovering close as they furiously record the occasion. Thousands of their sons stand to attention, organized by chapter in perfect parade formation, a rainbow of colors and heraldry buffed to an exquisite sheen. The great and good of the Imperium fill the audience, each weighed down with garments and jewelry worth whole planets. Speeches are given, glorious words about brotherhood and friendship and strength in the darkest hours. Outside, pilgrims swoon in ecstatic frenzy at the glory of the moment.
The real reunion takes place after the festivities die down. The primarchs remove their armor and retreat to a room that has been hastily cleaned after millennia of disuse for just this purpose. It is a humble room, no more than a lounge, made for casual conversation and socialization. Its unique quality are the dimensions of the furniture, for this room was made for a very specific group of brothers—brothers who, bar two, are now gone.
Lion sniffs at an arrangement of bottles on one of the tables. “Mjod,” he growls.
“The Space Wolves were generous,” Guilliman says.
“Is this really necessary?” Lion frowns.
Guilliman says nothing, only raises an eyebrow at him. Him, and the rest of the galaxy, and the state of humanity, and the crumbling Imperium. Lion considers his life and the future awaiting him. Then he seizes a bottle and downs it in one go.
Hours pass. There is laughter, and there are tears. Stories old and new are shared. There is considerable commentary on the current Imperium—commentary that, should it have come from lesser men, may have been described as complaining. A full ten minutes are devoted to cherubs alone. (“I spent a week shooting them down until someone told me what they were.” “I swear by Terra herself, I thought they were Chaos abominations.”)
There is no fighting. That will come, eventually; tomorrow, or in a week, or a month. They are very different people, with different ideas and plans, and both are proud men disinclined to compromise. Conflict is inevitable. But not tonight. Each has lost too much to sacrifice this rare moment with his only surviving peer.
The night winds on. Bottle after bottle is consumed. Lion’s tabard lies discarded on an armchair. Guilliman’s laurels hang from a lamp. Both are flushed with mjod, hair flying free of carefully coiffed hairdos. Lion is lying on the floor, hands folded neatly across his chest, staring into the middle distance at the ceiling. Guilliman is facedown on a couch, muffled muttering emanating occasionally from his body.
A thought dawns on the Lion. It is a joke he heard once from M’kia. Lion is ambivalent on the topic of jokes, but this one fits the current situation too well to be ignored.
“Brother,” he says, “I have realized something.”
A grunt issues from Guilliman, signaling him to continue. Lion begins the joke.
“It occurs to me that if I had a throne for every time the galaxy was split by a warpstorm, and you asked me for help running the Imperium, I would have two thrones. Which isn’t much, but it is strange that it happened twice.”
Silence. Guilliman’s shoulders shake as muffled sobbing emits from the couch.
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moodymisty · 2 months
Please. Iron ween. -Ms. L
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author’s note: I got you homie. Here’s Ferrus whipping out that Shlong after a long crusade. Wife needs the iron injec-
Relationships: Ferrus Manus/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Ferrus’ massive iron schmeat, Good girl talk, while we don’t call him it in this fic Ferrus Manus is daddy and I no won’t take criticism, Size kink/size difference, Creampie, The definition of porn without plot
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These nights get lonely, without him here.
The days are too; Though with this massive bed so empty, the nights are always the worst.
Nightclothes wrinkled and bunched at your stomach you lay in bed, room dark and filled with little more than your own noises as your hand shifts between your legs.
It’s frustrating, like you’re halfway there but can’t get any farther- teeth gritted in near anger. You desperately claw for that feeling only for it to just slip from your fingertips each time you barely get a hold. You let out a hot sigh of air into the pillow, so tired in at this late hour as you debate ending this self torture. Your hand is soaked, you’ve been at it for what feels like hours.
“Am I interrupting?”
A voice suddenly calls out, and you abruptly lean up to see Ferrus closing the door behind him. Your heart nearly stops from the surprise of it, of not having heard someone enter and that he’s finally here.
You had no idea when he would return; His crusades often take weeks if not months at a time, and if you stay on Terra, it can mean you're alone for an- to you at least- unmanageable amount of time.
Ferrus, already having been freed of his armor begins making short work of his remaining clothing as he walks closer, and takes his place on his own bed. It seems he took your surprise as a good enough greeting, and now seeks to indulge in what he had left behind.
You're soon underneath him, cloaked completely in his massive shadow; He's always been able to make you feel so incredibly small. He’s the largest of the Primarchs, as far as you know.
You have eyes a bit too big for your stomach, perhaps. Though his stature still makes your thighs squeeze together never the less.
With one light toss he flips you from your back to your stomach, and you can feel the heat of his body on your bare skin. You have to swallow the whine you almost let out at the feeling. That empty ache in your cunt is almost unmanageable now, figiting as he shifts behind you.
You’ve spent so long tonight torturing yourself that he feels the way you’re completely soaked, pressing his cock against you. He grinds against your a few times before the head of his cock catches your entrance and slowly he presses into you. But even after so much toying it still makes you grit your teeth as he starts to stretch your body to it’s limit, teetering on that stretch of pain.
“Up higher.”
You arch your back desperately as he slowly presses impossibly deeper; You whine, it always feel like he’s in your stomach.
“Good girl,”
He grunts near your ear. His one hand grips your hip tight, and you just know he’s leaving bruises. He always does, they’ve faded since the last time and you’re eager to have them return.
You whisper his name, mewling as he so easily finishes you off where you’d struggled with so little effort. He barely needs to start fucking you and that coil in your stomach that was half wound finally snaps. You cum around him, gasping as he continues to fuck you through it. Each time he pushes just a bit deeper, until he’s finally buried in you. It’s a process, Ferrus is massive but when he does manage to bury himself to the hilt or near to it, you swear you see stars.
“How long have you been waiting?”
He says, you can feel his hot breath on your skin. You know he loves hearing that nothing else makes you feel the way he makes you, that nothing else works anymore. That you’ve been marked by him.
“Tonight? It’s been hours, I couldn’t…” You cut yourself off as he drives himself in particularly deep, and it makes you bite the inside of your cheek. You feel his hips repeatedly hit the backs of your thighs as he thrusts into you, and you feel almost suffocated by his massive size.
Both his body and his cock; You know after this you’ll ache for days, legs barely able to hold your own weight. Even in his most gentle Ferrus leaves his marks on you, in you, but he’s less gentle now, you know you’ll feel it for days to come.
He’ll be gentle to you after, he always is, but right now he wants to enjoy what he’s missed, and give you what you were begging for.
