#RWBY has great writing
frozenearthwife · 2 years
Ruby is a rare type of protagonist
This is gonna be long, you’ve been warned!
I am a grown ass adult woman. I like female protagonists, I prefer watching them and relating to them, and always have.
I’ve watched a lot of animes since my teenage years, upwards of 400 last I counted on MyAnimeList a few years ago. I’ve been to Tokyo - twice - and spent at least 20 hours scouring the anime stores of Akihabara. I paid the Japanese mailing service to send a Saber figurine back to my home country since it was too big to bring in my luggage. (This one!)
Why does this matter and what does it have to do with Ruby? Read on:
During my years of being an utterly anime fanatic, I started to grow bored. After 400 animes, you’ve seen most of the plot twists. Most of the stereotypical personalities. All the classics have been watched and rewatched. The story beats, even if presented in a new packaging, becomes predictable.
You start to see the patterns, so to say. I’ve been hyped more times than I can count, only to be disappointed when yet another promising series took a predictable, cliché turn with its story or characters. It may not be sudden, sometimes it happens several episodes or even a few seasons into the show. So you never know for sure until having spent a lot of time watching.
There are a lot of GREAT animes with male protagonists, but how rare isn’t it to find one that does NOT build towards the guy being needing to become stronger than his enemies and winning some important final fight? (as is common in shounen in general)
As time went by I found myself getting more and more picky with what I wanted to spend time watching. I prefer shows with the cool, badass, strong girls, since those are the ones I enjoy watching and them being girls makes it easier for me to relate and enjoy their achievements.
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...strong girls. 
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These are what I want. Finding them, however, can be tedious work, especially in the role as main protagonists.
In the anime world, there are some common tendencies with strong female characters:
1) The badass female character is either a side-kick to the male protagonist, eventually become overshadowed by a male protagonist, OR in some cases by some new girl, because heaven forbid any of the cool girls get developed beyond their one single character arc. (ex. Fate/Zero, A Certain Magical Index, Shakugan no Shana, Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Sword Art Online, Attack on Titan, any anime with a harem, and so many others - they can still be good shows though, that’s not the point!)
2) There are great animes out there with great female protagonists, however they are usually either a) sexualized (ex. Kill la Kill) or b) shows geared towards kids (ex. Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, The Owl Hourse (yes, I’m putting this here even if it’s not an anime) or c) romance focused (ex. Revolutionary Girl Utena). I love these shows for other reasons though!
3) The actually great action animes with badass female protagonists that are allowed to develop and not be overshadowed by their crush/secret male protagonist etc. do exist, but are sadly few and far between. (Soul Reaper is pretty great with Maka, although BlackStar steals a lot of space, and I prefer the anime for this exact reason. A Certain Scientific Railgun was my fav for a long time, but sadly Mikoto is in love with the harem protagonist of the main show and gets overshadowed whenever he’s involved.)
And it doesn’t matter if the show is named after the girl(s) or not!
Here are two girls, each with their own anime named after them (Railgun/Index). Guess who’s the most important character who actually drives the main story?
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Shakugan no Shana: Yes, Shana is the name of the girl. Guess which character gets the most power-ups and biggest development?
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There’s nothing wrong with liking these shows, I mean I watched them too, and I enjoyed them for the most part... but sometimes I just... whish the dude would stay a side-kick?
So, first impression of RWBY was... cautious optimism?
When I first watched RWBY, because an online friend suggested it, I was surprised to find four strong female protagonists - and Ruby presented as the main protagonist what with the very first episode being named after her and there was no guy in sight.
Seems good? Even if the animation is super wonky. Ruby is cool. I like her. She has an awesome weapon too and is competent with it. She even bites back at people instead of becoming submissive. She gets saved in first episode yes, but it was by an adult woman after a woman took over the fight from Roman.
Also no fanservicy panty shots, suggestive angles and what-not? Seems promising.
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But I’d seen this before. A show starts out with a cool, interesting, badass girl as the main protagonist. Then at some point some guy gets introduced, and it turns out he’s special, and she crushes on him, and then he gets stronger, and now she’s his side-kick, and more girls come along, and everything keeps scaling upwards forever (except the original girl), you get the idea.
Then the show turned into some hybrid of Harry Potter x Sailor Moon x high school anime spinoff wannabe with questionable quality? Okay, but maybe with these interesting girls and some cool plot it can work?
The Jaundice episodes seemed to fulfill the prophecy and I lost interest halfway through. Yes, even if the episodes were just 6 minutes long.
I dropped RWBY and didn’t touch it again for several years.
By this point V4 had just finished. I was bored one day, and I decided to give RWBY another chance.
Got past V1 and V2. It was better than I remembered. Got to V3 and... oh no, is Pyrrha gonna do the “stealing the protagonist role” thing? 
Ugh. I hate when shows trade out their main characters for new ones because they can’t figure out how to develop the ones they already have. Pyrrha is fine, but I’m already commited to team RWBY you know? Pyrrha is so OP compared to the others, it won’t be fun watching her just demolish every single foe ever, especially if she’s gonna have magic as well. It’ll just be her special story along with her romantic story with Jaune. She is going to overshadow team RWBY and then what, is Jaune gonna come along and do the same to her eventually?
With little faith left, I pressed on to episode 9, 10, 11, and... holy shit. 
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They really did that, didn’t they? They really made me think they were incompetent, cliché writers and all that. That they were gonna focus on Pyrrha and Jaune going forwards because they had no idea how to tell a compelling story with the girls they’d already established as “main protagonists”.
And then they a) Killed off the “ace student” promised for greatness and b) destroyed the High School setting and c) Allowed the bad guys to win and d) Introduced an actual competent villain AND e) Gave new depth to team RWBY and Ruby in particular.
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I was HOOKED. I realized RWBY is a show that allows its protagonists to take a backseat now and then, only to hit hard with the actual meaningful stuff. Developing and letting side characters shine as well, so that it doesn’t seem like team RWBY are the only characters with purpose in this world.
Cause no matter how special or strong or high on the political ladder they are, no character in RWBY has all the answers, nor do they have any means to actually stop Salem. 
They still don’t!
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Ruby has her silver eyes, but they didn’t “save” Beacon, or Pyrrha, or Penny, or Atlas. Actually, they may be more a curse than anything, now knowing about the Hound and what Salem can do to silver-eyed warriors. Not even a meaningful curse in the “I’ll become a cool vampire” type of curse, but just... horrible! No! Do not want this! Actually bad curse!
Ruby can’t solve this alone. She’s not all-powerful, she isn’t the shounen protagonist who always powers up in a pinch, she’s not the Maiden of all Maidens, she doesn’t always have the answers, she’s not Ozpin’s host or Salem’s Chosen or any of those clichés. That’s not the point of her character and the story we’re being told.
Ruby, like everyone else in this story, has to train, and learn, and fail, and do mistakes, and be wrong, and correct herself, and try again, and do better next time, and trust, take risks, experience loss and helplessness, and we have not seen the end of her development. I’m hyped for V9 not because of new fights, power-ups or what-not, but because I’m excited to see what Ruby has learned from their failures so far, how they’ll pick themselves up, and how they’ll try to approach the defeating of Salem. 
Because at this point in time, they have no idea how to do any of it, and that’s what excites me most about RWBY and Ruby’s character in particular.
Ruby does not have all the answers, but she’s trying anyway, because the alternative is to give up.
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She’s 17 years old and has been thrust into war against a foe that can’t die, into a role of leadership she has no grasp on how to handle. She’s trying to learn from those around her, imperfect human beings as they too are. She’s doing her best, and although she happens to have special Grimm-melting laser beam eyes, that won’t stop Salem. It won’t save Remnant from the gods.
“What are you?” is going to be a very interesting question to explore in V9.
Ruby is a rare type of protagonist because she’s not the answer to every problem, she’s not the Chosen One solely able to save the world. Yet she’s also not overshadowed or sidelined by someone else. Her story intrigues me more than anyone else’s, in any other show I’ve seen.
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asm5129 · 2 years
I just gotta say how much I love the way they handled Adam tbh
Blake’s power over him came not from pursuing revenge, but from literally just not caring about him anymore. And that hurt him more than his death did.
The whole “You stalked me across anima, I don’t want anything to *do* with you” was amazing because it shows how much healthier Blake is now, and really solidifies that Adam’s death really is his own fault. He could have just left her alone, but his craving for vengeance and control ended up getting him killed in self-defense.
It really shows how the best revenge against power-hungry people is to remove their power, not to kill them.
This is a common theme among RWBY’s villains actually. Some people call some of the villains of RWBY “stupid”, but I think it’s more accurate to call them arrogant. Cinder, Adam, Ironwood, Watts, they all refuse to acknowledge certain parts of reality that don’t fit the narratives they cling to that make their actions feel justified. Cinder obviously got a wake-up call from Watts, but her arrogance reared it’s head again in betraying everyone who helped her and then lying to Salem.
I just….I love that RWBY villains tend to sow the seeds of their own destruction, and that RWBY recognizes that killing them isn’t really the clean answer it appears to be—it’s much better if they can be either reached, or depowered and put away. Killing a sentient creature—human, Faunus, whatever— in RWBY is always treated with tremendous weight. It’s something to avoid if at all possible. (It does have an issue with the Grimm being something we can justify excessive violence against, but issues with mindless hordes and dehumanization will be saved for another post)
And if you think it’s unrealistic for someone to be psychologically unable to process seemingly obvious truths like Cinder or Ironwood, you haven’t been paying attention to the United States, or even twitter the last three weeks. It’s not because people are stupid—they literally can’t accept certain narratives. Think about how much it hurt Cinder to realize that she wasn’t the brilliant mastermind with a perfect track record. She just sat down…and cried. Cinder. Crying.
I don’t think enough people really understand what the human brain is capable of when trying to protect us, or really think about the concept of identity and how it’s formed and the lengths the humans mind will go to sustain it. Or what losing that narrative of the self can do to someone.
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maskyartist · 11 months
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This is why they gotta greenlight volume 10. We need to see how they get to live after all this is over
I don’t need them happy. I just need to see them live again…
Aka really wanted to show off my favorite part of the fairytale book and feeling so goddamn emotional tonight :)
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toaarcan · 5 months
I got RWBY and the Atlas arc on the brain again and I just want to throw some more praise at CRWBY for how they used Jacques in this arc.
They prime us to hate his guts before we even meet him. Everything Weiss has told us about her home life, and everything Blake has said about the SDC indicates to the audience that Jacques is an abusive, controlling, racist shitheel. We know he's awful before we ever see him.
So in these scenes they set him against Ironwood, a character who we're familiar with and came across as dodgy but ultimately on the side of the angels in his past appearances. Ironwood is one of the only two people in all of V4 who is actually supportive of Weiss, and he stands up to the antagonist of her arc every time they interact.
And then we get to V7, and slowly, gradually, it becomes apparent that most of Jacques' interactions with Ironwood are a giant case of "Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made a Great Point." He's frequently right for the wrong reasons (I.E. calling out Jimmy for closing the borders, not because unity in the wake of the Fall of Beacon is important, but because it's hurting his profit margins), but he's consistently one of the characters who calls Ironwood out the most for his fascistic shit.
But because we know he's Jacques and he's awful (and he is awful, this is not a Jacques Schnee Defence Post), the writers are able to bury that a little until all the pieces fall into place in Volume 7.
