#Pudge and Alaska
musiquesduciel · 4 months
Another reminder that characters from Looking For Alaska (2005) would be turning 35 this year.
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twinkpeaked · 1 year
idk why people get embarrassed and say “oh gosh i used to read john green when i was younger” like have you ever been fourteen reading looking for alaska and wishing you had her life’s library? it’s a universal experience embrace it
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ultravioletsworldd · 1 year
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samsdei · 1 year
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Charlie Plummer
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qoslaw · 2 years
Before I got here, I thought for a long time that the way out of the labyrinth was to pretend that it did not exist, to build a small, self-sufficient world in the back corner of the endless maze and to pretend that I was not lost, but home. But that only led to a lonely life accompanied by the last words of the already dead, so I came here looking for a Great Perhaps, for real friends and a more-than-minor life.
John Green, Looking for Alaska
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lollreagan · 1 year
looking for alaska by john green
as with all my review posts, *spoiler warning*
well well well folks. i am officially finished with my first year of college and my exams. since moving from my small town high school to an ivy league - i can now say that i am a mediocre student - at best. i went from someone who had all A’s during high school to having half of my transcript be B’s and B-. And even so, I still had the best time. I can’t wait to leave my hell hole of a house to go back in June, because I miss the city so much already. (I think it’s something having to do with the sun being out now, because I wanted to go home soooo bad when it got cold - i am not a cold person). 
In my scrumptious 16 hour car ride back home, i took up one of my previous pastimes - reading. because I was in the car, I only had the selection of books which i had previously downloaded on my iPad - one of them being Looking for Alaska by John Green. 
I have mixed feelings about this book. I reallyyy want to like it. I do. I really do. But for some reason I just can’t. I don’t like how the book is built around the one central point and it happens halfway thru the book.
We never got to see Pudge and Alaska in their moment. There was so much buildup and then suddenly it was gone. And Pudge got super annoying and thank GOD the characters were able to recognize this and tell it to him. However because the story is told from Pudge’s point of view, we have to put up with him.
Pudge is unlikeable. He’s lowkey narcissistic and a pick-me. He thinks that no one wanted to be friends with him in high school because he just wasn’t cool or because he was too skinny. This really bothered me.
Alaska is unlikeable. She’s manipulative, especially toward Pudge. She would get jealous when Pudge would be with Lara, but she wouldn’t want to be with Pudge. And she knew that she could control Pudge.
The only likeable characters were Colonel and the Eagle. I actually really liked the Eagle. And Takumi and Lara but they were so minor that they didn’t even add much to the story.
The story was too short. I feel like John could have expanded the story so much. It ended so abruptly. It felt like we were just finally getting to understand the characters and how they act with one another and then *boom* climax of the story and then its over. that was it. too short and too abrupt of an ending. 
the climax didn’t make an sense. the story felt like John knew he wanted Alaska to die, but then wrote the story before he had figured out how. It felt like John didn’t even know how she died either. And i didn’t like this. I don’t like being in the same state of ‘not knowing’ as the author. I like being kept in the dark, if it means that the reveal is coming later on. It never came. I was still left confused. “Yeah but that’s the point, you’re supposed to come to your own conclusion like Pudge and Colonel” Shut up. Just shut up. You sound like you’re trying to justify bad writing. Shut up. 
There should have been more buildup to the car crash. And the book would have been better if it was told from both perspectives of both Pudge and Alaska. Because it would be better for the audience to know exactly what was going through Alaska’s head.
The part where she just storms out and has to drive to see her mother at 3 am was so abrupt and stupid too. It made no sense. She would have been too drunk to even remember, which is what they made a point of at first. Also she never would have been able to drive straight. Her committing suicide made NO SENSE. and john made a point of that through the characters’ investigations and THEY EVEN SAID IT MADE NO SENSE FOR HER. this is why there should have been a perspective from alaska. it was just lazy writing in my opinion to have not had that.
i hate this book. i hate this book. it had so much potential and then it felt like john got in a rush at the end and rushed the ending. the buildup was so good and then he just ruined it.
rating: 4/10
it pains me to give this rating, can someone please make a fan version of the novel that is actually good, im begging.
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afellowdeadpoet · 2 years
i choose the labyrinth
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whiterainbow-pearl · 1 year
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"So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle, and she was a hurricane." ~ John Green- Looking for Alaska
A soulful yet heartbreaking book, by John Green. An incredible read!
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xoxodestany · 2 years
“…. if people were rain, i was drizzle and she was hurricane.” - John Green
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gojoscupcake · 2 years
There are some characters you just love, not relate to or pity or anything else just plain love. I feel that for Hyde from ' Looking for Alaska' the book and movie. He feels at home, welcoming, and calming. I love the way he sees the world. I love his mind. Hyde would tell me and I would believe every breath coming out of his mouth. Maybe I love him so much cause I feel myself in Alaska's place and she loves Hyde. He is not appreciated enough.
I fucking love you, Hyde.
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chloelouygo · 11 months
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 6 months
Really long headcanon post for the stuff that I’ve posted on Wattpad :3
-Mans is my height, 5'6, and he hates being bullied about being the shortest of his brothers lmao
-Is twins with New Jersey, though Jersey makes fun of him cuz he's five minutes younger
-he has reddish brown shoulder-length wavy hair and hazel eyes
-mf is built like the Dwayne Johnson though he's just missing the height
-this man acts all tough until the cramps come along. Then he's dead.
-doctor of the statehouse, along with Texas. He deals with sickness/illness whilst Texas deals with injuries. Though he can do both cuz we love that.
