#Replies: Guts
copper-skulls · 5 months
silkie chicken!!? for a weirder favorite animal
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strange beast (affectionate)
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animatedjen · 5 months
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Glad we all agree Cal looks good in gold ✨ These mods have been a lot of fun, and while there's still a pile of alt angle footage to sort through, I'm jumping back to video editing for the next few weeks. Hoping to have one finished for the end of Cal Kestis Week - if you haven't already, check out all the talented writers, artists, and photographers celebrating our favorite ginger Jedi!
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I just want to say that there are so many tragic things about Dan Torrance in Doctor Sleep. But the one that really stands out to me is that his "inner library" is The Overlook.
Rose the Hat has a beautiful and extravagant mansion; it's as old, gorgeous, and well maintained as she is. Abra has her room, the only place that she really possesses and has control over at her age; the ceiling filled with stars and the promise of expansion as she grows up.
And then there's Dan's library, his mind is shaped like The Overlook, every thought, memory, and experience is stored in a place that he fears, hates, and cannot forget. Specifically, in the room where his dad would work. Possibly a room he liked before 'the incident'. But now the typewriter is eternally waiting and no one is coming back to it.
The hotel traumatized him so completely that everything he knows, every experience he's had in his life from before, during, and after the events of The Shining are stored neatly away in its terrifying halls. Every good memory must be revisited inside that sprawling, predatory, beast of a place.
His version is tamed, sure, but even without blood flowing out of an elevator or the twins at the end of the hallway, every time he turned a corner, surely he'd remember that at one point they were there.
Dan's mind is not a palace, formed in reverence for the things he knows and the years he's lived. Nor is it his safe space, that he can customize and manipulate to his liking, filled with possibilities. His mind is decorated with trauma and terror. And it frames his thoughts and all of his future experiences.
His mind is his personal hell, or was until he tames it, sobers up, and turns it into a place that he can walk through every day. Telling himself that he has changed it and made it different. That as long as he maintains control, he's safe walking the halls.
What a tragic glimpse into his life.
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hcnnibal · 1 month
Hiii, what happened for you to turn anon off recently? hope you're ok :((
oh yeah people were being mean and transphobic ahahaha
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thirdeyeblue · 4 months
Think about a “fuck or die” situation for 10Rose but it’s set right before Doomsday. So the Doctor avoids the whole subject immediately after because I def agree that 10 would not have sex in a romantic setting without telling Rose he loved her. And it’s ROSE, of course it’s not going to “mean nothing” to him, even if it is to strictly save her life. So he panics and they have an adventure as a distraction. Or they go back to Earth. Idk the timeline is whatever, I’m too high to remember. Then they accidentally kidnap Jackie, which is like, extra awkward. And then Rose is gone.
Okay, so, I’m a slut for the Fuck-or-Die; it may be my favorite smut trope — but I’ve already got three WIPs for two different ships beneath that trope, and as you can imagine, it’s a lot. I love this suggestion, though!
My dear friend @bronzeagepizzeria wrote a one-shot with ALMOST that exact premise for my birthday a couple of years ago (sans the last couple of sentences) — I’d love it if you checked it out! I’ll throw it right here, right beneath…
✨My Favorite Shag/Fuck-or-Die Fics:✨
These are true shag-or-dies — they’re not “we have to look like we’re shagging — whoops, we’re aroused, might as well fuck” fics, nor “this aphrodisiac will make you want to die if we don’t fuck” fics (though I do have recs that fit both of those categories — that’s for a different list)
You may notice it’s a pretty short list — that’s because there’s a horrific shortage of these stories! Apologies if you’ve read them all already.
The Surrender by @bronzeagepizzeria (3k; one-shot)
Marked by banana_daiquiri (20k; three chapters)
Love Don’t Roam by @megabadbunny (6k; one-shot)
Desperate Measures by @demdifferentstories-29 (27k; four chapters)
Syngenesis by neonheartbeat (16k; three chapters)
Bloodstream (200k; 27 chapters; it’s only that long because I didn’t skip one second of smut)
(I’ve also got this WIP and this WIP that may look abandoned, but they’re not, I swear 😂)
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Spider-Man is not part of the big three 
OK, I keep seeing videos on TikTok, especially edits of Batman, Superman and Spider-Man
I will give Spider-Man credit he he is an amazing superhero, and I love him, but for the love of God, will these integrates stop discrediting wonder woman?! She is the big three of DC you cannot convince me that she isn’t and I know that I think that they are talking about superheroes in general, but wonder woman has been an icon for ages when it comes to women in comics right?!
And give the woman the credit she deserves I will not let her be replaced by a white 16-year-old boy no matter how much I love him.
She founded the justice league along with Superman and Batman. They have been the superhero for ages.
It is a fact, a known fact and it needs to be acknowledged at least!