I could probably write a full-on essay about how good Ironwood's descent into tyranny is, and the role that the villains play in it, because this show is so fucking good when the writers get to cook. Maybe I will at some point.
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freevoidman · 3 months
Well, I think the writing's been on the wall for a while, but it's a very odd, bittersweet feeling seeing RT getting shuttered. I've grown to hate the company due to the YEARS of exploitative actions towards employees and their racist + sexist behavior, not to mention their transphobia and other bigotry that I am bound to be forgetting. I'm glad that the corporate level of this is being most likely closed.
However, a sudden closing like this means a lot of people's lives and homes are now in jeopardy, and my heart goes out to the employees. I hope that they're able to find jobs quickly, and that their new positions will treat them better than RT ever has. RT has taken many great talents and chewed them out, but that doesn't mean their talents and skills can't be appreciated in new environments, and that doesn't mean that this is fair to anyone who was working under them. I hope the best for them going forward.
As for RWBY... well, I've had mixed feelings about the show for a long damn time. I saw immense potential in the show, otherwise I would've never watched it, which I personally have felt has been squandered with poor writing over the years. I feel like that can absolutely be linked to the general treatment of employees--writers and animators alike--and though the future of RT's IPs and continuing shows is currently murky, I do hope that, if the shows return, they come back better and brighter despite years of fumbling.
When #GreenlightVolume10 started trending, I made the general statement that this would be ineffective. While fan presence can certainly be a factor in renewing a show, the guarantee of an audience is not often not enough to get a show budgeted. I doubt this post will reach many people but, if it does, I would implore people to take the time to look up who worked on which of your favorite episodes from RWBY and see if they're looking for work. Try to support them in this time, either by RT-ing resumes or through other means. RWBY would not exist without its animators, its story boarders, its technical lighting crew, literally any part of the actual crew. Use that same energy you did tweeting that hashtag and put it into supporting employees who learned today, just like the rest of us, that they're out of a job.
This is a sad thing, but RT had a hell of a run. I can only hope things get better moving forward for everyone impacted.
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bubblinelovechild · 1 year
The RWBY fandoms treatment of Adam makes me very uncomfortable
This is very long sorry I was rambling <3
There’s something really odd about the dedication RWBY fans have to hating Adam. So much so that they’ll admit the writing of the WF is racist but refuse to admit that Adam a member of the white fang also suffered from that racist writing.
There’s this weird dedication to pretending there are no problems with the choices made around Adams character and vilifying literally everyone who tries to talk about it, for the sake of continuing to blindly hate him. The fandom seems to struggle with understanding that the show is fictional and everything that happens in it is a direct choice of its writers. Y’all talk about Adam like he is a real person who has personally offended you irl. Just a huge lack of media literacy tbh.
A white man wrote a civil rights group, that he admittedly based off the black panthers, as the generic bad guys of his shitty anime knockoff and made a central theme of the show the idea that fighting against your oppression violently makes you just as bad if not worse than your oppressors. Then he mad the leader of that group a generic abusive meanie bad guy. Who essentially is what white supremacists think civil rights activist are all the way down to being the fictional equivalent of a black supremacist.
When there was backlash to this he made a knockoff Malcom X and then killed her in her only scene and made a character whose ideology is basically sit down and lick the feet of your oppressors and had the audacity to say he was based off of MLK. How the fuck do you base a character off of somebody without doing basic research on them because contrary to what people seem to believe MLK was not a doormat and this is a conversation for a different day but I’m sick and tired of his memory being weaponised against black people.
What’s worse is that Adam is the only character portrayed as actually doing something to fight racism. Ghira’s faction is only ever seen fighting against other groups. I don’t know if y’all know this but that’s not how the civil rights movement worked. Most of the leaders didn’t agree on methods but they coexisted because the main goal was the liberation of black people and they knew they had to coexist. MLK did not go around calling the cops on revolutionaries he disagreed with.
The problems with Adam and the WF are not separate and cannot be. Most of what’s wrong with the Faunus plot line is the way the show handles Adam. The choices made with his writing cannot be separated from those they made with the WF overall. Adams choice to kill his attackers to keep himself and other Faunus safe, from people literally trying to kill them, is treated the way it is because of the stance they took with WFs writing. When Adam kills a human supremacist trying to kill Ghira you’re supposed to see it as an extreme and the beginning of his turn to evil. Adam isn’t a real person every descisiom he makes is informed by the white writers of the show. Why would the bias they displayed writing the WF not apply to him?
Some of you have been abused and relate to Blake in that sense, a lot of you seem to be projecting your abusers onto Adam. I’m sorry you went through that but you are not excused from buying into racist rhetoric. It’s incredibly uncomfortable as a black person to watch people talk about how “healing” it was for them to watch a civil rights leader admittedly inspired by black people slapped around and killed by two white women. It is anger inducing to watch fans celebrate “queer representation” dancing on the corpse of a monumental disrespect to black people and our history.
RWBY doesn’t even handle abuse well tbh and most of the queer rep is not that great, there are many shows that do it so much better, there is actually no excuse for hanging on to the black people are bad for fighting against racism show.
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ninadove · 2 years
In defense of Huntlow
A love letter to Dana and the Owl Crew
Recently, I have been witnessing an increase in anti-Huntlow rhetoric on Tumblr, which I originally ignored, knowing how intense shipping wars can be.
Earlier today, however, I came across a very inflammatory post accusing Dana and the crew of bad - if not intentionally hurtful - writing for seemingly leaning towards making the ship canon.
As an ace, demiromantic lesbian who deeply cares about queer representation in media, I decided to share some thoughts on the matter, by addressing and hopefully debunking the main accusations I have seen out there.
I. A deliberate jab at the aspec community
Due to the dreadful lack of representation in mainstream media, many aspec viewers, myself included, headcanon Hunter as being somewhere on the spectrum.
Some erroneously believe that Hunter’s obvious crush on Willow invalidates this understanding of his character, and have even gone as far as to imply that the writing team deliberately deprived them of representation - ignoring the fact that Hunter’s arc was most likely fully fleshed out long before he was introduced to the fandom.
The thing is, we do get canon representation in the form of Lilith, who might be willing to boogy down to history town, but definitely isn’t willing to boogy down with you or anyone else for that matter. And let me tell you, she is *great* representation - a complex character who is in no way demonised or infantilised.
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Additionally, and perhaps even more importantly, Hunter’s crush does *not* negate his belonging to the spectrum - key word here being *spectrum*. He might not fit the specific label you had in mind, but that’s alright - remember we come in all shapes and sizes!
II. Pushing a queer ship out of the spotlight
The argument here is that Huntlow has been distracting both the audience and the narrative itself from Lumity, an explicitely queer relationship that has been providing groundbreaking representation in the otherwise desperately heteronormative world of kids’ television.
I’ll be honest - I don’t really understand where this comes from. Huntlow might have been getting more fanart and fanfic lately due to the novelty factor, but in no way does this pose a credible threat to Lumity, which absolutely remains the main focus on the show as well as the most popular ship in the fandom ( in fact, most TOH artists seem to ship both pairings! ).
As of now, Huntlow is nothing more than a one-sided teenage crush, while Lumity has been getting in-depth development throughout season 2, culminating in their iconic kiss - I’m sure the team had to fight very hard for this scene to stay in, so let’s show some appreciation!
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Interestingly, Raeda also benefited from the novelty factor when it was first introduced, and didn’t receive *nearly* as much backlash. The reason for this difference in treatment? Raeda is an explicitly queer ship.
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And the thing is, in a series with so much representation, Huntlow might very well turn out to be as well ( cf point 1 ) ! There is a longstanding bias in the LGBTQIA community against « straight-passing » relationships and people who do not look « queer enough ». In all likeliness, we won’t get any confirmed labels for these two ( which is *fine* - they are kids! ), but it would be very interesting if the show actually took us down that road and forced us to confront our own biases.
( Also, people are allowed to be cishet. But that is not my point here. )
III. Underdevelopment and « bad writing »
As a RWBY veteran, I have grown used to Bumbleby-antis claiming the ship overtook the plot while paradoxically getting no development. This flawed logic seems to be repeated here, so let’s explore a couple of possibilities.
Personally, I would prefer Hunter and Willow’s relationship to stay as it is as of the end of season 2 - celebrating the important role first crushes can play in shaping one’s identity, even though they might never lead to any concrete romantic fulfillement. But, in the very likely occurrence that something *will* happen between these two, there is plenty of material to back them up.
A. Lumity parallels or the tomato syndrome
Some argue that Huntlow lacks development because all we’ve seen so far is one-sided blushing on Hunter’s part - completely overlooking the fact that this is exactly how Lumity started out!
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The parallels do not stop there, however, as many excellent posts have pointed out. Both Amity and Hunter grew up in physically and emotionally abusive households, and connecting with their respective crushes helped them gain a new understanding of the world. In his « Captain », Hunter has found a person he can experience healthy admiration for, something that is also significant for Willow who has a history of being overlooked and underestimated.
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In fact, one might even argue that Amity predicted Hunter’s crush - remember that one scene in Eclipse Lake? This is great foreshadowing!
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B. Caleb parallels or the radical act of love
Now that we know more about Belos’ backstory, a key theme of the show is starting to emerge: love as a vector of rebellion, freedom and systemic change - a message that the LGBTQIA community as a whole is very familiar with.
While Hunter and the previous Golden Guards are all unique individuals with a mind and heart of their own, the fact that every single one of them ultimately chose to rebel against Belos is a strong sign that Caleb’s influence has persisted throughout the centuries. And what was Caleb’s biggest crime, exactly?
Falling in love with a witch.
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The point here is not that Hunter is condemned to fall in love with a witch himself by virtue of being a clone with no agency of his own. It’s that Caleb’s hardships and bravery in the face of bigotry opened the door for him to proclaim his own independence through the radical act of embracing a form of love that the powers in place deem demonic and unnatural.
And what an amazing message to send out to a young audience.
IV. But… But the age gap is predatory!!!
I might be gay, but I can still do Maths. So let’s do just that.
Hunter is canonically 16. I don’t believe Willow’s age is ever outright stated in the series, but I assume she is around Luz’s age. Had it not been for Disney being, you know, Disney, our girl would have celebrated her quinceañera in season 3, so we can extrapolate that at this point in the story, Willow is around 15 as well.
That’s a one-year difference. Come on, guys.
Final thoughts: maybe stop being mad about everything all the time
Look guys, I get it, I really do. We have all been starving for queer content our entire lives, so when we finally get it, we expect it to match every single one of the expectations we’ve been desperately holding on for so long.
But the thing is, harassing a queer creator who is fighting tooth and nail to provide kids with life-changing ( and potentially life-saving ) representation is only going to hurt us further.
Use this energy to write fanfic, draw fanart, create a story that will inspire others the way this show does for so many of us. Campaign for more representation in media. Question your own biases and be a little kinder to one another.
And, most importantly - watch The Owl House!
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powertaco · 6 months
What are your thoughts on WR development overall and your thoughts on WR being developed/made canon in V10?
Ugh I am going to ramble about everything here I can feel it...well you asked for it. I apologize for none of it, and if you all hate me at the end well I don't mind.
