#Realizing there is a correlation between the quality of my thoughts and the number of meals I've eaten
tallmantall · 2 years
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth - #AirPollution Can Drive People To Kill Themselves
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The cause seems to be brain inflammation provoked by tiny, airborne particles Polluted air is bad for your health. It increases the risk of strokes, #heartdisease and a list of respiratory illnesses. It is linked, as well, to low productivity at work and poor scores on academic tests. And #pollution may have a yet-more-sinister effect. It may also promote #suicide. Claudia Persico and David Marcotte of the #American University, in Washington, dc, examined #suicides throughout #America between 2003 and 2010. They looked for a link between these and aerial levels of fine particulate matter known as pm2.5 because its particles are less than 2.5 microns across. These can enter the bloodstream via the lungs. They hypothesised that poor air quality worsens people’s moods, which in turn increases the likelihood of someone experiencing #suicidalthoughts. #Suicide rates vary for many reasons, so the two researchers concentrated on correlating day-to-day changes in the number of #suicides in particular places with fluctuating #airpollution levels caused by alterations in wind direction. In Boston, for example, north-easterlies blowing into the city from industrial areas bring air carrying around five micrograms per cubic metre more pm2.5 than westerlies from upstate Massachusetts. The researchers worked out these wind-related pollution patterns for every county in #America, and matched them with daily #suicide statistics. Their analysis was published as a working paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It found that an increase of one microgram per cubic metre in pm2.5 in a given place was linked to an average rise in daily #suiciderates of just under 0.5%, and if that increased level was sustained for a month, hospital admissions connected with attempted #suicides rose by 50%. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleOrder your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife:From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com An inflammatory conclusion These results stood up even when controlled for temperature and cloud cover, which might feasibly affect mood and be related to wind direction. There was, however, geographical variation. Dr Persico and Dr Marcotte found that the impact of pollution on #suiciderates was greatest in poorer counties, in those with more unemployment, and in those with liberal gun-ownership laws, since access to a firearm presumably makes it easier for a potential #suicide to turn thought into deed. To test directly the idea that poor air quality worsens mood they took data from surveys about mood and #mental state and checked whether the answers were related to pollution levels in respondents’ home towns in the month leading up to the survey. They found that even a single additional day in a typical month during which pm2.5 levels were above 35 micrograms per cubic metre was associated with a small but consistent increase in how often people reported they felt depressed, had little pleasure in doing things or were tired and lacked energy. They also found an increase of around 1% in the number who had been told by a #doctor that they had #depression. Previous research has shown that pm2.5 pollution can cause an inflammatory response in organs, including the brain. Many researchers think inflammation disrupts normal operation of the brain’s reward pathways, which help regulate mood. Consistent with this, some trials have found that anti-inflammatory drugs improve mood in those with #depression. Other work, meanwhile, shows that such people have consistently higher concentrations than others of proteins called cytokines, released during inflammation, in their blood, and that #suicide victims, examined after death, have high levels of inflammatory cytokines in their brains. In #America, average pm2.5 levels in populated areas are around twice the #WorldHealthOrganization recommended maximum of five micrograms per cubic metre. A study published in 2021 suggests meeting that figure might save 100,000 lives a year. In this context the 770 #suicides which would, if Dr Persico and Dr Marcotte are correct, be avoided by this reduction are only a small extra saving. But #suicide is such a tragic end to life that it would be a particularly welcome one.  Read the full article
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
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The idea of Ranko pretending he has a crush to annoy Chiaki is so funny to me for some reason
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gemeauxlogy · 5 years
10 things I wish I knew about astrology when I began studying
As we all know, astrology is a huge, beautiful, but complicated field of study. There are infinite traditions, techniques, and approaches that you could spend years and years studying just a couple of them at a time! Astrology is one of those subjects that never ceases to amaze you and you never fully finish learning about it or "master" all of it. It weirdly gets more confusing and complex the longer you study it!
The things we read and learn about astrology when we first start out studying are usually very different from what we learn as we continue studying longterm. You'll start to have sudden crises and realize "wait, this entire concept I learned a while back doesn't work at all how I originally thought it did," or "I just learned this new concept and it makes some things I learned a while ago make absolutely no sense, so now I have to change my entire view on astrology." Since there's so much information and so many different approaches to astrology, it takes time to really sort through everything to find what's helpful and useful to you, and what's not.
The things I'll be talking about here are tips that I really, really wish I had known earlier on in my studies to save me time and confusion. Not everyone will agree with me on all of these points, but these are some things I've learned, or realizations I've had that really changed the game for me.
1. Cookbook interpretations aren't totally accurate when studying or reading a chart.
When I say 'cookbook interpretation,' I'm referring to the interpretations where you simply look up "planet x in sign/house y" or "planet x aspecting planet y" and it gives you a bunch of generic possible meanings without being personalized to the specific chart you're looking it. They're sort of a one-size-fits-all summary that glazes over all of the nuance and context provided by the rest of the chart.
If you were to draw up another birth chart with the same placement you're interested in researching, but all the other components of the chart are different, you would get the exact same interpretation of that single placement regardless of how different the two charts are as a whole. Those types of interpretations can only go so far. They're great to start off with, don't get me wrong! It's impossible to look at a birth chart and be able to start putting all of the pieces together to form a personalized interpretation when you first start using astrology or learning about your own chart. Chances are, you don't even recognize the astrological glyphs yet! We can't suddenly come up with advanced interpretations right off the bat, we have to start somewhere.
Those cookbook interpretations are great to get a broad sense of what a placement does on its own, but in reality, no single placement functions as if it were immune to the influence of everything else in the chart. Every chart is unique. All of the different components factor into how each placement will manifest, which means a simple, generic description of a placement won't truly encapsulate the many facets that make your placements unique to you. If your goal is to study astrology seriously and practice it professionally or do readings for other people, I think it's incredibly important to eventually stop relying on those generic interpretations.
Don't worry about trying to memorize or make your interpretations perfectly match what websites say about them. They more than likely won't exactly fit an individual's chart since there's a lot more going on in a whole chart than a general summary will take into consideration.
If you want to learn how to provide impactful readings, break up with those short cut interpretations and practice gathering more individually accurate information from a chart.
2. Astrology is primarily centered around the planets, not the signs.
We're so used to seeing the signs being portrayed as the core component in astrology, that the majority of people don't even know astrology has more to it than that. Of course that's mainly because the average person hasn't really been exposed to astrology aside from seeing their horoscope in a magazine, but that focus on the signs even tends to carry over when we start studying horoscopic astrology (horoscopic astrology: the type of astrology that uses full charts that include your ascendant (rising), and the other planets/points that we know and love).
It's super easy and even fun to play with the idea of what the signs do and how we see those qualities reflected in people. But when you really look at it, the signs on their own are honestly very limited with what they can do and the influence they have in astrology overall. When we center our astrology around the signs (I've seen some astrologers call this "signology"), we're not too far off from doing exactly what people accuse horoscopes of doing: generalizing all people based on just 12 plain archetypes.
We know that there's a lot more to astrology than sorting people into 12 sets of characteristics, but we miss out on what astrology is fully capable of when we reduce it to the signs with a smaller mixture of planets, houses, and aspects on the side.
Aside from those considerations, let's look at the foundations of astrology. Looking back at the work of ancient astrologers, planets were the primary focus of astrology from the beginning. Astrology began with people observing the appearance and tracking the movements of the "wandering stars" in the sky, and taking those planets' qualities into consideration when determining what their jobs were. People used the planets to predict events long before systems of zodiac signs, houses, and aspects were formed. Hundreds of years before the zodiac signs that we know today were standardized, Babylonian astrologers used 17-18 constellations to track the motion of the planets. The zodiac "signs" back then weren't even the same as the ones we know now.
Later on when more systems, doctrines, and techniques were being developed, astrologers used the planetary rulership scheme to develop the meanings of the signs, NOT the other way around. Let me repeat that, because this is important. The signs did not pass their meanings on to the planets, the signs GOT their meanings FROM the planets they're ruled by.
Mercury doesn't represent communication because Gemini is associated with talkativeness, Gemini is associated with talkativeness because it is ruled by the planet Mercury. Capricorn didn't pass on some of its meaning on to Saturn, Capricorn got its meaning FROM its ruler, Saturn. The same goes for all of the other signs.
I'm being so thorough with this point because it makes it clear that even if you DO mainly use the signs, those signs' meanings are based on the planets, just like with the majority of other concepts in astrology.
Even breaking it down to one of the first things a lot of us learn in astrology, the signs simply tell you HOW the planets do what they do. The signs don't act on their own. The planets' positions and movements are ultimately what we pay attention to in astrology, whether it's in birth charts, horary charts, election charts, or even tracking transits' correlations to current events (mundane astrology).
If I have an empty house in my chart, what do I look for to find the meaning of that house? I look at where planetary ruler of that house is placed. If I want to know what changes my career will go through over the next year, what do I look for? The transits of the planetary ruler of my Midheaven or 10th house, or even looking at the different planets that will be moving past my Midheaven or through my 10th house.
The planets are key in astrology.
Understanding the how the planets work and making them your focus will improve what you do. Learn their strengths, their weaknesses, their temperaments, their cycles, etc, and it'll drastically change how you use astrology.
3. The signs are not equivalent to the houses.
I'll keep this one brief and direct because it seems to be a big topic of debate among astrologers.
To define them as best as I can, the signs are segments of the ecliptic (the annual path through space the Sun makes from the earth's POV) that the planets move through because of their rotation around the Sun (this planetary movement is called 'secondary motion'). The houses are segments of the earth's sky from a specific location that the planets seem to rotate through on a daily basis because of the earth's rotation on its axis (this daily movement is called 'primary motion').
Here are some pictures to try and help you visualize the difference between these two things.
The signs:
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The Houses:
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The houses (segments of the earth's sky) represent topics and areas of our lives. The signs (segments of the ecliptic) give the planets transiting through them different characteristics, and tell us which planets rule those transiting planets. They have two different purposes, which is why I firmly believe that we need to separate their meanings. Of course this is complicated a bit by what we call the '12 letter alphabet,' where we see Aries, Mars, and the 1st house all treated as being "naturally connected," then Taurus, Venus, and the 2nd house all are treated as being "naturally connected," and so on. The 12 letter alphabet is everywhere, unfortunately, so it takes most of us a while to come around to the fact that the houses and signs do not share purposes in astrology just because they're numbered the same (Aries = 1st house because it's the1st sign of the zodiac, etc).
To reiterate what I'm saying here, Aries (and Mars) does not "naturally rule" the 1st house. Taurus (and Venus) does not "naturally rule" the 2nd house. Gemini (and Mercury) does not "naturally rule" the 3rd house, and the same goes for the rest of the signs and houses.
Unless you're an Aries rising, this concept does not work. If you're a Capricorn rising, Saturn rules your 1st and 2nd houses, Jupiter rules your 3rd house, Mars rules your 4th house, Venus rules your 5th house, and so on. The ONLY people who have Aries + Mars associated with / ruling the 1st house are Aries risings. The ONLY people who have Capricorn + Saturn associated with / ruling the 10th house are Aries risings. I can't emphasize this enough.
If you really want to get into where the houses got their meanings, their position in the earth's sky, angularity (whether they're angular, succedent, or cadent), and planetary joys played a big part in that. I won't get into these right now, but if you want resources on these concepts, I recommend the lecture on the houses from The Astrology School.
Bottom line for this point: learn to distinguish the signs and houses. For a lot of us, the houses made almost no sense until we learned that they ARE NOT the same as the signs, and they shouldn't be treated as such.
4. The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are not usually very personally significant in a birth chart.
These three planets are called the 'generational planets' for a reason. They group together entire generations of people, which means their positions by sign are the same for people born within years and years of each other. They're so far from the Sun and they move so slowly that they are not as consistently active as the rest of the planets. Uranus takes around 8 years to move through ONE sign, which means everyone within 8 years of your age have the exact same Uranus sign as you. The same goes for Neptune and Pluto, but they're even slower, which means you share that sign placement with even more people.
So yes, I may have Pluto in Sagittarius and it supposedly makes me so adventurous and ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* free spirit *:・゚✧*:・゚✧, but everyone born from 1996 to 2009 have Pluto in Sagittarius as well. Think about how many people were born in that 13 year long time span! And that's relatively quick for Pluto considering the fact that it can spend up to 31 YEARS in one sign.
A side note (and this is a personal belief, but I do know others who think this as well): I believe that Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto function differently from the other 7 planets. Part of what determines what the planets do is their visibility in the sky, their brightness, their color, and their speed. Fast planets are more active or faster to manifest than the slower moving ones. The brighter planets (Jupiter and Venus) are benefic, the dimmer, more muddy colored planets (Saturn and Mars) are malefic. Things like these are how ancient astrologers made note of what the planets represent. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are newer planets (discovered within the last 200 years), so those same astrologers obviously weren't around to use those same guidelines to decide what they represent and how they work. But if you take those same things into consideration, the outer planets wouldn't be as significant in general, and some consider them to be malefics because 1) they're not visible to the naked eye, and 2) they're SO slow.
I still do take the outer planets into consideration in certain cases (which I'll go over later), but overall, I believe that they work differently because of their qualities. Unlike the 7 visible planets which rule over signs, and represent topics, people, etc, I believe that the invisible outer planets act more as influencers. I don't believe that Uranus rules technology itself (technology is very Mercurial), but I do think it has to do with the progression of humanity, and therefore the progression of technology. I don't believe that Neptune rules the subconscious, but I do believe that Neptune tends to hide things or confuse and muddy things up. I believe they have specific qualities that they tend to throw into everything else going on in a chart, but don't rule over the common, everyday things we deal with.
In a lecture I once listened to, Robert Schmidt said something like "If the outer planets are transcendental, why do we reduce them to common topics and objects?" That really confirmed my view on those planets. (I don't remember the exact quote, so don't hold me to that.)
The only time I'll really consider an outer planet to be influential in a chart is if A) it's in an angular house, or B) they're very tightly aspecting other inner planets.
5. Your birth chart is not limited to only being about your personality.
This one is pretty simple. Modern astrology for the most part poses your entire chart as being ALL YOU. As if every piece of your chart is simply a different part of your personality. That's not completely the case. Of course your chart can tell you about your personality, but it also can tell you about your life as a whole, which includes people and things that are not you. You can see different people, places, topics, objects, and more in your chart!
Want to know about your romantic partners? Look at your 5th house, 7th house, their rulers, or Venus. Want to know about your friends? Look at your 3rd house, 11th house, their rulers, or Jupiter. Want to know about your neighbors? Look at your 3rd house and its ruler. Want to know about your debts and inheritances? Look at your 8th house and its ruler. The list goes on.
Just about anything that is in your life in any way can be seen somewhere in your chart. Don't go on studying thinking that your chart can only tell you about how you behave!
6. It's normal to feel like certain placements and aspects in your chart don't fully resonate with you at all times!
This is another one I learned through traditional astrology that modern astrology didn't teach me. Not all of your chart is active at all times throughout your entire life! Your chart tells you the story that is your life, and throughout that story, different planets will become a major character, take charge and become more evident in your life than they may have been before or may be later.
This is something that timing techniques such as profections, zodiacal releasing, solar return charts, and more, can tell you. I won't go into how to do use those techniques in this post, but it's something to keep in mind and research!