It’s not long before he’s able to make you cum again, nails gripping anything they can as your sore throat manages to let out a breathless whine. You can’t hold your voice back at this point, and you can only hope the walls are thick enough that no one could ever hear you, or the sound of the massive bed slamming against the wall.
Ferrus grips your hip tighter and you feel his thrusts before more uneven; You can hear the thud of his other hand reaching up to grab the headboard of the bed. Though even with his torso farther away from you, you’re still firmly in his shadow. But alongside your hip you know he’s made the backs of your thighs sore and possible bruised, from how hard he’s slapped his hips against them even with such little of his strength.
You feel him still as he finally finishes, and you can’t help but whine as you feel him fill you to the brim. It’s hot; Though perhaps it’s his size, but he always cums such an exorbitant amount. Sometimes it will linger days later.
Ferrus pulls out slowly, and you can feel cum trickle down your thigh. You let out a sigh that sounds both satisfied, and dead tired.
“Better?” Ferrus says with the slightest amused lilt to his voice. He looks at your dazed, tired expression. You can see sunlight bleeding through the stained glass of the windows.
“That you’re here, yes.”
Ferrus releases your hip and lets you fall limply to the bed. You’re so far beyond well-fucked, finally satisfied. He lets out a small ‘tut’ in amusement. You mean it in more ways than one; While you’re more than pleased he abused your poor weeping cunt into oblivion, you’re also pleased to have him here again, after so long apart.
Still on your stomach and with no desire or ability to move you elect to fall asleep, with it being so late you’re unfathomably tired. Ferrus knows it, he sees you already dozing off, and elects to give you a proper greeting after being apart when you wake up.
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sharenadraculea · 4 months
The primarchs having dinner together
Lion: He is a cat. He only eats the meat. Not even touching his veggies. He doesn‘t really get why they are having this dinner, but Luther thought him some decent table manners and he is happy to eat the meat of everyone who doesn‘t want theirs. He is eyeing the pidgeons sitting outside the window. They are gone by the end of teh evening. Fulgrim: He has some really bad allergies. Like one small bite can easely turn into a medical emergency. He really hoped to eat the same food as the others, but it‘s not safe. He takes his own food with him and feels pretty bad about it. Ferrus needs to comfort him. Perty: Grumbeling the whole time. Magnus dragged him here, saying it would be fun. Maybe it kind of is. But Calliphone still cooks better. Jagh: He is very excited to try some new food, very adventurous taste. He‘s having a great time, very supportive of his brothers who are a bit more picky than he is. Offers to buy everyone drinks. Leman: He has a lot of fun too, needs to be stopped from drinking too much. He is a bit sceptical of everything more complicated than bread and meat. A chocolate dessert needs to be ripped from his hands to avoid a medical emergency. Rogal: He has ARFID, so eating in general and especially going out to eat is difficult. Brought his own food with him and when told he eats like a toddler, goes on a extended rant/presentation about ARFID. Brought some extra dino-nuggets to share with his brothers. Ends up distracted and builds a fortress for the dino-nuggets to live in. Konrad: So much food! He has no idea where to look first. Eats very fast and has no table manners. Despite this, he won‘t touch his veggies, because cat. Heroically liberates Morty from both his meat and dessert. Somehow catches the rat which he nibbles on between courses.
Sang: He has perfect manners. Tries everything on the table, does a extensive food criticism. Definetly asks for the recipies of some things, the cook is crying in joy. At some point goes on a long tangent about food on Baal and how good snakes taste. Everyone is shocked that Sang would be a fan of raw snakemeat. He isn‘t very picky. Also eyeing Konrads rat and Lions pidgeons. Ferrus: Not enough stones for his taste. Attempts to also eat the plate. Very worried about Fulgrim and kind of hoovering around him. Lactoseintolerant and is carefull not to end up having a horrible stomach ache, Angron: The nails make tablemanners difficult, he has decided that everything is fingerfood. Surprisingly calm, ripping apart food probally helps. Rob: He got the menu weeks in advance to mentally prepare. Still, it is difficult to eat so much new food. He is kind of regretting that he didn‘t bring his own food like Rogal. Someone notices how stressed out he is and asks the cook if they can send him some spaghetti. This helps a lot. Morty: Meat just gives him the ick. Can‘t eat it, very glad to give his to Konrad. Very happy to eat Konrads and Lions veggies. Kind of intimidated by eating with so many people and very quiet. Looks like he thinks someone will take his food away any moment. Ends up hiding some food in his pockets to eat later, Magnus: He has brought his books with him, just in case. Not all that interested in the food, but keeps three conversations going at the same time. Later drinks two glasses of wine and is passed out, transforming into a blob of warp-goo. Horus: Loudly commenting on everyone else and what they are eating. Then Rogal lectures him and he is humbled for approximatly three minutes. Lactoseintolerant, which he fully ignores. Later loudly complains about his tummyache. Lorgar: His religion has pretty strict rules about what you can eat, so he is very angsty. But he also doesn‘t want to cause problems and it looks and smells so good and Angron keeps handing him squished things and that‘s weirdly cute… Vulkan: He is just so happy that they are all here. Buys everyone some icecream for dessert. He has brought his mothers extra spicy BBQ-sauce with him and puts it on everything. It is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by everyone not from Nocturne. Corvus: Has some food-related trauma (specifically the hadn‘t had emough as a kid) and so keeps eating pretty much everything handed to them. Evem tries Vulkans BBQ-Sauce, which does not end well. Vulkan buys them birdseed in exchange, which makes them very happy. Alpharius Omegon: Somehow got their hands on a McDonalds Happy Meal. Very happy to witness all the chaos
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shiyorin · 9 months
What do you think it would be like if primarchs used social media?
