#Protect Scott and Stiles at all costs
witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: all characters are over the age of 18! :)
Chaotic Good
Gemini Sun, Aries Moon, Aquarius Rising
・You’re light in not only Stiles’ life, but the whole group. 
・They come to you when life feels too much. 
・You’re there with the kettle on, ready to hear their problems and read their tea leaves
・There’s always an animal worming their way around your legs, either a cat or one of your dogs
・You adopt as many animals as you can, usually from Alan Deaton, the vet. 
・Scott likes you because you bring a sense of calm to Stiles’ chaos
・And Stiles didn’t realise he had a crush on you until Scott pointed it out.
・You constantly have to bring Stiles back down to earth. His mind is constantly racing and thinking about the next problem
・Stiles couldn’t help but fall in love with you. You were always so kind to him. When everyone else thought he was ‘too much’, you couldn’t get enough
・ It was your smile that did it for Stiles. That sweet, sometimes mischievous smile. 
・You originally thought Stiles was one of those sceptics that brushed the existence of magic as mere fiction
・But Stiles was the first one to believe in your witchcraft:
     “We have werewolves, Banshees and god knows what else. A witch seems the most realistic.”
・When the group doesn’t have any leads, they come to you for help. It’s not easy being a witch. It uses a lot of energy. You can do locating spells, but it drains you a lot
・Stiles hates coming to you for help because he knows how much it physically costs you 
・Some teenagers like to graffiti your home - but they can only do it once. You’ve cast a spell so whoever tries to do it again loses their ability to talk normally
・It also means you know who’s been doing it
・Because parents panic and news always travels around town, the graffiti is next to non-existent now (also because Stiles makes sure to clean it off before you notice)
・He can be very, very stubborn. And often thinks he knows what is best. 
・But he’s also ... very honest. So you know when he’s lying (he’s so bad at it):
     “Stiles...tell me the truth.”
“The truth is ... that ... I ... am...- okay god stop looking at me like that.”
・Likes cuddling A LOT. But is fussy, and if he can’t get perfectly comfortable, then he wants to be the little spoon.
・Is a really heavy sleeper, and whenever he stays over at your place he’s the last to wake up
・LOVES when you make his favourite food. Literally falls in love, not even being dramatic. His mind is like ‘this is the one. I’m keeping them.’
・Loyal to. a. fault. Will die for you, will do everything in his power to keep you safe and out of danger. That’s another reason why he doesn’t like getting you involved in the supernatural stuff. 
・You know exactly what he’s thinking, because you can see it clearly on his face. 
・ “Stiles, do you tell my secrets to Scott?” 
“Ugh, not the really secretive ones?”
・Sheriff Stilinksi loves you, he thinks you’re great for Stiles. You make his chaos less ... chaotic. He was a bit apprehensive about your witchcraft at first, but then he had the same outlook as Stiles. “At least you’re not a ...hellhound or something.”
・Stiles NEVER fails to make you laugh 
・You find the most random things in his car. Ducktape, a metal baseball bat, keys to many, many buildings, rope. You asked him if he had a first aid kit, since he had everything else, and his eyes glazed over. 
   “I KNEW I was forgetting something. God!” 
・You make protection amulets for him, and give him crystals. He doesn’t understand but takes them wholeheartedly anyway
・His favourite crystals are labradorite (”because I like when it shines, duh”), malachite and blue tiger’s eye 
・Vending machines are his mortal enemy and if he sees one he forbids you from using it (you use it anyway)
・Having weekly meals at his father’s place 
・You were really really good friends with Allison, and her death was heavy for you. 
・Adores going to metaphysical stores with you. He picked out a deck of tarot cards (wants to pay but you never let him. So he tries to gift you as many things as you’ll need, so he can buy them)
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑷𝒆𝒕 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: You’d think he would be very open with nicknames for you. But he’s very embarrassed by it. Not embarrassed of you, but of showing you verbal affection. After being in a stable relationship for a while, he would start calling you names like ‘sweetheart,’ or ‘honey’, especially when you weren’t listening to his warnings
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆: Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation. He’s always on the go and can feel like you aren’t a part of his world. But you always make sure to leave little trinkets in his pockets or in his car. 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Romantic Flight by John Powell
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
Chaotic Dumbass (Stiles) x Oh God That’s My Chaotic Dumbass (You)
Gifts Rocks As Gifts x Takes The Rocks Without Question
Talks A Lot (Stiles) x Likes To Listen (You)
 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆:
It’s Always Been You
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Friends don't look at friends that way
Malia x female reader
Teen wolf imagine
My parents are homophobic and I was raised to be a homophobic, but they are abusive and all and I realized that I didn't want to live by anyone's rules anymore, so I low-key cheer on LGBTQ+. And Malia is literally the only girl that's made me rethink my sexuality and here I am. So this is the imagine <3
Summary: yn has always been there for Malia, specially when she came back from being a coyote and getting her used to normal life again. She thinks they're just best friends till Malia says something that changes everything.
Warnings: these is my first time writing with these bi thing so please tell me if there are some incorrect things.
Yn had always been there. Since the start. Since the day that malia turned back into a human girl, yn had felt like something had strung them both together and she called it friendship.
Malia also felt like something was pulling them together, she had felt attracted by her, by the wayyn was so kind, the sound of her laugh, the way her eyes lit up when she was happy. The way she smelt like home, she felt safe whenever she was with her. She knew there had to be something more than just friendship, but she didn't really dare to say anything. Not really.
