#Khaled Barakat
milkboydotnet · 11 months
Barakat, when consulted about the pertinence of the “Ceasefire Now!” slogan used by people sympathetic with the Palestinian Liberation cause worldwide as well as by many governments around the world, commented that no one in Gaza demands ceasefire because that plays into the narrative of two equal forces in a battlefield, when in reality the Palestinian Resistance can not be equated to the Israeli occupation in any way militarily, politically, or morally. However, he added that we have to look at who are demanding ceasefire in Gaza. “There are those who want this massacre to end; they want this genocide to stop,” he commented, referring to the demonstrations held worldwide in solidarity with the Palestinian people in recent days. “On an international level, in demonstrations, when someone chants ceasefire and people repeat that, our role, I think, is actually not to say we don’t want ceasefire, but to explain that the content of this is to stop the aggression, the Israeli aggression, and to ensure that the Palestinian resistance comes out victorious.” “For national liberation movements, for people being subjugated to ethnic cleansing and genocide, if you ask them to stop their fire, it’s just misleading,” Barakat continued. “And to be honest with you sometimes some groups that would adopt the ceasefire slogan, I think they care about the Israelis captured in Gaza. If there were no Israelis captured in Gaza, they would probably not demand ceasefire. Then again, some groups want ceasefire because they really want ceasefire. They’re buying into this ceasefire narrative… It depends who is saying this and how they are saying this. But as a movement, I won’t adopt or condone this slogan.” Additionally he pointed out “we cannot adopt slogans that don’t have content and meaning… we have to start giving content to these slogans.”
Special Interview With Khaled Barakat: Gaza Demands End of Genocide, Not ‘Ceasefire’
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nando161mando · 4 months
▶️ Khaled Barakat says the United States does not care a bit about Palestinian lives and is complicit in the war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian people.
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
by Jessica Costescu
"Columbia canceled the event, denying requests to use university space, as did Barnard," the spokeswoman told the Free Beacon. "Despite this, the event organizers held the event in a residence with an online option."
"We are investigating this matter and will not tolerate violations of university policy," the spokeswoman said.
Neither Barnard nor Columbia University Apartheid Divest responded to requests for comment.
The Sunday event featured a who's who of anti-Semitic activists. Kates serves as "international coordinator" of Samidoun, a group that advocates for "Palestinian prisoners," many of whom are convicted terrorists. In addition to its Israeli terror designation, Samidoun is banned in Germany over its support for Hamas terrorism.
Barakat, Kates's husband, has conducted interviews on behalf of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and Palestinian news sites describe him as a leader of the terror group. Israeli intelligence agencies say they have internal documents that cement his status as a PFLP terror leader.
Kiswani, meanwhile, has led pro-Hamas rallies in New York City through Within Our Lifetime, which she founded in 2015. Instagram removed the group's account last month after Kiswani used it to endorse Hamas's attack and advocate for "whatever means necessary it takes" to topple Israel.
During the event, Kates praised Iran as "a nation on the side of the Palestinian people, intervening and building a movement of resistance to free this entire region … from U.S. imperialism." She also advocated for a campaign to end America's list of designated terror organizations "entirely," saying the list stops Palestinian activists from staying "in contact" with foreign actors.
"It is important to popularize campaigns to … scrap the U.S. terror list entirely, or at the very least to get Palestinian, Lebanese, Yemeni, Filipino, and other revolutionary organizations off the terror list," Kates said. "Because that's a weapon that's being used against the Palestinian people, against the Arab people, and against the solidarity movement as a whole, and in order to kind of fundamentally deform the politics of the movement."
For his part, Barakat glowingly discussed the PFLP's wave of terrorism during the 1960s and 1970s. He specifically praised the terror group for hijacking airplanes, which he said "introduced the Palestinian questions to the world." Barakat falsely claimed the hijackings were done peacefully—in fact, PFLP hijackers killed at least two pilots and one Israeli passenger.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
Columbia indefinitely suspended four students and gave them 24 hours’ notice of eviction from University housing on Wednesday night for their alleged involvement in an unauthorized March 24 “Resistance 101” event, according to a document obtained by Spectator and interviews with affected students.
