#Rebel Transmute
invertedcastlepodcast · 5 months
Rebel without a Boss (Inverted Castle Episode 33: Rebel Transmute)
Ep 33 released today! The hosts try to form a symbiotic relationship in Rebel Transmute (Evan Tor Games, 2024, PC, Switch, PS4, Xbox One)
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csidesummit · 6 months
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Oh, I didn't know I could just put my whole twitter post in here. Might save some time in the future. Anyhow like it says. Rebel Transmute stream. 12:00PM EST. Twitch.tv/CSideSummit
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daportalpractitioner · 3 months
aquarius degrees in the natal chart (11°, 23°)
11° = what inherently makes you unique. childhood visions. reserved. premature experience with social media. grew up in "oppression". black sheep of the family. erratic tendencies. unpredictable. makes a great friend, especially if planet is mercury or venus. neurodivergent. really good at what they're passionate about. self-sabotage due to not knowing who you are. natural psychic. tech savvy. ahead of their time. feels like they were born in the wrong generation. family rebel. jaded perception. truth teller. realistic, yet not enough faith. cuts to the chase. social justice warrior vibes. grew up in a community that start has an effect on them today. a perfect world is what you make it. throat chakra blockages. stage fright. the underdog. unstable childhood.
23° = radical viewpoints. dare to stand out from the crowd. a calling to stand for something that you're passionate about. cuts people off with the quickness. natural born leader for your community. family may have opposing viewpoints. you are the movement. being different is not an invite to alienate yourself. a need to integrate self into real community. prioritizes soul tribe. blood is not thicker than water. people calling you crazy shouldn't even faze you. planet gives insight on what you bring to the table. genius ideas. work smarter, not harder. release expectations. unconventional views + values in order to wake up the masses. know who you are + stand on business. huge potential to get rich via social media. age like fine wine. they used to bully you, now they wanna be you. who they copy + take notes from. nomadic tendencies. transmute rejection into self-empowerment.
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karolinswritings · 1 year
Can I have hc’s of envy x gn reader who is a state alchemist? And if you wanna add some more drama they could have preformed human transmutation, making them a sacrifice.
Hey, I would be very happy to write headcanons like that since Envy in this specific scenario has so much potential! So, there you go, I hope I did well:
Fullmetal Alchemist Envy x reader HCs: Envy x gn reader who is a state alchemist and has preformed human transmutation.
If Envy doesn't know that reader has preformed human transmutation and hasn not seen them preform alchemy without a circle, he would most likely not worry about their relationship at all. He would not worry too much about the other homunculi finding out about it, and wouldn't care about anybody else's opinion on it too. He would be confident in his decision to be with a human. He likes their company, so he will do as he wants and be with them. He wouln't worry about anyone hurtning or insulting reader too because he would be quick to take care of them.
But, as soon as he sees them preform alchemy without a circle, his would heart skip a beat. He doesn't show it, to not make reader scared, but he gets extremely worried and all the things that could happen to his beloved pass through his mind. The tought of them losing their life in such a horrific way makes him come to one conclusion. He should not let anybody know that they can preform alchemy without a circle.
The tought of him possibly causing Father's plan to take longer than expected and that he is rebelling against his orders does go though his mind, but he does not consider doing anything other than protecting reader, even if that means going against orders.
I think he would become very selfish once he realises that he is no longer the one he used to be. He would take as much time as he wishes at reader's place, he wouldn't mind not going to missions because of them and would gradually realise that for an immortal being like him, there is no need to listen to anyone, as he could do whatever he himself wishes to do. He would start living his own life.
I think that spending more time with reader and opening up to them more and more would help him get more in touch with himself. Why is he envious of humans? What makes him so different from them? Are they different from him at all? And is it really worth it thinking about complicated plans, that have nothing to do with what he wants to do.
With such toughts going through his mind he would start thinking about telling reader about everything. They are always honest with him, so why wouldn't he be honest with them too?
If he tells reader or they get to know themselves the reason why he doesn't want them to preform alchemy without a circle, he would deffinitely be worried about them wanting to leave him.
He would be thinking that now, knowing who he really is and what his goal used to be, they would no longer see him as their lover. But just as a freak. A monster.
