#Rasmea Odeh
hero-israel · 8 months
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"Of course she blew up that grocery store and killed those college kids, that's why we like her" is a post-Oct-7 full 180 switch of the mythology around her, they spent literal decades saying she had been framed. It's enough to make a person think the whole Palestine thing is just a bad-faith beard for hating and killing Jews.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
I recommend watching this excellent new video about Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh. 
Joseph Cohen
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
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leftistfeminista · 1 year
Israel's sexual torture of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine women prisoners
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In her affidavit to the court, Fabri describes with excruciating detail what Odeh recounted in their sessions.
When Odeh, aged 19 at the time, was first arrested by Israeli soldiers in 1969, she was taken to an interrogation center in Jerusalem where she was beaten with wooden sticks, metal bars, open hands and fists, and kicked with booted feet. Odeh described the sensation she had after the prolonged beating, saying it was “like there was a fire in my head, like high electricity voltage, like my head was going to explode.”
For the first week of her detention, Odeh was menstruating and the Israeli guards did not give her any sanitary protection or allow her access to the bathroom. She reported that for the first 25 days of her 45 days in detention in Jerusalem, Odeh was denied regular sleep and was continually beaten and humiliated.
One guard, known as “Abulhani,” punched her repeatedly on her ears, resulting in impaired hearing for two years.
Odeh was left naked for most of the time, in front of male guards as well as other detained men.
At one point, Odeh was forced to watch the torture of a detained man, during which the guards connected the man’s genitals to electrical wires and subjected him to electric shocks. Odeh reported that she watched him die during this torture.
Shortly after witnessing the electrocution, Odeh was herself tortured with electric shocks; the wires were attached to her genitals, breasts, abdomen, arms and legs.
In yet another incident, Odeh’s father was brought into a room where she was lying naked on the floor, and ordered to have sex with her. It was this threat that Odeh says finally coerced her to signing a confession.
But, according to Fabri’s affidavit, even after Odeh signed the confession, the torture did not stop.
The guard, “Abulhani,” threatened to rape her but then told her that “she did not deserve to have a man take her virginity.” Soldiers then held her down and “Abulhani” shoved a “rough, thick, wooden stick” into her vagina. Odeh later learned that her father was forced to watch her rape.
Observing “no evidence of feigning or malingering,” Fabri concluded that Odeh’s symptoms and descriptions of her symptoms were consistent with PTSD, and that any call to remember the torture would have reactivated the symptoms of PTSD, and thus she, like others suffering from extreme trauma, would likely avoid thinking or talking about the experience.
Court motion details Palestinian American Rasmea Odeh’s torture by Israeli jailers
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edwordsmyth · 9 months
"One thing is clear: the world is now experiencing a moral crisis whose enormity will reshape political attitudes and alliances for generations to come. Pretending that life, no matter how sheltered or comfortable, can simply continue as normal is its own kind of moral crisis. Teach Palestine: Hundreds of Palestinian poets, novelists, and essayists write in English or are available in translation. Consider including them on your syllabus. So what if your courses don’t focus on Palestine or the surrounding region? If you’re a modernist, then assign Fadwa Tuqan or Mahmoud Darwish. If you’re in gender studies, look up Fatima Bernawi or Rasmea Odeh. If you teach novels, try Susan Abulhawa, Susan Muaddi Darraj, Sahar Mustafah…on goes the list. If you’re an Americanist, there are numerous options. Same for Latin Americanists. A critical theorist? No problem: there’s Elias Sanbar and Bassel Al-Araj and Ghassan Kanafani. And if you’re, say, a medievalist? That’s no problem, either. “Who is my audience?” keep asking yourself. If the answer is anything other than “the dispossessed,” then recalibrate your ethics and try again."
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kosmic-apothecary · 6 months
✨✨✨here to sprinkle some JEWISH JOY into your inbox✨✨✨
Thank you!!!
