spicymancer · 24 days
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Escape Artist Featuring Quiver and Robber Guy
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null-entity · 7 months
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Finally happy to talk about this and start getting excited!
Next weekend @blumineck and I will be meeting up for stock shooting!. (Puns).
I will be handling the tech and the camera, he will be providing the real archery skills and pole dancing XD.
The plan is to shoot stuff of him Solo and some together as well.!! (he might get me on the pole.. but I would not hold much hope for me XD).
Damned excited but now the real question/request is...
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mammoth-clangen · 15 days
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Next First (u are here) Howdy! I decided to download Clangen and now it's taken over my brain so here's the result. I went through a homotherium phase last year and wanted to use some of the Intense Worldbuilding™ i did, while modifying it a little for Clangen. So these guys are Homotherium serum, where my other headworld is H. latidens. Bc then i can say "yeah these guys are across the Bering land bridge and the lore is different dw about it uvu" if i ever continue with my Eurasian idea at a later date c':
Oh and I decided to kill most of the 'clan' for character development, yay >:3c (tried to fix the formatting so Hopefully nothing explodes)
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ferahntics · 1 year
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Parenting on Planet Popstar.
OK last edit, I managed to find the OG, so here ya go!
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artbyanca · 1 year
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Artemis, mistress of animals and protector of the young. 
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itsalwaysgarytime · 4 months
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Originally just a simple sketch response to the wedding photo op that got shared around.
My dumb brain wanted to go further. Test new brushes and what not.
So here is a "meme" if you can even call it that. Of Wasp and Rysp' in formal wear they chose for a photo.
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tbcanary · 1 year
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2023 reading list: Green Arrow: Quiver (2001)
"You look like you've seen a ghost."
(ID below the cut.)
[ID: Six edited panels from Green Arrow, four of which are animated.
1: A silhouette of Oliver Queen in dark green. He's pulling back a bow string with an arrow ready to fire. Behind him are the gates of Heaven, formed out of geometric panels of pastel light against black brick.
2: A disheveled Oliver with long, unruly hair. He's got an arrow tied to an empty beer can notched in a makeshift bow. His body is wrapped in bandages, but he still wears his trademark hat and a green cape. Flashing text behind him reads: "Your government in action! Your tax dollars at work!"
3: Mia Dearden and Oliver Queen are silhouetted under a streetlamp. They stand in front of a green background with grey diagonal lines. Animated speech bubbles pop up over each of them. Oliver asks, "Me? You mean Green Arrow." Mia responds, "Give it up already, jeez. Oh, and I'm gonna need a place to crash."
4: Oliver, with short hair and a blue outfit, pulls an arrow from a bullseye. He starts as faded and black and white, but slowly returns to full color. The background is a copy of the Daily Planet that reads, "A Hero Falls," with a photo of him in the Green Arrow costume and a photo of an explosion.
5: Hal Jordan, appearing as a god with gray-blue skin, holds a small Oliver in his hands. They are surrounded by stars, which flicker in and out of focus. Two planets hovering at the edge of the frame move up and down.
6: Oliver, dressed as Green Arrow but without a hood, hat or face mask, viewed head-on. He's got a bow in one hand and a boxing glove arrow in the other. Text bubbles read, "Oh dear lord... We meet again." The background is an ombre from dark to light green, with grey lines moving diagonally across.
/End ID]
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mysteriousbeetle · 6 months
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Green Arrow (2001) issue #9, page 1
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acknowledgetheabsurd · 2 months
You have closed all my paths, you have melted in you all my impulses and all my desires, you have erased for me the rest of the world that is not you; but the insatiable thirst still burns me and the race continues, more dizzy than ever. I want everything from you, and the more I am given, the more I demand with all my strength.
It is true that we still lack many things, but I wonder to what extent and if a few months or a few years ago I had been asked to make a wish which, if granted, would justify my life in my eyes, I would simply have wished to be one day closer to you than what I am today. You must not regret anything and you must not worry about me. I spoke to you in the letter that gave rise to the scruples that you are telling me today, about the children that I could have had. It is certain that sometimes I think of them, of our children, with a painful melancholy, but, believe me, I did not know enough about the happiness that they could bring me to really miss them and I desire them much less as my children than as yours, as ours.