The pack saw how you two were close and talked between themselves that yn and malia should just start dating and spare them all the drama.
And their wish had come true when in senior year.
The dread doctors business was a nasty one, you didn't know who was a human who was a chimera and yn lived in constant fear that something bad would eventionally hurt her friends.
Yn was human and Malia tried along the rest of the pack to protect her at all cost but they failed when she was taken by the dread doctors along with Liam and Hayden.
Malia freaked out. And that's when she realized hoe much Yn actually meant to her. More than a friend. Definitely a lover, bit a sinking realization hit her that yn wouldn't feel the same way about her. But she couldn't spare those thoughts, not here in the tunnels going around in circles whith no other lead.
"We'll find them malia" said Scott trying to keep the werecoyote calm, even when he himself was scared that he may lose two lives with he was supposed to protect.
"But what if we find them and they're not alive"malia complained giving him a look between desesperation and fear" what if YN's not alive"
Scott turned around to face her" well find yn, well find your best friend"
"Best friend" Malian muttered with loathing
Scott heard and the corner of his lips twitched upwards"you finally realized you had feeling for each other?" He laughed despite the circumstances.
"You guys knew?!" Malia exclaimed her voice bouncing of the walls creating echoes.
"We knew all along! It was the most obvious thing in the world" Scott shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.
"Yn probably doesn't like me she just thinks of me as a friend"malia protested, her voice emotionless. Keeping her feelings to herself.
Scott turned around once again facing her eyebrows drawn together "Friend don't look at friends that way, you two have looked each other in the eye a little too long to be just friends."
Malia raised her eye row at him "you guys have been watching us?"
Scott started walking beside her " we even have a bet going on to who will say their undying feelings for each other first"
"Yeah" answered Scott laughing
"We should put a bet on stiles and Lydia too"
While this happend yn had been slipping in and out of consciousness. And when she woke up, she was laying on the floor her head propped up into someone's lap.
She looked around her and tried to sit up.
"Thank God you woke up" yn turned around to see Liam to whom she was laying on and Hayden by his side.
"Where the hell are we" she asked looking around. They appeared to be in a old theater and a fence covered the only way out. She saw I was electrified and groaned.
"I thi k were in the dread doctors lair"answered Liam
Are you guys ok?" She asked the sophomores as she saw Hayden clothing her stomach were it looked like black blood staining her shirt
"Not really" replied Hayden clutching her eyes closed in pain.
"Don't worry Scott will find us" I hope she added in her mind as she went to the younger girls side holding her hand.
*A little skip to the good part cause is 1 am
Malia walked into the McCall house hold with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
They haven't found them. Heaven only knew what they could be doing to them.
She heard Scott gasp beside her, and she looked up to see Liam and Hayden laying on the couch, Lydia putting a blanket over them as they slept. They looking over them protectly.
Her eyes searched the room but she couldn't see yn.
"She's in the kitchen" Malian turned around to see Theo giving her a knowing smile."she was asking for you"
Malia nodded to him and for a second stood there. Then she went and hugged him. "Thank you" she muttered and pulled away walking toward the kitchen.
She found Yn sitting in the counter a cup of coffee before her, she looked up when malia came in and gave her a small smile "hey there bestie"
Malia rushed over to her and hugged her"i swear ill kill them all" she muttered into her hair.
Yn gave a light laugh and hugged her back. Malia pulled away and sat in a chair next to her facing her.
They sat there for a moment just looking at each other yns hand in malias.
"Yn""malia" they both started and stopped and looked at each other laughing
"You go first""no you"
"No, but really Malia, you first"
Malia sighted and looked into yns eyes, she didn't know what to say. So she just looked at their intertwined hands and sighted.
"I dont ever want to lose you again"she muttered
"You didn't lose me, I'm right here"yn commented.
"No you don't understand" said Malian looking up into her eyes against can't lose you, j can't because if I do, I don't know what I'll do"she looked straight Into yns eyes and yes heart picked up "I don't ever want to lose you because I love you yn"malia muttered
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Yn gave a short gasp. She didn't... she wasn't.... but what if... what if maybe she was... what if she loved her back.
Flashbacks flooded back.. yn and Malia driving together throught the town blasting music and singing at the top of their lungs. Them laying together watching the night sky. Them staring into each other's eyes. I little bit too much to be Just Friends.
"I.." she stammered. Malian waited for her response her heart beat picking up, as she stared at the girl who had her heart." I think I love you too" she whispered.
Then Malia did what she had wanted to do ages ago without realizing it. She kisses her. Malian put her hands to the sides of her face and yn put hers in her arms as she kissed her back. Lips fitting together perfectly.
Malia pulled back for a moment of air "yn would you be my girlfriend?" She gasped out
Yn gave her a wide grin "i'd love too"
Whoopings were heard from the living room and laughs and clapping of hands.
"Finally!" They heard stiles literally yell
"Finally I don't have to be gay alone" mason laughed.
"You guys have been listening in?!""again?!"yn and Malian both yelled.
They looked at each other and giggled
"Do you want to take this upstairs?" Yn whispered to malia
Malia just grinned and took her hand and as they made their way upstairs they heard stiles yell after them"remember to wear protection!" Then Lydia saying to him"they don't need one dumbass"
So what do you guys think? I tried my best buy its 2 am and I'm tired. So tell me what you guys think and requests are always open
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bebbie-bilinski · 1 year
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Stiles Stilinksi age regression headcannons
go easy on me this is my first HC post 😅
ᴀɢᴇ ʀᴀɴɢᴇ
Stiles mainly regresses around the ages of 0-2 so his regression is geared towards the baby side. A lot of it consists of speech-loss, whines and hums, pointing for what he wants, using basic ASL, clumsy-ness, naps, and lots of cuddling. 
ᴡʜᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡꜱ?
Stiles is very secretive about his regression, at first the only person that knew about it was his dad Noah, but that was only because of how persistent the man was on finding out what exactly his son was guarding so closely. Then there’s Derek, who eventually becomes one of his primary caregivers. Derek seemed to take the “news” of his regression the hardest, not because he couldn’t accept it but because he had some serious cleaning up to do with his act (Slamming Stiles’ head onto the steering wheel of his jeep for shenanigans, tossing him around, being at the butt end of so many of Derek’s award winning death-glares, he had a lot of making up to do). Of course, where there’s Derek there’s Peter. He looves to tease about his regression at every given chance but is a very protective caregiver when need be. Then there’s Scott who’s always known even before he couldn’t place his best friend’s odd behavior with the term “age regression". He may be the worst babysitter ever for always giving in to ice-cream for breakfast… and lunch… and dinner, but he really means well! Lydia! Stiles was mortified when Lydia found out and avoided her at all costs but eventually got cornered and lectured on “why on Earth would he hide something like this from her when she’s fully capable of taking on whatever role he needed?!”. The rest of the pack learns about Stiles’ regression but initially its Noah, Derek, Peter, Scott, and Lydia.
ᴡʜʏ ʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴇꜱ ɪᴛ
He mainly regresses due to trauma and a not-so-happy childhood. Although, he also uses it to cope with acute anxiety disorders and autism (yup he’s also got autism to me which I can make a separate post about and go much more in depth). Getting possessed by a thousands year old demon sure is a catalyst for wanting to throw on one of his dad’s old t-shirts, making a nest of blankets/toys and curling up on the couch while watching an old comfort cartoon. 
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɢᴇᴀʀ ʜᴇ ʜᴀꜱ
Baby pacifiers - He has one adult pacifier but the guy adores the tiny baby ones
Onesies - Not a huge fan of how constricting they can be so he only has two or three 
Fuzzy socks - Ohmygod his sock drawer is overflowing with an array of the softest and fuzziest socks he can find at the nearest Target
Stuffed animals - Need I say more? He’s got a couple jellycats (a wolf and a horse), two build a bears he frankenstein-ed and stitched together named Puppy-Bear (can you tell what animals they we’re respectively?), a Pound Puppy, a huge elephant named Jattestor from Ikea, Clarice (a six legged lamb by HoneyLambs seriously check them out they make the coolest stuffed animals), a plethora of Eeyores and a plethora of Furskin’s Bears as well as other customized stuffed animals (no I totally didn’t make this list off of my own stuffed animals, ur lucky I didn’t write them all down)
Pjs - Seriously I think he has a pajama-hoarding problem because at this point he collects any remotely cute and sensory friendly pajama set he lays eyes on
Bottle - his literal favorite piece of regression gear. Nothing fancy, just a small clear blue baby bottle he bought at the clearance section of whatever grocery store he was at
Miscellaneous- building blocks, counter bears, calico critters, jumbo crayons (cus the regular ones are just too small for his taste!), coloring books, stickers (So. Many. Stickers.), night lights, baby utensils, rattles and teethers, pacifier case, and a basket-full of stim toys
i'll be making more headcannon posts but expect them all to be stiles-centric ^^ and thank u @jjtheresidentbaby for all ur support/motivation :D
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
Stiles is the sheriff’s son 😭 why would he protect kira in the same way as his literal child
it's about the hypocrisy in his absolute insistence that the law be upheld at all costs + refusal to evaluate the sitatuation vs how easily he disregards that same law just because it's his son. Is Kira too not someone's child? He's willing to see- or make, really- nuance in Stiles's situation with Donovan however refuses to allow Kira- a 17(?)year old who's his son's friend- even a fraction of leniency. It's about how he's only willing to uphold standards and laws when they fit his needs.
Like @princeescaluswords said once, he has no issue with asking Scott to track down an escapee from custody or interfering with a federal investigation or hypothetically destroying evidence to save Stiles but it's with Kira that he chooses to not relent? Come on now.
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mirrorthoughts · 9 months
Find the Words
I got tagged by the lovely @lavender-lotion 💕💕💕
My words were loyalty, jealous and possessive! (fitting snippets below the tag :D)
I'm tagging @dear-massacre, @midmorning-bomb, @like-lazarus, @rabbitdarling, @whimsicalmeerkat
Your words are: suspect, bat and incriminating!
loyalty (The little things)
Also, he would really, really need to work on not letting himself get manipulated by Peter just because the man was his soulmate. Stiles knew he had a loyalty 'problem'. That once someone was his he would do anything to protect them. But even if Peter was his soulmate, he wouldn't call him 'his' until he could be sure he was no danger to his dad, Scott and Melissa. He wouldn't risk the little family he already had for… well.
jealous (Sorry, not Sorry)
“No, I have a place in the city. I love my family, but I had to get out of the main house before going crazy. The whole family meets up at least once a month so I see them minimum every few weeks if I don’t go to the family brunches on the weekends.” Peter’s answer produced a jealous burning in Stiles’ chest. He’d always wished for more of a family feeling. Him and his dad… that was a long, convoluted story, even if they were close again by now. They were family, but the past still gnawed on both of them even if Stiles had tried to move past it. It hadn’t been easy. Still wasn’t. Together with Scott’s idiocy it still was hard to drive down to Beacon Hills for Christmas or other family gatherings. But he tried. He couldn’t let the past define his future.
possessive (Obsessed)
Other people might roll their eyes over Peter’s possessive tendencies or see them as red flags for a violent relationship but they only knew the Peter Hale that protected his pack at all costs. Even if that cost was blood. Stiles himself knew the private Peter Hale. And this Peter was a loving, attentive marshmallow who cared for his partner and wanted to make sure that he was alright. He could stand behind that kind of possessiveness.