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Together we will free Judaism from Zionism!!! ✊✡️☪️✝️💙
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shape · 9 months
Nach schweren Vorwürfen: Berliner Kulturzentrum Oyoun beantwortet Fragen nicht
Wegen eines Tagesspiegel-Berichts spricht das Oyoun von einer „Schmierenkampagne“ – und ignoriert wichtige Fragen. Gleichzeitig lädt es sich weitere BDS-Anhänger ins Haus.
Von Sebastian Leber
13.12.2023, 16:01 Uhr
Offiziell verspricht das Oyoun gegenüber Journalisten eine „transparente Kommunikation“. Man sei bereit, „transparente Informationen bereitzustellen“, heißt es in einer Nachricht. Doch die Realität sieht anders aus.
Nach schweren Vorwürfen gegen das Kulturzentrum möchte das Oyoun eine Reihe von Fragen auch nach mehrfacher Nachfrage nicht beantworten. Insbesondere solche zum Wirken der umstrittenen Mitgründerin, Geschäftsführerin und künstlerischen Leiterin des Hauses, Louna Sbou, bleiben unbeantwortet.Die Tagesspiegel-App Aktuelle Nachrichten, Hintergründe und Analysen direkt auf Ihr Smartphone. Dazu die digitale Zeitung. Hier gratis herunterladen.
Dazu gehört die Frage, weshalb Sbou in ihrer früheren Funktion im Café Be’kech Mitarbeiter anwies, israelische Produkte und Speisen zu boykottieren – und weshalb sie Mitarbeitern sogar verbot, zur Beschreibung von Gerichten das Wort „Israelisch“ auf die Menütafel zu schreiben.
In einer ersten Antwort hatte das Oyoun derartige Boykottanweisungen zunächst bestritten. Allerdings liegen dem Tagesspiegel nicht nur Zeugenaussagen, sondern auch die konkreten Anweisungen vor, die Louna Sbou schriftlich erteilte. Zur Frage, wie es zu diesem offensichtlichen Widerspruch kommt, schweigt das Oyoun nun.Neuköllner Kulturzentrum vor dem Aus Neue schwere Vorwürfe gegen das Oyoun
Weiterhin beantworten die Verantwortlichen nicht, weshalb das Be’kech, als dessen Mitgründerin und Kuratorin Louna Sbou fungierte, seine Räumlichkeiten für einen Auftritt der verurteilten PFLP-Terroristin Rasmea Odeh zur Verfügung stellen wollte und dann, als Odeh nicht persönlich anwesend sein konnte, die Übertragung ihrer Videobotschaft vor Publikum ermöglichte.
Entsetzte jüdische Studenten erhielten keine Antwort
Drei jüdische Studenten, die der Veranstaltung als Beobachter beiwohnten, wurden damals von Teilnehmern beleidigt. Im Nachgang schrieben sie das Café an und fragten, weshalb es der verurteilten PFLP-Terroristin in diesen Räumen überhaupt eine Plattform gebe. Sie bekamen nie eine Antwort.Berlin und der Terror gegen Israel - ein wichtiges Thema in unseren Bezirks-Newslettern - hier kostenlos: www.tagesspiegel.de/bezirke
Auch im Hinblick auf einen Eklat im Oktober 2021 schweigt sich das Oyoun bislang zu einer heiklen Frage aus. Damals wollte ein Filmfest in den Räumlichkeiten des Zentrums unter anderem einen Dokumentarfilm über die liberale Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee zeigen, die von der Frauenrechtlerin Seyran Ateş mitgegründet wurde. Nach der Vorführung war eine Zuschauerdiskussion mit einem Protagonisten des Films geplant.
Oyoun unterband Zuschauerdiskussion
Als das Oyoun von dem Plan erfuhr, schritt es ein. Es zeigte zwar den Dokumentarfilm, unterband jedoch die anschließende Zuschauerdiskussion und ließ stattdessen ein Statement verlesen, in dem man Ateş „Islamophobie“ vorwarf.„Ich habe Lust jemanden zu töten“ Zwölfjährige in Frankreich bedroht Englischlehrerin mit Küchenmesser
Dieser Vorwurf ist perfide, denn tatsächlich ist Ateş praktizierende Muslima und auch Imamin der liberalen Moschee. Allerdings sprechen ihr Islamisten, denen die Berliner Moschee zu liberal ist, immer wieder die Religionszugehörigkeit ab, beschimpfen sie als „Ungläubige“ und bedrohen sie mit dem Tod.