Lion El'Jonson:
Private account, doesn't accept follower requests
Rarely posts, usually just sunset or forest photos
Uses emojis sarcastically in replies
Has 20 followers but thinks it's way too many
Aesthetic pictures pose artfully depict exotic hobbies and runway couture 
Filters all photos to perfection  
Constantly debates high art vs pop culture 
Thirst traps cause monthly massacres
"Like for a follow back 🔥" 
Photos are exclusively poorly-lit fortress blueprints 
Bio is 25000 character treatise on siege tactics
Follows exactly 12 history scholars 
Hates everyone and everything on the site 
Actually ran some incisive political commentary bots before being banned
Jaghatai Khan: 
Only posts the sickest motocross and extreme sports clips
Videos have insane views but no captions 
Fans think he's a cryptid until rare livestreams 
Hijacks Fulgrim's comments to hype rad stunts
Leman Russ:
Changed his name to 'Wolf Daddy 🐺'
Shirtless hunting/drinking photos get 10K likes
Roasts everyone in comments but they love it  
Followers think he's a viking hipster meme page
Follows biker gangs, sled dog accts, scholars of old Terra 
Rogal Dorn:
Only posts are architectural blueprints and records of fortifications
Gets into epic debates about structural principles in comments  
No one knows if he actually loads new content or just archives old
Somehow gains tons of followers thirsting for DILF
Konrad Curze:
Pure darkness and screams in hazy JPEGs 
3 followers and they're all bots
Posts disturbing ‘prophecies’ and murder puzzles
Under investigation for doxxing
Angelic selfies bring all the followers to his page    
Flowing locks and golden abs get 20K likes instantly   
Quotes poetry in every reply but no one understands 
Only follows animal shelter and children's hospital accounts
Ferrus Manus:
Only follows engineering/robotics pages
Posts heavily filtered machine shop mini-documentaries 
Photos of custom machines that make engineers weep
Comments are unintelligible techno-babble  
Somehow gains huge gym bro following thirsting for muscle
Gets banned monthly for graphic content and abuse
Posts angry rants about society in broken caps
Got suspended after sending death threats to Guilliman
Only follower is Khârn who comments 'THIS' on everything  
Roboute Guilliman:
Shares updates on the latest Codexes 
Only follows serious history/philosophy lecture pages
Posts long analyses of governance strategies 
Constantly lectures others in comments
Has blocked half his followers for trolling
Aesthetic is grimy gas mask selfies in back alleys
ONLY reposts plague doctor memes from 2003
Bio is endless copypasta about essential oils
Gains cult following of goths, metal heads and preppers
Endless livestreams talking about theoretical magic at 3AM with 2 viewers. 
Tries making TikToks explaining sorcery but the videos are an hour long each.
Overexplains memes and emojis in long-winded threads
Memes and facts threads blow up as the most esoteric
Horus Lupercal:
Selfies showing off abs get him 50K followers in a week
Posts stunning photos from across the Imperium with #blessed captions
Fan club is half the mankind 
DMs from people asking for selfies blow up his notifications  
Lorgar Aurelian:
Aesthetic is dark robes and candlelit monasteries
Constantly reposting zealot sermons out of context
Accidentally starts wars of faith whenever he livestreams
Got suspended for uploading hardcore Slaneeshi hymns
Still has 10 alt accounts all named Brother [REDACTED]
Only follows puppy accounts and craft bloggers
Posts Happy Holiday baking tutorials and dad jokes
Likes and comments positivity on everyone's posts
Followers think he's the nicest DILF ever online
Secretly the biggest wholesome meme page
Corvus Corax:
Only darkness, shadow puppets and cryptic poems
No one knows if he's real or a myth on the deep web
Internet detectives can’t trace his true identity  
Only sends encrypted coordinates in mysterious DMs  
No one has any idea what he's trying to say  
1 follower is Alpharius who only replies 'No, I'm Alpharius'
Constantly pretending to be other online  
No one knows their true forms or agenda 
Takeovers of government sites spark conspiracies
Leaves clues implicating everyone else’s schemes
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ms--lobotomy · 1 month
Greek myth on the mind. Teehee. Also tagging @angronsjewelbeetle because he lets me go apeshit about Ferrus.
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Summary: You've fought your way to the palace of Slaanesh. It's time to bring Ferrus home.
Word Count: 1979. oops
Content Warnings: Slaanesh should be his own content warning but things are only implied, a few headcanons happening here, short flashback to nsfw
Image Credit: @squishyowl
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Entering the palace of Slaanesh was a grueling affair, to say the least. Countless times you had almost fallen to the Dark Prince, but every time, you remembered your fallen lover and soldiered on. You hadn't taken off your armor off for... days? Weeks? Months? You couldn't tell. The features of your face had hardened under your helm, and you only had one goal in mind. Bring him home.
You entered the palace with surprising ease, keeping your eyes upon the floor. Statues lined the halls, but you weren't going to look up and see what they were. Now more than ever, it was important to remember not to gaze upon the Dark Prince himself, lest you become another casualty of the Heresy.
You heard heavenly choirs singing the same song that you had sung with your lover years ago. Your hand clutched the pommel of your chainsword, something stolen from one of his sons. It was far too big for you, but you learned to live with it. As the chorus reached a crescendo, he strode out of the back of the palace, impossibly tall. You kept your eyes on the ground, finding patterns in the seemingly simplistic floor and admiring the viscera staining your shoe.
"Mortal," the Dark Prince said. His voice was that of a human man and human woman speaking at the same time. It reverberated through your body, and if you didn't know better, it would have been velvety and comforting. "What is your purpose here?" He inched closer to you, and you ducked your head further down.
"Give him back," you said in curt tones. You pulled the sword out of its scabbard, in case things were going to get ugly.
Slaanesh laughed. It was a contagious laugh, but you kept your face straight. "You won't even try to kill me, mortal?" he asked. His voice grew deeper and more monstrous. "You have the opportunity to rid the galaxy of one of its greatest threats, my dear. And you won't even try?"
"Give him back," you replied.
Slaanesh stooped down to get as close to your level as he could. "And why should I do that?" he asked, almost in a mocking tone.
Your mind moved faster than you could speak. "Think about it," you said. "Would you not have the pleasure of watching the Phoenician as he realizes his brother is back, for real, and that he has a second chance of making him fall?" You heard Slaanesh pause before he hummed something, and his robes rustled as he presumably turned around.
"Very well," he said, his voice morphing into something much more human. "You may lead your lover out of the Palace. On one condition."
You tensed up, ready for anything. "What would that be?"
"You will not, under any circumstances, turn around to look at him until you are out of my domain."
You exhaled. That was a lot better than you thought it was going to be. "Alright," you replied.
"His soul will be reunited with you once you turn around. After that, I want you out of my sight." Slaanesh stood up and turned around, walking back through the gigantic doors of the palace.
That was... easy enough. You turned to exit the palace, and you heard the sounds of none other than a Primarch breathing behind you. Ceramite creaked and shuffled over the impossibly shiny floor.
"...Ferrus?" you asked in disbelief. You undid your helm, and it made a light hiss.
He said your name, similarly bewildered. You heard his voice crack, and soon enough sobs wracked his body. "Is it over?" he asked, his voice choking up.
"It's over," you said. You wanted to turn around so badly, to hold him and tell him that Slaanesh's torture had ended. But you had to settle for words, for now. "You're going to be okay, Ferrus. It's over."
"Thank you..." he choked out, and you put one foot in front of another and began to walk forwards.
The Excess of Repose was gorgeous. It almost reminded you of the shores of your homeworld, where you would retire with him after a particularly strenuous campaign. The sun was slightly above the horizon, slowly but surely rising above the gentle waters. You looked to the violet clouds. You paused.