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
Thank you for pushing back against the description of Scott as "pure." I love Scott and I admire him greatly. He is very kind and gentle and he wants to help others. But I feel that calling him "pure" (unintentionally) dehumanizes him. Similar to how Stiles said 'not all of us can be True Alphas,' or how Jeff said Mason (another character of color) was 'too good' to be affected by the Beast. It puts him on a pedestal and it seems like a way to avoid engaging with his complex interiority.
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To be quite honest, I was almost going to give this question a pass, because in order to answer it, I'm going to say some things that might offend people that I don't want to offend. There are people who describe Scott McCall "pure," or "a puppy", or "a ray of sunshine" or something of that nature, and they mean every word of it in a positive way. Just today I read someone calling him "babygirl." They see a character being kind in the face of violence, compassionate when it would be easier not to care, and courageous in the face of injustice when it would cost him less to go along, and they applaud. But there are some people who say those very same words, but their intent is not to approve, but to diminish. The difference between them is their ultimate goal: one side wishes to enjoy Teen Wolf as it is; the other side wishes that Teen Wolf was about someone else.
The problem, of course, is how to tell the difference.
The key for me, of course, is if they recognize that while Scott's kindness is a very important trait -- one that sets him apart from many heroic protagonists in United States culture -- it is not his only trait. He also exhibits courage to act in situations in which he neither has the advantage nor a significant stake, resolve to move past emotional and physical trauma, and discernment to perceive the true nature of the characters with which he interacts. Any actual fan of the show should be able to identify scenes that establish these traits in conjunction with his compassion.
But those who seek to de-center Scott from the narrative, to replace him with another character, sometimes try to turn this virtue against him, especially when they fail to magnify his flaws and mistakes into disqualifying crimes. They do this by making his primary and distinctive heroic trait his only trait, and then presenting it as a weakness.
They call Scott "pure," while simultaneously arguing that his compassion makes him soft, because it means he lacks the courage to do what is necessary to protect others. These people say things like he lets enemies go out of mercy only for them to go hurt other people. Ironically, they most often put these words in the mouth of Peter Hale, who is a coward in canon. He ambushes his own niece, attacks unarmed humans from behind, sits out important battles, runs from fights, and works with the person who burned his family alive in order to get what he wants.
They call Scott "a ray of sunshine" while simultaneously arguing that his compassion is childish, only possible because he hasn't really endured loss, and thus he cannot possess true resolve. Not only does this require ignoring repeated instances of physical and mental violation, the absence of Rafael, the disconnect with Melissa, the death of Allison, the loss of Kira, and the way his future was ripped from him. Instead, they argue that Stiles is the 'glue which holds the pack together', even though Stiles literally looks to Scott for reassurance in every single season and crumbles when he can't get it.
They call Scott "a puppy" while simultaneously arguing that his compassion is a function of inexperience and a lack of intelligence, cute but useless. Thus, his 'puppy love' of Allison blinds him to the danger she represents (even though she doesn't). He cannot truly have the discernment to be effective in the supernatural world because he is not by nature a predator, unlike a born wolf such as Derek Hale. Derek Hale, who literally got manipulated by Kate, by Peter, by Gerard, by Peter again, by Jennifer, and by Peter a third time.
Thus, they position his compassion for others, even those who are his enemies, as a luxury that a true heroic protagonist cannot afford. They'll insist that it's sweet, it's laudable even, but since his compassion is his sole virtue (it's not) and he often allows it to override common sense (he doesn't), he is not a legitimate lead for a story taking place in that setting. Thus, they justify their own efforts to take the story away from him and give it to someone more worthy.
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dreamlandforever · 1 year
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@writersmonth Prompt: Day 4 - Memories
Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek WC: 400
This one is a small addition to this story, from the Sheriff's POV.
IV. Memories | 
Noah wasn’t sure when everything had started to shift in his life. It had started with Claudia’s diagnosis, all those years ago. It had gotten worse when he lost her. But he had never thought he would lose his son, too. 
And now, all he has are memories. Incomplete memories at that, because he can’t remember what happened between them. When the ocean between them had gotten so large that he could no longer reach his son. 
He remembers finding out about werewolves. Stiles knew about them, and kept it a secret from him for months. Supernatural creatures that kept getting his son in danger, and he hadn’t known. All those nights angry and afraid, just to find out he had had every reason to feel that way, because his son was in so much more danger than he thought he could even get into. 
He remembers Scott telling him about Donovan. He remembers Stiles looking as angry as he felt. He remembers the blame. 
It had taken them years to get to this point, and Noah had let it. He believed Scott, when he told him about Donovan. He saw with his own eyes when his son became someone he didn’t recognize. But they do say hindsight is 20/20, and he can see clearly how Stiles had been trying to keep everyone he loves safe, no matter what the cost was to himself.
Noah remembers how much he hated Derek Hale. The man he had arrested for murder. A werewolf. A creature so dangerous Noah couldn’t help but look at him and see nothing but a killer, a beast. But Scott was the same, and that boy was not an animal. So why did Derek seem like that to him?