(I may or may not be only making this post because two different accounts commented on the edit I was talking about like I was insane and I may or may not have walked around my kitchen for 20 minutes contemplating if I should stalk them on the Internet)
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bloodyshadow1 · 7 months
I think Brennan went too far in nerfing Fig being a bard this season.
I get Fig/Emily made a deal but to make nerf her entire class without explaining how, it's not really fair. Brennan is a great DM, but I don't think anyone should be free from criticism, Emily seemed to like it according to her interview, but it's still something bad DM's do. Brennan is a good DM and friend so I don't think he is being malicious, I think he's doing it to tell a better story that he knows Emily will enjoy in the end so it is okay for them, it doesn't change that it's an overreach of what a DM should be able to do in my eyes.
As a viewer, my opinion does not matter, because the game is not for me, but also as a viewer I am allowed to criticize what I watch. I get that Brennan is trying to do something cool for the story, but at the very least to me, he went too far. Right now, Fig/Emily are afraid of their bardic inspiration, it's poisoning her against the class. Bardic inspiration is a huge part of the bard class, one of it's staples. It's like if a barbarian lost their rages or monks lost their ki abilities, that alone is too far without talking to the player first and explaining how the mechanic has changed.
The mall fight in episode 5 was the most egregious example, I see people talking about how it was almost a TPK and the bad kids were only saved because of Brennan, but I disagree. They were only put into that situation because of DM overreach. Yes, Brennan let them live in the end, but they were only in that situation because of an unfair and insane Diabolus Ex Machina specifically targeted against Emily/Fig. a Fire elemental that did not exist before that turn, appeared out of nowhere with a tray of shrimp and it getting knocked away with one of the shrimp somehow landing in Cassandra's mouth, and being something that she a goddess is somehow allergic to and resulting in her getting knocked out, all because Fig gave her a bardic inspiration.
That's not fair, I don't care how cursed or unlucky Fig is because of the deal she made, that's a crazy amount of bad luck to correlate to a single bardic inspiration. That's like 2 nat 1's in a row bad, not a d8 or bardic inspiration bad. That's one of the worst rolls possible on the wild magic surge table twice bad.
This is not saying that Brennan is a bad person, a bad friend to the people at the table, it's not even saying he's a bad dm. But it is a criticism for that moment because it was unfair. I might be in the minority here, but I personally don' think a dm is above the table, I think they are another player with a different rulebook. They have their own rules that they cannot/should not break just as any other player at the table.
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segasys · 7 months
This comic viciously snapped me in two and tore out all that’s left of me from my corpse and I love it for it, genuine tears and choking up rn dear lord.
I am a big fan of watership down, huge fan, and so I went into this comic wondering if it would be like watership… I won’t say much ofc, but it’s a pretty quick read, and it has ruined me.
completely worth checking out, and I could give praise to the way it’s written and drawn, but then I wouldn’t get any sleep, if I still can after reading this. Please check it out, and if you do, I’d love to hear your thoughts and talk about it!!
I love rabbits🥺
Adding to say: yes there is animal death, please be careful and take care of yourself. It’s pretty dark.
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susartwork · 10 months
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School project ✨
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katyspersonal · 6 hours
God, not to be one of those "hateful anons" but you really need to drop the "holier than thou" type thing on all of your lore posts. As much as I'd love to debunk why half your arguements are overused and don't work, I'll save that because that's not my point.
On almost all of your lore posts you mention at least once how "people aren't ready for stories of this level" or some shit along those lines, and let me ask you this: Why do you think people like you can digest these stories better? You would probably answer something like "Because I can understand these stories unlike these stupid from haters" or something.
You aren't digesting these stories better then anyone else just because you spend 1000 hours looking into what Morgott's moldy toe item description mentions. Like seriously, all this complaining about why the fandom sucks yet youre just like all those "holier than thou" people in the fandom who keep mentioning how THEIR perspective is better then someone else's.
You also keep acting like personal interpretation doesn't exist on some note. Saying how [X] is actually what happened and that people are denying [X].
I looked into your blog because I thought some of your posts were interesting, but it turns out youre literally just like all the other fromsoftware fans you complain so much about. Hopefully this gives you some perspective, I guess.
Nah, it "didn't give me the perspective", because you are the one seriously misunderstanding here. I say that we as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories SPECIFICALLY to criticize fandom behavior.
We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because there are people who claim that "Miquella's character was assassinated by bad writing because in the base game he was hyped up to be kind and compassionate", when his arc was a fall from grace. How falling from grace equals writing him to never have had that grace to begin with? We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because whenever Fromsoft does not directly state something, fandom splits into two hostile groups each accusing another of media illiteracy or even various -isms and -phobias. (I advice you to ask Gehrman fans from Bloodborne fandom for extra insight on this one) We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because when they DO state something directly, the "cool kids" of the fandom decide it was either a bad writing or that they know better, and start to side-eye everyone who prefers canon over their """improved""" fanon. We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because Miyazaki's brand of moral ambiguity, admission that there is no clear solution to world's problems and questioning the nature of humanity itself OFTEN falls on the deaf ears.
