#Rambling into the void hours
makerofmadness · 3 months
so was anyone gonna like. TELL ME that Lilac Cookie's VA is maybe Iranian or was I supposed to Google (not using Google I mean solely the verb) his first name myself and find this information out like this out of random curiosity.
(uh disclaimer I do not know if Behzad Dabu has made any statements about this stuff or if he wishes to i just. Also I don't know where the fxck Dabu comes from as a surname, never heard it in real life as far as I can remember and the internet didn't help me on the origin but I saw Behzad and immediately thought "yup that's Persian and if it's not then it's some other type of West Asian" [other disclaimer: I am Persian] and one search later and Yup I was right theory confirmed. I haven't found one man named Behzad who wasn't Iranian on Wikipedia ndjsnsnsnddn)
(again the VA I don't think has said anything about his nationality or ethnicity but like. Behzad is a Persian name I'm not sure where you'd get a Persian name from if you're not Persian)
So uh congratulations Lilac I like you even more now and you get to sit in the sparsely populated Iranian and Persian representation clun house with that guy from genshin impact the protagonist from what we do in the shadows (apparently??? I've heard???? I need to get on that now asap-) and olive cookie also by va from the same game- yippee-
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divine-misfortune · 2 months
After Terzo's death Omega shed his vessel for good. He didn't need it anymore, didn't want it - if he could not feel the touch of his lover he wanted to feel nothing at all. But he can't make himself leave, can't abandon the place he considered home and return to the sulfur and the ash of hell.
So he remains, and he watches. Melded into the shadow and the silence, he keeps a careful eye on the abbey. On the siblings that are too curious for their own good. On the ghouls he watched grow into their own. On Sister and her wicked guard dog, Special. Omega sees it all.
Despite the pain he feels while on the grounds, in the familiar halls, Omega cannot help but remain an ever loyal protector.
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12am-motivation · 2 months
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his perfect world has us in it... i still love him
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kindlythevoid · 9 months
I have read Fellowship of the Ring more times than I have cared to keep count and every time I read Boromir’s, well, possession for lack of a better word, I have read it in fear, in discomfort, in horror, indifferently.
This was, I think, the first time I read it in pity. I looked at all the plans Boromir was making, how he would save his beloved city, how obstinate he was in his belief that the men of Minas Tirith would not be corrupted when wielding the Ring against Sauron —and I felt sad. He’s waving his hands and hollering and part of him is desperate just for the Ring, of course he is, he’s been traveling beside it with no hope for months, but he’s also desperate for hope. He’s desperate for a chance to save his people, save his brother, save his city.
Moreover, every time he calls out the Elves or the Wizards, you have to remember that he doesn’t know them. All he knows is that he traveled almost a full year to get their advice and they send him on, in his eyes, a hopeless venture. The one hope they give him is Aragorn, who promises to return and help save Minas Tirith with him, but even that all changes once Gandalf dies. They come to Lothlorien and of course it’s a welcome break, but they cannot, or maybe in Boromir’s eyes will not, help his people. And once they leave, Aragorn assumes his role as leader of the Fellowship in Gandalf’s stead more permanently and suddenly even that one, brief, uncertain hope of his is gone. Aragorn will follow Frodo. And it’s almost certain that Frodo will not go to Minas Tirith.
So is it any wonder, really, that tired, desperate, hopeless Boromir, out of his realm, out of his depth, already hanging by a thread when he joins the Fellowship and having been gnawed on by the Ring for months upon months afterwards, finally snaps once it’s clear that he will have to return home empty-handed and almost certain that somewhere far away Sauron is capturing the Ring and killing the companions that he had bonded with? Of course part of the Ring is making him lust for power, but it’s also his only “reliable” (in his mind) source of hope left to save his city.
And so I read Boromir’s (intelligent and thought out, mind you) raving and I don’t feel scared for Frodo, not after reading it so many times and knowing what ultimately happens, but sorrow for Boromir.