Volume 6 and before are pretty much great. They go from kinda at odds to tentative friends, learning to trust, and rely on each other, best friends, pining over one and other and V6 was a loooot of WR for us to feast on.
Afterward I felt like it got sidetracked. There could be various reasons for this (in hindsight I feel like Penny being given a way bigger role so her death could hit harder is to blame for part of this because realistically how long has Ruby known Penny? A month?)
Even if you don't like the ship they're supposed to be canon best friends so I take personal issue with almost all of volume 9.
I think it was sloppy writing that didn't move the story forward, and even though I don't care about Bees I feel like they still got shafted since they basically were forced to confess to move things along, and them doing so made them miss out on the sister/supposed friend and her problems, and only showcased the worst sides of the relationship.
For example Yang let's Ruby scream at Weiss but only moves to do something when Blake gets yelled at. Blake and Ruby still have...less dialogue than Ruby does with Ren I think etc.
Jaune was too present merely because his entire deal took away from Ruby's imo.
I've said it before but frankly Nora falling and learning who she is away from Ren so when she sees him in V10 she's ready for the relationship is far more satisfying to me narratively.
Leave Jaune above ground so he has to deal with the fact that he thinks he failed his friends and they all died and let him learn from that experience instead.
This also doesn't take into account that Jaune's one interesting change in 9 (being old) is taken away via random deaging (although I guess this makes deaging canon and hey young maria this is how dwr can still win! more at 11!)
Generally when characters go through a volume you want some sort of arc for them to go and change through. Weiss gets none of that. Out of all the characters nothing really happens to her, and she doesn't change at all. She's just sad about Atlas. Neat.
There's no time for it just like there's no real time for Ruby.
In Ruby's own words 'gotta help Jaune right?' and they do. Ruby removes herself from the census, which is how its framed, and they stop to...help Jaune.
There are a few moments that are WR'ish in 9. The Nevermore summon, Weiss believing in Ruby, and calling her name first etc, but overall Weiss's main job is to backslide.
I said it before but in the market Neo, the perfect assassin is after Ruby, and they split up. Weiss goes 'gross nosehairs', and ditches her best friend who she already knows by that point is NOT doing well.
This is not Volume 1. This Weiss is not that petty, and she's literally had to manhandle corpses. The fact that she wouldn't stay near her canonical best friend, and leader is asinine, and only happens so she can be alone to meet the smith.
Even if Weiss can't help Ruby fight Neo she's an extra pair of eyes (and Neo doesn't care how crowded it is in the market), and just being there for Ruby can help.
With all that said RWBY is big into symbolism. When WR are together in almost all the side spin off material it means something. Manga Anthologies has them making heart eyes and flirting like every other page. Ice Queendom was a love letter to WhiteRose (precious?). The movies, etc.
When their weapons rest next to each other on screen like the Bees do? It means something. When their flowers break ranks to be near each other (and Weiss's flower is the lily please note)? This means something.
Ruby can stand and jump from missile to missile but has to wrap her arms around Weiss to stay seated?
If Chibi continues it's pattern of predicting things in the main plot then the fact that Weiss is the woodsman in the fairy tale means a loooot as in several versions of that fairy tale the woodsman marries little red after helping her deal with the wolf problem (which varies by the story).
They're the knight and princess for each other. Ruby comes into Weiss's live turns it upside down, and helps her change. Likes her for her genuinely and wants to be her friend at the start. Through this she changes the world for Weiss, and helps her grow, and Weiss in turn helps Ruby be the leader she can be.
But yeah I guess that's just friends things and they should date some guys they've had like a half a dozen lines with instead? I don't get it really.
She and Oscar punch each other in the face, and they talk about strategy. Oscar has a younger kid crush on her, and Ruby is awkward because that's her headmaster in this kids head. Oh right he went in for a hug she ignored. Peak romance.
Jaune and Weiss have almost no interactions, and when he saves her at Haven her response isn't to be like 'omg i love you' it's 'keep doing it i have work to do'. Are they friends now? Sure, but that's about as far as it goes.
It remains that outside of group hugs the only person that's allowed to initiate contact with Weiss almost all the time outside of battle is Ruby.
Ruby knows when she needs help and will guide her away when she needs it, but other people don't' touch Weiss unless she does it first because they know she doesn't like it...except Ruby.
I have tried to look at other relationships for them, and I honestly don't see them as realistic.
Even Penny would need a lot more development to make it work. I get that it's cute and wholesome but they've known each other for again a month, and Penny just defers to Ruby.
Ruby needs a partner and equal not a submissive enabler. That's a relationship you have with a pet, and not a person.
Now if Maria were young and hot that'd be different...
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Ruby and Weiss are partners. If they're allowed to have the much needed conversations they never seem to get, ie haven, ever after, Ruby's mom, everything, etc.
Then is it possible? Maybe. If they do go WR I suspect it'll be more hints, and slow ramp up until the final season.
I would expect it either on the eve of the final battle, or literally during it maybe as in Weiss gets feds up with waiting, and decides to do something about it.
More likely at this point is they'll both just end up single with maybe faint hints so fans can imagine what they want for it.
Would I prefer it if it was WR so the team can truly be family? Yes, but I don't even know if we're getting a volume 10 at all to be honest. The fact that it wasn't announced at the last festival, and we get an extended eppy, and then nothing after the last movie?
Not making me feel super confident. I could be wrong though. On many things. Except Young Maria.
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reashot · 2 months
RWBY And the Ruinous Powers.
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Ruby: Oh no it's Salem!
Salem: Ha, ha, ha, ha. I'm going to wipe out all lives on Remnants. And there's nothing you can do about it.
Weiss: There is no way we can beat her. She's can't be destroyed.
Blake: We're doomed... Doomed...
Yang: If only there's someone, anyone that can save us...
Khorne: Have no fear ladies!
Slaneesh: Because we can help you with that.
Tzeentch: And then some with the power of Chaos(tm.)
Nurgle: Observes. Now begone. You female demon... Thing.
Salem: Oh I've been defeated by the awesome power of Chaos(tm.)
Oh I'm melting, melting! What a world...
*slumps to the ground*
Ruby: Yay! Thank you for saving us Chaos Gods!
Blake: We can't possibly defeat Salem all on our own.
Weiss: (especially not with our studio getting canned.)
Yang: Ehh... Can you please tell us more about this Chaos(tm.) Grandpa Nurgle.
Nurgle: Why I'm glad you ask... *looks down* Yang.
Salem: If you need me I'll be in my trailer.
Khorne: Chaos(tm.) is the truth of the world. A primordial force.
By becoming a member it will gives you power beyond your imagination.
Slaneesh: Not only power but also pleasure you cannot hope to dream.
Tzeentch: Also knowledge. Don't forget the knowledge.
If you call now. Our number is 1432-CHAOS-RULZ.
Remember it's 1432-CHAOS-RULZ.
Our great communication team will help you with the transition.
Erebus: Answering phone call is my personal hell. And if you don't call me right away you are actually not doing your part in punishing me. And you don't want me to be happy do you?
Tzeentch: And all it cost is just the low, low price of your immortal soul.
Ruby: Wow I did not know that Chaos(tm.) was so good.
In fact I'm so convinced that I'm becoming a member right now.
By joining Chaos it not only help me with my day to day task. But tear and rend my enemy into unrecognizable bits. And I have Khorne to thank for teaching me to channel my anger into destructive causes.
Blood for the blood God, skull for the skull throne. And Milk for my cookies.
Khorne: *sniffs* I'm so proud.
Weiss: And by joining Chaos. I become a better person. I'm no longer racist towards people who are different to me.
Nurgle help me realize that we are all just a piece of meat of that are slowly rotting away in a cold uncaring universe. And the only solace we can find is with each others.
Nurgle: I couldn't agree more Weiss. I hope we can spread our beliefs to more people that need it.
Blake: With me. I actually become a better writer With Tzeentch helping me with my writing I actually gain 50 new followers by posting a spicy fic. Isn't that right Tzeentchy.
Tzeentch: *thousand yard stare* ... I have forseen many things in my existence and not even I can unsee the thing I saw. I mean I think I can but you will never know.
Yang: With Slaneesh I even done thing I would never have done previously. All the debauchery and all manners of pleasureable thing I done that I can't repeat in polite company... Actually help alot in dealing with my anger issues. Seriously if you can only worship one Chaos God. Then Slaneesh can be considered the best pick.
Slaneesh: Yes... By joining Chaos there is no limit to what you can gain. So what are you waiting for and sign up now!
Caution: Joining Chaos may cause numerous health problems, such as; Blood leaking from every orrifices in your body, new apendages growing, lost of one soul, seeing demons, summoning demons or giving birth to demons and all manners of bodily & spiritual horror. If problems persist please consult your local apothecary to see whether Chaos is right for you.
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Team RWBY - Childhood friend Reader goes Missing
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(So I tried to respond to the actual ask but Tumblr glitched out. So I'm doing it like this instead, apologies!)
You're so sweet thank you so much!! This prompt hits so well for me, you have no idea. I wasn't sure whether you wanted EVERY girl from the series or just Team RWBY. For this one I'm gonna do just Team RWBY, but if you want me to do the rest of the girls in the series, just send me a message and I'll write those up eventually!
Ruby Rose
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You and Ruby were two peas in a pod the moment you met. It was like two puzzle pieces made perfectly for each other. You both were into similar things and your personalities mashed super well. Not only did you have a similar sense of humor, you were one of the few people that actually enjoyed her over the top antics and affections. Ruby would often ambush you with a hug while you walked around campus, sometimes leading to you two falling in a pile of giggles. Every week you guys had plans. On Tuesdays you both liked to have Debate Nights where you both defend your opinion on something (often roping in the rest of your friends to be the jury). There wasn't a dull moment with you two, every day was full of laughter and joy. You were each other's first school friend and that friendship has lasted for years. After the Fall of Beacon, you were split up like most, but found each other fairly quickly. You were a great support for her and would always listen to her issues. She felt connected to you deeply on a different level. Even after the rest of Team RWBY came back, Ruby found herself strangely attached to you more. Being reunited with her sister and friends was one of the best feelings in the world, but the moment you and her found each other again takes the cake in her heart. It became incredibly clear that she was in love with you. Looking back on it, she did have a habit of making excuses just to talk to you in private. Ruby didn't know what to do with this information, but it will come up at the right time
One day at about 5 am, Ruby was awoken by Qrow with a somber look. Apparently during the night you went missing. No one saw or heard a thing. You were there sleeping in your bed and then you were just… gone. The thought of you being missing was terrifying, but Ruby tapped into her abundance of optimism and quickly got dressed and headed towards the town. You couldn't have gone far, right? You probably just went through the city and got lost, no big deal! For the next week her routine remained the same; Wake up early, gather friends to look for you, take break for lunch, keep looking alone, head back, sleep. At the start she was hopeful, but everyday just wore her down until the 7th day when it broke her. You've been missing for a whole week, where were you? Yang held Ruby as she cried, eventually passing her to Qrow when it came time to go to bed. He did the best he could and was as supportive as possible, but he knew Ruby needed space to process it herself, and brought her to her room. With a hair ruffle and weak smile, Qrow wished her a good night and left her to rest
Ruby was awoken the next day early in morning yet again, except this time there was a knock at the door. When she opened it, her heart stopped. You stood on the doorstep, clothes torn and bloody. There were no major external injuries but it was clear you were heavily shaken up. Hobbling in with a limp you entered the house and sighed at the warmth. Ruby was at a loss for words, only able to muster out a vague question of what happened.