"Everything okay?" Ferrus asked.
"Yeah..." you said, fondly remembering the brush of his hand along your shoulder and back as he woke you up. Briefly, you felt a featherlight kiss at the crown of your head before you shook yourself back to reality.
"I'm alright. Let's keep going."
Soon enough, you reached the Excess of Achievement. It was a great forest, with faces in the trees. They wailed tales about great heroes that had went through the forest before, your name escaping their mouths. You felt your pace slow, the heat of your lover's body come closer behind you. Ferrus chuckled, and then sniffed.
"You're a hero," he said quietly.
"I..." you started. "If that's what this makes me, I'll take that label."
Ferrus chuckled. "It suits you very well, my diamond."
Your heart swelled again at the moniker. You'd missed him, you'd missed the feeling of his hands and his skin against yours. You missed when he would put his head against your chest and feel your heartbeat. You missed him. You missed feeling him, you missed his voice, you missed his face.
But you soldiered on. And soon you saw a swarm of people approaching you. Serfs and Iron Hands alike were running towards you, chanting your name and excitedly jostling one another. Ceramite and leather alike hit the ground, and they swarmed around you like a pack of wolves.
"That's... That's Ferrus Manus!" exclaimed one of the sons. A relieved laugh escaped his helm, and one of his brothers hit his back.
"Not just Ferrus!" he exclaimed. "The Savior of the Iron Hands is here too!"
You tensed up at the word "savior." Even if their genefather was back... there was no way that the Iron Hands would be so jovial in your presence. Back before Ferrus had passed, his sons were less than friendly towards you. They'd regarded you with a blank stare at the best, and hurl insults at the worst.
"Please," you started, edging your way through the crowd. "Be gone. I need to get your father back to the material realm."
The crowd started to protest, following you along. You broke into a run, listening to Ferrus's saunter speed up to a normal walk. As soon as you lost them, you laughed.
"I think that was the Excess of Adoration," you said, your pace slowing. You exhaled with a bit of a laugh. "I'm glad that's at least over."
"Yeah..." Ferrus trailed off. "Do hurry though, my dear. I am getting a little... anxious?" he said.
Soon enough, the scenery changed again. You could smell the air through your helm. It smelled like metal, dried vanilla. Beautiful forms entangled with each other, difficult to look at. One came up to you, a Daemonette with harsh features and built like a brick wall. You made easy work of it with your chainsword.
"Excess of Bodily Delights," you said.
Ferrus chuckled. "You don't have to worry about me leaving you here," he said.
"Me too," you said. "We're over halfway through now, my love. Just bear with me a little while longer?"
Ferrus shuddered. "I will," he said. You thought of when you lay together in bed, barely taking him while he whispered that he loved you, that he wasn't going anywhere. You shuddered. You couldn't get the expression on his face out of his head, that expression that was normally so cold but absolutely melted when he saw you taking him so well. Those kind words on his lips. The adoring look in his eyes.
Despite these thoughts, you made easy work of this realm, moving steadily towards the Excess of Sustenance. His face was on your mind, scarred and tough, and you couldn't even focus on any of the pleasures in front of you while you walked.
"I'm so glad you came for me," he said quietly after a moment of silence. "I cannot thank you enough."
"Of course," you said, stepping in a puddle of wine. "You only have to tell me as much as you're comfortable with."
"Thank you," he muttered.
You wanted so badly to turn around right then and there, and you tilted your head, but you'd stepped in a puddle and wine coated your shoe. You looked down. Your armor was silver and black, just like Ferrus's legion... long ago. Now, there were so many stains on it that you couldn't tell what color it was. But you would wash it when you got back into realspace.
You walked onto a bridge, and it creaked behind you. It seemed impossible for the rickety thing to support a man as large as Ferrus, but the Warp was full of surprises. You were hungry. So, so hungry. But thoughts of Ferrus consumed you, bleeding you dry. You thought of meals you'd prepared for each other, neither of you being the best of cooks but enjoying each other's food and company anyways. You'd thought of him taking care of you after you'd had too much wine, setting you on the bed and watching you like a dog as you went to sleep.
And soon enough, you made it to the land of the Riches. Gold surrounded you everywhere, but you hadn't any thoughts of riches on your mind. You were bringing a Primarch home, of course you'd be rewarded handsomely for it. Your thoughts were on Ferrus. His face, his arms, his everything. You took your helm off as you saw realspace on the horizon. Freedom.
But Ferrus. You wanted desperately to hold his face in your hands. You thought of him, idly talking to you about his latest project, you in his lap. You thought of sleepless nights where he'd stayed up with you, his diamond, grasping your hands in his. The tender look on his face that replaced the near constant scowl that adorned it. You wanted to see it again. You wanted him.
Without thinking, you turned around.
"Why do you turn?" he asked, reaching out for you. There was a scar along his neck, but he looked just like he did when you last saw him. There was a worried expression on his face. His form flickered in and out of the space he was occupying.
You felt your heart seize in your chest as you grabbed for him, interlocking your fingers with a large iron hand before his was all but intangible. You leaned towards him and he steadied you in a brief moment of bliss before he couldn't, and you fell to the ground. You felt a lump form in your throat, and you choked up.
"I missed you," you said, your breaths turning into sobs. "Ferrus, please. I need you like I need the air I breathe, the blood in my veins."
Slaanesh swirled a drink in his hands as Ferrus materialized in his palace. A look of pure terror adorned Ferrus's face, and Slaanesh did nothing but laugh.
"Your pretty little lover couldn't save you," he said in a mocking tone.
"They tried their damnedest." Ferrus's head was low, and his eyes were beginning to wet. Even if he wanted to look upon Slaanesh, he couldn't.
"Of course they did. It was only a matter of time before they looked at you," Slaanesh replied. He put the drink to his lips, lapping it up with that long tongue of his. "Do you think I would have allowed them this far in without knowing?"
Ferrus dropped to his knees, ceramite cracking against the ground. "Do not torture me further, daemon. Would you not have turned?"
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sleepyfan-blog · 2 months
I VERY DESPERATELY NEED/Want Baby Primarch Mers. So Badly. PLEASE!
Ok! I"ll go down the list
1 - Lion - So, the temptation to make him part lionfish is incredible here. There's also the fact that IRL Lionfish are a huge problem in certain parts of the world because they are an invasive species in those areas, as well as incredibly deadly because of their poisonous spines. And considering how deadly Lion and his sons can be... Yeah, I think he's part lionfish. Specifically he has a deep green tail with silver stripes. His spines are black and gold and hold incredibly potent poisons.
