#Rehabilitation and Transitional Care
curerehab · 2 years
Day Care Rehab Centre | Cure Rehab Day Care Services | Day Care ServicesFor The Elderly
Cure Rehab runs a Day Care cum Rehabilitation Centre at Begumpet, Hyderabad. In a homelike, peaceful environment, clients receive therapeutic day care and participate in rehabilitation related programmes. The Centre, spread over 3 levels, has a large yoga hall, activity rooms, library, consultation room, counseling room, respite room, jogging track and other facilities.
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brinnovacare · 4 months
 Wondering How Spine Rehabilitation Centers Can Help?
 Spine Problems, No Worries!
Have you ever felt weighed down by back problems? They can put a damper on your day-to-day life, right? But there are places where guided treatment and support are provided to overcome spine-related concerns, Spine Rehabilitation Centers. They offer expert guidance and support to overcome spine-related concerns, so you can feel like yourself again.
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What Are Spine Rehabilitation Centers?
Spine rehab centres are specialised facilities focused on helping people with spinal conditions. They have teams of experts including physiotherapists, orthopaedic specialists, neurologists, and rehabilitation therapists. Together, they create personalised treatment plans for each patient, ensuring thorough care and the best possible recovery.
Various key features of Spine Rehabilitation Centers are as follows:
Multidisciplinary Approach: Spine rehab centres adopt a team-based approach, leveraging the expertise of various healthcare professionals to provide holistic care.
Specialised Expertise: With specialists in physiotherapy, orthopaedics, neurology, and rehabilitation therapy, these centres offer specialised care tailored to spinal health.
Comprehensive Services: From diagnostic imaging to pain management interventions and physical therapy, spine rehab centres offer a wide array of services to address diverse spinal issues.
Individualized Treatment Plans: Each patient receives a personalised treatment plan designed to target their specific condition, goals, and preferences, fostering effective rehabilitation.
Spine rehabilitation centres are invaluable resources for individuals with spinal concerns. With their significant key features, these centres empower patients to regain mobility and enhance their quality of life.
Services Offered at Spine Rehabilitation Centers
Spine rehabilitation centres offer specialised services for individuals with spinal conditions, injuries, or disorders. With a multidisciplinary team, they provide comprehensive care, including:
Diagnostic Evaluation: Utilizing advanced imaging techniques such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans, spine rehabilitation centres conduct thorough assessments to accurately diagnose and evaluate the extent of spinal abnormalities or injuries.
Personalised Treatment Plans: Each patient receives a customized treatment plan meticulously crafted to address their specific condition, rehabilitation goals, and individual needs, fostering targeted and effective care.
Physical Therapy: Central to spinal rehabilitation, physical therapy programs focus on enhancing strength, flexibility, and mobility while mitigating pain and discomfort through tailored exercises, manual therapy techniques, and therapeutic modalities.
Occupational Therapy: Occupational therapists assist patients in regaining independence in daily activities, providing strategies and adaptive techniques to overcome functional limitations and optimize quality of life.
Pain Management Interventions: Spine rehabilitation centres employ a variety of pain management approaches, including medications, injections, nerve blocks, and alternative therapies like acupuncture or massage therapy, to alleviate discomfort and enhance patient comfort.
Psychological Support: Recognizing the emotional impact of spinal conditions, rehabilitation centres offer psychological support and counselling services to help patients cope with stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting holistic well-being.
Education and Prevention: Patients receive comprehensive education on spine health, proper body mechanics, and injury prevention strategies, empowering them to make informed decisions and actively participate in their rehabilitation journey.
With a focus on individualized care, specialised expertise, and a commitment to improving patient outcomes, spine rehab centres play a crucial role in facilitating recovery, restoring function, and enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals with spinal concerns.
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Importance of Choosing the Best Rehabilitation Centre in Hyderabad
Selecting the right rehabilitation centre in Hyderabad is pivotal as it directly impacts the effectiveness of treatment and the overall experience for patients. Here's why:
Quality of Care: The best centres offer high-quality care delivered by experienced professionals, ensuring better results for patients.
Expertise and Specialisation: Specialised centres focus on specific areas like spinal rehabilitation, providing tailored and specialised care from multidisciplinary teams of experts.
Range of Services: Comprehensive centres offer diagnostics, physical therapy, pain management, and psychological support, addressing various aspects of recovery.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Modern facilities equipped with advanced technology enhance treatment outcomes and patient experience.
Patient-Centered Approach: The best centres prioritize patient needs, fostering a supportive and collaborative treatment environment.
Reputation and Reviews: Researching the reputation and reviews of rehabilitation centres helps gauge their quality and reliability.
Choosing the best rehabilitation centre in Hyderabad involves considering various factors. By prioritizing these aspects, patients can access top-tier services that enhance their recovery and overall well-being.
One standout option for spinal rehabilitation in Hyderabad is Brinnova. Specialising in this field, Brinnova provides tailored care from a team of experts including orthopaedic specialists, physiotherapists, neurologists, and rehabilitation therapists. Their services encompass comprehensive diagnostics, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pain management, and psychological support.
Brinnova's modern facilities and patient-centred approach ensure a comfortable and supportive environment for patients throughout their recovery journey. With a stellar reputation and positive reviews from both healthcare professionals and patients, Brinnova is a trusted choice for spinal rehabilitation in Hyderabad, offering top-tier care and optimal treatment outcomes.
Don’t let Your Back, Hold You Back!!
Spine rehab centres serve as invaluable resources for individuals grappling with spinal conditions, injuries, or disorders. By offering specialised care, comprehensive treatment plans, and a supportive environment, these centres empower patients to overcome challenges and embark on the path to recovery. Choosing the best rehabilitation centre in Hyderabad is crucial for accessing optimal care and achieving favourable outcomes in spine rehabilitation for residents of Hyderabad.
Whether recovering from a spinal injury, managing a chronic condition, or seeking preventive care, individuals can benefit greatly from the expertise and services provided by spine rehabilitation centres. By prioritizing their spinal health and seeking treatment from reputable facilities, individuals can reclaim their mobility, alleviate pain, and improve their overall quality of life.
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sukinohealthcare · 4 months
Transitional Care Services in Bangalore
Navigate the comprehensive world of transitional care services in Bangalore through Sukino Healthcare's dedicated platform. Discover a range of specialized services aimed at ensuring a smooth and effective transition for individuals recovering from medical procedures or transitioning between healthcare settings. From personalized rehabilitation programs to expert medical supervision, delve into the details of Sukino's commitment to providing top-notch transitional care services in Bangalore. Explore the array of resources available at https://sukino.com/transitional-care-services-in-bangalore/ to gain insights into how Sukino Healthcare is shaping the landscape of transitional care in the bustling city of Bangalore.
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coochiequeens · 11 months
Another sex offender TIM released into the public.........and given a laptop
Daughter's fury as paedophile father who abused and shared images of her with other sick perverts online before changing gender in prison is quietly released (...and given a laptop by an offender's charity)
PUBLISHED: 10:47 EDT, 16 July 2023 | UPDATED: 10:49 EDT, 16 July 2023
A paedophile who changed gender while in prison for sexually abusing her own daughter as a child and sending explicit photos of her to perverts online has been quietly released back into the community - and given a laptop by a do-gooding charity.
Claire Fox, 61, who was previously known as Clive Bundy, a father of six, served just seven years of a 15-year jail sentence, before being settled into a tiny market town on the Welsh borders.
Fox, who wears a black wig and floral dresses told neighbours, who knew nothing of her sordid past, that she was an electrician from Bangor as they helped her get settled into her new surroundings and helped her furnish her flat.
Fox's release from prison has appalled her daughter Ceri-Lee Galvin, who bravely waived her right to anonymity, having been abused by her father for nine years from the age of eight.