Apparently when you were going to sleep last week, you decided to throw out the trash as well beforehand. When you exited the house to take it out, you were suddenly ambushed by multiple Grimm and dragged deep into the forest. Since you were going to sleep, you didn't have your weapons, scroll, or any protection at all. You were completely vulnerable. For the past week you had been both fighting for your life against various Grimm and trying to navigate your way out of the forest labyrinth. Just when you were about to collapse, you finally found the opening into the town and limped all the way back to your home
It hurt like a bitch, but you tried to smile as big as possible. You could tell Ruby was feeling awful about this just looking at you. Before you could say another word, Ruby lunged at you, pushing you both onto the couch behind you. You let out a loud hiss as your leg bent at an odd angle and your hip twisted. Her arms were wrapped tightly around your neck, her head buried into your chest. As you gained the strength to question her, Ruby cut you off
"Oh my god I'm so happy you're okay! I love you so much, I don't know what I'd do without you! I can't lose you!"
Hearing the absolute heartbreak in her voice and the way her breathing staggered between sobs pushed you to shed your own tears. In the forest, all you could think of was getting back to Ruby, the girl you loved. The fact that the whole time she felt the same sent you over the edge. You tightly hugged her back, ignoring the pain you felt from your injuries. Both of you just went back and forth saying how much you love each other over and over again to the point of it becoming unintelligable. Tired from being overworked physically and emotionally, you fell asleep together on the couch in each others arms. When everyone woke up in the morning they helped patch you up, with Ruby holding your hand the whole day
Weiss Schnee
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Weiss never expected to like someone so much. She was cold and abrasive, especially at the academy. But for some reason you just… stayed. And it wasn't annoying like it was with Ruby, instead whenever you knocked on her door she could feel her heart skip a beat. She'd still scold you for interrupting her and tell you to leave of course. Every week you pushed a little further, giving her space at the same time as to not overwhelm her. Weiss took notice and appreciated it deeply. She never had someone who took her interests at heart and it was so foreign. Your friendship took awhile to start, but once it got going it veeeery quickly turned into a closeted romance. Maybe it was due to her sheltered upbringing, maybe it was due to you not judging her for her family name, she didn't know. But something about you melted her heart and she fell hard. And it was super obvious, she is not good at lying. It got to the point that basically everyone knew of her crush except you. Ruby and Nora kept trying to get Weiss to confess to you already, but she managed to avert the conversations elsewhere. She'd tell you, but now wasn't the time
Weiss quickly regretted that decision when she came back from a mission to hear you never returned from yours. At first she thought it was a prank and got angry, but when she realised it was true, she started freaking out. She pretty much interrogated everyone who interacted with you that day and started slinging accusations. Emotions got heated and multiple arguments broke out. Ruby and Jaune tried to organize a search party for the next day but that didn't do much. The day ended on a sour note, and Weiss instantly locked herself in her room. She spent the whole night crying, trying to contact you through your scroll
While on a mission, the whole group got a message that you were found alive. Badly hurt, but alive. Weiss basically abandoned whatever she was doing and got to the location marked on her scroll as fast as possible. On the way she went on call with Blake and learned what had happened. Apparently SDC protestors learned of your appearance and relationship with Weiss and grew enraged. A Schnee didn't deserve to find love, and you loving her just made you complicit with her family's crimes! They took their chance while you were alone and approached you, asking for help. When you followed them to the abandoned building, you instantly knew it was a trap, but they bashed you on the head and kidnapped you. They spent the last few days interrogating you about the SDC and Weiss' "secret plans". No matter how many times you said you didn't understand they wouldn't take that as an answer. You got incredibly lucky when Ren saw a shady person enter the building you were kept in and decided to call backup and investigate
The whole travel her anger grew and grew, a flurry of emotions clouding her head. She doesn't even remember traveling to you, she became concious again when she saw your beaten, bloody face. You had a black eye and bruises all over your body, but other than that you were in good shape. The moment your eyes met, Weiss stormed over and began yelling at you. She screamed about how foolish you were to follow strangers, how stupid you were for being so naively kind, it all just fell out of her mouth. Rant lasting awhile, it all accumulated in her confessing what she had been holding for years,
"Why can't you just understand that I love you and don't want you hurt?!"
When she realized what she said she fell quiet and put a hand over her mouth. For the next minute it was pure silence. You could hear a pin drop. It took you a bit to fully process so you just stared wide eyed. Weiss's face dropped as she looked to the ground solemnly. She blunted said you should have just exposed her so you could go free without harm. With that you broke out of your trance and instantly pulled her into a hug, letting out a small hiss at the pressure on your ribcage. You instantly let her know that it was worth protecting her, and when you confessed you felt the same into her ear, Weiss melted into your embrace. As you hugged she just kept calling you an idiot over and over again, threatening you to never get kidnapped again. Meanwhile everyone in the vicinity did a sigh of relief and thanked the gods you were finally a couple
Blake Belladonna
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At the start Blake didn't really like people much, that was obvious. But unlike Weiss who was more abrasive and combative, Blake preferred to ignore or dismiss. Even after you became friends with the rest of Team RWBY Blake was the last one to warm up to you. But things changed when you saw her reading a book from your favorite series. Shocked you knew of it, she inquired about your interest and you two spent the whole time talking about the plot and it's history. After that day Blake found herself intrigued by you, and was happy to find someone to enjoy books with her. Everyday she grew warmer. You noticed she would slowly start to approach you herself and actively start conversations. It was cute. Soon she realised that she was falling in love again. Blake tried so hard to fight those feelings off. Her relationships have always been plagued by tragedy and she doesn't want you involved in that. But every time she heard you laugh and saw you do cute little dances, it got nearly impossible to not fall for you
Although your friendship had been pretty steady, you knew Blake was hiding things from you. You tried to pry information from her to no avail, she kept being vague. Tensions just kept rising and rising until tt all came to a head when she finally spoke up. Blake told you everything, all about Adam and the White Fang. She even opened up about what happened with Yang and how she ran away from her team. It was… intense, to say the least. It was so much to process at once you couldn't really wrap your head around it. She was in the White Fang? Yang lost an arm for her? This Adam guy is still out there? The more she tried to explain herself and her history, it just made you more confused and overwhelmed. Your brain became overstimulated with emotions that you just blew up at her. She started silent, but eventually raised her voice as well. It was an intense back and forth argument between you two that ended with you both angrily retreating to your respective rooms. Blake layed in bed awake all night, thinking about your whole argument. It was wrong for you to blame her and yell, but she absolutely understood why you did. This situation is tough and multi-faceted. As she finally drifted to sleep, Blake made up her mind
The next day Blake emerged from her room to confront you and apologize, but found you were gone. Everyone else saw you leave the house in the early morning but haven't heard a thing from you since. Blake's heart instantly dropped. Remembering your last interaction made her imagine the absolute worst and made her heart race. Without a word she ran out and went looking for you. She didn't even have a game plan. Normally she is very levelheaded and able to control her emotions, but this time it was impossible. Adam was still out there watching, waiting. He already went for Yang multiple times, there is no doubt in her mind that he would target you too. Every possibility played in her head of him kidnapping you and hurting you
Blake scanned the streets and forest paths desperately, and after what seemed like hours, she finally found you. No hesitation she called your name, catching your attention. As she dropped in front of you, before you could say anything she grabbed you roughly by your shoulders. Voice quivering, Blake asked you if Adam touched you at all, tears in her eyes. You shook your head confused, gaining a desperate sigh of relief from the Faunus. She explained how you just up and left with no notice and how scared she got considering your fight. But you responded that you left behind a note telling her you were just going for a walk to cool down. You two spent the next couple of minutes clearing up misunderstandings and eventually got the full picture. And awkward silence fell upon you two, which you broke by apologizing for your outburst. Blake was silent at first, but responded in kind,
"I'm… sorry for not being upfront and honest with you. I always try to hide and run, because I'm afraid my past will come back to haunt me. Adam knows when I get close to someone, he knows when I…
I try to rationalize it by saying it's for your sake, but that's not fair to you. I can't do that to someone… someone that I love. I promise from now on there will be no secrets between us."
Her words shook your core, and made your face instantly flush. She was being the most upfront and genuine she's ever been, and you couldn't help but lose your breath. Gulping, you quietly tell her you feel the same, making her ears perk up. On the way back to your home, you both gently locked hands
Yang Xiao Long
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Yo, you didn't become friends, it's more like Yang kidnapped you and you got Stockholm Syndrome. Obviously I'm joking, you were actually a friend of Ruby's and happened to be Yang's age, so everytime you visited Ruby you two would get to talking. After a couple conversations, Yang deemed you to be fucking cool and constantly tried to talk to you and chill. It got to the point that you started hanging out with Yang more than Ruby, causing the latter to pout. Your interactions devolved into playful flirting and teasing. She would always call you "cutie" and make flirty puns at you, gaining a blush and sigh in response. As much as you guys messed around, Yang started to realize that it wasn't just jokes anymore. Over the years you've known each other the atmosphere changed. Subconciously she had been trying to give you hints about how she feels. It took her talking to Blake to really come to terms with her feelings and figure out what was going on with her
The next morning Yang happily slammed your door open and brightly called for you to get up. All of her happiness stopped in it's tracks when she saw your empty bed. With no hesitation she began asking everyone where you were, with varied answers. Nora and Ren ate breakfast with you, Oscar saw you watch tv, Weiss had an argument with you about beverage choices, etc. Blake was the only one with a solid answer, stating you were heading to the out of town store to get groceries. Yang could feel herself getting slightly annoyed, but appreciated the response and happily went to go meet you there. She hopped on Bumblebee and started the drive
While she drove, Yang tried contacting you through your scroll but wasn't getting a response which was odd. You were usually really attentive and always answered, at least sent a text message or something. After a couple more times she was about to put her scroll away, until you picked up. Yang happily spoke into the scroll, playfully scolding you for making her call so many times, but got no response. She listened closely and could hear the faint voices of two men yelling. They were clearly not friendly and were throwing threats all over the place. It was already giving her a bad feeling, but when Yang heard gunshots and the sound of you screaming in fear, she put Bumblebee in overdrive and beelined towards you
When you left the house, all you intended to do was get some bread and pasta for tonights dinner. You even went to the far off store that had the high quality noodles. But about halfway during your shopping the doors slammed open and two men stormed in holding guns. They began threatening the store and it's patrons. The old Shopkeep tried to tell them to leave but quickly backed down when they shot 3 bullets at his feet. One of the men chained the door shut and closed the blinds, while the other went around and gathered customers to the center of the store. Adults and children were herded onto the open floor and promptly restrained as to not intervene. Your scroll, thankfully on silent, kept telling you Yang was calling. You knew you couldn't respond to her, but you accepted the call to let her at least know what as going on. After a couple of gunshots you closed your scroll and shoved it in your pocket. As the other man got closer you looked around and found an opening behind the freezers. Before he approached you quickly slid behind and held your breath. No one noticed your escape, and went along their way. For the next 10 minutes you sat there in horror as you heard the store get ransacked and customers terrorized
The front windows suddenly shattered as a yellow and black bike got thrown through, ramming into one of the men. Yang quickly followed, eyes red and hair burning. She started to tear apart the store trying to find you, breaking shelves and display stands. You name was called but you could barely hear due to the freezers. Upset at the sudden entrance, the men tried to intimidate her, but she didn't even flinch. Knowing you were somewhere in the building, possible hurt, made her go blind with rage. With ease Yang defeated and apprehended the criminals with excessive force. A few extra punches and kicks and head slams are fine, right? Shopkeep thanked her and called the police, leaving Yang to find you. Now that the room was quieter, you could hear her desperate cries and called out for her, crawling out. You were barely off the floor when Yang nearly tackled you and hugged you tighter than before.
