eggchef · 1 year
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hunter husbands and a barely bloody, romantic case on the beach (drawn for the profound bond exchange for @alulangel)
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keikakudom · 1 year
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Heaven isn't all that it's caked up to be~ 🌧️
Gift drawn for @geethr75 during the PB Exchange(run by @profoundnet!
This is a little canon finale coda, where Cas is fully restored, including his wings. It also features The Winchesters!Dean, where he and Cas finally reunite in Heaven and get over their hang-ups. Heaven's pristine and perfect atmosphere is a little too stifling, so Cas makes it rain, among adding a few other things that go bump in the night for a restless Dean. But is heaven really their final destination? Who knows, but whatever is next, they'll do it together.
Art can also be found on Ao3 c:
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witchy-worm · 2 months
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Here's my gift for the @profoundnet exchange! @okayfinehereiam I hope you like it!
This was my first time drawing wings which was a bit of a challenge, but is something I'm excited to do again! My original concept for this had more space elements (galaxy wings, larger stylized stars, etc.) but I felt like they were distracting from the boys so I went with a simplified version.
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ineffablynoice · 2 months
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Castiel and Dean are on a date. Sort of. This just appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the desert, and… yeah, it's suspicious, but also, Castiel just starts telling him about how the Northern Lights were actually created as a prank by Gabriel and is now, somehow, a natural marvel. Also, those constellations? Some of his comrades, the ones who weren't entirely assholes, managed to slip in a few jokes. Dean, of course, needed to share some of the constellations he and Sam made when they were kids. Any way it's all very wholesome. I hope you enjoy this, SeaFlowerLily! I had immense fun drawing this.
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rezal-art · 1 year
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This is a gift for @keikakudom, created as part of the PB Gift Exchange run by @profoundnet! This year's theme was Hot Entity Summer.
The idea behind this artwork was to feature our four beloved members of Team Free Will on a relaxing holiday at the beach. I imagined them after saving the world, but with a different fate than the one they have in the show's epilogue.
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In this alternate ending, Castiel comes back from the Empty, human once again, and finally gets to have what he wants the most: Dean. Sam and his brother stop hunting and Sam decides to go back to Stanford (and change back his haircut!). Jack fixes Heaven, but does not stay there. Instead, he chooses to live his life as a young man on Earth and enjoys simple pleasures, like playing ball at the beach. 
If you like it, you can also give it some love on Ao3 here!
And go check Kazi's work, they're an amazing artist!
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reaja · 19 days
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imbiowaresbitch · 8 months
A is for Assbutt, ch. 1
Dean has been a teacher for five years, and a dad for three. Well, he'd been a dad for six years, but Lydia failed to share that information. When she died in a car accident, he got custody of Emma, who became his entire life in an instant.
Charlie and Stevie tell Dean he needs to date, but as a single dad, he can't just pick up anyone. Emma comes first.
A chance meeting with another single dad at pickup, the father of Emma's friend Jack, has possibilities suddenly occurring to Dean. Cas has sole custody of Jack, and is also the legal guardian of his neice, Claire.
Can Dean and Cas make it work?
The mid-winter sun shone down on the schoolyard. Kids were running every which way as shouts and laughter echoed off the red brick of Crestview Public School, where Dean had been teaching for five years. He, along with two other teachers, was on yard duty, and he blew on his chilled fingers, his gloves forgotten at home yet again.
“Mister Dean!”  
The shrill cry, urgent and angry, but not injured, pulled his attention to the boy running full tilt toward him, a smaller figure trailing behind. The bigger kid, Ryan, stopped in front of him, the smile curving his lips wide with an unholy glee that he remembered far too well from the previous year when the little shit of a bully – sorry, energetic and strong-willed child – was in his second-grade class. 
“He called me the B-word!” Ryan declared, pointing at the younger boy, who tilted his head in confusion at Ryan before turning big blue eyes on Dean and shaking his head.
“Did not,” he said solemnly, and Ryan turned on him, looking like he was about to turn the argument physical. Dean stepped between them quickly, holding a hand out, and Ryan stopped his charge, a mulish expression on his face.