The very impossibility of realizing this dream exalts and nourishes it, and if I had to give it up forever in order to live with you for a while, I would not hesitate. Yes, I wish that with all my soul, and no matter how hard I look, I can't find anything that can console me for our fate, that can reconcile me with the lack that our distance leaves in the happiness that was given to us. However, if I search well, if I really look, if I disguise myself from all these veils with which I want to wrap myself, then... I must confess that a common life which would neither bring nor take away anything, that once acquired, other deviations, other more serious gaps perhaps, would come to take the place it now occupies in my imagination, where it serves now a backdrop between far more irretrievable separations, ever impassable distances, and my inexhaustible need to abolish and bridge them.
So, you see, near or far, at this point, we can say that we have won, and whatever life has in store for us, it will have been very merciful. But if all these days spent preparing, thinking, creating those that will come and that would not be what they will be - if events had been different - had been offered to us in a way that we could have enjoyed them together and without torment, what would we have done with them? Are we sure that we would have taken them in such a way as not to lose a minute or even days or even months? Oh! I know! You're going to tell me that I'm doing the philosophy of a janitor or the psychology of a lamppost; but... it's necessary... it's necessary from time to time.
And, in any case, if you don't think like a lamppost and if you don't dream too much about mosses while reading this letter, you will perhaps feel that I am giving you one of the greatest proofs of love that can be demanded of me, by confessing certain things that I hardly dare to reveal to myself. Now you can let me speak when it happens that I escape again towards horizons of quiet happiness and peaceful life.
Go! I can still talk. And now you know that I know that you know what is deep, deep inside me. This does not prevent the spring from blooming what it touches, and my heart, my body, my soul from crying out after you, from suffering after you, from dying, from screaming, from laughing. And there is something that cannot resign itself to your absence, it is my poor little body that stretches out in vain towards you, that writhes, that whimpers and cries after you, my sad little body that stunts from day to day and that asks unceasingly to blossom, to warm up, to beat, to quiver.
Oh my beautiful, my dear love! Oh burning! O my sweet pain! O my life! Here I am filled with shivers, mysterious undulations, delicate and secret sounds. You wanted my letter to bring you a little warmth! It has awakened in me again all that dark and intimate zone that I love so much to feel just in my center, in my middle, that vibrating zone that moves me as much as the presence of a child in my belly, or even more, knowing it better. She has touched that tiny point in me, but which you know and love, and I tremble all over. Happy, oh yes, happy. Happy and overflowing with love, desire and tenderness. I am waiting for you every day. I run too; I run unceasingly towards you. The coast is coming to an end, my darling. Soon the sight of the sea, and then the beach and the waves.
Maria Casarès to Albert Camus, Correspondance, February 10, 1950 [#182]
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dndtreasury · 6 months
Armory Quiver by Mithral Canvas
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spicymancer · 4 months
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Stun Gun. The last comic may have inaccurately painted Quiver as having her shit together.
I can assure you this is not the case.
At least she got the right arrow this time. 
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blumineck · 1 year
In archery, as in life, it's rarely as clear cut as 'this is the best', but we all have our preferences!
(Btw, if you want more details on the specific quivers that I use, I'll be chatting about them on Patreon this week)
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null-entity · 2 months
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More Arrow Bard Previews!!
Previews/Packs and Patreon Exclusives are coming for both my Patreon and His..
Models: Me + @blumineck
Photographer: Me/The Remote Camera Trigger.
If you want to help support me and get awesome stuff like early access/polls & pose requests Become A Patron / DA Subscriber or you can check out my Ko-Fi store for exclusive stock!
Read My Rules Before You Use My Stock.
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mammoth-clangen · 3 days
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Next (soon i hope) Previous First
Me: I'll cull the Kindred down to 3 so i don't have many characters to deal with! RNG: *immediately throws 5 new characters at me* Me: ....
I like the colours in this one uvu Sorry everything is sad, im working on moon 3 rn (keeping 1 moon of buffer) and i promise there will be more than just sabercats being depressing on main c': This moon is very self indulgent, almost every panel has some silly paleo detail that makes me happy cx
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archaeologs · 10 months
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Scythian archer with his bow, quiver and gorytos. Illustration by Sammy33/Shutterstock.
Learn more / Daha fazlası Gorytos https://www.archaeologs.com/w/gorytos/
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itsalwaysgarytime · 11 months
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Working on a new character art style (Not really new, more like going back to an older refined style.)
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