#Random HCs
random HC's I have for the lads
Leo sweats a lot in the night, like a lot and he's super embarrassed by it
(controversial) Donnie is a lord of the rings nerd, not a Harry Potter nerd
Mikey is secretly everyone's fave brother but none of the others will ever admit that
Raph actually enjoys ballroom dancing, he just thinks he's too clumsy so he never tells anyone he can
Raph is also super into meme culture and him and Donnie regularly exchange the best ones they find
Leo has seen every season of friends and can't fucking stand a single one of them. He has no idea why he watched it all.
Mikey can speak a few languages (he thought Spanish sounded cool) and is pretty good at picking it up
Donnie hates getting tech stuff as gifts but is so hard to buy for that no one knows what else to get him (he'll start dropping not-so-subtle hints like "sure would be nice if *someone* could get me a popcorn maker for Christmas...")
Leo and Splinter aren't as close as everyone thinks, Leo kinda resents being the one in charge 24/7
Darkest sense of humour actually goes to Mikey, he just gets told off for it the most so he's learnt to shut up
Raph suffers with bad nightmares
The only extrovert is Mikey, Raph is somewhere in-between
Leo has 0 rizz/game. super awkward when he has a crush
Donnie, however, isn't as bashful and shy as you'd think....
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aviixol · 1 year
Silly E42 Miles Hcs
These are genuinely just super random, with no context whatsoever.
No warnings at all
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✎ Miles is the biggest cat person you'll ever meet. Like he buys little bags of cat food for stray cats n shit. He probably has names for them too. He had the time to befriend the cats during his prowler duties and his walks to school.
✎ Miles is a super heavy sleeper. Bro literally can sleep through his mom blasting music on Saturday morning while she cleans the house.
✎ He Draws on himself in class or at home. Like he has full sleeves of just artwork in pen or marker.
✎ Miles is def tender-headed he be whining while he be getting his hair braided. he'll even drop an "OW that hurts" In the mix every now and then. He also doesn't like the sound of the blow dryer
✎ Miles is a super clean person. He likes to keep everything organized especially his art supplies and shoes. He probably has like those sneaker shelves in his room and he keeps all his Jordans on display
✎ Miles is a Barb. That's it that's the hc.
✎ Miles HATES little dogs with a passion. He hates how they're all ankle biters and they're loud for no reason at all
✎ When he's bored he definitely watches cartoons like Amazing World of Gumball or SpongeBob
✎ Miles has the Longest spotify playlists known to man, I'm talking like 17+ hours worth of music on one playlist
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Yea no these were just super random i was just super bored and wanted to write something lol
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84reedsy · 2 months
hii!! i love your page and your smut prompts so much!! do you have any smut headcanons of your favorite wrestlers? :3 i feel like Kevin Nash is great with nipple play
Thank you so much anon 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I have LOTS of his, but here some of my favorites
Scott Hall is a cunnilingus master, like so good that he should teach classes. He'll just camp out down there. His grip is strong and even when you try to pull away from being over stimulated, he pulls you RIGHT back. You're done when he says you're done.
He's also a talker, he loves to hear himself and see you react to his words.
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Kevin Nash - He's open to try most anything, but loves to watch. He loves for you to put on a show for him. He likes being entertained. But once he's aroused, he takes charge.
He also loves being praised or complimented. He returns both, but he loves hearing how he makes you feel. He likes hair pulling - giving and receiving. I could definitely see him being into nipple play, his eyes watching your reaction or letting you play with his.
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Stone Cold Steve Austin- So, I probably wouldn't normally include him in a top 3 list, but my recent education about his preference for pussy devouring lands him here today - the guy LOVES it. And I have to imagine he's got a talent for it if he's that into it.
He's a guy that's definitely in it more for your pleasure than his, though he's incredibly appreciative any time you want to reciprocate. He's also into dirty talk and he likes it when you talk back. He likes "correcting" you and making you his good girl.
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vicagentstan · 8 months
random hazard hcs:
communicates mainly through symbols/signs
also speaks morse code (mercs and victim all understand)
ace, agender, he/it
best friend is ballista (calm tall guy and short gremlin duo!!!)
pretty chill guy and is silly at times
gets along with everyone
disapproves of all the mercs jaywalking
really good drawer
avid ":3" sayer
other things:
fonts i use for him are marlett and courier
courier is main font, used for morse code + translated
translated morse code is in < this format >
marlett is used for when he experiences strong emotion (incomprehensible to everyone, bunch of random symbols and beeping)
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↑ the font marlett :3
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lemonkeiku · 11 months
141 (w/ OC) Hidden Talent Headcanon
Summary: Everyone has their own hidden talent. Because it's hidden, no one knows they have it until they accidentally show it to each other. Some of them were very useful, some of them were completely useless.
