#Protection from Static Electricity
mokulule · 9 days
The Number You Have Called Cannot Be Reached - Part 13
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Ship: Dead on Main (Danny/Jason)  Fandom: DP x DC Summary:
Danny is just trying to build a portal home, becoming a thief was just an unfortunate side effect of that goal. Now if only this vigilante family would just leave him alone. Especially Red Hood - the semi retired crime lord whose ghost-like presence keeps drawing Danny to him.
Warning! This chapter is pretty rough (I think), please check the tags for triggers before reading if you have worries. Part 13:
The plan had gone off without a hitch. The Ghost had been noticeably distracted ever since Tim had asked Jason to sit their attempts to capture him out. He’d been very grateful though that it hadn’t taken long for the Ghost to appear again in Gotham’s industrial area. Jason only had so much patience. 
Thanks to Babs’ newly upgraded cameras they’d had warning and time for everyone to get together. 
Herding the Ghost to their trap had been a cinch with him only getting away from them a few times. 
The trap was set in a dead-end alley near the power plant which had power lines running through the ground underneath. They were insulated so he wouldn’t sense them. They would only be a problem if he tried to phase through them.
The Ghost froze in place as the trap came to life with electricity every wall covered with the net. It wasn’t just electrified wire it was meant to create arcs of electricity. It needed to be visible, it needed to stop their quarry in place. Tim didn’t actually want to electrocute the guy if he could help it. 
Dick jumped down to land beside Tim and Damian, his escrima sticks ready. 
The Ghost swung around, taking everything in. Then he started to sink through the ground. It was the moment Tim had been waiting for. Everything hinged on this one theory being true; that he wasn’t just afraid of electricity, but that it would stop him from phasing through. He jumped back up with a startled yelp. 
As he turned to face them mouth a thin pressed line, Tim couldn’t help the grin of a well-executed plan.
Finally they could get to the bottom of this! But no! Tim’s instinct warned him before his brain even registered what was happening. Something about the Ghost’s posture had changed; he was looking up, tensing his body for something. 
Tim fumbled for the button, his last ditch attempt even as Dick and Damian sprung forward recognizing the look of someone about to fly. He’d tossed the EMP device earlier in the night and it had attached to the Ghost’s back. He pushed the button now. 
But the Ghost was already flying having taken off like a rocket. There was a half second delay and Tim realized with horror that even if the electromagnetic pulse did anything the Ghost was in the air. 
If it did anything he would fall. 
Oo o oO
There was a pulse like a wave of static and then Danny was dropping. 
Desperately confused he reached for his powers. Flight was as easy as breathing. Gravity was a mere suggestion. Or it should be! Nothing was happening and the roof below was coming rapidly up to meet him!
In reality it only lasted two seconds, but it felt like a terrifying eternity. His arms and legs moved uselessly; without his powers he had no control.
At the last moment he pushed his arms out. His right hand landed first, there was a sharp pain in his wrist before he curled up and rolled over his shoulder, landing on his back. Air punched out of his chest in a wheeze.
His eyes were wide staring sightlessly up at the clouds as he tried to suck air into his stunned body. He needed to get away before they found him. His core was an agitated scream in his chest. But no matter what he did, he couldn’t sink through the roof. 
He rolled up onto his knees with a pained groan, holding his right wrist protectively against his chest. Terror gripped his throat in a vice grip as he pressed his left hand flat on the concrete. He had to focus. Breathe, if he could just take a moment without panicking, he was certain he’d make his powers work. His core felt normal in his chest, they hadn’t suppressed him, not like Vlad did that one time. Frustrated tears pricked his eyes, he clenched his eyes shut, forced himself to take a deep slow breath. If he just found his calm, if he just focused…
There was not even the suggestion of any give. The roof was solid. 
Danny was solid.
There was a clatter and the high pitched whine of several grappling hooks reeling in. Danny’s head snapped up at the sound, eyes wide. He scrambled clumsily to his feet - his body felt so heavy, and his aching legs protested having to lift him.  
They gathered in a half circle around him on their near silent feet - the bats, towering shadows to his blurred eyes. Blood rushed in his ears.
Danny took a step back, barred his teeth in a snarl. 
“Don’t come closer,” he warned, the implied threat was a lie. He couldn’t do anything. He was powerless, weak as a kitten. It would be no trouble for them to capture him. But worse if they could neutralize his powers, they could hold him. Danny took another step back. 
His breath came in short, punched out huffs. Cold sweat made his hair and clothes sticky. Shadows lined in harsh white light leaned over him. Agony- No! Danny shook his head, he was not there. He stepped back, the back of his knees hit a low railing.
He would never go back. 
He turned and jumped.
Oo o oO
Tim didn’t hear any sounds but the blood rushing in his ears. He hadn’t expected the sheer panic the Ghost would have. None of them had. Not even the goggles had been able to obscure how terrified he was. His voice, the first time they’d ever heard him speak, had been thin and shaky, a hollow warning to not come closer. What was he so afraid of? They hadn’t come closer and yet-
Tim felt ill. What did he think they’d do to him, that he’d rather jump off the roof?! 
Jason had been right. He needed help. And now-
The others stood at the edge of the roof. Nobody was moving. Did that mean it was too late? There was nothing to be done?
Numbly, Tim walked up to the edge and looked down. For a moment he saw nothing, but then he caught movement further away, a flash of red- relief hit Tim in a whooshed out breath that left him weak-kneed. Jason had caught him. Tim turned around and sunk down to sit back against the railing.
He hadn’t even known Jason was out here. He must have turned off his tracker. Fuck, he was so relieved Jason had been there. 
He buried his head in his shaking hands. This was on him, his plan. 
His earlier exhilarated satisfaction of a well-executed plan was crumbled and soured, heavy in the pit of his stomach like lead. His gut turned ominously. If he threw up, it would be deserved, he thought despondently.
Oo o oO
Jason went on the Bats’ comm channel only to bark at them not to follow him. With Ghost in his arms shaking and breathing too fast and too superficial, covered in the cold sweat of terror, Jason didn’t want to know what he would do if they did follow him. 
He ran across the rooftops and used the grapple when necessary. The safehouse wasn’t too far away. 
There was utter silence from that sense where Jason usually heard Ghost’s call to him. It should be a relief not to hear his yearning and be unable to do anything about it, but it just felt wrong. Like something was missing.
Jason held him closer.
“It’s gonna be okay, I’ve got you.” The words were useless, he knew that. Ghost had to be running from him for a reason even as he called for him - and Jason could understand why he’d been running from him, Jason was wrong inside, but Ghost was his only hope, and he couldn’t not chase. Right now the words were all he had, and he couldn’t let the others take him. They didn’t understand that he needed help. 
Jason’s anger over what had happened tonight was only eclipsed by his worry. Ghost might be afraid of Jason too, but not like this, not silenced by terror.
Jason repeated his useless assurances as he ran. Ghost was much too light in his arms, too thin beneath the worn clothing. Irrational fear that he would turn to dust in his arms, seized him. 
“You’re gonna be okay.” He said as much to reassure himself as Ghost.
“Please,” Ghost rasped voice unused.
Jason froze, stopping in place, hoping he’d say more. He didn’t. He pushed uselessly at Jason’s chest, still trying to escape. Jason’s heart broke. Frustrated tears pricked at his eyes.
“Please let me help you,” he pleaded. 
Jason didn’t know if his words had gotten through to him or it was just exhaustion, but he stopped struggling. Cynically, Jason leaned towards exhaustion. At this point panic and fear had to be the only thing keeping him conscious at all.
They arrived at the safehouse finally. 
It was one the others didn’t know about. Jason had a few of those as insurance. It was seemingly just a lived-in apartment, open floor plan living room and kitchen in one with artfully placed clutter, a couple of bedrooms and a bathroom. There were weapons and supplies hidden in the spaces between the real walls and the fake walls that appeared to be the apartment’s boundaries, but you’d only realize that if you checked another of the similar units in the building and noticed this one was smaller. 
Jason landed them on the sill, and worked the window open. He didn’t bother with traps, because he didn’t use it often. Using it would have been a sure way to tip off the bats of its existence. No, this and other’s like it was for emergencies, and sometimes when he needed to stash a victim or witness somewhere safe temporarily. And even if someone should try to burgle the place, Jason had some decoy money there, a large flatscreen TV and some other easily taken electronics. It was unlikely they’d find the real supplies when there were easier money. 
He maneuvered them both inside, set Ghost on the couch and closed the window and the drapes. He pulled off his helmet and set it carelessly on the coffee table - it rolled off to land on the floor. Ghost had already seen his face and hopefully, he’d respond better to a human than a mask. 
Moving slowly, trying to make himself less threatening he kneeled down on the floor in front of where Ghost had curled up in the corner of the couch.
“Hey,” Jason said trying to sound calm, when inside he was everything but. He held out his hands in peace. “I’m not doing anything, I just want to talk.”
The emotionless goggles turned towards him. Jason got nothing from him, he only had the defensive body language to read him by.
“Please say something.”
Finally something happened, Ghost’s breath hitched and he reached up to push the goggles away. His eyes were red rimmed and blurry, and they closed as he rubbed at them. Still hiding his eyes he whispered so low Jason almost didn’t hear him, “-just want to go home.”
Jason lowered his hands and slumped forward. Letting him go would be the right thing to do, Jason could argue all the way till Sunday that it wasn’t safe for him right now, with his powers out of order, but that wasn’t why Jason couldn’t promise to let him go. He desperately needed answers. How did he make the pit silent? Was it just him or was there hope for Jason?
“I have questions,” he admitted.
Ghost slowly removed his hands. His eyes were blue and wary as he looked down at Jason. Jason held his eyes and he didn’t know what he saw in Jason as the moment stretched between them, like an elastic pulled to the point just before snapping.
Ghost looked away with a pained expression, and then, unfurling slowly, Jason felt that familiar yearning. Jason shook his head helplessly. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to help but didn’t know what to do.
“What do you need?” Jason asked.
Ghost looked back up momentarily and then away with a grimace. Shrinking in on himself. “Hey,” Jason said, frustration made him snappy, “I’m just trying to understand! It’s like you’re calling me, but I don’t know how to answer.”
That got Ghost’s attention, and his head snapped up holding his gaze intently.
“You can feel it?” He asked, and there’s this underlying desperate hope, shoved down by a voice desperately trying to hold steady.
“I can, and I just-“ He didn’t know what else to say, instead he reached out a hand to cup Ghost’s cheek. His eyes were wide and liquid and so blue before he clenched them shut and leaned into Jason’s touch with a small whimper. Jason didn’t dare breathe, as that small hum started, the one that was like a purr. Jason’s head was silent now, the underlying anger and frustration gone. In this moment he was just Jason. 
He didn’t even realize he was crying until tears spilled over his cheeks. He ducked his head. It had been some very long weeks. 
“How are you doing this?” He whispered, desperate to know. 
“I’m not sure what you mean,” Ghost answered hesitantly. 
Jason looked up to meet his tired eyes, the dark bags underneath his eyes were so dark and stark in his thin face he looked bruised. Jason looked away. Shame curled in his gut for pushing him this far. For being helpless not to give chase. He would have pulled his hand back if Ghost hadn’t still been leaning into his touch.
Quietly, he admitted, “I have this rage inside of me, you quiet it.”
“Hmm,” Ghost hummed thoughtfully with his actual voice, as he mulled over Jason’s words. “I’m pretty useless right now without my powers, so I don’t know if it’s anything I can help with permanently.”
“Okay,” Jason said quietly. Trapped in this strange bubble of quiet, desperate to break it he asked, “Do you wanna talk about what happened on the rooftop?”
The purring came to a stuttering halt. 
“That’s a no then,” Jason stated. Of course he didn’t want to talk about that, that should have gone without saying. Stupid. He sighed and stood up, drawing his hand back along with it.
“I’m just getting on the couch,” he assured when Ghost protested wordlessly. He sat down leaning heavily into the plush couch. After a moment he lifted his arm in invite. It took five long seconds before Ghost tucked himself underneath the arm. Jason squeezed him momentarily in a pitiful attempt at comfort, but it was all he could do. 
It took a moment but the purr started up again. The feeling of contentment washed over him.
Jason didn’t know how long he sat there, letting Ghost’s purr soothe his frayed mind, but he sat there so long he started to feel the temptation to just close his eyes and sleep. That wasn’t helpful. Ghost himself had fallen asleep at some point, he discovered, as he shifted and found him blinking awake startled. 
The purring stopped. Wary eyes watched him as he moved away.
“Easy,” Jason said lowly as if he actually was trying to soothe a feral cat, “I’m just gonna check to see what food options we have.” 
He watched until Ghost leaned back into the couch. His eyes were mere slits watching Jason when he turned towards the kitchen. 
Ghost needed to eat and making food was definitely more useful than falling asleep. He walked over to the cupboards, and couldn’t help but yawn as he did so. He opened the cupboards one by one, searching for something easy. A lot of the things here had technically expired and were mostly there for appearance sake. The dried herbs and spices, had probably lost most of their flavor, so actually cooking was out of the question, not to mention he didn’t have fresh ingredients here, but one of the canned soups would probably do fine. 
He turned, tomato soup can in hand to ask if that was fine only to find the couch empty. Carefully he set the can down, so he wasn’t tempted to throw it. His hand clenched into a fist reflexively with no can to hold. He walked over to the living room side of the room, just to make sure he hadn’t just moved. 
He wasn’t there.
He was gone.
Jason sighed and sat down heavily on the couch. Of course he was.
Nothing had been disturbed, not the drapes nor the windows. Everything was exactly as Jason had left it. His powers must have returned. Whatever Tim had done hadn’t been that long lasting, a couple of hours at most. He would have simply gone right through the wall.
Of course he had left as soon a he had a chance. Jason hadn’t given him reason to stay. He’d had his chance to talk and he’d wasted it just sitting and basking in his presence.
He leaned his forehead on his hands and pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. 
He only had himself to blame.
So this happened... this is better/worse? At least they got to hug?
Anyways, I think I may go back to shorter tumblr parts now that these two chapters are done (if you're curious this is chapter 7 and 8 in my doc and that's what they'll be on Ao3). The last chapter really couldn't be split and this chapter only had terrible places to split it. Better to end on sad Jason.
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squichymochi · 4 months
Another piece I wrote this week, inspired by a Facebook post where Alastor and Lucifer mistakenly exchange their cups. Unfortunately, I can’t recall who posted it, so if anyone knows, please let me know so I can give proper credit.
Disclaimer: In this oneshot, the reader is pregnant and in an established relationship with Lucifer.
Warning: This story contains swear words, mentions of blood, and other typical elements found in Hazbin Hotel.
Lucifer x (pregnant) Reader
Word Count: 1.348
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“Welcome back, Y/N!” Charlie's voice rang out with genuine excitement as you entered the Hazbin Hotel, your husband Lucifer following closely. Her embrace was careful yet warm, mindful of your growing belly. Standing beside her, Alastor, ever the gentleman, gracefully took your hand and pressed a kiss to its back, his voice tinged with light static, “Welcome back, my queen.”
A protective growl from Lucifer, now guiding his hand to the small of your back, broke the moment. “Excuse us, Alastor. Perhaps you can assist with our luggage?” Lucifer's tone was edged with possessiveness, the nickname ‘red hot chili pepper’ tumbling from his lips hinting at Alastors appearance.
You noticed the discomfort in Charlie's eyes and the twitch in Alastor's smile – a sign of his annoyance. Taking Lucifer's hand, you tried to ease the tension, “Sweetheart, there's no need for this. Everything’s fine.”
Just as the atmosphere thickened with unspoken rivalry, Angel Dust breezed through the door, his arrival a welcome distraction. “Is this my favorite bitch I see right there?!” His words, were a relief.
Laughing, you rushed into Angel's embrace, grateful for the break in tension. “Freedom looks good on you, hun,” you said with a smile on your lips. Husk joined, wrapping an arm around Angel and a wing around your group. Angel blushed at the affection. “I owe it all to you guys,” Angel replied, hugging both of you with a big smile on his face.
As you indulged in the warmth of friendship, a slight rumble could be heard coming from your belly. Alastor’s voice suddenly intruded, “Are you hungry, my dear?” He was close, his concern evident while he was patting your head with a big smile. “Sorry, the little one’s always starving,” you chuckled.
Lucifer, ever protective, was quick to draw you away, his eyes sparkling with a mix of love and competitive spirit. “How about pancakes, sweetheart?” he suggested, just as your stomach rumbled again in agreement.
The mention of pancakes brightened your mood, but Alastor's offer of jambalaya caught your attention too, stirring a craving for something more.
With your best puppy dog eyes, you proposed, “Why not both?”
Lucifer’s laughter filled the room, his demeanor softening at your request. “Anything for you, darling.”
he murmured, his voice a tender caress. Gently, he cupped your cheek, his touch a whisper against your skin. Then, bending down, he planted a soft, lingering kiss on your forehead.
Straightening up, he turned towards Alastor, his demeanor shifted, the warmth in his eyes replaced by something darker. “Bring it on, bitch,” he declared, his voice now laced with determination and a slight growl and his middle fingers raised.
The atmosphere in the room shifted palpably as Lucifer rolled up his sleeves. His gaze locked with Alastor’s in a silent standoff, electricity crackling in the air between them. “Mhhh, if you reach the ingredients that is”, Alastor chuckled, while Lucifer bristled. They moved in unison towards the kitchen.
"Uhm, should we intervene?" Charlie inquired, a hint of nervous amusement in her voice as she absentmindedly scratched her head.
"Nope, let's just enjoy the culinary showdown and the feast that follows," you responded with a huge grin, gently caressing your growing belly.
The group migrated to the kitchen, where both Lucifer and Alastor were already in full swing. Alastor manifested a knife, making it dance in the air with a showman's flair before diving into his cooking. On the other side, Lucifer confidently whisked pancake batter, his gaze occasionally drifting to you with a loving grin and gentle eyes.
"This will be quite the spectacle," Angel Dust remarked, casually handing you a cup. Before you could take a sip, Lucifer swiftly exchanged it for another drink. "Hey! It wasn't alcoholic, short king my ass" Angel protested and flipped the king of hell off, playfully showing his annoyance at Lucifer with a gentle smile.
You chuckled, appreciating Lucifer's overprotective nature, and took a sip. Watching Lucifer, a sense of warmth filled you. He was everything you could have hoped for: loving, nurturing, and profoundly understanding. Your journey together, from your unexpected meeting to the miraculous pregnancy, felt like a surreal dream.
When you first arrived in Hell, you were a mere sinner, carrying the weight of your earthly transgressions. Your closest companion, Angel Dust, who had succumbed to an overdose, was the first familiar face you encountered. Your shared past in the living world was full of highs and lows, but he has always been your best friend. When he died it was only natural for you to find and kill his drug dealer. This however sealed your fate in hell as a mere sinner. Despite this, you remained by Angel Dust’s side even in the depths of Hell.
One crucial day however your paths diverged when he tragically sold his soul to Valentino, blinded by the promise of love. It was a painful parting, marked by hurt and misunderstanding. Both of you hurting yourselves with words which teared your souls and hearts apart. 
Years passed until Charlie and Vaggie’s intervention led to your reconciliation. You were the first hotel guest, which wasn’t too surprising as you were more interested in art then what hell could offer you and the girls gave you an art room as well as infinite amounts of supplies. So no, this was no hard decision for you.
Meeting Lucifer was an unexpected turn in your infernal journey. Initially, you were unimpressed by the King of Hell. Yet, it was in the art room of the hotel, your sanctuary of creativity, where Lucifer showed you his true nature, his heart. Conversations about dreams and the wonders of the living world ignited a spark between you. You showed him that Hell, for all its despair, held beauty and marvels. Gradually, he began to see the world, and eventually, you, in a new light. Which reminded you of the day he was talking with one of his own creations. It was a cute little duckling he was cradling when mumbling “depression did not only take it but indeed got fucked by me!” At this sight you knew that this man, was the one and only for you.
The day he proposed, Hell itself seemed to shift on its axis. His love granted you freedoms previously unimagined, including the ability to leave the Pride Ring. More astonishing was the revelation of your pregnancy, a miracle in a realm where such a blessing seemed impossible.
As you thought about your past — from your days as a sinner to your surprising romance with Lucifer — the kitchen's atmosphere shifted. The two engrossed in their cooking battle, began to sing and hence fight for dominance, eliciting a giggle from you and the others.
Soon, both jambalaya and pancakes were served before you, with Lucifer and Alastor eagerly awaiting your judgement. You decided to combine the two, much to their shock, creating a unique taco-like creation. The room erupted in laughter at their stunned expressions.
As you sighed happily chewing on your newly invented dish, Lucifer and Alastor simultaneously reached for their cup, only to spit them out in shock. "What in the heavens?" Alastor exclaimed, his usual grin faltering just a bit as he inspected his drink. "Are these... boba ducks?" he asked, bewildered, his eye twitching, the static completely missing within his voice. Your husband on the other hand had his whole head under the running faucet, spitting out Alastor’s drink. “Why the hell are you drinking blood?!”, he screamed with dread in his voice and wet hair.
Your laughter was uncontrollable, watching them grapple with the unexpected drink mix-up. The earlier tension dissolved, replaced by a warm, communal atmosphere as everyone joined in the meal. With your husband's arm wrapped lovingly around you and his gentle caresses, you leaned against him, overwhelmed with gratitude for this second chance at family and love.
As you looked into Angel’s eyes who was in Husk’s arms you could see it too. The love you had with your husband slowly growing between them and nothing could have made you happier.
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Clubbing Catastrophe
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Direct continuation to "Roller Rinking, Dancing And Dreaming" Vox and Reader are still on their "date"(?) I say that with heavy quotations because they are moving slower than a frickin snail- not to mention that it's practically like a group outing at this point LMAO- I think this chapter is actually pretty fun and we see some flirting? Or at least very very odd attempts at it- Also we get some protective Voxy! Before he unceremoniously almost puts himself out of commission because we playin with him too much HAHAHAHA also there's been requests in the past for Reader to get flustered- so here it isss!
A/N: This interlude probably isn't as long as the other ones- but I had fun writing this and I'll be back with other ideas pretty quickly too. As always, I hope you guys enjoy the story and Happy Reading!
It didn't take long for you to find your groove in the music that blasted through the club.
Twirling around on your feet and dancing to the beat alongside the other partygoers.
Vox had wandered away from you a little while ago to get himself a drink, even if he was hesitant at first to leave you.
"Are you sure? I can just get it later-"
"You worry too much dude! I'll be fine, it's just a few minutes!"
It took a bit of convincing before you managed to get the overlord to stop worrying and he disappeared into the crowd.
You couldn't help feeling flattered that he cared that much though.
Even so, you wouldn't be surprised if it was leftover nerves because of the scare you both had a few days ago with you dying and all-
"Hey cutie~ What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?"
A slurred voice came from nearby, great- just another wasted idiot.
