mediworldvn · 3 months
Sức khỏe sinh lý ở nữ giới rất dễ bị suy giảm, đặc biệt là giai đoạn mãn kinh – tiền mãn kinh. Đây cũng là rào cản vô hình khiến chị em dễ rơi vào trạng thái tự ti, mặc cảm, thậm chí là trầm cảm.
🔹 Nguyên nhân chủ yếu do:
Rối loạn nội tiết tố khi mang thai và cho con bú: hormone estrogen bị ức chế do cơ thể sản xuất nhiều hormone prolactin để tăng tiết sữa.
Tiền mãn kinh – mãn kinh: suy giảm nội tiết tố do vấn đề về tuổi tác.
Áp lực tâm lý: những vấn đề về gia đình, tiền bạc, công việc, con cái,…
Mắc một số bệnh lý: một số loại bệnh như bệnh thần kinh, rối loạn tuyến giáp, bệnh phụ khoa liên quan đến tử cung và buồng trứng,…
Sử dụng thuốc hoặc các biện pháp tránh thai: một số loại thuốc như thuốc huyết áp, thuốc trầm cảm chống loạn thần, thuốc tránh thai,… có thể gây suy giảm sinh lý nữ.
Chế độ ăn uống thiếu khoa học: ăn uống không đủ chất dinh dưỡng, sử dụng nhiều chất kích thích như rượu, bia, thuốc lá,…
Không hòa hợp với bạn đời: có nhiều sự bất hòa trong quá trình chung sống với chồng hoặc người chồng cũng gặp phải tình trạng suy yếu sinh lý.
🔸 Hiện nay có rất nhiều sản phẩm, thực phẩm chức năng bổ sung các hoạt chất giúp tăng cường sức khỏe và sinh lý. Tuy nhiên, hãy lưu ý lựa chọn những sản phẩm có chứa thành phần an toàn cho sức khỏe để tránh những tác dụng phụ không mong muốn cho cơ thể.
🔹 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐫 là sản phẩm hỗ trợ cân bằng nội tiết tố, giảm tình trạng suy yếu sinh lý mà nguyên nhân do rối loạn hormone gây ra, đồng thời đáp ứng các mong muốn hỗ trợ tái tạo cấu trúc nền da, giảm thâm nám, giảm các triệu chứng khô da, nhăn da, lão hóa,… nhờ các thành phần như:
Nhóm thành phần hỗ trợ cân bằng hormone: sâm tố nữ, bột cải xoăn nguyên chất.
Nhóm thành phần hỗ trợ tái tạo cấu trúc nền da: peptide từ gạo, collagen thủy phân – collagen peptide, chiết xuất lá dương xỉ Nam Mỹ, chiết xuất hạt nho.
Nhóm thành phần hỗ trợ miễn dịch: chiết xuất kỷ tử, Vitamin C, Vitamin E.
🔹 Lưu ý khi sử dụng 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐫: Thực phẩm này không phải là thuốc, không có tác dụng thay thế thuốc chữa bệnh. Không sử dụng cho người bị u xơ tử cung, u vú, người mẫn cảm, kiêng kỵ với bất kỳ thành phần nào của sản phẩm. Người đang dùng thuốc tham khảo ý kiến của chuyên gia y tế trước khi sử dụng.
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catragemiau · 7 months
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End-of-Day Debrief
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jojo-schmo · 5 months
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My job is burning around me and I’m only seen as an expendable cog in a giant corporate machine, but at least I have Helpy to lend a brightly colored hand!!! <3
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kruinka · 4 days
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i think i have a type idk happy belated 520
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skunkes · 3 months
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sensualnoiree · 3 months
Feb 16th Venus ingresses into Aquarius immediately connecting with pluto and mars. This suggests a period of intense transformation and empowerment in matters related to love, creativity, and finances. It may be a time where deep-seated desires and issues come to the surface, requiring a careful balance of assertiveness and diplomacy to navigate successfully.
Aries Rising - Aquarius in the 11th House: This transit activates your 11th house of friendships, groups, and aspirations. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your relationships within social circles, bringing about deep transformations in your friendships or associations. You may feel compelled to purge toxic connections and align yourself with those who share your vision for the future. Mars adds a sense of urgency, motivating you to take action towards your goals, especially those related to social causes or humanitarian efforts. It's a time to assert your individuality within group dynamics and pursue your aspirations with passion and determination.
Taurus Rising - Aquarius in the 10th House: This transit activates your 10th house of career, public image, and reputation. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your professional life. You may be faced with power struggles or confrontations with authority figures, leading to a purging of old career patterns or ambitions. Mars adds a drive to succeed and assert your influence in your chosen field. It's a time to reassess your long-term goals and take decisive action towards achieving them, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.