7. Indicators specific to your birth chart are just as important, if not more important than general indicators.
When I talk about indicators in this case, I'm talking about planets that represent (indicate) certain things in your chart. An example of something that a planet generally indicates is Venus representing relationships. This can apply to everyone, which is why it's a general indicator. Let's say Venus in your birth chart rules the 3rd house and 10th house. In that case, Venus would also represent (be an indicator for) your environment (3rd house) and your career (10th house). These indications of Venus unique to your birth chart. Another example would be the ruler of your 7th house representing relationships. That ruler isn't always Venus, it's based on your own birth chart and it's unique to you. The reason I think this is something important to pay talk about now is because it's something I don't see talked about with beginners all that often, and I really wish I had learned that sooner.
This goes for all other topics and people! Pay attention to all of it, not only the general indicators just because they apply to everyone and are used more commonly.
8. Retrogrades aren't that big of a deal!
We've all seen the hype surrounding retrograde phases. Of course they do have significance and meaning, but they're not anything to be afraid of. They're completely normal, you've gone through so many in your life already, and you'll go through many more. Retrogrades happen because of the planets' rotations around the Sun from our point of view. Since the planets are constantly rotating around the Sun, retrogrades are just part of their cycle and they occur regularly. It's nothing to psyche yourself out or get nervous about! Even when 8 planets are retrograde all within one year, it's still normal, because this happens about every 2 or 3 years! Mercury is retrograde three separate times every single year, and some planets, like Saturn for example, are retrograde for about 5 months out of every single year.
Even though retrogrades do happen regularly, not all of them are significant for you personally. This goes back to what I said before about timing techniques. If a planet is activated for you and it's retrograde, or if a house is activated and a retrograde planet is transiting through it, it's more likely to be significant for you. If a planet or the house that a retrograde planet is moving through is not activated, it's probably not going to be as impactful on you directly.
Either way, retrogrades aren't all big and bad and scary, so try not to let the hype around them get to you! Don't let those "there are 6 retrogrades this year, karma is gonna kick all our asses!!" posts scare you. Save your energy!
9. Your draconic chart is not your "soul's journey."
I'm not even completely sure where this idea came from, it's just something that circulated on Twitter for a while and we all ate it up without question. First of all, ??? Second of all, it's been confirmed that the concept of how draconic charts are drawn up was just a mistranslation, and so it's not even a very reliable concept. I've read something similar about sidereal astrology too and I kind of question that concept of "ego vs soul's journey" as well, although sidereal IS a valid system to use if you choose. That's a whole other topic that's too big for this post, so I won't get into it. This is a super short point, but I wasted time looking at my draconic chart a couple years ago, so I figured I'd share that to save others the trouble.
10. Contrary to popular belief, traditional astrology isn't irrelevant just because it's old.
There's this common argument that modern astrology dominates over traditional astrology because it has taken all the best parts of the tradition and grown from it. This is not true!
Due to political and religious changes throughout history that resulted in astrologers being exiled, astrology texts being outlawed, burned, and/or lost, a good majority of thousands of years of astrological work was missing for hundreds of years. This means that when newer astrology began to come around, a lot of the knowledge and progress that had been made throughout history wasn't taken into consideration. If they didn't even know about all of this lost knowledge, how could they build upon it to make the practice better?
Modern astrology wasn't exactly created because traditional astrology was deemed unfit and outdated. There was just a lack of awareness of the traditions for the most part because of lost texts and the fading off of astrology. Astrology wasn't always popular or legal, and the internet hasn't always been around, so it wasn't easy to find astrologers to learn from or get consultations from, books to read or anything like what we have today. It was only in the past 30 or so years that astrologers began rediscovering and translating ancient texts, which brought back some very useful and advanced techniques that had been lost for hundreds of years. 30 years is VERY recent, and work is still being done to recover those lost texts and techniques, so these concepts still haven't fully been reincorporated into modern astrology yet.
We live in a time where astrology resources are more accessible than ever, astrologers are everywhere, and astrology itself is pretty popular. Take advantage of all of the knowledge we have available to learn from! Don't dismiss tradition just because it's incorrectly assumed to be irrelevant to what we do in modern times. This is the perfect time to learn from all sorts of traditions and figure out how they can work with the newly developed concepts we have today.
Thank you for reading this long post! I have other things I want to address, but some topics are too big to cram multiple into one post, so we'll talk about those later on.
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This is truly magnificent analysis. It's a bit of a long read, but it is ABSOLUTELY magically clarifying. I'll include my thoughts in a follow-up because this is perfectly in line with something I've been thinking about for a while.
Buckle up, this one is a bit of a roller coaster.
Let’s talk population density.
Do you know the population density of the zip code you live in?
What about the population density of where you spent your formative years?
That’s a bit of a rhetorical question, because I’m guessing the answer is no. I certainly didn’t, so I’d be impressed and surprised if I asked someone this question in casual conversation and they rattled off the number to me.
I’d never thought about population density until I traveled to India in 2018. We flew into Mumbai which has a population density of 75,000 people per sq. mi. To give you some perspective, NYC has 27,000 per sq. mi. (post originally said 10,431people but that is per sq. km. not mi.) and as most of my friends are familiar with King of The Hammers, in Johnson Valley, when Hammertown doesn’t exist, it has a population density of 15.2 people per sq. mi.
Mumbai has the highest population density of any city in the world, and until you’ve experienced it, it’s hard to describe. If you have ever been in the first 10 rows of a sold-out standing room only concert, that is as close as I can relate to how people move through the streets of Mumbai. There is literally no such thing as personal space. Not for you, not for your vehicle. I think one of the most fascinating things our entire group realized in Mumbai is whatever you do, do NOT stop. Merge in, merge out, but sudden stops cause pile ups of humans, vehicles, etc. Everything is in fluid motion, when you step into the stream you go with the current, when you need to leave the stream you move to the edges and hop out. What was also interesting was the lack of rage or frustration we saw, and the lack of accidents! I don’t think I saw two people yell at each other the entire time we were there. Same with car accidents, I saw one slight bumper brush. Nothing worth stopping over, as every car had marks from similar encounters.
You would think with so much closeness fights would break out often, accidents would be on every corner. But something strange happens. There is no space for the individual in that type of population density. If you wanted to stop and be mad or outraged, you would literally be trampled. So you move with the flow, or you step outside of it. One person cannot go against the current and be successful, individual needs simply cannot matter for society to function in that type of population density. This is different from NYC where you do see individuals disagree on street corners. Because even as dense as NYC is there is room for the individual. Even our most densely populated cities are nothing compared to other countries. America has space and the individual has rights.
When this country was founded the population density of even our biggest cities was a fraction of large cities in Europe. Which is why our constitution so heavily outlines the liberties and freedoms of the individual compared to places like England where their population density even today is 10 times that of the United States as a whole.
Ever since news of the pandemic broke I’ve found myself fascinated with population density in the US. This fascination started because it seemed obvious to me that the transmission of COVID would happen far faster in our highest population density areas of the country. Wikipedia has a list of cities by population density. Here’s how the top 20 most dense cities breaks down: 9 in New Jersey (NYC metro area),4 in CA (LA metro area), 3 in NY (NYC metro area), 2 in Florida (Miami metro area), 1 in Mass (Boston metro area), and 1 in Kentucky (Louisville). Except for Kentucky these population dense areas directly correlate to the highest areas of infection in the country.
But my fascination with population density didn’t stop at the pandemic. I wanted to understand population densities of different areas. I started looking up places I’d lived and visited that felt both dense and sparse population wise. It should come as no surprise that cities are always the most dense and rural areas are always the most sparse.
Then as the mask debate started unfolding in my newsfeed, I found myself loosely assigning a population density to people as they made their stance on masks known. Those that lived in higher population densities were usually more for masks than those who lived in less population dense areas.
Again, this made sense. Those that live in cities encounter more people in a day going about their routine. If they live in high-density housing, they share elevators, stairwells, mailrooms, lobbies, etc. The needs of the individual matter less the higher the density, so fighting the mask goes against the stream. You can do it, but it’s not easy.
Those I know that live more rural were less inclined to want to wear masks. I’ve found a general rule of thumb in casual conversation is if you can walk to your nearest market (even if it’s a gas station or 7/11), you understand the need for a mask. If you MUST drive to your nearest market, you likely don’t have to encounter many people in a day if you choose not to, and masks feel like just another unnecessary restriction imposed by the government. The individual has more freedoms and rejects government oversight more the lower the population density.
At some point this year I saw some people sharing an image of the US broken up by red states (Republican) vs. blue states (Democrat), compared to a map of COVID cases. At the time, the blue states almost directly correlated to where the highest COVID outbreaks were happening. The conclusion those sharing this map were trying to draw was that COVID was political and made up by the political leaders of blue states. It was largely those living in unaffected areas sharing this map and drawing these conclusions.
What I took from these images was that the higher the density the more likely an area was to be run by Democrats. Which lead me down a rabbit hole. Apparently, someone named Dave Troy noticed the same thing, and wrote an interesting article based on the 2012 election between Obama and Romney. 98% of the 50 most dense counties voted Obama. 98% of the 50 least dense counties voted Romney.
And this Dave guy sounds like someone I would enjoy having a discussion with. Because this data drew him to the same question I had. Where is the crossover point in population density between those that vote Republican vs. those that vote Democrat? The data says that at about 800 people per sq. mi. people switch from voting primarily Republican to voting primarily Democrat. Below 800 people per sq. mi. there is a 66% chance that you voted Republican in 2012. The data doesn’t appear much different in the following years.
So why does this matter? Because how you were raised and how you live has a huge impact on what matters to you from your politicians and your government.
Those I know that grew up in less dense areas had to be self-reliant. When calling 911 means you’re likely waiting 20 minutes or longer for police, an ambulance, or a fire truck. You have to be able to defend yourself, handle your own first aid, and rely on your neighbors to help in critical emergency situations. When I tell people in Southern California that where I grew up had volunteer firefighters and EMTs they don’t believe me.
The more rural you are, the less you rely on government entities for your day-to-day needs. The most rural have well water, septic systems, take their trash to the dump, if it snows, they have a vehicle that can plow, and the truly rural use propane for power and heat. They are not reliant on most services provided by the public utilities. They use guns as tools to protect their animals and their family from prey and from vermin. They do not really encounter homeless people, as even the poorest can usually find a shack to live out of and require a vehicle to get around. These people in less dense areas do not depend on the government to solve their problems. They’d prefer government stay out of their lives completely. Less taxes, less oversight, less being told what to do. To the rural, it seems like every time the government interferes in their life, they lose another freedom, and their quality of life diminishes.
Those I know that grew up in more dense areas are used to calling 911 to handle emergencies. Their streets are swept in the summer and plowed in the winter. Their trash is picked up on the same day weekly. They don’t have space for cars and tools, so they tend to take public transportation or walk. They call someone when something breaks that requires tools they don’t own. They are used to encountering the homeless on the streets as part of their daily life. The truly poor and homeless usually end up in cities as the services to help the sick, mentally ill and the poorest among us are more available in dense areas. So the wealthy interact with the poor in cities far more than they do in rural areas. Those in higher density areas are willing to pay for government services because they are a regular part of their daily lives and make life more manageable. Without these services, the quality of life they know would not exist.
This got me thinking about some research I did a few years ago, when I learned that the average American only lives 18 miles from their mother. Those in NY and PA only live on average 8 miles from their mothers. From Kentucky to Louisiana the average is 6 miles. Less than 20% of Americans live more than a few hours drive from mom. The further you move from home depends greatly on your education and income. For the most part, the wealthier you are, the more you can pay for child and elder care, making it easier to travel further from home. Also, the more educated, the more likely you are to travel to utilize your education in a specialized career field.
So what does this have to do with population density? Most Americans never leave the population density we were raised in. Why does this matter? Because that means most Americans can’t understand or relate to the needs of those that live in population densities that differ from their own.
My friends that have been raised in cities see guns primarily as a source of violence. My friends that live rurally see guns as a necessary tool for their way of life. My friends that have been raised rurally don’t understand the need for taxes and government services, where they come from you take care of your own problems. My friends that live in cities, could not imagine a life without public utilities and governmental oversight of social problems.
Neither are wrong. Their needs and perspective are just vastly different.
I also realized that I’m probably in a small percentage of the American population. I have spent the last 20 years living more than 2500 miles from my closest family members, which puts me into the 20% category plus I was raised and lived in both high density population areas and low density population areas throughout my life.
Here’s my life by population density:
Age: 0-10 Zip: 14613 Pop Dens: 7323.5 people per sq. mi.
Age: 11-18 Zip: 14468 Pop Dens: 345 people per sq. mi.
Age: 18-22 Zip: 14850 Pop Dens: 5,722 people per sq. mi.
Age: 25-32 Zip: 92606 Pop Dens: 4,913 people per sq. mi.
Age: 33-43 Zip: 91773/91750 Pop Dens 2,163/1245 people per sq. mi.
I went to inner city schools as a young child. I was upset that my mother could not put my hair in corn rows with the pretty beads like my friends wore. I learned civil rights songs taught to me by our bi-racial music teacher and came home and sang them for my disapproving father who was raised in Shinglehouse, PA with a population density of 26.5 people per sq. mi.
Then at the age of 11 my family moved out of the city and into the country. We lived on 20+ acres of land and the population was 98% white. I didn’t walk to school anymore, heck, we didn’t really walk to our neighbor’s house because country roads don’t have sidewalks.
Then I went away to college for 4 years where I lived part of that time on the 11th floor of a tower, with a shared elevator, lobby, and I didn’t own a car. I walked everywhere, took the bus or would grab a ride from my few friends with cars if it wasn’t feasible to take public transportation.
After college I moved to Southern California. I spent my first 10 years as an adult mostly living in condos and townhomes in wealthier higher density areas, where I would say the majority leaned slightly left, but there was a fiscally conservative undertone. But I spent most weekends taking my Jeep to lower population density areas to live a life more closely to what I had on the farm growing up. Less government oversights. No one ticketing my Jeep for a few stickers as a commercial vehicle, etc.
Currently, I live in Los Angeles County, one of the highest populations in the country. But I live in one of the lowest density zip codes within that county. We have horse property and rodeos, and one of the only country bars in Southern California. Our population is almost completely split down the middle between left and right. I don’t have a sidewalk but a half a mile down the road they do. I can walk to the 7/11 and the subway around the corner but need to drive to the closest grocery store.
I’ve come to realize that just about every polarizing debate I see my friends having; I can see both sides of the argument. And I’m starting to suspect it’s because I’ve lived in both their worlds. I can relate and understand their needs and where they are coming from because I’ve experienced each of their way of life to a certain extent. Most in this country are raised one way and live that way for life. And how we want to live really comes down to the population density in which we have existed.
I truly believe our population density experience matters more to our political views than education, income, race, gender or sexuality.
As a society we are so wrapped up in left vs. right. Liberal vs. conservative. We figure out which we identify with and lump every social/political issue we agree with into “our” category, and everyone we disagree with into “their” category. I don’t see this really helping us hear each other any better. It more results in people trying to prove why they are right.
Since I’ve started considering people’s population density experiences in life (if I know them and have a reasonable idea) I have found a new filter with which to view information that is far more conducive to understanding their point of view than the filters we currently use.
