#Remixes and Sequels
misty-missdee · 3 months
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Gay 2: Sliders and Beer.
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stardestroyer81 · 3 months
You ever just have a silly idea and then take it to its final form?
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foxune · 8 months
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puppiesandnightlock · 7 months
LINK: Goodbye Was Not Our End
chpt summary: after five years, the boys reunite.
“I have nothing to wear!” Jon stared at his closet, unsatisfactory outfits littered around the room.
Friday had finally come, and Jon was sure he couldn't have been the only one agonizing over this, Damian had always taken care of his appearance as a teen in public. 
“Daddy?” a little head of mussed black curls peeked into his room. 
Ah, dammit.
“Good morning, Laurel!” He called cheerfully to his daughter, the both of them still in their pajamas. He decided to leave his clothing for later, a quick call to Kathy would most likely solve his fashion problems.
He scooped her up, nuzzling her nose with his as she giggled. “How are you on this fine morning, princess?”
“Good!” He carried her to her room, walls painted a light green with flower blossom stickers decorating it. He set her back down on the little wooden toddler bed, speaking.
“What are we feelin’ today? Overalls okay?”
She nodded. “Pink.”
He pulled a pink shirt off a hanger and folded it neatly, leaving her to get dressed by herself per her request.
Nutella was spread across two pieces of bread, Jon slicing strawberries and bananas to set on top.
He pulled a small lunchbox from the fridge and set it next to the little backpack. Laurel came out of her room, fully dressed and a pair of red converse in hand. Jon swept her curls into two small ponytails as she ate the toast, leaving half of it down. 
He tied her shoelaces and ran to get dressed himself, making a mental note to change before lunch.
 He skipped his morning college lecture, asking for the notes from an acquaintance, and heading straight for the Daily Planet. He had managed to secure a temporary job as a remote journalist until he completed his masters and got his credentials, luckily allowing him to work from home most days.
Despite that, Jon often made his way into the office after he’d finished an article, preferring to pick up his next assignment in person then over email.
It was now an hour before his scheduled lunch, and he was a nervous wreck, even after following Kathy’s fashion advice. 
What could he say that wouldn’t make him sound stupid? Does he talk about Laurel? Should he apologize for five years ago? Would they see each other again or was this just…closure?
If it was only closure…he hoped he was able to let go.
Only one way to find out, he supposed, locking his door and going to his parking spot, unlocking his car and setting the course for the little cafe they were to meet up in.
Damian was panicking.
He’d pulled over several times to shove his head between his legs and breathe deeply, humming to himself to calm down. There was a part of him that sneered, screaming out “Pathetic.” at his nerves.
Now, he was entering Metropolis, following the directions on the screen. Too late to chicken out now. He looked at himself as he hit a red light, outfit chosen with careful consideration and Skylar, Steph, Duke, and Maya’s approval. A touch of eyeliner was applied per Akira’s instruction, drawing attention to his deep green eyes, and a dangling gold cuff in his left ear. His right ear had a gold stud and small loop.
He tapped a finger impatiently on the wheel, deep green sleeves of the oversized open sweater he was wearing coming over his hands.
He pulled into the lot, checking the time. He was a few minutes early, and he tugged at the black turtleneck under his sweater, feeling heated all of a sudden. It felt like something had taken him over, drumming energy into his body.
A DM popped up and he fumbled with his phone, nearly dropping it. He took a deep breath before opening his car door, locking it and shoving his phone into the deep pocket of his jacket.
His black combat boots clicked against the pavement as he scanned the cafe in front of him, knowing that despite the years between them, he’d always be able to recognize the boy who haunted his dreams. 
A head of black curls came into his vision and desperation filled him, urging him to go forwards.
 “JON!” He called out. 
Time seemed to slow as he turned, Damian coming to a halt as he met the eyes he’d so missed.
“Damian?” Jon’s face broke into a grin, the blinding smile that was so genuine, it brought him back to high school when he would have done anything to see it appear.
He was taller now, still more then him, and his curls were cut short, styled fashionably. His freckles were still prominent, the glasses he’d carried up into their senior year traded for contact lenses.
Damian’s heart was caught in his throat, palms beginning to gather sweat. His pulse was running wild and he knew he must have looked like an idiot, standing there and staring at his childhood ex-best friend like he was an alien.
Jon didn’t seem to mind, running up to him. It was only then when he snapped out of it, magnetically drawn to the taller boy, letting himself be enveloped in Jon’s arms.
The warmth lulled him, flutters of familiarity and something so right flooding through him. He wanted to laugh and cry and scream all at once, run five laps but stay in his embrace.
He let his arms tighten around the other and kept them both in a firm hug, shutting his eyes before hearing a clearing of the throat.