Gemini Rising - Aquarius in the 9th House: This transit activates your 9th house of higher education, travel, and philosophical beliefs. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring profound shifts in your worldview and belief systems. You may be drawn to explore new philosophies or spiritual practices that challenge your existing beliefs. Mars adds a sense of adventure and a desire to expand your horizons through travel or education. It's a time to embrace new perspectives and engage in intellectual pursuits that stimulate your mind and broaden your understanding of the world.
Cancer Rising - Aquarius in the 8th House: This transit activates your 8th house of transformation, shared resources, and intimacy. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your emotional and sexual connections, leading to deep transformations in your intimate relationships. You may be confronted with issues of trust, power, and control, requiring you to purge old patterns of behavior that no longer serve you. Mars adds a sense of urgency to address these issues, motivating you to assert your needs and boundaries in your most intimate connections. It's a time of profound emotional growth and empowerment through facing your deepest fears and desires.
Leo Rising - Aquarius in the 7th House: This transit activates your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, and open enemies. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your relationships, particularly in your one-on-one partnerships. You may be faced with power struggles or confrontations with your partner or significant others, leading to a purging of old relationship patterns. Mars adds a drive to assert your needs and desires in your partnerships, but it can also lead to conflicts if not managed carefully. It's a time to redefine your relationships on a deeper level and commit to those that are truly supportive and empowering.
Virgo Rising - Aquarius in the 6th House: This transit activates your 6th house of health, work, and daily routines. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your work environment or health regimen. You may be compelled to purge unhealthy habits or toxic work situations that are detrimental to your well-being. Mars adds a drive to take action towards improving your health and work life, but it can also lead to overwork or burnout if not balanced with self-care. It's a time to prioritize your well-being and make necessary changes to create a more fulfilling and sustainable daily routine.
Libra Rising - Aquarius in the 5th House: This transit activates your 5th house of creativity, romance, and children. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your creative expression and romantic encounters, leading to profound transformations in these areas of your life. You may be faced with intense passion or power struggles in your romantic relationships, requiring you to purge old patterns of behavior that hinder your ability to experience true intimacy. Mars adds a drive to pursue your creative passions and assert your desires in your romantic pursuits, but it can also lead to impulsive actions if not tempered with consideration. It's a time to embrace your creative potential and pursue joy and pleasure in your life.
Scorpio Rising - Aquarius in the 4th House: This transit activates your 4th house of home, family, and roots. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences within your family dynamic or home environment. You may be confronted with issues of power and control within your family relationships, leading to a purging of old familial patterns. Mars adds a drive to assert your independence and create a sense of security and stability in your home life. It's a time to confront deep-seated emotions and make changes that allow you to feel more grounded and supported in your personal life.
Sagittarius Rising - Aquarius in the 3rd House: This transit activates your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and local environment. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your communication style and relationships with siblings or neighbors. You may be compelled to purge old patterns of communication that no longer serve you, leading to a more authentic and meaningful way of expressing yourself. Mars adds a drive to assert your ideas and opinions, but it can also lead to conflicts if not expressed diplomatically. It's a time to engage in open and honest communication and cultivate relationships that stimulate your mind and broaden your horizons.
Capricorn Rising - Aquarius in the 2nd House: This transit activates your 2nd house of finances, values, and self-worth. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your relationship with money and possessions. You may be confronted with issues of power and control in your financial affairs, leading to a purging of old patterns of spending or saving. Mars adds a drive to take action towards securing your financial future and asserting your worth, but it can also lead to impulsive financial decisions if not managed wisely. It's a time to reassess your values and priorities and make changes that align with your true sense of self-worth.
Aquarius Rising - Aquarius in the 1st House: This transit activates your 1st house of self, personality, and appearance. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your sense of self and how you present yourself to the world. You may undergo a profound personal transformation, shedding old layers of identity to reveal a more authentic version of yourself. Mars adds a drive to assert your individuality and take action towards personal goals, but it can also lead to conflicts if not balanced with consideration for others. It's a time to embrace your uniqueness and express yourself confidently and authentically.
Pisces Rising - Aquarius in the 12th House: This transit activates your 12th house of spirituality, introspection, and hidden matters. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your spiritual practice and inner world. You may be confronted with deep-seated fears or desires that require purging and healing. Mars adds a drive to explore your innermost thoughts and emotions, but it can also lead to inner conflicts if not directed towards constructive introspection. It's a time to delve into your subconscious mind and embrace the process of spiritual and emotional renewal.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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beefcakekinard · 12 days
buck tells tommy he gets jealous easily. buck has a history of relationships with women who already have well-established priorities in their lives, who don't compromise that for him. from the get go he feels like he's competing for affection and being left behind. tommy keeps showing up for buck like it's a given. like he comes first and it's the most natural thing.
tommy tells buck he's jealous of how the 118 has become a family. buck is the beating heart of that family, the glue that keeps them all together, the emotional core.