A frown formed on your face as your ears pinned backwards, a taller sinner moving to approach you with a sinister grin.
You stopped dancing, crossing your arms and glaring at them.
"I'm just here to enjoy with my friends, I'm not interested in any of your crap."
"Aw come on doll, don't be like that~ let me take you out for some fun~"
You cringed at the petname and just moved backwards as the stranger reached out towards you.
It was never really an issue when Vox did it, but it felt abhorrently disgusting hearing it from someone else's mouth.
There was just none of the charisma and all of the revulsion.
"Uh, no thanks and don't call me that."
"Aww, why not doll~?"
"Because only I can do that, got a fucking problem?"
You felt the buzz of static charge before Vox suddenly appeared in front of you with a swift bolt of blue electricity.
It was shocking to see him return so quickly but you felt relieved nonetheless.
Curious at the sudden silence, you peeked from behind your techno companion to see the sinner that was earlier trying to pull a move on you look like they were going to shit themselves on the spot.
You couldn't help but giggle when they immediately mumbled apologies and just ran off, tail between their legs.
Maybe having an overlord for a buddy really did have it's perks-
"Did they do anything to you?"
You snapped out of your cheeky headspace when you realize Vox was giving you a once over.
His concerned gaze meeting your own when he couldn't notice anything physically out of sorts.
Did he always look this good?
You could hear your pulse ring in your ears, a fuzzy warmth blooming in your chest that seemingly came out of nowhere.
The overlord simply raised an eyebrow when you suddenly looked away, shyly tucking a strand of hair out of your face.
"I-I'm good! Thanks for the save... I could've handled that- you know."
How cute of you.
Vox couldn't help the smug smile when he realized you'd gotten flustered over his chivalrous gesture.
It really wasn't much of an effort on his end but he figured it wouldn't hurt to prod you juuuust a little.
"Suuuure you could, but don't you think I should get a reward for protecting you?"
The overlord was almost concerned that you hurt yourself with how quickly your head turned to look at him.
"H-huh?! Oh fine... what do you have in mind?"
Your tone feigned annoyance but your eyes told a completely different story.
What was with that eager gaze?
Vox really didn't expect to see that from you, this was just supposed to be a harmless game!
Yet now you were starting to make even him nervous-
His TV screen buffered slightly before Vox collected himself, he couldn't tease you properly if he was embarrassed too.
"It's nothing big, just- zZzST- buy me a drink?"
You merely raised an eyebrow at him before rolling your own eyes, where did all his confidence just go?
Hm... that meant the ball was in your court now.
Let's see just how far you could push it.
With a subtle smirk, you grabbed the lapels of Vox's blazer to pull him down to be eye-level with you.
That really caught the overlord off guard, his wide eyes seeming to question your intentions.
Well, that was before his processing immediately screeched to a halt when you pressed a chaste kiss on the side of his screen where his cheeks would be.
"I'll be at the bar, don't keep me waiting."
He kind of just stood there dumbfounded when you let go and sauntered away, just earlier you'd been flustered and shy???
What the hell was that?!
His screen immediately tinged red and he had to reboot several times to avoid crashing entirely.
Seriously what the FUCK was that?!
Thank goodness for the colorful flashing lights though because he wouldn't be able to disguise his screen freaking out hadn't there been any.
You found yourself covering your face as you went over to the bar and ordered a margarita for yourself and just some rum for Vox.
You internally panicked while just watching the bartender prepare your beverage.
Just what in God's name were you bloody thinking?!
"Heya shortcakes, been enjoying yourself?"
"Kind of? I feel like I did something kind of stupid though-"
"Uh oh, what did you do?"
You looked at Angel apprehensively, should you tell him?
Ah whatever, just a little chat while waiting for Vox wouldn't hurt.
"I- It's just a game- right? Like, I mess with Vox and he just does it back- so it should be okay??"
Angel just nonchalantly watched you practically fall at the seams, for someone so confident and sassy-
All it took was a certain mister tall and electric boogaloo to have you all over the place.
"Toots, you're actin like you poisoned him or something."
"Angel, I'm pretty sure what I did was worse- way worse."
"What the fuck could possibly be worse than tryin to kill someone?"
You rapidly mumbled out a reply, practically eating your words when the bartender placed your ordered drinks in front of you.
Angel just couldn't understand what your issue was though and asked again.
"Seriously! It can't be that bad?"
"I may have... sortakindakissedhim-"
Angel did a spit take on the cocktail he was drinking.
You had to cover your ears and just shush the hell out of your spider companion when he was immediately all over you.
At this rate from how loud the arachnid was being you wouldn't be surprised if nearly everyone around you could piece what was going on.
"Oh my god- WAHAH- and Husker was sayin it would never happen!"
"It was just on the cheek Angel! Now fucking shut it already!
"Am I... intruding on something here?"
Oh god-
Couldn't the timing have been any worse?!
You wanted to crawl into a hole and die again.
Angel just laughed at your embarrassment and Vox's obvious cluelessness.
The overlord was only able to approach a little while ago, so he didn't hear much of the conversation.
And that totally wasn't because he had to reboot himself up several times.
Yeah that totally wasn't because he was busy trying not to crash his systems after what you did.
"Well, I'll leave you two ta figure things out. It's like watching a shitty romcom but live!"
You just shoved Angel off his chair with a grumble, making the spider simply laugh once more at you before disappearing into the crowd on the dance floor.
This was real life, not a fuckin romantic drama-
"Do... I even wanna know?"
"I'd honestly rather you didn't."
You slid Vox his drink when he sat next to you, taking a sip of your cocktail to try and hide the blush on your face.
For once, the two of you were just silent.
Neither knowing where to even start a conversation when you just decided to throw caution to the wind anyway.
"Look, about earlier-"
It didn't occur to you that the technology overlord sitting by your side was seriously finding amusement in your embarrassment, just watching and listening to you ramble on and on like a fool.
Well, a cute fool.
Swirling the drink in his hand, Vox used his other hand to push some of your hair away from your face.
The fact you were so worked up about the kiss you gave him was just hilarious.
You didn't even comprehend what he was doing until you felt a slight electrical jolt to your forehead.
It didn't hurt, but it was noticeable enough for you to suddenly stop talking.
"There, now we're even."
You looked at the technology overlord with wide eyes as he just sipped on his drink so casually.
Did this fucker really just-?!
You could feel your face just explode in a blush, your heart absolutely beating in your ears as the club seemed a bit too warm now.
You threw your hands over your face and just made some unintelligible noise in utter embarrassment.
Vox couldn't help but chuckle as he glanced over at you.
Suffice to say, he wins this round.
382 notes · View notes
magicalbats · 1 month
Oh, Captain (Luffy x reader)
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 5222
Warnings: Afab!reader, gendered language, noncon, physical coercion, outdoor sex, inappropriate use of 5th Gear
A/N: My second ever commission and the lovely donor was kind enough to give me permission to post it for everyone else to read. Thank you for a great experience, @avidbroswer!! 🩷🩷🩷
Let’s help Luffy, they’d said.  
We’re a crew, they’d said. Family. 
You don’t feel very much like family when you’re running for your life from the very captain you’d sworn loyalty to. Or at least, you’re pretty sure that the strange figure with white nimbus cloud hair is your captain. You’d watched it happen from a (questionably) safe distance, when he suddenly transformed in a surge of sparking static electricity that made your skin crawl like it was trying to escape from your bones but it’s still hard to believe that it was really him. Even having seen the reality of it with your own two eyes doesn’t make it any easier to accept. 
Luffy was supposed to be a dark haired, dark eyed youth in the prime of his life. Not this uncanny version of him that giddily laughs with boisterous amusement while he ping pongs about so violently within the craggy mess of scorched earth in the wake of his battle with Kaido that you can feel the massive chunks of rock slamming into the ground as much as you can hear it. One after another, from the left and then the right, they just keep falling in an almost continuous rain of rubble and ruin. The resulting shockwaves very nearly take you off your feet more than once but you force yourself to keep running even when your sore legs scream in protest, aching from the exertion. It was the only choice you really had at this point. 
And it’s not lost on you that this is technically your own fault for getting so close to the fight but you’d wanted to help. All that talk of family and crew, and unwavering allegiance to the Straw Hats had clearly infected your brain because you’d rushed straight into the danger zone despite knowing good and well that you were the only one close enough to make it in time. Now you were the one who needed help and it wasn’t going to arrive soon enough to do you any good. 
What an idyllic fool you’d been. 
“Ah!” You suddenly get tripped up in all the rocky debris laying across the ground and fall to your knees with a seething hiss. Your palms come back scraped where they’d shot out to catch you but you’ve managed to avoid taking the brunt of it to the face. Thank the stars for life’s smallest miracles. 
Panting heavily, you just sit there amongst the broken wreckage and detritus for a harrowingly long beat, trying to catch your breath. You can still hear the chaotic destruction of Luffy — or the man who had once been Luffy — bouncing around like a rubber ball behind you, completely unimpeded by the laws of gravity or common sense. It sounded like he was having a blast. 
Maybe that was good. Maybe he hadn’t even noticed you yet, so lost within the mess of demolished land and too tiny a speck to even draw his attention. You had a chance to escape then, if that was the case. 
Any such hopes quickly fizzle out when his uproarious hooting and hollering abruptly rushes towards you, getting louder and louder until your eardrums start to vibrate. You suck in a sharp, nauseated gasp and slap your hands over your ears as you twist around to look behind you. Just in time to watch Luffy sail overhead like a shooting white comet. The kickback from his high velocity speed hits you seconds later, tearing a shriek from your mouth when the wind hits you full force and as solid as any wall. 
Too busy ducking down with your head between your knees to protect yourself from the sting of flying rocks, you don’t get to see how he manages to pivot his momentum mid air and land a couple hundred yards away. You hear it though. You feel the shock of impact too, when it races through the ground to make the rubble underneath you tremble. It goes quiet then, and unnaturally still. Suddenly all you can hear are your own labored gasps. 
You hesitate to do it but, realizing you have no other option, you slowly lift your face to peer out over all the fallen debris. Standing at a distance, Luffy just looks at you with a fiercely manic edge in his now golden-yellow eyes that makes your veins ice up. You’re more certain than ever that this cannot be your captain. He should have been giving you the usual bright faced, happy go lucky grin he always did when he inexplicably came out on top against all the odds that were stacked against him. Not this — viscous leer of victory. 
But if this wasn’t Luffy then who in the seven seas was it? 
“Have you come to celebrate with me?” 
His voice isn’t quite the same either. More raspy, like the weight of immense power flowing through him was putting strain even on his vocal cords. You don’t think you like that any more than you like the way he’s eyeing you up as if you were a stuffed pig on a roasting spit. Even for his bottomless pit of an appetite, you’d never seen him look at another person quite like that. 
Cautiously slow, you straighten up out of your defensive huddle. Work to get your feet under you without taking your attention off him for even a moment and then stand so you can prepare to … what, run again? A lot of good that had clearly done you. 
“I don’t think it’s time to celebrate just yet.” You tell him softly. “We need to find the other Straw Hats. Make sure they’re all okay. You still remember them … don’t you, Luffy?” 
Your emotional plea only succeeds in giving him a momentary pause. “But I have so much energy left. I just want to dance and shout, and jump into the air! You’ll join me, won’t you?” 
He takes a step towards you, a rather aggressive one at that, and you quickly back up. Something told you if you didn’t agree to go along with this he was going to try and force you into joining in on whatever constituted his idea of merrymaking. Unfortunately you weren’t sure if you’d survive that, given the state of all the crumbled boulders littering the ground on this now desolate stretch of land. 
“No, Luffy. Not right now. We have to - -“ 
With an abrupt jerk, he lurches forward as if to launch himself at you. His rubbery legs momentarily struggle for traction on the ground, as if they couldn’t quite decide what consistency they wanted to be, but you don’t plan on sticking around long enough to find out. Feeling like you’ve forgotten how to breathe, you spin around and make a mad dash for it, barreling straight into a dead sprint. 
It’s a resounding effort in futility. 
You don’t even make it three whole steps before he slams into your back hard enough to take you right off your feet. 
There’s a split second moment of shock at how fast he’d managed to close the distance, and then the ground is rushing up at your face again. 
That dizzying blur of vertigo inducing free fall coupled with the way your vision tilts on its axis very nearly has you spewing your guts right then and there. But if Luffy picks up on the dire, sickened tinge coloring your wounded grunt he certainly doesn’t act it. He just flings his arms around your middle, alarming in their fleshy elasticity and yet still familiar to you, then hauls you up against his front before you can slam into the rocks. 
Everything happens much too fast for you to keep up with any of it. Your brain is reeling, still trying to recover from the impact of his body colliding with yours and the subsequent head rush that followed. So stunned you can’t even find the wherewithal to protest his treatment of you let alone try to fight your way free. Unable to do anything else, you simply allow your limbs to bonelessly flail when he takes a handful of eager steps forward with you in his arms. 
In the next moment Luffy spins you out away from him, snagging your wrist to stop your momentum and make you jerk to another abrupt standstill. The yank on your shoulder causes it to pop, splintering pain racing up your arm as you cry out. He doesn’t care though. He either doesn’t care or he doesn’t notice, because he just pulls you right back into him again, hard enough to make you collapse with a teeth rattling jolt against his chest. 
“Come on!” He laughs, loud and frenzied, his hold on you much too tight where it’s shackled around your wrist. “Dance with me! Aren’t you having fun?” 
Teeth gnashing to fight back the nausea, you bring your uncaptured hand up and brace it against his shuddering frame. You’re more than just a little surprised to find his heartbeat hammering out a sharp, almost violent staccato against his ribcage, so powerful you can feel it thrumming through his skin. It reminds you of an endless procession of war drums. Too many to count and impossibly loud, their ferocity equally intimidating and awe inspiring. 
What in the world had happened to him? 
You don’t have the privilege of lingering on that question for very long. Couldn’t afford to, as you try to get your tired legs situated under you again so you can stand on your own. “You’re hurting me, Luffy. We don’t have time for this right now. Just let me go. Please.” 
But he doesn’t even seem to register what you’re saying as a plea at all. 
A snickering, raspy laugh rattles up out of him, and you vehemently push at his narrow chest with your uncaptured hand. Shove him as hard as you can. He still doesn't budge though, simply reaching up to snag that wrist too so he can forcefully spin you around in his arms. You feel sick with the rush of motion coupled with the fatigue and throbbing pain in your body but there’s nothing you can do to stop it. He’s too strong, too wild, too lost in whatever manic high he’s slipped into after his fight with Kaido. 
Tightening his grip to lock you against his front, Luffy moulds himself to the line of your back with such an unnatural, rubbery motion that you find yourself fighting not to wretch even as his mouth finds your neck. He nuzzles at you for a brief moment, just brushing his lips over your jackhammering pulse before angling his nose towards the spot just behind your ear. The breath he draws is slow and savory, and he seems to hold it in his lungs for an unnecessarily long time. 
When he at last sighs out, displacing some of the loose flyaways in your hair, an unmistakable rumble low in his chest accompanies it. “Mmm, you smell good. Like victory.” 
What the hell was that supposed to mean? “Luffy, just listen to me … don’t do this. I - I don’t really understand what's happened to you but we can figure it out together. We’ll fix it. I promise. But you need to let me go or - -“
“Let you go? But we’re having so much fun. I want to have even more fun with you but you’re not a fighter, not like he was. And you don’t want to dance with me either.”
He sounds dangerously close to pouting when he says that last bit and you give a halfhearted twist in his hold, testing for any slack. It’s no good though. For as little effort as he seemed to be putting into it, his arms were like iron shackles where they’re criss crossed over your body. Dammit. 
“Why?” You seethe in frustration and fast mounting panic. “Why won’t you just go back to normal, Luffy? This isn’t like you!” 
His frame shakes behind you with the giggles that rise within him, making his whole body vibrate like a mercilessly shaken soda bottle. It quickly grows, rapidly multiplying and expanding until he at last throws his head back with a cackling peel of laughter aimed up at the sky. It’s much too close to your ear and deafeningly loud, reigniting your desperation to get away from him, but your wild thrashing just causes him to laugh even harder. Like he found it hilarious that you were scared and trapped against him. 
“I can’t!” He howls, belly laughing so ferociously it makes you jerk in his hold. “I can’t go back until I’ve used up all of this energy! It feels like I’m going crazy but it feels good too! Amazing even! I’ve never experienced anything like it before! I want to keep going but you can’t fight and you won’t dance with me … but there’s something else we can do together, isn’t there?” 
“What are you ta - -“
He releases you so suddenly you don’t even realize you’re crumpling to the ground until your butt has already hit the rocks, surprising a yelp out of you. Fresh pain immediately races up from your backside in a blinding starburst and you outright hiss as you gingerly start to angle yourself onto your hip in hopes of taking some of the pressure off of where it hurts the most. You don’t quite make it that far though. 
Luffy’s hands are suddenly on your shoulders, shoving you forward to sprawl out rather inelegantly on your front. He follows you down, pinning you to the destroyed ground with his body weight, and you immediately start to panic in earnest. Your captain didn’t look like much more than a lanky beanpole at first glance but he was so densely packed with muscle that he felt like a sack of bricks on top of you. It makes it hard to breathe and the quickened, gasping lungfuls of air you suck in don’t exactly help. Your chest constricts painfully tight as you struggle against him, forgetting all logic and reason in your blind desperation to get away from him. 
He doesn’t even seem to notice though, still just as unbudging sprawled out over top of you as he’d been when the two of you were standing. No amount of kicking your legs or bucking up underneath him even gives him pause, and his greedy hands fumble down to your waist where they squeeze tight enough to rip a hurt shriek from your throat. This doesn’t cut through the manic haze spurring him on either. He doesn’t even waver. 
“What are you — stop that! Have you lost your mind!” 
“I’m sorry.” He snickers, not sounding very sorry at all as he shoves his face into the crook of your neck again. Another deep, savory inhale. Another rumbling exhale right against your pulse. The faintest growl that trails afterward is new though and you go painfully still under him, hardly even daring the blink despite all the grimy dust kicked up in your desperate fight for freedom. 
You’d never, ever heard such a sound come out of him before. It scares you perhaps most of all, and you’d seen many a frightening and unsettling thing since stepping foot into Onigashima. Somehow this just really took the cake though. 
“I’m sorry,” He says it again. Contradicting this, his callous worn fingers dip into the hem of your pants and start to tug at them, jostling you with each insistent pull. “I’m sorry, heheee. I just can’t help myself. If I can’t have you I don’t know what I’ll do. You’ll help me calm down, won’t you?” 
Your mind struggles to process that. He was asking you to help him? Not with words or medicine, or even the endless supply of food he would have otherwise asked for had he been in his right mind. He wanted your body. 
So that’s what it was then. What it all boiled down to. 
If he couldn’t fight you and you refused to dance with him then that left only one other option. He was going to fuck it out of his system. Anything to get rid of all the excess energy running through his body, making him vibrate like a lit fuse on top of you. It made a certain amount of sense, you supposed, but that didn’t mean you had to like it. 
Curling your hands into tight fists against the rocks, numb to the abrasive sting, you draw a rattling breath to center yourself. It doesn’t do much in the way of good. “Please don’t do this.” 
It’s like he doesn’t even hear you, a grunt of victory puffing out of him when he finally manages to get your pants tugged down over the curve of your ass. 
“Please.” You gasp, the sound wet and faltering. 
Completely ignoring you now, Luffy reaches further down to fumble with something lower while his opposite hand possessively curls around your hip to keep you in place. You hiccup rather sadly at the distant sound of rustling clothes, almost completely lost under the violent pounding of blood in your ears, but there’s no missing the fleshy nudge against the back of your thigh that soon follows. It leaves a sticky smear where it touches you, inspiring an eruption of horrified goosebumps in its wake. 
You don’t have to look to know what’s touching you. The innate knowledge of what’s happening and who is responsible for this paralyzing fear that grips your aching heart in a chokehold is horrible and suffocating all at once. Stinging tears spring up and well in the backs of your eyes but you clench your teeth to try and stifle the terrified wail threatening to claw its way up your throat, knowing it would only sound hysterical. 
On one hand you almost couldn’t believe this was really happening, even though the reality of the situation was staring you right in the face. It just seemed almost too implausibly awful to be real. 
But on the other, Luffy wasn’t exactly known for his self control or restraint. You knew this. Had even found it charming at one point or another, so you brace yourself for the worst. It just might be the only thing that ends up saving you. 
“Captain - -“
“I’m sorry.” 
He’s suddenly between your legs, pressing up into you from behind. You go ramrod stiff against him, your whole body clenching in genuine distress, but it does very little to stop him. Like he’s done it a million times before, or perhaps thanks to the instinctive muscle memory bestowed upon every man with a working cock, he pushes right in on your entrance until cunt slips start to part under the pressure. A thin, tremulous groan escapes him at the first kiss of your hot guts against the tip and then he just keeps pushing. Even when your muscles tense up and try to keep him out. Even when he meets a great deal of resistance as your body tries its best to reject him. If anything he almost seems to take it as a challenge the same way he would another combatant or a roadblock standing between him and his goals. 
In this case his goal is clearly to sink himself in you right down to the hilt, and he just puts more effort into his cause the more you try to fight it. Leans his weight into you until it feels like your poor cunt is taking the full brunt of his mass. The resulting stretch of your inner sleeve is painful and drawn out, taking much longer than it otherwise would have had you been even slightly prepped for this. 
Your mouth hinges open but nothing comes out for a prolonged moment as the tears break loose to streak down your face. It feels like he’s tearing you in half! Either he was much bigger than you’d assumed he’d be or by virtue of how tightly your interior walls were squeezing him — or even some terrible combination of the two —  it was like you were being split down the middle. You couldn’t even breathe through the choking discomfort of it and a threadbare, sobbing little mewl dislodges from your throat when he at last manages to shove himself past that first barrier. 
Full penetration is much easier for him to achieve after that but it’s no less painful, and you cry out when he snaps his hips forward once, twice, and finally lodges his length the rest of the way in on the third. A pleased huff slips out of him as he settles on top of you, a fresh wave of giggles quickly following suit. It was like he’d gone mad. So wrapped up in the raving power that had turned his hair white that he can only laugh about it even while he’s buried balls deep in your body. 
That short lived pause is all the respite you get though and Luffy is soon moving, rutting into you with quick, sharp little jabs up into your guts. You shriek at the top of your lungs, clawing at the ground while you kick out behind you, but he ignores this the same as everything else. Lying prone and trapped under him, all you can do is take it. 
“Waah — why are you doing this, Luffy? It hurts! If … if the others find out about this - -“ 
“I know, hahaaa. I know. I’m sorry, but I can’t stop. You feel … this feels amazing! Almost as good as fighting Kaido did!” 
You seethe at that, trying your damndest not to get caught up on it right now but that proves to be more than a little difficult. He really didn’t see any difference between fucking and fighting? Somehow that seemed so typically him, and you think you would have probably joined him in laughing about it under better circumstances. 