He let go and stepped back immediately, embarrassment flooding his cheeks. He tugged on the collar of his turtleneck again and looked up ( looked up!! ) at Jon, cooling relief as he noticed the same embarrassment on his face.
“Jon.” He dipped his head in greeting, smile playing on his lips.
“Damian.” Jon responded in kind, grinning all the while. They sat down, the reunion euphoria settling and slowly turning the atmosphere into an uncomfortable silence.
They studied each other, watching for things that had become different during their time apart.
Jon noted the earrings, more bold from the simple gold studs Damian had worn, the only pair he’d owned back in high school. There were two more piercings, and his hair had grown longer, strands of it falling in his face. His eyes were still the same but held a haunting air, speaking of unspeakable things in the past.
It twisted in his heart and he looked down, noting the boots and generally stylish outfit. It was good to see that in that aspect he hadn’t changed much. Even not having much growing up, Damian had always managed to piece something together that made him look gorgeous.
“So…” Jon coughed. “How’ve you been?”
Damian seemed surprised, but he overcame it quickly. “Fine. You?”
“Fine too.”
The silence trailed off. 
“Timothy has told me Kon is doing well.”
Jon brightened, here was something he could talk about. “He is! His fashion line thing is taking off quicker than any of us had expected, and he’s kinda just goin’ around on the internet and stuff, you know? How’ve your siblings been?”
“They’ve been doing fairly well. Cassandra has become a talented dancer, and Tim has started his technology company. It’s doing pretty well, and Steph just entered pre-med school.”
“Jason helped out a colleague of mine in her singing, as well as his own music channel. He’s been cast as lead in the musical his school is putting on. Duke has been publishing poetry and is finishing up his degree, Dick is well, ten, but has shown a strong interest in music himself. And I’m not too bad off myself, what with ROBIN and all that.”
“I know!” Jon blurted out, Damian raising an eyebrow. He flushed pink and stumbled, backtracking.
“I-i don’t know if you remember, but i uh, i was a big fan of yours when you’d first started up. O-of course i didn’t know it was you at time but ah-”
Damian laughed, the quiet noise of joy ringing in Jon’s ears, a beautifully familiar song.
“I remember. I’m surprised you still stuck with him all this time, huh?” he grinned for a split second, fading quickly.
“Have you found your happy ending yet?” The question was a silent murmur, near inaudible.
Jon was brought back to that day, so blissfully unaware of how soon after their bond would break. 
“No.” He said finally. “I haven’t reached it yet. I thought I had, for a bit. But no.”
Haisley’s gone, then.
“What about you?” 
Damian quickly shook his head. “Not even close.” 
I could never, not without you.
“It’s nice to hear you’re doing well. I ever thought we’d get this chance again.” 
Jon smiled softly. “I’m glad we did, Damian.”
They stuck around for another hour or two, chattering about mindless things and catching each other up on their lives. Their last argument, nor the ROBIN stream or Laurel came up in the conversation. 
It would be best to save that for a different time, they supposed.
Damian checked his watch, noting the time. “It’s getting late, I’m sure you have places to be.” 
They both stood, facing each other and unsure of what to do next. Their initial hug had been something long overdue, and not at all thought out. However, the air of awkwardness returned, and they simply stood staring at each other, unsure of how to proceed. 
A dance of attempted hugs, handshakes and fistbumps occurred, before they eventually paused, holding a gaze for a few seconds before collapsing into laughter. 
Damian bumped him with his shoulder gently, offering a smile. Jon pulled him into a quick side hug, and when they parted, he smiled.
“I really am happy we could meet again. If you want we could do this again sometime?” The hopeful look in his eyes, filled with a strange hue of innocence sparked something inside of Damian, causing him to mirror the expression and nod.
“Of course, J.” The familiar nickname flowed off his tongue out of what he thought was a long forgotten habit.
The slip made Jon’s whole being light up, although Damian himself winced. “See you later, then? Just message me and we can sort out a day.”
He began trotting backwards, tapping his phone. The shorter man laughed a bit as he watched him leave, a gentle pang in his chest reminding him of all the things he’d so missed.
They had yet to have the conversion about the past, and both figured it could wait a bit, after all, they had just gotten each other back. Each wanted to bask in it, if only for a little while.
Damian collapsed on their couch moments after entering their house, keys still in one hand.
“How did it go?” Duke called from his room.
“Fine!” he called back.
Ugh. He realized with devastating pain. He’s still cute.
This is fine. It would be fine. After all, it was just a normal observation, it wasn’t an immediate crush, it was a stated fact about someone’s appearance. 
It's not like this would activate any lingering feelings or make him fall in love again, right?
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vertigoartgore · 5 months
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Noah Hawley's Fargo started airing 10 years ago today. Feel old yet ?