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shinobus-left-eye · 3 months
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"Leave it to me. I wouldn't make you sad like this. I'll always make you laugh."
this event story has singlehandedly turned me into a nikiP y'all, MIKI KUROSE MY BELOVED
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seeminglydark · 4 months
sad boy hours, activate!
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pookapufferfish · 30 days
i need an isat fic for every trope right now, coffee shop au? sign me up. Soulmate au? say no more. Modern au? sounds fun! Superheros? why not?
I know some exist but I want the tonal whiplash I get in some fandoms when I read these back to back and then look at the source material and remember why I love it so much
anyways going to go be normal elsewhere now
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ghostoffuturespast · 3 months
I am pooped.
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landfilloftrash · 10 months
Hello I am so very on board with your Gregory/von Karma art thank you for feeding us we have been starving in the desert for so long,,, welcome to the old man hell! (affectionate)
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hold your local old man gently like an enraged cat
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wordsandrobots · 2 months
Had a pretty bad day so I'm going to boast about something.
I didn't mention it at the time but posting Chapter 14 of Ragnarök in G Minor on Friday took it past the previous high bar for individual Wishing on Space Hardware fic-length set by The Ares Affair (72,872 words vs 69,850). And this latest story isn't even halfway done. That'll come next week, and take the total word count for the series over 550,000 words.
(I'm hoping to land at about 555,000 because who wouldn't?)
Which is nice, and a good reminder of why, exactly, it took me half a year longer than expected to get Ragnarök finished. Because that did kind of disappoint me, but looking at it like this, it makes sense. There was a *lot* to get through to tie the overarching story together and give everybody some sort of key moment. My problem with writing fic for Iron-Blooded Orphans is that I want to write about ALL of it, and every single character, so it was probably inevitable that it wouldn't conclude with anything less then a doorstop of a fic.
Chapter 14 also marked the end of the character arc I started with the first IBO fic I wrote and I want to write a brief commentary on that. I'm planning a proper 'author's note' essay when the whole series is done, but this . . . this is something more specific.
(Behind a cut because it is talking about endgame stuff for Wishing on Space Hardware, which is already a post-canon fic for Iron-Blooded Orphans, so, yeah. Take heed and beware ye spoilers.)
I can't remember when exactly I decided one of the climaxes was going to be a three-way fight between fun-house mirror versions of the Devil of Tekkadan. Like much of WoSH, it fell out of the ever-expanding churn of ideas IBO left me with. But it's an obvious thing to do: take the legacy of the anime's protagonists and fracture it against itself for the sake of drama. Because whatever else, we are talking about a group of deeply traumatised child soldiers and there remains the potential for a lot of bad things to follow the hopeful ending of the show.
Embi is all the worst parts of Tekkadan. Violent, arrogant, selfish, reckless -- he's the vessel into whom I poured all that and more, to the point of having him actively reject the better parts. Heart-sickened by the death of his brother, the bonds of comradeship fray until he can't stand the sight of his former squad-mates, much less the miraculous returnee from the dead who catalyses the events of WoSH. At the same time, he can't stay at his worst. He struggles with new connections because they threaten to pull him from his grief. He doesn't want to move on. Embi roots himself in an old dream of being like Mikazuki, in the life of a mercenary soldier. Fighting is all he knows and beyond it lies the terrifying prospect of hope and trying. He'd have much preferred to burn up over Mars. At least that would have been a safely familiar ending.
Ordsley suffers the myth of Tekkadan, transformed by people who saw what a group of Martian children 'achieved' and wanted to surpass them. Yet the curse inflicted on him -- for he is of course a werewolf, turning with the influence of the crescent moon -- is to become unwilling legatee of Mikazuki's reality: the beast and the boy, the contradictory dreams of someone trapped by a system that sees people as raw material. For the smart young man at home on the proper side of history, it's a hell of a shock to reckon with the humanity of those condemned for their rebellion. Here, finally joining the survivors on the battlefield they once called home, the pieces click, for at least a moment. There are no easy answers in a world that offers children a choice between killing and starvation, but perhaps in the middle of the fray, it is easier to understand why they call each other friend.