But better circumstances wouldn’t have found you being roughly jostled back and forth on the ground by his eager, jack rabbit thrusts. The motion of his hips lacks any and all refinement with no technique to speak of, and yet that doesn’t stop you from seeing stars every time his cock blindly rams into your upper wall. It punches the air from your lungs and materializes out of your mouth in the form of heaving, strained bleats of distress that quickly climb to a higher and higher pitch with each second that goes by. Not for the first time today, you feel like you really might throw up. 
“Ooh, that’s …” He suddenly gasps, lets out a half strangled groan, and drives himself into you even harder. Faster. The force of his pelvis slapping against your upturned ass rapidly grows to a steady, almost constant blur of stinging swats — plap, plap, plap, plap — and you shriek at the rapidly swelling pressure on your gut. “Ooh, that’s good. That’s good! It feels so good! I - I can’t - -“ 
Without warning, your pussy abruptly floods with wet, sticky warmth. He hadn’t even given you a chance to beg for him to pull out. 
Your eyes widen to the approximate size of dinner plates but he just keeps pistoning his hips even as the rest of his shuddering frame gives a series of little jerks to thoroughly empty his balls into you. He shows no signs of slowing down or tiring any time soon though, his limitless energy evidently far outpacing his obvious lack of experience. 
It’s a hard thing to wrap your reeling head around just how quickly everything has happened and yet there’s no mistaking it for what it is. The sensation is completely foreign to you but you innately understood it for what it represented, what it could potentially mean for your future. You’re not half as relieved to have it done and over with as you are terrified of what it meant. 
Even more confounding, however, is that it doesn’t so much as make Luffy slow down let alone stop now that he’s painted your inner sleeve a thick, creamy white. Not the orgasm itself which, considering how much he fills you up, should have thoroughly drained him for the time being, nor the possible repercussions of allowing himself to shoot off inside of you like that. He just keeps going without a care in the world, like it wasn’t his problem and he still had more than enough stamina to keep up the harried pace he’d settled into for the foreseeable future. The only sign of it burning up any of his energy at all is the slightly labored quality his breathing takes on, but that’s it. 
Realizing that this ordeal is still far from over, you give your body a twist and try to angle your cunt away from the constant attack of his cock. “H - hold on a minute, what … aagghhh, what are you doing, Luffy? You - - you can’t just cum inside like that, you idiot!” 
“Can’t stop! Heheehe, I can’t, I can’t, not when you keep squeezing me like that!” 
All but wheezing at the intense pleasure of thrusting into the sticky mess he’s made of you, Luffy presses himself flush against your sweaty back and circles his arms around your middle. You brace to shove him off, or at least try to, but you don’t quite make it that far. 
Catching you completely off guard, he yanks you up against him and practically throws himself back onto the ground. The sudden lurch lodges your stomach in your throat, and you let out a frazzled scream as you land on top of him. That he cushions the impact with his rubbery body only comes as a slight relief when you were struggling just to get your bearings straight, disoriented and stunned in the aftermath of his impulsive decision when you unexpectedly find yourself blinking up at the sky. 
You start to pull yourself upright, wincing, only to quickly realize he’s still got one arm looped around your waist to keep you held in place on top of him. The other is — you gasp when you glance down to see him already fisting his cock in hand, guiding it back to your entrance where it had slipped out in that rush of movement. It’s still achingly stiff and unrelenting, like he hadn’t already spilled his seed in you only moments ago, and your heart painfully wrenches with the fresh wave of dread that comes over you. 
“W - wait, please don’t - -“
The head of him finds your cunt, pressing back up into you again, and you outright sob when he mercilessly snaps his hips to impale you on that stiff length once more. You sway unsteadily at the fresh stretch, trying to decide if it’s better or worse in this position, but gravity soon proves itself your enemy when the weight of you on top of him firmly sinks his cock even further into you than before. It feels like he’s tickling at your ribcage like this, but all you can do is give a wounded little mewl and try to steady yourself. Undaunted, he reaches up to tug your pants the rest of the way off. 
“Luffy,” Sniffling sadly, you fight him as much as you can in your physically exhausted state but it’s no use. Your bottoms come off to leave you bare and exposed from the waist down, sitting upon his cock like a whore on her rightful throne. 
The tears quickly start up again, streaking hot tracks down your flushed, sweaty face while he gets himself situated underneath you. His hips lift, nudging you just a pinch higher so he can brace his feet underneath him while his hands come around to anchor around your love handles. Then, he’s moving again. 
Completely unconcerned by your crying, Luffy flexes his legs to thrust up into you and the same fleshy slap as before quickly rises loud in the air again. Plap, plap, plap, plap. The wet squelch of your seeded cunt sucking him in deep on every upward plunge joins in, adding to the obscene cacophony of noises even as you toss your head back to sob at the sky. You can hear him grunting underneath you, clearly enjoying himself quite a bit, but you couldn’t say the same. Your body was already a sore, achy mess of bruises and scrapes, and this certainly wasn’t helping. You were just getting more and more tired by the minute. 
“Nnghhnnn, please, captain. Please don’t cum inside again, I … I’m begging you!” 
The only response he gives is a low, rumbling groan that seems to bleed into you and reverberate endlessly inside your belly, making you squeeze your thighs together as if to block him out. But of course it doesn’t work. Given the way he stutters over a raspy hiss of your name he actually seems to like the way it makes your walls tighten around him, unintentionally though it may have been. There was really nothing you could have done to dissuade or stop him once he’d set his mind to something, and it seemed he very adamantly had his sights set on using your cunt until his energy reserves finally wore out. 
Distantly, you wonder how long that will actually take. 
“You’re mine, you’re mine, you’re mine,” He chants underneath you, again and again, even when his hands tighten around your hips to guide you into bouncing right along with him. Having no other choice, you snifflingly spread your legs wide and brace your feet on the ground, moving with him despite the throbbing ache in your muscles. “Mine, mine, mine. My prize. My treasure. My woman!” 
He viciously slams his pelvis up at the end, further punctuating his claim on you, and the sharp stab of his cock rips a wild shriek from your mouth. “N - no, captain, please! I can’t — I don’t want it! Not like this! You’re not … aaghnn, you’re not Luffy! You’re not!” 
The only response he gives is a deranged little laugh that makes his cock jump where it’s wedged inside you. That push on your upper wall makes the tension running through you double and then triple, your heaving gasps coming a little quicker now even as his hands travel up your body. You can’t stop him like this when your own were propped behind you along his flexing stomach to help you maintain your balance in this precarious position. It’s not hard to figure out what his intentions are though, and you screw your eyes shut so you don’t have to watch him grab hold of your top. 
A deafening riiiip tears through the air when he shreds it, the poor cotton helpless before his far greater strength. He leaves it hanging from your shoulders in tattered pieces as your tits bounce free, the stiffened tips already aching and strained long before he greedily palms at them like a starved man clutching at a lifeline. The blinding friction of his calloused palms and fingers on your teats makes your cunt spasm around him and you wail, screaming for someone, anyone to save you from your captain. 
Unfortunately for you, help was still a long ways off and Luffy wasn’t even close to running out of steam.
Crossposted: here
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teainthesnow · 10 months
@somerandomdudelmao is giving me emotions again so time to give some back...
- - -
It’s over.
it’s finally over.
Or, he thinks, with a shuddering breath and numb agony, that it will be over soon.
So he lies there, breathing in the dust and ash, and the sour taste of all that was lost, of the embers of a dying world, filling his mouth.
It would...
It would all be okay now.
He inhales.
And tries not to be scared by what comes next.
But, vaguely, distantly, as he slips further and further into numb acceptance he feels a presence, a familiar warmth blanketing him. Warm hands touch his shoulder feeling fiercely protective but tinged with fear.
It’s okay, he whispers but he’s certain the words come about as nothing more than a senseless whisper, if they even make it out at all.
It’ll be okay.
It’s time.
He’s ready for the next step.
To face his ancestors, friends, family, and brothers.
And hopefully that meant all three of them.
He exhales.
And falls into the darkness.
But the darkness parts around him.
His thoughts swirl into a blurry haze, slipping from him before he can truly comprehend them or the things around him.
All he knows is this is wrong... he shouldn’t... he thought...
Wasn’t it supposed to be over now?
Not... not this incoherent haze of a life where the only comfort his can find is in the soft fluttering traces of red and purple.
So he hides; feeling scared and alone and wondering why this is his fate, why he has been cursed to stay isolated and away from those he cares about.
He is so tired, so exhausted.
Barely clinging on to the last of his strength even though he isn’t truly sure why he does so.
There’s something whispering, begging, cheering for him to keep going.
To hold on.
Something – or perhaps someone – calling his name, voice laced with a pleading desperation.
all he can do
And then something shifts through the fog.
The world tilts on its axis.
The is a fire surrounding him, burning away the encroaching darkness that he had been so willing to accept.
No, he pleads, reaching a desperate hand outwards.
Let me go.
Let me go home.
The fire, the warmth, the two flames do not listen as they cling tightly onto him, dragging him forcefully along with them.
And then the fire vanishes just as quickly as it had appeared, leaving him weak and fading once more.
But then the static clings to him, trapping him, keeping him from fading, from moving on.
There is a comforting presence within the electricity, similar to the warm flames, but slightly different.
Familiar yet somehow unfamiliar at the same time.
There is something within the sensation that makes him pause and hesitate.
All he can feel is a weird mix of worry, relief, and unwavering determination.
He almost stops fighting.
But he can’t.
This isn’t-
He isn’t home.
He needs to go home.
So he fights against the static, against the energy it gives him.
Against those soft thoughts of you’re safe, please stop fighting, let me- let us help you.
But that wouldn’t be fair, would it?
Did he really deserve peace when they weren’t here?
He just wanted to see them again.
(Even though the whispers tried to convince him that they were already there because it didn’t make sense.)
So whenever he can he fights.
He runs.
But the static, the flames, keep finding him.
Keep holding him protectively within their embrace.
(keeping him safe)
Keeping him trapped.
(keeping him alive)
Keeping him away from home.
(giving him strength to keep himself alive)
In this fog-filled limbo that his existence has become.
And then.
Something changes.
He blinks open his eyes.
Confused and disorientated and still not quite fully himself.
He feels...
Nothing but a fragile reflection of who he was, of who he will be.
And lost in the vast empty darkness.
Empty, he realises slowly through sludge filled thought, but not silent.
There’s a voice shouting in the distance.
Muffled and incoherent but definitely there.
He looks around.
Suddenly desperate.
Overcome with the desire to find the voice.
To find-
He looks down at his reflection.
But it isn’t *his* reflection.
Maybe *he’s* the reflection.
Forced to echo, to copy.
He’s yelling at himself.
...isn’t he?
But then a hand reaches through the mirror and grabs hold of his scarf.
Pulling him upwards and through the once solid surface and the voice, the familiar and unfamiliar voice, becomes clear.
Becomes understandable.
And awareness washes over him.
The ‘anger’ leaves.
All he has left is a numb confusion and a growing hope.
And then he is falling again.
He blinks.
Awareness comes back to him slowly.
His vision slowly fading back into clarity.
And his first coherent thought is to be annoyed by a constant tap, tap, tap, of a keyboard being used.
He tiredly shifts to locate the source of the noise and sees Donnie tapping away, focused solely on his task.
Then that thought processes.
To See... Donnie... tapping away?
And the tiredness immediately drops away as he reaches out desperately, hopefully.
And then he falls out of the bed with a thump.
But there are hands on him, gently picking him up, embracing him, words nothing but a murmured blur as reality drips into comprehension.
It can’t...
This can’t...
He is so overwhelmed, so utterly lost, he can only sit there as Donnie fusses around him, voice tinged with anger.
No... he realises, as a smile begins to creep upon his face and tears well up in the corner of his eyes, not anger.
But he can’t let himself relax yet.
This is too good to be true.
Is this really truly real?
“D-Donnie?” He asks voice wavering and tinged with a fear he cannot hold back.
And when Donnie (and he hopes, really desperately hopes that it is) keeps fussing he reaches forward and takes hold of a flailing hand.
It’s... it’s warm.
The tears are there again, now dripping unbidden down his face.
“You’re real.”
The wrist within his grasp is solid and warm, and strong.
“You’re real!”
Not thin and weak and rattled with tremors.
“Are you?”
He tentatively asks, scared for the truth but hoping against everything for the best.
That Donnie – his brother, his beloved twin is here.
And then Donnie soothes his fears, tells him the truth, the amazing, almost unbelievable truth.
He cannot stop the tears.
Does not want to stop the tears.
This is...
This is everything he had hoped for.
And the tears that drip, drip, drip down his face are no longer tears of pain and fear and utter sadness but those of hope and joy and the understanding that this is it.
There is a warmth surrounding him.
A hug, he slowly realises.
A hug he thought he’d never receive again.
The trickle of tears becomes a torrent. He cannot hold back, nor does he want to. The relief hits him like a sledgehammer as he clings desperately to the brother he never thought he would see again.
Crying loudly and unashamedly.
This is...
He chokes back the sobs once they calm slightly.
And cracks probably the best (worse) joke he’s made in a while.
And laughter is his reward.
There is a warmth swelling within him, a calmness, and a happiness he had thought unachievable as he and his amazingly alive brother share their joy with each other once again.
And then Donnie passes out.
Gently, carefully, he sets him down, noting the rise and fall of his plastron but he still presses a cautious hand to his brothers neck.
And sighs with relief at the comforting and steady
of a healthy heartbeat.
He exhales in relief.
It’s okay.
A weight lifts off his shoulders as he raises a hand to his own neck feeling the very proof the he too is alive and healthy.
And that is when it really truly begins to sink in.
Despite his confusion. Despite having not even the smallest idea of how he got here, of how he’s alive.
Of how Donnie is alive when even his spirit...
He takes in a soothing breath, shakes the thoughts out of his head, and focuses on the good that he can find.
It’s over
It’s finally over.
But, he pauses, as he takes in his surroundings and processes what just happened.
To breathe in the clean air.
To enjoy the steady beating of their heartbeats.
To think he’s alive, they’re both alive.
...it’s only just begun.
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xmalereader · 11 months
Miguel O’Hara x Black Cat! Male Reader || 4 ||
|| Masterlist ||
Authors note: Hello Everyone! I am back from another vacation…this boy be traveling a lot, but I was able to get part four done of this little mini series! I also want to thank everyone for 7.2k, because holy shit I gained 200 followers in less than a week. I don’t know how that happened but thank you! Also enjoy this new shot!
Summary: Miles and Miguel are a little stuck during a mission and Miles is hesitant to call for back up until a familiar anomaly changes things.
Warnings: No spoilers, fighting, language, parenting skills, hobie is the goat, fluff, black cat anomaly, protective reader and Miguel, some hints of Rio knowing about Miles and Miguel’s identity, short.
Word count: 2.0k
— || Part One || Part Two || Part Three ||
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Miles is throw against Miguel who catches him easily as the two tumble to the ground. The teen lying on top of the older Spider as they groan in pain. “How are these guys not giving up?” Miles grumbled out as he slowly gets up with the help of Miguel. The two have taken notice of an unusual Anomaly in the wrong universe. The two expected it to only be one only to encounter four on the other side when entering the universe. Both Miles and Miguel have been at it for hours, growing tired and restless.
“I think we should—“
“No.” Said Miguel, shutting down Miles suggest.
“I just think—“
“Do you always say no?”
“No.” The sudden bickering catches the old Spider off guard as Miles grins under his mask, quick to dodge a piece of rumble heading towards them as the teenager swings after the anomaly and lands onto another building. “All I’m saying is that we should bring some back up!” Shouted Miles, grunting as he’s grabbed by the leg and dragged down from where he stood, causing a scream to escape his lips.
The teen comes face to face with Doctor Octavias, someone that he’s very familiar with in his own universe.
“We don’t need it!” Miguel shouts back as he attacks one of the other anaomlies, clearing not listening to Miles who struggled with his own problem as he used his electric static to try and malfunction Doctor Octavias arms. He escapes from his grasp and climbs higher up the building. “Lyla!” He calls out to the artificial intelligence.
“Yes, baby spider?”
Miles groans at the name.
“Can you call for back up, please?” His eyes widen when he’s pinned down a flash of black and white in front of him as a pair of claws dig into his neck and jaw, squinting up in pain as he grunts and makes direct eye contact with a familiar outfit. “Noir?”
The figure leans closer.
“Sorry, hun you must have me confused with someone else.” The voice is feminine as Miles frowns, noticing that the cat holding him down wasn’t Noir. This was someone entirely different but yet, similar to the one he knows. “Didn’t think a kid like you would be a spider—a bit clumsy.” She taunts, holding him down as her claws dig deeper into his neck, causing the teen to wince and glare under his mask.
Miles tried to use his web against the black cat only to have his wrist pinned down, he struggles with moving as she chuckled at him and looks around. “Don’t make this your fight kid, go home before you get yourself hurt.” She warns. Miles huffs out a small laugh as he watched her closely.
Miles can’t help but think about Noir and how every black cat was the same but him and he’s able to tell the difference between her and noir. “Yeah, I don’t think so.” He looks over her shoulder, noticing the familiar portal opening up. “You don’t belong in this world and if I can’t take you back then my dad will.”
The women above him cocks her head with a confused look on her face. Before she can react a flash of black is quick to shove her off Miles, watching as she rolls with a grunt and is quick to stabilize herself. The sound of metal claws against the pavement gets Miles attention, sitting up slowly to see Noir in front of him.
He’s in a crouching position, cat like as he glared under his goggles at the women before him. “Touch my kid again and I won’t hesitate to kill you.” He growls out in warning.
It didn’t take long for the rest of the back up to arrive, both Gwen and Hobie landing next to Miles and helping him up while Noir focused on the black cat in front of him. “Help Mig with the others, this ones mine.” Noir instructs the teens, his eyes not leaving the women before him as she grins at him. “How cute, but I’m not going anywhere.” She states, launching herself at Noir as the two get into a brawl.
Miles steps back and grunts.
“Did he just punch a women?” Gwen asks when she noticed Noir punch the other black cat in the stomach.
“Equal rights, equal fights!” Hobie shouts as he jumps off the building, heading towards one of the anomalies and helping Miguel. As much we he hated it, he knew he had no choice but to help. The three teens worked together on taking down the villains, tying them up and getting rid of their weapons while Miguel worked on the one he was dealing with, using his fangs to inject the poison and numbing them from doing anything else.
“I told you I didn’t need back up.” Miguel grumbled as he drags the anomaly towards the pile of villains as Miles chuckles nervously. “Sure you didn’t, took us a few hours to try and take down one. We needed all the help we could get.” He explains, knowing how much Miguel hated admitting help when it comes towards missions like this. “Doesn’t matter—is it just you three?” He questions.
“Y/n is still dealing with a different version of himself.” Gwen points behind her back towards the roof top of one of the buildings as the four of them turned to watch the fight, noticing how Noir and Black cats movements are nearly in sync. “Five bucks that he takes her down in a minute.” Said Hobie, getting the other teens intrigued by the bet. “Bet ten that he takes her down, now!” Miles points at the scene before them as Noir grows angry, changing his way of fighting and using an old trick of his that Miguel taught him a long time ago.
“Stay down, for once!” Noir growls through gritted teeth as he gets her tied up with his grappling hook, keeping her claws far away from the wire and using the extra wire to tie her wrists together, finally getting her pinned.
Miguel hums, shrugging his shoulder. “I taught him that.” He mumbled as he swings towards the building, landing next to Noir and giving his husband a glance. “You know, I didn’t think you’d be able to take your own self down.”
“For the record, that is not me and second I learned a thing or two differently than everyone else.” Noir shot back as he leans against Miguels shoulder, feeling himself grow tired from the constant fighting while wincing in pain. Turns out that he got a few pretty good cuts from the anomaly. “We should have that checked out.” Said Miguel as his fingers touch the small wounds which only caused Noir to smile. “Nah, I’m okay I’ve been through worse.” He bends down to pick up the anomaly and carry them with towards the rest of the others as Miguel opens a portal back to base.
“Still, at least have it checked for me.” Miguel takes his own anomaly and drags them inside the portal while the others do the same. Y/n sighs softly and rolls his eyes when hearing how worried his husband is for him and knows that he shouldn’t argue with him. “Fine, I will get it checked out.” He walks through the portal that takes them back to base.
Getting assistance from the other spiders and taking the anomalies back to their own universe where they belonged while Y/n walks alongside Miguel and Miles. Y/n had noticed Miles limping with each step he took, causing him to raise a brow. “Hey.” His voice gets Miles’ attention and turns to face the older man who gently gripped his chin. “You alright? You’re limping—she didn’t hurt you did she?” Y/n’s voice suddenly growing protective as he glares, but Miles is quick to shake his head. “No, no, don’t worry this wasn’t her doing. I was dealing with one of the other anomalies and they pulled me by the leg, I should be fine soon.”
Miles give his leg a small shake and continued to walk alongside Y/n with a content smile on his face after he removes his mask when entering base. “Good, because I can’t have your mother hunting me down if she finds out what happened.” Miles groans, forgetting about his mother.
It’s been three months since Miles’ mother found out about Miles and Miguel being Spider-Man, catching the two in the act. Miles couldn’t forget the amount of laughing that Y/n did when he was told about the accident. Miles was panicking and Miguel was not happy with his husbands reaction with all of this. I took some time for Miles’ mother to grow adjusted with the idea of her son being the cities hero. She had actually threatened Miguel to keep a close eye on Miles whenever they are out on missions.
Technically, Miles is suppose to be under Miguels watch. But, he wasn’t doing a very good job at it.
“Just tell your mom that you pulled a muscle.” Y/n shrugs his shoulders when entering Miguels lab. “She’s a nurse, she will notice how I really got it.” Miles shakes his head already knowing how clever his mother was. His mother, Rio, knew about his identity along with Miguels, but she still had no idea that Miles’ mentor was the cities greatest thief. The same thief that his dad spent days trying to capture not knowing that so called thief was the same man who was invited to his families dinners.
“If Rio finds out about you, she will not be too happy to know that her son hangs around a thief.” Miguels words catch the cats attention as he gasps dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. “You wound me.” Y/n gives off a small show of being dramatic only to laugh in the end. “She can be upset about me being a thief, but she will for sure kill us back when she finds out that you married a thief and knew about it the whole time.”
Miguel froze, knowing damn well that Y/n was right.
“Then we are a very small, but dysfunctional family.” Miguel mutters out as he focused on his work, making sure that everything was left as a report regarding the anomalies and who was involved in the fight. It was very rare for Miguel to accept his feelings about having a family again, after losing his daughter and gaining another kid from Y/n was still something new to him. He’s slowly getting used to Miles and the teen was still adjusting to Miguel too.
