#Prop Tech
go-strt · 1 year
A recent Fast Company article cites research from EY Ripples and JA Worldwide’s survey showing that 53% of their Gen Z participants want to start their own businesses, and that number jumps to 65% once they’ve started working. These creators are breaking down barriers, rejecting current models of business, and transforming how work is done. The next ten years will be an incredibly exciting time for new businesses, and we can’t wait to see what is accomplished.
Do you want to run your own business? We’d love to hear how you’re changing the world of entrepreneurship, one idea at a time. Comment below!
Read the entire Fast Company article here: https://www.fastcompany.com/90631769/why-gen-z-is-so-keen-on-entrepreneurship-and-what-that-means-for-employers
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prettymunchkin · 2 years
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Prop-tech, also known as property technology, refers to the use of technology in the real estate market. This category includes everything from online real estate technology platforms and apps to drones and 3D printing. India is delving into prop-tech news in order to establish new prop-tech trends in the real estate industry in the coming years.
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So, Phee flirts with Tech off and on from the moment she first meets him; but Tech doesn't start showing her that he might be interested in her until this scene in "Pabu" -
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^Tech silently questioning where Phee is going
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^"Gonna put this someplace safe," Phee says
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^Tech smiles after her (dear goodness he's so freakin' adorable here I just 😍🥰❤️)
What I find so sweet and lowkey hilarious about all this is that Tech starts clearly showing his interest after 2 events occur in rapid succession:
1) Phee explains why she does what she does: namely, she wants to help people preserve their cultures (and we know from Tech's conversations with Romar on Serreno that different cultures are a point of interest for Tech)
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2) Wrecker straight-up teases Tech about Phee, saying Tech has some competition
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I can't help but think that Tech knowing this crucial detail about Phee's motivations really ramped up his interest in her as more than just his family's ally, but it was Wrecker's ribbing in particular that prompted Tech to actually get a move on 😆
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bloomics · 7 days
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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apotelesmaa · 5 months
I like to imagine there’s at least one huge nerd at kamiyama in their third year and they’re always studying to get the best grades like really hitting the books & taking classes outside of school but they continually get the second highest scores and they’re seething with rage about it because the only person outdoing them academically is that purple fuck who never pays attention in class, is put in detention every week for blowing shit up and brings his whimsical ass gadgets to school. & he doesn’t even care about his status as the most academically talented kid in the grade. They’re planning on going into medical school or some other STEM field and he’s going into the arts.
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of-fear-and-love · 14 days
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1970s Grundig Audiorama spherical speakers, as seen in High Rise (2015)
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azuremallone · 25 days
Co-workers in the article blamed security for not finding her sooner, yet...
They noticed a foul smell from her cubicle's location. No one bothered to visit her until Tuesday. So then they blamed remote work for reducing the number of people working on that floor... who walked past that location daily.
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qt-kt · 7 months
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Got to go see @sawthemusical with the bestie last night! We sat right up front next to Adam and let me tell ya it was a fantastic time. Everyone there was really cool and there was so much love for this silly little movie franchise put in there. Pig in a Wig and Onco-la-la-la-logist will be stuck in my head interchangeably for the next foreseeable future
15/10 definitely my favorite long form advertisment for Applebee's.
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scythematrix66 · 11 months
Me as a Propsmaster: *enthusiastically making endless, constantly revised lists and hiding away for hours upon end painting wooden staffs, goblin mode at 50% capacity at all times* "ALRIGHTY WHAT'S NEXT? HIT ME. HIT ME!"
Me as a Stage Manager: *thinks going to bed at 11 is early, loopy from exhaustion at all times, running on caffeine and stress, +3 dex from writing endless emails, is terrified of authority (somehow is the authority????), is totally confused at all times, just Trying My Best* "Alrighty guys, welcome to rehearsal today we're doing scenes one and two, remember we're off book next week so please learn your lines...please..."
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eugeniedanglars · 11 months
the thing is it’s easy to say that calling the cornley drama society a found family doesn’t have any basis in canon but that’s not true, there’s actually indisputable canon proof that they’re all gonna stick together for life and it’s the fact that they haven’t fired trevor even though he’s arguably responsible for more mistakes and injuries than the all the other characters combined
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go-strt · 1 year
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Join us as we attend NACUBO’s 2023 Annual Meeting from July 15th to 18th in Orlando! 
Find out more here: https://www.strt.com/oncampus
Enjoy making quality connections and hearing from experienced leaders. Let us know which session you’re most excited about.
We can’t wait to see you there!
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[The show contains three props]
Production Manager: what do you think about the props?
Stage Tech: felt over indulged. A little much.
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It JUST NOW dawned on me that the rules Omega rattles off in "Rampage" - "Don't wander off, keep my eyes and ears on my surroundings, and trust no one but my squad" - had to have been devised as a direct result of what went down on Pantora with Fennec (when, you know, innocent Omega wandered off, got lost, and trusted a stranger).
Up to this point I kinda figured the rules were just sound advice for managing children that Hunter might have picked up from Cut.
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coresunrise · 5 months
I like showing my friends progress of whatever I'm working on and then just skittering off because I have responsibilities I have to take care of.
Like, I'll be on my break and working on something and take a picture to send my friends before going back to work because my break is over. Or I'm working on priming/painting these Bad Batch Loth Cats and I'll just send them progress photos before skittering off to make dinner or take care of my laundry
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Most recently it's been these small simplish landscape painting sketches for a set of five! Totally for fun, as pretty much 95% of my projects are lol
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pacificrimrefs · 3 months
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Jaeger Battery
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of-fear-and-love · 3 months
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Technology from The Saint (1997)
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