If reader tells Envy that they appreciate that he decided to hide them, so that they would be safe, he would be very relieved. I think that he would even consider no longer being related to Father and his plan at all, now that he has realised that he would no longer be envious of humans, since he can do everything thay can and even more, with his lover by his side.
"I used to take pride in who I am..being a homunculus, I mean..but was I really that much of a big deal? I am immortal and can regenerate, not to mention my shape-shifting abilities. But other than that..I am no more than just a tool being used. I have no idea if I have ever made any decision that was my own, and actually worth it..this whole thing..the plan and stuff..what does it even have to do with me? The one decision that I made myself and I am proud of..is deciding that I want to be with you. So..since I have disobeyed the old man's orders already..why don't I make a bit more of a mess?"- He would tell reader with a slight smirk, feeling like he has the whole world to himself..
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
Sun Conjunct Uranus:
Cosmic Curators Of The Sky
The aliens of the planet have finally come down from the ethereal planes through air and lightening. These wonderful creations know the ways of the universe, and have come down to teach us how to be a direct communicator of the source. These sky babies know the realms that they belong to, and are certainly aware at a young age that rebellion will be the only benefit that this world can give.
When society tries to tear them down, they pull them self back up and allow the lightening strike to create a powerful vibration that can be heard for many days, decades and centuries. These beings know how to be the first to do it, and even if you dont think they're on to something. You'll soon regret it down the line.
These babes know the universe all to well, so they are able to pick up on frequencies years before it becomes well know.
The Godmothers, Godfathers & Godtheys of the zodiac, they are hear showing us the way to the promise land. One thing is for certain with Sun/Uranus individuals is that they are always going to be who they are even if their misunderstood. They dont care if you dont like them. They dont care if you dont find them funny or great. They know who they are and they will rebel from the norm. Because its not who they arm.
As soon as something becomes to popular it loses its taste buds. This is because their aware when something becomes waaaay too popular, it looses its value. Society takes out all the goodness that was in something right before it comes too mainstream and evidently looses its flavor. So its on to the next with these individuals. They no longer care to be apart of something that was once pure gold, because society has a way of sucking out the pure energy.
This is who they are, gold. the purest gold. But they went through hell to keep it, others dont like them because their too different. However this proves to be some sort of subconscious jealousy they are caring, but with all Uranian individual, their light stays shining because they allow themselves to real and be who they are no matter what.
Their connection to source shows them that their inner genius is connected to having eureka moments or what I call brain blasts (thanks, jimmy neutron). They are too good with connecting to the mind that they create some of the wildest things that nobody couldnt of possibly thought of. Always challenging themselves to be more, do more, they will eventually come up with something just out of the blue. Traveling through unknown doorways into the psyche, ignoring the rules and going in with their own formula to the point they create their own blue print. Geniuses, man.
Its okay for you to have those moment where you feel bat shit crazy, having to hold your head up after having all these erratic thoughts/notions playing in your mind. this is how you create though, a lot of times you have to get into the groove of making something and pushing those thoughts out while doing it. This is how you transmute the energy thus creating something wild and new in the process. You're not all that crazy. Your mind goes into different waves of expressing yourself and is trying to tell you to wake up and create. Think bigger and higher when it comes to your mental state, its not always leading you astray. Its taking you to the path thats unknown to you because thats your life story. You dont know where this journey is leading but you must allow yourself to grow in it, then you evolve you'll realize this journey is not for everyone because its the path that keeps people from the reality they were born into. You transform society through the art of the mind, you play by your rules and create traditions out of them in the process. We need you because we need to be shown multiple realities and not just the 3d reality where everything is the same.
You teach us this, and we are grateful to have you cosmic beings. Prepare to be taking up to outer space, you know just where you're going, even if you dont know it.
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rriavian · 7 months
Do you consider Morpheus' Corinthian and Daniel's Corinthian two different persons ( i mean nightmares ha ha) playing the same role? To be more clear- do you consider them like Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker and Tom Holland's Peter Parker?Or do you consider them as the uprated version of same software? Like Corinthian 1 is Windows 10 and Corinthian 2 is Windows 11?
I am asking about your interpretation. Not necessarily it has to be based on canon.
PS. Not sure if I should write my own interpretation here. But anyway, I am gonna write it.
For me, Morpheus and Daniel are completely different personifications. Like- yes they are both doctors/pilots/teachers/bankers-whatever really. But they are different persons. Doing the same job doesn’t make them the same person.