Revealing her astonishment, Ceri-Lee, 24, told MailOnline: 'My father is not a woman and I refuse to recognise him as such. He changed his gender in prison to make his life there easier.
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But now he is out and already up to his usual tricks – conning everyone he meets. 
'The fact he is now dressed as a woman makes him more dangerous as young girls are his thing and he has never shown any remorse.
'My father is a highly manipulative man who has attended no sexual offender rehabilitation programmes, shown no remorse for what he has done and openly admits finding children attractive.
'There have been no meetings I'm aware of to tell local schools about his presence, he has no tag and no curfew. He has just been put into this community and given all he could wish for – food, furniture, a home and a laptop.'
Ceri-Lee, now a student paramedic, added: 'I am in no way transphobic and I feel incredibly sorry for people who genuinely need to transition. They face stigma and worse because of cases like this.
'But it should just not be an option for those convicted of sexual offences against children to suddenly say that they want to be a woman.
'This only arose at the end of 2021 when he was due to be moved to an open prison but then had a fight with a fellow prisoner that was serious enough to stop the move.
'That is when he went for the gender change – when he was almost 60, having been a macho man all his life and having had eight children and having never mentioned gender dysphoria before.
'Now he is being indulged by everyone. The prison service gave him make-up and women's clothes and now a charity for the armed forces have provided him with so much stuff when all he did was a short stint in the Territorial Army in his 20s.
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He has conned them. He was never a soldier. The whole thing is outrageous.'
Fox arrived in a sheltered accommodation block for older people in a tiny town at the start of June.
She was given new furniture, a television, printer, washing machine, crockery and a laptop by the armed forces charity SSAFA because she had once been in the Territorial Army.
Fox's neighbour Lyn Robinson, 74, said: 'My first impression was that this person was very cheerful and amenable, assuring all us older people that they'd be no trouble. They seemed very confident despite the outlandish appearance.
'I thought she might find it difficult fitting in so I really took care of her. I gave her clothes and even lent her £70, which is a lot for a pensioner.
'I took her to the food bank at the Baptist Church where she was given loads of stuff including vouchers for a butcher in town and for a coffee shop.
'And we went to a concert at St Edward's Church where I introduced her to the vicar. I had no idea of her history.
Fox's decision to change gender before being released from prison, provoked a storm of protest when it was revealed in April.
She chose the same name as gender-critical campaigner and media pundit Claire Fox, now sitting in the House of Lords as Baroness Fox of Buckley.
Campaign groups fear that by changing their gender, sex offenders can effectively whitewash their past and could avoid detection under the Home Office's Disclosure and Barring Service, set up to protect children from abusers.
DBS uses official paperwork such as a passport or driving licence to carry out their checks, both of which can prove difficult to check after choosing a new name and gender.
The potential loophole is provided by the Gender Recognition Act (2004), which created a 'sensitive applications route' for trans people.
Ceri-Lee added: 'The victim liaison officer told me the only reason I was being informed about the name and gender change was because he had given permission for this to happen.
'It's allowing him to say that Clive Bundy never existed, that my abuse never existed and it is clearly a danger to children which is why I decided to speak out.' 
Fox is not the first sex offender to change gender while in prison
A rapist who carried out sexual attacks as a man named Adam Graham in 2016 and 2019 sparked a heated debate earlier this year after changing gender and name to Isla Bryson while waiting to stand trial at the High Court in Glasgow.
And in 2018, convicted rapist 'Karen White' – branded a 'highly manipulative' predator by a judge – was moved to HMP New Hall in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, and sexually assaulted two women inmates.
Fox was arrested after police discovered images of Ceri-Lee online that the abuser had been trading with other pedophiles.
She was later charged with and admitted to several counts of sexual activity with Ceri-Lee, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and distributing indecent images.
In 2016 she was sentenced to 15 years in prison. It was not until the end of 2021 that she told the authorities she wanted to change gender.
A SSAFA spokesperson, said: 'SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity provides practical, emotional and financial assistance to serving personnel, reservists, veterans and their families in their time of need. Due to data protection laws and our need to protect our beneficiaries' and employees' confidentiality, we cannot comment on individuals or their circumstances.'
A spokesperson for Dyfed-Powys Police said: 'In line with national guidelines we can neither confirm nor deny the information you have provided.
'However, we can confirm that Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements are utilised throughout the entire force area to manage appropriate offenders living in the community and they will be closely supervised by local officers to minimise any risk.'
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xxlovelynovaxx · 5 months
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The whole point is you don't know if they're fem cis men. You don't know if they're trans men. You don't know if they're trans women deeply closeted for their safety. You don't know if they're trans women whom misgendering will drive them further AWAY from their egg cracking and harm them. You. Don't. Know.
Misgendering is bad. "Clocking" someone is bad. Making assumptions about someone's identity and then turning it into a "joke" is bad. What's funny about misgendering someone?
Also, this discourse is literally in the context of the queer community. It's literally in the context of the queer community having an antimasculinity and gender essentialism problem. It's also in the context of gender stereotypes and the fact that smelling like flowers or painting your nails making you a girl doesn't become less of a harmless stereotype because it's a trans woman saying it. Like oh wow we went full circle from "girls play with dolls and like pink" to "trans girls play with dolls and like pink". Congrats on alienating every non-femme trans woman and femme trans non-woman.
It's not fucking transmisogyny to tell you not to misgender people or assume liking frilly things makes someone a girl. It's not fucking transmisogyny to tell you that the QUEER and especially TRANS communities have an issue with valorizing femininity while demonizing masculinity. It's not fucking transmisogyny to acknowledge this while acknowledging that actual transmisogyny demonizes transfemininity while infantilizing and erasing transmasculinity.
I'm putting the word transmisogyny on a high shelf until the rest of y'all learn what it actually fucking means. Transmisogyny isn't when an entitled white trans woman gets called out for doing actual harm. Like "joking" about misgendering someone. Or "joking" about being racist and going through a "nazi phase". Or "joking" about "raping cuntboys". It might be affirming that some queer people take your white woman's tears at face value, but here's the thing:
You're lovely women who deserve to have every access to transition, to resources, to be treated equally to cis people. You're just really fucking shitty people. You're bigots, you're cruel, you're cliquey, and you're like every boring high school mean girl who never grew out of pettily bullying other vulnerable people to get over the pathetic inadequacies of your own life circumstances.
People like that deserve community and kindness too. They also deserve not to have their behavior tolerated and to have to deal with compassionate rehabilitative justice. Those things can both be true, especially when the people they are hurting explain until our throats are raw how they're hurting us and they just keep doing it. Because the thing is, it's not actually about any "societal pressure to transition", and the fact you think it is shows you haven't listened to a single actual criticism anyone has had of the whole "egg discourse".
Other people have already explained more patiently and eloquently than me what exactly the problem with calling someone an egg is. I'd think you'd be concerned minimally with how it hurts actual transfem eggs more than anything, even if you don't care about how it very much does hurt transmascs and GNC cis men and the movement of transfeminism as a damn whole to insist "haha liking fem things=woman".
Explain what's funny about that. I'll wait.
Anyway, this was reblogged from someone I long ago considered a friend, someone I thought was better than this. I really thought most trans people were better than this when I first entered the community. I still hope some are. You deserve to be told that this is wrong, because you deserve to be reminded that you're better people than this kind of bullshit.
-your utterly over it neighborhood intersex transneufemmasc
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mrsshabana · 1 year
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Patient!Gyutaro x Nurse!Reader - CHAPTER 1
Chapter 2
✦ CW: 18+ MDNI, female reader. Mentions of mental illness, suicide, and sexual abuse of a minor. This fic has many dark themes, please do not read unless you are comfortable!