“He did! He’s lying! He called me the B-word!” Ryan shouted, his face red with the cold and with anger, and Dean sighed internally. 
“I'll deal with this, Ryan.” He crouched down to be at eye-level with the other boy, who met his gaze earnestly, bright blue eyes open and honest. “What's your name, buddy?”
“I'm Jack Novak, and I'm six years old,” Jack told him promptly, and Dean couldn't help but smile a little. Still, they really tried to discourage name-calling, so he smoothed his expression, going for serious but not threatening.
“Jack, did you call Ryan the B-word?” he asked, and again, Jack tilted his head to one side, a little like a kitten inspecting a bug for the first time.
Jack shook his head. 
“I promise I didn't, Mister Dean. My daddy told me I shouldn't lie to teachers.” Dean took a breath, sensing that Ryan was about to explode behind him, but Jack continued. “I called him an assbutt. That doesn't start with a B.”
This is very much a WIP, with 8 chapters already, roughly 30K written so far. I've got a crap-ton of bangs to write, so this is the one that'll be going up as I work on those but can't share.
Read chapter 1 on AO3.
Part of my Embarrassing Things Kids Say series.
Thanks to @nickelkeep and Ariadne for the beta!
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foxymoley · 2 months
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Something a bit different from me for @seidenapfel as part of the PBExchange. Hope you like it!
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jemariel · 1 year
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Falling With Style
By Jemariel
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Words: 15,831
Tags: Wingfic, Dean has angel wings, Human Castiel in the Bunker, domestic fluff, wing grooming, flying lessons, love confessions, Cas has self-worth issues, first kiss/first time together, Profound Bond Gift Exchange: Hot Entity Summer
Written for the Profound Bond gift exchange for @eyesandwingsonlyafterdark !! I hope you enjoy 💙💚💖
Summary: Dean's facing a long summer cooped up in the bunker with nothing but his own brand new eight-foot angel wings for company. And Cas, of course. But the former angel is acting super weird about this whole thing, and Dean can't figure out why. He could sure use some help from the expert, though.
(In which Dean learns to fly, and Cas remembers what it's like.)
Read on ao3!
Excerpt and tag list below the cut, let me know if you want to be added to or removed from my tag list!
On this particular Thursday, Dean finds Cas in the library. Deep in the stacks, in a section that mostly contains books on angel lore, as far as Dean knows. He’s got an armload already and is peering with great concentration at the cobwebby shelves.
Dean sidles closer, winching his wings in tight as they’ll go so they don’t knock anything off the shelves (again). Be a shame to give away the game.
Closer… closer… years of practice keep his feet and breathing quiet until he can count the hairs on the back of Cas’s neck. And then, just as Cas is juggling his books from one arm to the other—
“Whatcha lookin’ for?”
Cas jumps about a half a mile, and a dozen moth-eaten volumes go tumbling to the floor. Sam’s gonna kill him.
Worth it.
“Dean—” Cas exhales, a hand on his chest and murder in the set of his jaw. “What the hell are you doing?”
Dean grins and relaxes his wings a touch. “Just having a little fun,” he says, tongue between his teeth. For some reason, getting a rise out of Cas always gets him giddy. It’s like champagne bubbles under his skin, and ever since he sprouted these feathery intruders, that’s where he feels it the strongest. It’s like all the feathers are standing on end. It’s happened before. Like the time he pretended not to know or care about the Library of Alexandria for an entire hour, and Cas had gone on a righteously livid rant that left him flushed and sweaty. There’d been a chalkboard involved. Or the time Cas had wandered into the kitchen all pre-coffee grumpy in nothing but sweatpants while Dean was making eggs. That hadn’t exactly been Dean getting a rise out of him, but it gave him the goosebumps all the same.
Dean had chosen not to analyze it too closely.
With a glare in Dean’s direction, Cas crouches down to pick up the books, ruddy around the ears. It’s then—looking down at Cas’s head just below waist level—that Dean realizes just how close he’d positioned himself. His wings tingle harder, and his stomach does this funny little twist as he shuffles back to a more respectable distance. Suddenly, he has to swallow a whole mouthful of saliva and clear his throat before he can speak.