"I love you so much, I'll never let this happen again. I'll never let you get hurt."
In that moment Yang didn't even care about the fact she just confessed her true love to you, all she cared about was the fact you were in her arms unharmed. You didn't say it back, but you reciprocated her hug in a way that made her understand. The hug lasted for a couple of minutes, both of you just breathing together and calming yourselves. Once your heartrates dropped and your minds' settled, Yang gently helped you up and lead you to her bike, hopping on herself. Wrapping your arms around her waist, Yang quietly drove you back to the house in comfortable silence. That night Yang slept in your room with you due to anxiety and paranoia of you getting possible hurt. But even after those fears quieted down, you guys kept sleeping and cuddling in the same bed like the lovebirds you were
This was so long but so fun to write??? I hope these are alright!
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I thought I'd make a little post listing some of my favorite blogs, what they offer, and what I followed for! Mostly for my own reference, but I recommend every one of them, so be sure to check them out! ((if you're on this list and would like to be removed, let me know))
rp related blogs!
@peachapartmentsrp on Tumblr -- a multifandom group rp im part of on discord! I cannot recommend it enough! It’s got a wide variety of characters, an active group, and a great community! 
An assortment of roleplay finder blogs 
@findingroleplays on Tumblr 
@rphunter on Tumblr 
@findroleplay on Tumblr 
@roleplayfinder on Tumblr 
@canonrpfinder on Tumblr -- a roleplay finger tool for canon content only 
@prpfs on Tumblr -- a roleplay partner finder tool for more problematic content 
@roleplayhonestybox on Tumblr -- A place to rant and speak about rp experiences! The good and the bad! 
Writing prompts, scenarios, and resources! 
@lavenderotpprompts on Tumblr -- writing prompts (some really incredible ones for ships and couples) 
@me-writes-prompts on Tumblr -- writing prompts (great dialogue and situation prompts!) 
@the-moon-dust-writings on Tumblr -- writing prompts (great for both ocs and ships!) 
For FE3H (fire emblem: three houses) 
@glowingbadger on Tumblr -- a mostly NSFW blog, with great chartisterization, wonderfully written smut, and they allow their reader to send little thirsts and prompts! They also have an art blog.
@yandere-sins on Tumblr -- YANDERE CONTENT! They’re an incredible writer, with really unique yandere content. As well as that! They run interactive polls about yandere content that I have a ton of fun interacting with! 
For HXH (hunter x hunter) 
@holydayaria on Tumblr -- YANDERE CONTENT! Fantastic stuff, great characterization, as well as some really cool ideas I don't see often! Very unique takes! 
@depravitycentral on Tumblr -- YANDERE CONTENT! Super good stuff, very in depth in the yandere mindset, i'm always so impressed with their writing! 
For DND (dungeons and dragons) 
@lovecoredeity on Tumblr -- fantastic character designs! Great ocs! I love to see the ocs they post, their designs and ideas inspire me a lot! 
For Vocaloid 
@ir-dr on Tumblr -- an incredible artist who posts daily! I cannot even imagine posting daily, let alone such high quality work. I’m always so impressed with their linless style and great color palettes
@emilylovescookies on Tumblr -- beautiful lineless art, fantastic colors, and one of the most cute and stylistic art styles i've seen! 
@dashingicecream on Tumblr -- has a really expressive art style, and makes some of the best WLW art! Really cute stuff, also ships a lot the same ships as me, which is a bonus! 
@noxypep on Tumblr -- another artist who makes superb WLW art! A monochrome shipper, they make some of the cutest content for the ship i’ve seen
For hxh (hunter x hunter) 
@tiucotheus on Tumblr -- makes beautiful art that is so polished and flowy! Not to mention the way they draw the characters (especially chrollo, illumi and feitan) makes them look sooo good! 
@sullenhighstar on Tumblr -- very good art! As well as super cute ship art! Their content seems to focus primarily on the phantom troupe 
@verytiredrn on Tumblr -- great art featuring the main squad of hunter x hunter! Their kurapika art especially has me in a chokehold, I cannot get enough 
For FE3H (fire emblem: three houses) 
@calamari-inari on Tumblr -- this artist does THE ferdinand von aegir art! If you’re a ferdibert fan, or just a ferdinand fan, this blog is a must follow! 
@maimais on Tumblr -- has a super cute bylethsona they pair with claude, everytime i see their work it makes my day. Super cute style, very gentle colors, and a super romantic vibe to their ship art! 
@meltypancake on Tumblr -- has a beautiful oc they ship with dimitri, and their art is so elegant and romantic! I’m always in awe of the talent they have! 
@limielle on Tumblr -- the best male!byleth x dimitri art i’ve ever seen. Their art is so romantic and expressive and flowy
For miscellaneous fandoms https://www.tumblr.com/deddo219 -- a personal friend of mine, and a fantastic artist! They draw for a wide variety of fandoms, and all of their content is beautiful. They’re open for commissions!
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi there! Can i request Stellaron Hunters (Kafka, Silver Wolf, and Blade) x Neopolitan s/o from RWBY?
If you dont know who Neo is, She is a short mute gurl who can and will beat you up elegantly with her beautiful parasol like the QUEEN she is. She has powers to make illusions that is so real, it fools literally everyone and she has beautiful heterochromia eyes (different color eyes). Here are some vids that will show you how amazing she is:
Uhhh so i might have gone on a bit off of a rant. Neo is my favourite character in RWBY and the only reason why i watch the show, so sorry for the rant. Hope you have a great day though!
- Flower Anon 🌸
A/N: Hello, Flower Anon! I unfortunately can't look at the links for some reason, but I looked her up and she seems super cute! Thank you for the request!<33
Content: Fluff, established relationship, mentions of hsr typical violence/battle, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Silverwolf is impressed by everything about you, even if she comes off as disinterested at times. She therefore shows her affections for you, by either speaking for you when needed or spending most of her time with you. Your muteness is no issue for her, as she isn't too keen on talking herself most of the time.
She doesn't care for your looks much, but still finds you very cute. She especially likes your eyes, which she comments on often. Your height is also perfect for her, as she isn't very tall either and can steal kisses better this way.
Silverwolf loves watching you fight with your parasol. Your abilities surrounding it and your illusions always leave in her in a near trance. She's just so proud of having an s/o like you and feels flattered, when you protect her whilst she works.
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Kafka adores absolutely everything about you. She doesn't mind that you're mute and often helps you out by either talking to you or giving you a notebook to write on, so you can tell her things. She enjoys talking more anyways, so you listening to her intently is always great for her.
She finds how short you are super cute and often teases you for it. She also compliments your eyes alot and likes to therefore stare into them as much as she can. That usually turns into a friendly staring match, that she finds quite adorable.
Kafka also loves watching you on the battlefield. She finds your abilities beautiful and enjoys seeing you plow through your enemies with ease. She also likes playing around with your illusions, wondering just what else you could do with them.
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He doesn't treat you any differently for your muteness and just somehow knows what you want to tell him at all times. He doesn't mind the silence anyways, as he is a man of few words and doesn't like talking much.
He never comments on your looks much either, but he secretly finds your height difference quite adorable. It takes alot in him to not just pat the top of your head all the time. And your eyes are also something he admittedly loved about you. The different colours fascinated him, making him wonder how they were even possible to exist.
He underestimated your skills on the battlefield at first, until he saw you truly fight. After that, he became even more impressed by you. He enjoys fighting alongside you and can admit to himself, that you're a good team together. But he'll still attempt to protect you anyways, even if you don't need it.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the request, Flower Anon!<33
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asm5129 · 1 year
So, remember all those criticisms of Jaune “stealing” Ruby’s screen time or whatever?
Well, as we can see now, any time spent on Jaune was actually *also* time spent on Ruby, building up to the ultimate catalyst of both of their hero complexes and other trauma reaching their boiling point *together*, forcing Ruby to finally face her pain
I just think that’s neat
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iamafanofcartoons · 8 months
RWBY Fans talk about what makes RWBY enjoyable for the FNDM.
I want to take a moment to thank the RWBY Fandom for coming together on post
and discussing why RWBY was an enjoyable show for each of them.
Everyone here had a fantastic reason, and I am grateful to each of you!
@hmvw2015 : For me, RWBY filled the void left behind by Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.
It’s one of the few shows I’ve seen (aside from Adventure Time) that grows up with its audience.
The fight scenes are so incredible! They’re lightening fast I would have to rewatch the same episode at least twice or thrice! Easily rivaling those done by Studios Gainax or TRIGGER, or Titmouse.
Since every character, place, and object have connections to fairy tales, mythologies, folklore, and classic novels, it did a great job portraying them to their root inspirations. Plus, I’m always digging deep into their designs and backstories.
The music is almost top tier to the music from the Disney Renaissance Era. Maybe even better than that. The songs add another layer of foreshadowing for the characters, and they’re fun to listen to~!
It tackles issues like self-worth, abuse, and death.
The series basically screams “Women’s Rights” and “Gay Rights” and proud of it. :D
@ammy246 :
I've always enjoyed the characters, and I like how there are 4 badass female protagonists who are each enjoyable to watch. I also like how the villains are actually threatening, so the heroes have to put effort into earning victories unlike many works of fiction. The animation always excites me, because you never know what you're going to get. And, don't even get me started on the amazing soundtrack.
@cinnamonrollfuckhead :
it tickles all the right things about me. i got in trouble for reading in classes when i finished my work early at school, it was nearly always history or mythology. i was an ancient Egypt kid. i read outside my age group. if Snapple wanted to employ me to write factoids for their caps i would take it. i was hooked on RWBY immediately despite being older than any of the main characters. i found an unlikely character to relate to in Jaune. i loved how it balanced serious and goofy themes.
@satoshi-mochida :
Some stuff I like about the show is that it's pretty fun and entertaining to watch, has constantly improving writing and animation(the CRWBY recognizing ACTUAL criticism, and working on those), with smarter and deeper than some may think moments, well-done characters, great music and songs, and probably more. I even cosplayed as Jaune(and the 'HuntsMan' with a Wonder-Zwei plush)with my then-girlfriend before COVID hit and other stuff happened, and enjoyed doing that.
@haunted-meatsack :
I'm waaaaay behind but I started watching for the fight choreography, music, and battle skirts. Plus I'm a sucker for small girls who kick ass with GIANT weapons. Then the story and characters kept me coming. I need to catch up.