Warning: none, possible ooc hc, and bad english
Author's note: This is just a random thought that popped into my head. This is definitely headcanon, so enjoy for your entertainment.
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🚬 Price : Speaking in high-pitched voice
Captain Price was known for his heavy voice and smoking cigarettes only made it worse. Despite this, he was surprisingly able to speak in a very high-pitched voice. He's not going to sound like himself when he does that. His talent was discovered by the rest of 141 at the most random moment.
At the time, he tried to mock Laswell by repeating her words in a high-pitched voice. It was a shock to everyone, even to Laswell, who, instead of being offended, asked him to do it again.
💀 Ghost : Doing rap
His rapping ability was completely hidden until Soap dared him to recite a rap lyrics. Not just any rap lyrics, it was from Eminem's song. And with his deep voice, he would sound more attractive when he started doing rap. Trust me. He would sound like he was reciting a magic spell at some point but he still did a pretty good job with those lyrics.
He never intended to learn how to rap tho. He just likes hip-hop and sometimes he enjoys it a little too much. He was a fast reader and talker too. Maybe that's why he can do it easily.
🧢 Gaz : Faking Price's signature
This is a dangerous talent. He can't use it just because he wants to. He could get into trouble if he uses it recklessly. People first found out about his talent when 141 needed Price's signature and it was urgent. Price was nowhere to be found and they had tried calling him. Price just said just wait until he's back or just copy his signature from another document. Gaz volunteered to try copying their Captain's signature and surprisingly it came out exactly the same.
From then on, if the situation was urgent and as long as he had Price's permission, he would sign documents that required Price's signature in his absence.
🧼 Soap : Handling spicy food
He surprised everyone with his high tolerance to spice. When I said high, I mean really high. Everyone thought he was just the typical white dude who would think black pepper is spicy. But when Alex dared the 141 to try eat chicken wings with the Da Bomb sauce, only who Soap didn't budge with the spice. He'd say something like, "it's nice" and continue to finish his chicken wings.
That scene made everyone question their whole life. Gaz and Farah, who could usually handle the spice, gave up after the first few bites. Bambi, who eats Korean fire noodles for breakfast, couldn't even finish her chicken.
🎀 Bambi : Classical singing
Everyone knows Bambi has a few talents in arts. The most commonly known is her dancing ability. But only a few know that she can sing. Let alone classical singing. She was never serious when it came to singing, especially in front of others. She'd sing seriously only when she wanted to and that one precious moment was when there was a singing competition in the agency. Her competitive ass wouldn't let anyone win.
She used to learn classical music and singing techniques when she was little, but stopped because she wanted to focus on dancing.
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queennai714 · 1 year
Random hcs I have because I may be cringe but I'm free part 25 (Ninjago(another combo))
Random childhood/before they joined the team hcs gotta be one of my favorite flavors of core four content
Kai: Even before his powers manifested, Kai was the kinda guy who could strike a match on anything. Countertops, walls, between his fingertips, on his own temples, you name it, he's struck a match on it before. He didn't think it was that impressive until he met the others and they all kinda freaked out that he just lit a match with his teeth and now he uses it as a party trick.
Jay: He originally wanted to learn to skateboard cause "all the cool guys™️ ride skateboards" but he learned how to rollerskate with his mom anyway and he fell in love. He's very proud of that Mother-Son-Skate-Off W.
Cole: Played baseball with his whole neighborhood on weekends but never showed up to the football games just because everybody always told him he should try it and he wanted to spite them. Also had never even heard of a rutabaga until he met Zane (idk where that one came from it just came to me and I had to include it)
Zane: If he didn't have anything else to do, he would find ways to make mundane tasks as complex as possible, or even just break down a simple process or item to its most basic elements just to keep himself busy and stimulated (like how he was flipping the logs and stuff and getting them to land perfectly in the Master Wu flashback).