“Seriously, what are you doing back here?” he asks. Totally neutral. Completely normal.
Rising to his feet, Cas hands over one of the books. The spine looks like it’s decided to make a break for it, hanging on by a few bare horsehair threads. Dean actually feels bad for a minute before he reads the title.
“Alchemical Properties of Angelic Minutia? Sounds grim.”
Cas nods, still averting his gaze, fingering the dusty pages of a slim, gilt-edged volume. “I was hoping to uncover a solution to your… predicament.”
“Gabe said it would wear off on its own, right?”
One of Cas’s eyebrows climbs toward his hairline. “And you trust him?”
Dean snorts, handing the book back. “Not even half as far as I can throw him, but why would he lie about that?”
“I can think of a dozen reasons. But even assuming there is truth in that, why shouldn’t we try to”—he gestures vaguely with his laden arms—“encourage the process?”
Dean considers, crossing his arms as he leans against a bookshelf. The edge of the shelf digs into his bare bicep, and he shudders to think what kind of dust his feathers are picking up. “It’s not so bad,” he says. “Kinda grateful for the vacation.”
Cas squints at him in flat disbelief. “Dean, you have put up a protest every time Sam has left on a hunt for the last two months.”
“Yeah, well.” How does he explain this? “Netflix ain’t gonna binge itself, right? C’mon. I’ll make some popcorn.”
Cas nods vaguely as Dean slaps him on the shoulder and turns to escape the library. “Give me a moment to… reshelve these, I suppose.”
“That’s the spirit.”
Read more on ao3!
Tag list below:
@magnificent-winged-beast @starsinursa @silvie111 @gneisscastiel @yourspecialeyes @weathergirl83 @daughter-of-the-rain-and-snow @maliciouslycreative @suckerfordeansfreckles @rosemoonweaver @paperwhitenarcissus @maiosaurus @naruhearts @super-powerful-queen-reyna @anironundomiel-blog1 @jasminrogue @onsarah @cassbutt-and-the-righteousbi @elanor-n-evermind @sharkfish @fangirlingtodeath513 @angelarbaugh @psychoticblackhappiness @holyllamabanana-blog @lanaserra @freckles-and-wings @7faerielights @casbean @destielhoneybee @feraladoration @deaneatscake @generaldeliciousness @bre95611 @psychicbouquetblaze-stuff @lizleeillustration @hexentaenzerin @peacewhenuaredone-blog @nickelkeep @ellen-of-oz @malmuses @ltleflrt @archiival @idaaeri @kazshero @depairt
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seidenapfel · 2 months
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Filling the Empty Space in My Heart Part of my PB Exchange gift for @thecadenceimperfect. (fic post)
Instead of adding the painting to the fic post (which already includes the banner), I decided to post it separately to add some info about the media I used. It's heavily mixed media. The black background is created with an alcohol-based marker and I drew the 'stars', Jack, and Cas with coloured pencils. Afterwards I highlighted parts with acrylic markers. I redid Jack's hair twice. Now it's just a golden acrylic marker. Some of the light surrounding Jack is created with pastels, and the tendrils are black acrylic paint with highlights done with a white coloured pencil. I also experimented with crayons, but that didn't work.
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nickelkeep · 7 months
100-word drabble for @profoundnet's weekly Monday drabble challenge. This week is 'Call'
Dean stared at his cell. That stupid lyric from that stupid musical echoed through his head: Five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes… A whole fucking year since he, Sam, and Jack dealt with Chuck. They had ended that chapter and started their endings.
But there was something, someone, missing.
Dean followed the same familiar steps: going to contacts, selecting a name, and hovering his thumb over the call button when something different happened. His phone rang. Quickly hitting answer, tears streamed down his cheeks when the voice that had haunted his dreams for the past year sounded.
“Hello, Dean.”