✦ AN: The long awaited nurse au is finally here! Sorry it took me so long, but I wanted to make sure it was perfect. Lots of thought and research went into making this fic. There will also be art included in this chapter!
✦ WC: 2,146
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This is what you should have expected from a job in the medical field that didn’t require much qualifications. Working at an asylum wasn’t ideal, but they are incredibly desperate for new nurses. As most of them are unable to handle the physical and mental toll that a place like this puts on someone. 
It’s your first day at your new job. You were excited until you entered the building. The dreary interior mixed with the groans and screams of unruly patients wasn’t the welcome that you had been hoping for.
You’re young, almost too young to be working at a place like this. The other nurses didn’t take you seriously, and they were going to make the transition for you more difficult than it needed to be. You were being assigned to a patient that is notorious for being difficult to work with. The other nurses use him to weed out the weak. Always shifting the new hires to care for him. They usually leave within the first week, so his care returns to one of the veteran nurses known for having a mind of steel. She’s cold hearted, but that helps you deal with a job like this. The complete opposite of you. A warm young woman, eager to treat and rehabilitate.
Currently you are being led to your new patient. Quickly scanning over his records as you follow the nurse through the halls of the sanatorium.
Rashomon Riverbank Asylum
Patient Record
Name: Shabana, Gyutaro
Identification Data: Sex: Male Age: 23 Height: 6’ 3” Weight: 134
Race: Asian Hair: Black Eye: Blue
Special Handling Code: Code Red; Keep medicated Special Handling Instructions: Keep away from sharp objects
Medical History: Multiple suicide attempts, Complications due to sickle cell anemia, Treated for Congenital Syphilis
Diagnoses: Sickle Cell Anemia Hutchinson’s Teeth Borderline Personality Disorder Antisocial Personality Disorder Depression Insomnia
Current Medical Treatment: Special diet for weight gain Medications given AM & PM
Medications: Wellbutrin - 100 mg twice daily Abilify - 10 mg once daily Carbamazepine - 350 mg twice daily Xanax - 2 mg twice daily Trazodone - 150 mg once daily Voxelotor - 500 mg once daily Adakveo - 5 mg IV infusion once every 4 weeks
Gyutaro Shabana, your very first patient at Rashomon Riverbank Asylum. Looking over his record, this is going to be a difficult one. You’ve learned about a majority of these diagnoses in college, so you have a good idea about the kind of treatment he will require. It’s strange though, he seems to have lost the genetic lottery. And you haven't even seen his face yet, you can only imagine what he may look like.
An asian man with sickle cell anemia is almost unheard of, roughly 0.0022%. And on top of that he was born with Congenital Syphilis. It’s quite frankly amazing that he’s lived past 20.
“Just introduce yourself, then I’ll take you to your other patients,” the other nurse says as she stops in front of his door. 
Not wanting to be impolite, you hesitantly knock on his door. There’s no response. You figured that there wouldn’t be, so you open the door anyways.
“Hello, Mr. Shabana?” you say coyly.
When you peek into the room, you are instantly frozen by his icy gaze. He’s sitting on his bed with a book in his lap. His cold blue eyes send shivers down your spine.
“I’m um… I’m your new nurse.” you choke out. He’s feet away from you but you feel as though his hands have a tight grasp around your throat.
“My name is Y/N. Um… If you ever need anything d-don’t hesitate to call for me…”
The expression on his face is unchanging, as he remains silent.
“Well I’ll see you later tonight Mr. Shabana…”
Closing the door, breaking the line of sight that he had on you, instantly you feel a surge of relief.
You go on to visit the rest of your patients, then you come back later that night to give Mr. Shabana his dinner. A high protein meal, specifically for weight gain.
Knocking on the door a few times before you push it open, “Mr. Shabana, I have your dinner.”
He’s in the same spot where you left him, sitting on his bed with a book in his lap. But this time he doesn’t even bother to look at you when you enter the room.
Stepping closer to place the food tray on his table, you inspect his appearance. 
His clothes hang off of his frame, enveloping his skeletal body. You can make out lean muscles on his arms, but his face is sunken and his pants hang low on his hips. There are large black marks scattered across his face, and you can barely see one peeking out from below his sleeve. Were these marks from his Congenital Syphilis? Dark circles sit below his eyes, he looks as though he hasn’t slept in weeks.
He’s wearing the standard issue uniform that all patients wear. A plain t-shirt and pants, made of the same material as scrubs. Though his feet are bare, slippers sitting below the edge of the bed. His hair is long and wavy. Black as midnight, unruly in the way it hangs in front of his face. The top of his hair is half haphazardly tied up.
“Got a problem…?” He rasps, drawing out each word.
The venom of his sour tongue sends a jolt of electricity through your skin. 
“Huh?” you’ve been sitting there staring at him for too long, “O-oh! I’m sorry sir! There’s no problem, please enjoy your dinner,” you quickly rush out of the room.
As you continue on giving food to the rest of your patients, Mr. Shabana’s voice echoes through your skull.
Got a problem…? Got a problem…? Got a problem…?
A few hours later, you go back to retrieve the tray and whatever food may have not been eaten. Stopping yourself before you open the door. It’s ok. He’s just a patient. Then why does he make you so nervous?
*Knock knock*
“Hello Mr. Shabana, I’m just here to collect your tray,” you chime, masking your fear with a smile.
Walking back into the dimly lit room, the fluorescent lights flickering. His eyes staring into you.
His food has been untouched. The only thing that was eaten was a packaged cookie.
“Not hungry today?” your voice shakes as you try to ignore his harsh gaze.
He remains silent. Watching you as you step closer. The buzzing of the fluorescent bulbs filling the room, filling your brain with static.
“Was it not to your liking? I can have the cooks make something else for you if you’d like.”
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Your eyes meet. His thin eyebrows furrow, the rest of his expression remains unchanging. The pressure of his glare makes the air around you feel heavy. Pressing down on you, compressing your spine, you feel so small when he looks at you. You’re desperate to fill the cold aura with some warmth.
“Mr. Shabana you really should eat-”
He slaps the tray out of your hand, food splattering onto your uniform, dripping onto the floor. 
Silence. You’re stuck staring down at your feet. Watching the pool of meat, vegetables, and milk spread around you. It takes you a few moments to fully process what has just happened, only able to snap out of it when you feel the wetness of the food seeping through your skirt, making you feel cold.
You regret looking up at him. Regret meeting his eyes. Filled with amusement.
“You better clean that up… don’t chu think…?” He smirks. Showing his sharp canines and crooked teeth.
“I-I…” you mumble, looking back down at the mess. He’s right, you should clean it up before it gets everywhere.
Going into the hallway, you grab some towels and return to his room. Not thinking your next actions through as you get down on all fours and start picking up the mess. All you want to do is hurry and clean this up so you can leave. But Mr. Shabana has different plans.
He slowly stands up. Looming over you, looking down on you with a twisted grin. He’s so tall… he makes you feel so small as you look up at him. So pathetic. So worthless.
“You look good down there…” he steps on your hand, “On your knees like a whore…”
His words leave you speechless. Your vision begins to blur and your heart starts to race. He pushes his weight further onto your hand, until you feel a crack.
“I’d like to see you like this more often…” he chuckles, the sound rumbling in his hollow chest.
Every instinct within your body is screaming at you to run. But you feel so trapped. So paralyzed by him. Like a rabbit cornered against a wall by a vicious predator. His eyes. It’s his eyes. No, it's his touch. It’s… everything about him. 
You try to speak up, but your words escape you. Coming out in a pathetic whine that makes his grin widen and his laughter intensify. 
He’s reaching for you. His hand is coming towards your face. Your mind is telling you that if you let him get any closer you will die. He will kill you. And he won’t even care.