3- Fulgrim - He is part Coral Beauty Angelfish, and has a beautiful purple tail that fades into a vibrant yellow color. Coral beauties (at least according to the quick google search I did about them) are an incredibly hardy salt water fish, and known for their vibrant colorations.
4 - Perturabo - is part Cabezon - which are known for being Stubborn Bastard Fish who Refuse To Move until they get their next meal, willing to wait days and even weeks before they get their next meal. Which is often other fish, which I feel fits Peter turbo pretty well. He has a pleated tail and fins that are a mottled steel and black color, with the occasional yellow stripe.
5 - Jaghatai - is part Sailfish - which are allegedly one of the fastest fish in the world IRL. He has a bright white tail with red stripes. His fins are also white with red stripes.
6 - Leman - is part Piranha. Not only are Piranhas highly predatory, they also are species of fish that school together. Like how Space Wolves almost always stick together in packs. Also, he still has fangs in this AU. His tail and fins are a lovely slate grey color with an iridescent shine to them.
7 - Rogal - part greenland shark! Cold adapted predator of the sea. Doesn't look like much but is an apex predator in the seas it lives in. He has gorgeous golden fins and tails with black spots.
8 - Konrad - part goblin shark. I didn't pick it just because of the name, but because it is a deep water shark (lives in darkness, just like a certain edgy primarch) that is rarely seen by humans. And. Well. Most humans who saw Konrad didn't exactly live to tell about it, did they? He has a deep blue tail and fins that are surprisingly slender. But powerful and he has a hell of a bite and many, many pointy teeth.
9 - Sanguinius - He has a beautiful silver tail and fin-like wings, as his mer-half is flying fish! Although I was super tempted to make him part-lamprey because of the blood-sucking aspect of him.
10 -  Ferrus - as per the suggestions of @angronsjewelbeetle @c-u-c-koo-4-40k and @i-am-a-dragon34 Ferrus is now part Dunkleostous, with dark grey fins and tail on his dorsal side and a silvery ventral side.
12 - Angron - part betta fish. He has striking red and gold fins and tail and will square the fuck up if the mood strikes.
13 - Roboute - there is a big temptation to go for the Ultramarlin pun, but I won't give in. What I am going with is part Ribbon Eel, as they have this really lovely blue body with bright yellow dorsal and ventral stripes that go all the way down their bodies. That and G-Man having a long tail to thwap his brothers with makes me giggle.
14 - Mortarion - part pufferfish. Prickly, defensive and poisonous. Can and will puff up. Has grey fins and tail with dark green spots. Spiny.
15 - Magnus: I am torn between making him part carp - because of the Japanese (I think?) myth about a carp jumping up a waterfall in order to become a dragon - which hints at Magnus' incredibly powerful warp abilities or an Abtu, which is a mythical ancient Egyptian fish, because Space Egypt. Thoughts? Opinions?
16 - Horus: Is part dolphin. Known for being very charismatic and charming, but can and will bully other kinds of sea life. Baby-Horus has a deep green tail with gold markings.
17 - Lorgar - I love the Parrot Fish pun suggestion by @c-u-c-koo-4-40k so that is what I am going with. His fins and tail are a deep red color with a silver shimmer to them.
18 - Vulcan - another excellent suggestion by @c-u-c-koo-4-40k for making one of the primarchs part barracuda! I have decided on Vulcan, rather than Magnus. Vulcan’s dorsal fins and tail are a deep green color, the ventral side is black. Along the middle where the two colors meet, he had gold spots.
19 - Corvus: Part of me wants to make Corvus either some kind of shark, or angler fish bc of his whole "sworn vengeance and eternally hunting after Lorgar post-heresy" thing but. Big E is also a being who loves himself some aesthetics and I don't think a part-angler fish boy would fit that. Perhaps part black-tipped shark bc of their stealthiness. Thoughts?
20 - Alpharius and Omegon: are color-pallet changed blue-ring octopi. Instead of a yellow body with bright blue rings, they have vibrant teal tentacles with bright silver ring-patterns across their tentacles and up the fishy parts of their bodies.
@egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel
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bleedingichorhearts · 2 months
𝕾𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖑 𝕰𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: I really wanted to create a Headless Horseman in the style of a Space Marine. I blame this post from @kit-williams. Not exactly like the book says, but… men. Also, I have found what those other alternatives look like “Blemmyes”
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets, @bispecsual, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog.
“How I Got Home” by SYML (thought it fit him.)
TW // Body Horror.
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Anthelm feels for the area in front him, sensing the presence of this… this light. Something he hasn’t felt since the day he… arrived in this new world. It wasn’t the Emperor’s light, not a Primarch’s either, it was far too soft, too gentle for his master and his sons to achieve. Too weak and little for it to be them.
Too… laudatory.
Perhaps, it was a Psyker’s? No, he shot that thought down quick. There was no such thing in this world. No matter how far he has traveled this “Ancient Terra,” there was only the Adeptus Astartes Librarians. Psyker warriors created by their Primarchs gene-seed, grandchildren of the Emperor. He has yet or never met an a human on this world with the sorcery devoted into their souls. Such a thing seems to not exist in this world.
So, why does this lulling light have a pull at him? Why does this light call to him? Was this some type of trickery?
He attempts to try and ignore the strange light the first few weeks. Only for the feeling, the temptation to get stronger the moment he try’s to leave the area. Fighting, clawing, bitting at his thoughts like some rodent nawing at his brain matter. Fighting against his belief, his faith, his creed.
He was meant to seize this allurement. To overthrow it, kill it, banish it, just like he was tested with the daemons of the Chaos gods that lay beneath the Golden Throne. To test his incorruptible will, to be blessed the golden armor at the Golden Throne with the Emperors gold ridden eyes watching his newly appointed rank to serve underneath his hand and nothing more.
Anthelm done his duty underneath the Emperor of Mankind everyday then, never wanting to disappoint his Master, his Father. Abiding by every command voxed to him. Every unreasonable task until the days after the Horus Heresy.
Anthelm hasn’t expected to ever see the Emperor to look so dull, so… ungodly after the Heresy. The loss of too many limbs and mortal systemic damage far too great for the Emperors body to handle. Yet, the Emperor of Mankind still lives. His soul ridden remains never moving from his throne, rotting on it. Still commanding his rightful orders.
However, just because the Emperor lived on did not mean Anthelm could. He had died a few days prior to the Emperors fall. Perished, right on the battled soil of his god, his Emperors world. His thoughts not having enough time to call out to his master, his patriarch for his blessing of death for it had been rewarded quickly, gruesomely, dishonorably. His head being nothing but a pile of brain matter and crushed bone underneath the bloody hammer of a traitor, a Son of Horus.