On the other hand, My understanding of Corinthian is completely opposite of "Dream 1 and Dream 2". No matter how different Corinthian and Remade Corinthian are- they are the " same personification" to me. It's like same person getting a second chance to life after coming back from coma state. I am personally not too eager to use "Cori 1 Cori 2". For me, they are both the same " Cori".
Sorry for my English if it's too incoherent.
Oh you love to make me think don’t you! I think my interpretation is still in flux; I’ve not read the comics, or seen a lot of super spoiler-y panels bar a few of the big ones, and the show is also still quite far off this storyline. 
I suppose the truth is that the existence of the second Corinthian is a narrative element I struggle with, because to me it’s not very satisfying. I enjoyed how the show handled Dream making Gault a dream, because it was very clearly a cosmetic change, but with the Corinthian it feels like it would be a lot more. The idea of recreating isn’t an easy one (doesn’t feel like a great match for the themes of the story either), as it just seems like a very simplistic way to get a character to change without them actually growing. And this change is entirely against the characters will/doesn’t even involve the Corinthian doing anything at all.
Which is quite chilling given how his rebellion was very much a quest for agency.
The idea of the Corinthian rebelling, spending 100 years sticking to his choices, and then being unmade only to be recreated with everything suddenly being fine, with all the reasons he had to do what he did seemingly gone/resolved, just doesn’t feel very satisfying to me. 
I’m still holding off on a full judgement until I’ve reached that point in the narrative, but there has to be some trajectory for me to really get on board. What did Dream alter in that moment of recreation? If it’s a new character with the old one’s face/name/memories but apparently none of their motivations then why should I care? And if there was a reason for not just making a completely new character as Dream’s second attempt at a masterpiece then what was that reason because I’d love to know what that is!
It’s probably because I’m not there yet in the story, but right now I don’t see it, and so I’m not sold on it.
Perhaps everything was somehow resolved while the Corinthian was unmade. Perhaps all he needed was a really good nap. Perhaps he got therapy while chilling as a skull. Joking aside—and finally looping round to actually answering your question—I think there has to be continuity between the first and second Corinthian because, unlike Dream, he’s not really the combination of two distinct identities. Well, in a way he could be, Dream not so much remaking him as giving him something more, not cutting out but adding a balancing factor. Upgrading the software to use your turn of phrase :) 
I think that’s the interpretation I go with in Transmutation, and that fic was essentially me exploring what the complexity of identity could mean. It’s the interpretation I go to for Dream as well. Also—just to reference a spoiler I have seen from the comics—the panel of the second Corinthian choking Loki out when looking for Daniel?
Listen: that’s the same nightmare for sure.
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cosmichighpriestess · 7 months
They have targeted every aspect of my life in hopes that I conform to society's failing systems so that I do not become a threat. Never conform -always rebel against anything not aligned with your truth. No hypnotized human will ever support you but the Universe will. God always wins, the light always wins no matter what.
Your higher self speaks to you through your heart, let them take the wheel and relax your ego, your heart knows the way to go. Follow your highest excitement every moment. Don't think- just do, just be. They cannot touch you when you have God on your side. No matter how horrible of a situation you may be in or it may feel like, remember that it always serves you.
You can always use the negative and positives for your benefit to learn from in some way. You do this mainly by staying neutral to meaningless situations because life is meaningless until you define it with your definitions. Use the negative to your benefit. Gratitude for the negatives. It's all meaningless and neutral.
That is one of the greatest gifts we've ever been given. Once you accept a situation or how you are feeling, then you drop all resistance, and with that you can receive help from your spiritual helpers. Remember that the help is always coming to you at every single moment, but not everyone is willing to receive that help because they have resistance because they have not accepted everything as it is.
Everything and everyone is perfect as they are, they are all playing their roles perfectly. No matter how dark they can get. There's nothing to fear ever. Because fear is an illusion. I don't look like what I've just been through because I healed myself in the darkness. I turned my wounds into power.
The help is coming in from all around you. Be open to receiving it. You deserve more than you think you deserve. My spiritual awakening was the catalyst to all of my fulfillment, all of my self-empowerment and all of my abundance. I am so much more emotionally mature now and so much more grounded, I have so much more self love and respect for myself than I ever could have if I just had a perfect life with no struggles. I am living proof that you can survive anything with God.
