#Princess lou
clemblog · 1 month
Caine’s Lesson - Part 3
Pomni had slowly started to recognise her surroundings. If she had to guess, she’d say she was around twenty minutes away from the Candy Kingdom!
“H-Huh, guess I’m not so useless out here after all!” She hummed, quietly to herself with the ghost of a smile on her face. Everything was going pretty well, considering the circumstances in her opinion!
But then of course, because we love dramatic irony, it wasn’t.
Pomni heard a low growl. She spun around quickly to find what looked to be a mix between a gummy and chocolate wolf. Several of them, as a matter of fact! One thing she knew for sure, is that they didn’t look healthy… And they definitely weren’t pleased to see her walking around out in the open. It kind of reminded her of how Kaufmo had looked when he abstracted-
Just, uh, a lot stickier-
So, it looks like she’d be running now.
She wasn’t sure how many where behind her, but their was no way in [——] she was slowing down to have a look. Those things would bite and it would 100% hurt.
Just keep going Pomni.
Just keep going.
You’ve got this.
Just keep going.
If you don’t… it’s back to the circus.
Luckily, she could see the Candy Kingdom on the horizon. The gates were wide open, so she had a clear shot! Hopefully, someone would let her inside to hide from these weird… wolf type things. Hopefully.
The Candy Kingdom was deathly quiet. The crowds of adoring citizens were long gone. The hustle and bustle gone. Something was wrong. She skidded to a stop, turning to face the pack of wolves. The creatures followed suit, back to growling at her.
“I- Uh… Go! Go on! Get out of here!” Yelled Pomni, doing her best to sound intimidating.
A shadow loomed over her, causing the creatures to start to cower and back away with scared whimpers and whines.
Pomni really didn’t want to look behind her, but she had a hunch about who was behind her.
“MORE CANDY?!” Exclaimed the fudge monster, lunging for the pack of creatures.
Pomni squeaked at such, taking the opportunity to run and hide. The kingdom was in disrepair. The parts of candy mannequins lay around everywhere.
“Jax, you [——————]!” Hissed Pomni, diving into the rubble of a nearby cottage. It was better than nothing.
Unfortunately, she inadvertently clipped through the floor in the process. Luckily, there was no creepy asset room. Only a boarded up basement.
She groaned, rubbing her face as she sat up.
“Caine?! Caine? Where are you? Don’t you think Pomni should come back now? Caine?” Yelled Ragatha, pacing the main floor of the circus.
“Ughhh… Dollface, what part of their being no answer you not understand?” Snapped Jax, rolling his eyes. “You can’t make Caine bring her back. Besides, don’t you think the quiet is nice~?”
“No I don’t Jax! Because our friend is [———] god knows where! On her own! When she’s only been here for two days!”
The group went quiet.
“Wow, haven’t heard that kinda language from you in a long time Rags.” Grinned Jax.
“Oh, I’m gonna kill you-“ Seethed Ragatha.
“AARGH!” Exclaimed Kinger, managing to shut up the pair.
“Thank you Kinger.” Sighed Zooble.
“Why? What did I do?” He hummed, looking to them curiously.
She groaned, rubbing her forehead at this.
“Right- Ragatha, you’re not helping anyone by yelling at the AI who does as he pleases. Jax, stop being a [————] [——]. Ragatha is allowed to worry.” Spoke Zooble.
“Oh I’m hurt Zooby~ How could you say such a thing!”
“Don’t act like a [——] if you don’t want me to call you such.”
“Y-Yeah! Jax! Don’t be so cruel to Ragatha, she’s just being n-nice!!” Nodded Gangle.
Zooble gave her an approving smile at this, nudging her with what she assumed was her elbow in a playful manor. Gangle reciprocated said smile.
“That was pathetic.” Mused Jax.
“Oh, I’ll show you pathetic-“
Things were going wonderfully in the circus.
Pomni had only taken a few steps into the basement, glancing around at the boarded up room. There wasn’t much down here, but it was safe.
“A-Are you the hero our god sent to us?” Spoke a shy, familiar voice.
Pomni turned around and came face to with Princess Lou.
Her dress and crown were noticeably missing. She wore only her corset and her undergarment pants, alongside some boots Pomni assumed she had had under her dress. She looked exhausted.
“I-I don’t understand how you’d have found me otherwise- So… You’ve got to be the one.” She whispered, softly. “He sent us knights… a few weeks back, to deal with some bandits… But he must’ve misplaced his trust in them… They… let that thing into my kingdom… And. Everything. Is. Ruined.”