They had their moments together and the rare times that Miguel grew protective over Miles. Y/n remembers the first time he witnessed such actions, noticing Miguels body language change. It happened when one of the spiders had the audacity to pick on Miles for being an anomaly, blaming him for the doom of universe 42 since they didn’t have a spider to protect their world. Miguel usually showed no signs of the matter of caring, doing his own job, but when the spider took things too far. Miguel stepped in and he was not happy.
Y/n still remembers the fear that he struck on the spider, telling them to focus on their job on protecting their own world and minding their own business and threatening to send them back to where they came from and cutting off access to allowing them back on base for picking on his kid.
His kid.
Even though Miles wasn’t theirs by blood, their time together made them feel like a family.
Y/n sighs softly, snapping back to reality as he approached Miles. “Alright, go on. Mama bird is waiting for you. I’d suggest heading back home before she gets worries and starts calling Miguel about your late return back home.” He gives the teen a nudge on the shoulder and tussling his hair on the way over to Miguel.
Miles chuckles. “Alright, I’m going. I’ll see you both tonight!” The teen gives them a small wave before opening a portal back to his universe and heading back home for the day, leaving both Miguel and Y/n on there own.
Y/n walks over to Miguel, standing next to his side and leaning his head against his shoulder. “I think we make great parents.”
“I don’t think sending a kid to fight off four villains is considered good parenting.”
Y/n laughs. “You were there weren’t you? That means that you were keeping an eye on him and making sure that nothing happens to him.” He points out, chin on Miguels shoulder as he watched his husband closely who rolls his eyes at him. Not saying anything and taking his silence as a small victory.
“See, we make great parents!” Y/n says with a huge smile.
Miguel can only sign deeply. “Rio is going to kill us.”
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lilacargent · 4 days
How cold is too cold?
The Quelec had been left alone after their adamant refusal to join the Conclave. This draconian looking species viewed most other creatures as lesser, which made the conclave just as happy to ignore the Quelec and their nearly uninhabitable icy planet.
It didn’t take long before the Prideful creatures couldn’t stand being put to the side like they didn’t matter. Requesting a diplomatic convoy to reopen the conversation was only a ploy to take them hostage and issue ridiculous demands to capture the Conclaves attention.
It is now that a conclave mother ship is hanging just out of orbit to make a plan to get them back. Above a massive map of the icy landscape with one thin line of forest across its median, the three crews tasked with the retrieval are discussing loudly.
“No they can sense electrical currents, and any blast from their breath weapons will shut down our vehicles.” The tall bipedal alien that looks remarkably like a yeti yells at the other people around the table ‘going in with a full frontal attack is going to get everyone killed and if they don’t the cold will. The hostages are held at this planets south pole, which functions as a great prison because of its insane cold!’ The group of Lokachs (a more serpent like alien) hiss at the hostile tone ‘ssssoo far you have not gotten a better idea. Perhaps think for yourself Loquacious.’ When a fight is about to break out the human mediator steps forward. Followed by a tall bearded man and a woman dressed in remarkably non uniform clothes, with markings on her face. ‘No fighting here, they send all of us because we have different experiences with the cold. You, Loquacious of the Relokip, can keep your internal temperatures high like the Quelec can but you’re saying they can sense how you do that?’ the second in command responds ‘Captain Drissum, sir. We generate static electricity in our fur and change it through our nerve system into heat. But the energy will set off the sense of the Quelec.’ With a slow nod Marcus will gesture to the people with him ‘We specifically picked people from a cold climate with generations of experience for this mission: Katjuk from the united Inuit tribes, and Bjørn from the high north and re-established viking society. After many humans left the planet because space travel became widely available the sudden climate changes from the departure of all these people caused an ice age to some degree. All of a sudden skills their people had perfected over generations became increasingly valuable, now they come to share this with us.’
Stepping into the middle of the group Katjuk is the first to speak, ‘we have means to travel the icy tundra without alerting the Quelec, and my friend and his crew have the skills and weapons to protect us during this track. The air is almost good for us the only dangerous aspect is the sulfur and a simple respirator will fix this without using electricity.’ Loquacious lets out a loud bellowing laugh ‘How in the eternal universe are you going to survive the cold without your electricity run suits then? And if you people are soooo cool why do you need us?!’ Marcus just facepalms and Bjørn shoulders past him towering above most people here, but only at eye hight with Loquacious ‘Unless you want us to drop you at the surface with us, you get to sit in your pretty ships and shoot up the other pole and if you are actually brave you can make a bigger splash by going into orbit and making sure they leave their hidey holes.’ kitjak pulls out several packages of fabric and shows one of them to the groups ‘these are a type of clothes our ancestors have used to keep warm in horrible cold, we are going to use them now to do the same. Now on how to get on the planet we are going to do a dead drop, with parachutes. No electricity involved.’ With a thoughtful expression the elder woman looks at the main Lokach, ‘we are going to need your biggest stealth ship, i have been told that it can start up with unheard of speeds almost straight up, is that correct? If so we would need it dropped with us, it is going to be our way out, hopefully it is too quick for the Quelec to respond and we can be picked ultimately outside of orbit.’ Taking a step forward the male bows his head ‘thisss iss the cassse indeed, how do you know it exists?’ Marcus laughs ‘we know most things, but that is not the point now.’ Seemingly having decided that the other groups knew all they needed the humans start speaking with eachother about how they are going to time all of it.
After the fact Loquacious recounts with stunned admiration to the Conclave ‘they dropped down from our highspeed ships with 30 creatures they call dogs, specifically trained to pull sleds and run in packs. The sleds flew over the icy landscape with no regard for the cold. Once they arrived at the strong hold Bjørns men put on spikes on their feet, ropes all around them and scaled the walls like it was nothing. Somehow it took no more than 30 minutes for them to return with the hostages, dropping them down with the ropes like they weighed nothing. Immediately being clothed by Kitjacks group put on the sleds, to return at breakneck speeds.’ Loquacious is silent for a bit when Ilsop (the head Lokach) speaks up ‘with no regard for their own safety they returned the people to the ship we had dropped in the forest line, the dogs are trained to not fear anything their people will tell them to do. There was no sign of exhaustion on these creatures, i believe they would have been able to walk so much further.’ Shocked faces all around look to the massive windows overlooking the internal park of this garden world where a dozen humans are playing with dangerous predators without a fear in the world.
The humans will always find a way.
Outside Bjørn is speaking with Kitjak ‘You know it wasnt even that cold, a Canadian would have worn shorts’ Laughing loudly the woman agrees.
As this is not my culture i did a lot of research, if i have represented things wrong please tell me. Because of that i have remained vague on certain aspects i could not find clear info on.
This took a bit but in response to @caffineandsugar s request for nordic/inuit/ scandinavian focussed.
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bee-rosmyth-art · 7 months
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Resting her chin against his chest- just below the bright cartoon-green of Ellie's clip- she breathed, tasted static electricity and sunshine. The lightbridge sound in his chest, the Aperture logo on his shirt and the bright stratosphere-blue behind his closed, contented eyes, the trick place at the nape of his neck and his terrors and his twitches- maybe these were his scars, like the pale lines across her shins and her arms were hers, the twisted skin on her back and her nightmares and her protective coldness and her fears, but none of it had any power to hurt her tonight. If he reminded her of That Place it was only with a wry sort of wonder, an amazement that the two of them could have come out of that horror as intact as they were, to have salvaged so much from so little worth saving and to have still managed somehow to arrive here, this dark, starry place of safety, the warm amber light glimmering through the trees, the sound of crickets and his hands, warm in hers, against her shoulders.
- Blue Sky, Chapter 11: The Oracle
Written by Wafflestories
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shiorimakibawrites · 2 months
Cat Man Do - Part I (Daredevil Fan Fic)
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This started out as a one-shot but has just kept growing. It will be at least two parts long now.
Cat Man Do
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem! Reader Secondary Pairings: Foggy Nelson x Marci Stahl, implied Karen Page x Frank Castle Word Count: 9600 Summary: Matt Murdock is having a bad night. He has been turned into a cat with a blizzard is coming in. Lucky for him, you came walking by. And you love cats. Warnings: Animal transformation, idiots in love, unresolved sexual tension, spicy dream (voyeurism kink, office sex, fingering, dirty talk), referenced sexual acts (female receiving oral sex, , fingering, female masturbation, hand-job, PIV sex, office sex) General Masterlist Matt Murdock Masterlist Tag List: @loves0phelia, @nowheredreamer , @beezusvreeland , @indestructeible , @what-i-call-men , @reblog-reblog666 , @flynnethenerd , @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment , @yarrystyleeza , @bellaxgiornata Also posted on AO3
June 8: Attempting to fix the tags along with tagging those I missed after temporarily misplacing my tag list.
Part 1
Nothing about the situation seemed all that unusual. Man putting his hands where they were very much not wanted. Victim’s tearful pleading only being met with a slap and a harshly whispered demand to shut up. Sour odor of fear. Coopery scent of blood through it didn’t smell like human blood. Herbs, both familiar ones used in cooking but a few that he didn’t recognize. The only peculiarity was the scent of ozone clinging to the man.
Matt yanked the man away from his victim who, rather sensibly, took the opportunity to flee. At first, he thought that the fight would be short. Very short. The man obviously didn’t know how to fight. He heard the distinctive cracking of bone, then the man desperately shouted something. The smell of ozone increased and suddenly there was . . . something between him and the man. Something he didn’t recognized – hitting it felt like the oddest combination of a pillow, cling film and static electricity. Whatever it was softened his punches to the point that he doubted the man was even feeling them.
Before he could puzzle that mystery out, the man began to speak again. Matt didn’t recognize the language but he recognized the cadence of a chant, the anticipatory menace. The sharp scent of ozone began to rise again. Pressure not unlike the air right before a lightning strike raised the hair on his body. Instinct screamed danger, threat. He couldn’t say why but he just knew that he couldn’t let this man finish whatever he was saying . . .
The man’s inexperience with fighting came back to bit him. Whatever he was doing to protect his torso, it didn’t extend down to his legs. Matt dropped down to use a low kick to sweep his legs out from under him. The follow-up throw kick to his head showed that he was also too stupid to protect his head. The man hit the ground hard and didn’t move.
Matt listened, then nodded to himself. Unconscious. Good. He opened a pouch on his belt and removed some zip ties. He secured the man, then send off a quick call to 911. He scaled the fire escape of the closest building and started putting some distance between himself and those approaching sirens.
He decided to call it a night. It was after one in the morning. He had work tomorrow. Besides there had been very little crime tonight. Probably too cold. And a big snowstorm had been predicted. When they closed up the office, Foggy said sky was completely covered with heavy dark clouds that made the twilight almost as dark as nighttime. Which matched with the shifts in pressure that he associated with oncoming storms. The smell of snow had been building all night. It hadn’t started snowing yet but it would any minute now.
But before he turned in, he would do a loop to make sure his people were safe and sound. One by one, he checked off the list. Maggie and the others at St. Agnes, Brett, Foggy and Marci, Jessica, and Karen. All good. Last but certainly not least was you, the assistant that he and Foggy had hired so Karen could concentrate on law school, by the virtue that your apartment being rather close to his own.
Matt had almost forgotten about the oddities of his last encounter when he started feeling . . . off. Lightheaded, dizzy, like he had gotten clocked in the head without his helmet on. Except he hadn’t, not tonight. Or other time recently. At first the feeling was mild, easily shrugged off. But soon it could no longer be ignored. When his world on fire dangerously flickered and he misjudged the distance between two buildings, he decided that maybe walking on the ground would be safer.
It was in the sense that he was no longer at risk of falling six or more stories. But he was so dizzy, it felt like the ground was swaying under his feet. It was nauseating. Worse, his world on fire was flickering dangerously. It was hard to tell where he was, where the buildings were, where the sidewalk ended . . . He took out his billy clubs, extended and snapped them together. It was too short to really substitute for his cane but it would do until he could get somewhere safer.
It took far longer than he was comfortable with but he managed to orient himself. He knew where he is. It was the faint odor of old smoke that helped clue him in. That building that was torched this summer. Not far from his apartment but another wave of dizziness warned him that he wouldn’t make it that far. But your apartment was very close. There was only one building between his location and your building. He would probably make it before he passed out.
This was not at all how he wanted to tell you about Daredevil but there was nothing he could do about that.
Placing his hand on the burnt building to help keep him oriented, he walked toward. He had just reached the corner when a new sensation arose. Sudden, burning pain. He bit down on his lip, trying not to scream. He collapsed, letting out a scream as he felt his bones start to bent and twist like he was doll being pulled apart by an angry child. Then everything went still and silent . . .
You were walking home. It was later than you preferred to be out. Much later. Especially when you had to work the next day. But your best friend’s boyfriend had broken up with her. Via Twitter. So she needed someone to bring over the ice cream and the booze. So you ignored the weather reports of the big snowstorm and headed out. First to the store, then to her place.
You held her while she cried. You listened and nodded while she vented and swore off men. You both ate way too much ice cream. You didn’t ended up drinking much. Mostly because you’d rather not be hangover at work. But also because the store hadn’t much selection in the booze department – apparently the delivery truck hadn’t shown up. So said booze was limited to one six-pack of wine coolers and a good-sized bottle of peppermint schnapps.
Which wasn’t ideal. Especially since your bestie didn’t really like peppermint schnapps. Said it always tasted too much like mouthwash for her. Which was fair. But after downing three of the wine coolers to your one, she decided to give the schnapps another chance . . . it might be the wine coolers and the wine she finished earlier talking but she said it wasn’t half bad.
You had a little but found peppermint too strong of a flavor all on its own. The mint-chocolate chip ice cream was more your speed.
You loved your bestie but you were glad that she had finally fallen asleep. She had offered to let you stay at her place. But she snoozed like a chainsaw when she was drunk. Also you had tried sleeping on that couch before. It had been uncomfortable. There was a broken something or other in the middle that had poked you in the kidneys all night. So you appreciated the offer but no thank you.
You were walking as fast as you could. Which wasn’t very fast. The sidewalk was rather precarious right now. It had snowed last week. Almost all of the snow had turned into gray slush but it was cold enough that several patches had frozen into near-invisible puddles. Puddles that were very slick.
You had slipped and fallen several times this week. You had started carrying clean, dry clothes in your work bag so you didn’t have to sit in wet clothes all day. Your poor butt had more than one bruise. It would have more bruises but if your boss was nearby when you slipped, he caught you.
Your very hot boss Matt. Not that your other boss, Foggy, wasn’t pretty. He was. Just in a totally different way. But the big factor was that Foggy was engaged, to someone he very obviously loved dearly. You weren’t that kind of girl. But Matt was single. Therefore you were free to admire his good looks and daydream about him all you wanted.
Which you did. Often. Maybe too much. You were pretty sure, with the exception of Matt himself, that everyone who frequented the office had caught you checking out his ass. It wasn’t your fault. He had the best looking ass in the tri-state area. Every suit he wore flattered that ass. He also, quite unfairly, bought shirts that were a size too small. The buttons strained to contain those big muscles . . .
‘Stop it,’ you scolded yourself. Walking at one in the morning was not the time to start daydreaming about your boss and speculating that he could hold you up against the wall while he . . .
You shook your head, feeling yourself flush despite the cold pinching your cheeks. You needed to keep your mind on the here and now, eyes and ears alert for any signs of trouble. You might be only a short distance from home. This might be Hell’s Kitchen where the Devil prowled nighttime streets for nefarious characters but . . . that didn’t mean you should act recklessly. Something could still happen. And while being saved by Daredevil sounded very exciting, it also sounded really scary.
A cry pierced the night air. It sent your heart racing, hands gripping the strap of your backpack while your eyes frantically darted around trying to locate the source of the cry. You couldn’t see anything. The street was eerily deserted for Manhattan, even for this time of night. Maybe it was too cold. The whistling wind was biting, even in your thick winter coat. Even when the air was still, it was beyond frigid. If it was above freezing, you’d eat your hat. Without mustard.
You kept looking but it was so dark. There had been some kind of problem with the streetlights on your block this week. The news said something about a short. You hadn’t really been listening. But the end result was that at least half the streetlights weren’t working. The building that had gutted by a fire was black and silent, looming over the street like giant gargoyle. Many of the windows in the surrounding buildings were dark. The few that were lit did very little to illuminate the darkness.
Then you heard it again. But this time you recognized the noise. It was cat making that distressed yowl. And it sounded like it was coming from the side of that burned building. While the building gave you all of the creeps, you loved animals. Better than you liked most people. You couldn’t just leave it here. Out here in the freezing cold with a blizzard on the way at best. Hurt or trapped at worst.
But to find that poor animal, you needed more light.
You reached into your bag and took out your phone. Dead. The battery was so low that the phone didn’t even try to turn on. You had forgotten to charge it. Again. What were you going to do . . . then you remembered the little flashlight on your key-chain. Something your mom had gotten you when she learn you were moving to big, scary New York City. It was a nice gesture but the cheap thing wasn’t very bright. But some light was better than no light. You pulled your keys out of your pocket and gripped the flashlight in your hand. With a soft click, it turned on.
As expected, it didn’t do much to pierce the gloom. But you walked toward the building anyway. The building looked even creepier and emptier up close. The crack-crunch of your boots on the thin sheets of ice and salt felt inordinately loud to you. Which only made your heart beat faster. You were starting to feel like you were in a horror movie. One of the dumb girls who ignores all the obvious signs of danger and gets chopped into pieces with an ax or something. Or one of the those people in the cold opening in an episode of Supernatural, going into creepy building blithely unaware that they just made themselves dinner . . .
Something crashed to the ground with a loud metal clang. You shrieked, wildly swinging around your flashlight. What . . . then you saw it. A rat messing with a can below a window with a row of similar cans on the still . . . You squinted, cans of food. The kind that wasn’t particularly tasty but cheap and filling. Both of which was more important than flavor if you didn’t have much money. And infinitely better than no food at all.
“It’s just a rat,” you told yourself. “Calm down.”
As if in answer, the cat meowed again. It sounded close. You looked around . . . garbage bags that had been torn open and their contents scattered, piled up frozen slush, a dumpster. Wait, there was a flicker of movement on the other side of the dumpster. Giving a silent prayer that it wasn’t another rat (or something worse), you walked over. As you got closer, your nose wrinkled. The smell wasn’t nearly as ripe as it would be during the summer but it was by no means a pleasant aroma.
By your efforts were rewarded. On the other side and slightly behind the dumpster was a cat. You crouched down, not wanting to loom over the animal and scare it. It didn’t look very frightened right now – it wasn’t puffed up, it’s ears were perked up, or hissing at you. But you’d like to keep it that way. In your experience, a scared cat was a biting cat.
You looked over the cat as best you could. It didn’t look hurt. Just cold and a little wet. Probably wouldn’t need a vet tonight. Beautiful cat, it looked a lot like a Havana Brown with a thick-looking coat of brown fur and that muscular little body. Smaller ears through you were used to seeing. All the Havanas you had seen had those adorably large ears like a Siamese.
The cat remained calm during this inspection, just sitting on something leathery and dark red lying on the ground.
“Hello there,” you said, your voice soft and low. Animals might not understand words but they did understand tone. You carefully extended your hand. “I’m not going to hurt you. You don’t have to scratch me.”
The cat meowed but allowed you to touch it. You ran your hands over the cat. It didn’t react like your searching hands had found anything tender. Still you frowned.
This cat looked cared for. Had obviously been socialized from a young age. Healthy coat and well-fed all added up to beloved pet. If it . . . he, you corrected after another look, was a stray, he hadn’t been one for very long.
“Did you get lost?” you asked the cat. “Or did someone abandon you out here in the cold?”
Despite your best efforts to avoid, you couldn’t keep the anger out of your voice at that second possibility. Nights this cold could easily be fatal, even more so with that blizzard rolling in. especially for a pet that was used to warm shelter during harsh weather. You just couldn’t understand the sheer cruelty of doing something like that. If someone didn’t want a cat anymore, fine. There were far more humane options than abandoning them to die in the winter streets.
Well lost or abandoned, you weren’t leaving this little beauty out here to freeze. “It’s awfully cold out here, kitty cat. Did you want to come home with me? At least for the night?”
Of course, your only answer was more meows. But they sounded positive so you decided to take them as a yes. You didn’t have a carrier with you. But your backpack would work as substitute. You opened up your coat just enough to remove your scarf which you piled into the bottom. Your previous fur babies liked something soft to snuggle into when transported like this. It would get your scarf dirty but it was washable.
But when you placed the cat in the backpack and tried to zip it, the cat jumped out. It didn’t run away. Just went over and sat on the red thing. After this happened two more times, you let out an exasperated sigh. Looking down at the cat, looking up at you from its apparently beloved red thing. Maybe you should purrito him . . . then you did a double-take. Blinked. Rubbed your eyes. But it didn’t change.
You had only ever seen it in grainy photos on the news or in the papers. But you still recognized it. The red leather armor of Daredevil. You supposed it could be a replica. Every hero in this city had fans who did cosplay. Daredevil was no different. But if this was a costume, someone had spent a lot of time and money making it.
Your earlier frown returned. No fan who had gone to all that effort would leave this by a dumpster to get ruined. And if it wasn’t a replica but the real thing . . . you couldn’t think of why Daredevil would leave his suit by a dumpster either. Like the costume, leaving it outside in this wet weather could severely damage it.
“Curious and curiousier,” you murmured to yourself. A look uncovered the horned helmet, gloves, and armed boots nearby. Not the sticks, however. There was a holster on leg where they ought to be. You cast your flashlight around and spied something red laying a short distant away. You went there and discovered the missing sticks.
Or rather a staff since it seemed to be be only one. It looked rather long for that thigh holster and you could have sworn there was supposed to be two . . . but maybe you were wrong. You never actually seen him. Just pictures. And Daredevil didn’t exactly stand still in excellent lighting to be photographed with a high-quality camera.
You picked it up and frowned. The staff seemed rather heavy. It wasn’t so heavy that you couldn’t swing it around easily but it was weighty. A person could do some real damage with this. It was not a prop. It was a real weapon.
“Holy shit,” you said, staring at the staff with more than a little awe. Because as crazy as it sounded, you were starting to think this was really Daredevil’s staff and that was really his suit back there. But you had little time to bask in that wonder. Because a big flake of snow landed on the stick. Followed by another and another. You looked up.
It had started snowing. You hurried back over to the suit, carrying the staff. You pulled your scarf out of your backpack, looping it around your neck for the moment. You picked up the suit and started getting into your pack. Assuming he didn’t leave it here in purpose, Daredevil was going to want this back and probably would appreciate not having it damaged by the wet weather.
How you were going to get to him was a problem for Future You.
Also it seemed like the cat wasn’t coming without the suit. Why he was so obsessed with it was another mystery for Future You to untangle. When you weren’t outside in a blizzard. You managed to fit most of it into your pack, which was a little tricky since you couldn’t put down the flashlight but you managed. You zipped it closed, glad that you had grabbed your hiking pack earlier. You’d never be able to fit this much of the suit in your regular pack. The staff didn’t fit. You’d have to carry it. Hopefully you wouldn’t run into anyone before reaching your apartment.