Why was it that, in the end, Derek was the only one willing to still stand right next to Stiles and protect him from those who had sworn to love him?
Why did Derek had the strength to do what Noah should have done?
And now all he has left to do is stare at his phone, a call unanswered. Did Stiles even have his cellphone still?
The worst part is, Noah knows he doesn’t deserve an answer. He deserves nothing.
Still, he writes a message. As long as the text will allow. He tells Stiles everything, how he feels, how sorry he is, he begs for forgiveness and wishes his son the grandness he always deserved. He apologizes again, because that’s all he has left to do. 
And he turns the phone off, alone with his memories. The only thing he has left now.  
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Your Last Smiles
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54785359 by quackquackcey When Stiles accidentally blurts out that he can help Derek with his rut, the last thing he expects is to never leave. However, the deeper he falls for Derek and the more strange murders happen, the closer the secret he wants to hide at all costs is to being discovered—will the two of them be able to survive the storm?~ 🗡️🩸 ——— Written for the SterekYrRound Marching into ABO event! 💛 Words: 13181, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), The Argent Family (Teen Wolf) Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omegaverse Alpha Derek Hale, Omegaverse Omega Stiles Stilinski, Secret Identity, Omega’s Secret Past, Alpha’s Determination to Protect, Monster of the Week, Top Derek Hale/Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Canon-Typical Violence, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Hale Fire (Teen Wolf), BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Derek Hale is a Softie, Derek Hale Loves Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski Loves Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Deserves Nice Things, Digital Art, Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Pining read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54785359
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beenovel · 8 months
Character opinion bingo!
Stiles from Teen Wolf
Merlin from Merlin
Percy from PJO (I see your latest hyperfixation 👀 lol)
Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen and/or Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs if you Anime at all
I'm obviously suuuuuper on top of it (/s), replying to this almost a month after you sent it in. I don't even remember the character bingo post that I probably reblogged for this so I'm just gonna say my thoughts on the characters
Merlin: love him. wish I could protect him. a tale of a sad tragic boy who has everything ripped away from him and it hurts too much to rewatch so I just read fix-it fics
Percy: BABY BOY MUST PROTECT AT ALL COSTS (lol I didn't realize it was that obvious. I'm so upset bc I don't have disney plus and the one time I tried to pirate something i IMMEDIATELY downloaded a virus onto my laptop so I have no way to watch it)
I don't watch any anime sorry </3
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babyjeep · 1 year
Wish I could go back in time and add the characters from my teen wolf siblings series into Current because seeing photos of Jenna Ortega (my faceclaim for Scott’s younger sister) and Melissa Barrera (my OC Ray from Current) together in the Scream franchise makes me emotional. Both girls grow up with two brothers. Ray and Scott are neighbors and childhood best friends. I just know Ray would take Ophelia (Jenna) under her wing and protect her at all costs. Ophelia would wear all of Ray’s handmedowns and even steal from her closet occasionally. She would probably be the first to find out about Stiles and Ray, and would keep their secret but in a malicious way like holding it over their heads as blackmail to get what she wanted. Scott would be the big brother that would ask Ophelia if she wanted to hang out, and Ophelia would protest in disgust, but Melissa would tell her to go anyway.
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sterek-ao3feed · 6 months
Your Last Smiles
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54785359
by quackquackcey
When Stiles accidentally blurts out that he can help Derek with his rut, the last thing he expects is to never leave.
However, the deeper he falls for Derek and the more strange murders happen, the closer the secret he wants to hide at all costs is to being discovered—will the two of them be able to survive the storm?~ 🗡️🩸
Written for the SterekYrRound Marching into ABO event! 💛
Words: 13181, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), The Argent Family (Teen Wolf)
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omegaverse Alpha Derek Hale, Omegaverse Omega Stiles Stilinski, Secret Identity, Omega’s Secret Past, Alpha’s Determination to Protect, Monster of the Week, Top Derek Hale/Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Canon-Typical Violence, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Hale Fire (Teen Wolf), BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Derek Hale is a Softie, Derek Hale Loves Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski Loves Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Deserves Nice Things, Digital Art, Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Pining
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‘Ren?’ Stiles’s voice was soft, slowly drawing Renée’s attention away from the little notebook she’d been pouring over. She placed a finger at the end of the sentence she’d reached, blinked and looked towards him. She furrowed her brow, though. There was something different about him that she couldn’t quite place.
‘You OK?’ she asked, flipping the book around her hand. Her eyes never once strayed from her old friend’s face, trying to unravel the mystery that was niggling away at her.
Stiles nodded as he leant on the desk in front of her, sliding his arms over the surface. Gently, he flickered the pages of her book against each other. ‘Just came to see how you were,’ he told her, a small smile on his lips.
Renée shifted backwards slightly, putting some distance between Stiles and her book. Was that a flicker of irritation behind his eyes? Only now did she realise that the library was quiet, save for the two of them. For some reason, it gave her an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Her hackles raised. It was never this quiet.
‘Renée?’ Stiles asked, concern bleeding through his voice, his brow pinched ever so slightly.
For some reason, Renée’s heart thundered like an animal knowingly caught in a trap. Panic welled inside her.
Stiles heaved a dramatic sigh. His hand shot across the table, caught her wrist in an impossibly tight grip before she could stand up. ‘I knew you’d be the issue,’ he said, voice a shade lower than normal, more angered. ‘The little elemental in training.’