Your body is pumped with enough adrenaline for you to break free from the physical and psychological hold he had on you.
Pulling your hand away from under his foot, you push yourself backwards. Stumbling to stand up on your feet. You run out of the room and through the halls, not risking looking back at him. All you hear as you escape is his laughter on repeat. You can’t tell if his laughter is echoing through the halls, or if it has just been ingrained into your mind.
You keep running until you get back to the nurses quarters and to your room. 
Tears running down your cheeks, food staining your clothes, and pain throbbing in your hand. You collapse on the floor and cry.
Why would he be so cruel? You understand that he’s a patient and has a list of mental illnesses, but you were trying to help him! You can’t even remember what you were doing or why you were in his room. All you remember is him and how he made you feel. His stare. His voice. His touch. 
Fuck him and fuck this job.
Clambering over to your desk, you immediately start writing your resignation letter.
You don’t get paid enough for this shit. All you wanted to do is help people, and you get repaid with this? It’s just not worth it. Through your sobs, your tears fall onto the page as you hastily move your pen on the piece of parchment in front of you.
There. It’s done. You’re done.
You won’t have to see this place, see him, ever again once you submit this letter.
Looking around your desk, searching for an envelope. You come across a thick manilla folder. The tab on the side reads, Shabana, Gyutaro.
Something compels you to open it. You already skimmed through his information, but you never looked at everything here.
His psychiatric notes? From his psychiatrist? These shouldn’t be in here… you shouldn’t have access to this confidential information.
But if you’re leaving anyways… then there’s no harm. Right?
Shabana, Gyutaro - Dr. Hantengu
August 14
Childhood trauma starting since birth
Single mother, no father
Raised as a female. Mother would dress patient as a daughter. Would cover up his deformities with makeup. (Feelings of worthlessness, not belonging)
Sister born at age 6 (turning point in patient’s life)
Mother cast aside patient for sister. (When he learned he was actually a boy. Feeling of confusion. Child cannot comprehend)
Sexual abuse started at age 10
Mother was a prostitute, would offer children to adult clients.
 Patient record, “She would bring men into our house… and let them touch us. (long pause) They wanted my sister. They wanted to do bad things to her. So I… (patient gets upset) I would offer myself to them. I would perform sexual acts for them so they would leave Ume (sister) alone.”
Sexual abuse continued until age 15
Mother died of overdose. The children were left in the home for over a week until someone found them.
Children taken to orphanage. 
Patient held in orphanage for 8 months until incident.
Brought to Asylum at age 16
End of first session 
You are left speechless. 
Reading his records reminds you of why you wanted to be a nurse in the first place. To help people that have gone through trauma such as this. He didn’t lash out at you because of something you did. It’s not your fault. And it isn’t his either. He just needs help. 
And you will be the one to help him.
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leveloneandup · 5 days
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Christen Press Makes Strides In Recovery Two Years After ACL Injury
Angel City FC star Christen Press continues to progress in her recovery following an ACL injury exactly two years ago today. Since her last game against Racing Louisville FC, Press has gone through four surgeries to reach this new milestone in her recovery.
“I would say that the thing about recovery is it kind of goes really slow and then comes all at once,” said Press. “Today was a milestone and I was happy to celebrate that with my team. It was also a really small milestone because I didn't actually do anything new today. I had been doing all the things that you saw me do today for weeks. I felt really prepared for the moment and it was the next step on. It's still going to be a decent steepness to this journey and it’s been a long road.”
Press Fully Transitions Rehab to ACFC Training Facility
Although Press has been back in training with the team on a full-time basis since March, this marked the beginning of a new trajectory as it was her first time fully transitioning her rehabilitation at the Angel City FC training facility.
“I think it is still step-by-step for her,” said Head Coach Becki Tweed. “Getting her back in with the team is really important. Mentally, for the team, for her, for everybody. Obviously physically too. She is checking boxes and moving along. It is exciting and it’s just the next step in her rehab process. It’s big for everybody and a good day to get back out.”
Along with her physical recovery, this marked the first time Press began participating in training sessions of ball movement with her teammates, according to an Angel City FC spokesperson.
While the team has been without her presence on the field, Press mentioned that it will be a little while until fans see her in a game.
“The last few months of my life have actually been healing in a lot of ways, the most enjoyable. That often happens when you lose something that you love so much. You learn to figure out who you really are, what you really are, and what you care about. It actually allows you to live in a way that's more in balance with your truth or your inner wisdom.”
What’s Next For Angel City FC
As Angel City FC prepares to face the Houston Dash this weekend, the team are up against the Dash, who sit just one rank above them in the NWSL standings.
With a 3-6-2 (wins, losses, draws) record, the last time these two sides met, Angel City FC were robbed of a point as defender Paige Nielsen scored in the final moment of stoppage time against her former team to secure a 1-0 win on the road.
As Press continues to build back up in her recovery, her presence will be crucial on the field to pair alongside the depth of Clarie Emslie and Alyssa Thompson.
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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 THURSDAY HERO: Rabbi Abraham Joshua Twerski
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Twerski was a Hasidic rabbi and psychiatrist who authored dozens of books, helped tens of thousands recover from addiction, and was a blessing to everyone he met.
Born in Milwaukee in 1930, Rabbi Twerski was the scion of two illustrious Hasidic dynasties: Bobov and Chernobyl. His father Rabbi Jacob Israel Twerski was a Russian immigrant and leading rabbi who was beloved by the Milwaukee Jewish community. Abraham was one of five brothers and the first to be born in America. He was raised in a traditional Orthodox home but attended public school.
After being ordained as a young man, Abraham served as his father’s assistant rabbi, and was in awe of his father’s ability to connect with people and counsel them. He later said, “I didn’t see my life as a performer of rituals, and I felt that if what psychiatry is doing is what my father used to be doing, well, then that’s where I’ll go. So I went to medical school to become a psychiatrist to do what I wanted to do as a rabbi.” He graduated from the medical school of Marquette University  in 1960 and served as clinical director of the psychiatry department at St. Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh for many years.
In 1972, Rabbi Twerski founded Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Pittsburgh, a program so successful that there are now 22 Gateway centers in Pennsylvania and Ohio, serving both Jewish and non-Jewish patients. The current CEO of Gateway, James Troup, said “Dr. Twerski is our founder, inspiration leader and the person we think of every day as we execute our mission and vision.”
His granddaughter Chaya Ruchie Twerski remembered growing up with her beloved zaydie. “My grandfather used to pray on Saturday mornings in Chabad and when we would walk home from synagogue, every single Shabbos was the same thing. Cars would honk, people would roll down their windows and shout, ’Sending our love,’ or ‘Five years clean, Dr. T!’”
At that time it was rare for an Orthodox rabbi to be an expert in secular subjects such as medicine. It was also a common belief in the Jewish community that alcoholism and addiction were gentile problems. Rabbi Twerski challenged both assumptions by becoming a prominent psychiatrist who wrote over 80 books and helped thousands of Jews and non-Jews recover from substance abuse – all while maintaining his identity as a pious and visible Hasidic Jew. He tackled subjects nobody else in the Jewish world was addressing, such as domestic abuse and drug addiction.
Those who knew Rabbi Twerski remembered that his favorite word was “gem” because he believed that every human being is a precious gem. Rabbi Moishe Mayir Vogel, executive director of the Aleph Institute in Pittsburgh, said of his beloved rabbi, “He would never throw anyone away. He would say, ‘We just have to polish them off and wipe away the dust.’”
Rabbi Twerski was the first Jewish leader to embrace the 12-step program created by Alcoholics Anonymous, despite the program’s association with Christian teachings. A renowned expert in spiritual and secular subjects, Rabbi Twerski wrote dozens of best-selling books, all with the same theme – self-esteem. A fan of the Peanuts cartoon, Rabbi Twerski co-wrote two books with Peanuts creator Charles Schultz. Noted psychologist Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb said of his mentor, “He was a great believer that there was no contradiction. A person could be a person of great faith and a rigorous scientist.”