@bumblebyfan :
I like RWBY due to a lot of reasons, for starters, the relationships between the main characters, and how they constantly help each other, I also really like the whole fantasy setting and how funny it is at times, I also really liked how they handled Ruby’s arc during season 9, as someone who has had... intrusive thoughts
@xlbingo10 :
one thing that i particularly like about rwby is that the characters aren't dumbasses. i feel like so often in shows i watch there's an episode conflict where the characters make an obviously terrible plan that will clearly backfire horribly just for the sake of the episode plot and it's always painful to watch, so it's really nice to watch a show where that doesn't happen.
@sir-somewhat :
I love the cast.
I honestly can't say there is a character I am not fond of in some way and that includes the villians.
I love the idea of semblances and the faunus.
Also I want more faunus lore. Given the existence of the Ever After I have to wonder if the Faunus came from another world created by the Brothers.
@ghost-of-sparda :
Rwby was a show I found in college that I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy, but as I watched it- I found myself completely enthralled in the world created by Monty Oum and his friends. It’s story has me on the edge of my seat every episode, and it’s anime vibes make it a treat to watch. It’s not perfect, I will admit that- and there have been times where I didn’t agree with a direction of story telling at first. However there hasn’t been a show that gets me as excited as RWBY does since I was a kid.
If you grew up watching anime, or grew up watching anime- I’d give RWBY a go. If you are still not over the Owl House/ She-Ra/ ATLA/ LOK/ Naruto/ or any other amazing series with crazy fights and an amazing story: I recommend Rwby as your next obsession.
And if you want to give anime a try, but are still dipping your toes into the medium- Rwby is a good half way point for newcomers.
@aspiringwarriorlibrarian :
I really like the characters and their arcs, tragic villains, the triumph of hope and healing, and the fantasy elements.
@miki-13 : I love how they use fairy tales and myths as inspiration but execute them in really interesting ways, as well as how human and grounded everyone feels while inside such a fantastic setting.
@thatringboy :
For the same reasons above, I’m also in love with the complex motivations behind the antagonists. Mercury hated the world and needed an enabler, Emerald needed security, Cinder snapped after a lifetime of abuse (just like Mercury), Hazel wanted revenge, Lionhart wanted to save himself, Raven wanted to save herself, Tyrian is just insane (based), Watts wanted petty revenge, Neo wanted revenge but doesn’t know what to do afterwards, CC wants to fulfill their cruel purpose, and Salem just wants to finally die. Torchwick was a comical villain who posed a dangerous threat, the Malachite sisters were doing their jobs, Ironwood was a victim of his own paranoia, Cardin was just racist, Cordovin worships her superiors, the Fennec brothers too, Adam wanted total control over everything and everyone in his life and would stop at nothing to get it, Ilia believed in a cause, Tock was following orders, it’s all so varied and exciting!!
@pyrokinetic-murder-hobo :
I honestly fell in love with this project immediately back when the red trailer was first introduced to me.
Though the animation for RWBY was simple and understandably a lot of people regard it as not the best. Even V1 and the original 4 trailers had a living soul to me and there was a certain charm to the characters and the animation.
What kept me coming back is I find myself being unable to predict where the show will go and it honestly keeps me drawn in that my thoughts and predictions are completely circumvented. The show doesn’t follow the trajectory of really any other media and Monty navigated it masterfully.
There’s so many relatable characters and the situations they are put in are approached not perfectly but in a human way as to be a human (even if you have copious amounts of power) means you’ll definitely trip up.
But simply put I’ve loved this project since the beginning with the 4 trailers and could write a dissertation on why I love this show and include a long list of different things I love ranging from OST to characters to design animation. But maybe a talk for another day
And it made me some awesome friends on tumblr of course too which is a major plus (you better know who you are lol)
For me, RWBY is a change of pace.
It allows for women to be shown as independent characters, just as smart and strong as male ones.
It doesn’t use fanservice , you don’t have internal monologuing during fight scenes, you don’t have people screaming random attack names, and the music and designs are great.
I appreciate the humor, its not toilet humor or degrading humor like a lot of anime.
It also tackles difficult themes like abuse, leadership, morality, and debate.
It also takes the white male savior trope so common in the fanfics that people use to promote their OCs, and takes a giant dump on that garbage. If anything, when people say “the fanfics are better than the show” you’ll see them promoting a white male savior trope above all else.
Finally? Its a pro-LGBT show on many aspects, which amusingly infuriates a lot of straight shippers who defend their straight white male character who they put on a pedestal.
@grimmgrinningghouls :
for me RWBY is a comfort
It has been for 10 years
I literally would not be who I am today without this show
I'd probably still be a closeted lesbian living in a conservative household with an abusive father
and a mother who hated me
hell I may not even be here
But instead I'm living across the world from them and I'm okay
As okay as I can be
Its helped me through so much and its introduced me to people I have become life long friends with
These funky little lesbians are part of my life and they will be till the day I die
@snowqueenofmyheart :
Agreed to the above, as well as being able to enjoy a story that centers women in a way that doesn’t reduce them to simplistic tropes or fanservice. I’ve been looking for more female-centered material over the last several years, and stumbling upon RWBY turned out to be a real joy in that regard. Across the board, you have so many compelling female characters, heroes and villains alike. Not to mention two main characters being explicitly in a queer romance is a delight and a relief.
@youraveragecatastrophe :
well first i love fantasy so we're off to a good start between the monsters heroes and magic
the characters are a very strong point of this show. they're well fleshed out
(even many secondary characters including villains and despite the big cast!)
and they get the opportunity to develop and evolve
i love the themes! love and hope and caring about each other and all that
the fights are really fun to watch especially with the unique weapons and everyone's different fighting style
the story is really compelling and well written too!
also gayness. can't forget the queerness
really this show has everything
@foulfirerebel :
The music was what first made me get interested in RWBY. The hard hitting rock that also carried quite a bit of meaning into it if you truly took a moment to listen to the lyrics.
So, from there I watched V1 at a friend's house and felt it was good. It did a good job with the action scenes, and setting things up for the characters.
Volume 2, however, is where I truly fell in love with the show. The appearance of Cinder, of Ironwood, the food fight, the investigation into Torchwick and the White Fang, the dance and hacking sequence! Everything pointed to something more going on. Something hidden waiting to spring forth!
V1 was a great entry point, V2 convinced me to stay and hooked me, and when I finally marathoned V3 I was EAGER to watch V4 and onward. Any and all quibbles I may have had melted away when the Fall of Beacon happened.
So, long story short, I love the story. I love how things are built up and come back further down the line (Jaune's issues, Ruby's issues, etc.). I love how the characters do go through a lot and need help getting back up. I love how sincere and earnest everything is without a hint of irony.
I love the slow burn relationships, and that the show doesn't end with those relationships just being established. I love that, despite everything, this one little indie show has continued going past everything that's happened in a decade since it started. I love that the story is engaging, the characters are deep, the writing is great, and that I'm even feeling bad for the villains which I don't normally do.
RWBY may not be the most perfect thing ever, but frankly I love that the writers do see and incorporate feedback into their work. I love that, unlike how Halo or Star Wars do things, you don't necessarily need to have read all the side content to understand things too.
Most of all is I love how this show has improved on every level: animation, writing, voice acting, etc. It's just so refreshing. It's the Little Engine that Could continuing onward and getting better as it goes.
And hey, being a Bumbleby shipper since V3 and being vindicated in V9? Cherry on the sundae. It's been a wild ride, and I'd love it to continue.
@maor-koren :
RWBY is one of my favorite shows, it take a unique concept and make it very enjoyable to watch.
The main and side characters are all unique in their own way and very enjoyable.
The story is really good.
The animation, fight scenes and the design of the characters and places are all very pleasing to the eye.
And the music is phenomenal.
Don’t let other people make your opinion! look at the show and see for yourself if you like it or not!
@but-a-humble-goon :
Rwby is, in a word, earnest. Its characters are unashamedly sincere, affectionate and vulnerable and the show understands not only that these things are not a weakness but that there can be no greater measure of strength. It’s a story overflowing with heart that categorically rejects stoicism and nihilism and never once apologises for itself. Nothing has ever hit me harder and I do mean that.
@mikey-polo420 :
I watched RWBY Because i was drawn in by the trailers when Monty was alive and i liked the idea of cute girls fighting monsters with giant weapons, then i wanted to see their journey through beacon and now i've become invested with the Messages of hope the show presents, i love each of my precious children and want to see them achieve their happiness , i want to support RWBY to it's conclusion because that's what Monty wanted, it's what his friends wanted and they deserve to complete his Brain child.
@mooninoir :
i started watching when vol. 1 was still going, with a fansub (!) working hell and back to translate each episode as they came out. i remember waiting every week to see a new episode, and when the last episodes came, i was entirely invested in this sci-fi fantasy series with fairytale elements and wanted to know what would happen next.
and, for me, it's an endearing series that i enjoy watching, even with its flaws. it's fun, but it also has a heart. i like how it didn't shy away from telling a broader story. vol. 3's gut-wrenching finale was for me what made me realize i was not there just for the amazing fights and cool soundtrack, but for the characters and how they live in this crazy world. it was amazing to watch its worldbuilding evolve to such great lengths and see the characters i like to grow and learn and evolve along with it. they are done well and don't feel misplaced in the narrative. it just flows nicely and i guess the latest volume proved that to me (the themes, the motifs, the characters' choices, and the visuals) everything comes together, y'know?
and i just... like it. i like rwby. i really do.
Why do you watch this show?
I watch RWBY for the cool characters, interesting setting and engaging overarching story and arcs, plus some gorgeous animation, sets and awesome music.
What makes it appeal to you?
Women, including queer women, are center stage and given tons of dynamic personality, agency and exploration in ways I rarely see done in other series.
@feifiefofum :
look, the ad on the tin was cute girls doing violent things and looking great while doing it. that was the impetus for me to follow the show, i was there when it started with the famous red trailer to yellow trailer.
the writing then wasn't bad, a bit condensed because, y'know, shoestring budget so everything was very tight time wise. but y'know, you didn't watch the four trailers and get sold on the story- which was good by the by, but it wasn't exceptional. it was by the numbers, hitting what they need to hit, but good. you didn't think it was spectacular.
but then volume 3 hits you out of nowhere, and you realize, oh, the writing is phenomenal actually.
rwby has deceptively good writing that on the surface is good par for the course that lulls you into complacency, and then manages to sideswipe you with incredible twists that you don't see, but on looking back, the seeds for the twist were planted from book 1 on. the world is slowly and meticulously rolled out to the viewer, the characters shine, and the action, while still spectacular, become secondary to the characters and the world.
i started watching rwby, expecting cute girls doing violent things. and they deliver on that, and if you come watch rwby just for that, it delivers that. i didn't come in for hearty world building, intrigue, and lore so deep you can get lost in it. the writers write on a razor's edge, giving enough lore for a backdrop and setting the stage, but if you decide to dig at any trail, you can get lost in it. the concept of dust, the name of the world itself- frankly i think it's a masterclass in giving enough to keep the story going but having enough in the back that every new twist that they lay out can be found to have grown from a seed that was planted in an earlier volume.
i dunno who traded their soul away to keep track of all that world building and lore, but that excel sheet must be something to behold. rwby throws u-turns that you don't expect at you, lulls you with a sense of 'okay, i see your tricks now' and somehow manages to turn you around again, and have it make sense.
frankly, it's a little frustrating, i've been bamboozled and led by the nose.
and i love it for that. i'm delighted by the ride i'm on, and i hope the show keeps going.