You propped the stick against the side of the dumpster before swing the pack onto your shoulders. You left the hip belt undone. Daredevil’s suit wasn’t anywhere near as heavy as the full pack for a long hike.
“Okay, Trouble,” you said, reaching for the cat. “Let’s go.”
The cat meowed but allowed you to pick him up and place him against your chest. His front paws rested on your shoulder while you supported his body with your arm. The hand was still holding your key-chain flashlight. Which would make holding onto him if he got squirmy difficult. You gave him a stern look. “No jumping out of my arms or being a wiggle worm, Trouble. Or I will purrito you with my scarf.”
He meowed again. It sounded like an objection.
“Don’t meow me, mister. You are clearly trouble, trouble, trouble,” you said, almost singing those last words. You blamed your best friend. I Knew You Were Trouble was one of her favorite songs. Therefore you had heard it several times tonight and the lyrics were kinda stuck in your head.
Carried in your arms, Matt suppressed an irritated huff. He wasn’t upset with you. He was upset about the situation.
The cat made a grumpy noise but stayed where he was and didn’t scratch. So you just laughed as you collected the staff and headed toward home.
He wasn’t entirely sure how he had been turned into cat. He had an idea. That scumbag he left knocked out and left tied up for the police. Even if the only explanation for that thing that shielded the man from his blows and turning him into a cat was magic. Danny had sworn up and down that magic was real. His heart had been steady as drum but Matt hadn’t entirely believed him.
Or rather he didn’t want to believe him. People developing random powers – sometimes from exposure to chemicals or radiation – and aliens was enough weirdness for one planet. Earth didn’t need magic to be real too.
But Matt tried not ignore reality when it smacked him in the face. Someone had spoke some words and now he was cat. Magic was real. He would accept that and hope that other stuff straight out of a fantasy or horror novels weren’t also real. The last thing he needed running around his city was vampires. Or dinosaurs. Or something equally ridiculous.
He also had no idea how he was going to get himself back to being a human. His only working theory was that maybe, just maybe, Danny could do something. Or would know someone who could do something about it. It was long shot but he was the only one that Matt knew who knew anything about magic.
Assuming he could get in contact with Danny in the first place. Rather big assumption there. Until and unless he could, his only other option was wait and see if the spell wore off on its own. Matt didn’t like this plan. For one, he had absolutely no idea if the spell would wear off at all. Or if does, how long that would take.
A few hours would be ideal but when was Matt ever that lucky?
No, it was much more likely that he would be stuck like this for days. If not longer. Foggy was going to worry. And when he couldn’t find or contact Matt, he was going to get scared. And when he checked Matt’s apartment and found the suit gone along with Matt, he was going to assume the worst.
He hated the thought of putting Foggy through that. But there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t turn himself back. He couldn’t talk. These paws couldn’t hold a paw. He might be able to type but unless you had a braille keyboard or a refreshable braille display, he couldn’t tell what keys he was pushing. Randomly hitting keys was unlikely to produce a coherent message that would clue you into the fact he wasn’t a cat.
The only semi-positive he could find about this situation was that you had been walking near enough to the dumpster he had collapsed behind to hear his meowing. Through Matt couldn’t say he was thrilled that you were out this late. It was dangerous. Granted, most criminals had seemingly opted not to be out in the freezing cold but not all.
His heart had lodged in his throat when you had shrieked. His mind racing how he had missed someone beside you being outside and nearby. What was he going to do, he couldn’t protect you like this . . .
It was immense relief to discover it was just a rat.
But despite his desire to get yourself somewhere warmer and safer, he was unwilling to leave his suit behind. One person impersonating him and slaughtering innocent people was already one too many for his tastes.
Furthermore replacing it would be a headache. Jacobson wouldn’t be happy to learn the suit he had designed and made for Matt had been left behind a dumpster. Which was fair. He wouldn’t like someone treating his work in such a chevalier matter either. He might fix or replace it but in the meantime, Matt would be back to the black suit.
Which tended to make Claire and Foggy unhappy. They preferred he fight crime wearing something more protective. Which Matt couldn’t really argue with. Nor that the red suit was warmer than the black. Which was nice this time of year but not so nice in August.
He had felt a little silly hopping in and out of your backpack like that but it accomplished his goal. The suit hadn’t been left behind.
You had recognized the suit, of course. And seemed to realize that it was the real thing, not one of the costumes his fans made. Well, Foggy claimed he had fans who dressed up like him for something called Super Con. He hadn’t been lying but . . . why? Didn’t people find him scary? Too violent? Why not someone nicer? Like Spider-Man? Sure, he was snarky and a smartass kid but otherwise he oozed friendliness . . .
Warm air hitting his fur startled him but not as much as realizing that he was coated in snow. He hadn’t even noticed. Had he really been that much in his head? Apparently.
“No jumping down yet, Trouble,” you said to him, the arm holding him shifting a little. “We’re not quite home yet. I will still purrito you.”
Purrito? That was second time you had said that word. He didn’t know what it meant and wasn’t sure he wanted to.
Closing and locking your door behind you was a relief. Besides the fact that you were carrying was likely the real Daredevil suit (which was probably illegal in some fashion), the snow was really coming down. Even the distance between the dumpster and your building was very short, it was getting close to whiteout conditions by the time you arrived.
You propped the staff against the wall before kneeling down to let the cat go. He didn’t go far. Curious. Cats often hide when in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people. Despite the fact he left you carry him without any trouble, you still kinda expected the cat to make a beeline for under your couch. Or your bed. But nope, just sat at the edge of entrance way, in a growing puddle of melting snow.
You quickly took off your pack and winter gear. The pack, the coat, and gloves were both waterproof so they were more or less fine. But your scarf and hat were just as wet as the cat. You’d have to hang them up in the bathroom to drip dry. Later. First, you needed to get the cat dry. Then get both of you warm.
After taking off your boots, you went and grabbed a towel from the stack still sitting on the coffee table. You had been in the middle of putting away your laundry – something along with folding it that you often procrastinated – when your best friend had called crying. You checked but the cat still hadn’t moved from his spot. You walked over to him and knelt down.
“Let’s get you dry,” you said and started towel-drying him. He was remarkably tolerate of this process. Marshmallow (may she rest in peace) would have been singing you the song of her people. Despite the fact, as a Persian, she had been groomed literally her entire life. Pumpkin or Oreo (may they rest in peace) would have tried to fight with the towel.
You had long ago developed the habit of talking to your cats. It made your apartment feel less lonely. So you didn’t think anything of telling him how much better behaved he was compared to those three of your previous fur babies.
“Trying to prove you aren’t trouble, trouble, trouble?” you asked. The cat meowed as if in answer. You laughed and checked on his coat. It was as dry as you could get it without using a blow dryer. But with the exception of Marshmallow, you had yet to meet a cat who didn’t try to run away from the thing making the scary, painfully loud noise.
And that was because Marshmallow couldn’t hear the scary noise. To her, it just warm air blowing on her which she had seemed to find wonderful.
Despite all that drama, you missed Marshmallow, Pumpkin and Oreo. Maybe it was time for new furry friend. Maybe this one, you thought, petting the cat’s fur. It was soft as velvet. In the better light of your apartment, you could see the reddish tones to the over dark brown color.
“If you don’t already have a home,” you said, thinking out loud. “Maybe I should call you Cinnamon. It matches with the color of your coat. But Trouble is so just perfect . . .”
The newly dubbed Trouble meowed. You laughed again. You couldn’t help it. He sounded so grumpy.
After another moment of consideration, you decided against the blow dryer. Thanks to the thickness of his coat, he hadn’t gotten wet down to the skin. He probably wouldn’t get matted if you let him air dry for the rest.
You mopped up the puddle on the floor with the same towel, then hung it up in the bathroom along with your hat and scarf. You walked deeper into the apartment, into your bedroom. There you retrieved your heating pad, the comforter from your bed, and one of the extra blankets from the top of the closet. It was time for part two – getting warmed up.
You carried the load out to the living room. The comforter was sat on one cushion but you made a little nest with the heating pad and blanket on the adjoining seat. Trouble seemed pretty comfortable being close to you but you couldn’t assume that he was a lap cat. You turned on the pad and went back to him
He still hadn’t moved very away from the entrance. Peculiar. You’d think a cat this confident would have started exploring. Cats are curious. Maybe he was more nervous than you thought. Through you’d think a nervous cat would be hiding somewhere. But Trouble wasn’t hiding and he didn’t run away from you. And you picked him up, his body wasn’t stiff. No tension in the muscles. He didn’t go limp like a Ragdoll but was still relaxed in your hands.
Hmmm . . . maybe his (previous) home was one where he regularly met strangers? Like he was a shop cat or something like that. Or his (previous) owner worked somewhere that allowed people to bring in their pets as long as they didn’t cause a disruption? Or traveled regularly like a show cat. He was pretty enough for a show cat. Any of those might explain why Trouble seemed so comfortable with a stranger in a strange place.
Or maybe he was just a people cat. Each cat was an individual after all.
You placed Trouble down in the nest. He didn’t immediately jump off. Which had been a possibility. Cats often didn’t like things that weren’t their idea. But this cat seemed willing to explore the nest instead of rejecting it outright. Giving everything a sniff, feeling the blanket under his paws. Not quite making biscuits but close.
Judging by the purring, Trouble seemed to be enjoying himself.
You would have loved to keep watching but you wanted something hot to drink. Normally you’d make coffee but it was already stupid late. Not the time to start drinking something with caffeine. So herbal tea it was. While the water heated, you remembered that you needed to charge your phone. But after that brief detour, you started shifting through your tin of herbal teas . . . what sounded good . . . you picked out the one calling itself Apple Spice.
You poured the water over the tea bag and enjoyed the rising aroma as the tea seeped. You couldn’t remember which spices were supposed to be in this tea. But it smelled like apple pie so you’d guess mostly cinnamon and nutmeg. Tasted more like apple cider than pie but you still enjoyed it. You carried your mug over the couch.
You sat the mug down on the coffee table for a moment so you could wrap yourself in the comforter and sit down. You pulled your legs up onto the couch under the comforter, shifting until you were sitting cross-legged. You leaned toward and grabbed the mug.
You had only taken a few sips before you felt paws on your leg. You looked down at Trouble. He was looking up at you beseechingly.
You smiled and lifted the edge of the comforter. “Come here, Trouble.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. He crawled onto your lap, circling a few times before settling down. The low purr only got louder when your hand couldn’t resist the urge to pet. And scratch him behind the ears and under the chin. Despite the name you had given him, Trouble really was such a sweetheart. How could anyone abandon him on the streets to die? You just couldn’t imagine it . . .
‘Maybe,’ you thought. ‘It wasn’t on purpose. Maybe something happened to his humans . . .’
You yawned. You still didn’t know how Daredevil tied into this abandoned (or lost) cat. It was possible that was just a coincidence. That both Trouble and the suit just happened to be in the same place. But maybe the suit smelled familiar to the cat . . . maybe this was Daredevil’s cat . . .
“What would Daredevil name a cat?” you murmured to yourself. “Lucy Fur? Holy Terror? The Lord of Felines? Hiss the Devil-Cat?
A soft meow jerked you back to alertness before you could spill tea on yourself. But if you were falling asleep sitting up, you should put that mug down. You had drunk most of it. It was fine. You sat down the mug, leaned your head against the back of the couch. You just needed to rest your eyes. In a few minutes you’d tidy up, start unraveling those mysteries . . .
Just a few minutes . . .
Matt listened as you fell into a deep sleep and contemplated life’s little ironies. When he had pictured laying on your lap, this was not the scenario he had in mind. It had been more like using your lap as a pillow while your hands ran through his hair. Sometimes the fantasy was a lazy afternoon where you two were wearing comfortable clothes and simply enjoying each other’s company.
Sometimes the fantasy turned dirty. One where the only clothing you were wearing was a shirt and panties. And he was unable to resist being so close to your core. Kissing and touching until you were squirming and his nose was filled with the scent of your arousal. Then he’d slide off the couch, then peeled off those panties hiding his prize. He’d kneel between your spread thighs and . . .
He shook his head. He couldn’t think about that. It was never going to happen. Before, he would have had a chance. You were attracted to him. More over, he had once (unintentionally) overheard you telling your friends that you liked him. In more ways in one. One of those was the ‘I want him to fuck me on his desk’ way. Your words, not his. And Matt would be liar if he said he hadn’t thought about exactly the same thing. Imagined your soft skin under his hands and your pretty moans in his ear while he buried himself deep inside you . . .
‘Never going to happen,’ he reminded himself. Even through you had also made it clear in that talk with your friends that you always dreamed being with him like (again quoting) ‘one of those disgusting adorable couples who snuggle every chance they get and give each other forehead kisses.’
But in his experience, people either interested in Matt Murdock or the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. Not both. Never both. He didn’t expect you to be any different. Not once you knew that mild-mannered blind attorney Matt Murdock was Daredevil.
You were going to find out. You were too intelligent not to figure out that something was going on with your boss. You probably already had some questions. He knew you hadn’t missed those days when he had injuries that couldn’t be hidden by his day suit. Even when his injuries were completely hidden, you had noticed that he was moving wrong and asked if he was alright. So far you hadn’t questioned his excuses but he didn’t think you entirely believed them either.
Sooner or later, you weren’t going to placated by those (he was told rather flimsy) excuses. You’d want the truth. Perhaps you would draw your own conclusions about what was going on with him. Become worried about addiction or abuse. Perhaps you would confronted him about it – you were rather shy but concern for others seemed to bring out your courage.
This incident would drop all kinds of clues into your hands. Especially if you got the chance to inspect his suit more closely. He didn’t have his name sewn into the collar or anything as obvious as that. But his burner phone was in one of the pouches. Finding Foggy and Karen in the contacts was going to give you all kinds of questions.
He doubted you would make the leap that the cat you had rescued was Daredevil, rather than his pet cat or something. Which was understandable. If he was in your shoes, it certainly wouldn’t be his first theory. Or his second. He was living it and he was having difficulty believing it.
At least this time he had time to prepare for the upcoming conversation. Judging from past history, it was going to be unpleasant – yelling, tears, suspicions that he was more or less faking his disability. Followed by new distrust warring with previous affection. If he was lucky, enough of that affection would survive. And if that luck continued, you would accept his nature and agree to remain friends.
If he was unlucky . . .
And if he was very lucky, you’d break the pattern. You’d accept him for who he was, man and devil. The discovery of his darkness wouldn’t kill your attraction to him. You’d say yes when he asked you out, the first date of many . . .
Through Foggy claimed he was already dating you. Which no, he wasn’t. He would know if he had asked you out and you had agreed. And you would have kissed, at least, by now if you were dating. Foggy had rolled his eyes and muttered something along the lines of ‘Oh great, both of them are idiots.’
That aside . . . Matt knew he would never be that lucky. It was a beautiful dream. But that’s all it was. A dream. It was far more likely that he was going to be stuck as a cat for the rest of his life.
‘Through,’ he thought as he started to fall asleep. ‘Being your cat wouldn’t be so bad . . .’
You let out a frustrated whine.
“Shh, sweetheart,” he whispered in your ear, his deep voice rich as honey. “You don’t want anyone to walk in and see you like this, do you?”
Like this meaning on your boss’s lap with your skirt hiked up around your waist, your legs splayed wide so anyone who walked in that door would get a good look at your panties. That wasn’t only thing they’d get an eyeful of. Your blouse was unbuttoned, the cups of your bra pushed down to expose your breasts. One of your boss’s large hands was fondling a breast, rolling the taut nipple between his fingers. His other hand was teasing your covered cunt, pressing far too gentle and fleeting touches to yourclit.
“Or is that exactly what you want? For someone to see you like this? Did you want everyone to know? That I’m touching you like this?”
You squirmed, feeling your face flush worse than it already was. The hand on your breast gave it one last squeeze before sliding down to grip your opposite hip.
“I think you do. You want someone to see how wet you are. For them to know how eager this pussy is for my cock.”
He pushed himself upward, a pale mimicryof thrusting you craved. But it did remind you of the hard, eager cock pressed tightly against your ass. It would be so easy. Just take off your underwear and let him get his pants off. Or at least enough of his pants off to free that cock. Your cunt clenched desperately. You didn’t care if he fucked you in this chair or on his desk. Just as long as he was inside you . . .
“Or even just my fingers.”
Fingers hooked around panties, pulled them away from your cunt. A single finger ran through your folds, coating itself in your slick. Tracing the entrance before the tip dipped inside. But rather than sinking deeper, it withdrew. Before you could protest, it dipped back in. Then back out. Again. And again. Always just the tip of his finger. Nothing more. You needed more. You tried to thrust up. But the muscular arm across your torso with its hand gripping your hip kept you pinned against him. All you could do was squirm . . .
“Matt,” you moaned, burying your burning face against his neck. “Please . . .”
You jolted upright. You were trying to get to your feet before what had woken you even registered. Unfortunately for your dignity, your comforter had gotten twisted around your legs so your attempt only resulted in you falling on the floor. More fortunate you managed to avoid smacking your head against the coffee table. As you tried to get yourself loose of your own comforter, you sleepily wondered why you were sleeping in the living room.
Then everything came flooding back. The visit . . . the cat . . . the suit . . . the dream . . . you felt your face flush. Then you realized what had woken you up. Your phone was ringing. As you got yourself to your feet, you muttered unkind things about the phone. It had shattered the dream just as it was getting really good. And the place between your legs throbbing with need. It was tempting to ignore your phone in favor of slipping your hand inside your underwear . . .
But in the end, responsibility won and you got your phone. It had gone to voice mail before you got to it. You unlocked it and checked the phone ID. Foggy. Why would Foggy be calling you . . . then the time registered.
Your heart almost stopped. The office had opened two hours ago. You were late! Your fingers frantically hit the call back, praying that you hadn’t just gotten fired. You needed this job . . .
Foggy’s cheerful hello was a promising start.
“Sorry, I know I’m late,” you started before Foggy interrupted you.
“No, you aren’t. The office is closed today.”
“Huh?” You said, trying to remember Foggy or Matt saying anything about that yesterday. You couldn’t remember . . . but your brain didn’t exactly work before its’ morning caffeine hit. And thinking about Matt only made you think about the dream. Which made the wet heat between your legs even worse. “Why?”
“Because there is roughly three feet of snow? With more still coming down? And high winds that have already knocked out power in parts of Manhattan and might do the same here any minute now?”
You immediately went to the window and peered out. You didn’t have the best view but it was as Foggy reported. Snow piled high on the streets below while more swirled across the window, day not looking not much brighter than twilight despite already being mid-morning . . . “Wow, you aren’t kidding about the weather.”
“I never kid about the weather,” Foggy said with mock seriousness. “The city powers that be don’t recommend going out in that mess. And even if they did, I’m not walking in that for anything less than a life or death emergency. Agreed?”
“Agreed,” you said.
“I called you earlier but you didn’t answer and didn’t call back. I just wanted to make sure that you knew not to come today. Probably tomorrow too. More depends on how long this storm last and how long it takes to get things running again.”
And to check that you were alright. Both of your bosses were worry-warts. Matt was worse than Foggy in that regard. Always got that worried furrow in his brow when you were going to be walking home alone, right before he offered to walk with you. Often you accepted. Mostly because it gave you an excuse to spent more time with him.
And he knew all these little hole-in-the-wall restaurants with the most amazing food . . . Through whenever you talked about those little side-trips, everyone – your friends, Foggy, Karen, your mom – always asked you if you were sure that Matt wasn’t your boyfriend . . .
Yes, you were sure. Those weren’t dates. If they had been, you would have been kissing Matt. And you definitely wouldn’t have been able to resist having sex with him this long if you were dating. So they were just a side-trip taken with your friend and employer.
“Okay,” you said, shuffling away from the window and toward your small kitchen. “Thanks for checking on me. Everyone else okay?”
“No problem,” he said. “Karen’s bunkered down with . . . er . . . a friend. Matt hasn’t call me back yet. I was just about to ring him again.”
You didn’t know Karen had a boyfriend. Odd that she had never brought him to Josie’s with the rest of the group . . . but then the second part of that statement caught your brain.
“Matt hasn’t called you back?”
“No,” Foggy said. “But I’m sure he’s fine. Probably just didn’t hear his phone ring. Matt sleeps like the dead sometimes.”
Not hearing something didn’t sound like the Matt you knew. Who seemed to hear everything. No matter how quietly you moved, he always knew you were there. But Foggy knew him better than you did. And he had lived Matt for years. If Foggy said Matt was a heavy sleeper, then he was a heavy sleeper.
Still his voice sounded odd. Like maybe he was worried but trying not to show it. But maybe you were just protecting your own worries onto Foggy.
“Okay. I’ll let you get back to that. Bye, Foggy,” you said, trying to keep those worries out of your voice. ‘They were unnecessary,’ you reminded yourself silently. Matt was blind but he was also a grown man. He could care of himself. He was fine.
You tucked your phone in your pocket. Ugh . . . you were still wearing yesterday’s clothes. Your work clothes since you hadn’t changed before getting that tearful phone call. You had wanted to get that laundry finally put away before you found another excuse to avoid doing it. You needed a shower. Especially since the power might go out – who knows when you’d get the chance for another one?
You put on coffee and tried not to worry about Matt.
“Matt doesn’t need you fussing over him. Even if he does come in looking like he got into a bar fight sometimes,” you told yourself sternly. Like last Friday, he had been sporting a set of spectacular set of bruises across the right side of his face. Which he said was the result of missing a curb and tripping. Which sounded rather peculiar to you. Yes, he couldn’t see the curb but he seemed pretty skilled with that cane of his . . . and Matt moved with the cat-like elegance of a dancer.
Maybe even graceful blind men had trouble with two left feet sometimes.
Speaking of trouble . . . where was that cat? You hadn’t seen him since you woke up.
“Trouble,” you called out. “Where are you? Here kitty, kitty,”
You heard a meow. Not close by. But the coffee was on so you could look around. It took several minutes and more meows to find him. Trouble was in your bedroom closet, on the shelf above the clothing rod. You weren’t sure how he he managed to get up there but cats were like that. It was amazing the places they managed to climb up or squeeze themselves into. It seemed he had started exploring while you were sleeping.
Looking at Trouble, you frowned. Something was . . . off. You couldn’t quite put your finger on what . . . no, wait. You raised up your phone. You had been using the flashlight app to look in shadowy places like under furniture. You ran the light across the cat’s face, watching closely. Once, then twice to make sure you were really seeing what you were seeing. But you were. His eyes weren’t reacting to the light.
You raised one finger, then moved it back and forth in front of Trouble’s face. He wasn’t tracking the motion through his whiskers tilted forward, his little nose twitching. He was paying attention, his ears were up and pointed toward you. But his eyes . . .