The University initially suspended six students and notified them of eviction, but lifted sanctions on two students on Thursday, a Columbia College sophomore whose suspension was lifted told Spectator. The sophomore said he was not involved in organizing nor did he attend the event, but lives in the residence hall where the panel was held.
In a document from the Center for Student Success and Intervention obtained by Spectator, a suspended student received preliminary charges of disruptive behavior, endangerment, violation of law, violation of University policy, and “failure to comply.” The student was sanctioned with an “interim” suspension, making them unable to participate in classes and extracurriculars or enter campus without prior arrangements through public safety.
The charges pertain to violations of the Center for Student Success and Intervention’s “Standards and Discipline,” which were included in the document sent to the student.
“You may remain in your Columbia residence for 24 hours after which time your access to your residence and dining services will also be suspended,” the document reads.
Chief Operating Officer Cas Holloway announced on March 28 that the University “engaged an outside firm led by experienced former law enforcement investigators to conduct an investigation” into the “Resistance 101” event.
The “Resistance 101” event featured Khaled Barakat, who is allegedly a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which has been designated by the United States as a terrorist organization. Barakat has denied any affiliation with the organization. Holloway wrote in his statement that the University “immediately notified law enforcement” and “banned the outside speakers from campus.”
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edwordsmyth · 9 months
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Testimony (above) from the West Bank on the dwindling distinction between zionist settlers and soldiers. "When we talk about Israeli settlers, we are talking about settlers who are armed. I describe them as paramilitary, and they act under the full cover and support of the Israeli official army. An Israeli settler could enter his settlement and in ten minutes come out with his full military fatigues and his rifle. They are attacking Palestinians, burning their farms, burning homes, doing all that the Israeli army does, except they’re more dangerous because they have no official responsibility. So, to distinguish between a civilian settler and an army is just a joke. Every Israeli settler in our homeland is a legitimate target for our resistance, and this has to be very clear." -Khaled Barakat (PFLP leader)
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justanothersimsblog · 27 days
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Amaritis and Khaled have been hitting it off more and more lately. And she has happily stepped in to help take care of the little ones.
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garadinervi · 3 months
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Gaza غزة‎, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beirut, Starting July 11, 2024, in partnership with Dar El-Nimer for Arts and Culture
Participating artists : Abdel Rahman Muzayen, Aissa Deebi, Areej Kaoud, Amal Al Nakhala, Amjad Ghannam, Boutros Al Maari, Dena Mattar, Dia Mrad, Fathi Ghabin, Fayez Al Hasani, Fawzi Omrani, Hani Alqam, Hani Zurob, Hazem Harb, Hussein Madi, Hussein Nassereddine, Ibrahim Mozain, Ingrid Rollema, Jehad Jarboa, Kamel Al Mughany, Khaled Jarada, Laila Al Shawa, Laila Hamzeh, Maher Naji, Maryam Salah, Mohamed Al Mufti, Mohamed Joha, Mohammed Al Hawajri, Mohamad Abusal, Muayyad Abu Amuna, Muhammad Al Rakouie, Neil Wood, Omran Al Kaissi, Oussama Baalbaki, Raed Issa, Rania Stephan, Saher Nassar, Salman Al Nawati, Shadi Alzaqzouq, Sharif Sarhan, Sherine Abdel Karim, Shayma Hasnen, Sumaya Sabih, Tammam Al Akhal, Tayseer Barakat, Taysir Batniji, Wael Al Sousi, Wasim Al Saadi
Artwork: Mohamed Joha, Solid City 03, (acrylic on canvas), 2021
«This is not an ordinary art exhibition, nor is it a solidarity event for Gaza, nor a protest outside embassies, foreign ministries, presidential offices, or city squares. It is a very humble attempt to preserve our humanity and affirm our resilience. It is a testament that we are alive, capable of reclaiming our role in preserving the remnants of life. Truly alive through action, striving to stop the genocide; this is a testament of action rather than mere prayer. This exhibition features over forty artists from Gaza, as well as artists who have depicted Gaza in their works. Through their art, we remember together that in Palestine, and particularly in Gaza, we have friends who were artists, martyred alongside doctors, teachers, students, firefighters, journalists… We have friends who were wounded, displaced, and forcibly removed from their homes, villages, and cities. We also have friends whose studios, workshops, offices and artistic creations, the culmination of their creativity, were all destroyed. We have friends whose aspirations for a somewhat normal life, and a future free from siege, characterized primarily by freedom, were shattered by airstrikes, tanks, and warships.» ― (excerpt from the announcement)
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allthegeopolitics · 5 months
Columbia University indefinitely suspended four students and evicted them from university housing after they attended an “unauthorised” pro-Palestinian event on campus. The event, called “Resistance 101”, featured Khaled Barakat, who some allege is a former senior official from the Popular Front For The Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The secular, Marxist movement is engaged in armed fighting against Israel in both Gaza and Lebanon and has been labelled a “terrorist organisation” by the European Union, the US and Canada. Barakat, who is based in Canada, denies involvement with the group, which shot to international prominence in the 1970s under its Palestinian founder, George Habash. 