@aspennntree :
I watch rwby for several reasons- mostly for the characters, i find some of them really relatable
also i just genuinely enjoy the story and the visuals and find the show very comforting
i also like the people i’ve met in this community that are kind and i like having people to share my interests with
i’ve made many new friends being in this community and it’s something i’m very passionate about, i just really enjoy it genuinely
@tokufan400 :
Even with everything, I can't bring myself to stop watching RWBY. I got back into it after talking with some friends in highschool, and I've been doing my best to keep up with it since. I have love for the characters (Weiss is the best), and I do feel a sence of amazement that a western project like this ha s grown so much. Not to mention the amount of art, comics, manga, and fanfics that have spawned from the show.
Do I have problems with RWBY? Yes. I will probably never stop ranting about something the show does to tick me off. But I do the same for Star Vs and Kamen Rider Zero One, both shows I still hold a love for. Hell, I might do the same for Amphibia and Owl House down the line if I do a re watch.
So yeah, still love RWBY and I want to be around to see how this story ends.
@howlingday :
So, I was in high school and I was watching Red VS Blue. Then I started watching Rage Quit. Then Achievement Hunter. Play Pals.
Then my sister and my high school crush were like, hey, try out RWBY. I mocked them by saying "It should be Ar-Dubyoo-Bee-Why". Then I got into it and, well, I liked it the more I got into it until I was caught up to Volume 2. Then Death Battle had the Yang VS Tifa fight (PLEASE, NO REMATCH), and I was rooting for Yang. Then I saw Volume 3, and I was shocked, dismayed, and devastated at the sudden heel turn. I've been hooked ever since.
So, to answer your questions.
I watch RWBY because it's fun, and I want to know where the story goes. I loved the fun had at Beacon, and I want to know what happens next.
The appeal comes from the desire to see these group of friends fight to save the world from the Grimm. I want to see them thrive against a world where everything is stacked against them! And I want to see them flying kick someone in the face to the sound of the most amazing butt-rock since Crush 40 Sonic (No offense MGR)!
So, yeah, I love watching RWBY because it's a story to be told. And I'm going to openly sob when the story finally comes to an end.
@gorillageek27 :
i watch because, okay i was kinda turned off by it at first, just "what is this anime shit?", but i watched it and it's the most out there animated thing i can think like. Rwby is a show that somehow got me appreicating animated projects and you can tell the writers and animators have fun with it.
@lithominium :
Its endearing, the lack of amazing animation in vol 1-3 is made up for in how much love was put into it. The characters are fun and loveable and the writing is goofy but unlike some other media ive watched its very good at knowing when to keep the tone consistent. Its very gay and i love gay and its got one of the greatest slow burns ive ever seen with great payoffs which always happen when they should. I like the setting and the lore and the weapons and the semblances. Its such a good show
@everafterfrisk :
I love RWBY for a ton of reasons but to keep it short:
• The Facial Expressions of the characters match really well with the tones of each scene
• Amazing character designs that can just tell you so much about them before you get to know them
•The animation: RWBY imo is best 3D animated series, most of the time 3D animes tend to be stiff and lifeless
But RWBY gives its fights alot of finesse and creativity to go along with
Like here's a few examples:
Weiss and Blake using gambol shroud's blade to propel Yang while simultaneously having Yang use Arma Gigas's Sword
Yang closing Flynt's Trumpet making his quartet backfire on him
(V4 Short)
Ruby using the recoil of her weapon to bounce out of the way from a Grimm and trip him up using her Scythe catching him into a Hurricane formed by her semblance (13:54)
There's even a full in depth analysis on the fight choreography from the earlier volumes to check out
• Themes of Unity,Self identity,Acceptance,Loving oneself, Finding hope in the most dreadful scenarios and the list goes on
• The Protagonist Ruby Rose is a breath of fresh air similar to say Deku from BNHA where both know the world isn't exactly kind but still try to help the best they can; even if it results in them destroying themselves to get there as their series's goes on
•The Villains are all pretty realistic in their motivations being not afraid to fall victim to arrogance while simultaneously being victims of either the world's actions or their own
°The show doesn't swindle you into thinking that just cuz they have sympathetic backgrounds that they're immediately good
They have to work for it and atone for misdeeds such as Ilia,Emerald and Hazel or doesn't believe their actions are unwarranted like Salem and Cinder or has a lack of empathy for the world around them like Mercury or Tyrian or Wants to do the right thing but lets the ends justify their means(Ironwood) or Living only on the fear of your actions(Lionheart) or The world has dealt so much injustice to you that you felt giving it by ten thousand fold would remedy it ( Ilia and Adam)
▪︎ The Music is just PEAK for me
The Sound design,everything just speaks volumes of the scene
@blakistan :
I think RWBY was first suggested to be me on the grounds of “lots of really cool fights” which, while not ultimately the point of the show is still a big plus! Monty was an absolute wizard when it came to fight choreography and CRWBY has done a fantastic job keeping up that legacy. Ofc that was only the thing that got me to look at the show in the first place - what made me stay was the incredibly well done character-driven story. Following along and exploring the arcs of all the different characters in the show helped me through tough times and shaped a lot of who I am as a person today - Blake and Weiss’ stories in particular did so much in helping me find hope that I could grow as a person because that what the show is: hope. So uh yeah, if you like deep, interwoven character narratives that don’t shy away from growth, change, or the ugliness that sometimes crops up along the way with those things, definitely give RWBY a watch
@proximio-5 :
Tbh, I don't know, there's something about it that I can't explain, I started watching it in 2018, but somehow it's one of my top 3 Favorite animated shows, it can be because of the story or maybe the background, like the people behind it and everything they've done and how far they've come
For example, Monty; first he made the Haloid animation, then he became director of animation in Red vs Blue, and then he created this masterpiece that will be a big part of me
The animation itself is one of the best things about the show, I mean looking back at the style of background in V1 and more recent volumes, saying it has improved would be an understatement, I mean just look at it, you can see how much effort the've done for it
Another reason is the development or the characters, they've changed and matured in many ways. (Speaking of, I really hope Ruby comes back different but keeping at least some of her previous self)
So yeah, this show is far of being perfect, but then again...
What isn't?
@kereeachan :
I’m generally a fan of animation, and it’s been neat seeing how it’s improved since volume 3 (when I got into it). The story intrigues me, and I love the wide cast of characters and their development. The alternate universe is a neat one, Grimm are fascinating as a take on Evil Creatures to me, and the designs have always been cool, bar a few that never flew with me (Blake’s 1-3 outfit just kind of always looked a lil too sexy for my tastes on a “huntress” and I initially thought Nora’s 4-6 look was a downgrade before it grew on me)
I really enjoyed Ironwood’s slide from well-intentioned, if incorrect, hero to villain. Honestly his foreshadowing in volumes 2, 3, and 4 was some of the best I’ve ever seen. Maswartz above has commented on how they fool you by having him take facistic actions against people we hate more to hide how far he’s falling fast until we actually GET to Atlas and Mantle and realize it’s gone full Police State (if it wasn’t before). Genius.
I also adored Penny, she was my baby, she was amazing as a character and I’m so happy we got her back for a few more volumes before losing her for good (as much as anyone is ever truly gone, of course, she still looms large over vol 9). As one of the “weird girls” of the world who took a long time to come into my comfort with being a girl due to teasing and bullying (autism, baby. they always know) Penny just always SPOKE to me. I’m glad she not only proved her Real Girl bonafides as a Maiden but even got to live outside a metal body for a few episodes before her death, finally feeling the warmth of a hug.
@sevenofreds :
It's a genuinely fun and enjoyable show that can mix multiple genres together without it being jarring. There's action and comedy, there's horror, there's mystery and drama, and it all makes sense for what's happening. It has a layered and complex plot where things almost always turn out to be more nuanced than they first seem, and almost every twist/big event is subtly foreshadowed in some way. The shorter length of episodes compared to other shows also makes it really fun to binge watch.
@crowwrites2140 :
Of course it has its flaws like every other piece of media, but I genuinely find RWBY both entertaining and just a good show in general. I love the "AHA!" moments when you something is revealed that has been hinted at for volumes. I love the music and could listen to it for hours. I love the characters; their designs, their motivations, their relationships with each other and their character arcs that span the show. In regards to the protagonists, I also enjoy how they all seem so human. The writers allow them to make mistakes and fail. They aren't always the perfect heroes. And in regards to the villains, they are believable too. Nearly every one of them has some kind of motivation that drives them to want revenge in destruction. I love the plot, despite its flaws. It's complex and ties in with countless allusions. And lastly, I love the fanbase. Not the toxic side, honestly it makes me sad that a show like RWBY needs positivity posts because its hate fanbase is just so large. But there are so many in the community who are incredibly creative and create hilarious memes, beautiful art, and amazing stories, and I'm grateful to be a part of that.
@the-god-of-nihon :
RWBY is a special show to me. I’ve been with the series since it premiered at the end of RvB Season 10, and ten years is not an inconsiderable amount of time to be a fan of something. And unlike the “critics” or RWDE, I don’t stick around to hate-watch because of the sunken cost fallacy, or “to learn what not to do.” Or just for a reason to complain, more accurately. I simply enjoy the series. I have since it began, and I still do, and I’ll continue to do so.
While I don’t like everything about the show, or agree with all the creative choices; I don’t automatically assume that something I don’t like is wrong or bad. I happily take RWBY for what it is, and not what I think it should be. I, by no means am blind to the flaws and missteps, but none of them hinder my enjoyment to the degree that I feel like the show overall is a negative experience, even at its lowest points.
I watch the show because I like it. It has been a consistent source of enjoyment for me, and even now. I’ve enjoyed growing alongside it from an indie web-series into what it is today and seeing how it’s changed and improved with every volume.
I enjoy and am invested in many of the characters. I like the world and the bits of world-build and lore we get throughout the main show and supplementary material. And of course I can’t not touch on the fights and character designs. Its vibrant and narrative-relevant use of color, and how that’s effected the shows aesthetic development. And Monty Oum’s classic high-speed, frenetic and intricate choreo, that’s yet to be replicated. And how while different the post-Monty fights are still interesting and engaging for the most part.
I love the depictions of friendship and platonic/familial connection in the show, most prominently for me personally, Ruby & Jaune’s bond. As it’s so rare for a male-female friendship to be purely platonic and still be so genuinely well-written and integral to both characters. Although, I think RWBY is largely hit or miss with the way it handles romance, I think its friendships & familial bonds are where it excels.
Ruby, Yang, and Jaune are my top three favorites characters in RWBY, and how their characters and arcs have been so endearing and intriguing to watch. Especially as since V7, and what is being done with them current.
@lostdemifiend :
The biggest thing for why I love RWBY so much it is "oh that makes sense!" when something unexpected happens BECAUSE everything was set up previously that would result in this eventually, and none of it feels forced.
At the same time, its gleeful deconstruction of common shonen anime tropes adds to that sense of surprise. Subconsciously, one goes in expecting certain things to happen, but it defies that expectation in a way that feels like a natural consequence.
There's so much more, but I can't even start to unpack just exactly why I love this series so much.
Thank you all of you for showing everyone what makes RWBY fantastic to all!
If you want some youtube channels that discuss RWBY in analytical or philosophic detail? Or if you want comic dubs?