Pomni felt awful. So…
“Yes, I’m here to help. But your god didn’t send me. I came on my own accord. Because I want to help.”
“O-Oh! That’s wonderful! I’m so glad, you can call me Lou. …That thing outside is the fudge monster… He used to be one of my citizens… but I was naive. I let a monster into my kingdom walls. I turned a blind eye, I’d hoped he’d change, that one day I’d wake up and he’d stop eating people. But he never did. We managed to get him to leave the kingdom… And we would’ve been fine… Until those stupid knights…”
She paused, taking a deep breath.
“Sorry. Chocolate is just… everything awful in this world, everyone knows that. I don’t understand why one of those knights would give the key to the gates to him…”
‘Probably cause said knight is a [———] idiot.’ Thought Pomni, to herself. She looked back to Lou.
“That sounds a-awful. I’m so sorry… Can I ask… what makes chocolate so bad?”
“Y-You don’t know the story?” Gasped Lou. “Alright, listen here. It’s a long story but I’ll be quick.”
“A long time ago, in the beginning of everything our beloved god created Candy and it was perfect. However, with the creation of Candy, came Chocolate.
And it was everything Candy wasn’t. Hard. Bitter. Unforgiving. Violent.
My great great great grandfather, King Chews The Third spoke to god, on one lucky day. He asked for guidance, help. As a king he wanted to protect his kingdom, but as a Candy it was practically impossible to face the wrath of chocolate.
So they struck a deal, God would send us savours in our times of need and in return we would build our society surrounding him. We’d praise his name and devote everything to him. As centuries went by, with the help from our saviours who’d appear and disappear as time went on, we’d have a kingdom. A safe place. For all of the good Candy kind to thrive in.” She sighed, wistfully. “And then that brings us to now. Everything is ruined, because of some stupid, stupid knights. I should’ve never trusted them..”
Pomni hesitantly put a hand on Lou’s shoulder, standing on her tippy toes to do so.
“I’m so sorry Lou… I-I don’t blame you for trusting them! They’d been trustworthy all those centuries before! Why wouldn’t they be now? I-I’ll get you out of here.. Promise! T-Then we can start a new kingdom! One that’s self sufficient and isn’t reliant on any silly old god!”
Lou was quiet at this but nodded.
“He… has helped a lot… But.. his saviours tend to cause as many problems as they solve… So, I think I’d like to try something new! What’s your name, saviour?”
“Oh- Yeah! It’s Pomni… That’s the name the god gave me….”
“Huh. Well, Pomni is a lovely name, but if we’re pulling away from God… How about I give you a nickname?”
“O-Oh. I didn’t think about that- Only if you want too- I-I don’t mind going by Pomni-“
“How about Poms! Think about it: Poms, Saviour of Candy Kind!”
Pomni did her best not to snicker at this. Poms was a little silly but she liked it nonetheless.
“Sure, Poms it is Lou.”
Part 4
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smallest-clown · 1 year
Your husband? We turned him fully into a frog. Yeah, sorry. Yeah he gave up his humanity for you, yeah. He did this after hearing that you only care for him now, not love him. Yeah…sorry.
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polarsirens · 1 year
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some very disjointed scenes i remember from this week's ep
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sylvansleuth · 2 months
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What part of this is unholy to you? The hot cocoa??
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Do you know how many things would have to have gone wrong for this to matter?
- Sapphria Rocks
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wurstcrew · 2 years
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Hello, little children, and welcome, one and all. If it's a game you want, then a game you shall have. (x)
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fortjester · 1 year
honestly, i just gotta imagine anybody from the Houses not involved with the Cohort hearing abt tlt events would be wild. like
random fifth house citizen: all....all of the house heirs died?
their random fifth house citizen friend: [nodding] except for Ianthe Tridentarius of the Third and a Ninth nun. they’re the Emperor’s new Lyctors.
random fifth house citizen: [imagining the Lyctor trials as Battle Royale style death matches]....but everyone else died??
random fifth house citizen’s friend: hey did you hear? the sixth house installation got cooked in that recent sunflare!