He could feel his consciousness slip away through the voidness waves of the Warp when he died. His body feeling like he was just seamlessly resting above the ripples of the Warp, but he never moves, only the Warp did. Going around him, through him like slow moving wind. Never paining him.
Anthelm blankly wonders if his Emperor was giving him a second gift of life, to serve underneath his hand once more. Not wanting to lose another golden warrior of his to continue his battles. To not drown in the invisible waves of the Warp, to his death.
Though, the Warp seemed to be persistent, washing over at him, pressing effortlessly up against every pressure point it desired. Squeezing at him, crushing him, water boarding him like he was in the depths of water he shouldn’t be in. It felt like the Warp was… water torturing him. Burning his chest, his mind. Trying to get rid him, but he could still breathe and struggle within its unseeable and untouchable hold that drags at him, drowns him.
He longly waits for his conscience to leave him fully with silent, stuttering breaths. Unable to actually get a real sense of air into his lungs with the Warp winding up against him at every angle. Unable to hear what the Warp was doing to him.
Yet, he was beginning to see. To see a fraction of the Warp.
His “sight” started off as little white dots before it gradually grew like fire. Burning away at the solid thing in front of him before outlining it with white fire. The object in front of him pulsing with the flame like some infinite echolocation.
He reaches his hand forward, the strange white fire outlining his gauntlet as well as he touches the object. His fingers trailing over its rough texture. Feeling it out with his hands as this “sight” doesn’t provide him colors or details of the… dimension around him. It’s was like he was infinitely looking at a black and white eclipse. The pulsing edges of the white fire never making a flicker of noise.
Bark, he suddenly recognizes. He was touching the dry bark of a tree. He wasn’t in the warp anymore. He was on a different world.
How had he not noticed it? Has he been reborn? Resurrected? How come he wasn’t seeing any colors if he was? How come he couldn’t hear anything?
“H-HEADLESS HORSEMAN!” He hears a man stumble and scream, his head snapping in the direction of the shaking man. White flames engulfing the outline of the man, but it never burns the man as he crosses out his question on his ability to hear.
Although, headless horseman? What was that? Who was that? Was it something he should be wary of in this world?
He watches as the man smaller than him struggles with this… stick in his hand. Whimpering and shaking as his outlined head looks up and down between the stick and him before he points the stick at him? Was he telling him something—
A bullet ricochet’s off his armor, a ringing sound going off before a tiny thump where the bullet would land seemed loud between him and the whimpering man. It was then Anthelm registered that he was this “Headless Horseman.” His gauntlet coming come up to at paw at where his head would have been, but his “sight” was still there, where his eyes would be. How is such sorcery possible? …Did the warp do this to him?
The man shoots at him again. The bullet ricocheting off, scratching his armor as he quickly grows irritated by this man’s insolence. A inhumane growl leaving him despite him having no head to produce such noises.
He swipes down at the man. Giving him no time to react as he snatches the man from his neck and wastes no time to use his other to pull his neck back and away from him, exposing his neck to him. His muscles and bones popping in his neck before they tear themselves, spewing blood onto his armor before he rips his head off completely. Spine half intact in the foolish man’s body as he tosses both body parts off to the side. The stench of the man’s blood invading his senses.
Anthem shakes his “head.” The little light lulls at him again. Pulling his mind away from his first arrival on this paradise world. Tempting him once more, again and again. The white flames of his sight unable to get an outlining on this soft light in the distance. It felt like he should treasure this strange light, cherish it with his duty. Keep its light burning forever like a star. To protect it more than he would to his own master, his Emperor.
Throne, his mind drowns and burns every time he try’s to aknowledge the Emperor of Mankind. The Warp not wanting him to think such things since he found this light and at first, it made him want to extinguish this light.
How dare this simple light bring harm against his mind? How dare this light tempt him and promise him companionship, try and sway him from his duty’s?
Oh, but there wasn’t anything to abide to now, wasn’t there? There was no battles to be won. There was no important Emissaries to serve, and there was no Emperor on this planet to command him of his duty’s. It was only him, the Warp and this… suffocating light.
Throne, the little light.
He wants to touch it. To caress the edges of the light. To provide it what he was once known for. To harness its warmth it whispers, claims to have. He wanted to treasure this light. To admire every glowing perfection the light emitted.
He wants to be worthy of such a light, even if it was small. A fraction compared to the Emperor and Primarch’s. It was something he could protect and provide for once more.
‘Oh, he shall shield this little light, bestow it with anything it desires to pursue its ignited light and follow its enticing decree.’ He vows a part to himself. His “eyes” following the little light returning back into its domicile.
Anthem will not fail this little light of his.
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el-desenladrillador · 9 months
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Ah, I'm so sorry for taking such a long break from posting, but I was away for a couple of weeks, and now I'm suffering from excruciating pain that doesn't let me sleep and causes great fatigue in body and mind. Gosh, it's hard even to sit in front of PC and type intelligible things…
Anyways, please have this soothing art featuring my two favorite primarchs during an intimate moment of a brotherly kiss on the forehead. I love it, the way it turned out.
I know that all the primarchs are of the same age, but Vulkan would make a perfect older brother. In my headcanon, when at Guilliman's side, he'd refuse to go into battle and rather stay with his brother as close advisor and personal bodyguard. So sad it will never happen canon-wise.(
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barn-anon · 3 months
He is confused, he has been lost for days. Where is he? He doesn't remember leaving the ship or any attack. He's been walking through the wilderness for days, god his armour has seen better days. He hopes this planet is inhabited, even if it's some primitive backwards world.. he can figure some way to leave the planet and rejoin his legion, his brothers, return to his Primarch.
He doesn't quite recognize the stars at night, the landscape is rather scenic though. Once he gets back to his legion, he will try to paint the sunsets he has seen here so far. Sketch the fascinating wildlife and colorful flowers he has seen so far. For now though, it feels like he's the only person on the planet. There isn't a hint of civilization and he's been walking for almost a week.
Wait.. smoke! There's smoke on the horizon! That might mean a campfire. People, maybe a settlement or a campsite. He starts making his way towards it, power spear in hand, ready for a fight in case the people proved to be hostile. Instead when he reaches the source of the fire, he just finds a young woman in the middle of setting up her tent.
She doesn't look malnourished or anything, simply startled by his sudden appearance. She's not screaming or trying to run from him though, so that must mean she's seen Space Marines before right? That they're at least friendly enough with the humans on this planet. He steps into the campsite and eyes her curiously, she seems okay with him being here, even handing him what looks like a food bar. Doesn't speak gothic though and her clothes... not medieval but it looks like one suited to cooler temperatures. Odd, the evenings haven't been particularly cold to him but he chalks that to his superhuman nature.