Xel Writer on Youtube aka @tumblingxelian for analysis videos
@marylizabetha on Youtube for philosophy videos
and @markzschiegnerii or Mark Zschiegner on youtube for comic dubs!
I love you, RWBY Fandom, you've made my life rich with joy.
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bestworstcase · 10 months
Hello! I’ve enjoyed reading your rwby analysis posts, especially the things you’ve had to say about Penny. The amount of care you put into thinking and writing about her is great. I’m curious what you thought about Penny getting turned into a human, because… I personally really didn’t like it. It just really hurt me that after she was attacked repeatedly because she was built differently, that the solution to that was to remove everything which was different/unique about her and make her “normal.” And then have the actual physical representation of her differences violently die and then be obliterated like they were some horrible, hideous thing.
A good chunk of her story seemed to revolve around being just as much a person as anyone else even though she had a body that worked differently. And I sure did relate to that irl! But then turning Penny human seemed to send the message that Penny could only actually be a full and happy person (such as immediately discovering how wonderful hugs feel) if she was normal. I want to believe I’m taking that scene the wrong way, but… I’m not sure how else I can interpret what happened. So yeah, I’m curious what you think! I’ll be interested to read your thoughts, whatever they may be.
ooh, well, i’m not keen on the way the fandom writ large interprets the scene (as ‘penny became human’/‘penny became real’) and i like how it was done because imo it is really NOT framed as a positive transformation?
there’s an element of relief and joy to it of course—because everyone’s glad that penny survived this ordeal with the virus—but, as you say, the self-destruction of her robotic body is a big focal point of the scene and it is done in a very horrifying way, with the camera moving between penny’s POV as she watches it happen and her robotic body’s POV as it desperately tries to reach her before succumbing to the virus. and penny herself is profoundly disturbed by the experience—she’s not happy to be ‘free’ of that body at all, and ruby hesitantly asks if she’s alright because penny clearly isn’t. 
so while penny does then find a small thing to appreciate about her new flesh body and that momentarily alleviates the horror… the tone is very much set by the amount of focus given to penny watching a part of herself die and, after that small burst of joyous relief, watching her old body crumble into ash and flinching away with horror again. 
to me, this reads as a rebuke of how flippant yang was about the loss—“the mechanical parts are just extra,” except penny’s body isn’t truly equivalent to a prosthetic, right? that’s just her body. 
it’s not all she is, but it’s also a lot more like the arm yang lost than it is like the prosthetic yang got afterwards. penny loses a core part of her identity…
…which is reinforced later, inside the portal, when penny is taken off guard by the abrupt realization that she no longer has floating array. weapons are a fundamental part of huntsmen identity, seen and understood as “extensions of our selves,” and penny’s is literally destroyed by her involuntary transformation—involuntary in the sense that it’s a choice she was forced to make under extreme duress thanks to watts—and she has to recreate that piece of herself with magic.  
and there’s smaller, subtler things wrong, too. i think the amount of focus put on her bare feet is meant to highlight that she does not have thrusters any more—an essential aspect of her natural mobility is just gone, again leaving her dependent on the maiden powers to do something she used to be able to just DO. 
or consider how disoriented she seems right before cinder gets her. in her original body, penny had sophisticated tactical software built into her sensory array which among other things made her virtually immune to emerald’s semblance. she could see infrared light and aura and the tactical analysis program worked much, much faster than any human could keep up with—because her physical brain was a computer! and then she loses that and spends the entire fight mainly getting clobbered and then struggles to keep track of what’s even happening when cinder gates her off from her allies!
her new body is healthy and whole by human standards, but measured against what penny had before… the narrative gives, like, a LOT of attention to signaling that penny has been measurably disabled in a multitude of ways. if she wasn’t also the winter maiden—& bear in mind that penny only became the winter maiden BECAUSE of what her original robotic body could do!—penny would have been rendered utterly helpless by this transformation. no weapon, no flying, in a much more fragile and vulnerable body that could feel pain. (think about how much screaming she does during that final fight, compared to the time she gets flung several blocks by a grimm so hard there’s an impact crater and she’s like “ouch! :)” about it)
and obv, that fragile new body is the only reason cinder was able to kill her at all. i think that’s sort of the point: penny did the equivalent of *barely* surviving a debilitating illness, went from her sickbed to a battlefield, tried to fight like that, and died because she in a state of extreme physical vulnerability due to recent illness. that’s why all of her friends were so insistent that she not participate in the fight—she wasn’t ready to be fighting! if she’d lived, she would have needed to spend quite a long time recovering, learning and accepting her new limitations, and training within those new limits.
so, to me? the narrative framing of the transformation feels somber, with “she lived! it worked!” being the silver lining on what is otherwise a tragic outcome. watts infected her with this brutal, horrific virus and the only way to save her life was to sacrifice a fundamental part of her self, in this acutely traumatizing way. i think the fandom collectively sort of tunnel visioned on the pinocchio narrative of ‘becoming a real girl’* to such a degree that the bittersweet framing and the underlying horror of what happened to her gets widely overlooked. and i don’t think those tragic/horrific notes are there by accident—the narrative puts quite a lot of emphasis on them, and deliberately bookends the joy of “do hugs always make you feel this warm?” with those moments of intense horror with the violent death and then destruction of her robotic body. 
(*something that… really isn’t a prominent theme with penny?, because her struggle with personhood is centered on how *other people* treat her like an object and i would argue her pinocchio ‘becoming a real boy’ moment is actually her acceptance of the maiden power—not because that ‘proves’ she’s a person or whatever, but because it’s a moment of emotional self-actualization where she chooses to do the right thing according to her own judgment instead of mindlessly following orders like the puppet ironwood expects her to be. it’s symbolic! & that gets called back to explicitly by winter, later, with “you were *always* the real maiden, i was the machine,” the ‘realness’ in the pinocchio narrative here is about emotional authenticity and refusal to sacrifice conscience or heart in the name of following orders.
rwby is… pretty profoundly uninterested in the question of ‘does the robot girl count as a person?’ because it answers that within literal seconds after revealing that she is a robot with an emphatic ‘yes, obviously, she has a soul, zero ambiguity here’ lmao. what it does do is leverage pinocchio to explore themes of dehumanization and personhood within an authoritarian military regime.)
so yeah, that’s how i read that. it’s joyous because she lives but it’s also not a victory earned without grievous loss, and the tragedy is exacerbated because she *does not have time* to catch her breath / process / learn how to live in her new, disabled body before cinder… cinders.
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sodasa-was-taken · 18 days
I'd like to address some misconceptions I've seen floating around recently.
If a ship is canon people write less fanfics about it
Let's start with the idea that a ship's status as canon has any effect on how much fanfiction it gets. First of all, while the top 100 ships of all time contain a lot of non-canon ships those ships have in more recent years either plummeted down the yearly ship stats list or left it all together as seen in the AO3 ship stats 2023:
Meanwhile newer ships have taken their place several of which are canon. People don't abstain from writing canon pairings because they're canon but for other reasons like not being too interested in their dynamite. There's often next to no canon-complacent fics about the characters in question getting together because that story already exists in the source material. That doesn't mean there's no au's of them getting together as many fic writers find it to be a great exercise as they need to figure out how to keep the elements that attract the characters to each other in differing circumstances. Furthermore, characters getting together are far from the only stories fic writers want to tell.
Secondly, the amount of fics that's tagged with a ship is not the same as the amount that focuses on that ship. A great example of this would be a ship like Lumity where a good amount of the fics they're tagged in don't focus on their relationship. These fics often take place after they get together and make references to them being a couple so people use their ship tag. This means that unlike back when the show had first started airing the fics that doesn't revolve around their relationship still adds to the fics their relationship are tagged in.
Lumity is also a funny case of becoming more popular after it became canon as the fandom for The Owl House itself increased a great amount during the second season. Because of how often their relationship was a secondary element in several fics the amount of fics their relationship was tagged in increased along with the amount of all Owl House fics not just the ones that focused on them.
M/M is often the most used relationship tag in general
This is just nonsense. Every fandom whose source material heavily features the development of a romantic relationship is as good as guaranteed that whatever relationship tag the main couple are tagged is the most prominent. They also often make up around sixty percent of fics within their fandom. In the case of f/f specifically here's a shot list of fandoms on AO3 where f/f is the relationship tag that's used most frequently: Supergirl, The Owl House, She-ra and the princesses of power, Avatar: Legend of Korra, Arcane: League of Legends, RWBY, Wednesday, Amphibia, Steven Universe, and of course Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury.
The amount of fics on AO3 are indicative of the size of a fandom
The actual thing that has an effect on how many fic a ship has on AO3 are a combination of how many people within a fandom writes fanfics about them on AO3, how many fics each writer has written and how long they've been people posting fic about them on AO3. The amount of fics writing within a year is all that's shown on the yearly stats which doesn't say anything about how many people are writing fics or how long they are. When the total amount is all someone has to go by there's nothing that explicitly confirms that all the fics weren't written by a hundred people who each wrote a thousand dabbles.
A way to calculate the total amount of fics for a ship and easily see increases and decreases in amount of fics per year throughout the years would be with a script that would look something like this:
Tumblr media
This is for Sulemio as there isn't a lot of data I'd have to find and add since people have only been writing fanfics for them for about two years. Since AO3 either doesn't allow someone to search for fics published within a given timeframe or I just don't know how to do that the numbers are fics updated from August 2022-August 2023 and from August 2023-now. This does mean that there are two fics that got counted twice. Oh, well.
If g-witch is so popular shouldn't it have more fics on AO3?
While the number of fics doesn't say anything about the minimum amount of fanfic authors it does say something about the maximum amount. Even if there was one fic per author that would still be a maximum of about a thousand authors. So what gives?
Well, there appears to be two main reasons for this. One is that the Gundam fandom in general is more a discussion and art orientated fandom. We just don't have that many people whose main thing is writing fics.
Another thing to note is that most of the fics on AO3 are in English and the English speaking part of AO3 skews towards a North American and European demographic.
Unlike some other fandoms the Gundam fandom is anything but centralized in the west so it's only maybe a third of the fandom that would even use AO3. The Chinese part of the fandom sure doesn't as the website has been blocked since before g-witch started airing.
You can get a good idea of how popular Sulemio is by only looking at the fan works that are in English
This is a big one. Like I pointed out before only about a third of the fandom makes fan works in English. We're also in a situation where we have two versions of the same ship name. One is writing in the latin alphabet, the other スレミオ is writing in katakana and is also the more commonly used.
Thousands of Sulemio fan art on twitter is tagged exclusively with the one writing in katakana and therefore wouldn't show up if someone used the one writing in the latin alphabet. Likewise, on the Chinese website Bilibili there are videos about Sulemio that have views in the thousands and ten thousands and let's just say that site is a bit of a challenge to navigate if you know little to no Chinese. Even using a translator will sometimes give you such gems as "Too many barrages" and only leave you more confused.
In conclusion the Gundam fandom is huge and the number of fics on AO3 is an unfair way to determine its size.
Also a quick aside to that one person who tried to be dismissive of the amount of fics Supernatural has on AO3 by saying a lot of it was Omega verse. G-witch has 44 fics tagged as Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics and Supernatural has 8105. That might seem like a big difference but percentage wise it's about the same amount. Let's make sure we don't live in a glass house before we start throwing stones, please.
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