‘What have you done to Stiles?’ she asked, far more boldly than she felt. Fear prevented her from shifting, but she could feel the heat rising to her skin, her protective instincts coming to the fore.
Stiles tutted, moved around the desk without relaxing his grip. ‘Hurt me, you hurt Stiles. Perhaps don’t go all fireball on me, hm?’
Renée’s temperature lowered in an instant, even as a smug grin settled onto Stiles’s face. He leant back on the table, drummed his fingers against her wrist.
‘He’s yelling for you to do it anyway,’ the thing with Stiles’s face told her. ‘He thinks you can stop this with all that magic. And maybe you could. But you’re not good enough, are you?’ He cocked his head a little to the side; a Stiles mannerism that held none of the usual affectionate air of teasing behind it.
Renée’s throat was dry. Any defence she might have made refused to surface. She knew she should be further along with her magic, but she’d started too late. Might it now cost her her friend?
‘Oh Renée, poor little Ren. What to do?’ sneered not-Stiles.
Despite everything, it was the tone of voice that rallied her. It was so wrong, so unfamiliar, she managed to look him in the eye. She didn’t see her old friend, rather the monster that had taken him.
‘I’d think of something,’ she assured him, her voice even.
Light shifted behind Stiles’s eyes. He let go of her in an instant. So quickly she worried she’d accidentally burnt him.
‘Ren,’ he said, his voice slightly gasping. Like a drowning person finally managing to draw in precious oxygen. ‘Get out of here. This thing will –’
‘No,’ she told him firmly, catching his hands and giving them a tight squeeze. ‘I’m staying. We’re gonna stop this thing somehow.’
He smiled, and then his look shattered and the thing took his place once again. He gripped her hands painfully. ‘Did you really think it would be that easy?’
Renée smirked, tried to keep her fear, her panic, under control as she forced a quick heat to her hands. The thing let go in an instant, but she knew shock had pulled it back rather than pain.
‘No,’ she told it, already starting to walk backwards away from it. Her heart screamed at her not to leave Stiles, but for now it was best. ‘And we will stop you. I promise you, Stiles, we’ll save you.’ And then she ran, determined to find Scott. She couldn’t do this alone, and she needed a familiar face to help make sense of the nightmare she’d just seen.
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elspethc22 · 3 years
Why does it have to be Stiles OR Scott?
So another thought post brought on by reading comments on old fanfics...
This one was actually rather well done as it was a meta commentary on other fanfics and the fandom and why people feel the need to demonise Scott in order to love Stiles or bring Stiles and Derek together (now please don't hate me but I don't see the whole Sterek thing personally just because I think there was too much genuine distrust/ dislike between them for it to go past maybe friendship... eventually).
This one was 'what would Scott's reaction be if Stiles said he was joining Derek's pack at the end of S2?' and was basically Scott being like 'ok, I think it's the wrong choice but you'll figure that out and stop hating on me when Derek's done way worse shit'. And I absolutely agree!!
I have my moments, absolutely, of thinking 'come on Scott be a better friend' especially when he seems to prioritise Allison over his best friend. But that's not cause I think Scott's a bad character, and is absolutely cause Stiles is my favourite so once again that's my bias. But these posts and comments make me think about my own bias and think about why I react this way. I don't really think Scott is a bad friend, I think he's a teenager who gets his first girlfriend and like pretty much all teenagers that can be all consuming, even though he doesn't ever actually just leave Stiles behind. He just has more things to focus on all of a sudden. I think I just hate seeing Stiles hurt because he is only human in that he's not strong or fast and is so physically incapable in a fight and does not for the life of him know how or when to shut his mouth! So when I see Scott getting hurt I hate it but I also know his chances are much better.
I think it's also cause I relate to Stiles more as a person, with my own anxiety and inferiority and never feeling like I fit in as a teenager and being so physically and socially awkward and probably at times too 'possessive' of the people I have in my life that I'm scared of losing to change. I think though that Scott has some of these issues himself, it's just the way it presents is different so maybe I didn't pay as much attention as I did with Stiles.
I both like and hate having my biases show - I like being able to see where I've had an unconscious bias and then trying to better myself and learn and, hopefully, be a better person. I hate it cause I hate knowing that these biases could have made me do something to hurt someone or upset them or offend them. But then if I feel that way, imagine how they could feel?
Anyway, this is all to say that it's fascinating to see how some fans view the show and characters, but also scares me a little at how vicious some of them can get if you don't hold their point of view. I love most of the characters on this show, some more than others, and I like that they're all flawed cause how boring would it be if they were perfect? Some people seem to be too willing to overlook some characters' actions like they never happened - I think I've done that myself with Stiles, at least in my head, and I don't like it. Stiles 100% makes mistakes - I think, for me, one of his greatest character flaws is his need to protect his dad at the cost of others. I don't think he should hold Scott responsible for the Sheriff getting bumped by a car in S1 and he shouldn't take delight in hurting Scott in the next episode even though he only comes up with the idea to hurt Scott once he knows anger is a trigger and it can help them learn how Scott can control it. And even now I'm trying to justify Stiles' behaviour. All I can say there is we do see most if not all the male characters take their anger out physically in some way, not always on a person but in some way. And Stiles can be very cutting with his words, but I think Scott can hold his own and he lashes out verbally at Stiles like Stiles does to him. And I'm doing it again! But most of Scott's actions I could probably defend as well.