Continue Reading
(News Article Posted April 8th)
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gryficowa · 4 days
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You know what pisses me off? That radical feminists and pro-lifers are silent as usual…
Now that I have your attention:
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goodbyeapathy8 · 5 months
Spot the Difference : US University Edition
Note : Until the page break, NONE of these points are opinions - they are all facts, with citations. Opinions are after the page break. October 25, 2022 Penn State University : 1. Proud Boys founder invited to give a speech 2. Proud Boys are "labeled a terrorist organization by New Zealand and Canada" (but not in the US) 3. Turnout = 100s of students 4. Protests turned violent 5. Charges : 1 criminal, 0 suspensions/expulsions/other sanctions by Penn State April 4, 2024 Columbia University : 1. Khaled Barakat, alleged member of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, invited to "Resistance 101" event 2. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine "been designated by the United States as a terrorist organization" (but nowhere else in the world) 3. Turnout = none, event canceled 4. No violence 5. Charges : Initial 6 suspensions, final - 4 students with indefinite suspensions
April 18, 2024 University of Southern California (USC) : 1. Asna Tabassum noted as valedictorian for Class of 2024 (speech not yet written) 2. Known to be Muslim, wears a hijab, publicly pro-Palestinian (none of which classifies her as a terrorist) 3. Turnout = none in person, "complaints" online by pro-Israel groups 4. No violence 5. Charges : none but the valedictorian speech was canceled April 19, 2024 Columbia University : 1. Pro Palestine student demonstrator occupied Columbia University lawn for over 30 hours 2. No organization affiliated with the protest, including Columbia University Apartheid Divest, have been linked to terrorism 3. Turnout = 100s of students 4. No violence 5. Charges : suspensions (unclear whether separate from April 4 suspensions), 100+ students arrested End facts. ----------------------- So. Let's compare. Yes, the three universities are different in location however... both Columbia University and Penn State used to boast a liberal arts education. "Such colleges aim to impart a broad general knowledge and develop general intellectual capacities, in contrast to a professional or vocational curriculum" per Wikipedia. Hmm.... you'd think freedom of speech is included in this, no? Which Penn State demonstrated by issuing a statement, paraphrasing, they do not agree with the Proud Boys but for the sake of freedom of speech, they approved the event. Only after students protested (with violence), it was canceled. I'm not gonna analyze more because if the above facts aren't CRYSTAL CLEAR to you... I don't know what else to say. Again - the top part had none of my actual opinion, simply facts I took from various news articles (including the direct source at the university, when possible).
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opencommunion · 8 months
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"The Bronx Anti War Coalition and Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network are partnering to organize a teach-in on Palestinian resistance. This event will dive into the reality of Palestinian life under Zionist occupation, the various forms of resistance employed, and the portrayal of their right to resist in mainstream Western media. The discussion will conclude with ways we can show solidarity and defend Palestinian resistance by any means necessary. By shedding light on the different armed resistance groups in Palestine and the 'Axis of Resistance' in the region, our objective is to demystify Arab resistance and arm you with the knowledge required to foster global solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle. Our esteemed speakers will include Charlotte Kates and Khaled Barakat, with moderation by Saher Al Khamash and Marina Samuel."
