#Rain answering
rainyyday-box · 2 months
Y'ello!! Oh wow I didn't know I had phans across the universe that's so cool! Awesome to meet you :]
And I'm doing great thanks!! Cozy just made us some popcorns for movie night later and hopefully Shurifin doesn't eat it all before the movie starts (again)
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canisalbus · 6 months
What if I drew Machete and Vasco as dragons? What then? What if I made them twine their tails together (hold hands)?
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ask-queen-arti · 7 months
...How do you make your spears and bombs?? I've always wondered..
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kelocitta · 5 days
How do you draw scavs so Shaped… I want to push mine more but they just look like they’re suffering and in pain and Not Having A GooD Time
There still pretty rough for me to be honest, but I do have a good idea of how I think they 'work' in terms of anatomy and physiology and I think that helps a lot.
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In generally I just keep a big head and a big chest and build around that. If you watch them move around in game, they tend to barely use their hind legs and instead swing themselves around and pull themselves forward with their arms. Their almost always bent forward in that gorilla-esque stance, and I think keeping that helps a lot to maintaining their shape and vibe. It's a big part of why I kept that even when doing 'anthros'- they just don't feel right if you treat their spine like a human spine! Otherwise you can stylize the anatomy quite a bit Really though, I think fully thinking out how you think fake animals work and what theyre similar too, what is most comfortable for them in terms of movement compared to things like humans and cats, etc helps a lot
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Some animals I pretty directly pull inspiration from: Gibbons: Long armed apes, although I dont think scavenger's move exactly like them. They are mostly just a good reference for how something with such weirdly proportioned arms would use them
Hares: Just overall vibes, but also their resting posture translates nice to how I consider the body to work. Greyhound (and other lean sighthounds): Large chested but very lean. Weight and fat distribution and limits between species is a neat detail to consider. With something like a greyhound, their healthy weight is very thin looking- to the point they can often *look* underweight or overweight individuals can look 'normal'. I kinda think scavengers are similar! Healthy scavengers just naturally look kinda thin and scraggly. (In contrast, I like to think slugcats are more like humans in that they have a huge range for healthy weight, but tend not to visibly show weight gain/loss unless its pretty extreme.)
Aye-Aye: Their weird ass hands and feet (less fingers though)
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meridian-cities · 3 months
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Drew a few things from the last post Glad you guys like my high quality au that I made in less than a minute lol
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danger-bird · 9 days
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I can't not draw Ais and Princess! They're my favorite goobers!
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brittle-doughie · 2 months
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“Land dweller Cookies always think that praying to the sky will make all their wishes come true…”
You, the Hail Deity, laying in a sea of offerings as two servants fan you at the sides since you’re the only one that takes said offerings:
You fail to see the problem that Wind Deity is talking about. It doesn’t hurt to answer some of the land dweller cookies every now and then, especially if you’re greatly blessed with offerings like these.
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“Hail Deity Y/N Cookie! Have you been down there with the land dwellers again?!”
Yeah, what of it? Wind Deity needed to loosen up every now and then.
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“Oh, how’s the sky god going to take this? Hail Deity Y/N Cookie has a pile of those offerings!”
Oh, Stormbringer? She’s over there.
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Cue Stormbringer on another side of the pile as she helps herself to the offerings, munching on them one by one.
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“That didn’t take long…”
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If you’re still taking prompts, how about Eda taking bets with the other Owl House parents on which kids will be proposing first?
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"Willow," Darius said, like it should have been obvious. "Of course it'll be Willow."
"You're betting against our son?" Camila demanded, eyebrows raised.
"Yes," Darius said.
Alador nodded. "Yeah, my money's on Willow," he said.
Camila threw her hands up. "Am I the only one who has any faith in him!?" Camila vs Hunter's sort-of-dad and sort-of-step-dad; it wasn't a battle of wills that Eda expected, but it was one she enjoyed watching.
"I agree," Perry said. "I'd say Willow."
Raine looked contemplative. They hummed, tapping a rhythm on the table, but didn't offer a side yet.
"Actually, I side with Camila," Lilith said slowly. She looked like she was thinking hard. Weighing the pros and cons would be Eda's bet. "Hunter is shyer than Willow, but he loves her dearly and he's brave. He can be very determined. I can see him proposing."
Darius and Alador exchanged dubious glances. Camila smiled smugly.