Going back to Stiles flaw though - rewatching Night School last night and Stiles' continued unwillingness to call in his dad and the cops to help is not ok - he's not only willing to sacrifice his own life but the lives of others? It reminded me of an old Charmed episode where someone asks the sisters if a building is burning do you save 1 sibling or 3 strangers and they all say 1 sibling at the start then 3 strangers at the end. I think this is completely natural for him to be scared for his dad especially after losing his mum but still not the greatest, especially when the others think it's just Derek with a weapon.
anyway... for anyone STILL reading at this point, thank you. and I'll wrap up now.
At the end of the day, no matter what, I believe this show was about these two. In whatever way, they are the heart of the show and their relationship is pure - and it's telling that when everything falls apart in S5 the first person Scott goes to to try and fix things is Stiles, cause even when they have other priorities and girls, it comes down to the two of them.
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Hey, do you know any cool fanfic about stiles getting kicked out of the pack but he ends up getting better without them?
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The Reinforcements by ceanandsbrielgam1927ship
(3/? I 3,097 I Not Rated I Stiles/OMC)
When Scott pushes Stiles out of the pack for being human, he leaves Beacon Hills behind, only staying in contact with Lydia. When the pack can't protect their town from a demon, Lydia calls in her reinforcements in the form of a badass Stiles and his new boyfriend.
Appreciate Me by AlexTheShipper
(3/? I 8,670 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles is the most powerful Spark in a century, in the last year he's turned down dozens of offers to join other packs, and yet his own pack keeps disrespecting him. Pushed to his limit Stiles decides to take a temporary break from the pack, but will he want to come back.
When Your Life Falls Down Around Your Ears (You Get Up And Kick It's Ass) by Super_Secret_Slash_Agent
(1/1 I 15,579 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles left Beacon Hills when it became clear he wasn't welcome with the pack anymore. Now he's back and things are going down in Beacon Hills.
I'll show you who's useless by lilredd3394
(10/10 I 15,684 I Teen I Sterek)
“I overheard Derek arguing with Scott” Stiles said softly as Deaton led him to the back room “He said that I wasn't pack, because I was human” he paused for a few seconds as his hands closed into fists “I want to prove him wrong, you mentioned in a previous conversation that I have the spark. I want to learn how to control it”
Never Break the Chain by OntheMeander
(11/11 I 79,542 I Explicit I Sterek)
Nine years ago Stiles left Beacon Hills and planned to never come back. All that was left for him there was a broken heart and a threat over his head that would take away everything else.
Life is unstable though and now he has to come back to this hell hole to bury a fallen brother.
He has changed though, grown up and matured. He can handle this little weeklong visit; go to the funeral, spend time with his dad, check up on any potential work in the area, avoid Derek, the pack and... Derek's wife?
Whatever, he will handle this with all the grace he has learned in the last decade than disappear into the night. He hopes.
And miles to go before I sleep by Heart_Of_Steel_And_Fandoms
(18/18 I 113,567 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills at the end of Sophomore year. He's been abandoned by the pack, scarred by the hunters, and carries the equivalent of a volcano of magic inside him. Needless to say, his life sucks. But when Stiles comes back to Beacon Hills, over a year later and with a new persona, he isn't the same powerless human the pack remembers. And when demons threaten Beacon Hills, he proves to everyone that sarcasm isn't his only defence.
These Faces and These Places by UnstableIntention (BeneficialAddiction)
(58/? I 151,545 I Teen I Sterek)
Five years after leaving Beacon Hills, Stiles is coming home, and he's not the same lovable goof-ball he used to be. Older, stronger, he can hold his own against almost anything now, but he's still no hero, and with the threat of the nogitsune and a deadly dementia hovering over him, things are only going to get darker.
When It Comes To Being Lucky by sterekcrush
(46/? I 157,701 I General I Sterek)
Derek Hale doesn't do love. He's tried twice; the first time it made him a killer, and the second time cost him his whole world.
So he doesn't do love, and he definitely doesn't love Stiles. He doesn't care about Stiles' new powers or the fact that Stiles has been talking to Derek's dead mother, or even the fact that for some reason supernatural creatures from all over the country are sending Stiles offers of courtship.
But when Stiles claims he's
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
Hi, I’m the anon who messaged about Scott being a Paragon. I wanted to say thank you for your response. I’m someone who adores the characters who fit the Paragon, due to them most often being kind, gentle and powerful so that was how I viewed Scott. But you clarified something that needed.
I do think I will still slot him in with those characters, personally, not as a paragon as you did make me see the error there, but due to those shared qualities that make them my favorites.
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I'm a little uncomfortable with terming our difference in perspective an error, to be quite honest. While the quest for a definitive truth is the goal of all investigation, when it comes to archetypes, genre, and other literary tools, I always try to keep in mind that there are no hard and fast boundaries.* I do appreciate that I managed to be persuasive!
On the other hand, Scott McCall and the men who carry the title in the MCU of Captain America, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, have many things in common, so it's nowhere near an error to put them in the same category. The original purpose of this post was to underline what they had in common since the last post was about differences, but I got sidetracked in the best way.
Have you ever noticed how similar the plots of Captain America: Civil War and Teen Wolf's Season 5 were? I mean, it's quite astounding once you start identifying parallels. In order to reach nefarious goals, evil masterminds use an individual with historic ties to drive a wedge between the two primary heroes of a team dedicated to protection of the innocent, tearing the team apart by picking at their psychological and moral differences. I wonder if the Russo brothers cribbed from Jeff? I am kidding, of course. Similarities between plots are seldom because of plagiarism or a lack of creativity; they arise because of similarities in setting and in character, but they are no less creative because they bear resemblance to each other.