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir per E-Mail interessante Angebote des Tagesspiegels unterbreitet werden. Meine Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit widerrufen.
Wie kam das Oyoun also dazu, Seyran Ateş öffentlich Islamophobie zu unterstellen? Welche Aussagen soll Ateş jemals getätigt haben, die einen solchen Vorwurf rechtfertigen würden?
Auch hierzu schweigt das Haus gegenüber dem Tagesspiegel.
Stattdessen behauptet es nun öffentlich, es sei aktuell Opfer einer „Schmierenkampagne“. Unterstützer streuen gar das Gerücht, kritische Berichterstatter gäben dem Oyoun keinerlei Möglichkeit, zu den Vorwürfen Stellung zu nehmen. Dies ist grob unwahr.
Gruppen zu Gast, die den Hamas-Terror feiern
Nicht beantworten möchte das Oyoun weiterhin die Frage, wieso es wiederholt Organisationen und Personen seine Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung stellte, die die Existenz Israels als jüdischen Staat delegitimieren – obwohl dies einen klaren Verstoß gegen das „Landeskonzept zur Weiterentwicklung der Antisemitismus-Prävention“ darstellt.
Unbeantwortet bleibt zudem die Frage, weshalb das Oyoun vor diesem Hintergrund dennoch den Gruppen „Palästina Spricht“, „Revolutionäre Linke“ sowie „Palästina Kampagne“ seine Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung stellte – und ob den Betreibern zum Beispiel entgangen war, dass die „Palästina Kampagne“ nach dem Terror der Hamas am 7. Oktober öffentlich erklärte, sie halte den Terror für gerechtfertigt und unterstütze ihn sogar.
Die ganze Recherche über die Missstände im Oyoun:
Neuköllner Kulturzentrum vor dem Aus Neue schwere Vorwürfe gegen das Oyoun
Wie berichtet, läuft die öffentliche Förderung des Kulturzentrums zum Jahresende aus. Die Betreiber des Oyouns protestieren dagegen ab Donnerstag mit einem dreitägigen Festival, zu dem das Oyoun ein weiteres Mal gegen das Landeskonzept verstößt und nicht nur diverse Unterstützer der BDS-Bewegung eingeladen hat, sondern auch erneut der Gruppe „Palästina Spricht“ eine Plattform bieten wird.
Dabei handelt es sich exakt um die Gruppe, deren Auftritt im Oyoun bereits im Mai 2022 zu einem der zahlreichen Eklats geführt hatte. Die Senatsverwaltung stellte schon damals öffentlich klar, dass „Palästina Spricht“ Positionen vertritt, die sich „gegen das Existenzrecht Israels richten und als antisemitisch zu werten sind“. Eine Veranstaltung unter Beteiligung dieser Gruppe dürfe in einer öffentlich geförderten Einrichtung wie dem Oyoun keine Räume zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen. Genau dies wird an diesem Donnerstagabend jedoch ein weiteres Mal passieren.
Die Massaker der Hamas vom 7. Oktober bejubelte „Palästina Spricht“ übrigens als „Lektion für die Befreiung von Gaza“. Bei dem 7. Oktober handle es sich um einen Tag, der gefeiert gehöre.
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chicago-geniza · 11 months
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In the latest order issued by the Berlin immigration office, received yesterday, 9 March, German officials escalated their attacks on Palestinian writer and activist Khaled Barakat, ordering him officially expelled from Germany (even though he has not been living in Germany since August 2019) and banning him from entering the country for four years. Barakat and his lawyer are challenging the order in an appeal.