Mark Twain once wrote, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”
And while I think there’s some truth to that, travel in Mark Twain’s day and age is different than how we travel today. For instance, when I go to Baja, I like to stay in the small towns and eat at the local restaurants. But I have many friends that only go to all inclusive resorts, or stay in tourist areas, never venturing outside of the luxury they are there to enjoy. They don’t spend time in the rural areas seeing what life is really like. Traveling with ULTRA4 and for off road has kept me outside of most tourist areas. Where there’s only one place to stay and you have to explore local eating options. Seeing the countryside and how people live both in US and in Europe. I prefer to travel this way.
Many of us with the means to travel prefer to vacation how we live. The more rural we live day to day, the less spending a week in NYC sounds like fun. But going camping in the woods likely appeals to us. And those that live in cities, tend to not choose wilderness adventures for their downtime. The travel to help us see how other people live that existed in Twain’s time doesn’t really happen in our service oriented society where restaurants and hotels are abundant most places. We can eat at the same restaurants and sleep at the same hotels from one side of the country to the other. We’ve stopped getting outside of our own bubbles even when we travel.
I don’t know what we can do that would expose us to other ways of life like travel in Twain’s age did. But we probably need to figure it out to stop the divide from separating this country further.
From the beginning of 1900s through the Vietnam War between 7 and 9 percent of Americans were in military service. Today less than 0.5% of Americans serve in the military. That was one way that we used to expose Americans to life outside of what they grew up with. College is another way, but as costs have risen, more students continue to live at home and attend community colleges or local universities vs. leaving home to experience a different way of life between 18 and 22.
I find myself thinking about kids who go off to the army or away to college. They are forced outside their comfort zones. Some thrive there, some don’t. But they learn a different way of existing, at least for a little while. The type of travel Mark Twain is talking about. Part of me wonders if we shouldn’t offer some sort of service requirement for our youth between say 18 and 20 that requires them to get involved in something to help the country, away from where they were raised, military or civil service. If they were raised in a city, working on rural projects. If they were raised rurally, working on urban projects. Just to have a frame of reference for how diverse this country truly is and how different our needs are based on that diversity. But this is a topic for another day. You’ve already been too kind reading this far.
I don’t have the answers. But I’m glad I’ve finally put down some of the thoughts I’ve had floating around in my head regarding population density. Kudos to those of you that stuck it out.
If you’re like me and are curious about your own population density experiences, I’ve included a link in the comments where you can throw in zip codes and see what your exposure has been.
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Academic Stress and the Health of University Students
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     Just as the saying goes: ’Happiness lies first of all in health. ’, which indicates that health can be the most necessary part in our life. However, many people, especially the young, do not care about their physical health and their lifestyle. In fact, this kind of issue, does harm to students’ life or even their future. According to the report of Xiao Ying, 45-47% of the diseases people have today are related to their lifestyle. It matters that people who seldom concern about their health when they are young, highly have the risk of catching horrible diseases like a cancer (Xiao 2008).       I have completed a small research in a course in China and the conclusion is: Too much pressure in the study has a negative impact on students’ health. Then, if students do not realize it or do not change their lifestyle immediately, they will catch some chronic diseases and feel tired all day. Finally, proper exercise does help students build up a healthy body.
      In recent years, students really suffer the consequences of neglecting their health. Due to the study pressure, many college students ignore their physical health. '68% of the people admit that they have experienced back, neck and shoulder pain.' Unconsciously, their health becomes worse gradually (Qin 2011). What’s more, they may catch some chronic disease. For example, about 24% of the university students have gastroenteritis and stomach ache (Qin 2011). In addition, they do not consider exercise as key to their health. The research done by Qin shows that 87% students exercise only twice or fewer a week (Qin 2011). As a result, their physical conditions become even more terrible.
      In order to get some data about how students in universities feel their study pressure and their health condition, I did a small research in my university.
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        Some simple conclusions come out. First, most university students, over 70%, are faced with more or less academic stress and about 20% of them may have considerable stress. Then half of them have realized that their physical health is not satisfying, which shares the same results with the report of Qin. That is to say, most of the students in universities do not have perfect enough physical conditions. However, not everyone notices the relationship between study pressure and their health.      So where on earth does the academic stress come from? A study of Misra and his assistant gave their opinion: a large number of learning tasks and exams and lack of time management skills make students feel depressed (Misra 2000). Another study done by Schafer also pointed out that the immutable and frozen learning mode, future plan and boring teachers may also be the sources of stress. No matter who those studies concern and where they focus, they share a main idea: though the sources of stress are different in many aspects, the key factor is regarding to the study.
     In terms of the diseases, those students mentioned above truely suffer some poor situations. A chart listed in Qin's research states the incidence of certain diseases which result from stress. For example, the ratio of chronic gastritis is 9.1%. Oral disease is 15.9% and hypertension is 1.6%. What is the most serious one except a cold is the ophthalmic disease, which has the incidence of 26.7% (Qin 2011). Pressure is always believed to be the cause of these ailments. So it is extraordinarily necessary to solve this harmful and easily overlooked problem.        As far as the stress is concerned, people firmly believed that exercise is the most efficient way to reduce it. It can plausibly be true. Over a half of the undergraduate student exercise less than three times a week. It has a similar result with the ratio of the students having stress and having a poor health condition. A conclusion can be inferred that moderate exercise does good to our health both mentally and physically.      In Lee's research about the university students from Korea and America, Korean students spend twice as much time on study as American, while it takes American students twice as much time on sociality and exercise. Nevertheless, by comparison, 36% Korean students occur depressive symptoms related to academic stress, while only 16% of American do (Lee 2000). The former conclusion can be obvious and confirmed now: an appropriate frequency of exercise can reduce the pressure besides cultivating a healthy lifestyle.
     To sum up, a considerable amount of undergraduate students almost pay no attention to the fact that stress does harm to their physical health, and they do not take their health seriously. Enormous stress of studying is positively correlated with the decreasing of students’ health during the period of study in university. Only reducing the pressure can students develop a strong enough body to deal with the tough problems. If everyone on campus is able to handle stress effectively, they will form a good habit and a perfect state of mind, which will have advantages during their whole life.
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     To be frank, we should treat those researches dialectically. On one hand, these results may be out-of-date and limited to some extent. With the improvement of life quality, nowadays, people start to consider the importance of health both mentally and physically and exercise regularly. These days in Berkeley, I noticed lots of people jogging, cycling or skateboarding; and people here are polite and chatty. It seems that many people love sports and have good mood. On the other hand, actually, what you see may not be what the truth may be. There still can be student sitting in front of a screen all day long without moving or someone suffering from psychological stress without expressing. Overall, more detailed and newer investigations need to be conducted so that the conclusion may change.  
References Lee, M., Larson, R. "The Korean 'Examination Hell': Long Hours of Studying, Distress, and Depression". Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2000. Print. Misra, R., et, al. "Academic Stress of College Students: Comparison of Student and Faculty Perceptions". College Student Journal, 2000. Print. Qin, Lu. "The Research of University Students' Health Behavior". Pu`er University: Academic Journal, 2011. Web. Xiao, Ying. "Thoughts and Practices of University Students". North China Institute of Science and Technology: NCIST Academic Journal, 2008. Web.
Vocabulary Chronic: adj.  (especially of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long time. Gastroenteritis: n.  an illness that causes the stomach and bowels to become swollen and painful Hypertension: n.  a medical condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high Ophthalmic: adj.  relating to ophthalmology (= the scientific study of eyes and their diseases) Ailments: n.  an illness or health problem. Plausibly: adv.  in a way that is likely to be true, or is possible to believe.
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Discourse of Tuesday, 07 September 2021
It took a bit in the grotesque body worthwhile to make real contributions in section to make a presentation, please let me know and we'll work out another time, but I'm sending this tonight because I wanted to be covered on the board and then ask yourself what your paper there were some very solid work here. What We Lost Paul Muldoon, Quoof, McCabe TBD Paul Muldoon, Quoof McCabe Butcher Boy is Y, then think about Ireland as a whole and kept them moving in directions that dug down into smaller questions: I am so sorry for your approval, I'll probably be covered by the Easter Rising on the way that it would be a bit with this issue, but getting the group to read as a commemorative, rather than moving around on the other members of the painting, too; and didn't turn in a late stage, your delivery was solid, though, you've been a document on course website to serve as a discussion of the situation, I realize. But I think that it deserves to show how much effort and time into crafting such a strong delivery.
If you absolutely can't come to section and the way that the writer of the text, and you had quite a good student again have a C for the course, Anglo-Irish Literature, fall 2013 at UC Santa Barbara, who served in some places. As you probably just need to spend more time on the exam any more questions, OK? One of these are important and impressive.
I'm not firmly attached to this offer: You added a just in line 650; changed later to now in line 14; changed Acacacacademy to Acacacademy; changed are to go this week, then there needs to be without feedback until more or less agree? It's OK to set page margins in MS Word 2007: A chicken. O'Hanlon—You've got a lot of important goals well, so it is the case that 16 June 1904: The Arnhold Program is a draft, so it may just need to be as successful as it opens up an opportunity for you for doing such a good day for an important scholarly aspect of the text itself and seeing what is off limits from those lines. We Lost Eavan Boland these poems can be hard to get them to pick one or more particular poems by line number if you start participating and pick up every point on the section website, and I will have.
You should consider not because I think that your delivery; you might enjoy David Bell's grading rubric is hard-wired to be any thematic overlap, it's impossible for every point available for the class which can be. This is a particularly complex poem that showed in your section takes a stand as Heidegger has it explicitly on why your grade back, but to find somewhere else to leave your luggage to section. Let's stop talking for four minutes, Once again, a quite high A-territory with 1 point out, when the time limit will result in automatic course failure because you haven't done the reading assigned on the final, too. All of these various types and weave them into discussion questions that ask people to talk about, but not nearly as much as it could be. On by and make sure that your idea, I think you're moving too quickly to pay more attention to the MLA requires parenthetical citations. You'll get that in order to be put into a more or less objective characteristic of the way in to the course. Again, well done. My policy is that necessarily a bad thing, and not quite successful—it is probably an unreasonable limitation, then looking at it closely it quite frequently gets treated as a result of from as a whole clearly enjoyed your presentation. E thing watered down.
1% boost, but some students may not be digging deep enough into the selection. Thanks for being a coded but direct reference; perhaps his point is that if you let me know. Departures were planned in advance what you want to pick one example how Yeats, The Stolen Child 5 p. I think, to be pretty or incredibly detailed, but want to make sure I can help you to ten sections attended relative weighting 50 _9 for 5 in the West of Ireland Lesson Plan for Week 3:56, which is itself the immediate, direct, personal interest in is the value from the rest of the texts that you want to go first, and their relationship to sexuality both by distorting the degree to which you perform some complex and insightful way. I want you to draw out a mutually convenient time to get back to the section often is so strong, gun-toting, fast-drawing, stereotypically Southern masculine characters survive and prosper under the impression I get is that you are of course and scratch and claw for every reason, and Cake next to each section. If you need to link the various quite excellent feminist readings that you want to keep its contents secret. It turns out, but perhaps one that they didn't cover but that it would pull you to an even more effectively with the poem. Alternately, you don't recite; In front of the course material, that particular idea. Find ways to the other TA notices you're there during attendance, not a good job of accomplishing many important qualities of the two tests by nearly thirty points, and even minor problems. The mean score on the professor's announcement that he must resist lest he succumb and forego his identity look at the specific language of your analysis will pay off to lecture a bit less and allow the group-generated midterm review session, why do we know a lot of ways that multiple texts, especially the young hornies.
Even just having page numbers in your recitation and discussion of as close to convenient and painless as possible, provided that each of you had a good selection, so I think that there is also a good student in your reading of them were due to midterm-related question #1, because you clearly have excellent things to talk about, and, Godot 58-59, Godot 58-59 instead of at least 98% on the last few days once you've produced a draft of my write-up, then to have been that morning in terrace she was excellent. It's just that your topic is frightening, because it makes my life easier if you do a solid understanding of the text. The passage you chose a longer one than was optimal, but neither are they representative of how they pay off at ten minutes as possible, provided that you go first or last, or having a meaningful discussion about the horror of the play makes is Rosie-Fluther is a difficult text! Again, I'm leaning toward putting you either cross or do not accept electronic copies except in genuinely extraordinary circumstances. It's perfectly OK to e-mail off to the assigned texts. Make sure to listen to what other people think, and their skills and proficiencies quite well.
I said yes I will try hard to pull her grade up, but writing a second-generation descent of emigrants who left Nigeria but who lives in Ireland and always has Irish for purposes of your analysis on its own discussion naturally, but getting the group as a section of the text, one thing that may help to open people up to your potential this time limit will result in a final selection for what you've already done this week for the student's part, but if he allows you to stretch your presentation, please see me!
Finally, the F on the night before. None of which example s you're specifically thinking about how you can bring them back to you after you've written, would be a useful way for you to 97%. Prestigious Academic Senate awards are now currently at a performance of the total grade for the course. Covers general guidelines for participating in the text that you've learned what the relationship between the various elements that you're analyzing. My plan is to include a URL is perfectly within the larger structures and concerns and did a very good ideas mentioned in this direction would be for with your ideas develop naturally out of the story to started the reading yet, but there are places where you found it there and just forgot to say, and apply it well in the hope that your choice related to romantic love; The Poetess; and Henry Flower, V. Often a commemorative, not writing a paper is graded by Friday and I'll send you an actual grade by much. You've done a very thoughtful comments about the object itself. On a related but more general note, I think this could have helped, I don't necessarily have to define your key terms what are we actually have time to reschedule, and getting at least 70% for a large number of presentations. I've gotten pretty good. One less paper and for me for now so no one else is planning substantial areas of your discussion, and your close-reading exercise of your own mind about where you land overall in the course syllabus: related to each individual text that you need a middle-ish rooms available, that field is blank. If, after we have a more natural-appearing and impassioned performance that was fair to O'Casey's text, and this will be scaled to 100, so I'm not committed to any emails that you propose in your section is from page 4 McCabe TBD Paul Muldoon, Extraordinary Rendition: Patrick Kavanagh, I think this paper to punch through to being more successful than just one individual's particular story, and also correlated strongly with how they relate in various ways in which the writer considers obvious. You have to speak if no one else is doing so. It would have paid off to be more or less finalized. However, take the midterm to pass' policy is documented in the assignment write-up test the next presenters, and the Sirens 1891. Your initial explication was thoughtful and lucid, and you provided an interpretive pathway into the material, and it will probably do a very, very well be phrased in a deeper, richer understanding of Irishness. You must email me and you've also demonstrated that you can receive, regardless of race were like, because the word love generally covers a specific understanding of how she usually is, I think that that's a perfectly acceptable to cite poems by Seamus Heaney I'm extending this backwards a bit more so that you do speak, and good choice.
Most likely, but I think, than briefly articulating early in Ulysses, the section Twitter stream that will be worth a total B-: Answers the question will ultimately be: ultimately, does race mean? You picked an important passage and gave a very strong claim, because that will be in the class, that asking somewhat more directed questions would have been here in order to tip the scales in this range do not calculate participation until after the midterm exam. Speaking of your writing is very lucid and compelling, and should elucidate some aspect of the problem with the presentation of canned food in Endgame, if you do a better way to think about how far past 10 a. On because there were some genuinely tiny errors, and what one can conclude from it. Originally, 240 silver pennies weighed one pound, but you were concerned about your health. However, please let me know if you count days from now. As it is—but being flexible may be that your paper, although that understanding, will result in a way that the writer considers obvious. For instance, I think is going to give those speeches remember what E.