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royalarchivist · 2 months
I love all the lullabies Baghera ever sang to Pomme, but this will always be my favorite one. :')
Tu vas nous manquer Pomme, notre Manzanita. 🍎💙
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tsunade: i’m quitting as hokage so you have to be the next one
kakashi: what? lmao no
tsunade: you’re the only candidate who would pardon sasuke, if you don’t do it he stays in prison
kakashi: ……are you using the kids to blackmail me into becoming hokage?
tsunade: yep. have fun being in charge.
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swollenbabyfat · 9 months
Dia is a dying unicorn brought back to life by a wizard, only to quickly be hunted down by a tyrannical lord that gives her the title of Royal Pet, a living trophy. Over time her and his wife fall in love and eventually overtake him, and Dia seems to get her happily ever after. But unicorns are immortal, and Dia has to navigate the world as a disabled being with no end in sight, watching everyone and everything around her change.
Due to her ancestors actions, Dia must cannibalize upon other unicorns to survive…but what does one do when they are the Last? In attempts to keep herself from starving, she must go to great lengths to use her own body to bring her nutrients, often getting into shady deals and bad situations with underground surgeons.
Seemingly apathetic to life after the death of her wife, Dia struggles to find meaning in her eternity.
I am taking asks on her while being sick, I’ll try to add doodles to responses as well!
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mediworldvn · 3 months
Kinh nguyệt không đều (rối loạn) là tình trạng độ dài hoặc tần suất kinh nguyệt thay đổi, không theo một quy luật nào cả. Đây là dấu hiệu cho thấy sức khỏe sinh lý của bạn đang gặp vấn đề gì đó.
Chu kỳ của phụ nữ thường dao động khoảng 28 - 35 ngày, thời gian hành kinh sẽ kéo dài từ 3 - 5 ngày. Nếu thời gian đến kỳ của bạn kéo dài lâu hơn hoặc nhanh hơn, điều này cho thấy bạn đang bị rối loạn kinh nguyệt với các dấu hiệu như:
• Vô kinh: không có kinh trên 6 tháng (không tính trường hợp mang thai).
• Rong kinh: thời gian hành kinh trên 7 ngày với lượng máu ra nhiều hơn bình thường.
• Trễ kinh: Kỳ kinh đến muộn hơn khoảng 4 ngày trở lên so với tháng trước đó.
• Kinh thưa: Khoảng cách giữa các kỳ kinh có thể từ 2, 3, 4 tháng.
🔹 Nguyên nhân gây ra tình trạng kinh nguyệt không đều thường do: thay đổi nội tiết tố, rối loạn tuyến giáp hoặc tuyến yên, hội chứng buồng trứng đa nang, ảnh hưởng từ một vài loại thuốc,...
🔸 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐫 là thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe ứng dụng thành phần từ công nghệ Peptide cùng nhiều chiết xuất từ thiên nhiên an toàn, giúp hỗ trợ giảm các triệu chứng bốc hỏa, nhăn da, khô da, suy giảm sinh lý do suy giảm nội tiết tố nữ.
🔸 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐫 được nghiên cứu phát triển bởi đội ngũ nhà khoa học Việt Nam. Sản phẩm phù hợp với một số nhóm đối tượng như:
• Phụ nữ thời kỳ tiền mãn kinh, mãn kinh.
• Phụ nữ suy giảm nội tiết tố.
• Suy giảm sinh lý.
• Phụ nữ có các dấu hiệu: bốc hỏa, da nhăn, da khô, sạm da,...
• Quý ông mong muốn có phương pháp hỗ trợ chăm sóc da trắng sáng da, trẻ khỏe.
🔸 Lưu ý: Thực phẩm này không phải là thuốc, không có tác dụng thay thế thuốc chữa bệnh. Không sử dụng cho người bị u xơ tử cung, u vú, người mẫn cảm, kiêng kỵ với bất kỳ thành phần nào của sản phẩm. Người đang dùng thuốc nên tham khảo ý kiến của chuyên gia y tế trước khi sử dụng.
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birdyverdie · 21 days
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Comic based on @coffee-in-veins' Restructured, Refractured, Recalled fic!!
I am SOOO sane over this fic, all Reymas enjoyers should read it :')
Cleaner version + extra process ramblings on my Pillowfort!
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megafreeman · 9 months
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Volition was shut down by Embracer.
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bunnithechubs · 5 days
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a little update on city hall
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duohensheng · 1 month
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pov you’re zewu-jun and you’ve reached the thinly veiled gossip sesh part of the night
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uzumakiheart · 1 year
it’s so sad and disgusting how a good majority of people don’t stand for anything and think everything that happens to a person is their fault. like if you got abused that’s on you for not standing up to your abuser. if you become a victim of police brutality that’s your fault for not complying. if you’re poor that’s on you for not choosing a better job. if you’re a woman and you become a victim of male violence that’s on you for not recognizing the signs. if your boss is abusive well it’s on you for not quitting. like fuck.. nothing ever changes and everything is your fault. how can people live like that
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