-tried learning how to make flower crowns cuz NY would always make them for everyone when they were younger. He tried his best, and he's actually kinda okay at it, so him and any will just hang out and make flower crowns.
-^he has put a spell on every single flower crown that he's ever given or received so that they never shrivel up and die
-OCD, autism, and ADHD
-loves rock, metal, and punk music. Especially FFDP (THEY HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING THAT FRICKIN' GOOD LIKE WHAT-)
-friends with the OG13 (no dip Sherlock-), Maine, Texas, and Louisiana.
-^the moment he met New York, he was filled with the urge to take him away from England immediately. He does pick favorite brothers btw. And it's New York.
-sharp lil canines like he's a friggin vampire smh
-he is a squishy boy and we love that <3 it just makes him better for cuddling
-he's not short, not tall, he's only 5'8.
-he's a pathetic loser tbh but we still love him
-sippi loves stuffed animals, but his favorite is a teddy bear that was given to him by New York (fun fact, teddy bears were invented in Brooklyn, and were named after the president that refused to shoot a bear!).
-he named it Mr. Cuddles, and it is the most beat up stuffed animal that he owns (as in, its ear had to be sewn back on, one of its eyes has been replaced by a button, and it has random stitches and patches all over) but he still loves it and cherishes it to this day.
-friends with (omg he has friends????) Texas, Louisiana, Florida, New York, South Carolina and Georgia
-yes yes he is but a cuddly marshmallow. Until you hurt someone he loves. Then you're dead.
-he SCREAMS whenever there's a bug. Strangely though, he likes ants, moths, and butterflies.
-mans is colorblind
-he doesn't like his squishy-ness and has tried to starve himself on numerous occasions :(
-I think that the fact that he's been owned by 3 different countries is grounds to give him abandonment issues right? Okay.
-if it weren't for his friends just simply existing, he would've been long gone by now. (same tho- I mean what?)
-I'm not gonna say he's hurt himself before, but I'm not gonna say he hasn't either 👁️👁️
-bro thinks that anybody he gets close to is gonna leave him :[
-if he gets hurt, he's not gonna bother telling anyone cuz he doesn't wanna feel like a failure for not being able to defend himself
-this man is T A L L- he's 6'5 (not as tall as Alaska though so HA-)
-I imagine him to be very slim and fit, but he has a tiny bit of pudge around his lower stomach and hips and thighs.
-he LOVES animals so, so much. More than humans tbh.
-he has a horse (Ranger), 5 dogs (Rosco, Daisy, Cassy, Billie, and Maria. Rosco and Cassy are German Shepherds, Daisy and Billie are heelers, and Maria is a demonic chihuahua), 3 cats (Mittens, Sassy, and Milo), and 2 snakes (Spot and Harvey).
-^thats just at the statehouse. Back home, he has an animal sanctuary where he takes care of animals, takes them in, nurses them back to health, ect... It's very adorable and I love it.
-speaking of animals, he cannot, I repeat, CANNOT keep it together if an animal dies or gets hurt in a movie. Homeward Bound? Mans was not okay. Hachi? He wasn't ballin', he was bawling 😔.
-he still wears a binder cuz he doesn't trust the doctors to perform top surgery on him.
-ADHD for DAYS- don't give him an energy drink unless you want a 6'5 chihuahua on cocaine to be following you around.
-ADHD, autism, ocd, depression, anxiety, and ptsd. Idk if daddy issues counts, but he has those for sure.
-this bitch has fallen off of so many things that he no longer takes fall damage
-Mexico was such an asshole to poor Texas...... I wanna skin him alive :)
-Texas CANNOT handle someone raising their hand or voice at him. He can't. He will flinch and/or cry. Which he hates. Cuz he's supposed to have this reputation as the big strong Lone Star State.
-he has SH scars on his wrists, sides, and thighs. They vary from blade marks, to cigarette burns, to even scratches.
-he hates all of his scars so, so much and sees them as nothing but a sign of his weakness and inability to defend himself.
-Texas is also kinda insecure about the little bit of pudge on his lower belly, hips, and thighs. What makes it worse is that he can't really help it. Especially the stomach pudge cuz that's just where his uterus is. Does he know this? Yes. Is he still insecure? Yes.
-he often binds too long or forgets that he has his binder on until it's too late and there is severe bruising and even minor bleeding underneath the band. Along with breathing difficulties.
-^to make the breathing difficulties thing worse, he has asthma :)
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closetoyou-pdf · 28 days
not me getting dragged to dinner immediately after reading the page when the Eagle tells Pudge that alaska is dead in front of the whole gym like okay dude cant u let me process that for a second i know this book is literally called looking for alaska but dont do me like this (its gonna get worse from here on out isnt it)
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haveyoureadthispoll · 6 months
Before. Miles “Pudge” Halter is done with his safe life at home. His whole life has been one big non-event, and his obsession with famous last words has only made him crave “the Great Perhaps” even more (Francois Rabelais, poet). He heads off to the sometimes crazy and anything-but-boring world of Culver Creek Boarding School, and his life becomes the opposite of safe. Because down the hall is Alaska Young. The gorgeous, clever, funny, sexy, self-destructive, screwed up, and utterly fascinating Alaska Young. She is an event unto herself. She pulls Pudge into her world, launches him into the Great Perhaps, and steals his heart. Then. . . . After. Nothing is ever the same.
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stopper-of-hearts · 2 months
i just know alaska young’s tumblr would have DEMOLISHED. no one would have stood a chance.
“yall smoke to enjoy it, i smoke to die”
“im just scared of ghosts pudge, and home is full of them”
its that text with a grainy pic of a skeleton or something and immediately 500k reblogs.
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