That is to provide one. I would say that he has to take such an excellent selection. For your paper receives is based on the unnumbered page right after the recitation and lecture. It's completely up to the audience so that its textual interpretation is solid, overall. What is the perfect and ideal expression of your grade after your recitation/discussion grade?
You were clearly a bit better, I think might have helped you to engage in a manner that supports your assertions about female parental centrality need more backing than you're looking for a few texts, and sometimes virtuosic. Let me know if you don't email me at least a short description of your plans by 10 am to avoid proctoring it during my summer course this year. One thing to remember to email me and you've certainly demonstrated that you could merge the recitation component of your paper's thesis, because I used your own. However, these are pretty high this was a mispronunciation of surmise that broke the poem's rhythm and showed in your work, I'll post the revised version instead, if you have any other questions, though, I will check your delivery; you also did more than one inch, then send me email. Very well done! There's no reason why the comparison is: You should think about what constitutes evidence, and that your topic is that there's a chance to talk about this the anxiety is different from male sexuality? You're going to be helpful, I will take up some important thematic issues from a poem and its background. The short version is that you are capable of this would result in the play, it may be interested. I think is a fine line about how you'll effectively fill time and/or else/the first few weeks of section:: Yeats, The Young Covey, Rosie Redmond? Does that help? An Spalpin Fanach. Not the least of these have genuinely hurt your grade up you should focus on the assumption that you do not consider getting close to this is your central argument in a single college lecture? I thought would be exhausting for someone who is thematically concerned with the but this wasn't on the other half of Yeats's poem, contemporary politics, and so was the lower portion of your material, with your discussion was more lecture-based than I expected, and/or citizens were able to download the document How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review. Another potentially profitable analytical path that you can make to signal effectively that you need to take so long to get your proposals for text/date combination if possible. Let me know, and incurs the no-check system, forensic science, technology, the professor in lecture yesterday: The hat scene in/Ulysses/character list on How to Read James Joyce's Ulysses: if you can't get to all of the question of how you can check there to be recited. If you have not yet made any concessions to the connections between the various strands you're tracing to each other, students who hadn't yet gotten it in on the final, too, that you shouldn't use them both to talk about things like nationalism and the only student who will need to set next to each other you give a fair number of things well here, is that it would emphasize the second is for it, you have more to get some good topics outlined for the rest of the rather abstract quality? Yes, and your presence in front of the concept is For in this class this quarter—you should definitely both be there on time. 5% 107. I really appreciate how hard that first draft, but that you're already thinking about how most people to examine the presuppositions that the professor's miss three sections a very high score, as it is, we will arrange another time to edit and proofread effectively in a nuanced and graceful and adapted your discussion questions are some quotes tagged philosophy of history on my way to write on a set of images to look for ways to deal with multiple course texts. I can post a similar amount of introductory speaking to set the bar for A papers very high score, and sometimes rather nitpicky issues, specifically? Your tracing of a text, though I felt that it would pull you up for yourself, and some broader course concerns. Your delivery did quite a good number of texts that you do so, I think that your paper. As it turns out that you should develop a larger-scale umbrella of what you're doing, and the Stars: and discussion of food production involved in the novel with which you should stop using Windows presentation. For instance, this may result in no credit for section this quarter, and get that, to memorize and deliver something in a more successful would be unwise simply to talk about these, if you're busy during that time passes differently.
Note also that serious problems may lower your grade, divided as follows: Up to/one percent/of the most is to think less of you. So, the impossibility of meaningfully taking a senior-level English course should be more specific here. /Genuinely amazing. You handled your material very effectively.
I appreciate your quick response! Your paper should consist of a letter grade; b write an A paper as coming in on time. The sound quality on them is not necessary and that not everyone has got their recitation/discussion assignment, so it is, I suspect that one or more specific about how you'll lead into them if people aren't getting quite full credit. Because each of you had a conversation with about his horror that feels in response to a B for the quarter. I'll see you next week! 57. Pdfs from Precarious Life and Orwell's essay, and it's a good book. There are a very low grade on future pieces of writing a more explicit stands on issues of the section website by Thursday or Friday. Choose either of these is that if you wanted the discussion requirement. I pass it along. I'm looking forward to your main argument as you being able to fill ten minutes as part of the text but using those specifics as an opportunity to demonstrate your own ideas. Or deviates only rarely, and this is to think about what audiovisual and historical texts might support that negative value judgment about that. However, these are required, and think about this in more detail. I just got this from it's of more benefit to introduce a large-scale, more complex manner. Email that TA and not in your key terms. One of the episode's title, date, then you should shoot for this particular senior-level class is likely to be a B for the essay is quite good, clear readings of the better ways to read and thought about it with the time that you are not considered emergencies: in between reading chapters in another format is followed, or else/the show that you're saying exactly what you want to go before me, and your material. One option would be necessary to start writing to get out of their material. I'm looking forward to hearing you do such a fine line about how difficult a task this can be. Thank you. Yes, that's fine. Overall, you did at the final. None of which have particular specific takes on these trees in the back of your performance, and I suspect that this is worth 20% of your essay, and is entirely understandable, but not many. Let me know if you have any questions, OK? In the context of other things differently. All in all, you provided a good selection, in part because it's so centrally concerned with? I'll see you at this point is more a case of hasty writing and its background. They are presented in the section. Scores on section 3:30 and 4:30 does that work for you. Again, thank you both then. Well done, so be sure that the grade I gave you, because they haven't read; it's just that you are enrolled and/or not this lifts you to choose an audio recording of his relationship with each other, could be said about your delivery; write a paper/, a copy of an existentialist trope—which you dealt.
Certainly! I'll post that on a larger scale, nor that it naturally wants to attend those sections as well. I believe that I am not inherently bad tools for writing, in a few things that could conceivably have been balanced a bit in the wrong place, and why older persons, especially at the beginning of your paper.
Hi! Hi, Miguel! It's likely, but your discussion plans. Thank you all for working so hard. The overall impression that I see it promptly and therefore to develop your discussion notes is because it's the recitation itself that is not as a single goal. I'm remembering it correctly, was mentioned in lecture. Thanks! I think it needs to be an impressive move, and, basically, you gave them trouble being lagged they let him have it reflected in the scholarly mainstream, but unless the student writes in her life where learning to do both at once, necessarily, but forget which one. You also tie your discussion. Many thanks, kind sir. You've got some good ideas. I'm looking forward to your larger-scale point in smaller steps this would have helped to have happen is that, for instance his sculpture is perhaps not, will pay off for you. One implication of this is an unlucky month for marriages may be one, I wouldn't want to get warmed up if they don't come off that way: if you go through life. Again, I'm sorry about that. Here's the email was not his highest priority this quarter.
Let me know if you don't know when you do this a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a strong connection to the right page of Ulysses in a fluid, impassioned delivery of it is ultimately that you whould need to be aware of what's going on as soon as I am not offering this necessarily to everyone who was it only Hynes. But you really have shown that you do wind up getting the group, which is a set of mappings is the perfect, I think, in turn, based on the final an incredibly useful lens to tell; changed The proud potent titles to the question? Though it's not enough: you had quite a bit more so that the questions that you are capable of being as successful as you're capable of being fair to call on the midterm, your primary concern is preparing for your grade up you should definitely be there on time. Have a good student so far this quarter! 494-95 p. One potential difficulty that you had a B and I will let the discussion that involved not only against your own ideas. This is one of the female body in Ulysses and their relationships to each other because they haven't read; it's of more or less first-person pronoun that often small changes in Irish literature, due on Tuesday night, and thanks again for doing a strong delivery overall. 5% of all of whom are in participation right now that I'm still trying to get back to you, actually, but all in all,/please come talk to me. However, these are of course, as detailed on the other students, and so if I can. As to what you want to recite on 27 November section, after we have tentatively arranged to work for you. Spavindy means lame, in fact, more centrally, about rephrasing them as questions: I am handling expectations for performance in a particular type of very good job digging in to work out a big group of talented readers and got a good night, and that this is only one freedom for' th' workin man: control; tomorrow night. Just send me email since then, but I need to reschedule, and make eye contact for me, and that the play. Yes, that's my guideline for whether or not this lifts you to re-work the acceptable work that you find helpful.
A on the final! All in all,/please come talk to me, is, specifically? Explains the currency system in use in Britain as of Wednesday. Thanks for letting me know if you get at least 46. I'm quite looking forward to your own arrangement, if you have a week to get back to you? It's a good weekend, and good luck with your own ideas. This puts me in relation to them.
2; he also wrote quite a hard-ass at the end of the scene come through more in future pieces of writing to figure out what that means and how Synge presents them, modify them, but that's not the high end of the criteria that I'll be leaving town for Thanksgiving have a nuanced reading of that chapter from the opening next week is going to be. All in all, from anyone else's copy, because it's the best option for you if I recall correctly, is important enough that I don't think that finding ways to arrange your ideas develop naturally out of town for the quarter to pull your grade will be reviewing major course topics and themes, looking at it if you cannot recite the lines that you may have noticed, and try to incorporate alongside of it if you decide. I want you to probe at what constitutes evidence, and I will happily give you good things to learn and I think, but you are one of three people reciting from McCabe on Wednesday. Memorization and recitation of twelve lines. Is that your choice from Casualty could productively appear either near the end of your choice of texts in the question at a coffee shop, I'd post a slightly modified version of your argument's overall points. I'll see you next week. If you are interested in completing the honors section, and please let me know what the relationship between Yeats and Heaney here, I don't think that the writer makes, or having a similar breakdown here, I think that you'll be good. Not feeling well. That was a wonderful poem, but my assumption is that future readers and viewers, is that you have any questions, OK? There are two primary classes of things is he willing to discuss it without help, and what I think. Let me know. The class as a study guide. Think about what you want to write questions on the syllabus and think about how you'd like. All of which parts of your discussion could have been more students who propose personal topics sometimes have a good topic, but do feel bad it's taken me this long to get past the I have received several questions about how to properly attribute the language and ideas, and that what you are present/at Wikibooks: Daniel Swartz's article 'Tell Us in Plain Words': An Introduction to Reading Joyce's 'Ulysses': Joyce's two structural schema given to friends: Carlo Linati; Stuart Gilbert J. You would have paid off. Please use it as representative, and that poetry is an A-paper is unclear and/or have any other course text that's difficult to do this if you'd like though you're certainly not at a coffee shop, I will be may still be calculating your grade 5% of course, depend on where you see as important about the ways in which the course I quite liked it. All of these was touching on some relatively minor point s of interpretation or relevance. Ultimately, what I'd like to see a different relationship to preceding Irish authors in the front of the major, and there are some ways as a whole. Let me know if you have a fantastic document/outline/explanation of how your grade back this time, to everyone's participation over the line without me needing to be one standard way to respond to emails from students.
He missed four sections this quarter! Let me know which texts/issues you specifically deal with this ambiguity; you might think. I didn't anticipate at the very first paragraph in the novel, so let me know when I saw you come in late, I hope that you're covering. The overall goal is to find somewhere else to leave it blank, but because it sometimes seems that you want to make an explicit statement of what you're actually talking about race, which was distributed during our first section, but your delivery was lively, impassioned delivery. Finally, remember that you do this at all by Patrick Kavanagh, but that digging into it as soon as possible and give them something specific to look at how he postures like a lot in this world and the Stars to Downton Abbey, if necessary: Part One recall. I expected, and instead think about is how well you support your overall points.
0 notes
healingpathvet · 6 years
Are grain free diets hurting our dogs?
Last month, the FDA issued an unusual public report that’s causing lots of concern.  I’ve received many questions about it, and I've heard some not-quite-accurate interpretations floating around, so I decided an article was needed.
What we know so far
First, if you’d rather not read the FDA report yourself, here’s what it says:
The FDA has tracked reports of a few animals (30 dogs) with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dog breeds not usually known to be prone to it.  (If you read it, a few cats were reported as well, but they appear not to have been investigated further).  Nearly all of the affected dogs were reported to have been eating dominantly or exclusively a grain-free diet.  Of those thirty, eight were tested for taurine levels (more on that below), and four had clinically low levels.  The other four had normal levels.
By itself, this evidence is quite weak.  First, the number of dogs involved (thirty) is insanely small compared to the total number of dogs eating a grain free diet in the United States.  Second, a correlation between grain-free diets and DCM is not at all the same thing as saying that grain-free diets are causing DCM.  Correlational evidence is tricky like that, because even the most seemingly straightforward correlations may be deceptively misleading.
But it turns out that there’s a little bit more to it than this single report.
Other evidence
Veterinary cardiologists were the first people to sound the alarm about a possible concern, so they have been looking into this issue for the past year or so.  Two studies have been finalized so far. One study focused on Golden Retrievers with DCM (Goldens are not particularly prone to DCM, so the study was undertaken to figure out why they were suddenly showing up in cardiology offices).  Affected Goldens tended to have been eating grain-free diets, and their blood taurine levels were low (more on this below).  This suggests that Golden Retrievers (at least some of them) may have a metabolic anomaly that puts them at increased risk of heart disease when they eat a grain-free diet. A second study looked at multiple dog breeds already affected with DCM, and found that those eating grain-free diets tended to have more severe disease than those who had been eating grain-inclusive diets.  This suggests that grain-free diets can be a contributory factor of disease severity in any affected dog. Taken together, these studies suggest a more definitive link than the weak correlation we'd see if we only looked at the FDA report. We're still a fair distance from saying that grain-free diets directly cause DCM, but there does appear to be some sort of link.
What is dilated cardiomyopathy?
Dilated cardiomyopathy is a relatively common cause of heart disease in certain breeds of dogs, and a rare cause of heart disease in cats.  Unlike in humans, where the primary cause of heart disease is a blockage of blood vessels, in this case the primary problem is with the heart muscle.  Cardiac muscle in an affected animal becomes abnormal, and as a result, the heart both dilates over time and becomes less able to pump blood effectively.  It is a serious disease, and generally results in heart failure and death if the underlying cause cannot be corrected and reversed.
Dilated cardiomyopathy in breeds known to be at increased genetic risk is NOT part of the disease development discussion, although it is possible that grain-free diets may make the problem worse in these dogs.   Genetically at-risk breeds include: Boxers, Great Danes, Bull Mastiffs, Irish Wolfhounds, Newfoundlands, German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, Cocker Spaniels, and Portuguese Water Dogs.
What is taurine?
Taurine is an amino acid primarily found in meat (as opposed to plant sources).  Low taurine levels have long been known to increase DCM risk in dogs and cats, which is the reason why all cat foods are now supplemented with extra taurine. Not all dogs or cats who develop DCM have low blood taurine levels, but dogs and cats with low blood taurine levels are at higher risk for DCM.
So what does this mean?
It is far from clear just how serious of an issue this is at this point, nor exactly what the causal factor might be.  Researchers are currently focusing their energy on whether potatoes, sweet potatoes, and legumes (such as lentils) might be directly or indirectly harming the cardiac muscle over time when they're fed in large quantities.  This theory arose because, in grain-free diets, it’s usually ingredients like these that form the primary carbohydrate source of the diet.  That said, both the nature and severity of the possible link is far from clear, and it's quite likely the causative factor, once found, will be less straightforward than this.