"Well, what about Luz and Amity?" Raine asked, tapping their chin.
"Luz," Camila and Eda said.
"Amity," Lilith said.
"Honestly, considering their track record, I expect them both to propose on the same day," Alador said with a shrug. "Or they'll try to anyway. Hopefully without Hooty's involvement this time."
"Is something wrong with Hootsifer?" Lilith demanded.
"You don't want me to answer that."
"Okay," Darius cut in quickly. "What about Gus and Matt?"
Perry snorted. "They'll need to actually date first," he said. "And my hair will be entirely grey by the time those boys sort themselves out. They're both painfully oblivious."
"Are they still calling it a rivalry?" Camila asked sympathetically.
"Unfortunately," Perry sighed.
Alador snorted into his apple blood. Eda gave him and Darius her most shit-eating grin.
"Yeah," Darius sighed. "We'll all be waiting a while on those two."
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roadkill-punk · 2 months
It's kind of tragic, in a sense, that iterators were made with so much of their creators logic and desires and yet they were left with none of the resources to satisfy such things.
Do you think they crave touch? Family? Do you think they have to have any hope of connection stomped out of them lest they rebel against what they were made for?
Were they ever afraid to feel, or to be outside of what they were supposed to be? If they ever dared to desire, would they have to hide it?
Do you think they saw their creators sometimes as family, and did the abuse hurt just that much more because of it?
Were they like children, when they were born? Did they process the world through the lens of uncertainty and naivete and was that taken advantage of to mold them into the desired product?
Or were they conscious and self aware in full, was is overwhelming, being alive for the first time?
Or were did they process things entirely as machines, did they only learn to be people after seeing it happen around them, and then did they ever regret becoming more alive than they ever needed to be? That they ever became enough to feel hurt and to hurt others?
If they were just machines at birth, with only the capability of consciousness, were the desired traits injected into them with thoughts and ideas and interactions in their formative early years and was anything else just a byproduct of trying to build a person from scratch? Did their creators even want them to feel, to be conscious and alive, or was that just a necessity to create the desired machine?
Did they even care that their creations were alive?
Did any of them grieve, when they left the children of their labor behind? Were they grieved for in turn when they were gone? Do their echoes ever try to reach out, to let them know they aren't alone, to find comfort in connection that before was so condemned?
If they tried hard enough, could they reach?
Could they find each other?
Would it be comforting to iterators that the remnants of their creators could find them, or would it bring more feelings of rage, of sorrow, of painful memories and grief and hurt from the years they were used and the years more they were abandoned?
Did they ever truly mean anything to each other?
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Danny covered his nose with his hand. Where ever he landed smelled absolutely foul, like rotten fruit and burning tires mixed with chem lab.
"Remind me to bring a face mask the next time I explore the Infinite Realms." He muttered, before kicking a soda can down the alley he was in and being repulsed by the squelch sound it made when it came into contact with a very questionable looking puddle, "Better yet, a gas mask." He glanced at the puddle again, "Or I could go full Hazmat." Clockwork had told him this world was full of superheros and villians and to steer clear of it, but once he learned there were aliens in this world he couldn't help himself. Danny had always been weak to his curiosity, but he liked to believe he was cautious, and chose to stay in his Phantom for for added protection.
Turning on his heel he exited onto a deserted street lined on one side by a chain-link fence. The sky above him was filled with clouds so ominous and dark that Danny honestly couldn't tell you if it was night or day, all he knew was that it was going to rain soon and hopefully these awful smells would be drowned out by the downpour.
Danny got his wish only minutes later. Thankfully Phantom was unbothered by the cold and could just bask in the rain as it fell apon him. A lesser known fact about ghosts is that thier clothes are made from thier ectoplasm and are part of thier bodies, much like a second layer of skin, so one would be able to feel things on thier clothes as easily as they would with thier bare skin. The level of sensitivity varies with the type of clothing however. All this to say Danny loved the feeling of the rivulets of rainwater traveling down his ghostly hazmat suit.
He was so preoccupied with enjoying the sensation that he didn't notice anything was wrong until he was jolted forward from the weight of someone landing on his back. The person was quick and precise, taking no time at all to have his wrists pinned behind his back and- weirdly enough- thier teeth digging into the material around his neck.
His parents designed the Hazmat suit Danny was wearing not only to deal with dangerous chemicals, but to fight supernatural foes. The area around the neck was reinforced with the intention of protecting against fatal gunshots and decapitations so naturally someone's jaw wasn't going to be enough to break through to his neck.