Scott McCall and Steve Rogers:
"They're not the bad guys. They're the victims. We shouldn't be killing the people we're supposed to save." / "If I see a situation pointed south, I can't ignore it. Sometimes I wish I could."
The most fundamental similarity between Scott McCall and Steve Rogers is the idea that true compassion requires direct action. It's easy to express compassion if it doesn't cost you anything, but Scott and Steve both understand that their moral codes demand more than just lip service. If Scott is to be "The Protector of Beacon Hills" that means he has to protect everyone in it, not just the people he likes, and that includes people like the chimeras such as Donovan Donati. Chimeras should not be punished because they had a genetic predisposition to aid the Doctors in their unholy experiments, and while Donovan was a petty criminal and a hothead who threatened the sheriff right in front of Scott, he didn't do anything that deserved execution. Similarly, if Steve is to live up to the ideas behind Captain America, he cannot let the whims of a bureaucracy that has proven itself inept and/or corrupt to Steve repeatedly in his lifetime dictate when he uses his power for the use of others. Specifically, if he is convinced that Bucky does not deserve to be made a scapegoat for the U.N. bombing, he can't allow the Sokovian Accords to tie his hands.
Stiles Stilinski and Tony Stark:
"You're the True Alpha! Guess what? All of us can't be True Alphas."/ "Sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth."
Strangely enough, this is even the most powerful comparison. Both Stiles and Tony are pushed to do things that are ethically suspect because of deep set trauma. Their thinking has been clouded by events in the past that they have been unable to overcome. Stiles conceals Donovan's completely accidental death, playing into Theo's hands, because of deep seated insecurity caused by Claudia Stilinski's disease and the Nogitsune possession, neither of which he could have prevented. Stiles has no reason to think that Scott will reject him, but he's so convinced of his own negative evaluation of his nature that he justifies deceit, treachery, and violence because of it. Similarly, Tony is still smarting from the absolute disaster that his decisions wrought in Age of Ultron, even though they were inspired by history and the Scarlet Witch. Tony has already in the past refused to hand over his power to the government, but he's willing to do it now out of some misguided attempt to make up for the damage Ultron caused even though this won't really fix anything.
Theo Raeken and Baron Zemo:
"We won't tell Scott. 'Cause you can't lose your best friend, right? Even though we both know, you never needed him."/ "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever."
Theo and Zemo both understand that the way forward is not through direct confrontation, which would only cause their enemies to pull together. Instead, they play on elements that remained unaddressed in the controlling relationship. For Theo, he picks at what my friend @momentofmemory called, very correctly, the Pedestal Problem. In response to Scott's rise throughout the series, the people around him have forgotten he's human as well and as a human there will be things he can't fix, but Scott's own sense of moral obligation won't let him not try. Baron Zemo understands that the superhero identity requires a distance from the system which suits the general public -- they can't protect the world without being alienated from it, and that alienation is, in itself, a weakness.
I had a great deal of fun comparing the two. I hope you appreciate my analysis.
*As an aside, allowing for a multiplicity of perspective in media analysis does not nor should ever equate with "all views are equal" You have to have evidence or at least deal with what actually existed within the media.
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themoonslore · 3 years
Bad Alan Deaton Teen Wolf Fan Fic Rec Part 2
The change of Stiles stilinski by damnxwinchester
Word Count: 64592 Chapter 40/60 Last updated 01/2022 
After the Nogitsune everything changed.
Stiles gets bitten by a strange Alpha. He has to learn everything alone but on his journey he gains a trustworthy pack of friends that slowly grow into a family. And maybe he will gain a certain sourwolf too.
Pack up and leave by tailornorata
Word Count: 14687 Chapter 2/2 Steter
Stiles gets sidelined more and more and Peter seems to be the only one to really see that. Things start to shift when Stiles asks Peter to leave Beacon Hills with him.
Meet a small death by authoresswithoutwords
Word Count: 16991 Chapter 2/2 Steter
So, fighting monsters again and again, and being in a pack full of werewolves, is not exactly the recipe for a healthy human being to grow old. It actually only was a matter of time before Stiles fell. It may have been surprising, but no surprise.
What was a surpise is that Stiles woke up again.
In bloom by Green
Word Count: 7661 Chapter 1/1 Steter
He's a green spark. It's in his nature to nurture. And this… this nemeton, she needs him. He's never been so sure of anything in his life.
Scott ‘fucking’ Mccall by supernatural96
Word Count: 4469 Chapter 2/2 steter 
"If that fucker believes I will let him get away with it, I will personally kill him myself." Scott pushes Stiles too far.
Black fire by green 
Word Count: 10834 Chapter 1/1 Steter
Deaton is all about the balance of the universe, about order. Stiles's new magic - gifted to him from the Nogitsune - is the complete opposite of that. Deaton calls Stiles's magic "dark" and seeks to imprison him in Eichen where he's no threat to the balance. Peter and Stiles go on the run - but they can't run forever
Discovering evil by summerroses06 Stackson
Word Count: 26710 Chapter 19/25  last updated 06/2021 
When Stiles had hoped for a single person to blame for everything that was happening in Beacon Hills, he hadn't meant this. But it all made sense and suddenly there was a way to fix it- at the cost of uncovering exactly what Deaton had done throughout the years.ORDeaton's manipulations are the entire reason for everything bad that had happened in Beacon Hills and Stiles is the one to figure it all out. He's not nice- hadn't been before or since the Nogitsune- so he was going to protect the people he loved with everything he had.
Part 1  Part 2 
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