In his long life, Rabbi Twerski made use of every moment. Besides treating patients, authoring books, and traveling the world to lecture and advise, Rabbi Twersky founded multiple organizations including Nefesh, an organization for mental health workers, the Kollel Learning Center, and Transitions, for boys from Orthodox homes battling substance addiction. Pittsburgh resident Mike Pasternak, co-founder of Transitions, described Rabbi Twerski as “an amazing person who cared about everyone. Every day I spent with him was an experience seeing someone be the ultimate mensch, caring for everybody.”
Besides his work as psychiatrist and spiritual leader, he was a gifted singer and composer. Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld of the Lubavitch Center of Pittsburgh said that Rabbi Twerski “had a beautiful voice and was a great composer of songs… He was an unusual kind of person. A person that was down to earth, but at the same time very spiritual. He had a foot in and was able to reach out and be effective in the entire world.”
Rabbi Twerski died in Israel on January 31, 2021 at age 90 and was survived by his wife Dr. Gail Bessler-Twerski, four children, and many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. His first wife Golda died in 1995. Rabbi Twerski’s will specified that there should be no eulogies at his funeral, instead mourners should sing a melody he composed for the words of Psalms 28:9, “Deliver and bless Your very own people; tend them and sustain them forever.”
For saving lives and blessing the entire world with his saintly presence, we honor Rabbi Abraham Joshua Twerski as this week’s Thursday Hero. May his memory be a blessing.
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swan-codes · 9 months
Thinking of switching careers to IT? ☕
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This guide discusses the learning options: bootcamps, schools, or self-learning
Note: this guide may be a bit lengthy, so I suggest taking your time to read it thoroughly. Just a heads up, I haven't included specific program names or detailed IT roles info here. Instead, the focus is on guiding you to make a well-informed decision for your career transition. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and dive into the guide at your own pace ☕
So which option is good? Any of those options is fine. It's all about what works the best for you. Consider this: your ultimate goal is to secure a job once you've successfully completed your IT studies, right? From the perspective of hiring managers and recruiters, what they care about is your resume, experience, and skills. They will assess whether you are capable of fulfilling the job requirements. Your attitude and personality can also play a role in their decision-making process, which is a topic we can explore another time.
When it comes to switching careers, acquiring new skills is a logical step. Now, the question is: what is your preferred learning style? In the STEM field (specifically IT, in this case), it is so important to be able to consume information effectively as you study IT!
If you find that you learn best with a structured schedule, where you don't have to rely solely on self-discipline, then enrolling in a bootcamp or school is recommended. Note: Even during your studies at a bootcamp or school, you still will need to engage in self-teaching. It's a *MUST*, good practice to maintain this mindset even after you secure an IT job, especially if it involves a lot of developing or deploying. [ Bootcamps & Schools Options ]
There are a few factors to consider: - Costs Generally, bootcamps are more affordable than traditional schools. However, both options may offer scholarships, so it's worth exploring those opportunities. Look into third-party scholarships that may be available. If you have a disability and reside in the US, it would be beneficial to speak with a counselor from Vocational Rehabilitation. Non-profit organizations can also provide support and assistance to individuals interested in returning to education. Studying abroad is another option worth considering. Personally, I chose to study abroad in the UK due to the significantly more affordable tuition fees compared to the US, and because I had a desire to obtain a master's degree in another country. - Instructors' teaching styles It's important to note that not all IT instructors excel at effectively communicating with new IT students. To avoid encountering this issue, do some detective work. Find out who will be teaching you and check out their lectures. Don't hesitate to ask the program manager if you can meet your potential lecturer (ideally before making a decision). Prepare a list of questions to ask your potential lecturer during the meeting. Pay attention to how they explain concepts. If their technical jargon is difficult to understand, they may not be the right instructor for you. Remember, this doesn't reflect your intelligence. It's a matter of their self-awareness. I strongly advise against choosing this kind of an instructor from my experience. - Lessons There are numerous IT job types available, and in a bootcamp, you may not have the opportunity to explore all of them. Bootcamps often focus on specialized programs, sometimes even covering less popular technologies (yes, this is definitely a concern). So you should research IT fields, and once, you've decided on a specific field, take the time to research job titles and similar roles on LinkedIn. Pay close attention to job descriptions and requirements. Create a list of the high-demand skills for those positions. This will help you narrow down your choices when selecting a bootcamp program or school. Look for programs that teach the skills you need based on your research. [ Self-Teaching Option ] You are your own trainer, and you get to design your own personalized learning experience. This option is great if you do not have the luxury to pay out of pocket for a program. It is absolutely not looked down upon by employers. In fact, it is considered one of the essential job skills that employers typically look for in a job applicant. To make a solid entry into the IT field, I highly recommend obtaining certifications and undertaking project-based learning. It's important to focus on certifications and projects that align with the specific roles you aspire to have. Take the time to explore different fields within IT to discover your interests, and then compile a list of relevant learning materials or bookmark tutorial videos. Please be sure to verify that the resources you choose are up to date and not outdated, as IT is always evolving. "Wait, but what about a degree?" This approach is really just aimed at fulfilling the job requirements. Many IT candidates have successfully passed interviews without possessing a degree. Many hiring managers prioritize your ability to learn and apply the required skills. Showcasing your projects on your resume or demonstrating your skills during a technical interview holds more significance. Even if you don't possess the exact skills they're seeking, emphasizing your transferable skills will show interviewers that you are capable of learning and adapting.
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self-loving-vampire · 1 month
By the 1970s, trans medicine went mainstream. Nearly two dozen university hospitals were operating gender identity clinics and treating thousands of transgender Americans. Several trans women and men wrote popular autobiographical accounts of their transitions. Trans people were even on television, talking about their bodies and fighting for their rights. Yet trouble was brewing behind the scenes. Jon Meyer, a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins, was skeptical of whether medical interventions really helped transgender people. In 1979, Meyer, along with his secretary Donna Reter, published a short academic paper that ushered in the second wave of historic backlash to trans medicine. In their study, Meyer and Reter contacted previous patients of the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic. To understand whether surgery had improved patients’ lives, the authors developed an “adjustment scoring system.” They assigned points to patients who were in heterosexual marriages and had achieved economic security since their operations, while deducting points from those who continued to engage in gender nonconformity, homosexuality, criminality, or sought mental health care. Meyer and Reter believed that gender-affirming surgeries were successful only if they made model citizens out of transgender people: straight, married and law-abiding. In their results, the authors found no negative effects from surgery, and no patients expressed regret. They concluded that “sex reassignment surgery confers no objective advantage in terms of social rehabilitation,” but it is “subjectively satisfying” to the patients themselves. This was not a damning conclusion. Yet, within two months, Johns Hopkins had shuttered its clinic. The New York Times reported that universities would feel pressure to similarly “curtail their operations and discourage others from starting to do them.” Indeed, only a handful of clinics remained by the 1990s. Transgender medicine did not return to Johns Hopkins until 2017. In requiring trans patients to enter straight marriages and hold gender-appropriate jobs to be considered successful, Meyer and Reter’s study was homophobic and classist in design. The study exemplified the pseudoscientific beliefs at the heart of transgender medicine in the 1960s through the 1980s, that patients had to conform to societal norms – including heterosexuality, gender conformity, domesticity and marriage – in order to receive care. This was not an ideology rooted in science but in bigotry.
This is the kind of evaluation that Hilary Cass wants to bring back to determine if trans people are actually happy about transitioning because she refuses to just listen to them about it.