random fifth house citizen: 
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random fifth house citizen’s friend: also the Emperor has a daughter
random fifth house citizen: oh shit really? congrats to him. chaotic time to be raising a kid tho, imo
random fifth house citizen’s friend: she’s like, nineteen
random fifth house citizen:
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random fifth house citizen’s friend: [poking their head into the room] hey, just letting you know, the tomb’s open
random fifth house citizen: the what’s what
random fifth house citizen’s friend: the tomb is open. the locked one. on the ninth house. it’s open.
random fifth house citizen:
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world-of-wales · 1 month
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majorkphob · 1 year
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[Image ID: a screencap of Gamechanger where the contestants are dead-eyes and staring blandly at Sam Reich who is dancing in front of their podiums. Brennan Lee Mulligan has a text bubble that reads "Gerard finally meeting his wife (?) Elody". Lou Wilson has a text that reads "The rest of Destiny's Children trying to catch a break". And Siobhan Thompson's text reads "Rosamund finally finding her sisters again". Sam dances as a large text in front of him says "Join my murder/suicide pact". End Image ID].
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figsclove · 1 year
Wet nude spiders
Your twelve
Your ten
Your eleven
Your one
Your two
Your twelve
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figscigfigs · 2 months
my favorite moments of episode 13 of fantasy high junior year!!!!!!:
harold and the purple crayon mention!!!!
fig running around cleaning up hell bc she didn’t know her friends were coming over
“hey man!!! i’m in charge here!!! (and i pay him)”
BILL SEACASTER IS BACK!!!!!!!!! HIS BOAT IS GETTING A TRAMP STAMP BUMPER STICKER FOR HIS OWN DARLING MAN BOY!!!!!!! (cait may’s art continues to be the best thing to happen to me bc gd he looks so so rad)
the multidad curse just got a little confused!
“i’ve got this asshole trying to win president over me” “KILL ‘EM!” “i’m this close”
FIG AND ADAINE GET GUNS!!!!!!! (deserved and overdue)
tattoo in roboto is the scariest and worst decision fabian has ever made
*talking about fabian’s nemeses* “one’s my girlfriend”
“what vandalism did you do” “i… i helped clean up”
baby’s music (“move your head, torso still”)
"¡ got a gun!!!" :) (concerned sigh) (ally perfectly mimics pok's concerned sigh)
“it is too many blessings to ask for to have good luck and the most wonderful daughter in the world” (BRENNAN IM SOBBING THATS TOO GOOD!!!!!!! I WANT TO SCREAM I LOVE YOU GILEAR AHHHHHHH)
“you have made it snowy… strange”
ankarna just being the raddest. (“she took artifacts from other pit fiends about conquest”)
adaine’s cousin’s girlfriend’s nepotism and her friend’s dance ability being the reason she makes enough money to pass her wizard classes
nara’s dad just being absolutely devastated by the loss of fleek
“sup?” “sup?” *ONSLAUGHT OF NOs* “everyone stop talking except for adaine!!! and maybe me” “oh please the ball!”
the goddess of sun and clarity married the goddess of nighttime and doubt
fig and fabian’s field trip to the bank in matching suits (sibling bonding!!!)
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Buck: “So maybe we both have daddy issues?”
Tommy: “I don’t”
Buck: “But you think I do?”
Tommy: “God I hope so”
Buck: “So… you like to be called daddy then?”
Tommy: “Uh. Not really actually. I’m into plenty of kinky shit, but not like that. ”
Buck: “Then wtf did you say ‘God I hope so?!’”
Tommy: “It just kinda slipped! I was just going with the flow!”
Buck: “Oh thank god, because I don’t think I’m into that either.”
Tommy: “You can call me that though.”
Buck: “Call you what?”
Tommy: “God. Pretty much any variation of slut. Good boy. Even good girl on occasion. Sugar pie honey bunch. Master. Beast. Evan’s Pretty Pretty Princess. Your Royal Highness. Lord Cumquads. Grand Supreme Commando. Tommy, Thomas, Tom Tom, your precious Tomcat, Mr Hot Pilot Kinard. Sir-Flies-A lot. Just not Daddy…. Or late for dinner.”
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smallest-clown · 1 year
You cook the big bad wolf?!?!! You reduce him in the soup?!?! Oh! Oh! Death to the Baron! Death to the Baron for thousands of years!
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advent-march · 7 months
I live for Brennan's deep, sad sigh after he kills a character like he wasn't the one to kill the character
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d20brainrot · 1 year
out of context neverafter ep.17
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sylvansleuth · 2 years
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Aye, politics is bad.
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