Danny let out a laugh as the person kept chewing on his neck like a confused puppy. Oh, Danny thought, they've gone feral. It was odd for someone to go feral but it could occur when a person has gone through something traumatic recently or through extreme stress. It made sense since the person ridding piggy back on him was dressed like a superhero. Danny wondered if that was why the person didn't have a scent. Danny learns facepalmed when he remembered that scentblockers existed and not everyone's scent dramatically changed whenever they went out as a hero. The scent change was probably one of the few things that have kept him alive up to this point to be honest.
"So, I guess you're not going to tell me why you're chewing on my neck like the worlds most pathetic vampire, are you?" No one deserves that title more than the fruitloop to be honest. He made a mental note to use that one against Vlad the next time he saw him.
Chewy whined at this, seeming to slump a bit from the apparent failure to bite him. What was that about? Was this actually a vampire? How would a vampire even react to Dannys ecto-blood combo meal anyway? Would it be like food poisoning? Or would it taste amazing from one undead to another. "I'm not exactly human, are you sure you wanna bite me? I might not taste so good." Danny warned, but the moment he mentioned letting the person bite him they were eager again.
Danny chuckled and unzipped the material only a bit before it was loose enough to move out of the way. The vampires bite came with a sharp pain like he expected but there was no suction. No drinking of blood. Just some weirdo biting Danny on the neck. Huh.
Danny hoped he didn't get rabies from this.
He must have accidentally said that out loud as there was a small laugh from the rooftops above them. There stood another person in a superhero outfit with some really tall dude dressed as a giant bat, and that was when Danny decided to bail. It was one thing to let a maybe vampire bite you in a random street in the middle of the night but more of them? And ones a big scary furry? Hard pass.
Phantom did as Phantoms do and went invisible and intangible, escaping from Biteys jaws and startling the heros. He ignored the distressed whine Munchy let out after loosing their spookyest chew toy and quickly rubbed the scent gland near dannys jaw on the top of thier head as an act of comfort before bolting.
Danny poked at the bite mark on his neck. Screw rabies, he better not get turned into a werewolf. He didn't need that on top of his ghostly crap. Sam seemed fascinated by the mark, after all, it wasn't every day that Danny got a scar, especially one so obvious. Most injuries heal quickly and leave no trace of him ever being injured in the first place which helped a lot in keeping his secret identity.
Luckily Danny hadn't needed to lie to mom and dad. He truthfully told them about some wierdo jumping off of a nearby rooftop and plunging thier teeth into his neck and that two other people had tried to corner him during this. He assured his mom that he had gotten away quickly but was a little shaken by it and his dad praised him for being brave and managing to escape.
That was nice. But he still had to figure out what was up with this bite...and why he felt so compelled to go back to that city.
Back to that hero.
Aka an A/B/O au where in Danny's universe all the Alphas are extinct and the betas followed soon after and the DC universe all the Omegas went extinct and betas followed after . Not like a "they finally went extinct in the 1700s after centuries of thier numbers dwindling" thing and became a myth/fairytale (tho I like that too) but a "this might be the missing link between cave men and modern humans" kinda thing.
Its up to you which bat bit Danny and exactly what that means. I love abo aus without smut cause there's so much potential for chaos and I am very much ace.
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druidshollow · 8 months
anything for you my dearest friend in the whole world ren trelning <33333333
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the rain separates moon and her group. luckily for her, a slugcat was swimming by seeking shelter! a slugcat whod feel an inclination to save an iterator? maybe theyve met one hmm
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angeliteonfridgeduty · 3 months
dear murder drones and rain world fandoms. i am terribly sorry, but..
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the world must see this horrid atrocity that came to me in a vision yesterday or so
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monstertsunami · 10 months
i dissapeared from the RW community for a few months, was big scug ever finished?
oh yeah i just forgot to post whoops ;w;
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it has a removable son :3
progress pics for fun. its hollow (holes hidden under belly for ventilation) but still heavy as shit
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ask-queen-arti · 2 months
Maybe you aren't queen of the scavengers... But you definitely queen of my heart *wink wink fingerguns*
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artemispt · 1 month
Cat Lando strikes again
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ideavian · 3 months
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Trying to figure out what ancients looked like. And how to draw them
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