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brinnovacare · 9 months
The Path to Recovery: Unveiling Hyderabad's Leading Rehabilitation Centre
In the world of healthcare, certain situations demand a comprehensive and patient-focused approach. One such scenario is long-term ICU care, a critical aspect of patient recovery. The concept might sound daunting, but with the right strategies in place, the path towards healing can be made smoother and more hopeful. This explores the multidisciplinary approach of long-term ICU care, highlighting its importance and the role it plays in the holistic healing process.
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The Challenge of Long-Term ICU Care
Long-term ICU care is a vital component of patient recuperation, especially for those who require extended periods of medical attention and monitoring. The challenges posed by conditions that necessitate such care are numerous – physical, emotional, and psychological. Patients often face a significant disruption in their daily routines, and adapting to the confines of the ICU environment can be overwhelming.
The Multidisciplinary Approach
The concept of a multidisciplinary approach in healthcare is rooted in the understanding that the path to healing extends far beyond the mere alleviation of physical symptoms. This approach acknowledges that a person's well-being is a tapestry woven from various threads, including their emotional state, psychological resilience, and overall quality of life.
When it comes to addressing the challenges posed by conditions requiring long-term ICU care, a multidisciplinary approach emerges as a beacon of hope. This approach signifies a shift from the traditional model of treating ailments solely through medical interventions. Instead, it embraces a holistic perspective that considers the patient as a whole entity, one whose health is influenced not only by their physical condition but also by their emotional and mental state.
At the core of the multidisciplinary approach lies the collaboration of a diverse team of healthcare professionals. This team is composed of experts from various fields, each contributing their unique skills and insights to create a comprehensive care plan tailored to the patient's individual needs. Physicians bring their medical expertise, nurses offer attentive care, psychologists provide emotional support, physiotherapists aid in physical rehabilitation, and occupational therapists assist in the transition back to regular routines.
The Role of Holistic Healing
Holistic healing, in the context of long-term ICU care, focuses on treating the patient as a whole entity rather than just addressing individual symptoms. This approach recognises the interconnectedness of physical health, emotional well-being, and mental resilience. By working together, the healthcare team aims to create an environment that fosters not only physical recovery but also emotional support and mental strength.
The Importance of Emotional Support
Long-term ICU care can be emotionally draining for patients and their families. The uncertainty of the situation, coupled with the isolation that can come from extended stays in the ICU, can lead to feelings of anxiety, fear, and helplessness. A multidisciplinary team that includes psychologists and counsellors plays a vital role in providing emotional support and helping patients and their families navigate the complex emotions that arise during the healing process.
Physical Rehabilitation
Physical rehabilitation is an integral part of long-term ICU care. For patients who have spent an extended period in the ICU, regaining physical strength and mobility is essential for a successful recovery. Physiotherapists work closely with patients to develop tailored exercise programs that help rebuild muscle strength, improve joint mobility, and enhance overall physical function. This is where the expertise of professionals like those at Brinnova Rehabilitation Centre & Physiotherapy comes into play.
Transitional Care
As patients progress on their healing journey, the best transitional care becomes vital. This phase involves preparing patients for their return to a more independent life outside the ICU. Occupational therapists play a crucial role in this process, helping patients reacquire skills necessary for daily activities and ensuring a smooth transition back to their regular routines.
Why Brinnova?
In Hyderabad, where healthcare excellence is a priority, the multidisciplinary approach to long-term ICU care is embodied by Brinnova Rehabilitation Centre & Physiotherapy. As one of the best rehabilitation centres in Hyderabad, Brinnova recognises the significance of a holistic healing approach. With a team of skilled professionals, including physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, and occupational therapists, Brinnova offers comprehensive long-term ICU care that not only focuses on physical recovery but also on emotional well-being and mental resilience.
A Path Towards Hope Long-term ICU care may present challenges, but with the right support and approach, it can also offer a path towards hope and healing. Through a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses physical rehabilitation, emotional support, and transitional care, patients can navigate their recovery journey with greater confidence and positivity. With institutions like Brinnova Rehabilitation Centre & Physiotherapy leading the way, the future of long-term ICU care shines brightly as a beacon of holistic healing.
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weaselbeaselpants · 6 months
K absolutely none of this is connected to her shows and her worker drama it's unrelated; but I'm not gonna lie Viv's Japan vacation where she's showing herself with a bunch of animal cafes is really starting to piss me off.
The deer being fed I think are wild, I don't have anything to say about that. But the owl cafes, the otter cafe, the marine park.
Look here! I'm not anti-captivity, honest (though AZA is hard to trust when they legit have an approval rating on Seaworld), but I really am skeeved out by so-called zoos and attractions that let you pet the animals, kind of especially if they aren't domesticated animals but exotics. Though, tbh even dog/cat pet shelters or whatever sound pretty hectic to eat at. Also, feels a little unsanitary. But even if that weren't a problem I just...kind of don't like anything where the animals are literally tied down and can't escape from you. It's the same reason I and a lot of other people don't like those pony-rides at fairs. The whole time you're worried about the animal's safety and happiness and also you aren't having any real connection to them.
Watching animals in an enclosure that's nice where they're just doing their thing >>> having to pet the animal. Not that I'm immune to propaganda and wouldn't absolutely volunteer to clean up scat if it meant I could hold a weasel being rehabilitated to the wild for a hot minute. I would 100% do that (it'd bite. Don't care). But there's that and then there's me getting to bond with a weasel that's shock collared or chained somehow and can't escape from me. That doesn't sit right.
And no. I don't care if it's in another country it's still wrong by a lot of global standards. In fact, I think it's kind of weird that people are doing the "respect other cultures"-thing only when it comes to Instagramable stories.
Ya'll have to realize it's not just yuppie American vegangelicals complaining. There are animal rights orgs in Thailand fighting elephant tourism, there ARE animal rights orgs in Japan and they do not like the animal cafes. Animal rights/welfare aren't some kind of 'annoying' American pastime. Why do you think Milo and Otis was controversial? Why do you think Padak exists? Respecting other cultures and their practices means: letting indigenous people hunt the animals they've been hunting for thousands of years, which of course isn't always going to be pretty cause that's what traditional hunting IS; it's allowing ritual animal slaughter in spaces and religions where that's done to feed the community and not as torture or sacrifice. And personally, as a mostly vegetarian, I say right on to both of those things.
Zoos, farms, petting zoos, aquariums and sanctuaries are YMMV, but I vouch for them in theory and usually in practice. Animal cafes and marine parks? I'm sorry but I can't not see those as being tourism and exploitive at best. Especially marine parks.
Viv straight up did a pic based on Blackfish but I guess that doesn't matter in Japan. I'm really disappointed in her as someone who loves animals. Because hey- when you as a human-animal love the other creatures of this earth, of course things like our rights come first. Humans are just that kind of animal and I don't think there's anything wrong with taxidermy or vulture culture. But, especially as an adult, you should know how to take care of animals and it should be your responsibility as their caretaker to give them the best care you have.
There's a petshop near where I (no longer in a few weeks) work. It used to hate that place cause I saw a rat eating another rat's baby alive among other abuses and the owner straight up didn't give a shit, not about the rat or that he was putting smaller reptiles in cages with monitor lizards. You can guess how that ended.
That place has new owners now. It mostly has animals there in transition. While they still have feeders (I know, that's prolly controversial to the reptile parents reading), their conditions have really improved. No crowding the rats, even the feeders, in unsafe unventilated places. They get REALLY mad if you tap the glass on the cages. No more keeping lovebirds apart from birds so that they're always calling. Betafish males get actual decorated tanks to themselves instead of those depressing bowls! If petstores and units where you pick up your expensive reptiles, fish and birds from HAVE to exist, I'd rather they be places like this. Places where the staff are trying and really do seem to love and want the best for their animals while expecting nothing fancy from the animals in return.