“Are you blind, Trouble?” you asked, reaching back up to pet the cat. It was impossible to resist that sinfully soft fur.
He gave a soft meow as if answering your question.
Well, Trouble being blind didn’t change your plans. You were still going to adopt him if he didn’t already have a home. You made a mental note to have the vet check your theory about his vision when you took him in to make sure he was healthy as he looked. You were tempted to get Trouble down from his perch. You were pretty sure that he could back down without hurting himself. Without making a mess by accidentally pulling something down with him . . . that was another kettle of fish. And while most of what on the shelf was soft, some wasn’t and that stuff could hurt Trouble if it got knocked off while he tried to get down.
On the other hand, getting a cat out of a hiding spot could be tricky. Trouble hadn’t been aggressive with his claws even once but he might make an exception for getting grabbed and pulled out of somewhere he was hiding. Normally you’d purrito him but that high shelf wasn’t the easiest location to purrito a cat . . . the beep of the coffee maker interrupted your train of thought.
You decided to have some coffee, then consider how to get Trouble down from there. But halfway through that first mug, you heard a thump. One that wasn’t, thankfully, followed by any crashing noises. Just Trouble strolling into the kitchen, very casual. He stopped a few feet away from you, head turned you – ears alert, upright tail curled into a question mark.
“Yes, Trouble?” you said. Then thought about it for a minute. “You hungry? Breakfast?”
Another answering meow. But then you had another problem. You didn’t have any cat food. You had given the last of Oreo’s special food to a friend whose cat had the same dietary restrictions. But you did have some baked chicken. That should work. Cats usually liked chicken. Fingers-crossed that it wouldn’t upset his tummy. Or make him very sick because he needed a special diet.
You cup up the chicken and put some of it into a small bowl. You sat it down in front of the cat along with a second dish with water. After giving both bowls a very thorough inspection with his nose, the cat seemed to accept the offering and started eating the chicken. You put the rest away and made a mental note to set up the litter box. You might not always have cat food on hand but you had encountered enough unexpected cat acquisition to keep cat litter in the house. Muddling through a night without cat food was one thing. Without cat litter was something else and not an experience that bears repeating.
You drank your coffee and considered your own breakfast. You didn’t really feel like making anything complicated right now. Maybe scrambled eggs? With toast? That would be quick and easy. You nodded and made yourself breakfast. Scrambled eggs and toast didn’t take long and soon you were seated at your little kitchen table, listening to one of your regular podcasts while you ate and made plans.
First, your shower. Get yourself clean and put on some clean clothes. Something comfortable since you weren’t going anywhere and there wasn’t anyone to impress. At the very least, fresh underwear since your current pair was uncomfortably damp. Along with your thighs. You were alone but the thought still made your face feel warm. Maybe, while you were in the there, you should take care of the still almost-painful ache between your legs . . .
Tidy up your apartment. Pull your emergency kit from under your bed. The Daredevil suit and all its mysteries . . . your fork scrapped the plate. The sound this produced made Trouble flinch.
“Sorry Trouble,” you said. You had been so in your head, you hadn’t realized that you already eaten all of your eggs. You moved the plate to the sink, left your mug by the coffee pot – you’d drink more when you were done with your shower – and headed toward your bedroom.
Matt might actually be in hell.
He thought it was bad earlier, when you started dreaming and his nose was filled your heavenly aroma. And when he heard you moan out his name, begging him for something. Something he couldn’t give. Not while he was like this. He had scurried out of the comforter and hidden himself before he did something . . . rash.
But this? Listening to you touching yourself? It was worse. Far worse. When there was nowhere in your small apartment where he couldn’t hear the beautiful sounds you were making. Couldn’t smell the mouth-watering scent of your arousal. Couldn’t escape the knowledge that it was always his name being moaned out.
It was torture. Pure torture.
He wanted so badly to be himself again and in that shower. Holding your naked body against his own, fingers pumping into your cunt and toying with your clit until you begged him for release. After you shattered under his hands, would he fuck you against the shower wall? Or would you turn the tables on him? Push him against the tile and start working his cock with your hands until he was the one begging?
Would that be enough to satisfy you both? Or just the beginning?
He buried himself further into the pile of blanket and comforter in a futile attempt to muffle your gasping recitation of his name as you chased your release . . .
You walked out the bathroom feeling refreshed.
Your eyes searched for Trouble. You didn’t worry when you didn’t immediately find him. There were a lot of places in your apartment for a cat to hide. And when you went to collect last-night’s tea mug, you found him.
Or rather you found his tail. He had apparently attempt to hide himself in the pile of blankets but his tail was sticking out. You giggled as you reached out and tickled his tail. He meowed, squirmed around in the blanket until the tail disappeared into the depths.
“Not planning to come out of there, Trouble?”
The responding meow was loud, like a very firm no. which only made you giggle harder. But you left him in his blanket cocoon. He wasn’t harming anyone. If he wanted to hide for a while, you’d let him. At least he wasn’t trying to ‘help.’
TO BE CONTINUED . . . in Part 2
The kick combination that Matt uses against the magic user is from capoeira, which is an Afro-Brazilian cultural practice that is both a martial arts and a dance. The movements require great bodily dexterity. It’s very cool.
Purrito means wrapping a cat in a towel, small blanket, or similar like they were burrito. It’s way of holding the cat without getting scratched since the paws are all inside in the burrito. Some cats find it calming as they like the gentle pressure all around them like a hug. But some don’t.
Havana brown is a cat breed developed from mixing the Siamese with brown domestic short-haired cats. They are brown to reddish-brown – right down to their whiskers – with green eyes. Very pretty cats.
Jacobson is Luke Jacobson, the fashion designer from She-Hulk. In this story, Matt saved him one night when he was in New York. He was appalled by Matt’s homemade supersuit. He demanded to make him a better one as a thank you for saving his life. And wouldn’t take no for answer.
Melvin Potter, his old suit guy, Matt has been representing as a way of apology for the trouble Melvin experienced during Season 3. Matt might introduce Melvin to Jacobson who is curious about his other red suit.
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0v3rcast · 1 year
Gnaw (4)
You stand at the precipice of Liyue. The land of Geo. The resting place of a corpse-god, the dragon Rex Lapis, and the home of Archon Zhongli.
Though some part of you hopes that they'll be less hostile, you can't help but feel that Liyue will simply be more of the same.
More suffering. More death.
But now you have a gift. A way to protect yourself. The symbol of one of your loyal creations, and a font of power from which to draw destructive energy. You are not alone. And you will not fall so easily.
You step through a boundary, a line between the nations, and the world changes. Suddenly, the sky does not feel so vast. The air feels thinner, and the ground beneath your feet feels... denser. More present. As though the soil and stone of Mondstadt was gravel.
You take a few moments to breathe, to aquaint yourself with lungs that go unaided by Anemo, and begin walking.
Somewhere in the distance lies the Stone Gate. You decide to avoid it and the people of Liyue as best you can.
You decide to experiment with the abilities you now have so you can defend yourself if need be.
First, you should probably learn to sense them, starting at the symbol upon your wrist.
After a minute of concentration, you feel the faintest twitch of static in your veins. The subtle hum of energy that now calls you home.
You move the energy sluggishly, slowly convincing it to travel along your veins, and it proceeds to gain speed.
By the end of your first hour of 'training', there is a storm in your chest, your heart pounding thunder down your ribs, your blood singing with voltaic power.
It feels good.
You are unaware that special organs are rapidly growing in your dermis and flesh to allow you to conduct electrical energy safely.
You are unaware of the way billions of neurons are rearranging themselves to make your use of this power instinctive.
You are unaware of the way your entire nervous system is editing itself, allowing you to pump your body full of electro energy without a cost to your health.
You are unaware that you could now shrug off chewing on a power plant generator's active primary circuit or that you would register lightning as nothing more than a mild annoyance.
What you are aware of is the ball of lightning hovering over your hand. You grin, victorious.
(Electro watches from their throne at the peak of existence, smug smile on their face.)
Your doppelgänger howls in agony as they carve a spiral into the space between their shoulderblades with a blade that oozes molten gold.
They cannot allow themselves to be discovered as a false God. To be revealed now would be a waste of all their work.
To lose the luxuries they rightfully deserve is so horrible a fate that they'd rather maim themselves to keep up the illusion.
Soon, their acolytes will arrive.
They command that their 'imposter' shall be killed on sight.
Five Archons obey.
(They do not notice the way their Gnosis begin to dim.)
You spend two weeks slowly navigating the terrain of Liyue and exploring your new abilities.
You've learned to weave the energy into your limbs to vastly speed them up. You've learned to push that energy into your nails and teeth, turning them into vicious claws and fangs.
You've learned to push the energy into your brain to increase your reaction time and slow the world around you to a crawl.
Days of travel are collapsed into mere hours as you become a purple-streaked blur that rushes across the terrain fast enough to run up cliff faces and across water.
...you've also had countless bloody noses and scraped limbs, gotten enough dirt in your mouth to fill a flowerpot, choked on a multitude of flying bugs, and nearly drowned trying to water-walk.
Fruit and vegetables are bountiful, but you can't quite shake the urge to find some new small creature and bite down into it and fill your mouth with delicious red-
No. You are better than your urges. You are a person, not an animal, no matter how tempting the idea is.
Unfortunately this peace does not last.
You run across a small patrol of Millelith members, each bearing a weapon of some sort.
"Fuck," you hiss, ducking into the treeline to hopefully avoid being found. It's too late.
One of them cries out in alarm, and the entire group is instantly alerted to your presence.
You learn from the orders their leader is barking that you are now to be slain on sight.
Spears are leveled in your direction, arrows are nocked and readied, clubs and greatswords rise.
You easily avoid the arrows, your body humming with electro energy, and the first to swing their blade at you is met with a spear of lightning through the brain, their body writhing violently at the end.
You dispel the spear and dodge a mace, giving the woman bearing it a blast of electrical energy straight to the face, turning her head to ash and instantly killing her.
An arrow slices your side as you toss the headless body away from you, and the wound immediately begins to sizzle as it mends in a golden scar.
You reach into the head of the archer from a distance and send a jolt of power into his brain, flash-frying nerves and swiftly ending his life.
You don't remember ever being as clumsy and slow as they are before you had Electro. Are humans this pathetic, or are the Millelith just awful?
Five more stand in your way.
You gather the charge within your gift and send it out as a bolt of raw electro energy.
The leader is hit, but does not die. They are instead surrounded by a potent magnetic field. The metal of their armor and the metal of their squadmates attract to each other, and they're slammed together.
The five of them struggle to part themselves, pathetically squirming in place. You put them out of their misery to save them the embarrassment.
As soon as that's done, the gravity of your actions hits you. You just killed eight people.
You're horrified - but they were going to kill you first, weren't they?
Should you feel horrified for defending yourself from people who wanted you dead?
...should you feel anything for these people? Some part of you still desperately clings to the idea that this is all some fucked-up dream or a game.
It ceases to matter when elemental energy erupts right in front of you, and Kequing lunges out of a teleport to cleanly slice off your head.
As your vision begins to blacken, and the world drifts away, you watch your headless body stagger backward a few steps and then drop.
"Maybe next time," you mutter without sound, as the darkness swallows you.
Deep purple blood oozes from the stump of your neck as every trace of your corpse disintegrates.
("I will put you back together, my maker," whispers the Abyss. "I will always put you back together.")
@the-dumber-scaramouche @thatdeadaquarius @ssak-i @imyme20 @fried-lotud @acacla @itz-luna @iruiji @crierofirony @itsredactedlove @sweetsthetik @leafanonsforest @oxyotl @kkazuyass @featuredtofu @resident-cryptid @d4y-dr3am3r @crimson-ashes @red1sg0n3 @the-real-fandom-person @code-roevember @yourlocalsourwolf @rhoswen-drake @minimari415 @reversearrowhead
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 16: Genetics
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Mikey is in the Interaction Room again. He's waiting for something to happen. There is a staticy feeling in the air, the lights keep flickering. Mikey can sense unease from the evil humans. Instinct has been taking charge more often than not. Mikey's head is getting worse... It doesn't remember things. Mikey can't remember how he became like this very well. Mikey can't remember what he did the other day. Instinct was in charge all of yesterday, so he probably knows. But Mikey can't recall anything. Mikey's not even sure if 'Mikey' is his name. The only reason he thinks it could be is because the evil humans in white will sometimes call him that. But when they say it, it almost sounds like a joke.
Mikey sits patiently, waiting. Wondering. He's never been made to wait this long. At least, as much as he can recall.
There is a buzzing noise, mechanical whirr. A soft rumble through the building. The lights flicker again. A panel opens and a robotic arm with a pellet gun descends from the ceiling. It points at Mikey --
He prepares himself, getting into a quick stance.
-- and the gun turns around and points at a corner in the room. It swivels and points at another. It shoots a pellet. The shot is lazy and the pellet weakly flicks off the wall.
Mikey tilts his head in confusion. What is happening?
The gun swivels round and round, shooting randomly before being forcefully retracted into the ceiling, snapping and shortcuirting as it disappears. Not one second after, another panel opens, and another machine lowers, but it stops halfway and starts shooting out sparks before it snaps off and crashes to the ground, almost crushing Mikey.
He yelps in surprise before jumping away at the last moment.
There is a crispy static sound and speakers in the room start going off.
'*CCCCCRRRSSSSHHHHH* -- Wha-- *CCKKKKHHSSPH* -- last time we mutate an electric eel -- *FFFFFSSHH* -- stupid EMP powers -- *KRRRAACKLE*'
Mikey is very confused.
A panel opens from the wall, and a wolf mutated with a rat walks in, sees Mikey, and charges.
Instinct doesn't ask to take over. He just does.
He dodges the wolf and studies its attacks and looks for any weaknesses it has. Underbelly is weak. Strike there. Instinct's tail sharpens and he --
Another panel by the floor opens up. After a second, a curious new mutant saunters in.
What? They've never sent in two at a time before!
The wolf takes advantage of the fact that Instinct/Mikey is distracted and bites the tail. Instinct roars, wraps the tail around his mouth, and whips him into the wall. Instinct turns to this new mutant, an armadillo. The shell looks somewhat similar to his with its jutting scutes and scales that fold over each other. But it smells bad. Not just nasty, but VILE. There's something wrong with it. It smells like disease.
'*KKKRSHSHSH* What are you doing?! -- I thought we were putting the armadillo in quarantine! -- has leprosy -- idiot -- I didn't do it -- something's wrong with the controls! *CCCXSHRSH*'
Instinct stays away from the diseased creature, but the wolf sees it and attacks. The armadillo balls itself up into its protective casing, a green ooze beginning to penetrate the outer shell. The wolf snaps its jaw on the armour, ingesting the poisonous ooze. It growls and begins to play with the round thing, scratching it and kicking it like a ball... He kicks it towards Instinct!
Instinct hisses and dashes away from it, clambering up the wall. He watches as the wolf starts to cough and turn a sickly green colour. The armadillo uncovers itself and watches. It saunters over to the wolf, who is getting greener and more sickly by the second. The dasypodidae glares at the canis lupis and shoots out the ooze at him. It sizzles against the wolf, who howls in agony before toppling over and decaying at a rapid pace. Instinct watches in disgusted horror as the wolf becomes nothing more than putrid acid-drenched roadkill.
Instinct needs to kill it. Fast. He dashes down to the smashed machine and grabs the whole thing -- heavy as it is -- and throws it on top of the mutant armadillo. The creature balls itself up just before the heap of heavy scrap can crush it.
Instinct wonders if that did the trick. The armour looked pretty tough...
Before the question can be answered, the lights go off. Then on. Then off again. Instinct hears three wall panels open, and sees three-- no, FOUR pairs of eyes glowing at him. This is going to be a long day...
Instinct activates the heat vision and sees that there are three creatures coming into the room... One is small and slithering. One is taller, a long snout and tail, but walking on its hind legs. The last one is a two-headed beast. Well, this should be fun...
The lights come back on, and several panels from above open, turret guns descending and misfiring in dozens of directions. Instinct reactivates the normal vision. There is a snake, an anthropomorphic crocodile, and a fox with two heads. Instinct challenges them to come closer.
They make the mistake of accepting the challenge.
Instinct dances around them, dodging the pellets and bullets as they all simultaneously charge. The two-headed fox is fastest, but clumsy; its vision impaired by the extra set of eyes that throw its depth perception and placement off. It misses Instinct by a mile, running straight past him. The crocodile runs on his stubby little legs with a gurgling snarl. He goes for Instinct, but is shot in the face and a pellet strikes his eye. The snake is swift, slithering straight for him and lunging. Instinct jumps over the serpent and lands atop the bigger reptile. He grabs onto the crocodile's mouth, gripping the jaw and pulling hard, making the mouth go wider and wider and --
The croc falls to the floor, Instinct having broken its jaw.
The fox(es) lunge at Instinct again, snarling and yapping and barking. It misses yet again and runs into the wall.
The snake curls back and goes to attack, jumping up and snapping at him, fangs dripping with venom. Instinct grabs it by the neck, but it slithers out and coils around his throat, choking him. He grips it as tightly as he can, but it keeps slipping out of his grip... The fox returns and jumps once more at Instinct.
Instinct holds the snake's body out and the fox rams into it, snapping his teeth into the serpent's slim body and clamping down hard.
The reptile hisses in anger and throbbing pain, releasing its hold on Instinct's throat and wriggling around to get free. While the two mutants are distracted, Instinct turns his tail into a spiked mace and rams it into the chest of the fox. The poor, pathetic animal is struck down.
The serpent manages to wriggle itself free, bleeding profusely and incredibly infuriated. It turns back to Instinct.
From behind him, the pile of scrap metal starts to move. The armadillo emerges, the armour having protected it.
From ahead, the snake.
From behind, the armadillo.
They both leap forwards.
Instinct must act fast.
He ducks quickly and barely manages to miss the serpent, grabbing it by the tail and swinging it round, throwing it straight at the diseased armadillo.
The snake bites the armadillo on the neck, filling it with venom while ingesting the victim's poison. Both miserable creatures fall to the floor. The turrets start to deactivate and slide back into the ceiling.
Instinct exhales deeply, hoping that no more monsters will come in --
Another panel opens. Of course.
But the eyes are different. The smell is, too. It smells like...
A large, lumbering figure makes its way into the room, groaning miserably. Instinct's eyes go wide.
The human stares at Instinct. It growls low and angrily.
'*SCCSRRRSH* -- Wait, what is this?! -- test subject -- meant to take them down to the basement for surgery -- storage room -- Get them out of there before he kills it!! *KKKSHKSH*'
Instinct growls low. There is something different about this creature... it is susceptible. It doesn't think for itself. It takes orders...
Instinct/Mikey can feel some strange connection between themselves and this odd malformed human. He recognizes a smell. It matches one of his own... the biggest smell. Krang smell. Mikey doesn't know what that smell means yet. But Instinct knows. Instinct knows all.
Instinct knows that this human smells like krang.
Instinct clicks at the creature. He growls a command at it, testing something...
The human turns its head. It peers at Instinct carefully. Instinct clicks again. The human sits down.
'*KRRSH* ...What the...?'
Instinct/Mikey commands the krangified human to follow his bidding, ordering it to slink back into the hole from whence it came. The creature does. Instinct/Mikey watches as it sits in the dark, waiting. When it tries to come back out, he snarls at it, and the krangified human slinks back into its room.
Soon enough, the panel slips closed, and the door opens behind Instinct. Three scientists rush in, followed by practically an armada of guards.
The scientist known as 'Dr. Timothy' runs to the front with 'Dr. Chaplin', and the two stare in shock and awe at all the carnage and wreckage. But Instinct feels they are more concerned with how he controlled the mutated human...
Dr. Chaplin smiles.
"Well, I think this is something we can use..."
Donnie stares at Mikey, the box turtle's tongue hanging over his lip in that silly expression he would make on occasion before the mutation happened. The 'blep', he called it.
Mikey sits in front of the giant horde with the biggest grin on his face, beaming as if he'd just shown them how he'd trained a new puppy to roll over. He is somehow oblivious to the horrific danger he was just in...
Leo steps forward nervously and starts to pull Mikey away from the krangified crowd.
Mikey is confused. Didn't he do a good job? Aren't they proud of him? Are they still mad at him?
They don't look mad. They look scared. Scared of the horde, and scared of...
Mikey churrs at Leo, furrowing his brow anxiously.
"Lllleee-oh? Why Leo s-s-scared-d-d? Mikey do good?"
"Y-you did... uh, you did good, you did great," Leo stutters, not looking at him but keeping his gaze glued to the zombie mob. "April, Cass, I'm going to open a portal now. You take Mikey, drop him off and grab the formula."
Leo sounds so scared. His voice is soft and chilled and shaky. His arms wobble as he carefully drags Mikey away. Mikey doesn't want Leo to be mad at him again, so he follows his directions. Leo's hands shake as he slices the air and creates a blue portal. Mikey is led through the blue light, and instantaneously finds himself in the lair again!
Casey is pacing back and forth with a phone in his ear as he redials the guys. He yipes when the trio jump in.
"Come on, pick up, pick-- Ah!! What -- Mikey?! How, what, I was just calling Leo --"
Casey stiffens when he sees Cassandra. Mikey notices this, but the others are moving quickly and are focused on their mission and don't pay any mind to him.
Mikey sniffs around, confused. How did he get back to the lair so fast? The sensation from the portal is familiar, and Mikey's mind foggily recollects a memory of him and Leo jumping through these blue things a lot...
April and the other human Cass rush away to Donnie's lab, leaving Mikey alone in the halls with Casey, who slowly creeps to him and starts to check him over as he scolds him.
"Mikey, what were you thinking running off like that? I was worried sick, I thought you might've gotten lost, or recaptured, or hurt -- and what was I supposed to do when Leo came and saw you were gone?! They already hate me here, they're too scared of me to talk to me like I'm a normal person, and now I'm the guy who almost lost their brother --"
Casey freezes, realizing he's said too much.
"Uh... don't, please don't repeat any of that to the guys. I just... I'm struggling to fit in here, and I lost the one most important thing to this family. I'd get disowned if I wasn't already estranged to them..."
Mikey chirps at him sadly, nuzzling his beak against Casey's chest.
Casey sniffles and hugs him.
"It's okay, Mikey. Just... don't ever do that again?"
Mikey beeps at him with a nod.
Cass and April run past the two of them, carrying several boxes of glowing blue vials.
"We'll be right back, just gotta take care of something!" April shouts as they go through the portal again.
It stays open, and Mikey wants to see what they're going to do --
But Casey pulls hims away softly, saying something about needing to clean him up from the mud on his claws.
Mikey is taken to the bathroom, his hands and feet cleaned until they hear the clambering of feet against stone. The others have finished with whatever it was that was so important and returned. Mikey skedaddles out of the bathroom and greets them happily, if not a bit nervously. He thinks they may still be a bit sore about his escape...