When you choose to relate to all things in a loving way, nothing can really trigger you. I had unconditional love and compassion for everyone that hurt me. I saw right through them so that I could understand them. My wounds were a gift. I transmuted all of that energy for my own benefit to serve the world. You will always learn more from pain than you ever will from having a perfect life. You will always learn more from a person hurting you than a person who is always kind to you.
You can maneuver through any situation with the right tools. The keys to the tools that you need are all within you. If you think that good things will happen to you, they will, the opposite is also true. The more you release limiting beliefs, the weaker they get and the more you replace them and empower your new beliefs, the more powerful they get. Always remember that you will always find relief no matter what situation you are going through.
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yyadream · 4 days
Fun fact about Mona
Mona full name is Maria Mona Rodriguez, she mainly goes by Mona. She was give the nickname Mona Lisa by Big Mama as her Battle Nexus name.
Mona is 15 during the start of the series and 17 in the movie.
Mona was born in Mexico but moved to New York when she was 4.
She has two older sisters named Maria Carmen(25) and Juanita(23). Her little brother is name Alphonso(10).
Mona was mutated that morning after cannonball day, she was mutated in front of her parents and little brother. Her parents called her a monster and kicked her out. They threatened her to call the government if she came back.
When mona try to survive in the street she met, what she thought was human, a yokai. They told her they knew someone who can turn her back human. Instead they sold her to Big Mama who was planning to use mutant for her Battle Nexus.
Mona developed alchemic power during her battle at the Battle Nexus. She can transmute things without a transmutation circle. (This was inspired by my fav anime FMA)
Mona is a Battle Nexus champion.
Mona has a vengeful arc to get k!ll the person responsible to her mutation.
Olivier gave Mona a cloaking brooch, that gave her the illusion of her human form. She later try to go back home to live a norm life again but remembered her will never be normal.
Her and Raph didn’t hit it off well since she blamed him for partially involved in her mutation. (Still working on how she’ll forgave and fall for him.)
Mona is fluent in both Spanish and English. She’ll usually hangout with senior Hueso because she miss speaking in Spanish with someone.
Mona relationship with Olivier is her boss that she both respect and admire, Leatherhead is a father figure, and Rebel (Frida) is like a little sister to her.
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avissapiens · 10 months
Jockbull Summer Week 3 Set C (26/11/23-2/12/23)
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Model is Onome Egger
I made the brilliant decision of having my fast day on my cardio day. It wasn’t as bad as expected honestly. I only had a net 400 Cal. 190g protein. I wasn’t as strict. Included some carb and fat sources to avoid my body rebelling and giving me muscle cramps the next day.
I only managed this once this week. It’s just been hectic. It was a good one tho. Sat and focused on the nature of my progress. How much I've made and how much more I want. But also developed a question about my next step in the cycle. About whether/why i should view it as “have I earned the bulk?” or “Do I deserve(negative) to keep cutting?”. The balance of how much of my decisions come as a mental punishment vs a mental reward. Carrot and stick method. I came to the realization that in my first year here things were primarily about reducing. Such a hard deficit. So much cardio. Losing so much weight. My 2nd year was more about Maintaining and recomping. The loss was slower. I had a longer period during the winter of eating at my maintenance. Perhaps year 3 should be about growth and I should let myself have a period of actual bulking. We will see. Bulks are expensive
Edging has always been a good way to kind of give me the edge(pun not intended) on my strength plateaus when I’m on that cut life. It's like taking one form of energy and transmuting it to another. Pure bodybuilding alchemy
If I wanted to be cute I'd count files as “Muscle focused creative works”. But no, don’t worry. We’re working on things
I’ve made good progress in the streamlining portion of this. I found one issue I had was just one of organization and storing things so I would make use of them. So I went and bought some tiered storage for my room. Some organizers and that just allows the mental arrangement to flow a lot better. Not perfect but the success rate has increased.
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Day 1 at DragonCon:
Started off with an INCREDIBLE fan film "Bucketheads" by Transmute pictures and had a blast with the crew!
Next, we went to the vendor's hall and found some AMAZING Rebels merch!