Feb 4 online - register here
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ghelgheli · 11 months
“The popular classes and the working classes are not going to rest until the left rebuilds itself,” Barakat stressed. “They’re going to support the forces that are still fighting. And when there is a vacuum, someone needs to fulfill the vacuum. In that atmosphere, with the 1979 Great Revolution of Iran, a new era began in the region,” and religious movements took up the task of the Palestinian resistance. He called out the inherent Islamophobia in the “anyone but Hamas” view, and stated, “We are part of the discourse of Liberation Theology. It’s not just churches, mosques can be revolutionary too… If a mosque is calling for the liberation of Palestine and for equality and for supporting the marginalized and the workers, then this mosque is playing a good role, a positive role. But if a mosque is calling for supporting the Saudi prince and extend the life of bin-Salman of Saudi Arabia, that’s a reactionary mosque and a reactionary imam. The way we look at churches, we should look at mosques with the same objectivity and the same way.” “Those who want to see the left rising and having military capabilities, they should go and support the left instead of saying they don’t like Hamas,” he advised. “It’s just a very bad position and not one Palestinian would respect that position, including any revolutionary leftist.”
Special Interview With Khaled Barakat: Gaza Demands End of Genocide, Not ‘Ceasefire’ [Orinoco Tribune]
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a-very-tired-jew · 5 months
Canada recently had a protest led by a PFLP subsidiary
So Canada recently had an anti-Israel protest led by Samidoun the other day. Samidoun is considered a subsidiary of the PFLP and was even founded by members from it. The group regularly endorses terrorism and uses the "freedom fighter / resistance fighter" argument to defend their actions. Some quotes from the protest by Charlotte Kates, the wife of PFLP member and Samidoun co-founder and coordinator Khaled Barakat: "We stand with the Palestinian resistance and their heroic brave action on October 7." "Hamas is not a terrorist organization, [Palestinian} Islamic Jihad is not a terrorist organization, PFLP is not a terrorist organization, Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization. These are resistance fighters. These are our heroes." Remember, the PFLP has a long sordid history of hijackings and bombings. Samidoun being a subsidiary of them and saying all these groups are their heroes and supporting their actions... well that's very telling.
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Khaled Barakat (Terrorist): "The 'liberation' of Palestine will mean changing the entire region."
No shit. It means exterminating the Jews and obliterating Israel. The first step on their conquest of the world, just as they've been openly saying for years.
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These useful idiots are domestic terrorists and should be treated as such. How the fuck did we get to the point where privileged, first world students at Ivy League colleges are taking meeting with and cheering on terrorists?
I've been saying for weeks that there's no difference between "pro-Palestine" and pro-Hamas.
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edwordsmyth · 10 months
"Today the PLO and the Palestinian Authority leadership are traitors and tools in the hands of Israel. And Hamas is leading the Palestinian resistance, but not just the armed resistance. If you look at elections, let’s say the student movement elections, or labor elections, or any kind of really popular assembly elections, Hamas will win with majority. Palestinian people are voting for Hamas in the most prestigious Palestinian liberal universities, like Birzeit University, Hamas will win student council elections. Even in Christian universities, Hamas will win by Christian votes. Does that mean that the Palestinian people don’t understand Hamas? And these Western liberals understand the situation more than we do? We are part of the discourse of Liberation Theology. It’s not just churches, mosques can be revolutionary too. If a mosque is calling for the liberation of Palestine, and for equality, and for supporting the marginalized and the workers, then this mosque is playing a good role, a positive role. But if a mosque is calling for supporting the Saudi prince and extend the life of bin-Salman of Saudi Arabia, that’s a reactionary mosque and a reactionary imam. The way we look at churches, we should look at mosques with the same objectivity and the same way. Those who want to see the left rising and having military capabilities, they should go and support the left instead of saying they don’t like Hamas. It’s just a very bad position and not one Palestinian would respect that position, including any revolutionary leftist." -Khaled Barakat (leader of the PFLP)
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justanothersimsblog · 26 days
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