He awkwardly takes a seat on a boulder nearby, taking his helmet off to eat it. The wrapper has words on it, he doesn't recognize the sigils on it. Is this maybe a planet still untouched by the Great Crusade? Well, at least this world isn't exactly some backwards feudal world, judging by the clothes of the woman and her belongings. Hm, he'll make sure to mention it once he gets back, the Imperium could always use more planets like this.
He watches the young woman, is she here alone? Nothing in the area hints at the presence of another person. That's not safe, doesn't she know it's dangerous? Is she maybe lost? He can make sure nothing happens to her-
He frowns, since when did he care that much for a human he had just met? She seems perfectly capable on her own, so why...? He looks at the food bar in his hands, she's currently packing some of her belongings and taking out some other items. Well it's not as if he has anywhere he knows to go, he hasn't seen any other sentient beings... it wouldn't hurt if he stuck around right?
Tagged: @kit-williams • @egrets-not-regrets • @bleedingichorhearts
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tagedeszorns · 6 months
(Violetbirdie here) I think it's complicated due to a variety of issues. 40k as a franchise is huge, but it isn't the sort of thing that tends to have overlap with tumblr type fanspaces. It also doesn't help that 40k is a fractured fandom featuring tons of different factions, so it's not like a standard fandom where there are main characters and a main story that people will always flock to. The primarchs are the closest thing we have to that, which is why there is naturally more content for them. In addition, fandom itself is in a bit of a flux state and has been ever since the 2018 nsfw ban which caused a lot of people to leave for twitter, which is now undergoing its own huge changes right now (and I just hate twitter on principle).
I suppose the one thing I think would help, would be somehow getting the 40k tumblresque fandom space more consolidated as a whole. Like, somehow have a blog that is popular for all factions that posts headcanons about everything, thus getting people interested in parts they don't normally think about. Because 40k is a huge time investment to learn about. I've been listening to audiobooks for what feels like nonstop for over a month, and even then I could only ever feel confident telling people about Emperor's Children. So it naturally is harder for new people to get into the fandom and focus on some of the smaller things because there is just so much. It's almost how I view your blog. I check it daily for fun art/headcanons/just general character stuff, and you made me more interested in some of the captains and such. But even then, you have your focuses. So a space even more general where someone would reblog art from everything 40k would likely be nice? Maybe I just miss the livejournal days of fandom. As far as more engagement, I think having silly things like character weeks which encourages people to draw or write or talk about specific aspects is a huge benefit. It sets a schedule and makes people feel like they are shouting less into the void.
But as someone new here, maybe its my weird perspective, but I don't feel like things are getting less popular. If anything, from just checking AO3, it seems like things are only getting more popular for less of the reddit type and more for the Tumblr wanting to see hot dudes and their complicated feelings type. Also more people are getting into 40k in this side of the space through rogue trader. Like people I never talked to about 40k are starting to look into the series because they played Baldurs Gate 3, and needed a new RPG to play, and conveniently Rogue Trader is filling that for them. So, I'm optimistic if anything. Sorry about the long ramble! Just kinda dumping my thoughts out.
I love Tumblr because, unlike Twitter or Bluesky, it allows for way longer, way more elaborately structured posts. I love it when artists don't just slap their pics into a post and be done with it, but instead add stuff like maybe "I read this book, here's a quote, and it gave me this mighty need to draw this". Or "please listen to this music here while looking at my pic! It goes perfectly with it!". Or just a multi-paragraph-essay (preferably very unhinged) about the character in the upper left corner.
This in advance, so you can see I'm totally with you on the "miss Lifejournal"-thing, because blogs are so much better than just 500 characters, four pics and nothing else. And why I think Tumblr is a very good replacement for Lifejournal.
The multitude of Tumblr-blogs with their many different angles are such a treat and provide such a rich ecosystem! I follow artists posting exclusively admech-stuff, others solely Drukhari, some writers focussing on just one Astartes Legion ... it's phantastic and the depth of their niche-knowledge is mindblowing.
I agree with you that this will be overwhelming for new fans coming from rather monolithic stuff like Rogue Trader. And the key to keeping those new people involved and making them feel welcome is showing them all this variety without scaring them away.
Maybe this new feature Tumblr is working on, can be helpful here. I haven't read much about it yet, but it seems the "Community"-feature has the potential to bundle stuff in a way that's more approachable for new and old fans alike. Maybe there's room for your idea of having "character weeks" (I like that! Sounds very MacDonald's. I'll have Fabius with extra pickles, please! 😁).
I'm sharing your optimism that both the new games and maybe the new series/movies will bring a lot of new fans over and some of them may even stick around. I am a bit wary that there's the possibility of a MCU-situation starting to build up, but since Warhammer-lore is in a constant state of flux anyways this might just add some spice to the mix.
So, yeah, hope for the darkest of futures!
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the-wayward-arc · 3 months
There is a Primarch show about Jaune and his legion, a villain of the week type show where the villain is a different Xenos, but there are overarching Villains that are the masterminds. Think of Power rangers type show lmao
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a-midnight-rest · 2 months
The existence of a female custodes in the 40k universe is so funny to me. Funny in the sense that I can laugh at all those prissy, easilly offended, fragile misogynists who took refuge in the 40k fandom thinking fascism was cool.
Because now, there is canonically women who is better in combat their favourite macho-man, whoever they are (unless they're primarchs, probably).
Those guys and their love for their masculine super-bros, be them space marines or otherwise, have been told their fav can get steamrolled by a woman any day of the week and they can't deal with it.
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moodymisty · 1 month
(This isn't a request, just some Konrad daydreams driven by 4am insomnia that had me screeching and I just have to share with someone while I wait for my meds to kick in!!)
Your recent post about the stinky rat man got me thinking of something truly, hilariously awful: Konrad's favorite meow meow is a PERPETUAL.
Maybe he watches her die. Maybe he accidentally kills her himself. Whatever happens, he'd probably be losing. his. fucking. mind.
..And then she comes back. Oh god, I'm loving imagining at how truly deranged he would be over that. I know he tortures Vulkan SUPER HARD after finding out he's a perpetual, but that seemed driven a lot by "You think you're good and noble(and sane)? I'll drag you down to my level."
I wonder if he'd mistake her as some kind of phantom/delusion brought on by grief and madness at first. Extra comedy: he accidentally(purposely?) kills her again while freaking out over her showing back up alive LMAO. Meow meow can't catch a fuckin' break with this man.