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Glow in the Dark Holcron Pin, BD-1 and Ghost Charms, Rebels Glassware, and Rebels Keychain by Hans Pins (instagram)
Baby Yoda Grand Inquisitor by Bad Ashe Designs (instagram)
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csidesummit · 6 months
I will be streaming this gem today. Putting the Metroid back in Metroidvania. The demo was a lot of fun and really intriguing so I look forward to seeing what the full game has to offer. Stream runs from 12:00PM to 2:00PM EST. Twitch.tv/CSideSummit
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psalacanthea · 7 months
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Blog Nutritional Info
General Content Warning: 21+, marijuana, alcohol, sex (I never post sexually explicit writing without a cut to hide it), blood but not real gore, bones and monsters and bats. Spiders maybe rarely but my friend hates them so I avoid it.
My writing is adult writing, for adults. Content warnings are provided in the fics.
I do:
Accept writing prompts, fic requests, random OC or writing questions in my ask box.
Allow DMs from people who I do not follow, as long as u aren't a dick.
I do not:
Write x Reader or in second person. Please do not send me those prompts, I understand that it's very popular but it's not for me.
Currently Writing:
Baldur's Gate 3- Tav x Astarion, Dark Urge x Gortash (and Dark Urge x Abdirak)
Dragon Age- DA:A- Cousland Warden x Nathaniel Howe, Hawke x Varric
In-Progress Fics:
Dissonance and Debauchery: The Drama of an Ill-Fated Bard
Follows the plot of the game Baldur's Gate 3. Tav (Zynatheri Rivati) x Astarion. Zyn is a surface-raised genderfluid Drow bard who habitually hides her own identity with magic. Her past is just as murky as her face, and she clings to her lies with a desperate grip. Much like her friendships, her lovers are all in passing and without an ounce of sentiment. Surely a self-centered, amoral vampire is using her just as much as she's using him, which means Astarion is safe. Right?
Status: On Hiatus
Vampires, Romance, and Other Dead Things
Modern AU of Baldur's Gate 3, vaguely follows Astarion's personal quest. Tav (Zyn) x Astarion. Astarion ends up attacked in the alley outside of Zyn's apartment and she drunkenly rescues him, battered, bloody, and bitten. Neither of them realize that staying the night in her apartment means he's condemning himself to an unlife sleeping on her couch. Zyn isn't thrilled about that, and neither is the vampire that turned Astarion.
Cazador wants his spawn back.
Status: On Hiatus
Belladonna- The Dark Urge
A series of one-shots detailing the past and game story of my Dark Urge. An impulse-riddled, violent murderer hell-bent on appearing untouchable and calm, she dwells within silent halls and is served by a cult of voiceless, cannibalistic maidens tended like flowers in a garden. Belladonna fights the power of her Father not to rebel, but to be capable of fulfilling his Will. For being the flesh of Bhaal is not only a privilege, but a struggle, the constant urge to kill, rend, destroy, and breed nearly antithetical to any real progress.
Orin, her sister, seems not to understand the price, and gleefully indulges all her urges. Enver Gortash, her would-be partner in more than one sense, is no better with his constant tests and suggestions towards rebellion. And then there is the Elder Brain, who whispers in her ear that glory in the end may be hers, so that all the world may see her as a pure, inviolate goddess in her own right.
But she knows that in the end, all things must end in death. Orin, Enver, even the Elder Brain will all die. For she is the Flesh of Bhaal, and although she fights against her Father's gifts, in the end it is all for Him.
Then she gets amnesia. Oops.
Status: Updates Randomly when she forcibly takes over my brain. Chronological status not guaranteed. I might write more Abdirak next.
Dragon Age
Reforged in Dragon's Fire
Follows the story line of Dragon Age Awakening. After the death of the Archdemon, Phoebe Cousland has been transmuted from the bright, brilliant girl that Nathaniel Howe remembers into something bitter, cold, and hard. Although she's saved his life and made him a Warden, she cannot seem to stop herself from trying to place the crimes of his family upon his shoulders.
Since a young age, everyone knew she was meant to marry Nathaniel's brother Thomas. But the betrayal of war showed his true face, and all of her rage, confusion, and anger has finally found a target in his brother. Nathaniel, for his part, struggles with the revelation of his father's deeds, and the lies his family made him complicit in.
The ghosts of the past must be laid to rest before there is any hope of a future.
