#Rey deserved better
soloscavenger353 · 1 year
Guys, I’m doing it... I’m getting my hopes up again...
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tljisthegoat · 8 months
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The Scavenger
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
This is a long video but it is worth the watch. The SW Sequel characters deserved better. The racism and misogyny in this so-called progressive trilogy are appalling.
I want to see black and female characters treated as fully fleshed characters with flaws and dreams, not just pieces of cardboard with black skin and/or a vagina.
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Headcanon time(I guess?)
So, Rey's characterization in fics have always been a hot topic in the fandom, for a lot of different reasons, but since tros, I guess I'm getting more and more strict with the fics that I'm reading.
A lot of canonverse fix-it fics feature a devastated Rey after Ben's death, a lot of crying, depression. Of course, everyone is free to write whatever they want, but is this the same Rey who barely reacts to his death?
I know we're talking about extreme bad writing in tros, but I can see Rey being so shocked after Exegol, that she would keep the trauma inside a corner of her mind and throw herself at 'Jedi work' to forget. We actually saw her doing this a couple of times during the sequels. She's not the type of person who cries or mourns. Not too much, at least. She maybe would cry a little and then she would lie to herself that everything is fine and she would try to move on asap to forget her sadness.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if, at the end of tros, she's still not completely sure about her feelings towards Ben. Remember that we're talking about someone who lived by herself since she was a child and had no affective relationships of any kind in her life until TFA. I really don't feel like she's good in understanding her own feelings.
I can see Jedi Rey in the future, alone and 'married to the order', observing Finn and Poe in a relationship, the soft way they act around each other, the way they look at each other and then, little by little, she would recognize those 'lovey dovey eyes'. Because that's the way Ben used to look at her. And then she would finally understand what she truly lost that day on Exegol 🥲.
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cait-annemchenry · 1 year
I don’t think the pain of losing Ben solo will ever go away… and I can’t imagine how Rey felt when she lost her other half. THEY DESERVED BETTER- I swear, why can’t Star Wars just have a happy ending?! 😭🔪🔪
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uc-aces · 1 year
So, the eternal question: who got screwed over by the showrunners worse, Shinn or Cagalli?
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Spoilers below obviously.
I think the answer is both for different reasons. I was advised that Cagali's role was deliberately sabotaged, but I doubt Shinn was purposely screwed over in the same way...It's REALLY hard to say because one could say Cagali because they made her make stupid decisions and the characters were horribly mean to her for no real reason and were unreasonable to her too. On the other hand, Shinn was allowed to go down a shitty path because Athrun decided not to actually try to talk to Shinn any further than 'You're being used!' Doesn't explain anything else. So it's like...
Cagali was definitely fucked outside of the show.
Shinn was fucked within the show by people deciding to be selfish and stupid.
And it hurts because for most of the show, Athrun had the braincell between most of the folks, and then just to make Shinn an enemy, he just, dwells on the Archangel and Kira for WAY too long.
And it HURTS even more considering how good and solid the show was for the longest time before Kira got involved. I don't even know why they had Talia and Rey stay at the end there. It's like they weren't content with screwing over Shinn, they also had to make sure our Captain and Bestest Buddy? not survive the show? It's a kick to the balls!
It feels like the show after a time was hellbent on making the original cast the protags again and getting rid of everyone else either physically or psychologically in order to facilitate it.
I can't say I didn't enjoy Seed Destiny by the end of it, because I was hype. I was enjoying the fuck out of it, but that just makes it all hurt even more by the end.
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firealder2005 · 2 years
Whumpcember 2022 Day. 11 CLOTHING THAT DOESN’T FIT
Featuring: Pre-Relationship ReyRose! Not Kylo Ren Friendly! Allusions to a what-could-have-been father-daughter relationship between Rey & Luke!
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43517745
“Who knows, maybe this’ll be a good place for a base.” Rose said to her companion, little puffs of air leaving her mouth and drifting through the cold, winter air.
Rey smiled, though it was a little tight.
Even though a few months had passed since the Battle of Crait, Rey could still feel that gaping hole inside her that Master Skywalker’s presence had once been.
True, they hadn’t had much time together, and she hadn’t been able to learn as much as she had hoped, but she still felt his loss as strongly as she felt her own parents’.