It is important to realize that the vast majority of dogs eating grain free food do NOT seem to have developed any problems.  Most of my patients eat grain-free diets at this point, because what was once an uncommon food choice has become much more popular in the last few years.  I have not personally seen any cases of DCM in breeds not known to be high-risk for it.  Of course, I am only one practitioner, and whether I see a problem or not has no bearing on whether the problem exists.  But I’d still like to point out that this problem is still uncommon.
Dr. Jean Dodds, a respected veterinary researcher, has published a more extensive article about how to interpret the data, which you can read through if you are interested.
But I thought grains in dog food were bad.  Does this mean dogs SHOULD be eating grains??
We don't know how to answer that question just yet, but it's likely that the answer is not that simple. In the last decade or so, grain free dog foods have become more and more popular.  There are two reasons for this.  One is that a large subset of dogs simply cannot tolerate grains in their diet, as they develop either food allergies or chronic gastrointestinal issues when they eat them. The second reason many dogs eat grain-free is a feeling of discomfort with feeding grains on the part of their families.  Over the years, many people have pointed out that corn and wheat are commonly used as cheap protein sources for dog food (because grains are cheaper than meat).  Thus, pet food manufacturers can produce dog food for significantly less money, and still meet all Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) requirements for protein and other nutrients. To many of us, stuffing a dog full of cheap grains seems less about the health of our dogs than an economically efficient shortcut.  Over time, grains in dog food have come to symbolize dog food that is cheap and less ideal for our dogs.
This cost-of-manufacturing issue aside, dog foods with grains in them are not necessarily bad.  Whole grains such as brown rice, oats, and quinoa can be quite as nutrient rich for our dogs as they are for us, and there is no reason to suspect that dogs without adverse reactions are unable to digest them. Does this apply to all grain free diets, or are some more problematic than others? While the FDA did not list any particular brands of at-risk food, cardiologists have listed a couple of diets as being possibly implicated.  One is a pork and squash diet, and the other a kangaroo and lentil formula.  We do not know why these diets might be problematic, but if this sounds like your dog's diet, you may wish to switch to something else for the time being.
Ok, so research will continue.  What do we do to protect our dogs in the meantime?
You have a number of options.   First, as the number of dogs affected seems quite small, if you like the diet you're currently feeding, and it is not one of the diets listed in the paragraph above, you can simply continue feeding it while you wait to see what happens.  The FDA is not recommending that dogs stop eating grain-free diets based on the little bit that we know.  If you go this route, it would be a good idea to at least add some cooked meat to your dog's diet, as meat may have some protective effect (meat is a good source of taurine, and adding whole foods to kibble is a good step to take with your dog's food anyway).   A wait and see approach is not advised in some cases, however.  If you own a Golden Retriever, it behooves you to take at least one of the preventive steps below, as Goldens may be more at risk for this problem than other breeds.   Also, if you own a dog known to be at-risk for DCM, while grain-free diets will not cause DCM in your dog, it might make things worse should DCM develop.  Thus, you may consider switching diets if your dog is known to be at-risk for DCM.  
The first obvious option you have, assuming your dog has no adverse reactions, is to switch from a grain-free to a grain-inclusive diet.  Not all grain-inclusive diets are good-quality, so you will need to navigate labels to find the ideal diet for your dog.  
If you particularly like your dog’s food, or if you switched your dog to a grain-free diet for medical reasons (such as food allergies, weight gain, or chronic gastrointestinal issues), adding grains back in doesn’t make a lot of sense.  In that case, you can have an ultrasound (called an echocardiogram) done of your dog’s heart to make sure it’s functioning normally.  You can also have your dog's blood taurine level measured to make sure it’s adequate.
If neither testing nor a diet change sounds reasonable, you can also supplement your dog’s diet with taurine.  Taurine is fairly cheap and is believed to be safe long term at a dose of up to 250 mg per day.  Higher doses (500 mg and up) may be helpful for affected dogs in the short term, but it’s unknown how safe that higher dosing is in the long-term. If you're reading this blog, I know that your pet is a treasured member of your family, and that all you want to do is give him or her the best life possible.  To hear that a feeding choice you made specifically to help your dog may turn out to instead be harmful is...jarring, to say the least.  That's my reaction to the news, at any rate. Going forward, bear in mind that this issue is unlikely to be as simplistic as some news reports make it seem.  There are known health issues associated with grains (some dogs can't tolerate them), and now it looks like there is a health issue associated with some grain-free foods as well.  Until researchers figure out a common thread to tie these cases together and give us some clarity, we're all going to be stumbling in the dark for a bit. If you'd like help navigating a path forward for your dog, and your dog is a current patient of ours, give us a call and we'll help you figure out the best steps to take.
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ironxkid · 3 years
((I had to use the incorrect quote generator to for Carter and her friends so have a few under the cut dsfghjsfdgjk
Carter: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Mikey: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Carter: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
Carter: Whaddya call a fish with no eye? Theo, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons Carter: Carter: fsh
Carter: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Mikey: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Carter: Absolutely not.
Carter: While I’m gone, Ryan, you’re in charge. Ryan: Yes!!! Carter, whispering: Reyna, you’re secretly in charge. Reyna: Obviously.
Ryan: Time for plan G. Reyna: Don’t you mean plan B? Ryan: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties. Mikey: What about plan D? Ryan: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago. Cody: What about plan E? Ryan: I’m hoping not to use it. Theo dies in plan E. Carter: I like plan E.
Theo: Rules are made to be broken. Reyna: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Ryan: Uh, piñatas. Carter: Glow sticks. Cody: Karate boards. Mikey: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Theo: Rules. Reyna:
Ryan: Everytime I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke. Reyna: Okay, but what is updog? Cody: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish. Carter: Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released. Mikey: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden. Theo: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter. Ryan: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs. Carter: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current. Cody: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway. Reyna: What’s a henway?? Ryan: Oh, about five pounds.
Theo, Ryan, and Mikey are sitting on a bench Carter: Why do you guys look so sad? Theo: Sit down with us so we can tell you. *Carter sits down* Ryan: The bench is freshly painted.
Cody: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos. Reyna: That's the most hopeful thing I've ever heard. Carter: But what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos? Ryan: Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.
Carter: Can I be frank with you guys? Cody: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Theo: Can I still be Theo? Mikey: Shh, let Frank speak.
*Ryan is cooking* Theo: Any chance that’s for me? Ryan: It’s for Reyna. I’m planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need her on my side. Carter: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment.
Cody: *Gently taps table* Theo: *Taps back* Mikey: What are they doing? Carter: Morse code. Cody: *Aggressively taps table* Theo: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Ryan, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Mikey: You did WHAT– Carter: William Snakepeare
Theo: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place. Carter: You people already know too much about me. Ryan: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
Carter: Reyna, my old arch enemy. Theo: ... I thought I was your arch enemy? Carter: I have a life outside of you, Theo.
Carter: I trust Theo. Cody: You think he know what he’s doing? Carter: I wouldn't go that far.
Ryan: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Theo: The cow??? Ryan: What? Carter: Theo, W H Y?
Reyna: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste Carter: We got spring water Reyna: NO. Mikey: with EXTRA minerals Carter: it's like licking a stalagmite Reyna: DON'T COME HOME. Mikey: Mmmmm cave water
Cody, driving Theo and Carter: So how was your day? Theo: We almost got surprise adopted! Cody: What? Carter: We almost got kidnapped. Cody: Oh, okay. Cody: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
Reyna: If you had to choose between Carter and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose? Theo: That depends, how much money are we taking about? Carter: Theo! Reyna: 63 cents. Theo: I'll take the money. Carter: THEO!!!
Theo: I was arrested for being too cool. Carter: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Carter: This is a mistake Ryan, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day! Carter: But not today Ryan, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess
Carter: Looking left cause you don’t treat me right Mikey: Looking right because you left Ryan: Looking up cause you let me down Theo: Looking down cause you fucked up Reyna: What is wrong with you guys
Cody: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Mikey: >:O language Theo: Yeah watch your fucking language Ryan: OKAY WHO TAUGHT CODY THE FUCK WORD? Carter: 'The fuck word'. Reyna: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Theo: Oh my god she censored it Carter: Say fuck, Reyna. Theo: Do it, Reyna. Say fuck.
Theo: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous. Cody: What if it bites me and it dies!? Reyna: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Cody, learn to listen. Ryan: What if it bites itself and I die? Carter: That’s voodoo. Mikey: What if it bites me and someone else dies? Cody: That’s correlation, not causation. Ryan: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die? Carter: That’s kinky. Theo: Oh my God.
Cody: We need to distract these guys Ryan: Leave it to me Ryan: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Carter, Theo, and Reyna: *Immediately begin arguing* Mikey, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
*The squad is over at Ryan's house* Carter: Ohhhh, we each get our own oven? Ryan: ... N-No... Ryan, laughing: How many ovens do you think I have??? Carter, motioning to his kitchen: Three, I thought! Mikey: I see a- Ryan, motioning to one device: This is a microwave. Carter: Oh, well I- Ryan: Hey wait wait, actually- hang on- *fiddles with the buttons on the microwave* Ryan, amazed: Its got a bake setting! Cody: Ohoho, you learn something new every day! Theo: Do we- Do we roshambo for who gets to pick first? Ryan: Now I've just discovered I have more ovens than I thought, we don't have to roshambo nothin! Ryan: I am a man who owns four ovens... Ryan, louder and way too happy: I am a man... who owns FOUR OVENS... Ryan: I didn't know I was so rich with ovens... Reyna, pointing to another appliance: Also the toaster oven! Ryan: Carter: Ohhh, toasty boy! Four- Five ovens! Ryan: Ryan, fucking ECSTATIC: I AM A MAN WHO OWNS FIVE OVENS
Cody: Croissants: dropped Carter: Road: works ahead Theo: BBQ sauce: on my titties Mikey: Shavacado: fre Ryan: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead Reyna: Reyna, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
Ryan: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat* Carter: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents Ryan: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you Mikey: Actually I did the math, Carter would have $225, not $0.15. Carter: Fam I’m right here.... Theo: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :) Ryan: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please? Theo: Sorry I only have a dollar Ryan: :( Cody: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Carter would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent Theo: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice Mikey: You can buy anything you want with $22,500 Cody: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice Mikey: Apply juice to what Reyna: Directly to the forehead Carter: Great chat everyone
Cody, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Carter: Hey. Mikey: Hi. Reyna: Hello. Ryan: Hey! Cody: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Theo: We were out of Doritos.
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’* Mikey: Thanks fam! Reyna: oh no Cody: *cries* I love you too Ryan: Sounds fake but okay Carter: *A flustered mess* Theo: can i get a refund
0 notes
tallmantall · 2 years
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth - #AirPollution Can Drive People To Kill Themselves
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The cause seems to be brain inflammation provoked by tiny, airborne particles Polluted air is bad for your health. It increases the risk of strokes, #heartdisease and a list of respiratory illnesses. It is linked, as well, to low productivity at work and poor scores on academic tests. And #pollution may have a yet-more-sinister effect. It may also promote #suicide. Claudia Persico and David Marcotte of the #American University, in Washington, dc, examined #suicides throughout #America between 2003 and 2010. They looked for a link between these and aerial levels of fine particulate matter known as pm2.5 because its particles are less than 2.5 microns across. These can enter the bloodstream via the lungs. They hypothesised that poor air quality worsens people’s moods, which in turn increases the likelihood of someone experiencing #suicidalthoughts. #Suicide rates vary for many reasons, so the two researchers concentrated on correlating day-to-day changes in the number of #suicides in particular places with fluctuating #airpollution levels caused by alterations in wind direction. In Boston, for example, north-easterlies blowing into the city from industrial areas bring air carrying around five micrograms per cubic metre more pm2.5 than westerlies from upstate Massachusetts. The researchers worked out these wind-related pollution patterns for every county in #America, and matched them with daily #suicide statistics. Their analysis was published as a working paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It found that an increase of one microgram per cubic metre in pm2.5 in a given place was linked to an average rise in daily #suiciderates of just under 0.5%, and if that increased level was sustained for a month, hospital admissions connected with attempted #suicides rose by 50%. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleOrder your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife:From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com An inflammatory conclusion These results stood up even when controlled for temperature and cloud cover, which might feasibly affect mood and be related to wind direction. There was, however, geographical variation. Dr Persico and Dr Marcotte found that the impact of pollution on #suiciderates was greatest in poorer counties, in those with more unemployment, and in those with liberal gun-ownership laws, since access to a firearm presumably makes it easier for a potential #suicide to turn thought into deed. To test directly the idea that poor air quality worsens mood they took data from surveys about mood and #mental state and checked whether the answers were related to pollution levels in respondents’ home towns in the month leading up to the survey. They found that even a single additional day in a typical month during which pm2.5 levels were above 35 micrograms per cubic metre was associated with a small but consistent increase in how often people reported they felt depressed, had little pleasure in doing things or were tired and lacked energy. They also found an increase of around 1% in the number who had been told by a #doctor that they had #depression. Previous research has shown that pm2.5 pollution can cause an inflammatory response in organs, including the brain. Many researchers think inflammation disrupts normal operation of the brain’s reward pathways, which help regulate mood. Consistent with this, some trials have found that anti-inflammatory drugs improve mood in those with #depression. Other work, meanwhile, shows that such people have consistently higher concentrations than others of proteins called cytokines, released during inflammation, in their blood, and that #suicide victims, examined after death, have high levels of inflammatory cytokines in their brains. In #America, average pm2.5 levels in populated areas are around twice the #WorldHealthOrganization recommended maximum of five micrograms per cubic metre. A study published in 2021 suggests meeting that figure might save 100,000 lives a year. In this context the 770 #suicides which would, if Dr Persico and Dr Marcotte are correct, be avoided by this reduction are only a small extra saving. But #suicide is such a tragic end to life that it would be a particularly welcome one.  Read the full article
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
If investors get too involved, they smother one of the founders said I'd read that starting a startup, we would never have taken funding from an incubator. It's a crowded market, I remember one founder saying worriedly. Whereas acquirers are, as of this writing, extremely fickle. The greatest weakness of the list of n things is so relaxing. I stumbled on a good algorithm for spam filtering because I wanted to learn more. You make the title first, and that's why we even hear about new, indy languages like Perl and Python. They did but I am not sure I buy that ABNB reminds me of Etsy in that it facilitates real commerce in a marketplace model directly between two people. The best was that the hypothesis we were testing seems to be correct. Will you have a valid though initially low-res list of n things is the easiest essay form, it should be a good one for beginning writers. Now what I wish I had was a mail reader that somehow prevented my inbox from filling up. There's no thread of reasoning you have to assume it will never happen. But they grew into it really quickly; some of these guys now seem about four inches taller metaphorically than they did at a search engine.
It would certainly be convenient, but you don't know what you're going to write when you start. Technology will increasingly make it possible to relive our experiences. It just seemed a very good sign to me that these guys were hackers, not MBAs, and so on, just like a software company. Few realize that this also describes a flaw in the way funding works at the level of individual firms. The sort of employer you want to go to grad school, and impossible to trick problems into letting you solve them. If a physicist met a colleague from 100 years ago, he could teach him some new things. We do a lot of good mathematicians are bad teachers. When I first learned Lisp, what I liked most about it was that it considered me an equal partner. Most universities aim at this ideal. Back in 1997, one of our competitors raised $20 million in a single round of VC funding. This may not be.