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duhstbunny · 10 months
Katsumi had the worst clingy teenager phase (he’s lowkey still in it) he followed around Doppo and Natsue almost 24/7 talking to them about anything and everything (it was mostly shit talking and shameless boasting on Doppo’s end) at some point hes fallen asleep on the couch with either of his parents. Hell this man entered the maximum tournament just so he could give the champion belt to his mom.
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random crossmare hc cause im tired
Nightmare will revert back to passive if he feels calm/happy enough
him and Cross are just doing couple shit like cuddling and he just turns back for the first time
and cross just stares at him like
'your not my bf?? where did he go???'
Tagger swagger! @tundra116 @panda-of-the-trash I know you both love crossmare!
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allekat1988 · 2 years
Every single one of the mercs has been kicked out of bars for beating the shit out of a guy that can’t accept when a girl says no. All of them.
Pyro, Engie and Medic are surprisingly tied for first place for the number of times it’s happened.
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justsasuke · 11 months
Team Taka and some Halloween traditions
Two days late bc that's how we roll around here. Or have been lately at least...
They rent a cabin sandwiched between a mountain forest and a huge lake and then build a huge campfire on the beach.
they do this every year in the same location and the reason is because the forest has an old shrine at the top that is rumored to be haunted
They always talk about going up there to see if it really is haunted but so far have never made it all the way to the top of the mountain before chickening out and running back to the cabin.
The lake is also supposed to be haunted but then they discovered that it's just a giant fish that makes weird splashing sounds in the middle of the night and now they bring extra food to feed to it.
Suigetsu and Karin take turns telling scary stories around the campfire and Suigetsu's are always extremely disturbing because he's from Kirigakure and that's just how their scary stories are.
Everyone gets super scared from his stories but won't admit it so it becomes an unspoken game of chicken until one of them cracks
This is why none of them have made it to the top of the mountain.
Sasuke usually cracks first but always acts like he's going back to the cabin for a totally different reason so no one has realized it yet.
The cabin has four bunks built into the wall but by the time they go to bed they're all too scared to sleep in their own bunk and end up in a pile on the floor.
Karin always brings candy to toast over the fire. It always catches on fire though because she forgets about it
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ieat-clovers · 1 year
Random rottmnt Hc:
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katie-wants-donut · 10 months
I feel like Brock is more of a dog person but honestly he'd be nice to any kind of pet the Ventures would get
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Quarters of King's Landing
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Vast swathes of empty land outside of King's Landing were separated and converted into Quarters. Each Quarter is set aside for lords, ladies, and anyone from a particular kingdom within Westeros. A sheriff is appointed to each Quarter, to maintain law and order. These Quarters came into being after the conquest, with the Dornish Quarter being the last of them. They do not just serve as a place of residence for those wanting to spend time in the Crown Lands. They are also places where one could find specialties from each region.
The Northern Quarter: Lumber, furs and pelts, fine wool and yarn, cured salmon and salt-cured sturgeon roe, true green and blue dyes obtained from winter roses and their leaves, and a rare, costly perfume that can only be made from winter roses are the most sought after goods. Some of the best hunters and trackers can be found in the Northern Quarter, along with some of the best boxers and wrestlers. Their seers are revered, and people from all over come to them for guidance on future decisions. Festivals sacred to the Old Gods are celebrated here.
The Vale Quarter: Weapons and armor. Some of the best plate and swords and mail can be found here, along with the best war horses. The best place to look for a master-at-arms would be in the Vale Quarter. Some of the finest sculptors for marble and stone can be found here. Equestrian events are the order of the day in the Vale Quarter.
The Stormlands Quarter: Some of the best shipwrights, boatbuilders, and sailors can be found here. There is even a hall for their fighters to put on boxing matches. Fighters from all over Westeros and beyond come to compete and wagers have reached record-breaking numbers in some instances.
The Dornish Quarter: Dates, Camels, and Sand Steeds can be found here, along with the finest linen and cotton, and lightweight hauberks suited for exceedingly hot weather. True red dye, one obtained from tiny insects that live only in Dorne, is sold in the Dornish quarter. A racing track can be found here, for horse and camel races.
The Reach Quarter: All manner of perfumes and oils, rare vintages and the finest silk. Their shipwrights are as good as those found in the Stormlands Quarter. Books of all kinds can be found here. Whenever the weather is fine, there are poetry and storytelling evenings.