Now I'm wondering how a few other primarchs would react to something similar though
Sanguinius and his sons in mourning and his dead wife just shows back up like "Why did you bury me alive?!" completely unaware she DIED.
Perturabo's shitass sons being like "I told you it was a waste of time!" and then the horror of realizing they didn't escape their step-mom after all.
I'd assume all the primarchs would try to find out what the fuck happened, and maybe go to Malcador for information once they start drawing blanks? Idk.
Fulgrim would so cute, just hyped as fuck. "I have a wife? That won't get old and die before me?? I don't have to lose this one???" Bonus points if she's the last one he was going to marry because he got too heartbroken seeing his wives get old and die over and over 😫 the queen and her corgis vibe forreal
I can't really figure out Mortarion even though he's one of my faves. On one hand, WITCH!! On the other hand,he'd be so relieved the One Good Thing in his life isn't actually gone forevet..
Oh my g o d. Lorgar. Thefucking goddess shit would go CRAZY. Kor Phaeron slamming his head against a wall because he thought he finally WON. HOW DID SHE DO THAT? Some of his followers getting spooked about being rid of her because s u r e l y it was the Powers who orchestrated such a miracle... So maybe she is meant to be here? Uh oh.
Guilliman is another one I'm just like ????. All I can think of, is he'd quietly go find Emps/Malcador and be like "whattheFUCK? explain?please?how?"
It might be because I'm heavily sedated but it's all sO funny to think about. Some legions quietly rejoicing because The Distraction is gone and shejust. Comes back 😭
But can you imagine the parties thrown by the ones who really loved their legion mothers?! And you thought theFUNERAL was extravagant..
Im not sure what time it is there but I hope you slept well and have a good morning! Sorry forcthis stream of consciousness garbage by theway LOL but you always have such cool takes on things I couldnt help muself
This a joy to read friend, I have nothing to add.
Lorgar in particular with a perpetual beloved would be fucking INSANE. His whole religious trauma would be going wild as well as even some of the more apprehensive Word Bearers might be a bit more, respectful.
Imaging Vulkan's wife ends up coming back a few weeks after they desperately mourned her loss, and it's time for the galaxy's largest hug. They form a line.
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sistersorrow · 1 month
Today in "fandom is a wonderful thing" for the last couple of weeks, r/Grimdank (Warhammer 40k meme sub) have been constructing an AU based on a series of memes by /u/Sweet_older-Sister about what it would be like to date genderbent versions of the Primarchs
Highlights include:
Lorgar is the most popular Primarch on the subreddi
Erebus send's Lorgar's Little Light to Monarchia and will suffer eternally for it
Russ once had to take her SO to the apothecary after she gave them one drop of her ale and they were hit with triple liver failure
Konrad is haunted by the knowledge they're gonna be murdered by the only person she ever loved
Angron gets to experience something other than blinding rage all the time
The God Emperor is the galaxy's angriest father-in-law
The discourse about women Custodians is now dead in the water cause we're all to busy simping for >9ft tall muscle mommies
Lorgar ends up leading the Heresy instead of Horus because her SO was on Monarchia and is now on a mission to kill God
Angron doesn't join the Heresy due to the aforementioned emotional stability
Malcador is like a cool uncle now who makes sure Jimmy Space doesn't murder his new in-laws
Mortarion still won't take a bath in anything other than chemial weapons
All the Primarch's SO's hang out
They may be part of a greater conspiracy to prevent the Horus Heresy
Konrad has discovered she loves hot chocolate
All the Primarchs are implicitly bi or pan
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shiyorin · 5 months
The Imperium Shelter
Adoption Poster: Angron
Name: Angron (he refuses to answer to anything else)
Species: Primarch
Breed: World Eater
Age: Approximately 3 weeks (though he's been through a lot, so his physiology has aged faster than average.)
Background: Found this one half-starved and raging in the pits of Nuceria. Covered in scars and barking about some nonsense. Took a lot of tranquilizers just to get him home in one piece, let me tell you! His previous "owners" clearly abused him. Poor boy. Or so I suppose…
Anyway, we rescued Angron and have been rehabilitating him through positive reinforcement techniques (definitely no mood-altering neurotransmitter adjustments used, no sir!). No wonder he developed some, er, behavior issues. But with plenty of tender loving care and training, I'm sure he'll learn to curb those homicidal tendencies. I mean, normal primarch tendencies!
Personality: Angry would be an understatement. This one is pure rage walking! Snarls and lunges at anything that moves, frothing at the mouth like some rabid animals. Absolutely no social skills, nearly took my hand off just for trying to give him a treat! I'd be wary leaving small children unsupervised around him, if you catch my drift. Let's just say he takes "aggressive" to a whole new level.
But give him a chance to warm up to you, earn his trust, and I'm sure he'll calm down! Sure, he may try to bite your face off at first, but I promise once he gets used to you he'll stop seeing every interaction as a threat or challenge. Might take a few… I mean, a lot of training sessions. But he means well deep down, the poor dear just wants to be loved!
Skills: Surprisingly dexterous for one so enraged. Could probably handle advanced weaponry or driving vehicles if provoked, so keep an eye on the car keys for sure. He already knows basic commands like "attack," "kill," "Skull for the Skull Throne!" No, strike that, I have no idea where that came from! He's a quick learner regardless. Also seems preternaturally strong, literally ripped the bars off his cage on the first night! And could wrestle a grown man to the ground, break his spine with a chomp. Of course, he would never do that!
In summary, Angron is one angry boy with a lot of special needs. Strict owner only, with experience handling extreme cases. Lots of patience, training and muzzles required. Adoption not recommended for the faint of heart! But who could resist that underbite… He just needs the right home to reach his true potential as a war machine! I mean, loyal primarch. Who's a good boy?!
The Emperor
(Angron tries to bite his hand as he says that last part)
Comments from the employees:
M*******: I wouldn't recommend adopting Angron. He tried to bite my arm off during feeding time.
Big E: Nonsense Malcador, I'm sure you were provoking him. Angron just wants love, you'll do fine!
V*****: With respect sir, Angron is dangerously unstable. He killed three of our security measures. Even with sedatives he's too risky. Perhaps a more seasoned professional handler could manage him, if anyone can.
Big E: Quit scaring people Valdor, he was just playing! Weren't you boy? Angron foams rabidly See, happy as a clam. Next!
O*******: I understand the desire to rehabilitate him sir, but adopting out Angron could endanger lives. For the safety of the public and his own well-being, long term confinement and treatment seem best.
Big E: No Ollanius. Angron just wants someone to show him love. I'm sure with the right owner he'll come around, won't you boy? Angron bites his pants leg Down boy! So what do you say, is he yours?
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