In addition to the political ban, residency denial and now exclusion imposed on Barakat, recent repressive attacks by the German state on Palestinian rights have included the deportation of Rasmea Odeh, the passing of an anti-BDS resolution in the Bundestag, the criminal prosecution of Palestinian and Israeli Jewish activists for interrupting a speech by a member of the Knesset, the forced resignation of the director of the Jewish Museum, the closing of the bank account of Jewish Voices for a Just Peace and the disinvitation of international artists who have taken a stand to support Palestinian rights. This continued targeting of Palestinian community organizing, Palestine solidarity and progressive activism comes even as the very real threat of far-right violence continues to threaten the lives of Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims and people of color throughout Germany, as reflected in the horrific racist attack in Hanau.
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joyfullllives · 6 years
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Very intentionally chose my outfit as an homage to the black panther party.
To those who are incarcerated.
To those who still are living in civil disenfranchisement.
To those who that are non residents.
To those who are transient.
Direct action is a form of anarchism.
And my anarcho communist self is active.
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hero-israel · 11 months
This is a way I know a lot of these people have no stake in this. They're not afraid, or even really angry, they're self righteous. They revel in getting to say "Wow the Jews are the new Nazis," because it makes a compelling narrative to them. It's ironic, and makes them feel intelligent and astute, and like they've contributed at all to helping Palestinians. It also gives a lot of people permission to more openly hate Jews because "they brought this on themselves," or "they clearly can't hold onto that victim card anymore," and that's what they were waiting for oh so impatiently.
And it's why they were so mad that Israel was actually getting sympathy from a majority of people for once. They enjoy watching Israel slowly erode its goodwill so they can spread their message and recruit more haters. Because this narrative is for some fucking reason so interesting to them. The Jews are "falling from grace," because they think suffering = righteousness and now the Palestinians are suffering because of Jews so clearly antisemitism is over and Israel has taken up the mantel of the Nazis because there is always 1 singular bad genocidal regime and it always looks and acts the same and has the same mustache twirling motivation and explanation but goes by different names and no more nuance or understanding of history/politics is required... and if the Jews suffer too no they didn't and also the bitch deserved it.
And if your major emotional reaction to an event is vindicated self righteousness are you actually the victim in any way? Is that how victims behave? Maybe, maybe not, but damn are these people annoying and not productive toward anything!
They can only recognize Jews as symbols of meaningful death. Fighting to stay alive, and maybe even killing the other guy, deprives them of a moral reading and they feel cheated by it. Highly educated experts and political leaders will admit in public this is how they see Jews, and they see nothing mean-spirited about it at all.
The fury over any sign of sympathy for Israel - there's something to that too, something of the voice that Richard Landes wrote: "The Jews have been asking for it, and at last we can tell them what we really think." All those marchers on OCTOBER 8, all those pro-paraglider chuds and rape apologists, the BLM group coming out and admitting that they always knew Rasmea Odeh had been guilty and they liked her precisely for that... They were out and shouting and chanting right after the earliest news of the massacre, before Israel had even done anything. They were voting for death and atrocities - and trying to shout down anyone who could say that maybe it was bad.
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Based on Prof. Elman’s prior reporting, it appears that the allegations of harassment and threats from Lumish and the others holding vigil will be contested. It is significant that the Court already found that the allegations were insufficient for an ex parte TRO.
Faith Meltzer, one of the protestors, pushed back against the narrative that the bakery is being protested because Assil is Palestinian-American, or that the protesters have been violent. Meltzer wrote in Berkleyside, The vigils at Reem’s Bakery are not about Israelis vs Palestinians, but about a symbol offensive to many:
I’ve participated in several vigils at Reem’s Bakery in Oakland, and would like to take this opportunity to clear up some inaccuracies in Carol Sanders’ August 11 opinion piece.
The vigils at Reem’s Bakery in Oakland are not about Israelis vs. Palestinians. They are not about Jews vs. Muslims, or even about the left vs. the right….