The Westerlands Quarter: The best smiths and jewelers and glassmakers from in and around Lannisport come here. Gold and silver and platinum jewelry can be found here, as is beautiful hand-blown glass. Here one can find acrobats and ribbon dancers and tightrope walkers performing if the weather is clear.
The Riverlands Quarter: The best boatmakers and archers. Trackers from the Riverlands Quarter are as good as those found in the Northern Quarter. The nobles in this Quarter organize boat races along the Black Water Rush during late spring and summer.
The Iron Islands Quarter: Whale meat and whale oil can be found here, as well as shipwrights, sailors and whalers looking to ply their trade. Finger dancers and fire dances are held here and attract quite a crowd.
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Quick HC's for the Percy Jackson AU with OC's
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Name: Persephone Jones
Parents: Amelia Jones (deceased, childbirth complications)
Hades, God of the Underworld
Percy has a quirk for finding crystals and gemstones, given that her father is the god of riches
Loves sour candy more than most people and always has either Sour Gummy worms or sour strings with her at all times.
Favorite Band is My Chemical Romance and is convinced they were blessed by her father.
Favorite Gemstones are Opals as they take on many different forms. She plans to be a Gemologist if she ever gets to grow up.
Takes her "sister" Abigail, a daughter of Hecate, goddess of magic, under her wing and teaches her about the perks of necromancy.
Has a wide collection of gems she finds and keeps in an old chest. She just likes looking at them.
Is convinced she has something she refers to as "Magpie Brain" in which she likes spotting shiny things! It sometimes comes in handy. Most times it could give her trouble when she's in a fight.
Has a Celestial Bronze and Stygian Silver Bident she named Soul Thief.
Tagging: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @devil-doll13 @bluecoolr @ajarofpickledtears @shonkgobonk @soupbabe @slasherscrybaby @solmints-messyocdiary @ahmnom @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @kalid-raven @angxlslasher @allthingsblood
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babeyloser · 2 years
Bucci Gang’s Gross-ish Habits
- Bruno eats scabs & dead skin (not just his own)
- Leone picks plaque from his teeth and swallows it
- Mista pulls out his ass hair on the toilet
- Giorno smells his used underwear after undressing
- Fugo spits onto toilet paper before wiping with it
- Narancia burps into his palm and smells it
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queennai714 · 1 year
Random hcs I have because I may be cringe but I'm free part 27 (Ninjago)
More platonic oppo (but still mostly Kai centric) because their friendship has infected my brain (strap in, it's a long one)
Ok so this one is kind of a mashup of 3 different headcannons, the Chinese Kai hc, the "oppo are best friends" hc, and the one im gonna talk about here that possessed me to write this in the first place, but hear me out-
(Tbh, this could take place at pretty much any point in the series but I usually imagine it somewhere between seasons 4 and 8)
Just take a second to imagine, Kai peacefully going about his life as his proudly bilingual self, until he realizes: outside of Ignacia, its insanely rare to find someone who speaks Mandarin.
This, in turn, sparks two more revelations: One, that just makes the fact that he was born and raised speaking Mandarin all the more cool, and two, that he would have virtually no chance to use/show off his first language with someone other than Nya or Zane, and he would only ever get to use Ninjargon.
This motivates Kai (desperate to keep his spot as one of the most cultured on the team) to learn THREE more languages, those being French, Italian, and Spanish (as any reasonable person would do)
The only person he ever outright tells is Wu (seeing as he's fluent in like every language ever so he's great to practice with) and he mostly keeps it a secret from the others so that he can keep surprising/impressing them by pulling another random language out of nowhere whenever its needed.
What he didn't expect however, was how Zane would react.
Turns out, being a total bookworm and a literal walking computer means that not only does deciphering other languages come easy to Zane, he also absolutely adores studying languages in all their forms. So, when he heard from his friends that the criminal they were supposed to go question didn't know any Ninjargon and that Kai had managed to hold the rather intense interrogation entirely in French, he was beyond delighted. Once he had finished cleaning up after dinner he practically ran to Kai's room to talk, and of course, he immediately insisted Kai do all his explaining in French for the rest of the night.
From that day on, anytime the two of them wanted to have a private conversation and couldn't just pull the other to the side (or, more commonly, if they just randomly felt like it) they would simply start talking in one of the four languages and fall into easy conversation with the other as if they hadn't just simultaneously stopped making sense to anybody else around them.
TL;DR (and the simple seed from which this essay of a hc was born)
Kai talks shit about people to Zane in different languages
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