I'd love to be proven wrong on this- I remember seeing a yt vid for a bed and breakfast where you ate outside with the cows that made the dairy you're eating, and them being cows they of course wanted to come up and say hi to the guests. Of course I'd love that '' magical '' experience with an animal while I'm enjoying my coffee. But I just can't trust cafes and exotic petting zoos like this. My family has veterinarians, farmers, vegans and vegetarians, and FFA graduates in it. I'm just really concerned about the little things like this.
I know in my heart that of course Viv doesn't want to hurt any animals- but it bothers me.
Thoughts @chaifootsteps @derangedhyena-delphinidae?
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lift-heavy-be-gay · 5 months
Let's talk about transgender athletes
this is gonna be a long rant so I'm just gonna put a cut down below. dni if you're a terf or just wanna cause problems.
So, recently in class we were discussing different drugs used illegally and legally in sports and eventually the topic of transgender athletes came up (because of course). However, my professor handled it really well and as a trans athlete (pre transition), I just wanna talk about my feelings on the matter.
Keep in mind that this is my opinion, but I have been studying this in uni and may have more of an insight on how testosterone and estrogen actually affect the body. Anyway, there are two main points I wanna make.
As an afab athlete myself, I compete in a mostly strength based sport (though some technique and skill is necessary). However, I could not even begin to think about competing with my amab counterparts. It would put me at an unfair disadvantage and them an unfair advantage.
The first being that—depending on the time you began taking hormones/how long you've been taking hormones—you most likely won't be able to compete in high level competitions like the olympics. I know that people are going to be upset at this, but please listen. If you began taking hormones around the age you would begin puberty, then by the time you're an adult still presumably taking said hormones, then your levels would most likely be that of a cis person. However, if you're taking hormones after puberty, then the testosterone difference between amab and afab people is *staggering*. This article states that amab people generate 15x more testosterone than afab people. Even if they begin taking hrt, it takes YEARS to even begin to see a significant difference.
(and this leads to my second point)
There are numerous advantages and disadvantages for cis people in sports. Whether it be financial status, family history, access to training, facilities, or injury prevention/rehabilitation. If kid A is from a long line of well-off basketball players and has the resources to compete, then he definitely has an advantage over kid B who is from the middle of nowhere with no support and even worse facilities. Fact of the matter is, cis people are unevenly matched up against each other all the time. There are a hundred and one different ways that they may have an advantage or disadvantage over each other. Why is it different for transgender athletes? Scratch that. Why is it different between genders at all?
What I'm trying to say is that, I've met plenty afab people who are stronger than amab guys. I really don't think gender matters that much in a lot of sports. I believe we should start separating athletes based on weight rather than gender. (Of course, that's just my opinion.)
It's just that whenever I hear the topic about transgender athletes in sports, it's always about trans women. It's about how it's "not fair" and they are "doing it on purpose to get an easy win" and a bunch of other excuses to try and justify not letting them play. Surprisingly, I don't often (if at all) hear the same argument about trans men. On the surface, a lot of these debates about trans athletes is good ole' transphobia. But if you look deeper, it's really just misogyny. Most people don't even care about the sport, they just want another avenue to oppress a group of people.
Basically, the situation is not as black and white as most would like to believe, and there's a lot of nuance involved when trying to understand this topic. It's unfortunate that many trans athletes have to even deal with this extra bs in order to compete.
anyway, end of rant. thanks for reading if you made it this far. there's definitely more I could say on this, but these are the main points I wanted to make.
tldr: while there are inherent biological differences between amab and afab people, that doesn't excuse excluding trans athletes from being able to compete
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latirri · 2 years
What keeps you by my side?
Levi x reader
Canon world
Postwar levi
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His back resting on the headboard of his bed, generated an uncomfortable burning, not as much as in the first days of recovery that he transitioned after the end of the war.
this is the end? To continue living, was it my prize as a warrior? Or was it a punishment for the lives I took?
He thought more than once.
His return to Paradise was immediately denied due to his conditions. He would have to stay at Marley until his physical health improved.
They also said that he should improve psychologically from war damage, like all soldiers. In fact, Marley had an advanced psychological rehabilitation system, due to his years of military experience.
And what else could he do?
All he had was his memories and the guilt of dying on purpose. He couldn't do that to the soldiers who died for the freedom. He couldn't give himself up to the arms of death voluntarily, he didn't deserve it.
What kept him slightly hopeful?
Sure, you.
His fellow recruit who had been around since almost the beginning. Who had loved Erwin as much as he had. Who had stayed by his side. The only one who bet on Levi's full recovery. He still didn't understand the source of your loyalty.
"The water is really hot here" You said coming out of the bathroom with a towel on your head. The steam confirmed the words previously said by you.
Your bandages were clean white. They were new.
Your red, puffy eyes.
You also suffered from remorse. Your body scars reminded you of your internal injuries. Every time you saw those marks on your back, you remembered how your partner was stepped on by that Titan. How your family collapsed like your house. How you had to kill comrades with your bare hands.
Maybe that made you stay with him. Both understood the pain of so many years not knowing what was around them, and the despair of a promising future for the inhabitants within the walls.
"Come, now it's your turn" You said approaching with a smile and eyes wrinkled by the grimace. "You must be suffering from the dirt", you let out a laugh.
After the war ended, in addition to staying with him, you decided to take charge of his care to be as far away as possible from proudly Marlean citizens whose remorse for the island's demons was still burning like the first day. You watched to see if the doctors and nurses who visited them made any suspicious moves, but nothing ever happened.
That's why there you were, holding tightly to your ex-captain from his armpits, to be able to place him in his wheelchair.
Who would have thought, right? Mankind's strongest soldier, depending on the kindness of another female soldier to sit on a chair and be bathed.
You bathed him and disinfected his wounds. Job that first belonged to the nurses, but after the critical moment, it became yours.
And you had focused so much on that that you sometimes forgot you were also a recognized heroine for the recovery of peace.
The image in his eyes was quite absurd. Levi without being able to do anything, and you, testing all your physical strength trained for years, to be able to lift him, hold him in the air, and move the wheelchair with your foot to be able to position it in a more comfortable place.
It looked like it wasn't an easy job, but Levi knew you wouldn't say anything.
But he just shut up and ate his embarrassment, he had no choice. Until that moment.
"You know? This is useless" He said after almost falling out of your arms because of your mistake "Call the doctors and go back to your house, to Paradise"
His voice was like an angry old man. The first thing you thought was that you were the useless one, you couldn't think if there would be any problem with the help itself.
"You're as much a warrior as I am damn, you can't spend your days of freedom helping someone you don't owe anything to, I'm not your fucking captain anymore!"
Your face changed, from a surprised one to a serious one. You continued with your task, regardless of the words of your former captain.
"Come on, what is it that keeps you by my side? If we both know that there is no future for me in this new life". He said almost resignedly, with sadness never before taught by him. Over time, Levi felt that he could open up a little more, he felt you were more of a partner.
You took him to the bathroom, obstinate to fulfill your task. "You no longer owe me anything, you have done your duty".
"I never minded serving you, Levi." You finally spoke. You started by undoing the top button of his shirt, but he wouldn't let you. You looked at him scolding him.
"Levi" you sighed deeply "Who do you have in your life inside the walls?" He didn't say anything, looking down in pain "Me. Not even your recruits, because they don't know you from before not knowing about life outside of Paradise, they don't know you before hope. They don't know Mike, Hange, Petra. They don't know Erwin. We do. We're all we have left, and I can't afford to lose another memory. I already told you on our previous visit to Marley, let's be each other's reason for living."