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eggchef · 2 years
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fan theory: s15 castiel would let s1 dean hustle him in pool, s15 dean would try to get s4 castiel laid (unsuccessful). they are not the same. [gift for @Solstheimart for pbexchange ^>^]  
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PB Exchange Round 11 @profoundnet
For @cat-hesarose ❤️💙💚💛
Title: A Day in the Apple Pie Life
Pairing: Destiel
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Jack Kline, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Benny Lafitte, OMC Tony (discussed)
Word Count: 978
Warnings: None
Betaed by: Rachel
Tags: Jack is God, Jack is a preschooler, Archangel Castiel, Retired Hunter Dean Winchester, Married Castiel and Dean Winchester, Retired Hunter Castiel, Canon Divergent, Post 15x19 fix-it sort of, Castiel was Rescued From the Empty, Benny was freed from Purgatory, Established Castiel and Dean Winchester, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Vampire Benny Lafitte, Mechanic Benny Lafitte, kid fic, dadstiel, pb exchange round 11 space theme, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Jack Kline’s Parents
Summary: A day in the life of Cas and Dean with their son, Jack.
Ao3 Link
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Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
Castiel rolls over and falls on the floor with an “oof” from his lips. He grunts and gets up. He does a full body stretch, thankful that his footy pajamas are a bit big. He scratches his beard and walks to the front door trying to wake up enough to remember if he was supposed to have company or not.
He unlocks the front door and opens it, looking straight ahead then down to see his preschooler waving at the car backing out of their driveway. He pouts his lips with a quirk of a brow, then takes a step back.
Jack walks in, smiles on his face as he looks at his Dad, wipes his shoes off, and then takes them off, placing them next to the front door as usual.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” Asks Castiel, his voice still sleep rough.
“Play date, Dad. Remember? Weekend,” Jack replies as he takes off his backpack and sets it on the bench in their mudroom.
“Ah. Yes, I remember now. How was it?” Castiel closes the door and scratches his belly; the zipper always irritates him slightly if he doesn’t have an undershirt on, like today.
“It was fun! Tony has this really cool electric car you can ride in and he let me drive.” Jack adds, “Yes, we both had helmets on, Dad.”
Castiel smiles and cards his fingers through Jack’s blonde hair as he heads back to the living room.
Jack follows him and sits down on the couch next to him, grabbing the blanket his Dad left over him.
“Tired?” Castiel inquires. He grabs the tv remote and hands it to the preschooler, who is dressed in jean shorts and a blue t-shirt that matches his eyes.
Jack nods and scoots next to his father, then snuggles into Cas’ side as Jack finds a cartoon to watch.
“Should I take a look in Heaven while you rest?”
“No, Michael has it. I check in with him every few days, so if something comes up, I make sure to know,” Jack yawns the last word and rests his head on Castiel’s chest while zoning out to the tv.
The Angel wraps his arm and unseen wings around his son, kisses into his hair and takes his cell from the side table, going through messages and emails.
A few minutes pass and then Castiel hears Jack snoring. He grins and takes a selfie with him that he sends to Dean.
Meanwhile, Dean is at the shop working under the hood of a car when his pocket buzzes. He gets out from underneath and wipes his hands off before pulling it out. He grins the moment he sees the photo of Castiel in the green, hot dog footie pajamas and Jack cuddled up asleep.
He texts back: Glad to see my man and our son are having a good day. Take care of our baby. I’ll be heading home soon. Love you both!
Castiel’s blue eyes return to the tv, realizing Jack put on Scooby Doo. He leaves his phone open and waits a few minutes to see if Dean will reply.
When he reads his husband’s message, he grins and replies: Of course, Beloved. Would you mind picking up Chinese for dinner? Jack asked if we could have egg rolls for dinner. Figured we could get our usual and a few extra.
Dean: Yeah. Put in the order with 20 mins after closing for pick up.
Castiel: Will do. See you in a bit. Love you.
Dean: Love you too.
Dean’s fingers suddenly fumble with the phone, having been shouldered into by one of his best friends, Benny. Jack and Michael sorted through all the creatures in Purgatory and gave second chances to those who had not truly caused harm in their lives. Benny was the first one they brought back, of course.
“Quit it, Dean. He knows you love him. Let’s finish getting this installed.”
Dean glares at the vampire and sticks out his tongue. “You’re just upset because we are having Chinese and you don’t get to have any.”
Benny leans back and laughs, then settles before asking, “I’m okay with what I’ve got for dinner tonight. How’s Jack holding up?”