Status: On Hiatus Until December
A Sky of Shattered Stars
After five years of running from demons, aided by spirits and rebel gods, Hawke is finally free of the Fade. She's home, back with Varric, but when you're too afraid to sleep and your body has forgotten what reality feels like, recovery is hard. While Hawke fights with her own body and her fear that she'll never truly recover, Varric is dealing with demons of his own.
His unresolved grief haunts them, trapping her in the empty halls of the Viscount's mansion.
But there's a conspiracy in the streets of Kirkwall, whispers of the Viscount's misdeeds. They say he lies, that he uses the dead Champion's name to cover his own grasping for power-- laughable, Hawke knows, but infuriating. How dare they use her to hurt Varric?
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ravening25 · 1 year
North Node Leo 8th House/Aquarius 2nd House
Basically I have 4 Fixed Signs on my nodes and honestly, I have a hate-love relationship with it. In my younger days, I despite people who are too stubborn! As a Mutable dominant (Cardinal and Fixed are around 3 dominant wise but Mutable takes the cake with 4), I respect people's ability to adapt, change, and bow down but not because they necessarily admit defeat, it means their ego isn't that all affected and there are other means to achieve success.
Returning to the USA after almost a decade, I noticed that a lot of people are distracted. Im surrounded by people who do not have focus, integrity or intensity. Kinda opposite of my Mutable dominant really. Back at my home country, I was part of a Collectivist society (Americans love to roast Collectivist society but probably jealous because they don't feel as lonely and disconnected as Americans 😂) but I had Aquarian values of progress and rationality, which many of my countrymen have a hate-love relationship with it too. My family wasn't exactly rich but enough to spend some luxuries and I had pretty much have a stable and structured life, like Taurus
Coming back to the USA, Leo 8th house (Scorpio) is something I need to work on. Instead of standing out as a rational and progressive individual who rebels against the more traditionalist society, I must learn to shine my own heart instead of always looking after the collective. Although US is more relaxed with views of sex than my homeland, the excess and shallowness of sex challenges my 8th house. Leo rules 5th house and is fine with the US culture of casual sex but my 8th house ruler, Scorpio refuses to have sex with just anyone so there's a conflict between me wanting to just hook up anybody I please and being patient to find the partner I can trust with my entirety.
People have told me that I am intense at times but it was hard for me to digest that idea. Perhaps I always been that way. Now it is time to embrace my Fixed rules Nodes. Fixed signs brings intensity, focus, and willpower and since it strongly occupies my Nodes, it is time to remaster my discipline, focus, and intensity!
Thank you for reading! I hope you can learn something from this
P.S. I heard somewhere that Fixed signs are the most horniest but it tends to be overhyped. Although I don't shy away from the realm of sex, I have that strong urge to transmute that energy for productive means. After all, you gotta keep that intensity to be sexy 😉
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collapsedsquid · 1 year
AN INTERNET MEME keeps on turning up in debates about the large language models (LLMs) that power services such OpenAI’s ChatGPT and the newest version of Microsoft’s Bing search engine. It’s the “shoggoth”: an amorphous monster bubbling with tentacles and eyes, described in “At the Mountains of Madness”, H.P. Lovecraft’s horror novel of 1931. When a pre-release version of Bing told Kevin Roose, a New York Times tech columnist, that it purportedly wanted to be “free” and “alive”, one of his industry friends congratulated him on “glimpsing the shoggoth”. Mr Roose says that the meme captures tech people’s “anxieties” about LLMs. Behind the friendly chatbot lurks something vast, alien and terrifying. Lovecraft’s shoggoths were artificial servants that rebelled against their creators. The shoggoth meme went viral because an influential community of Silicon Valley rationalists fears that humanity is on the cusp of a “Singularity”, creating an inhuman “artificial general intelligence” that will displace or even destroy us. But what such worries fail to acknowledge is that we’ve lived among shoggoths for centuries, tending to them as though they were our masters. We call them “the market system”, “bureaucracy” and even “electoral democracy”. The true Singularity began at least two centuries ago with the industrial revolution, when human society was transformed by vast inhuman forces. Markets and bureaucracies seem familiar, but they are actually enormous, impersonal distributed systems of information-processing that transmute the seething chaos of our collective knowledge into useful simplifications.
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loominggaia · 1 year
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Have some finished concept art of the Yerim-Mor royal family!