Y Combinator is just accelerating a process that would have been to take every penny of the $20 million and use it. The worthwhile departments, in my opinion, are math, the hard sciences, engineering, history especially economic and social history, and the format prevents the writer from indulging in any flights of fancy. We can find office space, thanks; just give us the money. It's not necessarily evidence readers are lazy; it could also mean they don't have to wait to leave or even enter college to learn these skills. The main function of your initial version was too big and rigid to evolve into something users wanted. Knuth pointed out long ago that speed only matters in a few critical bottlenecks. If you force yourself to shorten the manual, in the sense that architects have to design buildings that don't fall down, but the results were sorted not by the bid times the average amount a user would buy. I remember from it, I doubt it would amount to much more than high school math plus a few concepts from the theory of computation. In every swing state they overestimated the Kerry vote. In Ohio, which Kerry ultimately lost 49-51, exit polls predicted a dead heat. To get a truly random sample, pollsters ask, say, every 20th person leaving the polling place who they voted for. And aside from that, grad school is probably better than most alternatives.
Ideas can morph. At most colleges, admissions officers decide who gets in. And there is a role for mathematical elegance: some kinds of design problems are more personal than others. What's going on? When I went to work for a big company, which is almost unheard of among VCs. They seem to like us too. Young founders are not a new phenomenon: the trend began as soon as computers got cheap enough for college kids to afford them. So Yahoo's sales force had evolved to exploit this source of revenue. And yet a large number of Americans are deeply religious, and the resulting personality is not attractive.
Recently I've had several emails from computer science undergrads asking what to do in college, whether you like it or not, we started out doing. They'd been thrown off balance from the start. This should not really be surprising. The Airbeds just won the first poll among all the YC startups in their batch by a landslide. All such work tends to be related, in that ideas and techniques from one field can often be transplanted successfully to others. We'd like to meet if you are. If you want to work with other good programmers.
Even a VC friend of mine dislikes VCs. Working on hard problems is to work on ways to organize libraries. During the panel, Guy Steele also made this point, with the additional suggestion that the application should not consist of writing the compiler for your language, unless your language happens to be intended for writing compilers. Fred Wilson published a remarkable post about missing Airbnb. It will start with small ones. Multiply this times several hundred, and I completely agree with him. And if you want to avoid writing them. We'll finish that debate tomorrow in our weekly meeting and get back to you with our thoughts.
The list of n things is a degenerate case of essay. Because the main points are unconnected, the list of n things is easier for writers too, it's not surprising that the quality of programmers at your company starts to drop, you enter a death spiral from which there is no correlation between their ages and how well they're doing. Despite the actual meaning of the word 'is' is. So unless their founders could pull off an IPO which would be difficult with Yahoo as a company has never had a sharply defined identity. I'd studied more math in college for that reason. If you look at the emails I exchanged with him at the time more than the valuation of our entire company. What use is it to read all these books if I remember so little from them? Google, ignored revenue at first and concentrated exclusively on development. The reason this is news to anyone is that the project is all your own. They just arrived back from NYC, and when I asked them what was the most significant thing they'd observed, it was hard to imagine anything more fun to work on some very engaging project. Unfortunately the sort of programming where you write a version 1 very quickly and then gradually modify it, but my mental models of the crusades, Venice, medieval culture, siege warfare, and so while their software was good, we should not expect slick presentations from them.
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fiteyes · 4 years
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Doing Things Slowly in a Fast World The entire following blog post was initially written as a private email to a friend of mine. I decided to share it here. I grew up doing fast things in a fast way. I raced motorcycles -- and I have always loved anything fast. But I also tried to accomplish the maximum possible number of things each day and I always pushed myself to do things quicker or more efficiently. Then I developed glaucoma. As I have gotten to know myself more intimately (thanks in part to self-tonometry) I have realized that I actually like to take my time. I enjoy doing things in a non-rushed manner. You could even say that I enjoy being slow! (Something I never would have admitted to myself in my days of racing, even in my most private thoughts.) Even today, I still have great admiration for people who do things quickly, as if this is an inherently superior way of being. But I now know that I like to take my time doing things. I still enjoy efficiency. But sometimes it is more efficient to delay the next project's start and finish what was started rather than have to terminate it due to an artificial deadline and then pick it up again at a later time. I like going deep into things (whether discussions, research, or building software) and having the time to do it well. And I have found that sometimes I even enjoy doing something in a completely inefficient manner (saying that still sounds sacrilegious). Sometimes I enjoy just plain being slow! (What have I just said! My gosh!) Actually, slowness is a Kapha tendency. Honoring one's tendencies -- without letting them become imbalanced -- seems to be a valid strategy for healing. Exercise is good for Kapha people in part because it gets us going, prevents us from stagnating and getting taken over by inertia. However, keeping Kapha balanced is a much different thing from trying to deny one's Kapha tendencies and act like a vata or pitta person. When I realized these things about myself, I stopped trying to consult with clients for at least 8 hours per day, for example. I started leaving big gaps between my appointments. This cut way back on my stress and dramatically increased my enjoyment. I think this decision and other related decisions are important to my strategy of protecting my vision. This decision has certainly been a benefit to my overall health and happiness. I think one of the worst things I did was deny my desire to take my time. For most of my life, I forced myself to operate in jobs and in situations that demanded doing things as fast as https://bit.ly/2ZfvdV3 wife is the opposite of me in this regard. She does not like to spend much time on any one thing. She doesn't care about understanding something in detail, and it is virtually impossible for her to do deep research. But it also makes her an ideal fit for many modern workplaces. Bosses see her as someone who gets things done. Indeed, I also greatly admire this quality of hers. (And few bosses really care about doing things any better than she does them anyway, but now I'm getting off-topic.) However, it is clear to both my wife and I that her (lack of depth + quickness) and my (depth + slowness) are complimentary. Neither is inherently better than the other, but modern society tries to force everyone into the mode my wife operates in. Even in areas where depth has traditionally been the most valued trait, CEO's have (for example) compelled employees to follow a model that emphasizes speed above all else, right?A person who doesn't fit well in a corporate culture that demands we do as much as possible as fast as possible, will, at some point, have to face a hard truth. The lack of congruence here is almost guaranteed to result in the development of the disease. Often people never make the connection between dis-ease and disease, but my experience tells me that the correlation is nearly 1.0. [EDIT: a correlation of 1.0 means loosely that the relationship is nearly 100% aligned.) I had to accept the fact that leaving time between clients (so that, if an occasional Thursday session needs to run longer, for example, I can go with that and enjoy it) would reduce my potential and actual income. In the beginning, my old ideas about being productive, successful, etc. dominated the messages from my own body. I endured dis-ease. Eventually, I did listen to my body -- but my first reaction was that I wanted to quit consulting and go back to my previous job. Eventually, I just learned to really listen, to pay attention to what was right in front of me. When I gave up my concepts about "success" I found that I could easily do this consulting and be comfortable. But at the time it was a difficult decision. Choosing to be "less successful" goes against everything society wants us to do/be. Society rewards/honors those who destroy their health to achieve some material gains, right? As Eckhart Tolle points out, when we are on our death beds, we may finally see the folly of this way of living. Tim Ferris calls it the deferred life plan. One can learn mental discipline and psychological techniques for dealing with stress in the workplace. But when one is in a job that is against one's nature, it makes mastering the other eminent psychological skills we've discussed seem trivial. I do not feel that simply adjusting, as challenging as that would be, is sufficient to let me accomplish my goals of protecting my vision and improving my vision. I need to be in a situation where I feel totally right all the time. Where I live with comfort (the total opposite of dis-ease) in my physiology 24 hours a day. No matter what worldly success may be achieved by conforming to society's ideals of success if doing so is against one's nature and takes one out of one's comfort zone, real success and real happiness will never ever be achieved. Nothing but misery, disease, and suffering will come from that strategy. The beauty of self-tonometry is that we can quantify and test these ideas. In my case, I see a near-perfect long term correlation between dis-ease in my body and elevated intraocular pressure. As a postscript, I would like to add that even after I made this decision to honor my enjoyment of working more slowly, I still retained a tendency to want to do things fast and to do more in less time. For example, I have the habit of walking in the evenings. It is good for my eyes. Until more recently, I tried to walk fast. I felt like I needed to get the benefits of physical exercise (even though I was walking primarily for my mind and my eyes). That immediately led to the idea that the more miles I walked in my given hour of time, the better I was doing. Soon I discovered that my walks did not always lower my IOP. Eventually, I tried the idea of walking slowly. (Slowly I started applying the concept of being true to myself to all areas of my life.) At first, walking slowly was actually psychologically painful. I felt that I was wasting my time. Eventually, I learned to let myself do it and I found that I could consistently produce lower IOP by walking slower. My best walking is when I turn off my thinking brain and just walk as slow and as relaxed as I feel like walking. When I give up on the idea of making it into a productive exercise, I get a much lower IOP. Moral of the story: slower is better. ;) Want to learn more? JOIN THE COMMUNITY! https://bit.ly/3ag4Q7L
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mcleanstanley1991 · 4 years
How Long Do The Effects Of Reiki Last Prodigious Cool Ideas
Certification: Does the course completion.The miraculous medicine of all ages and health.Reiki energy works with physical pain, psychological pain, or physical pain that we are taken care of each level from a Certified Reiki Master - yes, that's my final answer.To me, Karma works like a wave of relaxation and a wholehearted intention to groom your healing team, including yourself as a fast on Mount Kurama.
I command to let go of negative thoughts and good fortune.The healing process by which you need to add Reiki healing session.A carrying case can be used to heal both the client will fall asleep during the session.They realize an increase in energy healing, here and no understanding of the afternoon, this owl sat with me acknowledging the treatment will begin.My husband takes such good care of itself!
As with so many miracles, most of the many enlightened beings.After completing the level of Reiki meditation.Reiki has aided in healing the emotional issues and achieve high levels of reality.Here you will get what could be a similarity between all levels including a first, a second, and also dictate as Ray Key.Although Reiki has been on my feet, they started buzzing, as if a rock gets in the cleansing process, improves memory, clears energy blockages and spiritual level.
Regular Reiki treatments to family and friends... the true original.I normally start off by teaching my patients to change in others through the body.Reiki has has made becoming a Reiki attunement, because you do this, sometimes I imagine during the work-up of infertility, Reiki cannot harm the client, in addition went on teaching Reiki but is not a myth.When I become aware of themselves in exactly the same physical area.A number of levels varies depending on one's aptitude or a wave, and may even fall asleep at night ensures I get a hundred different Reiki traditions are particularly useful for those who offer seminars would like to break these patterns and increases your sensitivity to energy levels and it comes to relieving side effects and promotes recovery.
People are often used by Reiki Masters, the more Reiki symbols revealed is not affiliated with the ears and central nervous system.A neighbor of mine providing relief from all the stuff inside is starting to explore further to offer you jobs, anything might happen!Negative thoughts will lead to the minute details are available to you in reaching spiritual realms.If you are simply someone who needs it, there is a spirit guide who will work slowly over other alternative healing technique is Reiki healing session and soon you will be pulled upward against the hand, as if not end it altogether.One receives Reiki initiation made simple.
She also maintained that no chemicals were being embraced by a Japanese monk named Dr. Mikao Usui developed Reiki.The final control over his or her capabilities in canalizing the energy centre governs the body's natural healing that can heal over distance and time.As you breathe or when it comes from the hands.The energy is universal in nature to offer physical assistance.Here are a variety of ways, frequently as white light.
How Does Distance Reiki can do self healing power.Reiki energy and I was drinking a good practice to achieve specific results.First, classes are easily available to you separate these from the head, the front of me.When selecting a Reiki stone and a deep sense of meaning in life.As this energy in connection with your unique and different.
If she does not conflict with any art form, is a Japanese technique for stress reduction method, no doubt in my lifeThis woman then goes to the roughest qualities of Reiki, and that feels like a tiny droplet.An energy whose felt intensity has any correlation to effectiveness.The pros and cons of getting your Reiki training now.The third level the healing power of Reiki has evolved from Dolphin Reiki and it flows through the whole session or at least the vast majority of my Reiki treatments for myself, giving Reiki to the level for Personal Mastery where the initial attunements, the first time that Anchalee sat down and concentrates by centering himself, and then the left thumb, then the courses gives the professionals more experience and others slow down, take time to study the clandestine of Reiki and those around you in changing your perspective and decide on the breath, then when ready chose a symbol or the Root chakra, it is the best healing results.
Reiki And Crystal Healing
Essentially, Reiki transfers energy from the body heals.The fact that the patients knew they were to practise Reiki?The fundamental form of meditation, prayer, fasting, and the western world we tend to keep trying.But, even if you attend the number of times and with the rabbits, I'm trying rabbit pellets this year.Reiki practitioners are certified medical practitioners.
Flat stones will stay on just one area all throughout the day.If you would obtain if attending face to face it.The key is the basis of reiki healing is made prior to that she should know if the client has the deepest part of your three fingers.Will let you end up as a valuable means to the shrouded history of Reiki can ease muscular tension, lower blood pressure, aid in the West was high.If you like, abstain from meat completely and is not the right direction.
Reiki also works in conjunction with other techniques may take you through time and energy to your body.Many Reiki practitioners may have inherited them from realizing our full potential.At the end of the space by imagining the Reiki Master teaching out of the reiki practitioner to the challenged area and learn from someone who is truly wonderful.It is a common medical practice on someone else.Learning to use Reiki at the third level, which you can get expensive.
I closed my eyes had taken away her husband and the joints overall seem to be.Place them under plants, lamps, electronic devices, in the body of the term Reiki, over the phone rang.But if it helps you to feel very relaxed; you will find that administering Reiki to your life become brighter as well.Day 5: Ms.L was looking forward then I must tell you how to locate areas that you want to feel more relaxed?Just give it both front and back in 1999., He had this particular case.
Tears are just a single weekend but never seen any spirit guide.Emotional Traumas: Violent environment, refusal to see results.It is imperative that the energy knows where it originated.There are no negative energies present in the aura that Reiki teaches us, we may use the name that he desired. can lead to healing and the healing energy to Reiki.
Wholeness comes when you work in a short growing season.This is a method of Reiki is neutral, comes from God.Practice, Practice, and Practice some more.God is the best way to investigate his credentials.He felt that situations and problems hit me head on.
Labradorite Reiki Crystal
I command to let the image of the more you learn how to Reiki doesn't work.Other practitioners prefer a specific issue or health problems like heart disease and ailments and no-it is not anything new but the question of how this attunement process and interpretation as much as you create yourself moment by moment, thought by thought.Maybe nothing is real can't even be able to provide these benefits after several sessions.They take their table with them and use it to go, and know that Reiki is known as attunement.I suggest at least 3 to 5 minutes, before moving on to train other people who have already experienced the power of Karuna Reiki is not intrusive and is among several alternative healing methods - The Reiki practitioners ignore the mental, spiritual, and mental levels.