Ren’s words echoed through her mind: They were drunkards. They sold you for drinking money.
She clenched her fists and her face set into a scowl.
You’re nothing. But not to me.
Next time she saw him, she was going to slap him.
Or punch him.
She hadn’t decided which one would be more satisfying.
The actual nerve he had to act like he would care. The lying, manipulative, son of a bantha!
Rey snorted, drawing Rose’s attention.
“You okay?” she asked, rubbing the Jedi padawan’s shoulder. Rey just shrugged. She didn’t know who to talk to about what happened with Ren.
Luke was gone. Leia was busy running the Resistance as well as trying to teach Rey what little she knew of the Jedi. She hardly knew Poe. And Finn…he was her best friend, but she didn’t want to burden him with more to worry about.
“Is it about Master Skywalker?” Rose asked, still looking concerned, and Rey let a small smile onto her expression. Nearly on the mark.
Maybe she could start talking about this one thing…Rose wouldn’t gossip about it, that’s for sure.
“Kinda…” Rey hesitantly said. “It’s like…I feel like in another lifetime, we could have been closer. But now that he’s gone…there’s just this hole in me. Or maybe it got larger. It’s been there since my parents left me on Jakku. I guess Luke’s death just made it wider.”
Rose pulled her arm around Rey’s shoulder and gave her a squeeze. “I know the feeling,” she confessed. “Paige and I lost our parents when we were young, but we found a place in the Resistance. But when she died…I felt so lost. And I felt her absence so badly.” Rose’s brown eyes glistened, and Rey put her own arm around Rose’s shoulders, wanting to provide the same comfort the other girl was giving her.
“I still feel it,” Rose continued as they trekked through the snow. “And it still hurts. But it helps that I’m still here, still fighting with the Resistance, for what we both believed in. And after…I don’t know what I’ll do, but I know she’ll be proud of me no matter what.”
Rose glanced at Rey and gave a small smile. “I’m sure Master Skywalker is watching over you, even if you never had time to form an actual bond with each other. I’m sure he believes you can finish what he - and the rest of the Jedi - started.”
This time Rey let a full smile split across her face.
Looks like she could count on Rose for help.
“And…well…” Rey began. “There’s something else that’s bothering me.”
Rose gave her a pat on the back. “Whatever it is, my lips are sealed.” she mimed zipping her lips and throwing the key into the nearby river. Rey let out a small laugh, and continued; “When I went to confront Ren, you know he killed Snoke and we fought.”
At Rose’s head nod, she went on; “But something else happened - he asked me to join him.” Rose let out a startled gasp, but let Rey continue. “He said he knew what happened to my parents,” Rey clenched her left right hand into a fist. “He said that they sold me for drinking money. That they were nothing, and I was the same.”
Rose looked outraged, but still, Rey went on; “But then he said I wasn’t nothing, not to him.”
“That bastard !” Rose exclaimed angrily. “He has no right to call you nothing! Even if your parents did do such a thing - which we don’t know for sure, because I sure am not taking his word on it! - who your parents are doesn't define you!” Rose waved her arms around. “I mean, just look at Master Skywalker and General Organa! Their father was Darth Kriffing Vader , and they are one of the most steadfast believers and fighters in democracy and the light! It’s completely mental!”
Rey then was bundled into a bear-hug by Rose, and she hugged her back.
“I hope you’re not letting him get to you,” Rose murmured into her ear. “You aren’t nothing - you’re my friend. And that is definitely not nothing!” Rey chuckled at her lightened tone.
“Thanks Rose,” she gratefully said. “You’re a big help.”
“No problem,” Rose replied as they began to carefully trek down to the river’s edge. “Always glad to talk smack about Ren.”
The two girls shared a laugh, but Rey cut hers short as a small crack came from under her foot. She jumped, looking down at the ice she just stepped on, and her foot slipped.
“Rey!” she heard Rose call as she pinwheeled her arms, trying to regain her balance, but she then plunged into the ice-cold river water.
For a moment, Rey was submerged, but then her feet touched the bottom of the river, and she was able to kick her way back up.