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ds' remixes are great but they're also really funny to me when it comes to their themes like. remix 2, 3, 4 and 7 all have consistent, identifiable themes (tropical, whatever "spaghetti western" is, love/romance/however you describe it, and clouds respectively). remix 1, 5, 6 and 9 retexture most of their games but i have no idea what their themes are. and remix 8 doesn't bother at all-
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And I'm back to the Fiasco plotline, which I actually run fairly often it's probably my second most common plotline
Because Fiasco? He might be more heavily built than his primary code donor (Soundwave), but he's still not as durable as his carrier. He's got the same strategy as Soundwave, fight at a distance and rely on speed & agility to keep others from landing a hit on him. I gave Sco the extra stabby dagger datacables not only because of this but also because they're badass as hell (can you imagine seeing transform the tip into a fairly sizeable blade for the first time? And since they're on datacables, that's so much more flexibility to avoid getting knifed in the robokidneys.) He also 100% cannot see besides light/dark, he does not have optics (he typically wears a teal visor, but it's for show), which makes fighting. Complicated. Sco is a noncombatant, because Megatron would be damned if his goddamned miracle gets hurt in battle, because he's aware just how easily that could happen.
It does not help that Fiasco is a rebel with that same righteous and curious energy as mtmte Rodimus. Dude's itching for danger. But, one of my favorite parts! Once put in the face of actual risk and danger, once he realizes he truly might not be rescued quickly this time, Fiasco grows quite anxious. This kid is used to being immediately pulled out of harm's way, whether it's by his parents, the Nemesis crew, or the other crew members of the Fortitude. Who's jobs are to keep their SIC out of trouble or if trouble comes knocking at least keep him unscathed. An absolute momma's boy who denies that he's a momma's boy.
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low-po1y-princess · 9 months
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bo en pale machine 2 moodboard
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asknarashikari · 1 year
I need to know what the younger Lady Riders (Hana, Sakura, Neon, and Reika) reaction to meeting the fist one, Kamen Rider Femme, for the first time in a Girl’s Remix scenario.
I also headcannon she would know Sawa due to the journalism/investigation theme in parts of Ryuki. Also Sophia knows her and she was the one she went to for sword technique help.
I think they would react to her in the same way Sakura did to Reika during Girls Remix- that is, look up to her as an older sister type figure. Miho, for her part, is a bit reluctant to play the role due to the unsavory bits of her past, but she quickly warms up to the younger Riders and becomes quite protective of them.
She would've heard of Sawa through Shinji, but she only knows her by reputation, not necessarily in person. While I think she and Sophia will get along well, because of Sophia's seclusion at the Northern Base until recent events they likely wouldn't know each other.
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newtafterdark · 1 year
Here I sit, just having watched the sequel to a German movie from 2006 - and man do I feel empty inside. I loved the first one so much despite its many flaws, including the wonky CGI with the main character, but the sequel that was even worse with the CGI and that came out last year!
The story is fine, I feel like kids & their families will have a nice time with it - but I am so fucking tired seeing a witch society modelled after Harry Potter. And I am talking Fantastic Beasts here specifically. It's not just how the spells look & work - but also how these witches dress.
Not only is that incredibly uninspired, I thought we Germans had a good grip on how to make witches & their world fun and gorgeous to look at! We can still do it when it comes to fairytale movies, mind you.
I am just so disappointed that we can't do it in casual fantasy movies any more, it seems.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 1 year
The Sequel Wars made me like Mega Man 4. What a good remake.
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bsaka7 · 2 years
16 & 23?
Thank u marthe ILY 🥰🥰🥰🥰
16. What is your most underrated fic?
i mean i only know from people telling me what they think of my stuff/my stats but like. probably Charles and the three curses (chalex) or Charles dragon fic (Charles gen)... Idk. They're both fics I had a LOT of fun with and I think are... Fairly quality???? Or at least interesting. And definitely are more niche. But I think they're good!!!!!!!! I guess I'm saying people need to get more into Charles-centric fantasy come ON!!!!
23. If you had to remix one of your own fics, which would it be and how would you remix it?
Oooh I'm not sure. I feel like ill ray could be interesting from the non-daniel perspectives...especially like Jenson and pierre who we just get little bits of.... So maybe I would do a reverse pov inverse of the fic....
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rigged · 2 years
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chahaa-piun-ja · 6 months
re: prev reblog, my most extreme opinion is that it's fine to do what you want with fanfic. make blackout poetry. print it out and bind it. fanfic is people inspired by a piece of art and creating more, we should be inspired in turn with it.
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lockstep 2 is amusing to me because it's literally just og lockstep but slower and the offbeats are swing instead of being offbeat. everything else is the same. the beat switches are at the same point and everything. it's kinda funny the degree it's to tbh-
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herearedragons · 7 months
..........just thought of a really good side plot between the characters of The Breach, but it. would have to be. in a sequel.
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