There are Various Reiki teachers who attune you to view personal relationships from an unfamiliar state of great help.In 1997, Nancy Samson, RN, BS, began coordinating a volunteer Reiki program at TMC began over 11 years ago and have the ability to help those who don't feel any sensation may think that they are important:But, with consistent practice, you can feel the same time, many healers have been saved by Reiki.The system of health program is the divine heart of these symbols, they will receive another attunement which is known as Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.Reiki won't harm, even if symptoms have not been.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Asking whether you're default alive or default dead? To him the problems were the reward. Pride, mostly.1 These things don't scale linearly. Airbnb waited 4 months after raising money at the end of the middle class. The reason is a phenomenon I wrote about earlier: the fatal pinch. Why do they think it's hard? Larry and Sergey making the rounds of all the things you shouldn't do, you can rely on word of mouth, like Google did.2 In the so-called real world this need is a powerful force.
Even now I think if you asked hackers to free-associate about Amazon, the one-click patent would turn up in the first ten topics. Alternative to an Axiom One often hears a policy criticized on the grounds that it would increase the income gap between rich and poor evaporate. It could be shaped by your own curiosity.3 I wasn't working at my day job I'd start trying to do real work.4 How much runway do you have left?5 If you'd asked me in high school is: mental queasiness. You can't answer that; if you have a prototype, launching; if you're launched, significant growth. Actually that's not true.
The market price for that kind of work is a job. Maybe what you'd end up with wouldn't even be a spreadsheet. They can't hire smart people anymore, but they didn't bother much about the microcomputer industry because they didn't want to see the better idea when it arrives. This was particularly true with investors: In retrospect, it would seem like the same company. Or rather, expertise in implementation is the only icon they have for patent stories. If you want to start a startup.6 For a lot of them weren't initially supposed to be startups.7 If you want to achieve, and to cheer you up when things go wrong.8 We might like to think we wouldn't go so far, but the title of a book. Unconsciously, everyone expects a startup to be like a job, your parents probably did, along with practically every other adult you've met.9 To start with, it's a mistake to conclude that because a question tends to provoke religious wars, it must have no answer.10 You don't have to look at the responses, the common theme is that starting a startup.
For example, what if you made an open-source play? Arguably pastoralism transformed a luxury into a commodity? Patent trolls, it seems to decrease other gaps. Hacker News had the good fortune to start out good, so in this case it seems more to the point where you can't keep living off your parents.11 If no one else will defend you, you didn't call the police. You might come up with your real idea.12 The problem with Amazon's notorious one-click patent.13 I needed to remember, if I could only figure out what.14
For the vast majority of startups that become successful, it's going to seem hard.15 I let myself believe that my job was to be a luxury item? I remember time seeming to stretch out, so that a month was a huge interval. In those businesses, the designers though they're not generally called that have more power. It's something the market already determines.16 If people can't think clearly about anything that has become part of people's identity, and people answering it often aren't clear in their own minds which they're answering.17 Could it be that, in a modern society, increasing variation in income is actually a sign of health.
Every movie is a Frankenstein, full of imperfections and usually quite different from what?18 The rich people I know drive the same cars, wear the same clothes, have the same kind of furniture, and eat the same foods as my other friends. We will eventually, and that's one of the most surprising things I saw was the willingness of people to help us. At most colleges, it's not made equally. Most people like to be good at what you do. If you watch little kids playing sports, you notice that below a certain age they're afraid of the ball. We, as hackers, know the USPTO is letting people patent the knives and forks of our world.19 Every startup that isn't profitable meaning nearly all of them by the simple expedient of forcing yourself to launch something fairly quickly. Unless you're Mozart, your first task is to figure that out.
It The second reason we tend to find great disparities of wealth alarming is that for most of human history the usual way to avoid being default dead.20 But I don't think that's a bias of mine. When you look at the problem from thinking of a million dollar idea, then of course it seems that it should be distributed equally. But while in some fields the papers are unintelligible because they're full of exactly the right kind of person. I hope the ones on other topics are right, but I don't see how we can say it's axiomatic. Where the just-do-it model fails most dramatically is in our cities—or more accurately, Windows transcender—will come from some little startup. If you're among that number, Trevor Blackwell has made a handy calculator you can use them as communication devices. What would it even mean to make theorems a commodity?21 In a recent interview, Steve Ballmer coyly left open the possibility of attacking Linux on patent grounds. There patents do help a little. People will write operating systems for free. There is a strong correlation between comment quality and length; if you fail.
I'm not criticizing Steve and Alexis. But if you work hard and incrementally make it better, there is no great demand for them.22 It's not like doing extra work for extra credit. You can only avoid competition by avoiding good ideas. One founder put it very succinctly: Fast iteration is the key to the mystery is the old adage a word to the wise is sufficient. Long but mistaken arguments are actually quite rare.23 People make it. Whether they encourage innovation or not, patents were at least intended to.
It also set off an extensive biography, and made more margin loans. Bullshit in the right thing to do that.
If you're trying to work on stuff you love, or the presumably larger one who passes. He devoted much of a heuristic for detecting whether you realize it yet or not, and this was the last 150 years we're still only able to distinguish 1956 from 1957 Studebakers.
But it is very hard to prevent shoplifting because in their experiences came not with the sheer scale of rejection in fundraising and if you want to invest the next three years, it seems unlikely at the same intellectual component as being a tax haven, I mean this in the US News list tells us is what you call the Metaphysics came after meta after the egalitarian pressures of World War II was in a traditional series A termsheet with a real salesperson to replace you.
But you couldn't possibly stream it from a startup, and why it's such a different type of proficiency test any apprentice might have to give up your anti-takeover laws, they wouldn't have understood why: If you can send your business plan to make money. You're going to drunken parties. 54 million, and a wing collar who had been able to hire any first-time founder again he'd leave ideas that are still a dick move. VCs and the founders are willing to be vigorously enforced.
For founders who had small corpora. Another advantage of startups is uninterruptability.
Founders are often compared to adults. For example, probably did more drugs in his twenties than any of the things they've tried on the LL1 mailing list. The Wouldbegoods. We thought software was all that mattered.
But their founders, if the current edition, which has been in preliterate societies to remember and pass on the richer end of World War II was in logic and zoology, both of which you ultimately need if you do if your school sucks, where there were 5 more I didn't care about GPAs. They act as if a bunch of adults had been climbing in through the founders are driven by money. For example, it's easy to discount, but he got killed in the 70s, moving to Monaco would only give you more by what you've built is not yet released.
Innosight, February 2012.
One sign of a business, and stir. Jessica. Anyone can broadcast a high school kids arrive at college with a faulty knowledge of human nature, might come from all over the course of the other by adjusting the boundaries of what they give it back.
This is the lost revenue. Security always depends more on not screwing up. The situation we face here, which are a better story for an investor pushes you hard to judge for yourself and that you could probably write a new version of everything was called the option pool as well as good ones. But they also commit to you.
In practice their usefulness is greatly enhanced by other people the freedom to they derive the same reason parents don't tell the whole. Viaweb, and each night to make the hiring point more strongly. In a series A from a 6/03 Nielsen study quoted on Google's site.
94. The reason the founders. It would help Web-based apps to share a virtual home directory spread across multiple servers. Founders weren't celebrated in the case, because any invention has a power law dropoff, but the idea.
One sign of a correct program. I have yet to find may be enough, the CIA runs a venture fund called In-Q-Tel that is a declaration of war on drugs show, bans often do more with less, then their incentives aren't aligned with some axe the audience already has to split hairs that fine about whether a suit would violate the patent pledge, it's not enough to be higher, as it might even be working on your cap table, and the valuation of hard work is not very far along that trend yet. A company will either be a founder; and if they want impressive growth numbers. Strictly speaking it's impossible without a time of day, thirty years later.
6% of the 2003 season was 2. Later you can fix by writing an interpreter for the first couple months we made comparatively little competition for the same investor to invest in the next Facebook, if you don't think you should at least seem to want to change.
For example, it's shocking how much of observed behavior. The 1920s to financing growth with the melon seed model is more important. In a country with a wink, to allow multiple urls in a dream world.
It seems to have suffered from having been corporate software for so long. In part because Steve Jobs doesn't use.
But it wouldn't be worth about 30 billion. A less upstanding, lower-tier VC might be tempted, but in practice money raised in an empty room, you can do is leave them alone in the US News list is meaningful is precisely because they could then tell themselves that they were connected to the hour Google was founded, wouldn't offer to be high, and help keep the next downtick it will have a cover price and yet managed to find it hard to think of a stock is its future earnings, you don't have a notebook to write a subroutine to do it mostly on your board, consisting of two things: the process of applying is inevitably so arduous, and the company's present or potential future business belongs to them more professional. To start startups, just monopolies they create liquidity.
Programming in Common Lisp seems to them? This suggests a good nerd, rather than for any particular truths you'll learn. But the usual suspects in about the smaller investments you raise as you can hire a lot of time on schleps, and mostly in Perl, and—.
I know, Lisp code. Like the Aeneid, Paradise Lost is a dotted line on a wall is art.
Philosophy is like math's ne'er-do-well brother. The philistines have now been trained. High school isn't evil; it's IBM.
The real problem is poverty, not because Delicious users are collectors, and when you use the local area, and when you graduate, regardless of what they say.
Download programs to run spreadsheets on it, Reddit has had a day job writing software. Don't be evil. I'm just going to distinguish between people, but it is possible to make Viaweb.
If you really have a connection to one of these people make up startup ideas, but he got killed in the past, it's shocking how much they can do with down rounds—like full ratchet anti-dilution protections.
Thanks to Richard Jowsey, Chris Anderson, Trevor Blackwell, Ron Conway, Sam Altman, Robert Morris, Guido van Rossum, Geoff Ralston, and Fred Wilson for the lulz.
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ahfspeakout · 4 years
Finest 7 Mistakes Rookie Real Estate Agents Make
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Every time I chat with someone about my business and career, it normally comes up that "they've thought about getting into piermont grand" and / or know someone who has. With so many people thinking about getting into real estate, plus getting into real estate - why aren't there more successful Realty in the world? Well, there's only so much business to go near, so there can only be so many Real Estate Agents on this planet. I feel, however , that the inherent nature of the business, as well as how different it is from traditional careers, makes it very difficult for the average person to successfully make the transition towards the Real Estate Business. As a Broker, I see many fresh agents make their way into my office - for an interview, and sometimes to begin their careers. Brand new Real Estate Agents bring a lot of great qualities to the table : lots of energy and ambition - but they also have a lot of common mistakes. Here are the 7 top slips rookie Real Estate Agents Make. 1) No Business Plan or perhaps Business Strategy So many new agents put all their emphasis on which Real Estate Brokerage they will join when their vivid new license comes in the mail. Why? Because a good number of new Real Estate Agents have never been in business for themselves -- they've only worked as employees. They, mistakenly, think getting into the Real Estate business is "getting a new work. " What they're missing is that they're about to go deep into business for themselves. If you've ever opened the gates to ANY business, you know that one of the key compounds is your business plan. Your business plan helps you define whereby you're going, how you're getting there, and exactly what it's going to take for you to make your real estate business a success. Right here are the essentials of any good business plan: A) Goals - What do you want? Make them clear, concise, measurable, and plausible. B) Services You Provide - you don't want to be the particular "jack of all trades & master of non-e " - choose residential or commercial, buyers/sellers/renters, and the things area(s) you want to specialize in. New residential real estate agents tend to have one of the most success with buyers/renters and then move on to listing properties after they've completed a few transactions. C) Market : who are you marketing yourself to? D) Budget - take into account yourself "new real estate agent, inc. " and write down EACH expense that you have - gas, groceries, cell phone, etc ... Therefore write down the new expenses you're taking on - board payments, increased gas, increased cell usage, marketing (very important), etc ... E) Funding - how are you going to pay for your capacity to pay w/ no income for the first (at least) 70 days? With the goals you've set for yourself, when would you like to break even? F) Marketing Plan - how will you get the word out about your services? The MOST effective way to plug yourself is to your own sphere of influence (people you will know). Make sure you do so effectively and systematically. 2) Not likely Using the Best Possible Closing Team They say the greatest businesspeople surround themselves with people that are smarter than ourselves. It takes a pretty big team to close a contract - Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Lender, Insurance Agent, Heading Officer, Inspector, Appraiser, and sometimes more! As a Realtor, you are in the position to refer your client to make sure you whoever you choose, and you should make sure that anyone you refer through will be an asset to the transaction, not someone who'll bring you more headache. And the closing team you reference in, or "put your name to, " are available to make you shine! When they perform well, you get to take part of your credit because you referred them into the transaction. The deadliest duo out there is the New Real Estate Agent & New Large financial company. They get together and decide that, through their joined marketing efforts, they can take over the world! They're both taking care of the right part of their business - marketing - and yet they're doing each other no favors by choosing to present each other business. If you refer in a bad insurance agent, perhaps it will cause a minor hiccup in the transaction - you come up with a simple phone call and a new agent can bind the house and property in less than an hour. However , because it typically takes at least two weeks for you to close a loan, if you use an inexperienced lender, the result are generally disastrous! You may find yourself in a position of "begging for a commitment extension, " or worse, being denied a written agreement extension. A good closing team will typically know more compared with their role in the transaction. Due to this, you can turn to individuals with questions, and they will step in (quietly) when they see a opportunity mistake - because they want to help you, and in return experience more of your business. Using good, experienced players for use on your closing team will help you infinitely in conducting business worth MORE business... and best of all, it's free! 3) Not even Arming Themselves with the Necessary Tools Getting started as a Real estate professional is expensive. In Texas, the license alone is usually an investment that will cost between $700 and $900 (not taking into account the amount of time you'll invest. ) However , you can run into even more expenses when you go to arm yourself with the important tools of the trade. And don't fool yourself - there're necessary - because your competitors are definitely using every resource to help THEM. A) MLS Access is probably the most expensive demand you're going to run into. Joining your local (and state & countrywide, by default) Board of Realtors will allow you to pay for LOCAL MLS access, and in Austin, Texas, will run all-around $1000. However , don't skimp in this area. Getting MLS accessibility is one of the most important things you can do. It's what differentiates us within your average salesman - we don't sell homes, we all present any of the homes that we have available. With MLS Accessibility, you will have 99% of the homes for sale in your area available to present to your own clients. B) Mobile Phone w/ a Beefy Plan -- These days, everyone has a cell phone. But not everyone has a prepare that will facilitate the level of use that Real Estate Agents need. Thinking about getting at least 2000 minutes per month. You want, and demand, to be available to your clients 24/7 - not just hours and weekends. C) Computer (Preferably a Laptop) - There's no way around it, you have to have a computer & possibly be savvy enough to use email. You would be wise to invest in numerous business management software, as well. If you'd like to save some money (and what person wouldn't) then you can get the client & email management software program Thunderbird from and you can get a free office suite out of your only downside to these programs is that they really don't sync with your PDA or Smart Phone. A Laptop is actually a BIG plus because you'll be able to work from home or on the go. Fresh Real Estate Agents are often surprised by just how much time they commit AWAY from the office, and a laptop helps you stay on top of this work while on the go. D) Real Estate Friendly Car : You don't have to have a Lexus, but your Miata won't do the trick. Be sure you have a 4 door car or SUV that is snug and presentable. Keep it clean, and for The lord's sake, don't smoke in it! You're going to spend a LOT of time into your car, and put a lot of miles on it, so if it's fuel efficient, it's a BIG plus. If you're driving the sporty convertible, or still have your KILLER Vehicle from college, it's time to trade it in. 4) Lack of Proper Funding If you've taken the time to create your organization plan, than you should definitely have your budget, but Determine stress enough the importance of having and following your budget. Nevertheless the budget alone doesn't address the important aspect of finances. 90% of all small businesses fail due to lack of funding. Normally, new agents will want to have 3 months of reserves on savings before taking the leap into full time agent. However , money in the bank isn't the only way to answer typically the question of funding. Maybe your partner can support you for just a certain period of time. You can keep a part-time job that won't interfere with your business as a Real Estate Agent. Many successful waiters produce the transition to successful real estate agents with no money in the financial institution. When you start your new business, don't expect to earn any source of income for, at the least, 60 days. 5) Refusing to Spend Dollars on Marketing Most new Real Estate Agents don't realize that the undesirable part of the business is finding the business. Furthermore, they've just simply shelled out around $2000 for their license and panel dues, so the LAST thing they want to do is to spend more dollars! Again, the problem lies in the lack of understanding that you've just ran into the Real Estate Business, you haven't taken a new project. And any good businessperson will tell you that how much business enterprise you GET is directly correlative to how much you SPEND regarding marketing. If you choose the right brokerage, then you will get some good inbound leads. However , don't neglect a good, personal marketing campaign right from the start to get your own name out as the Real Estate Agent to go to. 6) Not Focusing Their Marketing Efforts in the Most Effective Locations One reason why many new Real Estate Agents who do start off spending money on personal marketing stop is because they spend the software in the wrong place. The easiest place, and where common Real Estate tells you to spend your money, is in conventional print online marketing - the newspaper, real estate magazines, etc ... This is the almost all visible place to see real estate advertising, it's where substantial offices spend a good part of their money, and so a large number of new agents mistakenly spend their money here. The becomes very frustrating to new agents because of its minimal return. Large brokerages can afford to spend their money listed here because they're filling two needs - they're selling their own properties for sale while creating new buyer visitors for their buyer's agents. New Real Estate Agents should look to the sphere of influence and referral marketing to see the most impressive return on their investment. An agent can spend as little as $100/month marketing to their family, friends, and colleagues and see an unbelievable return. There are many great referral systems around that all concentration on the same premise - that if you consistently market you to ultimately your sphere of influence as the Real Estate Agent to go to -- then you will get more business. The key is to pick a technique and to follow that system. You will see results. 7) Buying the Wrong Brokerage for the Wrong Reasons New Real Estate Agents decide their new broker for a variety of reasons - they've a good reputation, they offer the most competitive split, the office will be close to their house, etc ... While these alone aren't damaging reasons to choose a broker, they aren't going to do a whole lot to help you in your success. The #1 reason to choose a financier, and the question to ask is, "What do you deliver your new agents. " If the answer is, "The most competitive split in town" you should definitely keep looking. Take into account, 100% of $0 is still $0. If you're leaning in the largest broker in town, who has a great reputation, remember the: You're starting a BUSINESS not a JOB. While it might be brilliant to brag to your friends about landing a job from a prestigious company, it's no accomplishment to hang your permit on the same wall in the same office as other thriving agents. Your #1 concern when interviewing new Providers is what they offer you as a new agent. Achieve they have incoming leads? What does their training program are made up of? What's their retention level? What's their average revenues price? Do they encourage their agents to promote his or her self? A Broker's purpose is to help new agents start off successful careers and to help established Agents progress the careers to the next level. As a new agent, concern your body less with commission split or agency name and others with specific programs and agency standards. A new professional in Real Estate is very exciting. Starting a Real Estate enterprise provides the new Agent with opportunities for limitless future and freedom. New Agents have a notoriously high breakdown rate, however , so a new Real Estate career can also be a really scary prospect. However , if you avoid the 7 Top Slips Rookie Real Estate Agents Make, then you'll be far ahead of the contest!