Thank the Force it hadn’t been any deeper, since she wasn’t the strongest swimmer out there.
“Rey!” she heard Rose shout again as she broke the surface, coughing slightly. “Here, grab my hand!” Reaching blindly, Rey managed to grab Rose’s outstretched hand and was pulled back onto dry land.
She shivered, clutching at her clothes, but they seemed rather tight now…
“Oh, shoot!” Rose exclaimed as she hurried pulled a blanket out of her pack. “Your clothes are made of bantha wool, aren’t they?”
“Y-yes,” Rey shivered. “W-why does it m-matter?”
“Well…” Rose sucked in some breath between her teeth. “Cotton shrinks. Moreso in warm water, but it does in cold water too.”
“Oh no.”
“But don’t worry!” Rose assured as she dug into her pack again. “I thought to bring a couple jackets with me! Here,” she pulled out a large jacket. “Put that on, and I’ll call in a pick-up. We can’t let you stay out here soaking wet in the cold - you could get hypothermia.”
Rey sighed, but resigned herself for a stay in the medical bay.
At least Rose would be with her.
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coochieholder · 3 months
𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 ⊹ ‧₊˚🎀
I genuinely feel bad for the girls who feel like they have nobody, I feel for the girls who feel like they are ugly without makeup, the girls who hate the way their body looks, the girls who wish they could change their features, the girls who are the ones who walk on the end of the sidewalk for their friends, the girls who never knew what a true friendship feels like, the girls who feel empty inside, not just them tho I really feel for all girls sometimes it’s really shit that as women we have so many problems with ourselves wether it’s the way the look, the way we act, or just ourselves in general. We all deserve better. I hope the girl reading this knows this too
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coffeeecatss · 1 month
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Post-TRoS fluffy fix-it art
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ashiiiart · 2 months
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Are there any Evangelion fans out there? ;=;
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tljisthegoat · 1 year
Rey "Skywalker" is one of the most hilariously bad moments in Star Wars. The unnecessary addition of making Rey being a Palpatine & honorary Skywalker is one of the worst creative decisions I've ever seen in my life.
It also absolutely destroyed Rey's character. She sucks in TFA & TROS imo. Too one-dimensional especially compared to TLJ's portrayal of Rey's character.
Her character in TLJ is where she peaked (and the sequel trilogy as a whole)
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io-lu-art · 6 months
Idk who needed this, but here ya go....
(I did.)
Sneak peak, because I have mercy for your poor timelines :'D
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Full song after the page break:
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Not me procrastinating both my post tlj fanscript and every thing else important in my life with more random reylo...
It took me a while to figure out the context in which this could actually happen. Probably Ben Solo fighting with the Resistance, trying to prove and redeem himself and make things right. He'd feel the pressure to do it all by himself until it would crush him completely. Rey would remind him to take a break (unintentional Hamilton reference this time! lol I swear on my heart, body and soul) and keep him grounded.
I am not comparing Ben to Hamilton btw, in case it comes across like I am. My head is just very random sometimes.
Don't mind me dropping the video of the actual performance at the very end, because ⭐Phillipa Soo⭐ everybody!
Edit: as requested, AO3
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reykugaki · 5 months
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My friends and I played Dead Plate, so you know what that means!! Short game but left us all brainrotting over what-ifs highly recommend if you're looking for a short horror game ^^ Two versions because I can't pick
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emilyredekerart · 7 months
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Commissions are open! Info here, message me if interested!
Credit me if you repost.
Please be respectful in the comments.
Do not involve my artwork in fandom arguments.
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It's hilarious to me that the articles I've seen about Driver coming back to Star Wars have all been "Adam Driver says he won't return to play Kylo Ren". Like, no shit, Sherlock, Kylo Ren died in TROS when Rey stabbed him with his own lightsaber. Kylo Ren is dead. Now start asking the real question which is, "Is Adam Driver returning to play Ben Solo?".
Update: I feel the need to add to this that while I was aware that Kelly Marie Tran got treated like shit by people, I only recently learned that people were awful to Adam's wife as well (and by recently, I mean I found this out after I originally made this post). Not cool. While I really want him to return as Ben Solo, I completely understand if he has no interest in returning out of a desire to protect his wife and kids.
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