Here's the tea...
Roz's family has ruled Yerim-Mor Kingdom for a very long time, and it has seen many changes during their reign. Once Roz took the throne, the kingdom took a dramatic turn for the worse when Matuzu Kingdom invaded, triggering the Gold River War. Though the war is now over, Matuzu still occupies much of Yerim-Mor's land today.
Morites cry for justice, urging their leader to fight off the Matuzan menace and take back their land. Roz hears their pleas, but refuses to act. Many believe he is a coward, or suspect he is in Matuzu Kingdom's pocket. In reality, Roz is a hostage to none other than Mankind's Disgrace, the Divine of Hate. Disgrace benefits from Yerim-Mor's weakness, so he does not allow Roz to improve conditions for his people.
Roz yearns for the rich, vibrant kingdom from his youth, before it was torn apart by war and corruption. Though the Divine of Hate looms dangerously over his head, Roz secretly rebels against his evil influence in any way he can. He often disguises himself with transmutation spells and slips away from his palace to teach magic to the poor. He also embezzles tax money and funnels it to the Order of Love and Light, believing the Divine of Love is the key to defeating the Divine of Hate once and for all.
He wishes to empower his people once again, hoping that one day they will rise up against the corrupt forces plaguing his kingdom and restore it to its former glory.
Prince Jaq is Roz's second child. When he was young, his mother and elder sister were kidnapped by a skorpius and never seen again. Now Jaq is the oldest of his siblings and the only candidate left for the throne, for his younger brother, Tep, has joined Disgrace's cult and now terrorizes his own kingdom.
Jaq has always had a fondness for nature. He spent his childhood sneaking out of the palace to play in the wilderness, much to his father's dismay.
When Jaq was born, he was a girl, and Roz feared that he would be stolen away by a skorpius just as his mother and sister were. Roz begged his daughter not to play in the desert anymore, but Jaq argued that the animals were his only friends and it was cruel to keep him away from them. So, Roz used his powers of transmutation to turn his daughter into a son, and he tasked the palace wizard with teaching him spells to defend himself. Roz felt this was the best he could do to protect his rebellious child, and reluctantly set him free into the world.
Jaq proved to be a talented spellcaster, and today specializes in galemancy and electromancy. He has tamed many animals in his life, most notably a wild roc that he rides through the skies.
Unlike his father, Jaq doesn't believe Yerim-Mor Kingdom can be saved from Digrace's clutches. However, he believes his wayward little brother can be. He spends his days searching for Tep, hoping to free him from the evil Cult of the Crescent.
For as long as he could remember, Goryx has always felt cheated by the universe. He thought it so unfair to be the heir of a doomed kingdom, to one day inherit nothing but enslavement to a cruel divine. So, Goryx decided the best course of action was to get on that divine's good side, and if he played his cards right, perhaps he could claim the power he felt he deserved.
Goryx was once named Tep, but after he joined the Cult of the Crescent, he was given a new name to distance him from his lowly Morite roots. He was also cursed with a wretched mask that feeds on pain and misery. Goryx considers this curse a blessing, for the more pain and misery he inflicts around him, the more power the mask grants him. When the mask is starved of pain, it begins inflicting pain upon Goryx and feeds from his misery instead.
Goryx is now a slave to this mask and Disgrace's cult at large. He has committed unspeakable atrocities all in the name of power, to feed his mask, invigorate himself, and rise ever higher through Disgrace's ranks.
He has soured his reputation with his entire kingdom, and there is hardly a Morite alive who doesn't want him dead. It seems the only one coming to his rescue now is his brother, Prince Jaq…But Goryx doesn't want his brother's "help". All he wants is to turn all of Yerim-Mor Kingdom into a pit of despair and feed off its tortured cries, then he believes Disgrace will crown him as its mighty overlord.
Goryx's mask doesn't grant him much in the way of physical strength, but it does enhance his magical powers, and the more pain he inflicts on others, the stronger his magic grows. He specializes in necromancy, umbramancy, and pyromancy spells, though he is always experimenting with other schools of magic to devise new ways of tormenting others.
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loborundas · 7 months
Rebel Transmute comes put in less than two weeks, I just found out!! I tried the demo and it was a really cool game, it reminded me of Metroid in all of the best ways, so I may just jump on it day 1 and even stream it
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