Rolling vigils have been held at Reem’s for several weeks, protesting a mural that features a convicted terrorist, Rasmea Odeh…. Two young men, Leon Kanner and Edward Joffee, were killed and nine others injured in the attacks….
Participants in the vigils at Reem’s include animal justice advocates, a local labor leader, LGBTQ activists and a former Bernie Sanders delegate, hardly the “right wing” brigade described by Sanders in her op-ed.
At the July 8 vigil a wheelchair bound participant and a 78-year-old survivor of the Warsaw ghetto were viciously attacked by patrons and employees of Reem’s. They were not “blocking the entrances.” They were standing silently with signs that stated, “Honor the Victims. Not their Killer.” Police reports were filed. This incident was documented in the local Jewish paper, The J Weekly, and by photos and videos taken by bystanders at the scene. The attackers strutted around with the signs they ripped out of people’s hands.
Reem’s has repeatedly used the Oakland Police Department to  silence the voices of those in peaceful protest. At the August 8 vigil, two squad cars and four police officers were dispatched to deal with seven protesters in an effort to deprive them not only of their right to free assembly, but their right to free expression….
The case also raises serious constitutional and free speech issues, as the bakery owner seeks to punish protest, to halt or move continued protest, and a prior restraint of speech.
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
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leftistfeminista · 2 months
Systemic weaponization of sexual violence against Palestinian political prisoners is not an aberration—the Zionist regime has long used rape, torture as a means to forcibly extract confessions. 
“[the most difficult moment] was when they stripped me naked and brought my father [into the interrogation room] and tried to force him to sleep with me”
This is a courageous testimony from Rasmea Odeh who, like Aisha Odeh (in the above clip), was incarcerated in the 1960s. 
“She [the Israeli soldier] was worse than the men. She was wearing a thin, high-heeled shoe… She stomped in my stomach while I was thrown on the floor… She said, ‘I am preparing you so that a [soldier] can come sleep with you.’” 
“I became temporarily paralyzed to [due to the torture] … the first question that my sister asked me, before even greeting me, was ‘did they really dishonor [violate] you?’”
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Feminist’s Hero Is An Islamic Terrorist - What A Shock...
Key figure of the recent Women’s March and feminist’s beloved Muslim icon is a convicted Palestinian terrorist who will be deported from the United States after accepting a plea bargain that allows her to escape a prison sentence.
Rasmea Odeh will be stripped of her U.S citizenship and forced to leave the country and return to Jordan after failing to disclose to immigration authorities that she had been imprisoned in Israel for committing two terror attacks, proving how easy it has been for terrorists to sneak into the country.
As part of her plea bargain, however, Odeh won’t have to spend time in U.S prison or detention, according to a statement by the Rasmea Defense Committee.
The terrorist-turned-activist rose to prominence in the US following her involvement with the Women’s March and another recent high-profile frivolous feminist protest, “A Day Without A Woman”. In a letter in The Guardian that she co-authored with other activists, Odeh urged women worldwide to join in a “new wave of militant feminist struggle.”
But Odeh had a secret: she was convicted for her role in two terrorist attacks in Israel, including an attack on an Israeli supermarket in 1969 that killed two students shopping for groceries. She was released from prison in 1980 following a prisoner exchange.
Despite spending 10 years in prison for terrorism in Israel, she acquired U.S citizenship in 2004 by withholding information about her past. She later claimed that post-traumatic stress disorder caused her to lie on her application for citizenship.
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The A Day Without a Women march pisses me off for many reasons tbh. But one of the most obvious reasons is that one of the organizers is Rasmea Odeh. She's a horrible antisemite. She's a convicted Palestinian terrorist who murdered two Israeli students. Alas, all those attending/supporting the march seem to be okay with this? I mean not only are some of them okay with it, but others put her up on a pedestal. Like, how are any Jews supposed to feel okay with attending the march?
Oh yes, I have heard about her. It's funny how the "Your fave is problematic and should be shunned forever!" crowd is apparently okay with this. They're trying their damnest to paint her as a victim.
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