Then there's Shino. The lovely, blood-thirsty himbo I thought it would be interesting to pluck from his canonical fate.
I know when I decided to shatter his prosthetic. The middle of last year, after reading writing by amputees, talking about how they are depicted, how that feeds and feeds off narratives fundamentally disconnected from their lived experiences. Still, I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I'm not trying to speak to those experiences. The canon has sci-fi prosthetics. It's detached from the real world. It's just, the ways it also problematises them . . . the way, particularly with the addition of 598 and his cybernetic eye, that dovetails with the propaganda drive from militaries to gift high-tech limb replacements to those mangled in the course of fighting . . . I don't regret pushing myself to dip my toe in those waters.
You see, I wanted to tie together the strands of Shino's trauma. His instinctive reach for quid pro quo in his relationship with Yamagi, finally answered with the truth of everything positive he left behind on his first 'death'. His great bête noire, that failure of his last-ditch effort to save Tekkadan, coming full-circle as he's given another chance, another challenge, met this time with greater experience and maturity, and the knowledge of when not to fight. Third-best no longer, bolstered by all those who taught him what it takes to fly.
And as he gets to prove his mastery -- in ways beyond Embi's suicidal commitment and Ordsley's engineered supremacy -- he also reckons once more with that pernicious belief he is only fit to fight.
There isn't an answer, you know. Those doubts about ourselves, those demons, don't go away even when we let them go. We just learn to carry on regardless. To accept the possibility that we can live anyway, and to stop throwing the best parts of ourselves under the bus in our rush to distance ourselves from the worst.
So the arm is smashed to bits, the fate of the mobile suit pilot, the soldier, the body spent in violence. But Shino finally sees his younger self in a positive light and does what nobody else was able to for Embi: tell him it's OK to leave. Whatever it takes to be happy, even if that's a million miles away. He treats Ordsley as Ordsley, not Mika 2.0, reinforcing Ordsley's newfound balance. Above all, throughout everything, he is not alone. This final fight is spent with Eugene right at Shino's side, backing him up, trusting him. The Ryusei-Go is Tekkadan as a community, the part that truly never wilted. Because the reason Shino can have this moment of catharsis is that he is loved. So many people, building him up, giving him a future.
Everything he would do for them, unhesitatingly, and has, more times than he will ever realise.
I don't know if it's character development, exactly. Honestly, I don't know if the chapter actually encapsulates these things the way I wanted it to. I've read it too many times to see it straight any more and, even with a lovely band of readers I am privileged to have commenting, I'm doubting myself a lot these days. I don't sit well on my laurels, with the things I've completed, the word counts and the tick-marks. I worry it's still not enough. Put a fair of myself in Shino, there.
But I think it's good. I think it came out the way I wanted it to. I think it's the right thing for the story, to take a giant mecha battle, the tragic, inevitable conflict, and flip it around into an act of firefighting. I think I should be proud I got here, even if I never expected to when I first sat down at my keyboard to explain why the hot bisexual anime boy was still alive, actually.
So I'm make a note, to myself, that I did. That I should be proud. That I am, of me, for doing that.
And if you're reading this and you're going to be reading the rest of the story -- I'll just say, Shino himself is going to tell you why his vivid pink robot arm needed to be demolished by a giant sword. There'll be another, eventually (they do have a cyberneticist on speed-dial), but for now, well. You'll see.
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davy-zeppeli · 1 year
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divine-misfortune · 6 months
I need Phantom being just absolutely awestruck and so hopelessly in love the first time he ever sees Swiss smile real big. I need it. So bad.
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12am-motivation · 2 months
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strawberrus0da · 4 months
Oh to be non-partnering and wish to platonically share a bed with someone
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shinobus-left-eye · 2 months
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prick-love-for-arting · 8 months
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... Mhm
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