Like... you do realize that I still consider myself part of the fandom, despite not engaging beyond what is on my feed? That I do not claim that /I/ am ready for Miyazaki's writer genius? Just like everyone else, I can only do my best to TRY to understand him! Nonetheless, I am trying my best to be mature, and encourage maturity in others. It is hard to remain always calm and nice in a fandom that feels like a battlefield, everyone will get a bit rude! The point is to TRY to be better, which most people don't see the need for! I am calling out fandoms bad behavior and refusal to look deeper into story and characters than their habits and preferences, especially because these preferences often lead to conflicts and toxicity, not claiming moral superiority over my headcanons!
Personal interpretations are fair. What is NOT fair is when someone harps on a very well-researched post with easily debunked arguements, basically doing the "your post is nonsense because in my fanfic things are different" on them, and then another person that did not even read the post nor actually researched the lore beyond their preferences passionately agrees.
I'll have you know that I never spent "1000 hours on analyzing". I am autistic, you goddamn coward. I understand some obscure detail in a flash by just looking, or suddenly come up with an insight while busy at work. Sometimes I literally dream a theory or observation! I do not understand where the misconception that everyone needs to spend a lot of time to be hyper-observant about their special interest comes from. However, you believing that about me makes your claim even worse. You seriously just said that analysis of someone who.... well, analysed the lore, is not as valid as analysis of someone who just took scraps of lore they personally enjoyed to create their own thing. How does this make sense, exactly? Again: you'd have SOME point if you spoke against a stuck-up Reddittuber who makes it their daily mission to ruin someone's joy if their headcanon is not 100% accurate to the source, however, so far the inverse has been happening. People who decided something about lore just because it appealed to THEM will go and be rude to people who are trying to be objective. Not only this; I've had my headcanons (!) "corrected" multiple times because they were different from popular fanon!
.........speaking of certain people who think it is okay to harp on someone's lore post to downplay it when they are not even lorediggers themselves.... -_-
The way you glazed through my blog and jumped into an extremely inaccurate conclusion about my personality and attitude reminded me of the same impulsivity when someone took "stop treating Marika as noble hero against Hornsent evil, here are bad things that happened during her reign" as as "just another poorly researched Marika hate 🥺". 🙃 Your obvious vitriol for thorough lore research, your poorly disguised manipulation (you clearly did not think my posts were "interesting" with how much disdain you just expressed FOR them, but you wanted to wound me by faking "disappointment"), and above all, timing. My tone in yesterday's Marika and the fandom rant was in no, NO way different from how I usually speak in my blog! My mutuals (all 8 of them lol) can confirm! Yet I've never received (inaccurate) anon hate for this.. until now. Until recent very unfortunate encounter with extremely shallow individuals that started a debate yet refused to finish it when hypocrisy of the both was pointed out. 🌛
I think I know who you are. :/ 🤔 I'll keep that in mind, and being "prepared" will definitely lessen the effect if you try anything of the sort again, be sure of this.
(At the same time, IF I am wrong and you are just a fan that found me through that interaction, I'll have you know that your lowly cowardice by using anon instead of showing your face has put someone else under suspicion, and it will remain so unless you show yourself. In which case, hope you are proud of yourself. 🤦‍♂️)
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What's your favourite food?
I somehow doubt this is the blog you meant to send this to.....
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seeing my campus crush in a promotion video for career week at uni is probably the best thing thats happened to me this week
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crimeronan · 8 months
Can't get out the image of princess AU Amity in one of the bad timelines weeping over Hunter's Golden Guard mask out of my head. Others might have more complicated feeling about that mask (reminder of Belos being the worst, a piece of the role pushed on him that "hid" alot of the person behind, etc), but for Amity I think every emotion ranging from deepest of personal hatred to the love she finally acknowledged was rooted in a shared experience with him as his snarky asshole Golden Guard self.
baby :(
you know i always get got by people realizing "oh, i really love this person" only when it's too late to do anything about it. hunter was her Best Friend :(
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
*Tosses a spine of unknown origin* Vlad could be the ghost of the red it was only one episode but he did make all those funky ghost animals and he does have a slight body horror origion
Ooh. Ok. I’d say he isn’t an avatar, but he maybe can tap into the red sometimes sorta kinda beast boy level stuff where he’s only kinda harnesses the red in his powers.
When his ghostly form gets injured, it could be cool for said injuries to be crazily gorey and bloody as a side effect of him tapping into the red.
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willthespy · 4 months
sometimes I genuinely wonder what people on social media think of me
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