But they don't look mad, they all look tired and wrung out. Donnie's hands are stained with glowing blue.
"...That giant squirt gun you made with your ninpo was perfect, Dee," Leo compliments, stretching his back out. "It got pretty much all of em at once..."
"Yes, well, I need to go and wash this toxic elixir off of my hands..."
Mikey runs up to Leo with a happy chirp and rubs his face against his fingers. Leo strokes his head gently.
"Hey, Mikey. Glad to see you're okay... we're gonna have a talk about you running out, though."
Mikey whimpers, but is relieved that Leo's anger and scoldings will be over soon. The sooner the better. He wants Leo to be happy with him again... He doesn't like the sadness that hangs around him, it reminds him too much of... of... of what?
Nevermind, it doesn't remind him of anything at all. He just doesn't like it.
Mikey then goes to Raph, asking for head pats from him, too. Raph smiles and rubs his thumb across Mikey's forehead.
"That was pretty impressive, big man," he chuckles. "I didn't know you could do that... How did he do that, Donnie?"
Mikey runs over to his third brother, circling around him and asking for head pats as the genius does his best to explain hypotheses and theories.
"Well, it seems that Mikey's... erm, 'leading genome' allows for him to sort of... control the others that also carry the same genome. My guess is that Mikey could be something like... the alpha male of the species."
"Alpha male?" Raph asks. "So, they saw him as the leader of the pack?"
Mikey whines quietly, waiting for Donnie's headpats. He lifts his head up to nuzzle against his fingers.
"I think so," Donnie says. "I'd have to do some more studies of the DNA sample, and I'd much prefer--"
The room is struck silent as Mikey screams in pain, pulling away from Donnie's stained hands, the glowing blue liquid sizzling against Mikey's forehead. He tries to wipe it away, but it burns his hands. Mikey screams and cries, the others screaming in chorus as they rush to help. April wipes the toxins off with her sleeve, Leo runs to his aid and inspects the injuries, Raph goes to pick him up and carry him somewhere safe, Casey goes to get water and rags, Donnie reels back and keeps his hands far away from his brother, Cass helps to direct them all and keep the calm.
Mikey sobs as his hands smoke softly, the blue liquid like acid against his skin. The burning against his head continues, the pain immense. It's searing through him, reverberating throughout himself. Casey Jr. returns and helps Leo start treating the wounds, cleaning the remaining smudges away with water as quickly as possible. The acid is gone, but the pain lingers for eternity. Mikey is lost in the deafening sound of everyone shouting orders at each other, everyone touching him at once, lifting him up and carrying him away.
Mikey squeezes his eyes shut and cries, the tears seeping through as the burning lingers...
Just stay still. Let it happen. Let it happen, and let it linger, then it will end. Just let it happen...
Mikey is laid down on a table or a bed, he's not sure. Leo commands the room, giving orders and instructions that Mikey doesn't understand. Salves and ointments are applied. A sharp stinging starts in his forehead where the burn is, the same sting pricks his hand. The sting fades, as does the burn. Mikey's head and hand go numb. His claw is swathed and a bandage pressed against his head.
As the doctoring continues, the room quiets and calms...
Mikey's wrists are locked into place. He cries and weeps. He knows it won't change anything. He knows they won't understand, or won't care...
Needles are pressed deep into his skull. Injections are made.
Tiny wires are set against his arms. They shock him, over and over and over again.
Syringes dig deep into his chest. Fluid fills him up, burning his intestines like fire.
Someone grabs a scalpel and begins to make incisions. Blood leaks from the open wound.
Something pink and wriggling is shoved onto him, into him. It integrates into his flesh, becoming one with him. It crawls under his skin, it crawls into his mouth, his eyes, his nostrils. He suffocates from it. He gags on it. He chokes from it. It won't kill him. But it sure wants to see him suffer...
Mikey hates this. Mikey hates himself. If he weren't him, maybe he wouldn't be punished like this...
Mikey lets it happen. There's no point in fighting, it will just make it worse. Mikey just lets them hurt him, slice him, change him, kill him. Mikey lets the pain etch away at his mind, scraping him away piece by piece. Destroying him.
Mikey waits for the pain to end.
It never does.
Leo wipes the tears from Mikey's face, trying to calm him down.
"I'm so sorry, bud. I know it hurts," Leo whimpers.
Leonardo wants to cry so badly. He wants to sob. He wants to scream and shout out his pain and frustrations at the universe for letting this happen to him, to Mikey, to everyone --
"This is my fault," Donnie moans. "I should have realized that the formula would hurt him. I should have been more careful. I should have --"
"I shouldn't have let him escape," Casey interjects. "If anything, it's my fault for letting my guard down..."
"No," Leo corrects. "if I'd just stayed behind, or had Raph or Donnie stay behind, then he would have been okay, he wouldn't have run off. If I'd -- if I'd been better, smarter, s-stronger... I..."
"It's no one's fault but mine," Raph weeps quietly. "I took him to the TCRI building in the first place. I did this. It's my fault."
"Oh please," Cass scoffs. "All this blame game is getting ridiculous! You all did the best you could! You made mistakes, sure, so WHAT?! It's not like you intentionally tried to hurt him! You're all so focused on what you did wrong that you can't focus on how to make it right or how to move past it!"
The three turtle boys stare wide-eyed at Cassandra Jones.
"If you want things to get better, act like they will! And soon enough they will! Half of this whole thing is a mind game you play with yourself! Do you want to lose?! No! Do you think that after I quit the Foot, I moped around like a pathetic weakling?! NO!! I knew that my mistakes were big, but I could work past them and make up for everything! I could do something amazing if I put my mind to it, and I am! So stop acting like there's nothing you can do to change things, and start actually changing things! Starting with your perspective!"
The boys hang their heads sheepishly. Casey stares at his future mother in amazement.
"Yeah... Cassie's right," Raph mumbles. "We can't keep focusing on what we did wrong. We need to move forwards, not backwards."
"Darn right, I'm right!" Cass whoops. "I'm always right! HAH!"
Raph smiles and chuckles softly. Leo sighs and sits besides Mikey, rubbing his face as the baby brother finally relaxes.
"Okay. Move forward. Got it."
Donnie's gazes diverts to an empty corner of the room as he ponders a few things. He ponders how this mutation is far beyond what he expected. He ponders how everyone -- his brothers, Splinter, April, Mikey, everyone -- is counting on him to reverse the process.
He ponders how he's been pondering all night, every night.
He ponders how this is not his area of expertise; he's the tech guy! Sure, he know some science facts, he knows a few trivia tidbits about animals and stuff, but not enough to reverse engineer a cure all by himself! He ponders how he has no idea what to do or where to start.
He ponders about going backwards... back to the beginning. To the first mutation.
Donnie leaves the room and pulls out his phone...
Draxum is in the process of remodeling his home lab. After the events of the invasion, Draxum managed to help protect the Yokai from the krang dogs that made their way down into the Hidden City, and in doing so cleared his name and reputation. As a reward, his criminal record has been expunged.
He directs several Yokai on how to repair his ancestral home and build four additions for his surrogate sons. He is secretly eager to see Michelangelo's reaction to the room he has planned for him... whenever he gets back, that is. They told him about the mission gone awry. Draxum had offered to 'take care of' the humans in the building, but they'd declined. Ah well. Some other time, then. But it has been a little over a week or so since then, and Draxum has received no word...
Draxum's human communication device known as a 'cell phone' begins to buzz. It is Donatello. Draxum answers.
"Yes? What do you need?" Draxum asks plainly.
Donatello only ever calls him if he needs something.
"Hey," he mumbles through the speakers. "What are you doing now?"
"Rebuilding my lab from the last time it was blown up," Draxum grumbles. "By, who was it -- oh yes... you and your family."
"Of course, I'm willing to let that slide, since my goals at the time were less than cordial or moral. By some standards."
"Although, I'm sure it weighs on you and your brothers that you single-handedly destroyed the home and livelihood of one whom you might consider a mentor, or creator. So, if you wanted to repay old debts, you could always come and help --"
"DRAXUM!" Donnie yells, then sighs with deep exhaustion. "Would you... like to come and see Mikey?"
Draxum pauses.
"...He is home?"
"Yeah, we got him back two nights ago. He's recovering. I texted you about this."
"I have no idea what a text is," Draxum groans. "But yes, I would like to greet him."
"Okay. But before you come, I need to let you in on a few things," Donnie says quickly. "Mikey has gone through a tremendous amount of trauma, and will most likely not recognize you. And you will probably not recognise him at first, either. Be careful, be gentle, speak softly. Secondly..."
Donnie pauses.
"...I need you to bring everything you have on genetic studies and mutations."
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hazbinsillynight · 4 months
Radiostatic week 2024
Day 4 : You almost died!
Like every extermination, the Vees were watching the sinners getting slaughtered, and it was fine. Or at least it was until Alastor got hurt badly. Oh boy, Vox wasn't having it. If someone can kill the radio demon, it would be him, not some overgrow chikenlike cocky angel!
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At first, everything was alright. Alastor was simply fighting with the angels like the rest of the crew of this stupid hotel. Yes he was fighting with Adam, the leader of the exorcists but it was fine, he was the radio demon! The most powerful Overlord with him should have been okay. Until it wasn’t.
Vox looked at the TV, frozen in place when he saw the radio demon deeply cut in the chest with his micro-cane broken. His voice wasn’t even emitting radio noise anymore. Vox could feel Velvet and Valentino next to him. They were talking to him if he listened to the static noise and muffled exclamations that resonated in his ears.
Then Adam raised his guitar/ax to the radio demon and Vox saw red. With a flash of lightning, he was now in front of the angel leader, piercing his chest with his claws boosted with electricity. Before the angel could even comprehend what was going on the thunder fell on him ten times stronger than it should be. His wings were burned and he was stunned enough for Vox to take the radio demon elsewhere.
He wasn’t stupid, fighting the leader of the exorcist and protecting Alastor at the same time wasn’t something he could do. He grabbed an angelic weapon during his flee, slaughtered a few angels that were trying to prevent his escape, and zapped into the radio studio. There shouldn’t have been any screen here allowing him to zapp in but he somehow found one. It was a small and ancient TV. Eh if the situation weren’t the one they were in now he wouldn’t stop teasing Alastor about it.
The hotel was in ruins, and even the radio studio was in pieces but even if it fell off the building during the attack Vox could still use it as a hiding for both of them.
“Don’t you dare to die on me Alastor! If there is someone that can kill you here it will be me! Not some cocky and stupid angel that came out of nowhere.” The TV Overlord said before cutting the tuxedo of his nemesis to see the damage.
Alastor hasn't reacted since he came to save his ass. Perhaps he fainted, it was hard to tell since he had his eyes open and wasn’t responding to anything, even when he ripped his shirt off.
“Hey, stupid radio! Wake up dammit!” Vox screamed in one of the micros around him, hoping they would still work. Damn, this guy was so weird sometimes.
Suddenly the red demon closed his eyes before opening them again but with more difficulties this time. He looked around him only to stop his eyes on Vox, confused. The other had a needle and some translucid thread in his hands, he looked at him relieved.
“You? What are you doing here stupid TV? I thought you preferred watching us fight than move.” Alastor said with a bitter tone, trying to get up only to be stopped by Vox.
“Wow wow wow. You’re not going anywhere until I fix this nasty cut you got here.” Vox said, pointing at the chest of his rival. “Now bear it, it’ll hurt.” He added before sewing the two edges of the wound together.
Alastor stayed silent, what Vox was doing wasn’t the best but in Hell, the medical furniture wasn't especially the best. He was an Overlord, he healed fast and the thread would help to maintain the wound close the time it was needed.
“So I know this isn’t the best but the thread came from a hospital. I often have to help fix Val for his bullshit so it’s with me all the time.”
“What are you doing here Vox?” Alastor asked again, not sure of the reason the other Overlord had.
The TV Overlord kept silent, the only sound that could be heard in the studio was the static of both the TV and radio. With a heavy sigh, Vox finally started talking.
“You almost died, Alastor. Was I just supposed to watch you die on camera by a stupid angel?”
Alastor remained silent, looking at the other demon, conflicted. Vox looked miserable and he wasn’t even the one who'd been fighting. He was covered with Golden angel blood, his iconic jacket had been torn out and one of his arms was bleeding, as if someone pierced it with a spear. That probably happened.
“I suppose not…” Alastor said, his iconic voice coming back.
Vox smiled when he heard his rival speaking on the radio again. He was safe, he was okay and now he roasted this stupid angel, the princess and her father should be able to kick his ass correctly.
“I’m just glad you’re safe.”
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thejournallo · 5 months
Explain the basic: Crystals
Check out Part 1, which explains how to use the things down below.
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Color: Variety of colorful layers Element: Fire Properties: Calming anxiety, quieting your mind, grounding, connecting with nature, luck, prosperity, getting through tough times, comfort, healing from grief, strength, intelligence, communicating well, boosting confidence, protection
Color: Light green, bluish green Element: Earth Properties: Spirit work, intuition, necromancy, calming anxiety and grounding, quelling fear, communicating clearly, leadership, building trust, inspiring self and others, success and luck, supportive strength, creative ideas, focusing on the end goal, cultivating joy.
By scientific standards, amber is neither a stone nor a crystal, but it nevertheless has a lot of power. It is beneficial to have nearby as it has the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy. It also possesses energy, which you may observe by rubbing amber across a piece of fabric or carpet to observe the static electricity that results.
Color: Translucent gold Element: Earth Properties: Convert negative energy into positive energy, emptying mind, clarity, releasing stored emotions from your psyche, healing negative emotional wounds, protection, putting mind and spirit at peace.
a revered crystal for centuries, is valued for its healing and protective properties. Its vibrant purple hue signifies its abilities to cleanse spaces, protect against negativity, and promote spiritual well-being. It offers comfort and relief by calming the mind, moderating emotions, and reducing anxiety. Amethyst also aids in improving sleep, addressing subconscious issues, enhancing intuition, and fostering spiritual connections.
Color: Purple Element: Water Properties: Healing, cleansing powers, protection, healing whole self, spiritual intuition, stress relief, calming, dampen mood swings, end nightmares, help insomnia, dream work, psychic skills, spiritual awareness, sobriety, ending and healing addiction, self discipline, inner strength, peace.
Color: Turquoise, teal Element: Water Properties: Determination, fearlessness, expressing yourself, cleansing and purification, tapping into your intuition and psychic abilities.
Color: Variety but often green Element: Air Properties: Creativity, seeing new opportunities, free the mind to accept success, wealth and prosperity, confidence and self power, decisive action.
Color: Deep blue Element: Water Properties: Healing of all forms, divination and foresight, dreamwork, focus and concentration, personal and spiritual metamorphosis.
Color: Often green or light blue Element: Water Properties: Protection and healing, amplify and tune into energy, and psychic intuition.
Color: Spotted green and red Element: Fire Properties: Physical health and recovery, healing, confidence in one’s abilities, tenacity, toughness, triumph.
Blue Kyanite
Color: Blue with white layers Element: Water Properties: Balancing energies, new beginnings, soul searching, finding new truths, facing change boldly, guidance in new situations, course corrections.
Color: Typically white or yellow Element: Fire Properties: Grounding and centering, cleansing, purifying, mental peace and calm, clear mind.
Color: Orange-red Element: Fire Properties: Manifesting thoughts and ideas into actions and reality, achieving goals, feeling in control, productivity, building self esteem, courage, and confidence, igniting and following passions, eliminating procrastination, building motivation.
Color: Turquoise, teal Element: Water Properties: Wisdom, depth of knowledge, balancing mind and emotions, calming oneself, inner peace.
Color: Green Element: Earth Properties: Effective communication, working in groups, making your ideas heard, mental influence, poise, articulation.
Color: Yellow, orange Element: Fire Properties: Positive energies, calming environment at home, facilitating communication, general wellness and well being, joy, protective powers, provides balance.
Color: Clear Element: Fire Properties: As the Earth’s hardest substance it gives extreme permanence and durability, diligence, resilience, purification, and personal and spiritual growth.
Color: Green Element: Earth Properties: Material success, prosperity, career accomplishment, protection, and self awareness.
Color: Variety of colors Element: Earth Properties: Healing in all forms– physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic.
Color: Red, pink Element: Fire Properties: Protection, returns negative energies back to sender, builds desire and passion, creativity and imagination, positive attitude and improve outlook, prime you for success, bring love and strength to others.
Hematite, a magnetic material found in the Earth, is prized for its protective and grounding attributes. It enhances mental clarity, memory, and focus while absorbing negativity and stress. It aids in boosting self-esteem, confidence, and breaking bad habits. Hematite's reflective nature supports divination practices like scrying and is useful in attracting positive energies in spellwork
Color: Black, grey, brown Element: Earth Properties: Protection, grounding, think clearly, memory improvement, focus, gain perspective, reduce anxiety, absorb negativity, soothe stress, build self esteem, increase confidence, boost willpower, end addictions, scrying, magnetic properties.
Color: Green Element: Earth Properties: Self improvement, self love and peace with oneself, emotional health and balance, happiness.
Color: Yellow, brown Element: Earth Properties: Flexibility, open mind, career success, coordination, dedication, determination, relentlessness, industriousness, grounding, luck, and balance.
Color: Black Element: Water Properties: Overcoming grief, healing after death of a loved one, protection, absorbing negativity, grounding, mental and emotional well being, general healing.
Color: Pink, purple Element: Earth Properties: Grounding and balance, relaxation and calm, stress relief, introspection and inner growth, peace and harmony.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is an ancient and sacred stone that’s been used for its healing and clarity properties for many years. It’s a powerful stone to heal emotional wounds. It’s often used in meditation to promote focus and mental purity.
Color: Blue with white or yellow stripes Element: Water Properties: Eye-opening stone, discover truth, wisdom and intuition, enlightenment and spiritual awakening, find your calling, insight, psychic intuition and prophecy, connecting with the spirit world, focus and concentration, healing emotional wounds.
Color: Variety but pink is common Element: Water Properties: Emotional balance, mood regulation, calming anxiety, stress, and other negative emotions, bringing about inner peace, ending nightmares, harmonious spirituality.
Lodestone, a magnetic crystal with unique properties, serves as a bridge between stone and metal. Its natural magnetism provides potent healing for the body and is commonly worn for protection and luck attraction. Creating an oil from lodestone enhances its luck-attracting properties, but to maintain its energy, regular feeding, often with the oil alongside other magnetic materials, is necessary.
Color: Black, grey, brown Element: Water Properties: Healing rituals, physical health, energy and endurance, circulation and immune system, pain reduction, good luck amulet, grounding, good luck oil, protection from negativity and dark magick, dampening negative emotions, attracting wealth, prosperity, and luck.
Color: Green Element: Earth Properties: Facilitate life changes, rebirth and new beginnings, adventure, personal success, wealth and prosperity.
Color: Green, blue Element: Air Properties: Intuition and psychic abilities, subconscious awareness, wisdom and insight, balance, consecration and blessings.
Color: Variety Element: Water Properties: Emotional connection, forming deep relationships, connection with nature and the cycle of life, listening to the heart, empathy and compassion, heal emotional trauma, kindness, protection from dark magick and negative energies, moon magick, clairvoyance, dreamwork, lucid dreaming, and mystery.
Moss Agate
Color: White, green, black Element: Earth Properties: Physical prowess, strength, victory, bravery, energy, endurance, and stamina, eliminate negative emotions, luck.
Color: Black Element: Fire Properties: Protection from negative energies, grounding.
Color: Black Element: Fire Properties: Protection against dark magick, seances, contacting the spirit world and departed loved ones, guards against possessions.
Color: Variety Element: Air Properties: Can be difficult to use, each color has different properties, strong stone, intensifies emotions, increases sensitivities and consciousness, psychic awareness. 
Color: Green, blue Element: Earth Properties: Prosperity, wealth and success, attract luck, abundance, growth and forgiveness, improving your life.
Color: Gold Element: Fire Properties: Luck, success, attracting prosperity and wealth, positivity and optimism, determination and strength to follow passions and achieve goals.
Clear quartz stands out as the ideal first crystal for magical work, given its unparalleled versatility. Acting as a substitute for different crystals, it's easily accessible and affordable due to its abundance. Its amplifying, purifying, and directing abilities with positive energies make it excellent for protective spellwork and countering negative forces. Moreover, it aids in healing, clarity, focus, and spiritual development, making it a perfect starting crystal for beginners
Color: Clear Element: Air Properties: All-purpose, versatile, substitute for other crystals, energy pathways, positive energy, direct and strengthen energy, purification, protection, healing, clarification, focus, procrastination, spiritual growth.
Red Jasper
Color: Red Element: Fire Properties: Emotional protection, emotional distance, thinking rationally and logically, letting go of worries, lessen anxiety, dispel negative energies, optimism, stability and security, grounding, strength, defense against dark magick.
Color: Pink, rose Element: Fire Properties: Sexual passions, romantic exploits, sexual power and adventure, attracting love, fertility, forming new relationships and friendships, compassion and empathy for others.
Color: Pink, rose Element: Fire Properties: Healing especially emotional healing, grief, healing from loss or death, forgiveness,  reconciling old relationships, mending current relationships, attracting love, making yourself a better person for others.
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz, known for its loving energy, covers multiple facets of love—romantic, friendship, caregiving, and self-love. Its use in spells for romance, friendship mending, and healing heartbreak is notable. This crystal aids in opening the heart, fostering unconditional love, and improving self-relationship by enhancing forgiveness, trust, acceptance, and self-worth. Beyond love, it offers healing and protective properties, shielding from negativity, reducing anxiety, and providing comfort and peace.
Color: Pink, rose Element: Water Properties: Romance, friendship, unconditional love, love spells, heartbreak, open heart, cleanse spirit, forgiving and trusting yourself, healing, protection, peace.
Color: Red Element: Fire Properties: Sexuality and desire, finding love, virility, life passion, happiness, intuition and clairvoyance, empathy and improving relationships, emotional health.
Color: Variety but often deep blue Element: Water Properties: Psychic abilities, foresight and visions, luck, dreamwork, spiritual connection, creativity and inspiration, subconscious awareness, monetary goals, protection and protective magick.
Selenite, a powerful crystal, excels in providing clarity, offering insights into the bigger picture when one feels overwhelmed by details. Its link between the physical and spirit worlds makes it invaluable for meditation and spiritual work. In dream exploration, especially when combined with amethyst, it aids in preventing nightmares, improving sleep, and enhancing dream awareness for lucid dreaming and astral projection. This crystal fosters tranquility, honesty, and virtue by cleansing negativity and elevating personal vibrations, but caution is advised as it should not be exposed to water.
Color: Often milky white Element: Water Properties: Clarity, see big picture, spirit guidance, insight, awareness, spirit work, dream work, stop bad dreams, help insomnia, lucid dreaming, astral projection, peace, calm, truthfulness, virtue, cleansing negativity.