Dean shows Benny the picture of Cas and Jack.
Benny smiles wide and nods. “He’s getting big. Looks so much like his Daddy.”
Dean grins, reaching for a tool before putting his phone back in his back pocket. “That he does. That he does.”
Jack and Castiel hear the purr of Baby’s engine pull up into the driveway and park. The preschooler runs outside to greet his Dad and help bring in food. “Dad!” yells Jack and runs right into the man’s legs, wrapping his arms around his thighs, happily. Dean puts the food bags down on his seat before picking up the blonde haired, blue eyed boy and hugging him tight.
Meanwhile, Castiel comes out and snaps his fingers, setting the food bags set on the dinner table. He catches Dean’s green eyes, smiling at his husband, and motions he’s going back.
Dean gives a slight nod and loosens his hug to look at Jack. “Hey, Bubby. How was your playdate with Tony?”
“It was so much fun. I got to drive a car but I had a helmet on.”
“I assume you mean a kid car, right? One of those battery powered cars you fit in?”
“Of course, Dad. I’m not big enough or old enough to drive.” Jack rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
Dean chuckles and sets him down. He turns around and finds the bags gone. His brow furrows, and there is a frown on his lips as he closes the door.
“Dad took them in,” replies Jack at Dean’s confusion. He holds his hand out to Dean.
Dean’s face relaxes, and he holds Jack’s hand as they walk into the house together.
Castiel changed into jeans and one of Dean’s band t-shirts. “Picnic dinner?” Castiel asks Jack.
“Yep,” the preschooler confirms with a toothy grin.
That evening Dean and Castiel set out to have a picnic outside. It was Jack’s favorite thing right now, to have “picnic dinners” as he calls them. They would eat under the stars in their backyard around their small fire pit that Dean made last summer at Jack’s behest to make s’mores all the time.
This time, Castiel snapped his fingers and created the nice blazing fire for the cool evening they were having as Dean put food on a tray, making sure to keep everything separate for Jack and on plates for Cas and Dean. Jack sat there with the cooler next to him and passed out drinks: soda or juice for him and beer for his Dads.
They dived into eating in silence as Jack’s eyes glowed gold and peered into the night sky. It was a purplish-tinted black sky with twinkling stars of yellow, red, blue, and orange. Jack, of course, knew which were stars and which were planets. He would point them out through space between bites of food. He would even tell them about galaxies and nebulas that were forming. Despite having true God powers, Jack never lost his amazement at the universe around him.
He was very lucky to have wonderful Dads who were very accepting of everything he dealt with as he balanced being God and a preschooler.
Once dinner was eaten, the three laid down on the blanket and stared up into the sky. Jack was in the middle and started explaining about constellations and their stories of cultures that have been lost to the ages. Dean and Castiel exchanged a loving look before focusing back on Jack.
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adromelke · 2 months
This drawing is a gift to @sweet-lost-husbands as part of the @profoundnet exchange.
I was glad to learn that we share more than one interest. 😃
So let me present you The Galaxy, a safe space for angels, demons and righteous men.
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geraniumsky · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Finale What Finale, Fluff, Well 90 percent fluff anyway Summary:
Cas is back from the Empty and Dean's going to treat him like a mother-fucking king.
My contribution to this year’s Profound Bond Exchange, with the prompt ‘space’. Classic rock fans are gonna guess straight away how I shoehorned in the prompt. @profoundnet here’s your tag. :-)
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aishitara · 7 months
PB 100 Prompt Fill - Update
(in which Charlie correctly interprets Dean's hesitation lol)
“Alright Winchester, spill!” Charlie says, voice unnecessarily loud for such an ungodly hour. Dean pulls the phone away from his ear with a wince. He hasn’t even had his coffee yet.
“Charlie, what —”
“I want an update! You stayed over, didn’t you?”
“Well yeah, but —”
“But nothing! Spill. The. Tea!”
Dean glances over his shoulder to where Cas is still lying asleep behind him on the bed, only his unruly hair poking out from under the comforter.
“Okay, Charles, keep it down.” He takes a breath. “We may have — uh.”
Charlie’s squeal could probably be heard on the freaking moon.
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