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nivienne-grovant · 3 months
Jobs as of 6.5
I've been meaning to record where Nivienne is at with her jobs as of 6.5 so I'm finally writing it down
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In chronological order of when she picked them up;
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(2.0) Arcanist: When Nivienne first leaves the Shroud, she goes to study under the Arcanist's guild in Limsa Lominsa. She transitions to black magic when she wants a more destructive approach to her magic, but the years she spent studying arcane geometry never leave her. She insists she didn't name her carbuncle because it's just an arcane construct (she's lying).
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(2.0) Black Mage: Nivienne's main job - picked up after the attack on the Waking Sands. She is probably among the most skilled black mages to exist, though she doesn't have much to compare to in the modern era. Her experience with the Light in the First removes any of her natural inhibitors and let's her cast even more powerful magic, but it comes back to bite her when she returns after Endwalker and finds herself weakened considerably from the power she drew on to defeat the Endsinger. While her current level of skill is as high as it ever has been, her power has been badly, and perhaps permanently damaged.
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(3.0) Dark Knight: Nivienne picks up Dark Knight as a part of her early time in Ishgard. She's called to it, but when the time comes answer to Fray she buries her own introspection in favor of ignoring it. She very tentative reaches out again after Shadowbringers and when she returns to the Source she finishes her work as a Dark Knight. She has mostly retired the class, though she keeps the skills in her back pocket if they are ever needed. She gifts her soul stone to Cylva to help her work through her own thoughts before returning to the Thirteenth.
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(4.0) Red Mage: After the attack on Rhalgar's Reach, Nivienne stumbles into red magic in Ul'dah, where she decides this might be the art she needs to give her the edge in her next encounter with Zenos. It doesn't, and the aftermath leaves her hesitant to pick up her sword again. She begins to rely on it again during Shadowbringers, as a method to balance her aether, though once she encounters X'rhun again after the Final Days she attempts to return the job stone to be passed on to a more deserving student, though he will have none of it.
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(5.5) Dancer: Nivienne picks up dancing after the events of Shadowbringers as a form of physical rehabilitation, though when she returns to the Source and sees the ways that Thavnarian dancers use the art to manipulate dynamis she becomes very interested in the practice. It turns out to be relevant to her much earlier than she expected, and she uses it extensively both to fight with and better understand her allies and her enemies during the Final Days.
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(6.5) Sage: While recovering from Endwalker, Nivienne is under the care of Sharlyan medics, and in those months she begins to take an interest in how exactly their practice works. She quickly draws the connections between their work and the Arcane Geometry she had first studied in Eorzea. While she is still recovering and unable to draw on her full power, the much more precise application of a Sage's art helps her to attend to and manage her own aether.
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(6.5) Reaper: After returning from the Thirteenth with Zero, Nivienne starts to have scattered dreams of her shard asking her to help them finish the fight to save their world. Nivienne is immediately pulled in, and asks Drusilla to show her how to fight alongside her voidsent. She becomes determined to merge with her shard and finish their work on the Thirteenth until she is talked down by her partner and reminded that this isn't her fight, and she doesn't need to be the hero of this tale. Instead she passes the torch to Zero, and returns her shard to the Thirteenth to rest. She does not intend to act as a Reaper again.
Side Jobs;
Blue Mage: Nivienne picks up blue magic because she is deeply curious as to what it is and how it works. She finds the idea of learning a kind of magic that doesn't at all operate on the aetheric properties she's used to to be fascinating, though she still feels as though she's missing some key elements before it will really resonate with her.
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Astrologian: Nivienne has attempted to learn Astrology twice (Once in Ishgard, and once in the First) but failed both times. While she can manage the technical aspects of pulling power from the stars, her readings with her deck are all woefully misconstrued. During her second attempt with Urianger, he kindly explains that it's her tenancy to ignore any details that don't line up with her preconceived outcome, whether that be the best case or worst case scenario, that prevent her from being objective with readings. She hasn't gone back to try it since.
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koala-confessions · 3 months
I have always been an over achiever. A perfectionist if you will. Raised by a drug addict mother and an equally addicted but absent father, I was surprisingly well adjusted. I graduated at 16, became a supervising CNA before I was 18, got married, had a baby, got divorced, got married again, had 2 more, got divorced. Got into an awful abusive relationship where I literally fought for my life. Left him at 33.
I spent a whole year single and for the first time, learned who I was. What my hobbies were, my likes and dislikes, my own values and morals. At the end of that year, I was rewarded with David. I fell hard and fast for this beautiful man who taught me what love was. I found it. the secret to happiness and life. I was madly in love. Our relationship was so strong. There was only one thing stronger than our love for each other. His love for heroin. My healthiest, happiest relationship was with a heroin addict. In his chase for heroin and my chase to keep him safe from himself, I found myself doing things I'd never thought I would do. We stole with abandon. We took care of his addiction and our family at any cost. My morals fell away. I also fell in love with meth.
In my head, I was a functioning addict, we still took care of and spent time with the kids. We paid our bills, even if the money was dirty. We were in love. Crazy in love. I didn't need anyone else ever. As long as I had David.
We were married New Year's Eve 2020. I was just getting over COVID. It was the happiest day of my life. I don't recall all my vows but I know that I said, " I know that I have trouble deciding on everything, and it is a pet peeve of yours. That is why we are late to EVERYTHING and have dinner at 1 in the morning. But I have never, in my life, been more sure of anything, than that I want to spend it with you."
Those words still echo in my mind today. They echoed the loudest March 08, 2021 when he was gunned down by the police in front of my then 7 year old son while he screamed for his dad. It was all very public. My grief. He was villainized in the worst possible ways. Attacked on all ends. Reporters, ignorant people, filled my messenger inbox. Our wedding pictures stolen from my facebook, nothing was private, everything was on display.
A few days later I found his other love heroin. She comforted me for a long time. I also fell in love with the syringe. Then my morals fell away. My kids took a back burner. Everything took a backburner to the numbness I craved more than anything. Anything to escape the pain. Suicide, I tried twice. I fucked that up too. I watched as my humanity and my life, everything I was, everything I worked for fell away. The felonies built.
Fast forward 3 short years, I am a 4 time felon fresh out of jail on my last chance. I am fighting to get my kids back. Blessedly, they have loved me unconditionally through it all and I only lost them recently. They will be home in a few short months. I am in Las Vegas in a program called drug court. I was just released Valentine's Day 2024. I spent 110 days in the local jail CCDC fighting for this opportunity, to spare me from prison. It is said, CCDC stands for Cant Complete Drug Court instead of Clark County Detention Center, and the odds are certainly stacked against me. 6% of participants complete the rigorous program. I was released to Crossroads, a rehabilitation program and stay at Koala house, a transitional living where around 150 men and women also live although only about 15 of us are court ordered. I attend class 3 days a week, 3 hours a day. i have a judge I see weekly, I have a court coordinator I ask permission for everything, I attend meetings daily, I drug test randomly at ATI and have an ankle bracelet called SCRAM and an officer I have to alert of my movements. I have a probation officer and a therapist. I have a case manager and will soon start paralegal school and a job. I am not allowed to do anything or go anywhere that doesn't involve one of these things except for 3 hours Saturday morning when I am allowed to grocery shop. The program is not meant to be easy. It is meant to set you up for success, if you want it. You have to want it bad. I also have a sponsor and am working the steps.
I fast forwarded through my entire life which I am writing a book about. I want this blog to reflect the inner workings of my mind on my journey to healing, growth, insight and recovery. I don't care how many people read or don't, but for those that do maybe they will find insight or gain courage through my words. I want an ever lasting memory of this journey which may be my hardest one yet.
So, I will publicly post my inner most thoughts and struggles, my daily journaling. My insights on my path to self discovery and recovery. Here it goes.
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