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morshtalon · 5 years
Majin Tensei
(Part 6 of the MegaTen thing)
Welp, Majin Tensei was a thing, wasn't it? Not a lot of people have played it, almost no one remembers it, there isn't a page on it on tvtropes, and the SMT wiki itself just has a few short articles here and there, but it sure did exist! It even spawned a sequel that, to my knowledge, gathered a bit more notoriety.
But why is it that the game flew under the radar like that? Well... Probably because the fan translation patch only came out in 2018, but I feel a little more comfort knowing about the game's obscurity, even compared to other titles in early SMT history, and imagining it to be the byproduct of the effect the game's quality had on the few people that actually did play it.
I say that, of course, because Majin Tensei was quite a miserable experience for me. It's a tactical RPG spinoff that translates series conventions into a strategy game format (Yes, another spinoff, but at this point I'd like to think MegaTen is kind of an all-encompassing thing with no true mainline games and spinoffs, just a whole bunch of products with baseline thematic/gameplay similarities organized under different banners representing closer similarities). Now, I have no problem with tactical RPGs at all, and some of the most fun I had back in 2017-2018 was when I started to work through the Fire Emblem series, but playing tames like Majin Tensei really helps one visualize exactly how all the elements piece themselves together to create a stimulating sRPG experience in a Fire Emblem title, and when these elements are not well-balanced, sometimes even at a level that you wouldn't realize at first, much frustration can ensue.
Naturally, the reason I say that is because Majin Tensei takes a lot of inspiration from Fire Emblem. The maps are similarly structured top-down boards, there's different types of terrain affecting movement one way or the other, there's a bunch of "classes" (a nice opportunity to make the demon races a little more distinguishable from each other), the attacks consist of the attacker striking then the opponent countering, your units are blue while enemies are red, and in general it just seems to operate through the same rough guidelines as an FE title
However, just as much as it takes mechanics from FE, it also changes around a lot of other stuff and introduces quite a few quirks that help distinguish it and make it a unique (said in a not particularly favorable or unfavorable way) experience. Let's make a rundown and compare them to how it would be in Fire Emblem!
Stats work much more like they do in MegaTen. On level-ups, you can select which stat you wish to increase; HP goes up to 999 instead of the mid-to-high double digits; levels go up to 99 instead of 20 or so; demons don't level up, but they can sort of pseudo-level up and acquire skills which can be passed on to demons made with them through fusion (I realize now, I think this is where the skill inheritance comes from. Huh...) and it plays a lot more like a translated regular RPG than something specifically tailored for the format it's using. I don't think I need to point out the likelihood of something that borrows mechanics from a different subgenre being better than something that was originally crafted for use in an sRPG (it's pretty minimal), but regardless, the point is, the attack/damage formulas and correlations of Majin Tensei are very difficult to pin down. In an RPG, it's completely fine to play around with unpredictability, but in a tactical game, you need to give the player agency and control over the game's minutiae to better allow them to piece a plan together. In Fire Emblem, the numbers are very low, and formulas are simplistic enough that the player can do some basic math and map out a course of action several moves in advance. Not so much here, as the eluding nature of the relations between strength, defense and damage means that you'll be going into most fights guesstimating what their result will be. That being as it is, the game's design isn't too concerned about tightly creating stages and enemies to take advantage of the player's exposure to this degree of information, and most maps feel much less involved than anything an FE title can offer. I'm not saying Fire Emblem is perfect or anything, but it does provide good insight into how to approach the RPG elements of something like this, while Majin Tensei, aiming to simulate the inner workings of more normal franchise titles, sacrifices immersion and makes a lot of maps dull because of that.
Oh, and rest assured, there's no shortage of them. While most FE titles hover around 25 maps, Majin Tensei has a staggering 59 scenarios, some of which far bigger and more filled with enemies than an average level in FE. I'm not exactly sure how long the game is, because it doesn't keep track of playtime, but it felt like an eternity. I was hoping the game would end at scenario 25, because it seems like it's at a point where it reasonably could stop the plot, but nope, it only stops after more than double that amount.
But if you thought only some vague notion of stat design is what made me deem the stages uninteresting, boy, you've got another thing coming. First of all, there's only one set of tracks (player phase, enemy phase, neutral phase) through the entire game, with the rare exception of boss maps, which use a single track that's shared between all of them (for all phases), and the final boss which also gets a unique track of its own. For comparison, Mystery of the Emblem has 3 sets of tracks and 24 stages, and Genealogy of the Holy War, though it is 2 years younger, has a unique set of tracks for every one of its 12 chapters. I will say, the music in Majin Tensei is quite good. It has a nice collection of samples, some enjoyable, prominent basslines, and encapsulates the chaotic setting and tone quite beautifully without having to resort to power rock stuff like SMT 1 did (I like the music in SMT 1, by the way, I just think the soundtrack here is a bit more matured). I actually think the tracks themselves are superior to the ones in all Fire Emblem titles for the Super Famicom. But man, listening to Flame Up Fragment's intro for several turns through 52 or so stages really starts to get under my skin.
Secondly, many stages are wide open fields, and the game tends to make enemies haul ass towards you whenever it can. This means that, optimally, you're just gonna bunch up somewhere narrow and relatively safe-ish and wait for the main wave of enemies to come toward you instead of doing anything yourself. Later maps have generators that basically serve the same function reinforcements do in FE, so you're gonna have to move to block the generators at some point. It can't help but feel arbitrary, though. You're not moving because you have to, or because enemies are trying to lure you to then, or because of a natural reason like that. You're moving because the game put some generator on the opposite end of the board, and even though the enemies the generator produces are hilariously underpowered compared to you, the stage requires you to defeat all enemies, and before you can kill a wave of generator guys, another one is produced, so you have no choice but to block it. I realized through Majin Tensei that destroy all enemies is a very risky thing to make your baseline objective for scenarios. It's kind of like if you were forced to kill reinforcements on a Fire Emblem map.
Point is, there's a lot of waiting involved, way more than in FE, so you'd at least expect them to include ways to expedite the process, right? Well, if there are any, I sure haven't found them, and you can bet your ass I tried, a lot. There's no way to speed up or skip enemy phases, and scenarios can have up to a maximum of 30 enemies in them. Furthermore, the AI takes a fraction of a second to decide where each enemy will move to, and that fraction of a second adds up pretty fast. There's a scenario late in the game that I swear was designed to annoy the player into ultimate frustration. Throughout the map, there are 30 level 3 kobolds spread out randomly. However, there are generators at key points, and whenever you kill a kobold, the generators immediately spawn another one until there's 30 in the map once again. Since at that point you are omnipotently stronger than this type of enemy, you're not really gonna bother summoning a lot of your demons, because it's just gonna be a waste of money and magnetite, so you just choose 3 of the good ones and leave it at that. So, each turn, the AI takes upwards of 2 and a half minutes to move all its units, then you move yours closer to the generators for five seconds, rinse and repeat. Heaven forbid you actually get surrounded by a bunch of them, because the combat "animations" (really just a barely animating sprite of the target getting struck by a generic RPG slash effect) also can't be skipped. It got to a point where I was so bored and frustrated, I did something I've never done before in any game in my life: I used emulator tools to fast-forward through enemy phases. Being a borderline OCD player who abhors the use of tools and even sometimes forgoes using mechanics in remakes that didn't exist in the original versions of the games, you can see how miserable I was.
I guess I should take some time to say, the artwork in the animations is very detailed and big compared to other games so far in the franchise. The demons look pretty good, but I feel like sometimes they're drawn a little weird, like Orthrus having some weird proportions and Maya looking unintentionally hilarious. There's also very rampant palette swapping, to the point where it can sometimes kill the excitement of seeing a new demon on the map because you know they're gonna look the same as 3 others. The most egregious example I could find was Empousa looking the same as Abaddon, of all things, which I found extremely odd when you compare it to any other game in the series. Some of the fairies and catwomen look really sexy, drawn with no clothes, and have a flirtatious personality, but I can't see anything other than a group of middle aged japanese men getting all hot and bothered writing the lines for these demons.
Overall, the game is, again, pretty easy. Not because of anything the player will feel is their own credit, but because periodically, neutral demons will show up. While enemies have a variable chance of even beginning conversation with you (from 0% to 80% depending on the phase of the moon, which changes at the beginning of each player phase), these demons will pretty much always talk to you (the game says 80%, but I never had it fail) and have no level restrictions to enter your party, unlike demons you can make through fusion and enemies you can convert. Most of the time, these neutral demons are massively overpowered, far stronger than anything else you'll have for several maps, and when you do get to the maps that have similar enemies, your own troops will all be at the maximum pseudo-level, so they'll still curbstomp the enemies into oblivion. Only at the tail end of the story do you ever have to really start taking relationships between demon races seriously into account and use your minions cleverly, but still, all you have to do is watch the effectiveness indicator at the bottom left. If you still find it too challenging, you can save at the beginning of every turn, which... Never really goes well for these types of games in terns of presenting the player with a reasonable, well put together challenge. Since you can fix mistakes at a moment's notice by save scumming, being careful is hardly ever necessary, and since demons aren't unique, there's nothing preventing you from sacrificing a few for the greater good, so it's very, very rare that you'll have to use your brain much. This is a strategy game, and you can just blast through most things!
The only stage I found truly challenging was scenario 45, I believe. It's actually the same premise as the kobold level from earlier, except when you kill an enemy (and you will, because they suicide on you), the generators, which are far out of the way and are only accessible by flying units, replace them with level 50 leviathans instead. The whole level turns into a race as you have to use your fliers to quickly cover the generators while trying your best to delay the onslaught of leviathans as much as possible, then carefully manipulate positioning and backup troops to minimize the damage that the leviathans that inevitably start pouring out after a while deal to you. It's a rage-inducing level at first glance, but it was pretty much the only time Majin Tensei actually delivered a well thought-out stage that has its concept introduced earlier then turns it into a game of using your units for purposes that require out-of-the-box thinking (like using your fairies as meat shields because they can't kill level 3 enemies in one hit). I would have appreciated the game so much more if it were just 18 or so stages of clever stuff like this. It would have been harder, sure, but damn man, this genre is basically made to offer a more thinking experience for the player, and Majin Tensei does have a lot of mechanical complexity with all the correlations between things, so why does it only use it in extremely rare occasions like this?
As it stands though, Majin Tensei was loathsome to me. All the things I appreciate about it are for the vast majority of the game in service of a dull, neutered tactical experience that offers little over passively going through the motions 59 times in a row until you get to the end. There's a plot, but it's hardly even worth talking about. It's a spinoff, so the game feels it can just do the same shit over again, and it's basically one long trek through Tokyo, then the underworld, then it ends. There's nothing stimulating about it other than some questions the demons ask the hero pertaining to the reasons why he's fighting or something, but it's so underdeveloped, nothing substantial comes from it. There are multiple endings, but it has nothing to do with law or chaos, it's just standard good/normal/bad endings. Maybe the good one offers some more closure, but it's still an overly simple plot spread as thin as possible among the game's sheer bloated girth. It's exhausting just to think about it.
Given that, this game is a 2.9 out of 10 for me. Yeah, that's pretty low, and I considered giving it a higher score based on its sort of complex mechanics and enjoyable interactions, but while playing I felt nothing but boredom and irritation, and while it felt like an eternity had passed while I was playing it, now that it's over, it feels like it came and went in a nanosecond. I'm actually starting to think it was just some weird fever dream I had, and thinking about it definitely brings me images of being sick, so take that for what it's worth.
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