Color: Green, brown Element: Fire Properties: Positivity, bright spirit, generosity, creativity, peace and calm, joy and happiness, consecration and blessings.
moky Quartz
Color: Grey Element: Earth Properties: Positivity and optimism, overcoming fear, overcoming obstacles, intuition and subconscious knowledge, grounding and centering.
Sodalite is a companion stone to lapis lazuli. They have similar properties, and if you require lapis lazuli, you can substitute in sodalite. 
Color: Royal blue Element: Air, water Properties: Psychic intellect, insight and intuition, clairvoyance, rational and logical thought, wisdom, self awareness, clearing the mind of distractions, self control and mental discipline, working in groups, communicating your thoughts to others, two-way communication, improving communication in a relationship.
Color: Variety but often pink or peach Element: Fire Properties: Taking action, following passion, conviction, persistence, embracing fear, sexuality, toughness, sun magick, protection and healing.
Tiger’s Eye
Color: Brown striped Element: Fire Properties: Truth seeking, perceive reality, uncover devious or fraudulent intentions, clarity of the mind, see past illusions and deceptions, integrity and honor, loyalty and courage, and travel protection.
Color: Variety but often blue or orange Element: Fire Properties: Avoid scarcity mindset, abundance, winning, success, desire and attractiveness, receptive to love, friendship and affection, intelligence and wisdom, flexibility, mental strength, protection and healing.
Color: Variety but often pink or green Element: Earth Properties: Avoiding scarcity mindset, abundance, prosperity, believing in yourself, cleansing and protection, clearing the mind, repel negative energies, protect from harm, protect emotions, peace and calm, quell worry and self doubt, reduce stress.
Turquoise, known for its vibrant and protective qualities, adeptly neutralizes negativity and aligns with personal energy. It serves as a potent defense against negativity during social interactions and possesses healing attributes, radiating positivity, joy, peace, and self-love. Whether for grounding, defensive magic, or as a supportive aid in challenging circumstances, turquoise proves to be an invaluable companion.
Color: Bright blue-green Element: Water Properties: Protection, subdue negativity, works with your personal energy, positivity, joy, happiness, grounding, defensive magick, luck and prosperity, love and attraction, empathy and compassion.
Color: Mottled green, orange, and other colors Element: Earth Properties: Connecting to nature, empathy with all living beings, animal magick, grounding, natural guidance, peace for all.
Color: Variety Element: Fire Properties: Avoiding scarcity mindset, abundance, success, wealth, protection, cleansing and purification, balance and harmony, peace, healing and personal growth, receptive to love, joy.
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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alilbitlesbian · 1 year
Goddamn Monsterfuckers
Reader x Sonia x Rauru
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Zelda and Link weren't the only ones under the castle, Zelda's personal guard, a knight who was trained and hired to relieve Link of some of his duties, had been with them.
They stood next to their friends when the floor collapsed, falling into an inky abyss, time froze as they fell, the dot of light that was the dungeons disappearing above them. They'd accepted their fate already when light, yellow sparkles buzzed over their skin like static electricity, and then they were gone, disappearing in a mist of power.
Reader is nonbinary and also not even attracted to Rauru at first because they're convinced he's either a small lynel or an overgrown bokoblin.
Sonia and Rauru are IMMEDIATELY hooked though, also they think Zelda is dating R which is,,,, not true but it's funny so I let it happen, im so exhausted from writing this and the sidon x reader project, sfjkdlg.
send asks if you have any fun ideas for fics!! This one will have several chapters so please for the love of god just oneshots, just oneshots cause i cant sjfkdg
Their breaths were wheezing, confusing them momentarily as they lay, looking at the clouds as the soft twinkling sparks of magic finally extinguished like the sparks of a fire
They awoke in a field, tired and cold, a hand shook their shoulder, and their eyes snapped open, she was alone, in a field, and someone- a stranger- shook them?
Their wordless shout had the stranger withdrawing, muttering to someone they could not yet see, the Knight crawled away from the stranger, looking around and seeing the princess not far away.
In a flash, they were up to their feet, they stumbled, uneasy, and their eyes flicked from the hylian woman in front of them to the strange beast that bent over Miss Zelda's form, sharp teeth exposed and clawed hands reaching for the princess.
It took not a second to drag their sword from its scabbard and draw their shield, both royal guards’ issues that proudly displayed the symbol of Hyrule, the woman looked at them in confusion, but she followed their eye line to the beast and her eyes widened, mouth opening to shout.
The woman called out, and the beast barely managed to see the approaching guard before he sprung back from them, they stood over Miss Zelda, making sure not to hurt her as they kept both assailants away. If the woman knew a monster, she surely wasn't as safe as she appeared.
The beast approached, hands out in a placating matter, the knight snarled, snarled like Link had taught them to scare monsters and people alike, and held their sword at the ready.
The two figures glanced to one another, and in a wide arc, they stepped to eachother. The monster drew the woman behind it, a protective move. The guard grimaced, lowering their stance, the beast was much larger than them, it could easily defeat them, especially with how unsteady they still felt after the strange rush of magic and the fall under the castle.
No matter, they would not allow any harm to befall the princess.
"Your companion-" the woman said, they frowned, before hearing a soft groan, they glanced, panicked, between the princess and the threats, but as the young girl stirred and attempted to sit up, the choice was made.
"Princess!" They cried, shield dropping with a clatter and sword returning to its sheath with a soft *shiiing*, they slid on their knees in their haste to be by the princess’ side, they missed the way that the Hylian woman repeated the word they’d spoken to her beast, confused.
"Please, don't strain yourself." Their hands settled on the princess’s back and shoulder, protectively glancing at the stranger and monster as they helped her sit up, the second they heard feet approach, they scrambled to their feet, pulling out their sword and pointing it at the approaching figures, who paused immediately.
Their blood rushed, making them light-headed, their heart pounded in their chest, gritting their teeth
"Y/n, please." The Princess placed her hand on her knight’s shoulder, they lowered their sword ever so slightly. But still scowled at the two.
"Who are you?" The princess asked, uneasy, the knight placed the sword back in their scabbard, but their hand hovered near the handle, an action that did not go unnoticed.
“Princess..” They murmured, urgent, inclining their head in an obvious suggestion to leave, or at least reconvene, the princess nodded, noting her knight’s apprehension, but kept her eyes on the strange creature and the woman, the princess tilted her head at the strange couple, giving them an opening to speak.
“I am Sonia, this is my husband, Rauru.” Sonia approached the princess, and the guard bristled. An insult almost slipped off the guard’s tongue, one they’d heard not often in the towns they’d pass, a few times thrown at Kilton or his brother, or even, at times, at Hylians who courted other species.
The thought stained their feelings toward the woman, and they glared at her beast, visibly startling when it- he? Spoke.
“I am sorry we startled you and your companion, we were only trying to help.” They hissed under their breath, Zelda and Sonia did not seem to hear it, but Rauru’s ears twitched and he glanced to them, curiously.
“I apologize for my knight’s behavior, it is just.. We have never seen anyone like you before, most that look similar to you, are not sentient or kind, but rather monsters who wish only to destroy.” Zelda spoke, her soft voice settled the knight a bit, and Rauru nodded in understanding, his eyes now kinder as he took them in.
“Sorry for my manners, I am Zelda, daughter of King Rhoam and the Princess of Hyrule, and this is one of my personal guards, y/n.” You bowed reluctantly, your metal pauldron clanging softly with the motion as you waited for the conversation to continue before you stood again.
“What a strange and unexpected thing to say, as we are the founders of Hyrule, as far as I know.” The humor in his voice was apparent, but stale, you huffed at the joke, and he smiled, mirth in his eye.
“Wait..” Zelda paused, and so did you, narrowing your eyes as you looked between the two.
“Queen Sonia and King Rauru…” She murmured, you remembered her telling you about them, it was a small part of history, as sadly, details of the oldest history were always the hardest to find, just their names now echoed through your lands, in a long, almost endless line of kings and queens, they barely stood out.
“Where are we?” Your voice was hoarse, and scratchy. The two strangers looked slightly surprised at the quality of it, Zelda did too, but looked mostly worried, she glanced out over the lands.
“I- I don’t know.” She managed, you gazed at the two, they didn’t seem dangerous, but you had to remain on guard.
“Hyrule.” They replied instantly, but your eyes traced upward to the island floating above, you startled, and an involuntary whine slipped from your lips, Zelda followed your eyeline and startled in much the same way.
“What is that?” She managed, confused.
“Oh, that is the great sky island,” Sonia answered sweetly, you glanced at Zelda, then signed a quick question.
‘I patrol perimeter?’
‘Yes, quick.’ she signed back, and you took your shield from the grass, sword out as you started to search the forest for anything, landmarks, a monster hideout, a village, or the castle from afar.
You came upon a cliff, it wasn’t awfully high, but enough so for you to see down into a valley you strangely recognized.
You spotted Hylians, wearing revealing clothes and holding rough, handmade weapons, seemingly made from sticks and stones rather than the fine metalwork you carried, even Lizalfos had nicer weapons than that. You watched the hylians for a bit longer, they seemed to scavenge in the forest for fruits and vegetables.
Zelda called your name, and it didn’t take much more for you to return to her side, taking a dead sprint, still holding your sword as you settled next to her.
“Did you see anything?” You ignored how Sonia and Rauru appraised your weapon, or how you wheezed softly with each breath, you nodded.
“Hylians, not like you and me, like her.” You nodded toward Sonia, and Zelda nodded. “They wear primitive clothes, weapons like a monster’s not like ours, not even like a lizalfos or Lynel.” Again, Zelda nodded, hand to her chin.
“Then it’s certain, we must have somehow traveled back in time, Sonia and Rauru explained to me it could be the stone we found.” She held out the yellow stone, and you hummed, nodding.
“Keep it close, hide it.” You murmured, glancing at the islands above you nervously.
“We should return to the castle, I am sure my sister would be glad to speak to you, Miss Zelda.” You frowned, you’d roughly calculated where you were, near the Temple of Time, by the location of the valley and a mountain that you supposed would become the dueling peaks, but was for now just one mountain.
“How.” You managed, the raspy quality of your hurt throat had Zelda be even more concerned.
“Normally.. We’d teleport, but I don’t think that’ll be possible, if we walk a day, we should reach a town not too far off the route, and there we could get some horses.”
You nodded thoughtfully, chewing the inside of your cheek as you glanced from Zelda to the king and queen, they smiled, but the King's sharp teeth only managed to unsettle you.
"I suppose.. We should start walking then!" Zelda clapped her hands, you nodded, stretching your arms above your head while Rauru began walking, Sonia chattering softly to you and Zelda.
You remained quiet, eyes pinned on the unfamiliar landscape, searching for enemies or threats.
If you really had gone back in time..
Shaking your head, you sighed, surely, it wouldn't be that difficult, if it went up, it went down, if it went back in time.. Surely it could go forward, that's the way time is supposed to go!
Yeah, it'd be fine.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hiii Love you are amazing you know that right?🤩🤩
Can I maybe request one with the Reader being a Jedi and traveling with The Batch and she want‘s to learn how to shoot a Blaster and they do teach her but because of mutual attraction it is very hard to focus for both of them. (Maybe even with Rex?)
Didn't I do something similar to this in a way? But it was with a none Jedi fem reader, I think.
It's not exactly what you asked for, because in my head it didn't work out the way I wanted it too, so I played with a few ideaas. But I hope it's close enough.
The Bad Batch/Rex x Fem!Jedi!Reader HCs - Teach Me
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Mostly Fluff
"We learn to deflect blaster shots," you say, easily deflecting a shot from the training droid, with your lightsaber at a dummy, "But we don't usually learn to do any shooting ourselves."
Hunter offers, "I could show you."
You smile, deflect another shot and say, "That doesn't mean I don't know how to do it"
The sergeant shrugs.
"Then show me what you can do."
You shut down the droid, put away your lightsaber, and walk over to him. With a small smirk, you stand in front of him. In the Force, you can sense that there is a certain excitement beneath his surface, but you can't quite place it at the moment.
"So, Sergeant, what do you want me to do?"
Hunter draws his own blaster and places it in your hand, your fingers touching for a brief moment. The touch feels like a spark, a small electric shock, as if from a static charge. For a second you feel very clearly how intensely Hunter is focused on you, how fast his heart is beating, and your own makes a small, surprising leap.
You need a small moment to collect yourself. You realize that you don't necessarily see him with Jedi eyes, that you see more in him than you should, but until just now you didn't realize it was also the other way around.
You look at the weapon briefly, then open yourself to the Force, turn briefly to the dummies, and fire several quick shots, each shot a bull's-eye.
Looking back at him and seeing the puzzled expression on his face, you ask, "Are you okay?"
"I-yeah, I'm fine. I just thought you never learned how to handle it."
You smirk and remind him, "I also said that doesn't mean I can't."
He nods and says, "Okay, yes I remember, but…. that good?"
"The Force guides my hand. A big advantage on my part," you say, still smirking.
You place the gun back in his hand, again your fingers touch, but this time you maintain contact longer. You take in his feelings, his confusion, how impressed he is, but most of all, the feeling of how much he enjoys this little touch, how much he longs to let his hand move over yours, up your arm to your face. For a moment, you can almost feel him doing it. But Hunter is decent, playing by the rules, even if he doesn't want to here and now. For the moment, it remains a fantasy.
Very slowly, almost languidly, you finally pull your hand back from his. You hear him sigh softly and almost do the same. Your eyes meet, lingering on each other.
With a cautious smile, you ask, "Can you maybe teach me some other things?"
Hunter takes a moment, blinking, finally he smiles gently and says, "I'm sure we'll figure something out."
He watches you, as he often does. You feel his gaze on you, his fascination, his admiration for you are so honest, so open and intense that sometimes your heart beats faster. Wrecker adores you, and you can feel that abundantly clear in the Force. But he's a good soldier, a decent man, he would never approach you without being asked, even if it's hard for him not to confess how much you mean to him by now. You sigh softly, take a deep breath, try to clear your thoughts. "What about blasters?" you suddenly hear him ask. You turn to face him. "Blasters?" Wrecker nods, pulls out his blaster and holds it out to you. You put your lightsaber away, step closer, and hesitantly reach for the weapon. You look at him questioningly, feeling that he's just trying to make contact with you, to spend time with you, and you feel flattered, but also nervous. You shouldn't actually like him as much as you do. "You know how to handle that?" You nod. "Yeah, I think so" You demonstrate your skills and Wrecker lets out an impressed whistle. "Is there anything you Jedi can't do?" You laugh softly and say, "There sure is a lot. For example, I barely know anything about explosives, grenades, and mines." He laughs happily, thumps the crate he was leaning against and says, "You've come to the right place! I can teach you anything" "You would do that?" You can feel Wrecker radiating pure joy, joyful anticipation, and the feeling passes over to you, putting a smile on your lips. "Of course. Little Jedi, I'll be happy to teach you everything I know"
You like it when he calls you that, it's so loving and full of affection.
He can't hide from you what he feels, even if most of the time you can't see it in any way, you feel the devoted longing he feels when he looks at you, thinks about you, it is omnipresent.
To the outside world no one would suspect it, Echo has himself under control, he is calm, reasonable, follows the rules. You've already caught yourself thinking about trying to draw him out.
During training, when he is watching you again more or less secretly, you speak to him. Echo almost falls off the ramp, startled, when you speak to him. He didn't expect you to have spotted him already.
He clears his throat, "Uh, yeah? How can I help?"
You pick up a training blaster and ask him to come closer.
"Would you teach me how to use this properly?"
Echo blinks, not responding immediately. His gaze drifts from your face to the blaster in your hand and back again. He seems puzzled, but he nods amiably and says, "Sure. What exactly do you want to know?"
"Well, anything important in theory," you say with a wry smile.
A small smile twitches at the corners of his mouth. Echo begins to explain to you how to load and unload the gun, and how to set the various modes, standing close to you, his eyes gazing deeply into yours every now and then. You can feel him looking forward to being useful to you.
"Understood so far?" he finally asks gently.
You nod.
"I think so"
"Maybe you should try it sometime, General".
There it is again, that impersonal word, that formal address. You know he's just doing what's theoretically expected of him, but you wish he'd call you by your name.
"What's the best way to aim?"
Echo stands close behind you, carefully grabs your hand and guides it. He talks, explains, you hear his voice, but the meaning of his words bounces off you, off the feel of his hand on your wrist, his chest against your back.
"General?" he finally asks in amazement.
"Did you just hear what I said?"
There's a tingle under your skin, you look for an excuse and say as calmly as you can, "I'm sorry, I sensed something in the Force that I can't place, I'm not supposed to let it distract me, but every now, and then it still happens"
"Oh. I see. Do you want me to explain it again?"
You smile, the tingling under your skin getting stronger.
"'Please do."
A soft shiver runs through your body as his hand closes around your wrist again.
He's a little harder to read than others, his emotional world seems to function differently than you're used to from most. He is often completely silent, and the next moment he is radiating a thousand things. His thoughts are always in motion, and often you feel he can't quite reconcile his emotions with what he's thinking.
Sometimes it feels like he is stumbling, even though he is calm and clear. This happens more often around you. It takes a while, but you eventually realize that Tech is attracted to you, very much so. His way of evaluating and looking at things logically, gets in the way. He feels intensely, but differently. As said before, it's hard to read him, despite the Force.
But his nervousness always comes through quite clearly, noticeable in the Force. Tech stands near the training area, with his datapad in hand. His gaze wanders back and forth between you and the device in his hand.
He admires you, the elegance with which the Jedi fight, especially you. In his head, he automatically calculates how efficient your approach is.
As you finish and approach him, he says, "You were 20 seconds faster today."
You blink in surprise. But really, it shouldn't surprise you. Tech remembers everything, and it's actually typical for him to evaluate everything.
"Is that so?"
He pushes his goggles up the bridge of his nose with one of his, long, slender fingers and replies, "Indeed"
"Do you have any ideas on how I can be even more effective?" you ask with interest.
He looks at you in surprise, not expecting you to be interested in his opinion.
"Quite," he says with a small, barely noticeable smile.
Tech is on fire with the idea. He explains things to you, shows you a few things, touching your hands now and then to show you what he means. At the moment he radiates pure joy, he feels useful can be close to you, you listen to him.
He has a wonderfully lively moment with you, which you both enjoy very much. When you're done, you smile at him, sensing his curious, affectionate feeling for you.
"Maybe you can show me more things when you get a chance," you say softly.
Tech nods, delighted.
"I'd love to, General."
You perceive him as strangely reluctant. He's fascinated by you, in many ways, and at the same time he seems frustrated by it. There is always a restless wavering beneath his surface. He is attracted to you, but is all too aware of the prohibition of this feeling.
But still, he keeps coming to watch you train, and today is no exception.
"Effective," he says tersely, chewing on his toothpick.
"Thanks," you say with an implied smile.
He doesn't smile back; he almost never does.
You tell him with genuine interest, "I'm always amazed at how someone, without access to the Force, can be as effective as you."
Now a smirk does appear on his lips. He is flattered and that you of all people are giving him this compliment triggers a real wave of joy under his surface.
"Hmm, I was bred, trained and genetically programmed for this," he says, shrugging his shoulders as if it's nothing special.
"Still, your reaction time, your focus, your accuracy, are very amazing."
He laughs softly.
"I know."
He takes the toothpick out of his mouth and flicks it away. Then he takes his Firepunsher and holds it out to you.
"You want to try it?"
You blink in surprise and finally say, "I've never fired a gun like that before."
"I can show you," Crosshair offers.
A nervous tingle travels through your body.
"Okay. Teach me," you say with a small, nervous smile.
At first, you're almost overwhelmed, Crosshair seeking a lot of physical contact as he shows you the proper stance and what to do. Every little touch, every graze of his on your skin, leaves you with a hot, wild tingling sensation. You clearly feel that he feels the same way and have difficulty concentrating.
He is intense, you feel his hunger for more, that every touch is not enough for him, only ignites a longing for more. It makes you nervous, but still, you don't withdraw from him, on the contrary. Every contact is a small fire, a camouflaged caress, chaste on the surface but underneath, hungry and intense.
Finally, you stand there, both quite breathless, hearts racing and neither of you can really name why.
He asks, "You didn't understand a word I said, did you?"
Crosshair laughs softly and asks, "Again?"
You nod and say softly, "Again".
"General, if I may interject, you are holding the blaster far too tense".
You glance over your shoulder, you've felt his presence before and you've become nervous. You like Rex, more than you should, much more. Your desire to impress him has thrown you off track, destroyed your focus, and you've tensed up. You sigh softly.
"Of course you're allowed to weigh in, Rex, I always welcome your constructive criticism. I'm just not used to this kind of weapon."
Rex steps closer to you, removes his helmet and places it on a nearby crate. He smiles, a small, very gentle smile. For what feels like the thousandth time, all you can think about is how gorgeous he is.
He gently reaches out a hand to you and asks, "May I?"
His fingers touch yours, and for a moment, your whole body tenses.
"You need to relax a little," he says gently, leaning lightly against you from behind as he tries to loosen your fingers with his.
First you're too tense, then the blaster slips from your fingers. You laugh nervously and say, "Sorry."
"It's okay," Rex says gently, picking up the blaster again, and placing it back in your hand, "Just handle the blaster like you would your lightsaber, fluid but firm in your grip"
"That makes sense"
You get the hang of it, pleased that he is pleased with you, and at the same moment you regret that his lesson is over. However, you sense that he doesn't want to leave yet.
"Could you maybe show me again?" you ask cautiously.
His brows go up at first, but he nods, gets back into position, and gently guides your hand on the blaster. You sense something deep inside him, an affection so real and deep that it almost takes your breath away for a moment.
"Are you all right?" asks Rex with concern as you stiffen again.
You relax your muscles, take a deep breath, and say, "Yes, everything's fine, Rex."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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anonymousangstmonster · 4 months
Prompt #58 “Core”
When Maddie finally catches the ghost boy, she doesn’t waste any time getting him on her dissection table.
It’s already too late when a panicked Jack comes rushing down to the lab to save his son; she’s taken out his core, and he lay unmoving, dead.
The mother is terrified and devastated that she had just killed her own son, but she didn’t let go of his core, keeping it cradled to her chest.
Danny’s core really was beautiful. It was a softly glowing orb about the size of her fist, it shone a pale icy blue, and she could even feel a little bit of static electricity emanating from it through her gloves. It didn’t feel as freezing as she’d expected an “ice core” to be, it was more the temperature of a melting ice cube; not so unbearably cold that she couldn’t hold it, but still a temperature she’d expect to feel when it was snowing.
This was all she had left of her child after she had torn him apart, and she’d cherish it.
Ok so my initial idea was for Maddie to turn Danny’s core into some sort of necklace by condensing and compressing it into some sort of gem. So she could always carry around and protect him like he had protected the whole town.
Gosh, these are getting longer.
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